Newspaper Page Text
PROGRESSIVE But Not Radical. Mtt'itftfc ffiriimne The Only New York Republican Paper. v<" lAXll.V 24,074. -^^ifMvmito^w.. M'W-VOHK MONDAY, OCTOBEK 14, 1912.-FOIKTEEN PAGES* * PRICE ONE CENT _^_^__^___^___________________________^__ tA*tat variuble wlndv ?''?" gxraif*.. - \^*_ - ??? _____?---m------??-?-'-**^*-?^'*****-************-*^'"**,~' ****""_r__^ ln filj- of New York. Jersey (Ht and lloboke* KI.SKWHKRI. TWO CEXTft. NT H Locked in Wyoming Penitenti ary with Hundreds of Muti neers. Battle Desper ately for Life. MANY PRISONERS ESCAPE jjill Citizens in Rawlins, Steal Horses and Hold Posses at Bay in Hills?Militia Asked to Quell Outbreak. ... \\\n.. Oct 13?A battle to-nlght in thr- state penl tentiary. Locked Inslde the walls with hundred.-- of mutlnoua prieoaera, ? few getf-9 fought deaperately t<> reatort rr*er a ' ;* wholeaale jail de livery. t.mped outalde the walla was a force 0f citl-ens heavlly armed, raady to fMtu back tbe conTlcta if tbey mur? dered the rematntng guards und made s raab through the gatea Bho-ti and eocaaional ehots told ->f desperate flght jng within th< walls. and it was 111 thal aeveral guardt and comicta wereki'.led. Another battle was in progreaa at the same tlme in the hills south of Raw? lins. betweei Of citizens and from twenty to forty escaped | riaonera Two wen arere killed in the .treets uf ?__!__. one was deaperately wounded Hnd taa convlcta mara recaptured, foi hMUS Ibt escape of from ten to thiru jri-cn.r. tbla afternoon. The town is in a panic. Praatlc tele? grarns were aenl to OorerBQ- Carey. aaa at _h< rldan, imi>loi ing him to tend .ut. troopa to ?***_tecl th-* citizens. fawaapeople barrlcaded th.mseives la bomea n.-night. or. taeaviiy armed. patrolled the Btreete. Prisoners Rush for Gates. The outbreak to-day was the BBCOItd ty-four houra About I p. twenty prlaonera escaned and nlne were recaptuwad before s ? - afternoon ? party . ? ? mera ovarpoarered | :. his keyi and from thelr C(.||S | ailllng to risk a lattle vith tlM guarrl.- made a niBb for _ rBocaent later the citizens of the *0-? >,. iiada of ab-ta insid. ?iaui of B-OUtB and ii'.'l from the prison A few secomls latei more than a dozen nvn down th< malB attaet, arme-l *?ith guns and '. Hoiding tht feiv citiz' ? * al 1 aj wlth revo'.vers, thev charged Into a Hvery barn, holdlng up the or, nd haettty thi_wln_i . r the horsaa, A huge negri . armed with a revolver, was left as guard "ii the outalde charle- a barber. had heard md came doarn the tgun The negro shot him through the head, kiliing him in .tanth. ? _ of the ahot the convlcta *~anae_ from the barn, aome witi* gaaai borsea and some afoot. a M.-xi can a__toal 'he proprietor in erely wounding him, and a few see nda later i-i'i for the dead ?vith his life. Hugh Rogner, a deput) sherlff, shot him twice, kiiling him al? most Inatantly. Running Battle in the Hills. L-avint; thelr dytng comra'le, th" for the rocky hills ?outh of thi town. A party ..f penl ten tlary guarda followed ln close puraul . and before the bewlldered clUaena ha i had tini< t<. form a poBBB purautrt BH 1 .ugitive.- ha.l dlaanpaarad among Ihe hills. ln a short tlme posses had beea hnaod, and one of the moai deeperat man hunt- m the hlatory of tbe Wttl was on. The - acatti rad Into small rroupK, aii striving t.. BBCBpe m the al? most hapassable atretch "t rock) coun l-Minu-d on third pn?e. thlrd eolumii. This Mornings News LOCAL. I'age ahektr'a I'rl.nda Wis Over Widow.., 1 h J. BUckei - tuto Crash... 