Newspaper Page Text
Conservation of Surplus Funds Re he a merchant, or a lawyer, r.r ? plivsK-iaii. or one vniratteA m nnv other catting, ho is a ?toe and priaient man Avho. in the inveitment of his surplus fund*-. seeks the counsel and advice of -, ihorouihlv trustworthy invest? ment bankuiK firm. ()n?*e we hiiv.- ? clear idea of the needs of the indli idturJ investor. x\e are in a position ?o prive him lound ?d-ice regerdio_ ?he in? vestment of his funds in bonds of high stand ird. The yield from bond*** of tl.i- character ranges between about 4'.r: t?5tf%" Write for Bond Circular No. 306 " Investment *-e<-unties" Spencer Trask & Co. Investment Bankers 43 F.Tchanfte Place. New York z A! BANV BOSTON CHIC IGO . .. B*****?**********-g?pmmpp^ ' ! ! j?uj-Bl Associated Simmons Hardware Company Notes Due January lat, 1917 Federal Sugar Refining Company 5% Gold Notes Duo November 1st, 1914 Swartwout & Appenzellar HrarAm New Test Mo.-w Bachease 41 line Struct, New York im. Lt. & Trac. Warrants BOUGHT AND SOLD Williams, McConiiell 8 Coleman Ronda Stocka tO %~AI>T, ST. .TV1,1*.4.** To'm- XF'W VORK. For Sale U. S. MOTOR Common Stock S. H. P. PELL & CO. Memt*.era New Tor* stock "Exchima?. Dealers In Uni st? I an* Inactive Seeurlrtea T?l 7??S-?A-7 *-? Hanover .17 Wall St. N. Y Ld&C Wm.A.Rea< Bankers No. 31 PINE STREET O. BOSTON LONDON CHICAGO FRED'K F. MARQUAND Member cf t'onaolldated Stock Ex. of N. Y. Tel. S030 Broad. ?? BrO?d -St., N. V. STOCKSAND BONDS For Inventi-nent or on Margin FRACTIONAL LOTS CHARLES HEAD & CO. 17 BI?OAI? ST. M? YORK f,N". Y. Btoeh Kxchunge Umnbsrs -?Boston Stock Li?-t*.an-*rs I C'hicaso Uoard of Trada "Private wire ?-nnnectlon? to OBT 10 Boston. Providence and principal Canadian cities ranartlwn and Boston ?tocka a ?penalty. W.N.COLER&CO. BSTABUaHBB investment Bankers ? IMUII -T.. RID YORK CITY. ? ?. fork City P-^nda All laeaaa Boyer, Oriswold & Co. Bankers 42 Broadway, N. Y. i r tnphlsi contali.lnf sufcestlona for mat .. it transfers rill be mmi?i on req.)??.. Lack. R. R. of N. J. Poult In kg FrriNf,ii\M LAsYBKNCl <* ro.. Ill Rioadnan. New York City. Mr "-her s N*M? TorV St".-), r.-<rli?n??, PROPOSALS. I, Phll?del? ? January .v. 913 FIDELITY *nusr COMPANY (Rirroarlj It-.* fidelity Insurance, Tru*? and Hat* l?-;.oeit Com panyl. Truste? ii:id?-r iiiortaaa'- of the William ?'ra-ip A- Sons ' ?*."??? r?a"\. feted Mur. i. i. is-y.i, unit.., tandera or pronnaala for bonds i??.n? i under ?.?id Mortgage ta r? aurrandared for redumption; mupneala to he ????red ?n?1 a-airda -nude r,n February IV, IM?, at 12 .-.vinrk \i r BLT.TB. Pre?ld?nt. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. THE MONET MARKET ICoaey on rail opened at ?v? per cent; hlgheet ?'-h 'por cent; lowest. :*'? pet rent; closing 2?,4 per cent; rtiUnsr ?Inte. 2% per cent. Time munev wan rather quiet I *\ per cen? for ?txty days; 2*403 per cenl for ninety day??; 3 per cent for four months; 3*8-8*4 per cent for flvo and six months Mr-rcf-mtHe parier ??ame into the miirkot moderately, meetinK ?with a fair demand. Ratee, ''.'-/ii per cent for sixty io ninety daya' Indorsements, t% 04 per cent for choice four to nix month?' slntr)?-, names'. 41- per cent for others. FOHEin.v EXCHANGE The foreign ex? change mark?-? opened tinner with rate?, up I to 10 prints i?. * *;???',! i \ix, for cahlea, 4.*T4f>?4 ?7'a f<>r demand sterling. 4 MVi 4 *43.**> for tsixty-diiy billa and 4J?tOc,!*t i.ttlt tor nlnetv-dav bills Short franca were hll*^ lesR 1-32 and phort relchs marks !* 1-1? The foreign exchange mar? ket was steady In the afternoon, with ralea ?round the opt-ninn level i'nhles were ?Jtiofed at 4.rTjrt(,9?, demand MerllriK at 4?740-34.V71?. and aixty-dav hills jtt -1 Sit?**-*? 4MVi. Short franca held around 6.174 lesa t-fl and short rolchsmarks Kl-lt. Banken' poetad rates follow: Bixty days. Demand. Pierjipf .4 m 4 f*H*4? -ernany, relehainarks . M? Bslflum. fiin?-s . .'? . .". i!i*? Par??, franca . :. l?'.~? ?ai Usai land, ft ?? * " :, is?, Iteiiand. gull?;, ra .?it? id ?.? -,:. POAfKSTT?' EXCHANGE Boeton, p;ir; Chicapo, :?;,( premium New Orleans, com? mercial Bo discount, hank t\ premium; St. Louis, So-- premium hid. in,- premium asked; >f1nne?po!l.-. 30c pr mium; Charlealon, buy* InK par. selllni.' 1 K) per cent premium; FVan * :... t? legraph 7 BANK CLEARINGS. New v,,rk ,A r han ?es $?6.875,723, balancea 130.637 " Bos ion. exchanges $33.792,369, h 009.2TO; P?ilt1rnore. exchanses 17,637.942, balances $fiifi,?vi--, I'liiiadelphla. exchanaee J.;:,"i 240, }? ??lince*?* tL8M,9>n SILVER MARKET -Coramen i I har all v? r, S8^c; Mexican .-liver douais. ,:<?. Bar ?? In London doeed al MIS-lid. MEXICAN EXCHANGE -MexJcao ex In N'w fork la (umtcd at 8014. N. Y. AND OTHER GAS SECURITIES. 0 fa. OS 101 ?Kq lit e le.lM . . 20 ?Jack Oil 'K c a *?* !?? ? -1 :x i : ? N V ''.-? ' ?KT4ER 5s. 103 HI?I Aimed. I '?H? I Mutual ... I0J Pai a r r... 90 io? |.|? c a .'??-... '?-isndard _60 I do lit Pp ..104 100 1st !? Cas t* Vx 109 ?etPO can ?s.104 i"2 Ifijrra ?; lat ( M : k i.t * p 5i.. so_ Uli Asked. M 171 03 I 10S v?n ice 10s 81 PROMPT SERVKE HONEST PRICES RS TABLES WOOD and STEEL HUNG CABINETS SECTIONAL BOOKCASES STEEL CABINET SAFES ?Tbcvol-obe-*Werrnck? Co.| itO-fl? Broa/lwa?. r?r VI hile. N \ Phonee ??nklle SH70 is-.i i.m??? EOF NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES-TUESDAY, JANUARY ?30, 1912. Nil ?-.?!<! ? M i:.i ? .'??i . i,, _ Allla-Chahnera I 'e AmalKHiiiHt?*?! Coppei ActiiM Sill.-.* : Closing. Op.| Hi. Lov. I'itil Mi?l. Aak 1'? 1'* 1'a 1% ? - OS rc | 62% ?- . ?- - American Agr. Chemical...] 61S -.1% 61S ?Si 91 ?IS '. Arr... r ?.-an It? el Sugar. '?': '?'.''a ? - - ? ?'". ???''? American Can . Il7* 12 IT, 12 ? American ? 'an pr. Am? rlcaa ?'ar A Fdry. lAmeti? an ? ?r A: """dry. American Cotton (Ml.. Am? rican Rxpreaa !?? 'a lAmer. Hid?* ?v L?eathar.. ?iv,_ii(i 91% i*'7? w%l MS '?p*. '*??' 61 M ? ?"a-.L., ;,1 51 51% 115", IIS7? UEA.I115*? 11''-11-; SO -... ;.i GO (9% .'ai jiii 210 '"i" 210 - ' -1" a 5% is ??* _*.?? 204 ?um a**? it ::Z 32 32 :>2 ' 9.1 -**% 33% 33% 23:; 83 14% ' 103% American ice .?-?..iiritir? American Llnsesd pr, ?American locomotive l.o.-oinotlv? pr. 1".''? 103% 103" i I1 ?'?'??' " American Mall . 7': 7% 7'.. ; . American Mall pr. 4?*,! 4fi-. 4?>*, i*;7, ? , ?" ? American Knu-HinK . 70% 70S ??*? ;" i " '* T" ? American Snuff .142 142 142 142 140 n: American Bnuft pr. loss 109 loss i'?\ 1'?-?