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CLEAN But Not Dull r ' __*3--.-~ V> _^_> ^_V ^?4MN_leS__9 .--,2. --"?_??? - V " -'??.-_*-' _!-:-'**_T --_?J-V o'?--_W PROGRESSIVE But Not Radical Vot LXXII N? 23L932. To-daj, aenerallr falr anei co?|er. Te.-mnrrou. falr. wlth mo<lerale wlnd*. m:\v-yoi5k. saturday. may 25. i912.-si\ti-i:x I'.vtiKs. ? * price one <mr*~iaias*tatt.'^'~m TAFT MAKES FIFTEEN SPEECHES IN JERSEY Second Day of Battle for Delegates Sees Even Greater Activity on Part of Roose? velt, and La Follette Also. DENUNCIATION FOR THIRD TERM Increased Cordiality for President?Meet:ng Piaces in Some Cases Too Small?"Stuff and Nonsense!" Colonel's Rejoinder to Some of His Critic sm. With President Taft rivalling Colonel Roosevelt for strenuous campaigning, and Senator La Follette. too. as hard at work as possible. the battle for New Jersey's Republican Presidential convention dele? gates was continued yesterday from early in the morning until late at night. The President traversed middle Jersey. arousing greater and greater cordiality wherever he went, while Colonel Roosevelt stumped the southern part of the state and Senator La Follette visited coast towns principally. Mr. Taft told his hearers in the cities that it would be unwise to give Mr. Roosevelt a third term, and he discussed Canadian reciprocity in the country districts, where farmers predominated in his audiences, telling them he believed it would have been a good thing and he could not change his views on that subject. or any other, "just to gain votes, as Mr. Roosevelt has done" Mr. Roosevelfs second day in New Jersey was a repctition of the first. He was greeted by big crowds everywhere in the six counties and three Congress districts he visited. "Stuff and nons-nse." was his reply to the President's assertion that the recall of judicial decisions might lead to the repeal of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments and the disfran chisement of the negro. In his speeches at Newark, Asbury Park and Long Branch Senator La Follette placed the blame for the present deveiopment of lllegal trusts on the shoulders of Colonel Roosevelt. After his talk at Asbury Park the Wisconsin Senator was asked by a local preacher if he favored prohibition. He answered "No/' and made the clergyman promise to put the same question to Mr. Taft and Colonel Roosevelt. Prearhlenl Taft placed flfteen gpeeche. to his credit yesterday in his campaign to .arry the Presidentlal preference pri maries ln New Jersey. lt was a day'J work worthy of his strenuous opponent, Colooal Roosevelt. lt began at Flemlng ton in the early mornlng. took hlm up into "Warren County and aoross Somer ? t by railroad train nnd a flfty-mi'e automoblle Jaunt, whlch ended at EH-t beth. ln I'nlon County. Thence Im .rossed into Hudson. where he ended tha davs work late at night with meetlngs at Weehawken. West Hobok-n and Jer ?ey cny. There was a more cordial note in the greetings to the President yesterday than anything he met in his flrst day'.i stumping in the state across the river. 1'ariicularly was this nottceable rt) Klizabeth, where he had one of the largest meetings of his expedltlon, and eaeily the most demonstrativf. 11 cheered h:m fo frequently as to inter rupt his speech and hissed the first men? tlon of Colonel Roosevelt's name, though tha hlaaea weren'1 very vtrulent, The Presider.t feels perfectly confident he wlll carrv the prlmarie-. He aaid BO to a gronp of guests at a luncheon given for him at the home of ex-Senat.T Frelinghuvsen. in BomenrlHe. Bul if he dooan't win a majority of New Jeraey'a delegate?. he aaained ihe gueata, it WOUld make no dlfferenre, as he was abs.