Newspaper Page Text
PROGRE SIVE But Not Radical. IVfttu^ark atritmtu The Only New York Republican Paper. \-OL. I V V I 1 \?- *>1 (irifi floii4l.vto-.lay. 1 ri.'it. prol.ably fnlr. > liA.MI. ii _.-r,-r.-4-. Moderair ra?t wlnrls. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, SKPTKMHKR 20, 1912.-16 PAGES. ivr.T/*<l^ r\X'l l< / '1^ V*T lo r"T ?t 9m Tork, Jeraey Cltjr anrt Hobokca. PRICK C)_>r. V hi> l KI.MB.VHI.Mr, TWO CKST8. I IS HURT IN AUTOMOBILE COLLISION Inventor Receives Injuries to His Head and Severe Bruises. in Italy. WIFE ESCAPES UNHURT Secretary and Chauffeur Are Slightly Bruised-Occupants of Other Car Badly Shocked -j .ian King Anxious. s, ... '-'?">. \\ ih.. in Mar coni ii wiraiaaa fame, vas iniured to _ay ln BB aataaaoblle aaeMaat near Borghettu. in iha rallay of the Yara Rlvcr. The extent of hla in.hiries Hrh not baaa eattreljr diacl. Bad, bui ho was breoght back to thla Ity wlth laiatflajjjaa around his h*ad. H- waa auffartng frorn a wound of t!.. right a|*8 and hla. rifht cheek and tampla arara badly brulsed. Msrconl was removed to the hoapital of the naval department. An eye ^.pe i ialift, who made a caroful exam matlon. said that he hoped .iie optlc uatra vvas not injured. bat that it araa ?mpossible to say until thr- svr<.-ll;ng had baaa reduced. He ordarad cold com ; r-afiB to the Injur'-d 83 e. Marconl also received BB* ere brulaaa about the body, Hia taraparattire *-as reportt^d to be abava 100, anl it f,-as also announced that he waa bfaBTlng < onsiderable rnin wlth fortltOfla, Mr. Mnrconi was motortng * ith hla ?rife, when. soon aft*r pass; ig !?>??: ghett.-. ln turning a aharp curve. hls mach!n? came ir.-o eaUtaMa with un BUtomobila whieh um procaadlng from n?noa Both t-are arara avarttutiad. Mr?. Marconi was nut Injorad, but Mr. Marcom's Baeratarj and chauffaur re "*lvad idight injuries. Jn the .-the: wara frra aroaoaa, aii of wboaa arara found to be BU-fartag from aarara bruiacs and ahoch arhaa a ata * I fp-m *lie -Teckage. ^'hen wortf of the acc-idcnt was ra? ' eived h'-re an automobl'e fr^-m th*. naval department araa din-atched to the acene. It refurned wlth Mr. a-io Mra. Mar oni. The I'ormer's in.b i, had already baaa diaaaad bj . | I "!an who v.&s atimmon';d bnxcadlatelr aficr the cnlllslon. Mr. Marcori hfid br-en a \ iait >r at tha royal huntlng lodge at San Ros?- | near Cottano, and a report ?f Ihe BC rtfJapt was immedietel" telegraphed to Klng Vtetor Emtruvnuel, who waa atu ?.f the flrst to make in^uirir-B regardtng ?>.i'.s cotifSltton. bafof bei ....:. ? Inrentor ihe ifo-i Baatrlea O'Bi deughter of l_.ri;.- tncMqtxto, wl I ' rd Ineble.Qla an.' hatf-slstei I :aSant Laord lacMquJn. Bha "iv m.irr'e'J NfBOr Marconl or. Var !, ?-'.. '.' ' M. Oeorge'a Chareh, Hanorer I laaflon. T/>rd Iraehl4|iila a~ chie.ti.i n tba O'Brlfrna i i lea of iii tJUi o rtTsti^r; than ><t r-:? peerai B1 .?eat ln the M aaa of i. Mr>-. Marconl is ia appearanee typl. ? ?? -- graal atrrar af ? ai .' c time poj ola li Lo loi | ?t orteb^r Ital: - Q '? 81 ba 'to-vtu or. h?r th?. dirj.T.ity of dame dn, - i and of lady la atalti CUBA PAYS SEWER MONEY Monthly Instalraent of $400, 000 Taken from Reserve Fund. Hava-a. Bepl aV?Tha Cabai gon - ?-? tO fMJ BaM its monthlr Iriaialmer.t tht Havana eewer and pavlr.g rori :r%ct amcuntlng to about WftStf* Aooard* -UJ ti the Preaidentlal ataterrxnt lha ? onay -.aa ?Wlva.