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V" IAXI....N? 2,3,817. To ?lu.,. < huid?, ?ni. ?arniiT. I o-iiKirrow . f?|r; light moderate wind?. NTSW-YO?iK, WEDNESDAY, JAM Ain 1912 -FOURTEEN PAGES.? * PHKS ()NE (TAT '" '"' j^r^fg^^ "WILL TELL TRUTH" ?mm EX-ALLY Franklin, McNamara Detective, Charged with Bribery, Declares He "Would Not Perjure Himself for Any One." RUMORS OF A CONFESSION Statp Prosecution Promises Startling Developments in Con? nection with the Dynamite Wrecking Crew's" Operations. I ? g? et, .im SO. Bert 1? Prank ? M. N'nni it.i ?loi?* the who II to '??ii ;> char**? of having o the McNamara Jury, bly will prove to be an Important th- caee nt Clarence Dojtow, ii ? attorney, who 1ms just inli? te?) t.n jury brlber>'? When .1 to-day whether ha had made a confession to the grand Jury ' ii h tin Darrow Indlctmenta were :. he declined to dlacuaa thRl i',..i t th?> ?-?is,-, franklin, however, in u ply t.. question*? said: "If l am placed on the witness stand II t?*ll the truth. I v ill not p?>t jure ? any one." m th? same time, he dei there was no understanding between himself and th? Distrlcl Mtorne* tier regarding posslbl ? Immunity sh<>nl?l he become a wltneas for th? prose? utlon, I'??carding ;i confession Franklin is aaid t*. have tu. ?.red he was before tli?-* grin?! Jurj t"<" short a time for tins. ' ; ?nn take it from me." he con? tinued, emphatically, "Bert Franklin win never t?> t*. th.* ?penitentiary. No lerienev has been promised t" me, and there la no arrangement at all between me and the District Attorney's office At ??recent, I expect to go t<> trial on Fe > ruary J7 on the two bribery cl i. *-- n <"1 i i ? ?t against m?* 1 expect a jury to he drawn then, and the trial will pr< rapidly, if I am put <?n the stand in this or nnv other case, I shall t?*ll the truth I will ri'it perjure myself for any ??ne. Hut I know my rights within the law. .ind shall tako advantage of them." Assistant District Attorney Ford de? clined to comment <>n Franklin'.?* state ? or upon ;i confer? nee -v?ilch h? himself had with Superior Judge Willi.-. before whom Franklin's ? sched for trial. A? cording t.? )?,?? iu'-y will not resume it? Inquiry ?'.-?1; ami probably nul before th? return o? District Attorney Fredericks v hi- h is ex].ei ted - ?o? Foi. I thai si irtling ?I? velop? menta wholli a: art from Darrow and concerning only the conspirais; plias.? nfl i. t.*. ii r?ati?MM**Me ?l> uamUi?i' n .-i .lohn .1. M. Xa ma i a i i "wrecking crew." might b? The pro.?*-, utlon does n..' ? t to hrinu ih- ii'it. ?i la? j er :?? trial for i long time Washington. Jan ? To dlvulg? the dis* position of th.- McNamara defence fund Krank Morrison <?? the Ameri? can rVderatloi o? L?abor, and Ifenry II. Klaiher. cashier <>f Rlggs National Hank, the depository of the federation's funds. ?will leav?- Washington to-morrow after? noon for Indianapolis in response t? '???fore the federal grand yn y Investit d dynamite conspir?t*? Both men. armed with >? "ill for? th? federal Inquisitors of Justice o***lr?tals retk*? -.t |? to wheth? r < iher nation, t labor lei d? ?.* ? .*? i?l he sum? II ws had i.n broa I? ? h" m.-?' ? ?f the M< N'amai -. brol ! err prior t?. their -ia-.ii? ?>r othei m i h- ir : ?.nation .if explosives. Tl > D ? m Justloi. it dei eloj ?*d, | m Ihe ?grand Juri Inquiry Ihe !??:. ;,i stat? ut* Imposing a hesv* p? laity foi th? ron lealment >?f knowledgi >.f -.. felony from the properly constituted authoi i will appieclat? tMi- oppoi ?'. show all our i.ooK.-. and have the F lion's a<-eoimts Inv? | authorltl? s. said Id 'j ie ?ubp?na direct ?fiu-ii checks and records of all ? and disbursementt n>.i?l.- < ? ratl?.n <? r .. hipisHf between April 23 i i : dates whli h ??>. ? lo Ihe arresl ? M< Nam ira brothers. I'nrthoi than saying iiiat ?.ut ?.f approxl* paid in little mo; ?aT.'iOO of ti.? McNamara defenci ? i. mains. Morrison d?T*cllned t.. d penditure it hai l>een stated bj labor the iiiiik ?if in.? mon* v a ai turned over I I ?a row, ih-- attorney Indicted for brlbeo : ?s Laoi Ant \ ? port of the McNama fund r<. exp? ndltures ? ?11 ant to every union which contributed Mr M ?rdered i,, the . . I of I he a ',lt!'