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CLEAN But Not Dull Hiw^aric atrtfwiu PROGRESSIVE But Not Radical V0L LXXn.. V .24,006. *?????? %a*-ZXS3?? **? NKW-YORK. WEDXESDAY, AUGUST 7. IIMJ.-SIXTKIA VAC-KS. ; l'HTCK ONE ('K\Ti,,n,r*_;fTi,,,yk-HJ; Jaasaff Cltj and Hobftker TWO C?MT?. 001. CORNWELL T West Chester Lawyer Shoots Kiinscif on Way Home from New York with a Constable. ACCOUNTS SHORT $200,000 Said to Have Lost Clients' Money on Stock Market? Oocfesses Feculations to Wife?Sent Her Message, Good Nigbt, Dear. Phliadelphla. A*Jg. 6.-Colonel Olb na Gray CornweU, rommander of the 6th Regiroent National Quard of Penn . ? ania. and a prom'nent lawyer >f tVent Chaatar, Penn-, c nnmltted auldda to-night on a traln on which he was raturning from N?W Tork to his home ? flaca eteraNM af appropiiating da belonglng lo tr ia estataa -lttlng boadde the .-onstablr- who ac companlad blm, as the train ap proacbad the Weoai PhUadalphla ata tion. Ot>ton?l Cornwall leaaed over the *>. at n from. where ha had placed a , - PretendJng to be sieeping. he the bag aragc and dftw ? revolverv, hlch hal leated to blm by ofiVera of bla regiment. Before the rcnatabir waa eware of orhat waa gotng on. he bad pimjcti ' av".n ln bla mottth and ? tbrougb tha head. A ? aald that death hud bosen la itantaneoua \ latter addreaaojd to hia wife whlbj ??- traln with (-35 to be glven to by the ronatable ^as opened late night and found to contaln onlj tha rdc ??Good nia ? r left no me sage ahowlng tba ax , of lii? al ort - ? ? ,n-) Cornwall waa a pgrtnei :n ?!,c law bualneaa founded by bla fathcr. tabi B. T. CornweM, whlch repre Bented a number of larga aatataa. Whlte tie regimenl whlch he eorn mandod oraa in state <_u_p at Mount Gretua oae of bbl cllanta died. leaving ? will tn whlcti oth ? ?? itora woira ramed for tl 8 '?"" Whlch he held ln ? Inveat gatti n tha part af the executora it la altoged .??d to the disrover* that a number of h--nd? ba* longlttg to th'* ? ?'<- mlaalnp. I'OlOne! i.Vrnr i-ll, who falled t-. ra* ? irn home whom hi** regiment broka '8mp.*? week ago waa taken Inta lody laat night tn New York but waa re'eaacd to-day nn hta promlaM to re lurn home wlth the conatable, who had a warrant for his arrest. He Indigiiant denled that there waa anything ? g v ith hi? accounta ?*"d at tho . nnlng of ihe trip home he aeamed to ba ln good apirita, but aa be m.-ared ? deartinatlon he becama mororaa, aad andad bla life. Newa of the trag-n waa telegraphed to ffMt Oaavatar, Penn.. where piwpara liena had been maie to give Colonel Cornwell a haaring to-nlght lt waa ggnouncad u-day thal he had reaignetl ? ? th,- natlonal guard. Shortage Mey Reach $200,000 ? ?. - abortagi may it v ua ataxed In Waal Ch-Btar, Penn to-night lt is aald all the rhortage* *re dua to his deallnpa m atocks, I' which he had been a heavv loaer for many montha. Tt ia not be Heved the alleged defalcatlona covcr rnore than two yeara at tbe moat bvjt v ere heavy durlng that time. The ftrat Hctual indioatiori ef serious developments rame to-day, when two Ptraonal Judgment notea, one for $800 and the othi-r for $400. were entered agalt.Et Colonel Cornwell ln the Protho r.otary a offlre at Woaot Chenter, Tenn. ' Both are for personal loana, one upon OnR4iniJ4Hl n*J thtrtl pa?*?. fl.fth rolumn. This Morning's New$ X.OCA- fage Ro*? Grlvea Full Ptory to Whitman.,. 