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Barringer and Barnard Finish Abreast in Indoor Games. RACES KEENLY CONTESTED Burke Gives Impressive Exhibi? tion in Winning the Mile Run with Ease. TI?,* ?a-1'h :t points api?'-?-. Barring?r Hirh gran?!, rif Newark, and Rarnard School divided !"'"*?> honors at the twenty-second annual tre"k and field meet of Barnard f-rhool. h?ld In the armory of the ?2d Refrl ment. yesterday afternoon Pressing the lender* rioeely cam? Mercersburg Academy. 'c1 pmnSilTfinls with It points, while Man hattan Preparatory School wa? fourth with 13 point? Stevens Prep, of Hobokon, aaas ?,Tt m lin? with 7 point-, while Pawllnsr nrA r ovoia struggled alonr* with :? points r?eb av?sl?v Oler, of Paavlin?; School, com? peted in th? running: high lump und?r pro? test, and won the cv?nt In his only trial at the her. which was set at ft fe?t fi inotip?. Oler waf protested on the around that h? r?,r>r,?sentcd the New York Athletic Club fnepen competition within the schr*ol year. and under the Mercury Foot won the '?-i1or rhamplonshlps In the riinnine hi?h jump A*tr*- a lTRthv discurslon. the of? ficials tekrhonr-d nnrtow S Week?, who derided that oi?r wa? e'.leible to compote. sv the itme oier eras sllowed to t;*ke hi? place, the event was practically over and the competitors wer? Jamptag O? a triple tie for first place. Th? officials told him he would have to lump at th? hcipht at which the bar then rested This he naturally did In ear-v fashton, but the other boys fall?.* to ?alear the bar in the lump of Frank Barks? of Barrlnger, lit?rally ran away from a fast He'd In the mile run and won by almost .1 tap In 4:41. Burke put i aside all ?loiiht? rljrht at tho start. Run? ning with a lone, free strtd?. he i ompeii swsy from Mslone, of Poly' Campbell, of pt?v?n? Prep, and Cox, of NewtOWll, and at ib? end of iiic first lap had ten yards lead. Prom that point on he steadily increased hla advantage- Campbell teure Malone a pretty battle all the way Ibr s?rond place, but th? latter had a powerful spurt left in ' him and It carried him OTOr the lias a strl'ie in front of the Stevens lad. Malone proved to be a capable performer, for In addition to winning se, ond honors in the mile, h? captured the C.^-yard dash for novices. The Barrinaer team won a Stirring a ir tory In th? senior relay race at one mil? from teams roprosontlng Mercersburg, TOIlkerS High School and Xavier High School. At the start of the rac? Meyer . took the lead for a moment from th? field, but held it only a few jumps, avhen Walsh, .- of Yonkers. went out at n heart-breaking clip and gained a yard lead, for the first ?. 'ap it was nip and tuck, and l>ennox. of Tonkers: Lagay, of Dai linger, and Robin? son hit th? second relay almost abreast Barringer took the lead on the third relay. when Oranger went out and showed his nee's to thS pack. Schlechter, of Vpnkers. was second, with Moreorsburg third, only a jrgrd ba'k On the final lap Oilbertson con tinned the ?rood work for Barrir.ger, but Hudson, of Vonkers, was unable to hold Pal?, and Mercersburg won second honors by about two yards The sev?nty-vatd dash for juniors was one of ths bSOt races at th? distance ever s??n at * e?l r*OtbO** IBSSt The hoys got off 10 a perfec? start, and for fifty yards ran ?Ml absolutely even terms. In the last five yards the strain told on King, of BarrinKcr. snd Hudson, of Yonkers. They dropped back into the nick, hut only by inches. while Menendef, of Ix>yola School, and weeeotti of En?lewond High, strode oa-er the line almost even. After a discussion. Menendez received first place, but It looked lik? a dead h?at. .lack H?ide), of Poly Prep, raced to a well earned etatory In the 1.000-yard run for novices, and won hy about fifteen yards in 2.32. .lack Gardner, of Barrlnger. showed to good advantage ta the seventy-yard da?h for seniors, winning his race in 0:0T 4-'. *S0 yard relay ra-e ihulk avclght limit .".25 pounds?- Won by Barrlnger High School (Card Her. Wisg. Dria-er end Lassen, Rsniard .Schc*ol ?Vorninsstar. Mitchell, Walter and Rankst, sec <Mid Rncl??'oorl High S>-hoo' <\Ve?t SOU, ''ooke. Graham and Vanderlwvk ?. third. 'Pl-ne. 1:*:. Ose ?Ce relay race Won t>> Barrlnger High School i.Maer, L*ga>. Cranger and ?lilbertjion.; ?i'rtersburg Acad?my ilUmmltt. Pale, Meredith and Stalten, seronu Tonkera High school n'hes ton Walsh. I^nnox-Sthllcter and Hudson i, third, lime. V.tiM ?. Pulling 12-pmmd f?:o. Won by J. Schadt, M*reert??>urg Academy ?rltl '.: of *2 feel 2^ hi he?, v. K-ane, Fordhtl i Pri .. second, with a jut of ?H8 feet 1 Inch; '. Fethry, Columbia Cramnaar. ih'rd. aa-ith a put of 40 feet 2 Inches; TC. l'.'oed. Mercer-burg fourth. nUri .1 Jj'Jt of 4a fee* 1 incn. 704 >ard lelav rar?, ?elementara' ?chool hov . 12.*- r/iiind classi?Won by P ? F? (O'Neal, Con r*M. Worth and Brown); P. P 62 ?Pearlman, Jakar?kv. Ki??rman and Ilalmon), second; P S 4.* (?run?. De Witt. Fleet and Elliot?, third Tim?. 1:22,1--?. One mile run- Won by T. Burke. Barrlnger Hi?h School; ,t Malone. Poly Pren. ?erond : W <"arrpb?lt. Stevens 1'rep. third; T. r*ox. Newtown High School, fourth. Time. 4:41 4-5 Two lap relay rae? i?|em?n'arv ?chool boa.?; flO feunii r;???i T"'on hv P. f>. 10 Manhattan (P?-?r Wilson, Cohen and OuesO: T S. ft. Broekl"? ?While, ?xicher. Smith find N|em?thl. Saeond; r S 14. Manhattan (Smith, Amato, MiJthen ati?