1 ?tebt C-ts Down Motorboat. l ^?hltm;. ? :tness . 3 i l.'.iMjfi. 3 to-Kht -.mii Ican Prealdem *. 5 ?heFsi Qlrl to Testify. b si' Th..;:..-,? Liptoo Arrlvet. 7 Impui.. Koodstuffs CondeaMM..11 ludalam.1 -rscking i.-nox Library.19 *-****"l?rn Drowna, Tlde Impedlal htecat.M ?"oor Box Thief KlghtS Ifl <' PO_ITICA_ rnator Worka Deaouaeea Rooaevelt.. - WHe? Attacka T. R._ Kntire Carat r.. i Rooseveir s campaign Coetllasl. ?* K*ir Bardla Attacka Ball s ?ahaaa Aoewera Rooeevell. - OE-tEBAL. kiii Cltlsena. 1 J*f**tB?_ ,-.,,,,, .,;,?,, xo-day. ? ,1t',,'? -"** & fio l ol l-docatora. 7 ''""""? aeta Hright_ll . roREiour Is. 1 Vf<- - Turk. -. to War. 3 ? uutlook. a liop Ofiiouiici - Idle Rich. 5 111, .M.xlco_ S . MI8CEEEA-.EOUS ?"?*'*.ti; I . 6 ***cl. t v. . 8 0bltuary . . , Xperts v ._"'._ s. .8 nnd 9 '*"*- for Wornen. p JJannclhi and Marketa.lo'and'u w?*ther . xl *hlPpms News ....'.'.'.'..ll ?????I-state..'.'.'."'.'. ..19 RICH FIND QF AMBERGRiS Whale Swims Away, Leaving Lump Worth $33,000. I B> T*l?*greph tc Tlic- Trlliune. I Beattle, Oct IS.?A. 4'. Oould, an Alaska mining man, who arrlved on UM steamer BpokatM to-tlay, told of the finiling of a valuable piece of amber gl-t bjr Dr. Klhott and Oeorge Howc near Beerard ? few weeks ago. Blliotl and Bowee wera on the launch in Sewaril Harbor. when tlielr way *.k;'s harred l.y a larn.- whal.. They atopped ihe launch aml watched tlie animal until it swatn away, leavlng on thestw ia s "f the churned water a lump of ambergris welghlng flfty-two pounds. The flnd was taken t" BeWard, where it was valued at $4<> an oun<*. . ..r $33,000. NEBRASKA DR0PS COLONEL Democratic County Chairmen Say He Is Losing Ground. Mv T. v-v-t.ii'ii i'. Th* Trlbune i Omaha, Oct 11?Reports from Demo c r.itle county chairmen iri all parts of Nebraaka show thal Rooaevelt ls rapld? ly luslng Btrength. The reports were iu anawer to the queetion, "le Rooae vell loalng "t gaining"" Of thlrty-aeTen anawer* from ea many countles. thlrt,-<>m* Say Ihe Roosevelt sentimenl I* decreaalng de cldedly. Flve ate uncertain, and only jr* the colonel is galnlng. DUCK HUNTERKILLS FRIEND Finds Him Behind Blind with Head Partly Shot Off. Merriek, Long Island. 4>< t. 18. John Baptlate Aiter. <>f this place, was shot tc. death yeaterday afternoon by hie frlend, Rhlnehardl Oodlgkelt, whlle they were hunting .'?iid ducks on Qreat Bouth Hay. The two men had conatructed *? bllnd near the edge of ihe wat.r and were concealed from earh other thereby. Ducks flew near and the two men MXMM Blmultane-oualy and each flred two liar rels. Ko dUCka f*-H and Oodlgkell saw his frlend drop behlnd the bllnd. but thought rmthing of it. He walted a long time f<u" other du.-ks b> appear. Wli.ii none came along he started home, .-alling to Alter. He recelved no reply, and golng behlnd the bllnd found Alter dead, Wlth a part of hls head shot away. Oodlgkell reported Ihe case to the authorltles. He was dlsoharged to-day by Corodon Norton, Juatice of the peace at Wantagh. HADNOBARREL; WORERUG Bather Locked Out of Room Chasing Hotel Thief. Chlcago, oct. UL., Oeorge h. Rug gle? whlle In the bathtub ln a hotel here to-dav heard some on?