Newspaper Page Text
<t ?_,**,. ?i Brotners will hold To-morrow, a Final Clearance Sale of Women's, ?YJisses' and Girls' Furs & Fur Garments, Coats, Tailored Suits, Street and Evening Dresses Every garment of this season's make, at Extraordinary Reductions. Women's Fur Coats Caracul Coats, I Persian Lamb Coats, light weight, lustrous skins. $50.00 to 115.00 of hi?h &radp skins at $340.OO to 325.00 Originally $75.00 to 165.00 Originally $195.00 to 425.00 Babv Carac?] Model Coats. at $_O5.00. 250.00 to 405.OO Originally $295.00 to 850.00 French ?Seal Coats, superior quality. at 59.50 to 85.00 Originally $85.00 to 125.00 vSeal Bisam Coats, -t $125.00,345.00 Genuine Shetland Seal Coats, at 425.00 Originally $175.00 to 225.00 Originally $750.00 Children's Fur Coats of White Conev. N'attirai and Black Ponv. French Seal. Caracul. $11 ^f)| zlO Si) Natural and Sable Dyed Squirrel, sizes from 2 to 14 yrs, from ? ? >DV to ^^?-^ Originally $18.00 to ?85.00 Women's Fur Sets of Fisher. Russian and Hudson Bav Sable. N'atural Blue and Taupe Sen *-*,ri e >1 C f)f\ Colored Foxes. Moleskin, Natural Lynx. Cross Fox and Ermine, from ^V.OU to OfO.VV Originally from $95.00 to 725.00 Separate Muffs and Scarfs of Black and Pointed Foot, Black and Blue Wolf, Alaska Sable, ?0 f\r\ 2C \\p\ Mink. Scotch Moleskin, Natural Raccoon and Black Lynx. from O.VU to OJ.UU AU Exceptional Values Women's Suits, Dresses and Coats Tailored Suits, I Street Dresses, in this season's most desirable of s<?rges. velveteen, whipcord*-, rharmru.-r. models and fabrics, from $0.50 to 49.50 meteor and velour cloth, from $ 10.75 *o 35.00 Originally $27.50 to 135.00 Originally .$10.50 to 65.00 Evening Dresses, of Silk Velvets, Dresden Net and Chiffon Cloth, trimmed with lace, Originally $35.00 to 95.00. at $19.75 to 49.50 Street and Motor Coats, ! Dressy Coats. of blanket material**. of bengaline. satin. rhifF'.n broadcloth, mixtures and broadcloths, at $9.75, 16.50 pet? de souris and velveteen, $39.75, 27.50 Originally $22.50 to 37.50 Originally $39.50 to 55.00 Evening Coats, including Imported Models, of ?ilk velvets, brocades and wool velours, many fur trimmed. Originally $87.50 to 165.00, at $45.00 to 75.00 Misses' and Juniors* Suits and Coats Tailored Suits. I Street and Evening (oats, m this season's styles of broadcloths, cheviots, mixed tweeds and material?.. from $8.50 to 39.75 and blanket material**, from $4.95 to 14.75 Originally $18 50 to 4-^00 Originally $12.50 to 35.00 Girls' aSchool and Dress Coats, of piain -,nri mixed materials, full and half lined. Originally $5 00 to .*o-.p., from $3.50 to 18-75 Monday and During the Week, Continuation February Sale of Artistic and Serviceable Furniture comprising complete suites and individual pieces for Living. Dining and B**d Rooms, Libraries and Halls; also a large collection of Art \oveltics. ;ill of which will be offered nt Very Great Reductions in Prices. West Twenty-third and Twenty-second Streets IL W VOGEL MUH Jeweller's Daughter Brings Suit Against Husband. CALLS HIM FATHER'S SLAYER Wife Also Alleges Shapiro Beat Her and Insulted Her Parents ?Defendant's Story. Trt? story of th? murder of Tsaac. S Vogel, a jewelry pedler. in Canal street, en December 6 last, for ?