-I> ..' ? ,i, bei earl . his moo ? ladl , other ? leaders ol ailed ?n the governmei of th<? dynamite coi i ?let? i mined bf the appearanc? "f l*Tanh mm, se? rciary of the American r?. ..f 1.a bor, before the fedi Thursday. *> ?"liai!..- \\ ".' io-?lay n?. subpeens had i* , ??.;. ..:.' ? lomp? ra, and so 'he ltni-w it was i."' likely Mr. ?...inj .*? VeuM i" called. II was Intimated that Mr Morrison will say in in ?noto a*-ni ????< :?!? ?i.'tii*! it will tx ? I ration ofll Mi \l"i ? . ; tli?- McNamara brol \u( ? i ?i MeMaaai i, i <.f th. In.ri?.? ..-jiiii'il : which Orti? amlter, sa- d t . ray ? a ,,|,.| [I.' H "'"IM U rUCtU**? it WUH While ROlll?,' PVCT i Jury, ?t .*? ? i?. _ e ' ? WIPE SLAYER GETS RESPITE. I ;.i.i( ? of lila a Ifs in .**.? w Will not '?? kill ' '? i. be ? Dagoberts By Children L J******* " Intercession " is the title of the next story in this great series. A thrilling, masterful tale of the Fran? co-Prussian war, in next Sunday's Magazine of the New-York Tribune WOMAN JARS JENATORS "Georgia Cyclone" Hints Some Are Mighty Poor Lawyers. Washington, Jan. 80.?Mrs. Mary Har? ris Armour, of Eastman. Ga., known in prohibition clrcl-ea In her own state aa the "Georgia Cyclone," Jnrre.i Senatorial dignity to-day. She told Ihe ?nunined membera ?if the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, In the beArlm on the pro? posed law prohibiting shipment of alco? holic liquors Into ??dry" states, thai th.*\ "could learn ? lot" and that whoever on the committee voted agatnal the hill araa "a mighty poor lawyer'' Shi was SUP ported by Mrs.M.. M. N. Stevens, preel ?lent of the Woman'a Christian T*wnper an?.e i nlon; half ? hundred members of that organisation, several Georgia worn en ami g tent men. "I ilnti't kn<?w why we should be here m all," said .Mrs Armour, "since it li an insult t?. your Intelligence for ua to have to plead for auch a law. I d'm'i want t?> hurt anybody'! fe?'linKs. but I tu i here to talk common sense, and I haven't any time to waste on you all." Mrs. Armour an.) Mrs. Stevens spoke to-night at a temperance rally and the former told the Senators aha thought II would do ihem good if they would at? tend, V"u Senators think you all are too big folks t>> com? an.I hear nie speak." ?he ?aid, "bul : want to tell you that you could learn a lot But, ---peaking ol this bill, I am no lawyer, bul I've read law, and any one who votea against this hill because of all-aged unconstitutional? it y is a mighty poor lawyer." ROCKEFELLER BUYS HOUSE Fifth Avenue Purchase Said To Be to Stay Business Invasion. it waa reported in real .slut., circles yesterday that an auont acting tor John D. Rockefell, t* had purchased the home <>f Francis s. Klnney, at No. it' Weat ."?4th street, reported sold in The Tribune yeaterda) by Mooyer &? Marston foi the Klnney ?Mate. The house is opposite the home of Mr. Rockefeller ami a few ?loots west of that of his son, at No. 10. Tin house is ?m unrestricted ground, and to prevent business invasion. It \sas Mr. Rockefeller decided upon 1he purchase of the property. Realty troubles seem t?? li?- in the path i of tlas Rockefellers John l> Rockefeller is iiuu apparently to get his share of th.-iii. owing tfi the expansion of business in fifth avenue north of 17th street. William Rockefeller, his brother, took a prominenl part about <-itht years ago In trying to preserve the residential lines ??t that pari of the avenue His home is at Nu. 680 Fifth avenue, at the north? cast ?orner <?t 54th street In Hi? list too months a hi??** art ? enta? pas lue.i f..rtn?<l at this point, au,I iiuln** to its further development fonrn-r (?nv ?rnot Lev! IV Morton, whose homi Is at No 6Sl Fifth avenue, adjoining '.he Cri? terion ciui.. ha* piaee.i his house in the market Cot sal?'. .John D. Rockefeller however, is one of th.- fen owners in the ? ' *.vh., hat?? shown a ?i..-ir?- to re? main there. Last year his son plans for the erection of a 1200.000 man? sion at N?? la West '?till street, adjoin? ing hi father s .it N?