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wtth * I dell' ' i ? . fell tggiievrd that M ?ii the well tickled H wh? nrj bed al tempted to usurp their , n fsati - The Alaban").? l-ad.-r suggested 'Hat the Ranking and Curten?-.-, Committee h,v - jurisdiction ??ver ;ho "money f it" investigation prop?-. To the lu? st, .t.- Comitt-srre (*?*vmmltt?ee l?c would .efor questions affecting commerce, t,> the Judiciary Committee problems af? fecting the amendment of the Rhermsn law and to the committee on Election of ?Presldenl and Vlce-Presidenl In? quirle? about campaign contributions. p*ollowlni this pis* f?>: the rapport of tnese committees Mr. Underwood ssld n few things about the Henry plan thai %-.i!i not meet the approval of William J. Bryan when h? .-dits th* noil ir.suc of "Th< Commoner." Harsh Word", for Bryanite Plan. ,.,ii- members of the Banking and Currency ("ommlttec had n number ??f harsh things to si- regarding Mr Henry'? insinuations thai the committee "reactionary" and Incapable of con? ducting a bona fide Investigation of th.* grasping "money trust."' chairman Pujo vigorously defended his committee, and pleaded for th.- legislative Integrit} of th' ii?.use. which, h.- maintained, could only i>>- upheld by referring such mat? ters t?i the standing committees having Jurisdiction, Representatlvi Glass, another member of the committee, hurled back at Mr. Henry and the Bryan i tea their charge that a "special" committee was Impera? tive Representatlvi Ralney, a Bryan Dem? ocrat, ?lid not make a hit when h< pro posed .? "vote of confidence" for the Panking and Currency Committee. Mr, ro?.? ?..-ijii h.^ didn't want anybody to vote that lie was honest, and loud "amena" were heard from the angry members r,f the committee. ''LAWMAKERS TOO SLOW" Half a Generation Behind Busi? ness. Says Governor Wilson. Ulentown, Fenn. Feh. 7. ? Allentown irre?ied Governor Wnodrow Wilson, <>f New 1" nicht ?hen he delivered an ad dres? ;it th.- belated Jackson Day celebra? tion of the i_?hlgh Democratic <"int>. The elub want-o X, Wilson .,- Its orator, but *hen he fcund it Impossible to he here Januar}* s becsuse ?-.f the dinner in w.-isti Inston iiio , i o, .-?waited his convenience, and he rt?x?d February 7 as the date i'<i\?rnor Wilson was Introducred by DtS trlrt At tome) l.a\-.ien?-e H. Rupp. lie open?-.i b) -Mating that the two typical figure* ef Democrac) were t;.- phllosopbl-1 rsl and scholarly Jefferson and downright plain Andre? Jackson. The one sought to in'etpret the thought of the nation and the othei to interpret the ttvuicht into action, ? e,,s" of thoughtful Interpretation of ac? tion, ?tv! a rtlon rendering thought real and effective. Coming dow ii n. ? ?? present day, Gover? nor "Wilson <a\i] th,-r<' aie fundamental er i' In classifying men in party lines, Men of lik" opinion hav# found It hud to cet together artthln the same party. He invited hi?, hearer* te S consideration of the -i:,w of th? co'in'-' "Th-1 standpatters," said h<\ ' ire ten years behind th? times Bust ha? been advancing -? rapidly that th? lawmakers are half a generation be? hind rrivi!e_??1 business la obliging all men to fall In wllh ?he prtvll?*-ge. To-day h)isin??s i? new. Polities I* new \Y. ?-.-inar? polHICS with the fact* and state of," think: KIDNAPPED BOY FOUND Man and Youth Arrested and Brooklyn Mystery Solved. Th? police of ?he Bath ?'?a h station Pionkhn. solved the mystery of the dis ari'-a.-.-n?< of Ma* Kri-nman. the nine v^ar-dd son of Mrs Morris Schwert**, of fio un rH. list street, ?*;?tii Heaeh. when th?"" arrested Aaron B?rnrt.>rk. ?.f No. Ill last n?Kin ?.ii * - barge of bavin.; ktfhapp-d >*oung Friedman. Bern stock, who keeps a restaurant it Um s. ? end svmne address, was arrested while ?oaiting .... his customer*, and Herman! ? heman, a fifteen year-old boy who was employed In the restaurant, arrested j en * Mnrilar v?ith*-r pi -i',i niak?- aifj state ment u tlu ?? fsona underlying the i k-.l. ipplnt "f the ho\ . BeoWtOCS Was io. ked up -h r.. ?< ii ,.oi.., ??ta (lion, while .'heman and youftg Friedman w. ? taken io th? offlcei of ti.? Children's Si.iioi in Brooklyn. Th? naan ?ill ne iak?n to ihr Coney Island police court 10 ind ''? ?oj will he arraign.d in lh< Children's Court Friedman will tx turneo ?ver t.. h i ... 'il,, i aftei thi rourl pi>. reeding?. Wlli. or MRS. S ??. MITCHELL Three Daaghttn Get Most of Estate Valued at $198.000. |*h* a I Sarah Mndk | Hit? hell, died on I"- '" 'm.' v. ;i~ Hied . ,, ? The petition stated tl it th" testatrix, ?im wh- i ? t-e?|-er In I ?w of lie (;.., Alison Phelp* ha-k- . l! . left i'?' ' t'> wili'-.l at *..:.i?-> and prrs--.ti.ii property valued al ir?'.,?-".? T?-> bei ?' ? ns v an s. h.??. k MltcheH, in" icstatri-*- left ail her Jewelry. _B?.