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who dont want ta *"? him turned OUt .,f this conventlon ?? if unworthy ?f any n-...,Knit,..n. bul faal cfnTtaln ba shouid nol ba P'lmitto.i to aaertflca htBliatf by running Bt the- hfasd of th* licket this year. it baaame ..pparent ia?t nigbt, - ?he Trlbeme told that tho unboaaed . ..nventlori must not be p.rmitted to dtajanarate into a convantion al cfcaot it it- unboaaad aa t?r as anythlng re i-arding tho MbKtlon Of cnndldates is Barned Mortwver, thara laaVt ??' . man who COUld B0BB lt; leart of all. probably, WUllam Barnaa, Jr Parhapa it ia not gotng too far to aay that nndar .xi?ting chreua-atancfM it would he lm poaalble ta brlng logathar .1 g-foup "f rho by thalr cpmblned polltlcal powet r; at La, bj brutal eaerelelng of tha bip Btlck an thalr ttnarllllBi delg ?a_tgg conld nomlnate anj man tor (jorarnor and follow that nomlnation wlth a Uckef p aalhle to ba eonal ? aertoual* 11, legatn ai laadara, howavar, from Rotrl doa U-?l u ?' convanl n 1 ???? bual ? - ? tentatlvi 1 gramme, schad 1 iffantad 1 whlch ii migbi work That U tha Infoi rlng commlttae baa mblne thi ::, Of .11 ? IO- ??? Ma; all tatereata la a ?' ": -*-e polttloal materlal tat ia thr way Wadeworth elimlnatad as a poaalbUlty. Th I ui *? it was deddad that Hedgaa and Bcanai would nol be the rlghl man . oa siK-h llnaa of llscussion tha; ebolee practlcalrj narrow A ? 1 . l.,.w ggd Seek an Aggreaeive Campaigner. ?t to plck B man wa <an r ? - . we mlght aa bualncaa.' ararued one of tl ? ' ? ? feellt nthnant. "H ?.. aUnd on hla own fi and mak. eaalva aunpalgn. He I waar th- tag of any raadoi"- ?-? raual ba al Buch atoff tnal '? 1 tht votea of thla conventlon on hla merlta Wm rw< rth, Hi bjea md Ban net wiii be pt-eeented ta the conventlon, j h ive no dpubt, and there wlll ' . :? -o-.r. ma ,nta win hav.- ar, ken down ? ? ?ble lo gel b ilne on wherc we are. Tl b we'11 gel &** ta reai man " lepbone message a ?a aenl to Lgklng bhn to here and taki the conventldi .,.. tha Oghl .--I -'"-?' prlmarlea. Beaator araa unable to a. ? ept di fl nltely, aaylng bla legal engagementa wc-re Buch aa to rhake his attendaa e uncertaln. in latervala ol platform work to-day and to*nlghl Benator Root baa consuitt-d by many of the leadera Her hcrt E-axeoaa, BaaBoel Kotnig. r>ad fjretner, of Erl , and his coltaagva. Ftrite t/ommitt. ..m.m l'amels. bb-Oov . rnor odoii. Benator Kosf, of Orange !.;;,, .;. prge vT. AMrldga and oi have talk. ttera Tha atate ahalrman baa i,"t taken aay aapeclal parl la theae conferencee or dla latdona He Is devotlng hltnaelf to the platform and lettlng 1 ry about candldatea just at prea* ? nt. He probably arlll have rarj pro nour.'-ed vlewa abOUt candidat?-s and eapaaaa th? m when the time comea, hut up to date i.r- haa given no mdieatlen, I - Btaada The net reeult of it all is that when | the BhaJdng doam proceaa foUowlngl three ..r four Indeclalve ballol Hbuaan la iik.-iy t<? be the upetate BafBB'a candidate gnd I?OW aill have Boatterlng aupport At b niai tlng t..-<iuy of the delegatlon from thr 2ml, Congraaa Dlatrlct, em braelng part <f Ranaaalaer .'our,*-. Waahington. Baratoga 11 1 Warren . onntk b 11 ?- aa reaoli ed thal l ? ote as a nnlt on th. 11 rnor. Thi) ? ?. ? kroui... to Buppori nrai Dlatrlct Attora nev Whltman of Xew Tork, and, ? Benator HJnma Dlatrlct Attorne; Whlti ranglflfrahla followftg among upatate men, but thi' gelegatag from Naw York 4"Ity aay he iannot afford to dejert his ?vork ln the Hyde prosecutlon and the Rofenthal murder case at thla fitage. even to take a nominatlon for Qovemor. Mr. "vVhitman, however, in said to have sent word to-night that if the nominatlon camo to him he would ac .ept. At Sea on Rest of Tickat. So far Bg candidatt!S bolow the hend of the ticket are conct-rnod, nobody pretends 10 make even a gut?* as to '.nndneea. Thara are aToaena anxloua to have thelr i.nmes on the tlck. t. Mayor iiug^> <>f Wnt.-rtown and llayor O'Xatll <<t Auburn figure prominei,tit aa caiidllat' i for Laautenant Governor. fii'.me talk about Sf nator Qaarga Col.b. who has been Lleutenant ."overnor for a ahort tlme. A POW nanie figured to-day ^n tlu discussion of posr-lbilities for Controller. lt waa that of Ray Tompkins. of Kl ralra. He i? a Taft ?.-le.-tor from tha SVth Congresfl Dlatrlct. Hr- la presi dent cf the . 'hemuni Valley Trust .""ompany. an old and well known bank* ing Inatltution in the southern tl^r. He ir. an old football pla\ r Oneltta County also praaantad a new man fi 1 Btate Emgtneer, Arthtar O'Brlen. -_-_----------? Follow Your Cornmon Sense , :ind lt will Baad yo'j in ii,r riK u dlre.