Newspaper Page Text
V PROGRES IVE But Not Racical ' a AL.I ya The Only New York Republican Paper. ^XNll.-V 2UI-H, Te-dar, r.iln; te-merrew, prubabtjr r.iin; o:i?t ivin.K. XKW-YORK, TITKSDAY, SEm.MBKH 24, I912.-SIXTEEN PXGES. a a a>r> 3/ 'l"* / l V !.'' f 'l^VF In (It 7 of \aw Vork. Jer**y ntr BfB* Hobokari ' II1 I i t-l I '.> ii V IV> l BMEWBlKg TWO (ENTB. President Taft Will Place All Those of the Fourth Class on the Classified List. ORDER TO AFFECT 36,038 Executive Decides. After Re ceiving Monster Petition, to Remove Army of Govern ment Officers from Po litical Influence. ,_Hy declded t ?-day that Pn - : future wlll ln agerutlve ord r placing Hla ord- r. ? - from th^ ui ? ? n Intjr .-f poUtb al ap? patatmi i ' "r' **? '""M '' ? ? .: the clvil t Pr< I l< I of the - That ? ' ...n, bla fli * t toward puttli i bellef lhat 11 ? - ? Utics am ? ?day after b Selegati. n of poa1 ? ??r..m tha innual ... ",')..!: -t RW ; 8l 'H ? - . The etitlon. ? ? ' ? ?? - Com-iittee Se:s H;tchcock. .. . Tafl - ? ? ? :? I upon the P - tbe BUbJoct ... iOi ln a fi aabrait t - ? ? ' -.ii . ,.i.i;. upon ? .: t<.;i;: fi. ? ster* at the ?!.d nf th, ? -,a . r-i. ? " ? ? !? aaaaa^i England ?uif* :i .i ? v. S ?'. r?< >-. PftUlS' aa. Wi> ? ? trhll' "0 th.r Ing in 1 ? :'i. ? i!l b" - ' oill ? it alII ? <-f labor by th<- < "i ?-. 11 Berv.i ?ion, ].; i bj the i'oalofiio- I '? i ..i inir-rii. Both Ital and i ? ? *-1 j * mi Hltch . r. ! o l.'ongreai tha elar- nd ihai no far i,tii-.- personnol ol the l/oH.ii )-. i . ? ... ii.,. ? ?] ti >>in ? i . OSTRICH PREDICTS COLD WAVE. Batk, ' ri'li in lh?- N Vork Z ?Mftrday. W i?ncver the bit? Mrd rar riee cn ? ? Faahlon it in a fien. ?<?? (ordiiig t.. i k< epera, of a d ?aaga Ii ? ? wi athei Aa Wi a m an gfaglbii : ropli i. .t la i" lieri ft Bomi- ? '<) v eather bood 5EXTON HANGS SELF IN BELFRY. -. ,,t. a Henry Whlppa, viltad v. . tv.... , . , .-t f. I" I - frfgeetanl Kplacopal Church, coaiinltted ?"jiri?ia- t - momlng b| hatginaj 0 th<- belfr . ll.. body ?ai-; dlacovered *>? hi.? . 7/iis Mornintfs fteivs local. Paga (Vaalman i: ? or Pollclea.... 1 Auto Ban.Jit^ glug Mefchaal. l ?oy Kllle.l b) Auto. 1 faattaun Assaiia-.i .t n<.t gpringa?>*< 3 Alr*. Klagaland Rxplalna. 7 ?sch?K>lboyn' Str ikf- Falla. 7 aaaatg Colurnbua Waa t Bfanlard_ ? 'Jlbaon Outllnei Defence.18 H?arli,(? ,?, .\>w Ka. torjf Uiw .-.16 'orgts tor Bxcttaaaaal.16 OENEKAI, T"tt Claai .:.> Foui Ui <"lasi- P.. I fnaatera. 1 ?i.Tdati Diea in il.. Cbalf. 8 raatdeal Addreaaea Hygtine Ooagraai 9 0a8arag?ar geea the Prealflant.16 POLlTIf AI. 'ioom for gtraai at garataga. l tafa Btrong f..r Taft. 4 Oaaaaaj gtnoklag Oul Uadley. * HJ^Waai Agalaaf Booaavall. 4 T*'t Oimirik; t<> Bee Managera. 