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. WEDNl BDAl J \M Al'iY 81, IM* rW* ncuspaper is otcned and pub? lished ft// The Tribune Association. I ?Vftc V'>fA cuiporaii'iti; ofll'-e and prin? cipal placf of business. Tribune Huild tti't At?. l.M sassau *tt> york; Ogden M. Reid, pr?sident; ?bumU Hnm J?,i, secretary: .laiiHs M. Barrett, treas? urer. I he Bddn M of the officers is the office of thin Betctpouer. USJtUCttlPTl -Je^YoTh0'1' age l*?ld, oui-Hlt of OreSter New *ork Daily an?! 8u**tU**. " ** month.? 0 D?ily at ?Is montas. *?? Dally und Sir. *?*-?". ?,0 Dell*/ fnlv, one monih. g'^ Daily only, fix monthf. --^ Dally only, ?.na* yar. . ?, Sundajv only, six montna.?*. ? ._ Sunday onl?,. one yea?. ?/?reu on? to all .??.un.rle? In 'ht*. Cnl?. ?.ruai i'ofial L'nlon. in, ludir?*; poaiaj.?.. DAILY AND Bl'NDAT: On? mont!?.$1.50 ,w?. year. ? ? ?l'**? SUNDAY ONI.V: Six monthi.$?1.07 On.* jresr. ?-?*->??'? DAILY ONLY. ? On* month.11.02 : "ne year.???*** ) \P1 <i.\ RATSS. UAV.X AM? BUaVDAY: . One month.$ .?0 One year.$10.05 DAILY ONLY M Onaa month.$ .60 On? year.9*? SUKDAt ONLY: ? On* month.$ .V) One year.$' **"? Kntared at the Porto??**?*? at New York ?t Second Clara Mill Matter. THE \i:\VS THIS MOKSINO. t^NORBSS.?flsnatS: Thp steel bil! pass?*-", by the House was introduced, and the tvtl ?testing a children's bureau was discus, n House: The pension ap? propriation bill, carrying S1S2.0M.MQ, ?was introduced. FOREIGN.?The Binpross Dov.ager of Chin? (leaded to accept the conditions laid down by th<*> republican.*? In their demand for the Imm?diat? abdication of the throne. = = Two bomb attacks ogalnBt viceroys of Chinese proYlncea were reported. * ,. , Martial ?aw was declared In Lisbon; the city was he!?l by eight thousand troops and ?urroundvd bv eome thousands mor? ; the **triker.-t boasted thev had twer.ty thousand bombs raid/ to une against the soldier}'! ?** taw fere tinoun. = Q?snnan delegates to fco Sugar Conference In Brassais op? posed I'uesia'n demand to l>?? pcrmlttetl to lncreatf*? her annual export to 800.000 tona :-?!? ~ A copyright treaty between the United states and Hungary wat? I ?lgned ?t Budapest ??". - Tho Brltieh Uldmiralty ordered from Vlckers Son?, A Maxim three -submarines larger than 9%ny now existing. DOMESTIC.?President Taft conferred Kt Columbus with many Ohio R-.-publican ?adere, who assured him the statu (would be for him; reports that he was E'rlously ill were officially denied. - ecretary Meyer denounced tho action of the Democrutic Hous?.* caucus ?n voting against construction of battl-snips a.? ?"another illustration of govvn.ment by gnap judgment." == It was f*;.id that the Indictments against C. S. Dar row at Los Angeles were based on an alleged confession by Bert H. Franklin, a former MeNamara defence detective, charp, d with bribery; further dynamite r?v?la? tions were promised. = = One man was Stabbed fatally, either with a bayonr: or a knife, in strike riots at L-iwrence. ?Mass.; no effort was made to end the Jf.hor trouble, but the large for?a of mlli t!>* kept order most of th?-* da. . "Trank Morrison, secretary of the Amer? ican Federation of Labor, w is subpoe? naed to appear before the fedsral grand jury at Indianapolis and produce the ? >rdu Ol the ??rgHiiization. *?=? The name of William Jennings Bryan as :i Pr< ?idential candidate In Nebraska was withdrawn, und thai of Judeon Harmoi-. ot Ohio, wss ill??'! b] the Seer? t;?rv of ?k8l Il - ITl Sto. ki closed in lb r - The EF< ..i responda-nc'* be! vernor YVil f uon and Colonel Karvey following tho Msnhattan Club . made public; the Governor b?ge th?; editor's don tor his eeemlng rudeness on that Blon . Mayor Gaynor attended tii- formal holing through of the great Catsklll water tunnel ander the Hudson, making a speech 1.300 teet down. The Interborough's tentative subway ?fter did not prove acceptable to some of the city- authorities, and a ohference Will be h?*id to-day t?> .?-?<?? what can b? done. ~r.;? plans for a IS boom for Mr. Roosevelt wer? discus*.?-M meeting here of former Governor Stokes and other politicians of that state Mrs. Theresa Martin, sister ??i Jame McDermoit, who is on trial fur killing Charles Muldoon, declared on the wit? ness stand that it was **he and not her brother who stabbed Bfuldoon. r= Th? quarterly earnings of tin? United Statei Steel Corporation were, as Wall Street bad a*cpecte?d, j:?*,?ioo.ooi?. ? j. l. Graham, the sailor who was tried for iranslaughter in having helped kick Harry Kolling, a merchant, t*** death, whs nonvlcted of assault in th? s?rond d?* gree. THE Y\'1-*ATHER.?Indications for to? day; Cloudy and warmer The t??mpera Eure yesterday: lli^hest. 33 degl ?west, 26. PO?LTICIXG THF ?XJURED. The publication o? Hi?? letters ex Bhanged between Olonol Harvey and Governor Wilson after the memorable exhibition of "austerity" and "ingTatl Inde" at the Manhattan ?Tlnb leaves the ?part assnm??d by Colonel Watterson In tbe dissolution of partnership there ef fe?'t??d more puzzlin?? than ever. The lgtter colonel's original role approxi? mated to that of the chorus In the Greek drama. The two protagonists met fa) bis chambers, and he was expected to ?witness the parting scene and by his gage reflections to smooth over the era faarrassments and irritatloub of the situ? ation. He had already advise?! Gov ?rnor Wilson that Colonel Harvey's gupport ought at least to be moderated. Yet when that advice was acted upon all too literally and peremptorily the eenlor colonel forgot his duties as an Impartial intermediary and flew to the defence of the junior colonel, whose feel? ings had been too brutally lacerated. The impulse to sympathize with a re? buffed President maker, who stood in the same relation to Governor Wilson In whi.'b Colonel Watterson fondly Imag? ined that be had once stood t?