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.? that ar<? now leaehbig thi proeooutor'a 4urn polnt to stiii further lf eaa agaJnal pollca offlclala v. ho havo not yel been even rumored to'ba ln the "ring." On thla pbaaa of the altuatlon Mr. Whitman made no aecret of the fact thut Mcorcs of pi-srpectlve wltr* hn*e called upoa bbn an-i made Btato mentg whoee nsmes he has kept eecret brx-aus*- Of their fear Of pollca intimida tloa or persecution. The Dlatii' t Al lorney has had one experience of dca' lng wlth a tn;m who was afrnid the ?'system" vould "get him" in th-^ caae .f Roaenthal and he doeg not purnos > to take, any chancea with future wii bi .'re?. T*WO of th- witnes*-'*'- who will offer ?' irther coiToboratlon of Roee'a Btorj of hia l-tlations with Becker wlll ap pear before the prand jury to-d-.iy. Mrs. Koee will testlfy later. but two ser vanta in the Roaje ostablishment lf. JlOUi Btreet who told th.- Dlatrkt At* > that iliey wltneaaed tho passin**; over of graft collectlcn money from Roae t<> Becker and heard the accom panylng converaatlon will be witnesaea to-*day. Tho Burns detectivea a*ho have beer orking on the caae were able to re rd_f that they had found i :??.?!', i>. th.- form i.f telephone com? pany record.*. of each of the tele I'liont: 4-alls ineriti .ii.-il b; Roae a"* havlng been exchanged i.etween him* r'lf and Becker from th,- time of the murder untll Roae gave himself np Police Headquartere. This Includee the call dlrectly after the murder, when Roae went t<> the telephone th in the baseiin-ni of the Tini-'s l.uilding to nottfy lieeker thal Ttisr!: thal had been bllled, the call later that mornlng from the Lafayette Batha and tho soveral communlcatlona bett tl:cin al'tc- Roae had retreoted to Tol lok's houae, ?Wbltie." Lewlg. "DagO Frank' Circ titi. "Lefty Lonle*' and Harr\ Horo wltr. alias "Olb the- Blood," wlll proha ?!>? be Indlcted hy th.. urand Jury to day, Tiu flrat two named are under ? it diarg.-d with the murder, Tele grapblc reporta from varlous points ln I'ennsylvanta, New York an.i aome of the New England states place the other two ln those different aectlona District Attorney Whitman let it he known yesterday tiiat in bo far as > oncerna the names of tho wltnef-ses who will furnlab the aftual Identlflca tlon of the four named us the princi pal gunmeu of the Roaenthal murder he haa not diacloeexl hia hand to anv ? one. Flve cltizens whoee names bave not yet been mentloned in the case and who have no connoction with the men ? oncemed ln lt have told tr.ejr atorlee to Mr. Whitman and grven him satis factory assuranees that they can lden lifv the men who flrd the nhots thut jkllled Rotenthal. Flrom srhal J**- b;|S heard fram tbeae arltneeaea the '-'1S trlcl Attorney is cravinced thal many Ipatrolmen arho are n..i in <-m> 4%.. j 4-onnrH-ted wlth the ring whlcb migtal jhavc an intero-t ln s-r ing Kosenthal done away arith dld neviertheleaa aup ply ini?i'>n.:'.iiic Informatlog) erIUi rafard ! rn the murder and the eacape of tbe ' murdereri. sonif of these wltnssaea hav,- t.od I Mr. Whitman that a nian anewering I tho daacriptlon "f "Jn<k" Sullivan was 1 ln the gray automobile when it whhasd jaa-ay from Ibe Metropoie, and thip. In ! epite o< the fart thal Sullivan di.i bend over Roaenthal's body. ?"d (li(l ns'" hlm, "Who did lt. Hyrni.'."' Th.'?o wltneaaee are perfectly wl to do tlKir duty and tako the staml whon called upon to do ao. l>nt do not belleve thi y ahould be exposed to what they ragard ns a very renl dangor by having their names dipcioscd pre-, maturely. Apnrt froin those a.idltional wltn* to the murder, Mr. Whitman haa ro- 1 celved slmllar eorroboratlon of the grafl ehargea agalnal Becker embodled I in Roee'a atatement liose sont down ; to the District Attorney yeatetday. by bia brother, Moe Roae. a letter in which ! Ik- gave additional namea ..mi addn ' ??{ "protected" gamblers. The lame raeaeenger broughl tvord 1 to Mr. Whitman tha; "Brldfle" Weber would Bupply abundani rorrobora! for Rose'a story. *" *?" n* tr>u ? rt?ry of hla own which will Implicate an in 8pe< t..r who ls said to be a? deeply In? volved In grafl aa Becker. [n hla letter to Mr. Whitman yeaterday Rose said hla memory had '??