Newspaper Page Text
PROGRES^IVE But Not Radical. tHribttn^ The Only New York Republican Paper. \o' lAXii.-Y' .M.<>.V>. I.'ut.i |..-<i n . probaMl li.-m.irr.iM ??ri?l. e i?i <\ ii'-N. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEH 25, 1912.-16 PAGES. PRICE ONE CENT In 4 it> t.f N>4v l.irlt. Jerwv f il,? ?n.l llolx.k. B M.Mtt IIKKK T1V4> 4 1 rVT-4. PRESIOENT TAFT IS SURE HE WILL VI Republlcan Party Still Domi nant. He Says. Thoucjh Third Party Will Reduce Its Ma jority: Democrats Hurt. WHY HE PREDiCTS SUCCESS ' Soiul West" Reunitiiif;' v.ith Par'v Urgei Need of Con troi in the House?Con fen with Lcadors Hott. Then Visits Theatre. ? i ?e . wa* held }.- thi | ? " . houra. \< folloa ' ' ' ? ' .. ? . : ,,. thi - Itunthm. inher ut In ? ' ' ; ratj ?>? n t.. bt ? '?? rv j R ts ln th< 11.-.1 bul thi Dcmocratl | i , igth .. | . !? ? 1, -. ? . ? tix week* agt Ksi-rled IIchh party . . . ? the ao ? ?' \. .. i that the D -,..r... in it. ir.i.i oi ? ? e iiiir.l t. nn would - ' ? ? "ii-l ^v '' ? ? Ui | tlon stlll n part: n . ? ... i vlng trrm ]? j* '. i i ?? " ' . Tii- third t4*i ? "' ( Vt i '??-'? B r .i. ronf< n I - wltn i !halrraan H:in i in tb.- W at, then t-v.-ry ;. ison ' that tht Rt - ? rjf lllt blgaui. ? ? uiaho an<l Wyoming, Strength Wan* After T. R. Tour. proper ki ' ran:; wlll carry Ori fon. K .' - - ? ? ? ?? .-: rapldly \4 ? ? ?];,,? . ,'ir t..ur through th;.i - indldatt. Iliur wlth thi mnit^ ?th IVea atatei tlicnii :? poi'-' bl ? a; 1 herm but ? - ? , ? bul . 8 aolld \V* -t rvunlti Rt-publican tlrkel . . . add< d to 1 ? 1 hli Republlcan hold on thi Eant*rn I stituti b ln Itsejf a luffl lant ?, B(|i ........ to ti '? party. lt l| S'-:,r.-.-l:- n --?'?:-.-ar.. for Bl? tO ; ? . ? ty of re-4 atabtlsh 1- -- I: :bltrnn majorlt: In 1 H tatlvea. i<" thla i> dime I [wlll be able to ? - - booka the ??orkr- ipi naation laa a hl< I Brgi d ui'Oi th. laai sesslon, bul " ? i ?? Hongf if ti -? i |lva th* Ri pub omplete vlctory In Ita i ..- Ita l'r- Bl .. lalon "iii be ? ,Ui knowledga of . talni .J by ;i tariff con harrn i" one and B9B01 ? ?- i|,v At tHe Presidential Conference. I * ith Preaidenl Taft natlonal commltteemen: K Neldrlnghnus, of . (lasouri; Htuni aWre; l Brooki -. ??: Conni ctfc ut; Arrari H. Martln. <>f Vlrglnla, and ? g i . phy, of N< w . ?: natl .! r Ri nolda. natlonal gecre T. Bani ard and John W. 'i.iiiiiui..i aa *.i..ii.i it:??'. nfil> tolmiiii lhis Morninq's i\'ews LOCAL "'-' . . . 1 ; . 1 , Klngsland. 3 , /.. , ? . 6 Hall ..) l'.- ho. 8 . 9 .;, w ItnesfM - Appeai.16 j fi il. ? Rai elvea '16 ! OENEBAL Dearei. i 7 ? iviiif.l. 11 POUTICAL gates Unbossed ? l Hi W i!l wria.... 1 H'igh*- Defeata Bialth. ? ] fgti at gtatlei. 4 Hubaldea , 4 bllfBMi tlng i" Tafl. * ln OBIahfwna 4 . -? Wir.. 4 rORI.ION. to Domlngo. 6 ''liina i... Datalled. 5 Tg .?....?? i ?? . ' ana. 6 MlbCELLAMEOUB Ellto - ? ll> ta. . . 6 Obttui .1 J-lt<-r ? und t i itli '."iii. B . ' .10 and 11 .11 .11 * ' ring Newa .1J ' ifan-lbl ai <1 Mxi! eta., . .11, ia and 13 - .1? f y - FRAIMCE ORDERS REGIWENT ! TO THE ISLAND OF CRETE Rising There and in Bamoi ir Bupport 01' Demand for An nezation to Greecc. ? ii ' ,Vai M. ..r.