> Samuel J. Tilden, was creditable enough, even on the part of a witness supposed t<> be discharging semi-judicial functions. Rut it 1s difficult to understand on what Colonel WataVrson presumed (o tgke over colonel Harvey's casus belli and to ?!? ide thai subs?quent satisfac? tion offered lo ibe latter and apparently accept???! by him was inadequate. Iu Mch! of ? nainluf* an ii)t?'rrnedlary. <?r. be- lie de**.criba*d himself, an ''Innocent bystai plunged into the thick ?!, treated the affront to Har s an injury to himself and refined to ? dor whul lia* ?ailed the "abject" '" ,; ? !;in^" reparation made to the I i <?f ' l!ii|.'*!'s Weekly." which he had seen b?.t?,r>. ?is publication, as any f the original offence. Colonel Harvey referred to Gov?wnor ^?i1*"!! in iiiiologetic asgurancee n* "r-raeion* \\?rr?i**" und to his second eommutii? titl? n us ?t "mosl hanilnoni?* le?er." Hi i-.-ii;,! t Lave takeu tin* W.ii aW-soii vie-, tlml thS Governor's, attitude ??? t" and "grovelling" and II ' ' l?'S|?i??:il?]??. !).* \ Willing to : Hi?' i?.?'ilti.?<?. I'.iit if the two prin ?gjpgl*?* could s?? fur -soi together as to effert :?n exchange <?r ppistoVati*** courte : M thi'l?* I? ft fur til?' lo maintain a gr\r. /Jed front and still demand Goren Wilson's attainder anrl poHtknl git lion for "ingratitude" ? Concord reigns once mon*, or tl l?*i truce has been proclaimed betwi Trenton and Franklin Square Rut ??reat issue whether Colonel Watten in i or mi not anthorlaed to collect ta trihutinns to th?- WiNon campaign fu and whether he did or did not uctua ranke collections remains unsettled. I us hope that ont of the wilds of Flori will come some documentary evider clearing Dp that hold-over mystery. WHAT DOES THE CITY WAV? The latest indications an that I most recent subway negotiations > goiug to end in failure. Controller Pr< dergast sai s of the Interborough i> posai: "That is not what the d wan;-." Rut what does Hie city war The proposal. H its terms are corren '-oil In the press, is precisely wli has been expected for some lime, ?i ?t has been represented as ntisfacto to the city official*. But now that it made "informally." the pulilic is su denly told that it is not what the ci want?. Why is it not what the d wants? Wherein does It disappoint I pectationsV What does the city want? The pub Impression is that the city does n know what it wants. It formally ai with much solemnity declared its terr last summer, and when they were t jected the committee which drei? the tip turned about and reported In t*t of others totally dissimilar. These ?re rejected largely because of the oppo; tion of the Mayor, who declared again a preferential payment as illegal, mo strous and a few other things; yet l talks of a previous offer of the Interne OQgh company as if it WOUld have be. the height of wisdom for the city accept it, although It, too. called for preferential payment. Meanwhile tl plan which the Board of Estimate :<r Apportionment. Including the May? voted 00 favorably Is not being carril out entirely because of obstacles tai*-? by the Mayor. What does the dt want? Tf Mr. Prendereast knows 1 must be almost unique among the ell officials by reason <<f posse?ss In g th; knowledge. THF GENERAL VIEW OF TFir PHE1 VI Y ACT. Probably the answers lo the Nation; Civic Federation'* Qnestlons furnish fair index as t?> public opinion concert lag the Sherman law. om of the si-tee thousand persons, representing varhui element! of society,, who replied, only ~ percent want Ihe law repealed. Right) four p?*r cent, however, think that th law is not dear, end there ?s a genera desire to have il amended to "make It. as the Federations analysis of the con implications summarizes their langnagt "so that business men can nnderstai it." Thi*- is :i natural attitude. Tve thos.-> who ?ir?"\* up the Sherman SC probably did not make It as clear as the; would have liked to have 1). E\ Sen ator Edmunde lu his re?*ent article sail thai they made it as definite as the; found it feasible to make It and left it t, he Interpreted by the courts. In accord anee with previous decisions on the sub Ject. and in conformity frith their prsc tires of interpreiiitlon. It Is easy to write, ti the thousand) of correspondents have written I o tbt Civic Federation, that the Sherman a?* ought to be made dear. But the difli culty is in making it clear without weak enliu: its effectheiic-s. Tt was not th? business of the Federations correspond ents to tell how the Sherman act wai to he improved, bur those who have mad? it their business to do so have had t? content themselves with generalities oi with Suggestions that would merely H-h stum?- new difiiciiities of interpretada for the present, ones and which would throw away all that has been Rained ii the way of construction through the de cisiona, on the present law. It is thu faibtre to bring forward practicable amendments ?if the lav. which would ac compllab what almost every one thinkf it desirable to have accomplished that makes the public in? line to the view* ex pressed by Mr. Samuel Rea. viee-prrsl dent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com? pany, In his reply to ihe civic Federa tion: "T believe the Sherman law, ai "now interpreted, i? not yet dear, but "under oi-iurt Interpretation srtll beeouM "workable." DHFADSOl (HITS OK DISCff'UA /?;.< The most important part, of Lord (.'harks Berssford's extraordinary dis? cussion of Hriiish naval affair--, is that which to ihe merely cursory oboervei may seem to be the least sensational, With his resentment because of what lie regarda as personal attacks upon his au? thority and reputation and the alleged press agent campaign against bin oo have no direct concern. Ills analysis of comparative naval strengths and 'ii eriticism. Intended to lie destructive, of the recent naval policy of the British government may command serlou- at? tention at the Admiralty and in Down? lng Street, hut will command only detached mid' academic Observation throughout the world at large. But what be has to say about Dreadnoughts ap? peals with direct and pertinent force to every country that Is adding t?