<7i from the reaarv* faad of the Internal reivenu*-. Laat month the gova.rnmert defanlted 'or the tirat tlme In thla payment, de '?iaring that lt had ro more mr'ii-!y Bl t*.? treaaury. The contrar-torn appeaJe.i ?o the American Legatlor.. and the Bf> eaaal waa met. The legatlon ?1bo noti aal tha government this month that it Baa lmceratlve that .*re paymenta be 'jntlnue. promptly acording to the agr?-e ment This Morning's Neivs LOCAI. P?ge Vaier.tlne Confessed Double Life. 1 Parrolrrian Blamea V.'hltman. 3 feucknei Ralaea and yuells Storm.... 3 OjBftara Wronsed, .Sclentists fiay. B laha fBiror .,'it-h->i rrltwsed. a .- -rar Hearings Iiesunied. 2 *r, Ga-li? r Ca>ln f.i T II. 7 Glkaoa S.jbprenas iMMi.-r).11 ^'arraiit Ont for Nugeat, .lereey Boas 18 B> a-like Art a Hit at Talr.18 l'atal < rossint- Ac< Mant.18 FOZ.ITZOAZ<. lllnmsn and Low in Lead.,.. 1 '?raftlng Baratoga Platform. 2 is of Haratoga r'onventlon. 2 P'jffras* Fisht On at Saratoj-a. 2 Taft Ifakea Poaltloa Piain. 4 Ha -i,? i 'errie? All but Ksaex. 4 < ?. u to Teettfg Oetobar f. 4 Coanaotloal Crowda .'ha-er tfllaaai. s lt*K.?a\^|t ln Um South. 5 boaaa roifi to rtooseveit. 5 OE8-BAI, il'salng Man Wlld When Found. 1 Taft I.uii'Js War (jrorernors. 4 *<abel at ."ommerce f.'ongre??. 9 bokworm Vlctlme Hhoan at Con ire.-.K .IB 1-OBBSOV. Marconl Hart in Auto Colllalon. 1 ''hineae Troopa Mutlny. 8 ataaaro (?flera Amneaty. a . ear Turi?lsh Manosuvrea. 8 sriSCi:z._.ANEOT7B Kaara for W<MM a . 7 ' IMorlHl . a laetati1 . a laaatrlaal . ? Obltu?ry . 9 !*J'ort? .10 and 11 Arrny ?nd Nat, y.11 Weether .|.11 ?"hlppmg BTaara .11 Plnanclal a-id Marketa.18, 18 and 14 '??al rTvut. .14 and 18 AIR ROUTE 'CROSS CHANNEL French Company Plans to Start Service Soon. [B; rable le Tl i ni***mi I Londjaa, Bept. 26, a resjular 'on - f'hannfl B488*optane B4*T*?"l<*e B4**Bnia 44illiin j Bierrii. If. Amai >'. Becreiary of tlir- Com paaral* 4i]?B4>rale Tratuptrlenne, ,f Pnrto, liaa wrltten lo o.* Priheetooe town councll that bla company Intanda tu start ? sfrvica- of hydro-aeroplanBfl for tho conveyani*** of paBflnnajfira Bcroaa the <'hannei aa s,.i>n aa tho oeceaaary Hl.^fis are era-cteil. TURN OVER MOOSE BADGES Five Men Won from Roosevelt by Dr. John W. Hill. Deoatur. 111., Bept. '_'?"? Dr. Jobi Weeaey Hill, of Nea v..rk. p^*MjMent of th?- fnl^rn.TionHl iVa.T ForuiH, 441 . rarnipaltTnloa ln Winiam B. .... Kinley'a tnm dtatrtct, had ;<n unuaual rs j pai \mnct 11 - I ai Newataui, I'.i.. fiv* weareti 'r'r'.gra-.-<!vo party omMf-ms turna-il over Ithelr bariaje* to Dr. Hill t.* tin> eloa* of hla tall; anil declared hfl had COSI1 Ifl ?? , th**tn that they wera la error In folloa - Ina. Rooaevtlt | TRUSTED U. S. 30 YEARS ! Aged Woman Eraploye Now Ready to Oash Her Vouchers. rron . ??? - ? ? ? V. . -! ? 84 pt. *-'?"? -Ml i tnba .a;, olghty*]ca!; ? . of [the Bureau of Eniravlni and iTIntlnc, j wiu K-...M prceent t.> th* audltoi foi Treaaury Departmenl :'.?'"? rroverntnerti ehera for 910 i 11 ad %*- i 11 d. tn . -nl for tl ? Por thlrty yeara Ifra ? oomba haa been anployed at sin a month to mend ih.- aheeta arlth arhlch ntachln** of thi bureau ar* t*****4*4B$*ed ahen oot ii I . b n onth ah* haa r. **elv*d a 14>U' hi r >;?'