College Football S> Boxing Football Camps Full of Life and Action Tigers Work Three Hours, with Dartmouth Game in View. SHORT DRILL FOR YALE Harvard Captain Runs Through Signals, but May Not Play Against Brown. By Ttl.araph to Tb< " I Prlnceton, N. J . Oet 21?Prlnceton coaches kept the 'varsity squad on Os borne Fleld for nearly three hours thls afternoon. v.Ith the l>artmouth game on ?atnrday ln Vlew. A stlff flfty-minute ecrtaannage was (ollowad by a long drlll in briaklDK through. wlth De Wltl and Waller exchangiiig pUBtB to work out the ends and backs. Hluethenthal, Princetoa'a si i edy centre. played star football. At the openlng of practice the regulars were on the defensive. an.l the apgrt-Hslve forward broke thnu^h repeatedly, asnaahlag up plays. Twlce he pleked up costiy futn bles by the BCrub and raced down the fleld like a full tlcdged back, scorlnir two toiiehdowns unassit-ted. The "varsity line showed great itnprove mt nt over the work agalnst Byracuae on Satjrday. The men were on their loea aii the time. forclng the scrub team down tbe fleld untll Boland was pushed ba. k over hls own goal llne, scoring a safety for the regulars. The rlght side of the llne devcloped more spenl and Lopan and Penfleld could be seen gttting down tiie fleld under every klck. De witt hai ilttle the better of Earl Waller to-day ln puntiug. both men aver atring over forty yards, lt became so dark toward the close of the practice that even "Hobey" Paker, who went throunh last without dropplng a ptint. was gullty of several bad fumbles. Flve laps t;round tbe Beld flnished the str> aiternoon'a work. Ooveraor Woodrow Wllaon was on the i . 1.1 for ball an hour watchlag the work of the eleven and chatting wlth "Snake ' Atnea Roaa MeClave, who epied th< Gov >t on the side lin'-s. eordially I him to "make hiinsclf at home." Armstrong. a veteran Prlnceton guard, took charge <>f tbe Mne to-day along with Tom Wiison. Tbe 'varsity Uned up aa folloa a: Left end. Andrews. left ta< kle. Phlillps; l- ft guard, Bhenk; centre, Bluethenthal; rlght guard, Logan; rlghl tackle, Pen I; right end, F. Treiikman; quarter back, B Baker; left halfback, Pendleton; rlght halfback, tt Baker; fuliback, De Wltl and Waller. L.ght Work for Yale 'Varsity. [By T.-lt-Krapli te The Trlb . New Haven, Conn., Oet 11 All of the Yale regulara reported iti falrlj good eon dition at Vale Fleld t4>-day after thelr ry al Weal Polnl oa Baturday. 1 Wi H > ra! bumps and r.i ,'.-.? n.strib ut?-d atnona the acjoad, but nobody was .?..-! ioiisly imrt OT incap i< Itated enough tO be kept oul of the game aay length of v. itti the poaalble exceptlon of Coow Hla ankle has been botherlng for aomi tlmi and to-day he was aulte lami II ia doubtful If be will be to play next Baturday. Ti th.- onl) regular who failed tu report. and tt was becauaa of recttatlon. A great relief ls telt at Yale now that team i.ih aafely passed the Weat Polnt crialB. lt la doubtful lf Yale wtll p'ay again thne next year Th.- coaeaea and uBdereraduatea alik. areri wlth the work ol tbe team lt abowed much power and poten atrength, which is aii tbi. ppear. Work was ataited -. in remedylng tbe eountleoa in dtvtdual defecta and in amoothlna the crudlUea ol teaaa play. Thi coa de nol ? apo l ai oth< i a ?? b t' at untll lha Brown ganae, and are pleaaed over t'i Of careful developmenl ? will have time to i omi to frultlon out belng Interrupted bi a hard game whlfc still uadavt koped. The reRularB t4iok Hght Indlvldual ? to-da\. moetly la Mmberlng up, handllng the ball, and in ountlng and ktcklns. By aa aaorrtrnr tbai will be plungad aga; to aatrd work a great daal of attenUtm will be beetowed upon tbe enda and aaartarbacka Tbe former are not ahow lng Qu.te as much offenalve Btrength us exi ectfcil. in to-day'a prai tlae th. 