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ME OUI 10 act o?i un Decides to Investigate at Once the Cause of the Great Loss of Life. OTHER BILLS IN CONGRESS Many MtMUret to Prpvpnt Simi? lar Calamities at Sea Of? fered and Action Will Be Prompt. '."??"m The Trt*r..i?i? E ?* . W4?hmgtcn. fcprll 17 ?President Taft held h's fir*-? eoofereae? regarding the .jif niter to the Titanic early tbli morning, when he - ? ??th the Becretan the Treas : ;-*''!?|t? ol .ending revenue rattern to meet th? Carpathla, what ftwtMtlee eouM tx afforded to repr?? sentative? of the press, and what, if un?-. assistance oould be 'he govern? tnent to the survivor?, it ?*f.s decided thai a* the scoi;t crulaecs Haien, and ? would cor.v?..-. the Carpathla and su i ? ef the rev.-.nie Uttera could keep pace with that ship, it would he both unne-cea? ary and Impractlcalek to One ?"uttt-rf as an escort. P*rom the Secretary of Hie >.*??> thn TV. ifltnt learned the plans m.i_?> to relaj ? Hba. messages from the '.'arpath; which provide that, th? Cheater shall pro oesd to the aide of the Carpathla end tnV.r mtaaeges from her, transmitting then, tow? %rd land, and that. th'. Balen .hall pl?*k up euch messages and relay them to land UN vessels keeping a upnrt ?intll New York Harbor ;s appro?.< Measures in Congress. In Congress various meaaurea growing out of the disafrr wen Bada tor 8mlth, of .llchi<.nn, Introduce^ providing for an Immediate I ef the cause of the gr?ai Iom ol Hfe This iras immediat.i? reported favorably by the Committee on Comtnerr. a...i unanimous!) passed bv the Senat.- eSenat? resolution repo eating the Providern to un? dertake negotiations with for<-ig). with a view to devlatng precautions _?ninst a rsepetltlon of th<=> dlsattter will probably ne reported favorably by the foreign It .? lattons Committee without delay. Senator Ferkln? Introduced a MU providing thai all vessels carrying paeaangari mart nr?> vlde lifeboats s'iCUcien' to .i .?..i?imo?1?u? ?heir human complement 'at on* tim?-' and for drastic methods of inspection This "?ve* referr.e. to the Commerce Committee. In the House nine bills and resolution, were Introduced, all proposing ? i? mees m tns exis'lnr e''?tnt?? t?. th?. end that th? live? of traveller? ?by ????? m?v he further eafegtiarded. ? .ompereri with th" rr*'1 ntad by the sinking of th? Thalle with the aj. ??alllng loes of life, all o? i.e. 1.'*r .?uestio/is dwindled into insignificance Tor ?he moment, all thought ef political contro versy was pu? aetd? wd ?nteres! in the ordinary nfta!?-? of the nation ?av. way to the de*ermina?i''i ?o t-.k* all ro^stble mopm, ?o prevent a repettttm Of th? trape.y which has bt'n uppermost In Ibe mlnde??af Senators for the laat three days. in- Senate Committal on Commere. will meet to-morrow to arrange a plan for the Investigation ordered by th< Senate to-daj Ruch witnesses at- mav shed any light on ? he sinking of the ship or on the prob? lems .'i prot?t ting ocean travdUen from the perils Of the gag wW be summoned before the .lNcomiri't'e?' which probably "ill be directed to make the Investigation. '? posslhle, officers of ?he Titanic ,vho v..,-.*. been saved will t? call-wi and authorl D maritime engineering and eoaatrue ?fen wiy be asked to ?euggeel means by ??hi?-'! like ?leeaters may be avoided Provision*? of Perinne BUI. Senator Perktn. i mu. what* Miffeeta a method of ??fagu-if. lit* on ?h? high sea?. ?ri11- notai'* bt cotiaidered by ?he committee In connection afitb the ir. Testlfation ThU ?pr?vida? among other feinta, .?that svt ?? navigaai?g the ocean sailing fron? an?, otoarlrfg any port ot tne I'nited States, and ?^ ?. ? steamer navi? gation any mam, hav areeund of tin United States. .hall, ir? addition to being provided and equipped with snob floats, hfe pr?serv? era. Mne-c-.rrylng projectile* .nd th? mean? of propelling them.'and drags as will. In tlhe opinion o( the board of .supervising In? spectors, best aevnr- the safety of all per eon?e on board euch vaaaali In caee of dia ater, he provided nud p'impf.e.l v.t'r. a suf l^ient number of eeaworttay-^Ufeboats tn ?transport and carry ex or.e ?in.. e\ery ?as ?enger and every member of the crew upon aurh vesseL" The hill a1?so provides thnt ^vr-rv steamer must obtain a certificate of inspection be? fore sa'ling. and that every laptatn or ro ig?onsible agent, owner or charterer of ships who violates d|e provisions of the law may ?be sentenced to no- exceedlnc t^n yearf imprisonment at hard labor. Although the United States has e?rtair .tt^rl^dlction over all veasels entering ind ?.leering its ports and cgn impose restri?? tJon6 designed to prevent sn.?h -a dlsaatfT as occurred In ihr ?as? of the'* widely ???xperienoei Senators fblnk the prole lern <?an best i ? solved by fh<^ ??o-op^ration of all maritime nations The wav for this is opened by the resolution requesting the Preeident to negotiat?-? with these na?i?Wis with s view to a maritime conference The Foreign "Relation? Committee probably will report favorably a resolution hased on the M?f*.lne measure, ia.lng -tres- on the ne? cessity of marking o?1? the lane*- nf travel tn the Atlantl?- particularly, an?! formulat? ing regulations t.? mln'mlr" the v.r.ssihinty of accident which shall he o.g..r\ ?.I by all nation?. House Comrtvttee to Investigate, .imultaneously with the introduction of tOt nine bills and resolutions la MM House Chairman Alexander of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Flsberlee announced ??onstruction of ?he Ifauretanla and Luat that th*.. coenimlttee will conduct an In? vestigation of th< <-iu?" of the sinking of the Titanic, ? a ? ic_ to proposing legis? lation to prevent such eel iier? after. Air Alexande' mi-I the committee would summon .s-veral, survivors of the ihtp and wouiej oi,tHit, -?t flrsj h?nd an explanation of ?