-.hlch crime Joseph Robert n. a West Indian negro, has beea ?enter?**?'?! in die in tlie electric chair, again come?* up In court In the nuit for separation brought by Mr?. Ethel Shapiro, a daughter of Vogel. against her husband, Joseph ?Shapiro. ?Of the many an"lda*/itB that figure In the ease one is mad? by Phllp Coh?wi In be? half of Shapiro In which he tells about a ?rtstt'that he and the husband made to the hom* of Mrs. Shapiro In The Bronx. Cohen ?ays Shapiro ?*ent there on the day the murder became known and In the presence ?of Cohen Mrs. Shapiro ?aid to hus? band, "You are the murderer of my father." It appears In the affidavit of Mr.s. Shapiro that when her father was murdered he had t>n hl? perton ihe greater part of his es? tate, consisting of Jewelry which Roberts ?tola, ?and therefore left his family In desti? tute circumstances. Mrs. Shapiro complains that her husband has not given her any money since last N'evemoer for the support of herself and bnjiy and that she has not even had enough money to buy mourning clothing. 11er husband, she says. Is the senior member of Joseph Shapiro ft Co., manufacturers ef coat?, who do an annual business of $200,0??0. He grew cold toward her, she says, because he was disappointed In the amount of dowry that he received when he married her, the amount being $500. He has beaten her many times, the aaiiv charges, and has spoken Insultingly of her parents. Shapiro maintains he always treated his wife with kindness?In fact, better than Bhe treated him?but that she ?llsliked his friends, referring to them as "kikes." He rays he gave her $875 worth of Jewelry, ?nd as for the $500 dowry he declares thut soon after their marriage he gave her hack $?00. Shapiro tells of a fire in his fa? tory on December 8 which practically wiped out the pi race, and says the busineus is In liqui? dation. He does not expect It will bring more than $4,000, of which his share will be 11,600. David Levin? in an affidavit say? that en December 4 he was at the home of the Vogels while Shapiro was there, and that Mrs. Shapiro and her father came in and ordered him out of the house. Mrs, Vogel also ?asked Shapiro to go. The four sons. too, were in the house, and, according to {.?vine, they took off their coats and pro? ceeded to put Into effect the command that Shapiro get out. I.eaine says that on his lotorvsntlon the defendant was not ejected. Wn. Shapiro denle? this story. Mra. Sarah Vogel, the mother of Mrs. Shapiro and th? grife of lb?* murdered jew? eller, makes an affidavit in which she sa\s ?h? has suffered a ner\ous collapse from the sorrow o?'er the death of her husband, the troubles of her daughters and th? fa?-t that her sons ivere out of work and not having the means of a livelihood. Justice ?ierard awarded Mrs. Shapiro |ll ? week allmun.v yesterday pendln* the trial of her separation suit. NATHAN STRAUS SAILS Go?;? to Rome to Represent America at Tuberculosis Congress. Nathan Htraus, who for manv yeara has been a leading far-tor In the right for whole aome milk, sailed for the Mediterranean yesterday on the Cunard liner I_aconla. on his way to Rojne. where In April bo will represent officially the T'nlted States at the Tuberculosis Congress, l?e was arrompa tiied by his wife and Rabbi M<*ng?