* Fenn?llli. third: P. f?. ?2 Manhat? tan iPeltr. Mo?ei?. Tanowlti and Stelnberr), fevrth. Time. 1 :24 .t .".. l.OOO.yhrd run fnovlce) '".'on bv J. Reldcl. Poly Prep W. Mcinivre. Barnard School, aec eed; H Pordrun*. Xavier High School, third; .1. M?r?a, lleatherote Hall, fourth. Time, 2:K> 1 *. "*00 aard run inoalcel-Won by W. 01a*by. Pterena T*r?r-. T ?riv, Manhattan Pr?p. ?e^ond; .1 r?j??W\ .?.. ??rancla's. Ihlrd; J. Rroarn. Po!v Tt?t: fourth. Time. 1 :_4 4 5 Running high jump Won hv WsstlJ Oler. Pawling School, aalth a Jump of S feet 6 inch??, P f-uden. Penth Amboy High School, aecond, **? ith a Jump of ? feet a tnche?; I? Hurke. Iiaaiicht S'-hool. third, artth a Jump of ? fe?t 5 rnche?; P Maynard. Pola- Prep, fourth, with a Jump of f. feet ? Inches. 220->ard dash 'novice)- Won by .1. Malor?, r" Prep; .1. r.ehman, Townsend Harris Hall High School, ?ecnnd: V. Hager, Mercersburg Ac?demy. third. T. Btockman. lie Xm. Salle In Slltufe. fourth. Tim?. 0.28 8 fi Fifty yard daah ?midgrti Won ev H l.laser. Rarrlnger High School; H Relllev. P. H 4,1. M?n*-?l??ir. ??oond; A Paul. P y 14. Manhat t?e. third. Time. 0:(?14-B. 220 a-ard death ?Junior)- Won ha- F. Ward, ?anhattan Prep; T. Cray. Manhattan Pre?, ser tn?: n Bannin. Prooklvn Prep, third: C Hudson, TonVer? High Pchool. fourth. Time. 0:2fi "*?-yard daah iaenler)-Won by a Rohlnsop M?rc?nabiirB Academy; 0. Mullln, Po|\ 1'r.p, _*<*<md: ,f. OTV>nn,ll, Manhattan l'rep, third. Tim?, <V2.v ?,_!>"y-r'1 tun 'Vi'? hy F I^gav. Rarringer Klgh School: r. Maaer. Barrlnger High School, ??cond; A. Howell. Horac? Mann School, third; J-_p*1**heriy. nwlght f-'ehool, fourth Time, 2:07. S*a-nta yard <1a?h ?noa-lcei Won hy J Bavin. Pehr Preo. .1. Mahr. BerkeW School, aecond; R. .k71_ ,*1,h*r*?- Harlem Fvenlnr High School, (if* ' Gr*?rJr'., Brooklyn Prep, fourth. Time, Seventy yard da?h OunloT) Won bv R .*en?nde_ lyay-la Srhool; M. W??cot, Kngl? i,?^ .** School, aecond. P. Hudson. Yonkers ;'?_.*;?? ***?'? 1h,*d: ??? King. Barrlnger High F'hool. fourth. Tim?, 0:W I .',. Seventy-yard dash (senior) Won by- J. Card '?". BarrJnger High School. A. Robinson, Mer crr?hurj. \cad?mv. ?ccond ; K Ward. Manhattan ?rep. third H. rook Mercersburg Aeadernj fourth. Tim-. 0 07 4 .'. JERSEY BOYS OUTCLASSED T,ie Erasmus Hall High Bchool swlmrnlnp ??am easily trotmi-ed the J.irsey City Hirh School In a nne-nlded meet at the Fourth Avenue baths, Brooklyn, yesterday, by a "core of 40 to *,. Alan i_ Clay burn, Erasmus Hall captain. ?OS the m->st prominent performer, win? ning premier honors in the 100-yard swim, ??"hile he waa second to Arthur Long, a achoolmate, in the 20-yard contest. The tramarles follow: -.,'"'*'"**>-yard ?wlm Won by A l?ng, Kra? ">us Hall; a.. I., ?'lyhurn. Kraamu? Hall, second; Jj w jr'"ben?tctn. Jersey ??ty High, third. Time, - K#>r'y-yard swim?Won by D. Ferris. Eraamu? /._? <? ? Cramp, Kraamu? Hall, second; <". i o'f1?"'1**"' J"*r>' Cltjr High, third. Time. ' WO yard awlm-Won by A. I., t'lybum. Eras jn'is ?fail; a. J4>,a_, Kraamu? Hall, second; W. ? i_J*rw'y r''?' '''S'', 'bird. Time. 1:12. i. ,. _9-r'1 Stain? Won by A. ?larke. Erasmus ?'all; r> Ferrl?. Erasmua Hall, ?e.-ond; A. Foper. Jersey ???? High, third. Time. 2:.*IV r,f?h?y y^rd relay ?-Won by Krasmus Hall 'i/mtr, ?ramp. Oybutti and Clarke): Jersey i'lty High, afvxiiwt. Time, O:n0 H?nal noli.ta Kraamus Hall High School. <*<>.' ?sreey ?i,,, H)-n echo<>|( j. WINNERS AT BARNARD SCHOOL GAMES ?ESTERDAY. COM SIL CHAMPION Successfully Defends His Title Against Conley's Assaults. I#os Angeles. Cal.. Feb. ."..-Johnny COU? Ion. Of CAaSSgOb to-day BUOOeOBfUlly defend? ed his title as bantamweight champion by defeating Frankie Conjey, of Kenosha . Wie, st the end of twenty rounds of fierce lighting. Coulon landed five blows to Con ley's one, but did not seem to possess the strength of his opponent. At the end of the fight Conley's face was cut In a half dozen places and both eyes nearly cinto ?1 As early as the third round i'onicy's, face was bleeding from ?'onion's Stinging punches, but every round found him bor? ing In, head down, taking a half dozen blows for the sake of petting in one in re? turn. Conley's punches, when they landed, ?hook the champion to his toes, and he frequently gave ground befare Frankie, who often found, bOWOTOT, a terrific punch waiting for him when he puraaed too ??agerly. The battle ended with the men lighting head to head in a clinch. The first round was coulons. Conley rushed, but received two hard rights |o tbe stomach ami several rights and lefts t<? the face nnd iaw. Frankie c\-ene<l up ?n the second and fought ?'onion to th* ropes. The third ??eut to the ciiani|V?>n. who ca\e three stiff rights to the jaw In exchange for a right to the BtOmSCh and left to the jaw. rarifs'c fighiinx marked the fourth. In tl.* fifth Conley rushed into a right to the stomach, n right to the chin and a left to his sore aye, hut h?- catre hack with a right to the month and anoth?-f to the. Jaw The fast pace caused ('onion to slow up In the sixth and he kept away and Jabbed at Conley's faxe, taking the round. In the seventh I onley doubled up coulon with a left to the stomach an?! chased him into a neutral corner, landing right and left to the body. The eighth wns even, ConlOJ shaking his man with a hit to the wind and taking a hard tight to the -am* place Frank!* bored into a rain of Win and rights In the ninth and went to his corner groggy from two hard rights to the tac?. Coulon took the offensive In the tenth and cut Conley's face badly without taking a blow. Conley made a Bhade tho best of the bard flghtir,?; In the eleventh, and Coulon was weak tn the twelfth,, but held ? onley even. In the thirteenth ''onion s?:?t 'onley ?o cover with uppercuts to the jaw. and he took the next three rounds, upsetting Con? ley's rushes with accurate punches, in the seventeenth the champion nearly took hi? opponent off his feet with rights and lefts to th* Jaw, but Conley took the round ?vlili four hard lefts to the body and a right to th. Jaw. atid laughed at Coulon as the bell rang. The latter slipped to the floor In th.? eighteenth, but was up In an Instant. H?