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Peerless Runner Unable to Com? pete in Millrose Games. KLEMYER LAYS DOWN LAW High School of Commerce Centre Wins Recreation Centre Relay Race. t Melvin A BlMppard, <>f the Irish-Ameri? can Athletic- ?Tub. was tarred from competition In the annual games of the Millrose Athleiic Association at the 47th R?gissent Artnnrv, Brooklyn hist night. Major John I'e Witt Klemyer, of the 47th H?-glment Athletic A s-.i-iation. warned Matt Hatpin, of the New Tort Athletic I ?'iub. th?- referee ?.f the gam?-?, that under ne ?ondition should ghepperd i><- allowed to run. Sheppunl was In the huildmc | r?ady ?o run on ?he relay team of th* 1 Amerl'-an . Iub -*ul on hearing of the order of Klemyer ?lid n?>t don his running The disbarment of th?- hero of two Olym? pian ? hampi'.nships marked the first time that militai*) authority was brought to i pon :i set of games other than regi? mental The trouble dates hack to "Peer? less Mel's'' dishonorable discharge from the 2.'?i Regiment, last year. Major Klemyer said in reference to Phf-p pard's disbarment: '?Bbeppard will n-n be allowed ?o compete in this armory, nor in any other hulldlng of ihe National Gunrd Of the State of New York.'' The one-mi!?- evening recreation centre relav race was one ?-; the prettiest of th? night and was won J>y the flying four of th? High School of Cr.mmcioe neutre. LeSSS than a yard separated the ?'ommerce la-Is from ?'entre No. M. of Rrooklyn, which won second place by a comfortable mar? gin from No. '." of the lower Ensi Wde, Boyrrour Simpson, who at one time wa:* one of 'he best athletes of the Hlph School of Commerce, started the race for bis almo mater. He opened a wide trap on his relay, but his companions were not as fleet, and Beck, who ran last for ?'om? merce. broke the tape first only because Oreenh^rg, of No SI, Rmoklyn, missed hil stride in the last ten feet. Abel Klvlai, the national one-mile < ham ph.n of the New York Athleti.- Club, fig? ured prominently in the victory of the team of GlmtNel Brothers in the one-mile drvfif.ods siore relay race. The teams of YVfinrimaker and R. 11 Ifacy prei-sed hard at ail times, and Klvlat tcoa up the race on'v a half step In front of S. Rilry. ?.' "aYanamaker's. The pace was killing, and for a moment It appeared a* If Rlley would pass the flying; leader. Klviat. howev? r. was far from done, and on the last turn he leaped out In a finishing sprint and crossed the tape first l>v about two yard-. Fred Kaiser, the indoor walking <?iam rtf.n of the New York Athletic Chip, wan the victim of too liberal handicapping 1n the one-mile walking race and finished in fourth place, beaten for third honors by Kdwin Renz, of the Mohawk Athletic Club. Ranz started with an allowance of ten sec? onds, and. walk as fast as he could. Kaiser was unable to cut down that ha.l in time to gain a place. Without the aid of their star runner, the Irish-American Club was fortunate to se? cure second honors in the Interclub relay race, which the second team of the New York Athletic ?"Iub won. Rosenherger, running from scratch, started the race for the Irish team, hut he was unable to make up the handicap of his opponents and Valentine took up the running in last place, about four yards In the ruck. He f?rouchy. Walther. both New York men, and H?user, of the National Club, were showing him the way. On the third lap Richmond and "?Vood. of the New Yorks, were out In the lead, with Terwllligr-r, of the Irish club, trying his beet to hold place. On the last relay the first team of the New York Athletic Cluh failed to touch off properly and was at on.-.- disqualified. I'epls. running last for the Irish club, man . t.? pass his rival from tb-^ National Cluh, but Kdriie Prick, running well within himself, finished a comfortable winner. J. J. McNaVnara, of the Irish-American Athletic Club, won the ten-mile road run, ?tartine at Bath Beach. The veteran Irishman Started ftom scratch, and run? ning a well judged race gradually worked j himself up from the rear and swung out Into the lead In th.