*.. .? ere lo ? Uollowlng this Investijatioti. the commlt bat probably will pregan a lUbatittite hill for all .jf thof.e offered to-day. P eltraioary ??? t!if- report of a byi r> qutnng mor? ?triniffn? lvpa<ttlc<_l of the lifesavlng devir-s of steamer' uatna United ports, Mr Alekandat Introduced two Joint resolutions to-._a%. iyy direkte th? President to urge-the ?o-oporatloa "f all maritime nations In ctablltfilng a?p "? ? N'orth Atlantic dining the maaon "f ?'?nger from icfhi-rg? The ,,?h-? fltract? Pramdanl te ,ni to ) ; agre? upon \A0f4NnreOt tot rhtpt ?rave? th? Atlant?? Ml ?""a'<"?"r. of N?rw York Ir?tn-x-ln?-? resolution requesttn*-; the Presidan? ta for nn IMernatl?**?*?! <-onfer?ni*<*. ?onnp of repr? "Mat1'?" of all mi'ions. ??*> ?J unlf'irm ?-???amshlp mspeetlon l*-?*s fjtmy, pt *?*f?srW York aleo *sV?d ?for an ??rri-i?lMinl c??nf'??"* Heevy Penalties Provided. R'ire ?ntative? ,?"ul*-pr. ?Jarj Rad ?" IntroducM drdatlc Mile ehutttng all Un porta lo MtMli not equipped ? Ilifeboats rutti. h n? ter eten part?? "an I Th?- Balt?ar MIL ihe most Btrinnent M ?o?, would pr??' ide a senten?** of nal n ears ?i har?? la?**?? (or any i i ?itiVr Officer o? a ship which ' rteri of th? i '?i rBtatea wtthoui ample llfeanvlng appart j fr.r paeeengen and * ram. The Bulaer |<*"ary blth) alea protide perj*iaiUea for ti who nminfaitiira t -ssH iief?.rtiv?. life ? ra Mr. Cory, in a leparaU MU, *penfie? l lil ttaatlM *-??"???"''?i? iik. rtflfd ? i > - v- ?- ?* - * ?i foreign boata, as nos? a?i?g*;<aated. Ib* i nd crew liall '"* notified thai ?hip i* no? Bubjr? in tapirt-ecUc? imdei law? ?if the (*nlt**d Statw I' f'iii?.lr.-"?, of X?W VorV. is th? Tit of a Mil <o itrika from ?Section I.4M i,, Rcvleed Stal ite? IM provtalon wl exempta from the Bperatloa of ?lUt-td Ml laws fTei-rn v?*#eela the ?-*?Mmtrli*a of ?ai have ni.j?" tii'ii lawi Mia Mil would ? ?trfde, without ?* viniptlon. ir.?-pe"iion by [Tntted 9tat?M of ?H p*aatens<-i* earn ??..??ri? entering It* i orta. Mi. Aiexan-'^-r said ?o..;-,v that ?he I ?u**tom ?-?f pro' Idlng llfeboata a?*? i,- la tonnage. ?r?i??a 1 Of 'h* numb?"* ? . ?- -.irr,. ,1 VH. in?1ef?n*lble For C-*?-*?*-"?-?! of Wireless. ?prompl action li to be tabat) ? ?.. repon v bill providing atrlcl ontrol ''wirel**--." a BubJeiH which w?aa *ind*r e tion eater*?***?! In * eonference li? lenl Tafi and m-mb-ti-a et ^ ? abinel 11 I ir?tn ha* *? pending ?some time In the Houm 0?>mmittee V-. | ?? Marin- Interference bv an i,,,'* m i . ?? operators ? ??* anxlounly a-vp'i<") '?i*sg>?g?s from the ? 1 ,i*hia and .?*h?.i .--hip? ?arill reaull In an ?einr? *? itcurt ?mm-d'ate le?gi8lation re* intir.-; wir' I tlon Q*rr?Ma familiar * ut? n-s time practical ?*omment?sd to-day on ? !?* developments of a ? onr*"-*" t-eatlcatlon. Th? Brit.ah regulation***, whl do no?. rfq'ilr?i llfeboal capadt) e?-j'iii I assenger can-ins capacity o? I ar?- d?:? lai? d to "??l lately out i tel? graph has ma cut:?,n thi nnflr.g of llfeboata within raj-aaoi * der the Md wndltlona,'' taid Repi aentatlve ;?-ir?ir*-r. of New Jersey, form? d ?'oa.'-fv;;-. Bailor, ? ?ifebi-ats Insuffle!?**'. manned or ?qulp.ied mate of little m?^r?' ?. than 'ife preservers to the r*?'*'*'1?'''''' Ot ???.?recked o??^-in v-saseL The pres?-nt rea Of the -?Irele?''- telegrap!., how>ver, li made -?.lmobi certali. lb? speedy relief Hf?-'!.?->Bts. and the ?" Ing I ? < i ? I away In ?hem ' L?MER CRASH DWARFS NAV Titanic, s Impact Equal to ?fir? ? Throe Droadnniiglit*:. ?Washington. April 17.?A *rraphk M | parlson of th< probable i?iip3?:t "i fl ! Tita-?.! agiilnal th? faherm thai d etroyed h?^i with the pro'kwtUe forfcf the gun*, of ,i modern i-atthshir? en i made to-day bj Captain ?'harles a. M ; A)H.??'er, engineer In rhi.?f ??f tlio r?>\*?n? ctitt< r aarri? I "Th- ? th? Titanic -?e-?in?-t ti Ikeberj ??hab?] ?quivalant lo 0 Ialmultaneoua ftr? ??? r:-!" 1 .'inch pr? i r.r the i-on?"entrated fir?*- ol ihr? i ?^ lnouajbti aa the Florl?la, oh Capt-nin MoAJliat "The fire of ?en 12 Inch |una ??u-'h i the F]or\r]A r-Aryiot ji, w,| ppos?'1 ??? : sufli'-lent to put any battleahip ?I o? ? nut "' ' : ? ' ! ?n ibe BlmulUneoual) 1 h? [?a ? ?' tt 'I it..m?" .?tnking th? Iceberg nus? ha> i iif^n approaima.?]*" one iniUlon ton suivaient to her beintf rrtruck limblU \ by tHr?v tOt h PT0j?9? ?il?'S. Ill .i ?? "ni^r. In th** li?h? of euch a tK? I p.irison. that ?h" lhM|t?*>d BO i"i't. I? Iln(*onceivabIe 'h**t ?p*j Lnfanuity of ma ovar devta? ? fl?oatlnf* atructufi t IwKbstand*!! ? tarrifi? ?"-olliaton." THINKtT?LL "BODIES LOST | Professor Wood Says None Wi Ri3e from the Titanic. r.altim<->r?-\ Ar?ril 17.- "The bodi??'- > the victima <-?f the Titanic dif-aHtor ar at the bottom of the deep, nyeyet to leav it," declared Pref^euor Robert W. Woo?1 of the chair of experimental physic.?- c Johns Hopktn? T"niv<*r*ilty, t???3ay. "I is altoe^ther in-probati!?* that fin> wll eM*r ret'jrn 10 th>? eurfaoo. of th?> *??atei ?is ifi the oase wi?h bodlM dro'vned P ??h-iHo?-?- water 'At the dopth of i?*" miles th? preas? ure of the water in something like si: thousand poundf. to the square Inch which is far too ?rre?? to he ov<*T?*om by buoyancv ordinarily given ?Irowne.? bod^s by ?he gases thu? ar?* g''n.?-?a?e in time "That the bodies sank to th? hotton ot th*- sea there la no qu<9ation." Profe?c ?or AVood ?