Newspaper Page Text
MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC. ,-inrlse, MS* ?unset, 5 *SS* nioon ?at?. 1i0 rr.? ufg ?se, 2. HK3H WATBB. AM P ??' t??ndv Hook . M?? ?A Governor's Island."??* ..?o Hell Gate.???* " wireless" reports. \.h Savoie, reporte?! at- !<*??'? ?nil**- *-4-*' jj eandv H'kiK at 4:1.'. H in v??ier<)av. 1? * 1? iiii.-k Moadsy aii'HH-mi ? I'he Mlnnewaaka. reported a? 1.120 mile? ???j ot Sandv Hook 11 I 1 1 ?k Tuesday Ini'iioon ._. . . tii?- BOhsmlan, reported as **?v> mile* ? Sandv Hook a) ?. 19 1 m * e?t?rday, 1? *??!" ?'? to do?k Tuesday forenoon. 1.040 miles ?-a--' ot ?-h?i.)n M'.ok a? si;, ? .,, ymmtmraoy, la ? ? k Tnesdav forenoon ..44 mil-*? '-as' ef . il ?I h in yesterday. Ii ex?? 1 ... |f*MMta) rof?tuaon 1- COMING STEAMERS. 10-day irmii Line . .Uvtrpool J?n 11 . .u im Hamburg. "*n It Uarnb An? . 11 .. Liverpool Inn IS ... ''undid - w ,!i.i? 11 Si Man .ion 18.R p * ? : ri ?. tan in ...?.Insular Liban ' n 5 Russian H imburs 'an 4 . . .Hanib-Am Napier'. Ian 0.Hainb-Am HUH. J ... ???llsor. nerj tisvannah, Jan IS.. ,8av?nnao MOND ut, 1 \M'ARV 23 .Havre, Jan 18 French Antwerp, la? IS ..Red f?t*i .,,,,, BottetOm. .'an 13 H . h *?n Juan. Tan 17 N V * T K ,?? ?j Ktnaator 'an 17.. Hamh-Atn ?,.,. -antlago. Jan 16.. Ward ?Advsn'-e '?.Ion, .lan IT.. . Panam? ?Bermvidlsn.Bermuda. Jan 10. Queh?" i, .Naples. Jan '? Italian ',omn* .*N'<,V-' Cil'ani, Ian 17 So Pa? pi M mido (HI-eMtOB, Jan 16 .... Be P?. Ti BBOAT, JANTAHY 2*-; ? inla .?,!as?o?*. Jan II.Anchor <wask? . .So'ithamrf-'ii. Jan IS Atl Tran naca . ...Trinidad. Jan 1?.R t> W 1 ?se Prince..Trinidad. Jan 15.Prince n?.St Thomas. Jan 1?> ... Qti-b-c ? ga.Havana. Jan 2<i.Ward m Urarpool, Jan 1?? Whit?, star >'hrletlansand. Jan 18 S.-an Ac Ann?.Palermo. Jan 10 .Fa ore ? into.QslvsstOB, Jan 17 -M?l!on rfc Jacksonville. Jan CO.Clyde ' Savannah.Savannah. Jan 20 .. Ss'ar.nat? Mamo . .. .BrUBBWick, Jan 20 . Mallory ??-?* mail. OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. Man v?ssel - ? ? ?1 For Line ' los?s id, Glasgow, Am h*v 1"'"iam MON PAY. JAM ART 22 total. Panama.ll:S0a in 3 ?X> p m R!-. O, Brunswick. Maliorv. . 1 ?m j. m TIESDAY, JAMARY 2T.. |. Washington. BfSBMn. NGL 640an I0:00?m Queen Marv Montevideo, -?.00 a, m 7:00 am N Am dam. Rotdam. Hoi Am 10:0?? ? m Mansanlllo, Q'tanamo. Ward. UK?in 1 ?.f Montgomery, Savan. Sav it :00 pm Arapahoe. Ja.ksonvine, Ciyoa 1:00pm TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. DetSlnStl n and steamer. floe?? In N T. P M. J?pan, ''mea. ?*hina. ?\ia Scattlei Kamakura Mam .Jan 22. 6.30 li;i?aii ?via San Francisco? Hierra .Jan 22. IJ6 Jaran. Cor-ea. ?"hi?a (via Seattle)? n- .Jan 2S, 6 SO Ua^.aii Japan, CoitM. ?"hina. Phll ippiiw s ?via San Krancisco)?Nip? pon Mam .Jan 2.\ ?Vrvt Tahiti and Marquesas ?via San Franciaco)- Mariposa .Jan 2X. >*.S0 ' orea. China ?via Tacomal ? tiicago Mar? .Jan 20. ? .W ?inam. Philippinef-- ?via San Fran ?isport.Jan 31. C-.30 Japan. Corea, fhina. Philippines ?via VI mriai Monteatrlf.IfOh ? t'A* Hat? all. FUI Islands, Samoan li-i ands. New Zealand. Australia ?via Victoria) Mamma .Feh 1?, ?> 30 SHIPPING NEWS Fort of New York, Saturday, January 20, 1912. ARRIVED. ill? MarH.a't." Jnnnarv !<>. Curses? ?gU?l 1'. to miss. Dalle.1 a .'o. with ? : mis? v.rlved at ihe 1 :ar at ? iQ ? M -vir . Rr>, Norfolk Januar*** 1? 