1 ? Mclntyre Berkere Chlef Counael.8 Shapiro Revlaea "Murder Car" Ptory.. 8 t To Be Counael ln Inulry.? ff.Ho Not to Make Inijulry. ? SuffragletB Kject Mare Anthony. ? Jesult Attarka Bociallst Idea.? I'ardinal Oibbona Aeaaila Idvorce-8 H??lth OnViala War on Flata.?? "Prtt;r.-" Ranll Fmile Weda.19 osarxBAX. nel Cornwall <>>rnmlta flulelde... 1 Taft .-rr.da Canal Meaaage. * Battleship ?"aueus Failure. ? PO-XTICA rtat>a?V4l1 Haa Hia Great Day. * *'or.\entlon Keepe Out Negroea a Raoaevelt'a **< onfes?lon of Fatth"-4 B-oeevelt 'loea Hungry.* Near Fire Greeta Kooaevelt'a Speeelt-. 8 RViaeveit Flertorh Naraed ln Kaiiaan. 8 Rrtla Welle To Jie Wllaon'a Trea_ure.r 8 w1_ob to Accept Nornlnatlon To-dAy. 9 Aaaa V.'llson Where Ile Htsnds fi Vonen to Ald Wllaon Caa-BBBBigll.18 rOBEZO' ?Tarln Europa Fatal to O. ?? Trade.. 1 "t'ud ln Tight Plaea. ? Morer p Marlnes for Nlearagua Arlatcr and Brtda tn Mldalr Htruggle 7 Buffra^ettes Convlcted . MIBCELLAWrOUa v _ . 7 News *.r V omen. Wltorlrl . ? ? aoelety. j Trtb'irie Freah Air Work. ? ' OW'uary . . ........ ? ? ? '"''.. Btorla ? l0 "" ?Vnclaland M-r'kata'.*? ?**?* JJ tw9AJ anc Na^*'.14 Weather.JJ *"hil.pmg aeuj . . Haal 1 r*. . . ? HIS GREAT DAY Dommates Third Party Con vention with Speech Filled with Unqualified Rad ical Views. HIS FOLLOWERS PUZZLED Wonder How Voters Will Look at Recall, Single Tax and Appeals to the Discontent ed ? Negro Question Brings Long Answer. TO-DAY S PROGRAMME OF THIRD PARTY CONVENTION Convention called te order at noon. P-ayer. Report from tha committee on rejelutiona. Adoption of tha platform. Nommating apeechea. SpeecHea of acceptanca by tne nomineea of tha convantion. Adjournment. ff>--. 4 :-***? OorrMponaent n' v;i. Trtatraa Chlcago, Aug. I.?After llater c for a tull hour i" ^ha- muaic at oi - 'h1* 3T*t?tept. the mnat aaducttve and the most tntoxicatlng a-hlch aver human ei r Ti>^ chaara and plaudlt* of one s fell?w men -oa-Prealdent Rooae vaH mad? the loi g heralded ai ? t'.ie R,-,r-,-e\-.-H conventlon to-day. tha j gpaarh xx hi^li ha '?.*?*' rlb4?d ,.s \v \ f4.t?|nr of falth." All nf yeatarday'a ara'h; ar.-i Indlf I farenee vanfahed utidov tha Bpell of ? thla mir. -he moat Intaraatlrtg flg ?' j Amerkan p'ibiic life to-day, the moal ia/netii th. - - - ? )?;???'? be de*erlb?d only ln aupexla tivea h* deala onlj In expletlvea and hh o] ponanta ean ba deplcted 01 '? n clal h ea Into hi.* apaech he ? ioml< 'h---rte?. to which he haa hlth ? erto glvan Boana m< aaara of eouate ndnr-e. bat hia arttarancaa of to ?,4^re notarwerthy bejcauae nf ib? rom? I irattre ph?e?re of thoae qualll aentancea by which he haa alwa; tho paal a-.iarfle,; aajalnal flnalli ttltvc hlmaeif to any of them ao eathoHfl *re rhe devi.-eB and politles ,' he ftow sapouaaa that no de^ojjisj of ai y | Bjale rjrirriiaeaJpTa ean n^3 bia pro- ? rmun'-.-nient w'thout fmllng th-re anrnethlna; in harmory with Bia oam economlc "1?^ a After Colotial ItotiBareit had dellvered hla Bpeaa* the eonvctitlnn adnpfd the rcp rt of tha cotnralttre on .-r'Jentiala nnr\ p rule that all raaoltttlona ahouM be referrtd to the rxmimMtea on raao rutiona without .lebate. thtu belng the tlraa honorad ?c?cr mla of all poHtfcel conwnttnna Th- eonvaatlori then ad journ*d untll 10 ?Vlock 10-mofTO*'. No Time to Touch Platform. The trcatment of the negro de^aajataa hy the national eommlttea ar.d the ronmlttee nn rredentiale ncmpl'd so much of Colonrt RooaavaiTa Uma raa ..... . a. waa unable to pollah off the platform, but h? experts to accom pllah that tf..