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Sojourning in Tsitsihar !s a Venturesome and Thrilling Experience Strange Adventures of Two Americans Who Went Thitherto Study Pneu? monia Plague. By j; WMRht and Hassrtt Digby.) I probable that you have kicked a football from ? row one of which?so you aaere ., j was lull of dynamite. Had ,? fcurvlved Ilia! little episode you would understand the psychology of this ?,tti?' visit to Tsltsihsr. har. ??? small native (own in North? Metern Manchuria, the centre of the sc? - ,f th" Hung H<>os, th,- murderous br]L'HTiij whose escapad? gave missia her ex< ise for throwing an army along the rail? road from Siler?a t<> the Pacific, had, when ave lefl America, some two thousand cases of plague?pneumonie plague, with a safe hundred t?> "tie chance of death Within for? ty hours of Infection. That much we m um M. Nasnlhofl at the frontier of Manchuria. M. Nasnihoff. how , did not have the latest reports. Ho, stink/ K :o the four points of heaven with antiaepi c messes, we came t?> Taltslhsr to look sround. i. ? K iiie Russian Moscow Vladivostok ],., road after an eighteen hours' journey jnt" Manchuria, We turned our luggage i.. to a couple ?if Chinese porters and Il4mped after them serosa a aaaste of sand) plain lo th" Kitaiski (Chinese) light i illroad that runs up t?> tuts town. And in thai l rief half-mile walk aa <- parsed as ?lis l,[ :: o'li of lltissia into China as if a m?. momentary extra-rapid transportation stunt had taken us from the ?rvsl "i s' Petersburg t?> the . -i Peking. Russia seml-civ .it any rat??the white man ava. little ?'hin?-.*" station v\.?> run by l nil ? ?-?? for .hi?ese The porters were Chl a Chinaman served "'?t the lickets; a-.e waited :ive Chinese hours?which is : In a Chinese tea ?Ion near by and f?.l i pon Chinese viands and ?Irank of Chinese drinl ind were the best patronised little A DETACHMENT OF CHINESE POLICE AT TSIT9HAR. i,,<-,.! fror :.hov . oid?i:- i'om appearanc? i tb? < h.',<?-? nf th< neSghborbo ) H-l ?,,. r their 11.f., \flfi rieht |;f.iir~ Ihe lOyStlOp ' lered m Oui ni a single -first ?'la-- cot "m? nt tumbled -, ?tern ?dd trader, w pecked mm h uv i a baby, 1 Itrttv httlr- as ?fr m a short "?shimmy" a l"iig pink paja.- with spancle.i imak arid flowers sewed on them; and a '??g, bi "ti t?> a Ihrer-spiikf i h ?. ! k t va o wheeled cart Poxten ier Ja iump"i In, and, takinc poseasslen <>f <? it, nodded ns to snoth? miniature Qerman encine th represents the entire loromotive stock Ihe Tsitslhsr system bad arrived qui >\r*r\ hfat. and ha?l to be si.i, t r acked ai f"i with ara ter and lug- and email ce petted and ,?,a\ed aaith oilcana ai monkey avren? hes for another hour. Cae, naiiv. hoarever, she got away ?I the train we ?allied three ami' {. "1?. for the authorities, th"Ugh alwa **? ng t-? overlook youth'a exuberant e MM I Wlthl'i reaSOn, have lately becon Dyed at the number of holdups on th; line, and are takinc elementary steps Mirage the nuisance. So th?' thr. guards?big, loose limbed <ihinamen.?swur r t legs over the ond platforms of tl cars, sitting on the alert, with glltterini businesslike automatic rifles across the knee* Hiid two full bather cartridge ?as. buckled to the front of each of their belts A ctnioos hour's run up to Tsitsihar. To might be down <>n the Jersey coast lire. ' ? ,aas, pretty villages, now and thel Beetling in a grove of trees?new trees, M th? eu-rnal pine or bare white birch left bi hind a day ago In Siberia. Brick village! with tiled roofs and winding mud wall! Here and there a naked sand hill. Flower -a wild parsley, a little purple ground iri and clumps of yellow; little blue butter files and gray day-flytng moths SCUtterln about In the sunshine. Small sand lizard basking cautiously within an easy dash fo a hole, where they cohabit with a mous? Many broad pools rimrned with white sal sediment, pools a foot or two ?Jeep; duck flurrying up from their sedge beds an( willow scrub as the train trundled by. A great and ominous array of freshl; turned heaps of earth among the gras K'own, conical mounds of the unfence? burial ground out on the hillside just be fere one enters the town made our mlas matic. ultra-antiseptic exhalations almos **'eleome tor the nrim'-nt. Then we pulle? UP at Tsitsihar. NOT A BAD HOTEL. -htaffag a decrepit old Chinese hack. w< adjured the Celestial to hurry the pace up ?o a Hun-un hotel, instead of which, ii 'he fulness of time, we drew up before the high fence Of the Russian Legation. As *e discoursed ways and means with th* ?entry a native boy came up with the mall, ' ? ? ' ? thrae envelopes bore the Im? print of a Buffalo steam roller firm and a *ood pink C. S. A. stamp. It was as well, ?f a trifle disappointing, to know that Ameiica was still managing to exist during one's absenc?