Newspaper Page Text
V0L LXM ? N? 23.833. To-dnv and lomorrovr. generallr ?"?sir: northeast wind?.. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1912.?FOURTEEN PAGES. * PRICE ONE CENT ln CUT 1_^^>Mggi_r^ BRANDI 10 TESTIFY Oelancey Nicoll Tries to Get Privilege for Schiff and Gans, but Finds Whitman Obdurate. HAND TO SEE DIX TO-DAY Special Commissioner Eager to Start Hearings in Public, and Wants His Powers to Compel Witnesses to Testify Defined. Folk?- '?;. Brandt, the s-hiff valet, who Is in lbs T??mbs awaiting the habeas corpus decision ot thi Supreme Court, will he n witness before the grand Jury which i*3 Investigating th? method by which h*- was s? nt to prison under ;i thirt- for a first offence f,f?,!i!'_ r~ His counsel had a long con -?..n..- with him In the office "f ihe ~*Hgiri t Attorney yesterdaj It was reported that Brandt's tpplica? tlon under a writ ol habeas corpus Is likely t" be su Justice i lerai d, ; jt is understood, believes lhat in < ?.ns'nl i trati.'ii ??f the Involved legal tangle into -nhi.h the whole affair has fallen, to? gether with the further Investigation In | prospect by th?' appolntmenl of Richard L. Rand it ? Bp? - ?ui commissioner, ihs so?")? r he <-.??!-. hand down his decision on the writ the bettei II will ?be for all eon err De Lai ??> Nicoll, who el for ?tward B. Qans In this caae, r.lled on f>tat**lct Attorney Whitman yesterday snd ' nd-mvored to get sow - thai Mortimer !. Bchlff, aa well as Mr Gana, would be ? ailed as :i ~rtti the grand jury His appeal for makes th<- third which has been made In behalf of the former Assist.-.v? District trlet Attorney, who was aft?srward mini? tel for Mr. Prhiff in th?- original Brandi j caae, when the young valet received his] thirty - y-..r sentence. Form, r Police Inspector Mei.aughlin. for whom a ?-rand Jury subpeena was Issued is i? di ! T- th< Dlsti Attorney's <?ffl*<- y?saterday. having baaa served with a "nubp?na. He di?i not k<> before ihe grand jury, but h;.?l a long talk -v'.'h Mr. Whitman. A Denis! by Judqe Rosalsky. Judge Rosalsky d? ni? ?i 8 story that he had attend.-d a conference at the Cri? terion <"hih on March 3. l!"''7. at which Mortimer I* Bchiff, Howard B. O-ana, Inspector MclAUgMln and i man named Roths? hilt! were present, hat when aske.i ll fclf dental In the form of a signed stnt.r,-,. nl r'fused to do s?> The story of lhat conference was laid before the Distri? t Attorney, inclndins; sil the names mentioned above. Mr. Whitman admitted that the story was told to him In conn.? ?l??n with his in ?ation Of th.- Brandt caae, nut he Mid that it had not yet been investi? gated. Bp .; Commissioner Hand said yesterday that he would have s eon tr-renee with Governor l>ix in Albany i<> day Mr. Hand added that until h.? undCTitood precisely the nature ?,f his appointment h<- would be uncertain about his procedure, but he hr>i>ed that he would be able to begin an Immc?i.ii? hearing of the 'ase in public The announcement that would appenr as a witness befOTS the gr?-nd Jury mmf aiter the young prisoner had hern in conference vvith Mirabeau U Towns, his attorney, and Kotiert M. ?Moore a .1 Assemblyman Charles Vert, assistant counsel. The confeven??<? was held in a private room adjoining th.* District Attorney's office, and after it Was over It was also announced for Brandt that the ihr?-?- men ware his ?>nly legal r pr?sentaiiv.-s. It is reported thut the grand Jury greatly d?-sir?:? to hear Brandt's own Btory, as thev believe it will no far in clearing up the muddle Into which pr.-vi ?tatements have thrown It Hi will h? asked to relate in detail all his rela? tions with Mortimer I.. S.-hlff and his various conversations with Srhiff's law? Further, he will tell in detail the ptory of all his visitors when he ? the Tomba just prior to the time when JudR.