But Not Dull
V01 LXXITV 24,007
)n< r*H4inK rtoadlaeea tn-.lax.
I'rii'nil.h .how i-r. t?-ninrr,ii..
But Not Radical
in riir of Keaa Taafa, J*t?*t rit> and Itnix>k4>n
KI-K\\lir.KK T444I CKXTS.
Progressive Party Nqminates Colonel for Third
Term at Chicago, with Califomia
Governor as Running Mate.
Platform, Less Radical Than Candidate's "Confession of
Faith," Drawn After All Night Struggle?Vital
ity of Movement Not Yet DeTernvned
by Observers at Convention.
?> s.'4~ rei ....
Chicago. Aug. 7.?Thcodore Roosevelt, ex-Prcsident of the!
United States. was named for a third term as President by the Pro-1
msaive party this afternoon.
Hiram Tohnson. Governor of California. was named for Vice
Both nominations were made by acciamation, there being no
other candidates in the field.
All was harmony in the convention to-day?except as to thr
umrr.portant question of taking a recess. Colonel Roosevelt's "con-1
I -n of faith"' so completely foreshadowed the platform and the
nominating speeches as to leave little of novel or vital interest in the
convention. It was an anti-climax, looking at the convention from a
theatrical standpoint.
Both Colonel Roosevelt and Governor Johnson made brief
speeches of acceptance as soon as their nominations were effected.
so that the customary ceremonies of notification and acceptance will
not be performed.
The platform delayed the convention so that many of the dele
gates were compelled to leave even before the nominations were
e, but they left with no doubt in their minds as to the party I
Tiie resolutions committee, charged with the duty of draftmg
a j'.atform. labored throughout the night. and then had its work all
d by Mr. Roosevelt himself to-day. As submitted to the com
mittee on resolutions by what one third termer described as "a group
of long-haired doctrinaires and coliege professors." the party pro- ;
nouncement contained some fiheen thousand words. As pruned.
first by the committee and then by the candidate. it was reduced to
sorr.ewhere in the neighborhood of five thousand words.
? arly Hour thla nvrniriK I
. ..... rajg ri-.-ar
--volution Two provlalona for whlc.h
tha praettcal potttlctane wouiri not
atand had been tncluded ln th" plat
:orrn One provided tor th*- re a
ludajea of the Bupraane Court
? ri Btatea r f"'
eetflc, Blmple raeana of am-:
lerrattva or practlcal gentlmai
i at both. and thay arera fv
?i-h. tblnjTi
ank, whlcb had
Irafted by
tarftil sa to tv-Risrar deaciipUoi
tiiank aa draftad v./,tiid. hc~ordlr.g- to
thepra ?irai polltlctana Imva loat tho
thirri | pt "' th* Mi!""
aeajrt fctver. a? flnallj adopted, ?
U innr,". ' '
Bjjrwaj refully derlaed to
aOaj fnp resl"
leata ' the Weatern Btatea lt ra-j
and <jf the can
dirlate, howerrar. to brlnsr Plnrhot t.. *
* ot Bubordlnatton aft*r hla oriejr
Btada Into gawiuet.
Aa floally adopted, the piatforrn la
hard'^ an radi'-^l aa U** eokmeTe "OBfi
? athouadi tt provldea
foe tb* r?^all of |04lajea nm) der isiona,
the lr.itlativ-e and rff^rendim. an ******
and axpeHttii.iis method of arnendir.g
? ltlon.' partlnula-ia nol Bjhra*.
and, Iritl^fd. for moat of the thlnpa out
?? le (hajM daapatchafl of laat 8un
Ib aiSdltion theeeto Hte demnnda for
h. rerhi-tratior. "f lobbylata, paMtelty
the heeulneja and procaadlnta ol
leajtalattve corninltt?H?e, except a
Iiave r>, rlo with forHirn arTalrs: a
?lapartment of labor, arith Ita head ln
lontln.i^l or, f..iirtli pagr aw-ond rolnmn.
This Morning's Neivs
Z.OCAZ.. *??*'
ia - lay Be Indleted. 1
-?r,ii?a of rjrafl Btagrver Bellef. i
To T ? 8 ' urran ... 8
ir Beeker, Baya Melntyre. a
..... a
..ambling Warraata Hj.f>B-u.'ir<l?,<I. 3
Hiia i - Ifome. 1
Ptiffri ated. ^
oklyn .laweller.16
ln Vote Deal".16
0 itlnic.18
itinoad in Beaaaa. ? 3
iattlaahip Rare. 3
tjarht to Kurope.. 3
'"rnmlrt*.*. ;??,.,.> Buytnf BaaJBlieallo. f
aevelt and Johaaon Najnad... I
.. p ,- napeign. . ?
