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IJ. Women Will Tag "Founders" When Colonel Is 54. DIXOM SEEMS GRATEFUL Entertains Mrs. McCormick, Mtes Jane Addams and Others at Luncheon. 1 rncti nr. th* Uf**av< - ?? Pt ? BjreaaffVa IBatty. BeBBtOf Jo**ph M. T^'xr.n aayi eo. and as eheJrman ot tb< naMonal commlttee he ouRl.t to know Senator Dixon said yaatarda t:-tt th* oarty had he.n *ztr?mely bard up. nnd rhat tbe Bptanilld 4.ampai;;;: worfc. flnan r-lal and OtlMa*Wte*, tbat WtNDM all o-t-r rh? country Were <i"ir.** had ni-ie than 'anythtnfi elc been :'11*' u 'out Of a hole. "Are woaUMH ImportaBl ln politic-v \Xe)\, i . .. '.'. ni Ui h? obeervetV ?Thr.,, .4.:, i ? . foiiRht tn this country WltbOBt woman a-orkln* s '.. b* aM? With men. ' And a\;t:. Mi*.- Jam A4adam* ann b*ajj khal .he BrOUid ntump th? country for "R^oBOVelt frorn Oetnfcef I until BBtaOtloa , Oey, atai Mrs- Ralpb Banaar, Of ihe *44j*ornen'a ftaanctal conunlttae, reportlni ? BUTaCfl the c mmitt. " OP*ft*d I bop I I I "Monda.? i* had made BJOfl *uoi .-.-illng cei tJflcaUe, and Mra. M?dill Mc ornii'k. of ?"",ii4*ago, t'oming poafl baal* ta Kaw Torb ?o arrange with BtaUBtor DUoa fOl a B* 9km-wUti t*K flavy l* b* earrl lualvely b: wonten bli trlbuti Bearr.; ' . - ? ? 4. ,4lr.. M<' 'o.rni.-k 1- made manai f.K day, onjy thoy doo'1 ^.ir', 11 caltad tac day, beOBUBl that, Mr- .41 C aald yeaturday, would not b* lan to ta* oharltahle organlzationB Wttleh bai . tV? tnethod of collecting fui.os. Mre. McCormick hai- nanud lt fo , day, ard tt la aehedutad ior (****tab*r 3S. th*. day aft*l rolcn'-l R..o-ev-it's flfty ft'urth Mrthday. Hls blrthday larW OB Bl 4 Jn' can'1 i" thei Brlghl and aarlr . ? ? Mo"da4 -..>rn:"K ln ? ra y towa and ' **amlet ln the l*nit*d Btal m'ck hoper, wotnan arill perva mosphere. fldtarlng Bull MOOB bai g*8 f ??le. Py every art known to women tbe? ?arill erde.iver 80 gath*r in fundl fl )a?t ararid apurt of th* campafaTI Why It'a Foundera' Day. Way 00 W* call 't founo. M:j. M0( ormick s .!?.. *V*ry 'one who hu4. ? Bull Mooe* t....ia:o that 'day-prlce, . c-nt.-wil! be ooB*ld*r*d one of the foundi ra ol tb* n*a part} aoi ivartly the ranw Rtad of .* tOUBtMT a" ajioea who bay th* Piogiaearv* party cer jtlflcat** at ij upwarda, for thelr namea ? ail anfolled Bul Ih* poa ? ' t>adg?> Wlll eho44- ihal ) ou ?**? a totl ? ta 9006 atau*B*lnaj.M Th<?re wiii h*. bajttoaa aoM 100 on Oc toh*- B. at prkas < BJ Will 1 rt of mdera A byal aua*g4*at?d ko Mra Ua oiraloh khal found? ers1 dcy WOOld b* h barrf.'ln BB14 Ol .... fouiiderahlj*, bul Bh* aaM ??.N'o. 1t tniiaiii'r be tliousrht of ll \4.y at all. ' Tha. *?"?'?'' WH' ' new wh*n -Mrs. M**a3onnich ptvt it out yeatardny, hut .... WIH Bfl ? I ?'. ' ouritry Ol*$J*ata*d. ? 1 w..o gel repreaentatrr* women anrery ra-.-- ro take char.;e ta tl -i" dlntrh'.*?." aaM, "and I dare sav 1...111V of them 44il! h.-e plane ior maklng thelr of foundera" d*4 flUOOfl**, Tb* 4*-r.rrK-i wlll be reprenentat.vt. Ia ?"n.^ t^tlonf mgrc women v111 tak*- chargt. j.,- ? one of th- boat ttllOWn women or*uu*d*era ?? bave la < hiengo is s netr.r. -1 rorrea her BBIB* *UBl BOW boi travel aay ln gettlng .,-. thifc fOundaMra1 ha: 1 aill arrange ?hina* hv maJL I ?' bJI ata: meetly ln ? hieago arta re WOWMn ar.- etalBfl Kreat ga foi ? ? now part] r ? they/ve aon* ta to n Bl ?? paaaneajraph Btora la A4tama Ar. ? ptit in re.-ordr- of ? Moowl Riioaavelt'aand tjervarner J*?*Bou*a and Mlaa A4A .-eechaw. Th*y*a? aoM M4M worl ?rUfcare.- Iu*t forougl' kboe* - Bsaata biarina- out of Ihe phoa>a*jrapha moutn. Th*y'r* 8*llirg T. R. Stampu. Ali thie la ln ch.rge Of Mr*. K*>?? M fairbank, th. W?*t*rn ebnlrman of tbe women'a flnaucial eonualtt**. Tl.r-y al* B.llltig T. H. Ktampe Ifl ai' the drug atoree. La-4i Mmday kh4 i. a.** ;t m?" ing in the Cldeago Opera lio.jsa-. plaaned ..jed aud Qlldrflflwd by WOBMal, and ,..,?.,. than ir-. bundred peopta wer* turned away.' Mra, Mc'ormi'K cotne.* natuially b| ber taata for poiitiefl. for her fathet ^an tre late .Vlark liani.a 811*0 Addarns WaM Ifl N*W Vor* 4tsiei on har way te ' ^" n*OB Bar Harbor, and BBM, Un. -alc< ormi. .:. Mlaa \iary Dretar National l oaamMtteotnafl rrraneaa atellar and on. or two other nan wer* *?taanalB?ad ^ luBeh*on bf .-"nator Idxon. ? 1 cn't t.;i yal a*har* Mlaa A4ldamafl n*-Bt Bfaaeh wlll be made." he aald "bul ahe wlll c.rtainb- .nike one Baeeofa v.??h Hoosevelt in New Yorlt and |M Alth Uovernor .lohnafi.. probwbly Ifl CbJ cagjo Mi. arill <*-t.4i?*.?