> KLaggerc?d ?'onley with a right to the stom? ach. The nineteenth was even, with few blows landed. In th* final round c'oulon punched Conley into a clinch, and took a left to the face. They fought BeTOely, head to head, ''onley landing a hard left to the stomach. STUYVESANT SEVEN VICTOR Defeats De Witt Clinton in Stir? ring Hockey Game. In an Interesting contest. Stnyvcsant High School's hockey team defeated De tVItt Clinton at th? Ht. Nicholas Kink yes? terday by a score of 2 to 1. The victory puts Stnyvesant on even term? with the Manual Training High ?School, of Mrooklyn. for leadership In the Inter-High School Hockey League championship tournament, with two victories and no defeats ?ach. Stuyveaant played a dashing game, clear? ly outplaying their opponents In the open? ing period. In which they tallied ;.ll their goals. They fairly swept the Raj un<j Black off Its feet by their hard .?ttacks and splendid team work. Clinton became aggressiv? In the second period, for? log Stnyvenant to play on th*> defence through? out and to guard Ita cage closely. Fischer, of Stnyvesant, received a pass from Hoar? In the first few minutes nnd, skating down the rink, sent th.- puck en a long ?hot into the cage. Five minutes laier Fischer and Harder began a little parsing, the latter ultimately caging the puck ftom the side m-ar tbe net. The CHtttOH wing men employed their team work to advan? tage soon after the opening of the second half. I'arlln registering a tally In 1:00 from scrimmage. The line-up follows: 8tii4vr?Knt (S), Pof. lie Wilt ?'Union ? 1 i Haakell.G._ T?vlor Bryan?.F. Hlrd Fischer.C. P.Livingston Hoar*.R. carry ?'row-ley.C. Trenholm ?arder_.I- **?'.Hein???-! Bchuk.H. W.?'arlln .;?-.. is?First half: Fischer <<|;00i. Harder ?11:00). Hecond half: ? 'arlln (f,:00>. liefer** Mc.Kay. Wanderer?. Time ?f halve,,? Twenty minutes. Penal! lea- Crowle?. two minuta? for tripping; Fi?ct?*r, two minute? for holdin?. o DEFEAT FOR CUTLER TEAM No Match for All-Scholastic Seven on the Ice. An all-scholastic seven composed, In the majority, nf collegiate School boys, en Joyed a frolic against the Cutler School team at the St. Nlcholaa Rink yesterday afternoon. The score was 6 to 0. AVlth a strong attack, th? Collegiate ladx won easily, Carreau beginning the scoring by caging the puck early In the second period. The line-up follows: All Soholaatlc? (5). roattion. Cutler ?0?. .!?ek?r, Poat Knoll....P. Hoyt Moss.C. P.J. paist Blodgeti.n. Bret! ?'. r??sae..C.U Crfir, P. Pope.t* W.WalnwrUfht Carreau.R. W.Rsnderbrock Goals (second half)- ?"arrean ?1:10), 'arreau 0?.12>, ?-. Pope <ft:0S). P. Pepe ?10:13). Blodaett (11:12) H*r*r*< Harris, Columbia Urammar. Tim? of halves-Fifteen minutas. w <??...K, i'.x ?v; .-?-H? ml., Winning sciiloi hirh lump Spectators ai Athletic Games Verge on Wot I i Foul ir\ Final Heat of Bicycle Race Results in the Disqualifi? cation of E. H. Goodwin. The twe>-rnlle bi?-ycle handhap turned nut to be th? most exidtlng e?ent ?if th?- Morn Ingslde Athletic Club an?l ?'ompany K Kaine? In th? 2?>t Rc|r|m?-nt Armory last night For a while It looked as If there might be a small ri??t ?>?*r the Anal h?at. MoS*, of the sp<-. tutors broke In the floor and howled In protest against | If ?iooilwln. of tlie Irish-American *? thlStlr Club, the BCrateh man It wa? sail he foul*d II. Llghtflne, of the c.lenco?? Athletic Clnb, who happened to b* a memiier of the 22d Regiment, and who evidently ha?! friends in th? h Finally, In Order to satisfy th* demand land also a nport of one ef th? track in Ispectors. c.oodwln was disqualified, and j Light?ne got r,rst pn/.e. Then tbora aere ? hisses, cheers and yells Int'-rmix? ?1 W. Van >l?n l?i-l<-.'.. of the New Y? rk Ath? letic Club, figured among the ?ntrles nn'l ?v;i? on the H?rat? h mark, but ?lid n'.t start He lade I half-mile exhibition afterward. It was announced that ?M New York Ath? letic Club man area through an n racing cyclist. H* Btated that he yielded to the entreaties nf his family, who had their fears for his life aroused by a story In ?me of th* evening papers. Van d*n DriSe'S br'ither met his death a COU pie of years ago while racing. The : r v. nt v-y ?rd run attracted s cna.d entry, which was divided Into t-lx trials and two semi-final?*. Those ?? h?. qualified for the final were "Hal" Ile|lati'?, of the Xavier Athletic ASSO? latlon, th* serai? h man: John A. Rohan, s al?basete of Hal? land; Frank I. Stephenson. Trinity Ath? letic Club. ?*. feet, and \V. .1 Uindgraf. of the st. Bartholomew Athletic dab, who had ? feet When ib? pistol cracked In be Bnal ttephen <? I lulrkesi .?way. mid h? led to the tin i -h He ?ran i,\ h feet fri.iii Heiland. A held ??' . ' ? IBM oui for th?- l/ handicap With a handicap al ?"?"? yante, Carl ?' umier. "f the Katloaal AthN-ti?- Clob, mude tita pac? fur skoal M yard rurther ou i:, w unis, of the Mohawk Athletic Club, who had -^ yards, tnudi- a dask for th?- front, and. though h<- v. .1? challenged -everal times, lie ton by ?bout three a.ird? from ' Mcllleare H.inil, of the P.null.hah'iitn, who had an ?lima n.I I .irds. In ?lie three-mile I andli .?n r*Te4ertek <"< iiellars, uf Hi? N'eaa York Athletic Club, an tmplon, BboWed iiiiprna "in, nt and un mtstakable algna thai there me aorae K"cd rao s left in him yet. lie won from He- .-'. ynrd mark In the *mnrt gnlt of il minute*? "7 4-5 second 1*1 ? ummaiie follow l.OOi Tard run ?handlenp? Win by F W Mills. Me.isaak A < (JS ?