%ion . Ani'ri.*an St*-<?1 Kotindrv . 2?.7? ?i*7? 29% 29% :"? 130 a, American Sugar . 11..*? 120% U!* D'*> H1* H-*1** American Tel. A Tel.IS9%140 139% v.'<:. I29S r*1.7-. American '''"!-. 27* *? 178 280 ZtO 179 American Tob. pr.107\ l?-7 \ i'.;**, 1"7\ 107%'107S j ,\r... ri 1* Tob, |.r new. 1T.1.. i'.:,\.i.r?. b-Vv ji 2 American Woolen .-'7 s: 26% :'?'*.. 2? v. 'a [American Writ Paper pr. 25S 25% 25% 25% 25% 2.***, ? \ US inn 4.600 MB 330 44.T , .. .1 1.400 S \ ..iidi? ion ? A-sets Realisation . Atchleon . At.-lilson ).r . 500 - A1 !;?T?ti.i Coast Line. >t Baldwin Lot-omotJvs nr. ? Raltlmora <*?. < ?tilo. i.-ino, ? Brooklyn Rapid Trans-it - 7, < 'anadian Pacific . ?.??o-?'anadian Pacific riffln.?. 7',, 7*4 7'? :<C,. ?::. 84% 34% 344 MS .. i?ifi |<a', 'lirai [106 ! .. 106-S 106% I0&S 106% 106'-? 106% .. 103% 103% 103-a? 103*4 I'1"'? ??'?'>'-' IStS 196% 13? 13? 136% 136% .. 103V, 103*4 '"?'?'? 103% I03 103S .. IN'., |4jfi% l.'ill . I?'.', I'-' . .. 78%| 7,*,'., 78a, 7?a, 7S%I 78% .. 231 231 1230?^ 231 231 2:il ? -? bai . iH l'entrai Leather Central of New Jersey?. 4,900 - **. i'hos. &? Ohio. . ? 'hlcago <.t. \\'.*.?<t..rii._ .. j Chicago ?it. Wettern pr.. % ri . Mil, A St Paul. ! ..-. "., Clilcago <*v- North??., st. in. 14 rii . St. P . M. a <>. ii?' ?:, rii.. St. P . II. A o. pr... IfiO?i, (?hicago I'n. Trartirm pr. Mino Copper . ; .. ?'.. ?' . C. ?**-? St. I. ?i i'..1.irado Km! Ar Iron 19 - 18% I!'--? 18S IS 838 33s *S8 338 332 70?i 71% 70S 71% 71S ~l\ is 18% is- ; 18% I? 1S:.? r.i4 sr>% y.-u ":'. :-::-i* W'** ira.r. 107 I04S It)5% i"'.'4 I0GV Ml 143% 141 142'j It! 112' 148 l.V. 1144 ?143 ISA i.v, |113' 165 144 ion l.raai-??*omstoc*k Tiiimrl .! IS IS 26% 2?; ? ?*.-..; 5T.? 59H 57! ? 2H ->.la 2-i IS .v.'., '.?i? ;,'??? 2I>% M 27 I.'. 100 - I0O- >2 IConsolidated Oa . 139%|140>i ir*t?% 140*4 I3??' H-' i'.irn Pt'oilii? tn R'*r. IOS 1':la 10*? 1?*'. I0U| 10' Delaware A. llu.lson.1.71% 171S I71S I71S 171*4 172 Denver <*.- uto Orantle.121*4 21S -''a 21% 21S 22 Denver A Rio Oran-I?* pr ')'. <i'v n1-.. it', t. 8000 . \2 [Erie . 800 * >.. Erie l?t p. , IH 30v4 : .'s :,i ',.??. 61 BOS I 14% Erie .'I pr . 41 %| 4P,?,: 4!', IP-, U 100 -; F?.i M. A s. pr - '*, Oeneral Chem. ? Jo. pr... 301-1 _ ?, Oneral EHectrlc i '?? ??roldli?*l?l ?'on. 8,80 * ?-. <",i-r;,t *<?*rthern pr. p7onl_l.?.? Qreat Northern ore etrs. |QM?^-'Illinois .Vntral . 2.B0OI? ?, llnterlwrough-Metro. ? S llnterborouich-Metra pr . 14 |Interborou**h.Metro, oxt.. ton % [International Harvoater.. Internat. Harveeter pr .. ? y, Kanaan City Southern .1 Kansas City Southern pr 'Irfn-l.'de Cuti -.'??, 19 400 loi ion 8.800 - - ? . ? . ."?', IP? " . :..*-,'. isa r.* , * r.v?.. " . ?S ": IS ?'-. . 12<?7-a 13"."? 12s\ 12'H.. 129 39S 39S ;i''i *;? ::" 1 H' , 140' 140% 1 ;*.' . i .'.?. ill IS'. IS' , IS ivr^ ]s |St I ^7 5*S WS -'"'a :? :.7'4 Fi?s r.?.', r??u :*"? '..7 107 !<?;'?. V?-.. l?*aSI 120 12?? 130 ?120 111** ' I2W . 261 _., :.'.. :??? ;; ". c:i~* f.V* 1. ?. ? IK??! . liV,r? 106I.J b a ', ?j^liiith Valiev . '? ? ? ?? ?P? 1?1'| l?|a*a f?*tl It .N't Bold chge _ Lieget! A Myera. 2*? S i.i-^'tt ?v- Mjrsra pr.. i.y,. -. 1^ |?uls. f.- Saab. : ? ? \ Manhattan Elevated SOO ? Marine . ', M.-irln?* pr . . Miami 1 on. ?'upper... l'ai - ?, M . St. P. A- S St M . ? , MitMOUl I P... laic . 2 10*1 ?:?', N'Mlotial Hlsi-'tlt . 7011 ? 'i National i?***??! . Nat, "f Mex. M pr.. Nevada ' '.on. < "pi>pr. !.. 11' 27.2. ?> New York .v Harlem ?1 ', N.-*a- Voik ('entrai....illft-'a 1I2S 110% HI** HP? ?'? Aetual Sales. 1 Cloali.g. Op Hi. i.ow Fini.Bid. A*k . 177 177 17.'. ITS 177 J?M .... 1l2'-? 112% 112 H2 112 112'-, . .. 151 ' I.'.!'? 1 i*?*? IM?7? !.V?'2 151 .. . IMS 136S IS*''5*? IMS ??'??'a 137*3 ?.. i\ :, 4*4 S I M . . yi\ a% ios 2J'4 as -il3 .. 23% 23% 234 2.'!7. 23S -' ... I31S 131S 131*? IMS 131 ,132 . .?' , :;:?'. ?'.', W 40% . 117 ISO 147 H!-7, l?:"a 141?% . - % 1 tas 1 ??'?'?* M 4..I 36 35S 15 :?.:.', 3&S 35% ^ ; 1**'., IS?.. I8U lS'o I?,?, |S! .. r*,v.i, *!.-.i'., ?,.v?u3.vii., H?4 N v 300 ', N. Y <*?? Ht 1. N. H. <C- Il ' ?- '. N?.rr?.lk A- Wettern....;.. 30 Norfolk A Western pr. .* n 14 North Americsn . * I a Northern Pacific . na' ? ', Parifii- Mali . i.--. - Pennsylvania Railroad ? !'?. ? 1. [Philadelphia <'(*. in 400 900 ?8,100 100 ..... 1"?' ? '?* P.. i- . ?'. A St. I. I*.-, ..a.,.,1 ,aj|,.,-| ? ?up pr w* Ki :.s7, ?o ;,i , ?yiK ,.137-V 1374 I37S IS7S 127 137% .(109 H.91.4 H*a 109 W loi?'* f<P, 91S !?1S 91S f*,'1a. K ,| 79 I 79% 7s7,, T8*4 7?\ 7:' . Il*.i,,li7\ ll?S II7S1I7S ins . 31 31 31 II 3i"i*4 "I' 123% 121', 12:*. I2.37, 12.3% 124 I0G 106 106 105 H'I l"; 100 100 100 ion !**17a 100% 101 101 101 10| 101 102 ', Puhllc Service (*orp.?.'IO7SI107S WSilOTS'IO? 109 ... 182 IS2 1S2 ? 1S2 IR2 I'.'-, . 113 I13S II! 113 113 III - .! I?i4 I?7, l?i', l<S l?S l7 .!i:.t'? I65S 163S IM?? IMS 154% . '-, M M M !*.'.*4 M .1 23S 23% B% -*'.*-?1 23%| 21 si s) H S| S| | M?. 24% 24%] 21', 24S -"*' -r? 4!?-1,, .vi 4'?*4 50 4?S 50*4 2?>laj 2?; 2-1 ?. 2?S 2:, 25S ?.71 j H74 t;7?., ??:.? ^7 1 ?s m ... 10.^ 4? " 10% 10 140'. 42 142 H:: 143 143 .143'; ::i', yi\ 3*1'? 39*4| "'?'''a1 '?0,?? "- KOS 107% Il R< . !? Rti II * . 27"? 27S 27*4 -,7'?:, 27'.; 27S 70 70 7<? 70 : ?if.%1 70', .17 37 .':?.'.. 36% 36% 36% : 9.1 r?. ! 9?i " rti s? M 85% M | s:.', s?; ? s:,\ M ?S 47% 4t'.l4 17' a 47 47', . 30 39S 39 30'./ 3S%I 41 13% 13% I3S 13-S 1". Il 1 ?84 34%] 24 '. 34S 13 MS ?Vf. |M> KR14 I644? W>4% 1*4% rni'.n Pacifie pr. M-4 r*3 92*4 93? ?2?, r?27a >.. irnltexl Drj ? pr .le:,'.. 105% 106' . 106% l' ?'?'? !,'h ? '1 ITnlted Ry. Investment. .. 34% 34% M% 34% 34 1 3.*. ? i Cnlted Ry. Investment pr, ?"'-. '.1 ?)% ?l tu?'*. *.'\ I'mti Btatee Rubber ...: 4?%' 4?V%i i?'n 4?% 4''.'4 <?'?', 1% United States Rub. 1st pr.. IM ,110 uro " no lOMill'O ? P. l/orillar.l ', P Lorlllsrd p.... ', Raj ?'oti?'iiliflateii !??? Reading . 1 Reading r>l pr. ', Republic Iron A flteei.... !(. public Iron <?* Str-el pr S Rock [aland . 000 ? ?. Rock Island pr. . Rt I.. <*?? S. 1'. I?K .2' ?? St. !.. A- S. I-' I M pr. 910 ', Si I. A S. 1*. 2.1 pr. 2>? . ', Rears-Roebuck . 125!?% Bloan-ShelT. St.ri m iron. . Southern Pariflc . i ? , Southern ?Railway . -, Southern Railway pr. 900 ', Tenneaeee ? 'opper . 100 Texas ?s- Pacific l^l. Tr... 3'al -1 Tes ?s 1-o .... 3.7.'/. 1 S Third Ave. R. R w. I... . Third Av. . R. R 2'i pd... ', Toi.. St. I-. A *.W?t. m '?? Toi . St. I? A- Wi -t pr.. R 0 ?P. I'ni?..i Patrlfli 1 - ion 200 ? 