|. .-. .; f; ? | ', Rt i: ? ? ? ' In f. t n t ry 1 ; .??-.. .-,.- In both of d ln ? ? ? ? - .- ? to fi : off tl ? ol .1 Fn ? ft Br11 -? ?? Hol i. local l< n from Ihi laland c?f . - , . ? lamoa. Crct ' ' f,, i- powei fJreal Bi Russla, ? - ' ? ? n the ttoa ln ? ? iieaatl lo Oret -??? lo i- ' tl *? tle, 1.. . 1 would ' - I j-'-nt. Bamoi Is a prli *"'>' 1 :. i. WOUNDED IN PHIUPPINES Llentenant and Four Men In Brnifa with Moros. 24. a killed B Flllplno were pui - . d : ;i detachment >.f conatabulary. A hand to-hand ? bi .":nt ir ensui d, In ti pn ol ?: ? Moroe ??? ? !?? I Llautenanl Preuaa, arho waa aa af ?! aith W. Morgan Bl i ;? r In P< ?la, and ? ? ' u,ary ,, mded TO MAKE EGGS FROM AIR Russian Scientist Thinks Chem istry Will Soon Do It. . rhk-ago, Bept 24 - Dr Pa il W aldi n ol Kiu.-:. Russla, predlcted iera laat - t| al tha next greal feat oi irhem would be the maklng <.f egga from ;ljr. Dr, WaMen, arho la preahlent-ele. i of the Nlntb lnt< rnatlonal Congrt Applted Chemlatry, tn. be beld In Bt. 11. i:,. further oredlrted tn.-.i ? v.i.-i. t- of nltrogenoua I.Ii trould be madt from tbe alr - >m< ? | toiisldt . it prartlcall) ?? i .., D0 dlBtanl day are wlll be dra , ,ppiie? fro n tl i " ?" Walden. "An egg la i - omp com ? i, rjrog, ,,. The rhemlcal i roei of 4h? ,.,.. w\\\ i, Imll ited .:. thi li Forrrwrly ** trtrg ?w<! "' ,l" ' " ' ''' ,,i, the uncomblned nltrogen ln lh< Htoiosphere. Noar thal are are able tu harn4'SH II, Ihe pt ii.HHi RICH MAN"S SON HELD j. Vincent Phillips Arreated as Burglar at Ba.y Shorc. . . -? ?' . ., rr iiiiib U ? aaa - ? ?< ?? : . . ...:.i,l l ,?'. Ll Jani - ?<?? '. " ?' I"-l;1>' brok.- ' I,,.,, ?,- intruder .I rrfl '.- aam, \i.m ? i>nnacli -us|m V ' o.,t Conna . moiem .i ? ,.v.,i-. wldcl wen Idontl. ,?.,?.-,-iv ol ma. llacConnat , K n aain that Phllllpa broki down ai - io ing and .. tl . Mnd ii. ? W .ug fur a .. arln '?? fi." '? d a i.-_ ..;' now ' i'1. ,,, Dui .-? Humi.i- , .... in ? ing ni th.' , , ,,,. ...,? ?? ? atrlpped "I iheli nttlaga. I L Tombs Breaker, Accusecl of Two Murders, Trappecl in The Bronx. and Yielcls Wiihout Battle. NEVER LEFT THE CITY Dyed His Hair and Mnataohel Just Hnng Around The Bronx ? Whines When Capturod with Youncr Woman Accomplicc. ? man irho aoaled the wall ? Bjoomy n iiir- ? ? ? n ? '? . ' ,.i , i i > ?ugher j ha* deacrlbed ?> ? -,--,. ? ,,. aperati n Iminal in ,: Ri vnoldfl l'"i ibn ? 888 taken laal niuin In th* dark Uvtng | room "i ;i fi' I i:t n\ kVltb. ; h in 44a th,- Bltp of ?? glrl ihal ha I .-?? . ? i.. hlm it. in: >' ;1 Ihe murl j . ?? . ? i ,? i ' ? . I. ,-i and ui ' '1 ot- | foi t to galn hla llraerl \ . U 4v n? ple ulng lo Doughertj thal h* j "ln ' n thi ? npture o Wot ibre*y, i nnd he i. id th. ? iklna thi i-.,t.-.i i.i Ihoih r <i"44n t" P 11. .i.Imii.h ier* ln i - ? 4 .| motor i r lt was with c llor, ii;, i.. |. ii ? < ? unnilBSlom r told t'1 atorj ?! ? ' ir*. Conti ' t" hla .-ni.talloni had '?? im nf ih.- dcara rat* gun flghtlng ?-,] from ih* ? onflrm?*d ;. :i-mi. \4bo i.- ? harB* I m irdi rs. In?ti ad, Porabi ?. i> .