** a B04bJ d.,-ai la Mlchlgan ar.d WtaeatiatU Bha'fl lnt?T eated ir ta)0** atata. be'aub* Of kh* BUX? traae cnmpatrna r>n there ' She -aa 11k alsx> tfldli ln the stx'.- ?har* women vote Tler tour will end laat h"' fore Electlon Day alth a ronfaience ln Denver with repreaeatattv* wom.n fronl the BtirTrage Btatea'' "Have you read Mr.. Id. Jlu.fed II.r per'a crltlelsma of Mtofl Addam. for ally Itig her^elf asitrj a polUI ;>1 party. when ah*-'.. * niamber of a non parttaan auf* fragi organiaatloBr tha :r.p"rrei- aaked nator EHaion Bnorted "ida IrJuated Harper? 4i-f.?4, obol Th4 hlMtorian of tb* Buffmge ' *b? iiumph; filtlclflefj Mle. Addam*'' I llke that. "Fveiy Btata chairman in the Progre. .tve pany ftondra for woman laJhaaflTI We ?tajjd ior suffrage and the woin?n are h'lplnir U* The woik they ar* do Ingjn thle *mmr'Bign Ifl wonderf ll lf any tian doubted BefOT* thal worn.n nught to ),??* the wi..," .ald flenator I'lxon in hle be.t oratorleal manner. ' b* nurely ought 10 b. convlnc d now." Mla. AddariiB is writmg aome artloleB or, auffrage and th*r f'rogreaaive party. ?Oon IB appear in Kdvaard Bok's "Ladlea* Home lournal " Thia Ib tha magatuie whleh a OOtJPlA <-f 5'.*re an-o aent Rlchard Barry. the anti ?uffraglr'. to ('olo.ado to OflttaOt evl aeaea aajajlaai woman auffraga. .,., . 80ME CENTURIE8. ,?v;ti Th* riilladelph.B Prut. '"olon.l R'H.i".'?:t .-innouTica lh*4 II i*k* n.o'B flfty y..r. to put all hla ,4?aa Into elttc:. He miiB' B**t aaoro, tha 4B**a*?rr **4!1 ba WtUtOO lo WOM a areat daaai -oogar tbaa tbat for of th?m. PROGRESSi-VE WOMEN CAMPAIGNERS IN" TOWN. MISS JANE ADDAMS A I BULL MOOSE HEADQUARTERS STILL LOVES BIGAMIST \ Sccond Wife Will Stick to Him, She Declares iu Court. I B; Talearaab ??? rr baaa ' BtamfOrd, Conn.. Bept X.?Deapltf the i * ; fad that Francls Arthur Proctor. of New . ark. had led her to betBtaVe ba WB8 a ?? -'lower ar.d K> to marry hlm, Mri, Mar .. W, Proctor, who wai marrled to him S.-i.trmb-r 30, lf-il. at CotO&a, L?oag Ialand here to-day ntt?-r ProetOI had ; .-id f..r triai foi ?? andonlng '?' aifa that Bhe loved the ma aa muoh ne. over, and that nothing could r-nana,.; har. she .?aid phr- -,-ouid tr; ... Ean tha bond ot H.080 reduced. ar.d would marry Proc* t..r pvatn i-ftt-r h* bad got out of thi* troubl. H--d had obtaln ,1 a dtvorca Proetoi marrled Mra, Mary O-Brten. a wldow, at Newark, an November St, UM Up w.-,p engagad ir. huafneaa l ??* al tho tlme. Subeequentlj h. loat tho buatnaaa ancj tb. aeperated Mra. Proetoi waa to i.,,\o permfaalon to boi her e m whenevar i eatred. The boy wba tbai i men Mra. Pi Ktor dld BOt BM bf r BUB ig , .-, ihe beard from hla ' tt : onl alonally al Btat, ... d no- M all Laal Bunda* <?'"? Bdvartiaed foi Infor natlon aboul her '.lUKband ar.d < ij WUltam v. Bbaw, of Cbrona, ix-nr Ialand, mother of tr- aecond Mra Proc? tor. thougbt the deacrtption of Ihi boy tallled Wlth the appeara-nce of the llttle aon of hr-r daoghter'fl hoabahd. Mra Bbaw waal to So U krek ttrm N*?-vark. ar.d had ar. laterrl. W Wlth Mra. Mar-. Proetor Hei iplcton waa cor. flrrr^d, and kfJl i gbt they came to fltam ford, whera they made Proctor, who had beer Bving v" a witi. hla aeoond wlfi and chlM, under tbe naina of Artb a Proctor, ahout a yar, eooteaa that be had de> i i Mrs s-ihvv'b daughter an.i <n tned into a Mgamoua marrlage rfltb h?r. WIFE'S PATIENCE AT END Charges Repeated Descrtion.s Against Electric Bulb Maker. Tha maritai Ura of Mra Jaaate n Rozeli aad har h'ieb*n<- rradarlek Roaell, i ,0 hav. beei tad ? " aaparatioB ai ? reoaaadllatloB after anotber. tfow klra Ftoaf I la aulng bi tba ftaprfnne Court for ? legal -epar-tion. tba )a*t raeenctllattoa nol bavfng eaulurad baaauae Roaell, aa la wlfe allagea, ha--. goae back ta hla babtta af garno'.lng aad drlnking. Roaan hi a maaufaeturai ol electric Ugbt bulba Mra. Roaell aya ia an Inootpe of M.800 a year aad bai a one-ftfth latereat ln tbe r-tate of his faibar, whleb waa apprataed at USkMt Tba wlfe wanta nn ad?qua.te amount of altmohy for the aupi-ort of baraelf and thelr da ighter, whoaa auatody aha alaa aaka Tbe eoaple were marrled bi IB* A raar aftei ? ? l.lrtli of Ihcll child. Ko.ell. It i? alloged. left lde wlfe and child. MTB. RoBfaM ?rlth her 'oah; T'cr.t tO ttve "ith her mol Bl Rozeli promlB. d to do bctler and hia wlfe .ad him Hewevar, ll waa nol long befora tha nuiband aitaln fell into hH old waya. vor taa yaara Mra Rojeii Hved wtth ber mother. ln 1MB abe bagaa a autt for aeparatioa Kozell aF*ln made promlae that he would take riira ,,f hla famlly, and tbe llttle group x\ere on ? more ualtad m ?"r,r ?