Newspaper Page Text
OF Sailor Who Kicked Merchant Beats Manslaughter Charge. a verdi t of guilty was brought In h) the j, in the ?as*1 ?f jos. ; ? ?. Qrahan a miter, who has been on trial before Juettee Chartes H. Kelby, in tl.? old Couaty Court Ho s? at Rlch n.on.i >'..*? i. Ipland ? ban ' with having i.f four or more men who kicked Harry Kolllng, s merchamt, "f Wtatt Sott Brighton, last .-? hla death reeult ir p s i? w houre later. Although Indicted for manslaughter in the ,.,,,,. Jury found tiraham guilty of ' ?rime, that of assault m the secon?! degree, which captes with it ;?. maximum seinen?, ot five years. This a .1 accordance with the evidence, which ,1 there was no intent to kill, the In ; i ?., KolllnX having been the outcome of a harr..?.in brawl Tl,. whb h was conducted by Ge??ri. 8 Paraona, rell??l largely on the testimony of Dr George W Mord, the eoi **' - physician, who war- sattsfl?*?! that the I of the brain was caused by lion o| the lungs and acute dilatan of the heart. Albert ?" Fsch. the District Attorney of Iba county, caused a second autopsy to he performed n"t satlslle.l with 1 >r. Mord'a t This was performed by five physi? cians and surgeons of Staten Island, one of them bemg Dr. Carl K. Klngsley, a t of w?st Sew Brighton, and a?*t 1 |g in thai Capacit) f"r it. Vincent's H"8 i! end the s R. smith Infirmary. All these medical men took issu.* with Dr. Mord, finding that Kolllng was in per fed health up t? the time of the assault. ??ral that even sfter death ?very organ was )n ?perfect condition, save f?.r a slight con? gestion In th. lung-, which Dr. Klngsley t, ii :. .i i r??? ? d? d d-eath. Qraham will be sentenced this afternoon thre?. men Jointly Indicted with bim f.?r kicking Kolllng to death outside of "Nasselii's saloon, on Broadway, West New Brighton, are Frederick Wood, William lie? Orsth ami Frank Norton, all of Waal New "Brighton. They will be tried probably some tun? ?. .i*::-* February. -? UPHOLD LAY, PARSONS SAYS Former Landscape Architect Criticises Park Commissioner. Sfmuel Parson?, Jr.. former landscape j architect of the Park Board, anld yeeter-j day that all persons In this city Interested! in the preservation of Central Park should | hark up the pre.-ent landscape architect. ? barlea D. Lay Mr. Pnraona'a statement followed the action of Park commissioner Ftover In holding up for many days the Terrr.t report "1 Mr. I-.iv. hei-n'.is-e that offl ! < Isl ha?l requested th? Park H??ar?l to sub rt*. t to him tust al! plans and specifications before presenting them to the Municipal Art Commission. * "Commissioner Mover took affront at thai ! ,*" said M- ]'.!? one, "altho igh, none of the other commissioners did His iwaaon tor bring affronted was that it hit I personslly. Park Commissioner Btover invariably consulted the Municipal Art nlselon before be ?ver ?urne near m?*" when I was landecepe architect, hut none of the other com missioners did rthermore, he hail no business with ng Mr. Lay'i report, in former a?i mit isfatioiis the r?i'ort of the landecepe architect waa dlecueeed in public." Mr Parsons characterised as ridiculous the ststemenl of Commissioner stover that tin- chart? contained s provision that the lands-cape ir. hite? t should ha*.?- the plans us ?irst. and that Mr Lay ?at therefore foolish in making such a re? quest Mr. Pars?.-is said he had to take plans itions from commissioner Sto? ver's desk, otherwise he never would iiave known what was going on. I oppose.) BO many of his ridiculous sug liona thai 1 cannot remember them all,"' .-.,?.1 th? form?-: landacape architect. u JOBS FOR_FIFTEEN DAYS Emergency Appointments of Pro? bation Officers. The Civil Servhe Commisslon Issued yes? terday a certificate for emergency appoint? ments for fifteen days in the case of the Inferior courts probation officers who are ?due to be separated from their Jobs. New eligible lista Will he furnish?! to the Board of Magistrates shortly, from which they will make thoir new appointments, the appoint? ees to start work on February 16. Meanwhile the commission will decide whether the new probation officers shall be residents of the court division for which they are appoint.-.). in all thirty-one pres? ent court attendants are said by th. rece?? Court of Appeals decision to be hohiinK their job illegally. They will ba the fifteen day appointees of the Board of Magistrates. and after that period the new officers, ap? pointed from the new eligible lists, will lake their places. A few of the thirty-one may survive the Court of Appeals decision, which upheld the commission's decision that they are illegally appointed, but not more than thre?. or four, it was sai?l yesterday. TURNS DOWN PARK BOARD Finance Department Against Salary In? crease for Colonel Smith. T... Finance Department will report un favorably to the Board of Estimate to? morrow on the request of the Bark Board for an F*** increase In the salary of Colonel Clinton Smith, secretary of the. board, gome weeks ago the hoard passed g reeolu tlon to Increai,.' the salary of Colonel Smith to |4>.? The hoard reduced It last year to HOW. Park Commissioner Hlgglna said he was sorry he had voted to reduce |{ hut now favored it, and desired in that wav to apotoglee for the mistake he had mad? The Bureau of Municipal Research how? ever, opposed the Increase, on the ground that it had found Colonel Smith incompe? tent colonel Smith tald the officials of the bureau ?lid not like his name, and that he considered them a -hunch of blackguards '? HUNT WILL CASE BEGINS $1,000,000 Is Involved?Half Brother a Claimant. The trial of the suit to construe the wil' <.f W, Hunt, who left an estate value?! at more than 11,000,090, most ?if it earned In the turpentin" business, was begun yes terday before Justice Bisrhoff. Hunt died la Dalian Tex., in 1910. His will made be queeta acKrej-*atinK 1100,000 to relatives, an<l gave the residue, approximately |1. 