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reetie?-? and started oui tek o ?watt. leaxiliK \."?'d that lt.- ?'"M be I'?"''? Horth welked eoel on U?e north side Uth street as fer .-s Fifth avenue Turning, he wen! up Fifth avenue to KKh street. ,,nd then started to WO? ? on the south itdd ot S*h ttteeA AS he turned the -orner he thought that lutomohile, moving slowly, ioUowod him l?e welked briskly f?*a*ward until he wa?. within nvi htmdfod f?-t ot Si"*1-1 avenue, whe-n th.- attack took pla?i Morth tkii thai th?* attack rendered him -en,,-?'on?clous, but that he r. in.-in hered dirtinctly thai oao of his saoall? anip reached Into his '*??at and extracted the beg \i??r resting against the xx all ?i. . real building for s fww mo ,,,.,,, {o sixth avenue and found Rtnn. Him, ..;..?-ted that limn-?lint'-ly after lakin?? Horth t?? the ?station 1m talked to people hi ?he vicinity of the spot xx her.- th? Jeweller SftM the r?.bb?-ry took ?. . i?,i (bet n?? ?n- had sew the at acting Captain (-??one***, ? ?? tho west ruh street station, ftselgfced ?Do-tectlvei Hughe* il* ?ms. Kitney ?'?i"l Marron to investirai ' ? ..?*-??. lie also telephoned t.. inapectoi Hughes, and some of the m^ti from H<-adipiart. rs were al-?? de? tailed to roll? i ??t* the c-aee <;eorg?> Horth 1< B ?leabr in dlamonda xxhos sp-K-lalt: Is aettlngs snd order work of \aHons kinds. He lives at No. 511 .;?! street. Union Hill? N- J. He has i?. in the diamond business for many : ? ? " John M ?Demurest said over the tele? phone leal night thai he had an appoint? r*e**ni with Horth yestet-day afternoon. He added that he hod known the dia? mond dealer for many years, and knew him s.? a truatworthj and truthful man. THREE "HOLD-UP" ARRESTS One Identification Fails, but the Police Promise "Developments." In their efforts to ?lo something yestcr f.'aj- that lucked like progress in the taxi ? ab robbery mysteries confronting them the police Clapped three me,-. Into jail on the augpoaltloii that they feaew som?ihing *\ho*it or had rom^thine to do in one way or another either w|ih the yvo robl??rv of lust Saturday ?-"- tha %m\tU r,,r.bery "f Thoraday. The po'.lce themselves last night ?-'.Id not ?eem to l?> exactly ? Kar ss to who bad to do with wbtob. On? thing Deputy C'onlm,fsioner Dough- I erty was certain >'. he seid. There was no ', coiinee?!?-!; between ?ii" two eaue?, m hl? epini-*>n. He f i n **> 11 v apreed that this there? for? left hi? men with no r?al advance in solving ?he latter myatery "But we have ? lot of things we ar? ?de? veloping" b? ?aid i think they are 14 par cent pur? " This it- th* police na* of ' ng that if things turn out ?he vay thry hope perhapn i me progress x*m v.**- made before 9S Headquarters all day vei.erday an<1 lOM IntS The r.teht looked like a re CrOiting esthp fer some great enter-?;-!.1"'. to many men in plain elothe? were there, cnmi'ig and going. Almost every man. It ?eenn?ft, <i?S' riled -n poUC? rosters as n 'le a ^K_*r^ Ok m dJHHBKV ?AsShC tE8_Q_i_r 1 ^v-b. -? : ?w 2 . ??? ate tsaawr omet Celebrated fiats SPRING STYLES Now On Sale NEW YORK Chicago Philadelphia Brooklyn For Eighty Years l'scd as a keen relish for many a dish. LEA * PERRINS SAUCE TMC ORIGINAL WOliCtlTIIIHlllI Nenjed (or Soup??. Fish, Roail?, ?lOOSSS ? r.?l ?Salad Dres-trag-t. An Appetizer Join Ui v, ta', Sox?. A rent?. \.V B00K8 AND PUBLICATIONS. "Befer und Brighter Than Ever." FEBRUARY Mea .tsgerb A*i. *MHot CONTENTS : Fu v.,-.. !*.,rtrni; ut the ?BugtaeOS *U?. of ITealde-nt Taftn <*_i,i,.?m, ?aei^etf-ry ?>f the Treasury. Frank im aleeVeogb. Meohliie Made Zato? . Homes!i, A i"reign ? Development of the in ?iimtry fru-n the hotne to tlio mod? ern fact? Represent.? ihanta ?Sxpreea Their Mew?- ,?, tllP immf5Uw HitM of Lacea h Kmbroiaerias. Broad Silke, t' air poaltiofl TO-DAY ?and .., in? rvrvax. Accurately Prer\o lei] I-. I'llV ?0<X**D8 ?ry Oooda men worship ?it the Jw*rln? ??i Brillai flavartn. The fahrt, ilent x.? m,] Dinner, l'r?> Iiim ? llliiftrat-Ml with Photo. nd Hketchea by our ?x.n Artist. Unl-jue ??tail Dry Oooda Organisa tlon ? the Inter-Mountain Tvhji - ?'.?i-i Kxclusivel) in tii?? ?,? i? i? ih ..... i Queen City of the Wast: Cincinnati ? i?* Treniendou? (Irowth an ,-x i?r-. i;?..,n Centre, xxitii Jiitmtra llun?x Dartiter Crt from I'arls. Fashions "'ir SliifT i'orr?'.?-iion?l?.nt Advance Styl? t.?r r.?- i: ,? ,,r#.^ ? tibtlea Exclu :? , l: Prepared rot nv.\ Munis **?_? ?saltation?Cominr Rice in frtcaa ? ?atteet Sunthln? ? Adam la?? JR-ien In Pnrle?The Tarlfl In * Itutahall?John Mayhew's VUwa '.n the Model Department Store. < the ? ?Id .-at e.i featurei? of February DBT lie Voice ?f iha iirv t TRADE po.MH.-iIng ?he onlv I'tr Orjanlrenon <.f Fabrl. anil Experta. WATCH US GROW ! OUT MONDAY DRY GOODS PUBLISHING CO. A Sew Tork <""onv*'r**?tl'-?ii I ? a /?', ??C-2..?? i irth \-e, Htm rorb. ??h- there. Single m*r and _r*'i of mea wer* mysteriously ?hunt?***! I Departy i-omiiils*i?!ier ?oi_gh"^y*a ofl ??r the sanctum of in*p?*ct"r HUgbes. VI ' they cans ?<ui ?hoy ware thought! mystery shroudsd eamaaalons, mi f?'1 away into the atreStS Sa if ?"? <"'>n~f' '" tentoua mission ah day io**.* the official? whispered -.ether. Then they would tell report? there was nothing new j"*1' yet--' i come around at | o'clock ?and W* will ha some bin stuff for yon." It waa rrvtU H that ?'??nimtsslorier Wald" raa taking inter-si In the matter. \t s o'clock in th? evening Pntighcrty h Hughe, held an audience in the ftormei offl?e. They apparently had been wheei Ing carefully Just what they would aa but they both were obviously 111 St e**'-. ??y.m do the talking, Ins].tor," Doug erty said to his subordtnste "Ton but more than 1 do." "Well, as you know." Hushes said to t reporten spreading a piece of paper <? before him, "a man by the name of t'liarl Rofsi was arr?ate?