-. Well, the ?entry said there **as no Ruttsian hotel or lodging In the laws so off we, drove to a Chinese hostlery. If >ou happen to find yourself In Tsitsihar Jou ?an do far worse than the Guestlnltza ''?'- mm Shan. I.rlvlng through an arch? way tunnel In a thick mud wall, you enter ? big courtyard, flanked with a row of fiagile one-story buildings, their fronts merely a netting of wooden latticework, be? hind which stout translucent rice paper has eeeg pasted. Pull open the door, and you -"?* In a small hall, with a washstand and a chest to the left, and to the right a door opens lnt?i a room, One 1? your room. It hts no other d?ior. Rooms do not commu? nicate you and your fellow guest across ?*>** passage have your own front doors. Servante drop In now and then from the kitchen on the other aide of tha courtyard. 1 s <? ii rom ' v i ghted hj te ?.., ? of c?a- :< i into the paper lattir? facing I h? courtyard II has un *h? )'.???? or rup ! board. Walls and <?.incs are papered white, \ tarnished mirror and ? aniuar Orman ?lock turns nn one wall On table a pair ol i Ig ? bins vssi n and another ?vulgar Qerman clock. Bofh docks are oui of repair. Kom Austrian bentwood chairs [and a deal wood table covered n I h Bow lered muslin. Turn your bach on th? s n IN THE BAZAAR. jdOW and your prospect runs to Orientalism. The far one-third of the room is a platform two feel high, coated With a thick felt rug. In the middle of lb- rug Is a low stool. one uses this a? a pillow, if one be a Chinaman-or a lunatic. Tsitsihar is a large toavn. We wandered about it three days. Three days' solitary roving over an inland chines.' town is about the most Interesting experience you can have. It Is an uncanny business at first. You attract a lot of notice. Chil.iren run screaming from your approach. Just as our nervous babies clear out from the path of a real live, pig-taile.i Chinaman. And you don't at first, like the looks of the psopla The first day we met 4.002 men who looked as if they'd have cut our throatH on the -p?t for a nickel, and then sent four .mis. .??science money for excessive ?charge, to our executor?. However, one < ornes to like the ?.hi?ese. Their homes and streets may be soualid but the Chinese liv,-th?y are not??l?Xt* with a mere brutal existence, like the 81 berian peasants. They are chattering, bright vivacious people. Laughing and smiling, breaking into SOS?, Joking and pet? ting the children and dogs; entering mer-, rib" into the spirit of the thing In a Ian guage mix-up with a foreign customer In their shop, not lapsing into the COWhke ex-1 pression of dull puzzlement, with Irritable, flickers of harsh language-the attitude of the Russian. They do things preti ly and ?art] Th.'v eai-fe and sculp and paint thel, signposts and town gates and bouSO gables. and they eat plentifully of a host of savory Utile dishes, though often much ? a.? aiiiprlan peasant family poorer than the Siberian i whl.h makes Hi ? ??* ?f m*** gl,?mil.von ?'**??* Ma'k,r?rnr,v O01v Two sounds awake,, one vei>__Jj^V?r> morning-the cries of hawkers end lh?* ex ?Tng elJeks of pigs The streets are full of hawkers, old nun with a couple of baa-j A MANCHU FAMILY. kets of grain or vegetables slung at either end of a long pole balanced on the shoul? der. Tsltsihar'a prevalent note Is the wall r.f the lytOg Pig? The town ?eems to kill pigs incessantly, day and night Leaving th.- gat? of the hotel courtyard, we' found a barber, twanging a big tuning fork and crying out attractive ?notations for shaving and hair binding The barbers have an elaborate outfit a StOOl for the ciistom-r. ?? stove, a bras? bowl and a p|. thora of combs, t|?crr razors and loose, homemade scissor?. They work in the op. n ptreet You buttonhole a passing barber and he planta hla at?x?l. You eeat yourself While le stirs up the stow, mixes some, powders, and gives the braaa bowl a cour- | t.-<-. whisk with a cloth. Whereupon yOU j are shampooed there an<l then in the middle of the street. There g?