Newspaper Page Text
SAYS WHITE STAR ??ID 1 NEWS Oward Official Declares Friend Sairi Line Knew of Sinking at 10 A. M. DENIAL BY MR. FRANKLIN j)e"].r\es to Ask T. ?? Stead for Name of Informant. Savin*? He Wants it ?' ?: Controve ? ? p A S Franklin, viceore*?:?.'ra f ?the Mercantile Marte? Ccm ngzy refused yesterday to try to run ilo-rn the source of the statement indi eat!***? that it was known a9 early as 10 o'clock en Monday morning that tho Tit?n.: had foundered and thaT the "White Star Company suppressed the ?net-s until almost 7 o'clock in the even? ing. Mr. Franklin's opportunity came yefterdriy afternoon, when Thomas J. Stea3. ??s:stant to the general agent of tie Cur.ard T.ine, repeated in Mr. Frank? lin's his statement made to the ra the day before. It was sug? gested that Mr. Franklin ask Mr. Stead for the source of his information, but this ha refused to do. "Anybody who says we knew before? o'clock on Monday night that the Titanic had foundered is tellini?" an un? truth declared Mr. FTank'.in hotly. . "-her. it was called to. his attention ?hst the Wbtta Star Company was charged rurip-"?sf?ing the news. If you say harge comes from the offices of tho Cur.ard Line. IT. ring up Mr. Sumner, tb* general agent of the Cur.ard com and ask him WbJla Mr. Franklin was -acting fei .11 to be answered it was explained ? him that Mr Stead had made the -?atemenu coupled with ?he assertion ?hat he believed it to be true H<;::.>. Buqumt." Mr. Franklin said. n h.s call was answered, the re :.- here say 'hat Mr Stead has - Um statement to them that of his knowledge he knows the tVhitc ?'ar held back *h' r>?w? and -?hat he - It ?*e.9.ri Makes D-"-,ial Then, he listened for some seconds at UM receiver, anally turning to the re? porters and saying "I h?5ar Mr. Stead say to Mr Sumner that any such statement is an *mqua!l fted Ba>" I her* it was suggested to Mr. Frank - Bb that since there were three persons t?res*--.t to *<*.-hom Mr. Stead had made h:s sTatement. he be ask*d to com? ?wcuni and face them in.person, orlth his ?eclar-ition that they were lying. Mr. Frank!:- ac-*ept?*>d this suggestion and asketl Mr. S'ead t0 gmpAm. to his office. , Jr. th? -r.terval it waa explained to Mr. Franker, that the rtatement -was net rsaae in the form m which he had r* paatad it over the telephone*, but was 'hit Mr. Stead had the information from a who Stead said he believed krew what he was tilklng about. !r. ? torn moments Mr. Stead appea**?-?d ?n a hlgh'v excited state of mind. Mr. Franklin asked him to state what h*? -?:i? He answered' It 's an absolute and unqualified 11 ?hat I ^aid anything connecting th* White Star Company with the auppres ?sion of the news that the Titanic bad BmSk The fact is this I did state ?hat ? persona: 'mend of mine cam? to me on Tuesday. He Is a man of standing in the business world. He stated ?hat he had positive information on Mond ?a y morning by 10 o'clock that ?he Titani: had sunk. This man is in the mercan? te bu .?Mr <*?*?<*. but is not c-nnected with shipping lnt^r?-. ?. W?Mr*1 Give Informant*? N?>n?a. '^111 you say who tht? man ?s*" Mr Stead was askt I. 1 will cot,"' h* rep!?*--i "Do you net think that the '?Vhi'*?-* Star ought to be interested in f?ndin"*: e*"t who this man is that kn***?* so early ?hat the Titanic had ?sunk"" Mr. Frank? lin was a?ked. "tv? c<^! lara-ated,** Mr. Franklin ?-aid. "Would not thfe simplest way to g?t FOUNDED 18561 BROKAWBROTHER MENS & BOYS' CLOTHING. HATS ?FURNISHING* April Is Fick!