* ]ast night In the ral?l a. poolroom at No. m Seventh avenue. I was identifier] In Jefferson Market con this morning by Irving Rreckernnn SS Si <?* the men who robbed him" Hreckerman was the man who -ivas n sHulted on ihe Rowsry 1**it Saturday, win the ?tree! waa cniwded, and robbed of .*" by two men. who then made th*lr esea] ? n h blach automobile. "Rut ?ild yon know that Rr*?-ket-man 'a' In court refused to stick to his Identifie tlon?" Hughes was aske?i. The Inspector t?irne,j and began to ?: confused. "ill explain that." he aald. 'Tins mon Ing Resal whs brought before Msglstrs O'Connor. The pottee asked thsl he i?e t manded for forty-eight hours. Bui ?Ik mended an Immediate hearing tt magistrate set his rgarl fey this sfternoo "Well, this afternoon be irai placed am?.tu* th? spectators In the court, Bred erman was brought In. He whs ?old ? walk among the persons In court and s? if he saw anybody he knew. Re did ? but ?ii?i not pick out anybody. Then Mei tenant*Ferley risked the magistrate too'd? all the men In court to stand up und pi on their hats. The magistrate did so. an when __reck~t~man passed among them th time he picked out Reesl snd s.?t?i h? tri mie ->J the men that assaulted and rnhl<* him. Afterward, when he went into tt complaint room to make a formal con plain? against Rossi he backed down " "As a matter of fact. Inspector." he wa asked, "didn't Brecher man back down '?* cause li? said he could onl- identify Ro* as the man whose picture Li?ut?nsn1 I**ai ley showed him in the hosplti 1 '1 don't know,' Hughes Mid, shifting o hla feet. "1 don't know whether Farley ?v?r had picture of Rossi or not. to Show Br?okei man." ?Dougherty said. "DM he. Inspector? "I gu?*ss he must have had." Hughe? sak "Well, a* a ma?ter of fact he must hav had," >-onfe*s?d Dougherty. Then your connection of Rossi with th robbery so far I? Breckerman'a Identifica tlon of a picture a lieutenant showed iiir of ? man"" 'We have Ihlnga developing can'i ss? now just what?but have things develop ing." Dougherty said "I'll give von ~*.->**i's record." Bah Hughes, ss it nothing h*d happened t< mar Rossi's standing as a real 'suspect " According to the r?*or-l given by Hughe Rossi, under th? alla? Charlea Bcheflllo, wai ai'rested and seal to ?he workhouse fron Brooklyn In IHB for dtaoTderly conduct ??n August t, 1*11, he ttttg arrested on ? chare?- of "rand Isrceny mude by Mab* Wilson, who -*eer?<-d that hi ha?l ?tole? pA9 north of diamonds from her. W'n?n *h? r-c- ??*- called for hearing Mabel "as not io be found and the ?barge was dropped On ?he day of his discharge hi was ar rest?*d en another cherge ?.f grand larceny, tb* contention of ?h? police being thla tun? that be ha?l acte?! In complicity with 'Humpty' .'ackson Ig robbing the \tn?rl e*n ""J-pr't's of ttyi.ttsfi worth of good? Jsct. ?OS was ?-onvfeted and g-ntene.d to t*n year*, but on .!.inuar> 99, l?fU? Hossl wa? dtseh.*rg?d by Juden Rasaiskr. In addition to thla record Hughes raid ?hat Rossi wa? a notorious 'gun in?n" around town, and bad been wounded in BS** eral saloon brawls. At the completion ol ?Ms narrative Dougherty called Hugh?! trt*> another ro?"m When he came back Dougherty had a det-rmin-d face, "T have something tha* will Interest you,' h? sai'J. 'To-night, at about 7 o'-lo?:k. neai his home, No. *5 Sheriff Mr?-?. We arrest??' the chauffeur of the ,-ar In which the met who rohl??d Breckermsn, msd. thch ei ??ap? He !? Abrsra Bobel, a Russian, age?. twenty-three Tie i. charged with acting tt ron?*?rf with Rossi That la all 1 can l?l \f?i now. We have something l_B>valoptn*j which WS cannot announce till later" "But you can tell what ie,j up t?. gobel'i arrest or did yam men just go out and ar rest the nrst chauffeur they saw?" "Oh, no," he replied. "On the da: of th, robbery a man furnished us with Informa tlon <-on?*ernlng the Identity of the ?I auf tesar ot that car. This nrre?t is the result Thai N all i can tell you." Bre?itbsrmaa di?i n<?t s?-,, gobai at Polie? Headqtarters last night but he and three Witnesses will confront hnn in Jefferson Mark?i Court lids evening. None of the witnesses m the Rector atreet rob ?..-.- hare se.-;i Bobel yet The third man under arrest Is Montan!, the man who drove the car in which the bank meSS?ngerS were robbed nt *?_*,?.?-<?. He consented to being held while hi? knowl? edge of the case was being investigate.l, saying that he was anxious t<? help in every way. Rossi win have another hear? ing t<>-day. ROBBED OF PAYROLL MONEY Hold-Up in Bronx Yields $340, Just Drawn from Bank. The list of ?*oent highway robberies was swells] by another yeetarday morning. when William DpUgherty, seventeen y.-ars old, employed In the marble cutting Works of IfoOowan a Connolly, at Mo, 73* j_a*t IHst -treat, The Bronx, ?.as held up and robbed of *?.?.? in bills, according to what he told the police of the Mnrrisunla station. Dougherty accuses John Marry, a former employe of the Company, living St N< F?cond avenu?-, of taking the m<>n>->. Paaghsrty ran to the Hit.i_ssi.Is potiae station after being robbed, sad Ueutcnani t'uriain Immediately ?ent (iva detectives t?? arrest Hurry. But they failed to Bad him HP to a late hour last night. The m??n< y had '?????i drawn from the ?'om Kxchaii-? Hank branch, al wim avenue and 14~th str?-?-t, for the WCShly pay? roll, it teas in nil? of ?maii denomination, whlrh Do~~gh?~"~ty thrust into the ?-?ri,, pocket of hi? overcoat. They made ;, bulky bundle, but Dougherty s*i?i he kepi one hand oa It, ai ??. safeguard. mi hla way back to the works. Dttugherty ?.ay?, he net Barry, who told Mm thai he had }ust met **the boss" and that th?