Newspaper Page Text
CLEAN But Not Dull HetU'ltrrli ffiribtme PROGRESSIVE But Not Ra-ii-tJ V01 LXXII.N* 24,008. >lio-.t,-ri. tt>-<la> and prababl] NEW-YORK. FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, l.H.-SIXTKKN PAGES. * * 1)1)1/ 'I* AVC i lL"YTI?,'l,i ef V* VorU..ler*e> fil> ind Hobokea. I ttlv I. \1\Y4 \ rj.y I Ki%Miiir.Kr. iwo ceww AT STEEL TRUST Stanlev Denounces lt as Ex torticnate, Demanding Trib ute from Every Man, Woman and Child. ATTACKS ITS ORGANIZERS Morgan, Rockefeller and Car jjfc'e Bitterly Assailed for ^^iloading $500,000. 000 Watered Stock on Consumers. ? * . ?g; al gton, Aug. 8. - Th? at. ? ; truat, j ,* -? .- John D. Rockefeller, \ . . ? and oth< l era of mdled wlthout glovea at Houae held to-nlght for Ihe reai ?; ? f debai tha repoi tag o le] .-' cupled ? Um ibne and rrequently ellclted ap >m th" twoacore membera a*ho attend _Ir. Stnnley referred to J P Morgan, arfaalaar I * ituot, M ? noich gambler i gagi I in tho laau ef begaa atock." and charged that John L?. Rockefeller bad rulned a famlly ami mdirecr!'-- eaueed the death of one aaember ln order to obtain and aell valuabli ore property In the Northweat Ti. li tter accuaatlon was baaed on the teatlmoay of the Merrltt brothara. Daaouncing :he manner in whlch Mr. Beckefeller obtalned the ore h..ldings of thes-* pione.-rs. Mr. Stanley suid: "Tbe story of bow John D. Rocke r got into tho ateel bualneaa is a utrauge ta'.c. wlth a world of pathos and meanneaa ln lt. lt Must rates the ilnu'-ua and s'lent and pltlleaa con-. of rr' r who arlll forego all elsc in tht-.r sear-ii f-.r mili: Must Pay Tribute to Steel Truat. After revlewlng mucb of th-> matter ccnt.iinod in the majorlty report of the ?tanley eo*_Mrilttea Mr. Btanley as sarted 'hat ln tbe formatlon of tho dtrf trust $500.00*l%000 in w-tteretl stock had bean "loaded upon the ba?-ks of tha American ronsum-r." It ^ity r be I ? :. warm!:-. wlthout paying tribute le the steol irust. "Tbe extortlon of the ateel c-ora* h. aaaattaued, 'ia due to two ti.ent lnatifition:--?a holding w.m aiid a hlgh tariff. i >n>? is help* .e*s wlthout ih* other." Mr. Stanle; - I roort an an I wa** followed by Repreai tlve Steriing, a Republlcan member of immlttee, who devoted the major par: of his speech to a crltlclem ol r..< aaajgeation of Meaera. Oardner and Danforth, minorlty membera of tiie ut?i Tommlttea thal tho federal *;.>?. ernrr.fM ahould r?-gulate the prlcea of industrial corporations if unable i" lontro! iht-m otherwlae. Repret-. ntativ,- Btanle*, neveral lively tilts wlth membera who a_ra _lellned to Interrupt tiu- flowery parts of hia ind vlii n Mr. Fomes challenged Ihe atatemeni th<-<t prlcea of steel articlei had Incn ?inctj t!.r f,ri tatlo of th? L'nited Itatt irporation, th- Ker.tuok ian aaid arlth aeperit* "1 ha ?' ? c- to 7_lk about tha (iTtcea o.' pota and kettlee. There are hlgRur to uo and before thla w'Mniitte*** flni.shes v.ith the ateel ""ll prlce* *vTi!l go down " TellB of Rockefeller Deal. Tba Xentucky Repreaentativa re rtgwed th<* story 'if John d. Rockefel .'ler'a .-.cquiaition of the Mesaha Iron ore range. He told pictureequel*. of fhe manner In whlch .Mr. Roekefaller'a ?"Imon^r. th" Rev, Dr. Gatre*. oonducted the negotlatlona with tho Merrltt orothor*. dlacoverera of tiie range. He fontlnued ?n thlrd pa**. flrat rnlnmn This Mornings Ntws -OCAL. Ita Becker Wlll Confeaa ... 1 Becker Reported In Teara.i leaa Oamblera' T.arxiiords. s formal Call for Maaa Meetlng. 