-. non. A pafraon, when alck, i.- rary ;.pi to grasp at ? airaw I'nworthy arii^lfB are allurlngiy adverUaed to cure all Baanner of nis and raa ar< ini4i?^ th> g.?at f'.r experlment unleaa you aaa rommoii ?.'tiH.. BS very body is aoca alonaUy 4"' fretiueutly in tha Ihroea of B hilions atti" k Ot Whlch all .h<> syrnp- | lomi ar.- nature'a datrsgar aajnala for, you to do Boaaathlag i^foro it is t,,.> late. Headache, bad ?toma. n und con- I ?tlpatlon ar.- the forarunners of moat ; ^iinal (ii.4.-.i?t'B. Attacked n tlme, in ? tommori m-iih1 way, th'y :? >?n phkb I over, Itudy your cauaa and itudy the) ri'medy. 'j*aK.- ?omethlng whlch wlll ef/ectaally operate, iir?,t on your Irrar, then on your stoma-h. nnd 1-tstly on - bowela Take Bometblng whlch nature hae furnlahed and whleb ia un touched nor ait'-r.-d by human hand A natural rf-m'.;.\ ra thecho*ce*of everj dortori Hunyadl Janoa Water if th'U . motn'. renalble 1 Natural Laxativf Ulneral Water. and feflf a tumblerl il oa artelng aua apeedll:, aurc and gentte. WOMEN KEARD FIRST Beyms Resolutions Committee Its Work by Taking Up the Suffrage Question. BOTH SIDES OFFER PLEAS Advocates of "Votes for Wom? en" Especially Active Among Delcgates and Oonftdent They Will Win. [From d staff rorraapori.ltnt cf Tba rrtafl ?' N Y . Btapt f*.- Ad4orates of woman viffras- carrled thelr flfht to the very doorfl of tho cc.nvititlon to-dny. drlv ?jiX ..;. t-. tba convention ball ln n hig ? g ear, baailnf a bbj "Votes for Women" atraemer, and haB4fb?f oul auf Hteratur* to tba aatagataa a*" they entered. ? |i rork dld not r'ov thore. for tb* v-!\-,s and atetera nn.i BBotbara of tlm . ros whe beUera In wainan fuifTrago i -eat* it tb* giii.nv .Mi.i wa**d jrello* "Votea foi Women" 1-annera when*T*r a Cbew *?ai? ralsed. poat ef *V*rjr ilelcgate eoBtal . i Tratre lltereture, ao tbal ?! i w;.s aithoai ararasaenta on t'.- ? ..f woman ai^ffraare if he im t.. read theaa, and tnnn>- dld. Tho enU-aeffratrtata, wboaa rankr- tnto \4, |?d to-day b) Bflrreral wotraen, laelad. ?-. . , . B< '??'' BJ ar.> aa certam I pesa a? the auffrafl ata ari Mlaa Ilairi^t .May Mllle, ?>f Manhattan. I the X. w York Sl:,t. Uonai. I .- - latlon, bjtIi ia:, and Mor* : Buffraajctte*, ?> Mi... Joaei h ' ;-? lt, of AJl any; Mlaa a. i b alaxwell ' -?-.'? ga kftaa i "atl - . Lexow, bi \. ..< k. Mi $. Kora Btab i I le Porreat, ol llanbattan; Mlaa Catbei Btarbuck. of ftaratoa**; ?N'"'- ? 1! '? " of Baratoga. and Mra .Martha Went? Bu'ffern |B*^*T*rtaw*d detafljata* an.i with tho r?- aKitrnnt* OH th* i. . ..f th* '?? ,.. been ob 'he ? u B of thi ? . b*41 ' ' '? ? 14* rt a aa***) tafl .- iffi aaa plank. "Ant.s" for Re^erendum. Mlaa All a Chlttanden. of Brookl; i laadei I l antla." la eoortnccd tha! : ? . rei ?? vote ? ? 81 ..." 44::; | ?he tl ii ? '? ' ? n would h? voted tl4iwn. aald khla waa ber I entloi and aha hoped th*i* a ouM Ba ? ?-1 o| mother, ?i i>:t it wai my duty ta eon* ??r ., . diai dttandea, "to oppoa* th" Bdoptloa Of an >.'it and OUl suffrage plank. We aro convinced that the women of |he Btate, and th* man a*7 44**11, do BOt war.t ftuman auffrafl** 'At the tlme af the Preatdentlal in marles ln llttlaOta last sprlng." ceotlnu*d blttenden, "th* oandldata fei U*a? t< nant QovotaOT, whe k* on B**4t*Bt BUf tte, ran lar ahead of Wa llcket, ami . r-an.o electioii th* propo?ltlon to j lt tho oueatlon of wotaan Buf4*ra\BB ua-. ttafeated In CMoeejo by two to >ne MtaB Chlttoattofl bellevea that one of the tnosi ? 1004 ir.' ba| argumentx B$taba*t woman raffraa*a wai Ita Brenrheb*ntaf defeat Wb*a all kh* other progreailve ..n.'-r.oment.s t., Ohta'B BOW Oonstttution ?? r* adopti' ?*Wa oaly aak thal the aubjeel ba tn oo arlth talrnesa nnd autantttad to the. ? tt*,"'ai a aaM rofftraajtau aay ih*y im.; oot b? lia* : appotated tf thla :?? done, and arill raajard a ptaah favorlngj th* QUestlOB bcing BUta mlttod to a rotoreoM na wto ?? a victory. j Sanator Wslteri a Conv*rt. P, W. I'olUnan. tl.- uuBflflBltl bachelor, I ? *jw*fl*o, ^ openly e^pouBing ti.e aaoaa of the BUftr*fl**ttea H< ha; rione a llttle j missionary work atai i ba haa beea a*r?, 44iih exc*llen1 retmltJ One of hls con Brtfl ta s.-nator Hanry Waltera, of **yr*v H ,i by foui bunafri d .- laal prlng atid j denounced for votlng aajataai kl a aiiffrac* blll at the !a!