1.. Paul I Gerhard .-. Co, In ballast. LMt tin? a? S 20 J? ni steamer Oalveston ?Nor., st John's. N F. . \W?t India Ss ?*o. witli fish ih? iai ..' 1 * m HtOr(0**ld 'N?>r., Barr??lonn NOV(smbei >. \lnlt;, IVii-mhe?- S. Allrantf It, Sevlllr S1, and 1 1-1 ?.11 ::n tn i|i. Cans Ss line, with nidi-' \\ .,. |!;.i <l .'. . lael ?onrllle Jsnuarj '7 , 1 1 |. ,r'??-. .11 16 in ?h?' <'l\i?e S's OO, With pas ? h? Passed hi ?jtiaranlln?? at ? -ii 1 m . . in.!? m<- 11:1 1 Cette January 1. to I'jid I' Ward.n. In h,?!la?t Arrived at the Bar ? ei iiinritiin iixM < Bi ?. Philadelphia Jaim ll .v ? 0. in '...Mast, t.fft (Juamn It I 11? p m ? ?fifi Hamilton, Newport New? and Nor if, the Old Dominion Ss l'n. witti passen t. if, ,111 I nid*? Passed in quarantine at 2:*? Ptesmer Mtllinoeket, Mocktoa, Me. to tii? ??rest Northern Paper <"?> with paper: rMMl II Bull S Co. Pa??ed in (Juaratititx- a' ?. fi a m st?.?in?.r ?.".?Inr ipri. Liverpool .Tanuar>' H an.J 'JM??a?IUSII 12. tn the White Star Line, with igen and m!?:?' live mih-s oast of Kir? It-land at 7:0,1 p in. BAIUBD. ?era B?falwyan? (Br), l* Plat?; Arnfrld 'N m Ni.tfolk; <*itv of Allanta, Savannah: i ??-la ?an I'liiladelphiti; Nordpol (Nor), CTlatobal; ?A'lnyah, ; Rio da Janeiro (Bra?), r.ii<, M?ra<-aa (Br), Perth Amboy; Pranconla iltr?. MaSalra; foamo, -*m Juan; i'arrillo (Br), Km?; ?ton: Havana. Havana; Denver. Nassau :i veston; ffur..ti, CharMatoa and Jacksonville; 1 'rent 1 Hr.. KiliKst 11; Verdi (Brl. Bio <l< Ja n. ir.., ?i. ?anta Htali. Naplea; Cuiaiia (Br), st l'immas; AI?onguiii, Turk? Island; Jacob Luck Port Arthur; Hluecher (Oer), BantOS, ? t : Prinz SlalsreaDd nier?, Inagua; Monroe, Norfolk and Newp?.rt New?. Bl Sol. Qalv-Mton; Katahdln, Brunawl'k. Santa flura (Br), Ha? st Loui?, Southamptcn; Uaurentic (Brj, Havana; Na\ahoe. Wilmington; Tagus (Hr), Bermuda: Cro?le, N<-vv Orl?an?; Minnehaha (Hri l>'ndon. Berlin ?Ceil, NapMai SHIPS AT FOREIGN PORTS. ARRIVED. BsUvIa, Jan 1?. Kybfela tOen. New York via Durban. Bordeaux, Jan 1?.- St Laurent ?Kr?, New York Mart-eille?;. Jan 10?Yenazla (Fr^, New York via Naplea. P.ottordam. Jan 20. ? p m - Potadam (Dutch? New York via BOU Southampton, Jan 60?O?*eanlo (Br), New York >la Plymouth and Cherbourg. Bombay, Jan *.*() Buffalo (Ger;. New York via Kurrachee. Hong Kong, Jan 20?Jeaeric (Br>, New York via Algier?, etc. Fayal. Jan 20? Neueniels ?(?c-r>. New York for AlsierB, Bombay, etc. ??ibraltar. Jan 20?Adrlatir (Br>. New York via Madeira for Genoa and Naplea. .??iitvverp. Jan 10?Ainerl'-an ?Dutch), New York Montevideo, Jan II?- H.rtnlnlua (Br), N?w York l.'tt Natal. Jan 1!? -XaaSBCa (Bri. New York via ? ape Town and Kast I^mdon. rxiv?r. Jan 20? 5:20 a in ?Vaderland (Hclg), New Vork fur Ant wer;, ?and |irocee<]e<J). l^Shrrn. Jan 19?Italia (Hr). New York via Naples. Havr?. Jan I!) Ij. Tourahie (Fr), New York. SAILED. Baalof-ni Jan i*n *.' p m- Byndam (Dutch) (fr0m l;?.tt?rdain). Now York. ?'ue?-tistoiin. Jan 20, l??:.