/arks); .1 sfeOtesre Hand, Domlntean U eautn ?v? yards), ?second; 9 i iv?'i, Irish American A c (scratch), third Inn?. 2.19. Beventi >ard dash thandtcapi aroe h\ Frank I. Btephenson, rrlnlty \ ?' "i feet?; Hal Meiisri'i, x?\ier v a isrrstehi, second! arm las J l.nndrraf. ,-r Bsitholomen I A l*. (I feet), third 'i im? ? Pas ills r-!a\ for the rolller irnph; inpen ?? :? ui. h' ..Hon booses) Won i,v ? eili?r.- Weekly" IJ. lioi.en. a sterns, v. Casey and ii Horklns): ? Arr,, Bulletin" ?' ?? Kick"?, i BamMi P Caraer and W. DelhnSS), second. "Metropolitan kfsssstne" mo nanea viven), third Time 4:ts ?in. mil? walk ihandt ?i" \\ "n l\ William Allen. Ole?cea a ?? tttt seeeads); lo? Duffy, Ksvler \ \ uo Mesada), second; r, i.e.'.. ? A ? ? o;, seeosdi i third ' Im?. 7 M*t aba yard run idovI ?) Won t.v w niichie. | ilnaltaehe I M Barke, Kyni.ird Lyceum, ??.niel, i M F ?'Urk. anal t ached, third rim? I 31 " urd run ihwndlciii,, \? i, '? Prank B. Halloway, **??? fork a. ?' id yards); i* ?' Holme? BellxrIIU ?'. r '*?' yards), ?.econd. .lohn ?irlhbo.i. Xnv|.- a \ , r: yards) third. Time, ?':"t.t?a it Starr, IH h tmerl sa A ?'. I au \Hid?.. finished Srst, b?it arsa ? li??.|'u? lin?*il. Teo iiIU? hlcjcl? rare It ft'OB In II MfhtAae, Oleaos? \. C ||40 ?.,rd i ?? Manner \tlas A C. ??*? >i,,,-i ... nd; ". i' Brandies, ?th Regiment C. A D. (SO vardsi. third Time. | OB Three ml!? tun (hand!, 'Spl Won l\ **, ?', riellHrs. New York A ?' i .-..*. -.ud-i. T .1 CM lias, Irish American \ ?? Knees '.(? ynruat, ??? end M I ? Huyaman, Irish Ain?nran A. C <*?> li.l-i Ihlrd. Time. 14.17? WEST POINT FIVE VICTOR Defeats Manhattan Team in Fast Basketball Game. Wcl Point, N- V.. B*Oh I -The Army bas? ketball te;.in defeated the Manhattan ftve In a closely contested game to-day by ? scor* of H ?o 27. The visitors played a fast game but the maohlnelihe work of the / rin y was too m i?h fur them. The teams w?re. evenl? matched. Sutton's work at foul gon)?> was good, making nine nut of fifteen tries. The line-up follow?' Vrrnv C31). Position Maur..?ltan ??>;, Van Vllet . R. F.f.iiarev STaasert....U:r.'..:.nyan tenptaini ?(-ataln? .-.??. ?35. Bui!._4??ull?M]f Manhattan, Young for Ityan, nu*. tor y nn- 'Ion's fron. Seid Kor arm, I"' 8vi?m Ma.'Tagirrrl (-'!?. P.oherl? Hi. Arnold V" xtinhattan u?r*y ?.1?. Hyan cit. Leonard '?'? ?!"LVh * ?'aonl? from fen! Amy. Button '.''' n__ from foul. Manhattan. Ix>*?c|. ?Tl. K:?rr m,rW' __. 'vizMA- 'mHr' STUYVESANT KEEPS UP PACE Defeats Flushing and Is Still Tied in Basketball Race. The Btuyvesant High School baskctba'l team. S strong contender for the high school basketball championship, won Its sixth vic? tory when It defeated the Flushing High School In a one-sided contest. In the for? mer's gymnasium yesterday, by a score or 34 to 14. Stnyvesant Is at present In a tie for the lend, with the Kastern District High School, ?vhlrh has also won six gam? s and lost one. In the <ontc?t between the second fives the Stnyvesant boys so far outclassed th?-.r Ixmg Island rivai? n? to ??In by a ?-or.- of 33 to". Tl?* line-up follows: ?)?yssaanc (Ml. ^,0,? Hasaiae 'Ml Roaenkrans.?* T.U I'onohu* Fischer.n r.-? Donohu? Roberts...c. Morrison Miller.\~ ?. Nen-aon Gugllelmo.?. C..Boyle n-jBatHSl "* ' *"" 'or Fischer final? from field St aj Sam at! nnn-nkianz i.-.i. Flacher Roherl? ?->- Miller ..'I Hi?-<-n*i,ll ISl Kluahlti*: Morrison 14), I,. Donohue. Coals from foul Kos.-nkranr. ?Si, ?'. Ilonnhue ,", Morrison <-'? Referee-Rado. Public school? A. I. 1'inplre Sltierman. Public Schools A. I* Time of halve*,?Fifteen min? utes. ! "KID GHETTO" OUTPOINTED Jack Doyle Takes His Measure in Hard Fought Bout. Jack Doyle, who ??.? ittbStltUted for "Young" Cohen, of Bnglend, outp.iinfe.l "Kid" ?Jhetto. ??t the Olympic Athletic ?Muh last night. The rontSet was aren for the first round. The next four ?ihetio carried by n comrOrtabte ie??i. Ma aggressiveness and ability to lnn.1 right and left to and body made Movie cautious. From the fifth to the ending the latter cam?- back strong sad reversed things, I binding many lights and lefts to th* Jnw, I nose sad body. Mis action was so apeedy that ??hefto found himself bewildered an?l last his lead of the former rounds. The tenth was fast, with Doyle landing al will. From -the effe? ts of a vicious uppercut fShetto was secminRly In distress, and Pnyl* ! started In like a whirlwind to s? ore a knockout, but was unable to land the punch needed to carry the honois off so ?le?lsl?ely. TVIllle Chandler outpointed "Young" Terry Martin In ei??rv round of a fast ?eml? I?ML NEWS OF THE BOXING BOUTS Callahan Has Better of Reagan at Gowanns Club. Frankie ?"aliaban, of ftaouhljll. had all the better of Johnny Reagan m ?i rtSfhlng ten-roun?l bout at the flmvaini? I'luh, of Brooklyn, last night. In practical!? every round of the battle ?'allanan had the he| tpr of the going Toivsrd the en?l he ???nt In and mixed matters, and here, toe, |p. was master of the situation. I>*w Moyen, the free bitting lightweight of Brooklyn, had the b. tter of Bant Dorsoy in ten rounds at the Huyale Ath:etlc Club, of Brooklyn. Dorse> tri--d repeatedly to thro?v over his famous right-hand wallop for th* jaw. but Meyer? kept out of the ??ay of trouble and ont?>oxe<| his man in handy fashion. Jimmy (.ardner's llitle effert toc?me ha? k and regain his once prominent pluce In Ihe rnnks of tne mMdlevveltrh!? rca-.-ivrci .1 bad setback, when fa?k I'illon. Ih* greal iniddh-nelghf boxer of liMllanepolla had all th.- better of him In a .six-round haul- I.? - for the National Athletic Club, of Phila? delphia. F. LAQAY, BARRI M 1ER SCHOOL, Winner of th? SSO-aard run. <* FATHER IE J I Makes Show of Athletes at Man? hattan College Games. The irr?pressible small hey took p? s.;? ?' , aten of theeJth Regiment Armory and made the v.nils resound with his noise ;,i (be ??nniifil indoor Ramos of Manhattan COlleae last night, I'roni ?in athletic point of vient the meeting sraa not a howling encones, ;?ii of th?