> lutely .-ertaln of enough from oth^r atatca now to pi\<- him the nomlnatlon. Ye-s. that'a true, Mr Prealdent, unleea thay u?e money and get aome of you delegates aw*\ from yotl " apoke up on? of the cotapany. The prealdeni made no anawer. Pokes Fun at Roosevelt. in his gpeechea Prealdeni Taft poked .i loi .f qulet f m -it < '..lonei Rooaevell fo! his methoda of campalfnlng and his po ||tl .il Vlewg. H? dld not attempt U minimi.e the importame of BooaeveltlaW in thia campaign, though. That hi treat.f) with greal aerlouaneaa i think H would be eapeclally unwtan i , pjve- Mr. Rooaevell h ihir?l t.-nn,' ?ald he. '.i man made up aa he i.s with his capaeity for arouelng the elementi thal an- dlaturbing in a eommunity am preachtng the doctrlne of diecontent, wlth hia powerful peraonallly aml hi" unaound conatltutlonal vtewa and hiaflm i _tlen< e ol legal reetralnt" Tln- Presldenl :.-ft Trenton yeeterday H- 8 ... in. ilis Iraln ran up the eael bank of th<- Delaware, paal Waahlngton'' ug. t" Flemlngton, In Hunterdon County. There waa a greal throng gath ered al Ihe atatlon to m.-.-t hlm. From the aplendid fann country around thi people ha.) travelled In all kinels ..f con veyancea, from fann wagona t?. automo l.iies. There wera even gome glrlg on horaebat-h juat tn Indlcate thal Colonel Ki oeevell hadn'1 ill the rough rlder. wlth him. Une of Ihe atara of the Mon w.-ih a blue-overalled, bewhlakerrd farmer who atruggled wlth i huge 9a_ that ihreatencd al llmea to .;.rry hlm ofl hu- fe-e i. He aald ha had devoted ti-. i lornlng to reelng Ihe Prealdent, and all hia belghl ora had taken the day off to d 'i ?? game Hiing. "Why ahouldn'i we all come ln here le look a( hlm?" he queried "There iim't i.e.-n a Prealdeni through here eenee ugton i roaaed Mi<- Delawai i." Presents Iflaues of Campaign. '? thia aatrly meetlng tiu- Prealdent ,-i j reeentation of the laauea >.f I. ipalgn from whleh he varled throughout the- day, |li- t.e ell.lg veell floln JfOUT llnllKS icautiful mornlpg," lu- aald, "te. iiis polltlca wlth you. I'd rather talk i.. ut the. , rope, bul I don'l know much aboul them. if* met ueual for ? l're-.-i eleilt te, K,, ;iM,niiel <ili tiie- HillinJ. tllifl way i don'l Hka It. i wouldiil be hera If it weri-ut for the courae taken i>y Theodore Rooaeve lt I'm here t" tell you ai?.ui mj udmlnletratlon and i<< ask you, CoiiCiiut-el un ??". miei pugr. fourll) ' ol.iino. [By TVlagrnph to Th_ Tr"_UI_ | Trenton.. N. J.. May 24.?From Bur llngton to Atlantlc Clty and bacli to Camden and Trenton. N?W Jersey sup portera gave Theodore Roosevelt a re? markable demonstration to-day. More {than eight thousand pecked the "Mlllion i Dollar Pler" al Atlantlc Clty to hear him I apeak nt noon. and fully ten thousand ' fllled the -d Regiment armory ln Camden ! early In the evenlng Trtnton gave hlm j an equally entbuelaatlc r-ceptton an hour ; later. Every where the rolonel went the streets were llned for hlocks. Along [_CHMlt-y roads. where his automobile I ralaa- the dust. the houses were d_CO ! rated wlth flags and Roosevelt photo ' graphs were ln the windowa. lt was the I samo ln th* dties as ln the towns. At tvery ttcp th- candidate thanked the pcopla for their welcme and brtefly ex preoged the faith he holds ln tha ultl mate suprernary of popular rule. At Camden h* replied to President Taft- assertlon of Thursday that th* Trecall of Jud'ctal dedalona might lead to the repeal by the legtalaturea of tha 1-th. 14th and amendments and th?