Newspaper Page Text
WHEN FIFE WAS HERE Late Duke Visited New York in 1876 as Lord Macduff. ISIS, by the Brentwood i'?-npatij.i .;? rge'i brother?ln-law, the Duke et Fife,.who has |ua1 died at Assouan, In succumbing to illness undoubtedly g from his exp?riences on the <-> - of the wreck of the liner I*clhi off ?f Moro m. was a man of ixtv t?i?.? yean of '?inc. that la to say. nearly . nf rears the senior <?f his wife He ?*.'. .v fork and other citie-, in the tea SO Lord Mai.luff, In 1ST?,, ?it nie of th? rhiladelphia Centennial Exhibition Purin?? a i>ortlon of his s'ay In N".?\ .Y'*rk he was a guest nf the late "Ned" Bothern . ai the Gramcrcy, and liso frequently seen on ?he road to th. Jerome I'ark rac?*s on the box seat of ? lancey Kane's drac ? ? v other loreiir.n visitor of dis? ?il. he mad? a i? Int of visitlnc the and was especially struck with ihe ?.irltin * negro quarter. Indeed, he declared that he had never been so touched by when i*e llotened in Thompson t a n?*mher of "darkles" s lia sones of their rare, of "do . ? de wah." As LaOafd Macduff h<-> was n junior partner of ihe well known London banking house t Co., and afterward wai in vaiiou | enterprises win his friend and cronv, who is now Farqubar. Both were amnni; the most in aaoociatet of ?Kins Edward as snd much at Marlb ?rough ? E *. Ingham, s > that the d Kif?- may le ?aid to hnw known ?ysl consort since her childhood. Ho eded to ins father's honors in 1171, married ;?s Earl <>f P*tf? snd was ?reate?! ten \ Ictorlo at the wedding breakfast, when oh? proposed the heal*h of the newly married c?uple. Mo had been ?rite .-!' hers since his boyhood da) . I - mu.h at Balmoral. The ?i.ike before his marriage had be o total abstainer, and even prohibited the ?ale Of any liquor on his Scottish es? tates. I must explain, however, that his if totallsm was of a kind quite different from that of his convivial old father, for whom Queen Victoria had always a sort of kindly feeling, and pity, owing to his wife's behavior. In fact, the Queen would con stantly Invite him to dinner when she eras at Balmoral. On one occasion during a in the conversation at table he ad ? ! her majesty as follows: "You will he ?.?lad to hear, ma'am, that I have given up whiskey " The Queen, who had fre quently expostulated with Lord Fife on the Subject of his preferences regarding drink, beamed with satisfaction and replied how delighted she was to hear it. "Yes," con? tinued the earl, "the doctors have recom? mended me to take brandy instead, and so 1 drink nothing else." London's Oldest Club in Difficulties. Bir Robert Affleck's extraordinary lawsuit In Laondon against certain of the officers of the old Cocoa Tree Club, the oldest in London, dating from 1746, serves to call at 1? i ti.ui first of ?ill to the financial difficul f that time-honored institution, in St. ?'a stre.t. and also to a very peculiar ptoblem of club ethics, namely, as to ? ? r a member of a club Is Justified In charging s commission for a loan which he Mat? s f.?r Hi?* club. Sir Robert, who has an extensive ac q'.aintance among loan mongers of every des riptlon, having ligurcl in th?- Bank? ruptcy Court, succeeded last year at a mo of crisis ?n the financial affairs of the i Tree in ohtainlng a loan for It of : .As the difficulties of the Cocoa Tree , matter of notoriety in clubland, the toi ms on which he obtained the loan were rather onerous, and when In addition he himself demanded a commission of $403 lor arranging the loan the officers of the club naturally demurred. It is in conse? quence of their failure to pay him this corn? ai that he Is now suing them for the amount and revealing to the general pub? lic the club's precarious condition Robert ?UBecb is ihe head of a branch of the old Boot? h house of Auchinleck, and oronetcy dales from the great naval battle of Guadeloupe, where Admiral Sir Edmund Affleck distinguished himself as I in command to Lord Rodney. It is a family that has certain American aasocla? Thus. Sir Robert'o wife. Lady Affleck, has been employed by Gordon .-?elfridge. Of Chicago, t.. take charge of the dress de? partment Of its great drygoodo store in L ndon, and there have r,? en several matri? monial alliances with Americans, among ti ? m the marriage of the second baronet to i, New York girl, daughter of Thomas Clark atai widow of Richard Vaesall, of Jam ?I' a )"..?*..:'v si- Robert ownetf* Dal ham Hall. a place burdened with o curse, lik*- so many of th?- othei erstwhile mm which : bv Henry vin at the time ? formation. For a time n was tin- residence of tho Anglican Bishops < f but th? found the place too heavily ted with the blight of Ita former monastic owners, an?) sold It. Pome of its : rioters, in the days of Kim? William and Queen Mary, endeavored t ? ? Id of the 111 luck by almost entirely . the mansion. But this proved of i o svatl, and th<- Afljecks, who bought I>al two hundred years a?... were purs-... ' no frmn the moment that t ? I *;;...n possession thereof, there ri"t i- -ie Instance of its do? une from father to son. : t. sent baronet was <>venak< n by ruin and landed in the Bankruptcy Court after his succeoslon to the title and estate, which latter, remaining in Ihe mark?' for some time, was pui ? i by i '< * II I ? ?? Rhodes ? death it has gone through the hands of two of Ms brothers and a nephew. Lady Affle, k. besides her connection with ?ige's l/ond'.n store, which brought no ?f advertisement to the latter as well herself, is entitled to fame as hsv? iccesofuily vindicated yn the.!.-. of judicature in England the rights ? onto i" break tl.cir leases if on tak? ing possession of premises, furnisf ? otherwise, they tin?i them Infested wit I? s ? a*, euphemistically deo?**rtbed ns "ln English people have e delicacy ? n?.*?.