- rao s being won In ordinary time. it hnd b??n expected that the Military Athletle l/*ufiiie relay ra< ? would prove the moat Interesting of the tiiirht, hut as it turneii nut the istb Reglmenl quartet, <?.ii ststing of Buckley, R<>m?. Burpd .ff end Valentine, won without an effort. The total distases amounted to a mile and UttO ? ml?, and when It not down to the last relay, Valentine, who bad to ?pe.-d a <iuar ter, only had te Jog home to lead Schleifer, ?if the 71m ReKinient's ae?'ond team, by twenty ?ards. The only other contender a'.HH the 7tst RegtnMBt'l Hist t'aiil, W hi? Ii was Im i i d After th?* St. ??abriel tttnm ha?l raced tu victory in ths parochial relay for cont?las? lions iiii'ler I feel s, a protest was lodged on the KTOUnd that some Of the ?t. labrlel runners belonged to publie schools. The I'Mites? aras sustains^ ami thin gave tht Hi Igaatlas ichih Brst prias. Not a little Int? nM was OSOtred in the i relay ra?-o between Manhattan ai,?l Kordhain. Team? COaStetSd o? tine? ni?n each, th? eoatestante being asked to run two laps, aahl'h totalled up lo MM yard Manhattan won ail th.- way. Barns, Bum i??r snd O'DonneU proving eatlrely in? *-|.?.?<!>? r?>r their rivals, in the last r?-la' O'CCB !? il ran away from Roberts and -von by I twent? .five yards. sixt ? 4si; &utt ictoaed Baal heat. ?Won b-j I F J. Smith; ). Burn*, racosd; Ha.r? Mitchell I ?bird. Time. u.iT Parochial aebeol rei??.- mcr .under 4 feat I laebeei Won b] Bi Igaatloa; Uatbedral, ate ..I .1 ! Im?, Paro, hlal I??el i*'..?- race ?over f, feet : Inch. ? bi rj?brtal; .-. .'Ineent t>r ? ? ? ? ihadral, third. Time, i .*.?*. ?? ?'.?. run (nortee) Wo.? by .t?)hn Timone) Manhattan; D LewanSOwskl. ataaaattaa. **c end; John K< rler De Witt Clinton, third. Tune, i?-? . ? ee| ,.. aj rice lander .", feet ] ln?he?i Wen h4 St Paul; SI Vincent. ?e- -ond: .'aih'.'.ril, II ir.l Time, 1 :St. MO ? fir.I I utdlcSp ??'athollc A I. > Won h?- g ??timer?, IKinlnl.-.m l.?..uu. .??ratcl,.. A tiouglieit? Paul? A ?? 130 .ard??, second, J n Milite.'. Kalshti of Bt Anthony ?to rares), ??.ni rime, i?ta " ?ard run (etoaad) Won bj C Duffy. Jr ; Wil'-an. M.I ?neaux, ?cmn.1 : Joseph ?'are?, third. Tine. 0 ?.? - ?? dal relaj raea ?Manhait-m ra roidham? \x ??ir ..-. Msnhaltaa (ilray, Stoekar and O'Donnell ? r..i?l!,nm ?Bums. ??oct?, find lt??b ' risi, a- i-ond. Tim*, ] 11 i ;, Fiat" lap Interelaea cone*? relay?w.?n by elaaa ol IBia elnm ef inn ?-ond. clssa of mi :. Ihlrd Time, l "? I?*. 220 ? ird ? ?? d W"'i M y. ?' arare" ! M Blocker, ??n<l .1 ?I stall?, third. Tune, U g| Blsi rard h idleap tC a I. . gnal heat i- - Won bj T 1 : ..a... ? i. U-amlni. .... I.-.eiim ?7 real); John CBhauga-'aey, gymard t.-??um .? I; i> r ward, i- Paaltsi v v . -. a- . third Time, 0 us ??*. M ? I. lels? ?I mile 1..-.I0 ynralai Won b 18th ):? ..-im. m 1145 yards) i Buckley. Kn... HuradoiT and Valent?a*); "1st Ite?lrient i ?U?> yardai (O'Connor, Corley, ?'oiile- and SchMfei i teeond; 7l?i Realment first te.m ?.??l -^rd#i (WilCM, Kult,. K?-??n | and f...rl.ini. ihlid Tim . s Ig : I YALE SWIMMERS WIN C. C. N. Y. No Match for the Blue and Is Badly Beaten. in>- Telegraph to Th? Tribun? I Neu Haven, Feb. ;>. The sarimtning sn< th? erster polo teams of the I'olUge of th. i'll> ?if N??a York suffer?d decisive defeat >it the hands of th? Vale aarimmera her? this evening. Th? swimming meet Man won by the acore of H lo ... sud the water pola Knie.' by the score of 4.1 to ."'. Fot Yol", the stir of the meei eras <*ap l.iln gtoddart, h lui von th.' ranea diving and -."I'd in the sraimmlng relay and th" OS-yard savtm. yielding did the best avork for th.- visitors, showing koo.1 form ?'"I |'i, ?? in >om?a of Ills dives. The v'Sftora ??V d final In the water polo game on n tree try. *ficr ;i foul had been detected In tl.e Yule team by the referee; nul after that the College of the City t)f New York team aras literally saaamped HOD foot relay Won ''. Vtii' iSchmttt, Roberta Mtx/era and Stoddard): i'oiiego of th? City of ,\.\a YnrU iRocer*. M-i''i. fVi\l? .?!. I Bisele), ?..end Time 1 .VJ FSncj dhics ?res b| tttoddard ^ >ic. 104 fii.t? avn?. n. Vale, in point.?, ?eeond: Fielding. College of ft'e Ciiy of Neav fork, !*l i?i|nt?, Ihhd. VI ft y yard ?aalni Won In Meyers. Vale, Hehmlft, Vale, geeead; Couahlln, ?'oiiega of the Clt? s( Nam ve-k. third Time, Srteft. !?_.' yard swim Won te palmee, Tale: sied lard, lai?, seoond; Rlemer, co'i?nc ci th? city -,f New Verk. third. Time. **?ff, riiina?. ter 'Iftan'? Wen h> SmBh ">7 ft. 10 | m i; Lewis Val? 1ST ft ? lui. aocond Sehaelder, I -nil??? ..t il,? i Mu ,,f \>>v Viarl, ?A" ft rt lui lotVvsrd swim Deed ne.ii Mr Bret ottwten Srhmlil ?'"I PobertS, Yule, I'lscle ,i-.llegc of the Clt) of New York, third. Time. |4S*. WATEB POLO yS|? n:,, Po.'llloi; '? C. V \ i..l PXr.v::.:::?u ?,,.,"p"!n,.,H%,X? ?<^'-"":;.!! ? ifnrSS: ,,rper':::."..'..'...'?' F. "??L^ y, [V,|?h .I.. P. Rodger? ' n'-fcre? -i, r>? h Usad ley, sow York A. ''? c. j. glidden" not wrathy In Accord with Decision to Dis? continue Trophy Tour. Boston. Feb. "..-Commenting on the action eg the American Automobile Association In a'ding, in <'hloas;o. yesterday, to discon? tinue the tours for the ?Ridden trophy and to substitute a" American Automobile As? sociation trophy. Charles J. ("Hidden, donor of the trophy hearing his name, said to? night: 'I have n<> personal feeling orst "?