-1 . n 'l in tho darkni'i - md i alled that hu wa* afraid; and 4. ; 1 . mlghl havi been, for four iir.i\4ii rev*olv*r* a-er ln th* sam. r.">ip 44'tu lnin \-. !.? I raught. Dovigherty Took No Chancei. "L1i iti nanl John Lak* ol H Bquad D cli ..r man thal ' arorklns, ' t ti..? Porabrt\ ? ..- ' i\. eh " aald D. ifhi rtj 'and a hlle wa ? 1 ??? 1 folloa ina all Ihi I thal Hhoepahi ...i i ay li ad, 1 a 1 .. ? ..." | tl -i - ? had ti:.- gooda; and, ?? m ? ? 1 ki ? . ?. \41 ? ? 1. into . ?ii. i. I'vc B"t thal 1 r ]/,-?* r ? ? w ? ? ;. ? 1 ? 1. ? ? D ' ? ?? rr.-.i ; 1 ? ?4 i'"\ : ? ic The Brona O . 1 ? . 1 . 1 . .. ? ; ? ? -. ? ? ? ?. 1 ? ?. ? i \\,-- John fl ? ? m ?' H .- 1 - - . u ; ? ? . lenl ? ? li.-ij. . . 1 , , i cnuldn'1 t- ll Jui % to tl I ? I 1 ? | ' ,; ?' - i' ? -. out ' up. and 11 inll ? ? .?'?' up to the 1. ? I '. ? .-? -. ? ? I . ? . i ? . ., had '? ni 00 th* "Th** flral i" ruain we t*lk< ' the 1 ? - ? nntlnued ? ? - tlv* , hli t flhi ald: 'Yea, we've a t aomi i.;.- llvlng "!? thi top flooi Mr. hnd Mi '?' D b Bul I ?. 1 : tt:, 1 ' ' nnd 1 . .- b< hnvi d ?" ipli 1 ? ' ? ' ,;"' l ..-if aad I dld wanl Mr. and li R Dnvla, 1,11,1 I w e il u * Iti I'.-ill", 1 , and Flyn . ITe rana tl ? bt 11 t-,,ni; and .. v. >mi.I ? ???? d the door ? -. ? rack, "Aa ooen aa i 8 44 h< r 1 knea I i ad h.-r mate Bhe waa thal glrl who 1, i, ,1 to help thi guj mak* hla g*t ,.u.,\. Bul I "i.i >'! I Mr. Da? la,' 'He'a nol here,' bul l had Bb. ??:? ln*ld? j thm nd thi othei ? r< In d . too. ? n .li.ii, t lool . I. ..I-.-..-. Th* \ 1 oom "? ben ? wen a aa IlKht, hul th* 1.,,. 1 "|.. nlng ?'" iV' " ''?'? '?? 1 luugh' . 1 ? . "' hi a loiingi wi 1 ? a coal . ,i, rb. bnl.H*r ?Bd tle, aad 1 anew the llttl* dame waan'1 a rvtale Im !? , .,i,.i;.,i. bo 1 Btood i.\ h< r whlle the bo took a keoh through ?.thei room*. Desperado" a Crinrjer. ? prettj ?.1 "-a*** "''" ""' ' nd th*n I -, ,| :,,; . .... )"t.': sli" ,1' V.-ii , ,,,.. thla I"1" bjmI I know ? gol t.. go lhro4igh. vVhare'a the br 1 1 lel T ?*Yea. it war r\>raore: I l ??? bai i-,,, I,,. ,. .1 ttl prli 1 had '? nrted to .1..,, , 1 .-?,j..--1 ol -li dtagul***, Balr dye. .1.. im.! changi 'i from a bjondi t" a hrunetti :..-'! ""<" growlng a muatacbe, ;.mtj halni had already '?? ? 1,i.,,.... ,,,?,]. . .11 thi oth< r i.ii-.i. the pli 1 , , ;,. :? 1 Ighl 1.1 >? 1. bali 0 cttoi ? . llow. Thto ?_- j 11 - b] tb '? 1 ? ? -,,.. i,,-i,ui.' t*omml*alon?r WTIII I \\ . l-M .iii.T *h? li.' admltti d ,-,.,..,,. ? . ? ? <-t and 1 ? riatli .1 ber halv< r]']" 1,, ,,, 14 . "n.-id.-i- 'i Iii.' ah waa .0 .??? ... . ni '.'i had la ;-/.,i bl K*oi bn " 1 -?! timc h, :-.-m.-iiii.-.i 11. the ? 'aibolle Protei ,,,,-, bul Poi - ? ? told th* pollci laat nlghl thal ah* talned him aoon after h8 eB4*ap* ?l1"1 had been with hlmawer ^jiu-.'. Laal nlghl ah* gi r* Uv 1 ma ,,r Mary Qulnn, Inati ad of -V Di .hi. b] whlcb ? ? ' ? bj knoa n it the l'""' '" ''"' eiicap*. Bhe waa loeked up i" "" Kllaatbeth atreel Bla tlon. cbarged alth aidlng and abettlng ( .mllin.e.l ?n llftl, !