. .ut baa never preaented one for payment, hoardinij al! ln au "Li '? Th* la a provklea that If a ment voucher la ..". areaented 'or menl wlthln two raai l< becotnefl worthl4*8Ba, aa far ?r? thi rat r < haa ... menl ar* ien4jern< d. l pre? aented to the audltor of thi rreaaury i kment, auch a 4 ouchi r mi - it.. red bach through th* yeara t" tha flati of taauance, and If everythlni found lo b* rajfrular i a: man! OOl Of th4 '"?-: "? ?? :'- I fund." Un, Cownba ? ? 1 ur.til to-day thai hor vouchera for *'??? ('*?< are W4*4**tbie** untll th?y BB ttaced by the a'iditor. . TO SAVE IRVING LEGEND William Rockcfeller Inaists Again on Amending Tablet. For th< ? nd tha< ^?"iv 1 n ? ta ;.;, t rem< frora th* uo-,4 *rTa?hina;toa Irvinj M. morlal F-ri-iK-. whlch b* fave jo thi of North Tarrytown to 1 ptaa.f th* old beadtaaa ' brldaTt orer tb* '?' 0 Rlv r. Thr- tr.Mot *va:-i COmptatOd fld tb< tiifn w*ra T"''-Un?j It In iJoaHton aft?rnoon wh?n Mr. to ... ,nf with hi* wlffl and etoi - at th' biidfe. Wh?n he aaa iriK on thi f.i*.ir-t h?- ordi red the mi n to gtop work, aa he (.i.jert*... to the phrae*> ?ry a*] !iir he tjrouM Uah* tha tt. .:r. ^ith th<* aiurlnaor and havi 1 ? mi chanajed. Thi 'h1'1"' ??? ' rcada thal tha brfclfa 1- < rnean rUii to \\ ::>>!,itigton Irvlnp. bul Ml. ROCl feil*r wamrtfl to moattan thal it kakea tbe ptat*e of thr ii?~'li<">< bortaem ? .- ortajlnal tablet wai aeed oti tha brtdf* anno'.mo.lng Mr. Kr- I ti ax tbi fiver he proteatefl becau*? ki waa so ? 'ortSad. ?-* MOUNTAIN GOES FOR GOLF Club Will Spend $50,000 to Move It from Links. [Bl T'legrar', t* Tha MbtflB* Bethlehem, Penn., fltapt. ^?..-.s.''lt,.? crn mtJltonairaa who ar^mi th^ vu Oi frtno,.f in til*r Fr1.-r.110 .MoUIItail.*'. hava K'v4*n to Charli*B V Wenv^r, "f i.-.slon, tl.o .-oi.trar-t to rcmove a BlOlin* taln that Uea in th* centre of tlur gT*ofi Hnkfl at the Bur-it Hllls Golf Club. Thlfl mOUBtalB Is 1.760 f'-et hl?h. nrv^i: el-<hths of a mlle in l'tigth and half a mltfl 4a|iV. lt \'ili cofat to remoare th* tl'iusatifla of t*t*Mfl fr-rt ..f ro.k so that th* i.il1Monalr?a mny hav'-a ptayfTOttl Thr- 14/orJ- ortU orcupy pl! erlnter, and vhen lt Ib flnlaherl the olub Wlll have MM of the flneert ROlf lltlka ln the r-onn ?W* _,-. FOR BIG AUSTRIAN NAVY Strong Fleet to Protect Coast Oommerce Favored. Vtaone, ftapt 25.- Thr arnjr oommU tee of tha; Aualrian ilr-Ugation adopted th* naval eMlmat 18 lO-day. MOOl of th* apeaka-H a-mi'haMZ.-'i th* i.c^^'y for .-4 *tror.B kfatal for tha iwt^hm of ti . . ..a?t ronimeno. ?/lare-Admlral Monte-Cuocoll. coro raander of tba Aurtrhvn navy, darlawrt that tha laroiaoatad w-.'^on ln tho hudgel wer. In4vdaquat* for ' < "?< BaJ. of tha navy. H- '""???"?" ?J* HM tb* fAbar itawan wero ^"^ MffK.r Kun8. the ?rarah.P.of An r?| arJuld hav* to follc-* flult, ktaci -aJUt ,ng an IWCTOMM nt kb* Uk$?a<a of Dreadno,ightBfrom24MKl0to21.* Th*- vlre-admlral aald thal tho ihrow i?g of i^.inhr, frean alrahlps oooW ba, pr*v*nted only hy int.-r..atio?.-,i acrM me,,,. H* doubted U tbaJ^jg BUtba would conaenl ?? ?>"-,uu " v ua, "f alrrrafl f"r '',,r,l a !""*'"" ? a FOOTBALL KICK KILLS BOY. aferrtlk. Wta. ftaat ? J-'-p'1 T'i!"",," Vanroaaan fk**BTteen yoon oW, 'r,,? *** k,ck,.d in ibe head 4vi.1i' playlnf f"',',',lI , ?? Bb ag., tMad to .)a: from ooatetiaaioti of th.