4 ^"eon gpeaka In Pannaylvanla. 6 '-'ne-up Agalaat lun.liy. 5 ^'omtn to luiae IffHM | IfM I ?. 7 romxiaaj. ?ba piit,ii, sai.- of Chlna Loaa. ? '?mpa Captured in I' g. 6 ' MI8CCLLA51.0U& Kawa for Women . 7 EfUtorlal . g fc?ltty . g Theatrlcal . ? Obltuary . 1 six>rta .io and 11 *?ath<r .11 8hlppmg Ntwa .11 ^tny and NaV|.11 ***0l KaUte .14 ^'nanctal _nd Marktt*.18, 13 anu 14 KAISER AND S0!\! AT ODD' Crown Princess's Birthd.. Festivities Unbonorcd. [By . -.]... io Thi ri Ibtn ? laondon, Bept lm. .\.i\ l< ?;: from i'.. r Mn are to the pffi 11 trt il the eatrange nicnt I'ltw.-. 11 the Kiiis.-r and th ? 'i.iw n Prlm i la bo complete iii;.-. i: maji ?tj tl. 'Mi.' <i :.. atti nd Ihi Itlea In honor of Ihe Cn mi Prtnceea'i twenty-elxth blrthdaj al Pol datn on FYiday laat. e ARRESTED IN THEATRE Actress Accused of Vorging Name for Tickecs. i raraera In the lobbj ?f the L i ? Theatre ln vl eat I2d bi reet, a ? n priaed I tal night 44 hen b faehloni '??. :ittir..l woman ?11- am ate bj D Pltzilmmona on a charge of for I ? : ? . the th-. The v onian wlt Ollrli McQraw, in actreax of No '-'?"?" vv. st 2Satli atreet tvaa ? aith i forging ? not* n questlng ? I be heW foi "Ida Conqui at" Kl< ln lold ? the pollce hi ? aa nuspli loua o1 th. - . nature, ;u< be knen Mlaa L'on ? ; <nii of town. ' fmortly before the i-la - dra. ! M.'? Irma . alled al th. uox ofTkH ' .,~k -.1 for aeata f'.r "Mlaa < '? nq lck? U and aa reatt.1. Mra. M Qra I ? \\'? t iTti. atn rt al -a- - WALK 2.000 MILES IN VAIN Artventurers Win Bct. but Fnnl Loser Is Dead \. Hepl -?".. Aftei .1 i" 1. 1: . ,1 I'.im. and Hawthorne ; \. w Orli .ti'.- ? l perli m ? ? tho d'aai i>olntntenl of ha tooh th* othei - nd ? !. . - traln ro ?ber - ? ? ? ha... .; thrilllni m tUha, mii Julj .' h ? from Ti i tl" lo S . f tlii" moutl -? Tl ? - ? . 11 To :,-.,,,. . ;,.: th. n -- llttlt lhai .,. 10 .-,.n... t thi amounl ? 1 ? mi :. ? < itati. .-.u.n and Ki tracka thi - ??? Kentui k> Ti ,.n, . * to Decatui - Fn "?' ' ?:,t ir thi 1 v .. the roada. BUTLER AMO MAID 0R0WN Bodies Not Four.rl Al'tcr Boal Oaptiiei on Lake Agawam. -" ' .... 1 ..'. 1 :?; ? , . of Ni >' ipyim ? 1 , Lakt Aga* - IMa -,. , Rlrhard Tr. 1 | . | iki al ll a . d to theii ? ? ol ? 'i.i'- to th* 1 :? ? ' '?' .,- I., 1.. ? ? I bi .1 no ? % rrled and bh R Ifi -?> Itragedy upsets colonel Heralding of Two Deaths Dims Joplin Mecting. i. plln, M".. Hent. 28. i pnthetli ln . i.j.-ni tetnporarily cbackeaj khi *n . itmt <.f Un i!"".- r< it 1-?' pptlon her* i..-n.?ht. The colonel had hardly ?.. to apeah under a crowded teitf I . momt one aanl a card t.. thi ' gpeakera' atand. it came to Mr, Rooee v,.|t. 11, reed it over twli ??. and ;? pua . a |.. Ined looh ? am* lo bh fa< a 1:. ad it. ' ahouted the bi ndi r. Perfecl Btlllm aa preva tlme. ?is .T..I.I. Bcrlhe ii. ?!