-r.ntln'i'-d Th? Tit-?nl?-'. ^i'-tlms who were not. carried down wltl the h^.at followed nn?il the very bottom of the sea was reached. There was n* ??ich thinR as their ?"topping in theii downward COUfM ?' f* h;?lf >nll*r, * ?nil* or at c<n>' other point LOW BERG SUNK TITANIC Parisian'R Crew Thinks Suh? merged Mass Ripped Bottom, I Halifax, N. g\, April 17-Th* ??team'-' PaViiad-Ui, the Allan liner whose pre??n"?* laal Monday n?*ar th? pis?-? of the Tltani' ? 1 hope, ?jntil a denial wa.< T,re,:-,..[ iront },or that she had survlvors vt th? Ti'snl' an hoar?! ?ni.r.'l Halifax Harbor a? : ?.>>l?Kk th!** cv.nin-' ' aPtahl II,.?n?-: l^ptMrtOd ?h;?t ai JO"*! lima) on Sunday night el in Oommunl?*attaa with the Titani?-, b??ins in mi!?.?- .lis?*-iii Th?? Tltani?-'was ?h?n t-?-*.? The ?-?p?rator on th? Parisian retired soon afterward, and nothing was kn?->wn*.' th?1 dlM????!- uniil M^nds? m<?rning The ??eat!i?*r ?-?n Punda; night ?aa? <eli*ar and s?arll?ihi ti le.?h*? beli?-f aboard ?he Parisian ?hat fl**; THani?* : tr?i?*k a low lying i??.?r-r, no? ino?<? ?han ten teet out <?t ?-?it, and !*even?y fevt subioerged. *?\ i?h ?'" Mp ??"i"?4? ?t l'igb speed, suoh a b?*rf w-njjd rip th?? bottom ???.?en. prob?blj' at? (er Im the pintee room, and UHa probabi.?- n< ???ii??? i??r her golns down so q'lk'klv Had II b???n n high her?, it ?o?ild b&\e K?-rp \i.? Ihl?? far off I BELIEVE BERG WAS A GIANT V.'arhin-iton, A,Til 17 -The iceberg which d the Tltani** dlsaner waa a giant, one-auarter to one-half a mile in l?Jti*-t!i. rising four h?in?i(-'i U-e? pal of the w-oter, ''?Mig to th? confident otlef of govern? ment meltn?? ??ffloer???, baaed upon rep?jrts Tie master of the steamer Carmanla *-"is i ??ie Hvdrographic Offlc?? that one ?????ok a?o to-dnv he r>ass.?-d about thirty icebems /.?rd ?jth> t wtenirlve ?i-rlde ef lee off the Oran*. Banks o( .Ntwfoundland. many of the ?>rf9 hem?/ In ih< ? i. *.n- o( thi 1'nsnio wreck ?!? ports from othfr ves.ela ?.?onflrmed in-* terrible .rndlUq-ia of th? lea. The Buns', ?tefime-- ? ord crorner advised the govern? ment officials that mummotli l?.*el>?igs ware seen in thet-c no?"tn.>rn latitud**? or. Mar? "i *1 .?nd Ax-ail 1. SAYS PUBLIC CAN FORC AMPLE LIFEBOAT OUTI Prominent Man in Bus-m.? Urqes Less Luxury Throuq! Deck Space Curtailment. ENOUGH NOW. SAYS ANOTH! North Gorman Lloyd Officiai A vneates an International Aproomf-nt on Subject ?Nfiyvr, 8y?tem. Tb? ?ral ?teamehlp line t? ann?u that any one of Its steamship, is eQUtpi with enoii?h lifeboat^ t" keep ?Bo ?imp ?he maximum number of pa ?song an?? erev. ?in have 'hat hhip I .??pac??, '??. i ?un wggi round lhrougb< th?- year l*hls was ihe observation oi proniineit ;|e?arnsiiip men yesterday, wl Hfkcd if ti?e Ti'ani disaster would com hip line? to i?r.e?, nie lifeboat room .'?er' petsem i ??? -a ,i : .-,i .<? more, hi declared i!..t the in elllng p'iMIe had it within ^ epoW. fAr?. t;> st?imahlp ii." tu ihli ol ? lulpmeni bj hefustng to ere-** ti?. . lantli ? i ?' ?' I ic not s?, e |uti ,?? 1 hi r. "'?? '?? '???' ?' htindl ? ?!.?* of I a-a y ??tj ?.>..fui transportation ,i. .? : i h. rompantes ha i,?? ?hei?? Overc en.I'?- them h ??* - ? loUars, i ut lliey ??are i pyra],? ? , i e .,,?,-]. hai 'i i".'."t of i i -*? i-,,. in<ess Putting '?" mot ? llf< ?? ? I i? required hy la*? ??? III It an '?? m ot t pt :i?-? . ? ImoJ * ?!? plofabl. ? w ' i ment oi deck ipece, numen lit?" wr,rth ,.,,, , th..., : tes ??' Inani * .1 ?? and t?hl itlv* demand in'. ? if ner.-... -. | i- . apatli] t'l I ' . ....?:,. . .' , ? : ???'.: provided. ' Not ttn-ep hundred yard? from Where tl sentiment was expressed saoth r stsamsti official talked In .. dlaroetrtoally appeal vein concerning llf* prelection In th? f ? 11 -1 on steamship 1 ?;*,,.? ? | an sxagl i sted end distort Impreeslop In the publl? mlftd lust no* laid tin other man. resfir-i.nm ~e-pr equlpm ni ..??"'?; staMttt} ?f bul i ??da i . . ? . ntrated lo -.* human life on tl ntsnle. This If- on natural But ?'lien the high ton: ion of *?> eral alarm has niebelded those who ?tro ci-, ?vtlantlc o? o ?? i taamahtpo will tru** with a?- little eoneern over lifeboat equl n.^nt M they al*va>s_ have done. I d?.'it?i anytbtng Will be dOW Or *?n be done Hi y.-ni goaraatM thai every soul on board steomahlp vtu he saved *h..iiir! a tt - ;.er!?eli in .... It A f Tttanie* "The -afe?.t plac* In lbs world ic si i< on board a modern liner. This is BOl ?< m. Impreaalon or belief; it is _ toet, gee* h? he?n stated ?? h by ectuark ? ? ' 11k b Insurance comparte? Of rourae, i r"-k which "???<. idles even de) of his lit rhere I? moja dangei to lift In walking tl Street! Ol a Mg Stty than there i? . tteamabip s? see i bell#ve that i?m pr caution? should bt thrown ieronnd travail? t,?.ken gCTON tlM n by 1 lb? tearaeshlpe, tat I tt?alvit?n. thai th . n?, ii mon lhan met on all model ?"'??.n.'-hlpi "Men Co?.:-l N*l Prevent It" ?? -*as met on the Titanic ? ? England The rlK?mstance? at her elnl ?ne afkd ?he lot? o? Ufe ?.??r? somelhln ?Ahieh msn could nol prevent 1 pretest ?i?st t? being mad? to ?lav ato. the Tit!.pic'? tecK of Mat? would be raise to.morr?n- If a ship of her ? in the bottom \o, Fav. an hoar of life. **.en Ihough -1. had b..?.t?- anoug for twice the number "t souls on ? Th.- . ..?t and ?*?.?'v ?av for per on? to protec?e.] agsln^t deq'h ,,l ?. . is I hOme The*/ views mav SMn t'uey ar? based, without prej?dlc. en n experience of thlrtj flve years In lh< ?>? in ship bitsfn?_a? ' although ?h* m<j?agt- rlreles? new? th? m? from tin rlUnltj of th? Tttsusl disaster Indicates thsl <-h? has Ml ..n l berg head?on ?t.