>;??;,? rlftl, . oliuiin. CROPSEY TESTIFIES Says He Called Him Cowardly.j Ungentlemanly. Unfair and a Whole Lot More He D:rl Not Care to Repeat. WALDO. TOO. OiM THE STAND Onrran Anaweri Cb*uges oi Tammany Members and Do niei Police Inve.stigatiniy Committc^ Holds Btar Cbambor Sessioli.s. i tol . '.. ? i ? ? nor ll ? tht nd acu d In i ???:<? an ??>la- | n ti Ij and unfn Ir mi nner In ?-? I ? ? ; ? . |il h Ii 'i i" '?)' : Igna tlon from Ihe Police Departmenl wlth ou1 Informinc '">? of hla Inti n lon. I toM iii. Mayor h whole lol mon that 1 would nol >;ir.- to repeal here. ( waa very much bicenaed over hi* ictlon. i J mnlnded hlm thal 1 had askt ?! hli i... .1.- realgnal.. i threc montli 4 bcfor< . I- ? i -. i could nol t-onscien* lluual do Ihe l hlnga hi a um id m .... In ihi di partnient ' Tha ' v .< i i r t <>;' i ha l< al ?i.iii.. t'. i Irnpaej. formi r Pollci ? 'oi oner, In explalnlng hls bn ak a ll Ii .M.i ??>?? '; noi a ln n he v m . > -i ?. i fruni tlu i"... i ?? .ii, Vlu 1011 Mr. < 'i -,-- wai rln . Ipal tf II114-1 ? .-,-,.,?? la ftwe Iho nilttet whl ? eetl ? ? . tlon. li n t f i t hi 11 ? , !'? :-. ? ? n . i ? ae ??.,-.--? il Muynr Mi . i ,.'i domli .' Ing lha i 'olli I ?? . . altuation * - lt '.t Mr Cro| ? ?.-. Mr t'...i ;.i.|...iiiinn ii' - promii on the fi . ..r i nr 11. ? | i iuan1 lo i he I. I. I. ?, some af ihe applii anti ? llglble M ?? ?. unfl to bect ?-,... r. . Of 1!.. : I hlg posltlona in Ihe Pollt>? i>. parimt b1 ;'..- Ma .-I ,i>.-... blm ? ? rn I ? . Ldra and i talm ihe wltneaa aakl h< a UM l gttt M H"l i-. promoti d, bec ??? 1i.>- Beparf i h offtcera i ? -. nky,. I and for tbf further reaaon th taomeofl ll,, ni* ri ln 'ni- f'.-r | r io! ll B iii.iki- i.ihI. alrable men for tbe | -,ii.i.. No Such Order from Mayor. IIr f'ropst - . tht Mayor nt er . hlm t.. make appolntim the fon ?? i. ihroi rdar from ? . ? M . I v ., r ordei ? -. hla i ? aor, ' "':.rni i u , do, i" tl" "Tha Ma oi dld n," aald Mi i i ? ,--? ? "If hi had 1 ? ? aould hava t..k. n the Job. Hi oke to ii.?? iboul appolntlng In one, two, i..i.rdt r, ' u1 he "n ? er dl r.. i.-.i ine lo folloa thal rn. ii,<?i." ? .1 thal 'ii ? dll ,., ?, i. . ith 1 hi Ma)or ln i gard ? pollt ? 1.1..1 '? . laer-n tnki n I . ? i,. ;.,.- Mayor'a off1< ? bul he dld nol healtatt to aa rhat they had ? ?? M ii-.ii. tha li Ba gharp and ii i ? ... The Isaue betwet n the M i oi and iloner ? Topaej waa broughl lo .. limax wi.' ii tba Mayor ga .M for publlcatlon a long lettertrom htahonoi t,, Jamei Creelman. preaidenl >.f tho Clvll BervJci Commburion, In whlch the Mayor accuaed Cropaay of .alatenl vlolatlon "i tba clvll Bervtea btwa in maklng appolntmenta. The exceptlona !,. \ii i rropa 'a metbod ol appolntlng from tha ? ? iv 11 ?..-rvlro lint taken bj Prealdent rroebnan bad been *>atis udjustt .i. Mr. < top a?y sup ..... tho result of i onfen ni aa a 11 h Mr. i ti ? Imi n ? nd tht Mayor** k iter , iime aa u boll frdm ?> ch ar ak] t'..ii.tii!.. rioni r i topai j had ollowt ?! tbe preccdt n tabliahed I -?? di U m i .., board prior i" Pr< glden! Crael man'a lbn< lu allowlng bhn lo Balecl the men w Ith i laon rei ord i deaplta theli pueltton ..ii the liat and Mr. Creelman had glven blm t.? mMlerstand thal tha - iro< Brraagemant arouM be Iisfacton t" tba i?