< , furniture and ? ffeets, s>ik gr*?ir-,? that she divide them with h. 1er?, Mi i ?? MlteheM MoMeno and Mrs. i *roi?..r \ip. hell st..i<.v 111 - MH- hell | 0 to ea< h "I h< ' daughtei snd -Tested s trust 'und ?>f *.'?".. i.-. io pa) the Income t<> Mis? Mitchell until ti? i marries, oi death, at nrhjh'h lime the fund Is to i"' ?li-ti-:i ut'.i among the two , stepson. Clarence Blair. children also will divide equallj which will elve 4 .... to ..-ne fli-l.-il > RANKFP? NOW SUES PHYSICIAN G W Young. Retaliating Seeks to Re cover $68.000 from Dr. Baruch. George v\ 1'ouni filed ?sll yeeteidaj igalnal Dr. Emanuel Bardch, a known praetltlonei t<>! H9.99A tor i ij\ the firm "f <'??? urge W Toung t Co Th? original claim, it la ai i'L-.,! ui foi ?*?'.'??? on which the defend of the amount paid $1..",.?> was !n the form ol professional servi.-. in Uantc- ha* s similar suit pending I Mr foung, la ?hi. h he sllegew?ths ? . .iiik'-i falb d "? - sri > oui eei tain agreement? NO HOPE FOR VON AEHRENTHAL. I...I..I.H . i.-i. \ a special dispatch from vi'im.-i i?. -Th. Morning ??ost" sa>s that Count von A? lii.-iithal. Hi. I*?.r< i*,'i. Mln? ?si- . haw l< us ? i.inllti.ui i ii.?i in i op, i- ,;.in. 'I ta ? i- .... eis You will tone up your ?ysterri and feel better for taking? in the morning, '* glass of Hunyadi Janos Water NATURAL LAXATIVE Bfst Remedy lor CONSTIPATION 'POU PROMISE ICO No Action in Bomb Murder Ex? cept Discharge of Dickinson. i _ | MYSTERY AT HEADQUARTERS Greatest Piece of Detective Work in Years May Be Expect? ed, Is Announcement. The ..i ?? ..f th?. police against ?'hari<-* M Dickinson for the munfer of lira llraee Walkei by a bomb on Baturda) collapsed -?ir". and Dickinson was discharged in the coroner's court ?-"ollowed thereupon this mysterious announcement from Poliei Headquarters: The blgK?-st piece "f .lele.tive work known in years will he pulled Off In th" next twenty-four <>r forty-eight hours." Four hours later six "pick-up" men. I'M by Acting ?'aptaln Qloster, turn?-?! up their collars an.l filed silently out ??f Deputy ? ommlsaloner Dough?erty's ofllee Sh h! Again, "Sh-h: Now ...mes Commissioner I>?>?iklirTt>? to talk t?> the reporters. Commissioner Dougherty What do you want to-night? Reporter what is there new In the homr. murder to-day? C, D.?-Well, there ain't not bin' new. I'll tell von wh?-t I ?till to-day. '? had ?i long eoiifereiie?- with Dicktneon after he a u discharged, i had a conference with K?ina Ls Marie, and I had s conference with Violette Leonard. M DM th.y ten you anything new? ? i ? -No. R HOW alo .viai] feel ahollt th?? i.lse to? night? ?'. I?, rn tell .?"'i how i am, I slways feel confident in every CSW T?t ii-.?? ai., .ou f.-^i ?ii-in this particular a-a se V ?'. i? Speaking without any egotism, ' .iiw n v a; hate hope. R Vi'ii >-?..,.1 i.i-t niel,- th? case was no further alone than i? was th?- night ?before How dots to-night compare with last night? C I? It's th.- sa?n-. 8S i! was last night it Then you can put tl bach tvvn days? C I? It you want I.? put It tha*. way, v ou . ,'i. lt. ?llave von established a motive for the ??rime? ?' D. No It?Do you know ;f then? was s not ti r man than Dickinson In tix- Bat within hai: an hour <?f th? explosion of tiie bomb? C. I"?. There was not. i: ii?! Bdns i.a Mane ten vou there was another man there? C. P.?No. Dickinson said he thought he heard a man's vetee. R.?Have you looked up L?ouia i^?\ine? ?'. D. M.v men s re looking him up to night Louis 1jo\ in-, keeps a saloon a' 13d Stripe I snd Columbus avenue He i.? sn Intimate friend of the sir] namerl I?o||y who at one lime lived with Mrs Walker and now ||v?-s with a Mrs. Hill at ?".1st street and i oluin i.'is avenue. Acctirdtag to Peter Vander? veer, who was a partner In the saloon at g>th street ami Hr-oaaiwav frequented by Mrs. Walker ami the girls who iive.l In her flat. Polly and Mra Walkei quarrelled and i?e?am?? itttrr enemlea Poui months a?;?.. Vanderveer said yesterdsy, r><?it\ ?-am., into his plai-e at night, sot drunk and declared that She Wopld S??t square with that ? Walker. The morning after the murder, according to Mrs Hill, Levlae was in her apartment and sai'l he hn?l tren In sin, Walker's l lace half an hour ?before ih<- '.--?mh ex? ploded Within half an hour after tin? explosion, again according to Mrs Hill, P?.Hv re? ceived a ??ies>aue telling h??r of the ???-aih of Mrs Walker After the case acalnst Dickinson col lapse?! the police '.-.'KHii t?. It? In find ti?.- in ? which the hr.mi. was made were purchased. Dickinson wan dlschars*cd I hy the ?'??mnor yesterday, ?mi then held in' ?.i?v> ball i .? material witness on the re qu? it of % Ml stan I District attorne) Btri ng. Terence .1 IfClfSnUS, DtCklnSOn'S Counsel, i -i ?id yesterday that another man, WhSSe i,ame has not yet v>een mentioned, was, psylng ?he rant of Mrs. Walk??r'.- flat. \. Frank ?one. of So, ???