> -. WANTS BIBLE AND BRANDY Cr.mmodore Hastings's Son Asks Court for Heirlooms. ? ? ? h t,, Ti < Tribun?? I ?lau :<" llenrj i Lasting?, thi la i ? t'ommodoi e Hastings, I ..* complaint with ihe cle "k ?i th? Suffolk Superloi Courl to-day, ; kitiL- i??r an Injunction against .1 war ,. n Bailey, ?f Newton, execufr under Ui? will of Kate Hastinga, who died Kebruarj * 1907, after a decree Lad been given '<? the complainant for a n-turn r his personal property hy n master. ?I'll which 's Hated under two ? ?chiblls, Is said t?? he th?- most unusual filed i" Suffolk County, It contains i i' t ..f material from a bottle ?f brandy i. it by great-grandmother Hastings, to t ??? fa mil) Bibli H< re are some "f the artl? lea *, mustard pot, father's Harvard Col leg? i.k and plat?', groa i-grandmother's fan, i Hi-Hi??*'- wedding slippers, a hiar iie_<), a buff ??? l ? ? i i"ii of eggs, a ii*' m i Ions Kong, a !?.\. an dictionary, sel of t?.?-.]*, a I group pi' lure taken wh m two cologne bottles, a punch howl with ? a.i? 'l "ti It, a i.f i ai ?i left i*- .*' ? mol ?" i, nd the > ibli TRUNK TOO BIG FOR BUNK So Missouri Maid PayB More and Takes Her Clothes Galore. Cincinnati's railing, looking lasi | at the has. sal | young .Missouri tiiai.h'ii i from 84. Joseph yesterdai Though the ' .1 I?, i vs.-i.l a bit ami whispered low, Julia Ackerman sal think? p ef hei Iowa helos Bad she ? haps she'd stay betn along the W !l!l? W'n\ rath. I HUM I.?- out of fashion "ti the roa.I to M..n<!alav .. road t" llandalay, where she'd never been, i vu, i., ).,, ilk,- than? II i.? t . lothlng weren't an fait. - riren bel owi ?i I iddlni . had n?" ige for the three months' crul ? ?? Meward up la lulls to in? form her that her trunk, which sin lalx I. ! loi her stateroom, would i ??t -*" *?? . .r bunk -? i ? ship al "ti? ?? i sa i. ? i li N->\\ tell a*?-, pray, ma- a woman -.'!?.'? 'I I ? ? . M m.'., I',.i ... * ? - --. i for 11 unk would u". ? i..\ found ?a - i? n n rented .< .ini-outi. ?I Mi ? jults if II hold , - i ,n . ?..? i?. WILSON 101t KINDLY ?0 COLONEL HARVEY "Forgive Me and Forget My Manners," He Says After Conference at Club. ALL LETTERS MADE PUBLIC Governor Hoped "Harper's" Sup? port Might Be Continued?His Manager Says Watterson Has Helped Wilson. Tbc Wilson Correspondence School fii)?i..?l another ami probably final ?-our!??? to its curriculum yesterday, when the letters exchanged between the Governor of Now Jersey and Colonel Georg? Har? ?rey, editor of "Harper's Weekly.' wore made public through "The i'- nina rosi." Neither ?"f Ihe men wished In be put in the position of giving out private let? ters, bul '"?Hi wore willing thai the cor? respondence, referred t?> by Colonel Wat terson as "the abjeel letters of Governor \\ iison." should in- made public. William l\ M" ? '?"Mils, the Wilson cam? paign manager, had int."' conunenl lo make upon th?' latest addition to th? "letters of h Governor," bul hoped thai the public would note thai these letters were all dati i prior t?> the Ume wh?u Colonel Watterson Issued his Brsl pub ii.- broadside agalnal Wilson's candidacy ?To mj mind, it is significan! thai Colonel Watterson, knowing of these lei tera, as he apparently did, should issue statements and talk of them as he ?ii?l Al Colonel Harvey's ?.tu,?- M was sa: l thai he had nothing t<> say aboul the Utters or their contenta and attention was directed lo the fad thai he han had nothing t<> .*??? v al any time concerning any of the pointa In Ihe controversy. The Evening Poof printed the let? ters with a preliminary explanation thai neither of the correspondents wish? be put In the position of giving oui pri \ate letters, "bul both aaaented t<? the publication \?iih the dlstinei understand? ing thai th?* initiative came from The Evening Poet.' " Added to that, "The Evening Pool ' the following letter, from Got ernor Wilson, m response t*. Its r? for permission to publish th?' letters: Trenton, N l Januai s ! . Ed I Im of "'I'll.- Kvei Bincerel] appreciate ^.'n klndneitu I i, i lalnl) have no obj? pilon ni ? I publication ..f mj I? iten? t?> ? 'olonel 11 <t vey, bul with regard lo hi? letter? In me, 1 ha\> the ?tronti feeling, which I cannot overcome, thai I ahot.ld ii.?t.