-n refreahed by a talk with Weber, who was wllling to aid ln everj way posalbie ni laying bare all the evidence of grafl with which h'?< had come in contact Becker'.i ronnc-ctiou wlth Ros.? will be abeolutely proved before the grand jury to-day, it was aald. Mr. Whitman aatisfled of thla after yasterday'a developmenta, and the Inrbrmatton aup plied by tho two gamblera win then be tumed over to the Burna detectlvea ior further eorroboratlon. When Mr. Mdntyre's atatemenl waa repeatad to Mr. Whitman last night th?> Distriot Attorney. asko.I b> i-"m mont upon ir, said: ? "The evidence in thr- oj?e of tho l'o-i 1 ple ngiiinsi Becker fully Juatifled nn in jdictmeni fi?r nnirdor ln tlio firsi da Igrec. He if entltled to every doubt, 1 Ho musl be proved gullty. it ls his righi and the publllc shonlrl guapend I jiidfijin'-nt. and I bope thoy wllL f "Vo man eoutd bo morr anxioug than jl am to s<o hlm eatabliah bia Innocence, j lf he ls Innocent. Bui ' belleve ho |g ; gullty." Mr. Whitman added h< was giml that Becker had retained Mr. Mclntyre aa | hia counsel, 80 that his intereurs would i bo fully protected. ALNWICK SAID TO BE GAMBLER ROSE NAMED Tha men mentioned in Jack" Rose'a onfeaalon aa tho two fRmblera who had been dolng buslness in WllUams >urg for flfteen yeara. and who had 1 ren thr^e Umaa rp'.ded by one <.f Ul l tenent liecke:-** "atrong arm" aquada, .'.though no eonvlction was r rer se ;_red them. were Beid ln Wlll lamaburg laet night to be Charlea Ain* ? le',; and hia brother "Dorse." The house, wblcb was raidwd by Becker's men, was a: No. 111 South <"Hh street.'s etory alleged that after the flrat rald the gamblers "came n/r"---" arttb protection money and set foi-th that Patrolman Foy, one of the raiding _-l. cfterward teatifled ln curt that U8 wafl unable to Identlfy the man hgalnat whom hc had Bacured the ;ant on aoooant of tba great llkeaeaa ..utween the two brotl ere. .vinwlck w-nt to WUllamaburg about lifteen * eara ago and?ao the gossi., ruma?opened a gambling house an 1 poolroora lu partnershlp wlth a man known aa "Dlck" Brown, who waa a v>ookmaker at the races and had the reputatlon of belng somewhat of a plunger. Eix yeara ago Brown lost practlcally all his money at the races and Alnwlck is reporttsd to have broken wlth him. For aome lime after that Alrmlck 5s reported to hava conducted a gambling house together with his brother, who. lt is aaid. had only a small lnterest and ?was re.illv ij,ot?- or g ,?? than * partr.fir. Tn 1110 Charlss Alnwlel eam< over io t;-,o Hesper <"iub. in Becond nue. near 11th atreet. and i?? uld to hava gone lur., partnarshlp with ! nn n Roaenthal. tlawlck'a of the. j bualr.oot. v:ent poorly and it was aeaert ? o<l by thoae arho f-ay they knov. that he loel about 1100,084) ls g|g months. Diaaattoflad w ifji hia partnerahlp with j the proprietor of '.be Hesrer ?""-i!-?. he ! returned to Wiliiamsbirg, where, it Is I decleixd, he Rgain oj?eiied the plaoe j which he is said atlll to eonduct Sim-e i then, AInwick ls report*d to have eon | dUCtad a thnvlng baasttaSSS ln Long Ial ; and real estate, and to have. made a I fortune of 1290.000 in that alone aside ; fro:n BUCh proflts ar. Um gRmblin*; houa r be is said to run bring in. It WSs Alnwfck'a break v.ith Ro'tr. j thal which angerrd tho latter, end. ac cording to Roae, made him go to lAon j tonant Becker wltb the atory that there were two gainblora in Wllliania ! burg from whom a. little "easy monej-" might be collected. The raids followed ar.d then, according to Roae, after no convlctlona had b*on aerured, he we* ?nabled to collect $800 protectlon money, which h? aeaerte he handed over to the pollce lleutenant who ia now under arreat For tho laet three daya Charlea Ain \vir-k anrl hli> brother have not been seen about the'r customarv haunt* CALLS BECKER VICTIM OF FIENDISH PERJURY Jolin F. atalatyre, ehlef r-ounsal for Uoutenant Charlea Becker, waa emphaUc >e_te/dar tn saylng that hia client would be aocj-ltted at hia trlal- Ile declared that Becker atood alone. so far aa hia defence v. aa conoarned, and Ihat no man, or body af men, hlgh*r