8 * ri tne aa to Murde-r. 3 War Game Reglmenta on the Mo ? 3 Park Boar-i Bnube Reereatloa Body.. 9 G _M Brokew E led for Divoi ce. I Much Married Man Loaea a Wlfe ?18 Organlae to Protecl Inveatora.16 bery .18 OENERAL. . 1 i:< porl. l '*-*???' i Bl omdlete. 1 nklng Bhlp. ... 9 'oui Killed ln Ti ? reck.16 POLITICAL. rig Happ.v. I ? n .Manaaer. 4 -****fraa n Ptanh. * orabh Reporta. ... 4 New Yoi k. 8 foaeiow. ? iffli > ??> 'i alh Btrlke. 5 -fc-dcani Flre on 1 I Boldlera . 3 jajterventlori foi Nlcaragua. 8 ?8. ? p| . Rurned te I iieath... I KI8CE-LAKEOV8 ?***'awa for Women. ? a_Itarial . I *c*lety . 8 Trlbanc I reah Air Work. ' QMtaary .. .. . 1 Lltararj Vevra ?. d Crltlclem. 8 "?"""?'a . ... .10 and 11 Arr*?*' aad *.;.-?.H ?Vaag-u . .ii "bipplnf Newa _.1* *??? Batata .M ?"a^adai aud M-urketa.m '""? ia G. E. BUCKLE RETIRES ASEDITOROF-'THETIMES" Succerdcd After Twenty-eighr Years of Service by Oeof frey Robinson. ? Mtlai II. '.'. ?? ? .11 ? London ' .- '.'. i;. !?:. i tucklo, who hei been edltor >>f "The Tlmes" for twenty-eighl and :i half yeara. la re tiring. ilis Biicceaaor, ir la Hnnounced, frey Koblnaon, formerlj private BeiT4?tarj to I-->r.l MUner. Mr. Robln - only thlrty-eeven yeara old. ', ik Earle Buckle was born at Tiver on-Avon, near l-t:.t-,. on June 10, v''t, an.1 4vn-; tb? sm: of the Rev, Oeora Buckle, canon and ptecentor of Wella Hc was educated Kt the llonlton Granri mar School and ni New College, Oxford. lle was adrnltted t>, the bar, bui prefer to the pre. tlce >( Ihe i iw, . Iltofial T4 rlter for "The - ' Ppoii tii" death ol 1884, hi 4' ??? adi an< - -l to Ihe Itor. Hla term >.f twenty-elghi ? ditor waa longer than the term of hli pi. .!? eaaori except l "elane, red l ->? ven j eai * Geoflfrej recelved hla early ? tralnlng ln Bouth Afrlra. He 4\n- born at Sklpton-ln-<?raven, Tork shlre, in 1871. and waa educated at Eton nn.i Magdalen College, Oxford. He ?? v ? l >epai tmenl ol tl ?? < 'ol. r-ial i ifllce h two year later weal to South \fr:<-a as aecrel to i ??>:,! MUner. ln 18Cd hi ecame < it Jol anni iburg. FAMINE IN U. S. FEARED Fertiliiy Authorities Predict One in Twenty Years. Chlcago. tug. 8 america la faclng a fami*r>- unlwai agTicultural rondltlona at- vaatly iinproved waa the atartling it the annual meetlncr ?>f th- National Boll Fertlllty League "Stal ? the agrlculture in the United Statea haa been ao ne glected thul withln twenty years we ahall l" forced to Imporl "i:r prlncipal food product* fi I .relgn lands. We are faclng an Inevltable farn n< inlea* proved." aal I H. - -, pn aid. organlaatlon. ? - . urged the addltlor of agricultural extena ??;? rl to the preei egea of agrlculture ? ilned by the governmei i and varioua -: lat, - H. H. Oroi ? led prealdent. Ar. advlaory commltte. aelected In cli dea Jamea J. Hlll, chairman; Preal? dent Wllllam H Taft. W llllam J- nninga Bryan, lYanklin MacVeagh, Charap Clark arvl s?a:iiuel Oompei - LOBSTER CASE STUMPS HIM Judge Can't Say Whether Crustacean Is an Animal. l'hiiudelphia, i_ug. v Jwlmtttlng tnut lic waa uneqtial to the task ?