^ but you can depend on our Spring overcoats If you like a conservative overcoat in Oxford o? black it awaits you here at from $16 to ?42 if you like a little gaiety we have overcotts in fancy effects at $18 to $35. If you're keen on the very newest?Inverted-plait Back Overcoats, $30. Astor Place &l Fourth Avenue ?SUBWAY AT THE DOOR-ONE BLOCK FROM BROADWAY & Altaran*: (tot. HAVE RECEIVED FROM ABROAD A NEW SILK FABRIC. ORIENTAL WASHABLE SATIN i SHOWN IN AN ASSORTMENT OF PEKIN RAYE EFFECTS. 32 INCHES V/1DE $1.50-& 2.00 PER YARD CM/W A^F r.TTAPAMTFFD NOT TO F * ?*. $mii Aufraie, 34?) <utb 351ft &**ti5' #m **? HOW A BIG LINER PLUNGES TO HER DEATH Cl-e* r h m?.'? Vv j?n Fr?riitV) art i mi -? -he V _.t-.H '"' 1 ?re? ct*arrcV..n Orean;. -itiVinir the T',r,tis.h rroit. 5? H be ?to asV: Mr. Stead yOUTMlf Mr j Frenklir.. foi tat name o| v : Inform ' ant?' he -was _sked "Oh, ? don't ? ? any per? sona! ?"*. any," Mr Frankiin Bald, Imperien*." I defv ?any on? to prov? that Te-, had sr.v idea that The ship had foundered up *o thc momeni received the message from Captain H.d dcck of the 0)ynutye apprtitng ui o. that fact- This irai g bru? ? on Monday night Wa fay? II to th? press at I <?Jo no? think w? are being treated .girl-?- If the pr^??. want? to let th.ern r?jn this mat*-- do* n them ?e!i-ec ' !<? ?hi' aJl yoa iran? o? "_r Mr Franklin." Mr Stead seid. making a sidewise botx? I repea? that I did not aeeus? you of iuppraaalng th? - "That Is all, and I th .nk yon far com? inr" -?id Mr Tr^rktir? Batlava? Report c.rrod La*er at hi! ofllc? aftW Ml VU Mr Franken'?. O0?ca Mr Stead afTaod that the following was the ?tatema! I I had and itlll itood by "I met a friend on Tneoday who a_-ke^ me when ?he Cunard company fir?* hoard of the pinking of the Tit-.? . | told him it was about 11 o'clock or I day night wh?r wo got our flrat n?*? He paid to me 'That : | >?eard it at 10 o'clock or. Monday morn? ing Toil knot.- what my affiliation? are.' "This man has gone West. H? || ? ? In the shipping bvainea? ??ut in <he mer ??antPe Une. when ha said that, I ing him. I firmly ebaliov? wl^at h? was Urna "What do you ?hink wa? th< 01 foi i ippreaalnf *he n?v ?'" wai ?he form ! of the neri QUOatlOn put to him ftyn ftt any m?_Mac? from J p Mo?? g.n. ,ir. ssking that 1 b? v.t-r-x backr No. we got nc lUCh message" hi r" pilad I think the nei-s ?*a? held back for humanitarian reasons, in 'he hope that !"m? of the ship? would b? h'.rd from witi th? word thai mor? pa? ?encan had bean r,-?"jed WANTS NEWS MINIMIZED H Miller Wonld Exclude Fepor*. prp from Carpathia b Pier. Reiwirtan =.r _ pr?s? photographers hav? cor.-;?; to tr.e pc'-it where they are insolent, according to Hoffman Miller, a !a*-v*r, of *. Kir.g, Lane * Trafford, of v ray and beHevtaf all such pt should be excluded from ?h* plei on th? arrival of the Mr Millar wrote the following let**?r to thf ?.unard H'*a*o ?hip Company yesterday Cunard f?teamshl??i*Cc?mpan' Dear Sir If the matter hat not already received your eonsldtration, may I suj| ? ? ? i. from vo'. th? arrival of the Carpathia rap photoi Th? I "??"" ' be against the persistent ar?1 ?..'gar aetlvltle? ? n? slrrrla: * meant .*- , ti a f ?'??? s fron. ? ; MAN" MILLE H Mr Milk r ' ? A. I some reporters w\ a not II If ... ?era a ;;asserg<-r ?>n th? ?"arpathla -.nd photographers and rap-orten gati.etej ? | . ? s what he wouM do: I'd *r> mj best to kill roeh Insolen! pi .' H do ' j hi- , ? th? letter bard < or pany. Mr Mtii*-- d< except that he ? Amar i * protect th. Of the T" "How wo i y< . hav< th' people 1 who ??re no? a! >e -, ... docksT Mr M?'.er was asked lei *'e ;iearr,*l ?p ?"ompan'.es %;? ? ou! the bulletins and let the reporter? take such bulletin? It would do away with all l< inter lav Ing busineaa " LIABILITY HINGES OM TARE Was Captain Prudent. Test of Company'f Responsibility. Moses H OrCMman of Fl US4 Grossman L Vorhau.', of No 11 counsel for the lurrlvor? ot the m fat^l Gknaral Blocum, ?whan ink . for hit opinion billty ol the o-?n th? Til to th? ?tin r ors and fain ... m ol thOM v"ho perished, ^?d "In a word tl riteri?