y. PROGRESSIVE Eut Not Radical. Hetu^itrrli Stribtmt The Only New York Republican Paper. [i ..pyrlaht. 1912. by Tho Trlbuno Aasarlatloa j _ y**J AX11. ? N?- 2..080. *-"?*? gagasJ'-.T f"r" X1 .W-V()HK~ SUNDAY, (KTOBKR 20, 19_2^FIVE PARTS-SIXTY-f\V() V.U-ES. * ?T'KICl. FIVK CKXTS. President Taft Issues State ment Based on Reports Sub mitted by Secretary of Agriculture. SAVING OF $500,000,000 This Alone Is on Nine Great Crops of Country, According to Prices of October 1, 1912?Farmer to Have Share. [l Beverly, Mass.. Oct. 19.?"The wave ef extremely high prices fcr food (hroughout the civilired wer-ld has reached its height in the United States, snd is subsiding. The American people Have cause to be thankful that, because of our mdustnal prospenty, it has not seen attended here with the great hard ihip which has prevailed in some for jign countries. where high prices have :ombmed with low wages to reduce the working people to a point bordermq on itarvation." ? This atatement wa- made to-day by Prealdent Taft, who baaoa hla conclu si .n on the results of an lnqulrj ha cauaed to be made b) ha Dopartmenl of Afrtculturo, and arhlch shows that as a result of the bumpcr cropa an.l the great proaperitj ?.f tha Amorlcan farm-r ther* has boca ;( matenal de rroaso in tho eoat of food producta, al? though in moat inetiutcea tha reductlon ha? not yel rca'h-ii tio- conaumer, an I in aonif. ;it loMt, Will n.'t do so for some mnr.'hs. The n>ost notable ;:. stance of the latter is thc i .t-?- of i orn which ls ultimatelj marhoted In the fnrm of ni-.il producta The iti< re v-rop will Inevltably reault in cheaper moat?. but not until the cattle, sh.'?-|. and hoss ? on tiiis year*a crop have had I U h tha conaumer. 'se.r-taiv Wllaon roporU that, -is caapared with a year ago. tho ago-re gate erop arlll ba about 20 poi orra'-r. Bttd '.hat the BUpply this y.-ar will gverage 10 per conl gTeater than it has been for a number 4.f y.-ars. II tbot I already eortatn atapla artklon ar- Bhowlnf tin- off.-i t in r? t s whout crop is BCgrly 100,(100.000 buahola larger ihan it was laal yoox, aiul already l hiRh grailc of Miiiii.-soui flour ia i-os* irg al tho mills B0 < 4-nta less a barrel tbun tt 4li?i M yoar Bg?C There are 00 iNN.n.i people in tho C_lt4-d Bi ami th.- areraga conoMnptlon of Bour BB and one-flfth t.arr.-ls. s.? that thi* Itcm Blono, evoa at th.- pn ptleo, -ill an*< i a aavlng of IIOS^OOO, OQQt The roTB 'i-'i>. for tha Brst tim^ in blatory of the cotmtry, eaceadfl ?? "?. isheis, arnountlng to 30 ptr cent m? .t.- ihan l.t.?t year Allhouah this crop win not bo fr.-.-iv m_f*ketcd for a mr,nth or more. th'-r- is already a deoreas-e in the prlce of MVOn COBta i huahel aa compared with lant y.-ar Tiie imni'-diate B?d temporary cffCCt of the b:s; corn rrop ln a BCOTCity <>f meat and an bMNMM 0)1 jrlte, bocaUB* the farmerB are walilng for the ih.