400 {.* (?11 1 ? ' 4,900 Il ' 1 I'liit.-l a .?-'.. 1 'a ,1'tiit. ?( Btatet Steel pr. 1% l'tali Copper . ', Va.-< '.-.i. ! 'ii. tul. al _ '?'?' ;t4 v,, -1 '.n . ? 'hemlcal pr.. v,?. [ron ?'"il <<? ? ''>k.\ inn- v., RHlIwny A Powei 610 4l\ \ n|i*an lar-tinnltit? 4on t.. - . M ' C7, ?".t *2I7, M .M-'* a 110% 110% lio... no' . 110% 1 53% :a\i 53 M'; 53% 54 . 5&%l 55% 56% 55% 53*4 56' . 120 120 nao ia? n?% 120% ,, 65 r,;, | a;:, ?v, ?r, s.? 47' 47'a,; 47% 4:11,1 41 47 19 . BV?\ IMi sin. I9S 2'"4 ' ?-. 7 ! Vl 7 7 7>, t.? 1 ? . ? 4" :?-? 100 WahaMh W.1I.1--I1 pi .1 17'?j 18 j 1T-4, 1?t i 17% Vj Wen? Fargo Bxpreaa.,14.'. [146 'ur. 145 112 145 Wettern Maryland B7 ' ?'.7 ' 56% 6?S *S\ r.7' \ w .- ?.-m l'nlon Telegraph. t*3%( 83%| CSI ?0% *'? '. w.-tiiniii...]-.* Kl. \ http a% 71%) 71 7! ?? Wheeling A l??.k?-- E I. ?7, 47,l 4%; 47, 4?, Wheel <<; l. K. lai pr.. 11?*% K'% 1? I?1? Il Wheel A- I. E. 2d pr. 7'.. 7% 7'. .:V > 7" ? 16% Total tali's for the day. 47?>."**?-? abares, rnmpared with ?r?; 71", ilr;?r. ? for the rorr? tpnndlng day In Uli Total -aaler?. .lantiari' 1 to .lanitary 30. inoliisivr*. :?/..v..',:(r. aharea. compared \* Ith I? X 620 ?-Imr. *. fur tlio surt?? period in 1911 Money Rates Easy and Sterling Exchange Conditions Sug? gest Gold Exports. TWiIIa the utoek market opened firm and generally hlghi* than at the eloee of the, precedlnB ?lav. traneactlona rep rcsente?! little beyond covering opera lions, ihp only Important buylni being reported In Read Ins. Sent York Central end American iugar Refining, the last nam?8d Imm presenting unuaual Uf<? end ng at iho heel price r??corded for it since February. 1911 The American Mugar Refining company h? ?hly and honeatb handled by Us present man? agement. 1?s earning? are large and Ita Bto k is being boughl by substantial In? terests. Philadelphia houaoi were ac? tive buyers of Reading. Near York .entrai was veil taken, hut both this Issue and Reading poid o?r with the gen? era! lu" i" ,,)e *****y afternoon, follow inc th.- publication of the December earning! of the Union and Southern Pa , itir companies, which showsd rebatan tiai losses In groa? and hoary declines in net returns, ae compared with the lame period in 1910. The larger part of the afternoon lolling waa for professional .,? -..lint, the movement fall In? to bring ?..a Important offering! <>r to encourage the theory that the. hear element would be able to conduct for any length <f time a Bucceeeful campaign for lower quotations. United States Steel common was sup ported around 68. but its price refuaed to rally with any vigor, doubtless owing io the Intanae bearlahnoea on the part . f trader? who are hammering* the atoch on the basta of the corporatkm'a position |_ relation to pol?tica and to the relatively email profits obtained on nales of flntahed steel produc?a at current seliinK flgurca. The quarterly reporl of the i'nif-1 Btatea Bteel Corporation, covering the hint three months of 1911, shows ntl earnlnga of 123,105,116, agalnat f20, 522,725 in the preceding quarter and $25,990,978 in the correaponding pen i?i In 1910, with .i surplus after dlvtdenda of 180,638, making the total aurplua for the year $4,735,824, compared with up? ward of 111.000,000 in the -fear before, in the lat? trading, buying by the shorts brought about better pricea In nmst parts of the list, last quotatlona, as a ml?, exhibiting net advancaa Na? tional Blacult stock aold a< ISO. a nom high record. ' Transactions in foreign exchange wer<3 light In volume and rate? wen- un i hanged from the cloning figures in Monday'a market, bul the congeation *?f funds at this ?entre euggeated to bank era the probability of a gradual upward movement, culminating in shipment.-* pf gold t.. Europe. Buying for American a count of ihe Oerman state loans haa not been heavy. At the moment lha largor part of OUT operations in the for ? lu m money markets is repreaented by abort term loans, including renewals, which are being made for three months on an Interest basis much more favor? able than can i?* aecured here on th?* aams sort of accommodation. The local demand la Inactive, and many institu? tions refuse to make time loans at pre? vailing rates, which run from 2\g Pef ? tut for sixty days to W %'tt',','? .? per ??? ml for six months and 8%9*4 per cen? ror over the year, while the best grade of commercial paper la quoted at 8^*93<% per cent There Is no large amount of paper In the market, and currant Indi ?allons do not euggeel a material ii ? creaae In the .supply in the Immediate future, owing(tO th?- fac? that require? ments of merchants are light, as a con BOquence <'f the hand-to-mouth buslnens poilO prevailing in all parts of the country. Doubtless a marke?! raviva] In trade will develop lat.-r on ?n the' year, when currant growing bank re? source.-*, Including American cn-1 t.i abroad, will come in handy. The coun? try's export trade continues to axpai I. Shipments et merchandise from the ?.<.**-t of NOW York, for instance, showing a total value for the weak ended ydsterduv of .*i!t,iii??,7t'.i. compared with 81&208,. 881 in Hi. same time last year and $11. 817,929 in Die like period In 101U EXPORTS OF MERCHANDISE. IV12 1'MI m i, ! .mu ?i*Mie.9ie,7?)i lu m: " -? --n -?.(. ..m Jun. 1 Jan. *?j\. i..* ?,i i DS.19u.M0 ii'.?Ui.??J BOND MARKET SALES. 10O0 Jaj. 41? f.-?;t...... Uou A S'ai inno .1- 2d f--''. Limn Ar*r*?n II* ''? . ?'?*"' **? " ' " .-.. s y ?'-nisi *?-> do '?? ? ?? i***.! 101 10000 m l!*.nno Va ?;*, 1-'I ' ]":'? ,-,(?., VI do ie.'. 1,?00 N Y ?Ity 4>?l r.-.T H*T ? " * ?J?M-. ,!.. K'SS 1"T . ??>?.' 10...? ?i?. . .'??:'. *vw> m . tone do 4'4-> 102*? ?c*oo ?i?. i:- r 1? 7000 ?lo . 1"-\ I ' ? ono ?? ? " ?-? M' h Cum. I>eh irvo do IMT M *-- M ' '? . ...... do 1-V.0 Re? ?"*. I:? ?* ?' 25000 Ailla ' h ?'"- ?'"" '??"?' So K 4..... \... 11 A I. '? I? r? rtW, -Niof. ,1., it. i* 4?. *-" 1000 Am ' * " ' **'* Tr. *? ' 1*V?t> ?In . TI' '"" '?- . ?2J lono a... ?mil aor "*? "?? col ?*? 00?, ,-j, 10314 ?'.?1 '"*'. ?,.., K ? | if'-? ?? ? ? 4. O? 1000 - * I. -noo ill ? - 1 . . -. to-v. -?.., i|o POS riw. \?? 1: - of M jry-Vx-, do "1 l'?" ' ' ?.-.?.?n vu, Tot? 1 1-' . 2000 x; " ' ?'"*' .. do . ? ? ??"? -.lOO On tint ?'?"?' i*100 4..0OO do 4v *..*? . ! ??? y.O An. Wr 1>? I "-?vw, .?., ? f.?. .. - ? ? ?*?"? 4?wi Ann At^ i" ' i-?*1 ?A 5*S 4. -? iftoo ,in M . soon Armour ?"" .