-k thie eraninf. ao that. tha report me- be a'l"t-te.-l tha Brat . ng tO-OMMfTOW "f*er the aalacttOS) of a j,errnar,?nt organlxatlon j'joc- R*n LtTtxtaay havlng lndl"ated t*iat he doea not 4?re tn be eler-ted per manent chairman, although ha la ln a recaptlva mood ao far aa the Vlc? Prealdencv la eoncerned. the present lruilnatlona are that ex-Senator Bev crldge will preslde over all the aeeslona of the eonverttnn. There are only two features of tha pro ee'linga In Chleago which tend in any way to mllltate agalnat .ha coafl denre and enthuala*m of the tli'.nl termera. One la the extreme ra<l1 callsm of the Rooeevelt platform nnd the other la Mr. Ronaevelta determln < tion to ellmlnate the eolnrrd brother ln the Southern atatea. The latter nwiann, deapite the rolonel'B exceedlnaly 4droit handllng Of the altuatlon 1n an Int.-r polated portmn of hlB apaach tn-dav, eontinued to 4>caaion grave anxlety to many of the pra>ctlc-al men ln the third party. Among the eoonomle or political feat? ures of Mr. Ro4.sev.4lf8 eonfeaaion hla .mnuallfled advoeacy of the rerall. not alone aa applled to Judlclal declalona but tn Judges and to all adinlnlatratlvo offlrerB. bo thr.t hv lnferenre he would aeem to betiexe In it even for the na? tlon'* Chief Executlve.. la the one wfejlch o'-aslnnB much mlagtvlngs. Many of htl fOlKrwara are heartlly in favor of the propoaltlon themHelvee, they are far from codrlfrcod that the coun? try i? ready to takP so radlcal a atep at this tlme. Qualifaa Viawa on Reeall. -Wherever repre^rntatlve govern? ment has in a-tual fart be^ome nnn representatlve. Ihere tl.e people should MCltra 10 themselves the tnltiatlve. the refermdum and the rerall." he aald. al? though he added that this ahould be done ln aurh form aa "to make it BTl dent that they do not lntend to use those im-trumenUlltl-a wantonly Of f,, ,.,.,,rl:, but to hol.l them ready for ? The admintstrative oftVer ehould 1-e gl- en full power. for otherwlae he <an not well .k- I8M iwopaa'a work." ba amM a Httle further along. adding. "and tiie Bj nple xhould be Brtraai fuh po^er over DiB. taarroal the -ourts. Colonel Rooae xelt de?'lared unerjuivoeall)' for the re i ....n....*4 ?e anu P-a' IhaaJ ??lu*"n \ BULL MOOSE RALLY IN A CHICAGO STREET Coloi el Roosevell speaking from an automobile to a crowd in from of the Congres* Hotel. AGENT OF UNION KILLED Shot Down by Electrical Worker in Labor Dispute. . - ?. ,. ?.->.?)?? ? *f- ___!_.<-r i * igo Ht** aeia-1 cg Fnloe ? * vhot and KiiJ?o ?.? ll. w. Bmith an ek I worlter. Pmtth aa ai reeted He 1 I tha i iire thut Alandar and a rompanlon had attarked blm at a b tlld ? -- a hera ? ?-...-',. it i- th* --- ? ' ? ' ],._. that aboi dleput< araa the ln llre.-t cauae - ( tbe aillli K COLONEL DONS DIGNITY Puts On Frock Coat and Top Hat for Convention. Cbt-ago, Aug ,; -Colonel Itoaoaveri fyamaai in ultra-foniKil fashlon for ht" visit to ihe coavomtlon to-day. Ha dle cardad the rowboy hat for a silk ona. f,.r the first time ln man.