- in loin Ihe ..f th? m* n ??. h?i .u ? pnbllnhh : vate I? iters, Th? re Is, ol ?*oui ? noil them thai l should noi be glad to ?ee made known. The ?. llson? Harvey I? it"..-. In their order, folio?.?. : ITnlv? Fifth avenue and Mit: xtreel r? i nial i ?? ? M i " -?i ? 'olonel Bvei i da) i era ? ?on* iiim-?i in ih?- jiid-rnwiit ilia) mj mind ,r i n, >.tii? one train of though! at n I'm? .\ Ion? lime aft.r thai Intervle? with ??.?i mid Mai ? Henri at the Manhattan Club II came ovei m< thai when (al Ihe i lone <>i the Intervt? wl you aak<*d nw that queaUon aboul the "\\ ? ekh i anew? i> ?I it ilmpl) .i? .? m?' 1er "t fa. t. and >.f buslncaa, ind said never a word of my ulncere gratitude t?. you f.,i' all your ?-'? n? roui auppoi t, oi of mi h"i ?? thai i' i nllnued Foralv? in-' Hti.l forget my manners Faithful!* yours, WOODROW WILSON in reply. <'olonel Harve) arrota I i Go* ernor Wilson as folloa ? kiln ?quart Pel ?" si Januai ?? > M) I"?a. Hovernor Wlla-ori i'.-pi*. i our not? froi lb? L'nl > ? ? i. f'luh I ? ii ?i,. ?i.i ..... ' ? i no |. i* ? i ? ? ?ni.I arise ii I tret n j.nd me w halevei anj bod? ? ? i u mi?> \?,'i mirely mtiat it now ti . .,? .' faith, t your poll11? al ? the I...-? r? w years I ' .. v.- b< ? n olelj bj th. h. ii. t thai ' was na .i 'II -tlii. ; public sen Ice. 'I r ?? i . .il point at Mi.- i nn. ..f <>iir \ lea ?." aa i ou aptly pul it. one ?Imply ".a fact .. d "i bu Inet and a h? i ?i th? fact t.. be lhal m) auppoi I hurting youi candldacj and thai yon were experiencing difficult) In finding .. wai lo eounteracl It? hai ?I. the onlj poaall i<- for me to <i" you n?. lea? i han In ? onslderatlon ?>( my OWn ?' If I? ?-"..?. r \\.. .,, ;, !),.v, yoil Of youi ? mi.,n raw ??!. nt. so fat n lay ? ithln .'. pow? ? lo do no, bj ?... Inn t.. ad '.cu nomination That. I t hink. WM a fully und? i o "I ' tw? on us in the time ti d . . cord Ingly, i look down your pun. from Ihe head ol the "Weekly'a" editorial pane aome dayi before \?>??r letter waa written Thai lo s.- nil th. r? ?s ,.f it W atever little hurl I ma) havi fell at a consequence of Ihe unexpected peremp torineaa of roui ittltudi toward me is, ??f ??our?... whofl* eliminated by \<mr gradous V? iv truly your?, HEORGE HARVEY Governor Wilson replied, under dat? of Januai v 11 .-?*? folio My l "?u ? 'olonel I larvej Oeneroua an?! cordial a? aras yotn h-tirr ? n In reply t.. m? ? ? ? *,,-,. ... i . ??eralty Club, ?t has lefl me uneaay, he cau .. j.. m perfecl franko.??-s. it ahowt? thai ! .)''! h ii you b) what l h,. (actlct-sly ?aid nt the Knicker "joirker l'lub i am vers ai h m. .i ..-? m* .u f,,, there Is noth? ing I am more ashamed of than bur-tin** ? true friend, however unintentional th hun ma* bat ? be n I wanted vei ) - - ??.-,, i,. see yon In Waahln.?*t> n, bul .?.;??-> absolutely | raptured by i aller ? ? \ ? r) minute l ?? i mj ' ???in-. and \? b? n l wat noi there ?;. fulfilling publl? ? nga**? menta. I torn you al it.*- dinner, bul ?-ould nol "??? al you, and ait? r the dinner waa ?urrounded and prevented from Kettln? al you I era In town i '-?in\. t.. ?a|.**ak ?his evening, ami rame In early In the hope or catching you ?I your "'' For I ??>? ?? II I ?i .v.; and |o m\ own though! end feeling to tell yon how ptrat? i fnl I ,??n for ?H nt generous prala? . t ..f me ?n?, one hi*- i.. l would Ilk.- t.. belle? ? n yself t>. be than \<>n have) h<.--. I have admired .on for the Independence snd un hexltatlna courage an?! Individuality ?>f your course, ? ? i > < i how far l was from <ie alring thai vou sho';l?l .?a?. \oir aupporl of me in th" "W.eklv " Vn i uili tnh '< m?- very stupid, bul I <ii?i noi Milnk >.f that a? the n suit of n?v i.huit BlUWer lo youi ..n. I thought onlj oi ih>- meana of convincing people <?f the real Independence ,.f the "Weekly's" poaltlon v..n win .,?. member that that aras what we discussed. And no", that I have iliilnt??nt|oii?il|\ pin y. n in ii falae and embarrassing position, you heap eoala of fire on my basad i.v ,-,.n tlnulng to nlve out Interview favorable m nn candidacy, ah thai i ran say la, thai ,r>" have nroved yourself ven i.n.