- bram EA Recluse, Half Naked and Shag gy. Barked Like a Fox When Captured in Pawling Mts. LIVED IN ROCKY CAVE Arthur Britton, His Mind De ranged by Philippine Service, Almcst Unable to Speak Brother Aids Capture. ;n.. Talesraph t.. Th<- Tribnaa Poufhkaapaie, n. y.. Sept. .0.?Half naked. his haad ..nd faee corerad with halr, armed with a club and barklng lika i. fox wbaa opproached. Arthur Btitton, fort: yeara old, a-ho haa bean mlaalag from hla hom? for m. thnn t.-n '-,.ir -., fo od Ic-ila;- h Bf Ir ? in thr Pa ? llng Uountaina This afternoon he waa commlttod to ihe Hudaon Rlver Btate Hoapital, and the phyalclana thara aay thal i.> la ;t vrr ;t.'i!!r- wlld ni.ii Brttton, he>aua of h -.< ?? ? ,,i almoat loal th. an of apoaklng. Mla li I.; ttered bul aith ugh '...? la ; ,- Qoa ? trangth .->' .1 H llved ln ? hol ln tha . ? ?-I th a i. ? ntatn and U ra? ? I four houra . to ii him to ? ? forth, n a - . Hing .-r hi- I rothi r li i In i '^ri.i >n. that ftnally imp. lo ra f -l] ui- n hli ? nd hlm. .. . Britton to :h ; ira Hriirr.ti - i . wbilB . , ?, thi Ph ? ring the Bpantah- Vmi i in Wai Bo ? rncd to P ? - t th< war, !...? begai o . doni return. ? 'I'.-Il ? <\-|l ?? | !. ? . ir.-. of Wna. i ri ago th . naai lorlea ?eelng a a Id In Ihe ? ti' Ida The rtor: clrcula whole reglon, bu! no mpi il ? ptur. made, ecauac the i ? are thay bi I h< underbi I ..? BJ . limhed tall traea Brltton'a farall; Bna ? rd i" ? nt 'iito the uts ina to li jttgat. ing that the wlld 1 .?: . . .:.....-?' ? r, - ? food to tha cavi ? ' ??? i .- - , ? ' ? ? I to rapl ?? ? thf -.''i!.; man bul : b. elud< -i i Thi rocki thr gri whl M b i . ? ; ; Jua i nd. - Bhi i " H?? b. cfc and to ,,..- ti fi i >i *-1 - .: * - - -j of lludson Rlv. - . '?'? ? ? i The .!"")? ? f '?-?? eave waa oalj thraa ? i.jriH ? -<r. pih ? from ... n A d uroul furth. i mouati InaW. ??? ai Uri: ton ? ? later t?d Britton i ka I i ?...., c..'. Inually. Ha k< pl . | the wa ? lum onl; a h-n .. dr f.;- en to him. --a- - a FINDS S3.000 BRACELET Patrolman Hands Jewcl to His Oaptain?Owner Now Has It. r;.tr..]tnai. Haary r Pralta man t, ned ?? ahort tlma n?o nt tha aWar manlc InraBtlfattni carnralttaa'B ha - .nc i i ti.. "'md.- rahh - ob tht j., w.,i i - honeaty laal Igl t, when be found a $3,000 dl imond brae - lat. Tba onl) raaaon Pralta waa latagad on tlir; Uat of '?'.indesirabh 4" waa a piank ha I114.1 commlttfad arhaa a . autl He, wlth oth. i lada, bniit a boafrri a racant lot, aad waa arraated for dolng lt. Whon ha BPpllad for a plara oa tha pollea forca he aaftoetaa1 la Btat' lhai h< had i? an arraati d Capl iln Hanry, arhan Praltj tumdri ,liI:, tl..- bractlet, caJled la ? fawalli r, ?rbo aald tht placa "f Jawalry worth :.t laa?1 11.000, 4c. oi ipanlad br the pati^lman, i taln Hanry went to Ko. <<> Baat Mth street. and returned lh? Jawel to its owner, Mra. Jamaa af. Hartahorn, a ? had bjal dlacovarad bi r loaa Mrs. Hartahorn lhanked tha patrolman ,.,!,] v);, BOOM] WTlta a letter to O RI mlwlonar Waklo taJIroi hlm i r thi incldent _ -.. # HONF.YMOON ON THE AMAZON Sharon. Penn.. Couple Covercd 10,000 MUofl on Trip. Theodora Morgai , a retlrad ateol man i notonr, ot iharon, Penrw, arrlrad hrra raaterday artth hla brlda froni Bouth Amarlca on tba Royal Mall Bner ataajda laaa ^!"-r a weddlng trlp of threa inantba ln Korthern Braatl Mra Morsan, who bafora h^r rnarrlage aaa Mlaa tfarfaret Whlte, tt..' daufhter ,,f |?. . tt Whlte of fharaa traTallad v |,i, i,.