- r. ar<- feu men n th itf?mshlp busliMs? familiar with ship con structton n'ho believe that the great lit." eould ha v.- '-'ink In 5u.'h ;. mariner Throughout the day ship ownen end sgeni maintain"! f_Hh In lh? et.el bulkheods << mMern steamablps NatwlUistandlng the strong, demonstra tion that the unsinkabl.?^t e-unK. ap i ip.i.e war? exprasaed yesterdaj th..t tiv Cunardar? Manretanls and Lusltaals wan uosir.kahl". -The bulkheads <>f theae llyera acconlin?? to th?? local .tg?n?.. are difieran from those ..t an^ v?h..-i coming to tbl part, it ?a? explained t.?>tii the? ?. team-hip1" arp Ceaatmctad with twelvi main (ca?averee bulkbeada, ?ut i. at? ar? used on the British CETUlaara and that, n> matter what ttu ? toaai mlghl hit at sea fhe would fl'.'dt Indaflnltaly. The Two Biq Cunsrdeps. ? In th?' con.f.any'f. prlvatp record? of th? tania are two ele\atloti!? of the h.iikhea< lay-ont With the drawings Is thr- follow Ing ?eference to cor,fjtiiiotion: "Ir. the d? sign of the ehiji th? subdivision of the hul was ?i matter whie?)i rec?.|\ed the most care f?il consideration, and the very oohs?*rvat!v< retruiatton?: p>f th? Board of Trad? com? mittee which investigated thla question an>J prepared rule-, ha'c been more than tu-t li order to Insure safetv Ther? ar. twelv. moin irsnsve#se talkbeadi as rihoirn ?a th? elevation :)Pd pin-, and Intetmodlat? M'tng bilMMadtf are ?ttp.l m ibr htmk.r-. 'ii"ldlng them into ynurr- about ?" te, ? li'.ng. There ..r^ thus 1T> watertight "r'ii. partments ? The first st?nm*hl|. official te. ?come forth ?with a feat?Meni iimi Immediate ,.n?i .iota' action shouM be t?ken by all steamahlp linen for hetie..- itfeaavlng "eqrfpment on board o.esn et.emfhlps ?-?i Charlea ron Helmolt. the ffiieral manager In this ?ro?n try f??r the \eii-ih r*,orman Lloyd Cine. He t-.i- ., terda thai th? mattor should be taken Dg at r,,,,?? ,-)n,| ,?,H(.,,?.?.,] .,, ,||f Hsff'ie Trlt'iiiMl. ,np1 thai the ?tcamshU? companies ot <>verv n:arlfin.^ ration In th' WMN Mnmld be irgfttpaUad to p.)..raic i?. accorian-e with i-eguletlorii? .e.i?.,,... ,. euch a ronfer#>n.-. "It is a maun,' mid y\\ von Ifeimolt. 'which lemands n.*ernH?ionsl"mcni Take, f.-r Instance, a rompan?, like the Noflth '?erman Uoydl It must c?.|iform le? ihe maritime gawa, ..?id iWgalaHNis M Ik) less t'an f>? ir ???iintriej, in ?-artyliig pa?. lengera between New fork -.mi Uartnan) Oai steamer, have Brensst. das home port and are uatei the imladlrtlon of (lerm.nv. by touchlnu* .it Southampton th? ? .?.in? within the regulattea nn.i iaw> of BagMM :.t . h'rt?.?nj; ^i..i, passengers from r ".m.' sbgbrd the Ft?s> niMritim?' ta?Wt Sgply, and by flnelly ?indina in Neu York ili?i? are lha Ann ? ngk*g >?? ?? "? "? >?.iie pll?-d with "Nu Company if m..r< ..nxinii? to s?ee dbsolutr. agg\ t-, ?.?*? ip^t ,,i\ pMs?_?enK?T^ ?han is the Nortt. Onnan Lloyd ihn? ?"?mpan-. ha* not oiil;. compiled with tRe IsMgr ??f 'he la?*.., but in wary ?*?s* has e?'cn es ''!;?! the if^al ruqulr*im*n's in providing for the -,?,'<.. ,,( || pV?.-'?_..???.-? : P?-oDostflon ythlch has been adv-i.ce.i ,,.,' n?-att?r l ?? ?.tjoun-h** b*en carefully n.d painstakingly investigated, and if found I? hae." real worth has Lot Immediate!) adopted. This l? ?ii? not only ot the North eflarmaa lAgarm tsm mg ,,\i aAbm slaam>sblp ItO'S. '.Uth th? coming ol the wireless te|e yraph faterttfht vompartmenta.. .? ?iOmsr lne alynalr. Improvad ftre rtyhtlnc >apgafat?i and th--* other nortOOS ot thi last t*n year??, th? RaaMMp ounipsnlsi bava *?? - INADEQUATE PROVISION OF BOATS AND RAFTS ON 44 OUT OF 46 BIG STEAMERS TI,? Ctmeronia. of th* Anchor Line, and the M.nneapol,.. of the Atlantic TrsnsDort ! inc. are th? only \*r*X pnmnger -hip* provided with w*?cient hf* it,H ?f,. ,., carry i" heop?-i oti hoard, both crew ami paa.cnfcra. Forty* . .. ... ?.. ?grgt ^insert, accbrttfn, to ? Hot.? .tttiatlc. Lave^??rn-ent Ma? -Zrc or les., to acccJnodata all fats might be on hoint .. rtlowb m the following table?: ??hip ? fr-??, ???p.i*8? : ?Vdrtaue ?*?* ,*.?f?< i Arnadlar ??* W* . I l"*"*lt!' (*ajTi*l. Hl.i^ti?.- ilS '???::. ? . ? ? '". . ? Fm?rc*iU ? i" '":'??' . ? ' ? H.09A . i ' |." ?*<? 'I" 4T"i . . Kali , ?,? ,,!,.!,, ii ,r> -"..ii,. ? ?ni? f*>i '..?:-, . ;? i?;** ?7.1 ?i*> . (W ". .-an..' ?17 IT.".?. 1.74?* i? . . ' ? ,"i,>? ?ia.0721.,.. If 2X4I . i.jirmj '?p?<-??' p???en-*er?. Crew I, ?3 2,<MI 2 o?' ? ? ?: ,j-?i 1 7M I 1.7-*: ??; na r,? ?.I 300 23?? 140 171 <?.*?.** *iu ITS ?TI !?V" MA Vum ?-?rr; in? b?r ??(.a li? t?5?i? ot boat? I,K? Rii"??? . and end raft? prr or ran?, ?persons), ??r???-? rinn?. i* 1,040 i* M ?.'." 1 2* M Batt I ?viC Ml sgs !??*.-. !.i?2'! I.II? I?. ? MS 1.301 1,115 1.171 1.5!? 1,2?X? sao 2 42?' '.' .-.??' I.Il*? 1 ?X?? 2 ISO I ?"-I? 2. ?100 ... non? 1 -)?**** 3.4M :? ?* ?.-. 1.100 a 20 M U 1A JO ii "B .t.." I. ?>? 4>* m 24 i???? on life i'.-?-r?<r' and Inwyi followlna *??* ????>'??*? noto TI"? I' I??- had si th? i'.i?toni HOUM on ?lie Vteael Ao-erlks I'-'ibarossa . FVrlln ? smpenls ? fumi'i . * '???i.- . ?Ti . i j pagiM . ?a a??.?. ft on . - Butters* . : i rg ?,-.-.i?. r,o ? i| ist? Kaiser "A 1? r tiro???. Ins Wllh?|-n . I?? Bret.un? - IttC . Iy?i?lt?nl* Miiiii???p??ll? . Nfoltk? ? ? fora . Petti?-?. r>n?-?"l\ nnlri . . . . lalphia lr -.l.nt I.ln.'ott? Hc'teraern p.j gdatn . saxon H* . ? Lo'ii? . ?*? I*?nl . . 2i?--:i i??.ai.i 17.824 ,v?..v, lf'.'.p." 2*1.904 ? 11.114 ? l.i Ml ??? Ml i I '??*? U MM 11; tt i ? rws ?. v m i*-. 1..R.*"? i i?. ;?> ? If* :?t: 10 -???: ?.?.ic. ??4 I*? 