Newspaper Page Text
s> passes as though the pier were still under our control, but the Cunard company ha-** the sole right to say whether the passes shall be honored." Mr. Stuart made public the following dispatch from Secretary MacVeagh: Wa8hingt?*Ti. April it, 1012 Collector of Customs. Nom York. The followim? statement has ?-??-?en p iven t?-? the pr?s**: ?n order to oi-ivia"?** ? 11 nossibl?' delays In the landin*: of the passengers rescued from the Titanic the Secretary of the Treasury has waived all customs regulations in Una with the landing of passengers from the Carpathia and the examination of baggage, and as the scout cruisers Salern and ?'hester ?111 convoy the Car? pathia Into port, there will be no ne.-esslty for the disp.iH'h ?>f "revenue ?utters for either ruatomg or convoy purpose.?-. * -There 1s however, no oi-Mtaele eo far aa the -nv-mm? ?ni is e.mcemed to the boarding of the Carpathia by friends of gurvlvOTg and by representatives of the press, provided the consent of the ownora of the ?'arpathia is obtained. "If th?? authorities of th?? i'unnrd company are willing that ?n-preaentatlvM of the prcas and relatlvea should board the ?'arpathia hef??r?* her arrival the department will, upon beint; s?? advised by the Cunard (Hkmpany, authorize the use of a cutter for this purpose, but thus far th?* Cunard company has taken the position that it Mill be impossible f.,r anv one lo board the ship prior to h? r reaching ?he dock. ?The H-rnuts issued by the depart men? will be limited of necessity to dock passes, which will be Issued under proper reatrtction by the Surveyor of Cua toms at the Port of New York. The representatives of the Cunard company have been advised of thla decision. FRANKLIN MA-CVEAOH." The immigration authorities have made arrangements to look out for the steerage passengers and either turn them over to their friends at the pier or care for them at Ellis Island. WILLIAMS PROVIDES FOR STEERAGE PASSENGERS. Immigration Commissioner Williams sent the following letter to the Cunard company yesterday: Cunard Steamship Company, No HI State s'reet. Upon tli'- return to port of the Carpathia the Immigration authorities will do whatever in their power lies to facilitate the landing of aliens who began their voyage on the Titanic. If any of these have relations or friends to meet them at the pier they will be discharged to the latter. Such of these as do not wish to land al the pier will be brought to Ellla Island and there cared for. At the pier there will be two or three immigration lnapoctori to take charge of those Of th Titanic passengers who may require our assistance. It is the pr-aaent inttntion of both the customs and immigration authori? ties that n<> cutter shall board the Carpathia as she ? onies up the bay. This In order that she may be permitted to reach her pier without any unn<aceaeary delay or interference Those aliens who are on the Carpathia for deportation ?Will, If you desire, be cared for at Kills Island until the ?'arpathia sails. Respectfully vours. WILLIAM wn.l.lAMS. C?9mmlMloner. Mayor Gaynor yesterday afternoon offered the use of the Munici? pal Lodging House, in East 23d street, for the Titanic's steerage pas? sengers, but the offer was refused by the Cunard company on account of the arrangements already made by ?he immigration authorities. GAYNOR STARTS RELIEF FUND; WOMEN GET $2.700. The Mayor announced at the same tjme that contribuions for the re1i?f of the survivorr. would be received at his office. He said that a relief fund was being raided in London. The New York Women's Committee for the Relief of Survivors of -"he Titanic's Steerage Passengers, of which Mrs. Abram Hewitt is chairman, announced that contributions amounting to $2,700 had been received yesterday. Conflicting reports came yesterday as to the number of survivors tarried by the Carpathia. From the Franconia, of t?Te Cunard Line, came the following: *-?*?? Pronconla established c?ammunicatlon by mlrolees with ?lie Carpathia at *:ia th!-: morning, New York time. The ?????rpatbia was then IOS miles east of Am'ONN Cha iMi and ?o no nefd of assist-mc?. She i? steaming thirteen knots. pr,'- -expect"-? t?> re.??-h New Tork at <?? p. m. Thursday. She ha? n total of 7?M tur?-* ?.?. aboard. The I'rau-oiiia is relaying personal m?Msageg from the c?r pathi'i ??. S.-ihl" l:-!.'?ii?l. This message was sent by Winficld Thompson, a member of the staff of "The Boston Globe," who is a passenger on the Franconia. Later in the day an unsigned message came to the relatives of Mrs. Edgar Meyer saying, "Leila saved; well cared for; Edgar miss? ing.