-:ir<i .ii thal Une, i n neaa leatifled Tbi n i n elman wrote iiii" a letter thi di \ befora tbe Mayor'a letter waa glven out, declarlng that tha appolntnienta h.- aad roadi wara Ibegal aad would hava ..' ba n voked, Mr. Cropeey aald. When Ra called "i. tho Mayor la ragard to tba publlabed letter tbe Mayor arouM aol ai flrat admll tbal ha bad gtv? n lt oat bul BnaUy acluioarleflied that ba h id done ao and adinttted tbal in- i?:?*i ,,,..' "i nfabi) " toarard th Pollci ,,,,., ,,-,.,,,. r. Mr. Cropae: u ifled. Walfto Back on Stand. ri in, landt r B/aldo, tbe pn h al Po ,,.,. commb kw er. aaa recaltad aa a wltneaa aaterdaj U) ?\i>i.tin. If he , ould. the teetlmot ott Praahli i! Cn 11 man of tlu ?''vil s"'" ''' ''?"?" . ,.,.,| tbal tha i '???" nlasloni i I ,j ...Mii.u:-. wlthdrawa from (ba com missloo -'"??' "' ""? cmse- :' l"1"1 bJ ,.,,;.unis-,.:..rr Cropeei and aaaumed ,.., responslblllt] of lha uppolntmenta l? ,],,.-, q leatlonable caaea. '.'ommla sioaar Waldo had prevtouaiy leatifled ti, t i-.. had taken all the thlrty-flva or .-.,.-,- caaea rejactad by pommlssloner ,,,,,.... ,,, tbe cfxmmhafton for Inveetl ..,,?,,, ;i,?i if-,, .mi bad made ihe apfaMntinaiitJ later og tba ,.,',, ???.?, iou "'' "'? ??'vl! ?S,I'V"', "?'"'? pjlggtooera Tha Clvll aatrvka Commto .,i??e,i ,.n third pag'. -,,ird aaaaaaa. 1 I VMES i CROPSEY. Former Police Connniaaioncr, ivho testified beiore the aldermanic t-ommittee thal ht called the Mayor eowardly, ungentlemanly and ui11air. FA1T nin !0 WHEELER MYSTERV Sccretary Stimson's Uncle Ex pires Suddenly When Probincj Drowning of Daucjhter. WENT WESTTO FIGHT WILL Youmc Woman Had Left $12, OOO Insurance to Fiance's Brother -Jcvvcls Gone from Body. I .. ? . i - ;?' . 21 : : 1*0 '!"'" IIoIIIb, i. if i -1 falher . who waa <ir..4\ii. .1 Ib 1 , ? i i lenver, XI. dled here laal nlghl undi r -. whlth the aul i , .ii Id' r my*tt riou*. Mr, to I ?< ni ? , ? |n ? ..ini"' tlon 44 Ith .. Bull In . hter'a wlll, but lh< - |... ?, ..i,. i untll ?ii lobi r '?'?? Mr. \vii..i..- i- atatered under tho ?, .1. nn -\4 " and I.i* ,.;, i..I not knoa n untH !,, ,i.i.. i!? ... i .mi.'ii by i.i .itt'Tii'-' . i.ii.u '-:' t.i.''' lock, alao of Hoi Ita, 441." i' giati !? 'i aa "Emtl BhertdBB.' m .-, fjeel ?."!' the cojrt ot i phj bI< :?'!? \. rordlng !?? phyalctana, Mr. u dled ii 'tn urasmle convulalona, i im june ^> taal -Mi** v*"b**l*r w*nt ta Buwle* 1...K-. about ten mllea from D*a -,.-r. arltb .... automoWle party. A Ing i,. the !iii''.riu.iti..ii li tar raoalved b) ;,,., i.-,, ,."t Into i rowboat b) heraelf. and arhlle tryina to recover -. lo*1 ,.ar i.'H rfverb?*rd and 44.1 drov/ned. The body waa r-?<>\.-,.-.i ,,n july 2. 11 4\.4.-4 r.,r,?l i,i..i ..11 1 ? r hrwelrj w.< mlBadna. , N, , p| .,,??.:? . 441 i.'ii u;,s . la ? .1 ii, 41 w r had ri iBlIng 112.009, .ill in i:,\.t Dr. J I r, ol D*bvi 1 hi 1 :,;iii,-. ?? brother. Tho f"' ' t ..t ai ?' >? ei ' ,,,,1 1 oran .1 mi li 1. daj 1 after al ? 441, .- rls, ;.. rumoi ; lbai thi di 4411 'i v,"iii.11, waa i."t Mlaa U'l.I?r .,1.1 ii al tl ?? r*al Mtaa a baatar ha eaal 44.iii th* Intantlon "t Kct". to Bu '. . rh* ruBKaTB rcault*d Ib tlt* delaytnj ..' payroanl ..t h*r Ituurafaoe pollcte* ubMI ii:. i....i' ? 