- last mile and a half M ?amara was the first man t?. enter the track of the armory and was royally re? ceived by the crowd. The summaries follow: IfiO vard ?lath ?handicap. Won I Clarke. Xavier A. C )? yarda . l. Oslafal?*, Glencoa A C. ?? yards), ?ocond; Hal ?Inland. Xavier A. C. it yar-li, thlr.l Time, S:t09 ?'? 440-yard run (asvteel Won by T. Jordan, in attached; R. Schule, N?Mi V..rk i: it. ft,, ?e< ond W. Kpst'ln, unattached, third. Time. 0:.".SH. One mile evening recreation centre r?l?\ ra. e - Won by High school of (^raimerce (dlmpson. McKenna. Bryant and PoSS); Iv R ?'. No. S4. Brooklyn ?Pummrrgrade, Bchecker, Leailsaa an-1 Greenbergi. second, K. C. No. 40 ae, ond Kanl ?MrUrath, Katl<-\. I>.-voi-c and Busier?, third. Time. 3 51 The --McOowIn" ?SO-yard relav rn..- ?novi-e? ?Won by Burden & Co. iK. O'Neill, .1 O'Neill, C. McC.owan ?nd K Hayslipi; (Bmhei Droa (H. Oamhle, Rltterhoiiae, Cllllcu and Brown?, ?eennd; R. H Vacy. second teajn ill. |\<?, Parren, Rnughton and Klllmurrn\ 1. third. Time. Irai The roler one-mile department ?tore r'-lav 1 ?re?Won by <;imbc! Broa, . Mornti. Connolly, Gardner and Klvlat); .lohn Wanamaker Com pany ?S. Rllev. O'Connor, Kuhn anil Qaffney), ?erond, R. H. MSCTJ? & Co. (tve?. Toildl'T. Baughton and Oleasen?, third. Tltn.-. :; 12 The cash Catholic Athletic relay race? Won hy I'sullst A C ?Ward, Parley, Huffy and O'Ponnell 1 : Ix.ughlln Lyceum (Richter, Oaring, Yule and Backley), second: McCaddln ?n .?-lega.-. Rouse, Steffens ;.n.l Jones) thlr.l. Tim* F1ve-ml!e hlc-.vlp r-vr- \Vor i,v ? II Cnnd wln. Irish-American A C; W. U'aeldn?-r, Fin fdre City Wheelmen, second: Jack Town.end, rialv-Amerlcan A C, third. Time, 13:53%. One mile walk Won by Rennle Mass one A. C lijo second?; ; K n Plant, lx>ng J?.land A ?' CJli ?.?rond?., ?erond: K Renr., Moh'.v.k A ?'. 110 se^nndsi. third. Time. 7:1? "The Woodruff" one mile relay race Won by New York A. C second tram' ?Packard. y. Ka-nna Mood and Pilck?; Irlsh-Ai.i.-rl.-ait \ I ?Rnsanberge-. r> Valentin*. TTwItllger nnd pfc,,j?,. tatacoad; National A C. ?H?user. Beck man. Ifal.-y and Altititni, third. Time. 3:2f?. 'The Vonrht?-?"" postnffl.e relay race-Won bv :01k .Iaoherty. Harris ?Irav and Mu?? man?: Brooklyn il'arkhouse. Yokel. Murray and Him ?1. s. ? ond Time ! -" GERSHAL WINS AT SKATING Tvpombly Falls on Ice with Vic? tory Almost in Hand. A disastrous fall when within five yard? of the finish eansed Oeerge Twombiy, of Berkeley School, to suffer defeat in the quarter-mile junior handicap of the scho.,| Ix.v races at the St. Nicholas Kink yes? terday. Arthur ?le-sha!, of Public School I Manhattan, who followed two feet behind Twombiy. Iiunlh?! the latter to win by a close margin. Harry I.onwlt, of I >e Witt ?llnton H?rIi School, v-?.j, th?- victor la the senior event. The Re.) ami k skat?-r had a handicap ? f '.??'i >-ar?i?, pesnlng J Pailiimnii. ?>f Ham? llton Institut... ?h?, nfte- leading front the gun, fell on th- Una! lap Frank Spiegel l-erger. of the Hamilton Institute, the only ?-cratch competitor, ?kale?! hard to over? take the tying h.-M, but after an earnest effort. Hucieailcd m Kettln?' aaaciOliil place, five yerds In ?he wake of Hon wit TI.? ?iimtiiariea f? How: ** <<n'- ?OSrter mile ra.e .Jun.or handi, .,,, \\on b. Arthm -:..|?.hai. p ft i?,.;. Manhattan ii<? m,' Twombiy, Berkeley s.hool hi, ?Mond; Maiyhtill Twiattun Elhlrvl ' '"'"* "' Mm'.- it-fti v. One-half mile i?,-,. itenkar handicap, Won bv Harry Bon? it |?i Wltl .lint,,,, iIimi >tjr4,, Ir.ank fi|.|?C'lbe;RT, llanrlliriri ln?ll?u., (t rat.-h) H H BannliiK. Trinity S-ho.