- dla franchlBement of the negro. Colonel Rooaevalt ealled it "stnff an. nonsense." "YOU might ns well -Paal* of r*ralling th* vote by whlch th* thirtecn n-iclnal Btatea adopted th* Conetltutlon." h* said. Tha Prealdenl doea not bellava lt. and no nn* *lse does. It Is tOO abaurd to fead to political InfantS " To-day*- tour covered six COUntleg nnd Ihree fongress dlatrtcta, comprising . pnpulatlon pretty -loea to a mllllon. Be? ginning at Burlington County. In thfl 2d t. it extended throuich Atlantlc. Cumberland, Olonceater, Mercer and ramden. th* last nam*d belnf ln th* 1?t Dlstrli t. C'aim Two or Three to One. Th.' Rooaevelt laadara are clalmlng majorttlea from two or three to one ln th* entire gouthern part of th? atate. They polnt oul thal thera is a surprlsimr wave of Ineurgency In the fa.-e of the apparently strong regular organlaatlon in tlu- lm Diatrli I tw<> ot th* unlnatruct ? ed delegatea wlll they say, vote __cord? [ inK to the prafarentlal result. Among the farmerg of Burllngton and Atlantlc , rountiea the colonel declared t"r a tariff that \4in proteel them and cauae lha proflts that ?? lightly thdrs t<- rearh thelr pocketa and not stnp in those of the man between th* f;irm*r and th* ' conaumer. A federal boa__ of guper Ivlaion ig what is wanted, he said. ln Ihe ghaaamakera' cltlea ?>f Mlllvlll., Brldgeton nnd Olaaaboro, in Cumberland County, he talked aboul political and in dustrlal Juatlce, He pralaed the Jeraey jt...s for thelr hatred of i"'?s rule, and told them thal he deeptaed Ihe "crooked I igeea." ,\t Camden, when- h* waa ac mpanlcd hy ex-Oovernora Port and Btukea nnd former Benator Everetl Colby, he ghook hlg campaign hat at the throng and remlnded them thal there waan'l a "boea In sisht." Later on he broughl up his famlliar ..: rence to"Prea-dentTaft'a alleged re m;iri. aboul governmenl <>r tha peopli, for ihe people and by a repreeentativg i arl of tha people." 'In practke," shouted th?* colonel I.i his laughlng audience, "thal would mean governmenl by tha repraaentatlve part nf tha paopk whom you aaw on thi pletform laal nlghl " Th"' Sd Reglmant Armory was fllled gO fnii that Camdan'i ueo%W couldn't i lueaa. anothar boy through thr- doora, ihe B-allertea were fllled wlth women and .hildrcn and tha man stood on thc main ll.ii.r. imikiiiB .m auil.cnce of 11000. Colonel Rooaevelt, wavlng his campaign hat. stood on a tahle Ofl tha piatform. ii- hnd Jua. begun t<> -Paak when a photognaphh bomb exptoded wlth a hanK. ''Mlsaed**' ahrteked th* colonel ?Thev won'l i'll v011 tetxt Tuaadajr, rlthei:" gtoooted tha crowd. I ontliiiiril on arcuiiil V*tr. H'lrd _______ DUAL SUBWAY PLAN Al LASI APPROVED Board of Estimate Sanctions Mc Aneny Report by Vote of 13 to 3 at Exciting Session. MITCHEL PASSES THE LIE Deuies Borough Presidcnt's As sertion That He Agrood Origi nally to Prefcrential Seth Low an Advocate. "I am gratified that the matter lia? baan settled once more. I believe that we are now in a fair way to have tha whole affair clin.hed by contracts and adjusted rnce for all."' ?T. S. WILLIAMS. President. Brooklyn Rapid Transit. "NaturaMy I em greatly qratifierl." ?GEORGE M'ANENY, Borough President. "I am \/ery much pleased at the re? sult of yesterday's conference and the reversal of the attitude of the board of laat July. which has made possiblo the dual system. "This reversal is most satisfac'ory. aince tho action indicates that the board by a larqo majority will rtand by the contracts which have been in process of preparation for si< week,-. | thoroughly believe in the dual sys? tem. and am confident that it will be a means of great savinq to the city." ?WILLIAM R. WILLCOX. Chairman of the Pubhc Service Com mission. As had been expected, the Board of Kstimeite \..'r.i yeaterda. lo appre ve ihe dual aubway propoalllon wlth Ihe routo j,r.'l flnanclal lerma aa aubmltted by Borough Prealdeni McAneny, chairman nf the Bpecial ? onferem b > ommll le ? whlch h.