- Roaaleky sentenced him to thirty in prison. Will Tell Grand Jury All. Hi? side of the story of his conversa? tions wllh Sch;.f, both at his home "ii the night of the alleged burglai and -it his office on tiV Monday morning fol? lowing, will b?- gtvea t?. th?- grand jury, as will his full st?.ry of all his relations with the detectives who handled th. In f.o t. th- only Importan! about win. h Brandt will not be able t<? aten the grand .buy . ompletely win b. ih.- dlapoaltion <?f his letters and other effe is whi. h th? police took from his room DeLan? ?-. \" oiri ?.?.?it t,, ||r whit man yssterdsy constituted the third at? tempt made by or in behalf .,f Howard s Qans t.. i?. psrmltted to testify I I'll*- So f.,r U ?s known It ***? :.s ooly th- sMcoad it, behalf ?-f Mortimer I. s< hiff it w;is ond-smood thai Mr. NtCOll gSV? , bjg ??timalion. he found lhat the proeeCUtOT'l 'milled 1? keep his < llel'ls away from the grand Jnrjr, that James Bucklev. foreman ?,f the gr;i:.d Jury. would he asked to invite ?Schiff and Qans pear rift Attorney is determined to from appearing as witnesses Ideally waive th.-ir con? '"?'' privilege Which otherwise grand Jury witness from 1 he District Attorney will ' ?> prohibitory order if on at ''"'pt is mad?- t? KH them before th.* Jury through trie medium of an ?tion ft?.i? the foreman. '?''"?'n.-i it,.,,. i,,r McLaughlin wai tn when he apiwared nt the i'rim- , JBal Court? Building yesterday to treat j ??i..- <>r HU'-h routine R*tire that he could not recall it ut<-t. Later, however, his friends ex? plained that ii. inn. tor was (?nlinned on third pu if. HOW $25,000 WAS ?STOLEN IX BROAD DAYLIGHT. PHOTOGRAPH OF THE TAXICAB THAT WAf H-BLD W Florines IN OUTLINE siiou H'?v, OENO MANTANI IN Mis skat ON THE TAXICAB. THE V'.vv ROBBERB <X)T INTn T,lE VKHKi.i: ??Pfcata by atthe ?acial ?ur-rtea.) EQUITABLE DIRECTORS ME ?O SEIL OED SITE Will Dispose of Broadway Block "If Satisfactory Price Can Be Obtained." ASSESSED AT $9,500.000 Since Building Was Burned Real Estate Men Have Estimated That Land Was Worth $20,000,000. The hoard of directors of the Equitable Life Assurance Kooiety at a meetlnsc held yesterday In the company's offices, .it No. 166 Rrondway, voted to sell the bloeh in Broadway, between Pine and < ? ?lar streets, where the ruina of the old Equitable Building; now atnnd, "pro vid.-d a satisfactory price can be ob? tained." It would he difficult to ascertain ,1?ist what a satisfniti.r'. price for the prop? erty would Le. The city assess.-?! th.- ? in lire property last y?-ar at $12,100,000 It was ape? ifU-'l that the building r? sonted $2,200,000 of this valut-, the land $9,800,000 ;in<] the vnults nn'lfT the building .*?<?? m kmi The Equitable society had a private assessment made by the Douglaa Roh Inson. charles V I'rown Company and John If. Goldlng ihr.-?' y?-ars ?agio, The average aaveaamenl ??f these esperta waa found t.? t?.- 118,800,000, bul one ..f them s.-t his t?.tal as hinh as $16,000,000. Many real --.?-t?te men are Inclined t > think that in view of the rapid Increase In prop?-rtv values in lower Broadway 120,000,000 WOUld be a fair ??f the value ??f tin- liroun?-' t<? day. Tin ploi lias a frontage of 1*37 feet 11 ii ? hea in ?Broadway, 152 feel ?> inches in I ?i ?street, 810 feet 1 Inch in Cedar ?-1r?-?-t and ?">,,?"' t??'t ?*? ln?*he.s In Pine ?street. Th.- ?ity ssenseora plaeed a value .,- $?180,000 a im ?m th.- Broadway rront ? ?Ko. I4OO.O00 '?n the Nassau lots and ;;;;ini.(nhi on th.? ?Pine street and .Cedar ?tree! I"ts. <"??rner l??ts w?-re raled at a 80 per cent increase ov?W these Bgtirea The ?Equitable aoetet** 'lid not acquire the entire block until a few years iik<>, Whan the Bebnonl property, at tho corner of C?8dar and Nassau streets, and the s?