* moatba and wnre r fro?"l ? if thi u - tomary aaci s iii The colonel waa ln a happ: frami mlnd to-nlght hi pt hi pald i at tha raceptlon ha reeeiveri in the i-onvantloa and happy oa*ar tha fact 'hat to-mor? row he would ba Boutaated f r tba rrealdenc>. "1 -inderatand.'' ba aald la-ighingu-, "that I am a r-eek ahead " WOMAN TEMPTS AVIATORS Art Treasure Offered for Trans atlantic Flight. I uiaatleni ?? *. ? rrttiva* 1 London. Aug. & Mra ?Voodbull Mar* tin haa offered. throngh tha v omen's Aerial I^-ague an anttCjue <eritre|ii. - e as k prlze for the Mrs: avlatlon tliK'.t aer,,4.8 the Atlantle. Mrs. Martln was Vlctorla ? laflln, and la a alster of Tarnneaaee <'lafiiii il?uly Cook)- She la a leader of the woman auffrage party, and ran f<>r Praaldent aa randidnte of the equal rijrhts party in 1**72. r*he has laeen ll\ iiiK f..r many yeara Ui Worcowterablre, England. The avlatlon trophj ls on* >.f tha I rt treaauros of Notton F'nrk FIRE DOG GIVES ALARM Warning Results in Quick End of Janiaica Blaze. .Taek. a flre dog. who is the maseot of Baaa Coaapany No. 8. tn Herriman ava nue, Jamajra. gave a pr,.?>f of the .an - fu) trainlng to whl- h h- haa been suli jected b* hia lir,-nieu frtenda when bo dbKoveroMl a Br_ yeaton?ay afternoon, alarmid th- t> cupanta of tha hulldliig ^nd thtn ralled the flremen. < Some 08M 881 'he top flo..r of the three .-torv buUdlag ?' N" 85*1 Fulton atreet threw :, lighted mati-h out <-f tn> vtndow. it in on an awntng xpread over the ground floor wlndowa und 80)1 It on flre. Just then Ja-k trotted by. Ile sinellrd the 88?oka, rsaw ihe flames and began lo hark so loudly and in such a p- oullnr manner thal overy one |n the ufftVe of Plciuet Bruthera. real estnte broltera, on the riret floor of tba ( uiidlng. hurrled out to sre what was the matter. They aaw the rUmlntr aWTttag nnd began to tear it dovn. Meanvhlli Jai k 1. id <! ished to the quarterf of Hoae Ko. *;- Mraiuaa Gii more w. Overaeer waa on house watch. jgck Bortaed htm by tha leg of his troue trs arid pulled. ? >\ erarer fcdkrwad the dog to the street. saw the flre. got a .hrmlial extlngulsher and in a few minutes had the lire out. WAR IN EUROPE FATAL 10 BtKfa WE Bntish and German Ships Carry 75 Per Cent of Our Forciqn Commerce. .MERCHANT MARINE URGED Charles H Shcrrill to Take Prominent Part in Campaign for Increaeed U. 6 Shipbuilding. " . ? ?.a te T?ie THBWBa ) . harlaa M BI lllnlster .-?' the I nlted Btati \ru- nttlifl h Ici 8 1 ...-. tn Amerl. i. t" t-ike H |-: , . ? f., an Inv r n rai r< hanl maiim Mr. Sherrlll apoke In .Tune be? fore the Ameiiean .'hambor of Com Ifl I'nrl-. WhrCh haa members frr.-n all parta <>f rhe T'lilte-l Statee and rejireaentatlves ln every port ln the wrid. Aa a reault of th? apeerh the Parls chamhar petlf1r.n<-d rongresa to take a- tion t-. bulld up a merchant mririii'-. an'l n correepondence wlth chambera >-f commerce all over iiie LTnlted sii4tea. iirk'i.m concerted ac? tion t" Influence ? 'ongrraaa |fr Sherrill has recf-hed Invltatlona from almosf <ine hundre<l ehamb--ra of comrnerca In America t-. apeaa it.?i>>r< them Ha calla i.ttentl.'ii to th.- i>r man Iniveaae "f naval power, to the aarltatlon In Fng-land for the in.-rra ? nf the iiaw and t" the eonaUnl In th- Houae of CominoBa and the . -.Mji.-.r-er- nf the poaatbllH4 of a war wlth Oerman) KtKht-. i>< r cent nf American f.>reig:i ,-.,r,?, i... he aald to-day, la earri.-.i ln Kngllsh "i Oerman ahlpa and in caaa .,f ....-ir beta e. -i Enajland and Oermany. American r--i*-iarr. commerce would he puralyr-.d f-.r l*. k ot ship". It ls futll* ha to aay that the ship* <-f other natlona couW carry our emmerr-e. as ;;, per rent ?.f th" ahlpplnf in ihe world I, 0wned by Erigaand aad Oermany, and ir their veaeela arera ti?d up by war th.