'van l - etttutea played tbe taird team and roan ?ajad to acon two touchdowna aad two aoais. Casties scored tbe Brat oa a abort pjuagc through guard. wlth a run i f ikoai h\. yanis Martla klcked tbe goal Pumpeily plunged ovei for the acore. following a st ri. s of llne pla\s. and ht a'lso klcked the gi?al. Whi ? l r ran the teaaa at quartarbacfc. There Ib much hope that Wheeler a ll prove the Baaa tor the place. rae leat of the team was maue up of (Jile aad Sheldon. .-nds. H. WaiTea and JeTOOW tarklar: Thaw, Oreea and tlarbuBon, guards; Martyag, centre; Wheeler, i.*>ftuh ?nd Dyer, qiiat terback. I'astlea and Cainp. left halfback; lie. keit. Baker und ITalaer. rlght balfback; PutaptxUy and Alaitin, fuliback. li wa? a Bae array of materioJ ?i.d capable ot 'varsity Uevelopment. Walter Caaapa oicott aad liowaaan asBiat'.i la Ihe .oachlng to-ilay. Coolidge a "Find" at Harvard. [Bj Talegrepb te Thi TrBaaaM i Canibriilge. Mu*s., o t. 11. -Wlth few aa tptloaa the Harvard football playera camt OUt on Boldit-r.s' Fleld to-day |B aplenilid tondltion after the Amherst aaaaaa, Thcri waa no scrlmmage. but the lln-men eame ln for the uflu<4l eoaehlBg. and the flrst teaaa spent a toog time in elgnal drlll. TI.e Aniheist game added no playcr to th" Injored list. estoaat 'hat pnniite, the oubstltute fi.llbatk, n-,-< ivexl a klck on the back whloh will r..|.ilr. a liitit; atten aaaa for a few daya. Btattb ?nd Ceotkawt, the end TUeaaa WhO have been on the hospltal list. wtll ba out aguiti ln a day or two. so that Harvard will hav. the benefl! of aii its best aaaltiiial for the piliMetoa game. now only two WQOhB off. it was eapected that thls week could lie <1>IVOted ta pri paring for the coming of tl. 'I'lgers, bul the Urown team did so well against Pennsvivania that Harvard xAiii take the Baaae more earloualy than it eapected to. The acouta have providid tht Harvard acrah t'-am with some Browa pia\?, whleh win ho aaad axuinst tb< ?varsity tO-U?erroa and WadB< llrown's rush llne dld some BBaaadM t harglng agalnst Pennsylvania. an.l the Ilarvnrd forwards have been told they will have no eaay time. Trumbull wai at rjght guard to-day iWhen the 'var?lty practlsed plays, and xfjV.Hngit waa at rlght end. Trumbull looks aa If he bas the makings of e aplen did forward. whlle t'oolldge will f'-rre CBrlen *t right end. io<,ildge's play ln the Amheral same was the best that any Harvard end rush baa done ?hla fail. He was alwavs down und.-r Fetton'a klcks, whlch were blftl and BTetaged forty aerea yards. Drlscoll. who *rts Bt riahl guard r-g ularly for the Brat two gamea was on the fleld again to^lay. but lt La doubt fnl wh4 ther he wlll regaln hls 1'lace over Trumbull. M . _ .,. j Harvard's line )s In great need of work on the defence, i nd wHI recelvB a hard hammerlng thla week. ( gptaln Wendell ian through Blpnaia this afternoon, a though ho is atin auf fennS with hls '.in ear." He ma>-not ptayaaarnal BrOU n, but there Ih no doubt that ba wlll I- ready for PHneeton. Confidence at Dartmouth. Jliem wlll Prlaceton nexl Baturday. The team returned fron. WllllamatoW ln fairly sood condition, W Rogera and Whitnev belna the only two "ho re ceived allaht Injurlee Rogera has a wrenched ankle, whlle Ivaltney'a ahoul der may keep hlm oul of tha gama for a few days. Pennett ls fltlll OUt, nnd I ?eema aa thougB tha Mi capUln would DOl play mUCh thla year. Hls knee re fuses to knll flrmly anough lo enabie biin to Btand any rough work Thla afternoon there was tiie < ustom ar v hour'a drill. Then the flrst and aec ond teama went through a hard thirty mlnute acrimmage Bob Hoffaett has been ahlfted to left end and played a wonderful game there. At last it aeema there 1s a aolutlon for at laaal ona of ? .. . ? i poaltiona Murdock and Ohea played well for th* perond team. The tralntng taMe ?n" atarted to day. There is an old CUBtom al ' Btartlng the tralnlng table the week be ireton aame and keeplng it up tili th.- end !