>t 88?IOB r.f |B4 Lflfl*lBl**Urfl ? i thlnk iha wetaea oaajhi to ba*? BUf? traaj**'1 c.;i l^eiiator Waltetn to-nlght. "I . bara been woa over, atataatly ta tba i*a*?t ; tweaty-fear boora, by the tafdJbf argu- i menta adTBBOai OB hehalf of the do- tr'.ne ?d 'votes for women.' " Kome of the old llne politiciflnfa aat up With a'tonlahiriant wlmn th?y hearrl tlie BtaqBMMlt and lo*leal way ln whkh tha wonvn preaentod thelr argumenta to thu platform i ommittet '*Ta*y weuld aiak* a Bakfbty aood ad.ii tion to ear ataff of <'.rnpaian oratora," waa tho apir.-'iativ. nmruBent of ?',m? af lb* tn.-ii. I | a*> trafl tba ftrat ihtag takea up t.- ii,?- ?on.inltt<-. or It< "iIuMoiib. Mtaa Har: i' r May MM!.". pi>*t'l"i,t ef Iho Wom? an Buffmir. Aaaoctatlon, took eba**aj* af th* arajumenl ln fatror. Bb* offered a ptallh r? adinK ..K follow* !' Bolred, That we, ttapubllcaiMi of **taw v.,rk Btate. taalievtnB all J'ibi *"4 ernment racta on tbe con**nt of lb* B4>v" ? n.'i. pledge our**lrafl t<. Bftaty thla to the women of khe atat" an.l t<> ubo ***ry pofl rtble mean* to aaour* l helr BBfranehi*em*nt. W* tbarefora ura* our repr*r?-ritative* in the aexl la**$*tatattiri to vota for tha ?ubmlBaton of ?n aroandm.n1 to atrlki th* word "mata" from tba aoffraaj*, ciaiiB* if tl i atat* **ooatltutloti "Wo aak that khla amandnaenl ba i4apf* o4V eald Mtaa Mills, "for thiee reasona Flrnt, becaus, of the nentltnent that la be? hind lt; ?ecot,d. becauae of I he recoid of kha Ropubiican party. whleh haa alwaya BtOOd for freedoiu, and ir. thla state haa lfi4en to \tn achool an?l tal auffratre, and. thuJ, bacauaa thla Ia a qu?'?tion of demoo 8 question of guing repreB'ntatlon t.< all the p. oplfl.*' MtaB Iftlbl said that BhaOS ahe had atoo'l ?>- a Blmltar comniittro four y. ars ago an BiiaTraflr* had b**n B*rantad ln .-. ,i blnatea an.i Callfornta, an.i li waaiM ?oon 1"- br**o*rh1 t?. ;. rbt* ta flve othar states. "The C8M1** la srowinfl." ahe a.ld'd. ? ti. i- >*? ao reaaofl why th* RapaMtcan party afaaadd not ho ln the vnn ln helplnfl aa' Mn Martha w. s-jftmn, af the arontan Bufffaaw party af H*w Yotk, aaM it araa n?t right to tafl women an 1 then dBBT them ti < 4 Bta "\iii'h as man B*fld* the rofla, womaa Baaflb it- inoro.'" ah* declBJOtl "I-'t ua anoa khal tba Mpubtleaa party of thia atati 8*tand* for i*re*doaa, it irooM ajta* us an lasuo with irhtak wa revM aaahfl th* wtlkln rlng.'' Mra Jaaaaik CtatH pr*aldent of t;:e Women ftaffraaa Crab of Afbatay, a*a>*)a a hlt by atartlBf orr aaith: f'Wotlld 4i.,nnn aota tii<> JtepubHran tfCbet If 4oii ga\< ua u' I wi,! an iner. If you tat the r.epuhlloan party atand foi vbat M ha8 m th. pagt, u yoa,ai. B04B4 84? t*'.' lllingfl $*.? 4\-nl.-h iu ..i, -. been crktletaed lat*!/, a..d if NO SHADOW OF FIGHT MARS FIRST SESSION Guthrie Chosen Temporary Chairman With-' out Opposition and Open Meetings of Platform Committee Ordered Without Contest. irrem a s'aff >~orreip4>r.Jan' of The Tr-.oune.] gglBtaga. N. V , Bapt Cl.-The llrnt r-<*e aion of the Benabtleaa Bkala OaareatlaB thla momlag pgmni off arrUaval ??? Bbadaw Of a flfht. There waa no oppoaltion t-> the electioti of Willlam D. tfiithrie BB, teniparary .-i.airman. md -vi.en troubla threataned through the motion of ajflltam Cbllvara al New York. to make the f-.v ?tona of tbe eamaUttea aa i-esohitior.e open la the pabUO Baaaetbiaj anpreee d^nted i:i a Republlcan atat<- ronver.tion - BUte ChaJraaaa Baraee haaded it oal by aeoondii.a: the rnotlon. it wa? a eoarenUoa gulfri aad BBgam onatratlva by eeanaarlaoB arlth tha nsuai RepuMieaa gatbartng, and n mu?d. amall ar ?udlanca Tba apaee ajletted ta the pul :ic wh? aparaaly Blled Bm the tele gatea aaemed to get " lot of oomforl aaj ?oaae Inaptratlon oai of tba Outhrla n oondemnlng Cotoael Roaaarratt-a altaaki on tbe ( onatltuttoa aad the eeurtt. aii the buataeaa of the eonventlaa ran aa aaaaothl) as ? new autea ? ?? mlautea aftei Baaa Chalrman lifarnea ealled the i ciivention ta order. ktu ,,...- ,.r he anaoaaead that he waa di' gat ,,, ta praaaal the aama af Mr. Quthrle for teavperary ehainnan. ??Ai'.> ti.- ra any oth. r i omlnal i - ?sk.' tust tba ? ;;*111 cxpi"ded wtth ' nois. snd r?i ert Hke a eam on. "T ?? ? Quthrle." crtod ? .. ?; legate. Aad raaybe it ??. f"1 ?? , oppoelng aomli Kew York lawyer wai ?le. f.i. Ma wa ..?..-?? h. ' pped to thf platform, Soundmg lha Ke/note. Mi Outhrli made a apeeeh ia*-:- g neai ly two houra cotnmenglna Prealdent Taft'l admimatratlon and tbe *v<.:k of tl ? rhl. u?-<i coi ittaeklag B i velt'a antl-Conatltutlon ; oll - - N' Chith? ii" la a h.!,:g:.. Ifugyiaanllk. ;? i aho weara i !.- born rtmn ad ? ycgli wlth a beavj hls ;. allsi rll b m ati ' , tbem. He dellvem cutUng i- maaa wltb a beatlfli aaille wl V ... ? ' lc the lale Bishop Pott. i al out to pro :. bi Uctloi Tl .'