- in hia bed? room. He daehed out and found a man maklng off with hls clothec. He ran at the man, who darted thrmigh the hall door, and before he could eheck hlmaelf Ruggies waa outslde his door, Whlch swung to nnd lo. ked behlnd him. Ruggies abandoned the chaae and trled to get his door open nr to O tM :li<* transom. as several guests were i)[i proachlng. His eftorts proving un avalllng, he waa foreed to enatcfc up n rug from the liall to drape himself Kinplnyes of the hotel thlnklng Rug? gies was insane (ook him thus clad to a trunk room and sent for the police, before be could make them bellevtj his explanatlon. He returned to his room I,*. way of u freight elevator. MISS WALKER ALARMED Man Seized as Burgiar for En tering Actress's Room. paul Renaod, thlrty-aeven years old, a Frem hmai , ^?. in> sald he had been In the country less than two weeks, was erralgned In the Harlem court yeater? day "ti the complalnt <*f Frank Caae, manager of the Hotel Algonquln, at No. .Mi West 44th street. on a charge of attempted burglary. Itenaud, according to Caae, entered the hotel by means unknown on Satur daj nlghl an.i after sleeplng ln a room .,ri the ninth floor aros,, j,t fl o'clock rday morning and cllmbed tlown the tire escape in llght attlre to the room occupled by Charlotte Walker, the actress, wife of Kugene Walter, the playwright. Miss Walker screamed. and roueed si \'*iid gueota and attendant* on the ?eventh floor, Renaud, it is said. leaied to the wlndow through which he had entered and acrambled up the fire escape to the nlnth floor. He then daehed up two fllghts of slairs, and in th?- hall of the eleventh floor ran into th?- arms of Caae, He was overpowered and held untll the arrival of s patroi? man. in the Harlem court the comptaln anl was unable t.. explaln linw Re naud ha.i come Into poooeeeton of a key tn the room in the hotel where hc had spent the nlght, and for that on the charge of attempted burg? lary \*.hs not snstatned Rostai carde Of an .ibjectlonalile liature were found In his poaaeaa-On, nnd for that reason he arts held ln |600 ball for exami? nation to-morrow._ GIBSON STAYS AT HAVANA Taft Decides Not to Transfer Seeretary of Legation. I frem Tbe Trtbune Bareea i Waahtngton, Oet lt **Hogh H. Ofbaan. ol the Amerlcan I,egatlon at Havana, who waa aaaawlted aeveral weeki .,.-,, bj H Culiati newspaper man as a r? sult <-f fl cunii' over the n'Kellh cinlm, win not be tiraaeferred te Brueeeifl ?. anaouneed recently. Preeldenl Teft has dlrected thal Hr. CMbeoa i?- retalne-t ai Havana becauae ef his faralllerlty arlth Amerlcan Interepta ln t.'uba. J Hutler Wrlght, of Wyoming. who was appolnted t.. Bucceed Mr. GMbeon al Ha? vana, *.vlll ln sent t.. Prumslfl as nei*r, tary of thr Hgathm Kdward H'll. second ?jaoretary ef the legatlon Ht Havana hai beea tiunsfeired to the State I>epor! uient Kramls T. ltne of 1'enns*. Ivanla. wlll BUOCeed hlm. Convince Mrs. Rosenthal That Murder Was Due to Feud ?Annuity Reported Settled on Her. ONCE HIS BITTER ENEMY So Affected at Inquest That She Twice Swooned?Weber and Vallon on Stand To-day? Mclntyre's Life Again Threatened. Mrs. Herman Rosenthal has had her sympathies played upon by friends of Becker, according to information in the hands of pnvate detectives. As a re? sult, it is not expected that the widow of tbe murdered gambler will be the strong witness against the police lieu? tenant that she was expected to be. It is reported that an annuity has been settled on her for life. Dutrict Attorney Whitman lost an? other witness last night, when Max Kahn, who was the flat mate of "Gyp" the Blood and "Lefty" Louie in Brook? lyn, mysteriously escaped from the House of Detention with two other District