-<ti?.n on th.- ?orner of Pine and Naaaatl streets wer.? added. The build InS was In 1888, and en? laced and Improved lu 1887 under the p-ersona] direction of Henry B Hyda It was th?' Hist building In New York to have a passenger elevator. Two years UK?? the Equitable society -rlously conaldering the erection of a sixlv two itory building on the site, and. In fa? t, plans ware drawn up by I?. H. Bnrnham & Co., ot rhlcago, for' Hi., stt?.iure. The building was to i nst $10,000.000 It was finallv decided that business Conditions would not warrant M.? h an expenditure and the project was abandoned. Blnce the lire the company has discussed the advisability of replac? 1 iii_r th?- ruined building with a twenty story structure, but this plan also lestM J t. have beep dropped. After votinK t.. sei] the si??- th. oil ? ? tore elected the following officers for tii.- coming Preetdent. W. A. Day; secretary, Will Ism Alexander; actuary, Robert Hender son. The following ?Jtsndlng committees w.-re ais?, elected: Finance committee - E. H. Thomas. T. De Witt Curler, Prank S \\ ?tb.-rl ...?. i*. H. Zehnder. Ihe presi? dent an.i th.- vire prasldtint ?Cxaoutlve commit t. e Th.- president, the v|.??? presi? dent. ('. It. Alexan.ler, W. W. Fin.ll.-v, A. ('. Htitnrihreys. Thomas A. OillaajUe, Walla?.. I.. Pierre, V. V Snviler. Thomai Spratt. Samuel Kea, E. M. Out^rbrtdga Jacob ?? S? hmidlapp, William Whitman! lli-nry I?. Purest and Charles I?. Morton. Afc.-n? \ committee A. C Humphreys, John I?. Keman? Hradlsh Johnson, ttomg E. Tarbell a.,.1 I'. H Williams. Itisnr .?nee committee t'harles IX Morton, (> B, i.ittietieifi. winiaaa C. Radflald, w, f*. M??'?.ok and K W Hl.iomlnRdale. ? RECTOR REJECTS EDITORSHIP. Newt.!.,, Mas? , -'eh. |j -The Rev |:,|. uani t. puiiiviin. rtctot <>f Trinity I.'i?|. ? opal '"hutch, Newtoa Centre? ami.? to-nlRliI Ihm h?, i,.,,; ,i, ?lin.-.l ,iii to le?'<>m? erlitor of The t'hur?*timan," ,,t New V??tk Tin H, v Mr Sullivan Is edi? tor of 'The ?Church .Militant," th.- Mus,.,;, eliusell* dio?.?-san >,,,,... I MEADOW BROOK HUNT HALTED BY QUARANTE Sheriff Has Been Ordered to K All Stray Dogs in Hemp stead Township. EXTENSIVE SCHEDULE UPSE Six Men Will Be Put to Work . Once to Carry Out Order of the Commissioner of Agriculture. Mine?la. I ?on g Island. Peb I". ??''?p. rial). MendOW Brook fox hunters \vi he compelled t?> forego their usual sprit bunting, as Bhfl?ff Da Motl tins .-ift?-i noon received word from Calvin . H tison, Commissioner of Agriculture, 1 enforce a strict quarantine against a doRS In the township of BetaPtteaM irhl? I? is comj. i ut i dorn? riling? t.. sides small ham!? Is. whl<h li.ndl phots on th? map. Th? quarantine ma last six months The quarantine ?ill prov? s Kr?-? hardship to die Meadow Brooh club, a .1 ES. Davis, Its maater, iia.i prepared schedule of hunts for the fox and drai hounds which would have attrai :.?1 lov ers of th? sport from all parts ??f th country t?? take i?n?t In th? dally runs As any ?1??k ;it large can be ihoi aft? the oflicer makes s reaaonabl? effort t? catch iiim. the hounds would, "f conree com? under that head, and the <i"i ?catcher would undoubtedly make ai effort t.. kill some "t them. Th<- trouble arose ovei s mad dogneei I'.eiiiiHu?' who escaped after h<- had bit ten ?? number of dog??, which soon showei .-? mptoms of disease and w?sre shot The d"K which started the trouble ea capad and has not yet been caught al though there in little ? hance of his belni alive, as the doga were bitten tin-.-? Weeks agO. Th? H.'iii|.si.'