* latter bud given htm a letter t?? turn over to Dougherty, The leitet was addraeaed ta J. ?Smith, No- -f-? Trinity avenue, at,.I Dough? arty st>,rt?-?i t?? ?deliver the letter at that address. Hair? v?.l mi?*? red to ? ..IK slang with him. Qoughert)' says, and when they reached the addrees given they found It w-:..-? a raaaal le| Dougherty sdded that he still l iiithlng, and he ?in?l Harry start ??i beak ??? the marblr works, bul on the WS] they pause,! throitgli a vacant lot and ?hep. according to Dougherty, Harry asked him how hi? the bankroll was Dougherty said ll was so big he couldn't get his lmn-l ground li. and Barry asked to see It l>??ug'i?*r'y refused t., show the money, ?And the neat Instant Barry tnrne.l on him and hit hin? between th? ?yes The blow knocked him down helplesa, ami Barr grabhef) the hills fr??ni DoUgh?~~i~~fs pofket and ran lb t? i?d to follow hb tissntlani. (Mit ??,*? so st.jnne.j ?h?? Vlan? ennf?t not ?Ut-tan? '"1 him and *.\ |U p, i Park i n h>. IIS OF CONFESSIONS IN DYNAMITE PLOTS Miller Intimates Certain Men In? dicted for Conspiracy Will Tell All. OTHER INDICTMENTS LIKELY Government Relies on Ryan's New York Letter to Prove Guilt?Two More Un? der Arrest. Indlanapoll* fob. W.?Intimations were faid to have I'cen rc.eived^hy the si \ornment lo-duy that W-nte ot the de? fendants in tin- dynamite confPlrfMry ca.-es were ?preparing "to tell all they know." The statements folli.xvod the government's charges thai fturty thou s.iii'l letters ?mil lelegrams taken from tl,,- international Agooclatlon ?>f Brldgo and Structurel iron Workera shewed thai Prank M. Ryan, Ih? president' Her? bert !**. HoCktn, th.' Second Vi.-e-prefOdont. and members of the eaecutlre t>? ?>i?-?I mil business agents cindii. teil the dynamite plots through the mail, pointed out J "jobs" t" be i?i.?xxn up and maintained ? system ??f d-sstructlon against non-union ir??n and stool coutracto**?, ,\nk<*(i if any negotiations hod boon ..pencil xvitit htm t*oncernlng the defend gnta l'nite?i Btote i>ijtrtct Attornev ? "hartes W. Miller sold: "I wouldnM bo surprised if it Is shoxxn soon thai some? thing like that had happened." w. N. Harding, conned fot Ryan an?l the in- : (?arnatlonal <?,Tt<*ials of the Iron xvorker?, ?held a ion-.* **-***-_gre***cg with Mr. Miller] t?? doy, bul whai wog r?ong|dorod was no; disclotod. All But Three Under Arreit. All bul threo ?-.f th- fifty-four ?1efen<1 snts ar.- now eitlvr under arrest >.r in Custody, Moulton H. Davis, ?? former j Iron worker. "**-***-*endered to-day at Phil? adelphle. William K. Beneon, ex preet dent of the Detroit Federation of Lahor, was grrosted ?t ilarkersvllle. n---ar S.ira toKii. N. Y. Botwefi, now K0_ ,),<, arraigninont he. f r. Federal Judge Mbert r At-dernon I here on March 13, the f*cn*e*******-**fll *.. Ill proved with preparation for the trial?. which probably will he ?-ariv in Ma] Ortie K M? Manlgal'a confeosion ss ??. tl.e dynamiting be did 'inder the direr tlon ..f .1. ,1. M.-N.tinnr**? i* sal.l by Dis triet Att(?rney Mill, r to be ?*orrr,horaterl by th? letters embrocod in the indici mem charging "uncon*rammat?**d sets of conspiracx/ Ryan's letter, WTittOn fron N'*"* V?*?rk ni April, 1910, la cited in UlO Indi.-tment ;,? thoa ?.iff ?k instructed Henry W. I?-*-* leltn?er, noe ? .f Denver, lo do **ertaln "Jobs"; John T. Buffer, th?? first rice? president of th< union, t?-? do "Jobo" h? f?uffalg arid Rochooter; Hockin t?? do "Jobs" .i* i'?eveiaivi. i?etr?'it. Davenport. Iowa, ind Cincinnati; raui .t Morrln? of .^t. Louie, to do a job" ai Mount Vor? non, i:i. and Prank C. Webb, of New Vcrk. to .;.? "jobs" at Worcoator, Maa?. "C-31-.mimmated" Co?i*pire-*"ie?. The il.?letm?"??* ebarglng "COnSUtn? mated" Of '*ompWerl r.>n??plr--|C|c?t altOgO that th- "'oh" :,i Mount Vcrno-i IH ?Ivnaml'eri <->n the nl?h? of Apr?! if? ' <t ih? Havenport 'Job" tinder cor.*tr'i?-f!..'i by the r.-.nipanv r>ferred to b] Ryan \v?s dyi'-imlteii on Juno i\ that th? ( l'et-irl-x 'Job" xxn? dynomltod otx .lune 4; that 'he Cl-svolond "Job" tros dxnamited on June 22; that the ptttsburg Mob" ",?? dynamited on July l?. and that a bridge ?' gs dynamited al Rnnagt ?'?' lugust ?I Th* testimony of McManigal of ?many witnesses from th?? cjttes in which ?he explosions '?< ? urr.-?i. and of members of crews ?>f trains upon which explosives x,_?re rjirrlrrl ??ill be found t?. dOVetOll ? vaitix xxith the letters aliened ?,, show the unconoummated acta sfcordlng t.. Mlli.'r. who so* ? Beeiji;?,*? MeManlc'il ? .-, ? lb? moei a?-ttv? ?iz--ni ??r tbe dynamitais; though iio<-kiti. at. the lndl?*tmenl eharat-e. "?a*, n clos? -??e.n.!. ti..- rov.-rnmfiit ? 111 rel largil] npop hf| testimony f?M corroborative --.-i-?--r?.-?- n? the trial.-, ?itherv n ?t named In Ihe indict* mints ??re pelnt?-?i lo sa having been c? netted ."Ith th. plot, and ?arlx rlAwlop? mem? max brtna theli Identity forward but at re an tstlntled t?. try thnei ai_ain-i xxli'itn xx? are sure x?.- have. .*on . luslve svld n? e. Conoemlng tiie letters quoted in the Indictment Mr. Ryan sai'l t?,-il,,\ It !?- unfair for the government t?? draw ofmi*luslona that th??.-?'^ irere written '?, promote crime, if any persea r<*ads nil ??f tii.-m li? ?xili see thai thej r fei "ni> t?> legit?mate mean-- <>f Indudng contractors t?? uolonls? their week ' ?a RE0PEN.S LABOR MEN'S CA.SE Count-el for P. T. Farrell and F. C. Webb to Oppose Extradition. Upon application of Hugh Qotrdoa Miller, counssl for ?Patrick i*. ?Farrell and ?*. Webb, the two lahor men who ?'?-re arrefti*?l h're on Wednesdey on indl-t meats fourni in IndloaanoUa Thorns ? Oloxonder, United state?- Commlsstansi, ooDsentod ysoterday t?