-{(? a tn-Celtic (Br) (from Liverpool). New York. Liverpool, Jan 20--Lacrmla (Br). New York via QueentMown. Olancow. Ian 20? i'aledonla (Bn, New York via Movllle Havre, Jan 20, 1 p m -La Lorraine (Fr), New York. I'nrunna. Jan IS?Hudson ?Pri. N. w York. Hueha. Jan IS- Lore? ?Br). Ne? York. P;irtwd<.ii. Jan IS??'hrlstopher ?Br? (from Parai. M? w York. A ictorla, Brazil, Jan IS?Indian Prince <Rr) (from Santoj and P.lo de Janeiro), New York. Hull. Jan 10?Marengo (Br). New York Pcrmnda. Jan 20, 10:30 a m B.ntiudlan ?Bn. New York. Orangemouth. Jan IH- -Terek (Bn New York. HELP WANTED. Male. IMMEDIATE '?(?SITIONS ..pen for experience.! men : different linen; ?coouatant ( public 1. ?.?,0 bookke.i>?r .bank?, $7.'. month: sale*.mati .i?-xt t.o?ik?.i. N. w Rnsland; mSaasai financial man ?furm. $.r.i?. -<t? nourapher. ?IT. correspondent. $2.".. < lerk (POTtUSU?*M MM Spani(?hi. $1??. 1 nri. vpoiident (groceryi, $2n. nale?l.ian (middle West), n'lier optDiBff? Istenrlaw. Mlghiil ?Ag.-ncyt, Flat-* iron Bullditii; _ yoVn?; man with ?.iiin? ability ?nd ?tack ?lerk experietw* wanted by manufacturer. ?lock cierk position (?ubatltutins for tow ?nonthsi ?>t?en to high ?las?, active man who. aft.r learning our line, could make. hlms?If ? HpHl.l.- of ?oiling goods to the trade; exp. rlence In brewers' supplies desirable, but not e?aentlal. A?l?lres? Ability. Box 12?, Tribun.; < ?ffl.e _ ?<.r.\.; OFS1CB assisiant. is"to is, t.. as sner telephone, file letters, etc., and help on sto.-k record?; gooA opening with manufacturer for bright, careful boy; mention references ?nd experlenre, If any; anaw? r In own hand? writing. Address office. Oox 17?. Tribune, 1 p town Office, 1.'t(V4 Broad way. Fsmsla A PBOTFKTANT WOMAN, betwe?,, thirty and forty-flvo years of age. want.-d f-?r general lioii?ework and plain i-ooklng for a family of two In small five room apartment. In modern, high class apartment house near Broadway and 70th at.: accommodation for woman ex? ceptionally good; w-ll furnished, sunny cham? ber, with adjoining private bathroom, both facing th* street and having good light and ? tr; tie, applicant will be ?onsldered who does not give fully the following Information In 'er '?ply; state ?alary .xpeeted, age. na? tionality; ?t?te If you b?v? had any experl?i,.-. In ?tmllar position*, if so. give nu me ??et ,,.\ Areuu ot last two employers; give as ref. ? t1)? ?amas and address?-?, of al least three par? ues who have known you at least two vear* H W, Bo? 10, Tribune I ptown ? >(*1. # I.:.;? f road way. Stern Brothers To-morrow, Clearing Sales of Women's Coats and Suits Coats for Street and Motor Wear, "f desirable foreign and domestic fabrics, ?i$7.95. 11.50, 18.75, 27.50 formerly $lo.;0 to 5.;.00 Street and Evening Coat5, <-?f Satin, Beneralinr. frrfnaHine. Chiffon Broadcloths, Whet1? and \\ <>?">1 \'el??nr, ??*23.50, 32.50, 59.50, 85.00 ! ormerly $42.50 to 165.00 Women's Tailored Suits suitable foi pr(.S(.nt wear, in this season's most desirable models and fabrirs. will he ?closed >',\u at ilir greatly reduced price ol ?0,75, 14,50, 20.00 '"65.00 ? ormcrK from $27.50 t.. 135.00 \ I I ENTION is *\LSO DIRECTED T( i TWO NEW MODELS Tailored Suits for Early Spring Wear, of worsteds, ^ergf?-. vigoureux, Si ?D v*-*, homespuns ntul novelty weaves, at * - ? 