-ap er corn wlth which to flnlsh thelr itock for mark't, hut the ultlmate efftct will bc- ChOfltpor moat. That in Inovltable. Becond only to corn, the hav crop BfTects the prlce of meats. Thla year the hay crop amounta to 72.000, tons, aa comrared wlth W.OOt 1,000 tOttfl * year ago ArOT-gO prlce of hay had fallen on Oetobcf 1 to $11 70 a ton? a reductlon of $2 74 from the prlce PPB valllng a year ago. In additlon to making for r-heaper mcats, th" rodttCOd prlce of hay will affert almilarly the eoat of milk, butter, cheese, etc. What is true of wheat and corn an-1 hay ia _L?o true of oats, but to a still greater degree. Thia yeara CfOP amounta to 1.417,000, Wuoo Sont in Maila. 8 t L*rg*fl Study of 4'rankH. 3 loeialiat Parolod Bl Llttla laiin? io rOlEIOH Bulgariana Tak* Muatapha Pacha.... f How Ebiropa Vlewa iiaikan Prohlom.. a -loyd <;?-.,rf>'o -Booad**. ? Rlft in KuffraKlM Camp. 6 Hadoro StavH TroOPO. " _t_BC E _ L. A W E OUB. ? ln Phlllpainea ?i;f..tato.I'art 4, I'hko* 3, 4 and 6 Tlnan. lai & HarfcatB. I'ai t 4, 1 _gea I & 7 10 Doctors Declare He Cannot Go Home To-morrow Unless He Rests All To-day With? out a Break. UNDER STRICT DISCIPLINE Present Plans Are for the Colo? nel to Leave Hospital on Mon? day. but He Is Told It De pends Entirely on His Not Overdoing To-day. Chlcago, < in || The bulletln last ed I ..t t; 15 o'clock to-nlghi by Coloitel H .relffl phyali I u ? at] i Pulse, 84; temperature, 98.4; respira i tion, 18. To-nlght, Colonel Roosevelt is fa tiqued from having undertaken to re spond to some of the importwnities of h,s fnends. Wh.le he has to-day prob? ably passed the crisis. he is not alto gether beyond the range of danger. It is only by continued care and abso , lute re?t. which we have to-mght atriet ly ordered. that the favorable progress which his case has been making can be . maintamed. The sweMing in the chest I has dimmished: the infiltration is les?\ | but the possibilities of mfect.on are not ; yet passed. The difficulty is to make him appre ! ciate that. while hie general physical j vigcr appears good. a sufficient time has not elapsed for repair of such a BSrioufl wound to take place. JOHN B. MURPHY. ARTHUR D. BEVAN. ALEXANDER LAMBERT. SCURRY L. TERRELL. Chicago, i ?? t 19. Colonel Theodcre Ro -vit must rfst nl! ? to-day, uuil tl)*- aurgeona deflnltel) de terrr,1ned t.. call a iu.lt. I'.ili.n*-! ROOSSVSII at ll o'< lo< k 'o I nighl tulil ths night nUTSSj, Mnr . FltZKerald. thnt bS felt v.-i \ tired H^ ! liad put in tlie time since the conflulta [ttoa of his BurgSOns ln reading. talk i Ing wilh Mrs Roosevelt, shaving him? self, liaviiix a liath and eating 8 little Ihincheon. His tonfaerature sl !??"." 1< -.v.is M J, at whlch flgure if n Imslnsd vvh.-ti tak.-n ngain it 11 o' luck ii:- raaplratton snd pulse were atatlon ory aad nbout normal The evenlng bull'tin v,.- dlatinctly moderate ln tone, though the surg.-ons ' were < mphatic in declaring there Ib no I danger ln nlght from any source excepl i tho pataJBtJt'fl own i-niTgettc dlSOOSltlon, v.iii.ii will nol sllow him to keep him aelf qulet Dr .I*.hn H Murphy. chlef of the aurgeona ln i-harge of Colonel Hoose \*?lt's CSS8, deelared as bs l*-ft the COlODSra rooms to-night that his :it was golng nnd'-r Btrfcter dis .ipline to-morrow than h<- hns y.-t fxperlenccd durlng IiIh Btay ln the h'.s pltal. "The colonel ls going to be made to Dndsrstand that bla cr*>ing to New York Monday depcnfls on his rcsting ln perf'it qulSt all day Sunday," said Dr. Murphy. "There are golng to !"