14.?? 11 ?"."? Il,M I ? -?a? mri" 1,197 I.V.'.*. .1.131 1 .11? i.OOS I. aw H ni:. ; in i ?.?"? 1,1(1 I.MS 1.939 : ras i .?<>. i m '?.?* . i ?tt ii i 1*7 0 - ., ?fl.; ' : ? : .,!:? 1 I'" :? ??xi 2 14? ? ??., I lid r rew .*,77 M l"2 4SI? 4?" Bf -?"'. v.'.? Hi m -.***> ???., ,;... .*?:'? ??;?? '?"'? -,..?. I??? :>? ?is jut* ?ii *t? fl SPA Ml II? P?j?t? 1? Raft* IS < opacHy ?persons? ?.- boat? and rift.? I.TtW Ml i n: i iti i *.*?'?*? i.zts 1 ::?,? TM ?"?7? 2 nil i 017 HU 2.ii-?rt i 903 i :-f it? i raje o? ? :???? len no K-.i l,0T" 1*017 P47 I,lid I 4V. (?.?*?? 1 ?*??> Il?ved the margin of safe- t.. le pradW call) perfect, "In the e;,?e ef lifel..?;,! ntid Uf< ;-??"* SO'dP* mtrt there is BeMom a ?tebmdhlp arriving ,i? or departing from New York City 'hm carries ite maximum nttmbaf "*' pusgsn p. rv When the Masan rush begins foi Earope. in April. May. June and juij th? cabin aeoommoflatloo Is Ruad, bul during these montha the steerages ar? practl?rall) d< serte?1 for I? is a? tl-.t- time thai ihe 0 ltdoOf construction work - of th? ? ?mpanl'-s are being rerrled on. Th? fOT? ?ism lahor element ta thai fulll emptogtri This labor comes MOOt from Banana In the .eriv months of Ihr pOOM) wli? u that* ta litr|*> or no rebln business ?When the rmtward bound steerag? busi Increaaes, later In the fall of the ? .bin rush In ?Hnrpc i? <>?;. '? klag into cansideratioti IIh ? f.?"?, .i lifeboat sod in- rail KUdpmoni had . ? i on ddered by th ? ? ??" rb*an Uertnai h and BngU?b ?."? erna ? * ?mpl* In g ? | ? ? mshlp com? i add rt .?in- 'i ? "' ? ,.f t?. ....--? ? .-,-. I ihal ? ? "? 'hi- , '?? all i nmpanlt s would stoi ? nd In more I'll!? lafeguard their v????engere sa fs ? ? ., - !,?. . tntety "f iiut.ia. ..t mon .??i r -? ?i. ? th B thi settle ...... , ? ? :. .en. M? lit ? ,|. ? wen ? e. kill handM <? ih* '?? ' | " ?' r,tn4ss of the Haoue Tribunal I e Hague Tribunal ? : rcjibarri ... de tl with ?hi.-i situation Tl ... oven 'hat i' i?. ha. ' '? l. t- ? ? ? ? Tlui could th' H-.g.e. Tribunal formulate r. ? , . . ! r3r?-fl|l|> n the 1 a thi different ? mint i ? ? ? nsblp ? omp ink ?. I l^now, WOUld -'?' III CO I ????'?? 10 'II. ful|e.?t ?.?fin ?Tins ? ut any lie?. Or project whl'll WOUld ? , ' ' .?( h| :n .?;i ,u ^ in.' ni ? e.i l!..- ? leA;i\ 'e'Anere agalnM a" CBCasalve IQUlp ? oi iit<-iioats was the sr?at sncroacl :n< in it ??.i.uiii lia-,, upon iht boal dec It, arhlch on man) Mg Itaera I? taken up ai eatlral) with ventilators, skylights, t n ? ? ; - and c^wr. ? on tent ?ion, however, could be ?net i.\ the ?nestiim" ineth.t'i which is employed] m th? Hfeboat equipment an war .. - ,i aod '?"a' of Ihe (llouceeter tisiiermen. Lifeboat? to-day r.?-t about il a pp?ui?'l The average webjfbl Is UN poonds T?tere are two t.? pee. th . WOOtteO and the Iron, hut the com i-, ?iwnit th? M.ine. The average e.;il l vi abOUl ?"I feet Ion?. * feet !? me -I.e. beam and :t fe?t 7 luchen draught i On the o.enn they arc gusrsnlood to Bgrry fifty peraoa? an?i aa rt.?rs riaty. The kssata in?us.' on th?. larger tranaiflantic lin>r- ur. i.ia.ip- of ireen. with air-tighi eompartments, making them '*thaareUcall? uaatakable." Home shtpa carry 'he aanvas eaUapatble lifp'U.atf-, ur "rafti?,' as th.\ culled ' Tii- -? arc uneeaw-orthy, -.,: h r :!? The System of "Nesting." T'oo snpitc?t|i,n that the ocean liner.?? ml .ht carry s Mgg'-r complement of boats by ' nesting" them on the ripper dc.-ks mean? tittinsr them ?me Inside the other, trtthl rrad'.al reduetlop Insld.? ae the boats m..uni ? ?ip 'm ihe tattleablps end cruiser? of the 1 pit"! States nav] ti?.|. i ;. high per-j centage "f trained sailors to bandit them and there arc spefla] i'|eo|ri. rraQeC in uw" to .raise an.i lower th<- eboati The "un packliiK" <'f thet-c \,e,atr by the jackies Is an operation Ii which th< con? stantly drille?! Naval authoritkt declarad "i.-iv thai ll ib? mea on tin battleships ?.mi efuisert aera not constantly ?iriii?.i up to a .stat.- r,f the highest eflltfency the han - . t ... .. "neated '?"?.| In au emer? gency WOUld I'" S f*arfil failure. it was addepl thai th" .-al!<?r? In the mer? chant rnurln?. and on the ??Ik Uner? were not to b< | 'iinpar?"l ?With ,:ir -ulor? of ll'e? ne\y In matter pi thnt kin). Tli?u >li (ar IgfairtoTi M wan -aid, _.i.?i the ,?? -i' i eef t ..Initia 'hein iip i?. il?. ?,tan.l ul ??f the i\k\ j ?TM held to b? almoM Im- : ta beoauss tbe gsen never atuck fol one Job for an;- lepgetb of Urne, l.u', aa a ,., . w-r- r.>\er~. Jt wir IXgUed fiat, ijH- ? . far greater complement o, ?ail'iis .rrle?l on l*n?rn for the i xprenfj pur- I pose of hundllnp mo'igh llf?l? to ..'-1 i'?tmmoefiai?* two or three Ubouannd men.I w?.iii"H an?l . hildi? i . practical of! li'Uidreds of life'f.Ht. gagg . ?h .?f t?.. mug .1 non. Th" eoaeplameai al expert sacad .-ait-' orh ..r. a hattleship Is the high" t ?nul..)1 of all seagetag vessels CALLS DISASTFiP CR?M?NAI. Marin? Authority Saj; Titanic Was SacritjiTd to Drgpneratc Luxnry. IP.- r-?:- fct:?ib te th? Tribun? ) < rl'iinhn?, Ohi'e, April if. RanKv R0?*d!e , :miit-.n County, ? detagrit* to IN eon ?.utMtlonftl convention ami on autMHtT en ?narin" englnOeflngi otfaracterltes the loss of iif- on ?he fitanlc -* * ?orillee I. pendrare lusury, it..MPiir ?dvbralea Intel nntlotial lece l.,t..n t,, ?compel all ....?an I'll? 10 e-VOW ?h?" n t.. Kali ;...! vhen in th" Ice l/*-lf ?lurm_ fog or ,,M .ink night? Ifl ?? Igtv.. ?? .. ?,,. ,,i. ,,. ,| ,,, da>, he soya The speed p.f this vuaae) at Hi tirs, trip wur. but y irtuii) ?rien ma? biner: ?JH .?r'l'vnal If rrlmingUt; ; onJv I'} the f. ( i but ii,.. paH>.., . ??22 vegseta d?amTand mJ?. med that a 8iifflc|e,,t Number of llfehoat.