Attorney Whitman bas de tailed a strong guard of detectives to protect Giovanm Stanish. the Austrian, who gave euch damaging testimony against Becker on Friday. Stanish, who picked out "Whltey" Lewis as one of the four gunmen he saw shoot Rosen? thal, appealed for protection a few hours after he left the stand. He told the District Attorney that ha was fol? lowed from his home. at No. 209 West 43d street, on Friday night by four men, who pressed their faces close to his a dozen times during a walk of three blocks, as if to fix hls identlty firmly in their minds. John F. Mclntyre, counsel for Becker, hae had another threat made against his life. The first was by letter early last week. and the second was made in court on Saturday night. just as Jus? tice Goff left the bench, by a man who threatened to blow Mr. Mclntyre's head off. "Bridgie" Weber and Harry Vallon will be called to the stand to-day. "Sam" Schepps will follow them. They will corroborate Rose's story, and Weber is expected to connect Jacob Reich, alies "Jack" Sullivan, with the murder. Weber, it is understood, will testify that it was Reich who brouqht the gunmen to his place. Prlvate detectives ?.*?...rkmg in eoa junction with tbe D!at**tcl Attorney'a offlce bav.* unearthed Informatloa lead itikt them tu guapect that Mrs. H-tnian Roaenthal, wldow of the ramWer f->r murdi' Lie itenanl Charles Becker la on trial. win n.-t b<* the bitter ultnes-f* agalnat the polloi ofllclal thal it was generally aaapmed she arould be. Ft). ndS Ol I'" bei it was said * - terdajr, had Inaldtouoly arora Mrs. Ro senthai over t" theli Bide, havlng gone to her aid wht n poverty overtook her following tbe death of her huaband. Wlth Ingenloua argumenta Mra. Roaen? thal wan pereuaded that her husband had been done to death becauae of ? gamblere* feud, and wns prevalled tipon to ?*,<?. ,*jit the word of Becker's friends thal be had nothlng to do wlth ber hus 1 and's death. These friends of the police lieutenant worked upon Mra. Becker'a sympath) end played th* Ir triimp eard ln totich iii(C her WOman'a heart with a .?nrrow fui picture of Becker's sllently miffer ItiiT wife. who had etUCk tO hlm since hls arrest. Rumor of Annuity. Mrs. Roaenthal is now Uvlng uptown in comfortable clreumetancee, and the etory thal was told yeaterday was that .ni iiiinuity bad been aettled upon her lor life. The furniture ntul othrr flttlngl of the place, al NO. 14)4 West 4.'.th, where Roaenthal ran a gambling houae wlth Hecker f..t a partner, wlll be sold under the huminer nt th>- Broadway Art QaJlerlea on Wedneaday, nml Mrs Roaenthal arlll recelve part of the pro . eeds. Thls much was revealed by one of the attaehes ol tb- auction muns, who said that by arrangement with the lawyers of the Int,rest.d pnrtl<?s Mrs. H. aenthal would be well taken care of. The furniture and OthOT effects cost Rosenthal $15,000, nml the aale le ex pectad tO brlng ln ns much, or even more, the notortety Of the cnae prob ;,i,iv landing a Bctltious value to the artlcles it "as en tbi? fnfnRure thnt Roae, actlngi aa he aaya, ns aRent for Becker, lenl t\..><'{> tu Reaenthai The prlvate detoetlvee who hnve been al emrt on tbe <ase learned that Mrs Rosenthal m. loiiRcr f.Ml-d the plnch Of poverly, as she ,|ld Immedl utely after her husbatnl's murd-r The Inveatlgators found *al the renl <.f Ko KH West 48th street had been Mttled and that the landleed held ne llen iiKalm-t Roaenthal'S estate Th, house is no*.