-re WOUld OO! l"' BBlpa eimugh re i.,iuni"g t'. raurry Amerleai.mmeree. Mr. iherrill doaa nol a4lvocate k su" gtd) Off "tl.-r BpectflC meiins or building ?:, .? FJnltad italaa9Bartea Hla Idea la tha! ? I'liimer.'lal b<?Ji?*.-< sh-njlrl unite m urginK a.ttun. leavlng the metli".l 10 (.?.ingress. flpcaaing ot Argentina, h? imy, it ia rrue that it ia the rrmst e\pen?ive coun tr> in th.- world tn which to Ihe. He Ihe prlnclpal club -n Buecoa Ayres. wWch baa two hundred mein bara and an InKlatlon taa of 11.500 gold. Thla roriil'?r?s arith ?n Initlati.ri faa in the moat ex|>?Misive club of N. w York n{ J*:4t/? and with ih< I'nlversitv i lub of ?-H',>. l'"'- tn* Pr?8|)ailtj of the country. !?<? pofnt* ont, !s marvelloua. Ibuatnaaa ..iT'-rtunities there i-eing un praoadeotan. Argtntin.i. hr "?maika. hug Uttle nioro than ?,?nen n,illl"<>? in popula tlou. yet Kngland drawa dlvldends ironi h'-r investments there of f-'.iM', I8"0.000 yearly. ?'t ir true," ba added, "that if you go there to make n f'-rtuno hy - ? ? ..-? ? r." .1 fortUl ...... - - * opportunll '?< make i oth* r u,.4* than bj Bpeculatloa. l'.*tag?"i.a i| u, ? r,f Ih. g..-?..*.? V4?-Ht .mr * ,---,, ? ? .. ?'??'*?- .f to be operte,! up." Mr Sherr'H wlll retun nn the Oeeantc on Peptember 11 and open a n N,'i' Tork. Ha la luaf bacfe from Italy. Bnd ba.*- Juat wrttten a booh on ttallan atalnad g'."1 FIVE NEW RHIPS FOR ITALY. IH, ..,>;? ta Tv? T-i London, A ig. ' ? * Rome dlepateh ... . ? ,,t tha Itallan General Kavtga llon rompam L* bulldlng flve ahlpa of, tcma. nin b* motor ? transatlaiiiio Ul '?? BEAR FOR ROBERT TAFT Indiana' Gift to President's Son Puts Him in Dilemma. GlnHi r i' rt M ???a band ???;-,'.. ' ted the THfl r , . ? irrival here over the Greai Northern Railway to day. t'hief gtjtt.- cj>ii\"t gava Bobert Taft a young raught on the trall thla m.-rnlng but the Bon of the Praal d-nt aaid the glfl put htm ln a dilemma, "I don't thlnk I dara take thla home," he aald. "ln th* k_Ce of the e-xlsttng Btrttned relatlonshlp between my father and Mr. RoOOnSV) lt " Mlaa llelen Taft, Mr.- George Vln . it.- of the prealdi nt of the fTnl veralt: of Mlnneaota; her two daugtv t.:- Roberl Taft and ata other frlenda of thi Tafta made up the part- whlch tren! Into Olacter Natlonal P8u*k for ? three weeka' trip. The eampera aaa to-nlght at ?fadl? rine I.ake two hundred Indiana glvr a war danca. m TO TAX AMUSEMENTS Stamp Licking to Raise Money Proves Temptingly Easy. i Bi T-ai-aatiantl. Wli >,. ??? Th*, Mki'.: London. Aug 7.?Rlnca the Inauranca act cama int>> foree on July 15 last, tha Ui king of *ax stamps has beCOme s., much a hablt of -OgUab life that th** latest ruraor la that the Chancellor ->f the Bsrhequar intenda taxlng amuae* inents at the rate of a penny ln the rhiiiing ln tha next budget, AMERICAN SUICIDE AT VICHY Visitor at French Resort Shoots Himself at Riverside. Vlcby. Pranee, Aug. 8. -Albert Twjrford, an american vialtor, ahot MrtuaHf whlle Btrolllng alaog tl e hunk Of the ltt\,-r Allier to-day. The ahot* attraeted tba uttention of a poHearnan, arho found him iving ln the with three i"iiiet wounda III 'he he;ul. Twyford, who wa* stiii ,-i.r. <-'ious. told the poliiernan that he h;ul Intended to kill hlinajalf Ba then bacama un-on.?--ious and was takf-n ta a hospital. Th,- sulride ia al".n; flft;.