**? hon1*- Tn,H ",t re^onclllatiou la*'?d until laat July. WON'T MIX TEA AND VOTES Mr?. Wood Resigns as SuflFrago League VicePresident. , j^_ T'-]egr*i>h ii T"ie TrtbUBO.] paaaaJ ', U. J? aaapt al-Mra, Mary Mr.d-iire Wood, of No. W Ponnlnftoa I . . wldow, autnor and the vtofvpraaldent ,t the r.'i'ini Boffrage League, haa ra ',,,,..,; rroai that organiaatlon, atating th?r the league waa praetloally a daad Mra Wood **'n lhi* Hft^f"00"' ?' * n:i'5 r^omnu. de-. Lhai the leagOC B0aBB8B_l| ?.. workir.g glrbi of tha BkuM Blda. or Unement how ???tloa and thera form votor.' ktaguea ^ -ddj thal^hamwj; . ap'andld opporturilty amon? tbaaa flrl.. aaTtbai tbrough lack^o aaaajr tba loague d.d not aetae the irhaaae. ?ka.aald ST had made other r.eomtnendatlona tha? -v*re not even attempted. 5"inv members Of the i:qual ^Brauja ,.ea.ue holong to the Woman'a Teniperanca tJrdoa hara, tne leaguajpraal d^nt Mre l U*n* BrOWB B ^^Tl belng an ofdoer in the un!. Mra, Wood "ad th" league waa bli.g <*? ?*? ad and rJJufVOt M tba temperai.e unrnm [temeetinga bad l?eeame tea partlag, abe riaclarad, rath. ?? ?u?-"*1 "+ aioaa, Poiitldai.8 were active all the ama Mra. Wood obaerved. Bttd any wom-..^ org-niaatlor, that wanted to make baM* way agalnat tbem would hn-e to buchlo down to work. Mltfl UEDILI. M'CORM Jfanaejer of "BVnrottar*1 BRINGING WHEELER'S BODY Attorney Will Oo Baek to Den vcr to Fight Dnughter's Will. Das ? n ?*pl '. ? it 1* nafl th. Btgnat ? of my daugl (??? or ? wa. written BBdi r duruu esclfl BMd Jamea. Coopaw V ? ' I N ? I g ... ? r 1 ? - ituri attaa hi d te ti a wiii of r.nda ? - fltad ln the 1 ''ourt h*r4 ... ordlng to Emll Behn?locb ht* attoa Tb..- II ?? ii-. dled h? ?? dtnlj "1. Monday i.:c?.t from eiannle can* vutalona, b*d aaamtaad all the courl doeua witi re ral U .ting the will nf hlr daughtei at tl October a<e**>'*a itated to-da '? Behae* taeh Tbe wllj dta].d ol pr-.f,. rt>- be* Queathed by M and laaurani pollda* inMuatlflg to HOA Th'. ? |?fl te Otta M*y*r, (tancfl kVhe*l?f ?? 'lier. bot D*nV*r on ' . and ?>??:. menl of inauran. ? wa* held the exhumatloi al t the ' Mr - ? Bl* for HoIIib to daj wltb th. body of his riien*. an ri>. ||ii '??! ' ?<? '? WOlfJd r*luru a"" ? ? - tlniM th?: I" .'-' ? a- t tO br..-Kk th. Wlll for the ben'-lt ol Mi Wfh?tar** **c*Bd wif* ,-.n i Ihree ehiidr ai NO HOPE IN WILSON Women 8ay He Couldn't Rc duce Dress Prices. ? of ri a f-,rt. thnt raUr. le lo ba yopular tah'lc thi. ?lnt?r. the Repabllcan wonaen ar* arudoua ta hava [th* puMk uit-ttaratand that \-otlr,if for Wllaon won t kU-" them a **ir ?or sult "f .ailne fer na?t to nofh;ni: Th? Cbamber of TnnfT Horrora ln I nl n | BQlUkf* ha. l.-en pftantaajratllUt this faJrv ; th> .M:aa F.'ntH 1. i-ald ya*t*rd*y, .md tha tblag ii almplj rl'iiciloui "Ib the flrat ptapc," hh<- polnt*d out ?i can'l voti f"i any one in N*w York State *., il ;s 08*1*88 10 a<iv: to rota for Woodro* kTllaon. Ia t) e na-.-: ? lai' *v*a U they oouM rota for him, h. jwouldn'l ba at). to reduee the tari:f in IttaH to *ff*c| tb* prloe <>f ih* wtntaw | rardrobe, for h* aroulda'l take h.a aaal ?intii nexl Merch wben aprlng tabrtaa Iwill b4 "ii tl". mark't. lt, tii- thlrd \Anro the dlff********** betwaei tha prtae of ratin. iti I'a'l. (H i ent. a yardi and the 8*108 Ifl (gew Tork (tSflfj aa <, aotad . ? tn* i bam ;,er of Tarlff Hottott c;,r.t be ? cre.y to th" tarlff. for thut WOUM make. rl.e rat" 48-' p*r C*Bt, BBd that WOUM ba ?beolutaly problbtttva They toj.i aaa bt ,,:-r. <,t ib* depa**taneat ato:".*. tbal N per eeoi \4B? coatadared a heavy tarlff and thal "'" p*i ,rnt was unbeard ef." SUED. HE GOES TO JAIL 'Defendant Unablo to Oive $11,. 000 Bail. Cw-'r.rto C. lOhfl, Ol N' 101 ">*?' 3nvth atreet wi - flrr**tad j?et*rday by Dflgait* I .,..*? Ifi i ra: aud ln flerfaoll of kii/-*".. hah ne a*aa tu nl to L.? etreei 1*11. ?i.,. ... i . Largaai b i ? ? mandkad by Bheiifl Har lurgi i b] o di of l ?? Bu pretne court Bince hi toofli c*aaC4 John a.-pected t-> piodu'e th* ball thla istovnlng joha waa arratrtad oa r'i ageeurloB Blgnad b: Jtiatic* B*a la ? ?uit *4BT04igbt agalnal him bj Mra Deiia i> M Un ovr an BUUMnobil* 8W*P MtB. Martta n overed .i.i.iyn..-r,t foi $'.."(_', ?am *b John raiie-i to Bati -.' Mr.. Martln said t!.at ln O-'foher. 1903. ehe oamad an mitoiiiobi." ror wbtah *b* had j,ald St.CrfjO John, who had another car, ?ntaied imo Baflrettattan* arlth he* to exchange his automobOe for tb* one o\4n"<i by Mra Unrthx arho 44aa ta pag ln addltloa |t;tata it. eaah. Tbi ataal wa. Baada. Bu*a*4?4*roently Mra, Martta aued joun, MtaftaB that hi bad falaaly rajra arnt-d that bla car waa pra^oally a aew oa*. Jabn d.nied khal N bad aaade a-.