OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, August 10, 1912, Image 4

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"No Trouble Must Be Spared
Getting Republican Senti
ment for Nominees."
Rooievelt Following Decreases,
Aocording to Upstate County
Chairmcn at Conference
on the Primary.
There wlll l<e not the- sliKhio.n fo .mla
tion for crlftcl?lng any nomlnatlon that
44 i 1 be. made by the Republlcan party
for any efflee iti thia state thla fall on
ihe ground that lf was dlrtatcd by any
hader or group of lcadirs. or that the
tull enrolled membtrshlp of the party
ild not hava a chance to express Ita
\ iews in adYanrc of the nomlnntion.
State Chalrman Barnes madti lt .?!<_?
i<> the county chalrmen from al! over the
atate at a meetlng at the Republlcan
? lub yeaterday that no trouble. mual he
*_***"**-, nol only tn getting the sentiment
?r Ropublk-ana for the designatlnna to
go on the primary bailot, but also for
the nornlnations that are to bt* made at
lb8 atate convent ion.
Thero wero about forty of ihe gixty-on*
ounty ihainnen pg?aaplj Othera af nt
44-ord that lt was inipoaaiMe for them to
r-onie. Former Senator Alerton E. l.ewls,
who la cbainaan of tha cxeuutive com?
mlttee of tli? stato iomnnlttr**. whloh |a
made up 4>T the county chairmen. pre
l*tpe-kj_g of lb** eelectfon ?f a candi
aate tor Governor, Chairman. Barnea
. oald:
"PersonaJIy 1 have no Interest what_o
ever regarding the name of the man who
ls to hoad the I??*publuaii ticket. 1 only
hopo tiiat l;e wlll be a man who will not
Kiraddle or atTempt to becloml the peb*
li? uaind. ihat he wlll know his full duty
aad tiiat ho will. if elected, de\*ote his
attentlon not to polit'cs but to the
D aa which lies at his hands
"OW oppoaents. very naiurally. will
try to make it appea* that. beeauae of
the earnestnes.** with xv-rilrh 1 ba\e ad
4 o ated certain prlnc ipies of govern
menl and oppnaad tho.se whlch 1 bettava
anbvetalva T wlll endeavor to e\
ei<i?e at the coming votnvention more
than my due share of polithal InthienaB
' The Republlcan party of N'ew York
S-ttae 1s not the assvt of any onr- man
and ne\ir wlll he, and every ona of >ou
who ha? followed my course ar- chairman
of this commlttee knowa full well that
l am entirely "ndifierent aa to who is the
aa_???o. for Governor, paarldN he la a
man whoj-e thought runa olear and who
kaowa his own aalnd. '
Kind of Governor Needed.
rapiioalnoj hlt- vlews oa the t4p,. ot
man tiiat siiould br setected for Gov
? eii-f.r. Chairman Parnes saui
"The nomlnee,of tha Rep*ub"ican ron
\cntion for Governor tnusi he a man
whose character. expencnet: and rapac
ity are ao w-1 dolined that he will at
iracl the support of those voters of all
par'lea who ara inaristent upon a change
ln the stato ?Jniinfcstiatlon.
"The State of Ke*w York needs a Gov
oraor who la bla o?tvn BQa&tw. No man
,-ati be a real ser\*ant of the peoole,
which ii Governor Mhould be. udJcss he
ia master of Idmedf.
"The spectaicle of a Goverr.or who ls
merely tiie a_*eru of a partv organiiatiot:
or the cholce of an indivldual cltluen Is
not desired by the n?-ople af N-vw York.
bnt a Governor o? J-'Toad mlad and con
otancy of p_rpose. a'ded ln his work, but
not ct-ntrolled, by the o*fgant_atie
'?e poMUcal partv from wiilch Ie takes
lsls nomlnatlon. la the ortlerly am) ptop.
?*.r soluiion of tiie problem which 1? i re
sented ln the ?o-c_iled lasue of %agg*>
laru." '*
Mr. Bame* added that lf any body
?hougb.t the Repi?olir-an party wouid name
a candidate for offtt-e at the dictatlon of
any lndlvldual ba WOUld be grlevously
"There ls no one. in the part] 44 ho pos
*e_3es _n> BUflfc power," he declared,
and if ?*>' on? attempta to exerolse
*uch power 1 have no doubt that the dele
jrates to th-? state oonvention wlll thwart
hia purpose"
Mr Barnes askesd the lead-*rs ta make
the Ust of des'gnatrons for dele*?ates to
Mie state conventlon, to go on tho primary
bailot, na roprraeataOve aa po?,*.it,ie.
The law undor whieh eardldates were
icsigned to go ou a primary bailot waa
nriwlae. in hia opinlon. the chairman aaid,
*->ut 00 long aa it existed, the party lead
r-ra mubt try to operate under it with the
idea. of getting aH .loee to the people as
The atate chairman pointed out that
nhere heretofore 'he local nominatlons
were made at 9* i.ventlons. now compara
ti\-4?ly small commltteea would make dee
I-rnations of candidate.** to go ln ti.e party
.*?->lumo on the primary bailot. l*<>r ln
*ance the deslgnatlona for candldates
*or the Senate alil b<; made ln mo.M cases
iv committees of nlne. three from each
.,f three. A?semblv dlf-trlcta composlng
ihe Benate dlsir.ct
' Some perfi-ne might say that t*.e?<
.mail commltteea dld not understand tho
irue aentimetit of the party and erltlelsm
\40uld be levelVed at their deal*?latlona
Mr Barnes hxiggctted that lt 'would he
a good thlng for these committee.*, lir-t |o
thoroughly canvaaa the sentlm*-nt in their
di^trtcts and. oecondly, to meet ln a
faiTly large place wh?*re they could invtt.i
enrolU-d membera of the party to --oint:
1 ti and make t-vgge.stior.i* as to the dcalg
natioriB to be made. "You muat be suic,
?*aW Chalrman Barnea, "that no deslg?
natlona are made that do not fully repre
scnt the Rcpuhllcana of your dlstrjcta."
Another thlng tltat Chalrman Barne.*
1* dolng to guard a :alnat any critlclam of
the detdgnatlons or nominatlons ln to.
havo prlnted throughout the atate hia
i ircular calMng attentlon to the primaries.
