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E 10 Reverse Action They Took When "Cannonism" Was Over? thrown in House. NULLIFY NEW CALENDAR "Underwoodism" Will Now Be Issue, Republicans Assert? Insurgents Forced, to Eat Crow. (from The Tilburn? BONSV '? Washington. Ken. .1.?The House 'ii ?"irgents at?* < roav to-day when the Dcm ?->. r;?ti?- majority rushed through with forty minutes' dehnte an amendment lo the rules which practically nullities the calendar to discharge committees.'' This calendar was horn of insurgent and DtMMcratlc votes in the Hist Congress, hut the Democrats \aere then In the minority, nnd were howling against "<"annonism" and committee domina? tion. Over the protests of regular and in? surgent iVpublicans the majority re? versed itself to-day, restored to the Speaker and the party ma*hine the dom? inating InfluetK-e they formerly pos? sessed, and reduced to a minimum the possibility that any bill may bo brought from committee without consent of the Democratic organization. The method employed under the "gag rule" of the House committee is simple but effective, for the new rule provides that the cal? endar to discharge committees shall not he in order until all motions "to suspend the rules'' have been considered. As was pointed out by Representative l.enroot and other minority speakers, the new rule means that so long as UtS Hpeakcr careado .recognize members who, wish to suspend the rules and pass a bill, any member who proposes to dis? charge a committee from consideration of a pigeon-holed measure must await his turn. That turn will never come if the House machine wills otherwise. Heretofore it has been in order every other Monday to call the calendar in the following order: Bills for unanimous consent, motions to discharge commit? tees and motions to spend the rules. The new rule provides that the motions to discharge committees shall go to the foot of the list, motions to suspend the rules taking precedence. Democratic members defended the change on ths ground that it would prevent minority Mi busters on the discharge calendar. Republican speakers pointed out that it would have the practical effect of abol? ishing that calendar, and that under the new system the individual member will bs a.s helpless as he has ever been in thu past. "Vr.u restore to the Speaker the power you took away from him two years ago," said Representative Lenroot. "Just so ?one as he cares to recognize members w 1111 motions to suspend the rules It will le Impossible to call up the discharge calendar. It is now useless. The ma ???nia- ?if the House Is going backward, m it forward." l?epresentatlve Dalzell declared that ' Reod'sm" and "Cannonism'' In the ? have merely given way to Under troodlfltl. He asserte?!, without denial t 'in lhe majority side, that Representa? tive Underwood has become the absolute dk '..?tor of House proceedings, and pre? dicted that within a short time T'nder W ?mdism would besoins as groat an issue Si Cannonism" had ever been. Ths amendment to the rules, proposed by Chairman Henry of the Rules Com? mittee, was adopted by a vote of I.V. to 100, divided practically along pany linea. Representatives Anderson, of Ohio, and Cray, of Indiana. Democrat* bolted and voted with the Republicans against th? "gag rule." CONNERS JURY DISAGREES Stood 10 to 2 for Acquittal of Alleged Dynamiter. LOS Angeles. F,h. 2. The jury In the ?ase of Bert H. Conner?, accused of hav? ing attempted to destroy the Hall of Records with danamite. reported to Judge Willis late to-i|ay that It was unable t?0 agr<*'-. and it avas discharged The jury st,?u| || tu | for a?<iuittal. The jury r?tired ai fi :,.", yesterday morn? ing, and one of the Jurors stated that the balloting ha?, remained the same from the time the tlr.'t vote ?as taken. ? ? NOT GUILTY, DARROWS PLEA Court Denies Motion to Quash Indict? ments Charging Bribery. Um Angele.?, leb. ?.. -.-Clarence S. Har? row, former chief counsel for ihc ftfcNs? niara broth?-rs. pleaded not guilla to-day to the two Indictments churging him with Jury bribery. The pleas were entered after Presiding Judge Hutton. of the Superior Court, had overruled a demurrer filed on behalf of Harrow and a motion to fpiash the Indictment* Judge Hutton instructed Harrow to re? appear before him on February 14. when the court will fix the ?late for the trial, and Intimated he would assign the trial to Judge Paul McCormlck, who presides ever on?* section of the criminal department of the Fuperior Court. FIRE DELAYS HOTEL'S GUEST*. (Juests Qf the Hotel Wolcott, In 31st street, west of Fifth a venue, were delayed on their way to keep raening engagements lust night bv th.* arriaal of fire fighting ap? paratus In front of tue hotel. The fire aaas In the eighth story of ,i loft building next door. In ?luarters occupied by tK Maison Bernard, a millinery concern. An alai in was sent in by a man who was passtBg when one of the windows blew out. The firemen attached hose to mains In the build? ing Sad atfa<ked lb?' blaue fioni the, drrrli*** N Unsaid the Hotel Wolcott side. i*h' dassags was shoal HQ.aos._ INSTANT AID ffi? DEAF If you ar?