? Doxoloary" whada i i> C4>anr*jntleei 4
*hlrd : . 3
lg .|t T^mporlzcr. . . 5
BTllaon Ai-cepti Nomlnatloti. 6
be Lanrej Nleoll Reateree r'hurrh.... 9
Mriir.r f4.-Mr i.^rr'.it al QueeiMlaarB... 5
',nv A'ljourna.? ? 9
fr.r WoBM . 1
BUtorlal . ?
fcvi*. . 8
VrtVine Preah Air Work.9
'?''irijary . ?
H'.Dr'x .10 Htirl 11
*fni> ari'l ....w. H
weetl .H
?angplng Newa .lI
K*?l Ratata .14
. rlBaBrikl and M.irket*. 18, 13 ?nrt 14
[ 10II. S. SHIPS
Turns Deaf Ear to Protest of
the British Government
Agamst Disci imination.
? | . a ./ot* ??' H
to i ? ? Senal
to Btriktj from th. Pajuuna Canal blll
tha ? ? ' ' - ,|" ?
ahlpa from payiaai ' tolla for paa through the Panama -
Debate on the queetlon had contln
ued from l p. m. ui
IJourned til I
roorrow orlthoul votlng on the blll II
Th? defeal of the Burton atneadment
ta airlk*- o?I the dlB4*rl_ilna-on ln fi
uf American shlpa waa the - n
atirtwer to ti.*> proteat of the Bt
rnraenl agralnai the i4*gialatloa H
tba blll whlt-i led
. -.,. Mnd n ronnal pregeal
to the Btata Dep_*?t__ nt
The 8f,r,ati>rb who eoted ln favor of
Uie Burton B-nendaaena; reri I ande
Lodge, Nelaon, Ollrer, Penraaa, Root
and v etmore
juat before tha */ote v*a*i taken Beii
ati-r Cummlna made an Un
Bpeach ln whlch be charged Bei
who Interpreted the Hajr-Pi
treatj aa denylng to the Unlted Bl
the power lo dlactimlnate la favor of!
Itg own ahlpa wlth glvlng an Interpre
tatlon wM h they knew the
. would uot olaerve. Ha
the queatlon of power waa one lhai
i not 1.- arbltrated, and ahould dl
macy fall ln Ita aettlement war
would >-e the Onal arbltei
Senators Williams and Burton de?
clared Ronatur C?ramtna araa rutWeea
I) dlgragardlng the arbltratlon treatjr
...? the i Rlted Statea and '-reat
Be<-auae of the dell ac* ol lha altua*
?: n Benat-r Btone asked th!*' tha or
dtrectlng a roUcall on the Burtoa
umciidmeiu ahould ba ***** a
rising vote taken Inatead
Objectlon to thla procedure from R> n
atvr O'Oon-an reaulted In ihe rollcall
belng taken.
Duting the evenine tbe dauae ln
queatlon, w_lc_ pravldad that no tolla
ahould be i*vk?'.i upon ? ? W099A
la th<- ooaatw-M trada of the Ualtaa
. s. waa anaended upon naotlon of
Beaatter Hoke Rmlth of Oeorgla, by
DuUtlng th.- exemptlon apply only to
aeaaala engaged '?exclualfrely" In the
. oagtwiae trade of the Unlted Btal
Another antendmenl i Ifered by Ben?
ator Bnlth, reejaWni ownara ?>f theae
Lf to aaep ihe Unlted BUtea fre.
llablUtlea for d-inagaa reaultlng
from th.-ir pa-aauja througta lha eaaal,
arai fle.eated
Ar a_>aa-i-enl bj Benator I
whlch ).r.>viil,-<! thal *feaae_i awneal bjr
A-oarlcana, bul bulll abroad. ahould ba
antltled i<> ree^atf-ttou ler the aeaat
m Un trade, waa ajao i"-s*
Dewey'B Claret or Sautern* Punch
Kur all S...M1 P*un '
|( r Dawey * Boaa Co..l88Fult? b Rl ,N-v.
? f. r President of the 5i i J the national convention of the Progrressive party
Distributes Oratnitiei to 85,
OOO Men at Centcn
T-.??er ' .ern ai ' - : t
gt Krui ;>
. . . ?:..?... P ?? ???
;.,. ,i|?" ?
...... for eltl
' r th? ar:, BI I
? ? ?
l t Sydow tb< Pr aalai M -
fommerr-e, arhfl i here to att<
. elebratlon, ;. nm
largl number "t ordera arould be ' r"
f, -r.-.i ryea by I
peror, who will '
for ihe prlnelpal relebrallon.