. waa hl preaetor when b? apoke of Coai . ompared ? olona ''?? ? foiiowera to Coxey ar.d hla foi ??? ing t<> "roi e th. BlvaB b< eitnkled bla up* when he re is.itk.'.i tl.iit Mr BrVBB WBI ?? fa more formldable adveraary thaa ' i Itator . - t . , ! ?- | The temporary chalrman lad bard ? k waB -iarte.1 when a strong-arm?>d <i: 110 r.Ti". marrl.e^ into th* hall ar.d lnt?r r-ipted prmeeillng.-' for flve minuter>. 11 haaded tha Cenkttng PaeoafMHanalB a antfonned marching eleb Bf Cflea M Otttbrla atood potlei.tly until It fir. a: Bd lt? f.-ii work. ai.d thari reaumed Whea bai flnihhed. temporar orgBntaatMB "'? tht ... nttea -a- pe '.. tf I tb. ? ' of Lafa rett. B Ol. aaon aa lobn Bayle, F W. Hannnend - ? Hanry ga||helaaei a- ..MBiatant h. I Than aama the appolnttaaat af coaamlt-' taa aad tha metlea of Mi i i fr,r rperi pUtform l.aarlngB. ?we hava bad many def ctloai our party.?' aaid Mr. CMlvera ln MBport of that metion, '?tbongh the ranh ?nd tiie of tbe party atlB atai d wrtb u r\ a muet hava the Indep. ad. I '? _h vra have h_<l it ln ht^' r. ?. ?>? Otber year- '!.?????????? BfH .< rola n i*<> wa: 1 ' l lha aaartta ? I the piatlorm H ? ibe mertta >,f tti* saadldataa It aetoeu lt la iiaaantiBl. arltl tbe pobB. aye aa thla (Onv?-rit!'.n. rhat Wf Bhall detetmlr.' thlB platform be frar.ied ln the open. ao ?verybody can aee whal goaa Inte II ' wh". ratber than ln aacref " For a moineni II looked ??< f 1 hUt - :? at r i' rtortB trl 1 poettloi lo thla ?? 1 ial pi-fspeeal 1 Mi Ban ea re nded tl ? a rtloa '' a ried 1 I all 1 floaen ? agatlva Rules and Comm.ttea*. The convfmttoa aftaptad the rulei 1 * Btate Aasembly f"r tha confluel af it? buetneea Raaoluttoaa provkUag fer th? appomtment of eoaunlttfaas were paaaadi and the r.amee af thr BMmbera of rorn nilttea^ v.are raaii t'> rha. r<.n\r.ntlon. Itesolutions %4era Sffared BabaBtttlBg ti i meroua piank? foi tba oonaaJeratloa of the reaoiutioiif* eamndttae. Tbi 1 ai bra^axl 8 flhor! lainot, n-gro rfjjNmgnHlOB, rep?a1 Bf the l-H "'?' t'.on l.iw. ., new workingmen'ji oompenaatloa hiw, un<i lawr: for the praf I -i-.t'.on Bf UadU 'trlal ar- \ cld-mta. The?a trrra rtaferred to tha raaehitlaaa r-ommlttee and thr aaavf ntlon BfUournfMl at .-.'/. p. 111.. until ll ... 1.1 M ?n'.or.'.i'.'? Tho tiBimailtaa <.u pfBramaam orsanira ttoa n.'-r irnrnediaiely after nd.iovirnnient nnd lalertfiil laaalar BJdgat T, Bracketi of Saratog... aa penaaaenl eharrman, and l.afayctte B. aieaaon, "f l>.la'\are, nn ?soretary ?>r tha 1 oarrentlon in bla apaach Mr. Outhrte eompared > tt lif-H'UX BttOatlOB with eotvlltiolr whli'll ?glated la iBaa and Ifft when, he aaW, "the eatlook foi tiio auaoaaa ol tbe k* publlcp.n part> had for a tlme been tllt? oouraglnK-" T!|e 8000888 of the Kepub i'.ran eauee ln t.ioae aampalgne, h? UlUphaalad. WOaM he r.p*ated this fall. ,#ajvery Repuhlican \otc < ast for the Domoeratle lu-kt." he oeciar.-n, MwtH b? wnated. and arlll only tei.d to BBBgBlfy the futmc Btrengtli and Bulaanos ral ?? af the Prograaalvae.'' Mr. Quthrle fsaateaded that tha araf lo put an end to Hoosev. ltl_m OBBa for all -> ,^ t,? denior.strate that Il?-pitbiiran? Beald nol I . 1<- l away bjr any aueh BebfUaea as P.ooaeveM w.ia no-. ad- ocat tiis Heartd"d: lt la not reaaonable to beneve that In you put ui, noofj men far aeaaa, you aeai !,a\. no fear aa to flOW the woii.nn WfBtM vote.' A in. mb'-r ^.f t'ne < onimittee ankeo Mira Ifllla ahathei ti a waBtaa aaatad thr- jtr pubUeaa party to go 0.1 rr-cort' favonns woman Huffraga, or Wbather thej almply waatad u de.laration in fsvor of a refer ? ?ndiim < :i tba lvsuc. "We would hn glad to h.4-e raa Indor^a our nioveim-nt." repUad MIbb MIIIb. "but what we real'v want ahnWa all l? to have n plank gailaBllllg for a referenUum" Mlaa Aiir-e HH) CblttaafBen, 01 Brooktrn, lep/KBi-nting ?he New York State >a-..)cia tlon (Jppoaed tn \V.1n_11 8 jffrn?^. argue<l that tlie o,uc.^t!<-n of Ir.vei-tltiB wonicn witli 1 polltlcal liaaeiialBfBtr had been --rrone ouely assoriatrd a-lth other . hang?a in tne condition of -.omen. "Men have bultt np the btate,' sl.r "?nd the rcsponatblllty of goverirn. nt mui'. al"*?:b rest upon them." the face of return,ng prosperlty. ot un precedentedly larqe cropa. ot co.ietanti/ locreaelna empioyment cf lall0_ *^ "?' Ul, of t"e atartlno of new enterp.lee*. of the great comn.eroal ^Vfsrywtl c^ haa hegun, of the ce-ta.nty of proapei ity if we only let well fiough alona. and ot the great rer.ord of pra-tlcil acblevemenie by Presldent Tafta admlnlBtration. the arnsible people of thla country are fjoinf to take sfch a atep backward aa to elect an avowwd f.-ae trader and rnaieai a? p.