> d?M_ er tar* of ' i-a.-i; s, do not fall to call or writ? to-day and cot ?*?'.? X*?* Klertr?. l'houe on 30 DAYS' H o mi; j it i **. ?_ It Is a tiny but powarfu alectrlcaJ ?levlce, a truly wen dtrr'ul llttla Inau-u nirnt, ptrtocUd ta auch a, dagr*? thai many dear paople can now haar ma faintaat aound aal tr.'oy all tha pla*a a.r*a of church, pub? lic ?pa-klng or ordl "ho _I?ctrophone ?n n_ry ?-onvaraatlon oto-almont InvUlbla. magatftep ??lund ?araduttll? r??*leren the nutnrsl hear f.;?_-vL?H?*4? tu Hie elethla? aad IrtTar*. both hand* frrr. STOLZ ELICTE0PH0NE CO., 783 M?rl?rl?*-re BIUk.. frone*** * 'tt*tU St., !*err >ofk City* THE VA y ?/t WASHING TOM H'rom The Tribune r..?re*u.l tVeahiatton, February ?"?? MR TIOOSKXT.I.T'S pi MBITION. - < ?n?- of th" most sincere of President Taft's sup portera declared to-day his ?onvictl?->n that P'opi^ generally had failed to tak<- a suf? ficiently lofty view of the position of BU ex-President of the United State?, and tha' It was due to that failure that some peopl? were demanding thnt cx-Prrsldent Ronse veli take himself wholly out of the Prcst dciiti?l equation hy ? form Of public statement. This statesman, who Is prob? ably quits as intimate with the ex-Pro-ldeiit as hi- Is with President Taft, asserted em? phatically mat Mr. Roeaavell wea not a candidate for the nomination and did not wish to he nominated. He said that no one need fear hurting Mr. Roosevelt's feellagB by opposing: lii?? nomination or prnmotlni* that of President Taft, hut thai apparently few people had stopped to reflect that it would ho an undignified IhinK for the former President to make n public state? ment derlarinc that he would not accept ;i nomination which had not been offered to him, especiallv ?s he has bsM on more than one occasion In the past that he ?vas not a candidate and would not accept n nomination under any circumstances. This same statesman further declare?! (hat no man could absolutely ;md Anally refuse t?? accept a nomination for the Presidency if his parlv demanded that he accept it, bul there was not the suchtest danger that Mr. Roosevelt would he confronted hy this sit? uation because be would not raise a hand to promote his own candidacy, whereas President Taft aras ?rewind dally strenget It. the public estimation and was as cer? tain to be renominated as anything can he certain In mundane affairs. This same statesman expressed the conviction that William Barnes, jr., would not oppOBS the renemlnatlon of President Taft, ami that while he mipht for a time seek to prevent an instructed delegation, he said ll whs quite probable Mr. Rarncs would withdraw his opposition In due time. THi: DEMOCRAT!?' CANDIDATE?* - The Democratic candidates for the Presi? dential nomination arc finding it more and more difficult to maintain friendly reiBttona Their Monde, and even they themselves, are Indulging In refactions on one an? other and are saying thincs hard to recofl? eile with respect, to say nothing of 'riend ship. The most discreet man In the Demo? cratic arena is Speaker Clark, but lie has become so cautious that he has fallen Inte a position of Innocuous desuetude in the Mouse and Is even less valuable to that body than was Asher Hinds when he wa* House parliamentarian. Represents tlv? t'nderwood has so completely eclipsed thr Pike County statesman that the frlen?ls <>1 th?. latter are BSjrlng some very unkind things about Mr. t'nderwood and ?liars? that a committee has been extremely nctlvr in Wall and Mroa?l streets and lowoi Broadway collecting funds to promote ttV candidacy of the Alabamian. Then, too there are reports to the same effect re? garding the candidacy of (iovernor Wilson and the friends of both Clark and Cndcr wood do not hesitate to assert that whai they call Wilson's mendacity has beet far too well established to permit of hli ever being nominated. It is. therefor?* no exaggeration to Bay that there is everj promise of as lively a crop of feuds In th? Democratic ranks as has been witness?-.] it that party in many a long day. J.INDBKRGH'H CONTRIBUTION.-Rop roesatatlve [indbergh. Republican lasur gent and author of the resolution provid ing for an investigation of ih<- "mon?: trust,'' which scheme has been so enthusl aatleelly adopted by Representative Henry of Texas, threw a bomb Into the Demo eratlc camp tO-dey, when he Issued a state ment declaring that It was the fear of th f Democrats that they would lose the .am [pslga contributions on which they are ! counting which led them to oppose the In? vestigation of that trust. Mr. Lindbergh , charges that the Underwood BShsBBS to dis? tribute the proposed Investigation among the several standing committees of the House would inevitably defeat the purpose of the Investigation, and Representative Henry says there is no sincerity among1 ?hose who propose his rel?eme for a special committee. Mr. Mndberch says it is ap? parent that the Democratic leaders are de? termine.) there shall be n?> effective Inves? tigation, and this view Is ?hared bv Mr. Henry, while William Jennings Bryan con? tinues to rub -alt In the wounds of the House Organisation with his editorials and other pronouncements caetigatlng the Democrat!?