Suffragist Kindly VoteB for Ab
sent Friends.
fi T*l graph t<
Btratford, Conn., tug T Under Con
nectlcul lawa women may vote upon
matt-r:; arhen properly qnallfl'-l.
;iii,i go, al a meeting beld here to
night to eonalder an addltlon lo th?
Waahington *? h""!. aboul thlrtv
a omen appeared ta ?? ote, heai ?
Mra. Roearoond Wlnton, leader of 'he
Btratford s'lfTraKett.* and prominent
ln local eluba
Mih Winton favond an BfBjWoprta*
tinn for th ? athool additi?.n. whlcfa araa
!ct.-r defeated, and after her gpaecn
tho hallotlng began When the tellerg
commeneed Mieir wnrk they Botlfled
judgi Charlea m. Peck, arho wai pre
Blding ;.f moderator, that BOmebody
had dropped ln three ballota. all foldai
up togethor. Judtro Peck, who is a
l.-Hdn.K chun h member uml hfrhrlnir
fne of the denuni rnm. rf'marknd appr'.
prlately apon th? virtues of honeaty
ami rl8jh*teouaneaa even in voting. und
ordi t ed a aa ond baliot.
Agaln the tellera ahouted that iom?
9 Btofllng in thr." hallot* ... ..ti-.
v. ii... k h:iJ agaln there hui an aproar
Whafl aunitithitix nkln t<> order waa r*
etored Mra Wlnton amiiiniriv Infornied
tha iricetniK ahe had put ln thren
batlota aach tlm.-. berause two de-tr friends of bera had heen unablo
to C09AC atui that ahe way .irting; Bg
thfir pr.'.xy. n?.r imiignalion waa n>
? when a n.-w baliot waa order?;j
and it araa ruled thut only reg-iaterej
voiera mi*,-|it caal hallota.
Nlagara Palto, If. V. Aug . Mra
r'titiili1 I- aVabatat te da* k.h.-. lurrh to
OCT iwiity-.-tithth ?-iill.l. BB etght>poOB)d
I,ri4. She i? forty-lovr yeara old. wti
rnarrie.l wh?rii MXte?-n. and of Be4 <~hll
<ir?-n tii^rn ?.-?. tanrw pailra <>r tmna nmt
twa aeta ef trlaleta Mght of the taranty
. i4(i . iir.- lt- Ing Mrp ajTeBMer la g Btjgro,
Ir-e colrl dnnki- In hor weather canae dla
-. ,.? nlen vou frerjy ua.- Angoatura Bit
ten Advt. '
Vehicle. in Collision. Hurled
Agamst Wall Beneath Young
Widow's Bedroom.
Mias Force Directs Rpscue from
Wrecked Machine?Doc?
tor Hurries to Calm
Mra Astor.
T', * eonUnaR wlth n beavy O-tl
? utomohlla at -Stfa Btwef, and Hfth
- ia, laal night. one of the la |
, avenue auto 'bu h i lurchi d BMWoaa
the aldewelk oppoalte the john Ja<*ob
Urtor raanalon, af No MO Fifth ave
nue, craahed Into tha ato :t Iron ralllng
Burroundlng the areaway, and Anally
wlth a _*eme_do_a Pho,7k
? rl tba Mt '!?? Blde '>r thr he
dlreetly beneath the w_*dow ot the
bf-'lr'.-.m When Mra. .Tohn Jar-ob AetOff
ls at preaanil awattlng tbe arrlval of an
AaTtor helr.
Tbe '|. i* tvn.* UTUWflgd tvlth pft"**rt
K'er* nt the time. peveral of whom Were
f.l*tlii|. on th.- Buperatructura, and theae
peraona wert4 thrown violently forward,
l*acelvlng we'-ere mt*. and hruiaea. The
front and renr rlghtliand wheelr, of tha
htiia were left hang'ng over the *"lge
of the areaway, R***** the upper part
of the ma'hlne waa BUpparted by the
walla of the bui'dtng.
Followlng the craah a wlnd-.w of "vfr*..
Aptor> hedroom was throtvn open. nnd
.Mlaa Katlierine ?t*eo, her alater, and
Mra. Forea her mother. peered out
Bealng the 'but* and Ita load of human
fr< iKht Hprawled agalnat the ?lde of
the houae, Mlaa Force ruahed to the
front door and direrted the work of
rturnlng the |mj>rlR.>n?d passenger-.
She ordered that they Hll be taken
around to the ajervanta- ^ntranr-e. where
they laoaiveol aaaallcal att,;ntion.