-a,ident of the United Statea. or now c.-st thelr votes IB approval of a Pl?tf0rr" rapiesentm- expreasly and .mpliedly tne eaaanca of Bryanlam whlch the natlon haa three thneB repudiated. Mr Outhrja oaflned tha areai laauea of tbe r.nti'.nal cimpulgna an BBttowa: rirat, tb. oonstltutlonal right andjmwei ,-,f Congresa t.. protect American indua ,: ., .....I i,? preaerve our prea'-nt Inoua, tha threatened over throa of th.- representatlve aystem or governmenl ln Btata aml natlon i mtroductlon of (ha InlUatlve, refefendum ;,-,,; recall, and third. the a^-nlt upoi ;,,,, tinlatrat oa ol lustlei In kmortooti courta. Takaa Up tha Tariff. AimoBt tlu- oni>- referenoa M ,-'. made to tb. Demoeratle Preaid Udate ?nh m hia alaetaaaoa af tbe - ln a hleh be aaM: Althoogh wa ma;- aaa ba artlllng to f tltlon wlth Europeana wi rannot I - iHInd to the m. na. ra ar.'i d ?? g.-r .?r frc edtnpetltlon wlth Aala I ? M |'? Iftc < '? ? ? :?? a th COI ? Btantli ? heapenlng frelght and - [ndla arlll ?' g enl ki th. ,1 , | ? tmertcan men ?nd woroei ?? o a .'? v - ? w elecl ? - ' ? ' ? rt fea reare .,.-... ln I i i.i . npartlal ? ' hla a ? I thal theae i ... m-i- r-r more t.. be dealred l ..i tl.ars. ? rea tbal i ama i rowd . lo th< .;?? I ,\.-, ,'..i;..' ? Pl ? a ? ? The people o* th>* co, ntrv will make a te.-i'tile m;4tak? and i frigntfui niunder it they r.ow vote to run the r'lk ot ,i re. petitlon of thoae riaya ond*- the delo aion that the f.nance or c<rranry ayst'oi Bt the grv.-e-nment waa then |ha eausa ,f Me b BfrtfhM oepreMiicn and rniiery tr.ct fcllo.wl ..ttinad.itely upon tha, menace rt t'-e | . ,r gnd the w.iion tarlfl of IgBg, tel 8 the i eople thal ,. . ... le for th. I ., i ol :. Ing ii.,' i" the pr- i ntent .? ? - ? - ? ? nena ai 4 I a-ide and exlat .i t-.h., _?< much a". 1 than tba 1 ? ara i.. gland whlch haa no protectlve tariff. ti.- romplalnt agalna! tne hlgh coal of ni jj > rer aven lOUder than hara Cauaa of Pr.caa. -,.. t: .?? , auai - of th. world?aIde la* . || tha coal of llvlne undoubtedly .ni<.-i" ineraaac m thf world'a auppl] of gold na a4,Hnls .IlinlniHhlng th. ,. 11 ? tiai Ing ? al - ol l .-? dollar, f><r , tha \. 011 I b Bold pro '.'i 'tloi a hl. h from ? ?fl - . 1 1 ara red I 1.800 per aa l ?????. 1881, In? to fuil) 1481.1 - a ng Increa of tbi ? ' I an d ." '.<fe, the flo. klng to th. I ibtndonmen! ol 11 ?? fai m, the an,.- ? appreclatlon In land raluoe. thf ?? ? li ?'* prlca of raw materlal the highet :.i;bk of ?i|r-- ..rul tl.e daraua- 1n tha numbei ol houra ..f w..ik. tbe exhaoe t 1 .rt >.t aoma aourcei <<t aupply, high<" :.,, da of II. Ing, ?" r, ?, ? aran. ? In expendlturea ?nd the arlthdrawal ,.: arnilea of olvll ? ? ' istrj Mr. Gutbrle conl 1.?? .,f thf ', .. ng wi ? - ? rtroj ? ,?'.-,? rh.ira. ler < ?! g.iv ernmeni by aubstltatlag ?itr--? 1 ...t'...n by t peopl place of Bctton hj i> *'-. laturea ar <i offli elected by tb. people, wblch ??? ? ..? ? .-? pllsl ?? . : ... |h I r Inltlatlve, refai ? 1 r< oXL" Thla queatton fi Quthrl. . ? ..n;mi a I ? ? | ? ? (?? le for ha Pi. ? ? ? ift. ... Ilreci to iba ? i.j.-.i . Tbi Ih is that I wnh r.'ir legtalaturaa snd aith ''or,|r,re?> ,? tha character ?.f many of the men thr- peopli elecl Th< reniedy it- ln 11 <? i-.and?. ..f tha rotera if tha.\ uin ajocl only <a pahl? end hor,a?t m*>n ro leglnlutlve and . ? . r!->? ofltoe ae fluill hav,- 11 eure at .r,, ". Wi need a remedy, no' n petoon, The initiatlva, referendum and ra eall would not cure present avila, but would in fact only mtenaify and per petuate them. Mi. Quthrle took np on. ler an. numeroua ittaeka made hy Theod ca Roosevelt oa '-..uii* nnd courl deetatoaa, aad poml -i eut in eaaa afi.-r eaa. I ?nwarranted were "thr> lurld an<1 lnflatti iii;.tur> ' atatementa of ihe es-Prestdaat. The chalrman spoko var) brlegy ot atam laauea, .viii.-h i<t aald wara dwarfad bj natlonal i au< ii" aagg. ated Hihi th^ meaaurea of tiue reform and r<-.4i progreaa now needed In thli atat. woto', An eleetlon law proeldlng Bdeauately foi fr*e ,in<i honesl prlmaiiea and ln dependeni nominatlona In i>u. of the Levy Uw. tha Mparatton of tha Judlclary ballot ao that lal candtdatea may be iirr-Hente.i ui, ih?ir Indlvtdual mertta an.i wlthouf a party utbe): h irorkmen'a compenaatlon ?cl thal vsin i?. ju^i nnd f.iir to both ..miiioyc ?nd ?mployer; a 1 htat? constabulary eharged wlth poUoe duty througboul the ?tata; business meth* ; oda. economy and fuller publldty ln the [ ?.i? r 1.