* the word "bug," which is so <-*.t!y employed on this side of ihe At I throughout the proceedings hi \ arions ?omts of law, both high and i. rtlonabb ? ? rmtn was not ?? ? l.y its a.-tual name, the Alien on? ?if the counsel alluded to It as a "II flat " ivoldaa? ? of any mention <>f tho name U all the more remarkahl.* ?whe? II is bome in mind that the latter subject and theme of pro? ?pom of law. With the < ? Tree (?ub, v?*ri umt i., '.?.-n written ai??ut it as the earnest of ,,11 th? .luiis thai remain In ? this day. l'i?l* ri k, Prli ? ? ? i of George in. was one of ?und? is h:?.i original m iv. followed his ? sample i iy raol sums th? ?? sa ) B? ? *'f Wales < ?ns of th? ??i Hi- card tabica and. I "f th- i Ulan of the club, ?.?... Charta Howard, eleventh l?uk?* ?,f Nor b i: ? wi th? just m, mber ?,f the o abandon the pigtail and .*. lu.ii powder ol the iait<*r days <?f the ,,iHi <?. ntury. Ho stayed recklesel .** heavily, talked more hk>- a butcher r i. er of lb? r. ohn, ? o. ?-?o? of ri,?- tercentenary of tho 'ink-.loin, a-*..nn t*l hi imem am .,f m 1?> d .iii'l' at ' Tree Club ell th? Hvhn male dept**a*ndsats .,: the Oral bj ??> ? . to abandon tho when he found iiiat ttt? t.? ihatt distinction numbered ?oie than i. thousand. UA&QUIBL Li- r'uMLNo?? SOME "THACKERAY" i HARACTERS AT THE CENTENARY SHOW. ?a ? -?-'-? MISS EUNORE l.Al'HAM. MUS. I.. BLOOXER. MKS 11. B. BHAIN AND MKS. K .1. GIBBS. GRIGSBY SALE PRICES LOW Sixteenth Century Manuscript Choral Book Brings $175. A -sixteenth century G? rman manuscript choral book, its fifty-four III un tials well ?pattered with gold and bright colors, was the entre of Interest nt the sale of the Kmiile Qrigsby collection at Ihe Anderson Auction Galleries lait nlghl For two days it has stood beside til? door, rest? ing on its massive ????and. When I'aniel Kennedy, auctioneer, called Its number hist nicht, all eyes turned to tak< anoth r '. oh at It. It was said to have cost Mies iJrigsby well up Into the thousaade. M.*u?>r Turn-er, of the auction companv, re marked to one of the dealers present that It was worth probably MM or 1700. Mr. Kenn?dy thought that i\,(*o could reason? ably he expected for an opening bid, but no answer came to his suggestion i<> that effect. ""Well. ?**i then." he said "Am I offered that?"' Pome one ventured on IWOt and i ftei e Blow round of hhhllnts the volume waa knocked down to Pol Ldchtenstein, a N< w York dealer, for 1175. Major Turner ex? plained that the hook was too large for private use and not fin" enough in ? k-bcu tion for exhibition purposes. The total taken in during the ?1 *,"? two sessions was |S,KM '?'?? Am??nR the lots , which helped most toward building up thla amount were a limited edition et Victor Hugo's works in English, forty-op? volumes, ?bought by Gilbert Weiss, a New Torh deal? er, for |1?W; a ropy of ChSUCer'S works printed by the Kelmscntt Press In II ?? bought by Arthur Swann, of the And-arson company, on order, for |S55; a first edition of Meredlth'e Poems, being his flrsl pu?b ftthfl volume, houtfht by J. F*. Drake, g local dealer, for ? and the first book p ibllahed by the Orolter Club. "A I <?f the Star Chamber Concerning Printing." bought by Arthur Bwann, on order, for JKiR A copy of thla same book * at the Roben Hm libran* pale by Robert Hoe, Jr., for 1100 From these price? the bidding went down us low as 25 cents, which M. SfeVoy for an autopraphed presentation ? ; llalpin's "'The Barred Heart." Hai Wright Mabie'a "Tnder the Treea and where." contalnintr the SUtngra] author, which h?* ?iid not r? un? mber p ther<\ was hid In hy J. F. T>rak<* for }?- SO. BEER CASK FAILS TO HOLD HIM. A twentieth century v?ersloii ??( the ?,i.| ballad rommemoratlni-' the ;a?l end ?I the I Mike of Clarence, srho waa ? i r - > -v.*. -,, < - ? ] in a "butt of Malmsey wine." was the '? I r at Hammersteln'i Isst rik-ut. ?b?n t Houdlnl, in the of the duke, d a bathing suit and allowed himself t?, i. ?caled up in ISO gslloni of Knickerl bf?-r. The out<oome of the experiment, o ever, was much happier, t? r four n. after the handcuff wlssrd'a head had dis? appeared bel? sr the suri d th cover had been locked on the giant ateln he emerged, wei and imlling. 'i )!?? f?at was ai compiished in answer lo a ? hall? * g? fi ?m the Jacob Rupperl company. A WEDDING. Misa Ethel Horion, of No i Wesl list street, was marrl?*?! yesterday evening to Bnslgn ?Michael A. Leahy, of the United Siat.s *.-iin.iKiat Marl-M ta, i:i christ Epis .ai Church, 71st str?*.*t an?! Broadway. The Rev. George A Strong, reel ? ? church, performed the ceremony. Miss Amy Walea acted as ?bridesmaid and Bnalgn Paul Congei was \\. Tbc bridegroom, the h-asi man and the ush? ers, all ?f whom ere In th? naval servi? appeared In full uniform After the we.i dlng the guesta attended a supper and given by I'nsl^n an?l Mra l.ahv at the Hotel Astor. * OPERAS FOR NEXT WEEK. The operaa for n?xt week at the Metro? politan win be "Kdnigsklnder," M? t; "Rigoletto," with ? aruso, Tetrasxlnl, Renaud and Homer, Tu?*s?lay night; "Bo h?me." Wednesday; ' Die Walktife," Thurs dsy afternoon; "Artnlde." Thursday ev?en Inc. "Lobetant," Fridsy ntt-in, ?u!. Euridlce," Saturday afternoon, and "Han ?el und Oretel" arid "Pagllaccl," Baturday nii;ht, lor the benefll of tie* German Pi Hub. - g WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. }?><? a <1m liston to th?*- .V.i'tl'an Muaoutn of Natural His???! >*. tha Metl ipolltan M ? et Art and ti.e Neu tork Zoolostesl Park Me?tin*z ef ti,?- Manhattan ???-. Mln l?,.. (ton So HI it lona 1 chur'h. ? *??'iri uni Pr-caKlenl atre?rti n<??k l\n. 10:ri?i a. m t.. 8:S0 p m Tha* keray riMit'nai \ > -U-l.t;rt,?.i*i. un ?m Ih? ? '. t :. Sam 1 i ? tuzlll ?r> of the Hovtbcra Induatrtal Educational Bo? . * fteghneai Artawry, afternoon end ? i* | Maetlns "f t'1* Equal Suffrai*. N? \ V..:k. Hotel Aal r. .*! *> in MaattaS "t the New York Statr \\ pSbllcaa AeonclaUon, Hotol Aator, .". ?. m. I)lnn?