-. huaband by Btaanaahlp cano. foi thre. thouaand milaa bb tha Amaaon. Tti.- eouph wera marrled bb IuIf I *,,'' a few da] ? I"". aallad for Para pn lha i> K>tli am n i., ?ving Braatl r . into Britlah Qulans, snd ?ccom .,,.,.,1 bj tea negroa Nnd fomfen infli Huf irarellfrd b: c ?,,?- i f..r a l.untlnB ,.|,. u b. B - Seg . snd Rlo aladero Mra. Mfwaau. n ??' ssld by th< gv va- the fo'irili V4t,ii. woman 10 *? ie.1* " Kaliaur Falla, whlch are a?feef wlda ano ?ai faef iiiiii. The ent'.ir- ?? adlng Irlp M' ^'" - sald. w?a abo-it ten thouaaii'i nui"*. MEN PROMINENT IX WORK OF SARATOGA COXVEXTION. EX-GOVERNOR B B. ODELL. IR. AND UNITED STATES SENATOR ELIHU ROOT RIOT AT PARIS MEETING Hcrve's First Appe:.--:ir.ce Since His Rcleasc from Prison c ? . ;. .'.. Ri ol i lonai ? ' Ball ' . ? " I - mllii - ? ;' ?>,- graay. Uoni ; i flr';'J ..... isad aa raapona rfo , . v.-n- kiibd. but aarraral wert n rnovod tn tha boapttal gttffarlng froni ,, roi' rr and knlfa arounda. it waa HfrTVo'a Brsl ,"- -:-< p ,i,|, . ,, i ralaaaa from prlaon la* .),;? M-i la lh< adltor of th. -,;, ,.r, -.,,.-!.,;.- and uar- *? nt-i . ,,f four yeara- Imprlaonm I ta ting ronrd. r, bul * < #j,,Kl,, ., preaidenl FalUfhraa. ? an he took tha platform aad fatled to ad ?crtpta to deaert, tha radt. tl lliurtal factlon and anarchlsta l-rtio wara praaent *ii gr-at Btrangth [ralsed pandemonlum Chatra i ! hurlad from thi gallery abota wan changad and knrraa dranro. r\,(] from thi hall ln tarrar A ,. , r pollci appaarefl ? I i ?cene, but aftar aom.lay, ' ml foun< thai tha meetliig bad alrekdy broken ,,,, ,,, arttd dlaorder. --. r , 'a ?d%1c< to his felk ? ? I larta f - Brat ta caj tura tba a. b. ola ., ,,i ti .r, tha army. Ha orgi d the conacrrpta alwaya to Itaap ta toucb aith th.-ir Bortallat frleada. "Revoly tlon wlll be accompllahed by thr arroyV i,. aald, "or nol at a'1" TAKES AMPUTATION COOLLY Workraan Watchea Surgeons Cut Off His Mangled Le?. i Refuaini ta U?h< " -!": athatlc, n haa Turaen, of Ko. Hl Manhattan av. Brooklyn, watched lb. rorgaona yot _-?. ?fternoon amputate hia leg below tht knaa Ib ?*. J"hn ? Haepltal, '""* I,lri"'1 ,-if.- Turaen bad'baan caughl ln aaa* ehiaary "> the htaibaaoa lead n..rks. m im? lav-bad City, aad bta relttra work .', n wera unabfa to aatrleate hhn. a telepbooa 4r.1i waa aant to thr baapU lal and wbaa Dr. Brawa Brrtred at tba aroHu he aald he would hara ta amputata the leg i" "r,!"r fc? ,#l inr 1U'"'S '"j0y from the maHilne. Turaen told hlm to ko ' baad and eut tat tha leg K than waa go ,;;;h;, meana of aettlng brm aat Dr. Brottn attetaplfa- to pjrf tha men _n anaesthetlc, but Turaen proteated that ha IU not n. ad anr Tha-aaaak, aowavei , h.a d< -tti tllH THE BEST BUTTER AND EOOSrlu. ^.^l^^i slrr^l i-ondltCo. Advt. AEROPLANE GUiM SUCCESS Riddlea Air Craft at Height ol About 5.000 Fcet. b, Fram ?. Sept '-.'?"'? A i Lgrned for th* de ? i ne*, araa ti . l \. ?. roptai.i .I bj b d .?!..'? .1 ??> |th abella ?? more tban 1,300 11? -? tr . '**! ? -. I |. TRAFFIC SQUAD MAN HUR1 Mere Boy Driver of Miik Wagor Horsc That Ran Away. Patrolman Ntehotaa Fiuth. .if Trnfi'. ifjquad C, wai nrloitaly lajurad yeartei ..ii'Tiioon whan he attempted t. Istop B nmaway h-irao attariv.l to i Imllk wagon al Fifth avean* i.n.i -Tii Thr piitrulmin arafl kn-.oko. down and trampled ..i">n by th* hora. and Ih* wbeebi ot tho wafl'on paaa*< |o4 r his bodj Ka wai un -rms.