>f claaalfy ? lobeter tn the realtn of Uving rea Pollce JikIbo Haggerty to day held J.?hii Haudocaur, chef of -i local hotel, in $100 ball for i oort to anawer a charge of i: lell to for placing a wooden peg in the nrsl , k r.f the lav of a lobeter to prevent 11 from anappini C< mplainl waa lodged against Haudo? caur by a merabar ol the Boclety for the Preventlon of Cruelty to Anlmala Two lawyera, an amateur flaherman from Madne, a meml er of tha eoclety and the proprietor of the hotel ? ? to-d Haudi lawyera argued ihat lh< lobatei waa not an animal "It'a too 8iu< ', foi m< aaid the judge. "in hold the ? . le the matter." BURGLARS AT BAR HARBOR Cottagers Alarmed by Rob beries That Baftie Police. . .. . ? ? Bar Harbor, lle., Aug. 8 -Aftei a eeiiea of robberiee that have alarmed Bar Harbor aummer cottagera thls a burglar araa frlghtened away aboul :', o'clock thla mornlng from the Bummer bome of Mra John B. Kan nedy, of New Tork, wldow of thi wealthy banker, leavlng varioua ar? tlclea of clothlng behlnd him, nr= as a complete ael of burglar'a toole. The- aummer home of Bdgar Bcott, of Phlladeiphia, Immedlately adjotnlng Mra. Kennedy*a place, was entered on Bunday nlght, and eighteen ecaxfptna ,n b leather caae were taken from ftfr. . and ae eral dk mond broochea, amountlng to aeveral thou .-an.i dollara In value, and a valuable watch from Mr." Bcott'B <ircM.-inK table. The authorities have been baflled as to the Identlty of the burglara so far. Everytblng Indtcatea they ar,- skilled profeaalonal cj-ackamen WON $3,750 WITH SKELETON Its Exhibition ia Court Aidcd Young Woman in Damage Suit. irapti ia Th< Trlbui ? .,. Aug l The akeleton of ., FrenOh peaaant glrl who jumped into -,iii<- River twenty-nve yeara ago won 98.760 damage* to-day foi Graci By n young women Injured ln an amuacmeril devli a called a "t< aaer, al ? ire park. Tbe ?k< leton waa uaed ro >i. t(, ., . .. i nature of the Injuriea r< - ceived by the plalntlff. II araa borrowed ; from ? hoapllal. _ IcHASED "vVHALE SCHOOL AWAY. , aptalo CoHlne. ?t thi ateaniet Oallleo, I ...i here laal nlghl from Bi i 1 ,,,?, report. d havlng puaeed a Bchool of , iifteen i irge whalea arln n ton mllea eaal - i^mbr, i hannel Llghlahlp. Thi y v ., ,, . |o?a to the uhlp thal thi crew ,,.,,' them off by throwlng lumpe 4,f , al thi iii ? " MADERO COMING TO THE U. S i ii- t< legraph '" I h? Trlbui Uan Krand ro, Aug, s l*TeaJiienl Ma? di ru of M? xi.-o win rlall Ihe Unlted Btatea and San Prancteco ln WI, acoort l?_ ,,, Maurlci Thompaon, .. s? attle . -i? - laTlat. who haa returned t?m MexU*. He aald ha ha.l an auJlenr-e wlth rreai denl .Marj. ro PANAMA VOTE London Newspapers Say There Is No Legal or Moral Justi fication for Discrimi nation in Rates. SENATE DECIDES TO-DAY American Vessels in Foreign Trade to Pass Free and For? eign-Built Craft Ov.ned Here to Oain U. S. Registry. [rt* ran* io t: <> Trlbum London, Aug. '.- In regard to the re jection ol Benator Burton'a amendment t.. the Panama Canal blll, thla morn? lng ? "Poet" aaya if la to be rr^r^ttcl : his declaion luu* Iseen roar-h^d. aince othina can be plainer than thal Ihe diwrlminatlnn In favor of Amerl* reaaola uainn Ihe PanamH Canal la a vl dation i-"t only <.f th. atricl letter of ihe Hay-P.tuncefote tr. aty. hut a repudlatlon of the pledgea made by lln ITnlti I States lo the Hrlti-h govem in.-nt al the time the treaty waa nego tlatfd. Neltl ??' lega j nor morall: th? "Poaf aaya, ran dtaprlmlnation be ea* ? m ping under thr> Britlah flai the I'nlted Statea vlotatea thi %.1 fnlth that it pledged Itself to obaerve under Ihe terma of ? .14. "The Daily Mail." in an edltoiial thls mornlng on the Senate'a vote, k;i\*: "Thal Idea arould pul back th<- whole world !?? ;i eentury, and mighl hnc far-reachlng coneequemes heyond tne queatlon of the propoeed exempl forbld len bj the Ha t Pauncefote tn ? ?." ?? Phi !