< ?" Hla bi mi al Verona haa i" an burnad, aald Mr. h, otwvell i'. J| Bympathetlc lone. ??.\iiri hls wii. and chlld have rw n Purned up, too," ? am* ih* vnlre ngnln, ? s. rlba baa been bere .1!'. dai," aald another man. ?it any one knowa phen Mr. nVrlbu 18. pleaae lelf 1 a i 1 ? a about thi* Kvldi ntly a ,,,.,,,ii.ii trngedy haa overtaken hlrh, ' ?.,?, m,. Rooai taait, ?ii" 11...U--.1 thi ,.ff,., 1 ,,i th* atrange Iw ?? ?? .4.1:111. 'i BpeaJtlng. jr gcrtbe 44 ?? in th* i.'.'ii' '"' ii niiid'- no "ut PLEA FOR LIF? IGNORED Boyce Shot After It by 8nea4, Witness Testiftes. Amarlllo, Tei . Bepl 5BI Al H">" ,,..KU..,i john 1:. Bnead nol ko ahooi blni agaln aftei he had fallen on the .treel her* ?? HePfmb , I rWdled with bucl ' .t. .rdlna lo kh* "-' m.inv of Karl rackaon, a nltnejia to the kllllng, al the habeae corpua hear-| tngof 8ne*d tn-dajr Ha furthar teatl tj,,, t:i;i; Bnead Imnaedlately nrt*u lagain, and then. looklng down a Ivkrtlm, aald. "1 Bua* iroa ai.??i Hhtrtff Burwell taatlfled that Bn< id I garb and heavv beard randered 11 ?m enlt for icqualnUnce* lo recognlsse him on the day <.f Ih* traajedy. The ' endeavored b) t.stiiiii.tiy of khe Bhi rlfl to atrengthen im c4?t?8tlon thal kllllng pn -ni. .litiit''! Orink rVean Preaaeo Grape Juice. >v.- |,i-.-: n 11 rlghl .?', ^-;^,? .. .. ll T. I". v.'.y ftfj .!.!.'?:-? ??> AU\t MI TAKES ?lects Buckner to Ananias Club for Impugning Gaymr Plicics and Threatens to With draw from Hearing. MLDO HELD OUT, HE SAYS ? red Invaatigation of Gertain QfJ68tioxtabl6 Applicants, He Testiflea Witnegi OaDa C: opscy "Too Proiul and Vain to Obey Law." | ihe Cl\ll l . ii ? imn >i? -? i . . :, i uti tuward ? ' ? '\ followlng i i .?..,-,..-. tlon ln i - , ? ???ii ? . ? nu< Ii. Thal he dld not inti I Mn ? Ip It. 1 th. . ? i v. i ? : ? Wll.l Ihe I ! .. - '. . 1 ?? ,1 ?-?.-,- .1 , ?' '; Thal he onl alon. i ?Va d laid ii. ?- ; on the i ' ""i ? ii. Mr Creelmaii Laadirtg Man. Thi " , ol thi ? ,, ? ... in. ( ?v ! ... 1 .. ?? 11.' und ? . ll - " ..mi 1 barii nder poui ? bi min '?? ing polnt. Mr. U ?"???'i ln" ? ;,iiri mi crealrnan I M riin i and di i lari d tlie uldt r- J .? uioiM ? . ' it a , ? if he al.l i.-r the I i,. whlch he iald Mr. B ? kn< i ? ing lo < und rnlari preaenl th< I Nucleus of Valui, \\ ,m ,,ii the hol ol e? r< partee und Ihe pci ""l i:' Bjr< cr< ? ii" in und hU u ,..,. .i hlg il i "?? aad m,. Buckner took up Bom? of ' r ! t. ,.f putn ii." ii uppolnted to I ie by 'ommunll.r Vyuldo wlthln ? . !,.. |.,.|. offli ??? allhough ! by i oi ii ... ni . ih .'I' ., . a to ? rtahn how the Cii II 8ei ' ? " ,., rtify i'h- b? i icn n i ?? ' i ? ,,,ii i f tho ? ? harai ti ra ,,., i beon mid* by the - ot unaalon, win. h Corornlaaloni r Waldo held til,.