-. tatae 'i-.''-entationa it. th* tramsac tlor. bUl ludgWM-nt 4vj* render.-d ao'a'iw.t bbn _ ??' THE TRIBUNE'8 ROOM AND BOARD REGISTER la for your benafit. Con Bult it. WOMEN WANT "MALE" OUT Hope of Suffragists That Republican Conventlon Wiii Declarc Elmphatically in Favor of Change in State Constitution. Bt Ida lluatari llarpar. RepuWican stat.- ChBiraaan OVilUam Barnaa BBUBdad B prellminary krynote to tho conveation aoa aaaemWed at Bara? -.or.i v. baa ha aflfotally aaaoaacad thal "th*; m.-thod of gove. ntu> nt by wl 1 b .1 free people eaa Uve fan aecurtty ' l tb arvtng tba Conatltution i;,t I i Kiif.- from change. Ha " a I rtght * fgr aa tba Botftonal doeom al cerned, bul tbe womea ol Nea Ifork want a change ln tha *tat.di tll iti ti.ry aaat it aoaa--Juat a alight cbangi in- . UaalnatlOB ol ts.- word "ma the t tlng > Ian.--. Until thla I th. i eoaaMer iiii taik about a "fra. ple" a' rery mlaltn-Mng ana net i ? ;... . ,-v.-n BB a-.-pf.lgai BOfafatBtry. Paople cannot be fre who eotee in thelr own government, and whlle ii hi iri.i.-. .-. ; . ai Rr. Barnei aaya. thal ??u g. ..?! to aad ire, muat reat upon everlaating priaalplea," it la eaaally irue that tt era bi a wuaptf von i bv ?? ol etpia In th. ?r< tbia eluiiee ol the Xew Torb Btate ooaatitutjon. if M reatrlcted t;.,, f . m ida io one-hall ??: the nx u ... gare 'them complet. domlalon o. i r tb .?.,. i aii no pohti. ..i lead * wo i lo talk aboul tha aacrad and '? nw I pi i .tti H m '' ;t.; ? there wo ild '?? a footU ? te ? ti ? Bi ; ;.,:l"'' ' ? theae abuaad dl 11:. ?_ aa illuatratad a fet ?go, whea It ? ia dl oavared tl of ladlaa men up oa the oorth. rtlll malntataed thelr trl al n ,, tberefoi dlatTraiaebJBBd l ? '' actually aul ? loatiooa whlch Ibeai i i tring to it Kew, if thla ? la ? BJ ,? . tlon; if Ri platform I '? i ..: ? Ded < 8pi -? ?? ? ' ' of th?- ladlvMual delegatea aa i ' ln tbe hlatoi the wom i ? 11 '??'- ? ' ' - ?? ? ? ?:. . ' " ' K to give then '? lh< ' ? . . ? .- ,,t aom* Mnd i ?? I eUeri tb l the party wlll recog ? ' ..,;.. rork a hl. h tb toa lo ereate ibe favoi _,..? . , ... r .... in erhleoce and ,ila, .. ? r< ?;?.'?< lhai al leaat a bun aand women ln lb<.'?? roUed ln th:- movement They feel arlll B(H buoaUlate >???? . . ? . ? ,,,',s? who hav- retnabM I un ? I l Ptrtw;-" of n-n-Parnsanahip and decllned to for nka H araa for tbe piaenla o lha Pro greaalvaa Tha party abouM ?? ? ' " womea who wtU not Uaperll thalr owa - potttlaal afflllationa aad not .;. atrey tl r boi ' r"1 r< ',r? , , ua ,? bxtaatl. ? ol paat .. , af progi chlef arnc-rg WhfcBh b o rlghta of woi an tb. R i irty of N.-w Tork canaol aUord to ;.,.- them thla .I .?? ? ""' ' , ?!,-? ol antagoalam - ' ' ? ,,4 .i. a/b ahoold II ? , taaoa for d. ? hlch . .. gja redlta k to l Men Don't Want to Vote. _(ter tha aaera advi.I ?"" >? partlea bave lought bled and i. , ? in aatabU - H ? i prtniai. arblch i nould glt to tiw aaala elecl aa Btlll mor. \vottm rlghta tba hUtei aboa how IRt* Itbey really waatad th. n by rafuatog to make aaaaf them Thera waa boI a hun ? dredtb part of the preaaure on tbe part |of men t.. ohtain a dlracl rfdee b ? aamtaatiaa af aandktataa that thera I i boaa an tba part af waaaaa ta aacora evi mefa BOffrtga ..a th8 BBBB Blwady nor and yet hercuiean sffortt were t0 catabllBh the dlrer-t aotntaattan prlmarlea by the very taadaMtetra and party l.-*d*r8 who Were opposed to givlng women any Lt alL ,n um primarlea af tba laal week lo Mieet dalagattr to aa bnportaat atate ,.... arrtieaa a? arar bave baaa bold. tha v,.tf waa Bbaayal a farce. In rncat of thr ,nt,ri..>- counttaa ad arar II par eaal of tbe lajtara waal -o the peUa, aad la ma of them aat arar 7 ai I par oaat Brgn wtM , tfaoro wre baportani caateai wai" lmpoaeible to get out one-lmrd al I . la one di-trlct ln J.-ffaraou GfMJBty . .? votea wara eaat, dghi of tl ly t,,j eleetlon ofBcera. In Con P01NT FOR MRS. K1NQSLAND Fined, but Will Not Be^Prosc cutcd for Smuggling. v,ar B r-onaultation y.-.