up w?b Intereeted ln hia defenoe, He aaid that when B*cker*a story carrne o'Jt lt would ahow that he had been tha rletlm of a dlabollcal plot. The r-rlioner'a lawyer Intimated that there were other heada to knock bealdes Beck er'a. and that no quarter would be Bbawn any of the peraona who wer* ln the plot ' to get" Becker. Mr. Mclntyre d*nled. however, that hl* ? Ilent had any Intentlon of making a *tatem*nt to Dlatrlct Attornty Whitman He aald that Becker would iro to trlal wlthout any fear of the outcome, and would atand wholly nn the Baetita of hln own caae to oonvlnce a Jury of hia lnno On An Outing ' All iramp cooking ia made appetlnng anddigestible with LEA * PERRINS SAUCE thi oaiainai woaciaTiaaMiac Flah. bamr, Skwi, M-ake,and alloutluf di?he3iinpr*,'*"d bfiUu*?. An Apptttzar ?'oti* tn >c*x'i Sot**, AaeaU. S. 1. ecnce of tn* aeslsua . natger biougOt ugairibt him. Asked if he thought Becker eoulrt g?t a fair trial in thla county, Mr. Melntyr* *ald he had no idea at. thls ttm* of aal< i'lrr tor a change of venue. "W'e will have a cloar cut defene* which I thlnk will oonvlnce any Jury when th* tlme corrxss to present tt," *atd Mr Mc? lntyre, "hut I bav* not gon* Into the aaaa for aaough rei to outhn* ?ui de fer;r*e or say what moves wc may mako in the futur*. I have koii<- far eno<lgha i however. to know that Beeker i* the vi - j tlm of a dlabollcal plol and that tl-c t'.s timony that has been glven agalnat hlm I la flendlsh, and perjury of the blackest klnd. 1 eay that without any reflectloa i?0 the PIstrlot Attorney. JJeoker 1>hk h. c-n lafrHaagly attacketj, and i latend to abew up tho mon who bavi perj 'red Ihemeelvea nrainxt him. and brlng oul tiie truth. We don't cara who it tna) hit. "Herker never got J6>X?/?X>, oi anv lltheS surn. a* protectlon money from the gam blers. There ls no police fund raised for his defence, and he I in no may Impll cated IS any pollce V.vstem.' We will Itave abaolute proof of all thai at th* trial We will ho gble to sniuah tha t"-r I Jorad atoviea of tha gambte* iwlsoaera who sre alleged te aava maak fesetfse* I *ions' liiiflitaiiiii Beeker ln that rasptct, [ There is not a nolntllla of truth ln tho etatetnerita of these mon. Whatcver other evidenrc there may h* agalnat leckOI will b. ovcrcome i.y tba Cacla arhen they are bp.ught out." Tbe dafendenfa eounsel laiiajbed ut tba r.port that be had reeelvetl a retalner Ot QMSIj and would g^t $100/00 if he 1 Ut acqulttlng hi* .licni He ?al'l that any fee he may haa-e been arosslssd aaa ecjMMetBM) i-*s than fjffff Tiie cabe would br- flnanced en tin 13 by Becker aad rnembera ef his famlly, the laa yer aaid. ??Ara n,-t eoine <>f Beeber*a ttienda wlll lng and rraay t" put up naoney for hi* defeace, lf he aetoia ItT" Mr. Melatyre WBK RHk*i-(l. ?'Becker la aol Iooklng io an* would-ba Ifrlendly Bdvlaara for ftnanelal or moral .aasietancc la thla Rtatter," Mr. Ifclntyra :-ai.i empha-caUy. "He ra perfectly abie to ataad on his own l*?s, tbOUgh lt m;,y ba b caaa of -*ead*ag an alaa'a 1 toe.-." "Cgn'l >oti Kive *-onie iilen of tiie aat* ' nre of the defeaee you Intend (?. pn enl ' ln Becker'i ?. ? . | "it Ih too early to <io thal no ?-. for i lhave not had an opportunlty to tn.k mattera ovei at any greal length wlth Becker, but i may have aomethtng lo aay about it l?t--r on." ??Do you belli vi thal aome .me hl up ls more reaponalble for the preaenl I i*ollce aeandal than Becker?" "There la no one hlgher up who haa ? propt r interest In Bccker'a defenose, thal 1m .*ure. Becker la not gutlty of tha i larB.-f made agalnal him aiih regard to Roaenthal'a death or to graft." aald l<ecker's counael. "We hava RO fcar of the outcome. \\v. wlll aogah* Becker." HEARS SCHEPPS HID IN BECKER'S HOME l'.-ii,. i Attorney Wbitnu?I rerclved m formatlon !a.ct arght that "iam" Beheppa, wanted on ;t chargl of murder in i ? Roaaathiil caaa and reported to hava been Ihe paymaater of th* aaaaaBlna, went lo Uaotanaal Chertea Beeaer*a iiom- lma*e* dlately after tha crlme and reraalned ln Udlng there for two daya wbea Becker told him to make his eeoai i ? n waa aald that Beheppa left Beeher'a houge at 10 uii'. I; oa Tbureday niornliiK- | lt will be remembered thal tbal waa thej hour tbat Roae lefl Pollok'a home. ln Rlverakli Drive, where he had been btd Ing *-in" thi murdi r, to go lo Po|l< ? i llaadquartira to aurrendei himaelf, par* auant to Inatruetlona >; Roaa deelerei from Ueuteaanl Becker. Al the aama hour, Beheppa " ls "aid. waa told n> i Beeki r te .