Newspaper Page Text
STEEL EARNS $23,105,115 Quarterly Statement Close to Wall Street's Expectations. $89,638 SURPLUS IS SHOWN Figures Become Public After Closed Market. When Com? mon Gained a Point. Tola! earn!*!*** r,i? " ' -b '? " st"'1 on f.,r the tina?- montk . , :;i. 191 l. won* 123.105.118, and after deduction of all chargea und of the r?gulai of 1 3-1 per <'?'?it on til?* preferr? d . and l i- ! ?per can! on the i trni own for the quarter of >89.? i - tin showing being made poaalble by ? sling dot. n of the allowance for the ? i latlon and extraordinary renia funds. l ?Hi?-, ton, held their quar ? da* aftc the clone of market, the atatem? ni of earn being made public at ihelr adjourn? ment. Tie total earning! corresponded In amnunl closely with the eatlmatei within the las! fe\t days, th? maximum forrea si ha? Ing been 1. and the , .. 1 ire ha> Ing been about $23. . total earnings for the quarter en.Id on Sept. mber 10 last 522.725, and ? ? lat? Ihn months of 1910 $25.9oT.? Th?* high r***cord earnings for the De? cember ::i quarter were reported In 1906, th? ' 1.750.126, October were $9.159,3 I* ; N<>\ ?ml'* v. |?J,940,717, and De<*emhei T ,- . for November and V- ' * mber, which varied from each other onlj a...u:t 150,000. were the ama liest re? portad for any month a?n?e May, 190t, with ?*.??..i>ti<?n of January, 1911. when only IS,$09, 11.; was ? ai n d, Deducting from the i"t.?l earntnea the i nd allowan? ? s for sinking funds ondi "f subaldlai nlea, and for depreciation and extraordinary replacemen! fur?,' in all, the re? earnings for the quaiter were $19.978. After '!< du. ting fron quarter's Lnteresl of $5,761.680 on the out? : onds of the 8t< < ' i ' ?i "?ration and ((liking fund requirements of I :?*?.". for yi*rquarter, a balance remained of ?*..*.? 1.963. t<. wl Ich was added $81.780, rep rcst nling the net balam*e ? and Charge?, including adjust men I of \aii ov* e< - "i 'it*- ; the balance available for divi? dend, being $13.74$ Dividends for the quarto on the preferred ?lock reqiifrad tMMJ919 and .?a the common | 781, ;? total of $12.(0,700, leaving a sur? plus nel Income for the qi art. r of ? ? total ?-u'plus ?oi 4- ? l'i,i * 1911 the item* "sinking on bonds of subsidiary companies" and "depr. rial Ion and < xtraordlnai 'lei,! fund-'' were reported s? parately, the .-ink;!::; fund it?ni ranging from one quarter to three-quarters <.;' a million dol? lars in .' tab ments. while t'1? ?n aii.1 replat*? ments fnnil appro? priations hav? sometimes gone ;.- high ?v; than aV.*a*3O.OO0 for a alngle quartei The combined items were for it"' Beptem i quartet of laal yeai p%tBt\m9 and for . ? ; I ? ' ? ???". while In th? ien1 they were only I mi in tiie statement JtHM Issued only not. in ii'i?. liberal appropriations were mude surplus for additional property, new plants ami ..instruction, the total being tS.6m.9M, with an a?l?litional appropriation ? close of the year of \ ? ? g 1*8 fu I? cover advancad mining royal r just ended, an in previous in which the steel business wi i " , no such appropriations were or? d> red. ",, nd .m the preferred OtC l-ayaMf on February 9 and on th? common s.o.k ?in March M, Total earnings of the Bteel Corporation for 1911, with the figures lor the |,,^( month of each quarter subject t" p..--'!.1. illghl revision, were $101,255,563. in i*** the aarnlngs were $91.847,710 and In l>i7 they w? re $141.<64,7M el common closed yesterday al M, a ' In of 1 point for the da OPPOSES SALE OF VAULTS Court Argument To-day Over Carnegie Company Affairs. it.. tl sal? of the Carnegie Safe I?*posit vaults to a syndicate of bankers ? i by James B Mexinder, presiden! of National Hank of Commer?a, for S275. Will he made by William II. Wadh.i.n ?', rapreaentlng the C C. Dlcklnaon estate, when the application of th< Stat>* Buperin tendenl o1 Hank* comee up for argument '??d.,v iiffi-o Justice Oerard, ..f the Bu? le <'ouit. 'IV. liicklnaoa ?state owm 1,004 >.f the *.,?-'?> ?-hares of the Carnegie Safe i?. pc it , any. the remainder being held by th? ?amegic Trusl Company. The Carnegie vaults coat uparard ol |$9M99i and. g?ocord iiii? to Mr. "A'adhams, have recently gol on a paying ta?i.s. the net camines at ? being a'-?out $31 ,009 a year, The value of the vaults, he -ays. hav?. been ?really en? hanced through the deatructlOB of the Mer ? vaults try the Kqnitable Ore, and contracts arc < omlng In at the raie of ?$0,1-0 a day. "?Vi. rlnteadent o? Bai.ks wlajies t'i ?lisp???*?' of tl,?? vaults just at this time, whtn thisy ar? man than paying their way aid new contracta au* ronalag In at auch a rat'-, for ???.hat appears to be such an en? tirely Inadequate consideration is one of th?- things tin stockholder! want to know, M. Wadhaina said. The MookboMen be? lieve that by waiting a little longer a bet tc. pttat would i.e i(. ,iv?.i, ... ?i they see n?? raaaoa for selling thu property al ? ; ? a low liguit? Juat because it happens to ho tbfs tmly offer that las yet ln-*n made. tfi ' " ? BUSINESS TROUBLES. 'i*.;e following petitions in bankruptcy we?:? filed In the United States District 1 yesterday: TOB HOTEL viKiN<j COMPANY, hotel anit>a*stanrant at No. 157 Wast 131th street; tn\ynintary. Judge Hough appointed Harry Li.ibllitics, tSl.OOO; as s?tjL JG.tiOO. ,,TjBE UNITED STATIC PHOTOQRAV 1 RE COMPANY, publish?? ot postcards, at ?No? !?>?*? Wesi ti * tvoluutary. Lia BMliTi?.*-. and as eti no1 ?*1? ? IM.: t-OWERS COMPANY, inanufaet ??i??r of moving p . ire film?-, at No ill !ti. ... * i. .n'.ouui'. ? ts and liabilities not ?;|v< n . BENJAMIN MAOOIO, do? ing "ouainc-as a* A Maggio A Bon, wholesale a.-iU( rs in il?.m . lyette Btr?*?l . 1. \v4imtarv. I. abtlit!. 5 **,''.i-*i!. Ml'EL i'.I\ , alcr In dr? - ' "''" ? ul \.p. .?i S.,iith sir?-. I . iKAoluntar) Liabilities. 11,000: assets, ss.^io i.i. conf? ctloner, at >:??. iggMI Bfailvury. arid .\. i <:?th K|m-i, Inv.dirntary. .\r-- t- catimated at $1,500. JOSHI' v M <;?)|'|.:>. aaltt-sman. of .**?<? 601 ltilt'i sire.-t, voluntiiry. l.labllltlea, ? ?.. ?I C?A \ !?>.!.i> .,f ?[?ring Valley survlv? r m ih. BprinK Vail? v Lumber PB?iy: voliiiitui-v. Hi u.iiin, K, sjj,:?si, ' J"!-:i'i' .\? ItANKO. mac'.ilnist. of No. BUS }N ' i" Liabilities, Hi? ifAlaii ALTMANN, of No ?14 Oreen **'l?l. .... rl? ll?|Uor ?...ik-r; v.,1 . ?! ? ?. ?531. no araiael?. *?! * OPPOSeS TOLEDO RAILWAYS PLAN. the stockholders <>f ;,iit Com pa i ! ? Id hem? , m,, ' ole?.the coi . Id.mmlti ?on until March i Wl agree?! efoie final at-iion >\ill he tak--n on a - amai on ?,i.,, -,,,, atockholde:? *>f which \\ K. Ifuttoii [r "?ill unOrrlal.c !.. draft .? (dan a. ji 11 m?... ,,. the stock? ( the bond ' '?' ' ida.i, ?.*. hieb |?ro a naai?smerit of about $7 a fcliure on in?- btOa-li. WABASH MAY MAKE LOAN Receivers Authorized to Expend $11,000,000. Bt Loula Jan ? ' i:1'11rr i: Adama t..-<'.;i\ algned an order which v ,:t pertnil dir- reo Ivera of the IVabaah Rellroad Compeny "? borrow I9.SSS,.r 110,.,000 t?? i-ehablllUte the property. With the 11,600,000 tn the treaeury ot the ? i.i. Truat Company, in New York, ? || . m., n?! aboul II 1.000,000. w ? atlnghoua? Air Br ike Company n - ?rea conaoIWated with th? foreelOBure suit of tl ' mdlng .'*n?i extt-naion nmrtsate, tiled yeaterday. The ?h filed an admiaaion of Ineolvency r If. Krutn, of 8t Louie, waa appointed a apeclal maater. II waa rdered that tnc New York olBc? ?if the Wabaah be contint? i for < onvi : iiii.ini in! end of the road, and the pun-has.' <>f twenty-five additional locotno? was authorized. In addition Judge ?:. ?i an m ?it which will pern II ; ture "f $3,526,fin" for new equip? it,500 for aecond track work and 1,010,000 f'?r mlacellaneoua expenaea. The road "?ll be double trecked between De? and Bt. Loula, certain pointa between ia City and St Loula nn?l nth.