-t'>';? [wben ha iu* taken t<> * ii r- New v. .it. J HoapltaL whara h* waa found to ta auffertag from tnternal Injurta* and *. fra< lure of thr. knee >"ii'. Th* hora* araa atopped by .-, at Plftb avenue and 28th atreet, Thert another patrolman arrested the diivar b im proi od to be a bo* nt ... irteei year*. Ha aald ba waa Emll Btoeklln ..f .No. I'.'.'i'j Tenth avenue, .md wai tha aole aupport of hla wtaowed motliei and three brotbi ra Btoeklln,d that ho was enaptoyatl b) thi I'orn.Jal.: Farm Dairy. of r*T0 131 W*?l 8Btb atreet, tbe owner of Uh a*aa*on, and bc exptalned thal a trucl drlvar fltruck his borac al Blxvb avenut I and 27th atreet. Tba anlmal ihareupor ? i olted, bc aald, and ho coutd nol Btoi him Th* boy wlll ba airaUfned ln thr CbHdren'a Ceurl thla majrntnaj on ? Icharge i?f luvenlle dclla^ueney. KOOTBALL HERO GAINS BRIDE. [By l li flrapti i* Tbe Tt-ta^ata* 1 BaB Fnnrl*.'.., Bept. fft -Frunk R-.r-k arsll. fofinerl' b atar i]uait*rba*b al Tata, and Mtaa afai*t*uerlte Adams, ol I'h.i'.ilx, Arlz.. W*r* niarrled ut Grai-a Cathedral ihis aftcrnooa, aaalhii a r ? inaiii'.- that befljaa ..n kha Tata IIbibbwI featball ftald :it>: yeara ago. Mlea Adum> 44.-18 Btataea yaara oM then. Rot*a*well waa tha bare of th* day, hatrtaaj won tii* gatj for T .1' by maklBflj a toitclBtlown. SEVEN A FAMILY TRADITION. p ?t, tairffb, aV 11. h\ A a*v*ath aaa ol a atventh aea of a Bavantb bob araa h?>m to-day t" Hr, and afra. DavM ;ii (tataer la a i"11" carrlar at Bredateca Drink Freah P.eaiea Grape Jiiica. We preaa it !?i your alghC U t ?,.. . 4. >-.,,. ? ?'? .lStfultOB Bl M r?*0'0'*.?>_?I'--.A?,. ?WI _,*?0 [ IR 10 Banker Wrote That Mother's Curse Was on Marriage and His Love Had Waned. SEPARATION SUIT EXHIBIT "Awful Secret" Penned "in Bit ter Tears"?He Soon Went to Europe with Other Woman and Baby. ? ? ol .1 panttent baaband ? ??? b aaaa ? - Kl-.i B. Vatemlne i ought agalnat Jamei Bj, vnieattna . to PVrbrnaiy, *?a* th* riianaper - caiombua aveaaa branch of tha ; Bank and presMeat and prlac - ' i atable 'ompHnv. t-i a after ba left - \ alentine'a Daj I baied ;. aaerat thal had long rdened hlfl iiilnd?il'.nt he iiod t-ec i ..... | Bt tii thei ol ma- in liia ? Mra I'alaatlae ob? ? i , ?. ? >? .: -.. itresa ?1 ISl 14'- '"'ll , . \ aiia ..-? ? -i h la a Iff ,- n ? i 'he naai d ?? thi ? ot. to hla a :.-. i .-?' a Une to B^y tliat 1 t.|ll not !>e *|home, aa i am heartbrokeo a' aiyaout I i win aaplala ln fuil when ahi>> to wrira. Everythlna la <> K at tha hank. Vo not j .: >- aboul ine. as I mi nol worthy or ? tho'.'Khts. I nm all at faujt. \ t- -.< .l44_s.- Irft.-r Ura Valeritlne re ?-.i from bar haabaad the i?tter of i ? ii read. i'?.ir Klaa: it 1- certatnly hard for me leclare m>s.-if. lual -..isr i ani, hut T ? ?i<i i'H. k the iruth long enough. ' ? 'i i l to j..'j. ii - it a III : oth of in .. ,i aill elear of the awful saerat Tha* laat ...| moi '???' -: oki to yir- a am ?, . -1 ? would ra! ber aae me o.-a.i ,? '.> marri '.>u. a-.-i deelared if l ?Ud ahe would laara a eurss < n me an,| I ' aould never be happy arlth you. \- ti..- I waa happy. but tl a laat few ; tvaa not, :<i.<i alowly my lova for H>OU |. ? -.1 ?**?] an?l Into n,y llfc bm other peraon came who madi ma happy, unkno- n to you. i ha ? ?? aael thla , . i iieifon and been frlendly aith! tha resull tiiat ;t baby waa 1 born r , ua a boy, n.