*r ot tha CortelyoH Club, chibbouae, Bed r. id avenu? m l Avanua D, Brooklyn, ? a m \, ? ?? by Kathei IWnar.l \ aiiuhan. s I . 00 ??>..!!,. l ?m . ? i.r? .,'? n Carnagla Hail. * p. m. rut.iic* lacturaa ot th? Board <?f Bdu ailon, B:U ).. m Manhattan Public School 101, 111th Kt-.. 'Hun i? i dtuck*i 'Hanaal and ilret? *.i K Goldberg; Public School Is?"? !4Mh atrev?. .. .. H\ . II.I? . To-day." i I1 Uougber; ? Hall f i'?M??..t InatltUt?, Mh s*i..| ., . I i.urtii ?V? mi?. "Out South ?Vmerksn Ntljhb? KclMola h?i?i Charitable Inatliutlona.'' Will lam H. rthephrrJ. I'h I >., Baal . <? ttlcm? nt. 76th atr? i.*u. i. * I lie I ?lit- !. - ? . -) .?ik .1 .ni. Dobb' . K? n ) diet Arnold Pstrlol sad Traitor." ?'lyirK? s?>iii?iir Mullock N? ? Y* rk Public Ubtsry? No. no I/r.?\ ?jik.-i. ".-..UK*, of Buraa ' Mi |e!'*l .-'|.< k. S. . U-\ . (i \,. :.'.?, \. ? MMS atnet, "I_fa la tb? itbarn .Mat,..^ U'lllUni H. . (?n. i> . Vouai Men'? ? hti-nian \ ?clailoi No. .*? u.-t r.."ih atfeet, "Monofiolj ami ua iToblema." Beni-.mln it Aoderaon, jr. i'h i? . V ?m k Mm - H? Hall, nt *>'."*i sod Lexlaston avenu? Mi lodraiiix and ih? i ? ol i ? M?*f' i<rn. . o. ? . \) ; . ?f Enoch \i*?l**n ??> Klihai.i Bin., Aabtee J-^nnon ti^ Broas Pnh . BcImoI 14. Kapeock fraai Bpuyien Do ?i mi City?I I Pi? U llltntn Ruthei I n-,.h ?trcet. ?aal ?f v\ 111 ? r*.j?, "TaraUtl) Kmhi." Willian, H. K.iiulti?. OBITUARY. WILLIAM R. H. MARTIN, u uiiam R il Martin, long ? member of ;"'i,:iia firm of Rogers, Peet <-? Co., ? lay morning *?t his home, No. 11 ! i:.-i -t satin ?tre? t. from Bi Ight's d snd pneumonia He had been ill for several V ? ? 1. Mr. Martin was seventy years out having i m st Louis in l**l.\ 11! h?... i was spenl in Brooklyn, and after leav ing school he became sssoclatsd In business witlt his fath.r. .John T. Marfin. who was a large manufacturer of clothing f??r the army during the ?'nil War. After the war the Martins formed a partnership with I Marvin H. Rogers Lstei the iirm name Iwas changed to Rogers, Morgan A rjrubba then t?? M H, Rog? n *?* Co . and in i -..4 to ? ... th.? Martins continuing la.-, special partners When Mr. Roger? died. ! in l??::. W, R m Martin became the bead firm Mr Mutin gave ?:?? active connection wi'h the firm some years ago, ,in?l had since devoted himself t.. real estate operatlona His real estate holdings were si eased I t year at more than He anticipated the rise iti values of t- ?l patate In the i of Broadway and . and bought the slteo on afterward bullt th? v->. bridge Buildii t of which Is occtipled ! ,,f th? d tho Hot? .i'llie. All of Mr. Mai ? so ?on \, ,.<i t?. the trusteeship of Oeoige | Alfred B. Marlln end Robert Thome on .i. ? ry 9, when is nal me known, i m< of tl ' ? 'in?; of hi ? ? w ..s tl - T?ow mart tfll working gtria which ho bull? In Ablns ?i Square m 1901. The charge nt the TioWin..rt. Incltldtag bra-akin*! snd din? ier, s ?.". ? w.*k. it I* open only to women under thlrty-flv? y? u >.f ?.?e who work for a ?ala:v ..f no| more C?an |U .i week. Th? proJ**r1 was noi Intended t.. make money, hul merely to i .tain? ing, and In thai it ! ? ? sful Mr Martin lived for the gn itet part of each ? ? In horn? al Greenwich, <*?.nn He mai B Trowbrtdge a I v. 1th one bo mem i ? lub, the Bar? . ?danta ? LORD STANMORE. London, Jan Arl m Hai Itoi i ;??? don, : i ? '? died hero to do i In his I .ne ..f the moi t promln? nl Brll lal of ? , Ing held ihe post ?.f Lleutenanl ? r???r or Ooverno of i largi number of Brll nies, including X? ? ? wi,k, Ma u I ?ii. He w,?~ a 'o. n:1 tli?- da) s of the 1 'rlmean War, when t he Earl of Aberdeen, was Premlei He sceom panled O lad tone on the l ?hit's famous Ion ti th? Ionian Islands In 1 *?."??. and si * ?.ni of his i oreer filled the office gh Commissioner for the West l'acide. He was raised l peerage during th>* last Gladstone administration (MM) an?l served recently on of the Hank ?if Mauritius Lord Stanmore'a publics Include s "Life <*f Lord Aberdeen." his father, and o memoir of Sldn?-y Iler bert. ADAM C. MARTIN. Adsm ?" Martin, el tl I t in old, ??*..i from heart disease at 'he home of his do ight? r. Mrs l'rcd. ri<k W. LiverniOTO, Ro helle I'ark. New Rochelle, ?? lerda! He wenl South for ?l hi ilth wham n young '.tf> i li.i* from h< SO from tlie ?.. i. m ith the Fo.i ? ? '? ii i| His father ? ml er of an ol?l New lfork family ol Allen street, and his motl?? r was Hsnnah Hartell, ... h ? was do s< ? nded from the firm settlers >.t' tlbanj He m as i i iminenl for many j i M< Ihodl I i pi .. pal <,; un h In Sem York 1 ly ar.'l was one ,.| Ihe organiser or' of ? lur s.ivio:.r. h Hai lern Five < hlldren survive him. r,FYMOUR G. BRONSON. i""i? Plain, N v. .inn to Seymour G Rronson, a former banker snd onre M.iv>r ol Rockfor-d, III. where he passed the greater par! of his life, die.i here to-day. ;,t the in**. ?.(" elghty-fiVe years. M-- wss b m in Wyoming County, this state, at *l .?<*<! from ?!.. Ballston ! a ?>. ? The family rt moved her? I iklyi ?. entry. MICHAEL P. HERATY. |Rv Trlenrnph to Ths Tril.une ] Philadelphia, Jan M Michael P, Hersty, s widely known merchanl and financer of tils rtty and tin Intimate friend ..t f*ai [dlnal Gibbons and the late Arrhbi Ryan, died late last night at I ?? her... after s Ions lllneoo. He sixtv-on?? y?*ars old Mr Heraty was ... hav? ?. .?*. the host "f Cardinal Gibbons when Ii? rlv??- here to morrov, ??. asslel in tl..- eon fcrrlm? of ihe pallium in on Prendergast -. JOHN HUGH CASSIDY. ST. .1. Jan. M (Spectal) .!?>hn Hugh Cassldy, who ,-?t the a?.-?- ?.r twenty? nine M a.-on. died lo-d ? oma, No. 17 lim? it t he .ii*.- ?.f thlrt) four ) ears, from ; i. He was th? eldeel son of John ? ' ' - ii*i rloon stre?.. i'.