'T Very Exceptional Values 1 IN XL REDUCTIONS HAVE BEEN MADF lv Fur and Fur-lined Garments? Neckpieces and Huffs including: the following high cost Coat Baby Lamb Coat, Formerly $18.50.00, at s 1295.00 KrmineCoat, l??00, " 975.00 "Mink Coat, l;mm- " 075.00 Broadtail Coat. 825.00, " 625.00 Shetland Seal Coat, -;?m- 475.00 Moleskin Coat, 475.00, " 385.00 Persian Lamb (oats. at '165.00, 210.00, .295.00 Formerly from $250.00 t.. :";.on Moire Caracul Model Coats. ?1 '235.00 to 595.00 Formerly from 8298.00 to .won Seal Bisam Model Coats. ?1 $135.00 to 325.00 Former!) from $195.<X) to 450.00 French Seal Coats, Formerly $115.00 at 75.00 Blaek Moire Pony Coats, ?** '34.50 '?? 57.50 Formerly from $55.00 t.. 95.00 Canin.I Coata. ?<' '50.00, 55.00 l'orm?rly $75.00 and 125.00 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FUR AND FUR-LINED MOTOR ING GARMENTS \1 I ORRESPONDING REDUt TIONS. Muffs Scarfs '13,50, 18.50 Natural Raccoon, *P.50,> 13.50, 23.50 Black Fox. 12.00, 18.00 21.50, 32.50 Pointed Fox, 19.00, 29.50 22.50, 28.00 Skunk. 19.50, 28.00 24.50, 38.50 Blaek Lynx, 24.50, 32.50 West 23d and 22d Streets WORK WANTED. Male VrOlNTANT>. adjuhts. ?rHaM up bonk?; $r> monthly up; nnanclal ?tatemen??, ?y8tems_; reasonable Mitchell, 2:> toot Uih M Tal. IM!? Btuyveeant. CHAUFFEUR Long eiperlence; ?rilling, obltg Inn- ?1st* r .-hamb. rm.tul waltreis*. Miss Mor I r.w't., largest, best ?maiin-.i Baptoynent Agen , v in V. .- . 7-1 Lexington ave l'emale. BDUCATBD and experienced young <: lady of culta*-? ami refinement, thoroughly n.miifttnt lo tak" full chirge In large, ex ciuHive home; ? manager, etc.; ?*?*? ceaeful with servants. . \' ?iptton .1 teferenees. I Box 11?9. Tribune i.tli.e. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. COUPLE ?Americans) desire positions; coun? try; entire work email family; can handle horse; wife (?peaks Fr> noh and German; girl 11 years, old; b>ht references. Reliable. Box 7?. Trlt.une Cptown Ottlce, Ibb4 Broad? it y. Female. CHAMBERMAID or PARLORMAID. ?Voung English girl; very reliable; excellent city refer ?nee. T., ??Um Hcfinay?i'h Agency, S20-A22 W? ninth floor. Tel 4527 Madison St-uare. CHAMBERMAID or NIKSE. Newly landed ??crinan girl; good sew?-r; city or country; wages S'2t). ?.all at l^ng ?v Hoecherer Co. Agency, ?M 4.r. 47 Won 3:?d m._' CHAMBERMAID and WAITRBKH -Competent, willing girl; >?est; city or country. wage* $2.".. Call a? Lang & Boecherer Co. 4.'i 4." 47 \V. ?t :;'. 1 ?' __ ?'. miK. Young .Cngllsh Protestant; well recom? mended; neat; g<?.<t manager. J.. Miss Hof roayer's Agency, 320 322 6th ave , ninth floor. Tel 4".L'7 Madison S.ium-... COOK An excellent young Swedish cook; luis very best reference from New York families; very neat and economical, .luestla Agency, ?JSO l/xlngt.n ave. Tel. 44.'.:', l'laza. .'u??K A ?Mat with laundry; also chambermaid and waitress; two >oung Finnish girls; fit*/ or country; best reference. .lusslla Agency. H*0 l/xlrigton a\? Tel 44.'..'? Plaza. COOK, f.frman; first class, good baker; city or ?ountry; wages $40; best r?f?rence*. Call a? Lang ft Boecherer Co. Agency, 43-45-47 West ?Id st. __ ? OOK Very goo.i oi working housek. couijtrj [n.'ctre.i in Weal 38th st LADT> MAID. Competent Gernuui. speaking French; good packer and sewer, ?><??? tot** wages $30; city or counlry. ?'all at l*ang t? Boecherer Co Agency, 4H 45 47 Wee? .'13d M I.AI'NDUEKS. ?Ierman; first class, shirt Ironer; ? ?t\ or country; t>eat references; wage? $:pA ?'all at Lang A Hoecherer CO. Agencj, M ifl 17 West 33d it. LAL'KDRBaW ?;apable young Finnish girl; hae best reference; willing to help chamberwork. Jusslla Agency, ?I*?? Lexington ave._ l.AI NliltKSS to on< wealthy person tot .t bom,, or us.