|v ,. ? I, Ible foi tha'moral fttn< - ,lf tho ,,,.ii nnta. Mr Wuldo teatldi d i he had laheii ihe polhre n I'ordi i i ,i of ii" tn. to thi Clvll .-vr\... < 'ornmli 11 n and raqui at< >i the ,. pmiii lon< ra t" Invi vii^it'i them nd i irniah hlm a n< i ii:-1' Thrie eallenl t olnia arere br i . thla reapf ' ; Mr. Ci eitl mon): , Ptral Taa! Commlaaloni r Waldo i, i.i , .ii al ???.-' '? ii ol i he hi ? .? i.i ,,-,:,-si>..n and made th? nppolntmenta v iiii.iiit requealing >? ? aamln ilon the < ''?? H Ben lee ? 'ommiai loh. B.nd Thal In all bul oni or ti o ti, . gatuinatlon conducti 'l by .i, ? Clvll S'-ivi.-. Commiaeion i gialated tiiii...iiiii:; tha appil ? ni ?? for* ihe board and peimlttlng I lm to ? ?? im be hlmeelf. bj i< m i ?i ? ? . ral tgf i tba Clvll ,n j. <? ' 'omralai i'.n made no Invea! i I'.iitifni nt all, and b) mercly reading ,, ,.,? ih. | ..j .-ii ii. ihe i aaa fiirnkihefl ti. them by tba Pojke Department cer ,,ii, ,| the appllcanl w Ithout lurther i..n. Iff, i "i.. lrnui di - lar ?! a! ine bolnl < ..ii:iiiii<-d i ii lIiirO p .j,-:-, tliird .ol-i'-m. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE C0MMISSI01VERS OlS STAND. ALEXAXDEB Ktotill. .i wii:s ? i;i;i:i..M.\.V w :?, . ,,.?-,i Ku*>rj U Bucknera i ? "l aald i tlerniauic kiewring ??p.-lty |.-.liii- a.*' AUTO BANDITS SLUG MFMT Chauffeur of Car Caaptured? Says Robbers Made Him Drive at Top Speed at Point 61 Pistol. GET AWAY WITH $1,881 Fire Fivt Shofs ut PoUceman Wlio Takei Up Vam Ohata After Sp< eding Bfachine Bolfj tfp ln Broad Day. ?,t aaOrowda Watch. ng dl ? ni John P . ? ' li Iti ?? . . i g ? ? 'n ? \ . . , ??..,' I'. ' ; ? r I , i Ih* r"l> ? ? i i irtiy I' . .: ?- g|1 ? ild ner* I1TOO rurnlahi -i Ihi ne . |ew. Hi had of ai lom iblli ? BBd ? H'l Ihe car a aa .. pi :, i '11,..ii. ,s KM-.-r. \ tlng "ii thla Infortnatlon, ?'" i mughi rty i alli ?! up Ih* B1 ita i. rtmi nt nnd learned thal h car ...,; undi r iiie number 1.1,089 hnd . | ? . ; laal Aprll hy Pi rr i. .,i No. 11 Part sir.-> t. Brooklyn Tn.>?" lha Thoen hul i,.,,i ,. -. ? . Und. r ' ngfrn. Tha en ?raa of n largi hore, howet ? r, --ii itfrtg a long hood, a r?ti m 11 44.1 Mikl arotild glv* it th- appcarane* of .1 linder car. Iniinltie* ;<t thi Dnl< >? hom* ... Hronk ,1 ihe detei llvea ti 11 ?? Bedford \.,. 7M Bedford - ?nur, 1 aald the car b ii k**pt. Rmpkij ea lh*ri aald II had ln ? n tak**n ,,,,i , ,11> in iii. in 'i 1.!'.?-? h "l h ?< n l .j 1.1< :, ii in ..'. i-.'i- and taki n ou( again. The pbt4*e *raa* ? and -. ,i.,? .-?. nlng ah.'Ti the car araa hrmighl In Ihi diiver araa arreated. Drove at Pistol Point. \t |-,,|i ?,. I!, .i.|,|ii;iM. i.