.i?1 T??wn Board of Healtl requested th? state authorities to en force a strict quarantine, which ordei the Sheriff received to-day, H" will ut imee put six men on dut) t?? see that nil sii.iys are kill??!. In lb? ?olonles about Westbury, Roslyn, Qarden City and < ?ilarhurst the greatest car.- will hf u.s.-?i to prevent the spread of the dis? ease. AlmoKt every household in all of thOM sections has half ? dosen doga, and if the.*- ar?. not either muzzled or tied tlu-ir owners will be liable to a tin.- of 111?. land the doga may also be shot by the ?Jog ' etcher. The horsea which wars In ih?- field ??n th? .stiite of John ?S Philips when ono ??f th.-m w;is bitten have shown no further slKris of rabies, ami It Is thought by Mr. Phlppa that non?' ot the otheri was bitten bj th? rabid dog. A strict rjuarantine has been enforced In North Ib-mpstead, man. doga being killed .-very ?lay In ;ill s?, lions of ihe township the result being that all own? ers are keeping their doga ..t bom? and tied, While 111 oth.-r Stray doga ;ir.? shot. If the quarantine is of considerable duration many d.?i~ shows will he nf ferted, as Hempetend Township is ul waya promlnentl) represented. Amoni; prominent residents who will be inquired lo k.-.-p careful watbh on their doga because of th? quarantine are i . Van Bsnaselser Kennedy, August Helmont. James .M.?rtlin<T. who |s super? tntendenl of th.* Westminster Kennel Club ?Show; .'"hn Van Vranken. Byrofl Maker, Pr [?Mill Nop Pan? hart. Mrs. O M. P. P.lniont. John White, Mrs Henry wiii.tts. to. ioott Cameron, Bei man L. l*?-ttit and others win, have coun? try piares in the affected district _? ?? PAID ALIMONY IN LEAD Husband Also Gave Wife Plugged Nickels and Dimes. m, r ;? >-' ?p?*- '" T!: ' Cincinnati, feb, ,v ?*"? 'he hearing to? day before Judge toaxrnm <>f ihe suit of Anna Alsn. ' for divorce and alim?n, from Mathias AI m** s:i!o?'i,k..|..|- an.I . . Mrs Algner 8*eCl.***ed '""t liter b?tng or? dered to PBV Week!) alimony p.n.lln^; th? | deposition of her suit, Algner paid her In donara, ph*gf*~ *?W"* ;""' < Su?- exhibited a bud dollar and other ?-oin? whiih she ??ai<i --ii?- rtfeelv-sd froaa ?lgnei gJM saw testified lhat when she tol-1 him she would have to Ket a divorce, he said: "I'll tlx It H >'n" n"r ,ollr la*vy''r'' fln?l my money and let no b**mmt9." I PRANK vvi.i'i i \, ?l*h?.t<i I.y I'??*?-* Knarr-.? in* Co) Th.- slxteet, year-o|d mammenger, who waa tan by tha robbera in th<- atruggtc to ? iney. M \ p gHi f\\ ING h ??. ??? iLbOWED B1 THE TAXICAB -\KTK.K THE ROBBERS TOOK CONTROL Th.- cr.ins in.ii.ates where ihey got into Hi. ..ii? grst the i-tat whrr?' they made Ih.-ir es.?ape. Passing of the Yankee Do you realize the extent to which New EriR'and is now overrun by ?persons of alien birth ? Some startling facts on this ?point will b'e present? ed in Next Sundays Tribune BUTTER CORNER IN DANGER New Zealand Product Reaches Canada at Low Price. ?Ilv T..|..Kr.,|.l? f Th.- Tribun- 1 Ottawa. Fab IB. ?One thousand |in?k hk?'-s "f butt.r import?-?I tern New Zea? land an.) Hhii'i'?'?i a?t??:> the contlnsnl fr?im Vani'iuvT reached Montreal to? day, ami will be offered f??r aale there ,,, montra below th?' laieem asked tot Canadian butter, non ?<> cents a pound <.ih?-r ahlpmenU of N<**w Zealand butter .-,re eonlng to Ottawa and T..r..tit... if th<- eapertmenl provas a auccesa, regular shipmenta win tollem. The Sem Zealand article Ii pronoun?ced [Time by those ?who ?have tried 't. although s trifle more aalty than Canadian butt? a ihortaga ol butter snd consequent hiKh prlcea In Canada caused thla ax? i?? t iiii.nt t" be mads T ?JUDGE LANNINO SERIOUSLY ILL Sudden Relapse May Prevent Him Sit? ting in Steel Cane. I Bj t. :.?.?' ipti io Th? Tribe?a l Trenton. N. I . '"? h Ii Judge William M Lannlng. of the ttnlted Btatea Cli-uil Court, who area ???i'?.n??i a- eonvaleedag from a aartoua IHnaea, lisa auffet-sd ?? re lapsa ami i.