< I oui of the dty. beheppa Imtnedlately after the murdei went to the Tlmea Bquare aubway atatloa, Blmoal wlthin tba ahadow ol the Bcene of the alaylns Aa he walked its: the lele- : phona i.I rool "f t1."* atalra i ; f -w fael from th< tl< k< l i ooth, he * ia "Jack" Roae, who waa then telepltonlng t ... ,,, . - i> death to Ueul ? iiiit Ba ki ? ajecerdlna to i ie iton rel iti to Mr. Whitman, - boarded a dewntown train and allghted at Ihe Orai ? Cenl BUtlen, when he tooV an uptown Bi way Iraln to ihi ISStli itre. t sfa " r-achl .i.- ?? iMth al iiii.i BdR.m'-s i ':"'" ?'*'"'?' o'eleck. ife -'? ... that day-a after i i 'ck e\ In M e afti rnooi ? ????i.. whi '?? met Jacob .? R< -i i i, and latar !.e wei to ...... Sevenl he m*4 "Ia fl Louie, "Olb '. ? Blo ??' ?? "Wlillio" i ? an i pa Latei ? refrw llelch, and il i ald tl al I taaant Be* kei that . <*? to Po i nig] ?. !? : said, and wai th R r ? B* Blled and had R i - i l fkmeypa went there al Beckel'a gaa-on, 11 I allaged, and the rl I who waa analoua for h afety. la aald to have been told lieutenant to raaaBure Roaa thi I thln* WOUld tur.-i OUl ali i' m*. r Roaa ? rigned th** atl went to an nptown n ? I -,1,1 ,,. ? a ?? Beeker, that r ? ?" alleged, i- ? v Itb i'-- -? , ? ? th* retnalndi ? of the olghl th* ra ..-, nd aga igatn lhal nl| il turned to Beeh I v tnv y waa Infonned. t:.- next tnarnlug, aa he wi thu ae_ae. Becker la reported lo bar* ta blm: ? ?*-.- ?... r. -e wlll give hti nternlng, aad aa aldp th* loa i untll ?rrerythlag blewa over. T*H l'- ? avei thlaa wlll ba all rlght and aot lo worry " s, i. ;,;,. irenl i . Pollok'a bo -? from bla bldlng place, and a?mmpajued Roae oui of tbe beuw oa Ro a'a trip te Pollee Headejuartara Tbat >**a~ the laat aaj ana ? wbe haa told aaw ef S. hepra BECKER'S COUNSEL ARGUE INDICTMENT IS ILLEGAL After hearing argum*nta on th* mr? tlona to dlinilie th* Indletment for mur? der in the nrat cegree airain't Ueutenaat Charlea Baeker, Judge Mulquivn, tn Part II of Oeneral Resalona, ye-*tt*rday re**rN,yl I d*iClalon. Th* e&me, aetlon nu taken 8R the motlon to grtnt eejtnaaal for th* de fenee leava to ln*i>*ut the grand jury mlnut**. Wheu couns*l ou i^oth aMea liad flnlahed thelr argumentlI Judge Alulgueen asked ii ?t brlefa i*t> submitted on Mimday. Ha promlsad to raader a ileulalun early In the week Dlatriot Attorney Wh1_?_R appoawed on I hehalf of thi peopl*, whlle lehfl W. Hart, \ Lloyd Stryker and George W. WhUaalia arguod for th* dlsml*aa| of th* indlct- , ment and for perrnlialon to aag thu grand Jury' iiilnute.a Becker eacaped tha ordeal of going m oourt, end the erowii i?n hand waa dlaap polntr*d when the aeetmed pollcemaii waa not brouglit in. Th* proreedlng*, purel*- formal. opened wiih Ihe atrvic* of a copy of an afll-lavlt made by Mr. WhtteeJde OR the Dlatrlct | Attorney. Mr. Haii read the aflidavii, whlch was tlmt Ueorge C Pennell, OM of | tho frand Juiors who fonm! tba ladlct* hrhM againct Beeker, was not preaenl on proviou* daya whea toattaaaay b4ai1naj oa ; the ea*e wus taken. In reply te tbal Mr. Whttman raid It was abaurd to thlnk thut a grand juror ahould be praacnt at every S4-n.*!on. Tha only polnt at l**ue, ba laid. wa*i 4v|iiithor * quaauaa waa present when tbe Indlct* m?nt waa raturned, n? prot?.*ttc-d agalnat the lnnpeetion of the graad Jury mlnut as. havlng: "i vlajareualy objeei to an inapectlon of the grand Jury mlnutea by a mnn who. lt ls charged. Waa ?sir.clated tv]th etberi ln the BonR_??taa of th* i,i,*m eaagardly and moat notorion*. ailaaa ever ommitted in thi*. count]." Mr. Htryker then 8-draRRJd the egurt, ii bcing hi* taah te set forth the aoatea* tlons of th" defaaea ea whleh van h.-iaeri the motlon le dlsmls*. ih- i]ect,*ired that the flefeiire. beM that the Irnlictmtnt was hase.i on evid?nee thal did aol conatltuta legal pioof ard uas lnaurne|e,tit for the eytabliihment of a prlnia farte caxc After Judge Mulnueen told both *lde* to aubmlt th.