-' * ind was sice-presldenj of ?? N? n York, manufacturera ireo, >?' which his father l** prase* MRS. MARIE E. LIVINGSTON. Mrs >";*ri> Eaton Livingston, wtdon ..f Colonel l.a Rhetl I, U-dngston, U I dead at the home of her daughter, Mrs I ?? ? Hamilton, No M BOQCh str.*<t, Kat-t Orange, N. J. SI san ?.i?! Mr* ' ? was the daighter .of the late surgeon General Joseph .\ Bston, of th? l I 'orina tbeli m ?r rl'd i ' ind h?r husband rpent post in the country Colonel Livingston at one tune f, ommanded the barracka at Washington. He died then yesra sgo Two daughters, Mrs. Hamilton and Mr.-. Sidney Stu nrt, of Wilmington. Del., irldow of *'.<p tain suait, survive. n,r grandson, L. I. Stuart, la a ? idel at \\ ? il l'??lnt. ALEXANDER JONAS. A ?-on-mlttee of BoclsllstS an?l r? up stives ?.f trade unlona met last night t?> make arrangements f??f the funeral on Sunday of alexand? r .'"Mas. editorial ?rriter of "The Ken Tort Volka-Zritung." who ell'-d on Mondsy. The intention ?>f 1 lie mm tiiitttv. is t?. have the funeral in th<j H?rtet.. Hiver Casino, IMtti atreel end B-rcond ave? nue. an?l tn?.--t of the labor unions In the city will hsve large delegstlona then well a- BoHallatli and other bodlea Mr. Jonaa w i. (.urn In Berlin, (lermany, In ISM He rmme to this country when s young man and became editoi of a news? paper ?l? vi.te.i to sroman auffrag? Later, utii others, he founded 'The Sew York \ nlki Zeil ing " M ran foi Mayoi o <?.. lall-t ticket it, Wl, polling I.M ' anrl supported llenrv fMorge in th? mayoralty campaign of the latter In m ? - OBITUARY NOTES. ROBERT F ?'i.auk. formerly a police commisaioner of Boston, ?ii?.i yesterds] In ?tint <it\*. Mi ?ink ?-in treasurer of the ?i Stock Exchang? for tw-enty >???> MRS ANNA I' NEWTON, irldow ??f M-Jort Newton, <ile?i Monday morning at St. I.?;ke?; Hospltsl ?ft?*r a I'Ulg 111 Bhe waa eighty-three jrean <?i?i ami had been an Inralld f?>r live -nemher of 'he ?'tuirltv Beneeo i? ?,t Society, ? ti lext institution* of 11? kind In the s'ate, an?l ?as long a n ember of *"ai* ? i h The fui ? ral will be held at i o'.-l.v k this afterno ?ne of her niece, Mra Henry C. Law st N" I'M W? ; t 88th rire? t M: IN8LEE H BERRY, emergency phyal-stan for the Blmi.n Ptswfucd ?"??m pnnv. who Hand ?' N" \*i W?-Ht 22.1 hit..-. i yesterdsy from a rompltratlon <?f ?in ... He wi about tnrty \<ars oM The fi.n^ral win be held at The Funeral Church, No. 241 West ;r*..i Ktr*-?t. ?>n Friday morn H' H <?'? '"' k ? UPTATN OEi WOK W w n.l.s. ?.f Ken nebunkport, Me., a retare ?riner of the Atlantic ' ? 1? ?-.?I at Ta ? - Sgad ?eventy-nlti?* MISS I? MANNA WITTPENN, an aunt of Mayor Otto ll. Wlttpenn ??f Jersey City. j .it..?i yesterday ;*.t No ?'* Ps lile ??venue. .i. ? ? *, ? "Il Sha WA* lift] MRS MARGARET LAWRENCE M? -ORE?, ?rldo? of D s n k- tl Moon *.- dsy at her home? No "I* Wesi .'?'?th street Sh? #sa In the Bcventy-flal ber ne?'. The funeral win be held on I'rl dsy tnornlnc at \A o'clo k si Ihe Church of th? Heavenly I'? I. Fifth avenue end Kth Mr?et. The burisl will b. In W.Ilawn Cemetery. EX MAYOR OF TOLEDO DEAD ? Guy J. Major Pauses Away at the Now York Club Here. <*,uv .1. Major, form? r Mayor of Toledo, died yesterday afternoon sfter an lllneea of three weeks at the New V??rk Club, So, M West 4"tn atreel The ax-Mayor'e wrife was at Mi bedside when h<* passed away, having been In ettendan-oe on htm con atantly aim ?? January i" Mr Major came lure on January I to iranaaci business, being Interested In the . i ??ii Industry. He wsa preparing lo return to niit?? when he was taken in snd forced t" remain In bed. lie wee Brei et ? i with tonsilitis, which developed Into pneumonie Istei Dr. Cuueinee *'. i*ti.???*. of Nu. IX) East IMh su? .-t attended him, end later l>r Prank HolIU 1? r, ot Mo Mi W i I 77t b atreet, s sa ???? II? ?I In. When Mis Mejor iesrned of the aerl condition ??f h*r huai ? ime her? si once from Toledo, and t???.?-* up her reel dence si the Hotel Manhattsn. Bh? teldom sws) from Ihe m? k man's I,, at sny time The ?body of the former Mayor was re? moved t<? an undertaking ratabllahmenl In Blxth evenue, snd this afternoon win be taken to his home in Ohio. Mr Major . besidea hin wife, une son n. u;,s a member of the Mew V.?i * Club for fifteen ... NEW YORKER DIES IN MONTANA. Billings, Mont., Jan M w IV. Wprthlng lon, "t??* nr the leading roa] minera in Montana, died here to-day Mr Worthlnn lon'a famllj r dd? In New*Torh, an?l th? l,.,?i\ win be taken there r?n burial. "PRUNELLA" READING GIVEN Louise Hackney Interprets Barkcr Housman Fantasy at Btirritt Rtiidion. The llttl?' pliy Of hue ami |oj which Oranville Barker, the stell known English artor-manager-idayirrlght, and Lawrence Houaman, i.t. wrote together, ami which London has asen many times arid enjoyed \?ry deeply, was r? a?l bv Mis? Louise Wal? lac? iii'ki a i.mpeny of friendi snd Ihelr guests la-?t night in the Burritl Studios, in Baal Hd t?tret. The -,iay bsi never been performed <>r published in this ??? uniry. Before the reailin? began Katherine imr ritt, contralto, rendered ? graup of Fr?ancb !*?l*' : * TALLEFSEN TRIOS CONCERT. The Tail? is? n Trio, roes pesad of Mrs ? '... i Tsllefsen, pianist; <'ari 11. TgUef ..?.ii ust, ah?l Pan] K?'fer. '? ??lll.-t, with M..r? ii- Kellerman. barytone. gSTS a ?*oii i. m last nij-'ht in Carnegie Lyeeina The Tito played a nambsr of eslsethma. Includ? ing Mooart's Trio In E HlsJor, In an a?le quate enough manner, while Mr Kellerman proved that he haa .1 tine natural volte. which bad prodiMion split? Into half a dozen sort of timbres He aim? 1 -m-e, which last night he too ??leu allowed to run aw *o with aim. SCENES FROM THACKERAY Two-Day Centenary Benefit for "Poor Whites" Begins. GIRLS IN QUAINT ATTIRE | Entertainment Draws Society in Large Numbers to the 69th Regiment Armory. Under the mystics! von! "Nyasloa," a Thackeray centenary opened yesterday af ternooa la the armory ol the ?"th Regi? ment, at Lexington avenue snd *?th street "What ?i. eo 'Nyaalea' msanf is it any? thing lik? nphaata, or neurastl enla. or oomethlng like that?" a*as inn.