*s. with whom he will make a visit to Palestine u fore the congress meets. "Kor one with religious ideals." he said. "there Is no place on earth as fntcr?>.??ting as Jorusala-m. the place that has cr^dl.-d the two religions that have civilized the world. I would to doit that the whole world would practise the religions that came from there " Concerning his mission to Pom? Mr. Straus said: "President Taft has sent me to this con? gress to urge, the necessity for pre?v?nting the disease, by atopplng Its causes. We can never control the white plague by merely caring for Its victims. The most extensi??*? preventive measure* are necessary. This work Is important, because It is humani? tarian, and It helpa to check the spread of the Infection from man to man. "But the other gr?-at cause of tubercu? losis, our government has prov.-d. is the tuberculous dairy cow. Thia source of In? fection Is stopped by pasteurizing milk and other dairy products. This has been rr.y life work, and I am now charged l y our government to commend these ,-nethods to the nation-, au proved to be efficient both by the lnv?-8tigatlons of the government experta and by my own work. "I would not be away from this country when the Presidential campaign Is under way were it not that I feel It is my first duty to help In the great cause of prevent? ing tuberculosis. Life haa no greater ter? ror than coriaumpt?on. Man haa no more deadly foe. Humanity haa no heavier bur? den than the great white plague." BUSINESS TROUBLES. The following petitiona In bankruptcy were tiled yesterday in the United States Court: Acme Sand and Gravel Company, No. 5!? Pearl atr??et; voluntary, liabilities, $16,367; assets, $12,007. _ II"01 oil M Brawner. No. 106 West 16.5?] street: hotelkeeper; voluntary. Liabilities, $16.?-a: no assets. AJby Kstz, tailor. No. 78 Essex street; voluntary, '-abilities, $1,784; no assets. e MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE AtJIANAC. Ounri?-?-. 7 0?; ?unset. ?V30; moon ri???, 7:.???,, moon'a ?a??, rg, _ HKSH WATKn AM P M. ; Band/ Hook . ???? B ?* Governor ? r? ?, <, AT* 0 ?"> H?ll ?;???. in i? ii './. WIRELESS REPORTS The Nlajrara. reported a? 1 ."Aft mile? ??*? of Sandy Hook a? fl "A h ru rsetsrOajr, is ?xr?*?'i<"l to 'l?k Tu'-?dav raerun/r m W*xlnee?lay I renoon INCOMING STEAMERS, T? DAI Vessel Iron. ?Cameronl? , .?8UM?tUWfl, .Inn 21 .Anchor ?Da Touralne ...Havre, .Ian ST. .PY**n?*h ?l'rlns Willem I...Ilaytl, Jan 2P.B l> Ya I ?Semin?le.Turk? Islaml. Jan .TO I'lv?? ?Arahlr.Uvefponl, Jan 2*> ..Whit? Star ?Vaaarl.'..Barbado?, Jan SS. .L?faM * H ?Cristobal.Crist?bal. Jan IS l'anima , "Alllanra.Cristobal, Jan 29 ... Panama ??"?ranada.<?r<naria. Jan 21 Trinidad l'annonla .???I,rallar, Jan 24.?'nnard Wlnlfr?d?an.Uverpool, Jan 14 WMt? star Mu rengo.Hu?! Jan II? WllSOM "?ri-a.Huelva, Jan I!. . . Calabria.Palermo. Jan 2<> .. . Anchor city of st I,oui* . .Havanna),. Peh I .. .Savannah Rio ?Irande. K?; Wast, ?SB SI MONDAY. I KBRI'ARY ft *Mlnn?apo)la.Southampton. Jan ST.Atl Tran? ?K A Vh torta ....Hamburg. Jan ST Hstnb Aid ?Oceans.Bermuda, Feb ?'