>...; .lail add th il other p ?'. r n -i l repudlate treatles a'blch they regarded aa favoring the rnited Statei irlng themaetvaa. "Be yond ? Btloi th" ???*? mptlom pro tya th" "Mail." "arr* forbldden by treat; . bul If there la any real doubt om to th? Inten retation of the docu* ir.cnt ????'? are '.\illln?r to refer the laaui to th Hagui Tribuna1 A power whlch ln auch clrcumatancea ahould refuae auch arbltrament thereby declarea lt aelf *?? r ?? ....... Washington Aug. 8 In a v*in eftort to >> ap ai ?' tbe Panama 4*an_) bill, the iea Ma hei-i another i.Iarht et-esu-n te night, bul falled 1-. bring the measure BO h vote aftt-r ti.e propoettloa advaaeOd In the H t . .il. <>r^?- i!. rallroada and Bteernahlp Unea hal l>,-?*n uadei ul houra. Benatora Bjlatoa lapp nnd Polndoxt* Iii4ur?.l ti.< H ? ia, nn-i Benator i. ppltl . ; poee it. de< larlng ti at ll i . tlve liK.-.1 I-. ? omi el :i.< :*:??-?. ; . k- ? ; iteajnahlp At ii late ,hour 1 ?? I irnlng the ?enatc agreed lo take a final vote on the fore ?"' "'. locfc to moi :?? ? Havlng goaa on record m favoring 'he rerolaaloa of tolla t.. American - eaaala en Kutc-.i ln coaatw?*e IrafRc, the Benate lo* day wf-nt a at,)p furthei and adopted the aenl ?.fr.-.-e.i by t.mmltti ? tc remli alao, t!.< tolla >.n Ara ? in th<- f.,relxn trade The amend? ment carrled bj n vote >.f ?'?'? lo 23, bul not, however, wlthoui 4- arnlna fi pni both aldei r.f ih>- chamber. Benator Burton aaeerted 'hat me r* mlaalon of toii* lo Areeriran veaaela en* t-'But-.I in th* forelgn trade 44-ea a muf ohvloua violaUon of thi treaty than the remlealon r.f tolla to veaaela enK-B'-11 !n laetwlea traffl.'. Much tli<? sam* BttltUde **,aa taken by Benator Moke amith on the 1 >,? ratlc alde. who held that the queo* relatlrn to coaat4vls>4 tiafn- waa purely a doniesulr problem, w.dle that relatlng lo foM-Iajn commen.e ??* oaa whlch cama under the reetrlctio?a ..f Um tn at) Tba Benati al o adopud by a mi'* ol , i an Importanl amendment ofr**r?-d by Benator wuiiaiMH provldlng that for? elgn bull! veaaela purchaeed by Americana mav ba placed under Amerlean reglatei ir enaraRi-d Bolel) ln forelgn trade. Must Be Available as Cruiaar. The Wllllama free *inr> ani*-nUment pio vidr-d thai im forelgn bulli hhip gdmttted 10 Air*ertcan reglatry ahould he allawed to partldpate ln mail carrying eoatracta unleaa II n'^ conatructed wlth parth-uiar rrf, rence to apeody anii t^onomlcal oon veraion into on ausUlars mual crulaer. A somewhat Bfmllar reatrlctlon waa made on 'ht- graatlag o( tho fre,- tuii pn\ileKi. to Aniprhan 4faaela en*;u_*d In forelxn trad*- Tne provlalon '.tdopti'd bv the Beaate aperlfiea that ot veaaela engaged ln forelga trade mual Agree to ^.U thelr ahlpa to the Unlted .Statea tn tlma of 4var <>r other emengendea ln order to i,? axempl from tha paytnent of tefla when paaaing tbrough thr ranai. Tha Bubjeci of rallroad rontrull.-d ships brought out a defenee "f tha Houae blll by **'.r.;.tors Clapp, Polndeater an.i oi^rn. Chairman Clapp of tha lateratata f'om* merca Commlttee aald Boma regulatton mual be enacted to aeparate dafinltely lha rallroada an.i th. ateamahip iin,*-. Th* auggeatlooi lhal tbe Canadlati Pgelfic Railway mlght be able to oparate Ita ahlpa tbrough the r-erial whlle /markan railway owned shipa orauM br- prahlMtad bad be*en brooghl up, ha aald, t<> cloud Ibe real laaue Sr-nat'.i I.iii.iti. Of Rhede laland. atat?d Cut lo-np.