** ,i,tIon of the American Automobile ASBS? ?dation In voting lo discontinue ih? (?lhldrn tours. The Glidden trophy has seen service for eight years, and hns done the goo.l work for Which It aaas Intended. I aalsh the a.sso? iHtlon the utmost success in the new programme, and shall do all I can to assist. I" accordance with that purpose. I sent to Chairman B?chelder to-night the following telegram: Please accept my per? sonal entry for th? 1912 tour to compete lor lbs BO** trophy. Will drive my own ? ,ir HARVARD DEFEATS M GILL. Boston, Feb. :',.?I'nexpected strength hv the Harvard hockey team resulted In th.* tirst defeat of the season to-night for tho Mi ??ill I'nlverslty seven, of Montreal. The arore was .1 10 B. Harvard's forwards sal? skated and SUtBBMfUVTSd McGM, < nd the i'l-linson lacks cbe.-ked all advaii'-es. Cap? tain HUntlUgtOO, of liara arri, was the hright atar of I'10 Ka,,,?- ,'" *?'ored Iro Va\ *,a,~ yard's three ?foals, Blackall caging the n__ tba other time. ?ME UU?LS m IB Wins Scholastic Championship at Erasmus Games. MANUAL LEADS IN POINTS Thrilling Racpg Stir Big Crowd of Schoolboys at 14th Regi? ment. Armory. We?-'?- mo,-, ,)( Pawllnz Seaesl and the N"???- York Athletic ?Tub. the Junior run? ning high Jump champion, won tbe achol asitc sflesround i hewptenslilp of the Esst in th* Tentai lean, wnlcri wan a feature ?>f the firs? snnnal meet of Erasmus Hall High *??-hool. in the armory of the 1-ith Regtmeat, Rroohlyn. leal nicht. Th? hi? ???h-ie.lbo?- nor ioi-r of ihe rive events con? tested In commanding Style, and ?aptmed first honors, nlih a toasl of 11 points The only srent ahlcfc oi*r tattoo" to win ??as? th? smi rsrd run. 'I* ,-juit rvmnlag after B*Olng I nlf a ?ap \'an ?1?gger, of Finery tebeet, was see? ond, aritll 1? point:? I- hi.? credit. Tmii Ige? ?Illgbltn ??as ihird, with ln, while Frank m ii.-eier was ir fourth pIrc?. with M aotote to his redli McLaughlin was allowed -o un under protest, as ii was said he wa.? above tbe a*?- limit for achootnoys, It. Ihe open ce.i.i?, trtlon for the point n pi" Training High Bchool wee fuel p'ace. ?vith 1.1 joints; Rn?IUB Hall vas lied with Bl Paul's for aecoad, with 8 points, sad .v.--?? y i rk Prep. Sehooi waa fourth, wltli T point ? The Kames wer.i eaaily the most pretea Iloua e?ci attetnated by an? high Bchool in the Rest. Twenty-nine events ??ero ?m tin programme, nf Mitch II -.?ere open. Entries wore received f?nni fifteen school?. and r croad of some Uve thousand or six thousand - :,oH boyfl ami ulri?? was on hand, in addition la ths regular running ?ml Jumping compel ttlnna a basketball gain.? ???:?s played betaroen ih? teams of Rrasmns Hell and llenuel Training High tetmol ?ihr w;is tv.rred to ih? Italtt of his ability In tlie SB-yard hurdle ru??- by I'. M. Me Nuit?, of Brooklyn "Prep' rjfer ?.mi the pole, with McNulty in seoend pesMloa and the r.-?t of the Held stretched out across the track. At the flash of the gen Oler |?ar"d OUI In the ?r?n, with the pack dose ??n Ma (tecla ? m ih? ATM hurdle the l.'ld ko! m?o troubi?. and the ilyinsr Pawling School led end the Btnrd] McNulty swung Siena OB th?- wings ?if the wind. At the turn tfctfulty made i b?)id hid for Irai pla- e. hut |m w,ts on the outside nn?l could not puss '?1er. who avvung ?vi'le. .'lashlng slong th* straightaway, the pair hauled ?iri'le for strid?'. while the crowd ?strnd up and oheerod. Again on th.- last tara Mc? Nulty trirrl for th" lend bel <)l?r agent r.ot relinquish it and crOBOSd tbe line a winner by les.? than .. foot. Krank Wheeler, of Manual Training, was the hoy lo preBB Oler In 7i>-yard ? bul thi Mg ; ?low led the Munml track ?aplani Over th? line by half a vard O'.er ! ahowed that he has more than ih? av?rai;* ? brawn, In addition to hi? speed .?nd agility, | by hurling the li'-pound shot alinoat tl f?-et. ! He quit in the Mi-?ard run. but won the ! running Ugh {amp easily. The open S^'-metre relay rao waa a I whirlwind affair. At the crack of t!|e gun Willi?, of Stnyvesant, sa?t out at B burning pace, .?nd on the hrst turn was three yards in th.- vin. ??lib l'.raamiis. Matin? and Townsen?! I larri? Hall well bunched and running hard. The tight for second honcr?. vas keen. Heyn?a, of Stnyvesant, 1?. er-l ed away 0:1 the second lap ihre* yarda ahead, art? To**?Mnd Harris Hall second, only a yard In front of _fSaUIUS, r.nd Man? ual, abo battled OB even t? rma. AHrln I.enf. the chnirtplon hnlf-mller of th* Public Sebe?la Athletic [?eagne, look a leed for three yards on th? third relay. [?SSI h.'ip?!. ?I Bddte ayfcngh a lead of ?JOB* ten yards, with Manual second, RrSSBIUfl third and Townsend Harris in the rue_ Arthur Goldstein, of Manml Training, tan on the lest relay for his school and led the pursuit ..f the flying Dutchman. Then began ? battle that stirred the five thou ?-an?l SCheolboya Running SB h* never ran hefor- In his life, (t?ldatela tor* along. VYniigh heard tbe footfalls of his opponent nnd made .-. dcxper.-.te spurt. For a mo? ment he held hla own, but little by little h> 1. 11 back. (in tin? last turn Goldstein ?aught him. snd attempted to come out In the lead, but the BtUyvOBSal runner answered with one more iump tha? carried him a foot Into Ihe lean Rounding the l-ist ttirn the boys raced ahOUld? r tO ahOUldOr, but on the very tepe vY.-ugh managed to poke his cheat out mer the line fir-i by leas than ?ix inches. Braemua Hall finished in third place, BSV 1 .1 yards ahead of the fait?rinn Townsend i llsll team. 11.- Orouchy, who represents th? Xea? i York Athletic club in open competition I found Hi? handicape a llttls too liberal foi | him in th? I00?mstre alinini ra?