> Broadway, whoj defended Carl Kas?r>ter when he was ?<? ? used of abdu<*tton because of the proseare ,.f Violette l/consrd in sirs. Walker's ssth ??treet fiat, cave o ;t a statement terds in which he ssid Kaeebler was in the Mid j .lie \v.-st and was read) to ??.me ?.. this! . ity at any time in enswei to the call of the police and prov? hi? lnn?jro?nce of any responslhlllty for the death <-f Mrs. Walker i>,-,.ut- Commissioner ?Dougherty sad nicht thai Kasebler was not suspected ,,r oomplli it ? in ths crime Postoihee Insnectoi Jscobs -???-. vester?day that an Investigation had shown the i?omh ?r.? not dell .i-'i :?> Mrs. Walker bj mall. .' Toles rapt*, la 'i ! ? ? ? Its ?Baltimore I ? b rh< Identi) ? ?.ft'?- girl M ho eave her as Olivette l?--.|iai?l. of i hi . itv. ari?l i?v.. l ?? ?il. \li ? Helen Wslker, win. wsi kilh-d When she opened i packag? containing an explosive bomb w hi? h I to her In hei home in tient Vork, va.- established to-night, when Mr. .iii-i Mi John A Curl , of So KM ? Harl? m event? this city, admitted that the girl ? lught? i. Mai :?'. who dl pi?ean d from h? r home on l ??-. ? m: -i 27, |910 Mr 'ill' ?aid to I.?Kin thai ?ftei futile .? to iceep his ?I Might?. si rhool he alloweti her to work In s local department I thst'for a fee weeks prior o. ? 'l.i-, itniSS, 1910, Mar? WOllId com? I . ?n<| t. n of the tales of th? gtori? I I pleas ir? of New i'.ik Cltj told lo her bj .i woman who was demonstratlni In the d? menl ?.-.< In srhlch she n-ai employed. -..I . -11 r I ?-- sr.i.! she 11 " tOld "f ? l n iii who was iftemonstrstlng s machine foi - ings In th? same store, and, it sppears >??? il o from Hen 1'ork Two dayi r.ft'-r christmsf she wenl lo work at II.. usual hour >n th? giornlng, bill ;:i a late li"ui si mtht had 11 ? >t returned, in quiries -?i the deperlmenl store wm- in.?.i? i - next da? by her parmts, ??nd they re? mitted In the information that several girls, vvh?. lived rtesr th? Curie Rlri. tried to per Suadt i.? ' to < ?mi. hum. whIj I hem, hut Mite finie |s all?geai ?a. have -alai: "I'm ara il Ing foi some on? Inquiry to-day at the department ?tort ??bowed tin.! :-. me of th..?..- who were em ployed there st the time <>f the girl's dis? appearance remembered the incident, but could na.t remember tbe nam<- of either h. man or the woman demonstrator onto whom tu?' girl Is said to have gone to New York. The records at th<- stor? also failed ta. shot ih<- names of tbe ?i monstratora, I tu? manager saying that around th? ? 'hrlet-I mas holidays the iinn sometimes bad under! contract ten or twelve demonstrators oi various ertldaa MAJCR EDWIN SULLY DEAD Was Son of Famous Artist and Hero of Novel "Mohun." < 'hartotte, N. < '. I ? Ha lor Edwin Bully, h?n- ?>i John Esten (?poke's novel "Mohun," Confederate ?.i?-r?in .is-i son ol Thomas Bully, the artist, died sudd?*nly to-night from paralysis at his home In Rocklngham, N. <".. aged seventy-four yean He was s native of Richmond, Va., .nid the body win bi taketi there tt*-n*?or? r,? vv ?..i burial MISS LAMBERT STILL SPEECHLESS Although Miss Martha i-unhi-it. the daughter ??f Dr, gamuel W. l^ambert, <?f No IM Cast tsth street, seemi to i? og lilze her |.ir?nl? .mil others al hei I ? ?Isl'le, h. hai ii"i spoken sin? ihe met aitk sn a-eld?m ??n January 99. It* was said, how? ever, -?' her lunas la H night that II ? S? If a t-rili.l' III ?i ?I? I' I ? -Va 1 >. .rt"T AI.ONI"" THIS LINE. COUPON NO. 67, THURSDAY. FEB, 8, 1912. $15,450 in Prizes Free BOOKREADERS CONTEST My Answers to THE TRIBUNE'S Bookreaders* P'clures of This Date and Number Are: No. 133. No. 134. Contestant's Name.. No.Street City or Town and State. .< t'T AI.ONi; THIS t.TNF Contestants In the Tiibune'B Book renders' ?'onteat nni?t writ? their . ' upon this coupon? which will appear on l'ace 2 of The Tribune every <!ay during the contest The complote coupon mmt be retnrned. Answers submitted on coupons which are n..i complete or wiu?*h do not bear The Tribune's heading **iil not be ronsidercd. List of prize*. conditions of th. ,*ont?-at and TO-DAY'S PICTURES APPEAR ON PAGE 9. iC. F. MURPHY WILL'BOSS' IT National Democratic Club Acts on Richard Croker's Advice. In explanation of the election of Thomas F. Smith, secretary of Tammany Hall? as i member of the i.oar.i of governors ?.f the National l?emocrotlc t'luh <>n Tuesday nicht, it was learned \.-t>i?ia< Ihst the ? i ni? has dellberatel* started on s policy of bringing that organisation more dosel** In touch with the pr?sent i-ontrol .?f Tam? many Hall The Demu?rrstli ? 