-t. r.l.iy Bfatw. United Statea Attorney \ retlaiid. of New r??a> and Cc*m*m Uaa, tha eaaa o ' I, Amhro.r. C. waa dl,poB-d T* aad aU altaaaat la brtag eibnaaiJ ao ttOQ ngelnst th- ag.?d WfaaBBB for Bffl Bg eiiriK was dropped, ti - civii BOtaai of tha Traaaary D? fZmant agaJn.t h^r wtn ia aattkfd on C paytnent of BAOOB ^y Mra. KlnKBland. The governmenl wlll reatora.all bat Lranka and their otaateata wtdeh wara SSTtaTa Appraiaer* Storea on Satur i__Ue_Mthag Mra. Klnir-lr.n.l hioiiRht to (hla country on the Kaleenn Aagaata VL .B tweaty-ala traaka, ^t^tag gaada J3Jg ? alaaa* UVUk Much of th - ^ ,,?,M,,.r,,i waa aot aobjael to duty aa S h?d Uaghl Part af H hara befora and had paM duty upon It *o:no of the [ZZ were of doovMio BBBte One group of trunba conUined BBWda valued at tk.Uk ; hbTwIra r-ractl, the l-rt of artlctaa _hl had fleeorlbed tbem to ba, but tba ;;.,or,s om-iala found BbOftl *M% WOrthl that waa BBhJact to daty iaa aaM al lha - itattgn Ukvm that ,r ii.. Klagaland beggag. had b?*a prop- | lfrl ?,.-ur.-d oa tba owaer-a arrtral aa ?0,M,-day or even If Mrs. Uagataild bad J^nded ber defdaratton wbbb reouerted lo ,io bo. toetead of leavtag her baggage l' gZZm to her Mltat Bhe WOaJd have T,,\ to P?y oniv ahoat B.B88 la duty. Ia ^altreimntoftho.-aae.heh^hadto lv n nne cjitlval-nt to tba forolgn pur JEm pttoa Ptna the duty irepoaad. WOMAN'S BODY IDENTIFiED. The body Bf tn' woman Wha dled su-1 ,v on g porthhound Jerome avf-nue j d '",?v car lant Monday nlght waa id^n-i ai^aal reetarday mornlng by Carl ReDjer. f Ma. :? Vlin Neet *-veuUo' The Ur(mx Ztm told the roroner eh? waa Mlaa BMBe i,eth b. ilaainaraaaa of no. ??, weat isfth Btraal \t ihe Weat !?'?> Btreet BddraBB It wa-s , __li MUa Zlmin- rman had Wealthy rola- j nvca livlng iu Ualtlmore and that Bh. I laft her home on Monday mornlng to BM .,nt off la that -tr- aVCf-arding to UM foroner-a Bby8BBlan. Mlaa /.1mm.-, n,Mn w_a attaeked wlth heart dteaaae. ta whlch n waa aaid she waa aubject in fOurtaen poiltng ptacei ie$ votea wa-r ? depotated. ??? ? e BepubukraB .. and Ib J*ffer bb Couoty on* Proht* Mtlontal repre?nted flOO 1 araribt* rotera. 'i.... - ., . ?. -. na "i co irai ? called i"- i conalderabte eapendlture "f Bion.y, acarcelj anywher* l**a than N i ? ?? ? In Tloga Co ity *vei i 4- .r- coal 19 . 'henai 4-.. 8$, li I t* 8 tha Boclallal ..nd eleren Probll Uontsl rot** cost 4i", .i. h. and th.. only Iii4top*nd*n4** ... ne ward c*o*t Ull No* all - ; tbe mofley foi t;.- bi prlmartaa and .i etlooi na! u ? ome* out ot ?... i... ? i. i ?.. mi n nver ??<? ? . ? -4 woman taxpayi - ' trtbuta 1 II had to .... tbla !?>! generath ot' And : ' u . lorltj "f tt* Btate* abe la nol allowed ; \. i.- i,.-; flell . V. ;; "ti ' <'!:"": flUOTtlOlt*, , , ,- .. ? - r sbe i ? ..;.?!? - ??;'. t:,. *xp*na*l oi' the BUflMTOU* M*e ttana and wb*tev*r foftawa tn ti.e wakr. .\..t onl ? muat abe do th' but, :<? thougii dentod the riuiw t.. 4-..i* for any i offl. lal . 11 ? ." I- i full il.' . larlea ol nli. from tii" PrestdMl ol Btati ? t.> ihe t..\4 n dog oati :-> i .in.1 ii.. cxpeneea >.i every offl?*tal hod... ...... ta !? n'sl.-itures. . ii. . '? Ifl lafllonfl and BO oti do* B : :..' ? 4' ..-ild th* BM n "' ' ln 111ih poMtlOB? Could I there Her ti agedy oti i ? ei I atlve goverflmeBt* nnd couM tberi be .. tlce? Whal b* and , . ... ? ? i . I. . M4-. .... I ? ;.' ? ? ? ligbl 1" 1..1-. tl.'-n ' BBl to .;? r-. COBMfl t:..- ? i ?>: I i.nfi r on i men a direct vote fo. Unlted Btatea Hen .,'.,r, ;.? .i atlll furtta. t entargi tbeli ,,,-,.,: rtghti ? r mii.-i.i4'' and .... Home Rule for fv'ert. , ?... ??. . d of ?'", ,.,, aa the struggli \ ? ? ...-,.? ? ? ? leadi ? ruli lo ta (Tom lhe Im r affalra aa ll i ? ..... tbe ha pt The ctttaena? Bj . '"", i 0f t- ? men i ? .... I -?? . .. .i -.. th*y then ea ? ? ' ' !?rv * . . . ? ' 11 reapeel ? i rtng them ? . ... ? rolce In tb< ' oi ol *W the li I " '',,:- 9 ot\ Bt*d wtl munldpal adraltaatral it aald tha ? ? :; ' ' '' ?? he*t woma i ? ??^" ,;' ?**? ttended .,i um Krupp worta " ad to oeotai ".? tho fr Um i it:- " a ia f< thi la\* forbadi alvhu I r to .. won i -..!"' tbera ar.- no "fn ? ?? forbtaa exl ? ? . tn tha 'fre. doni of a etty." '- M ..., . . atoppod d*aa?B4ltng ,. h d it Bltnpiy nMane i" tbe dtj the OlIaTBfel Btaa ta ihi rtate? TMity-ftve or dttot and larife towitfl are BBltcd in thi* rnoveniei.t Ifl *4**W Vork BtBt*, Bfld i; th. leadera hava an) Maa of real tto ..-, of th* Itiattaa d.o -,,.,,, . cttlxena t" all ??? ... , . ... ,;: . ? and for wotnea ? .., mn v..? e b th* govcrainent - th.ay thcniaelv*** bow po***aa sri what-J thoy naay "l.tatn lr. tha futan Th? Old and the Young. Thfl woi ... ' ITO* * men of 1 I oi ind , ..... qUj tooh '? alf a column of Trlbune'a alu pa lo exi H oppoeltiofl i" women i iffraa* n. "antl" .anii"t iind any ar$jum*nta thla nide of tbi Oan Bd*a tah* '.- tor K.-.,i,i.