- M loonn iio -? - 4.a? t s h r i1???' x y r j Adj 4. -, 1 . . t. Dab 4-? ? . ?v-mo do W* r.vio"* N v "J ? I ' 'vnv> do 0.1 ?? ? ? 11 g f *?? I0? ,.,.?-, do M . ?Y.0O do 4P RMJOO "-> 4? iW* 1"U'i loony? N v N if r if "\oon do 1"1s. ' ? ' " ' '1 ? s,*?-*, do 1"1 ?; -moo N > not * W 2enoo a? ''??">? ?a. <**? "*??' '' *" (/s/,n ,?,, '??'.'. Iflfte N . - 1- f. s\ B000 ,?0 1. A N l>r IVi 4. po ?. -o -,* i T< ' 4-1 loo , r.iw? Ball * '"'!" ,J""*' " ' ' "" "' ^ ??o?d 4? ?*'? ? ?a ''? ?fi<v> do '*'-?, 12000 ?Ifl ? ? ? 4OU0 .!" 1" I- '" '"**"" ,ln A V V 4? ItS 3000 d" ?.?.'-""? - . rtfoo sa Pr '"'?? "-*?* i*~"*"*o ?'?? ' "?**'? ?tono i?-.'. Rti r- '?"-i i"*"*-" ? ' '? "*' S,... It'--n n??l. Tr ??Oil ? n 4 h W? - ,r> ueoo ..o ?s?4 i-"" 4?Ki.? ICon '"n I ' ' 4???> < '-* I 1.1 .'.? I "*-"*.* ' ?* ie<*0 do 103 ' IMO '???'* 000 rtn '"-,. 200H ".*? 1- - ? 1000 1irfM^> ? ?1 ?in? /. ' ?000 :??,', inm . ? ,- -?Hi i,?, m -oo, ,io :'??'? ?!??1 n*t 4- *?i\ noon .?n so in 101s .v>"o ?io ?t*nr w . imu ,*,... nt '??* loon ?i? *?? . ,-,.n ?>,? 1""''. A '* C o-vw ? >?". !-? ,'r>'v' *?-?. ?? 01 . r A T *V 100 .,?/,? ??-. . 10 ?1 ?i?. . . ae-H KOOO '1- * ''?' '"" '?m^i r?nt N >* 4? i'l'. :i??? I - r,ooo .-.-.i Par <;"1 10*16 a. ;-A*. 140011 UHi/w. .h.? S "i|n son ,-vt 41,.. ?in*, un to i* '/?M' Tamp innon Chic ?< ah '-??'?'i ; . .'.?*. MO do 4niVk1 - 1 l-WOO do Ten p Si !" . ltiirfl n,1* A* N W 11000 do - . ? *,,.,, 4? . f*1. S???* 'I" ?"'? o/wio do "H 1""" P*ih get Corp .?... .- '?'"?'. U?i Chic. A W I 11.In '? ? ,*,n tm lOKVil 1000O n?ad i'-rii 4?. i>-', 4HX?0 '*) l- <* M ?'""" ?*?? Join? 1? 91% 1000 do . Hrtto do M1 1000 Rom?, W A 1* leoOO do l:??* <"'? ? 1"T!? l0On do D*>b ?'.? 1'" .'.o-^* Si 1. Ir M A 4f^^ do 111 Dit So rW 4? <??". :: -h SMi 1000 Bl 1. * s F laOOO Chlr S 0 W Ry den ?a.WTg m. M :??<"?'> do 'I? n ?I? lift'? JIW1 il, M A I' IB 15000 .1" H R ?;. n MI.1 4 200.1 ci, It I A I* T"?' 1.. *-??'. ?,.t. ii aas anoo .i.? m . ?jivio d.? . ?'"'.* ivmn do n.r 41 . f-o-, il?-?? ,10... '?'?-. 2nom ?!.. _ ai IO?11-1/I ... Tt. f 4 !?> ? HKMI do . . . fTfi vi?i ,|o 00*S M.1 t, Run COO 21000 do. . '"' 4? . RIS ??"?fleo .10 K R 4? I2'i|lflOnO .!., "-I, .vni?k? do . ".'l ' 15000 Sim An A- Ar 2B000 .i?. "'-'1 I* 4a....... ST r/k?. do "-'"' 2000 P-i-h N I.Adi r,??.?. . 1 in ? ... ?. 120 . .',?- U lerne ?." ,'-', moe Bo Por i?t r..??1 ? C c. c g Hl K'f 4?.^.. ss?4 1. ?>n da.. SI ' 1000 do ami . OMf? 4?^lO da l" W A ' 404XI .lo ?*\l 4 m 4- w . ?smo ?'.. 1000 Col A so i-' ' 2801 n do :??'.. 4* . W< Timo s..?iih nv i?i ROM) ?i?? W. -g?M ?l<> lt?-f f. I 1'HKio do . K'7T? Ral 4-t* . W 90000 .?,. . .lo? ?joi-iO do ?'??'* IBOOII do <l?-n 4? 7?-", IfllHI f.,1 I'll A 11 I ?"(i : ? ?lo. 7'? On ??* I**' I.Mitj 10 tg*4\ r?000 Col Mi?l 1" 'i S*i?n Mili lal 4k .... f-"'. * .... *?:. i????o .?o 4!?. -jikio -r?-\a? a Pee MM to.... '" Iff .,'^.IP?1, IMO Tona Tob 4a. MS 1000 ..... in? 41HI? txl A lli.l 1000 T? * ??< ?'". Ol ,-vt 4? ?"-". r.- 'i.-.*, MM dO Kff 4r. ir:* 14OOII TMr.1 Ai. I?i imKi ?lo ?4| 41,*-.101 . R? ..... 1IOi4 sivNi do l"1'. 41^1*0 .',. Con 4t ?JIHMI |i??., a Ki'i '*? <*lff. "i. . ln,|. 5a ''* - .".<kki dn si|.*1 *1*.'?IOO ?in n?-f .'.-. S^n'??iOOO dO .. T!'*. 4IHI.I .Id. M MOM do n?-f 4* *W*?V10 do . M . vi ?iikHi do Con 4a. si''v if-oo do.?* JikiO i;ri,. I,? C,,n I M?M? do , . ***% . 4? ? I i.tictl ?a A,!) A. 11(*?'if> do fien 4*. IP I u- I . T1-1 Ki??..? ?I?. CM 4? It TU TfHrfVI do.. TM MM ?lo l'a <*?>1 ^.?iki do .7S'i Tr 4i. ^V 220011 ?!.? . TV.? lino ?I? ,... WS mm.i Toi St 1, g w* SoOO Ccn Mot ??- M 4n >'.n llOOii Q| Nor Ref -/it^i Vii.l 1:1.. 1. 4^1 .... I"!1? Inc.-,C, 4IVtO do.lOl'-j' 2000 l*n ion pi 1 ? V.iOOO liork Val 1st 4 .100% giAa ... nu';. Mkvi .?,. .i?i?,\ 1000 H tt Tex C ?;? i 4?. tsVg 1000 H B A \V T..? lKt 6a 104*4 -?OOM IIii.Ik <*., 111. r.** . im1, I.'IO?KI HI Crnt 1:. f 4r . 10II0 <ln PeK.1IHI S M to Cri 4?. ,M3 io<?> t'n Rap Inv rit m Sa.... ^.'.'i 4?mo t* s uni. iiH..i<*-r, inoo ?i-,.10.-, r*,?N^i .10. 104 '. mom v a --t..: s r MM ?i<..!<ov la.ion**, laOM lot R. T SI..104S 2<kkii ,lo .104 2000!? ?lo.UT, MVi? .1., Itre.Kl-'IS lL'?io?iIiit Met 4 ? *? ""i Va .'.ir chrm ?100 ?lo. latr.ii.100\ nilKMI ?lO. "!\l IOOO -,lf, . 1IKI1, ??40?*?? (lo. KM 10OI? do. HHI-'S l'4ilO> ?lo. W t?.-i V. ,,l, IM ,-,? HIT lm^wi do. ?*-':i4 rtooo ,i? 2-1. *"< 41K10 Int Pap <*vt 1 44100 de i:?f a fit* !*?t 4i. . M-.', 2Wnio d?. '?1 , i?Hwi w?!, pu fer .'.OOii In? i-t IMii.p im CAt* ? ? 41 ."?? H -.'IKKI W'-l Kl? ? .??' M*.". 1000 Kan c so .-,- I...', -joiti go . io;., f.000 Km ?>n 4*. 0|i -liioo w*??t \m 4 iMKNi kii.rk Co 1:1 1 ????1 w-x-nw s r ?I :-i|'l S". If '?4'. K^iO Kl?i(t- ?',, ,-, I .turn, ,*? , I, A I' ''??* I IS '? *>?v. .do * '.I , ,-.*VNl I.' I O.H, ?,| 4 K'**] * . ' ?io .. not. r., pi*-, kv?-? weal Miara 4? lOQOll ,l? 102* . . .?"i',] Rag M . 1....-.I Mg A M'?r? 2i10<*> Wear 1 n <'ol Temp 7?. I??? Tr r.? tor, ... da 183 MM dn Fnd a 3000 do Te m .',? m , R ? .. .. O?*'. tat*?. r.*.1?. faOfaf? Wheel A M ??a??, lo lift ? I Ut i V.r. 4* 98*4 i ... y..-.K t-1 <:?-n ; itnon wi? Cen? '??-n 4* ??4's 4a 0S\ ?.?>?-.. i,,, ?. v,,!, : .??win ?a s ?? n t ?Jen ?a . 110', 4a 02'4 tal . ?* ??-, 13,878 <>?? INACTIVE .STOCKS. The fnllot. in/-; meie Hi? Ihm artiial ?aies and the closing Quotation? f.?r Btocka in there were n.i trantacUona yeatei ilav on ihr? Netv York Stock l.ia?l ' ..ari? , ?- i Aaked 1 . ? ? ? 348 IM S1 fi timer? ? ; r?f . ; "t ?, , ..?i A?r i -ti.Tiii. h i ; ? ' . i*.; i a .m pi-r-r .-'ijiir irret BB ?'? Uriah? ? .? ,;? Mil 1U?-e .?-??.,? g I ??? ;re ' * Hide 4 i,?a*i <- pr 30 ? \ ? I I. .1 . I ' a |0 !.' | ? tnierlran Krneltlng pref |.?4 I"., I"! , melting fret u k; a??.'?, a;., ? *-'i?Mr pref 1 111'-, Its | an -n T,-tf*fni|h a- . .,: ? ra ;?> -? ; ra' - , B74 M ?.? :i ; ?.'.. 4" pr?t : o an ?? : -ef . P| l*. ?.?. ' ling . I 'a C, -? ???; . 81*4 : ? f ?a.\, t^?S ii . *a lastj us t m Rninaarl k s>, *, i, I ' 'rater * pit?. I"-, l'a. |flg ?arar A? Plltt pf 121 138 IfWI ? I? k ? '?> . B'| " i Botttheni 6a ?a :.*?, I.eMh-r [?. f ?*,", a; ?j ?ItO Am Tril I2| '., |..| |?f" > 17 17 38 ? ? III r?*f U l?1, : ; ' ho SO ??i l??.. \l A. -' y ? ?-' 148 ? I4.S-4 HT'. . . ?. Nerthweetern pref iw pm jon Trae. i ? r, g ? . ? . a s> .. i.? rr* mo . ! A I ? *. -\ III.', ? oloradci .* 47 4-j aa ern lit pref 7.*.\ ,>, :; ? ' ;.. ..; ;n ? , .n I'.?? ? u r? i . ' | ?, f . 7?', ,.. :*, < r a\ ..,?,. 7-, 71 77 . ?.?( i,n Am *-n?Mr . .'