< _ Rer am ?Rernnidlan.n?rmuda. K?b ,T.?j,|?h?r ?Alblngla.Haytl. Jan .Tl . .. Hanil- Am ?('?amo.San Juan. Jan 31.. N V ft P B ?Vtgllancla.Santiago, .Inn 10 Ward ?Vaderland.Antwerp. Jan 27.Red Piar ?Potsdam.Rotterdam, Jan ST...Hell-Am Taormlna.Nap)??, Jan 24 Italian Wllk'imm?n.Shl?*ld?. Jan SO . Kursk.I.lba.i, Jan 21 .Biselan MomiiK.N?w Orl?an?, Jan 31 ..So l'a< Kl So|.<ialve?t,,n. Jan .TO .. Bo Pa. TCF8DAY. rKHHI.ABV I ?Kronprinz; V,'m. ..Br?m?n. Jan 30 N" <; l.lovd ?.'..piiename.Paramaribo. Jan 27...RDW I ?Slaaota.Bora? d?l Tore. Jan 24..U F c? ?Saratoga.Hi. vana, K?*b I Ward Ocsaale.Algiers. Jan SO.. Austrian Princess tren? ...Bramas, Jan 21 \ ?; May? iittawa.Kunderland, Jan 23. Niegan.Havre, Jan 27 . Fr'ii'h Invergyle.Huela-a. Jan 20 Buenos Ayr??.Haanna, Pah 2.Spanish City of Atlanta ..Savannah. I-vi. | Savannah Winyah.Jacksonville, r?h 2.Ctjrdt ?Rrlngs mall. OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO-OAI. Mali Venant Ye*?el. For. Une. . loses. sails. Blblria, colon. Hamb Am.... 040am toimnir Chrlatopher. Para, Booth..... 040am I0:0<)am MONDAY. KKIIFU'ARY ft. Mar.wljne, Pmarlbo. ROW] 11:0O a m 3:0Opm M de'naga. M'vldeo, H,,u? - RIO Grande, Brunswick. Mall 3:00 p m TUESDAY, I'KHHl'ABY S. T F Wilhelm. Bremen, N ?i I. ?:30 a in 10*00 a m ??of Navarre, Trinidad. Trln. 10:iiO a in 13*00 m Sarnla. Colon. Hamb Am .. 11 ;00 a m 2:00 p m Ryndsni, Rotterdam. II Am. I?.:?i0am Uranium. Rotterdam, I'ran.. Mohawk. Ja<'kf?'nvll|?. Clyde.- 1:00 p m <* of t*t I~>uls, Savant,ah Sav 3:U0 |) m TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Destination and steamer. Close In NY. P.M. Japan, ?'?rea, China, Plilllpplnea (via Seattle?--Tamba .Feb. S. ?SO Hawaii. Japan. <'<>r,-a. i*hlna. Philip? pines (via San Ftaaetae?) -Persia.Feb. H, b:30 Hawaii (via San Frandsi-ro ..\viil,e| mina .Feb 9. 0:.TO Japan. Corea. China .via battle)? Rygja .Feb. 12. 6:30 Japan. Corea, China Ma Taeomai Canada Maru .Feb. 12. 6:30 Hawaii. Japan, corea, china. Philip? pine? (via Ran Francis? o? ?'orea..Feb. IS, ?VTO Hawaii. FIJI Islands. Saracan Isl? ands. New Zealand. Australia (via Victoria)?Marania .Feb. lfl. ?:30 Guam. Philippines (via San Fran clsco)- U 8 transport .Feb _V 1 TO Japan. Corea China. Philippine? (via VI?-torlal--Empress of India.Mar I. ii:.T0 Tahiti. Marquesas m la San Fran clscoi - Marlpo? .Msr. 4.6:30 SHIPPING "NEWS Port of New York, Satcrday. February 3, 1912. ABRI\ Kl? st?anier Arahi, ?Bri. Uverpool .lanuara 2.'? ?nd Queenstoan .**, to th? Whit? St?' I lee, with pa?s?nfer? and mds?. p??uU*rart of Fir? Island ?t 0:30 p m. Stern Brothers are now showing Karl y Spring Styles in Women's and Hisses' Waists Copies of the latest Foreign Models including the new Coat Effects, P?plum and Tunic Waists of ma? terial? appropriate for present wear, such as English Eyelet F.mbroidery, A Hover Pace??. Voiles. Changeable Messa line and Chiffon Taffetas at Very Moderate Trices. They are also prepared to make to order in their own work? rooms reproductions of high class imported Waists or to submit entirely new and original designs. Also Monday, an Exceptional Offering of Ch?ffon Wa?sts Wiled over Nets, Allover Lares and Cg <n?pk Plain Silk*-, in