> Its navy vessels Of that formidable type Briefly tutated. Lord Charles prefers discipline to Dreadnoughts, the former term being used in its broadest sense. These gigantic vessels are of untried value. They may be good or bad. Thus far they have chiefly served the pur? posea of advertisement and of provoking feverish irritation and rivalry. But for their sake all other Interests have been neglected, if not .sacrificed men. auxil? iary vessels, ?locks, stores, the general equipment and discipline, and therefore*, Lord Charles believes, the real efficiency of the navy. That is the gravest count in his indictment of "the great betrayal." and the one which potentially applii other navies. Particularly is it to he commended to our own navy for consid? eration, perhaps as a vindication and not a condemnation of our naval policy, for in making it Lord Charles is simply re expounding and confirming the faith of Farragut-i ?ho put his trust in w.-n served pieces and in the men behind them and who was ready to pass or to silence any forts with any sort 6f VOi o?l* which would carry his gun-. ih- theory has largo bucking in eX pertence. Howard and Drake harrying the siiper-nrendnoughts of m,,, invincible Armada with mere cockleshells. Dundon aid rnaquishing ships of the Una with a fishing smack, ['.nil Jones capturing the ils with the rotten Bon Homme Richard and "Condor rharii?-" himself making a gunboat the most efi? fighter in s fleet of pondemns leviathans ?all fest'fy to the supreme Value of shrewd and daring aggression and at that discipline which c?nsti i in the com l-lrtest poKflhie prepara tion and the ut most attainable litnotrs of whate means of conflict are at the belligere) disposal, it is a reassuring reflect! therefore, that while we have also gaged in the building of Dreadnong oar navy may be believed to have ma tained unimpaired the ?ilsciplin?: a equipment which made in former yei Its use of lesser mean? so formidable g triumphant It may he. as lx>rd Charles BeTOSfl holds, that ihe supe*M>rsndn0UgbtS : si ill experiments, the worth of which r not hewi demonstrated, but at least it possible for us to do <>ur utmost to ms the experiment successful. The voy;; fit' our great fleet around the world w in its demonstration of efficient eqq ment and discipline, s magnified redni cation of the solitary but ?-pochai VOJTS of the Oregon years before, and the m< satisfying guarantee of the practh worth of our naval OStsMIshmenl wot he given in continued demonstration such efficiency nnd of the complet.' I w.-ii proportioned e?iuipment of every ? partment of the servie?-. UORB EXPLARATIOVB M' ORDE The Harvey Wilson corresponds mafic pnMlc yesterday throws a curio light upon certain information parpe lag to have been communicated to I newspapers on recent dates by Govern Wilson. The break between the Gr ernor and Colonel Harvey occurred ? December 7, 1011, bur little p-ssip CC cerning it crept, into circulation tin after January i last. On January two weeks after Governor Wilson lit written his first salving letter to Colon Harvey, the following Assodsted Pre dispatch was Rent OUI from Trenton: Trenton. N" .1 . Jan. ?'? Covern? Woodrov Wilson of Net* Jersey, In ; . Interview to-day, said thi so fsr an his Information went the speci latlons contained in the newspaper dl patches that a breach had come betwei Colonel Hn-rvey ol New r-orfc and hin entirely wlthonl foundatia "My attention/' he said, "has, of cours ??i...? h drawn to the fac? that the la "two numbers of 'Harpers Weekly' hn-? "mule no mention of my Mini . i"it th "certainly is not due to any breach ? "any kind between Colonel Harvey at "myself. Colonel Harvey runs tl " 'Weekly' entirely on bis own Judj "ment." On January 7 the fol!*.' appearr ?n "The New York Bun" under a Tret ton ?late line: \\T<*ti Informed by s "Sun" corr? ?pendent thai it h.-??i been deflnttel) m ported thai si *t recent meeUna be ha said in the pn -? nee 11 ? olon< I H in ? that the adv-ocacy "' "Harper's Weekly .it this time was damaging t?> his Pre?| dcntlal aspirations th?* Governor Bpeclfl cally denied the truth of the repnr "When I said that there bad been n i, ;: between Coloney Harvey an "myself I mean! 11 literally." ' "There I* no foundation whate ?? *th< toi y, i i I ne> ? r made any *-:'' "remark .is that which > ? >ti SSJ ' "attributed to ma" The Governor als said tiiHt he i.i?.?i to recall the ? which ? ?uld have *rlven rise to such si t?:i January 27. after tin- Harvej Wi at n com spondence bad been conclude? 'The New York Herald" published th following account of an Interview wll Governor Wilson In this ,<ny: "I have h**?i n<.Tespondence sritl "Colonel Harvey since that which ws "made public In conn?sctlon with 'Har ? ? ? \v< .1*1' ? ition of in: . i * ? ? dentlal i sndldate." hi [Governor W ft. "I hi "written to Colonel Herve-j since then "and h?* has not v rltt< n to m After studying the correspondenct published yesterdaj one can only com? to th.Delusion that Governor Wilso allowod some very queer ""facts" t?-. gg into the newspapers as coming fTon bin Will lie now rise again to the o? caaion and write s couple of "hnnd sotu?-" letters of explanation to s inuel perplexed public? t/T/7,* I HI I I'.ll'l I I? i/ 1 "*/, THROWER in sending up an?i down Broadway ? fire engine cofcred with hnge sign warning people thai th?* Ian o gains throwing down limited matches, clga rettos and clgan In places where thej may cause fires i- to be enforced I In Commissioner Johnson is n-sortii".' t? publicity of s sort In which be speclsl ize,j hel?.re taking office. Whether li will hare m??r? than h momentary bene Bcial effeel may be doubted, bul if th? rire Commissioner actually does enforo the law be will produce s?