Ample Netica ta tha Votara.
Thls i-IrculaT, whlch ls belng maiied to
tho enrx,ll,*d Etepublleaaf *n the etate. io
altvi belng prlnt*?*1 ln the form er half
lNBjBj adveriiaeineuta ln country pgajBCa
ui?tjtate. Among oiher thlnga ll saya;
Ample notiee ia hereby given to the
880 enrolled Renubllcans ln thia atate
of the opportunlty lo contend at thi.^
primary electlon for the ele'tion of dele?
gatea io the etate conventlon, ho that
th?- nonilnees of that conventlon muy h?
named after the fullest and free.st e\
preealon of the thought and will of the
enrolled Republlcan electorate of tha
cltj of New York.
Kaeh one of the county chalrmen re
j ported to the meetlng on the t;undltion
, ln hia county. The general opinlon waa
ihat tha wave ef Rooaevelt "hvateria, ' aa
>orm of them caM*?d it, ??!? subslding,
a jn - - -
and that Taft was ii'ttin,, Btronger every
Queatlona were aaked aboul the varioua
gtJirka of th.- primary law; Home "I the
ehairmea aapreeaed Ihe fear thal the
F'rogressives. afler naminK Ihelr own
ticket, would have ii pul on the Repub
llean primary ballol by peiltl.ind make
h n>;ni to rapture tl.e prlmarlea and hava
thelr ticket i'la.e.1 on |he regulai Repub?
lican column at tbe eli ctlon.
There was a general dla. uaalon about
other plana for tn< . ampaign,
Bllia J. Btaley, of Albanj Countj
'Vondltiona are Iraproving greatly. i
don't thlnk thal the third ticket wiU get
many vote- in our county. The troubla
has he.-n that the minds of inanj men
hav. 1h-,-ii confueed.
'They hav- looked upon Mr. Rooaevelt
as a hlg man and thought him all-wise.
Th.y hav, IboUgbt that When he aald
conaltiona In the Republican i?artj arera
. ni that it must he so. N?w th.tt thev
have thought lae altuatlon over carefully
they begln to reallM thal Mr Rooeevelt
has been worklag for hlmaell nli along."
Former gtati IJenatOl I*. C. BteVeOJ of
Wyoming .'ounty, who dropped In lo *???
ihairiiiaii tiarnes an.1 Mr L?Wia afler the
aaeeting, said ln t-gant t.. condttiona ta
his paxt el the statr
?Tiie outlook is brighter tiian it ?rn
juat after tbe RepuMlean < nnv.ntloii. The
Ko.'s.V'dt m ntiin-nt baa gacreaaad -reat
iv. Thla has been moal marked alnea the
prograaalve eoaveotloa it ka due largely
to the fact that Mr. Koo.sevelt hat- made
lt eleair that it is ReooavoH, and not the
prlnclplea hu profeaaea, that he is work
Ing for.
"They Belleve that it Is Mr. RooBeveK'fl
oi,j.-t to wrech th,- Republican party ln
dafeallng Mr. Taft. They ar? Pre
etvea, t'ut th. 4 <io n"t ic.il to ao. lallam,
aa doea Reeeevelt They bellevi Ihe thlng
to do is to Unprove th. Ri publlcaa party,<
rather than t? arreoh it "
Aak.-d aboul tbe freguent mentlon pf ids
name as a posslhl.- caadldate f'>r Gov
ernor this fall Mr. gteveaa aald:
??j have read about it but <i" not eare
to dlf.us? it."
Amoog those at the meeting were A.
Miuer Wellmau. Of Allegany .'ohn A
Hanna, of Dut' he.-s; Willls Wendel, 4?f
Montgomery; TOHard A. ROI, of Onon
daga: Rdwin A Merrltt ir.. of St l-iw
ren.-e; Norman .)". Oould, of Benece:
Jamea S. I'atl-t, of Waebtngton, and
ifoward S. FullaK-er, of Penn Yan.
Old Comrades on the Plains
Pledge Their Fealty.
OUeeigo, Aug. a Weatarn men wi o
"ran" oattle with Tbe4Mlere Rooaevelt tn
North Dakota thirtv veuis a?_o. and who
now are wealthy bilBtaBBB BBeu ln II ?'
tana. l.iaho an.1 other Mates. to-.iay save
pMgeB of feajty t- tba colonel at Pro
greaalve hea.iquarteia. The fcieadquartera
were thronged to-day Wltb men from the
Weet, wh.. h'-i'i eeajferencea wlth geaator
Although the campfl cn has br? n
launohed, Senator l>ix..ri said that the
executlve committee would nol ba eom
pleted untll aft r a me.Mlng to be held In
New York early aeat w.-ek. -No mem?
bera of th.- executlve committ?e,M said
Senator IMxon. "asi.ie from Chairman
Peeadna and Judge Bea B. Undeoy, of
Des*ver, bave beea naaned. The etber
seven will he named later. possihly ln
N?w York."
There weie rumors that B. H. Hook-r.
of New York. had baaa decided upoa a_i
treasurer of the executlve cmiinu'ee. but
thia report could not ba conttniud.
Roosevelt Jeraey Leader Sick
and Colby Disgruntled.
Komier Governor IY>rt. national C 188*
raltteeman from New Jeru. v of the I'ro
gre.,eive rarty. did not return to Newark
yeaterday wlth the deb-gates rtean tbe
Phicago convention. He lefl tha train at
North Phlladeiphia, and vvnt direct fTOBB
there 90 his summer hunie at Pprlng
Lake. He waa suffeiin_: from .-evere
palns in the baek.
Former Btate genator Kverati Celby,
who Ih said lo bave "thrown up bl*
handa' wh.-n Fon was alected lo the na?
tional i-ommlitee-an honor which Colby
bfcitevM t^loni;eri to Berden i? Wbltang
dld not return Kast en tl- Irata with the
oth?rs I'olhy. It is *aid. ha"? p.id the
rent of the Proan*aaatve beadgiiarter* here
ever alnce they arera erajaataecl and baa
alao paid the saiary Of a man in eharge.