*-. foi r*-rit if. ns theae detecthrea allega, Mrs Roaenthal has been won over to Becker'a si.ic tboes who turned the tii.k have ?"'' -oinplisbed whnt was regnrded as impoaatMe 4?-n weeks ano. When the Kamlibr's wife wns t.stlfy Ing before tbe urand Jury on July _*.'{, (ellinK of the relatlons thnt existed between her husband and Barker, she Btade no effort to r.-siiain her fe.-linfrs toward the Ueutnnant, and ber bttter* ii. -s agalnat him was Intense. Hhe t,?Id of the threata that had been -s*'nt ta ber huebnnd over the ( ,.,.. ,,,,,?.! ll.lrrl >.--?? f.iiirtl,, ehmno\aapUa4eagra*o\ SULZER I have no boss! MURPHY?Tell -tn yoti never seen me before the Cflnventkm, Bill. I'erhap. they 11 eat that tin. I--". MOTOR BOAT CUI DOWN; 13 THROWN IH MB Craft Plying Around Fleet in Collision with Vixen, Said To Be Owned byJ.D. Archbold. ALL OCCUPANTS RESCUED Yacht Takes Three Survivors to Pier. from Which They Are Rushed to Hospital for Treatment. A part) "f thirteen persmis. many women among them, arere thrown into the sratera ?>( th.- Hu.i?<'n Rlvar, off Waat _._. "rtreet, lasl Blf-t, ***l- n ,l;*' rorty-foo. motor boat. the Madvlc, in whlh thev wer.- siilllnK. traa run down and col t" Iwo ?>> the Vlxen, ? speedy Bteam The Vlxen, ?CCor_ll-_ te UoydB1 marine re-lstr-r, is owned by John D Arehbold, the gtandard <>H -aagnate. Ka far aa tha poMce bave been able to ,,,,,?, prary oot on board the ifadTfe waa reacaed. Thr."* ol the survivors srera taken to the recreation ph-r at West 120th street by the, Vlxen, Bad from there were taken to the J. Hood Wtighl HoBRttal, where they were treated by the phyalelana, Kona of thetn >* said to he MriouBly lajured as ii result of tho acc-dont Acoountl as t>. how the accident oe? curred lilffor, and there was not any clear to bc abUlnod last nlKlit. BO Tar as can be learned, how - ,v.r, th. Madvlc w.-.m proceedlng down the iiver. making _ _li__lt ot Ihe tieet in tlM Hudson, and tho Vlxen, Wltb ? large paity ot men aad women sittinK on thi after deck, araa going north. Th.- Madvlc, lt Ih sald, suddenly cut Bcrose th?* bowa of tho larger boat, whlch ls sald ta bare been gOUlg at blKh Hp.ed. There was a hasty ex ehantja ..f arhlatlee between the boats, but tho dt-tance between then was too ?horJ to prevent a collision and th-y eame together wltb ? rooowidlng rraah. Cute Through Boat Liks Knifs. The sharp l?r?w bf tl.e Vlxen struck th. Madvl. broadalda OB Just forward Of h.r midaectlon. sheariiiK tlirough the motor boBl as a bagt kniff would Hll... .-, ehtSBB S<> hlf-h was tho speed of tha Vlx.-n that tho Madvi. was coin pletely eat ta b-M and botb aoetlOM of tha motor boat slun*. around an.l raagad theniselves aaa oa atther alde of the Vlxon's bOWB, Instaiitly the alr was hlled with tho plerclng KraaaM of iba woiaen on both yacbta, ___M of tho persons on the Madvlc, those BBB ted ta tho how of the boat maaaged t.> leap to the deck of the Vlxen as tho wrackaga "dld along ?Ida hor forward soctlon. nth.-is -rraaped cablaa daaggtag ta the Vlxan'a arake and pulled theaaaalvet to the dock wlth the asslstanco of thelr frlenda. A few moineiits Hfter they hud cllmbed ?board tha yacht the ttttn soctlon of tht Madvic sank. In tho bow of the Madvlc wore May Iirowos. dHtighter of Mrs. Addle DtBWBB, of W* BOO West l."