>m" mifi?atlot ??f this dangerous nuisance, ? few ar ri'-ts now and then have been enoogl greatl} to reduce the amount of spitting on sidewalks and the floors of publii vehicles, it win not be necessary to ar rest all persons who uro careless with lighted matches und tobacco. Buffldentlj (requenl arrests to warn ail careleai smokers that their own apprehension b possible will suffice And with the tore; of the rire Prevention Burean at his disposai the Fire Commissioner should h?' able to make the words on his pla carded engine more than an empty threat. The I i re Prevention Burean, when il Is in full operation, might Mr<*ngthen its campaign against the carelessly thrown match or cigarette by undertaking the enforcement of rules against smoking n factories and othi r places of employ? ment containing Inflammable material, which now fiepend for enforcement sole? ly upon the care and strictness of em? ployes. The public is interested in see? ing that this elementary requirement of safety is obeyed. 'I n I * M rv Kl IL WA TBRWOR h B. The opening of the water tunnel undet the Hudson River tit Storm King is n wekowe reminder of the rapid, ecooom? leal ami efficient progress which is being made with ?me ?if th? greatest engineer? ing undertakings in tin- World. I'rw other -.-rent works, though of mu?*h le-ss magnitude and Importance, have been accompllsbsd with so little boasting and advertisement, though few bevc been the objects of so much opposition and mis? representation. The very part of it which is now under consideration waa again and again declared to be impos and to have hcen abandoned In d?s span-, while all the time the engineers were cutting then* nay through primeval grnnttS a thousand (bet below the sur? face of the river at a rate of speed prob ably never hefore approximated iu tdm ilar work. The fa?t is that the enterprise of bringing an ample water supply from the Oatskills t?. New York is prooasdlttg ahead <*f the aebeduls la point of tfane and probably well within the estima tea in point cd cost The tunnel which WSJ opened ysstardaj is t?, he completed four? teen months hence. Inn there i reason for SSpSCting that It will he done within this year, and ? i her parts ,,-* the work are similarly sdvsnced Ami where there !ifls |?^U delay 0|. P_travaj;ant C09? the re<pon9ihillty has rested with Others than those who nre directly charged with the ondartnUng. it is noi ?w-pratng thai efforts have been made to secure political a-huntago and to ml 'tirata tgVBttn in connection with Ihe ?"*** lienditur?' of Ml vast | huh of pitbli?* iii?.ne\. Km ihus far they have not b?*en s.? snocf*ssfnl a* gra*ely to compromise the Integrity <?f the WAtk. We may thus cheerfully look for the speedy and successful completion of an undertaking ?tM?? simply ns an end neerirm' achievement will rank among the greatest In UM* world, and which in tti relation to the *?h\sirnl welfnre of this elty i*- BBgurpMWd. When it is done, | few jean*, hence, New York and the neighboring ??ommunith's at lb* north, all the way up to thi scene of yesterday's achievement, will have a ?rater supply of excellent quality and so plent?*ous as to make even the most pro? tracted ?Irouths negligil'le. In short, to an indispensable I?M|UlrcilMOt of comfort. ; i. : : I t 11 and safety the A"merl?-an ni?**n*o|i olis will be as well equipped as any city In the world. Il seem.** to be up to Senator Martine to in?, ok? a "court of honor." or at least a court of Inquiry. ? It "Aill seem like old times when a Democratic majority In th'<* House of Representatives votes to slop all battle? ship construction. Tho decision reached In the House caucus murks a return to the delusion of thirty years ago that a navy Is a pore extravagance and Is a melaniholy measure of the Democratic party's present capacity to understand and apply rational national poHctaa The undisturbed friendship of Co!o-v-l Harvey and Governor Woodrow Wilson is a moving spectacle. ?'olonel Watterson will ?liidouhtodly admit that "President making'* Isn't any longer what It used to J.. The little fjrss over the acting Prest? dsney f4 Panama again reveals nn un f.'rtunate feature of th? constitution >t that republic. It Is forbidden to any man to he sleeted President who in ths six months preceding the ele?'tlon I ? SierclfSd tlM Presidential function. Pill intention was to prevent the imm?diat?? re-election of a President. But a 9 ' lieen found to evade It. All the President has to do is to take s laavs I of absence for the six months pr?c,din ; the election and turn all his functions over to the First Designat.*. That leaves Mm perfectly eligible for election, whits it makes tho First Designate, who bl likely to be a rival candidate. Inellfibl? - a result which wag never Intended th>* makers of the ronsfItt.tlon. Thus far no seri??us tronbig has com? of '. but miK'h ill f?*elinp; has arisen, ami It inlirht be the part of discretion t<? amend the roris'ltutloti so SS to cause it to . |. ths piirpo.*-? which was designed. Wanted, .? new nsm.? for a "preferen? tial ravinent " THE r IT.K m THE fMT .70 ' now getting along withoul police, It OpeetOTI A recent "1,-xowlna- ' of I'?lire Department convinced the n>* thst I! ron'.i administer Its pr?.t?r-fh ?*. hetti?r WlthOUl ils Inspectors than with them, and ?**< h result m? Inspsctoi )ii\? been reduced t' Ihe r.nV of raptaln ? ? ?-?ratter twsnty-foor ..f m ?!:-'? |. I- ?A 111 |.? ?III?. ? to Chief UcWesay. This centralization of Itjf Is ;?pprov?*.| hv ?h>* ?'l\ll Per? H hat ?errntlv pnih. ?! t**< Pol r? D?i ? nd by the -hlef of 1 ? Icago newspapers mean enough t.. ? the fewer high ?,fti?*lnl?a the fewer chances for "(rood Craft " "la 1 - credit 1 ?r I Should sa.?- t? 1- Wh\. hi ? ? ? noun*] of h?itt??r I LaUPOPi IvND "MIDDIES." f Tlia rr.MaMpt-iien ?* \'.*aapA '*? h.\e rren reatrlrtttd 1 . Il a m?*nO' for Th?* nilddi?*s h? Annapolis Are in lots of tro ? tho . mnon' ? *?? 