-lr niemoranda on or before i Monday he ruled the pleadlng to thu Indletment would r*> ndjourne,| lnd*fl nitely. Tht ruling waa purely formal and mve* ry iiiiii'ai.,-1 that Beeker would not be aaked to plead antfl afier tha aeun h*<J l'i i*il upon the motion War Souvenir Coupon SAVE THIS <X)UPeN. IT HfcLPS YOU <JLT The Civil WarThrough the Camera Containing Rrady's Famous Civil War Photosraphs ,| a-ublished bj Permiasxon of the U. 3. 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Curran, chairman ol Ibe apeela oomralttaa of th* Board ,,t lldi rmen tbn la io Inveatlgata the Pollra Departmenl :;,?* eertaln Influenci ? **rtll be broughl u , comi " ? ' ?? '?; { " '''? ' nael "'.>?> will l..d llgbtlj wltl ,, rtala men i unaa '??f* Uk< ll '' . ome -"ii i:i tbe laejulrjr. ?i don'l ratead thal r:*h n plaa?I tl-.r-r" iv Miieli a i>lan on the pail >! enjT' hodj ahall aoccaed." aald lha alderniai ? terda] "i thlnk tbere may ba eonv the report bnl i de nol . ., | ..|.. to dlctati to enr eom . . tion ol eny laarjrer whi aould be likely to fruatrate our purpo* r4rgardl*M o , . invol. ed Ihen -We am golng lo ? ai ?? tl a inveotlgatloi to ihe > Itti i end, no matter where lt ma] ii may Inirotve. if ? ' Ihe com lea l woul I p,- tla in noi any othac kind >>' . . . ? ? . o more llian llfty ? aa candld .??? f< I pll ' ol ? eunael ? rho h*i bei rged upon hln ave an tntep the I 11 m '.th^!- tl an tl a? ot brli* oul al . ??? arhi i iggaatoi -.< -. ni I.. *?:. .>-.'? ?? 1 1 thHi evtdmtly *.?:.t th ib be. mse oi ti ?? irromtoence rhar they thlnk thej . , -!?-? t al thi vork. No DeciMon Re.iched. .... i ? . . . . : ??? lb!' th.ii >!:?? man ara aome i i ?> ? nol be< i ? - "Vr.ll : tal ? |q :i ?-( < . '.a . i.\.. i:.r.? tiie paal nnd j aenl ? . nai re*> ? r l, >.f ? It *...? augl ? ?-.):.?? jr., chalrmaa <.f tha Repul lleaa ll iti Commltt. < n..aht I ? o| pet ad to I tion o( , i ? i taln man who ? Bg ? ' Id . ? ? '? . Curnie ? t' at In thi ? ?? i li, of a ? '? ti:- ln : ?? .? od) ea th -. fl of Mr Barttea or any,one ata* woul i havu . ? thi allgl teel ar |ht Adi taken ai to ii.v reooi ? . ? ? ' Ui thi ? Idence i'.-f<> rh?- committee aill rMt ibelr owa man, I K-, regtrdli ? ? ? ay bi foi oi I I h!m. t! Another reporl thi ad lldei .'ii tl at thr- Mayor haa be itit in n ^'-ii'i r.i the Invee II tlgallon becaua has lo.ik^'l int? th* ? i . ?! f.?" luaion thal > the committee wilt nol be abi?< to acoom* 1 pHah much. A* t<> tiiat. Alderman ''urran Msald Ihej expected to accompll*h ? i;r"Bt - \ deal and betteved they had the power to i go Into ii ?? wholi ?? atti l of ; "'!'-e a.imin latratli n and alleged icraft a" ir had ne*0l .-1 h-on non'' int'. before. - ' r ndi thi D w thal ENetriei , Utorney Jer<.: taeed the prow ? i ;:iriK otDeer of thi county can I'oree n r ?? ameea io teeilfr befon t:.<- grand Jury promlalng him Imm inlty. It la doubt \ fui if tiir> aldennanl ? oommlttee ran thua ?| :i wllliaaS t" taatlfy bg arranglr.*: i \-iili t;io EHatrlcl Attorney fbst he ahall -1 not b' proaacutad la ? anaaderatlon of tr-.r ormaUon and aaetetanee that he aaay i v ?? able lo flre ln tha ?--? ? r.? t-al ln catJgav ' tlOU Quaition of Immunity. \.-. t i queetton ha* been r..<? n" r.) whether the voiuntary te?timon> r' of a arltneea before tbe connnlttoa would . five hlm Imrnuniiv .from :os,<c;tion. 'Man Curran fuiid he wa* ..ot In a Mon ro dJacuea tr\o?? mattera. hut r i they WOUld be looked Into wlth the ? ' ? ? ? ,-tie. If U -.vaa found that cerlalr r i'? Imoriv tbat wa* ([ea'.red could not fc* iobtiatned i:nder the i>r?a*nt law, Alrtar Curran aald, be woum go be'or* the l.^glal^.ture aa hooii a? lt oonreoed lr; and r^k that th<- law be * ? the con 'iltt^e the k- ' m ??'? "Then ? ? - Id ba -;,,arely eglalatara He to wnether o> I n?it they wanted to hampee our inq'iirj-." It^ ka ' from the way |n which \ derm.'urran talked that h?- exp* ted ? igati for i ."'.ig Uma When itarted, h? aalrl. he ? M <? aUghteet klea No tlme biis yet been ?