> reopen thetr eases an?l to grant tlimn a hearing at n?*?on to de>*. Fari-ii ?'"?i Webh at Orel wolTCd tha right to he SXaadped .Mr. Mil|,?r con ten.l -I that they took this step they ?arefe not represented by .oun^ei gad did not tind'-r t.ind What they were dulni;. gddlSOn B. I'r.if. Assistant United Htates AttOtmey, opposed S reopening Of the 0000, lut Commissioner Alexander said i-,? thought It ""?> ?*!''r i" tAte tha men a hearing. I? was IntlmatM by Mr. Miller that he- aros opposed t" the removal of m* dienta from this dlgtrlct on the crouBd thol thoy were not properly identln?-?! ,n ih? ni'ii b'arlng similar OSmSS in the ln ..?'tm.'iit.. Patrick 1" larrell <ju**c?*-eded yesterday in providing $10.'??? hall and was released. Paul Morten, ?>f No. tu ?Saat .".im street, ,.,\. tin? hon?! Webb ha?i to remain in tiie Tomht?. bU1 it x.jis ,-nl.I that a Mircty fompenj would furalsta I all for :iltn to ?iiiy. INDICTMENT HASTEN,?? DEATH Aged Yonkers Man Worried Over Ar? rest in Alleged Mining Swindle. ii"art ?Jteeate? coopted srltk worrj ovoi hll unreal two xx.-ekv ?go on a ?-ha??*, ?f grand larceny, frrowing ?.??t .f an ?ti.-K? ?t* *nlck engineer" mining swindle, eeUOSd th? death of William .i i'oii.xk. leveoty-tws yrare old, at his horn -, No. IS Vista avenue. v. nkera en Thursday night Mr. PoBodi WHK a broker "Uli ??Ml.-, s ?it N?. .'?<'? Hroad way. Wtth l"""?l') 1. I'?*?-.-!), of \V|n?1.???r Trust Company fame; ifeorj (ngroaa ?nd Choxlaa l\ Mitchell, of this ?l'y. PolloCtl xx.i n, dieted on 'be eonipiaitit of a man who WU.x Induced to buy ??.'->>??? worth of stoek |g th ?'heian ' 'oosolldab ?i f*oopor Cesapoay, Which war reprcM-nt'-d t?. th.- eomplalnan* ae on the ?.-rse of .1 riv r?r t?. ti, Oetty, of Vonkero. nied a ser* t!**-:ite ol Pollock's death with Cholles C. N'ott, DietriCt Attorn-*- . | eijter <i?x. .lot K ?udges, !? ia*vyer, told ludgi ??'.ni* in Oeoeral torsions yesterday that his cllen? ixar Unoctat? and- worry r.-.?r hie arre?i caUSed bl: d.atli PollOCk v SI >?n?!ei ft* !?.? hall 1 heut, mm FOR M TO MB I Colonel Steever. However, '? lieves Trepass an Accident ; Deprecates Court Martia REBELS CUT IMPORT TAF , They Admit American Good Palomas at Half Rates to I courage Trade and Ob? tain War Fund. I From The Tribune Bureau. 1 Washington. F?b. iii. owing to j 'e-n"ran?*c of the city <>f Kl Pas?- an route of the ntre?t?ar Unes ?if thsl I First Lieutenant Henjamln W. Fleh] ?'h.* nth Infantry, which arrived at ki thla week t.? reinforce the horder p i? under *.rrc?t pending .*?n hnvsstlg , thai may lead to his court tunrtl.-i 1 rharges of c;ir?|<>f,?nr*s In the proescutl I his fluty. Lieutenant Welds, m taking a ?i? i ment Of ?wo dozen men to Invest?ante Mexicana rapotrted ?ion?- the Rio Oi i J'ist belOW the city, apparently Lourde? Wrong ??ir and aras carried nearly a the inteniHiional bridge int" M? Scarcely had the boundary line been ere however, when the rar wa? held np band of Mexican soldiers :??i?i th?* ?Amei lieutenant and vo|d|ers we?-.- ?1 ragged Prompt explanations probably saved ai ??outlier whl.-h might have l?-?I to ?.e International complication?. ('??li?nel Steever, enmmnnding the p f??r?<-? i? i;i Vitro, lu r?p??r?it-g the Inel 10 th? War Department fo-ilay, Staled ? board of oBlcera had been detailed t< vestlgate ?he incident, wilh ? \ lew ??i tertnlnltig whether the ??"Tt, ? r ijcllberl Invaded Mexican i-rrit"rr with hla aoh ???? whether Ihe s.*t wa? unhiten lonal, If ?he lutter Whether It was th-* re?u| t ?arete?:?, Trespass Wes Accidental. i Colon?*! ?steever said IK had no ,i I thai PteMs*a ??a*c?n?n? that the tr?? ! was accidental irss 'nie an,; p?rhap? <? be passed ptvor wttbOUl B court mar ? Had n wrong ear been laket. . uttrU doubtless liltl? would have been ?aid. a* this oho ?atiied a .vor? of Am?r soldiers, uniformed and armed, lato a <*lgn te~~r.?UM. which COUld I.ttStTUSl n hostile net If UlS neighboring ?'?ii|i should ao choo?e, the aothorttlee here inclined toward some ?-Tt of puntshn which may b* mor? i.-? ?rr than a r?" mand. It anpenr? that Fields ml?tin?l?rsl the directions h* had obtained ind bosi a ear 'hat nia-i" i |o?'p of the two In national brl?)?:-*-. IhUI going flr*t mt" h Ico tWore reaching th? p??lnt to vihle'i wa? or?..-,r?*?d Advloea to 'he gists Department snn?-"i that Tiehnaiiie h?s bean eceupiad bv ?urgent? and communication cut ??if h?tw ?tha? etty and T?*tre??n Although many 1 | ?l*n?rs twv- already fled from T?-rr?<"n Amrrlcans sr* ??ported ?till ther?. ?nd Mexican government lias promised, ?hroi AmbaaaaOor Wilson, to gp ??? ?h?*,,, . ? ?r- r tectlon Th? Insurgente, eontroillnr rsl?-?ma?. rder, ara adndtttag ?-?'i kind? of go at Kali ? ? i itar cnateiu rat?- i"-- t m? ?n? It 1? cal, ulat-'d that th?' cetra?.' ? m derable Import i.nsln.??. * thus obt c.o funda tot their dm vet Conditions Better in J oarer.. xX'bi;.- etmdltMtna In .luarer are ?>?-td to favorafbi? to the peveeaaasnt, taudttk f tr?i.?r -t? Hi ? hihuahua. psr?lcul-.rH i Caaes ?'Irund?? region, are still unsettl There Is much opposition t?j the goy?i ind ti i rebele ?here rontin?.? to I? f?fe with th? running of ?r?i .ttiar??. ESvSrj eomm?jnl?*allon b-tw? M?*Xlco ?';??'? -?nd Oaxaca In thr aouth I been Interrupted It la repnrt?d f ?n? il h' ilia? Vi quilas captured Quer rere in Chlbushua h night. The s?a?? l?gisle?ure of i*hthuahi it i? ?Haled, ha? s?nt peace commission* to sll p*.r?s of the staf t" sadeaver le i ?i.-.. ih< rebele lo return t" ihe ranks ih- Mad? '? ' - Ref?gaos from MtrXloo, pria? tpal \- ? lean w-?.?iii?i> ?md children oontlnued te-di jto pasa through*. T?