1*1 Th l| - ? r The** have nn awful loi lo l#ar*i * ? ? ? ...... ..?.. treatise; And now o Mema thsl they mus? spurn Their hnrnib'S" low? for "??w??et|->. " Not brandv halls, hut cannon 1 ? They ought '" isa ? ' And rifle popa not lolltpops, Hhonld give th?-ir lives a flavor Tankes doodle, doodle do. N ??i ml os dooHi?* dandy. Just to make th?*ii eonrago *'?*?? It?- took away th?*lr cind? ??? ? ?.1 |gy has a n?*w attachment on his il I " "U bat foi " ?i'..i debt" Tit ni? ?-?poulain-" <?f tin* ne?,r ?*\rlmn^o prol ?it r.rrllu Hi?? "'I'.iiieblatf* ?if that r!?y suy*,. "Dr. Theobald Smith, of Harvard, WOO d< llvsrsd his initial lecture In .he Hygienic Instituir, is a. typical scientist, showing remarkable fluency in thaOertnaa lani ; lie ooldom hesitated for a word, .?? .1 si though he ipoks alowly and In a low tOHO of voi e, ihla may have been caused by an easily tind.T*oo,?l omtNUTassment lie was understood bdwever, throughout the ie tur? hull. Which was tilled to Us utni.-t 1 ?p?? lty by students, phvsi? isn? sad man] mod ical army ofltoof ." "I ain't lo'ipir my faith tn human ia? ture." oald Uncle liben, "but I kaln'l h-'i> notl? In' ?hit dere's ?tins -t beep m*y sb tlclcs advertised 'Lost' dsn dar la 'Pound.' ' Washington atar. Dtoplsaaed bat aus?** he had been osleeted for Jury duty, a New Toril man whoos lar Kl b?islne?*a Interests milk?* heavy de? mauds ?m hlH time wiot?? to 11 lawj.i friend of supposed influence, MiKK''stiti>-, ! hat no! enough of this ?lv|.- duty Is lm posod on niirlstcr*- "Can tlnri DO Say better material to draw from," ho wrote, "and bas nny elaas of people more spare tlm?*? If JodgS ??wen*? can K?*t good 1*1 - sulta from a whole Jury of ?I? rgymen In Chicago, why ean't NstS York try s sprink? ling of th^ ?upoiicr ?I,?m,mi in ns Jury boxes? Judge Owens'o jury nsnststsd ?>f twelve ministers; one Afilean Methodist one Protestant Bptseopal, Bishop Pallona on?* Melhodlst lTplscopnl, two .Jewish, two Roman ?"ntholl?*a, one Haptlst. one Unite? rian and t?vo others. Would bach a Jury not he likely to sit with more patience than one composed of merchants, brokers, sales? men, manufacturers, etc.'.' Pn 11s ?ill a gfiod turn and give the ministers a show." ?Maud i"v<? Juat heard of a r.i??. ?where a nian married a girl on his deathbed ao she could have hin millions when he was ?on. <'ould you love a girl like that? Juek-That's Just the kind of a girl I could love. What's her address? r*o?at<>n _ _ THE RECALL OF JUDGES Mr. Tafffi Oppofiition to It a "Model of Sound Common Sense, ' ? Says Writer. To the Editor of The Tribuna?. Hlr: The apeeoh of President Taff at the OMs Society dinner on Saturday night was. in my humble opinion, a model of aound common aenee?a virtue. It would appear, not from prof?resslveness. While, as the President said, the need for jLdges?for men whose training (Its them under ??omptex condition!, to determino what abstract Jtistlc.? and righteousness la?exists, th? need for their independence Is equally pronounced. To make th- periods at which ihe formality of their reelection shall be SbBSnred short nn?-i may be wise, hut to attempt to nullify their usefulness and de sire to give the psopls th?* beet and Mgbssl within them Ih not only wasteful end n m h'it i. uctlonarj . The Whole agttattOU aient the n-ferendurn i?n?*i recall hm emphasises the need tot more de.lntte. uniform and just principles of government, to plain and -straightfor? ward that under them the need for recall In any department of government would imply on ignoring of the tenets of right? eousness bo flatrnint that no penally could be too never?.. W. II. ROYOTONB. Stm York. Jan. '?n. ms. ? a CHANGES IN THE PARKS The Right of the Public to Know What Is To Be Done with Its Property. To the Editor of The Tribuno. Sir: Th?.- fact that year issues of yaster ?lay und to-day refer to certain differ? BOM of opinion between the Perk Commissioner and the landscape architect to the hoard emphasises the necessity ol having mads public .such documents as will set forth the reasons for or against changas proposed. Apart from th?i purchase of tlv land. CS?" tral Park ha? eost-the taxpayers approxi? mately J*Jo,o?:o,COO, yet the public is BOt per? mitted to know what changes an Individual who happens fer the moment to he presi? dent of the Park commission may make until euch changes have been made. *g* other property of the city is subject to euch autocratie control. Why ahoutd dwitral Park he? von win recall thai when the present Commissioner of Parks tOOk ?fli?? there was much activity of discussion With re? spect to the condition of the .?oil in the park. Instead <>r taking arbitrary counsel of hia conclusions the Commissioner adopt* ed the straightforward course of request? ing the Becretary of the Treasury of the i.'nited sih??*s to give the aM of some one tn the Treasure Department that was qual? ified t.i report on existing conditions and niiggest appropriai?- renwdy. The Commis ?loner tien mvie public a comprehensive re? port of his actions, and Stated that he WSJ following the recommendations of Mr. M i ? n-i'H-i. the government's expert on soils. If now, you or t object to Hie Commis? sioner's actions In tho matter of the re ? itlon oi ii sollt we have no font m for attention unless WS can : how conclu Ively and ?pectdcally where tho Commissioner is at fault. The Park COUUnlsSlon wh?n he,id?"l by the inte Andrew II. Green ?ltd n?*>t think tt lacking hi dignity t?> ssk and receive. communications from the landscape archi M-ssrs. 01in?te<1 end Vaux. HCttlng forth their approval or disapproval of air changes suggested? and these communica? tions wars Immediately mad?- pubMa UThj ?hould It bS lacking In dignity for the present '"ommlssioner so to act" W B. VAN INOSN, * ? York, .Ian 9, ItU J. J. M'NAMARA NOT A SOCIALIST. I To the Editor of The Tribune. .-Mr. in his article entitled "nodalism i th- Oarb of BHenei is s ond<S B. PalU n says h ? ?'