-.i ... belonga ko that age ln : . md khat bc I ! Ri i ., Mta of lhe apple from ihi l Knowledi Ifended wHb ih* other letter wrlter wh? ,r,),.' to the aaffractatfl b*cau*e I . bla Bhtaetlon bi a pta* .. i Btad di -r aa to be enco argei that ai ?. ted .^n'a ctoth**. tbera la Jaal oa* pta 8 for Btn and tbal le the Ai..; _ _j ALIMONY. NO MATTER HOW Court Not Concerned if "Hub bie" Can't Earn It. ibj*ci of aiiinoii4' ia not n raatl roi leaa, If the ttakweaM C ordera a buabaad t.. pay a eartaln amounl lha ctrart mual nol ba api t,, concern Itaelf with. how th* haaband t- -."In^ to "oom* 8880*8* B d BtUl ' ' N?r ls it a*otaflj to foftrn or move th? . nurt te B4*fljU* IbBl Whtt* the hu?!.:.' I la**gutahtnf ln Ludiow street .imi i ber of the M'.mony Club tb* poawl Mllty Of earnlng the allmot.y hi BBtlroly removed. ataeh ta affeet la tha aaetaaOB banded ttawn y**t*rday by Juetic.) Btacholl ta th* aeparatlon .->uit hronght by Mrr<. \V. WolrT agatnst her BJUBband, Ainoldi Wolff. who 1. an ac ..uniant ui ih.- cuiT'ioy of C B. Biehard ri Co The ea*rurt awarded Mra "aVoktl l ? i W**fe all.riony and ord?r*d tbe 1". ;"*;.': Ifl pay beg attorney tdg, Wolff t>!l in ar reain, and hia wlfe BBOVBd ta bav* hlm punlahed for OOataeapt Helng an ao- i eountaat and eonvaraanl vith flgure* Woiff tri-d te .how th* eoari khal he | could boi ghra hta aritfa *2>j ? w*?h and j i.,- ber attoraep HI o il of kh* Mfl aatary | thal bi ?' atvi fl and atlll Bfl*ovM* for bl , o-vri ealatanc* n-- atoo a**fued thal If b* hmhed up hta aaralni o paetty ...,, [d . ? mtlrety oul off JuaflJc* Blactaaira doctoioB hai.l. "In* j ntititty io pa**' ahnaony an.i eounael f**a f!ir.--te^l 10 be paM I* no BufBcteflt uMwar I to tho |*04T4*8w1lngfl ta punlab tb* detaadaai for hta faUur* t?. eoeaply arlth the order." ftiaj J.. d an "rder diif- ting th* Sn-riff io arreal Wolff nnd keep btaa ta Uudlow atn I lall -intii hi '\n\d np. ? - ?a LlNER TO BE NAMEO STATENDAM The new ef tha Hollajid Amerl ca Mno wlll he BatflBCd ?talendam. Bh* lt. heln? ?:onatructed bf the Harland & Wolff Company. at Baifaat Her f.-nnaKe 44il! be BfcaOl tons rcglster. DlnMttaleea ,n-e ut- fo04rWaJ 7W tOOt lom;. BJ tOOi ivlde, 4- . H dipth. I",. eni-'llier WlD he the cOmMwatlOB typi j.artly p'Ml'rocating, connect. I wltb ptaaaun tarbtae, drlvlBg thre.- nro pellera, fltatal 'i'0 Maaaaer -i aaced of fuiiy r. knoti BJhe 44 MI 8,800 of all JaaaiB Th. ataauner win bc e.->m pleted and will mako her niuldcn trip ln the early l^art of bli Domestic Workers Have Their Club at Last Human Neeris of a Neglected Ciass Recognized by Brooklyn Woman. ,\t laal om> oae haa araked nr' to the human needa of ii ? rl aervant* Nol erery mald " be geta an aftaraaaa oll 'ia< friend i to i .-:t or ? aati to ?u to a nmv Ing plctnre abow. Boeaetimea aba woaM Hlte i . -i .-? w tor heraelf or i bai i cup of taa, aad tea room are nol foi ber; they ooat too much and ahe wouM nol ... i.i Ib them. ?.la.ny gfrla, too, hare no one to take them to ibe danc. - Ban ?? i thal are ajmoal the o i amaaami nl tii.'t aerma awaJlaMe, and If a f>n baa a fi ..;.! .- . | uaually ao place for i no pteec where -he ? and chal and "*"',,i,p '?'v :' ? ? ?,- f. all thla, of coui ? eetJe aervaata. The uiea^ ? .,',.-? i ,(- .;.?> ;.. Core, I il now it ?.'.ncrete througb tba of Mis. ''. C. 1/. i.-.'ii .?? PUU ,-, i'la. buah. '! . Hynda reallaed thal the glrli able to gel togeth. r of iccord -tii*i carry througb a ach< me ol ll I ort, ao on her awn i alhility Bhe rented an attractive fraata houae wlth a iit'i- ll i lerad gard m, Plathaeb aven ie, and ber rrteada, who becaaaa al once m , tbe proje t. hav-.- donated ihe furniture, The boaae haa not yet h-r-\ ofBdallj open. d, although app . iherahlp are bagtanlng t?> Bow ln. The ' i"'1 la t>> be known a" the United Worklng Olrla' Club, and whtte tbe ? i ,s prlmarll] to ?:" j> tbe domeetie aer ra wiii he weteomed., m e.oor bai b ktrga llvtog ro aa I . . aeroaa tbe whole alde of the bOUae, and may be u^rU for partles rr ;.r.y Uttie 4i.t.itainment that the g'.r.'a may efaooae to give. On the other ald* ig a larue d'.nlng room. whlch Mrn. Uynd* >ays may posetbly be u?ed as an employ m<mt bureau to btdp m tho upkeep of IhB ,,,i N There ie also a i?pHcloua klt.-h.iB. When tbe th!'. may make OBJady ar.d taa. Oa the xo-ond Booi ara a aaaebor of imaller raoam Two or thraa of tbagg ar,- fltt.-l ip aa alttlng ruonis. wh.