? BO .allers; there will be no polltical or bUStDSSB conference. ?The day must be one of complete re rK.se or we cannot sanctlon any rall road trip the flrst of m-xt week. Our potisnl naadfl aii hla Btrsogth to rs pair the damage don*- io hla body. While lying in bed he has felt bo well K* nerally that he has not reallzed what a task i8 lald upon his system. nnd in (onserpien.e he has been ready-too ready?to meet the demands whlch hla (il.-nds and acquaintanccs have made ,,? him. There Ims bSSfl a tenden< y 811 his purt to OVSrdO it all the time. and thlg must stop until he Ifl more r.'-arly rooovsrod. Otherwlae-and this will be put aqusrely up to the rwtonsB-lt will oot bs aafe for him t*? try to go to Naw Vurii Monday." Was to See Johnson. How thtfl will affect a confer.-ir B with OorSTOOr Johnson of ralilornia. whMi was BrTSngOd to tak?.' place to-morrow morning. remains to be seen whSB the Hurgeons' ruling ts lald before Colon-I Hoosevelt. The colonel, it Ib known. h-48 told (lovernor JohjnBon not to sa< rmee hi? ?eat at the head of the Call rornia government to hla work ln tbfl ,.r?gre?slve . umpalgn, nnd lt ls known ,h;il l(,fore tho colonels injury ?h" ,;?,,.,?,? was headedbruk toward t al IforniS, ln *.rd,-r not te ***** the legSl ,,?f..n,i,Mvl,irhlU'.1,?hM,l,-. Hide Ihe ..onl.r.s of the state .lur.i.Kh? ui. iimben.y. OofWnor John^n now iriBists. it is ,;,i.i, tuat bla Place ls at *??**? I,, flring llne ln the place of his ,.,,, I)(,.iry (??able. Rhephard, .. member of it-, Itei - " itrong ann al the i |me Rob4 , i hal'ii g'tmblin*. hon ? rai.l.-.l In tprll, waa 4-aIled to contri ih, t .-. rtaln parta ,,f the U atlmoi Mrs. Roaenl ibI and Mbj Margolta, i?" oi the .ii. ..rr.. ? on the nlghl ol Iba rald. Bhephard contradlcted tha t*on veraationa which tho gambler'a wldow teatlfled >h< had wiih Bo< ker al lha tlma i Ie a*a ore thal Margolia ? preaenl al tiu- rald Tin- most Important teatimon In the oplnion ..f John i<\ Mclntyre, i for tha defence, waa k.'-.o by Lleu? tenanl Pfttrti ? B. ^li.i^. of tha Bl Nlch? olaa avenua Btatlon, nwi hla wife, who declared thoy apent tho evenlng* of July 17 at Bockor'a bouae, ?n.i thal "Sara" Bchoppa did not come thore thal nlghl to si-o Bockor, iis he testlfied. Bhea aald he had been ln tha Pollca Depart? ment fot? twentj yeara He admltted on crooo-examlnatlon by Dlatrlct Al torne* vVhltman that Hc-k.-r had beon i,im Buporlor ofBcer undor whom h* had worked lo tha 4,iti 19th Procinct Th i li.-iil.nant and bls wif- had Called OB tha Bockora aoclally aaaay tlmee, ha SHld. "Immunity Certificates" Produced. Tha itlpulatlona which wera made bj Dlatrlcl Attornerj Whltman, wlth tha ?unsi'iit of Judga Mtilqueon, who had ?hargc of tho july grand inr>-. grantlng Immuntty tt> Roaa, vVeber, Vallon and Bchoppa, tha prlnclpal wlfnoopea for the rjromjnitlrm irora pul In evidence bj Ih.- 4l.-f.-nci- nnd rcol lo tha jmv. Mv , liif-clii.n Of the COUTl Mr. Whflman j producod Un- atlpulattona Bl lha ra j jnest of Bockor'a couaaoL in Bubotance thoy franted to thc Foor irltnoaooa bnmttnlty fr..m pronocutioo f..r tha ItoBonthal murder, <>r an) other rrtma nrisinK oul of the tostimon) thej *?