.? know whether the .M? Samaras, of i n-.ii-' fame, were socialists or not Klndl ail? w me throagb "-our paper to inform him thai I J McXamars whs not a aoclalist, in.t i?. \? .? i vin??, i .it ,ii>?i < 'at holte) and .-.1 to the "Militia of Christ. an or atlon form?-.'! to Rgbl sotcialism i de, N !.. Jan "? IM RE VDER. EVADING THE QUESTION. To tl of The Tr but * sir: Although i am hoi ?? illsl I can? not forbear "taking up the cudgels" In be? half of the suthor of your article on so ? lalism, i nni'.l ??n .Tanu iry i '. Palloa's lasl Sunday to "laui?li him out of court " Ridicule la not I such ai*H? si K.?ri Mars ? ? i??- put sslde by th? flip? pant * ' rune through the domo what 1 r. Ills the tics I "ttn i ron--- r: ' proof (71 thai neither labor nor -sap *- i du? la loo rid "is conalderation and ?ii the dignity of one ?ho pro-mmc*?* ? . .' w ? economic i-pie>tions through , ? If the ap-eetre ol *o***islt*m e i|rh n*?? the a oi '?i t doa ? nace i" the wel far? "f mankind and *' ? ? the ?i ibllit: of th? nod * mus? meet the >rs aertoua and ?*nn*. *: argument lb m sd In Profeaaor Pallen ? to lie irtlcle f therefore hope tint you will keep '"in* eolumni ??pen f??r further and fr dtscUSidon Of tie* negstlve eld? of "."-'oi'latlsfi-i \.i. Cspitalism." Th.* reechoed .. it age In our in? dustrial development and Its attendant ?? cumulattona ol capital ?"surplus valus*?" If - ou i*'- ise) f?r beyond em* home not ? to i ? - i admitted t>> ail fair minded persona Kot no other reason do ? ?* for "open door- i?i for Ig * lande, while our financiers scramble f?>r a share of the ? hitimnan ?? pound of IVs!? The workers who have helpod create all this surplus ?if aoods and capital must be botter housed, fed sad clothed and have thing laid by f?<r the pro?..-rMal "rainy day" h.'fore they can be either eoothtad or alien-sod i?y foeular attempts ??? evade the qi] i ona th?e*jr ar? asking. 11 ?i IVW-HV II r| Isnd, N V . .Ian *.."\ If] * THE LESLIES IN IRELAND. To the Editor ??f The Tribuna Mr Apropos ??f the article in '.>'-*m day'a Tribune on the Leslie fatnll; I th? pen of "the Marquise de Pootenoy" ma) i oft. ?.n ?i* two observation whi?*h win prebal I-, Incrss m the Interest of th? article ? ? .-?.?n?' of vour readers? Th? -<on of the former Misa Jerome, Shane Leslie, I now pro soutins ;,ii active cam? paign In this country In the Interests of the ??*?'h'* League h? is the Aral neu.! the famll) since the daya o? Chart? Powell Leslie, the Irish parliamentarian, i<> ???si his on in the scale of Irish nstton pira tion *i'ii" hook refer red to Is the fourth par*? graph is "The Risa end lall ?.I the Irish Kation." by Sir John l?a illusion, which has always been an exceedingly popular work edth ih. Irish people, both In Erstand and abroad. The language of "iii" Marquise" would seem to Indleete thai th? hook enjoys only a rery limit?'d circulation al press?t which Is hardlj the ease, in view of th?. avidity with which svery published shred of lush historical matter is perus?t?i anu atudled by the present generation of the <*.??-l in Ii.laicI Th? Olssslough Leslies hav? been consist eut Unionists ?-in?*?' HOI ; In fact, only last year their demesne was the trystIng pi IOS for thousands of the lornl Orancemen, who th?re ?ame together to ?.nice their uncom? promising opposition to Home Rule In any Shape or tarta, II is hordly correct, there? for?. lo ascribe Nationalist honors to sir John and his family throughout Ireland and dlSOOtmt their popularity in Ulster, as facts show th?** rlmnmstnnnss to be ssaetly re? versed F. MACLENNAN. Strg Yo,k. .Ian. *J4. If It. THE DICKENS FUND. T?. lie Rdltor of The Tribune Mr : Lovera of Chapie? Dicken* in Amer? ican who desire to show their gratitude tor the unbounded pleasure and benefits which they have derived from hiu worke are re? minded that only ope week la to ?-lapse be fop- the celebration ?if the centenary of his birth, on February 7. and If Americans who have hitherto paid nothing whatever for all th? Joya they have received from him are ready to pay a small portion of that debt they should send their aubacriptlons with? out delay to Claren?*? II. Mackay. treasurer o? tho fund, \*o ||| ?roadway. New York, for th? relief of fiv?- granddaughter? of Dickens, all of whom arc In delicate health and In aore need. JOSEPH H. CROATA Honorary , hairmnn of the Americas Dick? ens Fund. New York, Jan. 30. 1911. People and .Social IncidenU AT THE WHITE HOUSE. (Kroin Tht Tr'hur. * BarSSS I Washington. .Ian V* -Mrs. Taft occupied a boa st tho cohimhls Theatre tffi a?ter t och ?o hoar Loo Hlezak. of the Metro? politen Opon With Mr.*-. Taft ver. lira, A ?..irrlsoti M.*i'llrit**?.*k, Mr* Vathanl.-l FVands, Mrs. Horace ?Feeteetl f?n?i Km Rae. THF. DIPLOMATIC CORPS. 11* rom The Trtbaae Ban un i Wsjsliiiigton, .Ian. 31.?Ths Austrian Am lor went to New Vork to-day, t?? i? Dtalfl until Thursday. He taken tw?> boxes at the Columbia Theatre for th cort given this afternoon I?* Lato ?Si'Ziik, nut, being obliged to leave the <l?>. turned thein over to the counsellor of the embassy ami M.ri". roil laoeuctitbal Llnau. wb With them Marchioness Cusanl and Donna Beatrice Cuisant, wife snd daughter or ti*e Italian Ambassador; Mm?. n?'ni*-*i von Bslmhauasen, of the Qerrasa Brebsssi H. do Bach, <>, the Russian Embes - The Italian Ambassadoir und March! t Cnsani ha\o Issued Invitations ter s din? ner on ("ebruair I. Mr do Bach, of tho Russian Itaibassy, win leave here to-morrow tor Saw York, to be the guest of Ifr and Mrs. P?ter Qoelel Gerry Cor s ??inner and ?Janeo. He win rctun. on Thursday. Constantin NaVtokoff, Ural eeeretary of the Russian Embassy, v.110 bas besa ss r-l-med lo indi.i ?is Consul General, a/Ill leave hors t .-morrow and sail from Mew York on Thuroda) for Tt?i?siH for n visit before ?join/* to hi.*, DOW pOSt. The. Swiss Minister occupied S hox at tie I'oliin.hla Theatre Hit* afternoon to hear l.eo Slezi.k The Carinan military afta. h<* c.nd Fran von Jl-erwar?h and their yc"?n>T eon will return tO-PtOTlOW from o Short '?lsit in Saw York. IN WASHINGTON SOCIETY. irr.,,!, Th? Ti i ana r. U'ashfnirton, ?Ian. ?.