* asked "Weil. Ah like that suh," was th*? an? ?wer In a ruffled Virginio so ent. "Indeed, suh, it means no ouch ?Inn;;. 1*ij lOleo stands' fo' the 'New yo'k Auxiliary of tho Boat hern Iml.istrlnl Edu rational Associa? tion." suh." "oh: Ami what does Thackeray have to do with Southern Industrial educstlonf" "Well, sch.' the Virginio accent replied with feminine, ocorn, "you are Ignorant, fo' sur Thackeray wrote s book called Tlie Virginians,' and it a*ss on.? of the first of i i books to pay; so we thought, If Virginia he'ped Thackeray hecould he'p us. If von wsht to ' now a*hal ?ie 'Southern industrisl Educational As tlon' means, read about it In th pro? gram! s.., according to an address by Thomas Nelson Page, printed in the programme, one ut tho greatest humanitarian taski waiting for the p. ??pie of tho United B Is the uplifting of the ?Southern moun? taineers, sometimes called "poor whites" ??r "mountain crackers," who aro peculiar? ly <-ut off from the real of the count***/ by their Ignorance, possessed of few schools, .u i many of them ui id < r write. The receipts from the centenar) will go toward h? Iplng these Southern people. Th?- greal flooi of the armory was trans* formed Into a repr?sentation of the old Tempi?* Garden, London, arranged so that ? ? spsctstors could sit shoot ?it their ease on rustic benches while the enter? tainments were presented on the stags. Between, whiles tea and light refresh mento wore served by young women in old Kncllsh costumes doing tho honors for "Torre's Tavern." serving tea ami s??ones In (lie aft??: noon, while boulllabSiSSO and coffee were in VOgUO at night, The programma last hIriii consisted nl most entirely of bits fr??m Thackeray in on?- form or another. A tribute to TttSCk? eray was delivered by Charles Formst Moore, and then Ben Greet read a pro if'KU" written eopectally for the occasion ty Percy MacKaya, After tho otnglng of "Wapplng Old stairs." Colonel Newc?*?me's favorite song, by Andrea Harto, a series ..r tai.iear;- was presented Illustrating the best known Thackeray themek. Those hums'n pictures, rl. hjy costume?! and carefully posed, .ame and went with the changing ol trie lighting ef? fects behind s filmy screen. They wer?- n?t follows. From "The Newcomes," "Colonel Newcoroe" and "The Ball"; "Pen? denial?. " "Henry Esmond,.fhe Virgin? ians" and "Lady Bernstein's Route," snd f i ..m "Vanity Fair" scenes representing "?Becky's Piral Holiday Visit" snd "The Hull Before the Battle of Waterloo" tabldSUS were "The Hallad ?if Boull? "The Borrows of Werther" snd "Peg Ollmavaddy." The laal was a Kran?! psgesnt of characters in Thackeray's The chairman of the Thackeray Con? is Mrs j i:i!iot Langstaif, while the tableaux were srranged by Mrs. l.e?. Mall The pageant was under the dlrec of Thomas Mcllvalno, Alpl s IS ?'ole and Mrs Alpheus Cole. A basasr for th* ?ale of mementos of the affair' was held In the form of a "vanity fair," In charge of women from Virginia, under th? direc? tion of Mrs Roger Pryor snd Mrs. Living* ?ton Rows Bchuyler. Tho affair will continue this afternoon arid end to night Among the patrons and patronesses of the centenar) are Mrs. Waldorf Astor, Mrs. Courtlandl Field Bishop, Mr. and xii'ir.-u Carnegie, Mrs. Henry ?Clews Mayor and Mrs Qaynor, Miss Meien David H. .'?teer. William loan Mow, Us, Mr and Mrs Bath LOW, Mr. and Mrs .1 P. Morgan, Mr snd Mrs I.? vl !' Morton, Mr snd Mrs John D Rocks? feller, Mrs. Ruaa? Mrs. Henry W. Taft, Mrs Vandorhllt and Augustus Van Wyck. a NEW OFFER FOR THE GARDEN It Is Said It Will Mean Preserva? tion of the Arena Part. A meeting ? ss held yeaterd ? the office of s M Vsn Allen, pr?sident *>f the Sportsmen's Show, si No :.".< Fifth ave? nue, at which representatives of various organisations thai hold shows In Madison Square (larden were presen! it was ro ported shortly sftsrward that it was do* elded at ti e conference to submit s nsw rental proposition t*> t??.* F, B i>. Com? piur\', owners ?.f the Garden. it is sai.i that th.* new overtures are so favorable thai they will i<- accepted by the I*', A I?. Company snd that they will resull in preserving th?- sreno pari of the structure for many ysars to come. Ths representatives ol the showi will meet the ?lire-tors of the K. <-.? i? Company at the oflli.i I. Louis Bolssevsln, prestdei I >>' the company, In tii?* Knickerbocker Build? ing i" <lsy, :",,i I' is though! definite action will i.o taken ..n the negotiations Th?? question as in whether or not the proposed oren? building for a Lexington avenue sit.*, Just north ?>f the Grand Cen? tral Station, would be carried oui was also discussed George C, ComMock, s lawyer, who is a ?liii. tor of the F <v I?. Company, was ask?-.i last nlka'iit if he had hear,! anything as to Ihe form of the proposition sail to have been decided upon at yesterday's meeting. He said that he had nol h> ird a word, except thai the meeting had i.n held, adding: "We would ilk? m keep the arena In Its present form, and i hopo we will be able to .1" so." a GOLF CHAMPION HELD. Charleas H. Seely in Sanatorium on Mother's Complaint. I Bi Teli graph r.* Th.* Tribune I Stamford, Conn., Jan, '.??. ? Iharl? ' I Boely, once rated as one of the leading Rolf players in ihe United States, hss been com? mitted to a private sanatorium bore i>> Probate Court Judge Tlerney, of Green? wich, for one year, The commitment was hi petition of Mr. Booty's mother, who si leged that In* was an habitual drunkard. Ti tlmorty was given i>\ throe physicigns, Seely won the Metropolitan golf cham? pi.u.ship at Baltusrol in May, 1MB, from JorOme Travers, who had twice Won the I'liit.-.i Htat. - Golf Association champion Ship h required thirty-eight holes t<> ??.in the match. Beelj siso won ths Metr?poli? tan golf championship in IMS? ii?