-r pointi on tho northern linea Th" recelvera al.-<> will be authorized t<> pay Hi" Interoet, amounting to $333.650, <m the Wheeling ? Lake Erie 'obligation, which w ill be ?in. or February i RAILROAD EARNINGS. i;i:?.|;*;i \ BOI rHERN I FL-OR1I1 \ 1913 HU? IS10 In Jan . 141 nil $45.1?l ?4t! '?? ?'? : Jan. 21.. 1.30* 513 1.300.303 I AI.?HAMA ORBAT BOI THEItN Month nf Dec. 1011 1010 I'.-"'.' Mil? age . MM 3O0 '?'?"'?' earning-?.. $443.5*41 $42n.iPi |.iT0.lii:i and laxei 311 "71 3C 1,071) 256. ICI X.-t earning? 1131.800 $119.112 fU3,343 July 1 Der. .".1 ta $2.411.300 $2.310.310 $2.023.fti3 Qxp .m i ,i\ . . l :::?>:?:'.; I 0V4.3M 1 1*7.621 ??30.331 .\. : e i'.'.i IT,* I r.:?! :-.?* $021 928 CANADIAN I'ACll H ' Mi ntb of I'? ll.?*-*. *?1ii.t*.'.l.>-7l $8 ,705 2? . up? n- ?; 549,141 ?"'.II'- 7.'. ,?- Sid 7.'?S .. n'.".i..-;i $1,106.730 $3,280.533 $3.115.421 1 Dec. ::i 7R7.IM?I $49i92.*i MO Opel expenaea... 38,000.110 :::17.'-' '_ ? - Inga ,$24,170:247 $22,010.700 $20.069.87$ CIN., KBW ORLEANS A TEXAf PACIFIC. ... !.. ' (Kim ...:h-, v.\-,i and i ixei .".'ir B46 181 837 *. .t;..; -..i? |81 Ml $270.193 NVt eamlnet. $241.030 f:':.?:.H7 .lulv i 1?..-. 81 m KP* 755 $? 810 112 *?*?? H-'. i92 Exr an I tail ??".i 876 3 907,-'?02 N't eamlnca. $1.030.482 11.7.V..236 $1.535.290 . iROlA BOl'THBRN t FLORIDA. Month at i - .:.:?:, :-.. ::!?:. Grow ? . -. ? * . f. .. 101 $227,831 Kxp and laze?.. 178,707 179,532 i ;."?.'i;:2 ? _? * $02,199 Net eai ulna* Jt."."?.-..",.-, .lu?) i Dei . :n earnlnai , $1.340.108 $1 231 0O2 *l is.'?."?-?? fclxp in?! tax?* !?m-, :*.ii 979.122 N-t earn Inga . $259.857 $'.'.". i 880 INTSROCEANIC OP M DM' ? Month of Da? l n :? l ?i i ? -.i nina $717 106 "-711 too 147.240 i* '.i.;; . $282, HW 1,011 ?IKt 115 II? 77 ? Net earniiif?. $269.790 Jnl) i Dec. 31 let . 2.7--..;."." * .-. ?i 771 4.I17S >p| 2 0?2 -?i* Kel eernlnga. $1.403,280 $1.575.391 $1.386.450 M? IBILE a OHIO Month ?.f Dei , - Mili atea ' 114 ' 1.114 1,114 Mrnlnss. $870.226 $1.01.1,43**) $913.(cM ! Ai. na< - <??. t-u lia 933 ?la 74? 005 137 Net ? $9 . I M>] ?>l $259,031 July 1 Dec. U - 864 ? $8.373.102 $5.221.202 ISxpeni ix 4,311 ? 044.367 1.1 earning?. $1.545,000 $1,528,777 $1,490,173 NAT I? IN A I. OF Mt:.\!? O. Moi 1:1 of l> Milaaga . . S.132 6,117 a ISO - ? , I 10 -.-?; $5 121 *-? 1 . 2 892,202 8 143,655 3.11 1,110 Net earning .*-. 1 . ?? $2,227,231 .Si 988 801 July 1 Dee. .':i earnings.$32,261 -77 $81.944 187 $28.271.660 Expena? 17,454.567 18.704.271 I7.41M 100 Nrt aerntaga $14.797.310 $18.339.016 $10,777,510 .-<?;* tii;i:.\ PACIFH*. .Month -.f I.. '? 941 9 891 9 71 I . -1 ' 290,177 $11 .'.?*.?.. i?.1 $11 116.087 7 094.371 7 III ni:*. 7 . Ne1 rariungK. $8,002,100 (I v?? t:.| $4.087.710 Taxea . 690,390 ?. :'.?-<. 1 m | ., ..71 $1 U00.7I0 $3,723.*;11 ?'..71 I 038 ' r 1-Dec. 21 - ? ? ? MI.983 Expenaea . ?43, SOU. 884 1 : 1 ... 7 .. 40,773,184 Nel earning?.$26.808,481 $27.Tnl,??71 139,178,790 1." si ? . . . . ?jjj aoo 1 tal nal Ine 128.384,810 $25,473.000 $27 114.259 1 MON PACIFIC Mouth i.f N? 7 21?I ?.." ?> ' I ga.. $7.175,161 {7 .17 . .' J .c7 ?. 1 -". 1 Exi ? n-' I 4,341,021 1 ?I7??.1.'.7 t I . 1 173 Net earnings. $2,812,14? $3,277,195 $2.8? 1120,916 141 550 404,545 Total net Inc $2.200.325 $3,838.644 $2,455,816 1 N*?.*. .t?i | 11 ?m . 15 ?.i" B25.417 I47.? Expana**-! . ... 30.172,806 36.144,350 22,40*4,510 Kel earalnga $21.871.070 $20,081,107 $25.352,329 "!rx<?, . 3.609.200 1.793,446 1.095.677 i.. ? In I19.M2.41S $21,807.720 $23.050^703 NEVAD \ n INSOLIDAI Kl > $1 - KHI Iiirrpa?? Nel eaminga . $1.088,U44 $42,117 ? i|\ J*l*-n-i . 71 4? Bui ptua p. |.|. ? ? Indivi 1<?1 p:oflm . $203 $42,073 ?M $42,114 ?1 i(.i 1 The "ut|iii for tl.** quarter whs I6.414.7M ..I with 15,837.079 for ?iiiait.-i vnd-rO ge,, .';<> and 15,698,506 In th? ?|.irtr?.-r ended I" ? mber 81, IS10. H COPPER (o.MI'WY .11 N<t I aaralnga .$1,475,680 $574,603 Oth-M '.? " '?*.? 86.097 72 790 .*?.;.|..r .Ir. -. ... 375,187 1 . *.*.. .. ?. I: . ill*,*.... '.'2'i.?Hi? 220,000 1 ?.tul ,'ii-t profits 1 -.s, lends paid ... S.'.l.-?7.7':i 1.177.012 $807 401 6,003 ..... -? <. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS. ilurnlsheil b| .'? H. P. Pell ?v* Co., No ."?7 Wall ?tr??! 1 Iti.l..*.**'?..?-1 }'1?1 Asked. .1 :ti._ . 1s:? *.*'?o Harrlman N. ."?"'! ? ' OU Imp .* red .'?.??"i Am Each... -i" 100 jlrvtna N ix ?.-.?i Battery rk. il'*> ?a? | .i^rr. r*?on ... Bowery _ 3*0 ? I ihf r4v . .. r?7.". Bryant I'mk 180 inn !.. . bin . Bronx Bor.. 360 ? IM mliat Co . 040 Bronx . Kf*. lt-5 Mkl & Pul.. 258 Butch g !?>? 13? ???0 I ?*? h .<. M N S60 . *.:". 150 Men entila ., 1 ' . . 029 ! Mfi-liants* . ISO Chat-Phnx . 170 176 |Mercians' E IM .1 \.\. 183 U?0 . Metrnnolia ... ;*70 Chemir?l .. 440 466 iMetropelltaa. lftr? 101 108 M01111I Mtirll *.*60 liiv .417 4.'5 Mutual . 276 <Oftl ?S.- lr??n 180 U'ti Nut N'asid,. $0$ Colonial ... 450 ? | Nat Rencr.?. ss ibla ?? .".47? ?*-'?.". I New Net h Id 210 Commerce.. H?0 190 N" Y County, MO : '-* N Y N H A. ,*!05 Vx,l BUer. 110 130 ?Pacific ... . 1*70 Fidelity ... 1?0 170 Park . MB Fifth Ave. .?in? 4700 People*-? - 2.*l<? Fifth . *3H ? I Produce Ex.. 170 Pint Nat . i*W '(HO Fcaboard ... 416 Fourth Nat. 200 ?-'05 I Second .875 c.ailaiin ... 335 :?I4.?. ItMeurlty _ U5 ?-..irtl. id 300 '-'-' ?-hi-mian ... 136 German-Am 140 1-V) I Flat? . 260 Cettnan Ex. 450 475 12.V1 Ward ... 1HO Germania ''-'?"? 5>V> H'nlon Kx.h. IOC ... 180 iwa^ti Uta... 380 Gl-eeiiwicU . 245 255 I V.'est Sl.le... 550 Hanover ... 138 B48 Terfcvilh ... 675 17$ 140 900 ?tor, Mi 2?*J\ ?.-711 181 llHI 170 :i!-o :oo 2H5 M aao .116 '.'0 1 r,75 25?1 175 IM 275 170 coo TR18T AND SUBOm C'JMPAN-IKS. Alliance icy. 115 ISO I l..n\?* Titlr. :543 ! | Am Surety. 2W 270** Mt*?*-.. .ni -Imi amo. MO : ira 1 m. ??li, ., H". IM ?' . 765 7711 ! 1, 1 I.,..,,1 . . ,-,i . I-. \- M '*?.. 2B0 273 ?Manhattan . .'!7:. 4*>i HK.j'lwav .. 14H 17.5 1 M. (,.... Han ..'?" x\ > ? -.n . . 47?! ??! 11 Mul Alliai < ? ., of a nr. >M IM.K Bond.. IOO no Commerelal. ?o io."' I . 1.-.5 |g? ,10M 1025 \'.-t Kurett . 256 ?1 ?'? 0 '? n ? uta .s. b ans 213 ?1?. pref... M "*-? N Y ? .1-. . 61.1 <?*.-, ? 1 $ ?*- 1 Ufi In.1033 I1160 ? nlumbta $13 i .,.?,.. . . ggg Com'wealth IM 160 > juaieii Co, . i?mi tn pire ... :^hi : i? i un Knultabl? .. .'?I" .:<> ' Realtv ArtKi. 118 1?. F i. A T...140? I42fi atendard , . ::m :,-..-. Fidellt? . . 215 22'. I Ti* Co ?.f A. .*:77. MS Flattuah . *.'<ir. 318 iTltk <; a T. 848 RM Fiaiiklln ... 27'> 200 [Tltlfl IfU.. . '15 l-, Fulton . -*'???. kte ! r s Caanalty 500 Guardian .. 10'? 116 1(11 ;.. i- 4., Ouaraiity. . 87? '-:. I Union , ..1300 lloii.llion .270 lis ivi. o. 80 ':?< 1 n Matra.. ,11M Home . 103 1"> I Wiahingtou, ?'?:ni Im Bkg Coi '" 80 ? Weotcheater. tan Klrif? r?. 520 lu a r, r* M i.v. Knkkcrbock SkV 293 I W indsor .... l?i on '.180 ?lii lini IM 200 GREAT NORTHERN ORE REPORT Properties Show Surplus for 1311 Against Deficit in 1910. The repon of th? Qreat Northern iron Ore i'l.'i? iti< ?; for Ihe year en.ied Decem? ber :.i. ?911, compared with the preceding follasslng showing: 1911 HMO. In* l.leni? .$2,3",'..4,14 $2.1 ? *. 12 on.-, ?,. if.? Totals . . .**'j''77 ..v.? um ?;?? Espenaea of trustees . M?.Hi?. 07,030 Balan. -.$2,2?*0.241 $2.04 - Distributed to eertf. h-H?*m 7."4?.???a? -j.-j:. ..<?? > Surplus . Il.539.a42 '$208.14* I rplui . ::s.y-r,i . ?? 1*71* I i ? H?j.l ' . . $1.8T**,?*?73 $32.1*31 ?Deficit. The balance shecl of the trusteea of the ? ; ,r Northern Iron <?re Properties as <>i il , ll, 1911, folb?us. ASfJETfl ?'aah . 11.570 o'7 Int? not due. 4,521 Total . 11.574.510 LIABILITIES. rr.palri distribution! .._.. $2,243 1 in ome, Dec. ;u, inn. 1 :,7j.o7:i Total . 91.974.619 The receipts to and disbursements by |agenl ? ; the Greal Northern iron Ore Properties from formation .