- The I tan! Bee retary of State snd Mr?. Huntington Wll OOtt entei tiajned at dinner to-night in honor of thi Russian Ambasootier ;.t;<i Mm*. Bokhmeteft Their other Killst- ?rere the ntlne Minister ??nd Mme. Naon. Sena tor BSCOB, the l ..stmaster Qen?Mral| R*-pi?" SStttattVS and l'nderwood, Constantin' Mabokoff, Russian Hi st secretary; I Tli.iwnson, of N?-w York, Mrs. Richard II. Joseph Mobsou, Ifr, ami Mrs, Hugfa B? Knox, Mist -'hrlstian. "f Khhtnond, and Thorns-. NeiSDf* I Mm?- ?fauu-e entertained at dinner to? night In compliment to the Secretary ?if the Navy and Mrs. Meyer. Her IS were tl.e Danish Minister," the Portuguese Minister, the Austrian petlor and Mme, ron Loawonthal Mueu, ths German counsellor and \ime. lianlel von Haimhauseti, Representative snd Mr Nicholas i.oni* worth. Mr?. Marshall Field, Mr. ami Mr?. Walter Denegre, Mr. and M*-?- Gist Blair, Mr. and Mr.*. lohn It. Purdy, Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Boardman, Misa Patten, Judge J. M. Dickinson, Lieutenant r'ol-inei ?hiirl-- I, McCawtoy and Mr, Dmltrow. of the Rusalsa Bmba Mr;. Knox eseleted her daughter-tn-Jaw, Mrs. Hugh s. knox, at hei second "ar l Dim "this M Jean and ?evcral ol lunger members of oorlet-?. M>-? ?liarle, MacVeagh, of S'*", ?rk. been the guest of the gecretary ?if the Tr< isUry *?t"i Mrs. MacVeagh sev? eral days, returned to h?*r home this iftw .mon. \ l*..t> **Hr rlanc-e ol the ''op**;re?..?i?-ir.a! ?'lui? to-nlghl wai oltend?.-d by o hundred of the younger people of the ?'on?*re*<.tonal s?*t .Mrs Roberta, presiden! of ths dob, re. celved the ?a-uest* \ brtlttanl audience idled the T-yiascn if ter noon lo heoi i. g, Curte vid hl. I'idian ptctl Dishing I Klven 01 ?!? r the SU pli ? Df the N reija-o?e?*,, ? ?il Boetety. Th* honorai-'- , o m m 11 tee for this afternoon ami on Thursday', <??' ? i ?*?? pi-oa-rsinine will he repeated. -i\*???-e t ** i-*r* ?? ii imbassador, the Nrrtish gmhaa oador, the r,arm?n Ambassador, Justice Hughes, .r.->hii r?a?.* Haounand, t*?iisior ' rS| Stockton, ||r i hr ?'* Putnam, Mrs John n-.\, Mrs Mephsg ?> Elktrts, Mr end Mr Bdaon Bra-tfJey, | tor Qslllnger, ?*?natcr Burton ?pit others most of v. ' ? ? boxes tMs afternoon Oflli e. s <->n Ihe Dolf* * a pai t? of .?..inn- dinner to n??*rht. Mr and Mrs. Walter |* WHco*- enter talned at dinner to nicht In compliment to Mis. Tafts brother on Mr and Mr-? Wlluata Colltn* Herr?n. Ifr and Mr Alexander Legar* i*? ? ? I 0 ditin. ? party tO?a**g*h1 M. * ? Theodore \\ \* ?*? tn*l * Misses \ . entertained ?? and ? ruin?e to-ni-jht for Ml?? f;-**nde1y. High, of ?"hleago. \tr. an?: Mr?. R|,-hnrd R#ld Roger? h?* anionx tln.-i- house K,,,.,t ? for the iar_. Cotillon the> Will pix-r. t?. ?rorrea n|fht MISS Betty ?Jarson. daught<-i of Mr. .,_, Mrs. William Moore ?^nrson. of Sew York and Was Dorothy Payne, of Baltimore. u NEW YORK SOCIETY. Ml William Douglas Slpane gave ? ggt slcal Un night at her house. 62d atre*t and Fifth avenue. The artists were Mb? Naroara-Toye, who Has hoard In the "R|i* Song,"' from "Pagllaccl " and the gu\ott? from M t'a ""Manon."' a \mi-o Who sang Mcveral songs. Together t.i. sing ???lections from "Don Pasquale" gad ?T'en Giovanni." The music wan fol * by a Si 'I'd :-?ipper. Thi nnnual dinner of th<* Motor ?"ar T??'ur Ing iodety, Albert Eugone Csllstln, dent, ws? held ai the Rltz-Carlton Ian night. The table Was decorated with tnln lature reproiluctlons of th<- country . hid, <f Tuxedo. I^nox, the ??olf ?lib at Sent. oort sud the club at Trouyille. St,Mil gg tomohll? s with headlight? wer*? place,) ?n the r'iniK banked with grass, between th? ?elu'us, and abo-.?* th? ??f Hi?*? r ?nded a model aeroplane. Among: those present ?.?..??? the Duke of Newcastle, who was the Ku<-ijt of li?*?nor; Mr. and Mrs. Theodor? Roosevelt, jr.. Mr. and Mr- M. Orme Wllaon, Jr . "\tr and Mr-. F. I.. V. Hoppln. Mr. ami Mi- \\.y. ander D. B. I'ratt, the Duchess de ''haul lies, Miss Elsie Nl?*oil, Misa Laura V. Webb, Mies .Louise Iseliti, Mi-s Marian Kennedy? Mise Angelica 8. Brown, Vlaeqat Astor. R. Thornton Wilson. Percy R pyre, 2d. Marshall R. Kernochan, Mslcoto I> ?loan?* Slid fin- H il'illi-t'T. Mi.*. Arthur Curt?as James gave a thea? tre party last night for her cousin. Mian Dorothy James, dauzht? r of Henry A Jamea She took hot guests <*o see "Comfe Kate," and after the plav to the St Hegh*. ?for ?upper and Informal datvlng. The guests Included Mise WlrdfrM W, -TTMsholm, Misa Ploren-ce end Misa Manory Ltlatr. Miss Kleanor i* frontier. *\ps< .i., sephlne KtCOil, Miss J?annle BuMMt Mi s Katherine i. Hands, Miss <''o--nella Vas i Chap?n. Miss Sarah Morgan, MUs Elisabeth Stlllman Kendall, lets K^ron FYen<h. Phoenix Tn-ir >h.?m. Kranklln A. Plummer. Oliver Bird, jr., The<*?<ior? DtxiAi and Alesander Madd?*n Mrs. Arthur Carroll gav<- a cogpitn?. dln tmv daact h?st nlKht at h-i* house, Rs i< Bast "tii rrtreet The gaasts ?n fliaaes way? ira lively tew, but many others eaSBS i* f??r il??> dancing, whl?*h wa.- g'neral until midnight, when supper WSJ s?ived. Mr.-. Carroll vas drcSSCd as "Mght." Mrs. Irving Brokats as a ?'asttlian lady; , Mr. arvl Mrs. James R, During as 'Pier? rot and Pierrette," Mra .lohn Aapegrn-* Turkish lady of rank, and Mr. A? , ss ?i cavalier of the time of charle**! i Mrs. Tb? run Pierce went as a Tirkuii i woman. Atiiong Hi" etiWf guc*-Ls wer- Mr. and .Mra, I. Victor Onatavls, Jr.. Mr ami Mra B. Oakley Vender I'o.-i. Mr. and Mr?. i s. (Timan, Mt-s Prancee " Madek Ine O'Brien. Mis**- Caratnal <"*ar Mlss Susanne Csrroll. Mise l-oul*? .lohnson. Henry B. Kip, Lawrence Att-er bury and ?'l-veland <obb Mr? Petei Ooalst Perry will give a ssasg* ? nig ?i*. her hou Fifth avenue. Henry Clewa pire, *, dmaer. fol? lowed by inusf?*. to-night at her heute In KV'th avenue. Mr? i Norman d? F Whl te h?