- leaders for their course I PRIMARIES AND SENATORS.-Has the I Senate a right to go hack of the nomination ?if fl Senator at popular primaries, to de I termine another or not money was improp? erly used to promote his selection? Thnt Is | one of the interesting questions will' Il | seems certain te come up When 'he time B ni ves for action on the report on the elec? tion of Senator Stephenson. of Wisconsin. Mr. Stephenson's counsel maintain that the Senate has not the right, and their view Is sustained bj Senator Herbara, who says Is the report that any method of electing a member of the United State? Senate other than by the legislature of the state is un? known to the Constitution and is not men? tioned ta the fedora! laws, trom which facts he draws the conclusion that a popu? lar election or nomination of u ?Senator "amounts to nothing more than a straw vote." is not binding on the Legislature and cannot com? within the purview of the?, Senate Itself. He says, among other things: "There is no law of the United Slates rec? ognizing such a thing as a 'candidacy' for j the I'nlted States Senate, and no legal | status Is given to the frame of inind COB? BtltUting an Intention on the part of lite man himself thai h?? he?-.?in.- a candidate before the legislature." The ? oniinil tSB Which Investigated the election ?if Senator Stephenson found no BVtdeSKS "f the cor? rupt use of money to promote his election, hut did find that all the candidates for the Senate ?pent money "with sucb reckless disregard for the proprieties as to lUStlf* the sharpest criticism." it is also of in? terest that in this, as has been the cas? in all other state primaries In Wisconsin, less than half the voters took the troubJs to vol.-. LA KOI.l.KTTKS SWAN BONO. Those who hear?) the speech of Senator I.a Fol? lette before the Newspaper Publishers' As? sociation in Philadelphia last night express the conviction that the Wisconsin patriot was singing his ?wan song. Not Is this view confln'-d ly any means to men who are opposed to Mr l.a Follette They <|e- | clare that he has lie.-ome so embittered at the total failure of his efforts 1?. capture the Presidential nomination that he has lost all .lu'lguient and all s.-ns.- of propor? tion, ami thai ho striu-k out blindly at II" newspaper? last night, with n realuatlon that he wns calumniating those to Whom ho ????c?! sil his Buce?se, with the knowladg? that he was injuring himself, and that be ?liil BO In a blind rage which overahadowed all other feeHnga Sonia? of th.- vYIsi on* 8lnite's friends express the view that be is, both mentally and physically, "all In." and that he ?till no longer be s factor, even In the Senate. When a.?ke?l regarding the f port that I-t Follette would withdraw from the race In favor of Colonel Roosevelt, Walter I* Housa-r, the manager of th.- I.a Toilette campaign, said to-night that It was wholly without foundation, that his princi? pal was In tHe* rare to stay, and that there would be no withdrawal before th>- conven? tion had chosen Its candidate. ?;. <;. ||. IGNORES BRYAN'S CHARGE! Underwood Rejects " Monej Trust" Inquiry Compromise. IKrem The Trltmn?* Ilnr?*_u. ] Washington. Feb. 3?Smilingly Ignoring th? charges of William Jennings Bryan th.i he Is a "false leader." dominated by th? money Interests, Repr?sent?t la e Fnderwoo? pro? ceded calmly to-day to reject the late? eompromlse resolution for the Investigan??! of the "mon? y trust," saying that no propo sitlon to investigate the alleged trust b' means of a special ?ommlttee would ohtali the sanction of the Democratic caucus nex Wedneedsy. Mr. I'nderwooil says he has the aotes t< defeat representative Henry, a Rryan dis ? iple, a*, ho pleads for an inquiry by a specla committee. According to the present plam of the I'nderwood faction, the prostrat. form of Mi. Henry will be flguratlvela trampled upon In caucus. The Texan'i resolution to investigate the "money trust' will l?e dissected, emasculated and other wise subjected to unkind treatment. Aftet the Democratic war dance it will be appor. tioncd out among half a dozen Jeeleui committees of the House, each of whlih will determine it? peculiar Jurisdiction and decide whether SB ln?iuiry is necessary. H? presentatlae Henry, with a gloomy look Snd a hope of possible compromise, Intro? duced Mill another resolution to investigate the "trust" to-day. TheM'nderwoodltcs took a hurried look at the latest Menrv move and remark? (1: "Nothing doing'' Mr. Henry now proposes that the Inquiry shall be conducted by a eommlttee compris? ing on* member o.n-h from the House com? mittees on Hanking and Currency, Judici? al' , Intentais Commerce, Ways ami Meana Snd BlSCtlfn of President and Vicc-Prcsl dent, avith tavo more addsd from the mem? bership at large.. "That Is still a special committee," said Mr. UndSTWOOd to-night. "My position is that this is all a matter of legislation, to he handled by the several committees named. Why. then, should we appoint a special committee'.' We will refer the Henry re?o lutlon in sections to these committees for such election as they ?leem proper." "How about Bryan's charge that this means no Investigation and a surren?ler to Wall Street?" Mr. I'nderwood wig ask?'d. The majority leader, with a avrarled smile, obsi-rved that he was accustomed to Bryan's attacks. In reply to Representative Henry's state? ment that he would demand an "open "ali? ens next Wednesday, Mr. I'nderwood as? serted that he was perfectly avlillng that the public might know wheie he stool on the "money trust" question and that he might make public his speech, even of the Caucus were held behind closed doors. STEEL FUND TREASURER Morgan Handles Money for Conducting Investigation in Pittsburgh Mills. Washington. Feb. r?.