>'' the Beaaon Blateen men have made tha table bo far More win be added a prove worthy of the dlstlmtion. Shake-Up at Pennsylvania. I Ry Te]e?rrfip 1 to Th- TrlbUI ? Phlladelphla, Oct 11.?More thi ? ahake-up ls comlng ln the Pennaylvanla varsity football team aa a reaull of Ihe cruehlng defeat by Brown and Bmlth atarted tho hall rolllng to-day when he eent Mlnda ir? as quarterback In pl Marshall. The last named haa - own poor generalship In all the gamee thus far plavd. and th<- chancea are that If glven fl place on the team he wlll play at end until Yo ing la able to get around to Bomething nearer hla natural form. it is stin thought thal the faeulty wlll relnatate Rodgera, whlch would materlally atrengthen tha llne, b il the appearance of t'raiie the huaky ta kle, who was huri ln the Dtckinson game, was the one rlfl ln the eloud o| k1"""i that hung ovei Kranklln fleld to-day Th<- Quakera were ao aore from the hammerlng recelved al Provldence on Baturday that bej md a drill ln signals and a short acrimmage the playera did little work. Easy Day for Brown Eleven. B Ti IceTBph to The Trlba Provldence, Oet. 2) Caaea of "Charley Horae" kepl several of the Brown foot? ball playera out of prr-. 8. Thla augura well f"r l.afayett.-'s ihan ea liexr Snturday after? noon againat Pennaylvanla. The star of the eleven thla full la a, Phlladelphla boy, Dlarnond hy name h.. played a remarkah'..- game against Vale and ahowed his abtttty to thlnk qutckly on Baturday, when on Ihe fallure nf rh, ends tO get fre,- fo a forward paaa he tucked the baii under haa irn and BQulrmed through tha entire Uralnua team for a touchdown. Another pleaaaat feature of Saturday's gnme was the dlsrover> of fl sferllng bach ln Kelly. He was not even a flrst BUbartJ tute, hut wh?-n put In played llke () firat riass man and "iii get Into the game against Pennaylvanla oa Baturday. i>a favette hns made aueh progrt-saa the last two weeka that the unrlergraduatea feel Bure the team wili rake Pefaaaytvaala'a measure, and on that Bl rount there wlll be a blg repreaentatloa of attidente at the game. CHANGES IN NAVY'S LINE Regulars Who Have Been Out of Game Back on Squad. [By T*4egrapfc te The TrBniaa Annapoiia, Oct. 21-Distinct cnan*ea were made ln the llne-up of the Naval Atademy football team, for the return of several of the vet-rans WBO had heen out of the game for on-- reason or another put a lot of heart Into the wbole BQJUad, who went to work thla afternoon wltb plenty of aplrlt, ln splte of conacrjuttva defeata by Lehlgh and BwarthBM Mrown, the blg guard, who haa had grip, waa In condition to go through sig nal., who ha-s lilled out the perlod of tnforred lnactlvity nt tin arder of the auperintenik-iit, \sas baek a' his place on b ft end. The blggest CBaaga was the brlnging of Ingrum frnm eeotra to th. oai kllelrl, wh.-re he Ifl belng ttrafhed tr, aaa his uaj paaada ln ptoughlng a way fnr the man with tha hall Batea, k and Nl'holls were th?- other backs, hut lt ls prohahle that McK.-avy will llrui a ? liind the line when hln hanil heals. Mcfteavy La evea haavler than lagraia, and this wlll glve tuo hacks of the llne arnaahlna type Browa and Howa were al th,- gaaitla thla aiteriiooa*, Redtnan arid Yaughun at the tn.-kl.-s atul Overeach und QUchrlal took cara ol lha ends. This combtnatloB Bave a Uaa averagina over l>wi puuids, and ?-wry muii oi thernia Vut erari. ? Baseball ** Automobiling THREE MOVING SPIRITS IN THE NEW BASE? BALL PLAYERS' FRATERNITY. CHRISTOPHER MATHBWBON OP THB GIANT8. SHARPE LECTURES CORNELL Omits Practice, but Points Out Errors Made by "Vkts ty. [By Telegrapli to The Tttbona.l Ithaca, N. J, Oct n Bj "ay of re*t ins the men ..ft. r t thall la * Ba.? ?. ( dla pei ed With field wot gathen d the p i talk la ai n tl.. ni through Hignala ln Ihe ?ry. At the ? ting. . riticlsing and andea ' pr- ' i ..1. w of Ihe :..?' thal ? ment ? ? to ;:.' lim m< ? whll .. ntn i i Is atti llon on thi I n? to strena hen It a "Tl ls i WOrY ..f ' ? "' ' " - t:- r yai that p"i"i t' ? toi m II llne on I ? paasea over 1 10 bave .