> 1 jB4 departmente of iha atutu, and ..n I nnnual Independent evaminatlon. stulif. j and repon on the proceedlnaa expeadl* ! turaB uml reiiulta <>f ea.b il<-partment. ln ? oodadlng bhi addreea Mr. .iuthrie I bbM The An-.erican penple know where Prea ' idant Taft and Vice-Preaident Bherman j atand on tvtry great rjiieatlon before the people. They have been tned and found not wantlnq. They can be tr.iated and re I lled oi to keep ev^ry pledge of thelr I party a platform. If anvhedy ran n..-. tall where Qov* ? ernoi wllarni ^\. .-l.t a^ a frc rt.i |sr, a rarii.-ai an.i an opportunUit, ha i* muoh more <Ms. T.;in|J I ar... Mlfls Chlttenden -ald ^br> beli^ved that the r-.-njae. of woman BUffrage had reaehed IM hlgk aratar mark. lt bad recolv..'d tnanv sever* defoata in thia piogreeslve year, abe .leclarH, nnd adde.l: "\\v do not want any Blanb on woman aaffraga, t.ut, grnthmen. lt you have al ready aataraahaad to giv?. women wuffrag., 1.. pla. a ii. year pMtfena. and if f*?r that : r.HBi.ii our plaa liff.K-r- y..u fllialt he In I v.iin, Wa tljnt rga Inaert a plank ahirh ahall read aa refteara: "Wa BBUava that u ronatitutlonal amend ' ment e?|r ndlng BuffruK'. to aroman aiiould I be aiibniitte<i to tba rotera <>f thix ntate. The 11,nn party as H partv doea II ot advocate ..r ,,|ipor.e woman suffrag^, i but bellevea tb? queatlon ahould b^ re f.rre.l for declalon to tb" I.Pl". "mio are tbe ultlrnate BOaree of authorlty.' Miss ?arol|n" Lexow araa Introduced by Mlaa Miiia to Bnawer tha arguments of Misa Chitteadea. Bhi loo* them ip one iii our SHAPING UP PLATFORM Work of Resolutions Committeo Done \n Open Meetings. HOST OF PLANKS OFFERED Debate Permitted on Every One Suggested, and Many Persons Watch Proceedings. i s'.-ifr c?4*r<fl$ieaflfli ot Th? Trlbaae.] torotooM, Bept -". Open s-essionf ot tha Committ** on ItosolutlnnR <>f thr- Ke* pubileaa Btata Coneenttan nr.- btriBfj h*ld, This is aooMthlnB never ,i'.ne before, bol th* afaeednr* waa adopted i.y the ?wv 4?'tition thla afternoori ln reapons* to a1 a*eneral d*maad tbal the makln*i of lb* platform ba done :: lhe oprn. Tho oemmlttoe ? ? .n.- all platform *u$*aaatlona baanrtas debate on ihflm, no'1 ' thtM thal ..'?? tbougbi 4..-ii of ara I ? l i'f.-rroii to a apectal commlttee r.n draft. Phla ?ii; ;. j.,,:-; UHtnOrrow rnernlnB to ?;!i eomntlttee, whlch wlll r>a*fl flnal* ly on th. platform befon ;t la anbtnttted ? ' ' ' lOB. ... .. holdlitfl ' ?' ?' n in th.- maln parlof ><t th* l*nlteo ' Hotel. i:x-<;.)v. Horaee W 4A.. .-? le '? ?. i s t.rai ? halrmail to deUberatloBa 1' Ih un* ? Root 4m1i be ? ? ? ? ? to tlfe. ooflvftntlon. \ . ? wa ??. ? that a iho ild i. IH arrttti form hivi tha) debati on my of tl ? .i to bb bour. H*rb*fl Para*ofi*, :? - r. Murphy, of Ktngfl, and ?*"? [ertoi ? t Moaroe, ? . | ,'? ?.. ? . frame ?4 ? oi Id ? up. . - - i Byrai . t Mi v. York aa tre*a?ur*r i!.? la a lummer reaMenl ol ; tata. . . ? rentlon, 11 bai - i, ? . ? ' an ? ?e. b0 ai ?:? am NV ??'*' "?'""' * UBfflR a- > | ? ? Draft Cf"*,f*'i4t?? Namecl. , nvai Whl mitte* "i. di ifl >??? it< '? '?'? "' v>'i!'-,,:1 ?*? I \ 1 r* .'..:- . M - ,.<? Ktaff*; Bl ?? B* . P. v. . .Ma tl ' ' ?' ' ?'?' ": ' ,rul ,rP'1* eri-'V. 8, Btinenfl, of IVyomlaa*. . ,. . ... -. ,,r, th* women *nfTrag. pr..;. ?? i-.'-r. H waa ih* prerall I -. , doa amoBB th< inemben "f lb* oommltte* khal ? ? rould put into the platform a Btrabjbi d* :?r-'f!" voritm kl ?? Bubm ??' ' ? ? -; " ' f ? trtklBfl ii-- word ' a?el?' out of tbi ,,,,.,. par* ,.t ib* eon rtll ? ?'? ??? ?' ?v . Itai of , la n***ted , .. Rep ibll< an Club of thi aad] prlated la Ph* Trlb n ? Th*i 44a;.? nreoaatod by B. B. ,., of ibe apei lal .aUt .? -?;. aad retarred to lb* .iraft .....-?? ? d*bata Ctaoraji v ' ? * A aaeta yrae ;.. p ,,-. ? . i favor of a plank . , ,. . tfre* ?mploymcBi ... ? ? I la tl oug w,. ild do ? ' r labor i \ . mblymafl Cyrua W. Pl U| i I Moi .'??. argui 4 tor a plapk foi work . emp*u*etH n, aa to \\,- f.i\..r .. workman'a coiupenaatlofl i.,. und* ? 4. hl. h :. bj iti m <.f ' uiil . oomp*B*atlofl t'> worhln*7m*B for . .,. . .j 1,, thi li dependant* in 1 as* pf t:, h Injury, baaed up? n th? of th< , | ?.-...: Ihi ll Btltul , ?,| f. - .... iful and Ineffea't ial ' 1:"-' u ?' ?tl t ?? il ? ? flult. Joaeph 1 >. 11 tmmltt, r*i 1 B**ntlng I a atunlclpal Homa Rule Aaaoctatloa jtiad Ib fa%'>r Of a plank f->i *? milne : homa nile To Stop Immunity Bathi. He- nert '.'arenm Intiodnoed tiie f?'l lowlng plank: r.e.oiveti. No Mfaan wltb r*ep*o4 to th?- fi anchtaa .n-.o no publlc saruiit with raape t to . rtl?-l.*l tnattera, ahould he al- , 1,,44-ad t.. decline to t**tlfy on the grom.l ti:,. bla taatlmony mlghl lni*rlralaata hlnt ArguiiiK ln fnv.'i of auoh H plank, Mr. Pareoa* r.