**n nt i.ab''*".- .? Did til ? 'in his sh'.r? with such a-- a rt-jscnah:.' careful fnd prudent cap tala would ha?e used und - mflar dr? eumstaacaa The antwer must await fur? ther edvleei ?* Mr Grossman oor.unutd Broadly speaking, II wai the duty of the of th? Tltank to se? te It that hi? Officer? ard ere".- were rt:.*?oned In their II th? situation prevailing when the accident occurred was critic.! The collision occurred When there was a h?avy fog. so that especia! care wa? re Fron this, it follows ?hat if the ??'fee! wa? proceeding at fnll ?peed In a dense (of. !t was neglect or. the part ot th? certain It appears ?further that the prox? imity of icebergs had been previously re ported end. ot course, if this was known. or should have beer, known bv the eomnar.v rr the captain ot the Tltar.ic, he violated hi. d"tv if he did not pro??eed at surh a rate of speed as would enable him to avoid sr.v iceherK which might be In the. course. r r-hernnore. If. by a reasonable departure from the course, the dancer could have been avoided, he would seem to have bten at fault. Prior to ISM shipowners were subject to unlimited liabilities for all accidents. The Harter act, passed by Congress In IS... sought to allow shipowners to limit their ?abi?ty as a result of accidents. In other word* the vessel that was guilty of the act cauelng the damage was sold and the proceeds or fund resulting therefrom be. came a sum of money In wj.ich all claim? ants share. The case cf the Titanic, Mr. Grossman laM, presents many new features, which undoubtedly will develop new law, as few cases are in the records of vessels being entirely lost through purely outside causes. Ho added: In my opinion, under the American law. the !os>s of the entire vessel naturally would prevent any limitation of liability, tut tne En?llth act allows the court to es? timate a tonnage valuation Just before the accident and fix that amount as th? amount which the owners mutt make up to the creditors or claimants against the ves? sel. The contracts for passare were Eng. Ush contracts and properly would be lltl __.ble In the English courts. I am further of the opinion that any In? surance which the owners might have on the vessel cannot be reached ty claimants, as their contract of Insurance Is a coll?t* eral undertaking There are many claims which would take priority over the claim? of the passengers Salvage, which Is sure to be a very large Item In this ease, would come first, followed by wages due to sea? men and those employed In the navigation of the vessel. GEORGE HART NOT ON TITANIC. Wausau, Wls., April 17?Oeorge Hart, for many years court reporter here, said to bor. been lost on the Titanic, was not on board, according to a latter received here, ?vhlrh stated his reservation had been can-, nXmsssi ?nouirers swarm hotels rripnri*; and Rplativp*-; of P?SS?i-V rjrrr, ?Rp'-trgp Qffirp--,. MANY HAD RFSERVFD ROOMS J'-dg-irg fr?-**T> Rep*ortat? Few if Anv Entire Partiel Wfll Oom? to Claim Jhr-m r--a. tlnet oterd eras received in *?** i ? of the d!sts'?r 'hat >??>!! ,he Titanic th? '??"?*-?-? a? tb? "I? hotSll IMV? ' ? friend? sr:?J rtlatlV?M of thOM WbO h?d hooV?/* rgtrgge m t?e IhtOt The ?"l??rKi have been k?r' g up ( ?er rff-cs and th? OtAeot et 'h? M <;'ar Lin?? to 8*k about this ?31 'hat "?.'?*? ?.? th* b?ab<M1 of tnxjoua n??" Mom f Uh iMMla ?bave t*ie.---ari") offie???, 2nd Um rporat'-r? hairi b?MH k?*T? hxsty '? ? . * i ?? - * ? ? h?. ?I no -w | 'h? Carpathii Th* or.iv rriv**'* RMS* ?a r?