- of basement for same; the line?? of lingerie. lU.ut.dry, IVOO Went 1 :i:;?l Ft tA'AITRESS or CHAMBERMAll? anal ?WAIT" MEM, Young, very neat Finnish girl; has n ? ? reference: capable and willing. Jujwlla f*M l>exlngt ;ti ave Tel 44.V? I'laxa. CHILD*? M'USES. Young German; ?w0 veai?' city reference; $*?V H.. Miss II ?fmayr's Agency. .'CO :*2*i 6th ave., ninth floor. Tel. 4t>2t Madly.n Hquare._ MRSERT GOVERNESR? North Germ-u?r"**?* flned, experienced; good semer; beg? r?f?r? enc?e; city or counlry; wages $30 $35 <*?!! a? Lang A Boechsrer Co. Agency. 43-45 47 West tb? st._ Ni KSE.?A la.iy wishes a position for her valued nurse, who Ik fully competent ?o take charge of a yoing baby, or to be attendant to elderly lady, or housekeeper; reliable, cheer. *ul. patient and superior In refinement, ?""ell or telephone Saturday. 105 Rlvertlde Drive. Telephone HchuiMer._ NTTR8E.? North Germen; experienced; for chil? dren over two years; good ??wer; city or coun? try- best references; wages $'.*". $30. Call et l?i.g ft Boecherer Co. Agency, 43-45-47 West M"td s?._ \\AlTHKri?. Young English girl, excaaUaral ??ty reference. W.. Miss Hofmayer's Agency. .*R!0 ?.22 ?'??. are., ntnlh floor. Tel. 4527 Madison S.|'i;ir. _ ^_____ WAITREM and TARUIRMAID ?'ompe?e?l young girl; bes? referen.??.; .-Itv or eounti*y; wages |26 Call al l^tng A Boecherer ? 'o. Agen. ?, i3 15 t? West 334 st. _BUSINESS CHANCES. CAPITAL I ... d t..i 11... ti uf .t i in i -, in In it rial prise?, Mc.iiip railroad?, mining, g.i*. w* timber proposition! through lb? .?*:?? ot stn.-ks and botad?; excellenl n?. lime? for pu ing high ???.- i 'ompanlts Im ? ?rj 01 ?ted and _ MrDONALD-IVlUUINH t OMP\NV. STOCKS AND BONDS, 236 2-'.7 BROADWAY. NEW Y?>BK. N. V ??I'KKK $1(?.??|/?? preferred ?Ink 7'. ? i . <? :witb bonus of common in going manufacturing ?company, poopla ol high standing; money t" i??? I used In caring imm.-diat'iy ioi Increased bu?l ne??; bar? best selling connections, both emp?rt , and domestic, in Hit hardware im. will Maud i itrlrt Investit McUONALD-WlOUlNH COMPANY. (ABj COMPANY Organised fur tin ?lirpoS? ?f en tahllshlng ?tor. h in growing ??-. tloai selling ar '.. I. s (ruin ;, to -?"> r.nts; men ii.nm.ud with the enterprise of loiig standing In IM? particular line and will .hid th.- i.u--n?-?.-? ?a coBsarva the lines. MeDONALD-WlGOINM (OMPXNY. lASi t% OUARANTBED nn investment in preferred Ftock Issue of reliai ill and established nmiiu lai turlng company manufacturing power house machiner-., veriillatlnii and positive pressure blowers, &c For full particulars appl] t? ?:? i??--- m i? un ..i s - tOMPW*.. .mi. jio.noo ron HALF ? Ii ? going boal I m*m ?a it ii ?real pooelhlHttee. Th? man taking ? the Sbov? interest Will make tin Inn ?? ? u-iiht ten thousand dollars Hav? bad is 'an I cri many order? on ?ccousl of Inaufllcieni capl |?al. This will bear Investigation M.DDNAI D \M?.?,I\> COMPANY. fA27l THIC Department nf Agriculture at Washing Ion and of the various cotton growingstat? now deeply in a new variety of-cotton known as .. i otton; this eottmi ex... da any other ktinwn variety In prodlKtlOB p?