-. ? ? i) ,na on I n partleular po . ? ? t ?.t thi primi ln footbal I ? of - holee . ? -...- will ? In i tlib W4 ek, and < day 1 v ii d- mand that the teai ? ? .>? - ARMY 'VARSITY GETS REST Team in Good Condition Squad Has Light Practice. W . st Polnt. K. Y.. I '??! 21 Llgl t | t:. ? waa In order for th i ' ? lol ball squad thi Xone of the .? ho partli Ipated ln th.- guine wlth fale on Baturda) took parl ? I ' work to-.lay The men eame out ": game In excellen! eondltlon. aalde from a few i ,,f much Batlafaetlon lo Harry Tuthlll, tralner of the i letroU tmertcan I all team, who Ib handllng tlu men ? Tlo- reaull ol Kal Ib n??l worrying elthei coai h< or pla: ? i Knowlng the B/eaknw ? In the line and wlth Captaln Devore on Ihe aid* i lines, it waa it allat d thal I Ai imv could hope foi ?. .? t.. hold ^ ah- to a am ili acore, and thia waa a< o , The woi ii ol Key? and llobba on the oftenalre waa pleafln* to the oaacbea, and - i proved" i demon on t he eec* ondary line of defence, mnklna some lackli b tl rlni and hard Devore'a lea atlll gtvea hlm trouMo, bul lie expecta to be In the w rlmma few daya Hoi Ollleepl re piaylng st.'.r football on the enda and follow the ? i,m|] lik. i.oiiiHi Hoge'B recovei y "t aome ol Plynn'a fumblea on Baturday waa eharai terlatl. of the play af Armj enda j for tbe laei two ?? ? u i, all ? io havi been under the tutelage of Lleutenanl Hanv 1 mond. Lleutenanl Boyera, arho was ona of tb. Army'B oemt eentre* t. n yeara :ty,<>. th? stnff of coachea to-day, and wtwked hard with Waddetl, WcOee and Dorer, who are aubatltuten for the plvotal p,,?i tlon SOPHOMORE NINE IN LEAD Beat Seniors, and Get Grip on Baseball Title. ? Tbe Columbta aophotnorea need to win only one game In the Interclaaa baaeball S4 ries for the Bddle ?'oiiinH madala to make aurc of the champtonahlp, for they defeated the aenlora In the nexi te the iast tiK't'i by a acore <>f fi to ., yMterdai | The jtanie was played on Bouth PleM be i fore a record-i reaklng erowd The aenlora j hlt hard in the firsi lnnlng ai d Bcored i three runs before they retired The sopiiomoi i s. bowever, evened mattera by [ gtttinR three runa .,ff Qretach, and by addlag three more ln thi second lnnlng ; made eure of tbe game. Bpooner tht aophomore rU'lii Belder, ? went baeh t" the tennla courta In the aec ood lnnlng and madi a onoahandod eatcfe of a lim. thal wouM hava been good for a home run Tl. rra two on baaea at the time. H waa the most aeaaatlonai j.j,,.- ot Beidlng m the Barlea Tfca acore bj Innlaga foUowi H 11 I Seniors I " 10 11 I 7 1 Bophomorea I .: . n | j Batterlea Qretach aad bfalo) ; \- ? , i Bhibley Impir. a. c. Rothwi II A POSITION FOR YOU. lf you uae The Tribune's Situationa Wanted columna.?Advt. OF DETROfT, AN'l' "BIG KU -,, Bl \'Ki . Ol THE VANKEBB. Falr Golfers Capture St. An drews Course for a Day. HANDICAP AIDS MISS DUFF Allowance Helps to Win Net Prize Gross Award Goes to Mrs. Rogers. rlaring that i done ... frrajrettee. flfty Invaded the St. Andrea ' .1 lon, this i lom er golf elub of ar aa tax ed t o I t t o a i the \ i-lt.,1 b, pian) of a had i t v. i aeen the courae bef. Mis N i' : . ? t. ? rlaltui f.i mntron, wnn m;tn a card "f I Tbe net pri ? " I'uff. of I ' ad been returned to tbe effect 1 luffa hani loo llb , ral Howevi recelved II ahi atarted the round, and is her card was In before It wa dlacovered that her the commtt . notblng to do but let it stand. ioweier, diclared that she did nol want th- prtae if there waa any questlon ufl to her iiKht to tbe handicap There la littl* doubt bul that bef allow? ance aill be coaatderably reduced before another tournamenl lakea place Mis. Rogera'a prlncipal trouble waa on on the tiist four of whlcb Bhe ? ihn i puta. off the lee and, the falrwaj ahe waa dellghted with tt,?? reeull Oul ln 17. she