- u.?, Connecticut chsmplon In INI, IM*, and IM*, Me has defeated Walter J Travis, Kindiay B, Dougis - snd other exporta " BEQUEST FOR STATUE IS VALID. Albany, Jan. Mi?The validity of ? pro? vision of ihe will ol Henry Harte..ii, of Brooklyn, loavtag 09*00 tor* the sroctkHi of a status ef General Leiteyaile, to i? placod In Piospscl Psrk, Brooklyn, after the den h of Mrs. Hartem, was uphold by the Court "f Apr??!-- to-daj The cas? hat? bSSB in the ?.ourta ior s.6??*ral yi-ar... IN HONOR OF BESSEMER Laboratory Named for Scientist in Royal School of Mines. (By ruble to The Tribune.1 London. Jan. 81.? To I ommemorate the great Kt-anttflc achievement of the late Sir Henry Hessemer a fimd was star?. ?1 in 1909 and the committee which took the matter in hand decided that the memoria! should be in the form <>f a laboratory in the Royal School of Mines ai South Kensington. Y-est-erday the laboratory, which has received the name of the Bessemer, was formally opened and its administration placed in th..- hands of a governing body. It h claimed that with this aildltion the Ro; ?I School of Min?*s has th- finest equipment of ?my institution of Us kind in the world. ROYALTYAT KNOEDLERS Success of Their Loan Exhibition of Old Masters for Charity. Artists overtaken hy misfortune, or rathei the organizations which exlat for their relief, have benefited by the retnarka i ?n exhibition of oM masters at Knoedler*! Oslleries, in Fifth avenue. Mr. Knoedier I svlng d-evoted the entire pro ..????ls thereof t?> the funds of these ?-o cletlea The eshlbitlon, which opened on January 11. has been one of the most re? markable eyer assembled under one roof in New Vork. The number of ??alnstoi ougha amount-Mi to seven. Then there base le? n live Hoppners, three palntlnSI "f Sir Thomas Lawrence, five m?stet -pieces of Sir Henry Raeburn, four sir Joshua Eteyn oldaea and four Romneys, besides Turners, Cuyps, Vandykes, Mutilles ami Velas ?.'.? /? . ?ine "f the inililerts of the exhibition was the visit paid to it by the Duke and Duoh of Connaught and Prtn??ess Patrtela on tue . ve of their departure for Canada. Although their time was so limited, yet they spent more than an lour on Krlday la-t in examining the oalntings, under Uie guidance of Mr. K"oedier, the l?uke rec? ognizing ?m the walls several old friends, that i :?? say, pictures that he had last tu the possession of their former own? rs In &ngland. -. BADEN-POWELL DUE TO-DAY Boy Scouts Will Greet rounder of Or? ganization in England. Lieutenant Qeneral sir Robert Stephenson Bmyth Baden-Powell, hero of MaiMdng and founder of the Boy Scouts of '?reat Hrltaln. will arrive here this morning on the Royal Mall Steam Packet Company's Anadian, fron. Kurland, to visit the Boy Scouts of America. 9* A hoy MOUt, who, through saving an? other lad from ?irowning. received an honor medal from the Boy Scouts of America, will ?i- among the tust to greet him. He is William Waller, of Brooklyn, a member of Troop 2C, under Bcoutmaster M. O. Kelly Waller will ??> down th?- bay this morn lnii on the revenue cutter in company with Jamei B. West, chief scout executive of the Boy Scouts of America, carrying s letter from ?President Taft. ?"??Hector LOeb gave them s|.<? *.,[ permission to board the cutter. When til?- Arcadian reaches Pier 42, in the North River, Sir Rolen will find mor? boj 1.i? Lorlllard Spencer, jr.. ecout < ? mmlsslouer for New York, and William it Holcombe, executive secretary of the lo?-al council of Brooklyn, will b.- ?n charge >.f the younsat-sra Sir Robert will be taken to the headquar? ters in the Fifth Avenue Bull-Un?- Later in the day he will he entertained at lunch? eon by the executive councIL an?1 this even? ing he may he the guest of George I> Pratt. He will ?o to Boston late to-night hut will return on February I, when a dinner Will be given for htrn. ?j YALE SENIORS LIKE WATER Express Preference for Dr. Abbott as Preacher?Taft es President. New Haven, Jan. W. The fnvorlte bever? age ?if th?- vale academic senior ?iass is water, a '-cording to the vote of the publish?**! to-day. ? ui<- h*in?1r<-?l and nine men \ot??l for water as their choice Of S thiist quencher, as against M who vote] for beer. Mr I., man Abbott, of New York, was voted the favorite chape] preacher The first ?*h?>i?*.' of g Presidential candidate was President Taft, with 15.? votes, and ?'.?ivernor Wilson wae second, with '??*? Five men voted for former President Theodor?- Roose veil THEATRICAL NOTES. Msrshsll Darraeh will ?rive three recitals ! of Shakespeare'! plays al tlie Hotel Piass f"i the benefit "f the Church Periodical ?'lu?', ?.n February .1 "The Tempest"; on Rehmer": I*. "Julius Cieesr," a-i?I on Feb? ruary 17. "Twelfth Sight." ir Hammerstein, through his son. Ar? thur Hammeriteln. has mmle an offer for N- si. the Italian street slnsr?'r latelv ?. ' Pe? ? Williams. N'esi made hie Broadway debut at .the Colonial Thea? tre list Monday afternoon fMr tttinmer s'?*m wams the Florentine linger for in-. l.on?ioi, opera company. r.'i* the sp-ccial performance st the ivn tury T... at:? Frldai sfternoon, February 9, to !??? given und?fr the auspices "f the National Alliance for the Protectli n of Sia?.' Children, Urns *;!u?*k .m?l Pssquale Amsto, of the Metropolitan opera Com? pany, yesterday volunteered their s-er ? Florence Sash, now under contract with I.'.w f:.!?Is for his early spring production of "The Ringing Teacher, will present at Keith ?v Pro lor's Fifth Avenue Theatre nexi we. k a new playlet hy William C. He Mills Associated with Miss Nash will be Mlnaette Barrett and Joseph Jefferson Charles Frohman's latest London ar 1.1 gemente Include the presentation of 1'ir.i*,.', new play of stage life, "The Mlrtd the-Palnl Olrl." at the Duke <?f fork's Th? an. on February IS, and the American production of "The I'ink Lady" at the Theatre, London, on April 11. .i?.ini fort has purchased throuch Macejr Harlem, agenl for the author. ? new 111 r*-? a? t il.?