.4 ?,*, ? i.l.?n \rn Snaiar pref >l 844 ?ni', lieiaware lach A t\???arn *>.,?i *,>i f,.r, |>e? M**!""*? A I'.'fl I??-??* 9% II*. II ? .? \'? ?In?. JOB 10" [?letllllna Kenirltl?*? 81*4 l| , 83 I iiintli South ghnre .'. \ ? 8% s?, |fl I ululh *-"i'I Phor? A A? if Is \gll I7'> Dm Porn Pnwdei pref . . pti'i Pb% ? ? P II ; ret **al p.*. .I M ?-. 1.1 I2?*4 18 .;. ?. mi i*tiemlcaJ Ce . Iti ? i. ?I Motora . I,*,', :r.i ;;4., Mntort i -ret . 76 'i\ T.'-'i m Ina a?? m irle Ky o*. lOT'? l*gn ?:l II- [ra* 102% llO lio kin? ' ''i'* 1 138'. i-" llnmettak? 90 ??" P3 ?: ... I??', ?>:. 0 pr?-f K4?j :'7 t, *, i nallenal i'-a? er i"1 * i" 10M International Papet pirf :.\\ -n ,-,i ? International Hteam Pump :t i '? m :u lriler Steam l'iiinp prrf SI M |j 4 loara ?>iilr?,l ........... ;?H, 13 f! I ? , i entrai i ??*f '."' 2*. M Kantai flij FI .t M pref 77>a 7a?4 7(?'j K...knk A I > NT t r<*f 4- ." .*..i lee of '"Mr* \it 70 *8 , i. ka? r...,, sr, i ao an -i i.,k, Krte O \v?*aiarn . . 114 r*'; u t..,H,. Krte A Western i-r'f ti ,it 8t i . i c laland ... . ?. ?? r?i Mi. k,-i \ ' ->a 77 7.". 77 Ma? kiv ?v.a p.?f . ,. 7?? i\M 7.1 m.,? i.'i t Ptorea . 71% 71 7.1 Mav l" jt gtoret praf in? |00 110 , gan 1 '.-ntriil . [SS l!?o Mlnn a. Hl laWil? .27 4 33 10 *. ion S it i/i?iia pref 68 841 M v s? i' a s Kl M 1 ref i?n M7 laa N. St I* A H ?-'t M I, l.liiaa SS'% ggU MB?4 ?i K.iriaua *.. 1>??a . . "fj L*;1, *J7\ Mlenouti Khh?h? * Ta??? pf 88*4 88*4 \i?,ni- .- i"?<?? ? ..... 188 170 i;.; Ille t fh?tttnroita ... I?*0 t.".7 1?.' *, na! Bit n* nref 12*? 127*. I27H ?il Ktianialinr * f-'tp? I4'a 14 14*. namellng t, sti'n praf !?4'? ;>?.' ?.v-, ,i 1a?.\ pr?t m?'** MB i?.s Vaiional of Mesl? o i ref :?? SB 71 v. ? >..rl< Mr lliake. Ml .'?? ?I N V .' A St I, l?t prrf !i-.'?j 1??i N V C. A 81 I, Id ir-f . ?.7 ?.a ??l>'*i *;. i?. V..rk IVi.-k 38 18 M S'.rk l>?-x k i raf . ??7\ 4<? firm V'.rk t.?. k g Western... 180 I'M v,,, Tork Ontario ? Westsra. 87% .t7"a .'it N'orfolk StMithern.f.21? 4*??? :.r, .miarlo sikt. i t i% i .,. 111. .'..??r . . ?V, On .... ? i ai ,.r,? ios aa ios ??.,. ii?. ?-..,*? 3d |,r?f . i?o\ an loo i i.iii,. T#l A Tel pref. laoN !1* p?i I*, i rlii A r,:i?.?ni. ?> I8 'JO I ? .,ri.? <;aa A ?' I'tr,1- to.?,?, ln?,*4 1- r ?' A- St I, prrf 111 I"'. Ill Pltttt-aurgh ?'"? 174 li?H I'ilttl 11 Kit rv.i.l |,raf ?.O*-, -il1, K I lltal.iiitrli I* W A t'lllrago. . .173", I?-4'?? I're?ed Bteal ?'..r H21; 8t"4 :i2 Pullman Co.ICO inn1. Ml1, Qulehtllvei . :.7. ?( .iS ? i|ik?lh.*r pref. 4 .'l'i Hteel -?.'iiir . 3<t 21? 2?. Itiallwi.i St. *-t Sprint prrf . ,181 l"l W 10*. Raadlng i*t i r??f. !?2 88 !?2 Rrnaselaer B Baraiegi SOB 184 Pi.niH Watartawn a ?in.:, n 118% 120 prrf . ?;.'. .V> 70 HI 1, A- S ?T <* A E I <*tf?.14.', 133 'Jin*. st i. Ar s F ?' a- i: i etia if 108% l?K'.% 133 St r. A- S F t' A- Y) I ne?. .*??'. M M PI I/iul? Soiltl w?*a??*r?i..'to'-l 38% .-r [.?.ni? Roathweetawn praf tAts "" 71 Roa b i :< pref .I38S 133 Sl.iaa Slirff St?*??l A Irani prtf..H3 '"> 108*4 M.ritli Porto RICO Sutor. *?l *?! >tH .'?mili p,ni?i itir-i Rugar pref m* "'7'? 112 1.U1.T11 lu- M * o rift . B3T4 88 8n .-Itnilai-I Mlllltnr . 1?l*? ??'a 17 1.nil Milling prrf..*.?!'. f>?'> .'i?'?. ,*. PacMe . 23 21 "1 22 T.i?. FUilwar? a iJtht ... 4 .-t", 4 Tarta Cit) Rapid Tranali. 186 i<>"> io?i Twin ?"l.v Rtpl.l Trimali , f. U- 183% 145 t i.derwai.i Typewriting ??*?...183*4 "O i?i2'4 I'n.l. rwiMi.1 Tyi.owrlt Co pref ill1. II?1, 112 I'?:Ion Itua A Pllper. 4*i 4*4 fr.lon Ha?- & !';i|?r pr f -S t'.i I'nlted <*iia-ar Mfr pref. IM K't Cnlted in v r.o<,.|?. n? i?7 |1 | ???? Iron rip?? A Fo... .in 13 1 s ?"??Jit iron Fire A Fo pf . .'.I 81 I'nlted Hlatee Fxprett. ** M I ?- In.? Air..10 .:<? r 8 lud Ale pref.B??'i .-.I l | Real.v A Imn. i?'? ?7'i r S Red??? A tief. 2 1 F H R*<lin- A R*f nref. 1<> .' S Rnhlvr 2d pref.7.">'i 7" Volcan l?r>?ln-?ln-? pref. 70 7K Weat Mar>land pref.77'i "t't i??>* \V,silr?h<ir?iM K * M la? pf. 118*4 ''7 198 Mi* ..r'?'n ??rnlrtl . -V! ?"-' "I FERRY COMPANIES. Bid Alked I . . .? Pkhn F 5t.. 0 10^,,10?^. ? |Sd M "** 38 ? i itti-tm r- ich'i, in? l .1- .?.p-lr .. P.7 r* M T A S H I 13 '?'"""> ^?"?r1 ? l1' ' l'i do lit 8?.. M ? I do lit St., 94 87 FOREIGN FINANCIAL F?ELO Consols and French Rentes Higher-?Berlin Boerse Strong. London, Jan. Mt?Orne?la etoeeS '? higher. at 77 71?. for money And the account. ABS? ??onfifl was nnehancsd, at iv*; Canadian I'.irllii- ?, hUlirr. at tso%', ?"-rainl Trunk ?? higher, ai ?J4'... Money wh*? pleatiful, an-i dleeounl tau? tarera May. Th?- stork market WOS linn and cc-ierally hlaher, uader the lead ?>f horns rail*. ?'"* aola an?! forciKii aeeurittea srere qutsi ?'i"', and Kaffirs nn?l oil shar?.:- ? io?*r > fu mrr American aeeuiitl-ta nprnni tjiteady, with luiros Within a smalt fraction or parity. I^tcr In tlio forenoon the market advanced under the lead <?r I'tilon raclfi * and South? ern Pacific Prkeg continued to harden In the late tradlnsr, and Canadian Parlflc aharea advanced aharply OH ln?*rea?ed earn? ing The clotalna waa ateady. Th- premium on gold ?f Madrid i- Ti?. unehanged. and .t Liabon i-* unchanged at ?. Pari?. .Ian ..i*. Three per * cent rentes Hnscd IS centime* higher, at ">.'. francs 10 centime? for the account Kxihantze on l.ond-n, ::.*? franca .'( Cen? time* for 'hei'ks. I'rir.'s were Orm on ti-,e Bouree. Merlin, .Inc. M Prices Improved ?.n tlie Boerae. Canadian Pacifie aharea w?*r?> .-troiiK. lOxchanee on London, 20 marks "?i i'fcn nlga for checke. Money, :.' p-r *-#-i11. Private dleeounl rate, ~~.'ni pet ?em. STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. ll*iiini?'i<-?l h I ".ait Boa b. BOSTON STOCKS. ? Chart? lirad g c. K, Neu Y..rk. LAND. Bid \-k-a I.*. 1.14 vi.-'?*i'*i*.<ii:? So. 17 Hi'iad Am A? Chem ,;i ". ?io prof l"-' < Am I'ii?iini . 4'. ?io pr? f. . IBM Am T A T .11*4 Am Wool rf s" . Am '/in ? M ?m. in Tf I '! 'i Sam Kna T.1M ? umtM Tel IM ?hi.* Stk Y..17" d.. prrf 111 Bdlaon I ? '?? 208 ?1*4 1084 :. 164 it?? ?? 26 ' t i ti i iem 171 II*.". :',ih. It Mi.H.'AI? o?? B> t do pr**f M ,-., in. <i.| pi it . Sie-- ??.i?? do pre! I* HIM?; .--.. I*' tk ?'.? . Mergen Une l-lllf-l SI,?. .:.. ,.,.f . lull. 1 I I'll' I. li 17? M Ho, ? \ ' H ?v Boa l'.lrv Boa A W El H \ W l*.l Dl NT N 11 a ! I n ? s ATI I ? Il M . i- . J.V ' A r? adl ?n * 11 1 I i i< ? ... ? ... i. ; i Hutu .v Bol -i ?? Hutt? c.'H'it S3 ? nlu A AH? ^'* ? ^i?i a u- us ?>ni?**n COf 17 ? mm Mar n. i tip IUl,K>? Dal? Weal ..- | ? Kin? Hi?" n i ilr'iix ? ,1 HI'l. lir-.