*t'th street; John C Stewart, of No. 50_ West l.l.i street, nnd B man whOSO name has not been learned. They were thrown int'j the water and arere saved by means ef ro|ie? nnd life preservers. When qulet was BUlllclently reatored to permlt the ? "untinK >if survlvors, it was found that only tan of those who Ware "t. the MadvlC had been rescued by the Vlxen. The three ?ll" WON mlsslmr w-re Mrs Mury Help, I'harles her four-v^ar-old son. and hls brnther. WTTtlam, flve yeare old Just as lt seemed certaln that the woman nnd the two , hlldren hnd been drowned a tugboal loomed up tu the darknCM nml a man wlth a megaphone aald he had two , hlldrea and "ne eroman on board aml would take them downtown. It later turned out that these wer the missinR peraona Thoae reecued were Bernard Bauer, ,,f N" 1333 Briatow atreet, The Hr.'tix. Mra. t/ictorla Bauer, iws mother. alxty yeara old; t'haries Bauer, ber huaband, fK.-v. ri ? ?- Iwo; Mra Addle Drewee, N ?? ? Tmmi w.*st iTiutii street; May Drewea her daughtei Mra Dora Qaaaar, No. 88fi Home atreet, The Bronx; John '. Oaeeer, h-*r hueband; Mrs. Mary Help, No, 1333 Briatow atreet, The Bronx; Charlea Help, four years old, her ion; | Wllllam Help, Bve yeara old, her son; i Henry C. Heaelg, real estate dealer, N,. :-iHi West IflOth street; John C Stewart. No .*>l>_" West H1st street, nnd | Mlchael Egan, addreea unknown. Mrs. Qaaaar and the two boys, Charles and Wllllam Help, were takeri tn the hospital. After those on the Vlxen had all heen nttended to, the ?yachl proceeded ?>*-, her way up the Hudaon. -_ DARIiMG STORE ROBBERY Cigar Clerk Threatened with Gun Whiie Till Is Looted. TWO men entered mn* of the l'nlted 4 Stores. at No- 14 Plral avenue. aboul mldnight laat nlKht. and, arhlle ,,,,,. of them held up the clerk. Kd wnr.i Danvtger, <>f Ho. 334 Uefferta ave? nu.*. ilro.iklyn. at the polnt of a revol v,.r, the other robbed ih?* ttH of IMI in caah. Danvtger, who reported the affair to the pollCC of the Baal ."ith street sta? tlon. early thls morning, said he was lu the rear of tha store armnglng stock when he heard some one enter. Ab the plaea ls ln a well llghted distrlct. and onlv hnlf a block from S pollceman on ? fixed post, the elerk had no fear af any trouble, Bul aa he turned around he fi'iind the muzzle of a revolver Btarlng hlm tn the face, whlle a dark 1.1...1 man, about twenty-eflfct years old, wamad blm to make no outcry. A iii.iineiit later lu*, heard fhe cash regis t,*r bell tinkie Th,- men |,ft the store after warnlm; hlm not tn attempt to warn the poll. ir he wanted t<> Mva. Danvlgar amltad in tbe atore, faarlng ta rantura out for Beveral mlnuteab nnd then ran out anl told th? patroiman at the oorner. a ?* ANXIOUS TO FINANCE CHINA. 'London. Oct li,-?dnathai powerful m dependent Leodoa banking eembana the Peklng coireapendapl el "The Dally Teie ?.-rnph" a aea its bas oflsred t.> andertaka laaeoneMa Chtnaee cenveralan schemes to uny amoual ___?-e ALL AROUND THE NAVAL FLEET, NEW STEEL FERRYBOAT NIAGARA lIavES WEST SHORE TERMINAL, r, ,,'tt Weit v-.i gt., Oct 14 at || \ M . 1:00, ,'-,? u, ,| t ;o |> M (lf mlnutea earller trom Wet Itewken), Oet. IS, 10:00 A. M Weel 4fd Bt. al O.I., A M frou. Wet ha* k.n. I" *ee fle.-t depart Fare: 50c, children. 25r. Tlcketa on sale at l'tcrs, Srend .'-nttal Termlnal; 14S, |M and 2I? Broedwey; i-*l W. lllth 8t., 33* Fulton gl., Hrooklyn?Advt. 11. BLIMNffll IN Little Son of R. J. Buchholz, Coal Merchant. Loses Leg in Same Accident. TWO OTHERS ARE INJURED Typewriter Manufacturer's Car Strikes the Other Machine at Street Intersection in Purchase. A* lh.