*. and lhal I wish I might have an early op ?. ..?'?? ?., i,, up \,,i race t.. fare h'\v I i. ill? fet ' ahont it all With warm r? - ? Tiii.iii* ,,i?i falthfull) ?" WOODROW U'li.suv ? is noted In the foregoing that men? tion ?.f the Knickerbocker iii8t??a?i of the Manhattan Club is rrlrrloualj a ?lip ..f the pen, Colonel Harvey's reply ?as as follows: January It, ItU. MN Deal ?;"* ?mor Wllaon Thunk ? "' Inearel) lot vour imnd ? ??' I I . 3-i 11 Onlj I -?r? HI ? ? ,r | ,n.? I,,.foi. that I t i I ti" part". I, ,, ,?,r. mi si ? "i.' imenl l??ft in m?*. and i t,.i.' you i" believe that I hav? ??? ? of.? word I inybody of criticism of \?>n 1 h;i\e to nrli't ? word ol explsnal Ihe "W?-*ekly's" n idem, bul It will i.? th*j l,,;, ft ? . Vi i | nil'. ? on* ... OEOROr M 1.RVKY < 'olonel liai ey's lettei inckas? I p . opy t I'litini). 'I ia? ?r? ?mal utze. TRYING TO MAKE UP "Forj-jivc n:?* .nul lorgei my manners. ... 1 owe il t?i von and to my own thought and feelings to tell you how grateful I am . . how I have admired you . . . and how* far I was from desiring that you should cease ytmr support of i ? n'The Weekly.'"?GOVERNOR WILSON t.. COLONEL II \R\ IV. BAS ffi POUCE FUS THIEF'S FICHT SENTENCE Judge Swann Says Court Had No -Record" of Burglar Caught in Senator Fox's Home. FAULT OF ARBITRARY RULE Writes House Owner That Pun? ishment Would Have Been More Severe Had Prison? er's Career Been Known. judge Edward B* ann. of Ihe Court of General Beeetone, re elv? ?i i l< tt? i days ago n m ?a .-? natoi John Fox, ? I ,i..,,i of ti"* National Democratic Club, aaklng ?ii* i' ttaa thai ? young man bj th? name ? I John Bdwarda. who broke Into Senator Pox'i hout* . No I? Rast HOth tr.'.t. b; going through lh , ,,.,i bole in the sidewalk, one nlghl laal ??,, ,i,i? i. ?.?..<? aent< B( - I t.ily four monthi on Blaehwell*? laland ' Bwann'a r?*i?i: . mallod yeaterday, un ?wen Senator i'?>\.- queatlon, and .ii ?> contain? ? aevere rrltlclam of the Poll? e Department The lett-ar lay?: i find thai Ihta ?aae au Mnl from ti,?. calendar of thla ?furl t.. Ihe - al? endar of Ihe Criminal Bram h of the Bupreme Courl few trial, and when it waM called the defendant offered to plead gulltj to unlawful entry, which la ,-i mlademeanor, and becauae there was n?, police record among the papen 01 i the poaaeaalon of Patrolman Prank B. i ;r.-.-n. of tli?* Baal >**al In ' i"'1 ?'?? -s;*' tlon, th" very brave offl< or who followi ?I the prteoner through ihe dark coal hole, justice Mu? 'is lof Buffalo) ?li.l not know, and h id no me ma of knoa Ing except through Hi" Police Department, ,I,;|I the defendanl n'as a notorloua burglar with four prevloua conviction win the Police Deportment does not provide the arreatlng officer with ihe , rlminal record >.i ? piiaoner on trial when the officer la the neceaaan arltnea? and la trt?-* only aource of Information i?> the eourl the department in the beat qualified to aaj ? it la nol the faull of id.. officer, i.m of muii" arbitrary rule .if the department. Buch record la neces? sary i" croaa-eaamlnatlon of 111 * ? de? fendant, aa ?rhen h* puta bla alleged prevloua good character la evidence, <>r when he pl-aada guilty and Um Judge wlahea to Inform hlmaelf aa to the previ oua life of tin- defendanl '?<> aa to Intelli? gently determine tii<- extent <>f tix- sen? tence. "I am convinced," condudea Judge ?wann, " had Juatlce liarcua known of tho mans criminal career he would have impose?! a very aubatantlal sen? tence in" priapO I regrel very mii'h thut In* ?li?! t("t know the fa?*ts." when Bdwarda pleaded guilty, I? p, Couway, ? probation officer employed by th.. Qathollc Protective Society. Ka\?. a good character to Juaticp Marcus In be? half "f Bdwarda. The priaonar, how-' ever, admitted that be bad bean mi BlackweU*! laland for four montbi for ,!i.,.!?i. rij ??iimIii? t ? m tho rr-.ciiit of Senator Fox's le ter JimIk?' Bwana pot ins probation ofneer, 111m ('"li? Joga-nah, -it work on the caes in th?*- t*Me* of the dart of the court two in?ii< tnvnt recordi having reHo* slips w-pr?