-l in >ard??, third Tim. . ! H ? QUAKER FIVE BEATS PRINCETON. Philadelphia, Jan g 'I ),. liiiverHlty of 1 rnnaylvanla b.ickei l,rill team defeated Frinceton heie to-night L?y the seort uf CARS THAT MADE A HIT AT AUTO SHOW IX GARDEN ME K LONG FIGHT Beats Cornell at Hockey in Extra Period Struggle. HARMON SHOOTS TWO GOALS Last Year's Champions Now a Bad Last in Play for College Title. In one of the most protracted hockey ramea ever played tn this city Vale defeat? ed Cornell 2 goals to l at the St. Nicholas Skating Rink last night. The reame was in the Intercollegiate I?eague championship series and the Yale team was making its first appearance Cornell, winner of the tile last year. Is now In a had way, being charged with three defeats and no vic? tories. Last night's contest was unusual for the reason that the opposing sides were corn pi lied to play an extra period, which lasted ? trifle more than twcnty-flve minutes. Team work appeared only In spots, and It j xas also noticeahle that the collegians paid more attention to checking each other than they did in keeping their eye on the puck. Carhardt. Vale's sturdy goal keeper, who wears a "V" as a result of prowess on the laseiiaii diamond, put up a great same at the not. Clyde Martin, the speedy left wine, also got Into most of the plays. Martin was formerly a schoolboy champion speed skater So far as goal keeping was concern??d, Vail, who guarded Cornell's net, did brill? iant work, and If it had not been for his rare Mocking and clearing the Blue's total would have been much larg'-r. Hill. Cor? nell's big rover, could always be counted I upon to advance the puck when he got it . in his possession, while Smith, at cover print for the ?ame team, also worked like a Trojan Early In the first half Hill shot the puek into the net for the Tihaca seven, bat the goal was not allowed because of offside play. Finally, after twelve minutes. More made a goal for Cornell. It was a side shot from a rebound off Mill's stick. There? after In this period the battle waged mostly in Yale Ice. not h sides, however, had no trouble in breaking up the other's defence. Vale evened the score almost Immediately after the second half was started. In n scrimmage close to Cornell's cage Harmon shot the coal, the time being 1:03. A little later Clarke, Cornell's point, had the wind knocked out of him, and it was several min? utes before he could continue. The play became fiercer from there on. and Martin had to take a minute's rest for tripping. Howe retired toward th? end of the half in favor of ICcCreary. When the second half ended with the score a tie, 1 to 1. th? op? posing captains agreed t?> continue "till sudden d?-;?t!i," us Kniest Garr?n, the ref? eree, was [timer* t?. put It. The term was hardly appropriate in this Instance, for the extra Fission proved "slow torture." Old timers said they had never seen such a long extra period. Wallace, Sfho had replaced Chuncey at rlcht wing for the Mue, became t?x> ag grOSSive an?! received a rest. Much rough work prevailed, players hitting the ice hard' at short intervals. Means had his leg bad? ly hurt and had to quit. The pa? e r.,n tlnued with no let-up. which spoke well for the condition of the skater.? Suddenly the puck snot out from among a bunch of players The rubber stopped ?il.out fifteen yards from Cornell'? .age. a trifle to one side. Harmon reached the rub? ber in a trice, missed the puck completely on his first try, but recovered and shot it past Vail. The victorious player? tl,.-n got together in the centre of the rink and gave their yell, ? trille faint, as none had much breath to spare. The Bummer} foDowe: Vale <2?. Portion. Cornell tl>. Carhardt.<?. Vail How? .P. Clarke ?;?.rc .?' I*.Smith L*oj.? . Hill Hsnnon.C. Krhley Marl in.I. *.Mure Ouse?.R. to.Means .substitut??. McCreary for Howe, W?llace fo, ?'hiin.ey Ooals More. Harmon IS). Penalties Mart Hi and WallS-M, ea< h .-ne minute ?.ff fur trippln?, lief, ne K ?Jaron. Wanderer? \ ?ilRtant refere? 41 Kennedy, ?'reseenl A. '*. <?oal umpire?. <*. Klni-ella. Wanderer?, ?nd W, I.a. H'-n Wanderer?. Timekeeper Walter ''roker, Wanderer? Time of halve?- Twenty mlnutf? r-acl ICxlra period Twenty tlvc minute? Mid ?ipht ??