\ A few of th* i reported mistreatments, hut theaa Hotl ~*r- hearsay ??'ii't waa reported ni"ng th? raiiwi hn<- between Laredo and Mexico City, s eefM at one er two towna ,\l?xiin City, P*eb 1* Torre?n 1? i**?lAt Rehola surround ihe town an?l communie tlon hy telegraph was ?topped laut nigh? The government to-day gave out inf.? matloii that force?? < ??lotiel ..'H??.; had defeated a body of rebela near Tu re? n, killing seventy and losing hut ot killed ,-i n?l ?'ii? wounde?l. Last r?-i???rt-? from T??rr??>n were that tl n Identa f**red the Va-nuista? wou carry out their threat of at tu'-ktiig t ??Itv. The laut train OUI ?a? permitted I ?Ove hy the rebel? merely because li ca :i?*?i ii number ??f American refuge,-?. An Dnexpected strengthening <>f tl rebel.? was reported to-?lay from Tesltulsi t. town In l'u?*tila near the border Of ll Htate of Vara Crue. Thla place w?? ?,?-.?? pi? ?1 by rebel? prrwlalmln-; ?heir ??liieren? lo l-'mil'?? \'as.p:ef <,?.iti<*. T zHubin Is I th?- ?mountains an?i l? regarded hi- a atrat? Kb aI point of ?nor?- than ordinary %,'ilue. Other ?iiublngs ?ir?* reported to-day ftoi points neat PUeftC, Hadlragut?. and F.I l>< rudo. In the Ht*.?.- of BOnora, and frot Ha?tiendae. In .lall??.?. Wir?? cutting fnt?i fored to-day with receipt of new? from poi tlon? of UM State of M ?relos, where . l.?t eral Hohle? Is conducting a vigorous cam i .iit.n against the Zapatista All ?lay yesterday a battle waa in proa rasa asar Chlnameca. ?< \iiiage n?*ar je Jtitta. At last re??orts the fevbrnN war driving the rebel? hack. There will be no special session of th Senate to authorize the president to sen? troop? into I'hlhnahua through Amer|c?t territory. The permanent ?-?iiiiniittee o t'ongresg to-day voted the ateasure ?low i and adopted a r?solution saying "ihe Mtua lion demanda no ?u.-h action." BROKER WEDS SECRETLY 0. H. Robinson, Once in Asylum Takes Second Wife Quietly. in? Tslegrspk ??- Th? THkasa] Phiiadeiphi.?.. I'.-h. H??Qasrge Hyatt Rob inson, ?, araaltby young broker of >????* York, around whom a legal battle ra*-ed in 1~0". when he was ?*onflne?l In an asylum at Ainltyville. Ix?ng Island. f.?r two month? was married In this city yesterday to MkM Mary Booth Marior. of Bossile, B, .t. Rob? I Inson had obtained a dlvone from hi,? tlr?t wife in the Bupeaine <oun of New York on February I bsH. The fir?? Mr-, RohtnatMl had ln?lxt"<l tha? h?. w-a? l?i?nne an?l fougln t?, liiue blm confined In nn asiluni. Oreai asetntfy ?urround?. the marriag h- r?. Mi- nohfnann. aaoampanfsd i?> mi?i Marior. arrived her. on WodnesdS' Yes unlay they .-?eight puentoa i'hipp?, a puh n? i otar?, and certain pagers were tea* ! i?ar*d. l.nter. .i< ? ?unpanl-d by an Assistant DttttVl Attorn.-y. lohn M Patterson, thoj *..ent t?? the inirrltg- 11,-nse ?here the been*?-, whlc'n was t<ti*?pre??se?| for the Hut? l-ctng. w.? laaSJSd. In hi? application j for the lleetaae Retstnboa ?aid he -?,-8> -, I"gentlejnsn." ?wenty-flv?? reara oh, ?n.i gaV. his .iddre?? aa No. ?.N *lo?itii Hr.?ad street this elty. Mlsr Mar|,?r MM sh? |. , t?,-. nt> -?lx ear? old The th'ht t,. frr" ("oblnron fr?-ni th-> a ? hum ~?*rt-d In r?l?riarv, ly? If. h-??| h??i 'in psrtrxrshti? srlth P. O, ?'hlpmap, and lm m'dla'^i* after tho firm dissolved "*??; i ? I._t?r be was trneeri u. ' ?? i*- ',1b ? !?ir?, .| .|r,.t Hot'tn- .? :n. ?HAND READY FOR HEARINGS! I Dix Tells What He Meant When He Said Case Was Closed. [By T?-l<-gr0-..h ??. Th? TlibOtie.] Albany. Feb. i?. Richard t.. Band, ihe j I -ommiBsloner In t .- Brand! ease, confei-rM j I with Governor DK tor mere than tero honra j i this afternoon. 1 leymour Van ?lagiroord, the Oovernor'o? I adviser, and Attorney General Cat* : mody were pr?sent, .lud?.. n?.nd would soy ? ' nothing tu the reporters afterward, but leaned a statement over his signature in ; which be aitnoun***t*d that he ?hoped to begin the hearing? In ?few York Tuesday, and thai they \xouid h- ?publie. He ?returned to ? NOW York after leaving th?; ex<9CUtl**0 ? ehomber at .*. o'clock. Attorney ?;.n?-rai Cormody -.?i?i aft*r-| ! xv;ird that he would rppreyent th. .-fate In ! ?the hearings and that District Attorney I Whitman also would appear because of the ? records in his offl? e con.-i ning Brand! be tore ne was sentenced. "Will Brandt !?? celled gg a witness?" he was asked. "That is to ?be decided by Commleatoner Hand. :?e has entire charge of ail those ?letafls," \xaa the reply. It Is s-lld that there Is no pre.-e.?ent b> which the pro?*?dnrc In the Urnndt Invee? Ugation can he determined, as this la un; deralood to be the first time that n?> tlon of the prison lax? providing f"r it bOS been invoked. The Attornex- General announced that ha had returned to the Oovernor the retord given him to familiarize himself xxith the -ase and that he boVoT? ?I It t*J be now in ith? pos.seselon of I'ommlssi'.ner I hind. A?* rordlng t., Mr. Cormody, ths commissioner ha* arbitrary power in the matter ..f sum? moning witnesses. He may summon t?. the Witness stand any person he believes posses--' gny information that will go to show any wrongdoing In any of tiie pr?? ceedlngs, either before ronvirtlon or in thO GOUrtO, or whether facts were mlSKP? j reoeated to the Governor when the appll-| eatlon was for elemency by V.rav.di. j Mr. Cormody said that the hearings would j probably Include an examination of every ? record that has flgu* ed In Ihe cna-' I "An attempt Will be made." be ?aid. "to j aoeertatfl ?whether abooiute falftaess ?wool given t., Brandt, whether the ae||ou of the I curt was regular :in?l WhOthdr tin* OSO wss eondUOtsd with due ?TO'-ess uf law. j This mx-stlgatlon will be of a xxlder scope than men] eapect. it's oil important ob ! J*et is the ascertainment whether WfOUl doing was perpetrate?! t?> the detrim*nt Of the .-onvlet. Rverytbtng hinge?