-ri.ti'iii between rallroad* and steamahlpa had great!) benefltad at leaat i portton of N'V4 Kngiand and that the people .>f hia stata dld nol Jeln in th<* reneral denun latlrni of th>> railway ltn<-a and th?ir ateamer ccmaeetlena. ile denied , hargaa that had beea made that the ^7, 44 Vork, N.-44 llav-n A Hartford Ttall r.,,,i ,-.,i,ttoii, .1 all the l-ona: l*ian<i Bouad Bteam< r llaea A -r,-at portlon af theae frfhsht earrylng Bteoumara, lla r<aifl. were ,.,;,.- independenl of the .nntrol of ?4 1, i.ittic objertlon develaped te the pro i?,*<^d plan te prohlbll any rallroad-onncd ?lUpa from aaajagrlag m Aiaarlraa .o4_it t ,,Dtinu4*4l on B4-tnnd page, sUlb celumn. POLICE LIEUTENANT CHARLES BECKER. Who, it la now aadd, Ib wininK t" teU all he knowB of th* relations between the pollce and SMmblers, if assure.! of cleiu IS. GRACE FROM JAIL Prosecuting Officer Declares He Hearci Shot That Made Help less Cripple of Husband. INDUCED TO NOT TESTIFY Time ol Pistol Report Would Have Upset Woman's De fence Had Hc Gone on the Stand i' i ?,?rr?pr. i,. '"..? ? M.a! ? ?. . s An amazlng aftei math "i the ',ra ? .,-? im. to-da; , when Bollcltor Gen? il H igh M i"?: 4<\. who '."I the proaecutlon of Mr* p . ,,!,.. Qrace declared that while lylag ebad ln hla apartrnent acroea tha atr?-?i freen the Graee h.mi.-. al Wo -'?? u'?-n' Mth Btreet, he beard tha ahol w i.i. h - oundi l E igene Grace, .r,,! that u waa nn-.i between ?"> mii H ,,',,,. k n, the nn.rnliiK. 1 >alB! ' rta, and tl:.- defence de4?lared thal Grace nol Hl?f,t untll after 11 o'elo. k ln the mornlng. Upon thli plea Ihewhole defen* ? v-ua bulll Mi rjeraey declarea be would have g.,ne on the arltneaa atatnl 'o gne thl.s evidence, which would hav deetroyed Mtb. Urace's Btory! bui waa advlHed n,,t 1c, d?. B>. by nn emlnent Jn>lg. for ethl? Chl reaBOIlB. Mr end Mre. Porary were in brc\ in thelr r<.<<ms when DorHev beard tha They thought aome 0918 ln the Oraee hoane waa ahootlng al a cat. 'CurlouBly enough " aald Dotbi I thought no more of the ahot untll two daya nrt.-r4M.rri. when oUteera conaulted me aboul the caae and gave Into my poaaarrt? the two allbl lettera they found m the i;ra<->- houae and aelaed Then ti dawnad upon me tiiat the re? port 1 had heard ln the early mornlng waa the Bhot of th.- ptetol thal had wounded Graoe, and i order*jd Mra f"5ra<? arreated The prOaeCUtlOTI Of Mr* '.rare rle eolved ,"i me through my ntnvc, and i knew my evlclenoe rewardfom the time of the shot would deatrery her defeni e Hut the very facl of belng proe*jcutor plaeed me ln a raiimrttable poaitlon, and when eminent Judgea and lawyera advli.-d me for ethteal riuiaona not to Ko on ihe atand i followed thelr ad vice." Rugene Grace was broughl here fmm Newnan lo-daj tor an x-ray esamlna tion preperatory to an operation for r. mo. ing the buiiet that paralyaed hlm, Oraee bellevee he will recnver the uae ol his leajB .f the bnllel La remtrred ?? MONEY LAUNDRY AT WORK Every Sub-Treasury May fioon Have a Washing Machine. Wa.-hington. Au*. I --rMora than a half mllllon dollar* ?>' oM P?per nio.i.s, waabed nnd Ironed aa good aa neW ln the federal awewaaent'a nirren.-v leundry, v,\\\ 1?- plaeed ln .-irr-nlatlon to-rnnm-v. ThiB i-,t wtll leiaraeenl Uncla Sam'a Hrel leb ?