-r a?-re and snp.-rl'ir i|iiallt> of nhrc costing SBOOl PV> P?r acre |0 plant and ?mrk and netting $1*50 per acre the tlrst year! W* offer for sale a lini Bed am.nil.I of the eSpHSI ?tOCll of a. BOrpOT? tinii iwrganlied to groe* this product; selling at par $1 (?0 p?r aliar' njg have full ?I? tails and information and Invite Inquiries and Invistlga ? t. n. McDONALD-WIOOINS COMPANY. fAlfli <>FI I'k ISSUE of the capital ctock of an oil land and powor prupualltw. a business principally In tltnlx-r; the eompanv owns k.fl+i ?ere? ef mi and thnbei land estimated to bav? about I8O.O0O.OO0 ???> i of itasdlna timber; there \r. nil m, ib.- prapart) sod a water power of ip proximate!) eleven thousand hor??po?r?ri Pull particular? el M.IMiN \l 1? ?K.t.iNs COMPANY. (AIS) \VK HAVK for sale an established b located m Monterey, Mexico, making a i? t profil ijf ovil ai.*""" pet moath Pull particular? and documents an- on band In Ne-e lerk ami ?pen for Inspection Mi'DON \l.ll \\ l(,?.|>* COMPANY, i M'-'i 350,000 (?diig maii'if.'.'-Miing ciiinpany offers |fiO,*9S0 of capital Mock si par $1.0? per ?hare Cotapan-, manufactures nutchinery fur rxtractlag stt ? ? ues, cali.-d th.- Motter method. .. revolution In the mining Industrj Stock will sell at pai for a short time only. Por particulars imp M. IMINM.Il ?Kdtl.N? COMPANYj. (72) ?.-..'?H? Will, pi ??. ure active Interest jn | , ,,,, , eern long established doing business with Bring of national repute; mon? > required for ??ample tinii of preeeni pontrscta ?tad lo tak? can of the greater voisine of buMness which tin -rom puny could ?lo with a larger capita!. Purther panlcalara from _MePONAUl-SKwlINS COMPANY. < \.:<?? OLD 1'.stvpi.i.--iiki) COMPANY deetres the services of a few live men with Capital In in ertSM the volume of nur bSSbWai M m. \ win go direct into trrastirv of <-<>i..-erii Thl? i-. n., stock unloading; yog will be amplv secured w<- win bear the rtrteteel investigation Hr,d offer a very lucrative eaportUSlty as well ai good dividends to accept?-! parties MeDONALO-WlOOINN COMPANY. (A2I) ROAD HOUSE AND GARAGE (>n Main Road New York to Uke Homtronc cpposlte station. N? w building. 4?hi am.,s psss dally. Reasonable terms. Address GEOR?F R. PEARE. i to Broadway Tel, i.vji (-or, HOLD MIN'R DBVBL-OP1NO. A ,v?.t,.?,,. ,,"f French capitalists are Interests! ?? tan-dj-hlns capital for the development of ven -,?,??, -n\A mining property: must have details?! engineer?' report by engineers of excellent standing. Hnd preposition bear Inspection In every way Ad? dress Financier. Bo? 2?, Tribune - ?m. ?, Sterm Brotlhers WILL PLACE ON SALE TO-MORROW, 9500 Yards imported Fouilard Silks 41 and 43 inches wide this season's desipns. on Jacquard grounds, in new shades; also navy and white and black and white. at Value SI.50 Yard ALSO A SPECIAL PURCHASE OF Satin Meteor (Doublewidth) ?0 inches wide, in a large assortment of evening and c street shades, also white, ivory, cream and black at '1 s Usually sold at $225 Yard. ATTENTION is DIRECTED T<-> RECENT IMPORTATIONS OF PRINTED FOULARDS AND FLEUR OF. SO?F. TN JOUY DESIGNS, soil FINISH BROCADES, SATIN BORDERS, PRINTED SATIN FA?ONNE \\T? CAMELEON TAFFETA. M< iNDAY, AN' IMPORtANT OFFERING or Linen and Cotton Dress Fabrics I 250 Pieces imported Ramie Unen ?V*? inches wide, in an unusual!