Tn conaequence hla frlenda are aald ta be
of the oplnlon Ihat ha should M baat
have been cottsulted before hla candtdate
for committr-eman whs bowled ever by
Fort and his followera.
President Pleaaed with Results
of tbe Primary.
fKroin 'Ihe Trilune B'jr.-au. I
Washlnston. Aug '.>. President Taft *
lilghly plca&ed with the results of lha
Kansas prlmarles. whleh gave pluraltllea
to Senator Curtla and Repreaentalivea
i ampnell and Anthony. la tiie <at<e of
Senator Curtls, who carrlerl the atate by
a majority of 0.000 over hla eppoaeot,
(loveinor Stubbs. the renomination ls ln
doubt because ot the fact Ihat the law
of Kariaas providea that a candldata for
Senator muat cairv. a majority ->f Ihe
legialative distri'-ts ln |bta e-ent. ac
(ordlng to unofhi'lal tetums, Governoi
Stubbs haa captured the nominatlon Hu:
the poor showinu made by Oovmor
Stubbs lu the ptimaries, ln view o| the rc
ittsrated atatement that Kansas waa i
hot Rooaevelt and Stubbs state, Is most
gratlfying 10 the rnsid-nt. hlr= able ?up
puiiaaaj in that atate and tha RepvbUcaai
p..i ty at large.
Kepresentativea Oaunpbell and Anthon
have won a gr.-at \letoiy in the fa
great odd^, their flhe 9howtag in Ihe pri
taaiieg kaaikf} regarded aa a Taft vlct'Ty.
?eajgtat Ci^uae ?aid ?t th?- Whlte iiouie
to-day that if Koo?i-velt 'annot egrry
Kansas, which |B Buppoa'dly rod hot for
th.- Pregreeatve nomine.. he eaaavol egrry
a atate in the Unlon 'ihe Senator de
clared that gtubba'a defeat auiouated te
a Rooaevelt defeat. ?
Topeka. Aug. a Wlth return* from all
of th.- 106 COUntlea. frlenda of Governor
Stubbs to-day clalm bls nornination to tho
I'nlted States Sonator>hl|> lu Tm aday'a
piimary. Keturna lndicat.- that Stubbs
has carrled 100 of the JH.". leglalatlra dl?
William II. Thompson probably is the
Demo. tatic Senatorlal noinliuc. H'li
Jbillaj-d and Hadgaa daim tho Dcinociati:
tioveriiorahlp nominatlon, vvlili returfM
mls^liiK from n.-arly forty countleH.
.la.ob a RJIa araa alected l|8**ors>r_
president ol tha Bjata Queena County
si.andinav mii Progreaaiva Laagva al its
meeting laat nlght Aboul Bfty peraoaja
were pr.'Hent. and th? riihago platform
and nominations were cnthuslarttlcally
Indorsad. I'liarles F, .lonsen was elogt*
ed pruBident; ff. P. Cftaen, vi.e-preBi
dent. and toseph C Itosengren. record
ing secretary.
ra m for _sr
Greeted by Crowd on Return
from Chicacjo. He Goes at
Once to His Office.
Believes Tide Is Turning in Di
rection of Progressivcs and
Wants To Be Fully Pre*
pared for Campaign.
i ii- l legraph to Tho Ii ll
. ? lei Baj. n. v. lug. '? rbeodore
Rooaevell la back again ?t Sagamon Hlll
to real before he bagtni his long cam*
patgn toin of fortjr otatea ife reached
ihe Orand Cantral termlnal. In New 1*01?,
..ii tha Twaatlotb Caatnry i.imited thia
mornlng, nearl] half an hour late. An
unuauall) larga croord of Kem >..iK-r?.
Bockad around hiai a** ht made hia way
aith llra Rooeevali to ticii automobiie.
j?f.' w.is halled aa "out neit Prrai-lent,
and aa hia car ran tbrough T'nst 4-d
Btrei'i to Madlaon avenue on h.** 44.44 to
"Tba Outlook*' oir,.'e tha |*tooeeveM en*
thualaata i:. lha sireet gav<* .has,*.
\.-w Vork 1*- catchlag up with tba real
of the caantry l" aaoae ane ahouted.
Thla pleaeed Colonel Roooevelt im
111*11.-.. h. Ile haa tbl out. ..tiu- it- hi.** 04Vt
atate much .it heart, and belleve 1
tide ls turning in ihe dlrectian of tba Pro
greaolt ea
bm aaked him abonl t'.o-.cmor
Johnaon'a nopulaiitT ln Iba Ka?i
"Ha la a atrang, dean man. Wall unrll
Uie _ast beara him.'* ha reniied.
"What about the cotn emlon'.'*' he wa?
asked. "Bully. Thay told us we eaulda'l
put lt througb, but we ohowad them 44 hat
44. - 1: do'." he eried.
u "Tho tiiitiook" ofTi..-e Colonel Booaa
velt pKingad Intr. b mass of roir-spond
ence and <1. nlad himself to \laitore. He
left th? aflaoa for Oyater Bay at ?, afatoom
Ibla aflernoon, eamiag OUl ln hia automo
Aboul Beptember ; the candidate ei
pecti thal hia managera *?*? j 11 atati lnm on
mpalgn of tbe Korthweat Krnm
there he will work down thn.ugh the
Vfaatera Btatea into tba Bouth. He ws?
aaked an to ih* truth of tbe report that
he would avoid golng int" IdabO untll _?*_?
ator Borah declared hlmaalf either for
Rooaevell 01 Pn *.?'< ? Taft.
"i badn'l heard auch a report,
, lared. H* Intlm it. <l tl al he woul
ln rdabo during hia tour ot the NbrthweBt
reggrdleaa of tbe altltude of Beaator
Although Coloaal Rpoaevall ha* beea
i.i:.i. - the atraln of polliica olnce ba t^saed
hial I ,' Iritu tbe riBg l_-t w mter. he la
apparantl) ?>* robv illj and mea*
? 1 irtii-.l from
hia Ifrlean hunl. He wanta al laaal two
taeeki al Bagamore Hlll before he entera
the full campaign, nol 0 luae h*
L- * ri abaolute aead of re*t as lt 1.* that he
Indulga in ' i.** rasular daily
outdooi ? b?rowli ' r*. ba< k rid
H raa country ridlng, not t-i meatlon
-. the tennta courts
4\ith hia aona or other membera of hii o?n
V-\t T'i May h* Bpeako Ir, Pro
?n.i ea the f..ii. .? h' Palai ot
Pln?s, near R*- ? ? ??*? Beach Boatai
Simmons and De Forrest Give
Encouraging Information.