-ui vv.rk.-i them n il wlth ihe Publlc Bervlce i' immlaalon. Tln- three kotea "t Prealdeni Mlti hei ,,f the Board - f Aldermen were the onlj eaal i'K..i-st the adoptlon ..f Ihe plan. I >f fii" Ihlrteen votea ln favor, lh< ihre.f Controller Prendergaat, who i^ ni ni hia home, were raai by Deputy Controller Malhi a aon, and Ihe i ne ..f tl' Borough PrealdenJ of Quei ni >?>"> i I i,v Commlaaloner O'Lenry "f ihe Depart? menl of Publlc Worka, In Ihe abaence rrom Dn- e-iiy e.f Mr. Connollj. Tha vote "vaa nol taken untll nfter prolonged dlacuealon, Ihe meetlng laat Ing trom ahortly after 1?:'W o'clorh untl! nfter 1 o'clock. In ti.ur.f Ihi. dtaruaalon Mr. Mltchel ahooli his flnger nt Mr McAnem and declared he had made a atatemenl lhai waa falae ln everj partk-ular. Mr, Mltchel pul ex-Mayoi Beth Low, who made an arguihenl fror. the floor In favor of Ihe propoaltlon, through a Bavere croaa examinatlon. li unahle, however, te. Bhake the e-..n vi.-tloii of Mr. I...w thal the i ii> would i.?- more than cempeneated for whatevei monej it would have to sp. nd. The- reporl of Prealdeni Mt-Anenj was paeeed upon favorablj ln a ael <<f reaobi tloni Informlng the Publlc Bervk'e Com mission thal if ii sim-iiii prepare and t ,., uie- contracti wlth Ihe Interborougii Rapld Trimsit Company and Ihe Brook? lyn Rapld Tranalt Compan; ,..'.:ik ihe llnea ael down In th? report. au i. ???: tracta would have the approval of thi Board of Eatlmate. The actlon of th. board last Jul) bn awardlng all the in.. to tha Brooklyn Rapld Tranail Compan,* whh raai Inded. Minor Hitches Probable. All lhat remalna now ia the prepara tion of Ihe contrai te, although it is -x pected thal when ll comea to worklng I ..l.ll.-W ,.._? -.vili eol.imn. Harrie Qinmby Took Kate Carcvv on a Mental Tour of thc Air Thc vsonun aviator v\ho added to her fame by a trip across thc Encjish Channel ihe other day. told her interviewer many thin_,s nf extrcme interest about hrr ngvigAtion of fhe atmosphere Read this artiele in To-morrow s Sunday Tribune TEUTONIC REPORTS BERGS Large Ones, Dangerons to Navi gation, in Atlantic Lancs. London, Ma> _1 *> .??'? ? ? dlapatch received ' al Malln Head Ire land, fmm the White Star I.i Teytonlc, bound from Montreal for repi rte lhal thi ? ,?<?-? *J numerous lceb< rn* on bolh sldea ol her track ai roaa th* Al lai I Sh> reports eapeolall) large ones, dan ,a 1,, navlgatlon, between latltude 4. 10 north tude 41.31 weat. and latltude 4- i" north snd loi gltude '* 10 LAWSOM'S BOOKS IN FLOOD Boaton Financicr Loses Many Rarc Tomes. i ? Rogton. May 2. A deluge of ? I whlcb poured from a hreali In a water ,,.,., |,, |h? roomg used b> Thoma xS [_iWW)r aa nfflcea In "foungs Hotel . i g damagi i I HS.'""" "? , ,,.. manuacHpta ai rl i umerou hmdlngs thla morning The r.n a ia ?.|,.,i ns the water came from tli- i Ipe tor a number of h.iura Im rore II was dli ,,,-. .i ed ?il,,. i.ks In thla -olle< ''"" have i.n ?.,,!,. t..l logether by Mr l_%waon for h ,, ,?,?