Doctor Calm* hArt. Aitor.
Tt ia not known whafbei MrB. Astor
*'iffered any III R?*BCtg fr..m the nolne
and Jnr of the atridf-nt, but Dr. Ed*
ward B. Cragln, the phyalclan In at
tendani-* "P"'1 the '"?'?d <">?*?? of Colonel
A*-t .r, la aaid to have hurrt,-,! to her
rnom Immedlately f-llowing the crash
at?,l dld -Ahat he ?<.uld to calm her.
Ki.r 8 eaaaafg of houra after the pe
rullar accldent, a ateady itream of I'.blle* and carrlages, rontalnlng j
( ..nilnuad e* thtrd p*?ge, thlrg . aluiiin
Roosevelt s Speech Fails to Stir
London Market.
London. v ug. 7 -T ln th i
? 8 t:i*rk"r
Homeralla - r Amei
lr..\r,a arere dull In antl' Ipatlon ..f th?
1 rrop reporta fioi aon' i
apeech of nel Rf-oae
velr'a addreea al Chlcago had i.ftecl
, on the market
Dlecounta opened lo??r. but aardi ne
:,.? v ithdrae ala of $1 BUO.IiOO ... g I
for Braall nnd $1 ????.<"?? for Antw-rp.
Itonei -.vaa ln good demand al 2 and
. per '-enL
Hiffhest Price Recorded in Chi?
cago Since Oivil War.
| Chleag.. lui ? Th* hJgheal prie
. in Chlcago for '?? ? t ?tn ??? the '
War e-aa paM to-da-. w 1i?-m ?1k!'.'"-i' hea.
from Kaneaa lil. aold tor $ to :".
red pounda on tbe bool rhe eat>
tl* had bean fed on clover ha; and alloed
corn followed by ear r-orn and bluegra
Hu: era aay the hmh prtoea are due to i'- of rarle, catBBOd mamly by the
drouth in t!." American Bouthweai and In
Weat.-rn Canada lt. the laat frw | ? a ra mi
tba ??? ? -? arl iter of 1911.
Hotel Man Brings Trouble to
Whole Dam Family.
rfj] Tetearraph 'o Tiie Trthan*
Hfirtfor'l, Conn., Aug. 7. - In trt-i
i I'nlted Statea C? urt here thla afternoon
Krederlr-k A. Da-n. ;i hotelkeeper of
| Firanforrl. filed a r>'tlti,,n tn bankruptc?
i anrl hw .rerlltora don't llke It. ii"t by n
, Dam aight. Moreover, Fr.-deri' k haa
i thrown th.. whole Dam famlly Into
i trouble wlth hle g.'hedule of llabllltiea
? to th.- amnunt of f^.tlol 41 ami assets
: that any Dam man mixht d*cline.
He Hata in his naaets a leaaehold la
ri.e premlaes of the Flylng Polnt Ho'.-I.
, ln Btony C'reok, at &000l but appar
entl] the Dam hotel haa not been i
i paytng propoaltlon thls pummer. and
'the bankruptcy court will hav*. a lot
..f Dam trouble wlthin the next fow
Father of Big Family (Ms Free
Passage from Alaska.
BJraeMagtOB, Aug. 7.-Thr- atruggle of
Jarneh L'leKhorn, of Afognak, Alaska, to
gOgpOfl hla wlfe and eleven rhlldien. the
latter ranglne; in age frorn one month to
twnty-one yeara. on l*-.'> a month, ao ap
??**** to Herr^tary Mri-V.>?kIi to-rlay
tiiat he granted to the famlly im.saage on
a revenue cutter to aome petal on Pugai
Sourid arheee the man may rtnd work for
hla older rMldiajgj i
Confession Promised by Weber Expected to
Involve One Police Official and Evi
dence of Burns Men the Other.
Extortion the Charge?"Bridgie" Will Say He Waf
Collector Like Rose?"Billiard Ball Jack" Declares
"Sam" Schepps Was at Becker's House
a Few Hours After Murder.
From evidence that reached the District Attorney's ofnee yes?
terday. together with indications that more would follow from the
same and other sources, the indictment of two police inspectors and
a civilian for extortion was predicted as a development of the grand
jury investigation of the Rosenthal charges and murder.
?'Bridgie" Weber sent word to the District Attorney yesterday
that he was prepared to corroborate the story of graft told by "Jack"
Rose. that he would tell the whole truth. including a detailed story
of his relations with one of the police inspectors involved.
Weber s relations with that inspector were the same that Rose
says he bore to Becker?that is. according to Weber's own story.
v-hich is corrobcrated by others. he was the inspector's collector.