*, ??t American life, by Ttteodore Hurt Suyei and Cleveland Rogers Th- play will b?> produced early ? ?*m eeaaon .\ ?popular price souvenir matinee win be Riven at ihe Winter Garden <?n Thursday sfternoon, Februsry x. An autograph-id photoBi 'i'h of Mil- ill Mordkln win be ?pre? sented t?*? every woman presen! o ?".n is??. Antonio (?'! an! one or two other Metropolitan < 'pera House artists win attend the performance of "The Mill |on" at the Hersld Square Theatre to-nigh? t.? hear Paul Ker, "the Caruso of the Boa ?i\ ' sing 'Dreams ol Long Ago." the love ? .i.iiiy composed by Caruso for the Henrj W Bsvsge fare.? The parts* of li n?.I ..!?? ri artists -Will oec ipy a box. and 1 ivs promised to Join In the refrain of the hail 1.1. which is inti?.?ii ??I during the .ic? tiol of Ihe third act The '""Himbia tmusemenl Company is to civ.? two inhibe u.'.ks. The week ??f Feo ruer y 12 the company win oe teen si Hurtig <\. Besmon's Musi.* Hall, '.'.".th streal an?i the week ot February w at th?' Murray Hill Theatre, ai Reeves, known as the ? Major Domo of Refined Burlesque," will be the attraction for the sals weeks of the Jubilee, I During the Jubilee weeks Mr Re-eves.will I hold stage receptions daily. During the Performance of the Beauty show many novelties, special songs, costuawe and elec? trical effects win 1?.* seen. The much talked of "turki v tr?>f will be given in the Mime rnsnnet- which created the metropoliten sensation sin?*.' Mr. R-sevee lirst Intro di . ??1 it. The complete casi for "Making Good." t<> be preeented at th?' Fulton Theatre n.-xt Monday! is as follows: Charles Lane, Will? iam Courtenay, ??ritllth Rvsns, P. s Bsr rett, John \\_U?ir?l. .lames Lounsbery, Frank Hstch. Robert Lswler, L C. Phil? lips, C Wilson Hummel, Paul Harris, Fred Hornby and the Misse? Huns Keane, Alma Belwln. Isabel O'Madlgan snd Ada Cii in.-iM. The seen s, psmted by n. Robert represent ? lumber ?amp hunk house, a general ito s m'a Maine woods s..tti?> iiH in. a drawing 1.m in a New fork mansion and a shack beside a ?lam in the logging ? ountrj si the lime ?>f a river jam. A nunibr <>f engagements f?*r the ?sen? tenary revival of "Oliver Twist" were yes lerda) Announced Busanne Bheldon (Mrs 1 lt-111 \- Alnleyl, nos playing with Qertrude Klli.ui in "White Matci.-." will *?ia\ Mr* M 1 \ ti?-. Olive Wyndhsm, Ing?nus wit 1 ? the Kew Theatre company, will be Kfewe, and Courtenaj Fote, lasl sesson prominent In Oeorge Arllss's company, Harr) Maytte. Fuller M'Ui.-ii ha? been engaged for the part ?.f Qrimwig, Brie Blind for Monks, Charles Harbury for Mr. Brownlow, Frank Lyons for Humble ami Mrs Cooper-Cllffe for Mrs Bumble As previously announced, Nat C. Goodwin Will play Pogln, Constan,,. Collier win be ihe Nancy. Lyn Hanlin? the Mil Sikes and Marie l?oro the Oliver Ostes and Moronga who ?leslsned ?nd painted the settitiKH of "The Garden of Allah.' will make the scenery. Reheat sais for "Oliver Twist" commence tItltt morn? ing ??n JlH r?iof ot the Century Theatre. No th'.itfe has ae yet le<.n dteimined for the -production Miss Goodson's Recital. It Is not aureeahl ? ever, ?ven to a ralloUi reviewer. t<> appear dlscoutteous; neither Is It agreeable, always, to Invent pleasing ob? servations on entertainments for which ons can disi'over no artistic necessity. U an agent has heen so hard pressed to co-ral an audience by means which all profes? sional and Ripateur musicians understand? nn?l th.* puhlir ought to (or will, sooner or later)?why shouhl It he necessary that tho occasion be treated from a critical point ??f view, when those who were not present would neither understand nor be interested In th.? dlscusalod, and a large proporttOM ?like the children who wer.* I rougfct in to ?fill up the seats yesterday) would not bo Intsrestsd in it if mad.-? .Miss Katharine i;,?odson, an artist, who has deserved an/1 won serions attention as a pianoforte pa-rformer. gave a recital in ' srnsgie Hsll yesterday afternoon. She played a eerlous i-ioirramme. and she de? served a serious hearltiR. Hut it seemed to have been Impossible, by hook or by ?rook, to rill the room with the kind of listeners which she ?leserved, and there was, in conser|uen?:e of this (and other mattersi, a depressing spirit upon the entire affair. Miss Uooi'.son played a sonata by Mozart <tho one In A major, beginning **vlth a theme and variations), then the "Faseh Ingscbwank aus Wien," by Bclt'imaiUi, and (hen the chief number of her scheme, the ? Sonata Tr?gica."' by Mr. Ma? DowelL This numb? r seemed somethin? like a bid for Ihe pntronaiie ..f the American people, and was played with much liner effect than anything else on the proa-ramme; but it was not obvious to the critical mind why the other numbers shouhl have leen sacri? ficed to it ?OSpo? ?ally the composition by Schumann. Which lost all Its charm be? cause of the hard tone and angular rb>1hm wltl which Miss ?ioodson gave it out. She played afterward two numVrs composed by her husband, Mr. Hlnton?a romance in A flat and a study In the Mendelssohnlan style, from which school Mr. Hlnton has ii?