* a laundryman Por weekn thr' Treaeury Depattmenl ha- been cleauing and revlvtng dlitv old notps bj tbe waahing aaachlnc ierfe,-tn<i in thr Buraau ef Brigravhig ind Prlntlng aii unetean aalla "''|rh ??' "ot *orn 0,,t wm b- waabed, Ironed an-i radlatrlbuted. The Tioaaurr Department hae >,r<ior,.d three mon- waahing niaclilnr-H. end wlthin ? faw m..nthB it ia eapeded thai avery Bjejb-Treeumry will be sqiitpped artth a leundry. ? *?1 40 TO CLEVELAND AND RETURN reVinavlvanlH W*W ??|,| Au Brutd 9, 14 and Ul %oon retur.ilng to i-ar-h Hew t'.rk on or before Auguat 20. Con suJi Ticket Ag*nt?Advt. ?WON'T LET T. R. SPEAK Verraont County Fair Commit? tee Bars Candidate. ? i Telaa ? Mlddlebury. Vt kug 8 Tha d oi "f the Mldili"" .1 Fair Commlttee t-.-dny voted nol to allow Theo .i. ra Rooaevelt, leader of the Prr.*rr<-* elve r**i"tv- *? apeak il tha fall **T..iinils he 4 laita thla toa n Rooaevell wlll make a two-day tour of Vermont, ln a*hlch time he wlll ' iiiwk- Bla : arrive at Rutland on tugual '_'7. BETTING AGaTnST WILSON Lloyds Offcrs 2 to 1 He Will 1 Not Be Elected ? ? I London Aug. A lnaurane? | oll, lea al ."." guim ib per eni ?>. ere I - en out .,. _|0) ,|. ?.--.[ da '.. pay tha total 1 io**. .'.- W.Irow \\ ilaon i>*> ?,-.l Prealdi nt of the Unlted 8 atea ii. N"Vi mbci !.? vi COW DRUNK ON CORN JUICE Fermented Ensilage Acts Like Raw Bourbon Whiskey. Waahlngton, Aug. v -Tha di inken coa la tha lateai dlacoverj bj tbe Da i artm >nl of Agrl ull re A \ ii glnia !i lah indman .. lai med i>. the Indecoroua performancea of an ordlnarlly mlld animal after munchlng :, ratlon of e"na .<??? eppealed to thf di partmei I Inveatlgatlon reveated thal bosay" had feaated on fermented cornetalka and almpl) waa drunk on raw BourtMa whlakey? thal waa all MOTHER HEN KILLS SNAKE Defends Dozen Chicks in Hour'g Battle with Reptile. Banduaky, Ohlo Aug ** \ battle between a black-anake two feel long and a clucking hen aith ?< doaen llttla [chlcka -it her alde, fought near Mllan lyeatarda) afternoon, waa won by the 'h.-n Th.- fighi laated almoel an hour, bul the anake, accordlni to wltneaaea ?hn etoorl away. ready to k<> to the fowl'e gaalgtaace if ahe needed it. never had a "look in." When the h^n finally arlth drew from thr ncenc the snak? v na dnad. APPLES AS BEAUTY'S AID Shippers Seek Broader Market by So Advertising Fruit. i iil.-au'. A'ir. I -"If w . men knew that . ating gpplea a III >;?> more to m-ikr. thelr romplexiona beautiful thnn all tho fa<-e remedle*! In th*1 44.,riii they would aal them mornlng', noon and niR-ht.'' said r. ?jraiit Border, of Baltimore, to-.iay, ln "idtireaaing the Internatlonal Shlp jiers' Asaooiatloii. "We mual advertlae tha apple aa the 'intloimi frult \f \4p ,-,r, t<> prevenl ita overproduction.'' aald Mr. Border* "The people nMiat ?? remlnded of tho hcnlth b**n*-rlts Of rafiriK applr.* " BOYS MEET DEATH UNDER CORN. |tl4 Telegl-Pll tr, Th- I'nh.iiir |* Wabeah, ind , Aug, I Buried uader i.ivio buahala of ahellad eorn, Iwe nov*, Max Merrow and Frank Jaealieon, wara auffocated lo ii.-ath here t...ja\ it took alnioat an hour* work to releaae th, bodlea FEAR9 FISH HAD RABIES. B/hethar a flsh ran have hvdrophohla la th** uaaatlen that "Fred" Henry, <>f Han* oor-k Btreet, Brooklyn, would lik<- t.. hava MPttird. and for tiut reaaon ha has aaal le tba Paataur Institute the head of a pl.-kml tbal hit hlm on the toa i! fearartawood i^ako n j . yeeterday. The toe atarted to awell when th* tteth had punctured lt and llt-nry bt-came vvorrled. e ? GR-Al BE\P 5PRIIN | WATER. 