~e, and fin iiiheri in third plaes, Bateomb. of the II f?Kiibflll team, won from the It lUStlS SB-ill and C. OorbSBt, "f the track team of 'in eras *""n?l. with the aid of in metres. The summaries follow : ! Seven?-. ? ar.< ?JSSlI d'cntn'M'in i Von hv \V. I Oler, Pawling School; K. Wheeler, Manual ?Training )i. s. xu-and: il M Nuiiy. Brooklyn i Prep, third Time, 0:0??H Sea?>iiia metre three l*gg?d rare* ido??d to 14th Regiiinnli Won by ? ompanv K ?A. O'Neill and \\. Lendall); Company I) ?i Lavetl and W Raieigiii, gecend; >'.pea* ?; iT. Tcngwall and D. FS] '. third. Time, oastti. 23A i ? hsrdle? (Pentathlon) Won by w <>i?r. paaaiirg School; P McNulty, Brooklyn Prep, ?jeeoad; V. l.aggern. Ptngry School, third. Time. 0:JS. COO-metre nsi ? nth Best ment; handicap) Won hy T. Qrtflln iM yards); C. LeVocren iSS ysrds), second; J. Oeffenej ??cratch i, third. ir.'j. 1.800-metra ran Won hi '.\. Weher, i'mgry School: B. wing. Resslle H. s., sc-omi. M Thompson, Jamaica H. s. third. Time. 4:"4*4 tea-metre run lAhtranl: han*H**sp) Woo a) ii. Bslcomb (IS metn*s); C Qerham ?io m ?eoond; ?? w. I'e < ?roncha Osera te h), third. Time, 0:17's Putting iS-pound shoi afea b> K. Feeler, CohiniMa Orammsr, aa-ltli a put of 42 feet !?': Inches; B. B. Weetsrooh, Mackenzie School, sec ead, alth ? pal of A2 feet s>? Inches; 1. Arm ?tren?: Kln?lilng Ultrh School, third, with a put of 41 feet SH Inches. SlaltdllM beOSd lump Wein hv .1. Wolfe, with ? fen .v. Inches: J. Trov?la, sseoad, avith s feet 3 lii.-he?; t* CbMB, third, with 7 feet 104 inches. Be rent y .metre dssh ifuninn Won hy t TA'alsh 11 Meekr-r. sei on I: N Mimen, third. Time. O.OSV Sevent) -metre .lush ?open) tUn le. It. < larke. Brssmus M-n nig'. School; N. Blshmsn, K.-a? mus Hall High School. SSOSOd: J. Nugent. Man ual Training High Sdwot, third. Time. n:i.SV Seventy metra dSStl (Senior; ?peni Won Bf A Van Winkle st PSOl'S School; A Hevln. J>la Prap, ?ccosd; W Btrsetaan, Manta nigh School. third'. Time. 0:OS-v Putting I- sound shot ?Pentathlon) ?Wop b) W Oler Pawling ?* '"*- '? wl,n a p,lt of 41 '''*, Hlaehea \ Fagglns. ftryar.t Hl?h School, sec and wii'i a put of IB feel TH inches; T. He tx.iighiiii. Bt. John's Prep. there, with a put of IS f *? t ?'?? Ill'*he? ?HlO metre run tnovlcei Wen by J. North. Manual Training High SefcOOl; A^ Reliman. Manual Training High School. ?eeonT; J. buiiMi. I'rvant High * hoot, third Time. '.':I4*. n?ft aard run ?Pentathlon?- Won hy T He I .uahllii. M .!? S-l'S I'rep; I' Il M?XttlIy nrooklvn I'rep ??. -?and F. Wheel?,, ?laaual Training High sTefcesi third Time. JO,?,. a NAVY LOSES IN THE WATER Pennsylvania Swimming Team Too Fast for Middies. Annapolis. Feb. 3?Th? Naval Academy swimming '?am met another lacMrs de? feat bet? *nls afternoon, when the team (rom the 1'nlversity of Pennsylvania took the BSCOOd match cf tho midshipmen's schedule by a score of 38 points to 5. The summary follows: MS yard r> la> Won 1>: IViiu?a laama In I ...i,' winning tsam Maule. Douglas. Sanville and ??tjerbaker. _.____??___ _ "*a vsrd ??aim-Won hy IVougla?. Pennsvl rsals; Sheemater. Pennsylvania, sscead; shesrr. Mari ihn.I Time. 1:10 2 ?*>. IUO-hM swim Wpn In Sana lite I'ennsai yanla Ooerbsker, Pennsylvania, ?eeond; Whit Ir.g Naa a. third T1""- _'??? ' :* Piling.' for .lUtanc? Won hy Willis. IVnnsal a ?ni Wright, Pennsylvania, seeawd; Khrnar. Nav>.' third Vtatanee, ?.1 reel Porti yard iwlm '" "" ? iiierhaker. Penn ?alvania; Whiting. Naw. second. Sanvll'e. Teon ajlvsnls. third. Time. 0.21 t-o. I ! COMMERCE GE?S TIRE So Decides the P. S. A. L. Board After Disqualifying.Lannon. STUYVESANT, SECOND>PLACE Swimming Championship?* Loom Up on Local Schoolboy Horiton ?Clintonians Favored. Tbe track and field championship of tag Public Schools Athletic League was award ? cd to the High 8-hool of Cotnmer??? at a j meeting of the governing body held at tha Board of Kduratlon Rulldmg yesterday | afternoon. In the sctual competition held in in? armory of the :2d rtegtment on .ranuarv 2?, Tnivnien?! Harris Hall and Stnyvesant High Sehevol wer* tied for first h'.nors attB IS points, while ("ommei's was second with 1?. point?, ?""otnmerce cam* dews to the :??Vyard dash for junior? with an ev??n .hance of winning the meet If Weinstein and M*sloh. of th* school, ran to form and won the rac* and an addi? tional place. Weinstein, however, waa un? fortunate enough to lose hla shoe soon after the start of the race, and wsa beaten by le?nnon, of ?'urtls High School. Mesloh tlnlsh??d in third place, while A. J. Mc DoeeR, of Stuyvesant High School, was fourth. Lennon, however, it was proved on In? vcstlgatton was over th* ag* limit aet for Junior athletes, and was not eligi?? to represent his school In the event and ?"/aa disqualified. The action of th* ??ommtttee placed WeinHtcln In first place and Mealoh, second, while McDowell was awarded third place. This gave Commerce 30 points and the meet. Stuyvesant obtained an addl tlonai point and broke th? tie with T<>w"n ?? n-i Harria Hall. Curt?a buffered by the diMiualifh-atloln of Lennon, and droppa?! from a ?B with De Witt Clinton for flftb. place down to eighth place. The official point acore as -_nounoed ame as follows: High School of Commerce, 20; Stuyvesant High School, 19; Townaei? Her- , r?a i la 11, 1$; Krasmus Hall. U, De Wit? Clinton, 12; Jamal?-a. 8; Curtis. 