000,000, to eatabUeh a charitable or benevo? lent institution in Georgia as a memorial to himself. The will was admitted to pro? bate In Florida. The action to construe the will was brought by Bunyan Lucas, a half-brother of Mr Hunt, who received in the Will tl.Of?? and a farm In ?iklahoma. Mr. Lucas main? tained that the residuary clause was void, and If he Is successful In proving It so he ano the other relatives will divide the 11. 000.009. Mr Hunt was sixty-eight years old when he dletl and was the owner of a chain of hotels. He made his will a few months be? fore he died Not long before his death Hunt obtained a divorce from his wife, alleging In his suit that she had become Infatuate?! with a cousin of the Czar of Ruaste, whose name he gave as Prince Alexander Tcherdladleff. He said his wife met the prince while on a tri?? through Europe Mrs. Hunt denied her husband's story. saying she had never even seen the prince. She ??nid Hunt was Intensely jealous of her and because ??f this her friend?^ called her "a bird In a gilded cape.*" Mrs. Hunt now has an application pen?llng in the Su? preme Court. Brooklyn, to reopen the di? vorce suit. FORMER BANKER A SUICIDE John Miller, It Is Said, Lost $400.000 in Wall St. Once. John Miller, flfty-elght years old. who ran the Bryant I'ark Huh, In the Arcade Building, at iC?1 afreet nn.i si-ch avenue, committed suicide In the rlub ro'.ms yesterday by shooting hlmoelf through the head I>espond?.noy over financial reverses was aacrlbed as th? cause Miller, described as a hanker and broker .... time, lived in the rlulirooms with his wife, who was asleep in one ??f the rooms when Miller went into another of the five rooms which the club occupies, on the third floor. He ask-Mi one of the valt.'rs for a drink of water and then went Into an adjolnlns- room and closed the door. There was a report of a revolver a mo? ment later, and when the waiters W-MN Into the room they found Miller kneeling before a lounge ns if In prayer with a re? volver in one hand and tlond streaming from a wound in the right side of th? head. Mrs. Miller, too. heard the sh?>t. and soon was in the room also The waiters found a sealed note address?-.1 t?? lira Mil? ler In lier husband's handwriting, which she ?took and refused to make public. It was said that Miller was a brother-tn law of fortmr Deputy Fire Commissi mer Wise, of Brooklyn, and that several yesrt ago he was rich. It was said that ha 1? st about $40o,0*:?> in Wall Street two yean ago PROMOTER INHALES GAS Says 'It's All Over," Reading Note-Prospered in Grand Rapids Andries Bovter was found dead yeeterdaj afternoon in his room at No l.V? West ?.lt!i street, having committed suicide by in halini gas through a tube he had fastened to tb.e gas Jet. He left a note in which he asked forglwness. According to Mrs Ritchie, his landlady. Revier received a '..r while his ; dinner Monday night. He read it at the table, and then said to bet; "Weil, it's a1.', over." After dinner he went to hi? room. Mrs Ritchie said Bevter came from Grand Rapids, Mich., and had been in New York two years She said be told bat he was an inventor of a paving block, and had used it In Boston, paving many of th?* | streets, adding that he sppsared to be well supplied with money The body was -removed to the morgue by Coroner Hellenstiin. Mrs. Ritchie com? municated with th?*- man's family in Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids, Mich.. Jan. 19?Andrlee Revier, who committed suicide ir. New York to-da>. was well known in Grand Rap? ids, although he left here eighteen reara ago for the East His widow and a - still live in this city, while two sons. Percy Bevier, of Flint. Mich., and Duboia Revier, of Spokane, Wash., also survive. NEW NIGHT TERM. CITY COLLEGE. The second term of the evening ses- on Of the 1'olleK" of the lit} ot New V??rk will begin on February ' at the main butld Ing of the college, <*onvent avenue, mar With street, in mathematics litl? al science, history, Knghah literature an<1 physics will be open f(,r new atudentt I'andldates for admittance may apply any evening, except Sunday, from now until the hejjlnnlni,' of the new term I- will not h,, neceasary for applicants to take the regular entran?*.- examination if thev can ahow a high school diploma o? ?ces of an education equlvalenl lo that received at a high school ? ARMY AND NAVY ORDF.RS Prom The Trii.,.1. Bureau ] Washington. January ? ?. OKDKRS 1PSCKI?. Tii.- following ordi have been Issued: ARM1 ???utenant ?"olon-M A >' Lfr'AT, 2?t-)h infantry, I to Kort Lasvenworth, vie?*- captain SAMUEL. I V. ham. 7th Infantry. ?'apt-mi OEORQE H. M'MASTER, Bth Infan? try, detail-id with organised militia ot South Carolina, to Columbia. First Lieutenant JOHN C. MOORE, 7th t?i ?th Infantry First Lieutenant WILLIAM K MORRISON from ilth to 7th Infantry. Becond Lieutenant POLLETT BRADLEY is tt-pied to ?ith Field Artillery Seen?! Lieutenant KIAVAHIi A. EVE] T from Mh to 1 ?th Infantry. ( ompsny I. Sd Battalion of En?lneers, to Pa,, Francisco, th'-ncc. ,n Honolulu Mur? h :. Leave? of abs.-nee: Major GENERAL FRED krhk r> ijRANT. two inonthK. ueuten ant Colonel THOMAS J LEWIS 18th Cavalry, two months from February ]-, Major HENRY A BAKRKR (retlredl mtlltary attach*, one month: Cantalii -JEORQE M. APPLE, l?t Ki.-iri Artillen two months. NAVY Civil Engineer R. c HOLLTDAT, detached u chief of Bureau of Yard? an-i Dr.ckf?; -.. Ir. connei-llon with that bureau The Tribune Almanac ^ m2 Last year the size was doubled while the price remained the same. This year it is still larger and new features have been added. Price, 35c. by mail. Copies in boards with cloth backs and handsome cover in colors, 60c. by mail. Send your order now. XEW-IORK THIBUVB, 1..4 \assau Streit, Vo** York Oitg. i paper cover. Pleas send the 1912 Tribune Almanac j, hoard C0|W for tihieh find enclosed.cents. .Yarn? . Address ? y e^i^m*e*^m.