-? found. Tbeoe fallow *Hpn ghowed thnt Bdwarda bad Ihre? previ .ms convicttoaa against him. Egdwards'J pIctuM In lh( Rogues' <:..i lul'J lb Nu. LiiUi?O. POORHOUSE MILLIONAIRE Shift in Fortune Gives Jersey Man a New Deal. ?:.'! 1" The Tilbuni? I Long Bnnch, N i . Jan 30. Instead Ing a*ni to the county poortmuse. if plannet!, jHmea Paddock, "f Atlantic I Highlands, a patient at the hfottmoutr? I Memorial Hospital, to-ds) fell -i ir toa .i more than Ps*i ?'?.? K h id been treated aa a charily pa i'..i* paralysis. Sonie * in? ago 11 v\as ?!.li ?! I" send him t?. a p.i.?rhous... and word waa aent t?? some >.f his rela? to effect, a tew daya later a leply waa recelired t?. thf effort that in .?i\>- relatives would In? I:i :i post lion I. *-? ??? thai li" ".tut".i fot nothing ? ir? sitii"n Paddock, of Byrecuae, > brother1 ?i th? paralytic, ?li?*.l recently, leaving broth? r heir t?. morn than 11.090.000. ? i.? a wealth} wallpaper manu? facture! Man) >?*.*rs ago he Ml trace ..t in.- brother Jan.?*s To-di * Jamea confronted by proof of his Inher? it, latlt es, accompa nl? ? by .. : . ?lied at it ? ? host Its?, it aaa not lona afterward . lat the patient waa . from the ward (.? a ?iti\*.t?* r..?i?!i Word waa left i?> sui?r>i\ th" man w Uli ? \ "! \ luxut Blmon Paddock, ? con ?>i th? patient, .Atlantic Highland*?, is bIbo i ? ii.-n? i n \ under the will of hi-? uncli h? Inherlta $50,000. II?' lefl his place -.. sti't ii ' y i?, receive the legacy, To make i trip young Paddock borrowed 113 ti?.m Judge John B. Post-er The yout?i Is unk elghti ?'ii y? an ? ?l<t. ?CZAR'S TRIBUTE TO TOLSTOI Grants Pension to Widow of Great Russian Reformer. st t*. t- r burg. Jan SO. The Russian Kinperor haa granted a pension to tho \. i i..w ??t Tolstoi, who hereafter win re? ceive 10,000 rubles ($6.000) annually. i - ut.i- Ti.istoi araa before her marriage ' Suphii Behra, daughter of ? fashionable do. tor <>f Moscow, She was married m Count Tolstoi in Utt. Th.tuple had thlr t - -ti children. Although Tolstoi onoa char? ?i?*t..i?/.??i hla ?Hi- ?is "by no msana a trltli-r. I.ut an .?irn.-st helpmeet," she ?lid rarrj her aympathy artth hla later ??? ciologteal doctrinea to the extent of shar Ing hla ascetic mod? of Hf?*. n<>r did he re? quire II ??f her, When, In isfW, in purauance ?.t his prim ripies, be renounced ail claims tn his estates, everything was made over tu hi- wife iin.t children, the eouatess acting as truatee. They continued, ht-w ever, under the -am?, roof. Tolstoi's opinions I.roiiKht him much \.> r ?ecutlon at th" hands of the -,rovernm"iit, moatly of an lti<iir..?*t sort, through the sup? pression of hla works. Following tita at? tack ?i. the Orthodox Church in his novel "Resurrection." he was excommunicated, the decree dating from February 22, !90l. NEGRO THINKS HANGING FINE Bravado of Convicted Murderer Brings Him Life Imprisonment. Indlanapolla, Jaa H Becauaa i{enr-?e Devil ?i""*- not dreiol liaiiKint?. )>ut ragaids It as h ?t. slt*ilile distinction, l?overnor Mar siuiii to-nigbt -commuted his teeth asn tPiu-i to Itni't i>>mni.-lit for tita, I lavis, a aegro, murdered a woman com panlon si Qary, Ind., by cutting tag her In ml with a knife, and was :^-nten?-i?d to he hanged n<"<t Friday. Warden FoKarty of the Michigan City Prison reported to the Qovernof today that the condemned man looked forward to lbs execution of the ii.urt'? aentenoa as ? mark of honor. g iVILL SELL YEPKES'S STOCK. ? I,?.!.' ?.?it .?. Friiliate Judge < liati?*'* ?^ Cuttlllg* :?i-?l.iy authorized Loota | <iw> locutor of Iba Chatrtaa T. Yerbas ae> II l.'..*x>( sinne, of .to -1. lu the i ..;.,,:i.i RallwfcyM Company, <?f I, n han tu u?-- .-oll for v Went tli 109. vJ Ml MAGNES QUITS SECOND UK PULPIT Announces Intention of Devoting Himself to Propagation of Jewish Faith. WILL FIRST VISIT PALESTINE Not in Accord, It Is Said, with Congregation of B'nai Je i shurun, Which He Joined Recently. Rahhi Judah I,. Magnos, vv hn resigned aa aaooclate rabbi of th?'Temple Bmanu? *?*! .m a? ? .Hint of a sernion against re? form Judalem. and later went t?