>f trust to i1' ? ember 11, 1911. are as follows; Itc-rrlpti ii'Mii old leases. $1.858,008 1:.pta from G m Mining Compan) ... ?. 11.820..B.8 k?lacellancoui 1* elpts . *.C7 :;7i Total receipts .$17.015.827 Diaburaementa . 14,601,875 kv. a- ,,f recel] 11 o?/er ii;?!'i?rf??riiei?t?. $*j.r?;,:! 852 ?li ludet M.9*44.264 freighl on 01a ibtrrnient?, a:,a-,|.-;i riivi? nd? paid trustees and $915.514 dl? idendi pal 1 otla ri Th.? balance sheel of the agenta of the f ; real Northern Iron Ore Properties as ol Dec? ml ? - 21, 1911, followi \*si:is. a propriet?r) eom . $2-?8.2??l luv?? . m? ni 92 '.' "'?? ? * i- ? elvsble, ' il ? . able . 2.03 842 T lai.S5.662.240 L1ABIU1 Halan r* du? ' ?> proprletsrv r?mpanle? $2.8 - Mlni.i 1 m rovaltl? ?'"? 'udlns loi? n at) r. et lv< 1 from 1:1 al w Ml? r" Min . 'ninpany. *?.'i< p< whl? ii ?hlpn ? ni * ?Ain tu mmac In tu . 2.640 337 Total . ?- ? ?'??.???"'-'-ci in ihelr annual report iruatees ??f the firent Northern Iron oru propertl? sa) In pari 1 gardlng the cancellation <>i the con trad with the i'....?! Western Mining C.. , lidiar) of th> 1 nlted States Si* ? 1 < 'orporatloii: "While the I ase will continue iti operation according t'. its terms, mail its termination ?.n Januan I, 1915, i. will pr?s. 1,1 questions for the decision <>f the trustees regarding future management *xf the properties; No general statement >.f futuro policy can be made at this time." AMERICAN BRASS The A nerl an Bi 1 1 l'on?pan*/ lias Issued n : ? port for th*? yeai ? rwt-d ! h> . irialiiin ?I in*, profits of 1 In sub? .?i llary ? ompunl? s 1 omp ir. as fol on - mu 1910 S< ? ,.... 11.445.542 $1 9*7 1*01 balam > ab? ? 1 of the American I ? 'o m pan >. ai i?f De?*rni 1 !1, Wl I, ? ocni ?is full. ? ? rill lino ?VI " . ' a a , * ? n . ):? ,ii eai ?'?? 37 ?'?'" ?-...?k* of stibaidtar? roa . 12 '"*7. .?*?? Totali. ?ir..?jj.'.'.:.j $15.02? ???? UM'll.l ni: .a. |t,il mo ,. 115.000 OHO $15.0 $i: .. 115.020 UNITED ELECTRIC SECURITIES. The ITnlt? : Blecl e 8e urltl? 1 1 ha?* Issued Its report for lha twelv? n . n?i? d I '? ? ? . . ? r 21, 1911, which compai ? 1 ?with the eleven months ended l ?? ... bi follows: r.roaa In ?II? . ?14.'. .M?. V i:\\ien^'p and tas 'J.*.7.'(7l 222.51.1 **..-. ??..?? . *i?7 >.;.* I Pr? vloui lurp 1 1.314.71? I'rofit aale of ? rltlea ? Toi ? . >i ?'?''-' ?"" Il *"''""'? Dividends . IPaXOtn . 1.3*.?7, t". *', M ZOO "25.100 ProfH .91 :;*i 160 91 AMERICAN LIGHT * TRACTION. a The American Mgl ' 3'"1 Tra? lion ? puny reports f"1 1 ' ?? months ? p embei II, 1911, and Decemb? r II. ' IM I $1 I t? ? * - II 810 11-' - -?*. Net es ? $' I " -'- ' BU. I '11 - . : 1 r 802 ?? I Total aurpMlt 8lO.8tW.874 ?'?' 711 PS? <'a-!i dividende en 1 r<* l.rra.l ?t<>. h. 194 172 ?94.173 : *!i dl? I i* ill ol) 1 mon ato - 1,101.867 Block dl? i*i* : di on 1 '..1 :?: : Toul dlvldei Pr? fit and lori rmrplui ; - - NATIONAL SURETY CO.'S YEAR. Tii.? report .*f the National Surety Corn nan] for the ven .id'?. December has be? The ace?.un. shows ? ? ?n Incr? ?? ? ' -, i.\. 1 Hi? fiaur? s f??r 1 ? |. e< edlng 1 1no I a 11 111 - ; and nei < timings of 11. e.'7.o77, or 1*1.376 more than In 1910. Adding ? increase In murket value of 1 i? d Intere 1 and 1 ?? ni -. the total in? n? was gl.Otara.M*?, the decrease of $137.2?*] from the year 1910 being esplalned bj tii" fac? that in ih,it year the Income a?.nt mtslni rl an 1I1 in ol $250,000 r? premlumi on the s.iic ,.f new stn.-k. ''.1-.11 n.i> ?.t $190.000 wen paid b) the i~am? pany in 1911, the balance remaining being ,?7?, K After deducting I5M.628 fu. Increas? in reserve, etc., th?. surplus lor the year was i*..!:..??;:. total ?.urplus being $007,91 Ahk?i.s for the year Increased 5-T11.' I net premiums wrlt'en Increased $587,227. The report says llial ihe OUtlook for tin* future ci the company appears hlRlily fa? v? .1.1 111.* GENERAL CHEMICAL COMPANY. The General Chemical Company reports for the fiscal year ended DecemlKr II, 1911, net profits of $2,421,890, an incr? ai e of $20,541. The balance, after paymenl ?>i 1750,000 dlvl dci 1 on Ihe preferred stock and 140.078 on the common, was |9,lg&99S Deducting $4C2.92S charge off. ih?- surplus for the year was 1779.91 Total surplus was 94,870,6 * Appropriations ? were made ol 1199,099 for new construction and 1900.391 for repairs. REALTY BONDS. disported bj Peabedy A Co., No. 42 Broadway.) Am Kal ? n, fold Broadway R| ?*o. i?t m. ft Briarirvav By <"o. 2d in. ' Ol r.,,; 1 !>., !.. ?1 liiierrnt. (', Bid A 1A 92 1)7 I , ? -, .HL i: . CO.. Hotel Rector j 1 m, 191? I f* II ?',. ?.1 N V. irr A. I rili'nii! S V, rorll ? Mi Igsge Hi. ' ... 20 ft. 4 - XI By At Invest ?'irr?.... H - M II P, lai niig? ,. . 0 ? N?R Est H ? 'n. goi.1 m n N Y l?v ? ??.?. :.. i . ? , ?n . S . Queenaborn Corp, l'art., ft ? ri i: ,\ Imp envi .lar.. .". 1 ull trad, ?t ?a "anil |O0 7*. 76 71 M lut 99 83 t..-, 'M lo:. 07?4 lu?) s:; 80 **.*. !?:, '?7'; PMI 96 P "i H W7 H*? '.?!. *-* *-ru*'l lui* n**,t." i.'.ai.iv 6Tc*ocm l'iM.I.II'l. I -,,n. T l: Co |.f... a ?Aluni.* e Roalt) ?.*.... S Q A ia,n,i \ Mts Quai t'-? . IL' tj y 1 It y luv? ?-i ?riR 1 ?.. . ?"iiy invtattng t'o pf.... 7 .', Hill,, r< ?',,. ? ?g I. ? Co., 12 ... 1 i..?? T lai ?*. Ti u-i Co. is Q 1 ?fan n- ? lav?**?* Cor pf. P? Mo iRURi* Bond ? '?. ?i n ? N *i xltr,e A Sac r0... 12 g 1 .?. Y H f 8 ?'? * . l?t pf. 7 ' ? . ?*. ,|.v 1 SI 11 C llv ?? MT A, |,f. .ft _ Title Guar & Truai Co.. 10 W M ?Ma par coat satis ?:?v. iBXB ?i'ar Bid Afr..*tl. il- liai US i*jn 39 BU ?7 -.7 loa km jio ?... 11!? 7.'. m 1.9 r. H no AMERICAN CAPITAL IN JAMAICA. Klagaton, Jamaica, ?tat, 99. la th. >., t f? w tajr? ?*.. rai Urne pr?.pert:cs ?m il,,* imnh sMe "t the ?Maud have been ai-gulrad ??> 'Ana ??. n t.'i-fruii < dilu?.. Apart trotp dating fruit eampanl. ? 1 large amount ?.f .\m.-rhan money |g being uaed la devel? op the ndrthwaatarn and northern :.?'t;.,ns ?f Jamaica. AniuiKctn. nta for th** a.-.|iu Sltlon "f t?thrr properii? ai*6 ROW SpUafg .?n ?o J. J. HILL TO JEKYLL ISLAND. ja***? J. inn. ?? i?j i..,;, i,,,,. ,,, >. ,.. v,,t.K for al?.ru. I W? k. a lui t. . .,? Jekyll Island, where he- will spaad a waek or ten du>s. TOPICS OF THE STREET. FOREIGN TRADING Foreign !. i.i npuaril ?.i 'n."?? - i,..:, |d the I m .' M..?*k market. Amalgamated Copper, Reed? ing end th.' him n pi ing the bulk <f i in? bueineee. \ OPPBR PRICE? Outatd? ?>f (mall .*-i?? culatlv? lota of el? ctrolj tic ? opper n hit ?1 are off? red fi?nti it'-, down ?.. it? .\< w Viuk, the markel ia nominally M'.c! i with in? buying worth) ?> the name. One agency, whl? h quo tea steadfaatly llVijC la reported t*. have offered the metal abroad on an equivalen) of I :*.?? casi,, New I fork, or approximately He, thirty daya KM PI RE BT '.Ti: SURETY ELECTION A< the annual meeting o? thi stockholders of tin Kmpir State Kuretj Company ye - i lerday th?- following board of dir?ectora a el eted: W. A. Blmonson, Anton ?;. Ho? d< i,|i\'i, .1 Horace Hardl $ Jam? ? C, Blahoi?, W. K. Albertaen, David w. Armatrong, jr. Joel Rathbone and William M. Tomlina, jr. I Mr. Tomlina la the only member of tin* old I ri'i^ni whose aervice ga director '-'.?is con? tinued, th.- ether directora representing th? new interesta which recently aecured <**?ii ? in.I of tin- company. The hew|y elected ? board ?nil meet on February 21 to organize, when David W. Armatrong, Jr., w.ll be >?:. cted 11*. *-i. CURB LISTINGS The Baldwin Loi i live W'orki 130,000,000 common stock, par value IMS, has been listed on the New fork curb. Silver King t'onsolldated Mlnin? ? '? mpany, of I'tah. $00.000 aharea of capll il | stock has als., been listed outside, par ealue . *i. ??r ?iii'-h .l.' aharea ara outstai , The i ompany has a bonded i* ? amounting to $1*30,000, authorized of which ?173,000 hnve been retired. The company'i financial statement ahowa Income of $04,630. i HBLIOMANfl ?8ECURE ni?