+**+r^*^*^*^**^*^^r^se^*^m*e^\ i INCREASE I? MM AVENUE VALUES Property Mear 48th Street Sold for the Third Time Within a Year, at a Large Profit. INTERESTING TRADING WITHIN NEW COURTHOUSE ZONE Thf- lisias values nf rroperty in Madison hvenue was aKain plalBl) in evidence yea terdajr hy tbe sale el the f?.ur etory, tviKh Btoop, brownstone strurture at N?>. Ill, on a plot '?4 :,xi?.". feet in tbe last three years this ttructare has ehansed ownership three times, and in each traneai tion Pease & V.l llman have h?-?'n the broktan. 1-rf-ist February It was Mid by J'.hn Slav bark for MM00, who. in turn, a short tim.* aft.r disposed of It to Mrs .'. W.ntherley for firni.*??! it was porchaeed y-eeterday by a ?lient of Peace A- EHIman f'?r a prie?' said to be NM.000. The property It N leei from the north corner of 4Mh str?-?'t. Whl? h was purchased not lorn,' sgo l y T. J Flint and is now underKoin*,- extensive repaire for business purposes The new owner of No. 41?". Madison avenue Is t?i lease th.- par eel, whl? ii is a?s? t>> b.' altered. Another inter, ?tins sale by Pease fl l-'-lll man of ? loft huildinu in Mth street, for which Chlcaso property la taken in part payment, is told elsewhere The sale of property In the zone of the new courthouse Bite i layed ? prominent part in the real eetate market yesterda) The newly formed Excelsior F.stnt? s l'uni pany hsa*purchassd the two eishl etory business bulldlnse ocoupylns the entire | block front on the vv.-.-t side "f ?entre street, between White and Walker eti and recently cumpl'-t? ?I end ownt-.l by th? AhiiiKdon Construction Com] The new ownera will hold the property for investment. The bulldlnse "? ? '?' I '?* frontase of H7.I feel In Centre street, M.I leei in Whit.- su...! and W.I feel In Walker str...-t. Th>- bulldlnse ere known sa N i?. It* Centre street, .and ere bul one block wesi ??f tbe new clvli centre. Tii?- Bite was olislnally owned by the citv. which acquired it, slong with othetf, property, In order t?i facilitate the bi of the tubway. This unused realty wat offered si suction bj the city ?a couple ol yean eso, snd th? block j'i-i eold vas put** chased by the Centre-White Coropan . which BUbeequentlj reeoM it t>> the Ablns ton Construction Company. The bulldlnse are of blsh clase construction, and ere from pi.m.- h> Bchwsrti ? ?reee The Btructure on the w.iik?-r str.'.-i corner le leaeed to the bepartmenl of Health The property li rlshi .'it the Walker street tit tion of the eubwaj The Douslaa Roblneon-Charl?Ba B. Brown Company, In conjunction with tbe C K. Neyea Company, Bold for the estate ?f Peter Lorlllard No IU \\?>rtii street, ex? tend?as to Catherine Line, ? live etorj basement and ? ib-cellai building, covering a lot Matt feet Th.- building li leaeed to K. H. Hamilton A Co until Mav I The pro pert} la assessed on th? .?v hooka at |O,000 ami hai been held al M5.000 Th? property ? slue, as i? the Smith-HogK building, occupying the block t"?iii on '? il ? ette sm.t t'r?.m Worth str.-t t?. th?* Ian . The property Is oppo te ? .* New \ ?>? . I. i? Insurance Company's building, extending from Broadway to Lafa purchase) la ?? clleni ol the Charlea r N'?v ea < "omj I Another Une Home lisposed was liiiil ;*t So 11 V t was told .-? B Dsv foi W ... U Bald w in, presldenl of th? ? ?t?a El? i I pany, to Blng A Blng Th. ! ouse ha held at sikm?.' While the dwi III * | ?t.out twenty-flve feet irlde. It stands I ??n a ploi with a front..?-? ? f fifty live feet, . ng the Second * 'hurcl <?f ? I t * 1st, on th? ? '? i.tral Pal 1, W ? * ? Bide llgl * Mr Baldwin to ???' i td iht 1 use for about tweli ? ne i f th.- .Vivan?, apartments. In Mth i:.*.ir Beventh svenue It li -i that' Bins & Bins will i ably to a builder May Irwin owi house, No II Weei ttth atreel Two .nt? resting aal? wert g The Bronx transactlona Bmlth I I the vacant plot, lOtxMO feet, al thi south-1 w.-st ? ??f itoth ? aid. als?, ihe sdfolnlna plot. feet, on the south sld- of Bouthem i vard, 100 i?*?*t south of Itoth atreel ? lloorehead Realty snd i n ?? ictlon ? nm pai ?-. vv in? ii erlll ? ? l * e story a part? ment houses, with st.. A transaction ha a |usl been consummated! by Richard H Bcoble for one of the cholc-i ? st plota along the (Irand Boulevard snd Concoures. It affects th? block front I the Heine monument, on i i >?f th?- Concourse, between ? -->t.?. ? snd l?*,j?i H!?*?i, at tl - li w. ? . nd of th< iliiii-Win . Th?* | loi ? ?nia. n itely t w. nty-four l"t snd has I r<-r, ? ?? ? ? ? . : course, Ui mist I : ?:.. t and at oui MS f?. i .n ICd atreel The ?ale was ruad-* b) Mr Bei We fol I'h/.al.? Ih snd Nellie McCsfferty, Prank r Buckhoutj snd Man B. McDonnell Tbt broker w< -i disclose tli?- i?l? iititv ?>f th? .t disposition was '" '"? made ?.f the Th? Mi ? '..ft. n y Family has ! oa *.? i I he lend f"1 si o it foi LEASES. DousbU I.. Bill man <v i a hav? leased for .-? ions terra of year? g hu?.- spsrtmenl <?r sixteen to?.ins snd live *>iii ii-. al No, BW avenue, ? oro? t ?>f Del etreei t th?- Century Holdlns Company, Pee ? A Kllimaii, a?v'?'tiis. t?. H R. Wlnthrop, of Harria Wlnthrop A Co., bank-sri rhe schedule rental "i Hila apaHmenl la I1&.O0U The store, basemenl snd sub-basemeni .*i the eishl Btory building si .\... lio i?r?..i.i way, opposite nth stic.t. formerly occu? pied by tii? Keep Manufacturing Company, has iieen leas.-d i.v the Surety li?-aitv Com? pany tO ?'hull's >; WillOUghby, ?le.ibr ill photographie material? Thi leas? *..- tm a terra of t?