- to carr' an average passenger 11. t ? necesserj snd eculdnot be carried ''"t ?._:_..*'"? ' '" m"1'" ?r th*' t*"l that the ? deck t*Pom allows tenms, rne.,,, . . links ' fl-g-nerat? ., ?' In enjoyment, sfberttlc in ?banner luxm .r.i criminal in epead i ho,, la Is th? last of tuch weael, ? AMATEURS HALT MESSAC Interfere with Wireless C< munication with Carpathip rio.'ion. April 1 ",. ? Hurt'vlng u, N'?"-. with ?h?? rini?- known imrvlv?n*a of the' th?' ?i?am?hlp ?'-u pa thin U ?within ihr nriraleaa sone ot nenrt] of atathma Mon-; " ' ttoo i'pgian'1 et Operatora n? nil theee p??intt- have listening ?"?ngerly for twa ?laya to * v'iin'?hl?i?r of ?li? ?t?.i\ ?vlii.ii th?- "ii:?i "n the tTunarder an inin-tin-- of tbnfr i?, i ii u'?' -, A?ni"**"li* ?i' ? ?>n?llti??iis ?luring the were geod, bul ? the Carpathia mortel '?? approached the <??????? and endenvore? reach show ?talions dirent!)', inn?-H?i ol roin?n. am,i?H?ir wlrokMBi ? ? i?. . . bined ?\itii ?ii?? Mementa to prevent ??? live wotk sin?. ?.?t?-.-1 station, on Nantu? i land, win. which the ?Carpathia cam? i otntnunl? * ? i * ? ? ? late in th? da r, ported r..-ni?eiit thai the arthity ??t amateurs ??.a? anriouelj in?*?rf?>riiig t an ?*s?'ii.?ii(??' "f meanagea with th* ? . end farther ?!?;?? th? targe ame ,,f t-iii? electrldti In the air ??.us nl? hindrance, a northeael etorn* wni In pi the nun edlate ?. klnlt* ot the ? ? . Th?- -? ralean ?speratcira end th? injwral :?t commercial and private stetlona wh actlvltlM '??" Interfering with tb? ? --.?reati-on betwisen the ?'arpathi? and ? <???? station ??? rt .?i>k??l to ' by,** meaning to etop Bonding, in th?- Cnrpnthla might ?*??? able to send m .???????':? ??? ??rgentl; Bought on mam rtdi Ai'hoiigti ?he trngtenn ?n*?wi toW by .'iiin opemtor ?; * the m ? .ic?? ware riiHpo??<?<i of .?<?v>n the farpnt ?.?,,ni.1 '.. ?.?it ,.t rune?? of the a. . i I'l?.n. the ininrfnmncVi unnllnwwl tTaahlngt? ?* Iprll 1 ? ?sea atlon of " t-?l*?s? eCtlvlty, 'V'p? from n few ?1??' ? tin ? tit^li ;?r.' unaffected smateur operation?, hala beott ,itrr??<?'i u* ;i ih" Maraonl oompgnj and i l ...pat ?ni'iit. a?'?'or?linK to a ?' ???? m? loans i?v ?iirmer Attorney Oeneral lohn |gji r?? >?\ Bitorne? for the Marconi co pan? Th?? latter filed with the Navy Dopai m? nt a t?>lr*;rim .it-kin-- ?hat ,iM g??\ ?r i. ? n? wlrelew Matlona north of Norfolk in? ?rn?*t???i ?o eee?*e s???n?-i!tn-T iii?>i-vii-?-?. wirelIsTstock SOARS Titanic Disaster Sends Marco: Shares to Dizzy Heights. Tlio boom 'n wirMess telegraph s?oi which began la?! ?? ?-ek with the .innoun?* m? nt of the ?-?-?iisoliilotion of th?- wlrele companion baa boon stitnulateii ?lnio i.? th?? fever point i>y the d?-m?instrnH? <?f t?i?* ofii'-l?'!!??? of thn wireleee telegmi In ?h?- Titanic <ll*-;?st??r -.Vltlun ?li?' la ?in?- or two ?i?** etiich of the Mir??? i\'ir??leHs Telegraph Company iiae reach? tnoiiiinviiiai heights, i"?t iiH?. fiiowti e rjith' fluctuation* in the ?railliiK on ?I Curb, d\i?' to it?-? niaiilpulutlon by ??-rial lir??k<*rf ?ftatarda) ?i o*p?sn<a?d al . i"'- and cIom .,? I". The high mark during ?I? da vu.-- ISO ,\'ot many m..nth.-' ngo II WB ?????titu* a*? Ion m M H abare Eve United wlr?leaa etock. which aeemed ? be wo""th practically nothing after th conviction ,-in<i sentence of ?om?? of th directora of th?? company, soi.i yreterda .,i ?:>' .-lit .? .linr? In anis??er to I'nMed rVtreleea storkhold t?< who h??li<*v?>d that the?- ? ?mid r?'?elv \i..r. oui .?lo.-k ..? valuable ii*-.,!.?- to suh ?oribe to .Mai-i-oiii Bharea, Recretary Bol tonii??>* of ?h? Marconi eomgway .?mphat l?-f?ll.\- .?tfit.,1 ?rst?.r?1ay ?ha? ?h?* l'iilt??. ? t<.? khoi'i-1 ? I :i '?? absolutel) n?? r i it h t t< ..... iq Mar.', ni ..t.i.'K. and thai th?: wnnlfl not l***?t*<*t|va Mar?onl .u.j?k in ??\ . hange for their United ahnreia The remarkable advance In Marcon toch lia?! proved a verltabla hnmnr,?- ?? iiiii?lr.'il'? of Tialjane. It l*i nal?1. Who, I.? caqa? of their faith Ina their ? o?mtr> inun Mar? ??in. Invesffi their small ?"?i-?inga I? ?li?- shat*??? -?hen they sold ai a v?>rv low iisfti*-.? Itany of tWae bnyen ar? ???iMns at a handsome pn.ti? n?>?v and oontemplai? returning ?o their tiiitiv^ country vltti What npp??:?r.?? ?o Ili.'M t?? be a tortiip*. The *?tnrv wae ??>i?i ytMterday Of an ol?1 WOmtfl Who, hiivhi?; heard In ai? indellnlt? wi*\ of ?h?. j-t.-i? boom In Mar?onl shar>?-' ?i?it??'l ?? w?-ll kno?? n ?'ml? broker uith ti?*e ehsune ?? iu?ii pbe nwnnd an*! otf--re'i ?h"??> for hhI?* T "pon inquiring at what vri. ? th? 8t???'k ?as ?ellin-- ?he broker i?i|?l her *ar"Hn?l >??? '* and offeroil hag $Sl ? --li.i'?'. ??.?*ri,ii she Hagerl? a'^-opied When sli?- ?rent !? H" liank tu eagg the l'rok.'i's . Ik k -i,.- -...,. t<_>I<rl that th? I ? i. vas f ! ???.'. and -h" tonllruie?l th" m?o? iiiatnni at ihc Marconi compauv oince-i. Nos* ?he In Hond**ring liow she ??an get h"i' I'hai? ii'! i ?. 10 B<eU tli?ni ..I ,' ',.. (|. X )?? "' ' m ? rRFiDIOTED TREND OF ICE Wasliitii-ion. \prll ft Foi' irore than ?t Oirirtri- ni | renliii? lb? h\ iliopntphk 04* Bee "f ?lie f-iirerm ol Navigation, N?vv De. |)-*r?iuent. has be"ii pirbltatlng from month lu month a aagAg "t ?-hsri?. ot UM North At] ?n?i? U"?"an, d*Sftptin? PU? *,l<nl oondl tluiin us well a*. H??* pi?"-**-*- of ?langii p navi-catioii i-?-port?*?* by Inagnilng ship** ?the April pilot ?hart. Ia?ue?j M<?r ? *l lhl?t li, Mar.-li k*a h?d ? otw as fur (?oiilh us 1-itH'i'le H n"r'h Tlie ?lall? randum prior to ?larch 13 fch?"