-? sea it? ? ciltlcal condition, a ?pedallo* baa found it eaceeeery to remirt t.. UM use Of'tiiH" IS the event ol Ma recovery Ju.i?;.- I_uintns win not b* able to Btt-nii t?. Mi """' dutlea for sere-al month*. ., , _ . . It I? naM that the Illation brought by the government against th?* United Btatea si.-1 Corporation win be before judge ?;ii\ and Judge Bufflngton, wiio. with .Indu.- UintiltiK. ha.l b'-.-n assigned t?> trv the es? _ ? i ROBINS GO ON SFREES Redbreasts Get Drunk on "Bird Lick er," Sober Up and Then Take More. byeriy <'?? . Wh? " Robins in .hie vl dnlty have Hffialr?*'! hajilt? of ?nao.irlety. The 'bird llrker" thst Intoxl-ates them Is bettered t>? bs obtain**! from Chins lernen. whlrh ?row In profin*l?*i n.-i.r here Many of the robin? ,nu' '?av,- bum 'ound In a "drunken" t ?>t'.<l'tl?n ha te b"*n watihed during 'h" ,!m" ,,f ,,1"lr ?UpslB?J. ti?.n. w.-itrhern being eareful to lie p cat? at a safe dlatance. and It has been . l-?.-rv. i that In a few h?tn" ,he hlnlii revi.- 9Skt imme.iiat.iy ge bas* ts the Chios berry] t!. _?> GREAT BEAR bPRING WATER. ???? *, rehZ of 6 f-taas-stsppsrsi bu.tiea. A-ivt. PROFESSOR GOES CRAZ1 i Spanks Pupils. Steals Horse ai Gallops Away. lit- ? Trlbon* I Philadelphia, Peb |5, Professor Jo' p.iifji?-?-, f,,r several years an instruct at th?- Orange Home, near Hatboi P.'tin., apparently suddenly went out l-i?i tnimi this morning, w-h.-n he dl turhed the regular chapel exercises the achool and then, without hat overcoat ruahed from th?- building, stc a h?????' and ?lash? ?l over the counti r< ,ois. riding his charger bareback uni captured bj Conatable Palmer, ?'f Hi bora He was arrested, charged nil disturbing a religious meeting and ?tes Ing a h??rs?> The latter charg* I? at ballabl ? In thia state. and the instruct, was sent to Jail, where a commissin Will examine his mental condition While the exercises wer? nein*; he! thia morning, Professor niifgen entere the thai', i and yelled to Prefeaaor J??h Percy, who was leading the services, in demanded why he was teaching th? ohll dren religious errors. Professor Percy ordered pufften fron the chapel, whereupon Miff-en attack's? several Of the ?-Indents, tliril'il then ncross his knee and spanked them wit! ail the vigor at his cotnmand. Who Profesaor Percy and the students re . overed ? nougti t?? make a concerte? effort to go after P!lfK?'n, h? dashed <?U of ti??- < iiap.-i into th?- bun, ? fieri h< ?..t th? horse utt? started oh lus wll< ?ia.?ii across the couhtry 75, MARRIES "GIRL OF 17 E. B. Alsop Weds Miss Effle Pope Hill, of Georgia. Seventeen and seyenty-llve were the ai?es given by Blhe Pope mu and Bdwird brown Alsop when they aske?i for a marriage license it the <'it-.- iiaii yesterday just pie? VtOUS to their wedding In Trinity Church. Mr. Alsop admllteil h.? wa.? ths senior mem? ber of th?- BOW Htm. In spite Of -.n?'' hair and a gray beard h.> might pasa for a man ?if sixtv The COUPlS arrived at the Bureau of f.! <?? i .?es a few minutes bsfora closing time. and after obtaining a ttesns? ?rsni ??? Trtn it y Church, where they were marrl'-'l l?y the ReV Df Hutton. The wedding feast was served nt the Waldorf-Astoria, after which Mr. and Mrs. Alsop went to th? Motel Latham, where they will make their home f?ir the present. Mr. AlSOp'S tWO sons, Harold P. U. Alsop, who Is a stiuleiit at Harvard and Is several years old.-r than his stepmother, anil Fvl srai I J. Alsop, who Is at ("iroton gchool, wer?, present at the wedding. Miss Fllll. who comes from Washington. Oa . has been living in New York for sev? eral months with her mother. Mrs. William J. Hill. She said she had met Mr Alsop about a year ago. Mr. and Mrs. Mlnter Wlmheilev. an aunt and uncle of the bride, came to New York a f.;w weeks ago an?i tiled to peifent the match. Mr. Alsop has extensive steel Inierests In Pittsburgh. He is a brother of the H.