-ii' f*en H. Mia I. .; ? . I,vi inn? rVtp l-tan-l rtmeh to_i * i?i?. n??v?u get* tJ,km K?u ?" t* KalU ? |. .,,,.?1 i M 14 MH IS* To. I2?i i . :ii - - i :.*?? i"'. i. 43 ?.,-, * ? '.'1 1 K) r.? 134 BONDS. PI ?AT4T Cvtla. M IMS'?; ". I m.- * *..ii -?; ...n 1 M . ?' v ;'? \- i ida ? 'on? li * . . ?. , North Hutta ?'? ' N rth Irfik. 23 . . ? I ? *..i ? op . ."*? ? **.| Don Inlon ?jo ojll ?.' ilnn M Ray i Ymaol 54 **-?<? ... I ? 124 h'hannnn 4.'. -'..itm- k Xrir 12V .... ... Sil] i i --in?..i Htatoi ? -? f I'teh Ap?< i i n i. ? ? ? . opper. I ? W l?lv? i". ?? I . t 33 '?-?\ 115 H im 90S ?>oT, 94 '.m V4 1 l???1, IW4 :ih i;'.*i 4?'.'? 47'j ;.- '. - - 17*''? i*-" 1:17. H7\ ??7'. x:\ *,..:i-. in ?144 vS r. H ? i ?i ttg'i -.? I : : . 314 ?'?'' -'* ?'i i??-. i?S 7' 7*. ?t ?I', ?'? <*?'. 4.'? tr. 54 .'?'. ION 7? 10-. 74'-. Id . i . ?i . 17 ? I I -t 1? . 1 / ??'i 1? i . 14% :?'t ? a sa 47', 4? V, |5 16-1 B ? ?. R i . 4\ :.-. T.I, ? * BOSTON CURB STOCKS. ...?d bv i Thorn ai Reinhardt, ? .?.??t. No? v.ik v.. :?i I .?-.onshira ? tr?"*'. H' ?"?"i, h ?>.. Canada i \*> M on? . Id Km? atreet Wut, I?lii?r.-? l???i \i h N? Mi"" . , -?,.... ,*. r.?? n ?bonita . . inn Boaton F.\t 7'j'. i;.i' o- ' '< iii'.ii . . .- T? 7??i ? 'entrai im mi? t ? ?.n ^,. . ?? Mlnei 50?town l;.*?.*r\ i v >. ? . \ * j 2 415 ' 'orhln ? r,.,.nr ' 1 ? ? Ji. 1 I ? - ? N<* ? I MftUoM ... .. ? ??. m ? H?. lO.llinu? ? -no HumbOkll Smol? 41'? l*ram|r If P A 1* 5ftl M? Klnl.'i i'ttr .-. i ? ,'j. N. a-1? t'oimla" 1,545} ? ?fr'-** M'.. o ^.... H.,- ?n \tinlnu 7'-<i hm. .\r I aland final 11 ion .-.,..'. i ?i *.ll S?.:l!li 1^.1.? 4 sao i*?!'...i V'arda i;x tai rukon ?,* ?? lll-rt i. a i*?' ?te li ???. * ?'*?. ?1-N ? *.' ..*. , at? i1. la -. M i ', 'i . K-, - ? ?e 14 <*?*. r. i., IA 4 . .I ?'. CHICAGO STOCKS ? Kiirr-I?' ? ' ' n? a Kan*? I I!. . I I ? ?i m 13 B14 Mu I.*!-.!, i??. \in i'an 7.-. .|..j.r<-f Il A m Tel A Tel rt> ? (un Kdlaon 13 M.n lond Mal. '. Mni I Hin.ili Hrl.-k *:. Unwell M? National Blacull IS penple'a ''^'< ? JO ?Jllukrr ? ?..I? ,.f 100 i<?<?svii't a i - ion r.?> ship . '." sag gaar? ? ?7.'. Wettet i sti.n? ?astreet'i ... 4'0 1 S St?Ml I4S 14*." 13 Mich 12 IM I3K\ lim '. MI54 15 I . ?!(?, BONDS I31.MM ? oui 1.1.-., n :.-. i"? , ? um ... Rjrl lal "?- 100?, S .?Mi Ogd? n ?;.?? .'.- M nur M 13 ai4 IM I3M? . loa 14a lais n?*? inn .. M I42N 13 i ai i ion IS IV? I - ION n*:.". ii^i loo' .vi i i.i *? IB . me 1O0' PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. il-i.ii.lh'-r I h\ i* liarlr? I? H.irn??\ A i ..I ?.tr?-.*?. Ne-\ S ??? 4th itreet. Ptilladelohia i It!.i A-k Am Pis *'; . 4.', i i.inl*. Ste?l. 4;i'j c Tr ?r N .1 7.'. \ i:i St.,r Mm' M4 1:1 ?<> of \. 134 Pelrm'l Tr . '? ?Im \--plialt M4 go pni TO l ?*,, of N a 33 tj?k<* k rerp M4 .i?, i rof .. 7i i:i a Pee m *i>. I>hl?h S'a? I-"i Val H H Phi la ? *?. ? i. prei I'.-im H H Co -I...-I pf Phlli Kl Co . I'hiiH Hup Tr t'n Traiil.ui . i'n Oaa imp. i ' ? w ? laboi h ? ?, HUM'S Vlillrt Kl 5? ?o . No 25 133 s?.,ith i . \- . ' M< ', 1HI ?? ?'HI Hill iv 2S4 ???I i M M 44'j ?2 11.1 IS'. '.'4 ?M . M ? i.i N f Coa r.?.104'.. 1044 I'hila Co .'?? PI lia i:i 4o. M ?>-". 1024 IAS4 l??'i 0.1 \ BALTIMORE STOCKS. ... , . ? . eh ?* n ?VU R lat M 1' i'ine Hv Ba I?"'? I'oin-oi cool.m4 imi-oi Pow.lM ,1o >siet. li"i ?in 4'>a. .. Hl?4 Col I'u.'k 5h 77'f QB8 H Ut 4a .14 HouaOtletfa i?'? ?lo \iret ... 76 Bojrer, Orlawold Hroa.1v.a> i lui A*ke?l | la IM Hfl M 1f?)H 104'? 1<*4 1??7 N IX 10 No .17 ?41 7? I Hi.I AHk?.! 9 H A i.i :??. n ni, |no?. Nor etntn? r.7 r.? Hral ...ii-,| i n ?g do lut pri?f. in? ?'o 2.1 prof, tt Penh A I. 4a. M United ii\.. Ml 'lo In?. 4a.. . . 4 ? do lat 4, ?,.-, i do fmtif 5a. 87 ??1 IM ill' :d M '. ?7 4 COLLATERAL TRUST NOTES. (Kurninhi.i t>\ Seoiteeui ? AppraaeUer, N M I'tne atroal > Approx. Nam? Mntmliv. Hot. Asked. Mehl Amiil ?upper .'? .? >-. April, lkl.l 1001, 1004 4 Io Ann Arbor It it .'. |) <*, May, 1013. M4 tm 5.M Bell K Ohio 44 i? ?. Jim.-. 1013.1004 H<0\ 4 iki Both Steel Core S p c, Nov. luit 101 ', ioi?? ?*,::,) Cbaa A (Jhlo I'a p .*, .Inm-, 1!M4. t9% ?04 Cale Ble? lt>N 5 p ?-. July, nut. bm4 iki '?hi.* A Ali,.n :, ,. ., M. it Is, le?a M4 1MI-U ''In. Ham A D 4 p ?*, July, 1H1.I. nn'2 i?'.?", D .v II OeWB 44 I''*. Jiii*., IT3S.101 lii'j I?<-n Huh a i:i ?i p ?. April, ?14 HXI 101 Hir.ii Dlii Kl ?> p ?*. May, 11U2... !M>\ 1inii4 ICrl?- It It ?I |> i, Apill .--, 1014... 1014 KM?, do ?'. i> '. dot, ISM ...n? lu,'? Son Motora Oo S p c, Oot, nur. . un', gg ...n Rub Co 44 pc.July. 1015.. n7l, M IIu?laon ?"?.a li p c*. gag, 1018. . . Mit lia? i*.k st.-fi |i <-. M.h ISIS .... t?i h? M A Ht I. It R I p . . fat?, ISIS. . H7 l?7W M?. K a T I p c, Mar, ISIS....100 lim?, Mo l'a?* H? 5 l> ?. .Iiiih-, 1914 . . ?7 074 N Y ?Vniral 4l, p ?*. M, n. 1011 |no?, u*)'t N' T ?'nitral l.inea rqiilp .. p g, N?.. 1012*22 4 40?1?4 20 p c baila m,**9 t\.P.' ?..*'?!?? ,0,2"'-?-----?-4?*4.20prbiuili N ^ N II A n |4 pc, mr: B4?3.Mpr baala .t Li b r s p c. Moh, min .. i???**, leoii too Ao r, p r, -lun?-, 101.1 . MM t*o?i 5 t,s m R? '? p ? Keb II?' : '???i?1 in| ? on Hdfii't i'nil p r, Jim?, 1!>I5 iniH H*l\ 470 1. n i? pa* -i? .'? p e, ??i. t%. i'.i - ici i, im s | ?n tv*?t || Ht?a Au?, itua...ioi4 1014 ?.so 4 m) .*.!.? Ci.AU 4 10 4.30 B 4.*. B.3B T. 40 I INI a. f? ;. .1:. r, ?mi h. 00 760 4 v?. .; M 4*211 ???- TfM Executor Truste^.---. Charternd 1822 The Fanners' Loan and Trust Company, ^ Nos. 16,18, 20 & 22 William Street Br?anch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue, New York. LONDON, ?I & Wfei?* k a PAR* 41 M?* ?? Traveler*' Letten of Credit. Foreign Eichangs. Administrator Guardian More and more people are finding il convenient to keep their Securities and other valuables uptown instead ol downtown. The Union Trust Company of New York offers unexcelled facilities at moderate prices in the uptown vaults ,.i the Lenox Safe Deposit Company. At Fifth Avenue and Sixtieth Street, they are very near the "social center" of New York, ami convenient For most people who live uptown. Inspection and patronage are invited. OUTSIDE SECURITIES. a (a??-ii.?rHll\ steady ton? wn? ihown larKft for ??..tul?*?* ?.ocnrlties, In frame Whll? in tin* markt? . ??i tli?-* mining Issue? considerable flrmn?***? I developed ,,,, ln?-r?*?w*4 activity. Nlpieatnf* allowed nirciiKih. advaiiciuK *'i on what I.K.1....1 to b<* short covertnf. ?