'luh s sa st ti * its pnvw-r ?lien Richard CrOher '* an leader ..i Tammans Hall In those days everj one ? ho ?us any one In local Democretli poll lies, or who ever expected lo !??? snythln? alon? those lines, was ? member of the ? !ui). Mr. t'roker used :?? hold i i - onfer there, and It was Ih? centre of po? litical activity. This condition prevailed for a wMk\ slttt M? i'roker abdicate and went to Ireland, but soon sfter Charles F Murphy ?aaumed the leadership tha political headouai 1.1 ? aas moved to Tammanj Hall, m 11th <-iree? Th? Croker "old pruard" remained In th* club, bul the membership ?radually dwln ? died An effort to retlvlfy the plub was made by i hanging the nam? to Ihe N ?cratlr Club, but thai did Httl? Rood Each year as Mr. Ooker returns? went ? '??.k ?1 his ole club H more end mor?- de i. was said yeeterda) thai srhen h heir in December he asked what I ? trouble - a- ll< was told lhat it * ? . tuse ? lie ur n art I v. n 1 ?emo? rstl. Iivday ?lid not en to the rluh berau . i. un hv the old froker men T1 ? hleftaln i: said lo have sdvts? d He himself suggested *-?? th?* -? that a sradnal v.. .din*** o?it of the ol ? In favor ?f thi ? atlon he To end i- Is said to ' Richard i*rokei |r. his son, lo r. from the board of governor? b ard refut to to s pi "' i said to ha*.-- cor,., in and .h ? tslk straight out from Ihr Sbouldei Th? '? I nation ? a- ,?. i ? ?.;< >i ?> ?uni M , ? - -. r i.. ? . nellj. who recentl . ? i ? ? i ild? ? t of Ihe < luh " Tom" Smith t.ik?- the plat - nf ' i. Bushs, a "Democrat of tha old ? ? ? The rhanf lo ha ? gradual on*, and ? ? . v Of th. ot I,, i- t \< ent \ foill i . rnoi *? are still .-''i i i ? ?h.n i'rpker himself l? miii a nember of Ih. hoard it also Include* Jlldg? Vt .n W, John Pos, N.-.tiiaii ?traus, Mt?**ha*-I "I" Daly, l'.o.l.r. \V M r, ?,),,| Robert A. Van \v-? k in thne, im- *?i.i. ill to ti\\. . ' men more in touch with fhnries r Murphy, i he pi ? ? - I 'i . i??. in Ims ? ? FLORIDA SOLID FOR TAFT Delegation la [attracted Inde? pendent! Without Credentials. .1 ,. k*onvl||e, |"eh 7 Florida Will ? *.? 1 . full delegation Instructed foi President Taft ':? publican Nstlonsl ? "on*. - ntlon at ? h lea go, seeordlng In sdvlres i?">i\?"l ? i day from Pslatka, where Hie statt ti.'.i \-?it> held yesterds} The sasertlon U.Mt til" ?< '.?.!? Kl lit ,1.1,1 t| ??? t\?o delegations, one Instructed f.a I .|<-nt Tali and ''" ''ti??r f..i Colonel ;*....-.. -, ell ha ? ? ? - le. i ? .i, u h-, it, i,i,., i The in?!? p. tut-at convention, II I? nnM, It.IP Ul . oii'.'-lini; .1. hi; ,|. s n I,., <ii<i not have rredentlali and who acre ?tes in Ihe ? < gnl .<? .? . ntlon R? ol it loi In.ig H?" admlnlsfi alio i and nsmlng Preshlent Tafl as lb? i . I ird I- a. ? i im IM .?. .. Inpi. mil oppO Itioti. LA FOLLETTE l.OSF.s ir.AnF.R f'overnnr of Nebraska Peiert?-- Hi m for ROORUVClt. i i. .. : . *-. h . Peb 7 Th ?t Repuhll. ... ? Bh'Hlld Hpite n. Ippoftln? Theodore R?.velt I* Ihe rloelng statement of s nop la of Ihe Presidential alt nation given oui hi re lo da) b? Oovemnr ?'h. atei il. Aidri.h. tlovernoi Aldrich originally '.va-. h La Collette man, bul lis defection to Roosevelt had been espected Oovernoi viii.ii -a-.- thai 11. ? - nomina? tion of t'olonel Roosevelt v..mid prevenl th.- unrest usuall) nasocisted with a Presidential campaign beeauae h ? pe I Hen toward business i- known in m\ udgmenl the evidence on every hand show- thai the sentiment la raptdl* rrya lalllsing around om . \ President, Theo? dore Roosevell < ".ov. riu.r Aldrl? h - vtateiWnl i ..f great i ut t-i?-Mt in HiIn ata te, i,. ,,u.,i- nf the meet .Im-, to i?' h< I?! ti'M M.lay, of th. pro gresslve forces, si which ihe ?proposition of sending a delegation before the pri? maries divided equally between Roosevell and i.a Poll? ii" is to .mstdered, s.. retary P, V Cot-rick, of the La Pol h it.- l?eegut>, after reading Qovernor am rich's statement in favor <>r Roosevelt, said the l.a Pollette campaign would not stop short of the prlmarli ?. AMERICANS AT KAISER S BALL exchange Professors Attend Court Function at Emperor's Bidding. Berlin, ich. 7 nv special requeal of the Kmperor, conveyed t?'. tin Ministry of Education, lb? American exchange pro? reason it. Theobald Smith <>r Harvard; in. Paul s. Relnarli, of tin- University ofI Wisconsin, and Presiden' BSdmund .1 lame- of th.- I nlverslt) <>f Illinois-were ! presented lo the Kmp'-roi and Klnpiers SI fie court ball te-nlght. Mrs, Relaach wai also areaented, but Mrs. Smilh and Mrs .lames, wet.- niuihle to attand 0 SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRIBUN M.-iiled anywhere in the United States for $2.50 a year? STATE TO PROBE STRIKE ' Massachusetts Legislature to Send Committee to Lawrence. Boston. Teh 7 The ||n-.?.e of Representa? tive? to-day accepted the Renate ord?tr foi an Investigation of lh? textile rtiike at j i-iiw r. n.,. ,hl| (hi Speaker sppotnt? i I House enmmlttee ,.: |Jv? aba will serve on ?be loin? Investlgallnx committee with 1 three nil ml., i - of the Senate. The committee probablj will go to Law renci to?.rro?. N.? public reference to the Lawrence strike was mad* i?v r.