>" ten montha old, i |,,... i ? mother and hlm abore nii thlnga !? I "??""'?' 1 |, jiaa i.n ii long, Mtter tlaciir arlthlri , mi -,, ll re i i have d< ne and try to pretend to Hva ?" 1 sh<>uld. but the good 1 j..,,-., tbove, i truat has alrectad mr to ? take tr.e rlght course. oither to contJnue ? ,,'i . ,?, ...? .1- ??"?' the other ar.l o * ,,.,,:? baby. i could not do that, ao thla i< I tlie fuil iruth nf the 8*4-tul ? ll??n<-e i often tnsintalned Ood, r hope, wlll bare mercy <*n me, ' nni\ l Bah Hl" Meaetng t'..r vou and hope rla lai<r: K"1"' eai* "* >'"" I t rea tad you very mean; l feel lt now, out ; the brldg. waa rroesed before I knew ,?.? far ' h "i ajoi.. l sm going away for a reat end tr to li<e ri-nui thla ?"ti| ' aorros Wlth Mtter tears i clqaa thla .nfeaa on. k"oura truly, .lAMf.. Ati.r Ura VeJentine reeeivad the fora gotag admlsaioo rhs atarted an lnreatlJ Lgatton. Bhe learaed, rhe a*"errad, tbal ha had malntalaed a home for Mlaa 'i-i ; trude CornweU, nt No, 04 taai IBJth [street and al Ko, UU Hoa avenue, The Brons. He kepi an automoblla for him , and Mlaa Coraarell, ids -Alf** aaid. Ton daya after tsv alteged abaadaaaieat by VaJeuttne <>r hla wt'a, ha. Mtaa Oarn | well an.' th* hthy s.iil. d for nurorv . In maklBg her a*>pl catton for allnv y ! Mra. Valeatlae loM .iu ttoa <"off for \ fjur montha after I er I iah nd l. f t he reeetrcd IMI ? m..-nt,i from hla atabli eompaay, but t'mt theaa payatenta atopped in Ji.114-. Bbe aald ber i-ro^rj' , j <-onsir ted of 5^73 In bank. Jow^l-y v.ilu -d nt I1..XI) ar.d furnUu.v v.ilu.-d .^t |75?). Valentlae ?.i* u?>t rapraaaatad bi eonrt, [aad the atatter af altaaany wa.s arrangad under aa offar to eouaael for Mn. Valentlne t.y peraona a. tlng for her ht-a banrl Ju-tir,- <h.rf yetteraajr aluned n.i order awardtag Mrs. Vslentlne Ka) a month alimony ,-,n.j BM ounael feea L BE AT SMHT As Order Emerges Out of Chaos Interest Centres in Two Possible Governorship Candidates. OTHERS APPEAR TO BE OUT Discussion Leads Republican Deiegates to Believe Neither Wadsworth, Hedges Nor Bennet Should Headi the Ticket. AT SEA ON OTHER PLACES Dozens of Candidates Suggcsted for the Various Oflices, but Nobody. Apparently. Yet Certain of a Nomination as Conven? tion Gots to Work. Ir'rom a Ma? i i rreepepflflBt i ( Tr* ,,-.b. - Baratoflta, Bept 23. -Aitnough tii~ i.a - t.'tinp, for (3oT4*mor In thi? ooirenttou probably wlll nol b*ajtn befori FHday, aomatblnaj reeamMIn*; ord-T la bcarli ning lo oniargo to-t.ight ti<>rr> ,n> , ... - hitherto pn??..tiiing. ii beamn arlth i negntlve?-thaf. however aatlnaalBl* thi miar'n: b* porsonally an?l arortby of nomination in <>r.Hnary circumBte*T?*a, it waa untbtakabfa aa h practktaL vo * BjattJna;, 4Mii.iiu.ito alaeitiig Dt^ptMlttaa t<) Bommata lansea W, Wadewjrth. ji i r ?)