*, attractive hue of this season's colors, also black and white, at Regular Price 75c Yard 8.500 Yards Fancy Voiles, d'"'ur>iV width, whit? grounds with c>|..rcd silk .md Russian cord striped effect?;. Regular Price 55c Yard ,. 29' Special inducements in the Lace Departments RE.AL IRISH < ROCHET ! ACES VND INSERTIONS, ?c _ one-half to four inches wide. from 1 ? v to ?*/? /*5 Former Prices 25c to .**v..50 Yard M -.LINE. I \N? Y NET, VENISE \ND SHADOW l K( ES AND BANDINGS, c _ _ three to twelve inches wide, from ?jD to ?aAwO Formel Prices 58c to $3.50 Yard VI N'lsl . < II VNTILLY. sH \ix ?w \m? VALENCIENNES ALL-OVER NETS, ? - _ eighteen and fort} two inches wide, from <5JO to x?/v) Former Prices 75c to $3.95 Yard COLORED ft METAI NOVELTY BANDINGS, ~eC r ? two to nine inches wide. from ??o to 0?/0 I nrmei I'! i? es ,38c to $8.50 Vard rO-M( >RR< KY, \ I \K?.l O Ml,I l 1 1<">N i ?I Embroideries Greatly Below Their Real Values \aiusook and Swiss Fklgings and Insertions, ~c . ?c from ' ?_? t" M inches wide. at ? ?5V Values from 12c to 65c Yard Galloons, fmm 1 Vi. to9inches wide, at 25 t0 89? Values from 35c to $1.50 Yard AUoverS, 18 and 22 inches w'iile. at ?45 , 55C Values from 7?e t?? SI.50 Yard Flouncings, 18,27 and 36 inches wide, at 25 1" 95 \ alues fr<?m 39c t<? $1.75 Yard Swiss Flouncings, 45 inches wide, in new English eyelet and blind c?? a m effects, batiste and hue combinations; also allovers, 3aj*"fD Values from $2.2? to 3.50 Yard French Voile Flouncings, 45 inches wide, in all white; also white embroidered a? j-\ ? in light bine, pink, lavender, black and red, at 3 ?*VD Values from $2.50 t?? 5.50 Yard Continuation Saie of Household Linens AT DECIDED REDUCTIONS FROM REGULAR PRICKS Satin Damask Table Cloths. in round and square designs, 2 by 2 yards t0 2^ by 3 yards, at $1.88 to 5.90 Values from $2.7? to 8.?*>0 Napkins. Breakfast Size, Value $2.75 and 4.75 In?/. ,?t *J,88 3.75 Dinner Si/e. ,\7? and 7.00 " 2.75, 4.7S Satin Damask Table Cloths, round scalloped, Value $3.50 and 7.75, at $2.50 5.75 Napkins, scalloped, Value $5.75 & ".00 Doz. 4.38, 7.25 Damask Table Linen, Value $1.25 Yard, at ggc Linen Sheets. Hemstitched, Value $4.50 and 7.75 Pair, at $3,25 5.7.5 Scalloped, 5.7? and 7.50 4.50 5.40 Linen Pillow Cases, Hemstitched, Value $1.10 and 2.25 Pair, at 88c 1.75 Scalloped, 1.25 and 2.25 " " ].Q0, fl.75 11 nek Towels. llenist'?! or scalloped, Value $5.00 and 7.50 I)??/.. 3.50, 5.50 Turkish Hath ToweU, Doz., 2.95*, 4.00 Value $3.75 and 5.00 Dozen Bed Spreads, Crochet. Value SI.JO and 2.00, at 90c J.65 Satin Finish, 2.50 and 3.25. "?05' 2.75 West 23d and 22d Streets BUSINESS CHANCES. niTOKTI'SITY PAra PATINO INVKSTMKJNT \lM?nolla an<l TuriiT Plitntutlon, na-ar N-atrhei. MIM. Brlrla ra-ald???.. <\ harn*, atan, .ollon ?In, Itaa-Jt hot-Bear, and pl*nt> labor; ? join?; provmi ?Ion K??lf ?upporilni? and ?maWInu tmottty; fine quail phootltif. opo?wuiiiH ?ml ot?te ?ami?. id?-al ?i.ot for nh?Mi?l?i?r l-vl??". Pullman if? from N??w Torh; rallriH-1 ?*?**? on y*wveety\ :i n?r, HM mi |U tat air', Inrliidln* all lmpro?*in^ntii. S. ti. Latea. Ho??*l AHKamaWl?