1 ni.1 aad i?> iltlve klon I 1I1. Rl "ll .4 Ifl I i.l.l. 1.'. .1 di 1 ii,. nd "i MIm Whaeli 1 bwh rted th n 4.\.i.ii *re*ki before Bha waa drowned all ?. i. ? nd ..1 h. i- belonalBBfl bad beon B**M r tly removed fl oiu ber rooma, jame* Cooper VVheeler araa born i" Brooklyn alxty-two reara ago. Aftar .. publk* Bebool edueatloB b* wonl to j... ropa t" coniplete hla atudtea, havlni i. ... 4. . 1.1 "? .1 writar. Mi \4 ln ? I'-i'?- BrBl vii.. islimu I,.- 1,, .1 thlrt) -ii'. ? ' waa Annle M :;.. in -..I *|h? 441, tbe .kh*r of Mtaa .'n.,i.... u.-.... Mr. ..11.1 Mra wi.'-i." I ., p iiBted ? ? ?'? ?> " ....'i ahi aad bar | daughter w4Hll i" Denver t.. Ilre Aftar l.'i death, 144.1 I'aara ..... Mlaa a*h*eler. 1 .: I 1 ?? SUffl "i.i :il tlmt ! Ume, contlnued to maki I '? bi ar Im r 1 li. un-. i:i..i.t'-.-t. yeara ago .\ii \4 III ? /... -;. .'.: ..11111. , u .1. .... , ? ? . - hlm. \|r. \\ 11. rl( . ..,.:. I - . Blovra." Hi iraa ;.i 0 1 m autbo ?? three oth .- '' ap'n i'.'t.- i et Bi und," "Cap'n Pi b of Porti aana" -ni. ??? 'ap'n Peti of Al Mr, w ii- '-.? r'fl nephea la tbi Baeretary of War, Henrj '? Btlmaea HUNTIMG SEASON'S FIRST VICTIM 1:11.4-,M,i th, Me . Bapt 14, -Th* Bral huntlng rataltVt; "t th* fall bcbbob In 1 praa .'? ?' ta**4lay. Waltat Murcb. tw*Bty*4me jraara old, a*cld*otal? h flhoi iy I. rourjajar eompanloq arhlle huallBg pai ti Idge on BaturdB] dM at iBklta I STEAMER CALLS FOR HELP Pouiulod by Heavy Scas, Bhe Anuhors Off the Carolinas. . i..i-i. n. i-, Bept 21 Pl i of dlatreaa and a -tii bf at : ' poundmg i er ildea, a Ian e, i Bldenl iti' d i brlgantlne rigged ?t> imi r h ia an< hored l the beach, aboul two imi. s s..tiih "f tbe Core Bfuika Life davlng 81 atlon. a heavy gautjBaaal aaa pcavatla, and :hi- n.tni.- ..f ti-i? vaaaal aml tba eatent ? of har pttgbt oannot ba laaraed. Bba srrles no dei k load. HADLEY STILL ON FENCE Deelinei to Say He Will Corae Out for Roosevelt. .... '? 'i asTrl . ? ? I Jeffereon City, Ho, s?-|it. :\. Gov j ernor H idli j -t id Judge i lhartea \ I,. ? the lattt r .t candidate for Bu ,,,, mi Judgi. . .ii arrii e li Bl [?uia to-morrow and wlll confi r ? Ith 11 i-;u h i and other Republlcan i.-i.i i-moi roa Oovei r d< clli ? d tb c tmment ? ? Btatemen! "t RooeeveH i . . n..-t that he belleved (i ,,n y \ ould j ?' declde t.> j"i'i tbe \i... ^ ra, ? ? epl bi aa) that "the :..| h.,,1 onlj rei eati .1 Iti Miaaourl ? hi had frequentl) aald In other ?ln, ,. the . 'hi. ago convi ntlo ?' _--?? MR. RIVES GETS DIVORCE Well Knovvn New Yorker Set Free by Reno Court. T.-i< ^rarh tO The Trltnine | \,-\ . gept M.?CfUltag i>er bua ,...:..; BagtnaM W. Blvea, praaHaat "f n?. Dutcheaa Cbuaty Agrleultural Aaso Iclatloa and a aiember af i.air a aaa i ? ni commtsslons, a "drunkan Har," \!al, . -. pjvi .-. hla wi.--, ordered him itn, in Nea york Ib Kovem . er, ...> - ,- .i,- Mr Rlvea , utali > - a -i. ??"? Ha teattfled tbal hla _ iitm ii he <il.i BOt ga ln n harry i , v. all hla elothes <i u:11j?? ??i on ( fwalk Bhe even went down to tbe mjt-onil ii.'