*n ) eara Intereetlns. because it Indicates thai in? movement of tenants la not all in a north erly direction, is a lease lust ? losed n.r space in Daniel K .-? rbel'a new building -it Nos Ti and 7.1 Murray street The tenants are Warren, Webster A <". now In the Fifth Av.-nue Building The William II Whitney Company, broker In the tra tion, has also leased Bpsce In the saune lure *?? ih.- Merlden Cutlery Company. li. Crystal A Son hsve-leased the tilth loft st No. T4 to ?*?" Wsshlnston etreel to the United Btstee Expresa i ompsny, which recentl) leased the sixth, seventh end ?iKhih floors in the same bulldlns. Robert It Ralnej hea leaeed t.-'io square f..t in the Lloyd'a Plata Glass Bulldtus. N?>s '?l ami fl William afreet, corner of Cedar atteet, to il" Guan?es Centrale sad us esc?date eompanlee il. i" Beater a- r?> have leased the, three Btory bulldlag No. IM West 7'itii street to th? i'.il.unan Transportation Company and offlcea m the Lincoln Square Couri Bulld? lag Broedwa* and Mtb ttreet, to L r. K? . la Tin- Frank I. F slur Compsnj has leased to Minnie T Walsh, of QroVe, X. J., tn< ihr..* story dwelling hi us<- No. ? Weal T.'th stre.-t The I'u?t k Brown fompanj ha leased thf store So IStO Amsterdam SVCnue to the ' "l.-tiwal.l I ?rv lioiuls i ?niiipan*. A. i. Robertson hat i.-as.-.i fot iii?> s??>t? eetate for twraty-one yean to Thf rees I >. iivds, coreetlere, ? ? lent ?if t? P, Butterfly, the four Btory and basement dwelling bouse No M Wi al Kth Btreet The ho ?-?? will be ?it?r.-d Mr. Robertson h.*.s also lassed for An.oh h i:. Plnchoi ths ground ii"??i In No. 27 West Mth sli? I t.. Marie C Hushes, -,' iwiis an?! wrapa, ami the parlor st?r.- in the tame bulldlas te "'William." ladlee* hair dreeeer; also throusb Moojer & MantOB the store N?( 25 Itvth stre.-t t?. i'.?ri'?ti- a .-tm, (owns; tito through the assM broken i!:<* ttore .?t .v?>. ?i West Mth ' ? treat la G.Har?, powna and miiiin [ cry, and bfarteBtntt in the tMM -HlMIni I to Arthur H. Katherine C. ?'hurch ??in! i'harlotte N Weston. Albert Ii. Aebforth hut lea?.*.] for Mrt. Klihu l'.oot t?. lime. Eugenie Lem?y, <or ?-?t;?r.*. ???r a t?-rm ?if reera th?* four atory dwelling hetiea tfo. 8 ?Seat Uth street. The building win be ait? red. REALTY NOTES. lira. Catherine F. Wright Is the purchaser "f tr?* dweUlnS lions.- at the north COtitat of Mrenlde Prive end loth ?atr-.-t. Bold re? cently by Peeae ,** EUlman fur Frieda Ar mond. ?i?*-? ph Paterno and Vit<> Cerebon? are ated with Anthony t!*ampa*pta in the newly formed A. Campagne i'oust ruction Compeny, which r?-<entiy acquired throouh BleWSOn <?* an?) Karle & ?'.illioun No. .'.?.l t.? zr, West Hal atreet, as ?? alb tor ?i tali apartment Incise. . Th.* Riverelde Viaduct Realty I'mnpntiy (Joseph N'?mark, president I, is having plena prepared hy Norman l.edprer for a one Btolry stnr>* end moving picture pia?'e to ? erected "ii th? plot, 100x13 feet, at the northweal corner of Amsterdam avenue ami '.'.Till sir- at Wilbur ?'. Ooodale representa th.* buyer of So, .;.', to J!1? West lttii atreet, reported soin Monday. Braleted, ?'?.miman & Ilerslifleld have been appointed a**ents 'or the foltoerlng apartments: Th<- ? heeterAeM, at Mtli t-treet and Broadway; Ameabury Hail, ??t Hath atreet and Broadway, and Herodlan Court, a. Uath .street and Morntngehle Avenue West Henry Br?d] haa been appointed receiver ,.f 'h.- rents ?.f N,. B*fl Seventh ??venue, pt n.Uhu; forecloaure pro?. a-?iin*-**-? SUBURBAN TRANSACTIONS. ? Judge Qeorg? C Appell, ?if Mount Vernon, has bought from a Mr llarahall So m ?Archer avenue, a two and a half Btory Hain.* dwelling howae on plol $7*138 i- ? r He will make extensive alteratlona t.? the house for hi? own occupancy. Matt a.- Albert end Daniel 11. Jackeon heve sold in ?onkera for Milton tioldsmlth the northweal cornet ?if i'ark an?! luniKia.? avenues WxMO toot, ..r^i the northweel cor I Moreemer. evei n ..oil Adams Place, EOxm feet )?? tee .*? Elllman heve rented for Mrs l/-o,is Neilaon her houe? ??n Central avenue, Lawrence, Ix.trg Island, to Seymour swan RoMnaon-(*haaiea B Brown ianj hai rented for Mra Warren s Adama the country ?y?tate known as KIU si.|.- at (?>Ht.*r Bay, i/on?,' Mind, t.? Edward K> m;* f..r the aeeeon. Sterling Drake haa lea ed for- M*> t Real i-aTorwalk, ? .onn . lo . .1 T Oldham Ihe cottage at th? . orner of I ? '.Vest \. i Brighton. I- Crankfor? haa rented for lire E F Waehner t" Mas B, Brummer foe the aee : coti up on I'r.u.k n a *? nue, i ar Bo? kawey. BARNEY ESTATE REPORTED SALE. W lltem Doedby Lneu '- rep4>rted to have .>f the late i 'I arl? il R ?? Laong Island, constat inre iwo and one-half story men nd about ? ? five icres <>f land Th>* lies ? ? r, 1 . !?l nt ,-??'.'?"? und the ou pi? of Mr ? rn K \'.?r d? rhllt who net ?r g i,'.i. .. near Jei ARLINGTON CHURCH SOLD. Henry <? Eilah? mlua aold for Ihe ? .,: ii a aiehemlue lo the Pirol Pn ?*r. *i . hurch. <?f ArUngton, N .i. the ? of Kenrnv mu? Laurel ? reel ??? Arlli gt? n, n .i 1 >,. i ? ? thortly to ., i-.-w rhurch ? n thia alte, which will Wh.m;.l.-t. ??!. i OUI ? '??' a . ? THE PRIVATE SALES MARKET. MANHATTAN ? ? ?3T Tl ? t' igl ?? Ri ? a H Brow n ? ompan; in .lia ea F v...,.a ......;.,,,.. m, aold Patei - I t. a* a B*.? ling on . ? . f the I ? ? .?- I REE r 'I n- thlngdoa ' " e * I ? a ' ? I ? . ih* i*r?.t?? i ..u, m ? '? ir ?I I e fee. ?,. M.,,., ? ? ii -i i : t. i : T John T P ? te? ni i: ii ? ? *... :,?? West ? r on ? 1 !--! ? t ? it tatld Max fieri Ih? . ,: i . ? .... ? -. Oil ? KTREKT I *?* I ighl fr on Mrs It la< ?. .o I I t 03d el ... loi '.'"?x liai * ? IP.TH Kl iii-'ivr n fia? ? r u a., r r . w ,, ! Raid? i - - t. n. ?.' tha. Old u, ' '? r ' | u, -, , i . Mil,?: g |li?K ,.,,. four ?e No M Weal B bren I I al 110?. THE RRON K sot THBRN ROt'I.EY M:|. Rn Hh ,v ' 1 Id the va. .mi (.loi. I.aix liai f,, ? ?,* ,,,, ? t-ic, .. . ? .,.. i a, -,. th. idjolnlnt i lot, ." I\ I i ? I* if Koul -i. ? ri Houle? a. I iw-iiiii ' ? ? .