--?.nrl-?. NEW LEAGUE PROGRESSING Long Session of Baseball Organ? ization Held Yesterday. The third meeting of the Cnlted State? \?agile was still In session at the Hotel Imperial al S late hour last night. Pr?sl denl Witmaii. who has been 111 at his home in Heading for the last few days, was on hand ami reported that the league was progressing nicely. Since the last meeting adjourned over two weeks ago Wltman has been continually on th- road, looking after the interests of th<- league. The greater part of the meeting's time v;?s taken up in the adoption of a sot of by-laws Several clauses In the by-laws war* objectionable i?. various members nnd caused considerable argument. The New York, Brooklyn, Cincinnati, Washington. Richmond, Reading and Plttshurg Inter? ests had their reprt sentatlves at the meet lng. Th.- l.-ague had not deride?! at a late hour last nlulit which would he the eighth City granted a franchise. Seven ctt'es are eaxiOUg to a?-<-uire the eighth fran?-hlse namely Ctovslaai, Chicago. Philadelphia. HufTalo. Baltimore, lamlsville and Newark. TWO diff?rent parties have applications In for the ?levcland franchise The league will probably leave the eighth city va? cant until the next meting, as all these cities are offering good inducements "W? are all decided to take In Cleve? land. ' said President Wltman last night "hut Buffalo Is putting up a proposition that is hard to reject. The Buffalo In? terests have as good financial backing as if not better than, any cltv we have admitted Into ?.ur circuit. It is hard to turn a city like that down, and it seems we must find a Place for them. It is possible that Reading win he trapped. Reading is crazy over till? n? w l.agu.-. sad I could make n p(iy H...ding has over 100.000 Inhabitant*, ?nd I muid draw from l?O.oon others who could resch my ball park by paying a nickel fare. Another reason why we want to stick In Reading is, I ha>e ground? there which tost me over tlOO.uf*?. -t -s a mo(lern baseball structure, and 1? one of the flne?t minor league plants in the ?-?-unto." , In Ins im Captures Swimming Title Afte Keen and Bitter Struggle. In one of the ho??t tares ever s?-en at tl City Athletic ?'Iub Robert If. Hitter, of tr home club, won the 226-yard metropolita swimming championship last nigh?. Ri ter came from behind with I well time sprint in the last fifty yards and wo handily, heatinc il E Frlsaall, n clubmati and N. F Nerlch. of the New York Alhle?! Hub. The three alternat?-?! In the lead fror the start, but Hitter gauged his sprint r\ actly to ?he second. Krlzzell was the first off. and for a bin dred yards set a slashing pace, with Ne rich does behind and Hitler swimming ; yard or tw?. in the rear As thedrto nearei the He-yard m.'.rk Nerlch hegsn to pr?s Krlzzell, and Just at the turn he passed th City Athletic Cluh swimmer He ?et off a a fast stroke, hut ?as unable t.. matntali It. and nt the 2S0*yard mark Hitter took th lead and headed for the finish with a power ful strok?-. The time ?a? 1:34 2-1. II beat Krlzzell by two fifth- -.f a ?. .->nd. StK was a full second ;ihead of N?-rlch fn the 10-yard handlcnp Clarence Sosa of th<- city Athletic cinb. with a hand lea | of 12 seconds, w.<n n hard fought nice fron J. O. Eddy, also of th- City \thletlc Cluh who had a han'llcap of 7 seconds .-' In the leiiil all the ?UV, hut Kddv wa overhauling him rapidly, and would ha-., beaten him In another yard or two. Th? ?ime was 4?. 2-u seconds Columbia I'nlverslly won on?- flr?t'pla<< when K. H Sutllffe 'raptured th?- 10-yard novice swim. He beat ft. H?.l-in?--n, ol Townsend Harris Hall, by tw<> jrardl The summaries follow ***Kt?yard ?wim- wot, ?,?? i, ?j I ?? A. c.. R K frlssell - ? ond S f 1.-ri. Ii. Ne? y.-rk X ('., third. Til Klght.-\ar.i ?wlm thandleapi Won h) ?' Sas?. ctt\ A f. ti> swondai j. ?.;. K-?? A. c. .7 second? I, second i R. I. I.-brldge. New Vork A <? i IS second? ?. third Tim. B t? - Fiftv-yard awlm itmim Won bj i n Sntiiffe. Columbia l'nitferalty; R Rol Towiraod Han ? Hall, ?econd Tltn? n F.-.ii. \ ilUlnir W-.n b) K Bel A C I! R Prtssaall ?":'? \ ? ? I Tunn, unattached third MILLER WINS AT PINEHURST Beats Purves in Final of Adver? tising Men's Tourney. Plneburst, n c, .h?n :i> v.. t Miller, of New York, defeated H M I'm ves. ||so of New York, to-day in th.