7: Flush? ing, |j Commercial, I; Manual Training, ?, i The eyes of the school boy axhletea are I now turned to tho high school ?reta?mine, i championships, which will be held senna time during the latter part of this month. ! i Fot the last few mcxitbs the boys have ; i been hard at work, and the resulte of t?ei varioua dual meets would lndteats that] keen competition may be expatted batnrw) the championship la won. Swimming, ott all the aporta Indulged in by tha high _ ?Mai boys, has developed most rapidly, and ??j I the live years which th? PubUo rkbool??j ! AthiVtic league haa foatered the gameri many capable sw1mn?ra bave t>een turned1 out. When th* boya come together this month in the natatorium of the College of t_e City of .New Vork there la little doubt that new ? records will be establlahed. The fifty-yard mark is almost eure to go by the boards. J. Iteming, of Townsend Harris Hall. aatatM?bed the record of 30 ecconda for the hilf century in March. 1&10. and so far no i achoolboy ha* been able to go through the ?ilgors of trial heat* and aeml-flnala and I lower tbat figure. With Norman I_mcke, : the crack of I'ommeroe, Moore! from ? lii? Iton, ?laybern, of Krasmus Hall, Duncan, of Towaeoad Harria Hall, and J. Curt?a, who has just entered the High School of Commerce, all able to cover the fifty yard. In better than 2*?. lots of speed and action ! may be expected. (i?i paper n would appeal a-? If D* Witt i'?iiton. To-.?nsend Harns Hall and tha High School of Commerc? will haul* i * premier honors. ?'Union ha.-? a p>??v??rf'il team, and although It was beaten l High School Of Commerce In a recent duel rneet it waf not at its best, because at the tin"- l?verai Of dtotea'fl best men were in? eligible Sin?* tliut time, ho*vr.?*i. the l.e -. L?VS nraced up In their studl**. and the thasaatiiiishlpe mil Bad tiicm right o.i hand. In Trenholni. Rra.ken. M??ore. Se- - nmiir. /.Imni and 8<-hwartx they hav? half a dozen sure poin ?vitiiee In a meet on Thursday night against B*tuyveeant nigi? Bebeol Bchaarts pi-oved ins s ->rth as a plunger by doing over si.\t> -three feel, breaking the record by some eight feet, held by V. Mayer, of TownM?nd Harris Hull, .?nd established In 1910. lr!o?? or, Lemcke, Montgomery and the re? markable (?urttn make up the beet of the i 'otnmerce team. There is a great deal n?or* to th* d?feat of Manual Training High School In the re? cent championships than would appear on the surface? It is entirely incongruous that the champions of five successive seasons on the track and field should finish In abso? lutely last pla?* with a total of i points. It Is known tbat the greater number of th* Manual athletes were well up In their lessons and ??ere eligible to compete, but a persistent rumor had it that the boys wera not entirely satisfied ?vlth th* system In thi school, and pleaded lack of condition. The poor showing of the Seventh avenue boys be-" been the cause of much discussion BSBOag th* ?.?hoolhoy athletes durlna the Ust \?eek. and it Is generally hoped for th? good of the pchool that any breach betweeii the team?? and the faculty will soon be healed. FOUR RECORDS BROKEN Clark House Wins Trophy at Inter-Settlement Games. Th? speedy Hlhletes of Clark House capt? ured the te-im bon >rf? avltli a tally of hi points In the annual games ol the Tnter ?ottlOBMM Athletic Association, held at the Tint Regiment Armory, last nicht. The I'nlon Settlement boys, who were the vic? tor?' strongest rivals, were aecond, with '?> points, and the Kast Sid? Mouse, third, with ^1 point.?. The littl?- athletes estab? lished three new track records and one t1e:?J record. Morris Chana, of the l nton Settlement, furnished the most impresxlve victory, when. t,y a ?rest burst ?if speed, he won tin SSS-yard junior run l.y tlae yards *ln 0:.'ii, which erasen 1 ?,-:, seconds from tho old mark, R Bchultss snd ||. Mulshlne, ??f the Cast Sid? Mouse, finished second and third, respeetlrelr, a yard apart. Cherl?s Weinberger and Arthur Rot libera, of ?"lark House, lowered the three-legrgorl junior rec? ord to 0:2* :-?''. ~ Inning by Inches from IV. Kreund an?i 8. Helield, of Hartley House. .Ityv-yard run (Junior) - Won by M ? twin, I'nion Settlement; R. rjchultze. K.a?t Sid? llous?. -???on.I M Mulshlne, Bast Side Hou??. third. Time. 0;.ir, Chree l->gge,1 raca i.|unl?irl Wo?, bv ?' Wein? berger and A. Rotnberg. ?lark House, w Kreund and s Schild. Hartlsji Hesse, ??.-???id. 1' N'irthercrof? and ? . Miller, Hudson Guild. thir.l Time. 0:24H. M aard hurdle rao? .Junior)?Wea hy J. Jef? ferson. I'nlon Settlement- .1 Fnyder. Hudson Cuti.i. ?ecoad; **>'. Lett tere rom. i'i?rk Hou??. third Time, 0:31. Running high Jump (senior; handicap) Won t.a v. ntaherg, ?lark l?ense, ?ni, ?., artaal Jump of *> feot ?I Inches; p. I.auter.rnm 'lark House ..". inch??., second. with an actual J'i'np nt *. feet 2 In. lies; .1. t Kohan. Cnl?er?|tr ?-?et - tien,?ni ?4 luthSSl, third, with ."> feet. One-mil? run .senior handicap) Won l.a R. J. I_wl?a?. I'nlon Settlement (SO yards): A Haut son. Hartley H.itise ?SO aard?'. H??o"d: J. ? "ne? felio, ?lark House ?scratch!, third. Tim?. 4 4.1 P.itfiiiif 1- pound ?hot .??nlor handb'ap. Won bv H. Wollt. Hartley School .4 feet,, with 41 reel 101-? Inches: T. J. Morrt??ey. I'nlon Settle? ment (scratch), ?ec.nd. with i:? fee? *J'. IwehQSj V K. K?mmerer. Hartley House ?2 feet S inch?*!), third, with 40 feet I inches Point ?l'iir. ?'lark Hesse, .",7; I'nion settle? ment. 4?: Kasi Sid? Hou?,-. 24: Sunshln? House, Hi Hartley H-us". 15; Hudson dulld. It REFORTS AGAINST COMMISSION. Albany. Feb. 3.?Charles J. Hcrrlck, uf Albany, ?on of former Justice I). Cady Merriek. who was appointed a refer??* by Supreme Court Justice Kudd to <?k? toetl mony In the proceedings brought by the Kniok?>rho?k?r Athletic c|ub, of Albany, lo ?omp?l the State Athletic Commission to grant it a license, to-day report??! in favor of the club-. Me recommends that a orlt of mandamus lie Issued to compel th? commis slon to crant a llawnse to the club. *abl<h wan In exlatcnco before the enactmcat *t the law creatina the commission.