*' The message was from the Carpathia, via Halifax. Mrs. Meyer is a daughter of Andrew Saks, who died on Monday and was buried yesterday. She had not before been reported among the survivors. "PERHAPS OTHERS HAVE BEEN SAVED"?FRANKLIN. When P. A. S. Franklin, of the White Star Line, was told of the receipt of this message he said: "My, gentlemen, I hope that's true. Then, perhaps, others have been saved." Still later Mr. Franklin gave out the following message from the torpedo station at Newport : Cheater reporta it is In communication "??th the Carpathia Repeatedly ?isk'il f'ir list of third class | a ssen pers. Rcpicst not complied *?-ith. Will try gfalll. ?' rpatbia is ?'? commuuication with shore stations. An c-n'HcT message from the Chester had said that all tne names of the first and second class passengers had been sent by the Carpathia W. VV. Jeffries, general passenger agent of the White Star Line, said that this.first message from the Chester had not been received by his company, but he added: "To my mind it means only one thing?that all the names of the survivors ?f the first and second class have been made public." Asked if he thought all the survivors of the first and second cabins had been heard from, he said : "We don't expect anything, but we hope for a great deal." Communication was being had with the Carpathia last night through the scout cruiser Chester and the shore wireless station at Siasconset. The Chester was sending the names of those saved from the steerage and the crew. The officers of the Titanic saved were Second Officer C. H. Ligh teller. Third Officer H. J. Pitman, Fourth Officer J. S. Boxhall, Fifth Officer H. S. Lowe and Second Marcon^ Operator H. S. Bride. The sending of the names of the steerage passengers and crew confirmed the belief that there were no more names of first and second class passengers to send. Thus there was left hardly a possibility that the names of such well known men as J. J. Astor, Charles M. Hays, William T. Stead, Isidor Straus, Benjamin Guggenheim and George Widener could have been omitted in the transmission of the passenger lists from the Carpathia. That these men had gone down with the ship there remained hardly a doubt. Authorities on the conditions off the Banks agreed that rescues of passengers not taken from the Titanic by the boats ?would have to be made speedily, as exposure and exhaustion would ppeedily sap the life of those who had to resort to other means. I?ENRY B. HARRIS NOT'sAVED. MESSAGE INTIMATES. A dispatch to the Hudson Theatre disclosed that Henry B. Harris, the theatrical manager, who had been included among the survivors ?was not saved. The dispatch, which was from Mrs. Harris, said: "Praying that Harry has been picked up by another steamer." While preparations were being made here to receive and safe? guard the living on their arrival, word came from Halifax that the cable steamers Mackay-Bennett and Minia had set out for the scene of the disaster to search for the dead. Early in the day the following message was received from Roy W. Howard, general news manager of The United Press Association: On hoard the Olypipl- ieasthound). April 17.-The b??dles of some at lea.? ot .?irllmo r.t Ika Ir.*. ?Tl.....i^ ...111 K~ I. .-,...~u._. _. , ,. . .. ? *"* ? IH?"*"?> OT An unsigned dispatch from the Marconi operator at the Camper down station, Nova Scotia, said : We are now in direct communication with the Carprthia via the ttP!,mch? Franconia. and able to announce official!* that the Titanic struck I ? ??, mous iceherf- and sank. Over two thousand lost. Seven hundred ? ?? ",? mostly women, on th.? Carpathia. n marea surMvors, A message from the Carpathia to the Cunard Line received yesterday but sent at 11 o'clock Tuesday night, said: "Carpathia east of Ambrose Channel Ml miles at 11 p. m. Tuesday. All well." Nothing has been received from the Carpathia to indicate any change from the first figures of more than 800 saved, and nothing to change the figures riven out by the White Star Line of approximately 2,200 on the Titanic It is supposed that the d.screpency in the figures in the unsigned dispatch from Camperdown may be explained by the repeated relaying to which the original dispatch from the Carpathia was subjected. f/2 Glass before Breakfast tones up the stomach, clears the head and does you good. Janos ? Water m NATURAL LAXATIVE p|Sj Quickly Relieves ?