-, ol yeara Bome of them are e> tremel) valuable and Ihe blndlnga ure rxceptlonall* flne. Mr l_.waon ? ,,.,,,.,, h|a loea al %\Zyw\ and aald thnt the iwoka were inaured againal flre onl . _i-?? DOG RITES 3 CHILDREN Police, Soldiers and Citizens Hnnt and Shoot at It in Vain. An Bngllah hulldog made its appear .,?,.,. B| :, ,,, |ock yeati rda) aflerno. n ?" KKth gtreel and Third avenue, Brooklyn, .,,,,1 had Ihe Porl Hamilton si ? tlon of ? i., , uj in an uproar for Ihree houra. After the anlmal had bltten three chil? dren .md raged up om rtreel nnd down another for miles. ptfgiied by pollre rc ,,,.,. nnd Boldlere. II dlaappeared In ,,,, ,,,,.., uon of Bath Baach. The flral vlctlm waa Ueorge Brown, aeven yeara old, of No. H813 Third ave ?,?. Th? dog waa belng pureuod down ,,?. avenue bj a i rowd of lioya, men an i pollcemen and encountered Ihe boy on ,i?. gidewalk. bll hlm on Ihe lefl les* and r.i ti on. anarllni and frothlng al the month. An hour later lha dog found i-. !i.-,ti, atreet. Patrolmen BullU'an, Pur , hei, Ti i ford und Bcjhmke, In i harge ni Lieutenant Pltagerald. ol Ihe Porl Ham llton glatlon, t"">> after 11, followed bi goldlen and ?Ituw na. The dog started off agaln al a fael run. Harold Her reja, ? Ihrae-yeai "i?i boy, gol In Its way and was wltten In Ihe i .iif of the lefl leg. The crowd agaln loel track of the nni iii.,l. '.mi an hour later learned thal Julla Plannaghn, two yeara old, had been i>U ten aa lha d<>K ran through Wth street. Tha chaaa waa agaln taken up and con? tlnued until tha < rowd drove tha dog uut on the Dykar Meadowa, whera aoldlerg and pollce emptled revolvers and guna ;.t li ln vain. Angoatura Bitter?, tha celebrated lonic t, r .",,,, comfort _b ihe Bpriag. a_.i. CUPID TOOK A PART Brought Together Wealthy Bra zilian Delegate and Photog rapher's Assistant. FIRST ARROW STRUCK MARK Dr. Botelho Won Miss Kaucher in i Few Honrs, and Mar riage in Brussels Will Follow Soon. ? From Tha T ' v. , May 24 -The aecond act e whlch had Ua Inception in . ... ference of iho Interna . K-! Croea in tho natlonal capttal md whirh . - ? ln a audden prop aal after la>'? icqualntence, wlll I ... when Mlaa Emllle Kaucher. twentyelghl yeara old, ,,,.,? ordlnarib handaome and of nd Dr J. a De Ollvelra ,., t,,|.?, a tvealthj Braalllan and wrtl known phyalclan. wlll aall from New Vork for ; ?h?re they vi!1 1"> ? led MIm Kaucher. who waa employed in a ajraphlc eatabllahment here, flrat mel the wealthi Braxllian when he called ,., have his plcture taken He had come ,,, the Cnlted Sl itea to attend the Red conventlon ll waa h caae of love ai flral alght, and although Dr Botelho [knew onlj h fen worda of Englleh and M ? Kau? li. t s knowledge of French u.i.s llmlted. on the tirst evening of their ,,.tlna the i hyel'-'len propoaed to her. [,, Botelho waa peralatent, aaeurlng the youna womai he wo ild nol leave thi clty without taking her wlth him. Mlaa Kam her Anallj accepted, and the coupie, i.mpanied l>j ihe mother of the bride to be, Mis- ?"rt ae entl i M. Kaucher, left thia mornlng for New Tork. The party of three wlll Ball on the , ,|V ?,|,i,. in morrow for Cherbourg, Prane ?? They wlll go al once to Brua s,.i- where the marrlage wlll occur, and v. here Ihe) wlll remaln aboul a mouth. ,,,,, whlch the bride and brldegroora arlll go on their weddlng trlp. The mother of tbe bride n ill vlalt her home iu Auatrla, and later the three arlll meel In Parla, and go dlrei t t.< Rlo de Janelro, Ihe home of the phyalclan. Mrs. Kauchef wlll remaln In Braall with her daughter for ? year or two. Im. Botelho haa large cllnlca In Brue v,: | and In Rlo de Janelro, and he will .