>t foi tl.e flrat Ung "t the conimltir*. ThSTS ls llttle ll ean de before a rouriaei ln ae ini tbe ciialriiiaii tldnka It aoul.l ba I ? tt. r t<> Mft th<? men rUKgested for th?- place down t" Mve or au befon in?; ti-.'- committee lo vote. ? i am conatantly ln to'ieh with the membera <>' th* committi - * he r-aM "gome of them hava been la t.? nee ma ,:,,| othera have talk. .1 to rnr- over the t< k ptaone.'' \ eady ore* of lettera havi ???-?me m froai varioua peraona ?lio pret. lul to ba to 4-i\.- the committee murh ^uhinhlc 1 inforrnailon a* to . r.i.riitiona in tii^ l'ollc* L*epartmeni Som. of them loofc rather promlalng WARRANTS CHECKED UP BY CHIEF MAGISTRATE Wtll im UeAd.ihlsf <"? magistrat*. waa a ked te dlsc iaa raatsrd i aaeec tlona made b> ".lafi-'" Roae in hla de. talled eonfeealona t" Dletrlcl Attorney Whitman tbal Pollce Ua itanant He.-ker had been ln th* <>f aelltng er da atroying for h prlee warranta laeued by tho chief rnagletrate for lha a:r ? gambl re. Whlle he decllned tr. aapreea ii,.. poaittre eprnloa tbal II would be Inv pomlbli fei an] ana w txatka la war? rantn ln the manaer ael feath bjr Hoae, ho dea rlhed the d.-talN auiTOttndtng tha HMHiance of warranta bjf blm. and M.lce.l ti. ? oplnlon thal "1? method contalned aufflelent ufeguarde for publie luetlea ?i hava |ual H"t bacli frsm niy vh ?> tion. hpent rnnir eiAtaneo from ? rail? road," Magiatrate MeAdoo aald, "and know nollilng about thi* ? BeOpt whal i have aeen in the newepaper* Therafore, f?r the preaent I has*8 noth uig te 8hv. what Ib the sss. anyway, when every one ia taiklng'.'" ir wuh polated out tiiat hoth the *trirt urei ..ii ih* courta inade b) PPIloa ( om? iiii.?;on<r W'aido lu hli publtS atat. in..-nt md.i tbe saaerUona of Rose ln regard to COITUBt UM m*<ie 8f ??riurita bad brought thi.urta into the altuatlon in rv way that the publlc woijl.l be #ape, lallv Intereated in b^arlng dNru- ad No Complaints of Miscarriage. Well. ina.vhe I might lo ??4 a word for tiie inaglatrate* wlio almr* ">> \i- ? 89 io 0*9 "ftratlen with the poUoe." be ial '. "Th? r,- iH-ver waa nriy roinplalnt tnado to me *t to a nu.irarrlaiin of Ju^tlte in any gambllng aSSS befera a nuiKlatrala. If tbere haatbeen i 4>ouid hava iiiv??tisat.<i proiuptly an.1 tlinrouglily. I h*\ 8 <?' sersd Um BHAUtea ls srsn .'a-.. refstrsd to hy Commlaeioner Wslda, and \4iu yo sver tiiiiu earefully, i win i?c much *ur. prlaeil If iinytliliig ln these gSSSS would Juatlfy critiHMii of the maglatratea Indii \ld<ially ST oolkctlvely." The chief maglatral-r ua* then a-k.-.l to ,:.i'l.iln the nietliod lu which warrant* WSfS liy hlm for the ua* of th* raiiilng BfUadg wiu-n it waa nlannad to bfSSjh Int j any Bjlvsa sainNIng hou?a for maklng arreat* an.1 nhtalning addltlonal evldenre In the form ot ?*l8?d appa rataj*. "To prevent advanoa Infornv ? i leakag* around couttroorns. ' he said. j "moat of tha \varrante In gainbhng were iRtUBd hy me. Xo one other than ! Bgyaalf even la thi* OCaae saw the paper*. ?Th* polioa eflcera who obtain tha *vl denco omn her. with complaints prop srl- drawn and *'tting forth sufflcient facta to ahew an lnt'raetlori of tha tat tites wlth referenr-e to gamMtng. und lf It Katl-.fle* Uie re,,uireir-,.nts ot law, as I* my duty, i i**;ie .*. aanaatt. The rom plaint ie put in a *eal*d *nv*t,,pe nnd given wlth the warrant to the oltlcer. ad 4lr*?*e?l to th* RTBRar i ourt where it te returnable." i? there anv ehaeb kept on the-e war ranta ao that la eaa* any were -old or dagtroyed and ne retnra made on thein It would b*eeeaaa known to you?" he wnj) iinknl. Returnad if Un4x4cutad. ? IVhen the arrest t? made," he said, ?'the eereptalal ia Q*ed arlta tho court and the <?*?* ent.-rcd ln the book* Ih all man? ner ,>f cas,.h there ia- ? certaln percentag* of varranla that remaln unextcuted be? eauae the tV feinla;,ts cantiol b*. found. At my r.',n,'-t, c.iinmlsHloner Waldo Isauod an order that ull warmntsi ijnex-.