? '? rledgei or kVIUiam B. Bennel la ' thla parl k ular j <*ar af fi Then came a poaHIre thal i m ch . unOoubtoiii; mual Ita betwaaa $n$ aaea of afl thoae waoai nnanaa har* [unfltar . oriM.ioiation v deleajatafl and taadara Thes* men are Harvoy Hin? man. i-'onator from Uroome County, an.i Seth LatrW, f-x-Mayor af Now Tork CH And of theso men Hlninan is bj ? Id* tha favorlte. This oonr-lv.sion has beon ???.?a-'-he.. \moot of lhe mai who. arlth luatta*, ma bo offJIgd loaders iti Ibeii roxkmM B*c , tions of tho state. It is tha flpaaTBOfl I undo'ibiodly. of a trujority of lha ftaje ijratcs. n la. volced ln th* (oastp on every band to -night. Aud it atfll mv doubtedly be rabeh tr*? *?. an .nforu^; stttatinf eotai tilttea of leadera ko-mor r..w. when the matter of : riH4-e t recelv* acrtoua i**9*n*fd ratlon If f tlie conrentlon ka to araatplat* Ita arork boforo Battiralajr nlfht. fi Aeed, [| has Bjonc aa far ? Kl aoi i of th-- leadera that the- arr qutetly I feeltnf out tb* BenUnaahl on a atata: with Hlnman'a name al tha top, tol-] I lowc*d by tba* ol ex-Sia*ak*r "vVan> worth as oaididato for Latwtenani renor .v.thii.g baa hitan aald thal bcoto. But lt ht ?; -, iparent 'Hat many of the inen i ? |ha\- roncelv.A that ide? Ivlleve such ?fcajfl woulv bfl B 4i inner ln tha cani i m, and tvould aaanra tho votara a ' Btate administration flqtaal kO that Bjlveu i j Oorarnor Ba^baa Hinman and Low UnliWe. v., two nn ea iM '??? i ',r' '?? ? * .ji nd kVo ? Harunaa nij eraon, arlth a tarc af tb* BoH ln apfpearanrr and Btteratnc* ?' ougb b lelever lawjrar. "I*11 ??" Bta-celteiBl iwa*-. i tlee ai ri hiR'.i atai abrtf ln hi? prafa$a*4on ! Atoo, paradox though it s-.em. ho ia B politlcian who h?* higb ?tanding with "reformera," and ? - I "roform" tendencl*. hav. nevor pf |*r*Bted him fron **orklna* wlthln his ; party organlaatlon to ac-r-.-mpll'u | through thal agency the thlngs he Dfl> i ItaVOd n*Jt**aaBa8y. Mr. Tlinman gain.'l $t*>t?-Wld* tttOttl ; inen * ihr.wgh hls handllng af tba Kugbea dlfbct Baombmtloava i-aisiation. He la ietocnlB*4l. aveat by his iumvTavis peneta ui tba Tjegieiature. as afaa of bard*at worfdnf and aaoel oo? l tantkoua mon sltUng ln tho Capitol in n,inv oars-a stud.-nt of i<?kdBttOffl, ; arho bringa ? Ba* "lir'fl a,,,i '"?1'1'' ';v' Iperiaace to 'ho atady. H* ia. moro ovar, ona Of tho e|?i*j**8**t and meat Bnt4*rtalnlaf atiaakera m B4ahtJc Uf* of thla BtaU t'.-dav. tbouffh ka practken Inonaeof the paiior titotafl of otototj. ' HlB polltical atrengtn W4>t*la largdy Ua upatate. BJeth Lo4A- made hls B*ast rooord a? Mayor of New Tork Clty. a*ata$a that . tlm* hls appeiraii.e In public Bfl ha-> ! beea Bb*oaat entlrely ln cjtmectlon wtth so? i'.logical and ref'.rm work. He la proa-ataeat la tba work of the National ClTle F"doration. Hta advocatoa atata 1 iigtiro tliat this would ajtre bbn fltrasiftb i,, tho ii.-1'i of Bodol Bonice, whtab I aould b^ b mafria. aaa t. R* 14 > 'falr BpeaktT on f.'in.iil of aslons. b>rt ! ij, rogardrd Bfl a ratln-r Indlffen nt t*an$ j paJkjner, and ovon tii-'aa.. who thlnk h<i ' ahould bfl nominated admlt that lv*. ? aovM hava mtl? strrngth to start with upatate. and r*onld not ettt into dtrana in Mata York Clty to any apiireolable a^xtent. So far ne the nroposltlon to nomlnate young Jamos Wadsworth for Llouten ant Oovernor with Hinman Is con ^erned. it If as yiv nothlng more than BnaotxJatfOflj and gcislp. It Is ba ed on the doslre to taillze hls polltU^al strength and popularity ln this oam palgn, to givo hlm what p?.!ittcal ad vanc ment ian bo glven Bhort of tho I nomination for Governor. whlch would not bo fOtaOered bf e'.ootlon. and to put him ln Hno for the chlef plaoe ta'o or four yours from now, when he would hava* pn.ved hls right to lt by new l publl.* aerrfaea. Tt is tho Idoa of friends