50c prr caae I f 6 glasa-atoppered bottlea. -Ad*. t. BECKER SAID TO BE ON POINT OF BETRAYING RING Rumor Persists That Lieutenant Will Turn Informer on ?"System" if Assured He Will Thereby Gain Leniency. HIS LAWYER SEES WHITMAN Long Conference Regarded as Significant?Indictment of Three "Men Higher Up*' Practically Certain Should Official Decide to Tell All?Attempt to Unseal "Jack" Sullivan's Lips. After a two-hour conference between District Attorney Whtt* man and John F. Mclntyre, chief counsel to Lieutenant Charles Becker, a persistcnt rumor went the rounds yesterday afternoon thai Becker would not attempt to shield any one, and that if any kind of an inducement in the way of leniency could be held out to him h< would tell everything he knows of the relations between the police and gamblers. It was reported that Mr. Mclntyre's first admission to Becker was. in subtance. that a very strong circumstantial case had beer made out against him. His long conference with Mr. Whitman so early in his association with the case was considered significant. as it was pointed cut that as chief counsel for Becker he could not be engaged in a talk of that length with the District Attorney without some important 1eason. Becker's story would implicate every man higher up in the grafr ring, it is believed, and if he consents to tell everything he knows it is the general impression that he would be dealt with leniently. Mt Whitman said that any one who did not actually fire the shots that killed Rosenthal could gain leniency in the case by telling the whole truth as to the corrupt relations between gamblers and police. Jacob Reich, alias "Jack" Sullivan, the friend of Becker, who was so active on the night of the murder, was transferred from the Tombs to the West Side Court prison yesterday. "Jack" Rose, who has always had a decided influence over Sullivan, is quartered there with "Bridgie" Weber and Harry Valinsky. Those three men have decided to tell all they know. and it is believed that Sullivan was transferred to give them the opportunity to bring him over to their side. A "break" by both Sullivan and Lieutenant Becker. if it should come. will make certain the indictment of many police officials. it is believed, especially of the two inspectors and one civilian whose names have been most prominent in all the graft stories that have reached Mr. Whitman since the murder. The District Attorney produced before the grand jury yesterday a new eyewitness to the murder, in the person of Giovanni Stanish. This man has never been examined by the police, and his story of the events in and around the Metropoie just before and after the murdei. as well as his direct story of the shooting itself. are considered highly important. Sixteen witnesses testified before the grand jury yesterday at an afternoon session. The next session will be held Tuesday, and it is understood that the necessary basis for the indictment of the four gunmen directly concerned in the murder was laid yesterday. Lieutenant Dominick Reilly. who commands one of the special "strong arm" squads similar to the one formerly managed by Beckor, was one of the witnesses yesterday, and it is understood that hii testimony corroboratcd absolutely the testimony which Lieutenant Daniel E. Costigan gave last week. The formal call for the citizens' mass meeting at Cooper Union was sent out yesterday. The meeting will be held