-ni*? ? CONSTIPATION KNEW ICEBERGS WERE NEAR Philadelphia, April 17.-The North tier man Lloyd liner Hannover, which arrived h> re to-duy from Bremen, reported having been warned hy wireless by the liner f?eorge Washington of the presence of Ice floe? and bergs In the region where the Titanic foundered, :.n<l altered her course accord lllKl>. "It la nn impos?>?>illfy that ?'aptaln Smith ' r whoever was on the bridge of the Titanic ?it the time of ?he crash did not know of the presence of Ice." ?"a j.tain Proltzsch said. "Any one accustomed to th?- sea can not fall to know <>f the proximity of an i Mbftfg ?-tl>"n ?./)?? i.1, n? ti." Presidents Brother at White Star Line Of fices?Just Waitinj _ S The melancholy scenes about the offices of the White star Line, at No. fl BroOkfWgy, were intensified b. the leaden sky and the rain that dripped un ceaslnglv all afternoon yesterday on the crowds of anxious friends and rela? tives who stood in throngs about the building. They were quiet; there were few signs of grief, hut rather an attitude of simp'? waiting. The Inquiries, It was said, CUM mostly for th? first and second .lass passengers, as only two persons asked for news in the steerage department. One of the early visitors was the brother of President Taft Henry W. Taft, who came asking for tidings of Major Butt, the ^resident's aid. He said h?also asked for Frank D. Millet, the painter, and K. H. Behr, the fBtnous tennis player, who Is reported to be on the carpathia. He paid that no hope was held out for the other two. Another inquirer for Rehr was W. S. Brewsfer, a lawver, and he e ,pr??-ped great relief when h? discovered th _t he was reported to be aboard the res?"ie ship. F L. Allison, whose father an?! mother. Mr. and Mrs. H. .T. Allison, were oti the Titanl?-. with a Miss Allison and a Master Allison, made inquiries for them, but was unable to get any further good news than that Master Allison was reported t - be on the Carpathia wi*h his nurs<\ There was . ? news of th?. "thers. Mrs. Guggenheim Again Comes to AskA^out Hu?band. Mrs. Benjamin '-Uggenhelm. whOM husl and. the copper and mining ma? chinery magnate, has not been reported among those saved, rame again yester? day morning, as she had previously, on Tuesday. She was accompanied by her brother. De Witt Sellgman. and was shown into the offices of Vl<?e-Presldent Franklin. She could not control her grief and showed the signs of the sleep? less time the has spent since the news of the probable loss of her husband was brought to her. For a (ime the focus of interest was turned from the "White Star offices to the offices of the Cunard Line, when It was announced that a wireless com? munication had been received from thn Carpathia. "Carpathia ."OH miles east of the Ambrose Channel; all well." it read, and was signed by Captain Rostrom. The message was dated at 11 o'clock Tues? day niRht, and was received at 0:1.. o*c|ock yesterday morning, although it wa?t not given out till some time later. Figuring on the distance and speed of the Carpathia It was said she would probablv reach port earlv Friday morning. Carpathia Communicates with Nova Scotia Station. This message from the Carpathia was verified later by a Marconi message received at the main offices of the wireless < ompanv from the operator at Cam perdown, N. B. Th.? message was as follows: We are now In communication with the Carpathia, via the steamship Fran conla. and able to announce unofficially that the Titanic ?truck an enormous Ice? berg and sank. Over 2,<*X?0 lost; 700 survivors, mostly women, on the Car? pathia. MARCONI STATION." Late In th? afternoon Yi< e President Franklin of the White Stir Line an? nounced what be said was the first authentic message, his rompan, had re? ceived, Indicating that communication had been established with ine Oarpa thia. "Chester reports It Is In communication with th* Carp.thla Repeatedly asked for list of third class passengers. Request not complied with. Will try again, ?'arpnthla Is In communication with shore stations." It read, and was fltrned "Torpedo Station." The station |g at Newport, and the Chester Is the l'nlted States scout ship sent out by President Taft to meet the Carpa t hi _t e.ti'1 assist In hastening definite news to anxious Inquirers on shore. Doubts Report That Baltic Picked Up 250 Persona. An unauthentlcate.] report that '!