-.I. PI'Tpont Morgan Is treasurer of the fund with which John A. hitch, of Pittsburgh, has been rnvestl _atlns labor < ondltlons and nlleged injus? tices in ths steel mills at Pittsburgh I This fad was developed to-day when Mr. Fitch testified before the Stanley In vsstJgattni eommittoa "Who arc tlM officers of this association for Which you have acted?" Mr. Stanley asked. "J. P. Morgan Is the treasurer," was the answer. The committee will resume Us session on February 7. Testimony regarding the eon vl< t labor camps of the Tennessee Foal and Iron ''ompany and the transportation end of the Investigation will then be heard. James J Hill Is cxnccted to be u witnes?. BUFFINGTON A STEEL WITNESS. GhfcMOi '''eh 1 ? J DhtSHlgtlM. presi? dent of the Illinois Steel ?ompany, was served to-day wlih a summons to appear on February : before the Stanley eoramtt? ice of thS House of Representatives, which la Inv?*atigatlng ttit- United Rutee Steel ?'oi ii,ration. Other officials of the company. H i aaid. *\iU le .summoned before the commlltee la ?ell of the Mini'I St.. 1 Com? pany's relations avith lha? l'nlted States' Steel Coria-i-atloii. POLITICS IN SUGAR TRIALS Might Have Defeated Fraud Prosecutions. Say? Denison. Washington, Pel? t.?"Polltb ?\ If It had had Ils usual way, would unquestionably have defeated the Migar fraud ?ase?." de? clared Assistant Attorney Qeaeral Wlnfred T. Denison In on ??>1?lress here to-night at the annual dinner of tl.?- Washington <">.l lege of Ijiw. Mr DetdSM denounced the "political patronage system" and expressed the opinion that the cluef cause of the 'Ineffectiveness of mir criminel law" had been not the law's d' .-?>:?. hut politic? In divulging, "some of the 1n?lde history" of the famous sug.?.- tin- Assistant Attorney ..eneral ?.?id that politics ap? peared at their very turc si.old The Presi? dential campaign of IM wa? drawing to a clos?- when the governuunt concluded that action should be brought against the sugar ??ompany by September 16. 1!*"*-, in order to make possible a trlsl hefor?. the change of atlmlnlstrstlon. One of the company's counsel appeared hefor? the government's r?presentatlv?-s. added Mr. Denison, and. "after various ef? forts to show that l'ie cas? was all a nils take, the attorney Baally ?uggfste.i that the political situation, owing to ihe pen? dency of the Presldontls campelgn, wn? extremely delicate; thai th?- institution nt that time of a suit b> the government would be considered is an effort by Ihe ad? ministration to mils'? political capital by {attacking ;> meat cor.ration, and. ??.nally, that this delicacy of the political sliuatlon was especially evident In Wall Street, v. here the institution of ?u.-h a suit might be misundf i stood A delay, therefor,, ,,t least, until after election, was deemed propsi of course the gor?trnm?tnt'l dalm was insisted on, and finally the attorney with? drew and the ??-. re begun on the day stated (Bepti-mbcr *G?.' Discussing th ? penalty levied on the sug-?r company, Dr. Denison continued: ?Some persons more Interested In politic? than in iuettlee are rh'.in.'ng that th- tin.? of $134,0iXl over and above the J2,?*?V?:J0 of duties was not larga .'.?ugh, and that the last ource of flesh should have been taken. This would have been -i paper claim of a?,006,tn as a tine ale?e. "Any su? h effort lu ?unflscate such a One from the sugai ?.??i pear's steckhold? era would practically h?v? wrecked the whole prosecution, just as the attempt to extort r.'S.noO/?^) wreck ,1 the rehate prose t-ution of the Stan.laid ?.II Company. "The employes who actually handled the spring refused to .urn state's ?\ Menee ri cause they said h? sugar trust aras too strong for the govern it nt. and In that faith they all ?cent, withOUl fl Word, to prison a PROTECTION FOR SEAL HERDS. Legislation to Carry Out Treaty's Term? Reported to House. Washington. Fob. *,. Legislation to carry Into effect the fur seal treaty negotiated by the Cnlted States, ITilBSlB. Great Britain and .tapan to protect tn. rapidly dwind? ling seal herds In the North Pacific Ocean was reported to the House to-day by the Committee on Foreign Affairs. No provision is made ,n the till for the killing ?if S certain number of mal?? seals annually on the Prlhyl ?v Islamls under the authority >.f the United States. The ic Itort nays that while mete seals can be tilled in limited numb? r- each year with? out affecting the proposed Increase In the herd, such killing BhouM I ?? regulated by a separate law of the L'nl'ed States, and therefor- Is not made ? pan of the Interna? tional agreement. Th" treaty prohibit pelaste sealing for fifteen years CONSENT OF COURT UNNECESSARY Alhany. Peb. ,1 Attorney ??eneral Car? niody, in an opinion lo-day. holds ihai when the State Superintendent of Banks deems it necessary lo expon?! funds of .a Itank of which he has taken charge In or? der to conserve the assets of the institution be may SO so without an application to the Supreme ?'ourt. and Is not Hebte for loss of assets orcaato?ad by such action, unless he falls hnr.?