-t yet ?pilte emerged?charmingly, and. after that, pieces by Debussy and Chopin; hut she was neither bo compelling nor so ? harming as to elicit especial critical com? mendation. H. E. K. WEATHER RAISES DEATH RATE , Pneumonia and Heart Disease Take Heavy Toll from Aged. There were 2?32 deaths last week from pneumonia in this city and 315 deaths of persons more than sixty-five years old. To severe weather was ascribed the heavy mortality. Children did not figure in tho increase?! death rate. Heart disease, which has heen on the increase for a number of years, also demanded a h!a?h toll. "The had weather lately has had much to do with the great, number of rneumonla cases." said L)r. Guilfoy, chief atatistlclan of the Department of Health. "The in? crease In the number or deaths from heart disease Is one that has been continuous for ten years or more, and Is the outcome of the strenuous life we live here in New York City." T.iere were 1..V54 deaths last week, as com? pared with 1,461 for the same week in 191X, DINNER FOR DR. J. G. HIBBEN. Dr. .1. <;. Hi!.ben, the new president of Princeton I'nlversity, was the guest of .ianies W. AUxander, T,??, a member of tho board of trasteos of the tinlversitv, a' an informal dinner at the I'nlversity Club night Twenty other gne.-ts were present. After being in'rodie ? d by 1 is host, l>r. Hlhben, In an Informal way, outlined Ina plans for the fut ire ?nd the policies which ^he intended fe-ilo-aring after his installation a.- presidonl next Mav. When Rubber?. Heaume Nea*e??ary ?nd vour ?hoes pln.*h. Allen ? I'?..*! Ea?e, the An'iseptto powder to n? ?haken into - i ? . t* tuet th* thing to us* Tr? |r foi I*. . ?king In N- *,?. SI oes .??M-very,*, lier. ,25e Don't accept any ? ut?. MARRIED, CLARKK DRAKg <">n Tharsas**. Januarv 2**, in Tr<v . N Y, Iy ih<? Key Eugen? lier,??. AIIcm I. I?rake m Rohert \V. M i'Ui:;e. MOI LT?N I'nTTER <>n jasas? 3<>, I9i2, at the rector} of the Nee Old .-?outh ?hurch. Boston, Mass . by the Rev, ??eorge A. Gordon. I? I?. Mrs. Madeleine I.o,k"t Potter, ?f N>?*? York City, an 1 E\?-rait H. Mou'.ton. of ! Masi. KottSOS of ?ii.rr in,., and death? mnat be a?. i.iii|i.iiiit-?l by full name and aildre?*?. DI2D. IWty. ln??lc? H Mar'ln. Adam C. Fralelgh, Emma f. Mai i . ?.*. Ulla? R. H. 1 !*na T. Moore, Margaret ?. Gill, Roher? S. lerhlll, I? Kirk iw. Kate H. Vail, Kmlly J. Horn Bernard J, Vonbernuta, C, He F. Lu?*-?? n. Isabel ? . PBRRY Inalee M i-ert> Services The F'.naral ?'hurrh. No Stl \\>?t -2M st ?i-^-ank K ??amp he;! Building), Frtda*. noratas at H <?'ri<>.*k PR A LEIGH V' Hr I Hook, N Y, on Januanr SO. Bmma Beyer, wife of Ri-hatd b. Kraleigb ?ltd 'laiilfahtcr of the late John and I^ur-y A. ? rai servi, e? at her late realden.*e on fluir.??)? y. Feliruary 1, ?t S o .-lock | m. ?an lag.*? awaltln?- arrival of train leaving Naw York .?t !> I?? .?. m Burtal sarvkas at the ><ur;al Cemetery, Fishklll Village, on Frtla?. ??arria?.?'- will await the arrival of the 11 10 train from New York. "FROST On Januar- 2?. 1012. Anna T.. daugh? ter of KlUabeth M and the late Pen'amln Treat. Euneral servi,e? on Wedaeeday, .tann? ai?. II, a? Il a m . at her l?'e home. No ?0 v. e hutm ?ve . Upper M'.nt.-I.ilr. N J. Erie Railroad train leave? foot of rhamher? at.. New Y*rk, at 10 a. m . to Park ?t. ?ta.lon. ?Ill,I. Oa .tannarv no 1012. Robert S beliavad huaband of Hannah M GUI m?a Slavln). Fu neral fron? hl? late r*??iden.e. No ?>127 Pa.-lflo m Hi <'?kl?, n. M Y . Ki Ida v morning at O:.-***?. HEN8HAW A* Fi?e port, I.? I*land. January 20. 1012. Kate H. Henshaw, in her ???h >??r, Eiraerml aervleea will be held at the reatdenea of her .laughter. Mr? Franklin 1 '?ood. Ne. 17? *AVst Menick Road. Freep?*rt, Long Island, at 7:."!i? i> m.. W. dneaday, January St. 1012 HONE On Sundav. Januarv 2S, 1012. at hla No 2?> !'-?'k yipee, Prooklvn. Ber r Hone, h?lo\er| ?nil of Catherine Hone. Funeral from hi? late realdence on Wedneadey. ? :,<> a m. H'FS-SFN" Oa January 20. 1012, I?ahel <** . wife of i,oul? Lueaaen. Relative? and frlenda are Invited ?o ?trend the funeral, from her late realdeaee, No 3?7 State ?t , Prook'>n. on Thursday, February 1. at ?.15 a. m. MARTIN A? ?he home of his daughter, Mr?. K \v Uvennore Ro.-h-iie Park. New Ro ?helle, N Y . January 20 1012. Adam C. Mar in* in hla *-'??li rear Funeral servir? a? ?he above re*ld?*nce on Thuraday. February 1. 1011. at 10.15 a. m ?arrlages at N<*w Rorheiia ?ta? lion on arrival of the !? <>8 a in. ?rain frota Grand ?'entrai I?epot. MARTIN "n Tasador. Januan Mfc 1012. V.'in lara R M Martin, -on at the late John T and Prie? Ills Martin Funeral on Thuroday at IO a in frnm III? laie r?'?lden.e, No 1U Eaat .'latth at. Intenrient private MOORE "n Tueeday afternoon. Januarv fte .% h?r residen, e. No 10 Waal 65th at . Margarat l?.wr?n.? M<vore, widow of I? Sa.kett Moore. In the 71s? >ear of her age Funeral ser?, i. ee will !? h.*!.l FTISS] morning, Febniery 2. from th- ?Church of the I!>*a\.nh Rest, Fifth ave. m 1 l.'rh ?t . ?' 1? o'olo.'k. Interment ot Weodlaem, Kin.iiy essH flower?. UNDERHILt. \t Bellhavcn N ?* . on M.-.n?1ay. Januan 2?.?. ISIS. I? Knk L'nderhlll. in hla i,.,iti year Funeral -aervl ? will i? held a? the Frlenda' M?*< llns Houee, l.o.-ust Volley, l/?iif ?aland, "u Thuiaday, Febrasry I. at 11 a. m raiTtasea will m?.*i train r?*aahlng I^i uat Valley gtattOO pt l<?:?-5 a. in, Y vu. \t Rahway. N. J . Januarv **0. imj, Fnulv Jervt?. widow of Robert Bruce Vail. ?i*,.1 ' i v.iirs Funeral aervlaea va ill U? held ,t her U?e re?l?l??n? ??. N?l loi Kult n ?t , Thorsa?ay, Fshrasry ?? *i* tOA o'ct?h VONBERNUTH Oo Ta*a*eday, Januarv tb, I?i2, ai her n >i.l?-n. .?. No. 1 W.?t 72.1 ?. . ?'aroiine p.. Foreat, wtfa >>f Frita Vonbernuth. Jr, daughter of th. late E Thompaon ami ??arollna De Fere?? Gale and mother ..f Conatance De Elaln? Ellol and tirare Al?ala ?>rr Fu neral private. Intermenl at Troy. Kindly omit Sowers, _ CEMETERIES. THE WOO ?I. MV M < KMF.TEhT. 23:id St* 1>V Harlem Train and by Trolle? Ofrhi*. '.'?? E.??t 23.1 8.. N. T. tNDKKTAKKKS I RANK E. < AMI'HH I. .U ., We.t jsd st Chapel?. Private ltooui?. Private AmbuUncM Tel 1.VJI ?'hrla^a ^ OI-TIC?S. MAIN ??FF1?'E--N.. 1.*.4 ftSSSSg ?treet UPTOWN OFFICE?No. 1364 Broart-avav ae any American Piatrlct Telegraph ?ifflra HARLEM OFFICES -No 157 East !2Mh at'ra?* No 263 We?t 12*.th atreet'and Nj *l?j w..' l?.Mh atreet. " ?* ~*bm WASHINGTON BUREAU?wHatory BulldlSg.