turned foi home with the Idea that sb- mlaiit , total well io keeptag with her ? .iti. Bhe acddentally toucbed tn-r ball whlle add r eaal ni it for tha second t tl ? ? ? ? ? lh Thia p. nalty atroke, rnupled arlth an t-xtia putt, Bava ber ' for Ihe hole Kour trlea foi the cup 4in teenth areen ga vt hei anotbei \t thal ahi ? ??. home la i'i foi . . (lei , -it,l folloa init in ,. .1 c '.i hle wa- offered bj the club'a pro feaaional, Irvlng itrlngar, f,.r the eoaa petltoi whtt bad the greateal number of ? on ii-r card. Mis- Bleaaoi N Whitney, ol Morrla County, aad Mra W l) Judaon, of Braradale, each bad one hole under pai BBuree, but the ejueetlon ai to who ahould bave ihe maahle was left uiidt iiiii-d. for Mlaa Whltnej di.i not tn play off. The aaxt tournamenl for tbe women wiii be held al the Qreenwloh Country i 'ini, on Tbureda . Thi acorei arere a>- folloa ? Mli Mi Mra Ml ? Mra Mi Mi Ml - Mi Mra Mlai \t M Ml Mra Mn Mi Mn M11 Mn Mi i lro \ ;, laida Duff, I' aiw odla Ifl N I'. Roaers, fialtuarol, . H M lf iiitji'..-. Dunwoodti io.' i-, an, t- (Jwyer, Blaranoj Itl u ,i laiii,. Wykaarl W u i Blrd, I. inwoodle ...101 Mai !.??.,..1-1. Italnncld.lM , w Rendla Mldland Bt i*. lt 4-,,-k. .. s, arsdale, .. io". i..-iw ,,-ii,.- Ha Ift, Rnglaa.I, M . ir ii i- t'.o relly, BtlgleWaOd 111 i?..,? ar, ? '? ntii,I.104 I A Moort , Kcaradali ... .107 Wharton, P alnneld . .114 p lnnrtii- i:>-.\ . ountj . IN i: ii Ri Ith, Monl lali IM a B. Roesln, Ontury.10J t i Rj ,1,. Craafi rd .IM i-: Brltlainan, Dunwoodla I I lt Rtochtoi, t'lalnfleld 104 tt A. \\ . I'hilvt-rf. Mnli'ipar. . 10> Mn 1. y Ottt n, Wi kag] I Mn. W D. Judaon s- Bradale. 110 Mn N P Tyler, Wykagyl.. IB Mi m |, Pateraon, Bneleweod lal Mn \\ B l. ii,"'-,' Knal< atoed III Mlaa Julla Bredl Baaea Counti 191 Hi h I 1 ?? in iton, Clleo. !('? Mr* u all 1 Pi i". Balteavel IM Mi \ Lal maB, Ontury.III Mi-- 1: N. w lu'iifN. Morrta .'? i?. Mri K i' 1 "'? ft a, Enah.I 1 Mi .1 lt Hhoaf, Bearadala.118 Mr- I. H Bai li. CentUl r. '!!> Mi- M il Ma IJonald, I'm,*.Ha 131 MNs .; Wood. ||n '' .1 S.-lt.-r. IJlWBIxOJ Ui M,? Attioii- Jefcaaea, Bliraae) i-n Tbe follOWlag eoiui'eteil, but returned no carda: Mrs. Ft c. Brown, vwuagyi; Mis. .1 c Barelay, Itaeltenaack; Mra, B, ,\. Ciiaalaghaaa, Baglawoodi Mn J. a Phllbrli a, Montclalr; Mra, f Travla, Moi.ti laii, .Miss Paga Behwarawalder, Knglewood; Mra. J. A. Hon, Dunwoodie, jk Golf ?# L iEiyliiifiirW Big Purse Likely for Subscrip tion Race at Piping Rock. YANKEES RELEASE O'DOWD Owner of the Giants Not at Death's Door, According to Joe O'Brien. So much Interest was shown ln the pony siibs.riptiori race at the meetlng ?f Lhe Piping Roch Ractng Assoclatlon last week tiiat plans are already belng made for one on a more ambltious acale next year, with thoroughbceda instead of polo ponlea Tne race aill be for two-year-olda, which are now belng boughl as fast as BultaMa r.n.s aaa be aeeured, ami are kept at the Hltchcoch Btablea, al v7ee*bury. There wlll i.e al leaet forty aubacrlhei who will pay II.oijO each. wili ba use.i to buy lha boree, while the balance arlll go to the puree, whlch should be worth fulty $'J".""' The horaea arlll be dletrlbuted by lot to the various Bubecrlbera at the gykhana gam.-s nf lhe club n.-xt spring, whlle thej r. probably al ala furloaga, wlll be run next October. .lohn O'Dowd, the aeneatlonal fleldlng shortst.ip who was trled out by th- V:n k.-.-s last svimm.-r before tha ndvenl of McMlllan, was released t" tha Brockton elub ?'f the New Bngland Leegue yeater? day, O'Dowd was origlnally purcbaead frnm Brockton joe O'Brien, Becretan "? ,!l" '^n1*' w !? authortty for the Btatemeni yeaterday that John T. Bruah, owner of the club, La nol dangeroualy I1L A rumor was Circu? lar.d thal Mr. Hmsh was near death, bUI this was dealed. Ha was out automobll bag | few days BgO, aad y,-st?rday was ?ip and aboul hla rooma In tha Hotel Im perlal Mr. Bruah Buatalned a broken hip ln ?? automol lle aoddenl aevi ral weeka u B ! ,. ... ...?,;.. or leaa eondned ind.? ever Blnce. The fractura La dolng M well as can I u .1,1, Murphy, chlef ov ,,.. , | .,- wlth another stat'-m.