- "?" ?? ? n - I reel, te the M ii- .?a R? all ind < nnetru r ?,,??. . ?,.,, ? .,., ,, ,,,, :1 noutet with ????'i \' :x. i ri i art H . Elit.ih i ' Hm koul an.r Mar) s M Donald t pi t r-ontalnlna approximate!) t.,or tor? havlna rrontae?*a 244 feel 161 ?) ?i kl ? VENCE tVII ........n ??? Bryan nava .?rid for Jamei y Mechan il- aouth* n u an i 'T Hfi ttreet, ? ..r ?_?? x 100 (eel Th? prop? rtj ?rlll he Impro? i ? '.. IN THE AUCTION MARKET. The fniiiiwiiiK transactions wer? recorded veaterday al th-- Real Batate Exchange salesroom, Sos it end l?; Veaey street B] loe? ph P ? '?* RRO \'iV ,\ V I t COT IC.ita it, '.?iiv i.-, tt] ipar.n ua< ?I'h atoiea. ?..i,i t,, \\Xe ? ? t .a ,??, miST ST. 72<? ?Aeat. a >. 21?*.'. fr ta of Hroad I0fli12fl ?"> ion Cxi ig u ; .1 nt* apart, id '??'.? B? -i I i l". h I \> Ih. I tr< >n n I- \. ti i H*. i ha. lea \ Barr?an II i:\V1TT PI.A" F 092, . a. IM.1 ft n of ..,.! .?? ??, p.> Ion -. al*. id ?initrr f.o ?to 'IT.*. By Bryan i. Kcnnr-ih. \VK?*T?'lll'..*-TKlt WK. a a eol ?iiitle Hill ?V? M *?xl??? loxl?. ;.v I.",: II. with,Ira.? ri RECORDED LEASES. . with name and addm re of i?*bsi i > JANUARY 34 rioliNF.'-. sr. I'M and u*?. all; KllaabeKi I \\,- .:? i. xira. in Herman t^iwiah; .*, ,.< from Jan I, 11*12: 12,04)0; address, '.:'... Clave? .1 \< Ksi.N ,\\i*:, ...*.<i -1..a. end peri baae? m, i Maaorhead It* ilty and t'ont?rurtloa t'o In ?"rutila Tnnltt' ?I na fr.mi ' ic< I., jg]? I i ? l.'.Tth at. LRXINOTUN WK, ?? cor -?( 101 at ?i. alora, Gruenett'ln k Mayer to David M Yoff. ? ; \m i ni*.s from Jan I, I912; f1.5*i addrea* I1C K.iai g|h it. PARK xx y. i>?!?i and ISM >*ntharina grhlld? rhl o. fharlei Cirial. and ano; i.i ?r? :, m,.< fr.on Dec 1. it'll 9B.4O0; addreea, ??I Hfl \..luCt .o. POUTHCRN M't* l.l-'.VAIM?. ITtiT. aonth ?tor, etc. Domealcua .1 Hehler ?., M..rri? ;?? i. i. 1913; *m',ii. .,,i dr. ??. I7H7 South, in IPcl-vard. ST \'I?'II"I.AS A\K a e . ,,- .,f 1T 71 ti at .mi baaement; Pluri Conatroetlon Co ???< (?harli ? - ' and ano; .". >. r? ', no? from I..*. I, Itll; $1.300; n.irir. a?, -jik?-, Aquedmci a-. -. II? AYI-., |ggg ?o 1 ?*7-*t. all. laidore Pllher M.i < Silt.. 11!. ,|, :> j r* fro, , ? 1t'1J: ?...-?III. ..ililr.n?. L.-l Beat 1??i|, a, TTH AV'K, 33TS, nor.-, arid front 'aa. rn. i,t w.df Brand t.. ?;n?t.d? Brotbera 8 ?. ra from Mai I, IfWS. $t J"", add . ? ?im ,q . .'iTTII ST. HI? VV.-it. all, WllPain M |,,.a|,.. ? ihriitiati H i.ana; -1 rra from .i.,n i y.i'2. I2.***a0 lo $1,000; addraa?. lii.,0 <*ro ; ? i ??jTii II, l?% Beat, nor?, etc. a eilet rje to Xirk Karo?, .1 yr? from Feb 1, 1312; $?00, - ni. 1"?i East s?th ft. I9TTH ST. Ml East. <*or store, etc; Pe Feo Del c.H-.i.iia Construction Co to Albert t: Frank ami ano, .1 vrs I mo? from Jan 1, 1912; I760 addre??, SSI East 1?7th st. RECORDED TRANSFERS. i iWith name and sddreae of purchaser and attor? ney.) JAM' \i:y :to MANHATTAN BLEEOKFR ST. 13?. MxMO; Helen ? Butler to AHpio Oraaottl, IM Bteeckar ?t. Jan ?'.. ?100; attorn?*'\. I.hvvj rs Title insurance and Trust Co, IM Broadway. ?"ENTRE ST, vv s. from While st to Walker at. x-x irip?. Ahinnion ronatruction '" '" Bxceiilor Eetaua <*??. IM Broadway; Jan M; 1100; attorney, Title Quarante* and Trust CO, 17?. Rraadws) HAMILTON TERRACE, II, I7x?7x Irres; Kentmore iiperatlnit Co t? Mux Lang, 3*0 Fast 2"th Ft (mla $7,SOh; .inn M;$1M; attorney, ?J 1 Harris M Naaaea ?t. MADISON AVE, s - ?or ?WIth St. (SOxlOfl; Albert I Hyde to Will c Russell, Bonanza. Cell Jan -?9: |$l. attorneys, Harris & Tovvnc. MB Broadway. RIVINOTON st, UT, MslMa Irres; lllchsel I Nudelman and ano to Besaie Bchwars, 11* Ha? los si. .tun. M, it 10; .?l.Hi. address, M un t?n st. 71 H AVE. vv s. 24 ft n of 1.11 ?t s* MxTB; J. ' n Raid, Ir, lo Seventh Avenu?- Amui Co 'i-'? N'SSSSU st: Jan IS; $!??. attorney?, Btrousberser, Fs.-hv.-i**? .*.* Schellelt, 74 Broad - TTH AVE. MM, n ? cor I2lsl st, MxMx irre?, Csr lyn? Vatanson to Mas Beck, 7? Waal s?th at; Jan 27; $100; attorneys, reiterasteis A Ro ?enstHn, M9 Broadway, BTH ST s ? .-im? it ? of Avenu?. A, Mx9ts Irres; Jalla Ksaa to Amelia Theoball uno Rob er. and Richard Wunderlich ?uydam Place, i urat, i,. n? Island; on? quarter perl ?mis IP-MMO-, ?ii Hen? all title; $1 il ora? ? Bmlla A Hsaaey, :'"-.' ? ?TTH st. s s. $11 ft a of M ave, IHK?; William w pe? in, ret, t.. Kayeil Realty ?'". Bfl Sat tu s? rmta |9.000|; Jan 2??. $300; ai'ornevii. Bowers *? Rands, .11 Nassau st. BtTH BT, ? ?. BM fl n ot 0'h ave, sirip runa s IMa ? oK ,, nfi i0 Mreei ? n "'2 to beginning: 1 .*? ? 1 to Duiii I J, J"i*n B. Harry F nn.i Edward !?' Coleman IBM Broadway; hin -'i*.; fl BAUE ITP'I'FRTY. Utile VV Barney to same, Jai H $1 ..-?? !,..\, Title Quarante? and co 171! Broadway, .-?I? BT, 211 East; :: ?ty brk, I81H?; Eleanor M Mitchell to Joseph A Mitchell. 244 1 ? ?> si one hall pan fmt? $5.000); I"?.?"?1; stt. A w Palmer, IS Willi im -' 7?Tti BT. 113 Bast, 25x102! Jaco* Both ta Herman 1. Kuhl, M Lewi? st; Jan 23 $1; at? torney, leiden I. wenbaum, ii?i Nassau -? MTH si*. M3 Baal 1 1 brh MxiM: Bophie ; to Emma Ml? hael, $20 2d ave, one ! alf pan ?or?: il t noOi all tltl? Jai -?". ii attor 1 vu..--? Sflj Broadway. H BT, - - SOU h a of lai svs, T5xl17x Milton M Blsnian to Bvdnej H Heech, ? ?' -.1.. '.1.. 1.1. I'.mi. Jan M 11 sttorneys. I'i can Levy, Corn ?I Lewis? IM ?? ? I23TH BT, 17 and 19 u?-t. MxM; Olivia I Hough ton to Pel . 519 Wesi 155th st; all Jan 30; |100; atton M F J il ? -? m 111 Broa * LMTH BT .'7.; 'v..,-. i:,x:.o. Catharin. ner?n M De Oraaf, Oci M, IBM; tliMi attorn? ?i?n. i? Cbchrane, 2 Wes. I25th ?t ItTTH ET, n ? i.*;.' fi ? of 7th ave, l9xM i: 1/ v Chati rl .11 1?. Mai \ Clark. 259 w. ?t 77th ?