>i?? prominent wool Imantifscturers who sttended th?- annual meeting ..f the N'attonal as?.?, iaiion ??r Wool Manufacturers her.? t..-.iav The i"i lowing ofllcera were elected: PT? i-i?.?. John ?v Wood, Philadelphia; ? 'hartes n. Harding, Phila? delphia; William M Wood, Beaton, snd I Frederick S Clark, Nom. Billerlca; scre I 1res .-?? r, \\ Inthrop I. Matvin, Boston. shot endsThysician's life Dr. Tallmadgc's Death in Stam? ford Pronounced Accidental. n '-.-? -i Stamford, ? onn . Keb T I?r William T.iiin , -i New Tork, son of ? <?lon?*l William M ige, of S' imford, die i ? ? ? r..n ol in the he id i ' ? ? - ? . .-ni. er, oft ? ni .i I H Tallin .-lye ? , . .,!,,.,. . I i ?hol ?< I Aie.? \ p|i ? ? ids skin snd ? - - . '-v-, i.m f..i ??' ? ?er? on a stan?t In the room, ? snd iif v seem^ai t.. have been In recent use. il ? ? rhen ill? f*ih?-r was at his desk on Ihs flooi below and ?II- Shot, ? ? . ? ! . .| 1,1m i .? -\ ... health s ? i gering from s pul? in .n , ?- bad go He rallied, boa t ..i dooi? He la.I -1 from i .?'.'i ' ? .ilk and i . - Onn. He was ihirty-foui ' nn? ?,. ? I at g Paul Pr? from Yale ? ? ? ? i ? i ? i ? ? ? ' ? ? ? - i .. rues In m .. -i - - ?-. \ - l'?irk. when : e i? main? -i uni;i Ills I ,.e|iea| him ?'? pa -i. ilia ! nftl? ? nas al No :-?:, Ki ? i 'de |.rive o WARNING TO PAWNBROKERS Mast Givr? Up Sto.rn Good*; or Lose Licenses. Says Mayor. M . . , ? 's .... f? -.'<? -?in . rot? '?? ? ?i . ? i . .. - Bureau a. foi ? . Poll? i ? omml ? sion ?? -i ? ..n iiu n..n,. .,i . ? '?rokar lu th. .-?t- v. I ? -, ? v? it n-.?n helni ,-!,,. :,..i ?.f hi > loan bj H ? oa nei lh? ..i| will i-i-- ??? II. Ill It. ... it|.?n -?f th? Ir lleenses if ih-v iierslsl lu this cours?. ?ri,.- Ma ror called part u ittentlon to pM? iii.ri.k-ri? <?t. Klghth aven?ie, -i i,.. h< eld had to del er up mm? ;. u. i. ? loten from Mi Bui dsai -. ?SUES HUSBAND ArTF.P 23 YEARS Wife Accnsag Mrnine- oi Failed Rmk crape i-'irin of Non Support \|? Mr,: |l ? " ..,mIn I a if, of I - , . n \. ho 'v ? i ?< ?..? mi" i "i lb? Bt?v?h , ,:.. I" .., ol \ .ill S< h ill h I I "'"! I .,,.,.- lest r-eptemh ng hei hu : and f?i ?< ? ? iiaratlon ??" lh? ?. ound ??f abandonment an.i not. ? iippori I \. .-..t.iiiii; i.. Hr- complalnl of Mn I'ran ,:.iii in.- formet ?t?x.khrokei dea? ?i?-?i her t ?nd ?h'-ii -m. i '--i b> < 'i undall, ... ? i ? ?? 11.-i., i i.. h hi< h >?.?>- i month .in? ' the i iii.ti. -a n.. v..n Schalet? flnn f??r $.'-, Since I hen, Hie u if. say ' randall : has refused i-. ?iippoi i h? ? Th? couple r. married in i- r ? fit) In It? ? GAYNOR NAMES DELEGATE?. H a yol ?;;i?ii"i has appointed Commission rr William H Bdward? ol the Department ,,( street Cleaning, Commlasioaei Herman Robins.f the I ??-p.?? im? "< of IJtfsBse?, S.-iiii. I lu?? i ni? ver. I! A I*. Smith an I Thomas J Curtis delectes lo the twelfth annual meeting ol the National ?'ivl.- Fe? trat Ion, which In t" ?be held In Washington ,,,: March - to . The general subject to i,. ,.|di red la ' National Peace and progress?." MONEY FOR JEWISH CHARITIES. .?,.,, i.ii charitable bequests are made m ii.. will of Newman Cowen, which ?va- tiled yMterda) In the office <>i the Surrogate vi Cowen died ??n Januar) IB Illa estate i?? ?! ni more thrin ?n-0.ti.-i. He i. i; 11,000 t.. ths Jewish Theological ? Seminar) and FM each lo ths following In? I stltutlom ? i?<-i.ana?.? Hospital, Mount tunal i Hospital, Beth Israel Hospital, Montefiors i Home, United H?breu ?harni.?? and th.j ; II. In ? v?. I*i. ? l.i.H'i Ass?? latlon. HUNGARIAN CLUB BALL. The Hungarian Repubilcaa Club has l? sued Invitations for s bs?l to i??- held al th?- Caf? Martin, Broadway and 31th Street, ..n Bunde) ? venlng, Kebniary "it. Among those nuil- d . ? i .ni?-- i ? I lilies, .???. , . .ni. i,, president Taft; l'otlector William i........ ir. (Vnsul Ocneral Alexandei Nuber de Tiek.-.i ?.i Austria-Hungary, Samuel s. Koenlg, presiden! of the Republican i'ounty ?'?.iiimiiie. . l-'ie?l?Tl?k I. Marshall, col? i,, i,,, of Internal revenue; Judgci If?? ?rr n.-m .?mi i;..< i.thai, Mii'i iix'ii Detslei snd Marl?.- issemblymen Harr) Kopp and Julius M Mayer. Marcus Braun, president ,i the club will i"- master of ceremonies :--a SARATOGA SOCIETY TO DINE. The Saratoga Couaty Boctet) uin dine hi ll.? I,..Li Manhattan on l.iii--oln'.- Hlrth ..a Among tlM iminh'i-* of the society, ....i whom hav? been *mh it .lurin? Its -mil, i. ,, -.hi of life, are ,1. S I.'Amo .he Rei 't ??eorx?- Alexander, Warren Curt?)* William Douglass McNulty. I ??'?u-niic i-- m', niior. William n. Porter ? K ?; I'liHn-..?-'. Music and talkx l.y prominent m<-???l.?r' will be (?art of th* evening's pi*ograa*unai I - Roosevelt Picks Sayings That He Fits to the Present. -? "APPLIED DECENT POLITICS" Points Out That Writings Were at Time When Civil War Presi? dent Was Being Vilified. Theodore Roosevelt told ? croup of news 'paper men who had been a-king" him for ?joine .m ..f statement m "regard ''> b\* position in the preuent aituatlon, Some dsys ago, that many thlni**" that Abraham Uncoln said were appUcaWs t?