-stiii.lisii one ln Parla on hia pteaent trip. Theodore Kaucher, father of the fntiir.- bride, la a police aergaanl ln Waahlngton, and haa been a member of ii,.. force for thlrty-two yeara, Dr. Botelho is aboul fortj two yeara old. NF.BRASKA AGROUND AND OFFj PatUeship Was Stuck Several Hours on Mississippi Bar. N.-.v Orleana, Maj 84-?Tha battleehlp k... .iit^r ii^imr Btuck for aeverel i,.-ni);lii em a miul hank ein tha OUter bar of Bouthwaal Paaa, al tha mouth of Ihe Mlaalaaippl Rlve r, _..t clear al 10 H to-night,i wiii.t aeelatance, and paaaed oul Inlo tiie Gulf The re ?el n bi reported unlnjui BIG JERSEY PLANT IN RUINS Million Had Been Spent on Place by Dirlier-March Company. p. mi Amboy, S. .) . May tl The planl of th-. Di.ii.-i-M.'i.-ii Company, la tha vtllaga ,,r \\ei.i-. \uat outaMa of Perth Amboy, ln Woodbiidge Townehlp, wns deerroyed by tn- to-night. Th. company, ;i Oerman cer poratlon, ? ><>.ie<iit the planl from Adam Web_e, of New Y,.ik. thn-e yeara ago, aml Ino s;, ni -oruething lik.- h nillil.m dollara an lt ? Tbe eompany made gaa retorta and cnem . ni reaaela of -*11 aorta, it employed aeven hundred men. An explodlni kiln ls belleved t,, hava cauaed tha we. Tbe nntire plant was reduced to rulna. COAL BARONS HINT AT FURTHER RISE That Little 25 Cent Jump in the Price of Anthracite Only an Expenmental Twist on the Screws cf Monopoly. PROFITS FROM FRFJGHT EARNINGS Big Dividends on Anthracite Roads Due Almost Entirely to High Rates on Household Necessity?Gov? ernment Figures Show Extortion. Coal merchants received yesterday formal notice that, beginning June 1, the anthracite operators would charge them 25 cents more a ton for domestic sizes. The Tribune has shown that in addition to paying 'for the 51 j per cent increase in wages to the miners recently agreed . upon this advance in price will add $6,000,000 a year to the already ! tremendous profits of the anthracite operators, making them something : hke $47,000,000 annually. And yet the statement was made yesterday in behalf of the oper 1 ators that the public was "heing let off easy" with an increase of only ! 25 cents a ton. and it was intimated that this increase was the pre 1 cursor of a series of advances to allow the operators to increase the ' price of their product in proportion to the increase in price of other : necessities. The prices of anthracite are agreed upon in advance. The T- ibtlAf has pointed out, hy the members of an invincible combination of e;ght railroads, which own or buy outright 85 per cent of all the anthracite marketed. Thc5e ei^ht railroads not only reap practically all the profits of the operators. indicated abov,, but by exorbitant freight rates on anthracite between the coal fields qnd tidewater they annually make a second "killing." In 1909, for example, the Delaware. Lackawanna & Western Railro_d. which carries a greater proportion of anthracite to general merchandise than any of its seven partners. paid a dividend of 35 per cent. It is the officers of these roads who want the public to understand I that it _hould feel ,thankful at not having to put up with a greater . __ ?_ _i_:?_. _r *u* n^re<s?-itv of life which thev have cornered. NO HEIR FOR $100,000 Fortune Left by Woman Who Killed Herself in New York. [Bv T-I.grapb lo Th* Trlbuna ] Ban Franciaeo, May 2-.