> BONDS man Brothers, of I/ondon. hnve con tracted for the purchase of C.M0,0flU Rio da .Ian? Iro forty-year *'? ? per ? ni gold '? It i.-? lik.'lv that n public laau? will shortly '" made in London by Bellgman Brothera ? 'i.'l by their r? ; * in Amsterdam. Holland, it la nol probable thai any - Issue v ill be made hei ? ? by J. a VV B mail A: Co . Who ax* int. r. ,:?*?i In the loan. EASTERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Por ita fleca] year ? nd d l?... mb< r 31 laal the Easti i n Bti amshlp ? ompai Klightl li t:* n n per cent ?m its $3.1 stock, more than 90 per ? ni of wl Ich ins now !???? n 1 un . ?1 in for ? ?mV? *i securities of the Eastern Steamship Cor? poration. Thla comparei with share pronta ?.i something o\ er ?'-i per cetii tor th? year, a substantial gain in spite of a poor Maine va? .?tloi 1 eaeon. swi^s BANKVEREIN TO OPEN NEW URAN?"II. The Swiss Bankverein <>f I. don announce? thai for the convenlcnci of 1 oldera of lettei ta and ilia travelling public general!) il will ??, I', bruary 1 a West End bn nch ai No. ll Regent iii? t. Waterloo Place, I.?.tin..11. s. w, CLEARINO HOUSE BUILDING as? sociation* m h,,, annual meeting ?>f Hi?' Clearing House Building Ass-rjclatlnn ih?> following din ? '.?l for the current >?;ir. William \ .- i h, Stephen B iker, Rl? haul D< lafl? Id, Ucxi tirlt r ? I ?in?! Edwerd Townaend. William J. (?llpli and 11 A. Smith w? 1 to of election. I.KM? PRI JES Ri Dl ' ED The Am? ri 1:111 Smelting and Reflnln? Company has i??iii'?ii in??? of lead from 1 B cen? to I *.'.'. ? ? -r-t 11 ? a pound GUARANTEED K?OCKS. (Furnished b-, Efllaghaai Lawrence .<: Co, 111 Breedwey 1 Bid As IM no 1 .. ? 1 111 ill *.*"". av. * aune, -"'' ?. \t ?2 Allegh A w. IM An P * C "> Aua fi Sai ISM At .<. <* A 1 170 j A <; A M M ??'? , Bfti li Cree* -n ? I Alti .".*n 1 1 1 . .1 P It A Tlh Av H Co. :** ft do *.'.i I'f ? ?t?-?%n. ?;. log ?I . , !?- II?. la pi.103 ' . ? ' '. ?V M 1 'I ?Ir*. A r." IM * soa . *..n. At M ?IM Cooa * i*, it? eg r R pf 1 ?? River *.'7'> C !*-. * U. 'il ... . ?., -, M *-'? do pal ISO D A Bd 1 * I r- 11 P ! ; do |.i?-f ? W'.1 - . if 123 ? ? .-K son I Km. I 110 ? ; i* 1 11$ Uarl a n.'1-.-.f..i .1 .. ao i: .* 1. " ? '" Jark I. g ? I. 1*1 K SAC It li" IM r \ Mt. ? f ?7 K?- -tl.\ ll ' 1. ? M .. '.".' I. .*. M R pi I.' I. S V I? * ?* 100 M . . ?I II l?i i". ? ? ??il l.ifl :+ *...'. :no ? 11.. ?i *,.. 1 ? ... :*iv 1.14 1. . ?M : M . 1A 1 Ma Ma M ll l ? n |.f i*r. ' Met c a n . ... .'.. pr?t im? i.\ 1T?i . *'l : ? 1 .?-.-.*. 213 * N - SU NVRAM II 1 f I? ?r. N **? I. ... ? ie '? : IS Hi 14?. N ?f. i* - 18 ? 1.1 ina * nrl a nid < im in ?i ? -.?.??i im K> ? IX"*? 1 ?. 1 I 143 1 o I S3 119 - ?ta - :?-? /??? 1. . 140 ... I*.-* 110 Pi A AI T.. ir, P?t A II I! M-, *-. -v IM ' Phil? ?*. > r n a '. ? ? ? ' ? A 1 I do ? ' 1 ' KAY. V |-f . V 01 L'T'i 1 1-?i a \ 113 .-. . 1 1 ' R Wal * ' ? ?> i?? it* r.*o M i-'f M 01 I A So . ?i., prcf . i"0 ? . i* ? N v.?_?-*??> p a o 1 \? ion I . ll IV . 200 1 \ 1 ll- i C 2 SI ' 1 ' 1 ." V . Vi 4 Masa.. " .11 > ? 1 'i 170 lid ;i7 i-?. i" 111 * '?O ion 123 um IM 117 IM I"? No 22* It* tin 124 I7?i ITJ ???1 112 l?.| 113 Ml ":o l.'ll 111 !*?> 3M 140 IM IM IM IM ????o IM : ? IS ?1? .1 110 it I ?II 4.1 .111 IM vu V'il 240 I IT, 1 '.-_? iT'i GOVIRNMENT BONDS. ?? ?S l'i i* f. 1 . n i -.. ist* IT. 9. te, raupt IT, S 4?. ?? . 4 * |g - na 8a, repta, IflOI ...?n. . imu Mu. O? ?'??' ?"??. 1 . ..i n?. , 101'-] im im ? i"V, M'.". 11 . IM 10*.' I'll RI ! *4ike?l i?.? i"?', IW4 lin . in i?. 101?, 11.1 n ?,,.. ..n ma im *. 101 ', li ? CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. ?in i| ilHieaa I ' nn.I an '" '?' ' 1 . f i1 .? 1 1II1 In v-, .1 1. Mill ? ..Miik* t li < * were st a -,, nd tround 1 ompeiee. with laut nil l 1 ?'? * trading ii-ft t?eni a Miad? 10 '.. dawn, ? ? *'i 10 'i* m? in. ?I haa prodn t ? In : . ni. k. 1 i.. .1 dlim 1 it un M July -? L'orn: Jul) s. ?t? niber. 1 111- ; May ...... .ll Iv . ... I.ll.I: M., July . M Jul] . 1 ?n -n $1 ?!? M ' iii-rf' * ? ? $1 Ofk '..1 . * 04 . .Uv $1% M - 41'* !? I*. B 02 R !*?0 h 03 10 1? i?ir,0 r.v". 4?: , 41", TI 111 a ??-j k 03 $ 03 ft IN n, ? 41'. i ?T IK 40 I? I 1 16 M 16 ."?."? N >-T h $7 16 '?? lit r,." MM 4-4't 41', a 10 '.' ".'J S Ml V S?, 16 ".'i l? M BOSTON WOOL MARKET. Beaton, Jan. "?<' BWdlsg for th" 1012 do ,, He wool ? lip hu begun in lha Weal ? a t., incrreea ateadlljr. "11?.s r?.r ,, i.u product ranee fn>in li'* lo I4n Con s ii. r..i.i- ?.??i atech 11 changing hand?, \mii? 1 ?j, nerslly Ormer. There n ?? I ? ? n ? 1 [?, ,, ;,,, in tradina '" Csllfom ? rool ? ?p? - ,,,)!. ?,, middle ? ountl? -, - hll-a the d< m . d r,,, ma Tesas product has (all. n ??if ^ .pi., and nearby W....IM move atead lly, while pulled Inn 1 ?? '.. 11,.. ...... ? Quetatlotaa i,,,,,. ' ...:?i l'? m?-' i1* ml? " ''? lain? v. ii' 32c XX. 2tH$)30c; On? unmerchant? able blood combing, lot ?Ighlli* '-'"' '.'-*?' ? une-quaricr. "7 ?. -'?>.*, ?i l.,, ,. unwaabed, ?.*?"?. On? -I '.?''. Mleblgan, Wlsconalti, n 1 '-? ? tork. On? >?na ? ??ni.., ,1.1.111.. 34c; half blood, :??' Kentucky, Indiana and Mlaanurl ihre. ?Ightha blood, -'" . "I" suari ? 2fl 1 -*T.. , . ,1 baela 1 ? 1 Ina ru to .*iBht I IT. M-..1*..- lllillll il?. .'?*-'' . f H II. 4. >., r:. V.iiif'.nii.i Sorthern, 10050c; mlddla county 40?47c: Bouthcrn, 4". u Pic; (all tree, m 1 r?.' Oregon: Baaicrn..No I, m.iiiI?*, .".;. , 1 uhlng. ??"? ; vallo No I. IS? it?* T? ,,% |.-j,i itaplv. ?? *.' ?'?'-'? . in**- medium, ?.-? .ti,. n,,. ,i..iiiiiiK, ;,i.i ..:*... im.- medium, 4'J ,11,* iMir i.inixl combing, :?.*. .i :?T? . tiir<? ??ik.hIii?. :.?' ?i ?'-?-. ?ne-quarter, iig M Pullcd i:-.n.i. ?'"? Uli ; tin A, IMC Mi . A . in. LONDON WOOL AUCTIONS. Loados .lau. 9* i?* offerltagi ..t lha ?.?o: auctloi - aouBt? .1 i.? IS. 130 1'iii^s. line * npli-ii?lnl ..? Ol tn. 1 in.,-. ?! IKT? ?;.? ., ^I<lri. . <t .! ?>l ill.I fi..lil ?.?1 T fraattuO lamb? ?.?I.i al 2a lid Other f.ta?u? ss.f 1 m? bul oarhana d. Tha aalaa follow: New tomb Wale?, :*? i"?? i.hi^?; :? ' I.I great)*, *%dt*l? ! ' land. 1.60O; acoured. la 11 ?Mil- lud; ? i \ IclOI 1.1 .iir...|. ll :..! S..111I1 Auatralla. ?j 7.m n , n -.i. 1? *.*.?i.ii? *?.i. graaay, ?>' ?i . |a ? ,1 Waal luetrada, 1 "ISO; -. ? !ld. Ni? Zealand. 700; a?-ouree, iis't t* Idj . ' ? u ?'.i|n- of r.?...?i ::..|i.- and .*, , .1 In.l. SEED PRICES. Tole'i.v Jan. 30 ? i.d\ i;i;si;,:i. ? . larch "??; I M No . $13 '.?' ?; 1; No :;. *i '. 20 , *:.; .**.... .? j.. -? d, $13 mi li". 05, 1,.. . aubU- u.'.l Ki j.l' 11 ? $12 50 *, 1 JIKE n n, and January, $13A'; Marrh, Ml?.?i, riMOTUT, ^riiii. and Januar*., $7 00. Mai'-Ii. $7 ai. TOTAL DOMESTIC PECEIPT5. K< S Yolk, Jai.'.aiy 90, litt ti.'.- ... 10,5461 Ollmtal, aa k.? .. $69 i t?cese, boxes... in Btraw, tona. 4<i 7,276 Wheat, I uah. 49,000 DM poultry, pu.? 11,552 llillfeed, tons. l'r-*' do, ?' SSO( C r bai y.... . 4 806 s OJO i. , ; pig*. ,1,.".?K? lai ..... ISO Pitch, bola. [19 il.** . 15 ISO Roain, bbli. 9.096 S.MS Rosin oil, bble. '?"> 168 -sj.iiit.*= turp, tabla 899 Drli -I fi all. i i ar I bis . '" ? ';.?? .n. pkgs. 419 hbli .... ! l.bls. II'? t'l'i-. .t'al?, i r.1 B.225 fanned meat, is ? 1,760 ? i Vit ?, bx?.. 0,325 . ? ikgi ?? 2,699 i - 190 Orease, pkgs. 2**o ? i'i.ii. Hama, tea . 949 575 .I... pkgs. 19 Poi o? i, bbli . . 10, ?50 Lard, t.- . 1 JT6 s 105 do kei . $.409 Walnuts, si.*. . :;'.? Porlt, iiM*. 99 Barley buah. 17.610 Tallow. pkj-s. 110 ?'.nu. I uali ?* i.j'.'i llldi ? bait i. 98 Cornm? SO do, bdls. 9,106 do. sa. ka. ..*... i ?.en Hopa, balea. 904 i meal, sica 103 Molssses, bbls.... i?? uah.. :i.9O0 ?'nrVd ol?. bbls.. 1570 Hour, bbla... 10,012 Lub'g ol?. bbls... 1"*) do sacks. 