-nr. whl h Indi-at'S that new pi.. i arell aa a new manager, will be s.-.-'n on the team ni tl ? to meel 'Toea ln New ^,,'U or arlll glve hlm the prefareace of flcreptlng 30 per cent of th.> grosa re eelpta; bul bo far as hla H wall n long time " I'harlev Dooln sa"'- he will atlch t.. the Phllllea. This expreaalon cama followlng a rumor thal ha would managa tha Cuba ri'-xt year. r. gel has bad six offera for the i with every effer Ihe prlea goea up Pennaylvaala men ,.r? atirred up ever the cruahlng defeal of the eleven by Brown on Baturday, and .me who ls foi lowtng tba work ol tha teaai rtotwly.aald ? rday: ?Andy Bmlth arlll Infuae aome flghtlng Bplrlt ln tbe m.-n tbls week. lf lt ls necea nrj to take them up to tha hoapltal ?nd have it Injected artth a hyperdermle. This they Badly laeked on Baturday at Brown, for aa Blll Hollenbach nnd s.-v flral other old Pennaylvanla eoaohaa re marked. wben they heard the aeoee, 'it la dtagraceful * freahman team from Pennaylvanla abould not allow aay Browa eleven t.. boal them b) thal Bcore.' The rhnnga from Marshall to Mm-Is for slgnal gtvlng will di.uiiil.-s.t help on thla llne conalderabty, r->r II wlll be n niamherad that laal aaaann Mlnda nol only ran tbe team well, bul pul a lot of glnger into the play.-rs "The line men wlll hava to learn to keep their eyaa open and wat< h tbe ball A hlt, as the old BtylB of .hargtng has be ,,,?!,. OUl Of date ln modern football. There will dnuhtleas be a blg chajige ln thla r.-gard by the end of tbe week, as tbe men were Just commencing to BO better ln this regard iatv laal week. Bal whi n they got lata a real gaune they forgoi what they had been laughl and the Brown llnemen and backs found lt Ian eaay matter to make ground through | ihe line Theae bolaa should be atopped up by Baturday, when Lafayette trlea to repeat tha doea adratniatared by Browa. - Mllly Qneal, tha long dlstance runner. has heen angagad oa coach by the 8tli Reglment Athletlc Assoclatlon. Mr? j. H. Taylor! Slwanoy; Mra. F. E. Donohoe, Montclalr; Mra R B. Arring t,,n. BcaOWdale; Mrs H. v7. I.U. Scars dala and Mrs I'eivv f>, Am.-a, DllBf. m oodte I'ri.fesslonal golfers had a few hours of fun aii tn themaelvawat I'ox Hlllayea? terday. It waa a four-bali nffalr, in Whlch Tmii Anderson, Of Montclalr. and Have Hunter, of Baaea County, defaat ,,| Oeorga Btrath, of the I'res.-ent Ath? letlc Club, and Jack Hobena, of Kngie wi.nd, by I UP and 4 10 play. Btrath celebratad hia Bevenay aauoad blrthday raoentljr, Ha waa nol ho posi ti\?. .,*> to iiis acore yeaterday, though he has biipes of llvlng as many yeara aa there were atrokee oa hia card. Btrath stui refuaea to dotf his eap to Anderson who is only a few years bla Junlor, and declarea thal it was "Waa Davey Hunter wbo dld the husiii'-ss " WHERE TO CINE TltAVF.I 1 KKH" CO., Aftnr iViurt. 20 Weat lllth Ht. Telephone 'J* ."-' Ilte.-ley. DflDT 1DTUIID 4 hlneae H>*teurmnt. Alr. 7 k B rUnl BKInUn Metl Ht. tiee Kv* "Telegram.". .awn Tennis S HOT SHOT FROM CHANCE Kurls Wordy Bomb at Murphy, Owner of the Cubs. f'hlcaao. Oct. 21?1 dare Prealdent farphy to relense me. He la'ks the lerve to do it. He started somethlng he an't flnlsh. I am gettlng tlred of this theap talk, and dare him to go through vith what he has started." Thll was the bomb hurled at the owner ,f the CuhB to-day by Frank Chance. aanap.r of the ('hleago tenm. Taunted o dl sp.'tation by the liiBultlng lnnuendoes if Murphy. the peerless leader ls anxious i, settle the wordy controversy once and Or tiII. He added: 'T will glve Murphy $1,000 for every good dayer he has ever secured, wlth the ex ?eptlon of three men, slnce he haa beer. u tbe head of the club. I am the man