street shades to match costumes, at */?VU Actual Value S7.50 SFCO\D FLOOR MA?N BUILDING To-morrow, an Extraordinary Sale of Women's Real Kid Gloves in Mack and white, nlso tan, hrown and gray, two clasp overseam, Paris Point embroidered, _ specially priced al JO Regularly sold fur i1.3.5 Pair Monday, will be oft'ered a large collection of Fancv Dress Silks P? km Stripe. Jacquard Figure?, Novelty Plaids. A^c Foulards, Surah Stripe*-. Taffetas, etc.. at ^r? Former Prices R?c to $1.25 Yard Also Decided Values in Colored and Black Silks Dress Satin Duchesse .16 inches wide superior quality, 'oft fini*?h. in a compl?t?e | "Sf\ line of evening and ?tree! colors; also white and ivory, ? oSit? Value .SI .75 Yard Hl.ick Dress Satin de Chine, r.QC in inches wide, S .due $1.50 Yard, Black Duchesse Mousseline, 43 int-hr?. a/ide, pure t\\e. Regular Price $2.50 Yard ,?98? ?$L55 Stgrn Brothers in? it?* tnip^rtir.n of then large assortments ol distinctive Decorative Furnishings specially appropri?t?^ for modern country homes. Washable Print ? over?.. Spreads and Curtains, Dutch. Ea-t Indian and English Prints for interior Hangings BlMgalOw Fabric* of r- ery-description. Scrim, '"tr^andie. Net and I.ace Curtytns, P.???-] Sets and material?? by the vard Colored Madias, ? mcy.Ne! and Colonial ? urtain??. Panels and Sun Fasl Sash Fabrics. *?'.-.---in?-- in Colonial Screens, < ollrqe Chests, ? hinti and ( "dar R.ixr-v. ( rct'.nne Racks, etc. Als?? To morrow, an Important Offering of French Lace Curtains Mane Antoinette, at *3.75, 5.00, 8.50, 11.50 Value- from $5.50 to 17.50 Pair Lacet Arabe, at $3.50, 6.50, 9.75, 13.50 Values Irom $5.00 to 2200 Pair Also a limited quantity of high RraHe Lace Bed Sets for Single and Double Beds At Greatly Reduced Prices Monday and Tuesday, will he held a Specially Prepared .Sale of Oriental Carpets and Rugs Persian Carpets. at ?92.50, 140.00 to 460.00 Regular Values $145.00 195.00 to 675.00 Persian Serapi, ?? ?115.00, 127.50 to 290.00 Regular Valuers $225.00 250.00 to 125.00 Asia Minor. ?I *145.D0, 195.00 to 275.00 Regular Values $195.00 275.00 to 325.00 Kirmanshah. M $325.00, 425.00 to 550.00 Regular Values $475.00 625.00 to 050.00 Daghestan Hugs, Regular Value $14.50, at $9.50 Moussoul " " " $27.50. at 16.50 Kirmanshah " Value $47.50 to 125.00, $32.00,65.00 Per5ian Mall Runners, Value $85.00, at 42.50 West 23d and 22d Streets atmmot hJIkaaoa, OMMbaL **man ?. w It,.- Panama Ilallroa.l H? < ?>. *lth *PMi?,?.?i malla and nul??". Arrived at tin? Hai ?? OtM p m. ItWIT Hrlatol 'Ity (Br), Brl?t?l January 14 und Hwanaca 17. I? J?m?>? Ark-ll & ' ?. vvllli BdM Arrlvral at 111?- Bar at 4:2a. p ?n. ? M?ua?r 0r*n-4a <Kr.. F Ort H|>?l" January 2?. to Ihr! Shipping ??"I Tra-Hnii ?... with in?!-?., ?lutfldc lim Har at ?'..'I- 1? m StrHm?-r Hraml.y ?Hi?. ? M" '? JHiuiar? JU. t?. Itnrttir w-ir &. H?.yi. in born?t, krrna* at Ik? Bar at ft IT. p m. M HtwmW Hii?:?..n IFr). hunktrk January 8. BonM-OS IS and Cnrunna 1??. to th- < ni.ipa?t.nlo C.-neral.- Tiar.aatlanll.lUi. with .. . ahln pa??-n K-r? an.I nial??-. Arrlvrai at th- Har at MM nlfht, 2d. St-a.n-r Sal.In'. Brunawi.-k January 31. to th ?? Co. with noaamaan and ?n.1?-. ra??