*.? Baltic had picked up 2..0 of the Titanic'* passengers was ?ailed to the attention of Mr. Franklin. "I do not think there can h? MU. hop* for that." he said. "We have never heard from the Baltic to that effect, although we know* she was In tOUCb with the Olympic'' His Ire was roused when he was told of another unauthenfkated rumor that had come to a news bureau, to the effect that the ?"arpathia was show? ing signals of distress. "That ts an outrage. The public mind is suffering enough airead-.," he said, without having 1hese additional tprrifying rum?>i.. t<> worry it. I think the sonne of such a report as that should be run down. There is no truth to it." When asked what he thought of an international Ice patrol, he replied that he did not think it a good plan. "That does not appeal to me, but, of course, It Is a matter for experts to de . I le," he said. "However. I think the purpose Is served l>> the way the steim ers pass along the word to each other." This recalled the fact that It is kn??*>Mi that Captain Smith was warned by other ships of the Ice floe, hut Mr. Franklin would make n?. .omment. Vinctnt Astor Inquires Frequently for News of Father. Many persons who did not come in person to the offices of the company made their Inquiries by telephone. Among thej-e was Vincent Autor, son of Co|on?l John Jacob Astor. Several times during the day and the night as we|| he tele? phoned for tidings, but nothing new could be told him. Many telephone mes? sages were received ..Is?, asking about Major Butt, Isidor Straus and Benjamin Guggenheim, both by suburban and long distan? e wires. Karly in the morning a band of Italian laborers on their way to work, carry? ing their newspaper luncheon pa?d:ets. askcl a p?ill< email stationed m front of Hie offi.-es for the latent news. When they were told that no encouraging news bad been received they shook their beads sadlv and went their way. They were a contrast t.. the many inquirers of higher degree who came fre? quently t<> ask for friends or relative-, or drawn by a general sense of sym? pathy. While Mr. Franklin was talking to the newspaper men H P. Da\lson, of J. P. Morgan A- Co, rang up and mad? SOOM inquiries of him. "I know something about that," Mr. Franklin replied, "but can't say any? thing to you about It now." Shortly before noon press dltpatcho? which state.] that the California!! of the Leyland Line had p!? ked up some bodiog and was proceeding to Boston were shown t?> Mr. Franklin. He sail he knew nothing about that, and It won not authentic, so far as the White star Line ? .... conc?rn?d. Mr. Franklin made a statement In reply to criticisms <?f th? equipment of the Titanl?' by declaring that no ship ever left pori better equipped than she was. Her life preserving equipment, he paid, exceeded that required by law. and he de? clared thai the willingness of th? great Ins'inm? e companies to Hssume risks on I her proved that slu was considered t > be orOMrl) prepared. BRUCE STORY WAS FALSE Vessel Never Gleaned Details of Wreck, at- Reported. St John's. April 17 Henrv P-iff R?id. , (.-?-president of th? Reld Newfoundland ?"ompany, o-vner of th? steamer Hriie?, ?aid to-day he had received onlv on?? me.??age from the vessel Kin?" ?-lie left h?r<? feo terday for North Sydney, The gat rtoA. Midnight, tWfOty miles moat of ?ape Pin?. Weather storm?-. Nothing of Titanl tragedy. Sir Ralph William*?, Oovernor of N?w foiindlatldi My! he has been unable t'. learn anything regarding the disaster. except ?.?at .a' cntalnod In dispatches published In the press. He ha? had an exhaustive Inquiry n-ade st erery a\aiiahie point ,,-, un effort to obtain detail*., pref.iim.Hbh fi>r the Rritish government, N'i details of the sinking Of ?be Titanl. bat. been receive?! h'-re Hop? IMI enisled that fishing .esaeli near th? place r,t the disaster might have Information, but as the Titanic went down at a point HO inll?? sontji of St. John's' t?Vr* has not b'?en suf? ficient time tor any of theae tithing craft to reach here. Th?y steamer Bruce, which arrl\erl in St. John's Harbor at noon on Monday and re malned in port until 2 o'clock treat?rd?y aftoipoon. was off the .-oaat Sunday nixlit, bul heard nothing from the Titanic The wireless operator on th'- Bruce ? losed his office at 11 -45 p. in At _ o'clock Monday morning, when he went on duty again, the ."ape Ra?-e operator notified him that th" Titanic had struck an Iceberg. The Bruce had no details of the trng?dv and was not in communication with any vessel The operator on the Bruce was unable to use his Instrument during his sta\ In St. John's, ?s the engines were stopped and he had no power to work his apparatus. m?? LAKEWOOD MOURNS A FAMILY Hope ?0-nne with Lack of New? of Mrs. A. T. Compton, Daughter and Son. |Bv*Tele?r?rh to Th? Tribun? I fiakewood. N. J. April 17.