-. * ).??'.- lio .. bmnghl bj nornrnla*lon*r Dough , , 1 . i.i. ui. ii-nit ii'.tnini'k it-iih and , ,:., ih* pi leone* aald b* \v:.h fftephen Dolce, nir.-1. 1. yeara old. 11, iti d ba Ing diIvaa khe ti4-.. lt* 11 "in khe aei ne of the hotd-ap ,, 17, and Nit iii avema 1 ,,,1,, w, ,,i I,.. had never aeen the men untll yeaterdaj moi nlng * han th< j efl ,,.,,.,i t.i . 1,1 al Bi ?? .-iitii avenue and |4,ii, gtreet. Manhattan. He im.i ?-.? tb< re, hi aald, upon reaalpl >.f a t-1. phone ? all lh*l r "'"' tu taa Bi gford aarage ;?t " o'ctocfc Ib lha mornlng, 11.? had been offered $6 an heav tur tha ,lt- hla ? :<r- ba aald. vii. r drh mg tl"' m*B t.. ajlntk a\*? ,- 1 'th trdl '. li>' 4v.ill..|. he Miid. untn th* ' ??>" "'? n raa erotind tha enr* nar and Jnmpsd Into Ih* car. mie ,an.?.,i ,, bag, and tha other, drawn ? Vl h r tn band, ordarad blra t" drlva ., i,h all apaed and t<. Btop al the ,,. ril of lni I'f" ?r, rrfflad, Drdce aald, ?" ran tiio ear v, io, ,,n 1 ??? iii.- apoed ii- aaaalttad (..ntlnuril 011 BB*S*d V-"*1. B.'th i-ulun.*. THREE BITTEN BY MAD CAT Two Statcn Islancl Cliilclren and Agud Mnn Attackct1.. ? .1 an --''I n Wca tt la i . ; il. th ? .-.ix I ? . h i ? ? 1 ? - I ? v \ Dnvld -. |. H i i. . I \ i ? ? ? I m In 1 jir rn ii -??i.i:- ? d and att< , ,i - ? ? . tl ipture - ? i... '? in il ui FROWMS ON "HORSE TROT" Waahinrtorj Ifaii Objecta to Newport Duncc. , ii Vewport, H L, >? i" 23 Tl 1,, ? a dnn ??? thal haa bean popular thii Biimmer, h ta bo! Btrnok tho I fancj 'i Preatoa QlbaoB "f Waahlng [ t.ui. who aya thal arhan ha raturna i" ' ti.ipltal he ?iii uaa tiin efforta to !<,.,.|, ..,,. i, i v there fi otn taklng up tha danca \ ording lo Ihe i ompoaer, I ? ? a ho h i - '?? -n '"-I a 'ii aummer plaj |i | irtlea, tha dan ?? rnnnlag dani ? or a runntag wulk,' ind thal thi re la ni thlng objei i ionable In it. 11 ia opllonal aith thoae dam Ing m >i. t ber i in- added atepa ara pul ln, SPEEDING AUTO HITS BOY Ownor Says He Wiii Investi gatc Accidcnt. gea Cllf/, Long laland, 8**j?t '?&* 'I'lir ??? young mi'ii ln an antnmobile ilil^ . \ enlna ran doa n and bndlj ln lurod Bdarard i ?? nalda m, ir.. ten? yeai -? d gan >.'.' th* vice preaidenl of iii" 1* K. Thompaon Bc nlc Rallwa! Company, \ ?-.. the accldi nt thej pul on extfb ..i und gned aaray, i?-.i\ inn th* boy .,'i thi i Id* "i th-- I-....I. Tl:, i, i '.v.-i* pli i...ii u|i iiml carrli ?! i ,i neartrj trtore bj Augual Plebjcher, i real eataa operator, He Bummoned Pi. Rdward Burna, 0*ho had th.. boj r, in, \ .'.I tO th* M* BBBU llns|iital il \ii.-i ..ia. Thera II naa found thal tha boy'a rlghl i<tt aai badly fractuiffd, ',. |i fi leg '-'11 and brulaed and hlg bod) ii.v.i.'i wlth brulaea and cuta ii,,. doctori after much afforl Bnall) revlved hlm, bul he araa abrk t.. tetl llttle "i *?