-L-.ter_ of admtnlatratton have baen granted to the publlc admlnlatrator hy Judge Oraham ,,,, the eaUta Ot Mr?. Hlanr-he Mabury Caraon, who commltted gulctde on March 20 hv hangitig heraelf from a window m tho Hotel Aator, New York, a faw dajn after heing arreated for attemptlng to smuggte Jawalry. Mri rarson left a wlll. dated f.otoher 21 i*04 in whlch she left her estate. value- at tm,***, to Mrs. Josephine Mabury, bar mother. Mra. Mabury died after the will wa* wrlttea BOND CLERK ARRESTED Jersey Man Confesses Loss in Speculation, Police Say. Charlea Bchlagel. for eight years a ciert in charga of the trust d*Pirtment of the Ne? Jeraey Tltle Ouarentee and Tru.r Company. "f i****9 Clty, *f* ar? reated yeaterday. chargad wlth ambag jHng |25,.) of bond? and $7?7 in addi tlon He admitted taklng the bonds. and said he had been playing the mar kets In Manhattan and putting up the Mcurttl-i ** collateral with a N'ew y ork broker Bchlagel la Bfty y**** o*4 ***' ri^ . mamber of ona of the oldeal C r man f.-r.tllea of Jeraay Clty and re gpeoted and well liked. ?r-.,r some tlme authorttlea of the bank have guepeeted ?.thlng waa wi-ong A , ?on, ownlng gnme Ot the bonds involved . | ,,?? ,hem. They were mlaalng. Shortly Bfterward Bchlagel was put un ,.,.,- gurvelllanee. He was at his deak ....,.,.-ii.iv when Deteetiva Bergaanl Van Home arreated hlm on ? warra.u issued ?? comptolnl of DanM B. Bverett. eec retary ?nd treaaurerof the company. ' Bchlagel Wai taken to the Clty Ha.l ,,.,,.. .tattor, and aoon afterward made a l?tlI.,..M..-.. Hadld not give the name of tha broker. but tha pollce ballave thnt they wlll Iaa" II to-day. nn'' th*> bmnk uiii reeorer the gecurltea Bchlagel was later rei.i?.-.i u. ttOAM ball. BREAKS AMERICAiTrECORD Aviator Stays in Air 4 Hours 23 Minutes; Descends in Storm. Naaaau Boulevard. Long island. May ?n .spe.iai. -Paul Peck broke the ?_martcan endurance record here tfcla afternoon ln ? Columbia blplana by ataylng In the alr contlnuoualy 4 hours a mlnutea 15 aeconda, the formar record Mnl | houn 17 mlnutaa, made by Howard Qlll, of Baltlmore, ln a Wrllht blplana ln i Weatern fllght Peck has been gattlng ln -hape for thlg trial for -ome time. and had it not heen for the storm whlch broka over thla aeetton al I'M would have re matnad in the alr much longer. Xs it waa the cr-.wd of watdiers who were keeplng ? record of his night. -rew v.-rv nervoua when darkness ba Jan to eettle and tbare waa tt-ll no glgn of hlm. A, 7; 17 o'cloek he was seen. ? half mlle up, but his _____ poaltloo could not ,?. (gcartalnad, except by the occaatcmal naBhea of llghtnlng, whk* ahowed that i?. waa comlng down ns taat as he oould. .\l thal time the url-d waa blowlng at the rata of thlrty miles aa hour, and it reaU'red tha utmost gk_U to keep tha Mplana on an even keel. He **4__l a nlghl from (Jovernor's Island to Wash Ington, ,-_ ? PINCHOT YIELDS TO TAFT Leaves Field to President to Succeed Himself in Yale Corporation. S,w Haven, May 24.-President Taft WtU BUCCaad hims.-lf as electlve member of tiie _ala c_rpo**a_ka_ ______ rim-hot. tt, wh tiu- only otlier alu____ sr_B raeelead tha ipqulslte tv4enty-rtve votea for the _ae__a< tlen, ar.d b* bt* withdrawn, ieaving Mr. Taft the only candidate ln the held. The coat of tranaportatlon enters more eiire. tly, pe-rhaps. Into the cost of pro ductng anthracite than it ei,..s Into the production cool e.t" any other oommodltga Ir has heen ostlmatoel that only 11 per e.f all the anthracite mit:e<i is con sume>d locally or al tho mlnea Tha rest must be ahipped to th<- centre. of popu lation. The consumer. in ser-king to analyze his roal bill. must. therefore, flgure in aa profits of production the proflta of the e-ommon carrtara h- apart from their profits as tho ownera ot ihe mineB. And tho