_?/?, proTldod tha toallmony I thal Bockor waa a prlnclpal In tha murdi-r and it could ba BbowB thal ih. wltaaBa did nol actuall) Bri ? shot Into ihe b4.ily ..f kos.-nthH. Thc "im mnnlty cci tlll. at'-s" W4IM BtfAOd oy Un: Distrht Attorney 4,r his as.sist.nii, Mr. Moaa, anri a- kiiowi->""? ir poBSlblO, any dis. rci-.m-h's in th ,,,- ?Bald Jack" on ""? ortUtom atend The coi.M-ssioti w;4H th- B-ma ? th ll publlsh.n '?'?? n.wM.ai-er.s aome tlma ,i.,, .pparontly II co**r*_mbnded In praeUenUi oaorji dotall to Bobo. aiorj >n th? wiln.-ss staiul. rm witneeoea tootllted yeotardaj to toDlinurd on lr"th pagr. ???. ond lolumo. Ul 1TOST Ol THK BL'LGARIAN ARMY GUARDIXG A MOUNTA1N PASS. MAUD MALONE EJECTED Suffragctte Put Out of Brooklyn Academy of Music Despite Governor's Protests. rj M ii. ... the mllltanl ? if trled ti break up the Demo . ratlc n eetlng in tbe A< ademy >f m ?.-!? Brook 1} ii. while Governor wii ion waa ap* Bktna. li al nlghl Bhe was idmlrabl! when iu.it .. doaen "h isky pstrolmi n i srrled h'-r bodily ti"in the hsll, For flfteen mln itea pandemonitun reigned aa Mlaa Mab. I":' queatlon iit.-r queatlon to Oovernor Wilaon. When he decllned to answer any naore i ,, r, - ., .? io take hi r wat, the ball rlnging ..ll thfl while wlth ahouta nf "811 down'.Phrow her <.ut"' "?;.' I ome and mlnd the baby!*" and simiiar phraaes, . hlial Maglntrate ?? 11?. Ksmpnsr was in the sudlence near Mlaa Malons, an.l when Bhe refused to atop her hockllng of the New Jeraey Qovernor he ordered tbe |.oii.'.'iii'm i" ?!'?' I ber, whlch they dld wlth slscrlty. Governor Wilson wsa ln the mldst of ;, dlscuBslon on monopoly, whsn Mlsa . -ho waa aeated ln th" baleony, ?houted out, "Govevynor Wilson'" ln Btantly the alr m i i dllsd with hoots Ood vells aml CSllfl ' A "ThrOW her out!" The Governor msnaged to rsstors or .i.r long enough to - ??Wall ii mlnuts; we bsvi no rlghl to i?. ru.l.- to .i woman. vVhat is it, iii.iilam"'' ??Mr. Wilson." Bhe aald, "vou Juat BSld vou' nre trylng tn ' '".?,"1' ? and i aak you whal aboul woman auf< rrage? Th< mi n h e ? morjopoly." Outside His Jurisdiction. ??Woman BurTrage, rnadam," BaldGov ., ra..a- vviis.in, "is nol a Qusstioa thal Ib ,i, .iit with by ti"' natlonal governaasnt n, ,.,||. i nm hsre only as the repre s.iitative of the nai onsl party." "H it." petslsted MiSS Malone, "I am apesklng i ? rou sa an Amerlcan." ?I hope you will not connider It a diacourtearj 11 I docllne to .-.nswer those ,,,,,-ti'.ns on thla occaston." Mlaa Malons, however, declln?l to take n*> for an answer. lu raln An ,ir.w McLean, tha .h;,innan. appsnlsd to bar to he qulet Bhe appatentlv waa beB( ()[1 m,.(kjIV trouble, for aha kspi ,-,t ii just as bard 33 ?"?"? "i ?ni aure ths lady will nol insist. wh.n i positiveiv dsctlns to daseoss the qoostlon bow," bsM Ckrrsrnnr wmem .im ing b rnornsntsry lull. ?wii.v do vou do Uni "? rang oul the rotce of Mlas Mslone, njiie got no rurthsr, for ths half ,],;,,? patrolmen, wlth MsglstrsU Kempn-r dlrw Ung them. pleksd hc ..,, une-remonionsly an.l l arried her ..ut nf B BfldS door, with the a...!..?,..'