* result of I COlllOtOn between two BWlftly movlng automobiles at Purchase street aad Westcheeter ave? nue, Purchase, yeaterday afternoon, Charlea Buchhols, the alx-year-old son of EL .1 Buchhols, u conl merchant, liv? ing iti Westchester avehue. and Wlll i.iin St John, chauffeur for the Buch hol/. famlly, were seriously injured. It was found necessary to amputate the little boy'a left leg at the hip after he hud been placed on the operatlng table nt the I'nlted Hospital, Port Chester. At a late hour last nlght lt was sald tho boy was boarlng up romarkably well under tho ihock, and unless com pllcattoae tsBBOed would probably re covei St. John, the chauffeur, wlll also recover. RlChard Buchholz, the twelve-year old brother of the boy ln the hospltal, aaa also thrown out of the car. B. J. Bllckonsdcrfer, the typewriter manu facturer, of Now York, was hurled from the other machlne. Purchase is a small MtUeaent, tom posed mostly of wealthy Now York buslness men, and ls a short distance from Harrlson. Westchester avenue, where the accident occurred. is a favor? lte stretch of road for hlgh speedlng automobiles. Many miuhines were paaalag at the tlme of the accident. and the injured persons wore carried to the hospital ln fort Chester In one of these cars. Lads Go Out for Driva. RlChard a"d Charles Buchholz, ac companied by the chauffeur, left thelr father's home ln Westchester avenue about B o'clock, intonding to take a short spln before dlnner. Rlehard called up the chauffeur and told hlm to brlng the big touring car to tbe door. The two boys got in and were driven awny, wavlng a farewell to thelr par tnta, who rcmalned at home. For al'iiut an hour St. John drove about the surmundlng cotintryslde with hls employ.r's sorus and then he turned tho machlne toward **___*. Just h.h the chauffeur of the Buchlulz car made a wide turn from Purchase street Into Westchester avenue Mr. Blick.'ii-dcrfer. sltting ln the froat heat of hls high powttad touring car, came down tho avenue. Bt John, a skilled drlver. and Ed? ward Nlckels. Bllokensderfei's chauf? feur, hlmself an .xpert at the wheel, saw eacb other at the same Instant. The distance hetween the rapidly ad vaaetag "*-*? was too short. however, t.. avold tii>' eraah, Both Nlchola and St. John made frantlc efforts to swing their machines clear of each other. without raccaoa The Bltckenaderfar aatomoblle struck t < mtlnu-d on ttfth page, alith rolumn. PENETRATED Bf Byelopolye, in Novipazar, Cap? tured After Prolonged Fight ing?Invaders Ptish Tow? ard Servian Frontier. WELCOMED AS LIBERATORS Southern Division of Aggressive Army Burns Villages Within Sight of Scutari, Chil? dren Perishing in the Flames. TROOPS RUSHED WESTWARD Garrison of Thrcatened Lake City Reinforced by 8,000 Men, Mak? ing 20,000 Moslems to Re sist the Christian Attacks. Podgoritza, lloateaegro, Oet, 13.?? Tho northern Montenegrin army. under Oeneral Vukoiltch, whlch re cently crossed tho horder Into the sanjak of Novipazar told Servia i, gainod a flrm foothold last nlght by capturlng Byelopolye. >>ne of tho chief towns of tlM piovlme Byelopolye fell after prolonged flghtlng, hut no In formation has been received regard ing the losses on either side. The Berb lahaMtaata Of Byelopolye welcom-'d the Montenegrlns as libera tors from the Turkish yoke. A chUT* h service was hold nnd prayers were offered for the llOBti n<grin Kinc Tbe Monten.grins have set up I piovisional governnvnt in tne capt? ured