- on that suspicion." In refOTOnce t?i ?he power of tbe erand Jurx to summon irltaeoooa Mr ?'armody I said that even .Judge Reoolsky could be BUbper-oaed If Mg presence were warranted. Commissioner Han?t in his signed stats. tit nt said: i hixe rom? to Albany to receive my j corr.nit??i?ion in the Brandt matter md al?oj to e.mfer with tbe ?iovernor. 1 have re e?ived m* i-ommloslon and have arranged ? for ihe future to the extent that pro'lslon | tritt * toad" for a heating before me In M?W York a' -om* place to hx* .inno?ir>red | 8uch hearing will be a. public one, and It is i hoped ?hat th?- ftrn ?esston ?".III l> held on j Tuesdev ,,f next week, although ?his is, n?*.'??<-? .n ii- un?*ortalti it eon otfli M wld' that th* h?aring '?ill he as soon is pos? sible and th? inquiry trill proceed a? -rapidly as possible in th* present hituotior, there is absolutely noihlnc mon to OS "Id. '.overnor DIS te -la? ?1'illed that '?<" had talked :o ??harW F. Murphy <>r DeLOnC?* N'leoll on the ttrand? ?ase. in answer to a report that district Vftontex- Whitman i w?. to eeii Mr Ifurpby before the gran.i | jury, whfc* Is lareotigatlog lbs east, it i va? stat-d thai Mr M'trphx* and Mr NIOOll I b*d urg?d the ??ovinor *i deny Tirandf. i ippli'-atlon for a pardon "I have e?ert Mr MUTpfoy onlj once in the si* or eight months. ??ov?rn-.r l?l\J said ' And I hays not ?liacu-sed Ihe Hrandt ca?e x?ith aiiv on? exempt th?* Attorney I <_cn--r?| and Mr \ an Rantvoord." Oove-rnor Dix I? emphatic in bis denial: that he has .-hanged his position in thlaj case "t\ li-tl 1 said the en-ie WOS tmUmit" he s.ild. 1 msOnl thol SO far as the record before me was coneerned the .-are ?a? cloaed There had been anonymous let* ter* and newspaper Statements "f mai? lers not in th? popera before me, but they wore not in legal form end eould not be ?onsldere.l I?Otsr IhOM W#rs all*cat(ona ? t ? em ?-? tden?*e which might ehange th* arp?r?*' of ?he .as- und T appointed Mr. Hand to s*e if the allegations w*re sub ?tantbited Only on new ?vlden?*? Ihe dedSlon he rhat'ped " A hill Which max- bOVe ?? hearing In the Hr.-.ii?lt ?ase vas reported favorably by the Senat**, ''omnnitea on Venal Institutions. ti was intfloduoed h; flsftolof Ormrod and provide? th:it *f ?he (krvernor certifies that n. his opinion a person pardoned by him i. not guilty "f the ertme for which he wai imprisoned such wrtlfleate may be made the busts of . .lilm for ?ompcniia il.iii to ?... adjitdle-ated h> the Btat. ftourd of '"la'me KINGSTON'S FUNDS GONE Former City Treasurer Refuses Demand to Restore $9,489.15. Kingston. N. T., Feh, It, A .leticit of J-..I?'. i. hi Kingston's eltj treasury, alleged to haxc o.-ciirred d?:rlnc the Incumben? > nt form- r Tiaoaurer Frank If. Boyee, jr.. son of former State Senator Hoyce. xva* report? ed to the common t'oun?*l! to-nlgb! by Mayor Irwlg. Boyee, xxh.. fn'.'.e.i of reappointment t<> this ofBce on January I, denlea all reap-on alblllty for the defl? leney, an?! III A letter -.-tit to-nlfht t?i I?lstrt?:t Attorney Cunnlng liam, he refuses to comply \\ i 111 ? demand mud. by the Mayor a t.-xv days ago that he refund the money Th. d.tVIt OOCUtTed, he said, lit a time when he had no custody of the funds. District Ati.^rnry ?'unnlnxliam xxill bring the mutter before the grand Jury. Mix ?i Irwin, wb?> favors this course and who will be ?i candidat?- f.,r Supreme Court Juatloe n-'xt fill, i? closely aasoci?-*_td In Dssaooratle politics with ?Boyee, whom he appointa t.? offloe. ? MISSING GIRL IS FOUND Maud Francis, of Port Chester, Discovered in Home Here. Maud Francis, the slxteen-yeef-old high school pupil, ..f Port Chaster, who ?ilsap p?-ate,l from h?r home s week ago, was found by her father, William II. Krnn?is, I cintraetor, at St. Catherine's Home for (ilrls, at No. 212 Kast ttth street. Man? hattan, last night. |be arrived at her home with her father at 11 p, m . sad W.OI soon sound aslasp. Ko one was ?olktwed to see h.r. although several of her s.-?u?>l frl'-n?!-? CsDed at the hOUSS to in?iulr, al??ut her. "I didn't talk tO li?*r about h? r going away, bOCOUSa I th.uight I wo'il?! let her rest," said Mr. Francis. "She is well and win. In good hands wlMO I found her In New TOlh. HOW ?fhs reached New York 1 do not dOOlrS to i?tat. The ?nix tiling 1 xxish t?) sax is that i-he is going to ^ta\' bom? in-r.-uft? r and Ihe htctdtmi Is ?-inH.-d." When Mr. Pruii'ls arrived at St. ?'alh erln.-'s ll?ime his daughter threw her arms m round his neck nnd said: "Take me home, falber. I don't know why I run away, hut do take me ba?-k.'' CORNELLS DEBATERS LCSE I'm-a. N. Y.. Feh, It?.?MnmlHon defeated I'ornell at Clinton to-night in a debate "i the question whl?h will b<- the lopl.- -if the d?bete? lanicipated in by ?fonnsyltanls and tfotUmWa univrsltle- Hamilton had the affirmative fide of this rf-SOfotlos "That the Slierman i.nil-trust law he re pealed atx?l a law passed Whereby ?-nrpor.i tlons d?)ing an interstate boslnesa be ran trciici and i).?t dsotroi Ths debater? arere: Hamilton, tl ?? Pat?-., t h aivord and H y\ Tltonv alternate, w. K Ingoisoli. Contell, .:. r riir??. F t. Rife and f. B. tseee; alternate, I i* *r.iivh>*. ?F PUNS TO FIGHT '?.ntinned fr-,,,, flr., pl%?.. ?I'd that the Uaua ?>f ?-allin* Mr. Murphy never entered hi. hand Murphy Matted a statement late lust night in Whleft be dialed the stories that .?ppear.-'l 'estor.lity n.orning that he might appear aa ;t Witness before the grand Jury. Mr Murphy was not ad viaed, however, before he is.-???-?! hla atatemeni that District Attorney Whit? man had ??i specifically dcni.'d any con? fection with th? Murphy story- The Murphy statement follows: if Mr. Whitman realty Intends ??? -'all me I shall be glad to appesr. I ?hall st?