-*:d that the tf.ii'! ?if ????' *"??? ??" ttW south*?" aid. t,e ? i gr bf-lng *jlgl?t*d belo*? the 4M parall?! on Anrtl ,. & I and I'. ?>n April :> and n ?t had leached th? 12d parall*l, und ?>it April n ..t h ?? i.? ?e??n south of latlt'i?!. i ' The Tlfanl1-*'*-? position was i?.poi???d |q kg ?- :??n l:??t"i-1'- II i?> l"iu:it'i'l?' *???:ll a? ? he ?In?-* of h?-r ?iiMistet. fflVES m Hfl WOULD STAY ON SINKING SHIP Chicago Women Assert They Would Rather Die with Hus? bands than Seek Safety. CLUB MEMBERS GIVE VIEWS "Bui You Can't Tell.'' Declare.. One. Who Fears Brute In? atinct Might Overcome Wifely Devotion. IP? T?ie?raph to The Trt'??in?? 1 ?'hloago, April IT. If gag were ship? wrecked, aad >'"i bete an opportunltv tr. h mvad, hut '<> *e\n- It y..u wo'il'l have to leav.e your husband, what would you .Jo?'' "If yp.tir children wre ^ith you/ ?Would '"?i .ro and f_ke them, or would you send your hut-hand, who I? the money mak?r. With them, and flay hehltid to die?* These constituted th? 'hief sub? ject of eoiiver?atii>n to-dnv wherever any group of women ?ame together?at a '-prim,' I musical p'f the rhlcas-o Woman* Club, at ! Inn.'heons for a few guests, at board meet IllgS of Wednesday and other flub., an?! at buslneaa dlactiaabms of the suffragists ?Whatever th? edaastog and Htm suh.lert for consideration, the two gueettoas r?tsc<i br I he- 'litante disaster received more aiten tlon than an) thing else 1 knoT\ what 1 should do," ?aid Mr?. | .I'.lin Ras*, ?eer.iarv of the North Side suffrage organization an?l of the new Cook ? County Federation. She had lust JolneH :i little croup componed of her aunt, Mr* ? _e'orge Ha?ae. and, a few others. She f.iun?! (hem "uigage.l In th?' discussion "When 1 fou;,ri the boat was in ?langer I would *eek p.nt tne paraOM on the boat In whom I felt th" ino?t eoafldeace. it ptuiialdjf wouM be somebody ?whom i ha.i juat met during the royaga ?maybe a mai.i .>r wnm kindly, v ?1 tome woman who had Inspire?! m?; with oonlMenne I v.-oiild say to her; Tak. my'I and get Into tho boat In my place. Pleaae take the heal ears 0_ niy ebtld that ???.'i possibly can.' Then I should stay be? hind with my husband.*' 'But > on ?ant tell,* protested Mrs. Qaorgs Bass, who le running for the preal depey of the ChlcaegQ Woman's Club, "Vow can't tell bow strong the Instinct for life Is. V?m might think you would even sa?rl fiee fdunelf for BOlas one outside your family, and when the time rame for sav? ing yourself the brute Instinct in you would cry mn aad th? pajst thing yen k. ?". ''e : would hare pushed yourself ahead e>t tome One ''la?. ? think HOW that i -i ouid stay with rnv buaband, nn?i i ? ?? lie-.. ?*\ery woman thinks she arouM. Hut you can'l tell what sudden ?leath staring >?>?! In the fa?-.- will <io t.. yp.'i." Mrs. Bas? was right In one particular. Kverj woman who was hebrd*to make an . atimi on the eubjod in the afternoon at the several meetings Icing held In the ! Pina Arts Bullding said ?hat sh" would re i main on a sinking ship witii her husband. "Not tiir<>ita.ti any particular vlrt'ie of un neas," -aiei M?? W. k. Tracay( vi.-e p ? ideal of the t'hi.'ago Woman's ?*"lub; ? i . i I couldn't r.r, \ should prefer to Stay I ?Inijil.l he less miserable dead than ?? ?i. the memory alumys adtli ms that i ? had gone away and left my husband to die. 1 shouldn f want to be l.ft alone under any circumstances." ? But, of coune, et lao'l a matlrr always of voiir personal feellpp and choice." oh .te.) Urs. .lohn Swlnson "If you don't Ret into a beat Wh?n they tell yOU to, maybe later you will keep your husband away from S ?'hane? i?> save himself and v..u. to... Thfi. might M .. I' in a boat for him, but n.'t >'n...ugh for two. And then. it ' >.?. have children, have you any right ta ?'ons.ilt your own \? i?hrv a.i'l die with your husband, aven if you want taf I was Jus? talking gbou! that with my' [husband thil morning," spoke Mrs. Womer !i h_ti?li?T. I ?iid: If we had basa on that | ship, the) Would hav< .tuck Gloria and me' Into .. Ilttb boat ami I ?d.ould have been, saved, while you weal < I ? ? w 11. \nd then WS : should have been perfect!, miserable the; .. ?*' ..f .>ur lives. Y.^t tke] would have said , my buaband was ? coward ami no pood if li?' ha?l sa.e?l hlmaclf If I could have per- i Buaded him to and his lltttc ?laughter and I lit 111" go. "I think it would Im S thousand times better if we all should go in case era ?ouid not all be saved. For my part, I don't see i how il.e women could ?misent to go. nie. dear me' The?, sav that gallantry I? M.aei h only needs t.. i?" pul to the test; that Is all." Ifutrelle foresaw death ' _ ! Author Prepared for End Before I Sailing on the Titanic. [By Tel'trtph to The Tribune. 1 Atlanta. April 17. Futrelle. the veil known short story writer, was 1 r? T'..r??d f?>." death when the Titanic ramme.l the great ?.?eberg on 'Sunday night. I tVar that something might happen ??it the trip acroas tha ocaan eHuse.i him to send a letter to .lohn Pod. of Atlanta his hrofhor-in-law. in which he inclose! a power of att?orney and gava ? liai of his realty In Atlanta, told where all his papers had bfen placed atirl mentioned the diff?rant hanks in which he had de? posits. Mrs. Futrelle. nlso sent Mr. Pec! .. power of attorney for her property. Mr. and "Mrs. Futrelle wer? anxious for the futur.? of tlp-'ir s>?n ..iid d.iugh ter. ;md gava detallad instructions as t., th?- way they ihOUld be ? ar.-d f?>r |ti th.? .-. p-iit of ?.'rident. 