>r,> tht x'M* ran meet aad < hat ot play gamet Ajiother room la ;< Bararj and wrtthaj roota, ^iii'l i- furnlshed ln a warm ond cceey red that aaaat app<-ai to the baBB j,, ing -r, ..f theae praetiealty liom^i'^a airiB. Th'-n thara if b reem that -vin be devoted to aewtag and a baaa elaaal whera the v..rk may be kept Boaae Iriotids Of Mra iiyii-iH hava alraady aatuntaerad to glve laaaractkaia ir, eewtag If th< i ara needed Oa thla floor, too. Mrs. llynda win have aa eaaea, where Bhe wlB abaarvg : our:-. bo that any kih ma:" to her artth >' gHavaaca ... any plan ahe maj artah to ahaaaat "There arlll be ne eoaBfrdttee to run the -. m Mra. Hyada lt ib aii mi owa Idea, aad i faal tbal J 'an ca-ry H mn better .tlon-. Of eoarae, I *i>all al . ;,. arbaa J am fare', aith aai proWeaa, bai i faal that the work ean be batlar prrformei bi aaa head i wanl tbe glrla lo laal that ihe-. ? bome bere, and that i am alwaya gtad to ii. ip them ba UM beal of ir.y ablltty. Aad ? WaBt >hem t<> imderr.tanr' t thla V.-tthpr !a it to bi i aaooey Bavldag BCheina, If wo oan MXh eada meai wo ahall ha eattsried duoa arlfl BOl be at al! prOhlMttrnj probably only IL" Tbe dub wlll b* open frorn I o'rloch ln I --ninr nntll lf' o'.-lock in the ?ven .} thera arlll o.- .-. eaiataaar who wlll live In 1' aad keap lt ln 4>rder. Mra Hyada i? ptaaldawl and foaadar of ? aofrlatlon, nnd as the elub wouldi ' aeem completa to her wlthout r. a oentatng earaaaaiDlaa, whieh wil: take place rary abortly, wffl partake et . , ara or ? n.i_ raieing. _ Postal Card Departments All oemmunientiOBB and they are w*lcom*) ahould be mad* by poatal, Bfl fae as it ia poiBib'e. Recipes Tested and Found Good , . ,. ppflfl-rtagta the** aMUBBBB ?'-8 ? ?. . . ? ? *BtaBB e^-r T^ia^laaVtnK?nl wttl ba Bta* ***** a-g ...... i..? .nhmiitad by riM'-KTB ?..?? itlo* Bubmitta* ?4111 hu^ reclaee. -, ? irai ? 'uluiary BM v. ifl* Saaaao ?ti?et rtlll bai raclpee. .... Kiirmwt iiflnary BMItor, Ne. " ? . . ? -n afd ta* |*aB?aalbte for TTrtte m onl oaa il a o ?*!*?*? . ..,- | ,i t.iv; Hav* read I ? d grated - I ' I in ? i k*Mpoonful ot ftaur. ? ? e BtaM-1 fmT p'1" JfJ li thteken ir .i little aaufpap on kb* ?'^? 4 . droi b ot wmon talea and i tca . . - ?i .,, rafltn maj 8 ?? b* I ' ii i th* Bavor. For tba to;) of ihe eal *'MM ,,. K ?; .. rulii makea enly enettfl jut; for a -inall ta] Bf '?'*>' QRAHAil OBMB.-H8 haW B -, .,, loonful of butter, half a ipful of Btigar ooi tgg, ona oupfal of mllh. on* cupfui oi graham ftaur, one cupful of 4, ita Bour and two feaM-...niui- ol baa ,. g Bowetar. Cream the mttar and augar t, irethar. acM th* you of tb* agg and kb* mllh t'."n Bth* the mlxture into tb* tlour and baalng powoett elftad toSeth.r tn kb* laal hefore baKlng. t<M the aggwMl baati atlff t!*tro4aih tha batter. TOMATO CATfftJP.*-H4yaaa*artvi i Bvtng Btaa'i hpertBMnt* a*Ma*a bav* Bpac* to hioro oataupa ?nd pr**erv*fl illoWiBg Bl a re.lpe tor ? dollolOUB . wblcb .-an to pnt up t-. om ? bi amall ajuaatltlea, wbJle i j tomateea bought at tbe oortMr tM*d tor tho parpoae, ptat cans teaiatoea ua* a plol "' rlnefljar. a plal of augnr. a teaapoool I eacb ef acpper, salt. clfina }: |] il a wbel* untll thi k. \ KOVBL BTOmVQ k bread erumb itufflng > ??? 4Ti d with ?' K.-. i. p*p ? ?'? Seen in ,-f atr*** avhere artlrl.s nion |>88. w.l. ? ? : by aarvltng a itSaped BBd ?? Idr* --1 ,l; r-.bune. o ? I..-- of pa _ Oatrleb feather kilmmtag ta ti". form . ia nmy b? boajgbt af prtaaa rsuafjInB ,,-.1. it eentea ta ,.. ptaln ."l"t?. nnd fomo combimitioi... and may b? aaad tar krlmmliBg h.itM or eventag eoata, or for B*o*JtlBg noel rulfa to ..- wara on atarp fall d..> On another table in ihe aama - ,..-. n Im ajpenMva nw k w*ar. Ti.ero ara a iiinn'"'!' of Ftob**plerre ,.,,|lar:. of btaeh Bllh llB*d vlth red. blue bb riik. aad antab ti wtth a n.-t , ,. iai ?? labot Tbe: ar* approprtat* ?,,r allh btauaea and coal hat N centa eaeh, The , ool BVeotaga that. a:e h*$jlBfllBg to di cend upon m ,-,"4.- -i nlpatBfl* re-l minder thnf % warm eomfOrtabt* would bc q ptaaaant khtog ta areep B*ad*r. Om nhon I. BOW eondUCtJflg a aale of guaran ?,. lamba1 woM KHnfortablta prlead 81 R*renlag -? rfa of <???' ? ?'?? chtno are t B*rvt4***t>te t.e.-au^e tb* materlal ! gfOokt 0 ? BUtlfully, and they are ; lovely beeauae Ihejr r*nect the Ught ao becomtagly. Bcarfa two aad a guarterl v.-irds long by tWAflty taolKM 44 'd-i. BBd Botobad wtth a wta* oul itlh frtnga Btaj na oagbl tor *?