>, niblli an Na
tlonal Commlttee talkcd j?< '-r<la> to
Congreeorrnen Jamea *" Mmmana. of Ni
ag?ra 1'allB, and 11 8 Da I'uri.nt. of
Tl ev told hbn "f con.11
? thelr dlstrbts and aaaurad Mm
that whati ? R0 ? all aantiment ha<i
? i dl ??; eAad.
the raapportlonmei 1 ? '?? 1 bb*
__< 11. Poreal hao i.-'.-n thrown la wlth
. merj and f iMan eountlaa Hainuel
of Monti.'4 Is a ao-_g tbe
nont?oatlon tor Congreaa ln ihe 1.4-44 <n,
1 by c.mtiiiiing with hia frieada
p ..i, haa been uhie to get control of
tha tjeaignattng commlttee whlch u to
- . *. M li, f ? 1
coneldi rlng whethi r or nol hi 44,11 run on
the primary baltat bj petltlaa
. ivetrnoc Kaham Ba baldai af How
rlampahtra waa anathai "^ of Cbalrman
HUleafa callara aa \4a? Cbapin Brown,
th* new natlonal cot.milt'ceni.iri from tru*
Dlstrlcl of I ??' imbla
m '
Caniden Organizution Stands by
President Taft.
it Ti l'Kiaph le Tfea 1 rlbuna I
Can-r-Sen, H J . Aug. *.?The flint an
B44,-i from th? negro voters of thla coun?
try tO tbe action of tba Progreahiv*,
party *-on*/eation ai C-loago thin oraa?, In
refuelna t" aawaad duly elected negro dela
?atea, canaa to-day when tbe Wtrat
Colorad Bepubllcan League, or thia city,
adoptad reaolullooa hi whlcb CHdoaal
eH 44a? claaaad "aith s* nators
Tlllman, Vardamnn nnd Dl?Bn and other
. r 11 tnlea of the ".i-.. ed imoe."
ln the -.am,- reaotatioa the Republlcan
platform adorted at CMOBga and the re
numlfiation of Preajdent Taft atid Vlce
Prealdenl fherman were roundly np
plauded and tba aupgprl of th<- negro
VOtera Of I'mnden ?'ounty? BBfBM Hve
Ihaaaaad ln number-plc.lgod la the He
: in tlckat
Uovernor Wllaaa aad tba i>*nioiTaiir
j.iatf..iin wara ai-<u denounced at the
Minnesota Suprerae Coiirt Upholds
Classification Provisiona.
St Paul. Auaf. 9 -The primary law
P.IH.-..-.I al the raaaal apadal nesaion of
tba _ll?naaota faglalatiiiii. with p*r_**t
aiunB for aecond cholce and cla.0silieirttlon
la vol.d. The Htate Sunrcme I'ourt no
de< i-bd to-day.
" The d?'Cl-?lon suatains primary electlon
lawn generally," aald Attorney (?rn,*ral
Jacob Foy Outhrie in Jail 011 $200,000
Theft Charges.
I'hlcago AUg. !'.-Ja< ob Pov flutlirie,
called "the educated burglar nnd forger,"
4vlio la accuaed ot ?teallng more than
8J8M88 44orth of property. 44,4*1 Ii4.ld for
th-.- grand Jury to-da> ln bond* of g*7,'j00
on eleven cotnphtlnt.?. lie waltfad exatn
iTi.it 10-1 and waa sent to tho county 1.1II.
S.-4. ral B?f?8?8 whoae property had
baaa ?tolen aa_w?I 1*8?OB Ilt-adnuart,^
t<. .la-. ln in . fi'ort to idenlilv their b*
lotiginaa pi the njaa:, af artlcles found
ln Outhrie *) hldlng places.
Aay One May Present Them Be?
fore Provisional Committee
Prior to State Convention.
Hotchkiss Will Welcorae Sug
gestiona as to Oandidates?
Roosevelt to Speak During
Red Hot Oampaign.
Anv one w ho hat any Ideaa in tesatd to
reforanlag the government of thla state
tiiav preaent them before a provisional
?mmittee tnat is to .-onslder planks for
the Btate platform of the Progreaalve
Iirty. Thls conmilttoe la to be appolnt
ad wlthin a weeh or ten days. It will go
to Byracuse aeveral days before thi- slate
convention, whleh ls to be held ln that
city on aajgteanber I and ti. and will give
'i'ie conalderation to any augestion tbat
atl) one may wlsh to make.
As a matter of fact, many suajcs'lonfl
hBv.i already been r<.Iv.d. Aniong them
are tiu- folloarlng;
The elimlnatlon of the state printlng
fc-raft by lha '? tabllahmeal of a bureau
"f I'ntitlng.
,\ demand foi .< cpnBtllutional conven?
tion al *b. aerlleal >>o:<Hil>|e ,lay. whi'-h,
under Ibc preaenl cenaRltuUoB. srHiw to
be ln 1818
A demand that the -tate ,-oiistltution
be bo chgnged ea to federaUae our state
tfovemmciit hy provlding that only tiie
Gtoverner and Ueutenant Oovernor shall
. ie.i i?v the people.
LeglBlatlon to prohlblt executlve sea
?lona "i leglalative commltteee. t.i reatrlct
the power of the Rulea .'..mmittee of the
Xe create a permanent committee or
rommtaalon <?n leKlalutive bllla. altting
throughout the year, wlth the require
m?nt that leaislBtive nroposals of recog
nl-ed importanoe "hall recelve the san. -
lloi "f such nermanint lomnilttee br-fore
belng Introduced ln the I.egialature. aucb
. ominittee or commlaalon t<> have power
to aubp<*>na wltnesae* and t<> takt teatl
mony and to b<> reojUlred te gtw notica
to all interest*.! peraeau or corporatloaa
oi publlc oi oartmenta of heannga on
s. h :>nis
The dlre. t vote al a\\ prlmarlea and
ele. tiona ot all ?tatt and lo. al oflleera.
the Maeeachueetta baliot and the mm
pilAeaUon of the laara gove-ning in.te
lenl nomfnatlena
A tjKorous* corruni practlcea aci. i ii -
Ing alao fot publlcity of campalgn cen
tiibutlona aaa diaburaementfl dnrlng th.
progreaa of. a? w ..n as after, aampalgna.