. v.-IHiibT and ahoOtlng -atralls and Oovernor WUswa finntlcnlly trylng to make blmablf beard to protssl against i!? -iminiaiv ii.atm. i.t of th- auffru .:etle Willlam G McA.ln... Henry Morgen thaa and Jnsoph P. Tumuitv, Oayjrsrnor WilBon'fl se. i.tnry. arbo araars arltb btm on tbe fltsge. Jdtoed In the abouts, but tl.eau.il. nce only yell'd t?K loud-r, and when qniet waa llnallv rcstnrod Miss w;.s 4.n her way to th- Adams ,.. police Btatlon, where she was lo.-k.vl ni' on a charge of dlstnrbing th. paaMgt Oovernor wilson waa raucti dlaturbed by tha im i.i< nt. an.i befora gettl-i baeb I.. hla apeech aald be regretted whal ha.l hnppeni il ? 1..11I1-S and -c" lii tii.-ii." he aald, "thla la 1 .1 ious matter. it was v-r\ much againai my a III and wlah thal the lady ahould ba ejected. 1 would ratber hava the meetlng broken up, beeauaa I ro .[,,., the ri^hts of ovory peroon boldlng atrong convlctlonfl lo pul queeUone, h.,u. ?? -1 inopportune. ??The queatlon "as not perttneni to (, i,,, 1 waa dlacuaatnjr, and of courae II ,. : .,; |.. 1 tinenl to tha national i am bul 1 am alncerelj aorry for tba it- Idenl m Malone waa later arralgned ln tha Adama atreet courl <>? a charge of dlaorderly condud and ball a_a Bxed .,: s.'.iMi. Dlractl) afte* leavlng th??, Academj of Muslc she had got Ih tOUCh with h.r brother. a lawyer ln Manhattan, and be appearad preparad to Bd as her l.oii.lsnian. Sh." refnsed for aome reaaon aha did nol .livuige t<> accapt baii. however, and declared she WOUld apefld ihe night in Jail. STEAMER BERKSHIRE AFIRE FAR OUT AT SEA Passengers Panicstricken, but the Apache Stands by to Give Aid. N.irfoik. v.i.. I). t. 20.- With b Borca Bra raglng ln ono ot ?**? cargo nolda anil the peaaengera panlcstrtcken, tha Merchanta and Mlnora' Llna ateamor li.i-K hlre, bound to Philadelphia from Bavannah, waa reported this morning nt 1 o'.-iock in aerloua danger forty three mllea northeaal of Cape Lookout. \. C. Th.- ciyda llner Apache la atandlnB by, Aaalatanca has also been aaked by wireleaa 4>f tha reva__e euttera ata tloned ofl the CaroUna coast RUSHEP BY'fIVE BEARS F. K. Burnham Kills All and Other Big Game in Alaska. San Fran.-i.se1. Oct 19.?Frank K. I'.iirnhain. of NOW Vork. big gunie hunfll*, and Mrs. H'iriiham urrlv .'il ln San Krancis.., to-day with trophlOB Of j a hunt of forly-thrc- dayi in the t'as aiur district ..f Alaska. Thelr Bag COU slst?-d of .six rarilioii. f.mr l.la. k moim talB ?heept two mdooe. ono goal and 1 si-v.nw-.-n b.iirs. Mrs. Hiunham. dreasod in tr4.11s.rs, acooaapaaled her huabaod over _f>o mllea of country which fow white huntera hava uplorod. The m4.st thrilling part r.f tho trip. Burnham said. was tha kllling 4>f live griz/iy boara Ib two _U?titoa wlth s. ven rillc slnis. Ha and his Indian siul.l- had s-parated to tnill ;i 1" ar fllghted ,11 a ilistant ridge. when Mnrn ham atapfied into an opt-n 0pO%. and fac-.l an inimense grizzly. Hc had haidly ahot ll whon another eharghd hlm fi'in >n.