> B'nai Jeshuriin, an ultra-orthodox congrega lt"ii, hau again found himself out of eympath*. with his flock. He announced last night that he had resigned t,? .].? vote all his time to the educational work r the Kehillaii. or Jewish Community, of New York Clt) Although Rabbi Magnea in his ?tate? tnent make*- no reference t?. any friction between him and ble i oiigiogallnii. and although none of the trustees of B'nai Jeahurun were prepared to aay last night that their re'iitlotis with ?Mr. .Magues had been anything but harmonious, it han been rumored lor tome timo that the rabbi found oondtttona .?t tbe syna? gogue distasteful. The congregation has been divided int.? two factions for aome time past, ?mo faction has upheld th. conservative opinions of the rabbi, while, the utiVr faction has urged Innovations and changes in the ritual Before tho coming of Rabbi llagnea the servir.? lu?l been modernized to th? exten' <>f ?? mixed choir and an organ, shortly after his advent both the organ and the mixed ?hoir were eliminated. ?V decline in attendance at services fol? lowed, and the faction which opposed I?r. Magnes was not slow in using tilia fact as ammunition with which to .it tack him. In addition to announcing hi? resignation. Rabbi Hagntt in his statement say , that he will go to Pal? estine for two months to acquaint him? self wtth Jewish probl?me In that land. Ills educational work in New York Is likely to !?? largely in the interests of Zionism. The statement of Rabbi Mag? nos is as follows: It v?, us with much pl-a.siin- that I can announce that $.'?i>,?Jl?l lier annum, the tirst OUOta of the Jewish Kducation Kund of New York City, has been talaed. Practically ail the ?ubocrtpUona ??ovar ?i period <>t a??* ireara, so that it may be ?aid that $JJ),u.ji) tuts been pledged for th? Jewtah Kducation I-'uiid Of the .l?*wlsh Community iKehillahl of New York ?"Ity. In addition to iliis, .is at th? disposal of the .lewisli I'oin munlty for educational purposes, making lin .?Il u fund in axceaa of a*SM,(M0 to be need fair tl??? next live years for Ihe Improve? ment of Jewish religious education in New York ?'Ity. Tho work th?vt I have heen pi iv 11,???.?,? to do in this connection has convinced me thai i uaa best serva the Jewish cause hy concentrating my attention upon the prob? lems of Jewish ?ellgious organiza!ion and of Jewish education. With the consent el Congregation B'nai Jeshurun. and with the ail of several men of *hls city. I shall have ihe opportunity ?>f devoting myself to these prolilems of Jewish religion? organisation ??n?! .lewisli education without being ,?i tached to any partleulaa synagogu? \ Society for the Advanoament of Judaism has lii.n formed, and I expect thro.iglt this ...i.i.i? to I?, given ,iiiip|?te freedom and added energy to ?levo... myself to J?*?vlsli work in this city. Before taklnjt up lid- work. I expect lo visit Palestine for ibout two mont In?, in order to acqnainj rayeali with the rengious ..?id .'du?.atlouJLl problems of th?- j. wa i ._- - ?AF? READS l? ACT ?0 PROGRESSIVES Time for Their Attacks to Cease and Nation to Listen to Facts, He Says in Most Aggres? sive Speech. PARTY LINE SHARPLY DRAWN Old Line Republicans the Real Progressives, President De? clares?Gives Three Rea? sons Why He Believes Victory Certain. Cotombue, Ohio? Jan. M.?s\*Pri***faa} the achievemente of hi? administration before the Columbue Olee ?'tub her*? to? night. President Tuft ?Irew the line ?harply between the old line Republi? cana and the Progressives of hia party and practically declared thai the time whs at hand when the "denunciatione" of the Progressives must .ease and -when the nation will demand focta. H" had not the slightest doubt, h" said, that the Republican party would win In the November election**. The President made one of the moat aggressive speeches he has ever deliv? ered. He made it clear to his hearers that he had grown impatient of the at? tack"' that have been made on the Re? publican party and on his administra? tion in the last few years. He declared that the old lino Republicans were pro? gressiv?- enough to adopt all the legis? lation that progress demanded, but .--aid that he was not the 8ort of man to promise t?