-!ncluded among the first cabin passengers whose names do not appear on the ll?t of sur? vivors were Mrs. A T. Compton. her slaughter. Miss g\ ,\ f.tmpton, and her son, A. T ?"nmpton. |r , of T,akewood and N?w York. Th.- last named 11 a large stockholder In the laurel House and Is also chief owner of the Waiimbek Hotel, at Jefferson. N.11 ?NEWS FROM THE CARPATHIA Chicagoan Wires 700 Titanic Passengers Were Picked Up. ?'hicn-j-o, April 17. -The follov?|ng ?v?reles.? message, date.) April 17. from a pH.??enaer on the ?'arpathia. vas re ? I liefe to?da). Carpathia picked up 7<"<? Titanic, moat)) women. <?\?--r 2,<"*<* lost. Iceb.-.r'* continuous masa ?vas twenty five miles. Chlcafroan** Ulla ship well. ?:3?"> a. ni. 1?R. F. H BLACKMARR r>r Blaekmarr. et cidcai-n, waa going ?o K?iroi?e on the i*nr|?H?hla. Hi.?? ??.'-t?mate of the u?iml"-r lost Is evMMtl) un error, tl ih'i- ??.ere pot *".7?*>" persons on heipl tha Tita. nie. ! FIRST WORD FROM SURVIVOR 'Paul Chevru, Saved from Titanic, Informs Quebec Friend. Quehec, April 17. The f)rst pie-?*ag* raoglved it? Quehe. fr??ni nn\ of the stir irlvora of ?h" Titanic came to-nlgh? to Fhi!??aa <*orriveau. City Attorney. fr?im P.i?]1 ?'tVvni. the French sculptor The -i*iesi.a??* said he waa snfe on boj-rd the < 'arpathia, hound for .Ye-*. York. IN SEARCH OF THE DEAD Ship Leaves Halifax lo Recover Bodies from the Titanic. Halifax, April ?7. The Meanv*r Mac.kay *-"enii?Mt, going In fear??h of the Tlfanl? vietlm**. sailed a? Z o'? lock thi.-? aftern??on. In addition to the undertaker.?, the Re? K. '". Hind a ?'hun-h of Kncland clergy, -?vent on th? ?*hlp to perform the las; riten over any bodies that may not h? brought to port. In addition t?. lAl com?, th? Mackay Hennet? I? taking ever 1?"<? ton? ?>f |re. 'I'll? mlrslon of this ?hip recalls th* dis? aster to the st?am?hl?? Le Houri-?*.gn<>, wh*?) a similar vessel \ as flt?e?l out h?re to ??par.?tl tic*- f-e-i fur ?lead. At that tlni?? more than thirty hodi*?.s \ver? found in the ?,|?*in ltv of the dlKBitfr. although the ves?.| d!?l rot get away from her?- until a arc?'- ,.ffr., the tragedy._ Answers in the BOOKREADERS' CONTEST ! No. 136?A Fool There Was. ? W?tch To-morrow's Tribune for Correct Answer to Picture No. 137. CHESTER SENDS 113 NAMES OF STEERAGE AND CREW SURVIVORS Portland, Me. April 17.?A list of third ? lass passengers and crew rescued from the wrecked steamship Titanic by the Carpathia was received by wireless to? night. The list, which ?ontains 11.. nnnii'8. follows: Adl?r>>i>n.-. And?, ?on. Irm?i Rentis Itoiidarcl. Cubulaktt, ?ami'a. I)ianod*ltim. t'ella Dovt. Agntt <or A A Mein. Ktdegrek, Uaem h Hanwakan.-?. I/idS?..*, Alno. Murphi. Nora V.iillln. Ka'l? McCarthy, Katl?. Meaamtiek, -- sSeaaockaa, Anna. Man??--*. Yus*f HaUn Moubarck, fllteea. MvMllMfl. Mina Mane. Javn? Mullan Klrk?an. Mininn. K?r? Kolfbotel. Anna. O'l^ar- . Vera. Otean, Arthur Patron, ?o'frlna. Pte-ard. Onolr Fatrc?. Nobaaa, r?rfnn. Frn?at Roth, \ara? Retfrion. Anna Churchsinn. John P?jll?-t. M?o|? Strlnd'r Juhft pchurblnt. Jan. ?ap, lnle? Sofia. Anna .tohlmn, ?5 .-lnd<\ n?l?r|e-? Bihalmm? Ito??. Stanlev. Ami Blbtlr?m?, .un?!?. P.iu-idlan. tohan. I MallledeU. H?rt_a. ? Merrlgan Ma??!?. ; Maran, Hertha Mndjen, Krlnteif. . Mote, Alben ?? Mc'^overn. Mai v. ? McK<" . Km?? i M?K?\. Alke. i M? ..'orrnack, Tl-omap. M?-Kar?n. .loh.. M e;o\#m. Ann!. Mannion. Marjtar?'. Morphy, Maggt? j. M.nman, He?i?ia t ? h?m Vr??. I M?-D?rmott. P?Ua Marlkarl, Nl-han. Krlkor?an 1 Nlck?rnan. John. N?l*e)n, B?rtha. ' N'ket, Mary. ! ?laon, l>?mlna. I Oaplnind, >"and?n?on. 1 Charl??. John. Abbott. Itoia Anderren. Edna. Antlund. F?llx ! Aitlund, S?lm?. , AMlund. Mlllan. | AhVM'ph. AH??*p. Akfak??. I.eak. Bin*. I/O? Boklin. Marie. i Pnklin. K.Jg?"?. e Bokiin. HaMit? I Boklln. Ak?? Flllj j Caeen, ?wasatf ! Ceeam, Bovam : Batir?an. ?mllv Po. katrom Maria IVuckl?.. I Bradley. Bridget (Tip rhi.-? I Farlnen ""tnar?. Unite, "??atrli?. I ? ehn. Oil?. ! ?TIM?. L *?* Conto,* ?.on???. Sevelse. ??nntn. Will. < onoollr. Katie. Carr. F.ll?n. ! ].?.,,,,r^ar TVl.^.Or? '' K?'l??mi?. Jo??ph. ' Pa??-. P I? | DtUjr, charl?? Daly, Maraota. I Pean. Mr? E'tl?. i ?o rhll-lren I p??ap?v. Marg?r.t. nrl'lge?. R?>s?. and Pmv?h?. Fall?. ??hip?. > >"l ! K?>orn\. Flor?ne?. H?'?l?lg. Ctatt. Turkiil?. M??1* l| Ttirkg??". VN'llltara i Variation. Wirk?. F.llei-i Vcl'iirg. .