25.261 Ol.I tea. Z0.1 tlraai .*??? i. ski . 460 Hplrlta, birla. so Hay, lona. 1,220 Tobacco, hbds.... 19 Malt, bush 15,000 do, i?.??. 245 I iah . 35,075 wiii-k? ?.. bbla., , 990 al. bbl?... ?-?" Win* (Cal), bbla. 99 B7S EXPORTS. il buah... 72.7111 Bacon, lb. 90.790 hush,. . .M>T,i Uni Ib. 417.500 Feed, lt.. 17.'?..;'?i Stearine, lb. 00.000 .1, pk(*s. !?:?s Orease Ih . 20.000 Bran, lb. M I i ! oil, ?als. - ??' ' 10 ?J pal Lull % oil H < ? 24:i,*?50 Pork, libia..... . Cotton, bales. ? ? I **??' tes_ . -2-1 *" CASH QUOTATI0r43. Iron N it, N'o l I Kleu . M $5 60 foundrj ?i i R71 ?'?. ton. middling 9 98 Iron. Ho N.. I. 14 60 Coftee, Ne 7 Rio. H'/i ralla 1.25 - ir. gran'd..., 9 M) cop, *i?.t. 13 ?o Molasses, ? ?K p'a 40 Tin ........ 4 familj,.$14 7.". Kg ? I? id. 4.25 Beef han?!. 28.",?. H 13 Ta loa. pi Ime... 'i Wheat, N'o 2 red lu.,', Pork me?.*. 17 75 Corn, No S. 72* Horn, *Vd, MO n. 57 Lard, MPI Waet. 9 J<? ? 'Eaport, f <? i. ntl .t GENERAL MARKET REPORT. *.'? m Toi k. January :,i>. 1015 DRAIN WHEAT Trading les? aetlv*. pries ? * narrow, and i" ? ?ihmi.ii mas showed i:* ? losa ..r ' 11 1 ? ' > road b? h ? lower aw Ina to lia a| r ii.. liquidai Ion, il aplrod by mora fa ?' ?ble r. us from Argentina. Th? railroad atrike In lha Argentine ?:?? i ? to be clearing Ing loaded for shl| ;?? I.lvei pool repoi it <i that sampl? s irlo win ri r celvt i there show ;. good quality, and foreign operators atemed It i - ?carding auppll' a. The <l"? ? i bullish, os Ing ' ' ' : | ? * r in t ill? . demnnd following a better buslneee In . ip? crop summa favi 'li* Eui.m visible showed a decrease for th? ii' | Inglng thai total I?. MM?22.onn, compitrt'd wiih 105,1.,000 a year ..i. . i de? res ta ? asi ,. . 777,000, ? idle world'! i 0,.. with a .?>(..i "f IAM.21d.0O0, ._-.,....-? I?2,.*g7.000 lusl year, when 11.*- .1., r ? i - .. . *a., a rod here, SI 'i*'11 ? lei ,- ... u 91 il.* ?? f o i n Puluth. ?i 22 . f o i, afloat CORN Cloaed si a de.-line ..f . but ?ii** tone a?..", verj si? Tha situ? .>i.i>. ared strong i \ Islble >we>l ?i d ?' i '"'-* ""'? i'ii?; ' I ,-lth an Int-i ?f 1 493,. hlxpnrl : ? ioal OATS ' ; . ri, * I; Ifjh? I'. The \?. <*m reported an .Improved ??.*h.i demand . . dt ? n ? i nsti k. conipan *i ? It h in elevator; No 2, Sol :; ond .. .'.J' i natural and \\ hito ?? ? on track R VK Kteadj . . j 1*7? ? otnlnal, I f Buffalo, ?<*. ? I. mm r,v - Ung, s\ 22 ?? $1 :.:; c ? f B ' M ?\ l'OM Pl.M I ** V?a'?i Hlg ' '. D7'3 J.I t'7,'a ?I o."..? I I id ? I "J i in 11 ..mi. RI ? i mis Wheal : _ . .. , i> .*.?.< <?<> KNI I IHIS.I-al 4'7 'r*?? ? _??..? 11 > 1 715.000 SEABOARD ? 1 l. IRANI KB. Wheal _- un?) i;?7.?aai sa ? o ?o H H'" ". Il <rO" 1 , .tu.??*?? 1 1 (?1 H \\|. mi. \i la ?? ni.* 1 ?i | m *?$.-, , . wlnl. 1 [?, .?1 ... .1 <i $4 ?'." ?r : KO I I . - ? a i No 2 wl ?ter, ? ; 7? ?1 - RYB KM ?I H ! ??:..? -?l ?'- 11,.,1. ?? 10 Rt l'KWHEAT l'I.'i R - ...... 1,1,1 p, l'ORNMEAL .' ! t : T" R ?,.; *.?'*,.. ' a ?-.,?.- ira?, 91 ??" . 1.. ri'l n w ? slern iprtaa.. $20 .".". ?- 10 $ .1 rai ?; .-11 hulk, ? 10 rilliif ?..?? ??? ' 12 "?" red ?le*-. k * 10 'J'? r?' Kh $10. KIII'IN . ? ? ' .< - t" '"? I Itei v- - ' Ile fra?ui? ta within n . ? ? marketa w< ra . ?'. ri to 1 1?; s? ? 11y un ' Y's'er 1 ', n. High I-"-?. ?'l.?ae .lav :? 1 p 10 :. ;l ;. ".'.r.r.i |d p ; Il . '. ;7.1!? 30 H '?'? :' n ?' .7 p :i" ?* 16 '? .7 .?.t . ? '..; ' ;?> m , :? -?? p . j *. :.j " m iP f.2 0 :?7 -, . I ... , I ?I ,|| *. .a |t| .,, ?! ,-,| '.' *-.. P ?5 1? . 15 11 7.? . . !> ::: ;. :s p 7.? p 77???P 7S !? 71 ?1 r- ,.. 11.74 '' 75 ??72 I? ;?r:' ?" P 71 ?.' ?-i ;i ?*. ?1 ;?* :? -:?:'.' ->? 1. ?-1 ? :.?> !. ??I '. a, m ?,j .. ,; o ,,_??,, ?,,-; ,, v.| ipiai ?-??!--- t , port, 1 .1. Amei lern?, 45 00 ? ."> :*7d. Kiit .1 r, *m>. n? ?I ., ? .1.11111 i*!. .'..:,4.l ; ':. ."? r."?i, " June-Jful) a? d lui?. \ ugust, .". Ili ? ? i gepleml.' I4d November t.. : I '. . ? rebrua. ?..MM I ;.*i n* ,u poi u lona, but fa ly aci i\ e hu) - Ing in hale month! ?66 l-ua. a n.l .1 I 2 p.mita lovor lo I?) pointa l'i .i/iii.i*i markets Ann. ?ni RI id*, an? ?? "f 7". r. Is, and .** intoa -???. i" ?00 re?a hlgha l'rl*. u.? a.i .,,*? from *? thai lb? m irkei ? ,*. ???iiiii^ .:'?! txclted -.a ? 11 a renewed -peculation .u ih.- bull aide, Prices In tha futuro maikf i' .mi*,.-, havi a?l .need during lb. laal ?--.-k equal i" '-'' s pound, t'n 1 ,,ui freight offers mili, In fac? t ? houses In Brasil r?,n, irires, na di?- m.? r k'-' ?.11 aboi.- a vorklng htrre. Havre 1 i'*s.?i ?, ,1 4 fr?,ri Higher, while Hamburg wsa unchanged to ?. I...? 1 A a*'?' f.-rilui" which ha?, ped In tha coff? a ma. kol rocostlj tha i* a.1.-ring on contracta "f "itnh offer. Thia 'a .1.1 entlrel) net* product . ? \, >>? ^'erl< is concerned, and -p i.a com rial ralua ha* nol yet been letted oui b) actual uae, traders have Shown a disposition ?void deliver] Tha coffee Is .1 product of Java, srhere it wai planted seras years ?1 tha rubber trsea and baa proved saipiiH i* -iv prolific, s.? far two ..? three bave be? n lendarsd lure ?m ...un 1 1 and have graded No 3 and bat) .'.I* pi .'innrer of aboul J7.'. 1.1 . i?ir liin 7a Spot atead) *t IP, far Rio No 7. i.o' ..I contract pr I? as: ?? . a*r, 1 >i" 1. High, '1* . mxe. clav. January... I?69 12.03 12.80 12.1**KI12.06 12.03 Kubruar) 12 '." ? 12.08 12 07 Mai. h . 12.93 18.0t 12.06 1:1 n.wil.", 01 12 :?s ?aprll. 1'..??-. .1 II . il PJ'.iS v. ,? .. 12.06 1306 12.06 13.05*313.0.1 12.08 i.i.fawin.??? 12.B0 July, . . 13.05 13.00 13.CS 13.07?13.00 12.00 August.. .. 13 OSd 13 10 11 ?M? Keptomber 13 03 hit". 13.00 IS.0Pdl3.10 13.01 Octobei . 13.02 13.02 13.02 I3.06t-U.00 I2.H6 November. I3.024?13.04 12Hfl i?i. ic in; 19.09 iS'.ifi lt99#1199 1191 VHOVISIONS Inactive but steadier, owini? t.. smaller receipts ;.i"i flrmar pri?-.?? fur hoga al Ih?. >.irr!*. Tha li|i"ll l.v 111.? ,;. .-iiiiiii nt on lie* number Of ?*?iii?' In the ,-ouniiv ahowed a total of ?;... 1 i.?.?n?o. compared uitii 11.-..?pj?? .out? laal year PORK 8 toady; mess. $tT50*r$18: f.uriili, $m'.?? .**J": shori clear, ?17 ,*!?*.".?? BEEP Mess, 913O913S0; family, $1400<**SI5 packet, $13*?O0914; -x.r.-i India in? -, $234*923 50 BEE!" IIA M.S. $27;. $29 ?i0 l.KKSsr.l? HO?H Barons, m,,, \0ti lb. ??' ..- Hill arr.l 1 Ml lb, ** 4' plgS, !>',.' CI T MEATS Pickled bellies, '.', ,* !?*..,r. piokl.-tl 1 1 .? 1 1 '.r TAl.l." ?W- Btead) : special, country, ?|,.- .11., laud ? Middle Weat, 0.1S(l0.23e: city, 8*490? , rtflned, South America, 10.80c; Continent, g65c: ftraill. II :;u ; compound, 6*4 4*7,?kC, BTEAR 1 ? ? 0 '''?',', city Isrd, p.? io' MKTAL? COPPER Btandard firmer; spot, January and February, l9.TS*J*lS.99e? Ha i. .. 1.? 1 April. I3.75ffri.00c London atrong: spot, (SI 13a; futurs?. (62 ios Arrlvala, 1,030 tona ? v.,ik exporta so fai im*, monta. 3??. i'.pj i- ?if l.iik.- copper, H'.'n U*,c-, eloctro lytle. ir, ?-/11'*-.-, eaatlng. i:iT? '?i 11 ',. TIN? si..niy, spot and January, ??:'? 1??.? >:i 7."?- I'.ii ruarv, 4'J.?*.'?<" 12.75c; March, 12.25 1 12.60? ; April. t! 73g fi J M i? 11.50 , 12 111 ? 1...1I.Ion li'-ii. spot, 1104 l"^ futur?! 1101 m, 1 i; ?i. imii ,,r ? ..... . 50c Bom fork u I 1 i;.,- Kaai si 1..H1 London ap... 110 n . .;,! Tha leading producer reported ?> .1 ? in us price from 1.40c t?1 l'-'?".. 9PE1 TEB Dull u ?l :i". " '<"??'. ?' New York and ? East HI I...?ils. l.??nrto*i ?pot. ISO 9a ?id \vtim??\v Dull: Ceokaea'a 7.99e, iihin |9J I'd In London. unchanged; No 1 foundry Northern. 814 7341813; No S. 14.30 r t 1 7.'. No 1 Sou.h ,r,, ? -.1 p. ?11 J" SI ' T. ( ?>TTON???vi:i? O't 6t*adler, ?uti corn rely light offerings. Trading was largely In ???lii hing fron? Mar.-h t.? tat?-:- and ? overlng. but theio ?a as cotuparatlxelv little p.cisure tu gelL ?-unsuiiipu.?, ?icmanil Is gutet I ar.d exporters doing little. Final pri ? n : |i wer to 7 points higher. I/x.