\ Dr. Reese F. Alsop. ?f grOShljU. lit!* for in> r Wife, who was MlM Knuna Hester Hussey, died four years ago. Mr. Alsop Is a member of the Metropolitan Club, of Washington, D, C, snd the Dtiqifesne Club. Of Pittsburgh. BANK MESSENGERS ROBBED OF $25,000 ON BUSY STREET NEAR BROADWAY IN DAYLIGHT TAXICAF3 FIGURE IN , CITY CRIME ANNAI.S October 23. 19C8?Morris Tannenholz shot at his Jewelry store. No. 755 Lex Ington avenue, by robber whe escaped in taxlca'i with jrweli. January ?2. 1909?Harold B. Thomp son. chauffeur, knocked unconscious and robbed In Central Park South by four men who had hired his taxicab. August 5, iq(**g?Mrs Irene Wright knocked unconscious and robbed In Cen. Park by chauffeur of her taxicab and two other men. Febr-iarv ?*5. 1913? Five men torced ? taxicab chauffeur t"J r?nve them away from ai fon at 37th street and Eleventh avenue, vi\tere they had stabbed An. thony Fo?cIII six times. April 2, 1910 "Spanish Louis," gang leacfer. Klll'd it 11th street and Second avenue by four men, who drove away in a red automobile. May 9, 1911?Woman kidnapped six year-old Mildred Bllsinger from Public School 28, Ralph avenue and Herklmer street, Brooklyn, and escaped in auto? mobile with child. July 23. 1911?Adolph Stern, a clerk, shot and killed by hold-up men In front of the Jewelry store at 13th street and Sixth avenue. Robbers escaped with tray of Jewels in taxicab. September 21. 1911?Men In taxicab shot Frank Mullen in front of his home at No. 352 East 32o street. January "!, 1912?Abraham Hollander shrt. at Delancey street and Bowery, by five men who escaped In a grey tour ing car. February 13 1"12?Irving Beckerman, a bookkeeper, held up and robbed of $900 at Great Jones street and the Bowery. Men esrape In an automobile. TWO ROASTED TO DEATH Hut Burns Near Stamford While Onlookers Are Powerless. [le. T? 'earapb to Tht th' mm I Stamford. Conn.? ?Feb. _& Msltrttle Holly, .'in ?Xpert charcoal t.urnor, and ?:;.-?>r:-.- Waters, ? farm Isborer, w?^r<* burned to death it East Hunting Ridge t" nlfhl in a little hut on the farm of Batnuel Browi ores ??f men and women, i? verlese to render nid, si.i around th?? burning building and listened to the Frensled cries of the vi?*tims. The men srsre bm bftors. ?Waters? a ?'hit war veteran, was seventy years "1-1. Molly was flftv The hut waa on an Isolated p;irt of th?*- farm, arid th?- ni.-n had been In it all the afternoon. At fio.? o'clock Hamos were seen rising from th?? roof In half an hour *he bull-t? in-; was a hrap of glowing coala. Th? ?bodies wer** found. o BLAMES FALL ON AIRSHIP | Youth Accused of Forgery Says Money Went for Skycraft. [By T?l?S**_***ll io Th.- Trlhiin-' | Boaton, Feh U It Is bettered hv the p? II? ?? that Th?eodorc II ?'.irt'!. twenty years ..i.i. charged to-day with forging the dsbh of the Rev I?r Samuel A Eliot, son of tha prealdent .ni.rltiis of Harvard l'nl veraltjr, to four chacka fbr a t.-? t a I amount of $?"?''?-. aought tn meet espensi i ha had Incurred In building an airship in Dedham. ? iM.-r w.iv arrested on the Instsn-ce ?>t tha William J. Burns DMsetlre kganey at N?. 2'S1 Amorv ?street? .lamau-a Plain, where he lived. II?- was li.-l.l <?n f<.!ir ?outits aft?'r a hearing in tha Cambridg? ? art.-i. tha police s.?v. confaaoad t?> i.i\-?iik' forged tha nan*.* of I>r. Fliot to four rhf.'ks, as foll"\?s Jillv ft, *?1_; August 3, pod; Auguat i. UM; August :>. $i<>> II,? ?1?. Ia!...l. according to the police, that In? expected to Bell th?* ma?*hlne at a high fiuiir.- an.I then make restitution. The p<> i*.