-outcd -I..11I1I Le returned to this oftlce on tho flmt and MBaaath of the month. if w uny BRge, _amhhng or oth*r, an offlcer Bbetald preaent fai-ta to aaa ahowlng thal if it 44a*. contlnued lie could fUid the de fi-itdenib nuijitd thereln, I would extend ii.,- tlmt: for the execmion of tho war* rant." "Are thero any contlnued war i.uit.s aageaaURted for, erpeclally any lg* . i-l lo Beeber or a member af ab bcurMT*' Tb8 Bhlgf >aid thut th* que* llon led to ilet&ils that )i_ would not dJa cut*s. lt waa said by one famlllar wjth Ui- office that It waa h|s practice to have perlodlcal clearancca of all outatandlng warranta to atcertaln what had becomo of them all. chccklng up Iho recorda In all th-, courta wlth a achedul* he k*pt hlmielf of warrant.1 laaued by him. li- waa a*k?d yesterday if h* coneld *r?<l that tho preaont allogatlou* of Roae .-alled for an immcdiat,* clearanee to ie* v.hether Hiiy warianta had heeu iniaied, but ha refuied to dlicuia that nt presant ILLUSTRATE BOGUS EVIDENCE AND REAL Special Sessions Jufctices Acquit Three of "SanT Paul's Men, but Convict Two Others Taken in Another Raid. Thera was an example ln Special Be* rdona yesterday, before Justlccs Ifclni " ney, Mobs and Korker. of tha rilKtir.? - tion the court- makr between evidence in<l lack of evidence In gambllni,' i 9 ? Two ralds made on a reeort said to be owned by "8am" Paul. were to be dia peeed >.i by tho justlcea. Tbe lir^t tas? ... ulted In tbe diacharge of tiie three naaei trreated. The two arrested In the aecond rald were eoniricted and remanded f..r aentenoe. The flrat rald ?ai made fc*/ Iiiepector I'ahalane'a men. The dctective waa not in tiie room where he thought bete wore belng made, and aaw no money pasa, nor 4.1* he able to BWear that there was bet tlng on horae*. althougS hc had that Im pre Blon. Tn thr- aecond rai.J, which was b>- Lleutenant Beeker. a detepttra BWore that he was ln the room and bad madi beta on eertaln horaes witb tha men arrested. A rald made before cither of the two caeea trled :? iterday waa aoder the dlrection of Danlel Coetl asn. "the honeel cop," nnd reaulted ln tha eonvlctlon of alx men. who were flned *"'1 each. The coiirtroom was crowd'-d with ?tp' tatOfS, nnd "Sam" Pn:l hlmsclf was s?en near the doorway of the Criminal Courta riuildlng. Whlle be waa waitlng ti-.erc t< hear the rcsnlt of the trlals he waa s^rvM wlth a aubpoMi - ? appear ? ? the grei d Jury to-day. Beveral othrr gamMIng easea which! were on tha celender yesterday were roatpon^d for varlo'ia rca^ona. Fiqht for Deley Both Edward Carpd and Loula Bpl the attorneya ln th? m*o<i tt led, ? ? re ana* i loaa ?o get ari adjournment They %4 *ro\ ed by Jamea E. Smlth, ihe Aa ? I >: rtrict Attorney. "I thlnk thal theae raara ahould be trir.l irmnediatHy." aald Mr. Smltli. ,*Cotn iniislon.T Waldo has lsaued aereral atate menta reeenlly aayfag that the proprletor ? ?f the plaoe where these men were ar-J ed la the moel notorlou rlolator ofj ' iw in thla city, In elew <-f tblg fact, I eee no reason for JTHJT in tbeao case6." Thr r.rat caae that of John Acker inun, Max Coh?n and Arthui lloora 1' ? Bre Thoeaae 7'. T.illi-4 waj thr- com-j plalnant airainat them. Roth ralds were j mada al v>. IM i.a-<r utb Btreet. LUlla said that -?n May B he 4vaa on tiie ! roof of B nearby building, wh': l ?? 8 could look through the ekylight Into the room at No. Ili j;n..r | rth atreet, a ? three men were am rted T'yr- araa a erowd of men ln the room, he *aid. arrl r?\"rai blgckboarda 'r;-e three arreated apparantly were employea, one atandlng ;>r th* door. uhiie the others were at th* : blaokboarda n? h i of the men in the crdwd ? :t: "Flre doilara on M. Kearnr-. ? win at Electrlo I'ark, Maryland. fom* I of the erowd, he *ald. were engaged ln i *r.ooting craps. "Were tl a rr.< t, throwlng dfee arreetr<17" > asked Ju*t!e? Moea "Ko," aaid UUIl Juetice Melnerney ordered thal pa t!,? teatimr.ny stneken out. "All you know, then." conlinued i ? tloa Meee, "ia that you baard a man ahout 'Flre dollars on I-.- ?:??? 10 44 ln"" ? Thal i - ild Ullla. ' ? -.. v ? the man want-d r ? X ? "Thera la notblng to -...^s tl v.a* gjig horae race ai au," aald ?' H Molnerney, "T ?? record ahowa merelj tbal there w*u> a crewd and soverai biack bsaials aud that eorne one sliouted. Thi ra la a way le ahow that hSgSSS ran nnd ix<ta were made Tbal has not heen lone " "Th? word 'hor?*' im nor eoed OB00." nterjerr,>d Justlci; Mo'l ?lt you want to get atajeence/' said M ilnernei. "you ean aend aome ? ne In t<J get Ir. i may be mon,!;. i rtneed tiiat g.