The Progreaalve atate < onvention will
i onnist of t<m delegatea froen ea-h Am
d -trl. t. I BN B1 alt Demo, ratie
cenventiena c*>iudal of three delegatea
from ear-h Assemblv district. whlle repro
aentatlon to Republican *'ate .onventhns
portloned according to ?h? votes <a.st
fot -.he Isst Rei iMi an candldate for
Oovernor ln th* aeveral AaajOBBbtf dla
The number of deleRatea ln the
J{. p ibllcaa C'.nventi'.B this year will *x>
! 918,
ii tnietleeja have aeee* aaaued to ti.o
county ehadraaen t? ?*e to tt that women
enroHe.1 In th'- party be allowed to par
i, Ipate ln all aafetra, an.1 that they have
8 lit.-ial ie!'-e?ent..tloii at the ?tat? C4H8
Ctetrmag iletehhtea aniieuacea that he
will wel-om# any * itrK'Jtion* aa to can
? lldatfa far state or other oftl.ea. tnilnd
? . natlona fer th? two ludae* Ips
(,f ihe I'ourt of Asjaje*-ta i"who wiii ;.?
named bv tbe new rattv. regardlBBB ? f
ihe a-tl'-n. hl-paril'-n or oth-'w ise. r.f
th* baaa rtddaai ergealaatlaaia of the a!
? partlaa *?
lt la e\pe.-te,j that > olonel Beoaof iH
win attr-nd tne aewventlee*, An nv r
Hon t" h<- pretent and a-lrtreaa thr d. )??
aat*s was aent ye?t<?r_ay to Qatyeai.
johneea <<f .vi'nmia. tbe caadldale far
\ h ?? Pn Mdent.
"?'? .?hall trr t.v make o ir state ret*?
vntion aa near llk* the I'bleaao conven?
tion aa poaaihle." said Chairman Hoir-h
? i.mpared to Otbera, that BOJIVBB*
I .nm waa ?a a bvmn rompared t<> i-agtmv
jl wlsh tr.at the apirlt dlaplajed there
?inlght be forever parpataattd ln *v>m?
I symbollc inanner."
I Talklns t>. the WeatahOOloe '"ountv eom
mlttae geatarday afternt.on. I'halrman
j m'>t chhtaa aaal in part:
l "I )'oj?e ihat any man who has anv
' peraonal amhittons ln this movenienl will
lo- k them ln a 880889 and throw the kev
away. W? Intend to aerva ln thls trcsr
eausa not for eejreelve**, but in th* tmer
aat of Ihe wh.de people, Only high ataag
man ?h'>ulri ha drafted for every nomtna
lleaj, We bave an opportunlty such 38
li.i<< not been 84888 slni-* the DeciaratiOa
of lndepeai**ea)ee was adefsted.'1
Plan* ?r? t>. ha made for a re.i hot
. ampalgii ln Ihe atute. It Ih hopvd thtt
Mr. Reaaajveti win make n. auaaber :>f
addresses. although he eannot undertak*
lo Htnnip the 88818*
Oovernor Dix Namea Them for Con?
vention at New London, Conn.
Alhany, Aug. 9 -Oovernor T)|? to-dajy
announced tn.- appn|ntiu<-nt o( delaaatea
to repr.a.uit N?w Vork Htate at the tifth
annual .-onvi-ntion of lln- Atlantic Deep
Waterwajb AsBoclatlon, to be held ln
N'-w I^ondoii, Conn., Heptember 4 to 9.
They Include;
t'harles U Treman. Ithaea*. F 0. tllev
ena, Attlta; i^ula l'. l<'ulirmann. Qeorge
Cllnton, Wllllam II Fitzpatrb-k. gpenoer
?aiiitoii, Uuffalo; t'harles P. ('al.iwoll,
I'orent Hlllh, r>lwlu W. K??ke, Mount
\'> rnon; Alaaander il fmlth, Mepera
Park, Prederlck H. Waldoif. N, vv Ho
. I.elle; tCdwaij T U llllaui>?, ,Niagara
Kalls, John K. Haguo. Poughki-epBlo;
A i lvcaacnjer, Kcme; .lajues R. McK"?.
Charlea It. Proya, Davfd Bruahrnpre,
?Jemrdufl gaalth, gohawaolady; Tbumaa
Meacham. bra>ciia?i W. H. Foliett.-,
Touawantia; Marshaii [_, EJarnee, Cor
i.ellu* K Burns, \V. J no.-h", Troy .lohr.
i). Kernen. Tbonsaa R Proctor, i.ti.-a;
A. (i Hlieiman. 1 li. \ an KU-ek. Whlte
rialii*; Jain.s T. I.cnnon, YonUais; John
r.. Benael, Kmil A Boaa, Henrj Bruca
iier. Jofcn I'lartin, John D Mmmlna,
a l Klkus. Hlbrldge T. Oarry. Hanrj \^.
" ? ? it. A It. Il'iihurn, W <;. MoAdoo,
II A Heta, T.cwIn Mvon. N T Phllllps,
Jacob Ruppeii, Jaeob H. s.-hiff, 0. ll.
gOhWghi laaac N. S.-ligman. K A. .'.
Smlth. Nathan Htraua. J alvln i'omklns,
K T. Tomklns. N.iw York.
New Hampahire Progreasirea to Nom
inate by Petition.
Man.-heBier. N. H . Aug. 8. -A atate
ii.ker rncluilmt. bcaldea I'reaidonilal
ele. tore, eandldatea for Oovernor and
Ragn J?nt..ttvea will he nomlnated hv the
I'ror-retialve partv of New Hampshtre, a
...iriing to a dcclMon of the piovlBlonal
executlve comnilttr-e of the new party
whl.-h met ln Hookeetl to-day.