*?tly to ?.xerctee his best Judgment and dis? retlon. CHARGE CQHl UB WITH STEALING 510,'. Knickerbocker Trust Comp, Where He Was Employed Makes Complaint. TRIED TO BE 'GOOD FELL? A. Platt Wickcs Arrested Manipulations Covering Peri of Ten Years?Concern Fully Protected. His efforts to b" a good fellow land? Plait Wlckes. coupon ?'lerk of the Kni? locker Trust Company, behind the bei ths Tomb, prison yept?trday. He rharge?! with Bteallns t)<\U'i from his ployera The speciiie romplslnl ag Wtckss, srho is forty-fire years old married. Is Uie larceny of |2.V? "n .l.?n ]ri and $17.*i on Januar;. 2"-. Wtekes, aahen taken t" Police H quarteis. sdmltte*- t" Detecth'es Wl ami Murphy thai he liad stolen $!?,i'*> n-e^i".. of coupon msnlpustlons in the ten years, and so far as bis account Ol peculations showed Ihls wss the exter the defalcation. "What wa? it ?rambling or women?" police ?SShed Wirkes. "Neltl ' . ' I ? replied. "I just live, i of my ,;a Is ry." lie was arraigned before Magistrate yuade. In th? Tombs poli? >> COUlt, charges ?.f forgery hi the third degree grand larceny in the second dearee Assistant District Mt?*rrne: Tl 1; n nsk.'d that ball b- fixed ai I6.00C a-h charge. This wnt ?lone, and w Herford T. Marshall, counsel for the r oner, avalved examina'ion. WlckeS W8I to the Tombs, being utiabhj lo pfOCUrs I to a?.'ait the action ?f Hie grand lury. Expected To Be Arres'.ed. Wiege* WM arrested yeeterdsy at Un v..i. and ' '? dsi street, e Mi?' on bis ? to tie trust company's offices si No Broadway. This was not a surprise Wiche* who left his horn?, a' No Nostrand avenue, Brooklyn, eapectlng be srresti d before evening. The complaint against Wicke* WSS -:i by Paul H. Hudson, auditor ?.f the tt company, whose recen) examination of i.k- led to the discovery or th.- cloi Irregularities. Wlckes iiad been seventeen rears In company's employ. The method by wh h\ ?a,lain.'?i the money was simple i novel, ni" ?bul,- aa ,i. t,i i celve < oup presented at it:?- alndo** for payment, mi out a check fcr the smounl and h.? ? ?? ' by an ?leer of the bank institution If cash ??a? wanted, w ? k?-s ?jrould <-i the Che? k and give tl r Ctlt.f t" coupon hohler, when \,o ?rented mm for ht*? own use i.e made out a chech a fictitious coup >n holder, cashed it. ?fa verted the motte) to ins n?an use and mi entry In the ledger to cover <u> I ? ran?action. Wichet received a salary of t\ ?? i a aaif , three stepchildren ? ? otl and s slst.-i dependent on him for suppr How he es?eaped detection so loni ' lo understand, lie made a Btenthly rep of his SCOOUal I" ti"' trust rot:- ? b?xiks audited m mthlv ba tl,. Instl tion and sxsmlned t'.ai .? a year by I state Bannit t Del In a statam? m la i ed by the officers the Knletssrhocher TrUSi ?'ompanv char II. Keep. I ' ^,l!'l the I ompS was fully protected agslast i"ts. as wtc), avis boodsd bj tie National Buretj Co SEEKING TWO FOR MURDE Stab Wound Which Killed Foi May Be Secret Sivrn. in> T?i?irra|ih te Th? Tribun? 1 Lawrence. Mass. |VI, following , I, aa picked Up lit?' tonight, the la I. i lice are seoklng tero men for th" mur?ler Mr snd Mr? Joseph Ravta, Mrs. Ami TaagUay I'ennt? and Shefn Maroon, wl ?vers stabbed to death ?luring the ear hours of Friday mornlni Ths pollcethli they ?ill establish the Identity of one the smpci tH soon, Thursdsy night, only a f? ?? hour?, befo the murder, two men enter. ?I a saloon n far from N?> 1M7 Valley ?treef. th.- hmi? Where the ?'rime ni-rurred. line of Die asked aahere No. 137 was located in Valh street. Thl? Iniuiry prn\?>k<d no commet) for No. 1S1 Is situated ft ft a feet hack ffOI the main thoroughfare, aa lu, h Is reach? through an alles. The man srho asked f, the Information wa? an Italian. The othr avHB a Syrian. A peculiar feature ?if Hi, crime Is the each body bore a deep utai?. Just back ( the right ear. the result of n powerfl thrust, aimed to kin. Besides thees fats strokes flfiy-lhree other wounds aaiie m flirted on the bodle? <>f the rlcthaa, The wound behind the ear--seemtngl given with a stiletto or dagger glVOS i Is to ?be horrifying theory that the murders left it as his personal hallmark "r seen sign, so that others poSSlbl) may knoav iba the wholesale murder v .s committed by i certain perSOB II Is Ih'iught by man' that reaepge wa? the motive for the deed TOMPKINS ATTACKS RECALL Justice Calls It Attempt to De stroy Organic Law. The policy favoring 'he recall of judge*. reoelved stinging criticism from a tnembei of the bench at the annual ?linnei of tin Queens County Mar Association lasl nlahl at thf Hotel Aator, when Jostles Temp* kins, of the Supreme Court, characterised it a:? :? sa\ag<- and un just ?fln'ilc attack upor the Judiciary that adV< CatOd a revolution In our system of government arid the de? struction o? oui organic law. "Mover before in Mi?