-t~o years old. NO lAplanatlon for TwyfecaTa ad is known. RICH MAN DIES OF RABIES. Minneapolia. Ang. 8. ? >ri>* C. Whlted. flftv -elght : ^ars old. a weulthv resident of Mlnn?_rx>'l*. 'llfd to-day of liyriropho Ma 11? waa Mttea bv ii p?t dog on July ', and al onee t'>?k the PaateUr tr^ainient. LaBer tba deg dearelapad rable*. ,-md two daya ag" Mr. WWtad araa *.eized with h: ilr.i|ihobta, whl- h di.l not yield to the efforts af four doetorc ROSE GIVES FULL MURDER STORY TO MR.WHITMAN Answers Rumors of Pressure to "Quit Tallring" by Saying He Intends to Tell Truth if It Cost His Life. BECKER "MASTER OF HIS CASE As Such Chooses Mclntyre to Aid in Defence?Littlc ton Says He Is Considering Job?Shapiro Admits Taking Slayers to Harlem After Murder ?Catskill Search Abandoned. In a thirty-eight page document written in ink by himsclf and jhanded to District Attorney Whitman last night "Jack" Rose ha* put down a full story of his relations with Lieutenant Charlcs Becker. including everything he knows of Becker's relations with Herman Rosenthal. Rose says he himself "colected" $15,000 a month for Becker. that Becker had cther "collectors." and he gives the names of about ten gamblers from whom corroboration of his graft charges can be wrung. Becker, in his cell in the Tombs. announced he was "the master i of his own case.*' and that as such he had chosen John F. Mclnryr* I as the lawyer he would have to assist John W. Hart in defending him. '"No 'svstem' suggested to me what counsel I should have," de? clared Becker. "I am master of my own case and I retain the law? yers I want." In spite of Becker's positive announcement. Martin W. Littletcr. asrerted that he still had under consideration the question of taking the job of chief counsel to Becker. but he declined to say who had offered it to him. William Shapiro. chauffeur of the ?'murder car." hnally broke down and admitted that he had tanen the slayers to Lenox avenue and l.?8th street. which furnishes the police with the connecting link between the Metropole and the uptown flat at which it had been e^tablished the slayers gathered shortly after killing Rosenthal. Burns detectives have found the evidence in the telephone com pany's tally sheets to corroborate the fact related by Rose that he i called Becker on the telephone from the telephone station in tha i Times Building a few minutes after the Rosenthal murder. Deputy Commissioner Dougherty announced that the search for : the fugitives who were supposed to be in the Catskills had bee i ' abandoned because the police did not believe the men were in that neighborhood now. There will be a citizens' masa meeting in Cooper Union ne.vt I Tuesday night. of which a further announcement will be made tt> i morrow. John Purroy Mitchel. President of the Board of Aldermen. may receive an offer of a place on the special aldermanic police investi gating committee by the withdrawal of one of the men previous'y named. "Jack" Rose declared yesterday, in response to insinuations that he was going to "quit talking" because of pressure brought to bear upon him. that he intended to "tell the full truth. if it cost him his It developed also that the real fear of Rose. Weber and Valinsky is not that thev will be done away with because of "squealing" or. , those higher up. but that the gangmen of the East Side will "get" them if they