-al cotfttrect ] Opas. High Low. ClMS ?toot . - ? ? 5.*??.V4 1 ?*', i.ruary .0.38 6.M 6.35 5 3 i'*' '? ?< March .544 5.46 6.44 ?'- i April . - Uav . ?'? ?'?" ?"'??"'-? r' ?"??"? : tea . - July .R74 8.75 8.73 5.7?03 I August .R.7? ?Y 70 671? ."? September .5.SU 5.80 6.80 6 80-*?. .81 Mini? nrm ?it fun prteee. Be? erst? I.KATIIKR Bhoe men taking consld ?a goou averega prices, and ssaa i lobblns aamand. |)K((?S linn, with ?""?1 demand for ?I trttcl? Baa tlal oils firm, and -i :.'? .i' full prier?. MOUUWBS AMI PYRITS?Steady. good lobbing htiai-i. aa NAVAL >TOKKS No important bu and pi!??** prartically um hange?!. oil.s Refined petroleum steady at y day'a atfvaaee. Lifaaeei oil qui.-, aai . banged, KICK Finn, with a good demand. Tu ?mane's Son? Company telegraph? I. .urn crop movement at New ?jilean? to Receipts, rough. ST7.SO0 aacka. against ? List year; sale?, cleaned, S4S,1S3 i"1 -.gainai. 820,000 pocket** last year. sii.ti; No change in refined sugar; based on 5.3005.40c for On? grsi sioe price quoted only by tue Federal. ., with i-entri?ugal. !M? ?est, al muacova?lo. ?$ teat, at O.OSc, ai.d itml-?? test, at J.?lc January ami February meal waa ?moted at about II $So, eajt Hi?, spot price. In London beet aiigi" dull .? id 2V, ,3%a lower; January Bid ? ai-y, l?? 1'id; Ma>. i:>? ;?-%<1 Stock i iMii.i Kingdom, 130,000 toea le Cub central? are grinding against no hurt a ?I 18*4 !m*i year. Receipt? at ?ix prli porta for th? weck ?or? 00,000 ion.?. ; red with 53.000 last week and 53.001 11 .-.-clpis for the entire lain ml -.*,..m ions, against 01.000 and bO.OOS, porta ii six porta 7n.n0" tow*, against ?( and $4,000, with stick IStSSS, agalnat ? ami IS,.I. . a COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKET ?For i! ? iresfe aasM TuaaSsy, Jeaeery 30, BEANS ami I'KAs Reo lpt1 fer the ? IK.I>.". baga bean?, 713 peea; exports, 432 t i- pees; Inrgiorta '?.i-4- beaae, P,8H i tatli white baaaa have shown adveneaa c leading varieties. Marrow are firm at ?a. small sale? up to $806, Medium quiet last i I.ut to?? hardened, ami at tho clos?; mo->t i.i I? at ti 80, with ?i;i5 geiKTuiiy naked. m n arm. Red kidney weal and declislna | i?iii ordeta come :<> bend a?owly; domestic ; ha? been Habt, and ai tin. cloea $.". 18 la tall. aorae offered sl $808. Chotea white k but demand light, california lima st? earlier arrlvala cleanlna up, mud go-ode to i ?ill probebl) he held hlghrr. ?ellOW rye ?;? limn? Mack turtle soup, l( here, would i ally bung up to ?7, but 1038 i-* general ei price .n average offerings, Bcetch p?as q v. it ii slight ahadtna el value? al Um ? BKANS, marro v, ?hoice, *i?t lb, $?"?- i. good, $4 $8#84 ?m. medium, choice, $4909$ 10 good, ?l 03?f$4 30; p? a, cheli ?. *i $i .o. poor i > ;?'><?', H i"*'*? '?"'? ft.J 13; poor to good, $4#$4 '?'?"?. I choice, $5W0*B?$0; black, s.".::.. $4 90; lima, fallfornla, $0 60; PEAS, feotes i.i|i?.ri.'.1. $:; 7"">$4 75. ni i ii.ii RacelpU f?r ih" week, i: pkgs, last week, 88.T80; export? to Europe, i?. other countries, "'Jl. The supply of freak large; conaldarebia ?took tp In Ihe W'.-t by ?nowstorma haa .?une in, we hate ha.I In? teased supplies fnnii many lo ii.--; ofTeiing?. "i Ike whole, u Util? larger trade required. Plrmnoan in fan y freah cit ei\ early Monday morning was not auppo and to teil back to about win-re wera a wees age. Trada has i. aerseuslj fe? led b| extreme pri? es and a b.rger ga? Of etltute?. with tema a?*jcemuletlou then la i ... ,., M | mai a tone n( weakliest- Fan creamery now ?elling at 38<*, extras at ITC other qualltiea fruan .".'i'j* io about 31c f* r commun. MM* hi id creamery Is out o, hand?, [nbbera ?.av., a litiI? ?ito<-l; ami pricca tight up (?. the ftei-h good*. Proies? advai about i under atraes Western advfceS, but t nt the higher rstee. lacto-ry in i si | ply .-.?i.i market hardenli t.. Packing ? Ma ted and very arm. Crag It?, ?J?c; entra*?. .17?; first- ::.v.r.**'*': . onds, ;..: *:.i' ? . thirds, 31032',* i . I ?Id, ; , -.?? . | 17 firsts, aOr: ?c'-onds, .-.j1 j ii.ii.. thlrda, SOOSlHe; I dali . ? "-. 0"* ' ?' I io ??! io prime, union to lan. -''?? SOKltO'b?'; extra?. '."0'? i ".ii'?*.?. Orel?, 37*h'> ; .a ??>*. -?'.'ij-j'. . ia.-tniv. current make, iirists. ?-.?-?';. . thinla, '?2': 024 . : Ing Ntock, current mal. , No 3, M*S24',ic; N r_:?i23 I'HKKSK Receipt? (or Mi" week, ".' boxea; ?sports to Kurope, ijs?; to . trie.-. ?AS Kusmess ha? be?-n restri ted, M*ic>* have been v.-ry flrinly ?us; ? rlor storage pi'luts at? still fully ? ii.r with, in soma Instance? higher than, ? real i ?es here and there i? little < iie?w? i . f.nmni. Th?* very r? ti ----- aelec -. i ..i- r.iiii. .-..lMi.-d n..f -h m mail lota iwrally. while white, which are ? Hi mer, On? marks HOW ' i ich i:*, N?t much under priced cheese on market, and nniv very ?i.nite.i ?<-'"?*tloii ?. .i";",. Finest ? ai ma Srm, ,*.'?-*. at m'_. (or fall makf*e, and tua* ?tronger on winter makes wli'-n fati'y: 1 I? up ?? 11.*. but this reached only g? State, whole t.illk. s dal?, white, lb. 17'... < ?iiori.t. 17. aren : white, 17c; colored, ISffcc; winter ma ii.',? . hi? r.i??. fancj. I'i'.?* un cri-.c-y ir. ?.. i... Danries, fall aud earl ???ilT'j?; ?tale, .skim?, (all nii'l earl .-i... i.ils it1 ? ho ? ?- i"? i ' '? inter ma * * .i 11. . h?li -, fi -i i.:'?_? . um ? ?? nominal, I I <.?.- n * '?-! ih?* w""k. *. -- 1 below r .??; ? .1 ?lock baa been ? rlously ? *i ..i- .ii.i ih. .los., th? ?i lantity han-l was ao small, and the praap ? ? In the nag r fu 'ir. are 11 Ni.ite (ha? ?lu m " '. ? ' i - * im? ? ? ? pit) id vane? beth In tienii ?tora ?'k"is ar-- celling: foi si in.? w ii? ?i can bardl) be ai . irtall demand, ao I the ? imparallvely amall f?ir fri 11 ?? ly .i( ie(rigerat?>i* egg? bringing il. r pri?e ni? - * ? rates i fr? fi gathered Nearby "*.-??? hat ntiHlerat? ?ui-ply, and m?"-tinir premp4 dunai bul cl .?i i ?..? ..i: ni- prl? ??- i im; Fresh fathered. \ i ?? r. i vr i i flrata 40e; n^si-. ;7? tlili?1? ? :'.'. ...; 14<*; d ti"?. No 1, 30* ".1. . NO '". .?.*..i -"?' i time. *_'T.* pom t., f.itr. :''!"?-.V; refrig-arato ? .?n i?. :;i.-. thirds, $0 n ;;j?-. po< '.*?*..i _'?- ?tata Pennsylvania and nearby, be nerj whiles, fancy, lar>;". ii"<\ It 11 'I' ?tlaeted. fair lo good, 11 I i "?? . henn? y breen lin 12o; gathered end mixed. 30S i".*, nearl W ? - * .. ?...itii. i :*.*i -. rj. I NI IT.-? DRIKD l;."iptH fnr the x,e, Ii Oin , .ikm apple? an?! :;?.l*i7 pkiit o fr ills; experts it.7.".!? pk^-i Ane?, tro t? Sp evaporated apple., -..-is quiet, and outside qu tatlona full, Fnnii"- ue^k Hinl ar the . I I', li" i" prim., are offering .it s', ? ? b, with M ?r,**i nominally f*-1-.* Bun ?iri qua riera erare? Market ? ..( gun drli ? hops nominal Future clin oui? i - * - * rt-j i., i i.i.i *,b. Januar Pehruar*. || SO pei ion ?h. Jeaeary Pebtrtaar ? b l:.i-|l...i;*. i. ? i|iii.*t an 1 oi| a low i-vrt here than upatate value?. Rprtt aprl.-oi prunee ?a? peaches quiet. .Ari'?.K-a. evapo i i.-.I. fancy, rar Iota lb 10910 Vic; iohM.i '' ' ? hoi. ', ? .?i lois, il ."{'i',.*: JobblB ? ?->'' . prima i tri?te, ?>-.,-. ;..;.;.!ng. ?.*, *""i ?? i l' ?.!. 7 ?i *-*,? . s.;n din J ' ?:?-. II - .pa, bbla i? " f*2fi7: -.. ist", domeetie, 'n^ ??? $212; R.V.-i F.FHHIFs*. 27 ?i 2s--.,?. -, l'HI. VIT Royal?, Ib, I4H41 i?.*: Moo |s. i'F.v? m;s ,..-..i^.?. 30933e; une-aele?! m ?".? : Plil'NEB, :.ns i,, so?, ?j.-.-n. i ,-? . 1*;\.* i?in^ ?.. r.o?. ?O-ib ??-.c ntflTS-^FRF.sii Rec?inta for the weel ? oy,'?-\ hi\? apple? ?in.t i r,7!i i.bis, ?.vt erst? ii berries \p\ le? have arrived rreely, .ii market less active and weaker. Peats in (a supply an?! ?ell akrwty Cranberr1>M at?tedp, bt limited demand Htrawberrlea mere plenti ai loner. o,a,igp, Hn ? grapefruit lu (ree aupnfy ai linn under an active demand, especially t. aradas. Pineapple? dull and weak \fpi.'' Bpltaenberg, Northern Spy, greening, t-a.ih and Kin?