-lili?. Yon??f. Wanna o ?ora? Ven?.* Marla'i Oiim.nn S''trh. 7,?np. Philip Elias? Mcii ??lanh. Nl'-e!? Abrthamtoo. a u-???a?. Aloun, n-ilno'ira. A??lm. Marlanla N?l?on. ?'arle. The names of ?survivor-* among the steerage passengers and '-ret-,' were sent from the Carpathia to th? riOOUl cruiser ? hester, which relayed them to the Salrm. to be relayed again to the <om mandanf of the naval station at New? port, p. I Thev were picked up by a ?arlraleaa operator here as the ?'hester sent them. On account of poor wireless conditions the process of sending was slow, and the name? had to he repented many times. After a portion ,of the lid had been sent the Baien was hoard transmitting a. message from the Chester, directing her to stop sending for a while. This was 'ind?rstood to be on account of inter? ference ',?,? th? Chester's wireless appa? ratus with the efforts of the Carpathia to comnvinl? at?? with sh??re stations. TITANIC'S CABIN PASSENGERS WHOSE DEATH SEEMS CERTAIN Ill? first snd second cabin passengers of the Titanic whose names are not among those who the White f^tar office has learned bave been saved are as fol? lows: First Class Passenqers. A | le Aub?rl Ml?. V . and I.amh?rt-*.Vllllam?. FW matd; "Mr? Abbott 'j cher Fellow?? I? nam?d amona s*sP-llm\wreote, Arth'.r vl.or?. i Lewi*. Mr?. Charbon T. Alll^n. H J ? I Long. Milton C. Allljon. Mr?. , and maldi L#wy, E C. AUI?nn, Ml?? Andrew?. Thonia?. ?. r'apa- oytla, Batnon A?tor. f'olon?l J. J-, and man aeriant. Ander?on. TValkar. n. B?a?t|?, T. Brandi??, E Ra'imann. J. B_xt?r. Mr, and Mr? I.In??. Ernoat M I.tnd?holnn. J. .may MM. Lot-In*. J. H I.lnarev, Ed. a-d. M Ma?ulr?. J. E Marvin. P. W. Mn'affrv, T. Mr. ?fry. T . 'r. McCarthy, Tlmo'tr MrCou*h. Mr? J MI?ldl?toii. Hon J. n?n. Millet. Frank P : Minaban. Pr M 'ioae-h. J. n. ! Merer. Mr and Ed*ar I. Molaon. M Mnrkland Moor?, >"lar?nc#, and man ??rvant ?a.?d? I Moek. Philip E <a\?ndl?li. T W Mat*<-h. Charle*. 'hlbnall. Mr? P. H K. Row?rnian ipo*?lbly Ne??ll. Ml?? Madeline ?mon* iho?? ?a\?d> imav b? ?af?i (lark. Walter M ! Nicholson, A. .;. \V. Quia? Behr. ?f. K B]ornnerni, H BI*ck?T?ll, pt?p. ?n Borinell. Ml** IJIy. Bor??'?nk. J. J. Bradv. John B l>-?w?. Arthur Jark?on Butt, Malor Archibald e '"aae, Howard B. .prob-] be , )r. R ?'on Mr?. Clifford, r.eorf? QuhMT ?Jolle-.. P. P. Cornell, Mr? R C. rali. Norman, t?. K., c> M P <ard?ll. Mr. ?"hurrhlll .?nay I.? ?af?. ? ?i :?"n. Trank ?'orrati. F. M. ? 'orran, I p. .-haf-?. II I ?Thevre, Pail ?probably amona r???"u?d> < hlaholin, Roh?r< ?"??mptnn. Ml?? S R iv.nipfon. Mr and Mr? 'rafto?. lol,n B frothy. Edward <? umlna?. John Read? ier c????bf?r Mr and Mr? H V 'Mr- ?a? .?h??r m?) be ?af?. n. Pa\ld?on. Thornton. P? \'illier?i. Mr? B ima*. b? ?afe.. poda?. W.?hln_pon Pull??. W llllt .1 ?-. paly. P n Poiifla?. W P Dflaftaa, M??ter R . ?nd nur?? r. Eastman. Ml?* Arni? K Kuatla, Mi?? F M Evan?. Ml?* E. .may'Sh?i'? b? saf?. Otst*, P cirno.i? Alfred T. (I be aaf?. P Partn?r. M Austin. i fa;me, ?or?ne !_. \ fond. Ml?? | and maid Tort?r. Walter <*ham I h?rlaln. rot.?r. Mr? Them??, i Jr <mav h? ?af*? I Pttffer. C C ' Parr. M M W. Pear?. Mr. and Mr?. I Thoma*. : P?.|a??-o, Mr an?1 Mr?. Vle-tnr. and maid : F?ivh?n. Major Arthur in.ay ha ?afe* R I R' .?onkli*?r J O. Robert. Mr? Ellr.?b?lh Wa'?nn, and maid 1 Roehiln*. W??hlnttor? A . 2d Roo.1. Mush R ' Roe?. .1 Hu?o i Rh?ln.e. 'i?ort? (mar ha v if? I ' Row?. Arthur : Rv?r?on. Mr? Arthur, and'l R\?r*on Ml?? ?nd Mas i t.r (may h? ?af?. Fortune. Franklin FutreU?. Vortun?. Foi ?man Charle? T. P Jac .u?? Mark R. I. t. and Mr?. bel '?.?ora? R C".?e. Ar'hur e-.nlneriberw. Mr? ? '.old?nb?rf ?af?i CoMichmldt. c}r??nfl?ld Mr* miav be ?af?>. Olarlie. victor ?1usa?nh?lm. R?ntv.:in H Hay?. Chart?? V Head fhrl?toph*' Hllli.rd. Herb?rt M Hlpkln? W E Hnc?hoom, lehn f* fniax h? ?af?> Hof?nh?lm Mr? A. Harri?. Henry B Rarrlaoa. w. H Ha??r. H Harr. Mr and Mr rhari?? M. Harp. Ml?? Margar?', ?nd maid Ho??. W F I Hlnkin? Mr? W, E. Ml,? k W. ma?- b? ?af?' SI ? Mr and Mr? William B im?y ba ?afe? Sr?d'l?n. Ma???r R. Oouala?, and nur??, ??lead. W, T. P'?hl Mr and Mr*. Max Frol|?h?r Ptrau?. Mr and Mr- t?' dor. and two ??r??nt?. - itt~n. Frederick. Salomon. Mr? A. I* >ma\ b? ?af?? I? P. ' ***rard, Fr?d?n ?_ ' Pmar'. John M I Smith. J rtln-'n. ' Pmlth R W ' Plah?lln. Max ' ?af?? Stenmel. Mr. c E. R ! Pt**art. A. A safe? 1 pmtth. t,. P. Schaber. Mr? T Tho-n? Mr ?nd Mr? T?u??l? Mr? Emll. K. imav be and Mr?. .may b* Paul It. 1 t'ruchurtu. M K. **.'