*la: ???1 from Iht ?'arpathla ism, presld? ? ? if th? tny, who H*?s a? the Pia?** The f at?flg? read ?? -?*-. h-.Hr?1 C arpathla ' fa and ?9a*t>fbter Margam 'he Titanic. privat? -"?'?ir? wai T?*-'a*f?*l from th?* Olympic U> I ? f-A'tor!*? If wn* r?-?i\?d by Mrs J ">*? Etolt-nel ol Youngstown. Ohio, and read All th? motoan ere t-ate Hi??* i- -?.?-.r?* of Georg? This m*s?aiT? **>a? from Henrv Wick, * broth?- of Mrs Bonnelh who le aboard the Olympic Th?- phraae "All the women sai' 1? b?!.ev?i- to rc-fer only te th* women of ?ii?- Wick party, whi?-h nclud<ad tflM Caro? lin?- Bonnell. her aunt, MtM Lltrab?-?h Por pell; Q<<Mrfe D Wlek, Un Wich ?nd their da<agbtar. Mlaa Natal*-? v' * Friends of I>r and Mn H ' I' ra?i ' ? at th?. Hottl NMharlandrt, vere gratitVd t?-? learn that tboy ?rar? among th?? Tf-b^'teri Mra Frau?-*T.ha!. - he ?TM Mrs ?"hartes Rogers, of tbta dty ?nd Far Rotckawa* baton her second ii:arrlag?. ?raa married to r??* Prtnantlial m Pari? la?? F*?.ruar? 71.? i-,?. ?? r.rr\ b??,r'* from ?h?"*-, 'as frota Milan, Italy, *-"hen they sent word ? 0 reserve, an apartment for them at the Netherlands, beginning last Tuesday When the Titanic was expected to dock Dr. Frauenthal la head of the Orthopedic Hos? pital, at 123d street and Madien avenue. Mr and Mrs Fr*4 Royt, of Greenwich, Conn., who are numbered among th.? saved, had also reserved apar? menu ct the Hotel Netherlands Many friend* of WIDtaUa H Silvey, of | Duluth who had ordered rooms reserved for Mrs Stl'*ey end hln*self before they sailed or. the Titanic, were hoping that later dispatches ?would number him amonf the saved. But they had little hope, for all the lists of save.d. while including: Mrs 6!lvey, made no mention of her husband. Another couple whom the disaster proba? bly parted, who had reserved room? at the. Gotham, were Mr. and Mrs William A. Spencer, of this city. The Hat of rescued speaks of Mrs. Spencer and her maid, but there Is no word of her husband At the St- Regl? Mrs. James Brcwn Potter was hoping that the name of her brother in-law, Thoma? Porter. Jr.. would be In eluded beside that of his wife, whose name appeared In the first list of those rescued. Many who probsbly went down with the Titanic had reserved rooms for themselves at the Rlts-Carlton. Among them were Mr? T D M. Cadusa, whese relative, Mrs J. W. M Cadusa, is listed among the res? cued m Mrs. J. W. Cadeza. They are Phila ddphlans Lucien P Smith, whose ""rtfes name ap? pears among th?^ rescued, was also proba? bly lost No word has been heard at the Rttz-Carlton of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hlpkln?, of London, who sailed on the Titanic. At the Hotel Manhattan J. W. All'son. of Montreal, la mourning the loss of his cou ?In, H S. Allison, and th? latter's wife. In the list of reacued appear only the names of his cousin's son. Master Allison, and his nurse. PRODUCE EXCHANGE DINNER OFF. I The commlttM rn the semi-centennial ; celebration of the Produce Exchange, which was arranging for a dinner to-mor? row night, held a special meeting yesterday and resolved that, on account of the arrival ct the Titanic survivors, the dinner should be postponed Indefinitely. CITY HALL FLAGS AT HALF MAST. Mayor Gaynor ordered the flag en the City Hall ard other municipal building? placed at-half mist yesteida*.' out of re? spect to these who periab-d when the 71 unie sank. New and Exclusive Cretonnes and Chintzes Our showing o? Cretonnes and Chintzes in XVIII Century designs will appeal to those interested in the furnishing and decoration of country homes. Many of our patterns are reprints of old Chintzes made in Eng? land at that time, and can be secured only