>ther silver ?tocka w*re quiet and about unchanged. Th? copper laeues showed siisrht Ructua llonM, notwithstanding the iimicr tendency In the m.?t;?l. lii-*plratio? Consolidated. Hut..- ?'.lalltlun and ?n.r.ux <'<?n**<>lldate.l ?vero moderately acUve. The iniliiatrl--?! Ii 1 wan?.lull with th? exception of Britif-n American Toliacco rutted ?'iKar store*. which move within narrow limit?? The bond department rul-vl steady, hut com? paratively quiet. Detailed operation?? fol? low : INDUSTRIAL. lall I Op?M). ?WO B ii? Oaa, ' r. ? ?a. Bi Ain Teba?*., I74 :, ??,;.:?, foil > ...'.'.v. ."."n .'-.ri Hub T pref M4 \ o ?i llou? >>ii Aa p.i !'*4 'SB In .'.'ib Tr r-tfa. IT'a 2 lohnaon Tla F ISO :?.l S Your? . . .IT*? |fi. tKayeer pi**f .100 <:.' l>*h V C H, ? i ';h* l'i M.-And g l-'nrl* 17" .???ii M.inh.n Tranatl 1% 10 l"r II Am T.ih.2in . ; i; .i if n i-i? l?i 130 M Rumie? >'.... l?X? (61 I n 'i,* S?..r. ? 11V. ?Ml S I, A || ' . a r , I" do i ref, n?-??-. m Ilia!; '?? 1? MO Mtt iao 170 ira i oo IT?* 1 '. 24."? im |lUI ll*. I.'iS 61 17 \ BI * i*S 17', 1:;<> 17?* in.-. IM 17?. 1% ??Ali IM "..i. '? ? I?.?. IS ??i Last. S 17', ?Jt?> M4 <y i 17S |M 17S in.. 1!?S 170 m 24'. ICI W, IM MINING. 1 Min ?I*. :? ?| ten . '?" ?j??? Hraden copper :;?ai ii.Mi. i 'oalltion a. ?in. oiiao!. .'?ci. i'?*n Arli Hmlta '<?. i>.. Daij i*.-i* . I.pal i;:, i 'on . 10)1 v*i.?t National . lia? llora??.*?. . . 1 ?KB! fill Ht Minina ji?. .;-., ... i *nil 2 '.? *i ' i r*.** *:Oer ?jo Hug t:?.? 'or top Inapl ? '.nit t.i,*m?.?. V.w ion Ken i.'-* i .?a. i,, i;ran*a> i-i |Oft I , (>,,?? ?*on .'n Ma-o '? '.'.'> Ml o ir L' !'>' Mi ,. ? ?Olli*. . *?oo si.-ii* ii i*. ? i. ii Htplt M In ? Co 7 .pp. . '... poi-cupla?. ? >ni ;..?> i'or, ii| In? " ? ..... i*,..?..,.. v' D 1 ."J.. JIh- " '? :*. ???"? ?si.t, Hr. '?'..'? ''.ii- i**.*i Mlti.ra i"o T-mttpali ' ?? .'. Va? Tnlaroaa 2,PO0 Tuolumne Cop . ?.'7.*. *, ikon '.??' i m ja ?. 13 H ?? 2S > ?.'a l&l. M Ik ji ii . 14| ?I a 1.1 u 7 ?, m --. .", "a II ?a ?? 44 V, IM ?ji IIS " : I |!j ?'' 64 Sal 4.V - ? %S '1 . 1 . J? ?:. '1 .; !?? i ' i?*?* ?JO' -1 ??t ? 11 'a 14 ?i n I ?; ?a BONDS. MT.OOOf-hl? Ft* *.a M in.iioi? l IUi ,',-*, \?. 100??. IK '.,.? [n? ? ,.,, <*m ?a lOa IS. l-n? & t,?.i :.? 1?>.% -, .?a ?,'??' f Tra. i ."** H* ': 1.N V ' I" 4'a*- '"'J*?' *..??? nva a- :. 4'.* :-->?, 1.1 .?" N A W ? '*. i I? H>7 r ?aa. l'i,,- ?; t. p.i ;,? *?; ' .'. ??.* I... . '.n ',? 110 de|.? .',? !?7', !?'"', Hih1? lolS tor? 10811 ;>*??, 101 '- ? IK 01 M4 100 . 1(V? 101 '. ion1., lasts ..?.?. I"7 ?24 no 1*7', ?ii.l I ? V M|| M4 Ta' i I'?'? MIS 100 j I02H 101 ?4 II" !*7S IKxtra CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE. c i i if N.-iv V or I. tl\it? ?m th ?!r,?i -.., r-.* feat* ?aolldaled Kx ; 1.1? >?i ?i? .ti i,|.- ? |-llviajllltlMta*U r.A i r . riii*. with Iichv?. oil?! lot tr;t>1infr. In both '??i... ?araa exceptionally weak, th? otii-r r*\ | ceptlonally atronif, At Aral II ?,*.aa tho tip vi. ?\ iiiat the decline In St Paul r*'?'.>"! merelj g bear raid de^vned m facilitate short covering In o.h.r ?ectloni of th. Mai. bill the li?i??r n<ri.>n of th* stock h*l many lo entertain the !?<<llef that the iBalllnR repreitented actual 1l.|.i.datiot.. Com ? mlaaliin houaea ?oro m>od buyer? ..f Sew Yorl* l'entrai, which falld to -#-ii under ii" ,. compared with a Kew York St"?*k r.\ ??liani;.- low price of Ilia*-? lt?a high, how va a H*i4, ni* rlnst UJ'-a on (he other board Detailed operations foll?n ; ?20 i ?m ?.. m ?,.,, aTO STOCKS. ? '[??n i Ainal Corner . 01 Arn Ha.-t Sn?ar X,', Am car <?. Wy 01 \.rr Ice So', x:.i Bmeltlng . 7<" Am sna;.i- . ili>:? Allla ?hrtlniar? 1 '? Ana*-oii.l? . 'op .147?a A T A p F.. io:,*, Ball * ?>.ii" i'?*' Mr.*- lahu It T T0H PaV 91 lira J ?hi 4 210 . M .* SI 1' KM'-, lo ? 'l.lno ? nppci 2fiS 4<? ?..i truel a.- I j.i'. IM . Mira,,: ??n? IMS l: . . .'?IS jo do la? pref 01 ?a? 100 ?i? North pref l'-.".. ? ?jo ?;t n rara i tfa. :?f?'. IM Inter M?M 10 . l?ir> ,1,i prof.*?71i ;:<K? LrliiRh Vallrv Jrtl *? a Sft I.?ni? A Nash.lM'a IUi Mleaaj-url Pae .. 4<? .1 ?70 \ V .Vritr?! . . II???* .",7o Northern Pix*. 11rtT? so Norf Si ?A>?l . l?,',.'t ??'.i. Penna] Unnla . 1'J4 17 uno Readlng , .1I*>4 .o Roch lalanH MK 7BO Routhem I'ar .1?XHH ?io Southern Hi . . 'J7S 10 Tenu ?'opprr. . ?17 'jo Third Avenue ?7 IK iwio 1'irion Pacific l.i.l\ 18 II?.?? U ? Pteel. ?H.-i'j ?jo il.> pref ..... H"'? IM itah Ctsppet . lal?H 10 Va <"ar ?'hem :-\ :i? Wah.??li . 7 30 <io pre?... . 17'? ?in Weatarn ITntoa M ??.:. ojo T.'t.ii nloa MINING. M0 Atlanta .i?l* ?00 Mclinon. . . *40 $ ;*ki c ?i 11.14 I |??> Coinh 1-'rii''?loii . 14 ion Coiim X'liglnla. 7'1 M0 -Tina Hutl< ?. . ,M l.oa*?? Jumbo l->ii .22 Pulo?! .Ol* 400 Tonopah Kxt 1 4T, 4 OOal Tola! ?ale? ?'.'J-. :.-,*. :.i ?Ji>>, 7<iS IM ? I a M-a im . p..". . ;s' j:n 71 \ In?'. 20 a 'J'*'. 140', 01 ?r.11? 1V.1", MS I?". 074 I'.p. l.'.r? 40 HJ'i 1I7\ 100'? 1J4'a ISA 4 J41. 10m ?7 1iV. ?14'a 110?, ??'41. r*-.*.*, 17?. i.-.? ?',1-a us M M4 ?il?'? us 1 '. :i4*, 10*1 S 104 . 7? * ?J.. 1 70 T, KM-a 2S \ ?j.i 1.".;. , 3014 61 IMS M*i 174 :.; Il-al'? 1!M1'? M4 110?, II?**? 1004 irj.?', IM4 24'a 1074 J7 ', .17 47 lfU?, 02 > 110?, M4 U% 17 1 -i,,??>. M 4 M'? 7?)', 11!? *, l'-a 1 ? 1?V\:? I06?j 7sS 2:11 71 1061 M I.".'?*, :."', :.i ??? 17 4 "?7 4 mi 1J?4 :ii?S ins 117'. :.'i . 124', 1044 'J.'. 100 27 S .17 47 1?V4S ?4 110S 044 t.-\ : 174 17S \.m t .14 ? 14'; . Til .1.*. ??? ITS S ?W .14 144 7?* ;.3 ?-n '.PS 1 4.*. I 4*. \.to NEW YORK CITY BONDS. (Ku *4 . ?4'? tg 4 rnlahrd ly **"?? l*. ?-"oler A Co., ?trect.l , I ltd lnlere?t .0 has added.? Kl?l March, ltWO. < p. 'SO.102S S.?ptomh.?r, ?i.?'a?.lO'J'*? November, iuf.7.l??7: ? Ma>. r.?r.7.1?)7S November, l(M7. a^i-, May. H?17.?? ?4?. Mn%. It??*'?'. ?4s. November, mkvs May, iWT. Ma>. IMO. November, ?.*?"??* '50. November, '??.I?;. , November, vxt '?">?*. . Muy. 1'.?S4. lltto-'M. S7' November, li*41. tW' No. 4.1 ?edar Aaked. 1024 111,1 107 S 1?l7Ta 102s 102 s l?i.)'a 1???S loOS 100 '.'.'. *.-.'. ? MR sa a?*. lo-j 10J ??:, ??"a .?."?a M H w?s M?', 074 or? ?4?. ?4?>, t4a. t4?. MS. tMS. +MS. IMS, Varlou? malurltlc?, IQflt 1M4.4.1B#4.Mbapti ?Coupon? Interchanaeable. T"tc(l?tcr?<1. tCou t'l'ii- |IteKi?terod and a-oupon. a PUBLIC UTILITY SECURITIES. (l'urnl?htd by William?. Mct'.mneii & Coleman, No. 60 Wall an..-; 1 Am l.l & ?lo pref. Am ?? * F.l do pref.... Ai'i P * I.? do pref.. .. ?' Sar\ do pref.... . 1X1*B (jell 5? tVl', Bmp D F, Oa 70S red ii 4 ir ?2 ? lo rr"f TV , Ftd LUI It le? 35 Itld.Aakcl. t aoi 7M 4!, 7? S2S 01 ???' :ih> 107 7.