-u-. i" aald, packed <ii> antuapt) ka-unJa i arrled lt up t" Ihe third Boor i ud ilumnittl it down, uiKiiitf hlm t.i mak. basb Hi (Ud Be, and all attampta lol ptacifl her then aad aubsequently were . Blm.. eomlna to Reno, Mr, Blvi - haa bean h Judge ;*' horaa ahovra In s.m Fraa ,-i>,-,,. Ha rtated Ma Intentlon ..f Irtrtng ln tha Wesl ?i am atone ln tbe aroftd," Mr. Rlvea deolared. "i have losi all Intsresl m nr , af .1- ind ha-?? glvt n np all buslneaa ,,,,,,, . m..i - .'i N- s t ..!.<" a IMBECILES IMPERIL OHIO Sterilization or Bankruptcy, Says State Official. -?? retagraaa - ' ' :': , [?j imi ua t 'hi". Bept M. Alarmed i>v . .? taereaaa ba th lasi >t-ar of tti.- aura- i i?i- ,,i Imbeellaa In 11 i Bt Ai'.t-u w Thurmana of the Btate^Board <>f ad mlnlatratlon declared to-daj that II a law ,.c aterlllsatlon i* nol pasaed aoon wltbtfl ,i decade tl a IU neai! ?' banki upl tba atate :,, ,,:,. foi Ita weak-mlndad. "We muat atart .t once t.. Btof) tbe propagatlon ?>f tbe human race hj Imbe cllea" declgred Thunnan "Tha atati i one Inatltutlon to care foi them la tasi d to eapaelty, and rlgbl aoa m hava aver ,,i,, hundred a ho ahould bt i ai ad far thera ??Ai ti ? i>??!..wan Oli la' Hon ? then :,r.- thirt) week-mlnded glrlfl who sh.juid he ..inii..-.J Ib the bnbecile Inatltutlon. The) eannol hotd them thera forever, aini when they are released the atata Eacea the Banger af an Increasc la ebargee/Tba aame rondltloa prevalla al n>'' Uaaeaater Boya1 Home aad al Mauiafteld Rafonaa* toi " B J.55 ONE WAY COLONIST FAflE VIA BALTIMORc A. OHIO TO MANY PA CIFIC CqSBI l-'liit--. S 'pl .4 tO O l ' jkdvt, "j DELEGATES CHARY OF Determinec! That the Repub lican Stati Convention Shall Not Be Managed by Would-Be Bosscs. SOME OBJECT TO GUTHRIE Movement Against the Proposcd Temporary Chairman Becratse B'-rnes Su^sested Him ? Still All at Soa on Statc Ticket. i? * Baratog B -1 ?? ??'? rok* o ll toBighl ogaii ? William i >. < luthri who haa boan aelected b* Statc Chaii man Barn temporar* I ? ibbb of th* i: i. .'?... i fi - .'onventloii wlll op*n to-morrow i Mr. Guthi i a well ki por< tlon ? 44 . . Vork 4'ity, foi merly b i ar ..- ? of Paul I Por '? eara the Brm handled *h< In< aa of khi i: ... ,n and Blmilur legal w. rk. i.i. n ln th* mov.'.ii' ni afialnat Mr. Guthrie whk h octually ka a bbovo rn- b1 agnu'.-t Burnea to thal *t? nt ar* inoatl. upetatc Ri pul La* bbb of ln <i' i endi il proclh Itli i and .. : ofoui ?> i>n .i thal i ?. "'"i por*tlon I Int" in"-' '., I--i-niit ted t" attach Itaeil to th* | ro ? ? Proml ... - | yv.?\ . '.. l lug ' iitti ntlon by .ii ounael foi . g ommlttei. and with di*lInction aa <rovernm* H Bupertntendenl of Pubttc Worka Benator Chartaa M. HamUtoo, i I Chau tauqua County, one ef tha beal of Um young r group of legtalator*. now ? i.u. for C< iigTaaa r - ? ? * 11 thi -<? in "ii and othi i t. Bted i" Mr Bamea -? -? ?' ? tlon of Mr, i luthrlt*. bul wlthoui i Tl ? aava kalki >. m er t he Bituattoi v. Ith upstate mi n and na n New Tork, a nd i- llevi lhai 4- bi d thi .l'l' gatea m d< ratand Jual . ruthrta ';> I i rl - apeech wlll have the cronveBtion ma) .i.'