from us. The materials are cotton, natural and bleached linens. The designs are Floral, Bird of Paradise, French Medallion. Chippendale-Chinese, re? productions of Old Needlework, etc., etc. These fabrics are shown combined with hand-made furniture?repro? ductions of XVIII Century models, with which these Chintzes were origin allv used?and with white and colored enamel bedroom furniture. Our Wall Papen and Hangings are made in many designs to match and are the choicest obtainable from French, English and American manu? facturers They include Grass Cloths, Chintz, Cretonne. Chinese designs, and small self-colored design papers. New Address : Fifth Avenue and Forty-seventh Street ? 1 -rrnr^m 11 i?yiti ut yt n - rrr__ miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnim ACCIDENT LOSSES URGE Companies Place Figure* at nose to $2,000,000. FEW STRAIGHT ?FF RISKS 'Double Liability Clause" Hits other. Hard, but Amount M?y Be Reduced. The item of accident Insurance frown"? sol of the loss of the Titanic will be far In ?vxcesr of that of the life Insurance Claims All of the accident Insurance com? panies had ?heir ir.spe'C'.rs b'isy yesterday ? .tinif the ageregaie. to????. they would ha Vf m f.,? 'i- r." most of the rich men 6n bo?rd tK<? veeael wan actually lost. Judging from the es'lmates of the various ?".mpanles, the figures will nm up close to %*_,,_,-,,.,,-, -[?*,? representatives et one of rg-T companies ?aid they had f 1.000, i f accident risk? smong the men p.s rr.panles were hopeful that these Bgarei would be tutataatlalljr reduced whan the complete lie! ot :-'ir.!"ors was The "do'ihl? liablll'v ?.lause" In the ae ?".?Vnt policies !? responsible for the ur. eOattal macnl I ????claims. This clause reqiiir?s the ?-?-??-'" pa nies to pay double death benefits In rase-1 Where the Insured loses his life whlll 'ravelling on a public con? veyance "prop-lied by s'eam or electricity" Tn fidd'H^r? te the ..?aims for death bene? fits, tbi ko Id. 1)1 companies may have to pa:- ever a le-ge sum severing the illness of those whose health sui?ered from the ?train and exposer?, Which they er.coun *?r?d Most of the accident policies con? tain a provision for health insurance which obtlfatee the company to pay to those whose health has been injured by the accident a weekly Indemnity for periodo ?arylng from twanty-aia *o im weeks Charles M Hav?, president of the Grar.d Trunk Railway, whose name has not ap? peared on the 1'st of survivors, is said to hav? enrriari u |M,tM acclder.? policy. This ?weald mean the payment of $100,000 to his estate In case he lost his life. It Is ret h?!i?ved that Colonel John Jacob Astor car? ried any accident insurance, as it is not the custom of very rich men to trouble them? selves a bou* obtaining such protection for ?\?!r famille* Among the two or three hundred nan reported lost, however, the claims on the accident companies are bound to he heavy. I The class of people who Insure against accident most liberally are usually thote of fairly moderate means who belong to the great class of well-to-do tourists. Moat of these travellers have accident policies rang? ing from ti.OOO to 150.000, and the 'double liability clause" is now part of all such ! accident insurance contracts. It i* believed [that when the actual losses to the accident insurance companies are known they win total the largest amount ever reported through the destruction of any one steam? ship ? Bo far as the large life Insurance compa ?nles have endeavored \o estimate their ?losses based on the Incomplete list of sur jvivors received. It Is apparent that they I will r.ct be comparatively large. The Equl j table Life Assurance Society cut down lta figure? of ?S3.000, which were estimated Tuesday, to $43.000 yeaterday, on the strength of the report that two men who had not appeared en the early Hat of sur? vivors had been saved. Colonel Aator had no iniurance with the Equitable, it was said. ' A representative of the New York Life company estimated their life Insurance claims at something under $10>,000. Benja? min Guggenheim carried a policy for $25.000 with the company and Henry B. Harris, the theatrical manager, one for .