Weber is determined to stand with Rose in making a clean breast
of his police-gamb'ing connections, in spite of the midnight attempt
to intimidate him in the West Side Court prison early Monday
?Sam" Schepps. the man who handed the getaway money from
Weber to two of the gunmen. and who was with Rose when John
W. Hart called upon him in Harry Pollok's house, was with Becker
in Becker's house the Tuesday morning of the murder. wlthin a few
hours after the time Rosenthal was killed, according to Rose's state
ment yesterday.
Evidence collected by the Burns detectives before the Rosenthi'i
murder. as reported exclusively in The Tribune ten days ago, will
support the story told by Rose of Becker's relations with gamblers.
md a\<o the story that will be told by Weber involving one police
inspector. In addition. the evid#nce of the Burns men will implicate
another police inspector and a civilian.
Other and new witnesscs who have told their stories to District?
Attorney Whitman have been safeguarded by that official by keep
:ng their names sccret, because they fear police intimidation. Some
of these are citizens who witnessed the actual murder of Rosenthal.
and others are men who will corroborate different portions of the
graft accusations against Becker and the three others involved.
Two servants of "Jack" Rose. who witnessed the actual passing
over of graft coilection money from Rose to Becker, and who heard
the conversation which accompanied the transfer. will tell then
stories t<j the grand jury to-day.
Every telephone communication between Rose and Becker, in?
cluding the calls exchanged between them directly after the murder.
from the Lafayette baths. and from. or to. Pollok's house. as related
by Rose. has been corrobcrated and clinched by evidence turned
over to Mr. Whitman yesterday by the Burns people.
It 1* expected that the grand jury will indict to-day the four
gunmen whose names have been most prominently mentioned. Two
of them are still at large.
Four new witnesses. whose names Mr. Whitman will not reveal.
have identitied "Jack" Sullivan, who is now under arrest charged
with the murder. as one of those who rode away from the Metropoie
in the gtay automobile.
Rose sent a letter to Mr. Whitman yesterday by the hand of
his brother, Moe, in which he gave addittonal names and addressc
of places from which he said he had collected for Becker.
John F. Mclntyre, now Becker's chief counsel. declared that his
' client was the victim of "a diabolical plot," and that the testimor.y
against him was "perjury of the blackest kind." He predicted the
acquittal of Becker.
Alderman Henry H. Curran said no one would be allowed *o
dictate the appomtment of counsel to the aldermanic committee.
He spoke with reference to a report that certain infiuences would
attempt to force the selection of a lawyer who would be put ia %m
protect men higher up than Becker.
Rabbi Schulman said that the proposed Cooper Union maag
meeting was absolutely necessavy to voice the indignation of thfj
civic conscience.
"Sam" Paul. who was arrested and then discharged in the Ro?
senthal case. was subpoenaed as a grand jury witness yesterday,
and wiil probably be called on to testify to-day. Harry Poliok ar.d
his wife will be among other witnesses to-day.
. . g
The two polli* lnepe-rtnra and one
clvlllan whoae namea have been llnked
with Lieutenant fharlea Beokurs in
the gntl "tory told by "Jack" Rose
are pra-tlrally certaln to he indlr-ted
oa evidenre and proml-e.a of addltlonal
?rklenca that na.-hcd the Dlatrlct At
toriH-y yeaterday,
? 'Brldgle " Wehart determtnatlon to
oonfeaa everything in apite of the at
temi'ts paade ?" intimldute him, to
ijether wlth vahiable oorroboration
whleh wfll ba ?avpHe- by th* B_r_a
poopla raeda oartala yeager-ay, tor th*
i\r*t thna the accompltshment of rea<h
ing Home **f the men hlgher up than
Heoker We8RaT*8 story wlll involve
directly ai.d v* ith ample detall one,
" police Innpector for whorn ht la said
' to have been the t-ollector.
Weber can and wlll tell of all hi.?
; relatlona wl*h that Inspet-tor, Juat aa
Rose haa toid of hia with Wottsot, and
thf* Burna m,*n an* now said to have
I ready for preaentatlon *'l the corrobo
ration neceaaary to rllnch the Roae and
Weber d1-si-losurea.
Mr. Whitman aald ye?terda> that th"
evldence of graft to a degree thut
t would stagger belief waa gggBgggj int,.
1 his otrii-e in B*acb an avaJaaarhe tbal it
*Aas gwagaagRB '' hh-Hetf b_r] Ag*
' Hlatant District Attorney FYank M<>*s.
Whlle much of thls* evld-nce ls cor
robnrative of the Rose and Weber
atoriea of apevific grafting, many of tha