. 1 Walk?r. \V And?-v?n t Warren. Mr. ?nd Mr? F SX I Hol??r.on. A. M. f Isharn. Ml?? A. E. J. H F Pl.nrauiTi. c K JOn?. Fd"??rd A K?nyon. Mr? F. R Klmlall. Mr. and Mr? E V ima? "->? -af?i. Klnb?r, H?rman. Julian. Jakob. Jon*?, IT* Mr?. ' w*h|f?. Ft?-!?.?? A I ?Thlt?, Richard F. Wl?l?n?r. 'jeorge D I man ??riant. W|.i?n?i. Harr? Wool. Mr. an?! Frank P **.'?*?? koff. Van Set Hot. Weir, J Wick. Mr. ?nd Mr? ????sor?-?! P. Wliiard. Ml?? ?"onitanc?? William?, Puane. Wrlrht ?;?orf?. 8*>*--?nd Class Passenqera. A Ashbv Johr, A '?"??-> r ? h, ? An'li?-**'.' Fdicar Andrew, Frank B u, i..? n*. Thomas. Beaarhamp, H. J B???l?y, la?? r?n. ?. B?t?nian. nobert I, Hntl?r. R.glnald. Bot?ford. Mull. Bow ?n<->'r, .-''.I^oion. B?rrim?n. WIMlam B'-i-ken. Jam?? M I Banii?i?l. free. j Bali?*?'. Percy. ? Halnii i Ig?. <liarl?s R ??? ' ?."lark?, <'harl?s. I <*or?v. Urs '"an?r. Rev. Ernest ! Coler-da*. R?-*lii?l?l. I' Chapman ? lia: !? ? "nnnlPKhani. AH* Campbell, winiam. t ?*oly?r, liar?a . ] ? v>r??t?. Mr?. Ir'n?. ?"hapman. John K H , Chapman, Mr?. Elli* h?th. ?*olan?l?r. Erl. ? .????nil. Hair?. nark?. E I? I ?tai ni. Pgt* "? Da? i?. l'harl?*?. Dobban WlllUm. i ?a Brit?, Jo?? L>anl>ii'iiy. Herbert Dt?-?*. .Iani?n. Dr??, Mt'iT Marshal! Pel Vario M - i:. Elt*mlll?r, '?? F. Enand?r, lmr?ar. K. F real. V F>nn??rv. U r??iiith??rr?. Haii Fiilfroik. Charles. Funk. Annie Fahlstrnm. Am?. l"ov. Stanley K. ?: QtMBbara. .-?Amu?!. (Ml?-?. Ralph ?-Ja?k?-ll. Alfro.! ?'.iiie-ri". William. Qllbart, William. ?Jail. Harr?. ?lall. I. i ??III John. ! ?III??. Wt*?r. ?-.II??. I"'?' ?"?I?. Han? ?*?>. Phsdni ?'* Oarv?5. I.a?? -"n. ?. H Hi'?kn-an. Leonard. HI??Urpi?r. I,?*-.l? Ht-'kman. Stanley. KOOd \mt.?of. Hodtcs, H?ary P. Harr. H?njani'-t. Harri?. ?*i"r. Harj-.r. John Harb?.?l?. William H. Hoffman. Mr. H"ffman c-httdi. Ileffman ??-hlM? Herman, aamual Herman. MIm Kat? Herman. Ml?? Alt-?. Howard. B?nlamin Howard Mrs. BH?*n Hal? R?*ri?i?t'l H?m?tatn?n. Mr? *-nn ?nd infant son. Htl?un?n. M. Hun?, ijeorf?. I Ilattt, P?r?h?. 1 Jackson. Mr? .lull??. ?taUWCl*? ??ccbain. Mr .T?cob?on Mi? , racoto-aoa. Mr? I Jacobpon, Sjdnsy. , J?rr?ry. ?.Ilffoid. J?ff?r?, Ernest. , J.iikln. S??ph?n. I Jar*. I?. John D. K. IKartr.?.?, Mi?. K?n?Hr. .?.?Ina, , KHinar. Mr?, i Knlghr R. i KtrkUnd, R?v. Charles, i K-rii-? Mrs. F. ?'. ? Kevnal-to. Mir? Krillner, Joseph H. ?.. ? lAlson, Rob?rt W. **>? ?latrson? | l.aroch? Jo??ph. l-amb. J. I. ! 'n^Hni. , ohn. . ta??f. P. J. , Iaslitlmen. William. I.?htiin?n. Mra. M Mudd. Thontas. Mark, Mar?. Marshall. H?nry 01 ILaybOTg, Frank.H. Mi .er. Auf ?ist. II) lee. Thi-ar.a*. Mitch?!!. H?nry. ? Matthews. W. J. Mlllln*", Jacob. . Mantvlll?. Joseph. Manichard. Noll. Mora??.eck. Dr. Ill ligio-rtsecl", Emilio. Id? ' 'ae. Arthur 0. M?*Crle, Jam?? M I M? Kan". P?t<*r D. N N?-?s?rv I.?ra?' I M-holls. Jos?r?h C. Not man. Rot?rt D. P Pen??*ll, Martin. Pain Dr Alfred. Parke?. Frank. Pengally, Fr?d?nck. Peino?. R?n?. P?ru?chlts. R??. Mr. f'ffrk?!'. ?-llfford ? ini, Frank. R. 1 Rn??"s. i"?t?Iia R?snouf, Petar H Ri? 1 il. ItlM LUC/. Ro?;?r?. Barry. n?????.. Da? tat ??? ird .?-"?eke!. Am". Han? K ?"?ii'iip. Jr. - grp P?r.-',?al. ?.e.i?;wi.?k. Mr. Smith, A?iin?t'is. i., aar. i'?org? Biostedl, BnMat. PI.-!-ard J. Knbav?;. Ha?.'l?n *-*a?.??i. MtM H. Blattor, Mis? H. M. Btaaton. "Aard. T Toom??\ KlUn T'jrpln. W'iiiiain J T?irpln. Mrs Poro'hy. T'irti'r. <.?or|t? Trottpaanaky, Mose? A. Tr.van. Mr? A Traat, Mrs J????. Troutt Mis? E rroutt. Ml?? ???.?III?. V. ' \'?al?. Jam?s \ ??n Pra.-h"?'1*. Rsron. W "?, slc-?ft. Mis? Wllh-ltn. ?-harl??. ' w a'.-K->n. Em?ss. W'ai?. Wlllia--.i G ? ii?-adon bMw***4 l??'.. .?'?hn Jam-s. War?. Mr? Wf.i, K. Aitlmr. 1 W h??lei. Fdwln. W ?-'nan. Samuel. T ! Yrel?. Miss H. LIST OF TITANIC CABIN t >?nl In.led from flr?t page. Marechel!. Pierre Middle, M OH va. Minehan, Mrs rialsy i Mitianhan"! Minahan. Mrs i Mlnanhnn"? N. N?-_eii. >|r? Marjorie <MI*s Alice") Newell, Mrs Madeline <Mlss?i Newell, Washington. Neweon, Iflaa Hei-n. o. O'fonnell, Mis?- R. Oatby, Mr and Mrs. Oat by, Miss Helen. Oiivt;i, Ml?. Omund, Fieiinam Second Cabin Survivor!. Angle. William. Ahelean, Mr.?-. Hanna. Palls, Mrs Ada K. Buaa, Mis* Kate. Recker, Mrs. A Ci and three children. B?ane, Edward. Renne. Mrs. Kthel. Miss Kstle. Brown. Mr iT W. 8?) Brown. Miss K. Bentham. Lillian W. Bvstrom. Karollna Belght, (Bright) Dagmar. Clark. Mr? Ada. CatnerpHi Mia? Calduell, Albert F faldwell, Mrs. Sylvan. Caldwell. Infant Alden. Collver, Mrs. Charlotte, collver, Mrs Marjorie. Christy, Mrs. Alice. Collet, Stuart. Chrlata, Moss Pncia? Charles. William'' Croft, MUH?) Mall. Doling. Mrs Klsle. Drew, Mrs Lulu. Davis, Mrs Agnes. Davis, Miss Mary. Darla, John M. Duvan. Florentine. Duvan. Miss A. Davidson, Miss Mary" Doling, Ada? Drl-:.'