>? Jan 29 ;i . dreaa, 2M \v.-t 77th ?1 n. :i. -?? 1 ...?i f . of krai ?rdam -.* ? ti ?12. Ander ?on l'n e 10 Reall ? ' ? Bol t Wasl tnik-ion March 29 IM7 |l ittorne A Prie 23 Broad ?t IMT. BRONX. BRYANT \\r. Ute, MxlOO; Mondschein ,t fo t.. Intearlti i;.-.iiii ? ?. ii7i Washington av?; ?::.: .??., ?i???? alto ix ? -i en -v ! n . .-71 T".. Iway BRONX PARK, ? k ? Bp.nx Park av. \ ? 2nox ?v \ n 2M x ? 203 >"i". and Count Contract 1*0 to New Tort Wei * - .v Boston Rsllwo) e i"** IS, 1910; il. ad 1 ? ? .. ? e. l'I'M '.? 'LIFFE -I. B ?. 901 M -v 0( ' . ., Msll"; Brl??.-i |, I1.11 ?- . I .?I to ' "h .* \ ? ?.??>, ?? lan 18 I9M; H ERNE ? LIF1 ?: PL n ?*. '"' i* ? "f 0 ?ame to ?ame; Jan 15, 190S; $1 I TruBi ? '??. 17 limad wa) ? ?ill: \ i ; i > v". e - ? roi IMth ?t. Mi 7.'.. Mrnst Ine Mol witX, -- IMth st. Jan J.1. ?1 GERARD ? \ F s a, 25 ft s of IMth -* *.' ? ?..?ms.. Mol? -- ' IMlh -?. ?1 OKI! \i*.i? AVE, e ?, :,o ft a of IBM Mi ',-y . ? I Molwll SH F..-t Jan 2?; $1 ?;l*i; MM' . . ? 75 ft s of la'.tl -* Ma 7:, -, . Molwlti SB ITasi IMth *t. |1; attorne?, It ' ' , i\ ,* ri 1 ? 1. IM * ' 1 1"" I 1. , . Cv ? 1041 * "'X s w Cor 1 ran ? -1 1 * il>. In liber M H - L\ MAN PL, * - 227 fl ? of 1 ;? ??< . *.'.' x n w !?x ? . ? IIS I -T' r Moi ? ? - Wi .1 1 H"* < . .... I 1 ?T 1 ? 1 -' LOI ? > ? ?I, 1911; ? ?? ? ? i/''i' 2. ma ? ? . . 1; . ? . * ? . ,,.,.? -, ;,; ? . ? i? truat? e, lo rrat \ I ??? it, Dee 13 -<xi" addr? - ? st I 1 ? l* sun , tot Ti'.sp; ho* . Ml U* ?* MTV. .-.- 'J..1 \\'. st 1171 ?t , Ti a ? ? ?? 1 04 o.t. ho ?,.| v* B2 -? ?9 11 12. n i"t '"-' ? ? *,.,,. - |. 1 1 *?, m S? -s \ ?.' ^ Wi ?t? ? ?? ? \ Railwa - "? ' ? 101? 17 ? I ? 1 i? 1 ? ?jut ?1 I. ?. LV 1919 in I * ? i Dec 18 Itlt II I? ..s . IV ! , . s ? \t.iiiRiB i*vii-. n? it 1 *i* - ov? Tin vM BT, a ? .*..i ~ hill ich ..v 1..11. ?v ? it*, n - . in.? W 111 In 111 If ;?v ir.1 M Burghnrd Jan 27 $100; addrera '..'.? li VALE riXE AVK ''--vi st 103? 2i :...,!? F 1 '?.*? li 1 ? feree, t.> f ? 1 in <.1. $lil . .I'.. . ? . 1 ? V - ? . -II ?1 - 1MB PR? ?PER 1 *> i*. 11 . ? .:?' ,. ? Jan > ? 1 ,.s abo*. ? i*s |i ? ?. ? 1. part loi *. ? map Lot 1 c, Hum eaiate; Millhrooh '"?' lo >?*.'. Vork, IVeelehesiei ,v Boaton it.iiiv^.v ? ... .1 m ;?. $1. 1 ,? and 1 ? vh ..:? 01 m .? 1 M??M'"Ki ROAD, pan ;.?*? same map; ?an < ?am? Its I $1 mon . m... U 'l 111; PLAINS V v l". " - M9 fl 1 -.f 33fltti 1 P itrl? k ciiiv to M MS Dswson ?< Jan ?9; .<i. ,,it o? ? . ,- !? ? 1 : . Broad WVATT st, s s, .".u n ? ?>f Berrlan st, ;?ii\ 100 ril and i '"'in' - ' 'onir i.*i Co lo N". ? Vorh w ?tchester S Boston Railwa; ? ? D ? x? ,,; .. ?, ist h ?? snd I.* 1 mi -..?i ive. vv t?SHlNOTON Hi:. ??. s. 202 ft s of 171-' si. :i7xii" Int.irr'iv Realt) ? '?? f Mondschel Co, 1410 iir* un ??*??? Jen M imt? $*.'7.0o?i; su??, attoi n?). F W E Sllverman 1.1 .?.?u .1* IS7TH fAf, s ?, 17?. n w "i Brown I 23x1?io 1 hn Bchlerenbech la Rllae fi MoiW? ? mm ??1 1. lan B $27 1 1 ? 02?! sr . ?Iim. ... irn? Till? 'iinirniii. ?? and Truai ?'?.. 17?; H*...i.lvv.i\ I35TH si*. ?? s. KM fi w of Eton :iv.\ 4".v lOu Era nil Doe? lo Theress Poes, 191 i.*,.-,,h st; Isn '?'? ? mta $M o"111 lion nej 1 ' Knoppel, "? Be? kman s' i;.?lll BT, - * ?*"r \\ p|. lfl3x<M, ? Ri ?n\ and ''"i. ': ueiIon ? ? 1 . lohn Foatei 203 u-i 2-lth ?t; Jan !M imta $JH, ..???ii $100 attorn . <? 11 Hii;..-n. ?..1 Broad ?? 1 17'TII si. s n cor Hoc ave, 23x100; Kell ?v.1 Really ?'?? to Tlmothj F Bullivan, 27iH .1,1 ,.v. imta ?1 .1001. .im :*.' *i BAME PRtiPRnTT; Tlmothv r Bntlivan ? ili .1 \V nn.i II Realt) Corporation, ?;'.n\ ;?l :iv.. fmta $7.5001; .1,111 29. Him allornev, .;.,...? . nd rrosl Co, I7<*. B ..;-,: RECORDED MORTGAGES. . *,< ih r i 1 nd ? *' Iresa ??f $runt?$i and a? torn, j 1 Interest $ pe? cen? unless etherwla itat-yd ,l.\ I AK-i M M ANUA T I' N N BLEECKBR BT, IM, 23xUW; \liplo Hrn? ?oiti ;? If.'In 1 Bull? r. 559 Part ave Im 1; 0 ms. $17.500 attorneys, Bvana, t'hna Bhermsn, no Wall m 1 EN rRAL I' m:k s. ?itii . :.:*, r, m ,,f 7ih svs, 75x100; H?ben tpartmeni Aaaocla lion t?. Hcni ?? w ' Ine ns.ta $120,11101 Jhh 33; r? yra, ?i per test; 'J::<> Central Pa Houth |1 ..'l'i.i. ail.? y, I., mu? I hk Id more 99 Wall at. i \.*.- wi: MT, '-'\7". Maria T HIrkIii? t.. Titi?- fluarsniec g Prosi *'?i. Jsn ".?'. pei bond; fi,?!"" address, ltd Brood wa) BT M?'ll ?LAB AVE, s i: 7.*. fi s nf 129th it, -j.*.> im John F itv? to Nicholas .1 O'Coa m p. u? Olover n Jan M; .' ? r?. g p?) r?nl ??moi mu- $10,0001. $3,500; attorney, TUIa >;ii.i. nu. ?? ?ml Trust ?'?), I7ii Broadwa) SI* MCI? il.AS AVE. e s M fl ? ,,f l-js,|, ., $5x97: same to sama; .inn ?ni (prior mis ?lil.n.Hi. : :; .is, il p.-r <*.*ni . $*.',.-.on. attorney, ? Ulli'' a? uhove ist wi:, Mio. SSst?; mu?... 1... Ambrosio snd an*) lo iin*'i"t I Mlllpaesh, 39 ??_?. 1 ?-i. Jan 29; ?lue jap M, 1915; >> pvi cent; ii ?-..? ..iiorni'v, N M B tchulta. :,T, Liberi] ? ru v\F. ? i. ?_?:, ft n of 131st si, MxT3; S'v.iuh Avanua Ameaemenl Co lu William A I ruste. Southampton, n v. Jan 29 1 vr. .M-j p.r rent; $ll.nnO: attorney?, Wufi?, Bettet .Si- Brown. -.4 Wall al. ?'.TH HT. s ?. ?.T-? ft a of Avenue ? *, Msttl Charlee Meihel te Ethel Wellea Kinmland. I ?*" Kth ave; j.-.n 30; 3 yra, 4**. per c $?22.000; attorney. Frederic de P Foster, Wall at. 14TH ST. 12?! to 1.10 Katl. 2?*>2 ft w of ave ?2x20?*, to 13.h at; Timothy I) Snlh to r.aon Sc?ilnaal. .14? Wen. S.?..? nt ; .Ian .?, vr?: $.'?<?.o"ii; ?, ttnrneya. HoiAaita. & WeU "to Breada 1 i "TH ST. 71 Faat. ? gty 1.1 lc. SSxlOO; A I.i.i, >., Bmil (Jane, gfi Went Il7?h at; iw die li.-c 7. 191*1; ? per cent; $4.????0; attorr I H.eni-in, ",46 Broadway. IStn **T. * ?. M ti e of Park ave. 20x1 Ann i? Meallln to Emigrant Industrial Bari flank. Jan ?"?". 81 Chamber? it: ?'