-fpir-.i ta tha pre**ni Invaatl*-! Batloa of th* Pollea Dep*rtm*ri1 ln N'*w QUEERBITS FROM SARATOGA Darkness Brings Forth the National Anthem-SutfragisU Descend on the Conkling Unconditionals? Mavor O'Neil Misses His Pajamas. r-rren , B4*? Cmiibb*b*i*bbi of The mtanw.] BaMtatA N Y.. Septom'nor Sfa, DARKNEtal IKBPmWTHlMVffyt Th" Ume-a r.-.riook thla mornltaf. m* Dl,ce-th? lobby of tho Unlted* state? H0tel There taaa no glrl. but B dozen aroup* of detaa-atea w?re etieerlag for thla or that candldate. Th.- botd clarh tjtataffhl lt waa Um* *?*ry oa* arani ta bed, a? cordlaajly ae taraad out mewi ?t tb* iignt*. Svjme on* atarted tt, and ta half a aacoaa one bnndred kbroata "-"re ataa1ng khe aaa tlenal antham The llgbta arar* tornad on at on CO. BAXDB DliPBL BLBBP -* tfznng ?un awoke the datlefataa tkla aaornlnc. and wh4ta they look*d oul of ihehr wtoaVrwa ti.oro waa bo ttaea of th* ralB of kh* laat three di,.\ - Bome, who h*Li been ip ate, returned to th*to ejoach**, oni4 to b* awakehed b r*?the fanfare ol an All eorpa And from thal Ume khi r* ,, ,:?,r> .......p. for Bereral of tb ? deieeatlonB, who d***rr*d thelr ar rtral trntll lo-day, wote ancompanlod by banda whleh B**med B*r*r to ttre. THE CONKLING f.v'< ..N'MTK-NAI-S. . itheUtleadetakatlOBcam..k ll?g cneaaditJonata, a marehlnfl club, arhoa* Btambara w?ar a unlform of j .1 ick lrraim*d ' ?? - form ? : women" adrocatea w?r* .. ,. tl a ConkllBB L'tv nonat ?.9rtm\ ot aU obeerrera ., , -,f.,r, tbe afterno a i well <-n oadltlooata war* wi daoftbeflnatraal , xsMi.i.;HT.sii.i.rsTUATi;M rua , . .... . bamparad ... ........ jat ... ...... forca boom of - . tb ? 11 wbal they know. aa ... tiajbi arani theaa km munlty autonaatli ally. v arvant," he Baaotaret*, ild be r*quln I ko Bjva to th* jny. ??. -a pertalning to ' rorm WOald re.|iiire an Mr. ] ao Bpok* ln favoi "f a .- ' llo - ;:,.., -i ti 44-.? pladfi '?'""V''.',. ' -..- ftftatto*. . , Kepubllcan l^fln*tatur- for , reventlon of Induatrlal accld*nta, and ,,, the paaaaae of auch lawa *aimi *? . . -..,-- : the prot*etlon of th* "v*e*. ?.,..? ind w*lfaw pl ?mf*>v*. , We v ??.-? n Belvei to a rurl iei ??????* 1 n "nt "f tl ?? laboi dep*rtmenl and th* I n.achlneri foi thi " " ?uo" llna ??'"'' ,: l" ' . " - ' ? thi Ir i The:.- 4'.;i? not tlV J --s ' ' ?** ,, .. . prlmai ? - ptank thal bad been ?? p? ted. William Chitaere, of N*w tork. ' aaa tl.oly bbb afbo apok* oo ll ?? wantod a n** law, aartytrtfl- to all kh* (.fflcaa ln kbe atai*, and demaair* tn* num *r ot Blgnatore* n lulred to l?t ?n the haiiot it wa* uaderatood that &?ato chairman Barnea vi.'iid rra** coi ? able to tdv on the propatattoa befor* |l" Iraft. For a Short Ballot. Mr Ch11*r*r* alao ... bui ? " "? tho ahorl ballot. tha Mai - Utrm 4,f bai loi l?realdentlal prtmarloa, end tl ? ,!,.,., i ,.|,-, tlon ol L'Blted Btatea Bi natoi' .... about tt ? oBly p?r*on ta dl f|, ..4 ; ;.,| .'Itions. j Hlnkord, repreacnting tho . .:-, ?-..- that la aldlna li a h . itlgatl ?:. ln Ne* Vork, arg .- i I iixali ?t ih- adoptlon o1 an) ori oi 1 tlunk that WOUld take the raal -? ? Bl of ti,,- poltea out of Ita baa I " ' i... a\ authortti** *,. ',>?>,. o'< loa M the oommlttao ?d-.. ? ? untll $ o'clocb to-morro* ii.?'rri;-.< ' oril-r tO ?i4'o tho aob- ommtttee , ln 4.x Mi.h to dlacuaa th? '-'',;>?'" , ron-altlona and draw '? the plank*. mat l?! conaider aaaeni il :?? ? rh wlll .. , ...i...: ? ? revtaton ' , tb* full ..... for* ta pra ? titatloa to ll . V> Iltltll.. |NEWC0WS0UNDS STRAUS Telegram from Saratoga Is An swered by Oandidate Promptly. Oeptoa at tf:* foUowtng fliarama were ... , Igbt at tbe atata ,-..., .,' ? x- ' r I ?' ttoara, S I ?' ,, ... itraua, No Weal iktri ? |.r..' ? nan a ou I tr . ? thal foi ? eformi l*d a toth ptatforma ahould not b* dlvld*d ln , ... ' electton. nelthw eaoerlroental n. 0f method llk* [BlUaUv*. r*f*r endumand r-all. noi buHdlnfl of an] pe i , ! na'hine can be ai Important aa Kaured aucc**8 of awy*m*nt for *o?m* ",, armon. I*wa r-al .llrert pnn-urll 1 and v|, dr-d .101.04em.nts wlthln rjacb 4 ,0, ... ,1 efrorta. Reqnawt to^dtata ua ? SmTtSmTSAmV^SA \rw rork Clty, l*ept. *". IMI li.n Joatah T. N*wcomb, L'Bltad Btate* iiotoi. Baratoaa. N. x. i T.-le*rain r-*.elvod I CBI HEALTH UHDERWEAR Ii a K"?l pfotactioB .'ig ain^t stuluVn chill.-. colda, rlieutvuti?-ni gnd imeinnotiia. Bl I of AuBtralian lamba wool. Gnaranteed not ta i -\ laader i^r oi t ah<"ii>v .nnl evaporatei perspiration. Ma<l< hrtnk. half a cetitury bccjti!<e it BBI given tlie Utmosl wfiafaCtiOn in (it, ''f>tnfort aml .lurability. GLASTENBURY .