-d I.. QoarMtttM at 11:30 a in. St-ani-r Maraoall.... Marucalbo January ?4. Curacao IB and Ma>airu.?-. 27. to nil?? l>all-tt if ?*o. with 2 pawng-r?. mall? ?ind nil??? Ar rl??id at the Bar at 11 ?M P m '?A- , ? St-_m?>r Oivahoga I BO. AIKl-r? Januarv 12. to Oat rg- W I'ltou. m halla?!. \rrlv-d at th? Bar at 2:80 a m. ?, . Ki-tnifi San Mat-o. Colon Januar?. .'I to th?* Panama Hallroad K? l.ln'. with in !?-. Arrived ? ? Hi- Bar at 10:4?? p m. 2d. Kt?am-r Walton Mall ?Hr.. ? Von V..\-mh-r II. Hollo :.*,, Manila I >????-ml-i C Slnraporo IX ? olombo II? and Rfwton K-bruar? 2 ?o ???or? *A ritou. with m'*' Arriv?t ?' IN r\?r a? IfM a in n. N?WfOTl N?w? and Nof folk, to th? 014 Iiomlnlon .??a Co. with (tii'n ?HTI and nube. Passed In Quarantine at 2:30 p in. Si-auicr New York (Dutch). Rotterdam Janu a. y M, to David T Warden. In ballast. Arrived at the liar al ll:ftO a m. SIchi.i.t Kagnarok iN'uri. Man ?ami In January 22, to the Miinso? Ss Une. with sugar. Ar rived at the Bar at 10:30 a m. Steamer Antllla (C.ihanl. Progreso January '.S to the New York an.l 'uba Mall tjs co. with mds. Arrived at the Ha. at 10:4fi a ni. Blsamei IMea ?in. now, 2,*76 lew), Para j-uuurv ui ?ad Barbados SS, le the Hoot h s? Co. Ltd. with 17 passenger?, malls and mdse. Arria,.I .,. Um Hai .?' t'M P ui. Steamer Mohawk, Jacksonville January 31 and ChBrle?ton February 1. to the Clyde S? Co. with passenger? ami mds. . I'a??*d In Quarantine at l',:37 a in. - ? . Steamer Perfection. Wilmington and i bar lea lon. to th. standard on Co. In ballaat. Passed In Sandv Hook al l":2?i a m. Steamer Coys (Br), !?'? rt de France Januar' aalih mdae. Anchored In quarantine at T'JOftm. Sandy Hook, N J. Feb 3. ?g 9 ? ? '"J ?outhwe.t. light breeie; partly <tnu<l> ; hazy on? shore; smooth tea s a II.F.D Steamer.? ?hlmu .Br.. Cristobal: Antilles, new Orlean?. Tlalve? ,Br?, Port Antonio M.n Jiih.. San Juan: Arcadian .Hr.. Hen..?.;U: ?*????? ? Hr.. Madeira: An.'ona llttl?. N??*T^?"g!' iluanb?: Mlatm iBr?, ?"??^?^lOT?S' B?lfast. M?; .?manche. ?*h_rl^t*Mi ?n?! .I??Jk*? Mil?. Havana. Havan?. TM?*? *i?gS: T?nnv???. mo de Janeiro. Kl ?'rientr.Oa'*-?i?n. \edra iHn Itouen. F.u-xlnla (Pan < ope'hagen. T r |Tl <Bn. Philadelphia. Caledonia (Br). Lord & Taylor lounded 182? Exceptional Values in "REAL LACES Real Applique Lace Bridal Veils, $85.00 and $125.00 each Princesse Lace Bridal Veils, $30.00 each?value ?$40.00 Real Rose Point Lace Edging-, 11 inches, -* wide-value ?$70.00 per yard; at_| W5-00 Real Rose Point Lace Edging, 6 inchesj -* wide?value $45.00 per yard; at.... J#*WO Real Point Duchesse Applique Lace, ?If.^c-^j inches wide?value $2.5.00 per yd.; at S*10*!0 Real Venetian Lace double edged Band-1 ing, 10 inches wide-value $40.00 per \ $2Q.Q5 yard ; at.J Real Venetian Lace Edging, .5 inches \ + ?ride; per yard, at..j V1!-00 Real Venetian Lace, 8 inches wide; per. tt*Q ?* yard, at.fW-MO Real Point Milan Laces, 4V2 to 9 inches wide, #5.t?5 and 57-95 F1* yard Hand Made Princesse Laces. 0 inches] <* wide?value ?$3.00 per yard; at.f ?