Hovernor Bflss, one of tbe aeveri Qov
arnara who slgued the orlBinal call to
0898998. Hoos.-vrlt to lieconie a cin.ild.it.
for Prealdent. prealded. Tba Progreaalvea
w 111 make thelr nomlnallona by petition.
Mailed anywhara in Ihe United
State* for $250 a year*
Roosevelt Men to Bring Him
Forward for Governor.
(olunibua, Ohlo, Aug. !-- United States
lilstrict Attorney U. Qt-Bt Pennun. of
Claveland. aa-Altaraoy Cranaral of (~>ni0
wao determlned up4?n as the Raoaavolt
.andldate for tha Republiean nomlnee for
t.overnor at a meetlng to-algbl batwoaa
Waiter K. Btawn, chalrman of the state
central committee; Datt B, Himn. Ol
t leveland. and Nat C. Wriglit. a Ckve
lau.i aawaaapar pvMllBhar.
DfttBiaa'8 name aill be presented to the
stale central committee at Its meeting
to-morow for the nomlnatlon for Gov?
ernor t? flll the vaeancy cauaed by the
reaignation Of Judge K. H. Dlllon. of
I "oiuinbua.
Brown indicatcd that Bbould I'enman
or some other csndldate acccptable to
the HooBevelt forcea be noiulnat.-d to
morrow ha and the other BOaaBTBll Wd
. . 4 would not Place ;? PiUfl88888*8 state
ticket In Ihe fleld Should tbe Taft forces
aucceed In nomlnatlng their candidate ho
indbated that lha Progre-alven wauld
place a Progresslve ticket before the
voters of the. 8tate.
Tbe BoOaBTOal leauars claimed that
BWltOhea among several Of th, m -mbero
made theli cotitrol of the commlttee poflt*
tlva. .
Canal A. TloamnBoa, Baoiratary to me
Presldent. L C. Lav.lln. Harry Daugh
erty and other Taft leaders refused to m
dicato thelr course of action. Secretary
Thompson brought word from Washing?
ton that "any regular Republiean" would
be accepUbte to the Prcoidem.
Federated Labor Party Will
Discuss Various Platforras.
The Federated T.ahor party. OrgapUNd
a little over two yeara ago of mamlmra
of unlons ln thls clty who iolncd the
body as individuals. U about to take a
hand ln the polltlcal oltUaUon, Its leaders
announead yeaterday. A meeting of rep
re.*entatlvea of the party aill be bojld at
tho latter end of next week to dl**. 088
the platforms of the Republlcan, Demo
cratlc and Roosevelt partlcs. Jamea H.
Hatch, of the I'pholstorers' Uaton, ls
pre-ldent. nnd Edward .1. llannah. eecre
tary. of tba rodaratad T.abor party.
"We bave had aome Informal confor
trtcoa alreadv,"' Mr. Hannah Bald, "but
eould not take action untll the platforms
Of these three partlea were before the
people. The vote of the workarn wltl
counl for more in the comlng election
than lt ever dld before Tha BgtntB of
hI! three partlea have trled to make lt
appear that their randldates are frlendly
t0 labor and Incllaad te favor lagtalatloa
in the intereat* of the wOf-OrB. W? wlll
take up the three platform* and decde
,,., tae candidate.. natlonal. atate and
munldpal. we wlll support.
?Th.- aaderatod Labar aart) rapaaaania
ln Ita niembeiahtp practically all the
UnlOIll ln New York. ihougtl thelr mem
bon Join it not aa mambora of their re
-McttVB i.nions. but as UBtOB men. The
unlons outaMc Ol BO-ta Of the todalist
unlona ar- not poUtlc-l bodlea aad a*
organlsatlona canpot take part ln party
polttlca. but they can Join our party slm
plv as union voters to aupporl eandldaie.4
known 10 bi favorable to Uie workero
Uld 10 OUPPOli labor measur.-s
?,?,, .io not propoaa to noa_nate eanai
?gtaa ouaBatlt^. but lo work for the ,.i.*r
UOB of candidate*. ttTOBBOCttvo of party,
Wbo are likel* 10 favor leglslatlon In the
intereala of labor.'*
Junst in Darrow Caae Im
peaches Word of L. Steffens.
. - Angelaa. Aug. I -Jadgo a-rtarall.
who pr--!de.l at tho trlal of JtBM-B B* >?'"
Namatra waa to-day called a* B witn-.--*
for the atate ln the brtbaoT tr,a< of Clar
,.?. , | i?,,rtow to Imiieach tba u--tlmonv
of l.tn.oln Htetteno. the ?aa-*riaa wtite
Bteffena had teatlfled that he iniormed
rudae Bordwall nt tha neKotlatlona for
the camaromlaa Piea* la tbe UaNaauua
.a*, fonBlderable feellng waa arouaed
al the time bv the denunclation of dtef
fana bv ti.e judg?*. omo aaaartad ?hat the
wrlter had nothlng to do wlth bftagtaal
about the .oinpromtoe
Judge B'.rdwell flat'v deiiled on the
stand tbat Hteffens BVtr had .Us.
4viit, him Ihe matter of the pl*-es P'ior lo
the pleadina of the MeNaniaras.
a -..rdina to Jadga Bordwall. BtaCaao
attempted to .liaouoo the matter wlth
htm an one occaaton, bul ba atopped tha
wrlter wiih the Bdmonltlon thal Ih- could
not talk about th* tual
on ,-rosa-i xau.mation the junst witness
carraaoratad lha tc?tim"nv of steffen**
thal tba lattar had sho44ii blm ati artlele ]
pubii-shed m b iooal Mwapapor prior to
ua pubhtatlon iu whb'h hc had aufrgested
The taklns of ?*-ldenrr 4*a? flnislied to- |
day, and h*. Btlpulatlea on both side* fmai (
arguaaaala arttl bB be^un Moaday mom
, ? B
Washington Siiffragist Aska for Norn
inalion to Senre Without Pay.
Spokane, Aug 9,-Mi!> May Arkwrigtat
llutton. Baffrag?tt leader an.i member of
the ITaihlriglon delegatlon to the P<mo
cratlc National Conventlon. has announced
thut she wtl! be a candidate for nomlna?
tlon for :,tiit? Ttepresrntative on Iho
Democrutlo ticltet.