* PATENTS, TRADE MARKS. AC. PATENT"! be* mm; aavn tima and money advl.'a* and hook fr*e; aapen Monday and FrldRv ?xenln?;? Wll.MH A HANT1NE. rt'.?? Trlliuii" nilll.llng. H0U3ECLEANINQ BUREAUS. VACUL'?u cleaning c?rpate, rufa, portlerrea? *? your ho?>? If deilred. NEW TORK CAREFUl. CUEANINO BUREAU. 12 Weil Ittth. 'PhOdt, UBI? Harlem. Lord & Taylor or bounded 182? We. will continue on Monday and Tuesday The Great Sale of McCrum, Watson & Mercer's "Natural Bleach" Irish Linen Table Cloths, Napkins and Damask At an average of Y2 Regular Prices These goods came direct to us from the mills in Treland, and represent by far the best value?; in linens offered in many a year. Table Cloths ?1.60 to $10..50~former pri?es up to *21.00 Napkins $2.10 to $.5.13 doz.--former prices up to $10.2,5 Table Damask $1.00 to $1.60 yd.?former prices up to .$3.20 We will also offer 500 T)oz. Huck Towels (H. S. Damask Borders) ?$2.7?5 per doz.?regular *4.00 quality. 250 Doz. H. S. Guest Towels $2.7-5 per doz.?reduced from ?$4.30. 300 Doz. Eyelet Embroidered Show Towelt 8.5c each?regular $1.2.5 quality. Linen Sheets and Pillow Cases Sheets, $4.00 to $7.50- regularly $6.00 to $9.75. Pillow Cases, 00c to $1. 1.5?reg. *l.2.5 to $1.50. 50 Irish Einen Embroidered Bed Spreads A manufacturer's "Simple*' Collection at !/? less than regular prices. ?BaSaMapHBOa-?aS-MBSaK?^^ Extraordinary Values in Domestic Rugs Frior to inventory wc have made important reduc? tions in the prices of the following standard grades of rugs: Best Quality IVilton Rugs Bin Prior? , Riz?? rnct) **?.$29.75 3x6.$6.2$ ?3x10.6. 27.5O 36x6,3. 5,25 4.6 x 7.6. 10.OO 36 x 36. ?.50 ?Size 27x36.$2.25 'Body Brussels Rugs Size 0x 12.$?6.50 Carpets Standard Lines Greatly Reduced Wilton Velvet Carpets Best quality : $/./2? Regularly ?Si.6.5 per yard: at Axminster Carpets Best quality 91 ^ Regularly $1..5() per yard; at Velvet Carpets Best quality O-??* Regularly $1.1.5 per yard: at Carpet Samples and Remnants ( 1 to 10 yard lengths 1 Best grades of Axminster. Velvets and Body Brussels. 65e per yard Wiltons, $1.00 and $1.25 per yard Broadway & 20th St.: .5th .\vc.: 10th St. RESTAURANTS. St. Denis Hotel Broadway & I Ith Street SPECIAL TABLE L'HOTE | f%am DINNER SUNDAYS IROtf 1 1 f% 5:?0 TO 8 P. M. ?lernten restaurani. LUCHOW S ?SSI Htli In, Wiirihurgei- Hofbra?! VAOOM <lei,o?*e?s _ PHYSICAL CULTURE. KATHRYN K Mill U Physical "'?I'turf the won ?1er worker of the world In ?1***,th- '?**??? book let l?W west ?Wth M . c?>r Broadway. Tel. *?ei Bryant RELIGIOUS NOTICES. TRINITY CHAPEL '?Aest .?all? and .'?th His., ?lu?! Off Hroailn ay. ??unlay?. U ami II V M., ? r. "?*?? ?1'iliki.. 7;;t0 mi?.I !? A. M.. I I*. Ifc Rt. Rev. Hlsho-? K..hln?..n. of \e???l?. will preai-li al H P. M. MinilaT. ^ TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSJ* S3 1 > ?T . ?4S W EST. Th r?e "si or? ~ nulld'"?; with store, in front of main entra?''' ^*5" fv?vanla station; good lease, low rent; '?5J"h' r?tate possession. i??i. I'Klt a < ? > . 12*_+'? -w"* ADVERT?? KM ENTS AND SI*BS?'RI',T'2^ for The Tribune received ?t their t'ptown t^ ' No. I3'U liroa.ivvHv. b.?twe, n *Wih ?nd SP* ' j? until P o'clock p in. Advertisements r**_*lv"*i.M the following branch oftli-es at r. gulsr ?*? " until S o'clock p. m . viz.: 2?M 8th ?ve.. ?_? \.? 2*M st.: IM ?th sve , .-or. 12th st.; "H J** IT? ?t.; 357 West 42?! ?t., betwwn 7th ?0-4 ?? *TW"