{ yra; $3.0 y, William C Orr, Bl Cbambera st. ISBTH ST. n H. $23 ft ft of tat H\e, lSx Aaguata Filer to Joseph H\m-?n. ill East >? *: I prior mtg $10,000), Jaa $0; demand. ."> e, m. $3.000; attorney?, Erejrer A Hoyman, Broad-? t I.13D ST. a p. ico ft e of l?enox ave. 28S Max i Klein to Deneral Memorial Hotpitai th? Treatment of Cancer and Allied pleeai I'. Wall .-i. Jan 30; ."? yre; tl- "'**.; a.?orne Boar? t B Bands, ? :' Nassau at I4..TH ST, -24 and -SO Weit, r.Oxl .Manila B Moaher to Arthur H Moaher. la n?*x ?ne; Jen lu? ?prior m.* $?*8,??00?: 2 > .'. pet c, nt; *>?_',000; attorney. M II Moaher, : Broadway, THE BRONX. COLLEGE AVE. e a. *.?2:. ft ? of 17lat at, I 128; Qluaeppe K?.tta ??> Vito Brunxo; Jan due aa per bond; $2.0????. addrcaa, 434 E 113th at. H? 'E A Vat, t ?v cor of 174th at, 100x2".; Tin tin- F Sullivan to K'llwood R.-alty <'o. ( Hunt? Polnl id ?prior m?K $4.800); Jan 2, yts. it per cent; $3.000; attorney. Title ?luar? r. and Trust i'o. 17?! Broadway. I.? ITS ??in?, too, 4.H and 49.*., map ?lleai property; Frank A tie ? ";, r,, t<> I'eople Tn i'o, trus. IM Montague nt. Brooklyn; Dee 1 due aa per bond; $4".<?. attorney?, WtnRa.e ? uii'-n. 20 Naaaau at. I.V.MAN f'l . a p. 227 ft a of Freeman i David T Morris ... Title Insurance ?*?. 1 Broadway. .Ian 2!?. 2 yra. A per cent. $8,84 ??ddr. ?a, I$D Broad?rgjr. PROSPECT xvy. m s. KB ft t of Oakland 28x100; Wirth Realiv and Construction Co " F. S Crin.?* ? *o. l?;o Wehster ave; Jan ? due April I, IBt-1; <i r-r eeat; $2.000; ett? n* x. Paul M Crandell, MO Broadway. I NIO.N AVE. n ? a, ??1 ft n >.f 163d at. ?i 22x133 13 tntga, each jifin.nofl Krame, rontracfine ''? '? Ahel Klna and a. 14S I 88tll Jan 21> ?prior mta. $117.0041 dm* Juli I, 1013; 0 per cen.. $30.00?.. attc neyt Krusman ft Frankeahelmer, 38 Br..;,,i \ tl.BNTINE WK. s <? s. nt n m of \w ar :.i:,x Irreg; Valentine Conetruetlon Co Paulina nreenberg, 2'?7 Fast mat st : .ian 2 du*- ara per i.ond. $3.84*0; attorney, Ott? A Pat u? is PO \ isaati at. 21. ST n a p. n i, |o? .",7. map lot 37. mi flare.nt, .',<i\l77 t.. at. --i\ Irr? t'ormllui Long; io John J'Hynee, 231?'. Devi? ton av? . Jan '-'. ?in* etc, at per bond; tut ,1 .1 H '. n. ?, 12 Bl ?ad? B) I37TII ST. n I. 17n fr ?v of Brown St. 28xtO Rllae II Molke t? John Selii.-renheck. 30 1 ?'.o?r I pi. Stm Ko. heile, X Y: Jan 21?. due F< t 1017; *; attorney?, B?he a K?iler, 2: 1 1 ,* SAMi; PB'iPKRTY. tame to aame ?prl< mir* $7.000); Jan 2-> du.. Au? 1. 1013; .*???. P' cent; Ss'iihi. ettornejrs, ?*.-,m? as above SATISFIED MORTGAGES. (With nan?* and addre?? of lend- r ? attorney JANUARY .'I" MANHATTAN. HENRY si. $0, 2.-.X100. N,,v an. i.*nn. jr arph ' Darla ?o Mas Mandai; J1.7.'.< ?'troii-,.*.. Siriiii?! Plummer. " Bcektnan at. MOKNINOalOE AVE, s ar cor of I3tal st m. <,ri te tu ret if h al: June rt, mil p Da k t4ona, Ir.corp, to Fitzirihhons Boiler C? $:'.7!r| ?ttorneye, Woodford, Ban.* ft Butchei I Madlton i?.e. S' l-l.'I.K ST 141, 20\7.-., AIM I, IBII ' and Lena Realer to it.iman Fi^manoaft *".. 1 torney, Samuel B Poll ik. S3 Par 1!.. ? .'_?[> BT, 3d Fas'; trus; on fixtures, ete: Da II 1011; Harry l? ChriatApher to I. Kern $4,77' nir?ii ft Ehrmen, IB Will i.i m *t. 23D BT :." 2.1x08.0 March 18, 1011 .*>.. ;o Eael 23?! Bl 1 0 to '"?'.'a- 1 Realty Co $7.1.?n??,. attorney, Title Inaurance Co, 13 1 ?AME PHOPERTT; March 2. IW-B; l>o? Br.anai ind Va' 1 ind Harj .;i,?ssheim ?* .i.,a..,.i. i- ,.\ m m it.-?1.1? v. Tit I' ?luarante? ?m,; Trnai Co, I7B Broadway. 83D BT 43. Weet. 25x100.8: M IB IBM Molli?. Solomon to Roben Cable; $3.<M*0; at t m -v. Tl ????? nod Trust Co, 17i ? ril HI Ii.-. Bast, 33x100.11; Mai 31, IB04 ' S. XI it S an. Jennie :? Korn and an.. ??|o.t?o.. Qua? k. ni uth ?? *?d ims, 33 Broad st BOTH BT, 17.1 38x100; May 31, IBM '. !???? .-man t,, |-ini, , $1 ? s abov? UK ri I B, IM ft W of lat ave. |.*,* 100 I I . .lu,? 1. IBO?l; l..,ti 1 ,\ I,*. 11 ? ?? ""?. tttori 1 ! ? d Trust Co, 160 Br. THE BRONX FRERM \\ ST n a, **?> ft ?? of Btebh I?, :'*".. 11 in m . - T 1'?>??? - > I. ?. - ritle Insurance and Trual Co l'ai I! ,t. i\ Efl . . 10 " t ot ' ??. Odenwald ; Jan 12, 1BOB Ham Wal M ? 1: Monat in $22".. attorney 14$ Bro ?dwaj !.. >T ?4: \. nd? d r*. ip 1 I 11.11. Bill * I ( ? l.ik r SAME PROPERTY: ?ame map and dite. sin..- to Pet? ?. Hatting; *2'm> I.THAN PI, ltd 7. Dlk 442. mu? Ll m 1:1 227 fl a from e s Freeman ft run? ! ? - tl ?? '.'.".x n , 0 2\ n J* tox m 1? ??a to Au rui ? I" 1007; 1't 1 - '. thertne <? o.m itiornej Srn III W ? ave. ' EST, l4>;i |Bx$7 lOxtgxM ?' - ... 1 * loo? i Mary ?latton to ..iriix. ?"loo attorney, J Hanter Lack ? ?oklyn. ' 7'.' !'. ? 1 23.3 ? 1".. litt I; O'Rou M ? ?..,-*?? - f Kai 111 ; ? ? Roa ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. I/on it I B lunar?I. $200.00? . I'.n il m ;:? . m i.,-. . .-. hlnaal *??"?".. Mel I r., t.. ,*i Rcl $1. : $1 . 1 i'o ol ? ?? v fork ??> i: Biolt; $1 1? nt V Md.eo.l, $; ??: Solomon ? Mot? a sol >m< - 11 Real Batate 1*0 t.. United Si i?et l.if* : s 100 ... I . ? -, ? ear, to fl . r a v .. 1 < .-i. 1er, Link. >J.Ml .. to Panny W ?lark, - tatet Tine Guarantee . ? ? -, Reg) . : . . \ 1 ' ? ? true lo Bronx invest 111. or . , .x-. . .-.i m.111 ?o to New True: II oOO \ . It ruction ?'?> to Pauline <?,reen \. ? y.?ri< ! .t. inturanca Co 1 1 Lawjrere . , , * ?? . ? \ oit to Wilson M Pow-al: ).;? ; IHK. Kdi?.ar 1 sn irh t,. Emilie W Retckotr; ?i .*. liant '?' '. Truelaen lo Charles Vettermann v.*.1 *I*ltlt ? and Trust ?o (o Josefa ? . |io.?,.orvn n I il. d BtBtee Life Insurance ?'? Ir ? ir v of \* ? V..rk. 'loo \. v Vork TniBI f'o lo He-tlia T.calnakv el ni. exrt $100 I^iwyera Tul-* Inturance und Trust Ce to Mortel?-.. Co; * 1 ***.'?.??< ? \ Patm ?n $10,00.1 Lawyer? Mortgage ?-o to Monteft/>r#i rorpn. #2(1.000 or' "em*, MECHANICS' LIEN8. 3D AVEJ. WM and IM; G B Raymond g ? W Bourke Cocieran, owner; I^-nieno j u?! contractor; $4?. mi BEATON a VF. w t. .12.