*??? em? phatically, a? f nov ?n>. that nt BO time or pIh??* have | talked, directly or indirectly, with Qevernor Dli or with any one else i bout ih? Prandt case i hail i>.? mack surprised if ' ?~? called. httcause f bi-llev? the District Attorney n?-\?-r had .un- reason to think o? summon? ing me. It seems r;.th?r strati-*?' under th? idrrumstancea that when the reporters asked him to dein or affirm the rumor he ?ii?l not frankly deny n. for I know, and ??f course he ?Joes, then la no cause for it It Is Interesting at tnl? tune to recall thai frequently when there is a senssftinnal ess? being Investlsated by our worthy District Attomev a Studied effort Is made to make th? puhll?* belleV? that Tammany ir" ?on n? ?t'-.J will, It. The industrious press agent Starts the performance hy Intimating thai "some one high up In Tammany" i-1 to M questioned Then th?- reportera ask Mr. Whitman to deny or affirm tn? report, for even some of them ?ion1-? its truth ??ml he g've. his stereotyped reply thai he deeme It Improper t.? publish th?* n&nies of witnesses h?* expects to examine. Thl? is slwaya th* beginning und the ,-nd of Tammsny'a coa i.?tiuii with ?he ?s?.... Th.- author of the fiction, however, has the sntl?fa?-ilon Ol readink- glaring headllnea In the papers re? flecting upon the integrity of Tammany Hail for one ?if at least. The motive for these pic?? ag? nt'.? Invention Is. T think, obvious to e? erv f*'r minded man. regard? less of hi? party affiliations. a?*?l fill in their design to hurt the organization. Heward B. ?'ans formally denied for himself ,?-,i Mori Imer T.. ?Schiff yester? day thai cither of tlieni wan led a prom? ise ?-.f immunity if ho appeared aa a WH? r.ras befr?re the grand Jury. AsU? No Immunity, Says Gans. ???>n ***fednf*aday lagt," said Mr. ??ana. "Mr. Schiff and i trrota to the District A?tornc\- asking and offering to appear bof.-r? *he grand Jurv ga voluntary Wtt nsaaee and la awi* manner as to waive Immunfty. That permission was refused to tt?. i dont a"k Immunity, i don't want it. ;.nd 1 would refuse it if it were offered to mo." T.3fer In the da- DelAncey Ni?*oii. counael for Mr. ?;ans an?! Mr. Sehiff. -.gain a-*ked that hi? clients might go before the grand J?iry. and again met with refuaal. In explaining his position In refusing to allow certain witn-sses to be beard by ?h?- grand jurv Mr Whit ???an said ! ? \ at present advised. 1 don't, want to -?lv-ise the ??rand lui*- that any man might testify and not bo immune from |iT?'.-r*utlon on a charge of conspiracy. Bectfofl Sit of the penal law was passed especial**.' to provide for the examina ,,f witnesses in c-nspira?:} ??.sea. and h makes no mention of waiving Im* munit] Ex-Judge Han?) returned from Albany last nl?h? after a conference with <JO" - ernor Dix and said that- Ms commission vis On* to take |eatlmO-_y In an applica? tion for executive clemene-. He would haie no report or r^.^mrnendatlona to make, hut would only take the tcstim<*nv und?r oath and turn It over tt*. the Qov? ernor for hi? UM In deciding on Brandt's application for a p-?rd?*n. ' T have no power to issue subpeenas. said Mr. Hand, "but the tl?vernor -will Issue subp?**nas at my request. We will push the pro.'.-etiings as rapldiv as pos aiblej and It Is tn*- ?-xpc-tatlon to begin them on Tuesday We ?r?* trving to get ?I ?- room!- of the P?ibllc SWvie.. Commts alon "ii the third floor of the Trtlvine Building, to ?is,- f??r the hearings. TubM?; notice will be given of th<* imarlngs. which will be public, and air ??n?* will be examined who bus testimony t. ??ffer on the caee, dt course, the witnesses will be sworn, i * * ? t what effort swearing them win have tn regard to their receiving Unart unit) from prnaaui tlon before tha courts it is not in my province as commiagioner t?-> d?ectd?. ff thiit point Is brought up we will have to try to get around it in some way.'' Tho nies <?f the Police Department -ii> cloged yeeterda] b~1!I another latter from H".\.'r.i B. .?ans ?-?n th?* report ?^f De? tective -Vooiridge on Brandt's record. This letter was t?> Commiaslonar Htng ham. and was in praise of Wnolrldge'g v,?.rk. it was writt.-n on the letter paper ? ?f dans a- laeltn, an?*, waa signed in ink. "Howard B. ?tan?." Th.* letter follows: tlANB A IBEUK. ? ounsellera ?t i.a?. ..' William Street, New York. April il. p?;. Dear Mi: I wrote to v.hi some dav< ago t.-lllng you that T d.-?lr?d ??t cab upon yo3 and iiave received word from your a??ere? tsry. i' ?;. Slattery. thai you will n??t he bu?-k to town u-ifH the 13th ln?t. Upon reflection i have concluded that it will ?-??? unnecessary for me to tak>- up your time with a personal interview, since the jiurpoiv- of such an interview can he quite as w.-ll accomplish?*?! hy letter. What 1 d? ? by the Interview was slrnplv t,, ex i- t.? you my appreciation of some good wirk don? i?, officera of your department In thl Blatter of tr.icln-r the past, history of one i_Hwrenc" de Foulke. who ha?, re? cently been sentenced to Sing Sim,' f,ir thirty yeara for burglary in the tit i de? gree. For ?he purpose of advising the court in the Imposition of sentence, the Detec? tlve BurSSU was requested i?> gacertaln the man's past history, and the ? ?irk wa-? as? signed by Inspector McLaughlin to ?Detec-1 (live Sergeant*! lohn Ta? lor and loOOOB ; "xVoolridge. Tiie work Involved t ? . I talning ?if accurate Information as h number of petty larcenies end some f [ geries. non?, of'wl.i.-h ha?l b'-en the r I ject of pretswcetloa. The time front 1 , aeelgnmenl to the ?lay whan th , tlon waa to i?. oresented In court ?. very n.iort. and the acorneo aod i?