.j.i,, H i thal aom*' body ? ba mkgtH "? a i taei . bol. ?. Oppoiition Unexpected. .vir. Quthrie la Bamea'a pmnonoi a* :,, tioi. ? rhotc* rnad* affc r convi raa? ttoti with varloua tawyera i nd oth?ra li aympathy with th* Barn*?* vtewa oi ?avlng thi i "i..-ii:.iti.?n and reartitatlng corporattana and pollttaal parttaa. M oppoaitlon to bta *tactloo bad b?**i ?"*: pected from ai y quarter. A t**tBBimltt*e ,,? the atate .-..mmitt. ?'. compoaed of K ? ' kg Mi?rritt. < kh 11. rlen drlcka, Aldridge, DaBleta and i.ivina ?ton was ko raporl hla nama through Mr, Ban ? i to tha oonventtan to-BKM - row, and Um B^ediita waa tl ihould i" ? ??? '? 't unanlmoualy. Tha opposltlon to th* atata chahrman lt prvciaely the oppotatloB vokcad b* Mr. Hi-v.iii al li..itini.'t" ta tha laaac tlon of Alton it. I'nrk.i- aa kamBorar chairman of th* B*jnj4xaratta Natloaal Convanttan. Mr. st.-s.-n-. Banator tlamlltoti and e*?f**ctally the upatat* m. n who bav* Itaakl up with thaaa, bt - Itava th* Barnea polkcy raBardtng a aata aad aaaa platform aad ebaJnaan is entlral) wr-.i*. Ttaay ai*a*iia "-latai Gov4srnor Hughe* put this atate, bo tai ...- lagtalalton 4\hh .-..ii'.rii.Mi. oa aa e^ u.iii.-ly high siaiidard. BBd thal B8 dia bla utaaoat ka dlvo**c* ,-.>ii)uraii<>ns frorn politics. Tha Ba***blicBn ptaUotraa ??? LB10 waa an |r*do8*aB*ncnt ol kata Hufhaa .uiinini.straii.m aad a dtatinn*ttf pi ognaaih e doi lumant ?i ii,- contend that t^r thla a bvi b ii,,u t" s.-i-.t ? tawyar 44ho bad baea connei ted '4 Ith th* oM ri.ii. as im. 1 eata, even II ln a ?'*ry aligl 1 1 woukd ba worae than aiU], w bati 1 Bpcdal QuallhV*atlon? In denounclng at tacka "i. khe C4H4aUtutJoo inight be. Motraover, they nnd many oth*i aata 1 v bo ar* nol 441th them la khi 1 1 forl t.. oual Outhrta, bav* inad* lt plain i"-.i..\ that th* ptatfijrni 1 bc bo whll r*trogr*i**lvi aa >?"??*?*'-^ \, ith ti e U'l" docuinanl L.ttle Effect on Mr. Barnea. All khla haa been t"i<i ko Mr. B Appan atl) n haa 1 ad Uttk 1 flC* 11 oa hlm. "What'a ...i thla ti Ih a ou n itta a on Guthrie*?" h? q u 11 ?' "Whal la ,t" Are kh* naaapapi 1 - golna. : ? - ?< blg hcadHni 1 agadnat hlm? What do th**e fallowi a-ant anywajrl sum. ? body who don't kntr* anythlnf and haa Baver d?**ie anj thlng' ?'Mr. Outhrta, of '"in'*"-. I-1- a corpora ti.,n tawyer," Mr. Bantata aald, u nao' iii.-iit latar. "i auppoa* no man of an] ?toa Ib Koa I'-rk doean't gei co**pora? ii.,11 iiusitiisM, or wtah in had lt Bol b* is atao protf*a*or of r?n*rtltutloo*l law al ColumWa. i><>u't t'?<t;;< t thal \\ imt tt h'- waa i" CravaUi'a otoe*'! Ba a aa rjhariea B, Hu?;. 11,1 1; irnaa appan ni mlaaed khe aubj*d froan bla mlnd. bai mod Hufflctafitl) Iniportant by man) of t j*? man h?-r?- t.> ba tb* Buhjei l of ;i mldnlgbi "..'.r'H'.- '4ith Bctialor Root. Mr, !:? ol ? onaioV i.-'i any am h flffhl .11 Mr. Guthrie aa egtratnely unwtae 11..1 dan*4aajtrag at thla tim<-. Ha ad vis.'.i Btrongly ?t. it tha M< 44 Vork .ind Brie County laaUtara ean do it. thay 4\iii deliver thelr d>!4*4jath>!ui lolidly fi r Guthi ? Tha Bltuation, II it could ba aaJIcd M"'. i.'KardhiK caadtdatea \sus uu liiin?;.'.l i"-ii. ; . The tlir?*c l.-atk-rs. kVaeJaworth, H*dg?a and Banaajl aaaaa