> the pr? r?ent day. They took a copy ot Uta* coin's letters lo him yesterday, and h? ?si ??<>w:i with them and read some of the senti? ments ?.f the Civil War I'roMi.irnt an?! <"m mented on them When he was .lone he Inscribed the follow Inn in the hook: ?To the (lr?l <:-.*?*? In Applied Decent Pol?? tica." Mr. Roosevelt thought that ? tetter writ it. n v Uncol? t.. <; i>. I'ronth-e was par? ticularly applicable to-day. i'** rand ?'? a ' par: of Which Is as follows: four .-niKK.-stlnn that I In a ?erlaln event ahull write .. lettei setting forth my con Hervatlve rl-wi and Intentions Is oeruiniy a very worth? one Hut would 1 00 any good? If 1 were to l?'"'" ? ???n",n ' r ,, I m. 1 expresa m) conservative views an? 1 1 tentions .re clearly and -?tr?rii-ii> t '? they at. expressed in our platform ana in ,,.-. t.i..nv speeches tlready In pitatsna ;** fore the public . . . Bui t ba?nhat m to deal with, both North and Booth. W who .... eaaer for aomethlng ntvA upon which t.. hase misrepresentations;men wno would n:?.- to f.ixhten me. *r*ll? ? fix upon m- the character Of limb lit* snfl ? They would seise 'H'?*, ?'"!.0_? [?n, letter I should, write as being ?n awful coming-down." .___? eon : 1 intend k.-.-.anu mj eve upon th?tse gen It lernen and I ? not iinnecesssrtij t"'< ?a. -;...i 1.. th? ir I.and*?. 1 Th- teacher" then .-.-1 s letter on caol? I tal .-..??I labor In which Nncoln ?^"1*dJJ ,,,,,;,.,: iathe ,f labor, bul raid it baj? ita rights which wer? ss worthy of protec? tion SS oth.-r right? ????? Bee." commented Mr. ii?>"^"'"" ?thai Uneola was 1 ?Pn-gr-wM?? ?Hh a bridle on." . \_ain he rr.-d this from a letter of bin? , olti to C. F. McNeil: 1 have nuMM Ibis explanation to ) eu as 1 Mend: hut I wish io explanation maae ,? ,,?i enemies What thej want J? ? s.pi.ihii.. and .. fuss* ..nd they can *lavelt. I?we explain, and the* cant bava It, It **?' ! don t. ?That lentlemen." said th? eohmel "? , . reporters, '1s an answei to the many ,,? have teen asking me. il?- sdded: ? *,.,-? must remember I'.tSl Unrein ?III then i e-n? vilified In .. ?ay that would Lt? punters to th? |*epers you represenl | w,l#M, ... , dll . ling m*- I "'" ??*?*???? no stronger. ' Th? member? <-' the .1 is" ?ere begin? ?In? 10 Ihlnk tl at ? itst.*ment was being f.,.,,,1 ? thai they need . ||, Roosevelt t mske .?1 - d* .,? ,,, t., his attn-td" toward lb? Pr?s? . ,,: no ? ? itlon, ri ni lie ?udd? nly re marked: 1 ... read na . 1 "<" -? -'l'i''""'1 _ ., . ;... ?i ,; ituatlen, not m ... ? ,,, hid sctlon lhai I maj or may not he .?l-oit to ink Mr Roosevelt passed t ?? Q-sttysburg ad and the 1.n.i inaugural ss n?>t beinfj . inlneiit .f all ?)f '.ln?*??ln I declared hi: belief that ?.ne of the gn st< st ut'' ran ?? "f Un? oln ?.m that . ,ii...? use to 9 *-'? i? nede, Nov< ? ; ? ||e tread it It ?ay? '?<< 1 " r H ;, . lonfl ?'' ?' g?TSV? ?l'ieftnvi .,,., ,1., ,,, ... .... meni not t'*o ??trona ... ,i.. bei 1 ?? ? ol It? people . sn 1 ? -t-v g -.. milnlaln Its existen?*? In area? sendee. W< cannot have free : ,. , t ?ithimt el--lions. and Ir in? n could force u? t.. forego or post ? ? ,?,.i e|e.-ti,.., n ml?ht fairly .-. already conquered end mil --i , . k... 1 ,,. election, ?Ion? with ft- ln-t ""? "'?'? ' " ' , ? tt c.1 1 ... h has been demonstrated r-n\erntnept ?an sustain a na ,.1 election m the midst of S Ef-ei rlvll ??... Amoi ; the ?- Mtors of Mi Roosevelt tents? ws? ex rjovemor Prsnklln Fort "f .... v.. 1:.It will he at hi itlook" to-daj snd to? rn..rt" .? and 1 not ? ?.; next ?? c?. SNEED"S FATHER ON STAND W;?ntrd Son to Let Wife Go - Dofonro Charges Conspiracy. - w... 11. Te\ Feh. 7 Documentary ?????- u.?s pi.ted by the defence this ? 1 . ? Mr. 1 of .1 h. Hneed. ???' murdered Paptatn I ?'? 1 ..-.. 1 oi pupport ?>f the ????mention t'.it 1 conspirar) exlst?*d among m^nbers of the H..\i*e frtiniiv to lirliic about a Reparation t>em.-?-n Bneed and his wife. I ...... and lelegi mis. which iin--.i .. Ilns h..K purported to hav< psased . ....... ,, th? H.,\,-. 1 ,i 1..1 ,,t lier Interest. I .t, were in i r.i.pi. el 'I'l..- evidence in < lude.1 n telegram MgnH by Mr?, gneed and ...pi.-M-.d to Kenn H?..-., btrother of \ ?; Boj<*e, |i . whoae elopement ?it!. S..l'a Wlfl pi ?ed-d Ihe killing ,'f th? ? M.. RoyiH \\ hen in. ?? idlni ?f the document ?a? under ?a. |h* rtst. n-*eured p??rmlsslon to .end "mlsatng link'" telegrams In chronological order In Ibis manner a telegi ?m *-!-<tifK that U*.OU had been f??? varded le I ti Boyes, .ir. was explained in he in answer to s telegram frtan the young man a*s?-riii,K that lu WSS In 1 rouhb snd n< ? ?ie?l fund?. .i...