* aci Ideni i x< '-;>i i" aay thal the ' nr Nyoked 11u<- ? dark red one. Tha . bjuri s. "ii ol th* machlne 11 n*ai headlng foi ?il> ii i 'oi b, i; ;?. Halatead, ihe ewner of th* eari . ,.,., ih. tetrphone ;?' M* home, No, I | Unton lre*t. Brookl) n 11 it alght ih-i taa mai hln* ha i b en al M*n Cava aii gtunmer He aald he had b**n laforaaed taai H tn* hla car ' i''11 raa down >uutig I'i'ii.iiiiH'.n. bm ao far aa Be aaa abta i? haWB aoaa of m* tatalty aaa iti li.. .-ai ttl the tlme Ol tl"- .ii . iii- nl Mr. Ii.i iad declarwl 1. would mak.- a ilinrouKh iiivoatlgation of the affair. ir K vptok Tcric Eyenlaaaea ??( '?? atyllah rnduiinga at sp'ncer'a, .' Maldan 1 an?-? .vd\t. i:ii ii.\i:i? w i:i,; BQY DRAGGED 3Y CAR FOR THREE BLOCKS Two Negro Women Apparently Only iVitncsses of Accident - in Busy Broadway. FATHER DOESrVT KNOW HIM P ttgcra in Car Following Jolted When Motormaa Sces Figiue Lying by the Rails and Applics Brakes. ? |. ? *\ p< naro fourtaan ? .i wlth hla fathi r <i X - . 7 "J v' i | i. th* ? ar traeka iy. || v. ;is the bo) had baan ? . i t!n.-.- iii.i. gg, a i . ta of hla afcull a'en ilong th* irai ka from 110th ? ? a bere i; a !?? -l\ waa* ? ole bon* ui bla bu i derable traflk whara I ? ' ? - |.. .. .1 Up, anU Llio l?> II , were aaloiindcd no ona ahoukj ... ItJIled. Tho potltte v>T, in formed thal two oegro frotnao ait" l< nt, bul had dbatp , after th* crowd cofloctad aad . found. it waa ahortl} after 10 o'clock a*h*n hbotimi Bi u r>ama to ? i n hall thal it threw a gera ofl ti-ir feat, th< ni Wllllam .1. s.-.,i.-. ||.ing :it tl , : fotel fJ< i .i.i. Wi" ii ha ?"t i.p tha Wllllam Bt iiin. k, ahowed .i huga bundla lying .iitnit taro . ora where the car atopped. i , i dlng "..111 th* car, Beara ttta ' ..|y of th* l>"V. his inj; .I and f.-rn and . \ .-ry boaa ln U.. bodj hroki n. His facg waa so badl maahi ii thaf. ev? n hla t ither, vhn later call i tt Ih* Weal 100th ? H'.i ii. ? .i".n. ovuld m?t racog> ilra. j Beara told the polta thal when bai got ofl thi car two negro women who I t tnding a fea feel away told him the boj bad i" - n i mi iii'u ti and kllh'd bj unother car Accordtag to > ? . thej flrat'apled his body ... the car at i"!'th atr*et, bul deaylte tii.-ir efforta thay arare un nbl i" attract the motorman'a ;.tt<-n tlon. it ? i ti-. oplnlon <if th* pollce that Ihe boy '?? ii.' for year* ii"i s.>m newa i .ii.. ra al it'Mii atreet, batl baafi called i. >, i,, ? ireraon to bay a papar. la jumplug "ii "i ? car, thaj beltei... ba ..,.. tlu. I- and dragged along withoat an) . ne on th* ? ar s?..-iti); hlm, Patrotman Dalley, of tha Wi st i'"?f>th -ii.. i -' .u.