$5.000, It was said. Colonel Astor was not Insured by the company. The Mutual Life made no estimate of the amount of insurance held In that company among the Titanic passen? gers unaccounted for, but it was said that the amount would not be large. One of the large out-of-town companies estimated that its loss would probably be about $150.000. SHIP'S SIDES VULNERABLE Hugo P. Treir Believes Titanic Struck Iceberg at an Angle. San Francisco. April 17-That the Titanic was sunk by a lateral tearing and not by a head-on collision Is the opinion of Hugo P. Freer designer of the battleship Oregon ? ni. one of the authorities In naval con mu-tlon on the Pacific Coast. The sides of a vessel rre the most diffi? cult to prot.-t.** said Mr rraar. "Th.y mjq i^aqj?jI lwB?U?_4M *'_<??3 in a ?ic-rr. The Sentiment of the Morning Room THE Morning I^oom?often one of the most captivating features of the Country House? may in its furnishing express the underlying sentiment of,its usage. Its distinctly feminine character may be suggested as well by the elegance of Hepplewhite as by the grace of the XVIII. Century French Furniture to be found among our Reproductions of old world originals. 34 and 36 West 32c! Street Between Fifth Ave. and Broadway New York Bub? flDaoi?on sanare (Wiest THE BEAUFORT Dur?hi!?ty ?Ouality F*n?*h $4.00 per dozen Branch*? B | d A B u 11 <f i n g Singer Building tt\ Fi'th Avenu? \*t> Broadway ' ahiDs anatum.y. end it la my opinion that ? ?he Titanic struck the Iceberg from an 1 Lnele A head-on colliaion could hardly hav'i done the damage necessary to sin* the vessel." , DR HOLDEN NOT ON TITANIC. According to reporta received In Brooklyn yesterday, the Rev J. Stuart Holden did ?not sail from England on the White Star liner Tit-uiic. Owing to the aerioua Illness of hia wife. It la paid, he cancelled hla i passage at the last mini te. William R. i Moody director of the religious work of 'the Northfleld Foundation, In Eaat North?: ' field Mass., in beht-l? o? which Mr. Holden was'to have preached, received a. ?-able mea sage aaying the mlnlater had not Bailed. The English preacher wa* to have apoken In Carnegie Hall on Friday, at the Conaer vatlve Congrees of the Men ehd Religion Forward Movement. _ DISA8TER POSTPONES DINNER. The Rocky Mountain Club of New York at a meeting of the house committee yes terday afternoon decided to postpone the ibeefsteak dinner scheduled for Saturday evening. April 20, until the following- Satur? day April 27. owing to tba Bloom into which j 'the city has been cast became of the TI-1 iu.nlc dieaater. . ?. Coward Shoe *"???. u. ?. ??1 ??x* RESTFUL SUPPORT for Women's Feet Women will find a natural ?*md <5o*nfortable help for tir??d foot muscle-? and wigging arch, in the Coward Arch Support Shi**. The special construction of this shoe, holds the arch and ankle in place, reliev?ea th? ache, and is the only ?sfficient relief for falling arch and flat foot. Coward Areb Pot^ort 5b?M and Cow.rd extension h?nI have beam asmie ky Jemas S. CernerA. la Me Cueteas D*pt. fer ever at) yea,-?. BOLO NO*WltERE EU? JAMES S. COWARD 264-274 Greenwich 8t, N. T? ?stA? WAKsiti rran-T) ?Mall Order? Filled | Send tor meAtAeama '