> a pair <>f lamas bell men. travelling prlrsls?will? white girdle? ami ahite peaked caps, soliciting alms. They kmel before every disengaged shophOSpsT in the aisles of the bazaar, bowing their foreheads till they too. h the dust Some- | ttmm the shopkeeper will run forward end raise th.m bo.lilv. hut the eltquette In gen j ? ral hl to lake a few pi?-?"? forward and becks? then? up with a gesture. And with j ,1111s. 'lot B ??ut was i;iven. < ?ne momentar? ily nop-d for I pilgrim to lift his dusty foreheid and cry In scornful i hi?ese: For ||M lov of Mike, man, eu! l ut BOSM Of that and squander ? M whole red cent OB the good of your mean BOOf!" Mut the pil? grims whom we saw did nothing of the kind-only looked hot sad tl Irsty und an? noyed Round th" corner into Iba >?nza<r .ame: his exalted exrellrucy the QaSOrnOT I eral Jon 8do Mo of the Provtece of Tsitsihar a great power in the north of th?* Chin"* Empire, who la entitled tal wear the tovetcd red glass ball on the top | This Small Town in Manchuria Was the Base of the Mur? dering Brigands That Pestered Russia. anatomical ?harts. A patient comes up, A doctor pushes him down Into a chal?? and hears his tale of woe. or dresses hie wound or does anything that has to be ?lone there on the spot, without the least privacy. The patient returna a stolid glare to the gasping crowd around, and does not aeem to mind them there In the slightest. The bigger the crowd the more ?lelighte?! the doctor, naturally. We did not bave the luck to come In at a leg amputation, but we wat.bed several ex <ee?llngly unsanitary and painful opera? tions lieing performed in a haze of driving dust. Thirty n.rn and boys around an In? volve?! game of chess, playe.l on the ground In the street. A faint SOOU?L At first you'd take It for a gramophone; then Highland bagpipes. We followed It up and fell, round a .ner, full illt Into a strange procession. Visualize it. coolies w?>ie car rying, sedan ?halt-wise, three tables cov? ered with red baize cloths. 'On the first tabm a s?-t of pewter ornaments, fin ths see? ri?! a bundle of Brscrnckem on the third table a big. Cheap and nasty type of ornamental mantelpiece ?lock, stopped ai :.;.4".. flank .1 by a pah of tall empty china vases?a sort of village wedding pres? ent to the blacksmith bunch of good?. Re !? re anil behind th.- tallies marched a band. There were four men blowing pipes--curl pipes, with stems like handbells and great gasping mouths, fine clashed cym , l-als. One banged a big brass gong in a i.-rky. intermittent fashion, giving out a ; disconnected serle-, {)f boomlngs like a man ?tumbling over bathtubs while groping his Way to the electric light switch Another man tapped a wooden gong with a little stick, a gong shaped like a tamborine made of birch, bark, with a beautiful translucent ?overing of snake skin. Along with the hand and table carriers, m s. ore of hangers-on. Presently the proccs? ' slon Mopped before a shop. The bearerg CHINESE SOLDIERS WITH THEIR OFFICERS. ,f his lampshade ha*, ??-h?-???* arord la lit ?,r sum mar} death ,n n million men ?>n .-,' "-<d travelled a smart little chines soldier it ?? - Thi n cam? two native mounted |*olIt*e, |ri dark blu? canvas uniform? Then a four-wheeled cab West* n ha.; bin arltK addi? tions! trimmings For Instance, it had tare t?:ile hhir enamel panels, a Mg Class win ? I.,u in the back and bright nickel rods lin- footmen lo "ling to. Drawn bj GOVERNOR GENERAL OF PROVINCE OF TSITSHAR. AUTOCRAT OVER ONE-THIRD OF MANCHURIA. I two unmatched horses this hybrid stab equipage awepl rapidly by, gtvtag on?- jus 4 glimpse "I ? s'i-rn-la??'?l. ?reit ftgttM , within, red l?esela and a poacooh feathei dangling from his conical ha!. A mount?? soldier brought up the rear. fft:t if Jow passed awiftly, his pasting was far from silent, in fut. he eras quite the big noise. literally as well as metaphorically. There w.i? a loud bell under the carriage worked I y the footman in th" rear, This was con? stantly being clanged, partly to inform the police of Ids excelli-nc.v's whe.-.abouts in the labyrinth ?>f narrow, mud-walled at rests, in case <>i a hostile gang sallying out to bqal him up. gad part?a to show how important was his ex.-eil ncy the ??ov ernor Ocneral of th<- Province of Tsitsihar. .\t that bootb across ih?' afreet they eel! ?tripe of shining brows glutinous ribbon leeweed, to be eaten. There are a oupieof public lett.-r writers. They sit in big chair* under a red ? Qakln sunshade, surrounded by little tablea with sth ks of ink and reference books, executing the commis? sions of the Illiterate. 