- final rhatch m ?he Advertising Men's golf tournament by .'. up and 4 to plnj Splendid wi liber favored ?he play and Mg galleries watched the match in the consolation match <;.o.c.- M Harnes, New Vork. defeated <? T. Ho ?'lib ago Two extra hob ; were t-.n . -.lis? to decide the winner -"-I j SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRIBUNE Mailed anywhere in the United State* ; ?*or $2.50 a year. PRINCETON BEATS HARVARD Whirlwind Hockey Game Played in Boston Arena. Boston, .l?n 3**? Princeton ?lefeated 1lf\r- ? i vard by a-score of I ta t al hockey In the' Boston Arena to-night. The ?'rlmson ecorsd the first goal. Princeton following soon ?fter with Its three, making the score n t?. 1 at the end of the first period. With I five minutes left to plav. Harvard scnre?| Its second goal, and came near caging the puck again Just before the game came to | a whirlwind finish around the ITInceton < goal. The line-up follows l'rln-ei?.i i Si Po?|t|rn Harvar I III KalbM'Ist ... . 'I . nardner i Rlslr .I'. Willen? ; Emmena .<* P. HU'-ksll : M'Klnney . I. W. Sortwel! lUk.T .K. Huntington ( Kuhn . C, . Pun. in K?v . .R w... .Piare? Substitute? fleeves for Sort-well, Morgan for : It,.rye? ??oui? Hsk?r tt), Kuhn, Huntln?ton. I > < 11 .m Refere?? Her>>n It ?inn A A., snd New York A <" Time of ?am? Two period? of twenty minutes e?, h BUSY NIGHT FOR BOXERS \ (Paddy Sullivan and Joe Stein in Fast Draw at Sharkey Club. I'id'lv Sullivan and .loe Stein boxed a ten-round ?Iraw at the Sharkey A ?' last night At no Mme was either in danger of a knock-gUt? although hoth latuir?! many hard Mow? to the ]aw In the eighth round, as Stein was ru?h Ing Bulttvan a.i sround the ring, the iatt.-r j ?aught his rival on the eye with a vicious right swing and turned the tide for the I moment. , "Young'* Kltzslmmons. the local light? ?eight, knocked out "?CuHey*' (V?onnell, of Ban Francisco, In the third round of a ten? round bout at the Rayale Athlet.? Club, of Brooklyn ' Kul" Hum?, the lightweight from the West Bide, had a slight shade the better of Ji ? White In g ten-round at the Pair n ..nt Athletic Clttb, <>f The Bronx, last night Th.? beul v. as fast and interesting ;?t ?11 I winie .iones, the Brooklyn featherweight, I -.? he did in d;i\s Of \ ore In easily outpointing "Irish Paddy'' Chitaban m h ded ten-round beul at the Qowanus] Athletic Club, of Brooklyn, last night ? Tig. Toung, the Harlem festher weight, who ?ubetituted for Young Reilly, knocked oui wiiiic Chandler, >.f ihe Boys'* ?luh. In the fourth round <>f S ten-round bom hi th?- Acre Athletic Club !a-i night. BOYD DEFEATS MAYER. ? pti Mayar, the Phlladslphla billiard , player, failed to show his true skill In the amateur handicap 11.2 balkllne tournament I at the Knickerbocker Academy lent night, | ix-ing defeated bj Prank W. Bayd ht?"u, -*h?? ' played g<>o?i Mlllard?. The mor?- w;?s it* AUTOMOBILES. AUTOMOBILES. YEAR We took order? for more than four times as many Buick cars this year at the Automobile Show than at any pre? vious show. The Buick Motor Com? pany has led all others in value of production and show business for years. We have orders for a large propor? tion of the Buick cars allotted to the New York Branch for Winter and early Spring deliveries, therefore, arrange to take your Buick demonstration now and let it be the standard by which you judge all automobiles. We pro? vide fur coats and robes for your com? fort and give you a chance to get a satisfactory date of delivery. Consider well Cattle quettion of delivery or it will conn home to you strong should you delay and wish to ?ct a prompt delivsry in April or May. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY Broadway at 55th St., New York BROOKLYN M.H \HK AI.HANV ** . "?? tor. Wa ..hingt on Mattmah Ave. llaUear M. A.e. A HWmB ?t. GREA? ICK RI END! Aleo Finishes 336 Hours With out Stoppage of Motor. A new world's non-stop motor truck rec ord, exactly double rh?