- ulstorj ??' our .ntry," he said, "wer?' there so many laws, ? Ivl! and penal, for the comfort, con? ven?an-e and safety of man. aroman ami chiiii in even station of life a-? now.'' While he admitted t lia ? there \?ere de? fects in our judicial system, he contended that mi'ier the excuse of rectifying thenl h? the Institution of the judicial recall, the ? m minion, with Its checks ami balances that have i?.,n the bulwark of our Institu? tions and liberties, would be destinar,I al the pleasure of an lanamed majority, in ordei i" prove that the win ?f the greatest numbsr .f the peopt? was not slwsys the bis: he pointe,1 to th? ?list urbaines III |_-?*rr-*nce. Mass, irhere th? majority of the people were in sympathy with the strikers ami state troop? were required la proie-1 o,,, property of the minority. Other speahers were Archibald it. Wat? K,n Justice .i?nks. M. <? Crmnolly, iv? si denl of th?- Borough ?if Queens; Alfred Henry Lewis an?i Justice Van 8lckK?a Couut* Judse Humphreys eras i swtmaster. a DINNER OF FORMER "SUN" MEN. Men form*'la m the serai?.- of ""The Sun." nearly IM in number, an?l avho ie lain and perpetuate their old personal n IstionshtpS ami frlcn?lslup.s through .m Slumnl a:,*o< lation. SVtH bttVS their eighth annual dinner ut the Battaagaadi dab oa th.- evening of Wsdaaaday, February 7. Anmng the former editors and reporters of "The Min" who will participate In th?' fes? tivities are Governor Clark of Ala?? a. May? ??r Whiiiock of Toledo, Arthur Brisbane,'1 Tal?mi Williams. Samuel Hopkins Adams, Judg. OtafJSted, Will Irwin and ?'. V. V.n; Anda. It" id? ntallv, Ihr IssoctatJoH will help Chester s. Lord, the maaaginp, editor of "The Sun." ?deb?ate the fortieth anni? versary of hi) connection with that paper. BUSINESS WINS BATTLE Ex-Governor Morton Sounds Doom of Exclusive Section. TO ERECT FIREPROOF STORE E. P. Dutton & Co. Will Occupy Proposed Building at No. 681 Fifth Avenue. That se.-tlon of Fifth ?venue in behalf of which the Vanderbllts. Mm rlmans and W. D Sloane fought a long but losing fight to prevent the H?, h lion of bUStnSSS Is to he the slt?> of another big commer?ial enter? prise it pjes announced yesterdev 'hat ex-<'iov ernni- I,c,| p. Morton 1? ?o errct a twelve story fireproof .tore Bnd loft building on his home property, at No. i,??, Plflti ,-i\enne. between .Vid and .'tlth sti-eets, on B loi 42x 12.'? feet. A few months ago Mr Morion! i.laceil this dwelling house in the sales mar- . lu i, and antiouti'-ed that he had taken liv? ing quertera In the new apartment house Bl N'o. r>i>8 Fifth avenue. PiirthOr interest is centred In the pro? posed new strm ture, as ES, I?. Dutton o\\ Co., publishers, are to forSSke 2"d street and occupy the ?tore and first and second lofts of th" building. The firm has taken j ?i long lease of th?- spa.<- through Pea.*e A Rlllman. The concern was establlshe?l more i than sixt?. years ago, an?l for half this time has been in 23d street. | About two ?ears ago it became apparent that the Vanderbllt?. Harnmans and Mr. gloane had given up their fight when they ?old the vacant plot at the southeast cor? ner of Fifth avenue and :?2d street, for i merly the old I-angham Hotel site, with the business restriction clause removed. Last week John I). Rockefeller purchased the horn?- of Fran'is S. Klnnev, at No. 19 West Mth street, to prevent business from get? ting hold of the site. The Klnnev property Is opposite hls home and a few doors west of his son?. Ills brother's home is at the northeast corner of Fifth avenue and 54th street. FN-<;overnor Morten bought the property just sold about eighteen ?ears aao. though the firm of Rlker A Son. to whose business Pease ft irillman succeeded In l?T The ad? joining propertie? ar- owned and occupied by .lames T. PylS on the corner Of .'?'-i street. BamtJel Untermyer ?nd conieiins Vanderbilt to the south, and the ?'rlterioi, Hub an?! Henry If. Plagler to the north on the eorner of 5tth street? Is the rear Is the home of Judge William II. Moor?. and across the avenue are St. Thomas's Church, which Is now being rebuilt, and the home? of M. Melt T'.vombly and W. Sew.-.rd Webb. M.Kim, Mead A White h?ve been com missioned 1 y Mr. Morton to ?raw plans f?>r the new building, the upper floors of which Will be offered for rent. Pease 1 Flllman have the entire management and renting of the building. a $1,100.000 FOR HOYT HOUSE Martin Holding Company Buys Prop? erty at Fifth Ave. and 36th Street The dwelling house at No m} Fifth ave rue. Bl the northwest corner of ."?ith street. which has !>een kept in trust for ihe ?? late of Mrs. I.oui? T. Hoyt and h?-W ? tl.lW.onn. has been *<?ld to th? Marun Holi lng i'ompany n*. f?ravsoii Martin, pre??) dent). The pioperty hts a frontage of .1 feet on the avnue and extend? back ?) feet, with an "1." on the side stre. t . feet. It ?-ontalns a trifle ?nor-- than lAn sr.iiare feet. The amount realized from th? sale compares favorably with th* sale 01 the northwest rorntr of Ah street, an-j Plfth avenue, about three vears ?go, for a hule more than $35,?)