-?., r.i.ilv-e.i to mil for i;?jrop? to-ir??->rr?*>*a on line. Sh?'* "?ill go to Fgypt. ? ?ii ??.in f? -??id-i and mass ? trip up the Nile. Mr. aid Mrs. David \V ?t; staff havr r? turned t?? town from Hyde ParV, N. <*. where ihop were 'he -ric^t-j for n toot ?ta*}m of Ambrose M??n?ll Mrs. Charles Henry Coste? gav? a hnv-h ?son yesterdsy ?? her lous? i?i r.^ut r^Tth sire? t. SOCIAL NOTES PROM NEWPORT. fB-T?l?xraph to Th? Tribun* 1 Newport, .fan. Ml?Mra Edward ' M uin<1 Is .1 gussl at th" MUSOCUllger Ktng i itshs Dyer has letnrned to \> A ork after .-? vtstt here "ti Margaretta Hagftlsd la the goast si \b!?ie Morrison, tn Nee Tsrt Mm Kmil ? Rru-rtere an?1 her ?"on. ?V'*"? s Urugiera ' ??* their stay h*are e*i Msa r 11?; sail for Furop" frov-i Sem Vor? on rebruary '7. famine g?mmtttee Bishop Greer Chairman, and Jacob H. Schiff. Treasurer of Organization. I China famine relief eommlttee. to ?a,-?*,?? In conjunction ?s'tl? th?* Am?*ricfin Tie?! Cro?is in j.?i||."1finrr funds for the three million destitute dweller? 1n the stricken Anh-w.-i and kii!!?--:*?u dfatrfets In China, ?as orgsnlsed r?stente? in ?h.* hanking room.-* of laeob it Bchllf, at No 53 William The-, found ? el -"i *'?? 9xjBn from Clsve? laud :i Po.!?.- .watting them ss ??n Initial subserlption. Bishop ?"?re? r presided at the -Meting, ?Ah??-:' eras attended by ???car s sir.m , Ja ,.i? h. itehUfi B. B. <*>!cott, will- i lam foBoweo Morgan J, C White. John W. WoeA, Colonel E *aV. Halford, William B. Millar, Mr? \\ K. DrspST, Mrs ?' H. Cameron and Rotiert \\. Do i'o-, ? ?-. The urgency of tho need (or funds nas dwelt upen by the t* prosentattese of the New York Chapter ?xf tlie Red Cross, Mrs. Draper ??nil Mra Csmensi. whs said their Oil?lleg were to the effect that the present f.iniine. which e*<?rfi?ds aver an area of thirty thousand ??-it?.re miles, la hy far the most distressing kn??wn In forty years In China. , ?i .i eomnttttec .,f .*???-?..?tity-tue was named, with t??*? Klebt Rev David H. Greer, .lialrinan: Whiieiaw Raid, Joseph II. Cheats, John D Crlnunlns, Beth Low?' Oscar s. Straus, Nlcholaa Murray Butler, | Robert vv. De fr?uat sad Robsrt C Ogdeo, vie? ,-hairiiien. .Ju.-.?'> H. Schill", tr.* ?Mirer; I William H. Millar, secretary, and an execu? tive committee .*on*isttnrr of 1*. ***, Olcott. ' James Speyer, ICugene I'hllbln, I?. H. Pev- i nan.'e, .lamest? Csnnon, William Fellowes Morgan, Colonel E. W, Raltord, J B Will lam* 1 CgmPhjfH White and John H. Fin lev. Subscriptions may be sent ts Jac*b H. Schiff, No. 1 Madison avenue, New York, who will act <*-? treasurer for the ??ommltte? in oddfUea ti> serving In the same capacity for the N?ew STork Stute board of the Amer lean Red Cr?se?. NEW P-ATRONAGE IS LEGAL Court of Appeals upholds Exemption of Thirteen $1,700 Job?. Alhany, ."Ian. SO?The Court of App??*.!? to-day iiprctfd the action of the Democratic State Civil Service Commission in ordering transferred from the competitive <.o the ex? empt elastiiiicatlon the placo of examiner of *.ra-nsf*-*rs of stock In the state Con? troller's ?Wins There are thirteen of these placen. a-ai?h paying an annual salary of $1.700. At the time this elRgaifl?*Atlon was made the comtdilssion also ordered transferred from the? ?competitive 1o the exempt schedule twenty-faVo transfer tax appraisers, who receive rs?l arles ranging from $1.?)00 to $4, 000 a >H?r, and eight court Hnd trust fund exaudir? s, who receive from |* to 1. I I day. REJECTS PANAMA HEADSHIP Second Vice-President Refuses to Take Provisional Presidency. ''anarnr?, Jan. sa\- Federico Boyd te-dar r.??'iiv.,| c:e rsaveot of the Supreme Court r?> take Cl ar**-?*- of the PiSStdtlKl whfch J>r. Hablo Arosemena has announced he will i? ive on February ! Beftor D0f4,an* t.- leeond vi<-e-PM-*M?*' ? gtvee the poor. State Off Ms health as .in excuse for hi? r? fnsal to accept the offh-e. Tt Is believed. h?-*w.".er. that the re-il reason for lit? ac? tion Is his Intention to enter the tle*d as a candidate. The Third Vice Pr<-ident, Rodolfo CMWl I as SOW been cnlled to take up the pro rlatonal rtSsMtiaor He Is manager of tho ml Hank e.nil is a prominent youns Libers' Rs ha* rnnv t-iendi In both jMrtle* S ORDERS THREE SUBMARINES British Admiralty to Have V^sel? Larger than Any Now Existing. Harrow, .l.ti M.?The British Admiralty ha? ordered from Vickcrs Sons * Maxim three submarines larger than any exHtlnt t>pe iiikI easaUe of ir.aking long voyage* The Miihmarlnes nre to be armed with t*-?0 oulek-f it-era. which emerge through the hatchways, fir* and stnk Into the hold be? fore the hat h.'s close and the vessel Mib n KERENS SIGNS COPYRIGHT PACT. Budapest. Jan. M.?The copyright treat**-** between ffua-gary and tho L'nlt-?d Stat**-* mus .-igncil hero to-day by Richard C Tillar, AinbaKsador of the Untted SUtee 10 Austria-H iigary: Dr. O. Toery. ??? Secretary In the Hungarian Oopa-rtment ?*' Justice, and Count Faul Ester haay. of the Auslrla-Hiingary Foreign M'n'^'-.Ji?n the signing of tho treaty the plen pot*" tlaries were the guests of the governing at luncheon. * ' * NEW YORK FROM THE SUBURBS CHMSM of New York hava -tarted a buMe? boycott, but un to data nobody baa o* blated a boyoott on ehampaene. **? n***" altlea of Ufe ara no? to ba trifle* wltn?*" waukee Sentinel. New York dtacreetly refralna frera bldM"* mtltgii for ?onrontlona until ? ean get waxn ?rit faeillUes ??mclent to taka ear? of as "? cmwds -Waahlngto? Star. New Tork deplorea the blsb eoat of SSJ; which in that city ia only ??? teirft than the high eoat of broil-id tobe*?-*?' cago Dally fiawa. Israel Zanfwll.'a srlef at th. ?Wr*"1^ of hia new rl'V ?>y ???? **gilsh eanuorl*** doubt modified by a dae tsgn************ ?"Z SdlSrUSSSIiat that win gt~ If prodaetloe *> New Tork?Boaton Qlobe. IV Ann? Howard Shaw a*ya *?*jj% City 1? the worst pla" ?J?_* *" Shaw ever tried Urins in W.b? Ctty.*? So one I. competent to apeak htttS sg_j untn ba haa H*ed ta W.M? Citre-^O***** t*m*?*n?m