- former figure?, wa eetaMtsbed yeoterdsy morning, when th three and-one-half-ton Aleo truek endei XK, hours of d.iv and night ?enrice withou the stopping of Its motor. This run. tin ntoei extraordinary ever tccompUshed b] ?uch a vehicle, came to ?i cIoh?- at 6 o'clock fourteen day? after the truck entered non stop duty fur the United Btatea Bxprca Company It w.iH a performance crowded with man; thrills- almost a continuous battle ?ui ?now, i<*e, rain and frigid weather. Th? truck encountered and suc.essfuiiy creer i am?- ro-vlltlons that horses could not cop? with It climbed the steepest hills in th? vicinity, ascending them consistent\y und?': its o-.ii power, even v?hen the grades pre? sented a surfin ?? of glassy smoothness Ploughing through snow drifts hub de.-p or in the fa, a of hard ralnntorms and arctle Muds, th?- truck adh?-r??l to Its schedule It replaced t\\? two-horse teams ??n?i four msa accomplished the dutl.s ssalgned l?y tii?. horse and wagon method to ten ?-m? ployea of the company. l'urln?' tin- day the truck wa.?? railed upon -.>? m the residential sectloni Of * number ?>f N?-w Jersey cities. In th?- even? ings the duty to the transfer of hesvy loads betwmn the express company hesdouartten In Hoboken and the Central Railroad of Neu lersey In Communlpaw. Performing such vurleil duties a^ these, th? truck transportiBd on an average of I i ounda of merchandise a day, cover? ing a distance of sixty-six mll?-s in fourt.-.-n trips snd making nlnety-tWO collections and deliveries of goods The record for mllte In ? ?Ingle day was eighty-six, and the largest number of trip* was twenty-two. The high mark In stop?. I'M was made on Ihe first day of the run, and on January t" the truck hauled It? hettvir-1 cargoes, totalling U.fll pounds An average of one gallon of gsaofene to an hour of s.?r. !..? maintain. ? I The total number of mil's covered during tl.e two Weeks of dut> wa- 91*1 All told, IM trliis an?l I.2M stop-; made, whll?. the entire number of pounds?hauled through?? it the period ?a." U1.472 \\ hen the run terminate I ;ui examination was mad?- for the first time ?,f the mechan? ism and the trmlx ?bowed no effect? of the BtrenUOUl test :t had been through It STS? not found necesasry to sto|. the motor si anv period of the run, despite the abnormal ron dit Ions under which it work.?! Three driver?- slternuted on the run, each work ng eight it ? tim?- They wire PYsnl Morlii, I?enn|<- Csllshsn and w T. rtavla BUSY DAYS FORM Many Indoor Meets To Be He Within Next Two Weeks. Athletes of the metropolitan district f looking forward to busy times within t next few week?. Several set? of Import? track and field (tames will be held In t armorie? of the local regiment?, and ma of the foremost athlete? of the Immedln vicinity will face the starter's gun. T Irish-American Athletic ?,'ulb will hold annual Indoor winter carnival In Madts Square- Garden on Thursday night. Lou* Un Lyceum will conduct ils annual gam In the armory of the 47th Regiment, Rrooklyn. on Saturday night, and on Ke ruary 1 the Church of St. Francis De Sal will entertain l?s members and guest*? the armory of the 8th Regiment of tit Vork. Chief Interest centres around the Irl* American game?. The flower of the Kan ern athletes will be on the line. OeOTI j Honhag, Mel Sheppard, Hob and Jack Kile ! H.irrv i;i??lng, Alvah Meyers and Ilm R 1 seni.erjier and the entire track team of tl j Irlsh-AlMltcM CiOb will be opposed by tl ?New York Athlet!-- .Iub and the otln ( smaller clubs of ?he city, a? well as by tl Huston Athletic ?'Iub, which will send ?low i a full team In the ?juept of honors?. Th>- r.. ? at ...""> ni-lr?'? from ?cratch. I whi.h fJeorge Bonbna and Hilly Kram? ' Will meet again, promises to he the ?en?? Itlon of the night. Kramer raced Bonha I off hi? feet and msde him quit r?c*?ntl: ?und the latter I? out t?> regain his laurel 1 Honhag will probably retire from'compet ; tlon after Saturday for the winter. It I his Intention to h?< In the finest posslbl - ondltton when the trials for the Oylmpl team are held A game of oid-fashione Gaelic football will be t-layed and a eteepl? ? has?