- side and three more from thc oppoelte sid-. I got three 4if them wlth flve shots," aald Burnham. * Dewey's Old Burgunay and Cl_4-ets Wlth .noals. BtrengtbOB Hrain an.l Bodjf. H T. Ik-wrv * 8011s Co113?r"ult-s ti every borough. Rsgl tfstl'>n ln Manhattan, v hl. h h id lagg. >i be liin.l. was partlcularly actlve yesterday. The total regiatration ln the elty for the four daya this year ia 707,826, as compared ' Ith 682,168 In 1908 I last Presldentla] vear, ai 25,658, and an Increaae of 96,020 ts compared with 617,797 in 1910, ths last governorshlp year Th.- total regiatration for ihe atlrs dtj yeaterday, thi fourth and laat day, waa Mo 120, aa compared with 142,659 in 1908, sn Increaae of 17,461, aml a.s compand with 154,878 in 1910, .ui lncrease of 5,242 The total registration by borougha for tour .iays this year la aa followa: Manhattan ind The Bronx, 871 577, as compared wlth 370,270 ln l'-M's. an ln. rease of l..'"?>7. and aa compared arltb '',20,163 in 1910, an .in reaav of 45, !l l Brooklyn, 200,183, aa compared wlth 249,759 ln 1908, an Incri a ? of 10 124 Lnd aa compared wlth 229.195 In L910, .,,, increaae of 30,988. Queens, 5fc\352, aa compared wlth 46, ?_'(..". in 1908, an i:n I'las.- oi' 13,089, Sttd ompared wltb 17,082 In 1910, an in , rease ? t 12,320. Btchmond, 16,71?. aa comi snad with ' 15,870 a 1908, an increaae of ' :'s. :?n l ,,.- , .nn! ared wlth 15,407 In 1910, an in ?..".(?7. Although the total for four days ln Ifsnhsttsn an.l Th" Bronx bi above thal of t1"' 1"1"' days four yeara ago, there was a nasrksd decrsase ln th" Domocrstlc dlstricts bsMys ilth etrost as follows 1st Distrht. 1,749, 2d, 77:.'. .",.1. 951; tth. 171; -"'th. 1,534; 7th. 1,109; 8th, 302; 9th, 1,517, and Mth, 7-'".. Other Democratac decrebaea were: Ilth Dlatrlct 1,0116; 12th, 1,404; 13th, 1,083; Wth, 1,080; Mth. M.'l: 18th, 788; 20th, 619; --d. 859; -?<''>? ?Vm,; -Sth' 608, an.l 30th, 2,082. Th,- Iieino. r.iti' ilstriOtB in Th* Hronx iBCrSSSOd on SCCOUnl of th*- in -?rease "f pOpUlStlOn, 33 follOITS; ? "?- I District, 1*664; ?"??"' !,,'?", Mth, .>:>-. sm 85th, 4.748. in th.- Rspublleaa dlstricts the 28d ni rsased s.o7."., the larajosl inersass m the city. ThS in< r.ase in the Mth waa 3JB0. Boms RepubWcan decrejaaeaj flrstwi 2Bth District 2,738; '_7th. 2,512; 29th, 2,038; snd 81st 15Q ln Brooklyn ths RapubUcmn dbitirlcta abowed Ihs foUowlug Increaaaa: -"th District 237; 12th, 587; 16th, 1,604, snd 18th, RJ4& PecresBoa were as followa ln bobbs of th.- Rspubllcan dlstricts: ith lustrlct. 870, Mth. MB; 11th. 110, and 17th. 588. DeerflOcratac dlstricts ahowsd tbe foi Lontinurcl ?n Bfl.-tind pugr, 8ftll rol.nnn. v BULGARIANS TAKE II Adrianople and Uskub Watched as the Stratenic Poinis for First Great Trial of Strength. MOSLEMS 200,000 STRONG Ottoman Forces Withdraw frora Frontier Posts as Their Opponents Advance in Preparation for De cisive Battle. RIVAL FORCES ABOUT 2QUAL * - Montenegrins Arabush and Cut to Pieces 2,000 of the Snemy Near Berana, Takir.s' Prisoner Sahil Bcv. the Coramander. |B) ' kl M ta T ? London, Oct 20. -Tha Balkan war ii now in full swiiur. both on land i ?. >.-a. ii..- fon ea of the .. :. n i' i,s ; n. a | h ? I) 'n- '.g?'d Muatapha Pacha has fallen befon i COUplfl Oi liali.lin; - .; Bv Klng Ferdinand himself belng i i tator of the operatlons. On thelr .v - li'.w a ths Uarltaa \ a .