town. Scutari. Oet. 13.? The Montenegrins have burned the Mussulman vill.i- ? of Krania, several children perlsblBI in tho flames. Tho lighting Ifl that Mighborbood b. vhdble _*om bore London, Oct. II..? The replles of tho Balkan States to the powerB* BOte, vlrtually rejecting intcrventiOB, will b>' dollvered at tho A'arlous capltala tO morrow, and at tho same time notes practically ln the shape cf an ulti? matum will be sent to Turkey demand? lng autonomy for the Maeedoalafl provlnces. Accordlng to a rellable diapateh from ROOIO, the Balkan coalitlon wlll taaka a demand which it will be impossihlo for the Porte to accept? namely, that tho reforms be exocatod under the control of the Buropeaa powaro and the Bal? kan States, and, as a pledge. that the Porte BBaaat to the Inunedtate demob Ulsatlon of the Turkish forcea Until Tueaday to Reply. It is understood that the Porte aill have until Tueaday to reply: therefore, there is every probabtltt** that gene-al boetlUtiea Bill be opened before the B f!v Ie ended. The Pocte'a reply to the eoHoctlve noto of the powera is axpected to morrcw*. Accordlag to C*e_nB_eattaop_ dlepatchea, It wlll contaln a:i eapreaa. m ,,f *Jm; of Turkey to carry out tho reform. demaadod Ul Mace? donia. with the proviso that tho BBBM be done directly under Ottoman ad? ministration. Desplte assurancos in the press that RumHiiia will remaln passive, it is Itoatly assorted ln BucharOOt that a Bulgarian advance toward Adrianople will involve ? Rumanian advance toward Varaa. Tho pabUe sympathio of Rarnan- are largel) pro-Turk an.l the Buchareet govarnmant has made all pr. narations. A Sofia dispatch reports that tha movement of the Bulgarian army has already begun. Tbc Montenegrins. .ontinuing their advan.c. have captured Byelopolye, an I important strategic point to the nortli j west of Berana after desperate tlghtlng. j They are now on their way to ClenttlB, : thirty miles to the n>>rthoast of By.-lo I polye and CtoeO tO the Servian frontier, against which they will direct an at I tack. It is in thls directi.-n that the ! Montenegrins expect to Join hands with ! tho Servian artny when the latter ad eaacaa from the north. Accordlng to B <'onstantin.<plo dis? patch to "The Stan.;. rd ' BaaBd Pacha | arrtved Bt Scutari to-day with rcin Iforcements. raising the garrison from j i_,<m?o to 20..00 mon if this nawi is j true, the Montenegrins will ha\e ,t jdlffleult task in capturlng Scutari. Heports from Cotttnje M. that n ter rible battle was aragad <>n\ even? ing. the Montenegrins atta> king tha Turks at the foot Of Bhroka Mountain. forcing them tO retire with a lOOB of three hundred mon. The Montenegrins took many piisoners. The casiialty list on the Mont.-negrin side is ostimat.-d at one hundred kllled or wounded. Two Turkish gunboats on Lake S-'ii tarl born hardad Oeneral Martinovit ? h's right wing. . Deseiibing the capturo of Detchitch mountain, I correspondent at th<* front says that th.- flnal charge of tho Mon? tenegrins was so furlous that the re treatlng Turks had no tlme t > dis able thelr guns, and they were u.tually flred at with thelr own ftuns by tbe Montenesrins aa they BBdoavotOd to make their eBcape to the .mth. The notod Macedonlan leader Todor Laaaiaa. eommltted aulclde on Krlday, accordlng lo a dispatch from Sofia, be? cause th.- milltary doetofl refused to enroM hlm in th. amy, OB ai count of the faet that he was sufferlng from tuberculosls. He lofl a letter saylng