-:? ? acb Tor the **ro4nen, atilpad araidr** ahflrta 4*4-ith taiiored euffa and a kurnover , <ollar Of the BBflM materlal are very trim and aaat la a Bbop watab aarrtaa h large OMOttwmwi Bf ka*8* as part of iis regular BtOflh kbejr may be bouirlit for , ?i v> aaeb. _ a **eoeam?g a*l af arhtta tawa, ta^udlag | a larue 8884*8 valth ;i hlh, g pair of Bto*VM j and a oooWn car. 0$*flJB only 65 eeata [| would make a aatagaatag and narviee- | ubh- "g?*t-ui." fat the baahalar glrl whe hns chaflng di?h partlee. In one of UM BBTga BlkOf* khi ta lireeent a tabto deuorated with the Bheer est, softent new whlte. neekwear. lt is ,i joy lo bahOIB and thfl 1*8088 asked arc by no bbbbbMB "xorbltant, conaidering the faet Viat practicallv every ptece haa an ra loaaato la nove md appettttug. Ta I r-orv <junrt o* jjr.itor! vr??ad rrumbB. ad down cofnpa rtty, i How a ttuorter of ;t cupful of butter, a p.?->d -ized to :-i:.'... ;. Bmall greea pepper or hadf * iarfcT'-r one. a BBBaB BBtoa, a MfUti tablo Bpooafu] of aalt aad n teaapoonfal eaeh Of flrround WhltB ptpper, 'it*.- nnd thyme. BUnce the tomato, greea pepper and onlon i them wltb l b< b. rba to tha braad crumha Beaaoa and moiBten wlth tbe butt w bo >:-i b m. Ited The i.iic<? tt an thi ml lead bomatoee arOl ! wlth ti a butter, be all the moial i tary. Tba average atufflng, draeataa or feffceaaeat, whatever Baaaa i. ta called L,y, Ib uaualiy motateaed o much I i ? ?;? . Tbe addltion of an "gg 10 :. Btvfflng is ent:.-?i\- nnnercepan lha average braad cramb --rr b ? , -'... , be added about a third tpoonful lt thia t>'uffing- i? .)?<-d arttb Baeal thal I ?,?r> far. les*. butt?r wiU be needed Useful Household Tip.4 '[ ? .pirtrrant ?lll pay for - If lo^nd avallahie ior its pui. I "Uaeful BovaabeU ripi Depertmeat," -se'v Yuik Triijune. .No. 164 N'suji Btteat. WHEN MAKING CAT81 P hen BOll ir.K tomatoes for une la cataup praaa thaf to h puin a it . a aoodaa potato n-A'-ha; Tha aaaaa Iaaa4eeaeai ta atae aaefal wbeu maki".' ian aad B_ar__alaa*ea QQVLAMT WTTH Porr. -? pr* erlap BHoea Bf baeoa make a nlce yarnl-'li for n .liah pf trlpd eggplar.' DggglaBl fri?<l !n the -*ani.; pan wlth pork chop^ and al^o aerved with th?m ra.ika.i .. iarory dftBh and one very welcome at tni? ? BTUFf_BD Ft'JS.-Datea BtadaBd wtti walriutfl ar? famlllar enough, but sma',1 rinM or a;aotlonn of big flais etuffed ln th" ?a-ue way are not so eommon. After BtuBIng roO them tn powdered euear aaa *?rve a few of them wlth the datea. P.KNOVATING CW^PE.-Crepe ran be renovated by letting ateam paas throug* it from th- month of a te_k?Ttla. Tha er?-pa wlll l"o'< allBOal eytial to aft?? thi* treatmcnt. the Shops indfvidual todch, whieh dieting-fliftee :t fiom th.j ne'-kwear gOkff one elae Is wear hag, Oae eaUari :or tnatance. le of aofi lawn with a t'n k-?i atock aml a p!eate<i artth two taba Theae are bouno by hand around the edi/e in emall fanc< Btltch. ?-. Tha prlaa la U ^. Ail-ailk suitcaaa. umhrella." may ha had in a Iargo earfety Of WBad handlva at Pl aaeh. Lltt'e hamni*re4l oraas aeh traye, rour'i and aet on tt re<^ very ahirt lagn, coal 85 c?ntH each. Hormi od,l llttle hrass va>e? about Bls haahaa hitrh, of uniif-ual ehap.- and orna inented with a faint <'hin?*s<- aaatgBa are belng a.o.i for N oaata each. AT MOVINQ TIME. in 't.r Barry of pa.kina; ui to to another honse in ti town, or co sotne lecatlty at a dlBtaaco, t., whieh tba boaaaaaM goods maal l by freight tl.e fo*.iia.h boaaearMi rtde bei no\t of much tia'.i-worn kttebea Mrnlt. ? by raah gtft, or by tfmvtaB ii dark uoraar of th<* baaaa from whlch bi is mortag. Yet tiic.sf. anU often be ju-. tii4. artielea n^ed.-d far ar. ydaj wlthin 8 few hourM ol the arr.vai new baaaa, and the v.i?.*. womaa ata p and Hhk-4 baraatf: '*Wbal -..ii i da t r*pia.-" theaal Wbaa i arrtve at t: aew h..-..-c. ^'iii i have efthet Maaa 01 money to apaod la going o.u to bay * <-...,.i.i??:<? oatiH of aaw bbobT Ani U tea la srranRa". wlll 1 want to taaoa th." set.llne af my household goo4l?. whii?- l try to und my v ay to the 8881 BtOrea, an.l walt unt.l my pur'-hane.- a*a H4-iit hoiiie'."' H4Md.>ni, if over, wlll the doilberatc thougbt be foUeWed by the re.i4-.tton o? thf oid tidaga Baapaalaltj if ahe haa aaared bafara, wiii the aaiaM houaewlf^ be incllned to ke.p the '.irush-a and bi4>oma fiom the kltchen i ornor. 8BfaB If partty -om. Bar thay are eertaln te ba aaadid tba Btat thing. 8he wB tu ti em in a aeama, haadta> jrttb a paraal of dBBtera a:..i cl^anmg OaOtba, atid looh io it that they are put on one of tha lant loada tO be taken n'h-n thalr aun .lesor* aix; ln 0\v boaae, and not oefom, will rhe toBa out the. old thlngf. She w;l have aavpd many hour.-., and not a fe-., by tne few mlnutea of aobai thought.