1 FIFTY DOLLARS AHEAD COMEONF, has sg\i that thr" *f "difference between weelth and poverty la the difference between being $50 ahead and $50 behind/* Our savings plan help? yog to save $10a month untfl you have 5200 or It enable? you to invest at once env IM of money you have saved. Our guaranteed certificate? .are In amounts of $200. $"?00, $1,000 and $5.000. IntereM at 4.*,% on all gumr* from ) 10 up from the dav yoo invest your money. TiTlE GUARANTEE AND TRUST C9 I Capita! . . $ 4,375.000 Surplusiall earned) 10,625,000 176 B"wav, N. Y. ; 75 ntt*i%en St., B'wt-. _,.v> ru.iton m . -ivrxalct. I La Bretagne and Helfin Olav Come Safely Through Pack. "S 0 S" HEARD 550 MILES i Cincinnati Rushing to Rpgcu. When Message Cornos. "Not Needed; Olympic Coming." Two transatlantic steamship, arrived here yesterday which had encountered tee | hf-rgs near the spot where the Titanic sank. 1 It took I^. Bretagne, the French liner four ? ho'ir? on faniay to pass through an ?ce? tiil'l deOttad a Hh numerous icebergi, |r latitude n*Jt,*fcetween longitude 4. _i agg ?'?0.21. The Titanic sank on Monday momlnj ah???it tUM .,, t.. 1- in latitude tl:\g\ lonfltod? 50.11. A,third steamship, the Hnclnnatl, of tht Ij.tmhurg-Amerlean Line. which mad* h?r flo? k her" early this morning. rrj>nr*ed ti.'kinff up a wireless ral! (or help fror, th.' Tltatil.? nt inidnieht Sunday. Th<? Cin? cinnati, though IM miles from the i"?epe of th? ?llsasfer at the time, flashed '?.ck "e~omirig" ;i?j her answer and tuned her Head in the direction of-the sinking Tltanl?* At 12:_o o'clock, however, she plcke?? ?? 1 ?eeoad message from the Tltani", which read; Olympic coming; not needed.'* ?ilenco followed and the Cincinnati re? sumed her course. The I'lnrlnnati mal with'no irx\ whatexer. rince t-b* was puntan** ? scutherly course from the Medlterraneaft. But i?* Bretagne, from Havre, and the Heilig Olav, of the S?-an?llnavlan -American Line. frVm Copen hagan, hoth narrowly escape ths fa*? which overtook the Titanic. It waa on April 11. in latitude 41 :i3. longitude ?? 51. that the BeHId Olav pa.sed three tarf* Icoberge. A little earlier In the da". I*1 latitud.. 41 .r., longitude 40:0?. ?he came upon a large field of h'e. with 3. moderate ;'.o1 berg rearing it .elf in the centre < aptaln Mace, of T.a Bretagne, fpegfelag ' of his vessel's experience, said: "The lee was everywhere The '"?le bt huge bergs a? far as th?1 eye could carr to th. north and west looked like the KtO York skvllne ** Captain Mace counted more th?.- forf t'-rhcrg?. one 0f ?hem 6.V? fe?t h'?h U* ?aid, bowavar, that the sk"-" w-iB cie^r dur ing th?- entire time La Bretagne v?-a? pass lug through the zone of ice, whir*? wa? a!1 In ?he forenoon, and that there warnt tut flclent fo^ to obscure env of the dan? monstere f?.? of the explanation? of U_* Titanic^ eoiiii-ion wav the presumption the? the iceberg Fh? hi' was obscured '_?' tOi ? Tlv loe covered the sea as far ae the evo could tee." continued Captain bmOgt "It was the greatest floe I have ever see.? At Brat we mo' ?d through -mall floee al? most awash. But before we had _?clrte<_ ?h* held the bergs in great nnm'-er tmOm M view." . . ? U ordlng to Le Bretagne s log the. le* field use drlfttnr ttOfg ahout ?f? we*, lOftg. tude and 41 north latitude to 31 longitud* a??l 42 h.tltude. Thl? would hav. b.QUgh' the Ice tl?ld directly In *'?.? path of re-? Titanic, which fpellowM the French boa twelve h?Mirs later. The i tncinr."M, which carried 1.W2 pas? sengers, had sixteen lifeboats an?! nine co\ foi ? b!< boats with which to take care of he?- human freight In ease of accident. La ? ? Lgne carried twelve lifeboat? an? f liferafts. hut she had on board only Tii Pas ?engera an?! 2:1 crew. The Hellig 01*v ?eenied the h?st equipped of all t-i?.-.. wit!, sixteen and thirty four coilep?lW: boati She carried -14 paseenger? and "'?? DAVITS FOR ENOUGH BOATS Expert Says They Could Hav? Been Installed in a Day London. April 17?The managing dtrecteOr of the .Velin Davit and En_' naerlni Company ha. issued a atiKMneni tliat the Titanic carried fourteen life? boats and two cutters with an aggre? gate capacity of !.."??'_ 'tibie feet, h'lt was equipped with davit? capabl? of handling double or treble th?? number of bouts carrK-i. The owners adupted thia plan, he .-ays. because it was rumored that chang-?* were to l>e made in the near future in lhe official regulations, which woul. have ?otnpell.'.r th?? carrying of more boats. He conclude.: "Additional boats fur the accommoda? tion of every soul on board might have been installe?) practically In n*.? iia>." Alexander i'.irllsle. the designer of me Titanic and the Olympic. In the cours* of an Interview ya*g|erday pointed out that the Titanic wa.? Bt____ with davit? sufflejent to eatmsff' f.njr timos the num b.T ot' boat, actually placed on board. ART EXHIBITIONS AND SALES. ART EXHIBITIONS AND SALES. "Executor's Unrestricted Public Sale*' TONIGHT AT 8 OXLOCK In the Grand Ball Room of THE PLAZA rrirTii AVFvrr. .-.?.tit to --?th -?TRFErT*? -- t AdtmAeatOm *??/ ??or?** ?n"y. to be besi free et the mematfotol The Beautiful Paintings By the Barbizon Master?**? and their contemporaries. ON FREF VIFaW TO-DAY 0 A. M. TO I P M. Ai the American Art Galleries M-*<-<?<" on c?*Ti,re *-"-*<?-th. \>?.v Yr?rl The Crratnic?". Furnishirfgs and Piano belnnem**-; to the same Collection will be sold, in the above Gallerier-. mis ArrnRisooN at 2-ao o clock ?*> , - galt will b? conUuofvNl by MH THOMAS K K1RBY, Of th? AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION. Managers a Heat 93d Street, Madiaon ft?-?tare South, Hew York