-:,, . nt ln ii call to tho J. il.: \\'r:-.;iit ll-., ['it-il. boi then- wa* ii. thlng for l >r. Dickena to do. FOOTBALL FATALITIES BEGIN. Watertown, N, 8? Bt pi ?.-Th* um football fatallty pf tha aeaaon fatearrcd on Bat irday, wbaa Cbylon Btanin, flftan yeara oM, of QcavfBrn*ur, uhiic playtng in ;t game there waa Iflekad ln th* ateea uuii, dylng tht-. mi'' nlng. The greal alei.r HEINDRICK HU0S0N iill in . umtnltaion t. Albany, t W A. M Advt. E 10 Senators Newcomb and Rose Want Saratoga Convention to Nominate the Pro gressive Candidate. OTHERS OPPOSE THE IDEA Possibip Noftiinpps. Especially. See No Ment in the Pronosal, and Call for a Straight Party Platform and Fight, flioin a Mtanf CBVrwpMBOBat Ot Th.- Tribunel Barmtoaja, x. r., Bept 23. -Whii.- Itr. Barnea, Benator H"<>t. i-\-'i'.v.-mnr White, eg'Senator ?: i? ?t* R. Brown. William M. Ivtna and o*har leadera ar grlndtng out ? aafe and aan* platform m hi. ii thall be all tii.-.t tha Ro4B8>veil .?iiiiiii-iati.M.s arc i."t. .1 snii'ii but ti.-i-..? eontrngent 8 determlned thal the R*> p illcan Btata Conventfott, arhtrt ta "ii VY> .Im,-fd.iv. sli.i!! ki.lri:<:. Oacar Btraua, the Progreaelve candl? date for Oovernor. They bave ... | they i-.'iii u.-t away arlth thla ln tb ! aama Bucceaaful faablon in nitlch afur i Tihv. <>f Tamman, onci ' Idnappe I Orout and ETorne* from an antl-Tam moay ti 1-. t ln i Jfew Tork ? Ity cam ? ilgn, The legdi ra In ii.i-: n?? ? "^emenl ? ra Benator Joelah T. Newcomb, of Waw Tork Clty, and Benator John B. Roae, of CBrnnga County. II baa khi anppori I the !? i reeentatlvaa of the h countyj now here, among whoea ti an i rovernor Benhunln B. < >.!? II. II ? .i ..ii the theory thal afr. Bti wiii nol turn down vot.-s. arhatever i thelr Bource, ;,n<i that he wlll aecepl a ! Republtean nomtoattoa regardleaB nt ! the Republlcan platform and ruB on bl* own ?!?' laratton of prlnrlple*. Thla kheory, ln turn, 8 aaeed .>n tw.? ; facta two t4Ma8jrarn8, ona u* Mr. Btraua and ona from him. . The Bral talegram was **8l ta th* Progreaalva i andldnta bj Fr^.i.-ri'k af. 8/llaon, edltor af "Tha Nwwbur*; i Newa" a paper very frlendfy ko neaav tor Roae. it 'i" ,? Me* bur* I ??< tf< a -. ? Ri .. - - Una Taft, . >-,>ur nomlnetiofi by the Repub II, un tate ? "ti enllon u ould you acc, pi .would youi , ? ptaae* be eendltlonal upon tbi plal di othci contlngeal oat*ald*ratwn*' ITo whlch camc thla anawee from Mr. Btraua to-hlght: i .im appeallng to th* people of all i . ? mi thelr ippoti upon , ibitc reoord an.l upon th* cotranant* ij platform with the people <>; the ; Ktupir. gtate. Pardon unavoidabli -.? Thlnk He MifjM Accept. it 8 pofnted out ba Buppetl of thla ipgang achenta Uart Mr. Btraua jhaen't actnall] bagn aomlnated ret, ? i Ihki narne njusl ?o on iiiu btUlot by pa? |tltion aa tba can4lkiata of kha Pro graaalrea. Th* kdeu to that .ie aalght Ideetn one ntwntnatttra in th?