?f? a front foot. The house was occupied by Mr?. Mo? t for many years, ?he being one *>f tag la^t to give ??a? to ihe business invaslo i. Th? n?;w owner I- to Impr? rs tin par. el ane; lease the same to on* tenant. i-?-i \ee th* property was h?id at ItJskSSt, oetdj T. Chambers was th? broke?- _ th* t:an?. a -tlon. o SAYS ARMOUPv SENT BAD EGGS Government Charges Chicago Firm Shipped Decayed Product. ???lb-age, Feb | AIUbSUT ?<- CO \J*tO m*?l? llSfiadsnlS hi a ?n't filed h?r* te?dl ? by I'rlted States At torne?. James II Wl>. k.rson, -hfliglng \lo1atlor: - f Hie pnt? f . | ?...! ?JrUgS got I) IS alles.*-! th* peektaa company ?hipped decayed eggs t" lives; Seattle branch house from heft \ similar suit ?ai filed against .';? Country Club <'??ipan y. and charger? "f Using certain chemicals prohibited b- Isa wen entered ?talnst Hie following CMcagg concerne: l'au*r Pistillfng Conipeny, ?"entrai Candy Company. National Candy Company. No - Bit) Candy Company, ?'learo Manufactur? ing A Rottllng Works, ?bailes P. Ogen ,* Co., Bethnees Cumpany an?i the Tnontptoe Phosphats Compspy. ??l NO. 63-SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1912. New-York Tribune's Bookreaders'Contest $15.450 in Prizes __ WHAT ARE THE NAMES OF THE BOOKS THESE PICTURES REPRESENT? Contestants ?re required to write tbeir answers upon the coupon which is printed on l'Age 2 of The Tribune every day during the Contest. An swers must not be sent in until the last two pictures are published. Entry to the Contest May Be Made at Any Time by Simply Securing the Back Numbers RELIGIOUS NOTICES. TRINITY CHAPEL Tiinltv raMftti. \Vr?i ?.?:,? b and Cnth Bl? liaai .'ff n--?ia?i??>- ?t Madison p?i 8 DAYS MISSION Trearher. lll?hop V.oo<l<?< k of Kentucky 4 February l-ll. F.vert Night ?I ? (Kieept Hat.. Kelt. 10). Dr. Nehemiah Eoyiiton v? 33d Bt v M .' a t ear 7? h ?? ? ?A VIII'Ma MAN'S ri)V?IK).s. Oreheatra .! 4" I Mr VVillar.l .; V\..??l. S?ilii?i. n Mil i: MOTARRN SPIRIT.'A MS?? IBS Baal 57th. s p m Rev, nr IVhtetuner, -Maker; ktra I'i.-.-i ? rawfatd M.?? Bointner, p?ychl. iiiessaf??, Mion free SUPERFLOUS HAIR. ALI HAIR ON FACE AND ARMS p a r m ssentty d? ?,' i .. ni M me..Itiltan'? ?perISc lit.? ?loci the li ?i 31 ? c;. i h Abso? lu tel j hafmleaa Na <?lertri?H> p .? I ????i. mIb, Prot?ct?Ml by I.M4 I New a.l.?l?-??.l Mme. .Inltnn. |g| .*tlh A?.e.. n..,r U)i h S? . N T Ti .do niii.iTMtlNF Kara Th? iJe?i um- R?mov?r, guaranteed m ?leitioy ?'f ?i?;rrnuou? ha?r ??r MONBT REFUNDID: !?? ma .i.-.uni- ni. banni.?.?; $1 b) [Bail. MU.TON ril'FtMUM. ?n (18 3d av?.. New Torfc. At.I. ?uperftiiou? hair permanently (1eetr??yed: el?.? irle n?-dir proeaaa: ?ork ?nmr?*lt??d: demon? ? f,.?< Kl'?IIBN?'.: H'.lKl.l.. ?.'00 Wilt 7'.'.| -t 'Phone 41M i-el.imbii? M 'rt-.I.M.t'OIIB HA1K permanently removed, electric needle?, pulules? CoasultatlM fr??, B] l-.-ri'.Ot.VSIS i"<? 0 T':4?t toi h st. ?URCHASE AND EXCHANGE. The Antique Furniture Exchange 1.1-1.*. \V. '.'???Ill Mm ni- ... r?e?lre? It? pa trena to h? Informe?! a ti.l tri! ilieir frlinrl? r.f t lie y?m|. Annual sp-?-i..i it'.iin-iion v.i- of the entire ?l.t.-k. that lli'v may ?e. ? ?lire Baiaaln? ?ad rjurlv? tt?? i>?neiit everything m?rk?d l? ptnin fluut.-?. Rare pB>ee? and rar? prie** k?h* la tbe tinte an?! tlti? ll-.e |.lin-e t?. buy. FURNITURE. MIRRORS Haric.iln? alt kind? of mirror?, framed and untrained. ?'h.-vHl and tr?pili-ate for t.uii.r? a:'.? dt ???enirtkerH PLATE GLASS TOPS ;?< corar .ic?k?, fwraltar. *te< OlasB ?helve?. NATHAN I.VONS. I3S-1SI West III?! st. Tel 71110 Mud S. FOOT SPECIALISTS._ ou. s roo n?s lz,i?Z'i??:u;?A Inaiant relief ?tuurantfreil. Office. ?.'.H Broadway. Ilealden.e. 3010 "th ave. ? '..naaiiltut Ion free. LUCHOW'S RESTAURANTS. ?'..iiiiin restaurant, ni H??t Util at. ISIPOIt?|B of Hofbrau Pilsner . ?en.. ?. u . bar:? ? TYPEWRITING AND TYPEWRIT R8. VICTOR VIBIfTLR, TB Nassau ?t. Catalosu? free; all iii^ke? taken part |>H> nient, hurcuina . In Lnderwuod?. Remington?, Olli er?. Smith?. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TO LET U'.IKUll.M OK MANHATTAN. At About Land Value Braedws] eanier. with tare, fly? snd ?even Storjr hutldltiga paaing Hbout ?Kr net WILLIAM K WAtlK, 4*.l <'plumona Av?. CONNECT1CCT. ."?. ICRES, NO ROCKS, KINK BU1MHNQS; prie? onlv ta.aaO. 40 ?ere?. S m?f? ? lly, ato'k and tool?, hou?? f-.irnl?)'?.|. in,-? tl'.rt?Hl. 101 n. na, ?t.v-k and mol?; 5 mile?, city; prl.? IS.SSS, 7" a?re?. ???.??vi feet ?a hit? pin?. Bo year?' giowth. flue buildings; hei aii'l ,'o'J wat'r In RoUSt; acranda and OS] "lindo.? a, pri< ? IV.WO 2.*. irr*?; good building*, t mil* ?Wage; pile? *. ROWNE BROTHERS, Wem Wee?hsnck, ? 'oll|l?Cll' a? UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. ? 4, HT SIDE. ! THE CLEVELAND |<M?lM EAST 24TH ST. Ar ?ir?p-.?nti "f 9 room.?, ampia doaata, ?tc HELP WANTED. Male. HfOH QRADE elerleal, exer-utia*. ?*i?a and teehntcsl position? ep?n. m.mager? (furs), |SO; grocery, |4S; stenographer. $1?: a.-eount ?ut , public!, $30; ealesmaii ienglne?r rein fotvert ?t*?li. iil'iman familiar Jobbing line; bookkeeper ihanki. ILL other op?n|ng?. I'all. Mighlll lAgency), Kl*tlr?n Building;. i ? ?