-:- the 11 arnr - ,.i?? uii ii Bome bordi r \III i Bulgarlan troopa too, ?? ? taken hi'inia. in the ita/ I. ? polnl of the baj onet The Turklah flea % agalnat tbe Bulgarlan port of V urna, In Um k St... bombarded V&raa foi ? rai eatei a a i Ireek ii. el ia blo iksdli i t fanlaa Greece, too, has nottAed tii?- p thal there wiii be d aa ef Ive blockade of the I from I'.'-veza to thi Corfu. Four B3tt'es Imminent. Meanwhile fotii great bsttlea are un mlnenl between tba^Turklah forcei tbe an.i . -? Of I ?? Bslk?U nilies, the moal crltical belng thal abo between the Bulgarlan army naajrcbihg on Adrianople and the T ish foreo defendin8 the approev b to thal i Ity. Adrianop fortlfled . i r 1,1 Burrounded br.hllls, snd conarttutea Turkey'a i hlsf < n.a.iei ion by th.- Bulgarians and a atrateartc pi 'in ths posaeaslon of whlch could not bui hava a farrsnolH lnx effecl on the Bnal IssM Th.- other thrse i-atiies _re aspsetsd tn take plac at Uskub, in Ma. i iluti.a; Bcutari, near ths Montsnegrin fr..n i..|-. and Bflllina, "ii ths Otaeh fron i..i\ The srmles ef all tha slllsa ars on the move and bo far. excopt m th ? rsuae of Montenegro, hsvs mal little bo posltlon. The who.,- Bervlan army is now said 1., I.,- operatlnf on Turkish t.n-itorv. Pristlns, which was rsportsd taken by tl..- s. rvlsne, haa apparently not bsoa attacked. Tha isrvians howejvsr, hav.- bad an ea ountst artth the Ar nsuts. Joint Serbo-Bulqarian Attack. Th.- Bulgsrisna srs said lo ba cross ing the bordsr at Kcrl 1'alanka, ap psrontly wlth the objeot of Joining the Hervians operatlng from the neighbor liin.l of Vranje, and as th*88 Ifl alr.-ady a riitnor of a battle at Knmanuva, lt appsara likeiv that there arill i>e a joint attack of S.-rvians ai.d Hulgariana at that place lt is reported from Vtonaa that i Turkish fini" of two thoiisaml which attempt*' i to rscaptnrs Bera_nsrasssjt up by Montenegrtiu, arhs cnptwsd Um M in onunandar, Bshll Bsy. Th^ liontsnegrin ndvnacs was Btoppsd be? fore Taral'osh, whli h hlocks the way t>> Bcutari For. "s have come through the Mth luna PSSS unoppOSOd, and their f.>r arard movemenl In Bptrua has boen un Checked. The Turkish anny sppSSJrStO be remalnlni altogstbflr ui ths daCsn* sjve. Tn.- Bsrvian Iflnlstsr <>f "rVsr has sn nounced that Ihe Servian trOODS havo made < detour around rristlna anl 1 reby Interruptsd Turkish coanansaU? lainms between Mltroaitss and Kotch ana. A tstsgnus from Dubnitsa ptates that Bandsnaky, th" notorlous IfnoataB olan brlgsnd, has prnossdsd to ths BBountsinous dlatriet <>f Prta an.l lected a for.f 2000 or 8.000 pass ants. wbOflS he his armed with Mann li. her rtftSB and ammunit ion. Thelr number is b.-ing sufljsssntod daily, and they srs ready t.. begtn efaSfntsBM . Marchinq on Adrianopls. Accordlng to Constsntlnople di? pat. hes, while ths Bnlssriana ar-) nsrchlng ?v Adrianopla a Btrong Turk? ish for." is invading Rulgaria by way of the DsJaUBBS valley. One army ia moving Otl Sofla and a aBOOOd has PhHIpOpOllB as its objective point. A.lriano! 1" an.l I'skub are beimr WStchsd as the strategi" potttta for the firsl Rreat battle. Adrianople is