?.ll, Mrs. B-? P. Panhart, Miss Nin'tt? Pomorv. Ml*? F.llen. ^ rt i. Totter Mrs Thomas. Jr VrmtttTt Pincha?, Major Arthur (Penohen ) K Roser.on. John. RenMg... Mrs. Ma mam. Rancit, Hist kptMo. Rothchiid. Mr?. Lord Martin. P.oscnbaum. Ml?* F.dlth. Rhelms. Mrs. George. Rosll.le. Mil " Rothes, Countess Pohorts. Mrs. Kdna. 1'i'lm.ine, ('. Rogereon, Mrs Buean P <Rv?rson?) Rog.rson. Miss Emily (Ryeraoii?) Rog.ison. Mr?. Arthur tRyerson?) I, Stone. Mi s c;"n16re pj, Bkeller, Mrs Wllfi m? .??V tresser. MISS Cmm.l Iteward, Kr..d K. iSevard?. SI.utter. MIm (Shut* . Bloper. winiam T Pwlft, Mrs F. Joel Scnabert. Mrs i'aul Sli?ddei, Robert Douglas?. Bnyder, Mr and Mra. John. ^. repace. Misa auku?. ? Sllverthorn R f-prncer. Baalfeld, Adolf. Btackllehn, Maa (Btahelln?) Blmonlus, Alfonalua. Smith. Mrs Luden P. Stephenson. Mrs. Walter. Solomon. Abraham. Sllbev. Mis William IT Stengel. Mr. and Mrs. Helery ifitenm?ir) Spencer, Mrs W A , and maid. Slayter. Miss Hilda. Rpedden, Mr. and Mra. J. O. (F. 0, Speeden?) Steffanson, H. E. ft Tucker, Mrs . and maid. Th^ver. Mr and Mrs. J. B. Thaver. .1 B , Jr Tausslg, Miss Ruth. Taussig, E Thor. Miss Ella. Taylor. E Z. Taylor, Mrs E. Trout. Miss Jessl?. Tucker, Gilbert. W. WoolniT. Henry. U ard. Miss Anna Williams, Richard It Warner, Mrs F. M (Mrs F. H. WarrMn wn.-on. Mlaa Helen A. Wlllard. Miss. Wi'-ke. Mli-s Mary. widener. Mrs George D., and maid White, Mrs. J. Stewart. y. Young, Miss Marie. Emcarmacion, Mrs. RlnnHo. ? F..')nthorpe, Mr? Lizzie. . Fornery. Miss EMn Garside. Ethel Gerre.-la. Mm. Marc-. Genosese, Angere. H. Hart. Mrs Esther. Hart. H.a. Harris. George, i Hewlett, Mr? Manr. Harper. Nina. Hold, Stephen (Anna?). Hoseno, Masabumi Hocking, Mr. and Mrs George. Hocking. Miss Nelile. Ilearman, Mrs. .lane. Healy. Nora (?). Hanson. Jennie. Hamalamian, W. Hcunalamian, Hanna. J. Jackson. Mrs. Amy. Juliet, Luwche. K. Keane. Miss Nora A. Kelly, Mrs F. L. Leltch, Jessie. Laroche, Miss Simmone. Laroche, Miss Louise. Lehman. Bertha. Lauch. Mrs. (Alex.? Ixmiore. Amelia ?Ellz>. (Llnkkance>, Miss Annie. M. Melllng?r. Elizabeth. Mdlinger, c*hlld. Marshall. Mrs. Kate. Mallett, A. Mallett, Mrs. Mange. Paula Mare, Mrs. Florence. Mellor, J McDermont, Miss Llllle (.). McGowan, Anna. N. Nye. Elizabeth. Nassar, Mrs. Delia. O. Oxenha.n. Percy J P. Phllhpr. Alice. Palla'. Emilio. Padro, Julian. Plnskv. Rosa Portaiuppl. Emilio. Parsh, Mrs. L Q. Quick, Mrs Ja-n? Quick. Miss Vera TV*. Quick, Miss Phyllis R, Rldsdale, Lucy. i Renouf. Mrs. LU:*. Rugg. Miss Emily. Richards. Emile. , Richards. Emily, two bova and Mr, Jr. 1 Rogers, Miss EMza. 3. 6incv k. Miss Maude. Smith. Miss Marlon. Sheiieg. Mrs Imannltla (Mrs. TVUUamt* Sllven. Lylle. T. Troutt. Mus E Troutt, Misa Cecilia. W. William?. C. Charlee. Weisz. Mrs. Mathilde. Webber. Miss Sum* Wright. Mlaa Marlon. Watt. Miss B?s?le Watt, Mits Bertha. West. Mrs. West, Miss C'instancs. West. Miss Barbaja. .Veil*. Addle Wells, Master, "Wells, Mis? a JOHN 8. THAYF.R LOST. IPv relefrrir'n I* Th? Trlb-m? 1 Philadelphia. April IS (Thursday)-Mrs. John R. Thayer, wife of John R Thayer \ v?ro.president of the Pennsylvania Railroad, has sent a wireless to friends here' ggylng she and her son. J. B. Thayer. Jr., are safe on the <'arpa fill a, but that her husband. J. B. Thayer, weal down with the Titanic The news Is being kept from Mr. Thaver'a mnth?*r, for fear It will kill her. BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. BOOKS ANO PUBLICATIONS. TN "Buck Peters, Ranch? "*?*? man," admirers of Clarence E. Mulford's genial Bar 20 outfit will find all the old crowd hard at work protecting Buck Peters from the rustlers who have declared war on his Montana ranch. Buck was hard pressed when "Tex" Ewalt?back from the east and spoiling for a fight after his tragic attempt to buck the dty game?arrived in time to save the day. How Texas is followed by Hopalong Cassidy and the whole outfit, and how the rustlers are worsted are thrillingly told by Mr. Mulford and John V/ood Clay, whiie the delightful p*erson ality of Mrs. Cassidy gives a grace and charm to the story that is often lacking in these chronicles of masculine life on the plains. Buck Peters, Ranchman By CLARENCE E. MULFORD and JOHN WOOD CLAY FOR SALE AT YOUR BOOKSELLER'S A. C. M?*CLURG ?ft CO.. Publishers