Mr* Hutton de.lared that lf ele.-ted
she would refuae to accept pay for her
aervlcea aa a lawmaker, aa lt would coot
b.-i i... aaaaa to iivo ai the atati capltal
than at home.
"lt wiii poj be naoaaaary to aond and
malntaln an expenslve, lobbylat at ?>lym
pla to lnatruct ma how to vote, for If
elaoted 1 will do th*< votlng," aaid Mrs.
Rumor RidiculoiiB, Hotchkiss Inti
mates-He'll Return To-morrow.
There w?a a rumor floatlng about >ea
tarday thal -OOrga W"? Perklna. the Now
Vork State meniber of the Progres^ht
Natlonal Committee. oraa anxlous to ro
to I'ongreas. Tt was aald that he had ln
mlnd ruunlng In the J3d District, ln wlikh
his Riverdale home la altuated, ond that
he hoi?*d he mlght be able to get the Re?
publlcan Indoraetnent.
Mr Perklna will nol return from dit
? ago helore to-morrow. Chairman Hotch
klaa Intlmateil that the report waa rlJIr
uloua. Republlcan leaders aald they bud
hcard th? atory, but dld not know what
truth there wao ln it. They said th*"y
had no objectloiia to hia ruanmg on tbe
Progreaalve ticket, but did not think he
had any chamie of getting the regular Re
publl4*an nomlnatlou.
e ii
Scheneetady. N. Y., Aug. ?.-M*yor
l.unn Wgp named last night on a referen
dum vote by the SodullMa of |he 30tb
idstrlct aa a candldatu for Congreaa
Aldorman Harrey A. Hlmmona waa ae
lected aa candidate for State Reuator
from the 11st Dlatrlct. Aasemblyman
Tlerbert Merrlll waa ogaln chosen as the
party's candidate for the A-iaembly.
Governor Does Not Expect Any
Campaign Fund Contributions
from Corporations.
Finance Oommittees To Be
Organized in Every State
?Nominee Goes Back
to Sea Oirt.
Oovernor Wilson announced veaterday
that he had not and does not expect to re
ecive any i-ontributlons to hia campaign
fund from corporations. He will rely
upon popular sub.scrl|.tlon. His statement
was made to newspaper men at the St.
F.egla Hotel after he had returned from
an automobile trlp through Central Park
with Wllllam K. McComba. ohalrman of
the Democratlc National Committee.
?'Ia thls announcement made ln vlew of
the CBdheraea bill now pendlng ln Con
gress?" tbe Oovernor waa asked.
"I don't thlnk that there ia the alightest
danger." Hiiid Go\ernor Wilson sinlllng.
His aomcwhat ambiguous anawer waa
taken to mean that hc dld not consider
that ther?- was lik-lihood of any contribu?
tions from corporations coming In.
To Call Upon Volunteera.
Henry Morgenthau, chairman of the
tlnance committee of the Democratlc Na?
tional Committee. has Isaued a call for
volunteers to ralsc the money for the
rampalgri fund bv- popular subscriptlon.
Mr. M'-rgenthau announced that hence
forth wlth the exceptlon of Saturdays he
could be found at the D.mocratic head
quart?re daily from 9JI In the mornlng
untll G tn the afternoon, ready to recelve
He has already spent considerable tlme
plannfng tho flnancial campaign. and in
tenda to organizo finance commlttees in
every Btate in the I'nlon. The ohalrmeu
of *? uefa ' r.mmlttees are to have eharge
of the colle.;tton of funda in thelr own
Colonel Rohert L. Kwlng. chairman of
the Newspaper <"ampaign .'ommittee. ?aUI
that he had wrltton to 8,300 Democratic
newspaper* outllning thi plan and ask
Ing the co-operatlon of the newapapers.
Wlth all the Democratlc papers actlve ln
acqulrlng subsoriptlons for the atate
. hairmen, t'olonel Kwing is confldent that
hrj .an raiae at least 8l.00o.000 for the cam?
palgn fund by popular subscriptlon.
Oovernor Wlleon spent the gr.ater part
of the day v-eSterdav POelag for hls pOf
tralt. He got up st 8 o'clock and had
breakfaat at the Cniversity Hub After
breakfaat be walke.l down Flfth avenue
to the atudlo of geywoajr Thotuae. at No.
SO IVest 4"th atreet. Mr T'.iomas ls en?
gaged upon Oovernor WHson'a porttait.
Posee Seven Houra.
On the way Oovernor Wilson fell ln
w.ili WUIIasn B Hornblower and stopped
for a chat. Mr. Hornblower ls an old Une
("leveland Pemocrat. The toplc of 1'ioir
...nveraatlon was rot divulged. nnd OOV*
ernor VYIIeetl contlnued |o the atudlo. Not
1 ?ountlng an hour whlcli be took for lunch.
1 Oovernor Wilson posed for scven hours.
I After the Oovernor leit tbe atudlo h*
vvaa wavlaUl b] a phjeLUn who said his
btielneap was psycbo-physlcs. or readtng
I th* fa.ee. He said he wanted to arrange
an appointment wlth the Oovernor when
he mlght stu.ly the candldate'a physlog
| nmiiy. The Oovernor told hlm to come
to Sea Olrt n> xt w*ek. The phyalclan in
formed the repnrters that in his ahort
gllmpae af tho nominee hc h_ul observ.Kl
a long thumb. which indicated "a high
order of Intelllgenec." vt the Oovernor"*
faee, hesaiil th-re wa? ' ni :ch character"
In lt.
Tho Gov. rnor walked to and from the
?.tU'llo along Flfth aver.ue. hut araa recog
nlzed by only a few- frlenda During the
Ooverr.or's two day.-' vi*lt to Now Torlt
hc has used a trolley car lo get about or
ha* walke.1. He .lid not t!do ln a taxl
<ab on any arcealen He remarked that
l.e was nUd he had bteii al.U to avold
V |_M p'ctOOk ha went off in an auto- [
mobi|a wltb Chairman McCotnba. They
drove through I'entral Park. and on the
way bach to the Unlveeelty Club etopped
at the St Regls. where Oovernor Wilson
met the refiortera
After .llniiig at the I'niverjity ?"lub,
Governor WUeea took the 8:1.1 traln
on the Jeraey Central to Se? Oirt.