--. $20t4; Miibh*trdson. *' - I $2 .' l$$ T.**.; Hen Davis. $2 254203 1 Imperial, It 75*ff$3; common and bad!) fr .* Ilffiai 79; l*.ir Weitem b..ies. $1*880; PBARS l\le*T..r. I.?Pi,. I, 50e?$l; t'llANBKRRIKS ?*ai Cod and Jeraey Howe?, (aney, bid. $10; .. $*.?./?'.? M?; fair to prime. |7 ,-i4)ir$S 50; New Vori ?2*e?2 50; native, f.s 50?9*!>: s-andard, rial. $*.' *J.".-?i.*?*.' 7.'.. New York. $2104$2SB; l^m Island, lat?'. hui. *ft?v.i$in:,o, Mrfy Meek, $84 ?-S.V?; BTRAWBBRRIKfl. qtnit. *J.*Hi.Vi. ORAPf?FRt'IT. Florida, box, |20o?0O5O; ?liinit: $:.i>ir.". Naeasu, KGtl M; Port.? Rl.-o ? .Taniul.'ii, $22B4f$4 2S; ORANOB0, Plcrida $1204)08; i-alifornla. $10(MM4 50; Porto Rl Sl?ill' 4Ti; TANOKKINVJS. Florida." strap. $1 5(V( ??< Porto Rico, ?1 7i^i*.'20; KFMQCVlV. quart II Ml.. PINEAPPLES. Porto Rico. ?rate. Ill $3 08: ?'..ihan. 7.-?.-&*.': Florida. $lff$2 ?.'.'? Il W \M) STRAW Good demand (or al Slabs of timothy. Nh-bI stocks light; receipt! m .!r?u? * l priesa on a higher level than ins w.-ek. IIirIi grade rye straw firmer. H vv large bales, timothy, prime, too lb $1874- N? :*. la No I, $1 1041?i Xi; shipping. ?105; puoklnc i*-"?.i7ii.* clover, mixed, light, $| 15<f?l 20; heavj ii.jfl 20; pure. ?l*i??l so (small bales ft0 per lm lb less?; STRAW, long iji, 00007' . am wheat, 50*000? HOPS Recelpta for the we.-k. i,4v?t bales exporta, :i.70O laitle If gay ?hinge In (enera . ndltl?a. ?m the PactSo ?'?ust a i?..t of 75? bal? s of 1012 Son? mas have be? n contract, d in STe, an advance of ta over the previoua sale (?r??w<rs tliin. ?iwliin: lo compuratlvely light at..?.*ks. Scarcely any movam-wl her?'. hSiglish nn.i Continental mariuta ijuiet. with a decline <?i I02e per lb In Oermuny. State, Hill, prime t. .-hoii-e. lb. 80087c: medium to good. : Paclflc ?'oast. UHl, prime to choice, 4l?4$51c medium to Kood, ?ill-..- 1910, n?milnal, *l???ir40c llHVli. .to*?3.V; old-r, 2iW2?c; Oermans, lt?ll :>" rail 10, UA_n$?Foreign In moderate demami at about steady prtcea Iiomcstlc rabbit? very plenty late last week and prices declined to 1-?i lb per pair fur average beat; invoices aomewhat lichter and feeling ?tcudler. ENOU8H PHEAS? ANTS, doaen. $18: JTOTQH QROL'SB, to, UI.Ai'K PUJVBR. $.1504r?a: HI.ACK iMi'Ks ORAY llKNS, ?7ffl*7 7.-.; VBNI0ON, hind Baddies, 11.. 334105c; (mequarters. 10c; whole deer. INfif-jiV: HAIIBITS. cottontail, domestic, pair, prime, 12018c; JACK RABBITS, '?LU'.Qc. POI I TRY vi.IVK? Receipt? for the w.-ek. unloaded. Of) carload? by (night and aliout 7 ? ar? bv exiire?? Aliout 40 car? or moro urn mill on tracks jnd.T lliiiit? -stock h?a irencrnllv ahowa poor condition. Trad?; very fair Ute last Week, and market clean?d up pretty closely, but ;..: cara ?rere carried <>\er on tra?-ks. This week opened with a little flrimr feeling, especially on ihl.'k'-ti?. ami pun? wer.. MUM al lie for b?itli fowls and cklcken? an?! tl'ic (or rooster?, but . with liberal offering? and ?low trade, a weHker (eellng developed, and p.l.ea declined to UMe for fowl?, 12.* for rhlcaona and ?<? (or roostera. Other live ialrlv bteudy. ?'Hlt'KKNs. express, ih, I*.".* 12'jc; Western and Southern prime, 12.; ?*OWIA express. UVl^Uc; West ??in. (reight. prime, 13V?e; poor to fair, 12** ?Southern, averare. He; R("K>STKRK. Oc: TFR KRT8, mixed hens and torn?, lriftl?.-; DUCKS W ? ?trm. is?-: Southern, 17 ili'.FM* We?tern 12-W1S?*. Southern, II-sic; ni'iNKA POWLtl. pair. m.'iI.hns. 20?* DRKH8ED Recelpta fcr Um week. taSOO pk-t ij.-mrai trsdlae ?biw and uusattstactory Choice h?n turkeys in mod erate aupply and flrm, but tema generally alow. a 1 Lean killed chirkens are coara? and stugg?,. and price*? lower op average grades, ??itii demand alow and liregular. Kieeh k.H?<l? fouls in larger supply, ?Jemand slow and price? eaaler. ft.xi.ers ai?o?ft Heady, ?'.?pons In largo supply, but falrU active, and choice urn?. Uuck? and .'.rin Olli! ?, ,**,ijal?s dull and! - 11. Kreah killed 1 L'RKEYB, dry parked, ? Western, selected, *..irmur h?ns, lb, 21e; ton??, small, 19*<J'2?)c; large, 1**: . average, lOfec; ootn 1 o.. 1.. ij'-ip?. other Western, average. I?**; ?id K.-ntuc-ky. fun ? -*' ; poor' t? fail. 12616c; Texas, average, l*-,?g19' old' hen? and 1 ma, ill-, picked, .*??. 1. lie; ?HI? U KNS. 12 t,, ban, 111IIK fed, 24 tli and under to? 'I- /-.". 2".<?24. ; 26 i" .to IP. 211?22c. corn fed, 2+ fb and under. COC? 96 to 90 lt., lS?flflv; n.llk tea, : ?"? It?, 2'!<; 4 I!, P..-.IP?*.,. 3**j It-. 17,*; .'! IT?. UtX*\ l?5c; ceni fed, :, p, ?.,. 1;,. ? ?, it-^lrt-l-.c; .'.'j j lb, ; p.. 14'. ;; lb, 14 . drj packed, i.bls. Phi la- ' .1? Ip'nia. aquab, pair, mKg:H1 -; a\ crag? broilers, 1*>. :X?Si"?'. ?elected roasters. 22023.*; medium, 1 l'.-.r;?*, ; Pennsylvania t-roiierr. -jr. ****8e; roast- \ era, I701-'*? mix.:. I44>16c; '?' ra fed. I drj picked, t it, up, is 84 lb, 14? . misad, Ue; ; . Ohio un.; Michigan, scalded, 4 It? ! up, i:.c. mixed, 14e; ?ch. r Western, 4 lb. i."?> : :i to '.'j !i>. 14c; mixed, 14c; itaggy, froz-.i and ' discolored 12,-.?*';l.::a? . i'\ii?N>. Philadelphia,' ovei H lb 24-J25. ?B?*. ?i ?<? ?>'* in, 21 ?22. . ? ... choice, 7 to M lb. 22c; ?4 to ?V. H>, 20921c; small and slips, 1501?J . other Weiten?. ,' !.. - lb, 20021 ?'? to 6*i it?, is'-d;?. ; rOWLU, drj [?a?ki.I. \\? stern, boxes. ?J?. lb and o\cr ?*> dosen, drj pi? ked, lOVic: 16 .<> 55 lb, ISHcj 4?? t*> ' r. 13c; .-I,?a. B lb up, IS id 16? 4 to 41? !? . IBs; avaraaa, 14?-; :;'?? it* and Uadar, 19c; South? in and erage. 14c; Ohio ?.nil Michigan, acaldad, cholee, IBe; other w?it? em, overage, I'm. mediara, u>-; ffuses and d.s colored, I*. ? 1; oM. ?try picked. H'ai? 12c; DLVKH, spring, 1.)fi22e; poor ?0 good. 12** if? : '.Kl.-y. spring, cull fed. |S#17c; iivrrage, I Mia 14c. Si.l'AliS, prime. ? large, white, d./.en, 92 2S<8$5 50; dark. $150; culls. 90#7Sc. IDf..TilK? V\l? VK4.KTAIM.K** -Reeoip.s for tin- \v .?<?'<., 47.011 bbli p.iiaitoes and 14.510 ' onions; Importa. 'J.U."i7 bid*? and 124 M*0 bags potatoes and 3,210 bsga onions. 1 laea more plenty, bol domestic ar.i foreign, and market weak and lower; uuialde figures full btgb; Bermudas tit in uader ?.iron?? ???I - rices from Skippers, I u? traO?* slo.v; iwects in light supply. ?Jtiiona firm, clots,..? iiighei Cab? .1 fair supply, bul sell well. California artichokes steady. Brussels apronta plenty n.ut ammy. Beans fairly plentiful, bat gen?rallV poor Old baeti and rarroti dull; 1 plenty and meetlBg g?od outlet ('auli* flowtiia 11. largar supply Iron ?'?illfornl.i and lower. Eggplants anil peppers !1r?<i and higher fr?* best. Kale and spinach supply moderate,, illy iplnach.'uc- 1, tu? plein*. well when faacy Pari enty und lo?*er. Pesa, ?car?*? ami hii-li<i Romain? higher an?l fane*/' would exceed top ., ju: j-I? dull. Turnips steady. Tomatoes In llgiii rupply, but I) poor, prices low and irregular. PO? TATO Kg, BarmiMla, late crop. No 1 bbl. $<??".?); N*> 2. $..'?? ?V, .V?. Main?, . ., ?:. 9S0g*t?9O; in bulk. 1-ai I... $3 25(r$3 75: I/.11-? Island. K? I, bbl, *-;.,o??S|: ,-ij.i.. t.-.,;-. t?t}9ZS0; in bulk. Igla lb, $34'$-' 50; Europe:,n. I?>8-H. bag. f. $9 60; iliiiiiHced. 91 25*9223: BWR-TT F* TOE*?, Jersey. No I, basket, $1 254?$}; ARTI? CHOKE**. dFUro, $*<?./$!>. ANIHE. bbl, $l?i$.l; nni'SSi;!.?- SPROl'Tg. quart. 6?? 12c HKAM-. green, haak'-t. *1*?*4: wax. $1 *i SI .".??. flat box, $125(19150; BEETS, crate, 61 250ft 50 100 bunches, ?*.".'i?*? old, old. 9' 2?4?$l SO; ' CARROTS, ?rid, \.HSbed. Paar. ?I 5<iii$l T8; un-' $1 25091 SO: 1"" bunches, $.?.?>. *?>: . crate, $1 50<ti92: t'ABBAtiKS'. ?ed, ?on. tiftO) 926; Danlah, $25? *.''