-imhiing waa golng on there, i>ut that i? not legal evidence, nnd i am fi - ai .jiilttal." Hi* two as.ooclatee ngr*. d arttll him, nnd [be three men were .iis-hargcd. Thr; defendanta In the secor.d cas* mttt David Levlne and Iforria rjolden. H*r man Sehwartz, formerly a detei-tiv*. ^ Ueatenanl Beeker'a aquad, waa the con pUUnaat Uautenant Becker was presoat when the rald was made. Bchwarta aald thal on July ?> he hai bieii Bdmltted to the house. Thero wu no trotiblr* ln setting ln. ho said. Thin were ai,..>,t on.- hundred men th,?r*, -j, aald, and aeveral blackboards. The m*rt were i.ettinjr on the race* at Fort Erlt j Canada. H.> went to a window g**! j plaenl $10 on L?oo Tracy, a horse ln ua ra- -e, and later bet another fto or, ) Mary Seribe. The defendanta, he *_d took his moiiey, Ua was rrnaa arambiBd by _o*j|a Bplegel. "Where is I'ort i:rle*" he was asked "Somewhere in Canada." waa the an S? rr "Don't you know that triera were no 'here ..;i tbat date?" "I don't know lt." I you know that on that dat* th* j ra.-es were at W'indsor?" "l don't know." ' Why did "rea bet RO?" "I had that amount." / From Becker, He 8ava. i "*4Vhere did you get ItT" "From Lieutenant Bee'?.*r." "Who suggestcd that you equanrltr *__) | BJROUai of the taxpayara' money?" "No one." "To whom dtd the two m*n glvi tt* I mor.oy?" "I don't know " ? What w.*ro the ramea of the **dn*.*rrr that rt ? . "I don't remember." "Tou were pieking io?er* anlyr "Yee." "Were yoa alone UlereT" "Yee." The motion te dismies lha complaial waa dealed aad the iuatlcea w^r* tinarrl mou* in ile.iaring tt\>- two m^n gidlty. Mr. Bmlth aaked thut they be ran.a..j><; uniii August 15 for aentemc*. I tceoralng to lriformauon from offlclal ? soureee," aald Mr Bmlth, "thlrteen ralda ? reeently on placea r-onduci*d i i alngle Iridlvidual. Oa May _? _.\ men arreated ln ".ij aame rc.-.rt were [convicted here and lined W> each Th* place haa been rjimlng for montha aa .? poolroorn Thoae ?re only employea. If they are Wllllng to tettii'y ak(?i!irt _ proptietor, alleged fo be a moat p?r rtBtent idolator ... I'n-.iH*-, ^ thall en taii i- aak oi clemeacy for t:-.*m." Mr. Bplegel objected to Mr **mith'a r? t larks, aa*lng thal I cloaed for nime time am! that the pellei ln charge there To rernand tii tni ??- h* aald. Th.' were remanded untll Auguat 15. Tha i*_-_muui penalt) for i u i offane*. I Jmnrlsonmenf for Ol Bad B fitl* Of I ' _ INSPECTOR HUGHES ILL Caught Cold Looking for Men Wanted in Roeeuthal Case. fcdward P, Baghaa, poii i ?.rupector charge of the detectl>*a burea'i, who bM Daputy ?'ommlssloner Doa?berty*i rlght hand man in wor-lng on tba h-ata* thal caaa, ts aerioualy ili at bJa r-om* at ? t. Brooklya. It waa *aW bi home laat alght that h* wai a pratty Btck man as B raault of overwork and a hard cold. Ha i* cooflaH to nu l__paetor Efughea went home frota Pa Head ruoeday alghl lo bau Dr. Thomaa A. Ifefjoldrlck, a polloe aurgeon. waa called ln io attend th* - , yeaterday. The pbyalclan cor. Bidered tha condltlon of the crack detec t:\., bo aettoua that h** lnimedJately ob talm i i tralned mu-ae to take car* of hlni. Dr. McCtoadrlet" made aeveial calli *t the Uaghea her?e yeaterday and l?*t night He nat.l that whlle his patieat waf not ln lmme.iiiite dnnger. he WBI 1?1081' . :.. i wltb ii aerioaa breakdown on ae* eount of the atrata of bla reei nt work *' He**?lq*_Brtera, and a 1 ad cold Whlch th* Inapeetor had contracted ia the CaU?1?a wlthin the last few dnya whlle directln.*' the aaareh npgtata for "ttib the Bleaf an-i "_e_tla Loula." Satinwood for Drawing Room and Boudoir THF, (lassie Gracc and Ele gance of the Knglish Satin? wood Furniture of the late XVITT Century may be turned to excel |ent advantage in fumishing the modern home. Among our Reproduetions of the more noted examples of Hep plewhite and Sheraton are single pieees and eomplete sets of Satin? wood inlaid or painted which will give a toueh of agreeable rchne Oicnt to the modern Drawing Room or Boudoir. rurniture (for t m c o a r o aX t a 34 and 36 West 32d Street Between hifth Ave. & Bioadwav New York