/?P? Hand Made Princesse Laces, 7 inches?; <* wide?value $2.00 per yard; at.? ^/*0 Real Irish Crochet Lace Motifs, various shapes and sizes, 48c to $1.48 each Real Flemish Lace Edges, 0 inches wide,! j per yard, at.f^ Real Jrisli Crochet Lace Allovers, 18 I &r-nn inches wide?value $22.00 per yd.; at S^1^'00 Real Irish Crochet Edges and Insertions/ both baby and heavy kinds, \*\ to 21 2 inches wide: per yard, at. Rpal Irish Crochet Lace Edges and In sertions. 1 inch wide; per yard, at... \ R^al Filet Lace Insertions. 7 inches wide/ value $7.00 per yard; at..j Real Carrickmacross Applique Laces, 0 and 12 inches wide. $6.Q5 M? $7*05 pW yard Real Carrickmacross Guipure Laces and) ^ _ Insertions; per yard, at.,. J */0*-' Real Valenciennes Laces and Insertions,. m. narrow widths -value 4.5c per yd.; at j 35^ Wool Dress Serges 3,000 Yards Colored Serges 111 shades of hpht and dark naw blue. ivory white; also hla?*k. Sp<*>nped and shrunk, 30 inches wide. $1.2.5 \alu??; per yard. Dress Linens 10,000 Yards 47-im h U hite French Dress Linen Our own importation. Value .58c per yard; at. 20,000 Yards 36-inch Colored 'Ramie Dress Linen (Ture Flax), in the new Spring -lude??. including sky and cadet Hue. heliotrope, \ ',rra\. tan, natural, green, catawba, brown, i old rose, pink, mai-, et?-. 15c quality; per yard j r 88c lb 2/e Dress Cottons imported 'Plain and Fancy Chiffon Voile in all desirable colorings; also black and white. Formerly $1.00 per yard; at A Special Lot of Imported Novelty White (jood* Embroidered Batiste, English Pique, Scotch ?Madras and a French Chiffon \ ?ule -U) inches wide. Formerly ,50c to 7?5c per yard; at 68c 38c 600 Pieces 000 fteces 1 36-inch Ling ?is h Long Cloth Sim ?<_? 12 yards each; special, per piece) 36'inch Lining Satins in the wanted Spring shades, al><> white ? _ and black. f //C Regular $1.00 quality: per yard j Broadway Si 20th St.: .5th Ave.; 10th St. Glasgow r?an feek, Southampton. 'it> at Sa ; vannai, 'savannah. Princes? Anne. Norfolk and | Newport New? Comal Tampa: Bochambeau | ?Fn Havre: Roma <Fn, Mar?el||e?; Panama.] Cristobal Prealdent Lincoln .Gen. Hamburg; , Cerea 11 tail, Ncaa Orleans; Parlma (Un. St j Thonia?' Au'guaie lAuai?. Venter; Grayaon, San , lu?n' ?CaetCff C|t> .'In. Hrlatol; Kilarlu? .Hr.. Montevideo; Braios. Naasau via GalveMnta. STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. .\\ ED Y'illcfranche. Feh S Franconia .Hu, Ne? York via Madeira, ele. for Naples, stc ?on ?ratal > M, ,?0?ih Pth '?'? l'iilla.lelphla. N< w Yo.L for CherhourK and So.ilhai.iplon land pro ceded? ? Gibraltar F?h I Cedrl? ?Lri. Ne?? Yorl, via ? ,,,,.' f,,r il-ii'a. Naples, et- land pro Algiers. Jan :"? tteorBeM ''<"? 1*0"" York for Venice. Liverpool. Feb 2?COvto (Br>, New Tort. SAILF.D Antwerp. Feb 3-Zee land (Bri. New Tort *** ll'ioi- -_.?_, Liverpool. Feb 3 < ampanla iBri. New Tors '?? yueenstowii. Canadian iBr?, B?aaton. Lnlcn. Feb 2. ? Tbyra ?Nor). New Tort Havre. Feb 3 l?a Provence (Fr), New Tort Southampton. Fob 8 Ht Doul?. New Tor? """" ci, rl-uurg. l.ivei|>.H>l. Feb 2 Kontra ?Br?. New ?<**k?. Algier*. Feb 2 Koianna iBri (from Calcutta and ?"olomhoi. Boston and New Tork H? Th-arna?. V*h 2 RotOM <Bn ifrom Demera? ? K< ? l'erk. .?.., R'rmiida. Feh 3. 10:1.*. a m Bermudlan (? SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRIBUNE Meiled anywhsre m the United Steteo for $2.50 a year.