e-arrier-op^rators. ln pleading greater coat of production as an offset for prie-e advancea, must Juatlfy their r'reight rates and dlvldenda. lt was hrought out in the government'a suit against the anthracite truat that in the fls. il year ended June 10, ItOt, an thracite conetltuted >1 per cent of the total freight tonnage of the Philade'.phia & Reading Rallway, whlch is owned by the Reading Company. and contributed ii per cent of its groea receipta from freight and St per eent of Ita groaa ro? eotpta from freight and paaaengera ita net earnlnga In that year were more than 111000.000, over 11 per cent of its capttal st... k. and Ite lurplua ?n ?Tur"> 30 lgng> waa llO.lM.Off. Although thia rall? road eontln.i to pay annual dlvldenda . t -, and M i er i ent Ite aurplu* two yeara later had Increaaed to IIl.S7J.t0f. Thn governrnent diecovered that ln tba sam.- fleeal year anthracite conetttutod B3 per r.-nt of the total freighl tonnage of the central Railroad ? l Nea J and contributed 52 per cent of its grose receipta frotn freighl and 10 par cenl of its groaa receipta from freight and Bengera. Ita nel earnlnga ln that wtA,. 110.000,000, or 37 per cent ta r-apltal Btaek, and Ita aurplua on Juno B0, 1906, waa l_0.M3.30d. This eom? pany was ihen paying Ut st... kho I dlvldenda of 8 per "-nt ? year. In 1910 it pald a dlvldend of 12 i- r - ent. yet m iun.-. 1910, ita aurplua ha I lm reaeed io ?-r_.:,'.ii'. ;',4.". The Lehigh Valley Rallroad ln th. mme fleeal year carrled enough anthra* it,- to conatltute #7 per cenl of Ita total freight tonnage. and contribute .".') per -.-nt of its groaa freighl receipta and II per cenl of ita groaa receipta from both (retght and paaaangara. Ita nel earnlnga tn that year were over $13,000,000, .'-1 per cenl of Ita capital atock. Lackawanna Prize Exhibit. The prize eahtblt, however, is that of the Lackawanna. Anthrai Ite trmfffl con irlbuted In 191098 jkt cenl of thia road'g pross receipta from freight and 41 pat -ent of its gross receipta from both freight and paaaangara The year befora t had pald a dlvldend of 85 per eent on Ita capital atock, and yet on n?vember 11, 1910, its aurplua waa 132,449,789. It regularly payg dlvldend- of 20 per -ent. These are the four tyfdcal anthracite rallroada. Anthracite, being carrled ln ?iiik in uniform trains of apeclally de dgned cara, loaded an.l unloaded largely ,v gravtt i. is ? < onoml al to raovt as i ? m ,ar,ei wltb general mercbandlea. Yet theae rallroada, wlth one exceptlon. the rovernment diecovered, ohargeel more per n,-t ton per mlle to move anthracite kan to mo\>- general merchaaalt_a, The teetlmonj ln the government'a autt ihowed that ..ver the Phlladelphla * Reading Rallwaj the entire haul of an thraclta fre.m mlnea t.> \ ? ss.-i kx ttoma al Port Reading, In New i'ork Harbor. or Port Rlchmond, on the Delaware. coat ifcj ents. Th.- rat.-s at the time. nnd they iaven'1 dropped aince, were $155 a. tuii to Port Reading and <$1 7<i a t-.n to l*ort Rlchmond; that is. oct prepared sizea. ?The exorbltancy of the tolla for traneportlng anthracite," suid J. C. Me Heyne4da and O. C lOdd, special aa ilatanta to the Attorney O-anernl, ln their brlef for the governrnent. "la again ,rought out in atrong rellef by a wm liariaon of the rates on that comrnodlty rrom the minis to tldewater with tha orrespondlng ratea on the article of freight neareet lik.- lt in circum-tancee, l.itummous coal. The rate of the de lendant roada ..n prepared sizea of an thraclt'i from the mlnes to the upp#r ports -f New York. f. o. b. v-eseL, la