> 'make a heaven on ?arth" or to refi.rtn Hie world in a day. Three Reasons for Success. Hf said that in his mind there were three reasons why the party should be returned t?> power n^xt November. One was th?tg it ha?! "done reasonably and fairly well'' in its administration of th? government in the last tew years and deserved i h?- continued conHdeme of th. country; the second was that it was "progressing, and would put in operation all the necessary legislation that is progr.ssive." and the third ??< that the party was 'not ? hasing chi? meras and ii"t unsettling the founda tions ??i government merely to indulge in the fancies of bone." Th?- Preeident'a political apeecti ?ame as a surpris.- to nmny of his ami who list.ti'-il reopectfully when h?- bega* reviewing in narrative fashion hm knowledge of William McKinley. From the former Pr.'si.lcit h<- switched siul tleniy into a dtocuaaton ot preeanl ?aj pol?tica, and the dtnera cheered inm wIMty when he sa ni "I believe that the Republican par! is jining to i..- mu i I'sst'iii In Noven 1912, and i believe it thoroughly and ?Incerel) and without any mental rea-* irvatlon whatever, ami I believe tbat becauaa I have real faith in th" Intelll? gence and dUB rimination of the Am?'t* can people, i believe that they kno" what good service is i believe tbat they have intelligence ami dlecrfmtna? tion enough to enable the party organ? ization through the pr.-ss and through political spenkiTs in tin? campaign or ?ducation that is coming to convince them that the Beruftes of th.' last four years has iie?>n such that thej can truel It for the nest four ? ears A campaign is four months long I' aeema in-..- four reare, but every voter abo ha.-* b? ? n pu' -m the qui vive will have his int.?rest aroused and Brill know th.- candidate accurately and will hive been given a fair opportunity in that time to Judge which parts offera the beat arguitu nl for the next term." Prom his optimistic look into the fut? ure tin* President turned to the past an I th" preeanl and his voice, husky a? ?t was. ins?, to a higher pitch. He spoke of th.- Democratic victor) *?t th? polla m WHO and declared that thai was not the fault of the Republican party, but <>f dlaaffection wrtthla ita ranks Disaffection Caused Defeat. 'Who are the persons who are g*>in< up and down the land distributing theso views ' Wh??se lungs have he?>n used to;* yeara in condemnation and ?ienuncia t ion '.' "Were then? any regular Republicana? Haven't they ail been shooting at the .?id Republican party ami ihe oi?i ad* ministration? "Now. I think we are getting at tho point when we ato to get our innings. W"'l! deal, not in prophectsa and not in unfounded denunciation, but with facta. Let us get ?lout? to facts, and then it they beat us on the truth we'll taha our heating. Rut let us have a square hear iiiK anil a square deal, and ask them to t I.rush aetde the fogs of denunciation" Mr Taft said It made him Impatient to hear l.pie talk about the way hi* aiiininistration had enforced the anti? trust lau Have Been "Seeing Ghosts." Wc n>.i s?.me lawyers who iinderatoo*! that enforcement ?>f the law meant it? enforcement In th.- courts and not lu the newspapers, and we enforced it. i dont claim any parti? ular credit for it.- ? n forcei.i. Hon we'r? not witi the proposition that we've forfeited the sup port of business because ??? have en? forced the law. That is enough !?? inaha on?- Impatient. Those men who thought Ita enforcement would Interfere -\iih business have been si-'ing ghosts. ? I would say to you that our re? or.l at Washington ia good and we are en titlo-d to the next four years of admin? istration. Why not go before th? el. ? tor? ate and ask for a vote of confidence* We do not promise to give entry to tlnj millennium. We will not make every man rich or ?-very man poor who may have gained his wealth dishoneatly. \\ g will not revolutionise the Constitution and have a heaven on earth, because I don't believe any man who says he saix do such a thing. "But we are progresaive step by step We are Improving by reaaonable meth? ods and by statutes and laws directed ?: c\iis, hu*. wc cannot work by lygerde