-.- say ?'?irt,-r asaserted he was bonding the airship ?Hi the ?'hut.? of an l.v-hotise. bot the wind carried It ?town the chute Into a pond II?- trai form.-rly employe,! bv I?r Kli.'t CHLOROFORM GIVEN DYING MAN Three Burned to Death in a Freight Wreck on the Grand Trunk. Yarmouth. Me, |-Vh. || Atlhur Corliss, Ray Jordan and Mr. Barms, three train? men, wen- burned to death In a freight wreck on thr- t.rand Trunk Railroad near the North Vaiui.'Uth station thla morning Two freight trains struck with terrific Im? pact, the wreck.??.? limiting Arthur Corliss, hrakeman on the Portland bound train, was <lls?,o\ ere.l alive beneath a burning bn\ car Riled with grain. He was conscious and asked his would-be rescuers if they could <JS*/e him. When they found that he was pinned fast In th" wreckage and that th?- li.-e was approaching s?> raptdlv .is tu forbid any hope ?if releasing him, the situation was explained te him and be begged tint something he given him to re? lic. <? his siiffei Itiir At the risk of his own life. Or. William Stui del ant. of Yarmouth, crawl.-.I un.ler th?? car and thrust Into ihe Injured man'-* hand a handkerchief BOeked with chloroform to relieve his sufferings. A moment after the physician had withdrawn from the perilous position the car collapsed and Corliss's body was hurled In the burning wre?kage. ? HOG KILLER FACES 7 YEARS Butcher Who Uses Firearms in Hi Trade Accused Under Sullivan Act. [By Telegraph te Tha Tribun- ) BahyIon, Long Island. Fmm, 15. Fdward Silber Is midst arrest In Llndenhurst. a Cern?an vlllagt? three miles west of here, on Hie charge of violating th.- Sullivan law t, listing to the carrying of concealed weapons. 8llber is a butcher and he kills his hogs hy shooting them In the head and then stahhlng them. He was engaged In this method of dispatching hogs th? other day when he was discovered In the act by August Ra?r. a rival but? h.-r Raer ina.l- complaint to Justice Irml?ch, who issued a warrant charging ?llber with violating the Sullivan act. Silber plead.-d not guilty and put up ball for his appear? ance to-morrow. Since his arrest It has .1-v.?loped, ?he authorities say. that Silber is not a citizen The penalty for a foreigner , ,,?.vi?t. t .?f violating the Sullivan law is I scv? n years In prison. ANTEDILUVIAN WHISKEY The good. ?iLl-fashlop?'?! kind Pure rich mellow and "right." Bro?.. N T . .SAvt I Five Bandits Hold Up Taxicab in Trinity Place, Below "Dead Line/' and Escape in Automobile. MEN WITH MONEY BEATEN Chauffeur ' Forced at Pistol'g Point to Drive Ten Blocks Past Three Patrolmen? He Is Held on Dough? erty's Order. The most daring and remarkable rob? bery the city has known In years waa accomplish?'.! yesterday forenoon on the margin of the financial ?llstrlct by five automobile bandits, who held up a taxl Cnb and robbed two bank messengers who were Inside of $25.01)0 In $.*> and $10 hills. The robbers escaped In a hlark touring car that was waiting for thorn at the corner of Park Place and Church street, leaving no clew behind them. After working all day on the case the polte? confessed that they were puzzled. The police, have little to work on. but that little they are trying to make th? most of. having detectives all over tho city detailed on the rase. It Is believed that the r??bbery waa committed by the name gang who held up a clerk as he was leaving a hank last Saturday, at the Rowery and Great Jones street, robbing him of $;Ht-, after beating him with blackjacks, and then escaping, as did the thieves yesterday, in a black automobile with a Mach hood. Belonged to East River Bank. The monev was the property of the East River National Rank, to which In? stitution, at No. t>80 Rroadway, It was