identify the actual gunmen who murdered Rosenthal. The cases of Valinsky. Libby. Shapiro. Sullivan. "Whitie" Lewis and "Dago Frank" called before Coroner Feinberg yesterday were adjourned to August 15. Cardinal Gibbons, visiting tn Brooklyn, when asked for a com ment upon the scandal that has grown out of the Rosenthal case. is Iquoted as saying: "I hope this situation will be sifted to the bottom: that the guilty 1 persons will be found and punished. It ought to be done squarely and dennitely. to the credit and glory of our great American me I ti opolis." _m_ SAYS GAMBLERS CAN CORROBORATE STORY ?-.Tai-k Rose handed to District At? torney laat night hia atate ?,ent on his aaaoi-latlon wlth the Rosenthal eaia and wlth tho graft COQ d.tiona whlch led up to the murder of tl,e TenderL.ln gambler. It waa wrlt t.-n in ink on foolacap, of whlch there were thlrty-elght pages. wrltten ln a goo<l. round hand- but wlthout a slngle traee of punctuatlon. In the main lt was ln good Rngllah. altliough in many parta of It Rose dropped Into a alang phruueology. thla ,,.,rt|.-uh.rlv ln tb- parta referrtng to gambling and pollca relatlo.ia wlth gambling. Ha .les.-nl.ed how he tlrsr. met Becker, how Rosenthal tM-ABM acquatnted wlth Becker how Boekar --ame to a*kara ln the protlta of RoaenthaVa gambling houae ln -Mb stre-t. and how he heurd -it varrOUa ttmes Of other men who. llke himself. wetU -?-<dle.-tlna- for Be.-kor. Roaa dld not. so far aa ts known now. K,, beyond Re.-ker tn poaetmfl the uitt mi.te de.-tlnatlon of the graft. *x?-ept in the general way. He charged that Bockers ??raida" were almost exeeption "blufT ralds." that the e\id*Mi,e offered to obtuln warranta for the ralds waa almoat lnvarlably the work of atool pigeona. and that the atndavits on wht-h orafT-Bta were ob tained were frequently false. Be ker s nvthod of making gamblera "come across," ao.-ording to Roae, waa to "rald" flrat, then talk buslness. The detsils were acrompllshed. Roae aaya. by glvirg the raided ones the extra warranta which were usually taken out ar,d by allowlng 18*8 caae to full dowr. when tti*> eviden.?<? araa to ba praaaotod to the grand Jury. "Collectad" $15,000 a Month. Rrij... s.-.y!4 h* "<-oll4?ctf'd' abiiut 115.OOC a month for Becker. and that Backca had other ?"oo'lectors." irhoaa "colle. ? tlons" h? could not e4XTttnate. Krom tha Itaaajajg r,i whi> h ho waa aaslgrnr-d. K"?' aald, BM BjOt approaim.ttely lt.'?>"?? a month. Apart Crorn tax Ker.crai alao af graf' Roa*>'a atataancnt namcd about ter gnmbier* ?h'), ba aaia, eaa torKHaatati hi? at'irv |n 80 far aa it concerns them and th*>ae men will be aubpcr-naed bi th- Qattricl AtlonH ] . Rose iitldcd 19881 hir rlealing?. xxlth EkH k-r W8fa alwayr ln eaab, fraqttaatly in liialRoj.e'a) flnt and tbal he ha-l witne-ae? who ha* a.'en tlu '-n?h pas?ed Oref. Itoaja devoted the flrst few para grapha oi hl? atatenftit to an acoun of how he met Becker. Hc yald hc haa known him far a"me tlme as head o the apeeial aquad, but lt wa* not unti a place that he. Rose, waa runnlnc was ralded that he aetually 1)8498884 aiqualntfd wlth Becker. When tha case enrne up In the Essex Marke court Rose was held, and hc remark. i in a ajood natureU way to gaaeatac tha h* seemed to getting "the worst of it.* Becker told hlni It waa !?lmply a eaa of "ordera, my boy," and th.Mi xvhen h. begnn tt' talk to him siigijested thal ba