-, ph l* sue,.,? father of the defendant followed ? nptain Bnyder, father of Mrs gneed, on the witness strwi.i thi? morning. Hin testimony was in support of the theory <?f the d?afenos thai Bneed believed Ida wife insane, ami f?>r thai reason would h.a be separated (rom her. "l edrieed m* son t?> leave lus ?ife." declared th? sldei Bneed, on 11m witnea? island. "I tnlit him i,> |rt p. i- 1:0 and a ?* would take .ar.- of his children. He 111 slst?->i that she was Insane, and sai?i h? In tended to rtaj with her snd ?protect his children He said that if he left her ?he would probably k?. off with that man nu Boy ?CO) and gn to the dogs. "i brought ail th?> pressura r could bear on Mm. 1 told iiim that my fSmllj couM haVfl nothina t<> ,1m w|th his wife, that we could no) receive her or recognise bar. Me M(l?l he COUldn'l help it." The Witness -aid that he and C?ptala Royce agreed that s separation between Mr. snd Mrs Sneed would he the best thitiR for nil cnno-tii.'.i. [??ter, he testified, h? had toi.t his ?.on, J, B Bneed, "<>f hi? suspicions that captain ?3?"*e* wanted Mrs Pitted to separate and marrj his bob.*' ? a KEARNYS BONES TO BE MOVED Will Be Taken from Trinity Church yard to Arlington Cemetery. Washington, l'eh. 7. With much pomp and reremon) th? boo?? "f Major ??eneral ?Phil Kearny, on? <>f the most daahlng fed era) cavalry leaders of lb? Civil War ami ? tiicuie in the Maslcan War. are to un?1 then- rectln? ph*e? '" ,h** Atrllnf' ton National 1 "ciiietei-.x here on April 12. At prsasnl Q?n?ral K?-mp'? ho?*"' 1? it? a \ault In did Trinity . hur. hyanl. In New \ork ? *l l y. President Taft In?" ordered that all ?' Win veteran? I? th? ffovernment de* pertinent? I?, excused from duty on the da) of Ihe rehurlal. and he will atien?! the 1 ceremonies It !??*> understood that New .lose-, will ere.t a aultahle monument u\et th?- grav? of' ('?'lierai Kea.ny. He w 1- Killed at Hi?* battle of t'liHlitlll*., on August Mi i'**' CORNELL MAY KEEP BAILEY ?Dean Tells Grangers He Has Farm College Reforms. Auburn. N. V. l-'eb ?, Mli'-rlV M.vde ?Bailey, dean of ?he Cotlegi ?>f ?kg** ulture. of i'ornell f'nlverrlty. addressed the eotiniy deputies of the New York State ?Irani-"*' this aft.-mooti. his talk being devoted to the work and at; outline ??f the policies to he followed In the college under S new sys? tem which went Into effet ?>n January I As the resignation he tendered to the Cor? nell trustee?, some time aR?? still holds good, he wag aakSd for a definite expression as to ->vhen it was to become effective. He said: All tint 1 have tosav is ?hat 1 have prorn Isril to Stay until the n?-? si-heme Is in working order. How long or how short a time that will be, nobody un tell "Ican" not be worked out at once. As to agricuit l ural education. 1 would not force the organ? isation of agricultural schools or the study I of agriculture In the public schools. 1 he 1 new education Is working itself out even a? ! ths farmer is working out bin problem.??. gradually. It Is believed Dean Bailey will stay at Cornell until June at least. \v. u. Vary, of Watertown, was elected master this afterno?>n to succeed V. N. Godfrey, of Olean. Sherman I. Lowell, of Chautauqua County, was ssseted state overseer. PRICE OF EGGS SLIDES DOWN Reports from South Indicating Increase in Collections Felt Here. i ve housewives, cheer up! The price of eggs ???ok n 11?- drop yesterday on the I Mercantile Exchange, and as s result i Western and nearby eggs could he bought ; at from I to i cents i doaea leas than on j the day before The ftnest Western egg? ? sold at M and SJ centa, and thosk in the m st ]>>w,--r iradc at '-"- and '?'? cents. Ehrea the lowly storage agga kicked up their heals ani offered themsshres e.t TA cents. Kgg- from neighborlne ?llstricts, the big white iin?s. dropped t?> n and ti cents. 'The slump In the price of the h? n pn.rl .-t r i?- sttributed to sdvl?res from the South and i Southwest. Indloattna an IncreaM in colle? - - I ti?.ns and offering larger quantities for Im | tne.llflte shipment St lower prices. Several i thousand < ase.s. containing thirty ?lo-.en to th" ?ase, were thrown on the trade, mak? ing the conditions favorable for the ?ron BUmer If the retail dealers a.-f eccord InglV, eggs will soon he mora reasonable than In some months p*st DIVORCE FOR DR. SEELEY . ? P. T. Barmim'B Nephew Gets Uncon-j tested Decree at Goldfield. ins Telegraph to Th? Trih.ine | fteiio. Set., V'cb. 7 \ surprise \?as| ?aprung fo-ila' by the disclosure that ?he| ?llvoree a? tion filed In ?loldlleld, entitled ' W W. Seeb?- against Mar? Seele- .'? ?a . 1 f?>e OUtCOme of the mSlital trouble", of t?r. ! William Seele-.-, of New Vairk. nephew of \ the late p. T. Karnum Mrs. See|-y did BOl Contest the suit. Which alleged deser? tion. Persona' service ?a* secured upon' her. but she preferred to let ?