being transferred in the care ,.f two messengers, both unarmed. The taxicab, In charge of Oeno Man tanl, left the East River National Rank at a little after lOo'clock. Inside were th.? tWO messi-ngers, Wilbur F. Smith, sixty one years old. of No. 901 Sterling Place. Brooklyn, and Frank Worell, sixteen '? irs old. of Seventeenth and! ! avenues. Paterson. N. J. The taxicab took a somewhat round? about route In getting to the Produce Kx?hange Rank, at Reaver street and Rroadway, going down Rroadwsy to Maiden Lane, to Nassau street, to Reaver, and then to Rroadway At the bank the messens;?'rs presented checks for .*?*_*."?.<Xk? and received three thousand .*?."> lulls and one thousand fit) bills, some n?".v and some old. Th AM they put Into a brown leather tele bag. about twenty-four Jn?*hes long and about sixteen Inches in height, and the sain?* meeeureaaeart in width. The messengers, w It li the money, got into the taxicab, and the chauffeur started on a different route going hack He ??nt up Rroadway to Fx>*hange i Alley, turned west and reaching Trinity iPtaoi turned north in that street. In Trinity Place, between Exchange Ph.o,. .inri Rector street, were rive men,? Four had no overcoats. Three of these wore cap* a fourth ?rorc i soft slouch hat. Th.- fifth wore a Kray cap and a well cut brown over?-.?at. They had been watting thct?- about half an hour When the taxicab turned the crner the five Jumped int.? th?. Street and surrounded th.- taxicab The chauffeur came to n stop. All that followed was in an eye's twinkling, showing with what care the -|uint--t liad Studied th.-ir parti, ?"?ne of the Hve jumped on the chauffeur's ?. ,t and stu.k a revolver against the driver s st.?mach. Tero <>f the remaining four threw ..pen the doors of the taxicab, while the other two Jump.-d In Tho Iwo on the outside then slammed the doors. Ordered to Put On Speed. "Put on speed and keep going as fast as you c-,n!" ordered the bandit on the seat alongside the ehanffeur. The chauf? feur ?lid as he was ordered. Inside of the cab the two messengers \v?-re b,*ing struck repeated blowa on the head "-ith blackjacks. They fought back, but the older man soon fell In a daze t? the floor of the machine, and a few more blows of a blackjack put the boy hors de combat. When the chauffeur started the ma? chine b.* had on s*?onnd speed. The ban? dit beside him pressed the revolvsr against his stomach and said: "You have on second speed. Put on third." Th.? , hai'ffeur did so, carefully keeping clear ?if other vehicles, one of which was a big heavy truck laden with Iron gird? ers. At Park Place and Church street the latter being an extension of Trinity Place ?after n? Ing ten blocks, passing three policemen and hundreds of citizens. Man tani "brought the taxicab to a stop, being ordered to do so by the man with the revolver. "Now. don't make a sound, and don't make a *n*~vei? that's all you have to do," was the final warning of the hold-up man. as h. Jumped from the chauffeur's sent at the same time that his compel* ions In the t.-ixicab oponed the doors and Jumped out. one^of them carrying th?. brown hag with Its precious $'.'?.0".? At th. corner of Church street and Park Place, right under the uptown I." station, on the north side, was a Mack touring oar. with its engine throbbing, and a chauffeur at the wheel. Into t'n'.H tho robbers leaped. In a moment the car was speeding north In Church street and was lost to view. Chauffeur Seemed in s Dszs. A citizen who had seen thin walked over to Mantanl. who appeared to be in a daze, and spoke to him. telling him there was a policeman on a Axed post a block away. This roused Mantanl. who turned his cat" around and drove to W-m Broadway and Park Place, where 9