-? Pernau. NinSK and II? H'SI'KF.EPKI* SlslSrfc mother and daughter or one person; *30 tWl; to attend paratjrtti and ?'are for ?mall ap.arlni?nt; on* ? f lier H luit, ?Imp!? bom?, ?a b?r? refln*m*ut la appi*eiat".l : >-xp?rlenr?. ??nod h?nlih. willing aer ?.i.? requlilt*. K. !.. Hurler, Fiox .Hi. Tankers, n i WORK WANTED." Mai* SALESMAN, '.'I ; experience,). rehtOStSS L. Hiiinhnt. 700 Amsterdam i r_ DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. BUTLER I" ?mall famlh ; ?it, oi ?ountra; c? ? ????lient rafees mre, Jspano-K-, r?t? of n?im"vt. Wild ase._ FARMER American; limrrird; two children; espsrleaced i ?> um. iiim-n, poultry; uaci to handling li?lp. .tlae year?' loffrence from last eiuiilnacr. ? 'nipenter'a Bur?au. l.">4 HU? ?\?. YOt'N'l LNULISIIMAN. M, a? servant to bach Slar, or a. Ill run lila establishment, ftriit ? lana if>ok and aairt. lea years references; sohsr, re? nnet] and willing Addr?*- limier, ear? of Mr. Yinmrman. .*iS4 Amsterdam av*. IViualo. CHAMBERMAID sr KVM1 -Newly landed Oermuii girl; goo?l ?ewer; cita ar country. ?'all at Lang & no??h*rer ?'o. Agency. 43-4.*. 47 West :i:i,l ?I. Ne\? York._ CHAMBERMAID and SEAMSTRESS.?o?r? iiiiiii, ? xp. rlenecd ! neat girl; hem reference?; illy or country; vangeH 115, Cell at I.ang a Noeiherer ?'o. Agence, 4l-4.*,-47 West 33d ?t.. Now York._ COOK.??Jerman; flrnt ?isas: goo*, baker; elty or country: l>*ai r, ferm?e**: wag*? $4?i-$4.Y ??all at I .ing A Hne.herer ?'o. Agency. 43-45 17 W.-st :::ld ?t.. New York. COOK. Bv optionally good; very beat ref?r eneas: ?twcitsh gin. Jassila Agen.y, ?so ix-x Ingt.m live. Tel. '?'-1 n?" iTX)K Aa'lat with laundry work; a>u ?ham liermald and ?aaltfua, two young Finnish girl?; a-er\- !???? referen?'?.; ?pity or ?ounlrv. In? ?lia Agen?a. iWO |yxlnft?in a\?. Tel. 44-V? riaza. I,M NPHKSS and i*HAa?RVRM?ID ? apabl? Vlnnlah sl'l: haa I.??! r?f?rene?, .fuislla lAgenra M lyxlnfton aa?. T*l. 44t?R Plaia. ?P0M__-T-C .SITUATIONS WANTED. Fonial?*. HOUSEWORK*"**. Cap*hi?- young Kinniah wom? an; eery food cook; has b???? reference, couo tr> preferred; wages. ISO. .Tusella Afency. MS l__'"gton av*. Tel. I4S3 Has*._ LADY*? MA ID.?Experienced French girT; good halrdresaer and ?ewer; he?t references; elt) or country; ?1<<| $30 Call at Lang ? 'Weherer Co. A?ency. 43-4J-47 West *?<! ?4-, tU > York. LAI N PRESS Inteiiigent young coi ?ru woman, excellent, llnferle. gentlemen's ?hlrts: equal laundry; also cleaning honeat; reference. ltobln?on. l?3l> 3d a TO. I SUNDRESS -- I'onipeleut gjr?; ~f?oi? ?hlrt trouer, city or country; beat reference?; wag's $30, fall at Lanf 4. Boecherer Co. v~'" ' l fi 4T West 33d ?t.. N?w Tork NURSE Nonll ??erman; competent glr! for ehlMrOS oa?r two year?; good aewar; city er country; best referen.-??; wage? J2.*>.$30. 1 ?II at Lang A. Boecherer *.'o. Af*ncy, 43-45-4T West SSd St.. Near York._ NURSERY OOVERNESS or COMPANION.? Refined English woman of experience aeekl position to on* child; excellent reference?, "?'x :;?."?. I":'.fl ?7at? av* . Brooklyn._ KlRHRRY GOVERNESS -North S?rSaS* ?peaking Kreuch, teaching m ,?lc; city or ?ountra; b?*t reference?; war?.? tM?$S?, ?"all at Lang A Boecherer Co. A-rem*. 43 4?-4T West :.:;d st.. N?w York _ WAITRESS and PARI.ORM A?I*. ? ?k_s?m3 girl: ti??i references; city or country; wafts 128. ?'all at Lang A Boecherer <"o. Ageref, 43-45-47 West .'.m ?t s?w york. _J WASHING. Ironing, cleaning, by the ??ay. tin. Burn?. 3<>l *A *st l'Oth it._ vor*\<; wnM \\ ?anta worn tener?! or offlr? cleenlpg Mrs .1 Martin, in? East l?th s? _8T0RAGE AND MOVINO._ o__HL_ A. BANTINl HAS OPENED A NEW FIREPROOF STORAGE WAREHOrSB AT 441 TO 445 EAST 140TH ST.. One block ea?t of 3d Ave. t. I 4479 Xelrosa. HAEOER'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE CO.. Urn ave.. 3Sd to 34t', at.-Stone? for furniture: padded v?n? for moving; boxing, parking ?SS ?hipplns estimate? furnished 'Phon? 3210?MIS. CENTRAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES. S07 Wos? 37th it. Moving, ?torlng, packln*, ?hipping. Telephone 3380 Murray HIII._ LEE BRUTIIKRS STORAGE AND VAN CO.. 210 East 1 _ ."> 11 : ?t. Storage, moving. pac**? Ing: be?? ?ei * ice; t?l?phona. D??B8 SIORAO? WARKHOCSin, 78 1st A?e? ?StorafO, iiunlng. packing, ?hipping; ??f?s and nlsno? r.vr > d. Tel l'.'4 OrchsrrL_1 MKINLEY STORAGB CO.. 232 East tl?tk^ Vans for moving; ?Mpplng, packing; ns?M? era?, charges T?i. lAU-.-Hsrlam. ? .. 1 n. -I VERMIN EXTERMINATOR._ If YOl DESIRE TO KNOW" llo*r to get rid of Rats. Mice. Roach??. Bed? bug?. Ant?, etc- write EUREKA VERMI* EXTERMINATING CO.. ?S Wert SSth S4._ s taken out allva. badbuga eradicated ? 4 hours. "Heltler Vermin Exterminator?. 894 Broom? at., near Castre at.; SS years' as? perlence. _^^ UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES. ?Cpholf-erlng furniture, "draperies, met? first class at reaaonable price* S GI.UCKMaN. 616 Am? ?at _ FIRE EXTINGU?SHlRT'orL?DD?RS. ^^^V^XX rTtH? Barcia) ^^???????*??****^! WATCH ANCTCLOCK lEPAlRINO^ li.iTm iiH'iK Kren-'h iiocWnaa^.. ?SPJ" watch and ?lock repairing of.?vary i.serlr tioa. 17T7 Broad??M. Room SIX.