.f>. domeatlc, flSg $20; ( new. ?rale, $2'./S:|; C'KLKRT. Horids J.:; -i .?? ; 50; t'aliforola, 9309650: CAt'1.1? n,OUKI!;. .are $160692 65: ?, ease. $1 254? I $1 .-.0; basket. .'..*>? o$l 50; K? i? ; ?M ,A NTS. laor, $2?93S? $100992 00: KALK. bb'. 7.-fi9?l<*: KOHLRABI, loO bunches. 924H.*.; HOR8ERADI8H, IOO lb. 9399490: 1.IM V. BKANS. Bermuda, bu.*ihe| ?,.?x. $20 92 7.' ??(.han. $2 ?9.175; l-'P :Ma, basket or ?rate. *3? ?+:,: I.I.TTt 'K. basket. $2'.|$.-.. LKKl-It*'. 100' bunch??, 93 M 64; ONIOKS, Cuban, new. .-ra?a,, $2 ?5; old, white. *jl ", "? 192 76; sta?. and West?' .?m. in.? -1 h ' I2T309J 19: rod, 8850(a$275; Orange C?M*aty, veiio? or re.1, $350: OKRA, carrier, |150#$230? PEPPERS, box, is 1 f. ?????; .?-.III carrier $-?*9) 93; .i-.rll. $1 :,??VT .52 .,??: b?ak*' ft 50 ?ff: P.M.snips, bbl. 91 .".'??$. T5; PEAO. ba?k?t. g 1 Ti g I a 1 I'AKM.KV . 11 rly or plain, bbl. S7*T $? ; $2 50a*$n baakot. 92: ROMAINE, bas? ket. *i'o$;; siiAi.iors. io?f? bun? he?, gt-.s. si'iW'lt basket. $11183 SQfAiKH, Ifiibba-d' or marrow, bbl. $1 2.".w$l ?"?*?? ?.?.htre, box. 92i9 $2.'?t>. balket. 91SO*>92: yellow, basket. $|*-f $125: II KMI'S, iiittibaga. bbl. 7Sc0fl SO; ?1 , ?' 60; TOMATOEB, rioridi. r.r. . il. 1. $14?$3 25; WATERCRESS, ;oo bunches. - 1 r$l -? HOT1MU SK I'ltOnttTS - M.ishrio-.i?? ! sttad) i*u?*umbera dull sad weik. lettuce fina ?or chote? 'ai-**.- aaaall dull. Mint lewec Rad-? ? ?< i.i.1 rhubarb steaA to flrni. Tomatoes ??? ?iie an?) higher ri'i'l'MRKR.? No 1, ?loien. No J box. ?-ii/?l. laETTt'CE. Best on, , $3; MIN [*, d >?.en - ?'??'^7;. . ! MI'SHRiOOMg. vaille. 4 >?> baiak-t. 81 60t*?$2; $1 40*3*1 <*??; It.tio..-' ?*?? < i*l '-".. RAD ISHEt?, 100 bunches, $1 oOptl\ 5?1, TOMATOES. No I, IP. 10<?.t<V No 2 8*12a RHfBAP.B. ?o/??ii bubebes, 75.?T$l, Western, largo bu?t?-h. K! R-4 ANO SMM. -No 1 prims, b;sei< I ?It?, bad,t?r : $??afi$20; b**a*?er, iirge. *,7?fi7$lo.' $T: imall and klta V '.ill SO. allver ' lox. 62nO4l91.000; r->*s fox, ?I0'1*4<). rod fo*?.. 8125g$2 ?iher, $.'.?it2.".: wolf, prairie. $1 50??4: t.'nil ? $2?*5; wotvarlne. ?'??T$S: lyn?*. $154?25: bous?*. 10?e*i': 11 an ten * akut * ? J". lacooB, ?1*? ??' . *>fJ7< rahblt aklna, 1c: mink. . ??hite, 25*? m ; 1 Little denim-i for hickory ? .a.?l;,.:r- 01 '?.-nuls and ?pjotatior.a nomloal Dom*etl.? peanuts wttbeal ekeaga; geotlf ' loty and harelv- lt??dr; Sprin lih ah**lled. ??s-ie.*|aliv No I, firm, nith somi held hlghei than ouoted HICKORY NITI*. ?? so lb $1 3$1 :.'? Bl ?'?:*: WALNt'T??, T*..-: BT7TTERNl**n* 3.-1 tb. 90*875** PEANl'TR. Ici *1. 'umt*o. lb. ?Vijd'ic; fsn.-v. .??,i-,'4, extra, J.'it'.. ibelled, )umoo, ?-'4. tin So I, .'.'. tii 2. ? hum.*t gradea ? tracted oulet m-d extr-a.**?** Tb 0*8)10^: boekwl ?California, es) -????h "**t"* ?ahite. !?' ?-. white, s'.*-: lUUt anil : . 75RO0 MAPLE ?*t?.\R Sugar steady. Pa-t-n-. Hi 1 onl? e\ n.allty. Sugar, n.. It?tl**e; lyrup, gallea. ttO *?' tUtXiBWA'S *'.>Oe rovers ?* erae? One f,lv?K\t; v.r. her' ?vtld. 1K. ? -?? d as t? .-.?-,.-... 1. I. 9499 -?-? LIVESTOCK MARKET. \*eu f ' iry 90 lit] i?v 1 \ 1- ?- or 1.316 head*. title in the ? ar is Nothing doing ' weak nreased be?t ? Liverpool eattl? i'J '.-'-?? dreaaed ?selab? in addition ro offal sheep iwethora), i" '? i"'.-- dressed weight ?? ' lings, l2*-i? Rxporta te?marra**r? * Il a I ||M<? ;" r*n aale. 1 \v?*?tern calves I $7 ?? $1?1 ia<*? . . ?? .<"o 7". CUllS, i- i $ -' W ?items nominal Praaaaed ealvea rio?, city ?Iresred .,-;i'.'... ? ' 10'.T ??15e; ? S.lea Jelllff?. Wright .*. ''o 1" vesls. is?) 11* nvei.i-,-.* !|0 7.*. per ion lb; ?.?;. '.24 lb. $10; ???. 125 lb ?'.. 28; ?"?? I"*'- .Us. 107 lb. tt*.-.0; 2. 1*50 V.\ 95: 9 barnvard ralea*?, 21? lb, $3 73 Andrew Mullan: 1? real?. 147 lb, ?10 50. 1?\ lia 110 11* ???'.; g 11t lb. $5: 29 bam? ird 1 ?ive?, _'7r. lb, 99 T9 1 n Curtis B Son: "i v?a!s. 199 lb. 91029; ",.. 160 lb. 910; 23. 127 lb $0 50; ?o. v.'2 1b $!?: lb $7. I .-nils. I-?:; lb. ?'.. 1 bsrnyard! 140 lb ?I \v c Hunte: 11 veali 199 Ib, *:?-. t, 1?*), Ib. $7 50 11 eulla, 102 It?, to. 2 barnvard ? . :," S A to : J.'. venl?, lt?a lb, $10 50: 2, lio 11. .?-*? SHKFI* AM? I.AMBS Ha -*?ipta U'i ear?. or $.901 head; 4 1 aale M>rk-*t about ?.-. ,,!*. 'ommon to good sheep sold st $3 2*?# 94 28 per 100 I?, culls, $2 ?v.; prime and cholea ismbH. 9795*897 40; y carlinga *?'? Pre?aed I imba at 10013 dressed hothoue* lamba alow 1 t $::-'*.. ner aaraaea S.ila.a. ? Ki-rn-t Commission ?'ompany: 20*1 M n lambs, 77 n> average, ?t $740 pee 100 lb; ?I r-heep. 1t?t lb, ?4 2,',; .1 \earllnaa, S7 lb 93 1 bark. 170 lb, s:i 93, Tob In B Hkannon: 170 cnie Iambi. 7S '*?, $1 ?-. .; al.o. n?*i 11, ?4. 1 i^o lb. S3 no. IHXiS Recelpta "?''.'- ear?, or r,.?>72 hegd. Merkel i!i?i '?> .i shade higher for medltim weli-hra Country dresseel ho?;s steady at OH ? Re .. few loan pigs selling St ?'?l?Pe. Bal<*s ** Judd B Cm .* state hoga. 164 lb averaa-e, at 96 60 -. 100 lb 1 st-aa 420 |h. t?. Andrew Milieu ? state pigs. 116 lb, $623*. "?. lb, $:. 53, OTHER LIVESTOCK MARKETS. ?'Mea-a-o. |0 ?? CATTLE ? Rc-elr?*?. cono; atronar' heevea, $4 7"'?? *?*? 4<*: Texas ateers, *t to .$:. 7?: w.-atein, $4 ?V* ? $7: a.ock ors and feeder?, gt 60099 00 . .-.*.?. s rind heif? ers, ?2 1o .? ?:??, M. calves, if*. 5t*?*?$6 25. TlOCia RacelDts 2S.00n; stronr ?o 5<* higher; U?ht. *.'. ?'.:. <&?$?; :.?; ir.iv.. I5 90?>$d85: heavy, $?? $41 10 rough 96O9018; i?.?:*., ?tftssr..*,. butlc of aales. 9610a*$?30 sitF.F.r ?p.eeeipis, 1,1100 si m.Ij ; native, 93101494 75: Western. 13 .'..i ?? >? 7". veartlngs. $4 734195 33: in tubs, naMve. 944O#90O0 Western, ?4 ?v?-31**1 no. 11 (?Iti Jan. SO CATTLE*?R-rCelpts, ??.'.o. inciudinn* ???m? Bout her na; steady to 15** M?her: dressed beef and exoort si.*ei?, 5?! 00 0AA; fair .0 good, *?". ">0, $??r,0; Western. 93 i*9T28: stoekers und t??de*a. *t-ti8$65?*: 1. $4 7341-90 23: cowa, 984196: i.atl*? ?*.?.?? 926399560; heifers. 64 25H$625 bulls. * I :... ? t . 50 ? .1? -'- s;' v.??, *- -.?-. 11. , Recelaat?. 14.000: ?jr ?o.? blah?r; bulk ?f salei. $6 1030; *?eavy, *?'. 90 ?.?'*->' :i">: packers ..*id butchers, ??! 1 .".*.. i*. 32'. '.i?hts. ?". 8?)?d$?1 2rt; nies $4 254?$5 23. 6HEEP Recolpta. t.Oa^O*. bleher: lamba $*??**$670; v|.arllnga, 94 50 r93 50: wether?. S3 75ft?94 ?*0: ewe?, fa 23 *#94 10; stockers ar.' feeder*! *--.*r,0?$4. Cincinnati, .1 m 30 CATTLE -Racelpte. 27:t: steadv and slow; steers, 9428419729; halter?, 9-1060: .usa., tu .-,?>., ?:,. cal rea stoadv. a*',.!*?**, lin?',?!-Receipts, 172**?; r?tive: r l bntoherg lOo blsrlier: light shippers 164115c bisher: i>u*s alow i.",l nnchaaaed; packtrs. $6 2541 $6 45: bIhcs, $ 1 i *5 25; com? mon a ?.?. ? $4 2*>995 75; plgi and Un-lits. $4 26 r??*nir,. BHERP?lUeel ? ..u si ?*.?,?*? $;; 73: lamba stead*.. H i Kart Buffalo. Jan :;.?. ?' \TT1.K ? Reeeiiu? 700: fal:-1v active and attmlv \ 200; slow ai?l -J.-,a* lower, $5 50?l'.i T.?, Raacolpta. -..HO??. falily ...i|v? aaaat steadv ?o .-., iii?i,,,- ?io:,\* i'tr,i?ot(i*M mlvd. 96 45 4> $6 50; York.ra. $?U? $?l 50- pi??' and rougbe. 63 73i|-,$5?.V stags. ?4 m? ,?*-,.-.?*,; .i.iiri..-. $??,..? ??*, |i? PHKEP wn I.AMBg?1 Receipts, ?I.0O0; s'-t?! . prime lamba activa* comino?? lambs and sbeM> f|?>% ; (,,hira uni ehaagod: lambe, ?9 8009TM, IBy Telegragk la 'l'h- Tribune 1 ? Leuia 99 CATTU9 Raeetata 2t>-?> tmrlv active an; mIxcu steady; ?teem tlKA '."Ifers. $3 0i'..*rtlO: <.-??, g2 iotrttTss? Sou.hern s.epra, $4?i$6 25. H<T08-R?c^r>?s' "Hlorately active and fVaJKV higher? chole? ? m .Hum to heavy weights, $?? 30-j$?? 45- bu)k 'f tf ?Lt?\L toa. **** ho*s. ??*?*Vin6:i0 pa-kerr ?7B?9628; beat MahU $5 73?i$? o.v fair $54? *..<?-.. best pl?s. ?4 50-M5; eon.nion to fair AtaT ?M?? BHEBP Recelrle, 8.T79 fat sheen ?nd g*?*? ?t-a.U: la?..??-1 g% W?W IB , ul??%4 AS? 9680; NesrlliiK,,. $4 ?JOg$6 25; ?lu,tuB ,hw 84? $4 25; conunou to fair, $3?$3 78. V