next Wednesday night, and it is expected that a special committee to assist both the District Attorney and the aldermanic committee will be appointed. In behalf of John D. Rockefeller and the Rockefeller family. whom he represcnts, Starr J. Murphy issued a formal denial of the stories published yesterdav to the effect that the Rockefellers had backed a putative disorderly house to get evidence against eithe: white slavers or police grafters. Police Inspector Edward G. Hughes was reported to be serious'y sick at his home in 4th street. Brooklyn. BECKER REPORTED IN TEARS AFTER VISIT Kollowtng a two-hour conference ber tween District Attorney Whitman und john F. Mclntyre, Chartaa Be*c*er'a lawyer. tho story that Becker had made the .Vtislon to tell everything he knaw of the BO-eaJled "ay8tatnH drculated araund ihe Criminal i'<>urts Hulldlng. lt di.lnt take; for the ?am^ rumor to reach Pollce 11. .irlquartorH. ln both buiidiuKs ?t ereatfed ? Benaatlen. Mr. Mclntyre's ...nference with Mr. Whltniaa cnme directljr after he had hmi ? long t-iik with Beeker in the romba. The prlaoner an.1 his lawyer ivenl over the cahc which Mr. whttman hnfl l.uilt tip. iin.i lt waa reported that Mi. Mclntyre adtnltted i?> He.kex that it waa a atrong circumatuntlal ca*e. After th? lawyar left the Tumbs, the rrj.ort went throusrh ihe prison tha?. Be. ker had broketi down and cried. Thusr who have followed tho case dei lai>'.l that Mr. Melntyre would have in, reasoii at thls i-arly staire of the raae to aptMxi 144" hour* oonferrlng with the Dlatrict Attorney unless he had de dded t?J >ee what terms he could BaeOTO for hlB rllent in return for a full con fesslon and ?tory of everything he Knew about the corrupt relations be? tween QiaNara ;"ul police. Mr. Whitman baa mad.- no aecret of the fact tbal. apart from Ihe actual fUnhandlera ln Uosenthi.l'j murder. ba would >lo everything ponBlhle for iinv man implieuted wtVB would furntsh hlm wlth the ei lderiee of yobr-e KTBftlug amonj; the men hJcbest in the dcpart nient and among that clrcle of 4 ivillan* who are ln direct touth 44 ith the polh-e ' rlng." The Impreaglon prevalled \e3terday alfhniixh Mr. Whitman wotjld not say [anythlng about it either way, that tf Becker \4,.nld tell all ho knc\4 ln> mjffhi gain lenleney, if not imniiinlty. ".lack1' Bullivan'a trtanafer from th Tomh* t<> the Weal Blde pns.m la be* lleved to have a direct baaring, alao ou the possiblllty of Bo?*kor "dellverttlg hia story. ln fact. Sulli\*nn's tranafer la thought to have a doub4e*edarod power. beeauae by removlng blm from tho Tomhh Borkoi's only fliend \v:i*> tak,*n away from blm, and bj aendlng him to the Wesf Blde prlsnn. ba, Sulli? van. araa pul In contaet eitk Boa Weber and Yallnsky, Who, havlng ile clded to ennfe*-*-. are anxioiis to get all poaalble .-..rrohoratlon for their 8tOI?M Bulllvan, M a s<>rt of tnt>-nu',diarv t>. twecn Becker and other pollcaa884*1 BBM the gambling < n>wii, 111..1 the frlend of both. can tell a story whlrh wouhl atronglv corroboiate tho atoffga ot" Ho.**,* and Wrbcr, and It ia b>-llov,?l that th, y will 808*1 lnducc him 10 t-'K'' hi> stand with them. The Dtetrtet Attorney l?lif\r*s that it wlll he a good thlng to -z.-t sullivan gwa) fr"in Becker, an.) h. la also c<?n vtoead that tf B-lllvaa ?f 11 tell hia ston ln full tho relatlon of it wlll bring Beeker that much n?*arer the polnt wher* be 44iU decldc to rn.iU.- a dean brcaat of it.