After dinner |fr. MeComhs took Gov?
ernor Wilson in blfl auto to the 23d atreet
ferry of the Central Railroad of New
Jersey and stayed with him untll th?__
atarted. Governor Wilson ref1J8,.(.*_
service of a porter, and earrlr-j his ?*.
suit case to the boat. ?
"We juat talked over general p|ani '
the campaign," was all that Mr Mrc, !
would say. -0"*
To-day he wlll meet a delegatio,.
Tammany Hall Demoerats from Bro-_
lyn, who wlll ask him to open thr- 5
York atate campaign with a ope*Ch**
the Academy of Music ln Brooal*_
Democratic Papers Raise Somi
Thousands for Campaign
Joaegb _. Daolef, thr lemporary tr?u
urcr of the Democratic Natlonal CoijjJrt
te*. wlll have not a little money tn iu
over to Rolla VVella, the new trenufJ
who ls to arrive bere to take up hu, _?_
to-morrow nifrht. In addltion to __!
was iu the treasury, Mr. l'avl*? ?_,
ceived eonBtdorrable caab ao a rest*.. .,
the popular Wllaon and Maratgi n?
scripti'.ns that lia\e been atarted by v<
oua Democratic papers throughou* _,
"The New Orlcans States," v\ luch fom
years ago was the banner paper in .??
matter of aubscriptions, haa tlrtiA
raised $3,741*0. It ls owned by Colonel Rjtj
ert I.. I'wing. who Is chalrman of ta
oanunlttao that has charge of the new|
paper oubaOTiptlona this year. "The Bui
falo Tlmea," owned by Norman E. Mjr,
former ciiairman of the natlonal eomn-*
lee. has forwanded more than U.iJDO. "f,
Owenaboro Messenger," in Kentudq
wh'eh la owt.ed by l.'rey Woodson, for_i
Mecretary of the national conimttteo, h*
sent ln II,"".I
Wllllam Q. IfcAdOO, vlce-chalrnum <
the national commlttee, 1.* golng te 4
vote liimself largely to the organinii*.
Of baalaaaa men'a clubs. ile te a hu?t!?
and a most 3ucce**sful business man. l*
is gaing to appeal to the busmesi tn?8t
i 8uppert Wilson on broad generjil rouiH
|and will point to himself as a corpo**
tlon man who doea not fear that ?*
harm would come to bu.?in>>?s Interer*
fhrough the electlon of Oovrrnor Wfl**.
Smith Nugent Macbina Again Brak
Up Meeting.
N'o better evldence of the tangled atat
ln whlch the Wilson forces find tVn
aelves In Easex County could hava bte
presented than was shown at a meott*,
Sf the Woodrow Wilson League Ir. *V*a
ark laat night to hear a report oa a tt
of advlsory membero.
The oesaion broka up in a wrang't, d_
to the remarka of Joshua Bricftajr*, w|
caused a aensation at the. last meetir*'
by calllng James Bmlth, Jr.. and Ja-r.?
Tt. Nugent "the polltlcal pope* of E*Ja?i'
Briertey 8ugge?ted that tl * Wiisorit*,
keep out of the primarl**s nnd put i
< ointilete county and etty rkfefll ln ti)
fold hv petitlon. Immedlately th, ra *-*?
??4eral members on their f-.et i-alli-*,
attenti-.n to the fact thal the r-Hm?rt|
of to-day are one result of <;.,verner Wu
sono udmlnistratlou. and t;.at evaslon 4
the Wilson forces would m*?a polld-il
ln the eonfualon that Mloarad tha men
lng was adjourned. There are t**o d?
thael Wilson camps In Baotx ana ma*
up of the naacinlaa and the other arlWl
dlatrusts Its hOBBBtl
Hib Auto Killed Man in April?Caa
aity Company Defends Action.
Wjlliam K. IfoCom .?. I a.mon of tt
"Deni4?cratic National Commlttee, wassu*
yaatarday la the Buprcmo Ourt by Ja4
McCarron, a* admlnlstrator of the *??
of Thomas Clark. who wao l*!lle<i f
April *i l-y th* Btttamohlle of the defeW
ant. Ctara* was kUUd at Wh atreet ti
Si-ond avenue. The cbauflBUT *t**at
away after the BCtddent an I r>^t caup
after a long chaow. McCarron la i-l
for S2tt.000 damagv-**
|fc*CoaabB h.id bia automobria Iiiouf*
igalt.at aeddent**. and the casualty c8B
pany Is defendlng tl.*- suf.
Only 300 Out of 1,000 Fltted to Otf
Out New Election Law.
Aibany. Aug. 8.-Only Pf o' Iho M
votlng machines ln uae ln thla ata ta *"
equlpped substantlally to ..rry out tl
provlslons of the amended electlon ???
whlch pr.v4 ldes for a separate bailot I
Prentdential electors. Thls ho? 1888 '?
t-ertalned by tho votlng machine eomiOl
aioners. acooruing to a letter troeob-*-! 4
day by Attorney General Carmodl &*
Superlntondent of Klcdions ^ <*orl\_
The later maciilnes can be adhiltal 1
carrv a aeparatn bailot and hav* ao**
or the inaertlon of namea at wa ?
while 700 of the old muchmea 0*4
adapied to ad.iuotmrnt.
Let Ug Help You Decid
Your Vacatioi
Full info*nnarion will be gh"
regarding resorts, routes, rit
etc, by the
New-York Tribune
Resort Informatioo
154 Nauau Stree*. N. f
traaa cotrvoar sairOW.
. __b 4-??-.. ?-.??* ?? .?
tjjfr Trlbui* Building, Naw York City. *>'
Qentleman: Incloaad you vetll nnd 4 cenea (at44jr_pg) for per?l? ?
deacrlptrve Hterature, bookleta, ctc
I wish te viaJt.,... .,>..-v.. **-*-.?>>? ??''",'
rataf? 9ia*4 er vmfl ai alace.)
Ttavel by ._Lenglh of viafc... tftajM*******?-?"*
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