*-, ft ? of ] 75x100; Pete. lirokaw act Heatr.?n ?onatr c, owner an.l ??intrac'or; $718 gg. 3TH BT, .Y-J-l an.i Mg East, J?*?eph f al a?n B?>sie an?! Qoey F-or?t, owner? ?n^ .-tors: UM YBRMILVFA AVE. s ?, 100 ft w 150x104; IxwkwoKl Co astt Allen l'om-ru. .?nl owner an.i eaetrscter; Mft *** BEATON AVE. w ?. 40!? ft n of N*?,on ?T, xlOO. Alfonse Perry auf Ann!? ?ui<1 Harry 1er. owners; John Saunder?. eontrai-tor tgh LEXINOTON AVE, 3?M; Harry Roa??h Iron Work? act .-Vsle M Fauat. *?wn*r Ed, Mai'Kollea. lr??ee; pre? ton ?4 Fault, i-^nuac*] RI VER.?I PE PRIVE, n e cor of ?-e.- ? J H2.2; Roh?rf ?;rimn <V> act HlchwA_ i_> and ?Ymstrti?-tion Co, owner an.i cotiusutemV^Lfl f?iOtV, "***? V l.".7TH BT. V10 Weat; same act TOw1n n Wm\ owner; Hlshw-wl Realty anl iv.n-.tru t;?-**Z> eoatrac-i? t-, |i oto??. "?n ty. VARH'K ST. 71; charle? RurkHman act *i r> Herman, owner, p Herman, ?-onirartot^ |Jj;* BOLTHERN BOCLEVARD ''l? t. 624 jama? M*-Brlde <*,, act Sntnuel Gntthelf. owner- Rott?w dam Holding co, contrector; $-?M ir. PARK AVF. vv s, 4(7 7 ft s of 1?7th it li*-? 100; Harbison Walker Refia-'torle? Co ,? ? ' c.instni.tlon <*o, owner und contractor; |?-20 IMTH HT, IM "-?t. H.iiTv Or?hman ?n Elizabeth A <".lbs?-?n, owner; ? K<lz tor; ?7 25. FFRRY ST, I estate, owner; . I s?v> and ??.ntrartor. f.*t32 *W HUDSON ST. .Vi.t t., .V>7; rirleni-il Fireproof Pa?h and Door Co act Greenwich lnve?ttnc cV owner and contra? tor; |M7 90 31. Fdwarl r Euetace act rfolk Broadway Parking B x ?'.,. ?Z SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. Broadway. MS; Morris Kimmennaa ?it Joseph Cooper et al. Sept II. Kill v?,, VICTOR ST, * s. I?W ft . .,f Mujfler Iron Works act conn Bros Itlf; |ltt SS BETON AVB w s. 4i?) f? - ..f H,rdafl BM Standard Plm-ihln* Bupplj ?*. act \nrit? Ma__ 1er -i al; Jan 21. fttt; gilt BUVANT AVK. .. ?. :*7.-. ft ? ?f .Jennjim ?t*. ?'*** *** ?1, Au? Mnrrt? gm. '*? ?:. J?n i;,' j culio a* Rro act Mondschein * 7. 1911; *4i-, "TU BT, ?I Fa*-!. Ann., ijoldsteln i?1 IiiMivk ;roi:h..i/. et a:. May ?:?, itll; fin t ?nine act .Mme; ?U.J--M, MTH BT, 899 El il i:?li. gbt NEW BUILDING PLANS. MANHAT i w LENOX AVE. ?-? ?. i -m^^s f . I ?t*. oil ?torero?.m, s-..'*; ! ?|. nu .?J4 Allled H spitals. owner; V M? ?r .. 4te<t |70?i. THF BRONX IMTH BT, s r ?t l'ark ave. fo- a ;, n5 ^ tenint. 00x90; Hope Coostructlon Co :*<> b'*)??*.. way, own.-r. Fdward J I -, ?? archlteet; $M,*M9. MtTH IT n s. 152 1 ft w ..f IVaahlnct n tug tor a I sty brk tenmt ?12x74 7. Re>h. ! ?>?. tlOS Co, 1027 Fai!" t" .*>:?;; Fou.irl-J Byrne, *V?2!i Id ave. archlt* , |BO,99o OAK TREE PLACE, n > or i..,-? mal-e ?v* fot a 5 at) hrk tenir.', 21x?5 ?i; Bernari Coo. structlnn Co, 1198 Weshinctor. ?--e, owner; R4. ward J Byrne, .T?:**? 'M ave. architect, tVi.itn, ALTERATIONS. THE BRONX MORRIS AVF. ?? s. ?.?(.*? ft n of IMIth ??.los .*"* its frame ?.tore and dwc. 22vTJ ' it? Pit tnro. on ['? * '. Moor? << I,^r..(>K;?l, ;;?! ,1, erwl i4---h ?t Brehltu t? ll.OOn PROSPECT AVF. e ?. Bin f n . ? *,;i ? to a 1 ?t> hik store an?l d?c. .*;?'\27 rt. S.'-rnioa Weinstein, 1141* a-.?, owner; .mthur Arrtander Co. .".'?I East 14*?- r.i-.ect $i_ TOO LIS PENDENS. Ann? a -4$?i :',n4rt ?-?4 of 1.14TH ?T. n s. S99 fl irn Ft,,.i- T| Thirty fourth B$re< ? I1.-.-I attorneya, Walla .t- Pnedek IS D ST, n a, SB ft ? of wi Jani'-s H Donald act Pel ? io-ure of nitgt IttOI DO) \. E " I2IST PT, '?SU w m Valertlne s ESsrlej et ^ if. los ? .'g.jtt tr-'n-vs. Miller. Klnc. I.?ne A T 'IDSON x\v. 94*2', Harriet D i.nv?t? I .is i*..-,:rv* Co ??< is\ iforeeloaure of 1er a Pn ?t 12TTH si. 2"7 and 27"' Weal ? n 1 M-r, asi Henry \ 'ker el al il ' ?ntc), . ; C Ooebel. I?0TH -Tj.'.'..", Fas'. Wllllan Oeorci *?t JAas H Brown?. .% al (forerloau ailorfey, H A Vlej. SOR1 HERN AVE, n ? rot IBIsl M .''..I ave. ? e cor 17".fil s- -..-. ?% , ..;n-v Bank of N'.-w Y. .***- Reattjf?*J ? PAME PROPER-! same ino?eM M ' son. ITH HT. n s. 193 I ?? ivvav, i:< H---1 s-, s s 70 ft w of rire O | ITANTON ST. BO; Thorn tos F Turner m.-* 1 ..'ir t M ><??? ?' ' T"i el il ??? ' * f.,-. 1 * ? - " " l'RIN"."F *'?. IK\ and \*t 1 N, 11; two art:?*"-,?. Affthll -* Thoma? ?51* ? I ST. n e ?or .1?, KSOfl ?* ? l':xii . .-. m -. "?7 J f' n of Wih f. 1 ?t ave. e t. :?>" ? K ?t t l|Mi,-.. (notice .f I? * ? ??'? r?s M r).vu s-, n. BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. 235TH HT. n s. 2*'.i 7 ' ,* BM 39x109 r, J I Kart? ? ? ?? ? $$.tne 23&TH PT, ? a, 2SS.9 ft a ?>f FaulUn? tsti l'.'.vi?.'.'.! -i-;i.. loan? ?am? $.t.7?*o 23STH ST ? s $11.6 tt u of PauMisi are o-,,l... .*. we same 13 100. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TO LET nEW .IF BSE Y. 'DAINTY COTTAGE* iili?hle for ooth summer and ?vintrr ? urne. Ir. tl** mount.uti*. n? ? tain of lake?; contains 7rooms an-i ? ,... .,. ,,- ? half acre -*>f ' I "-?? ? ?ur from Broadway. N*vr Virk Cttr. ? tl mod .-m improvement* Near trol- ? ? 1 i*hui.*he? $4 ?'"?" ?mil. ? iah, halan? ? '?'?rlt? ? OWNER P O, Boa 7t4. N ?. City, ft l.ost: ULANO. SOUTHAMPTON ANO SIIINNK? O? K Burnished rottuces to r? tion 1111 Lis?* "-. i^i"'r** plana and phot.vcrap is of 1 on??? a? *,-ac* J. METCALFE THOMAS, I? LIBERTY BTREET. v" ** .?J UOIBIK.H 01 THE BRONX. BACRirtCl? BFST LOCATED r.vTlJWJ apartm-nt. Here pmp.-rtv. Bronx; very iu*n <? .,vi. ,,rlce, $T( V1?*' 1 ?:???? t.r?'KY. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT^. EAR! *n>K THE CLEVELAND IM-Itt EAST liril ST. Apartment? ??* !'_"*""*'? rte - FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET. ti M,.,;v r?. mat ist ,i:,i;.l?,S for two adults in apartment 1 :' *\ "??'?Fl ave.. ; references eachansed .1 K ?" -v j \ ^^ ^o^ large and Small ! To Let Offices Single or en Suite in the TRIBUNE BUILDING IVmmb Street Opposite City Hall Park