*r*i ?Mica that 'x ere displayed in obtaining formation which proved to be absolut? accurate :.e??m to me worthy of the *-? eel commendation. I knoxv that von must InovltoMf recel much unfavorable criticism of tiie ?rnrfc members of the depart ment, and I hi tliou?.-|it that It wouli b<- a relief and pleasure to yoti t?) he Ihe recipient Of ; pr-eclatlve comment upon good wru \'t respectfullv voir.?. ?Signed i ' HoWARI? 3 GAX? Hon. Theodore ,\. Blngham. Police ?o missioner, No. S 00 Mulb?.-rr\ ?jtr*? ? ? i The ?Jan.? letter xvas indorse?! xi jth memorandum hy Bert Hanson. Till I ??put' Police Commissioner, -fated Ap 18. li"):. Which r?ad as follow?: Respe, t full v referred to the ?-ompiai ?lerk. Who will make .?pon tiie reeords Detective Sergeants John Taylor and .1 -eph D. Woolrl.lge memoran? I cm as ?i,< ceted by the <Commlesio*ner. A second indorsement ?n?tcatod th um complaint cUrk had duly eaten upon the r*****cords of " ose two 'tetoei>v th nommtwdatlon of their xvurk bfsft c,?ns. and the flic **bi ?ompMed hy copy of Commi?jon-?r Btngham's rop to Onn*-*, whi?*h under date of April 1 1'???T. ?v.-iri ^ent out as folloxx?; Mr. Howard S. Cans. N?-?. : ; Wi'.lla street. N'exv York Cit-. l??>;ir SI?-: t have to thank von f of April 11 in regard to two member* the fore?, and am very glad t?.? be ei formed aa to tlwr capacity for g? "?; ???? Very truly ynire. ?Signed?. THKOrx'iRt A BINOHAM Foli?e ?l'ommiesion?? While th.- imper .m *.vhlcli this Ml, ?'was written bore in the centre at the t? the- names ?ians A- Isdln. It carried smaller typ?* ft one sid?? the nama . Klnar *"*hry8ti." OloO. Mr. Chrystte now cfiunsei to the grlo\*aiv> commit t? of tho Par Association. This was call.' to the attention last night ?if Arnold ? Well, who has written several lettOi [calling on the Par Association to ir I vestlgat?-? the rase. "I don't wonder thev dt.'.n'f want t Investigate." he said. "But if there i not a special meting colled for the pin pose of Investigating this very mat;? the point will he raised at the regul?, meeting ?>f the Par Ass'iciatlon, whl'*h ?think will he held | WOO- from ne\ Tuesdax. Th? people are looking to th Bar Association to take. a?*tion In UM case, and If the grievance commute?? v II not Investigate without a special com mand from the association as s bed that command must and will l?e fdrlli coming." Distric?. Attorney Whitman repente? yesterday his statement of the day be fore, n.-, reported In The Tribune, tha Fntke K. Brandt would !??? called befor? *9he grand jury In the investigation no*.? *? proceeding. 1 J'l-t *\l,eti Brandt \xill be called lv c?)uld iv-if say, but It 1? understood tha it in Mr. Whitman's desire to call Brand as Brar.dt. and not a? a convict, whoa. cart ?g up on an appeal for ctotnoncj Ir. other wcrds. Rr?m?t will p-jobablv v..? he called until final disposition of hi? writ ..f hnheas corpus is male b'- Juttii ? Oorard, although Mr. Whitman -aid yea terday that no matter \x*hat may becotm of BranOt'a appeal, he will be eai|e,| r< tell his full ptory to the grand Jury. Jttotfce Gerard paid yesterday that hi.? decision will not be handed down bet?r? Monday. The brief of the Attorney Ott - eral Was T?eelved yesterday bv Justict 'lerard. and though he has gon?s into thr <-US'- at s-i'ine Icngih, he does not expect to be ready to give his opinion h-*f? ? th?- flrst of ur?xt week. Th? Grand Jury Witnesses. Poooctteo Lieutenant Tarn-?? W. Trauior Detective John Taylor. Thomas F. O'Con? nor, who was property clerk at Poli?*** Headquarters 10 *h? spring of 1907, and August Reymert. who as counsel to ttft Swedish ?"on#Ml took up the Brandt ?'.?-? with Senator Knute Nelson. Ot Minne? sota, were the witnesses heard bj ih* , grand J?iry yootorday. B?ym?rt's story, if he stuck to th? I version which was disclosed by his COOS? imnnicfltlons with Senator Nelson, wa> ?adverse to Brandt, as Reymert. alter an investigation of the .-?-o two years a*?-? advised Senator Nelson 'hat Brandt x*-.. ! guilty. Senator N?ls->n sent him certain I papers concerning tin? Brandt ?ase [Which Reym??rt said lattrr lit- was unable jt<> return l?e?*ause the? had been \o?t | when he moved from one office to an other. The District Attorney was in i position to refresh Reymert's r<?o'i??-* tlon to a considerable extent from ? meaaorandura ptopored by Benatof Nei sc-n. Reymert's last previous appear.mee ?n thO P'lbli?* prints was when the App.-. I late Division handed dOWfl I de-Msion on ?.January "_*i upholding h will of Edwarl <?. Klndberg, which left tho bulk of hi? f_0.?000 fortuno to the Proobytorlaa h i i Hal, although Reymert, wli?> was Kh'.ii i berg's counsel, had tiled ?i will in whi<ii Reymert trag named as the rcsiduar\ legatee. ?vconnor. Trainor and T.-jlor, who M members of the Poll?*? Depart mon l had minor connections with the Brand r i 100? ?i.Mik with them, under a subpOHU : ItOCUm, the department r.<:ords ?i ?Brandt. Hrierty the?-?- re.-.'.rds ShOU ?"! that Piandt's ?etf.-rs an?l phot?->gr;ii!i ?bod been destroyed i: th?*- Police d?. ? partment after rem.ilnltur un-'laitned th. .?.Ix months required by law? Th. Mil i ton Schiff" n.iinc \xhich the re.-ords ?OhOWOd as the claimant of Ihe pi'??pe'*ly waa put ?-n tbe rc?*or?i in g r?'it|n,- way, jth.> police officers said. t... idontifj the ? case. Bell and Wing By FREDERICK FANNING AYER tbaorblng, aatoundiag, inspirit* g. bafning.? T.oni-m deutteuty. Power and originality.?Cork Examiner. A gre;tt Work. Mumton Herald. Marks of ct-nlus constantly.? Troy Rceortl. A Wealth Ot ideas. Iloslon Transeript. Genuine atrplratioti ??nd power.--Ocruit /,v .?/<->., Enpinnd. Near th? atarg, -Portland Otatfemiun. astounding fertility.- licooklifn Time.*. A strlklt.g book- of verse Hoston *"?>.x/. 0. P. PUTNAM'S SONS. Publisher-}, N. Y. Price 525