-er husband secure s decree rather than oppose the ?i?. ' tion. In H?? ?leternilnatlon to maintain o\. treme secrec) concerning the ,..?(?;.>n. i>r. Seeley went to a Southern mining town and made H?. abode at ii thlr.i rat.- ho|e|. using every mean- to prevent the dlsclos ure of his Identity When the decree wa? giani'd be departed Immediately for n>w York J Caution! Cc-nsumer* ol John Jamfsox's I HRBE BTAR W nrsKKV are b?nj imposed upon by unscruptiwtis dealers refilling the Jameson bot? tles with inferior whiskey. Am? one who drinks Jameson's ?an tell the dififcrcn<-c and slionl?! resent the imposition. i Warning! j Thr Trade Mark PVotective O?, 141 Broadway, N. Y, has been retained to protect the John Jameson product repardle^s of rx pense, ;in? to prosecute to the full limit of the late all dealers detected in selling: spurious Jameson whis? key, cither by refilling, substitut? ing or adulterating the genuine. XV. A. TAYLOR * fO.. NfcW YORK Nile .?enl?. for 1 nlt'd Stales VANDERBILT CLIMBS LADDER ! Youngest Member of Family Is Now in Central's Accounting Department. Ilarol.l Vnr.derbltt, who took his first j steps In railroading a f?*w months ago bv I a??? -opting an humble job in the ]cga\ da? ? parfment of the New York ?.'entrai, has si i ready transferred bis activities to oth*r ?le? pa rtments in his geperal scheme of learn? ing the busine.-s. ii? ??as recently steeled to ,i place on the pension fund b?)srd. where a ? -ican? ? had occurred, and now appea? ? as a stinlent of facts and figure? in thi aofiunting departnient of th? railroad. At - companied by John Chrsteneea, ?lee? are si? ?lent of th? road in charge ->f a-connftn-r. the youngest member of th" Vand?i*bHi. family to take up railroading Is St r*!"*** et.r in ?'hl'-ago looking over the books of some <>f th? \\'ei?ierii subsidiaries of th?. N'es York ?'entrai system W. K. Yandcrbllt. jr. Is the dotulastlnf flg'iie among the younger members of th?> Vanderblll family In the N?w York Oen 1 ra-1. Me has been t |eated to tb? board of director? "f several of th? s'lbsidisry com? pa?i?-? In the ?'entrai system, ?nd .'?? pr?-? occupies the place of saslstaat to Pre'l? dent William ? '. Brown. COTTON -JUMPS 21 TOINTS Shorts Forced to Rush to Cover in New Orleans Market. New Orleans. Keb. P. The cotton marke"; experienced a typical "Wednesday boom ' to-d?y. Starting In Liverpool befor? trad? ir-g began on this ?id? o? tbe water, a huy? ing wave swept the market.? of the world, putting shorts to cover In a wholesale wav. At noon the local trurket ?to'^d V a bal?* up on the near futur? month?. At th? high? est lev?!? Of th? morning rr?c?r? were |fl t?-. Si points up. Bulls say that the adven?-? was bSSSd ett s continued good spot demand. OIX SIGNS FIPST LAW OF YEAR. Alban". Feb. 7. ??".overnor PI*, to-ds signed th? Sullivan bill, permitting Insir? anca agents whose nmln business is not ?rokersge to take out a broker's NOSBsSS. it IsChapt**r 1 of the I?s?~rs of 1*:.\ and *-'? ?.mmended by Buaerlntemlenl Hotehktsa nt th? 9tat? Insurance Department Earths eldest trees in i ornia Giatvf sequoias, &?es old Mariposa Grove, f? ) I nite Valley, is widely '4?> (?> 3 California has several big-tree groves. near Yosemite V alley known. On the upward way to Kings River Canyon is another notable group. This is truly a land of super? latives? biggest trees, oldest missions and highest peaks. The climate is plus-perfect. A Santa Fe train will take you there. Fred Harvey dining-car, dining-room and station-liotcl service. On the way visit Grand Canyon of Arizona. The Californis Limited ki..*? of the limited? e.el??? ?ively lor first-class travel runs e*-er> dsy?sleeper for (?rand ('anynn. Ssnts Fe de-Luxe- the only safra lata train. Chirsjo snd Kt-n*?u City to I.ns Angeles once n week this winter - (?ave? several hours' time- America's finest train. California Fast Mail also In? Anjele* Bsprsas and San Francisco Fvpress three -Jaily trains- standard Pull? man?, tourist sleepers and chair ears?all classes of tickets honored. _, .. ?,_ . Say which train you prefer. Will mail booklets. ^i'ltf A (?an. r. nillani. On. F??t?ni let, 377 ?nd ISM r.-n_Hw?v. Sevr fork ' it.. Fhon-, Franklin 33IP ?n?l SA m m i ^U\?t?>? ^?v *s. Tlanpow Big Trees _ J*V*VJ McGibbon & Co. ir*ormerl> Rrosiisi) ?n?l I9ih ft.) Have Rcmo-ed to Nos. 1 and 3 West 37th Street Just ?>ff Fifth Avenue. INTERIOR FURNISHINGS AND DECORATIONS Spring Importations are now on exhibition and include many Cretonnes. Chintzes and Taffetas in patterns of exquisite beauty at very Moderate Prices. Many designs are and not obtainable elsewhere. English and French Cretonnes, ?-.."> cents to 1.00 per yard English Glazed Chintzes, '*l~> cents to MO per yard Taffetas?50 inches wide. iM t0 --?">'' Pet" yard DF.PENDABLE FURNISHINGS FOR SELECT HOMES