tsponslble for all the tradeB which put he club where It ls. I have almost teKKed hlm on my knees to go out and ptt me certuln ball playera to help me, mt th" answer has always been my team vas thf) beat there was and that I did mt aeed any more players. "What Murphy wants ls a munager he ?an run in hla own swcet way. I have ?efused to let hlm run the team aince I lavc baaa there, and that is ona rcason M don't want me. Ia 1910. when we were IghtlBg for the pennant and lt looked as f my pitihlng staff was going to BjtVO lUt, Murphy ordered me to play three louble-haadera ln one week, and I abBo Utely tohl hlm 1 would not. He would tave put the team out of the race at thnt ini.- by crippttng the i.ltching Btaft Just ,.r the Baka of gettlng a little larger r< iins from gamea arlth thu PhUMoa .-md :he Pli ?' ?Wl- could bave won the peanaat inst leaaon If be had given me a ttttla h?-ip i" retting mi n. I am going to stay here for i \.v days to answer anythlng he wants TO ADMIT NEW BALL CLUBS Oonnecticut League to Decide on Wider Scope at Meeting. New Haven, Oct. 21.-After dlscusidng routlae buataeea foi aevaral hours to-day, tbe annual meetlng of tha COsiaectlcut Baaeball League was adjourned untll No? vember ?). at wiilch time ofllceis will ne ilected and actton tak4 n upon applica itons fur memberahlp from Ptttsfleld, \!., New tXNSdon ar.d New Hrltaln. Th.- league has a balance of 11,000 ln the treaaury as compsrfd with a detlclt a ;.-.ii ago GOOD CARD AT NEW STAR Citron and McCloskey, Heavy weights, in Main Bout. There will be no lack of actlon at the New rft,,r Athletlc ''lub. of Harlem. to nlKht. Three ten-round Conteeta will be leiidtd, and whlle none of the men are *t top notcha still they are ev.-nly matcheil and amhltious. Sam Citron. of tbe lower Baat Bid.-. and Tom Mct'ioskey, WhO feel that they are destlned |0 0880 1ay wear the heavyweight tltlf, will ap? pear In the star bout Whlle nelther make an] pretenoa of belng champlon at pres ant, tbey are hard, willing workers, and will doubtiess furnlsh excltement. i.iriy 1'helan and Pave Cronln, two reatherwetghta, of Harlem, will crosa glovea ln the Bemi-flnal bout, and a rare battle Ib ln Proapect Law Meyera and Bob Adler wll! appear In the opMlBg ten round cntest. . .ui Morrla, the Oklahoma heav\ arelght, win be m New Tork again withln two we.k? He wired his manager. Hlllv New man. to g,> ahead securlng matchee for hlm. and he will iirobably be matehed to meet "Bandy" Ferguson, the Boston heavyweight, before the Pllgrlm Athletlc Club, of Boaton, ln a few weeka. The time ls faat coming. boxlng en thualaata belleve, when 'Taekey" McFar laad will bare to face Jack Krltton or pla) dead, Brtttoa boxed a draw arlth the Btockyardar boj bn Mecnphla laat year. ami aince that time Molarlaad has atu illoualy refuaad to glve hlm a return matcb. ln the tmanwhlle llrltton haa come along In Sne st>ie and aaon win be ln a posltion to demand a bout It will be "Morgaa night" at the Forty fourth Btreet Bportlag ?'iui> on Thuraday. 'a, k llrltton, the Cbl< ago llghtwelght, who receatly defeated Leach t'roita and several other good bo\B and who boxed a draw wlth "I'ackey" McFarl.ind last year, will faee Freddte Dnffy, of Hoston. I)uffv has defeated maay good men, C)wen Moran among otherN. and ls ready to make Brlt ton DOl al top apeod. Ia another ten round ceateat, at teaat one which laached il.ii for ten rounda, the llon hearted Jlm SaMige, who qult In three rounda to "Ouaboat" Mnith, aill try conclualonB wlth "Flghtlng" Jack Keating, whoso home la 00 the tolllng pralries of North Dakota. Morgan declarea that if Savage doea not Jiimp over the ropes ho may win. "Young" Rellley haa asked for a return match wlth Patay Whlte. und the boya will meet ln the openlng ten-round conteat of the Bhow. Jaaa MeMahOB will not op4ay. The preaer.t decllne in Intereat ls the teason given, but when the altuatlon