*. 4.1 7?l MH >?1S p?r? -.. ?1 tiY. 40 K. ,| t'tlllt pf Une <; I 1: l'a. <? <v Kl. do pref. Hep T'y A M ?lo pref . . ftand <; .?, I do pref. Tr? <? K ?. I do pref TVaat Po?, er do pref_ Hld.Aaked. T.% M MS M 2? 77S 2ft 614 3*)< 04 99 ,*?8 80 .12 OTW 1? .10 7V 2? 614 .1?. ?.; 1? ?30 Central Pacifie Railway Compm? THRU A ONK-HAI I PRR CENT VifZ GAGE BOMI>. MO?T Notice la t.ereb) Mv*.i. that. p?,a,. . w, rro\laloni ?.f Article Nine of t ?? ,.-,K?, , tila Compon v t.. th? i'?ii.,i s???-, r"j"t%*. i*;."-. o( Nvv. rork, Treat?*-, dat.d \*?nV?t laa?, thl? i'omiH iv has ??-t apart oiU nf u_ , , ncomo derived t? it From th. llnM ut nJr? Herein mort?{ae.d th? auin ?f Twentj flv?_2i .?and Uollara n, ,,,?* fo h? ?sej ,r, r?da?a honda, and Hint bondi l?,.,e,j ,u,der aal*' mor. g-g? will bc redeimad therefrlth. BU? .r? h.rl invited for the aurrender of aurh hond? at l?.- b.?, !XT'1 by ""* hititmr?, to th* ain-MM i35.431.0a In the Rlnkhta rund Sim hid, ?ho.i',1 h,, prra-nt.-d ?o : . . omr>li_ ai Ita office. |? Broeiway. In ih? ?'it, 7V "i?.rk. on o, h,.f. rr ti,P i,. rtav or* Kehnian ]e_> 1 ?o,,.U*',v'' ?''"'' K ""'"?? ?*"? ?hOQld t- ^-ioriM for Surrender of ?Vntral P? iff R*))-?? < otnpaiH rhre? and ' ni" hair i>?-t ?>?it Bo'<"?~ CENTRAL PACIFIC RAI I.W AT ? OMPAVT?r ai -, - ** R- s W>VBTT. rre?-i.r ' New York. P?*. emher-?*.. 101' S METROPOLITAN TRUST COMPANY of the City of New York 49 Wall Street "??OI004I banking and fru.t ha-i.-v-i? -. '. .. ?;.'??? " | i,s UIVIDEND NOTICES. ?H*: SU-iQU-H^NHd HAlLWA/ Lilrtf & POWER COMPihf Th? reculer aeml a ?>f tlM I ',.hii\ Im< M..l*il 1st, cord K?bruar) Januai i miat dl? -? ?>:*i tl-.. j.refont hee,, ?!. ? ir? ?* 1012, ' ruarj 15th jh.i r? ? er Harr h lat, l??1*.* Dd ? hecka will n? HENRY MOMCI .9-1 |Mt"? - ?H4. ? ' **t r-tr ?w REPUBLIC OF CUBA I nur anil One-Half fer IVnl ? ...HI Komi? Hu.- 104*1 i Kit? ? ?-i. ' ?breai * t "??.* -f the i ?rill 1... paid nu preaentattea ? aft? r ilia? ? | SPEYER et, CO. *i ?_??-. PI ?'" STREE1 V'oi k. Januar; *.'7. 1013 ilK1.IM.lf \K11I l> \ ( HI MM \t. t\ otil.-e of Tiaeeeioi. lond lai 'in*, c Phi m ?if ? pj, .-^ \t*. I ?f Uli? foi - I- S ? Per ? e, ? . ? i,,. |d*nd nf Three .3 Ont. then d< On I ? hi li:. St... kl ? ....,? bol ? .it.i. 1013. th? purpoa? nf aald II? i-l-nd?. th? ni"ii K?'i<k Tranafer i~ >??d tag, 13 No.m Pobrearj :*.i*.t i? In * \| r-i,r Idth. IIII3 > W TR vv :*r New \urk. ?hli-aa? A 144. I ?'?o? K. ? i.nira! Terminal. N V . .tan ?4 *rii<- Board of Dlrecton ??' thti ?oa i ?. ? ;? ;.ii?-.i ? ??mi-annual dt i?l?nd of INP ONE mm i- PER CENT on lb* Pin ? pr*?f*rr*d f'apltal s.k an * dl? ld?nd "? rHREE PER PENT ? mon ?'ant;. S'o.-k, payable ?? i la March lat, 1913, to ito<-khold?ra m thr.. o'clock P M. on Prtday, P?b 3d, nu. ?'H -.P.I.EH :' ? ' ?\ ; Minneapolis. A "M. I oui. Railroad 4 a. I'oupona ?ine February t ifir.'. from MMk| ?roi? ,v m i/o i?.s Railroad Comnaaj . ep. note? ?HI l,e paid on an.1 aftar ?)?*? dill ? ? ? ? Pompaay'a offlee, -j:. Broad >-r-e\ ?| York '?" M I ? v *. l.- ! ?i-iiir-fti MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS, r (F'jrnlihcd b) Fr?d?i k H Ht* k Tork an?l Po?ton i In? In? t ?rio-i. .\ sei v ? ? An Hank V"1* pf . Amerl-an Rra?'?. <*! 0 , Am ri-lrle .?.. I? Mo Am ?"oal prr.du.-ta . rt'7?J-.l Ain Plat Toi of N J Am Fren? . Am Tht>-a.1 pf. < Am T>pe Ko-jn?1?ra . ? Ann Tjrp? rounSoro pf . 7 A 11 I'* pe Pound fleh Ka. Am T>p?- Pound n?w... Babcock A Wbita . ? Barn? ) & Smith. iereey x Rmlth .>t ... * Bordeo ?"oml Milk ... ? Borden ?"??ni -.Ulk pt... ? Biiih Terminal . ?'en I in I l'n ? a "' kl .. ' 'entrai Klrawortka pf... *onn Rv * Uatit. 1 ?>iliiloi?i . H l>u Tont r.."..l" ... * 'il l'ont Powder i'f. * umpire Siooi l Iron... . Empire **?*." i ??? ?rota pf. K \\ Hila- . '?<* B W Bllaa pf. * l-Vderal l.iuht A Tia.- . Ke?1eral l.lRlit \ l> pf. Hall Slinal . Irternatlonni Nickel- ? International Nickel pf. * International *r!'\er. ? Ir.t?rnatlonal Silver of.. 7 Klrby Lumber pf. ? Klnga ?o Kl I? A P.... ?*? Ka>srr . Kayier pf. I Nat fa h H?al?t?r pf... " Nll<-a B?m?nt P . o Nile? H.-inenl P pf. ? <>tK V:le\ator. * PU? Klevator pf. ** PUI Pominlon S S. O Parido i:?*. A 'I?''. PacISc ?i"? * ,--''*'c ?'?? * I'helpa I? ? Co. 10 Popa MflC ?oui. l'ope Mfg Pf. ? Producen' oh.-.... ? Tratt A- Whltn?)* pf ... 5 Roxal BaklBg Powder.. Ro\al HaktiiR Pow?l?r pf Saf?-t v C H * I. h fren Sen Chl?l?t. Varlou t*ian?lard Milling. Stan-lard Milling pf.... Bula pf. Tena? * Pa.-lfV <"oal -. Trenton P?>ti?rl?s. Trriiton Potterl?* rf Tn-nton Tot fdg ctfa Trou Plr'.-tory. Pnlon Carhld?. ? l'nlon F?iry. R finon Tv|>ewrll?r. l'nlon Typ?writer Ut pf 7 l'nlon Typ?wrlt?r 2.1 pf. R l* s Flniahlng. 4 r s i'itiiatilng nf. 7 r | Plmlahlaa i?t 5a.... ? tr S Flnlsliing ?'on M... ? Virginia Hnll-aay. -- Weetera l'a.lftt. ...... ? A*e?tern Power. - Wiitern Power pf. ? ? t y 1 i i '.< i M it M Mi-N A lo . 2ite P 1 \.*MfL n e . '?'?' A ?3 ?? M ' io (M I is a... M 141 ii>. ? I nil lift Q M Q M .,! M '.' " Q V lAEi Q M Q ' m -* i"ii 1.^^ |fM i-H- '! ii ?s A Si AI \ Q .1 Q V ,r*.i Q M Q !" Q i" Q y JAJ g Q .1 ? o r ? Q I" 13 g MAR li Q M.-.1 q MAI 1 AA?-> R Scrip 4 J&t g i Q J A*0 A*n Q I Q I JAJ J*J ?o tS -.? 1* - H .?4 ?m !4l ;o tutg ? i A '?*. ' *??. "m 104 IM J I? 1? _ ?>*. 1<S n ? i*.,?! ? ? ?17 t^i ?T: ***** M ?? , -tri t?*M IM , " ? ? i;-. '*% 1z?*\ i*1.*? !W -**? ilVt inn ?*. i? il B M ri if* I M (S ?4 Z% :f ?Ex dividend. RAILROAD EQUIPMENT BONDS CAR TRU8TS. Materias ,f,M ?*?" ? (Furniaiicii b) Swartwoui A AppanaeUar, ? Pine lireet ) NOBM. Maturity. I?*| Atlanii.- t'oaat Une 4 c >*. I'-"1 ?'.?;? ?J Buff. llo?*h & Pitts 4 4'- p <*, 101?-.27- ?J ?'entra! of ?ieorgla -iH-ft p C 1011 .!'?? *~* ?'entrai B R of N 1 4 P ?'. H-'l i'- ??* ?If ??heaapeuke ? Ohio ipc 1011 '?';? ?* 2^' Chicago A Alt.-m 4 4S .". p ? 1011 JJ ",, .'hi.aRo .v Ka?t 111 4'- 5 P ?. ?"'.,,'/ \? Chlcaeo it l A P 4<i ? re ?"? ??????- !5 ??in. Ham & Dayton 4H-? P '* ?J*1 ?i? I'.lawuic * Hudson 4>? p C, la--. I* tfflrle 4 4'- f. i? . (SU r11 ?. * *.f Norfolk .\ W.M-iii 4 P ? 101J I? ..?? ?*J Pannayhania .*?'? 4 p ? .10" ','..,. ?,' St 1. A Shu Iran 4 4'. 5 p t. IS 1 H- *** go g.iar A ?* * r ^ r? c. 1S11 if.-.- ? SeahcnM Air Line |',-fl P '. 1?1J *? *,-, so.itho-i, Rw.? v..* ?V. r ? ? ''0' -' m Viril.? l'H,l.*?.v *< P <*. I!? I '0 ??? ?' waba*h Ran l0 ntl ?U 6?I Wl.c. 1 i L*k? trie I'? -. n e. mi -*? '",