1 There Is a shop that sells books and , boots; there are dozens of street stalls in i T-itsihar that sell ducks eggs and clgar ' ettee, just ducks eggs an?! cigarettes, and | nothing more. (At Anganki there Is a j shop window tastefully dressed with noth j lag but native dried fish and bottles of Imputed champagne i Th ? doctors aaork In teams of two. They rig up a big tent, furnished with chairs and a MUOtsr ?overeil with bushels of trash?love potions, charms. Incantations, nock ornaments to frighten away devils and potato hug?, and so forth -and a dozen dirty little bottles of mendicants, glycerine. Iodine, spirits of nitre and stuff In com? mon demand In th?? druggists' stores. On the <?lde walls of the tent are native colored i? ' untwist?.I a 'or.- red and gre*- scarf froni the middle table and t"esf?>nned It over th* ? .v... The Rood a were unloaded and t.?k?-n Into i darh room behind the shop. Th?? musicians gave a final ?acnphanous Mar?? . ami then seated themselves at a little inbie on ?h.? threshold t..i enjoyed a pot and a 1 ?ofjslp. The thin* was over. *A"bat if was we had no Mea At first we took It for a funeral, but there was no corpas and no sorrow \\'o w?nt awa> favoring the th??-'?.. of its being either an ostentatious display of wedding presents or a successfully con? i I'ide.i edv? rtlslng pa. ide THE CHEERFUL UNDERTAKER. v Tsitslhar undertaker's is quite a rheeev affair. There are the great r^d and blue rofftna ornam**nt?*d with bold deelgni In g??;?l and black. There are shelves, and ?t?>? i-.s .if graveyard sear, like rircuc pr?>~ Httle i?.? carta for pulling children along in the procesalon, randlee, shrines, ?oat tick< fir vorka, racks of gnyly paint? ? ?I words snd cudgel! for th?? . u?e ?if the dead Wooden swords rn-. so much cheap? purr the relatfeea 'and L'n? !?? Woo !'.'?. Chin, being ?lead, will never notice Uie difference." Hut you needn't get all these things utiles ? ?ou l;ke Yon ?an, with most of the poorer Chinese, make your coiliii al home during the winter even? Inga, and just drop Into the unrtertakei'e for a sporty lid with painted stork? on it. A .i.'lly fOeed old gentleman is prospering ' in the undertaking bu_tnoso near the Jail. !lla- ha.- a side line. He is als?< a Ishtnong " He spe. ializ.s ;n COflblS, and re if l i. are ppllt ..pen and hung <>;i .1 h:ie front j one sta.k of . ..(Pus to another. The disem bowelled Bnnj denlaens have a pathetic attitude as they swing and bob In the wind. They seem to !>?? crying for decent burlab? an?! with the usual odor to leeward, they have some grounds for the demand. Th > baaear has many eating houses, open fronted, overgrown booths full of stoves, in I which savory m??SSI I are frying. The American imlanrnnl <.?>k, sweating over his hot Stove throughout the summer months, woold envy his brother artist In Tettstbar. The Tattstbar restaurant stove is a neat, portable affair. They get a atout, shallow wicker basket, (ill It with da?. build up ?lay walls around tha> brim, and cem?-nt to ti.?? t"?> an iron bowl. Ma? Il of the six or eight cooks has two or three of them stoves to sea- to. and place, them wherever lie likes, ?in cold days he re tr?-ats into th.- shelter ?if the shop; when It is warm h<- comes ?.'it to the ridewglk snd there passes the day in the fresh open all. Class is expensive in Tsitsihar Kmpt*P be? r bottles are not to be tossed in th# ?lump ha-ap. You find them exposed for sal?- alongside of rude earthenware pitchers Bed COPper Jars. All windows an? frail fret? work, to which Mo?t translucent paper is pasted. It certainly was a shock when, In a little, narrow street on the north??rn our skirts of the town. We found a ?'hi?ese coolie's front window glased with a double page of betting quotations fiom l.<>ndc.n "Sjiorting Ufe" for Saturday, August 7, 19fr7. It was yellow and mud stained, but you could study "form" to your heart's desire. A WONDERFUL PARK. The people of Tsitslhar have Just laid out a park, and they are Immensely proud oY It. Only two or three acres In extent, it has a bijou lake, high-banked and with tiny paths winding round the water s edge. Red legged cranes strut among the rushes, and then- is a delightful, tiny, zigxag, high peaked bridge palnl??d in reds and greens and blues, with dragons snorting flames fiom their nostrils on guard at either end. Tsitslhar has a pr?te- hahii of taking out Its birds for an airing In this park, ?? we would take out our doge. Every other na? tive of the town has his sweet-throated Continued on fourth pagOb