-.fannN for ihe beat uiuicrwcar tliat CBfl i.r matlf. Ma.Ir in -..ftecn gra<le>, natnral pray and i.inie! Iiair effectB, in .UBtralian lambl WOol, v.-orst<-d an.i merino. liglit, incdimn Bttd heary ??oijarht-. i,I.\sriMH'in two-piece Ra< knil nndarweef i? aiore economital than the one piece kiml. ;.;>'?? Katural Qray BTeol Wtater WeMBl (deabta thrrad*. ???? the follow int n-.unher 81.30 ,||.W ,gU8 M Natuml ilray Woratr.l. rrv' w.Mght .bbVBb -h Bataral Qray aoatfahaj Laaabe*waet,araatar Wrlta for our bOohlet Bad aatnpla ,'uttlBgB. They BIB vft"r? for t'"1 asking. Llapt. -.'. Glaatonbury Knittmg Company, Glaatonbury, Conn. ll.MII ItT Hlis g (OMI'XW wimlr.Hlr lUatrllmtora. ?60 V 1 !? iwisaiiiiii laaaaaaTi GIASTEH8UBY f 7 "NDtRWEAR A Pf)0U(.!,O?l ACIIHM [AND HrdUMATISM ibegan playlng "Th.- Btar?Bpaagted Ban ner." When the mual, reached the line /And the rocketa glare, bombB buming ! In alr." thr* flsHlillgbts of the photogia phera arere aat aff BANDfl ADVKRTIfE rr.ANKY lebg [Franay, arho waata to i>e laeratary al St-it<-, wa* the laat to 0|>en hp?a. quartara hara When be dld every j < knew of lt. Two Albaay banda kepi play* tag In front of his quartara th. better part "i tbe day. Beaaa of ti.,- Hfty nagre detegaiea from Albaaj n.-.k sdvantaga o' ' the mi atc ar-.,i dld tha 1 irl ? .? tr . | the "'?. aaly bear" oa tbe lawn, Twa a I negro delegatea wha dld noi knew tha I new itep 'b?J ?. cakewalk that waa a - ; piauded tin'.r- ar.d agaln. No PAJAJlAa POB ?. Thomaa H. ' ?'N rlll 11 aa . Irienils are bOOmlBg Blm fl * ' on tba Ucki t, l< ok< d a faal ta ; -w. ? : . | I a fr and ??Wl ?. I '.-1 to fer {ti..- Brsl tJm. Blgat t flnd i (;.. || . r.?.-i tl - ' ??'?' ro nuV Bha . ? n 1.1.1 not plrik. 1,T... I'g PROHIBI rTOM TAl.n-M I r O'Xefll'e rlval la Praacta M. Hage, afayap of Watertown. He h a vro? Bbary taUer. B tking of a oartala "'??ll Bnewa pogtv ? ? n* ?aid: ? nr remtada me or a mn. ? Whtee town wbo wai arralgnad bbefetne a m 1 try JUBttoa Charged Wlth .r.toxlcation. Hg told the Juetlee i al he tranfe b <mart of ln ihe intereeta of the Prohibi irtj Aad b?* g"t away with it. nomtaatlon from any party upon a plat illfferenl ln any materlal reepeei lr< m tl,.- j.latf'.riii 01 whtch I wa. non.; snd upon whlch I aund. I am ??. : conrerned aa your tol.gram would imrl>. ,m- ti ? bullding up ot any macblne, mnj I ?,m deeply con.-a-rned ln tbe great prlii dplea of tha I-rogresalve party. they are Inflnltety of more inu<ortance to ma than my ['erm-nal Buecemln t* ? ejae* ,,,,; 08CAR B\ SThAT.'S a CITY DELEGATES DIVIDED Majority Decides to StipporO Hedges to the Last. .i .~'a" ' ???rre?;,on'lenl of r^e TvttaBBl ?aratoga, hT. v. s?>pt .?..-ti.* n?-? Y..rk delegatlon adlo-irn?;d aft^r -riMnHrM ?ftar meetlag n eaaaaa for two hour*. 'i bb ii ijorlty deddetl to Bupport Job lf. daTes for Governor to the lait dltcb. They a>? agreed, almoat arainhnously; ta .... ireaali a i latf rp Bamuel B. Koenlg, county charr . aald thf t Hedgaa ? ' the III delegatea frem Maw Terh C< ?? . Wllllam *- Bennet eaata m 'about forty Aboul twearty-Bva arlll reta for .larne.4 W. WoAgrWOTi mafning few wlll Bcatter tn?>:r 1 I MEN WHO FRAME PLATFORM Well Known Leaders in Com mittee on Resolutions. .....?., S. v . gepl 1 '.o ,,., r.--i. parts platform, Indudaa g. h l K"'Jt. PtK-- ? aor Haraoe Whlte and ? * eommlttea a - Congreaa dlai Dtet ? i ?? i j ? ? ? i - V ? I J II 1. t?i.A ta Bam. ' v ? ?? ? - ii og u>i '. . - i i ? r .' inaer. ??. -,\ la 81 Ivir.a 11 E - ?I .: ii. ? ? ? ? ' .,,. a . V. y B-U ? r I M K i' '.' ? y. ? -? rai ? ? i If il ALWYN COVRT 182 PVgfjJl Flfty-Eifhth St. The Finest Residential Building in the World " Two Apartments at a5,000 and So.SOO. One Sulte of Mne Rooma and Three Maths at $3,000. Why Thi* Pcn WonH Leak LicJtattrier^tiaSefiyo^ fountainpen, If k'acurr^-fta the Paiier-the pen weo t ba* orsweaL Ord-ury _BBBhlB P?a? Vw,lr,_jJ km\ i-b?a iawlucb bbb atar? e*1* **B peo k pcial up. Ei-an^fl ? ?0,*_! ?_? H a*A aflBB ?ad ol jsaral t** 9 rots body keab ihe paa. Tba"PaAer Lueky Corea FaadiTjja toarhti insJt c/kanrl, caaatog Ca* lary Amactioa. Tl.ndxBWtill I3i0^ ieed auba lha maUnf jr^u tum r**^" o|k aaoVbaftM ?paadin| akmaO** TW'a w_y Pwlan ajpat bak. R lUNTAlW PKH ^aiirirTr-- V laa-B _3 auBBBia. _ pMxiajAXX*3<ink*rmH* ?m'i laak la aar eea.riaa?bbbbajaaa a^aaaaaamaaaai lUOwa T-aarw Pmbbt *"**-*?<*?? raata?tt?lB>?aa?iaB4B<l?4fa.a4aa--r ?BanBSBiaAalB*aar*?"??- __ __ajg?g&____St PARKER PEN CO, New York Retail More, 11 Park Rea ALSO SOLD nr ai-er B Sagamaa Drug Btoraa, Pana. Statlon Drug Company, ^ Fourtaanth Btraat Btora, "~ riramaa'B Phanuary, Wawark, ?? J*