-, with ? water jump, I? also on th programme. j The armcry of the 47th Regiment. Brook 'lyn. will be the ?cene of a great galaxy o | st.-llar athletes on next Saturday r.lghi ? when the starter's gun boom? out for th Start of the ilrst race in the annual game of I.oughlln Lyceum. In addition to th usual i>r<?nramme of event?, which will h c mteoted .at Olympic distances, half ? dosen races Will be held open ?o the mem bers >f the ?'atholic Athletic League. On? of the features of the meet wHl he a farn?? t- ay ra-e. This race is open to familles m ? three brothers. In IM and Iftt the flylt ?: Ba< ?.ns captured Ilrst honors, but only affej .. thitiling struggle with the fleet-io<>te<i U11e\s. This year other families have en* lere.l, among whom ar<*> the Rosenbaum.? and BtfrnSS, of thu Morris Athletic Associa? tion. On Thursday evening, February 1, the annual track and field gam?*? of the Church of St. Fran? Is d? Sales will he held In the armory Of the ?th Regiment. The entries of Abel Klvlat. Mel She,.paid, Alvah Meyer. Jim Roaenberger, Martin Sheridan and many other men of note Insure a night of fine sport. There wlil he a one mile relay ra- ?-. open ?>nly to members of the Catholic League An entry list of a dozen cluh? from the Catholic League insures fast running and thrilling finishes. There will also be a two mile bicycle race, in which Eddie Goodwin and Waller Van den Dries will ride from scratch. Many prominent athletes will chase after glory and medals la the games of the Morn Inaaide Athletic ClUb !n the I^d Regiment i Armory on Kehruurw t Willie Kramer. Mik? Collins. Fre.l Hellars/ Marry Smith and Prank Maeterson are among the dis? tan. ??? runners entered, while Roy Dorlnn.*. Stephetison and i larke win break I from the barrier in ?lie dashes. BROOKLlfN TO HAVE Sffl? To Be Held in 23d Regiment Armory Week of February 24. BIG LIST OF EXHIBITORS More Makes of Cars Listed than Were Displayed at Madison Square Garden. N?.n- that the New vork aytomoht-, ?hows have passed Info history th? ?, local affair of the kind will he -.*-,? Br-jeT lyn automohlle show scheduled for .w week of Kehruary 24 to March i t. year's show proved such a big suce,??,-, _. demonstrated how the motorists ?nd tr?*. ?>f tint horough will support an ?vent * this kind that the deal?rs of ?rester x?W York have taken up this season's pron?u tion enthusiastically and a!read\ a mu-S iiiKcer and hetter exposition than th? (W attempt is assured Tho show, which will he the sere-,*, n ?1er the auspices of tlie Brooklyn Motor \'ehlc|e Dealers' Association, will h? t^ in the 23d Retflment Armory, an itntnfn|| 1 nllding having more floor space than the arena .if Madison Square ??arden. t?*, building !.? located on Bedford ?v?-^ Rrooklyn'B busiest thoroughfare. The ih, co-jimlttee, consisting of V, Ken??-,, houven. <'. M. Bishop, f. <*. Kirkh??^ Charles A Stewart. J. D. Rourk and r f But. are proceeding with the idea ofm?^ ins? the Brooklyn show the Pest deaJcq exhibition to be held during the 1*>12 ?how season. Ther?? will be more makes of rar? eihliV Ited than were seen during eith?r w?*lt y tlie great Madison Square Oarden tho?. The Brooklyn ?llsplay will count seventy. ceven car exhibitors all told. Of this stir-,, her. fifty-eight will have displays of pi-a?. ure vehicles, both gasolene and elsctitr-, and there will be nineteen motor tr-irk *x. hlblta. Various makes of motorcycles -j^ will be shown. The cream of the cars ?hown at ths tier* den. Grand (.'entrai Palace and Im-^orterT Salon will be seen at Br?x?k1yn. Among the makes of pleasure car? in the Brookiyg show will be the following: Stevena-Du?. yea. American. Marlon. Jx)comobilO| (?get. mers. Packard. Flat. <*g?e, Peerlee?, Pre? mier. Reo Autocar, Knox, Klsselkm?, Hu-e mobile. Otto. R. c. H., Overland. Stoddanj. Dayton. Buiek. Pathfinder. Parrv. Paig-? Detroit. Warren. Waynes, Auburn Ja-k-tet, Regal, Oakland. Abbott-Detroit. Herresho?, National, ?'adtllac, Studebaker. Garfor-j, F.. M. F.. Mitchell. Wlnton, White. Hall?. day, Ford. Cole, Pope-Hartford, ?olumtrl^ Maxwell. Velle. Speedwell. Hudson, Cor, ter-i'ar. Detroit Electric, Columbus Elec? tric. Flrestone-folumhu**, Bergdoll, Claw* 1 ford, Penn. Moon and Norwalk Amona the commerclei cars will bk th? following: Pope-Hart ford. White. Packard, Knox, Autocar. Klsselkar. Bulek. Univer? sal, Ward. Melntyre, Oarford. Ford. P*er less. Kelly. Brooks Waaon, Mercury, lit. panl-Stewart. Crawford and Whales. COMFORT OF CLOSED CARS Almost Indispensable in Cities, Especially in Winter. Those who live in large cities ar? prob? ably more in need of a motor car that lend? ttself to winter use than residents of small? er places. Weather condition?, the a I*1 s?? nee of sleighing and the ofttimes poor condition of the streets make the possession of a car with an Inclosed body a constant deltgSt. Those who have once enjoyed the comfort? and luxuries that so with closed body typ?? are seldom satisfied with anything else. ' Winter life In the large cities, to a **re?t extent. Is lived at night. The theatre? ar? at such a distance from the homes of mm** of those who patronize them that a to**? car or limousine is a great help In getting to and fro. When the streets are covaidl with slush horses slip and fall, h peril that Is overcome by the use of a motor car. The owner of a Oarford closed body rut Is always warm. Light and heat come frots storage batteries and there fa no danger of contracting cold. The uses of a town car of the C?arford type are almost Innurrter. able. In shopping, in going to the theatre? and to dances and dinners such a car <*aa be kept in constant use. SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRIBUN6 Mailed anywhere in the United State? toe $2.50 a yesr. AUTOMOBILES. AUTOMOBILES. AUTOMOBILES. '***??****?*?**????*?*^^ ^? ?,M?.>'r,*m,mrwrr,fWMm*iM'*si*ifsar $xrit%Ax ?Hot?f^.:tra^M?M; Model K * Ton Capacity ' Only MJN Some G MC Truck Repeat Buyers /-'rom <j /WiVr written us Nov. 14th, 1911, by James Butler, Inc., Wholesale Grocer, New York City. "Enclosed herewith please find cheque in payment of the last four 5-ton GMC trucks purchased from you. At the same time we wish to state that we have heen using your trucks for two years, having at the present time ten of your 5-ton trucks in daily service. To prove to you how completely we have been won over to motor transporta? tion, we enclose herewith copy of an advertisement which will appear in the daily papers. We propose to dispose of our full equipment of heavy draft horses and supplant them with GMC 5-ton trucks." (Adterttiement ?poken of effet s too hortet for tale and ttattt they art fer iule fixing It m change tt motor tratipertattts.i From a letter written us Dec. ?5th, 1911. bv Casan Packing Co . Chicago. "You will please tind attached our order for two more 'Model H 33*? Ton (j MC Trucks.' One for shipment to Pittsburgh, Pa.,and one to Philadelphia, Pa. We have ordered these Trucks on account of the good service we are securing from them, and the excellent care we are receiving from your Service Department, which we con? sider very valuable." From a letter written us Nov. 24th, 1911. bv Passaic let Company. Paterson. N- J. "We purchased a Five Ton O MC Truck from your company in Mav. 1910, have used it nearly every day to date, and during that time it has proven entirely satisfactory. During the summer months we made as many is Ten and Twelve Trips and hauled from Fifty to Sixty Tons daily. We anticipate pur? chasing another car in the spring and it shall certainly be another Five Ton (3 M C Truck. The best proof of teliabilitv. efficiency and economy of GMC trucks is in testimonials such as these. The GMC line comprises botk gasoline und electric trucks in capacities from 1000 lbs to 6 tons. AII are standardized under the one GMC mark, with a single cento of responsibility and lenice. We bitt make an analysis of your delivery problem without charge or obligation. General Motors Truck Company DETROIT, MICHIGAN New York Branch, 236 West Fifty-ninth St. (Columbus Circle) Telephone 1001 Columbus