- hnnd wortb - raral renma of petltlon aad detada ta t.ik-- kh* Repuhllcana at thetr word. Anyhow, Benator Newcomb aaya he v ,,i preaanl btr. Btraua** aam* tu the I convention aa aure aa b**a altv* an Inomlnatlng day. And Benator Na* . ?nb ti a man of bla word and tooks remarkabl} haalthy. -,i am for tha Mmination of Btraua ? , arertbrtra Tammany cotrtrol af the etate," aald th* fjtenator. 'II arlll Lnaanr* IBa abto, aluaer* aad patTaOtk adminis? tration. If uttiawary. i ehaii aanaml h8 name to the cajnventkm, nnd-if thi* 8 an op.'ti convention lie'll 08 noml nated." Benator Roaa, who betleved ha w.i* raerely votetna tha aantlmanta of the Orang* County Batagatea* Bedaroa: ??i am a riogiaaali* bal i btihyia thal I'.tt'r r.'sults cun >>?* mwo iiiickly axcompllBhetl through ?the R*f>ubttcaa I party than Uuwugh th.' ergahlaaliaa 4B? anj new movenaant, whleh muat BneaB* aartly Uk* yaara of aaw4rta48n?ent to l^riiiK M 1" 8 high stafe Of < mVI.-ik-v. I ir Progreaalvea aaak rafhraa, i?t them, oo-operate arrtti lha laogiaaatva eie ment wlthln onr party and rcai proa;? r?-s.< i.- tunured. Tha RepubWoan party ln ihli< state racea a r^rfaaa, and dne recognRlon lahouM ba glven t.. tha thonsimin ..f riugiaaalrm Ifl tha Btata ef Waw Tork arho are .^tii'. loyal t.. tii^ part) and who 'arc, in tit't ?",! '" fi,?','<,? ,h" otiaThnrtara |,.i the Pitagiaaalve aaovament. ??a candadata* har 04yvernof af nn j .ni.'stloii.'il int4?Krity, u man of \\\<U' bualiiom > win. haa not aaaala any tJtirhaiiamlBgj affllmtiona, arho ona , onvtnca tha p..ui>io ..r tha 8tat? timt he \4'iil glve ? irtae, ^ftl.-l.-nt. ,..-on.>mi.'al atni hadependent artmtolatratioti, wttl ro cafva tha nnaanaJUgl indorsftnent of th* vetera at tha poUa m Hoa/emhar. Explains the Vital lasue. T(4-<iiiy. aa aver, lha vltial laan* t* thla: shaii tha wis,. la.ii.y whlch haa thi* country great aad Ikim an* al.U.I tha lah.irt'i- to llve in .?.iinpniatlvq comforl arni luxuiy b* ah*atV*ae< far ?n aipaflnwntal ona or. weaaa stui, ,.ne whleh hu.-> pTOVed to l><' illxaHUous .1. tha past? ?Th^ c48Ba808 anftJ whi.-h eonfront'? u* all )" tht aHsault niain 18888 poll ckW whith have bronght prospcrity and . otit.-ntmpnt. and agalmit thls com rnon n848?aaa all Repuhiicatw bb8bbM unite. rikcardU-ss ,.f varylng dc jrreeH of prosnj*88lV4)naaa "Osiar 4s!. Straus, in m\ opinioii, sh..tiid be namad by tho Kcpni.h i i convention ..s um cnn4fanata for Oov* ernor, "^ a toatlar of progr4-a?t\o thnuKht. I belleve that lf the otBaBaav tlon BBOUld adopt thifl ^iigKostion. It