brlghteaa ap 'he club wiii raepaa tta doors with the usual hlgh grade boutj. Other Sports Crawls Through Ropes in tho Garden to Save Stewart. CROWD BOOS AND HOWLS "Chief Official of the County" Raves, Dances and Flnally Has His Say. Sheriff Julliia Harburger atopped ?M bottt between Jlm Stewart. the heavy. BraftjM boxer, of Brooklyn. and "Oun t>oat" Smlth. of San Franclaco, at the end tt the aeventh round to prevent Stewart from reeelving unnecesaary punlehment, \t Madison Square Oarden, laat night. Thla Is the flrst time alnce boxlng be rnmc legallzed that any perBons other than the referee atopped a conteat ln any ')t the boxlng cluba In New York State, but It wa8 not exactly neceaeary, fo Bllly Joh, the rereree or the Garden Ath letlc t'luh, waa on th?? polnt of ordering lhe men to leave the rlng when tha rllmtnutlve flgure of the Sheriff waa Been rlamhaalna up on the platform, wavlng the boaera out of the arena wlth a gran lllociuent pesture and rare dlaplay of clvlo Buthotity. The actlon of the "chief ofrldal of V*w Vork <"ounty," to quote from tho Sheriff a favorlte aumor, waa exceedlngly unpop ular wlth the crowd, but lt waa tlmely, lo aay the leaat. Stewart waa a beaten man from the ttme the flrat gong eounded. and U was only a queatlon of time untll he must have gone down and o'Jt before the furloua broadsldea of terrtflo punchea whlch the Callfornla sallor drove home wlth telllng force. Stewart waa floored for the full count po f,?wer than fonr tlmea, and after erta tng from the laat, to ba eaved by the bell whlch ended the eeventh round, wti ai lizzy that he etood ln nald-ilng unabte to rlnd hie corner untll dtrected there by the refere.. and hla aeeonda. The men behind hlm worked herolcally, but Stewart waa In had condition, and, a-eing thla, the Bberiff rushed to actlon. lt Ib customary for peraona entering tha ring to cllmb over the mlddle rope, Ixit ihls llttle conventtonaltty dldn't both*r the "chlef offlcer." He wrlggled und.-r the bottom rope. llke a amall boy beatlng hla way Into a clrcue tent, and thoae ln the crowd who dld not "boo" were qulck ly convulaed. Bat the worat, or, from a theatrical vlewpolnt, the beet, waa yet to come, and, be It reeorded. the Sheriff made a moat tremendous hlt Wlth an Idea of Impfessing tiie erowd with th* majeaty of the law?an Impreeeion arhteh waa aoon dlspelled by hls allght phyBtejee and thln aray hair, he rnlred h,s hand for sllence. The reatilt wna lnstantaneous, hut not exactiy to hla fency All over tbe houae hoota, boos nnd hlases. Inter mlnKled with eatcall? hurat forth. Tba Sheriff wa* dumfounde.'. This to th* "chlef offl'-lal of the ,-(. .n?>'" wh.-n gr.-at Cr^aar tiW. Ihe the] ?! I ' i.ot tempt eian thua. Tha Sh-riff wa moved, strongly and unaccoupthr>ly. [?'. Frank S. O'N'ell. of the Btate Athletle Commlselon, eat *vt the ringelde aad kae* a atralght faoe throughout- After thlnga had quleted doavn a Tribune man aaked Mr. o'Nell wliat ha thought about the affalr. "The Bhertff took hia aotlon, and 1 have nothlng to eay. The refaree waa ln ? poelUon to know how badly injured Btew ...: waa," he aald. ln tba aecond round Btewart rao U"J> a right on the jew. aad J'-Bt ae Joh wa* about to call "ten" ever hlm the bell rang. 80 lt contlrrued. Smlth might have won ln any one round lf he bad poeeeseed a ciear head, but he threar baa punoh around ln true aallor faablon and waa unable to acore a knockout. Joe Thomaa. the New OrlaanB light welght, had an eaay time outpotntlng Wlllle Beeoher in the openlng ten-round conteet. The rave waa faat throughout, but there wafl never a time ln whlch the result waa in doubt. aaaBBB USEDCARS ADIKtCTOKYOF ROJADlIOPraWCS BY AUTOMOBllX XoeomoMe (iiiaraiitcecl Rebullt i ars 5 pass. 1*>12 Torpedo 6-cyl. ...48 h.p. 7 pass. 1^12 Touring 6-cyl. ...48 h.p. ?I paae, 1^12 Touring .30 h.p. 7 pass. 1912 I.audaulet 6-cyl...38 h.p. 5 pass. V>\\ Touring .30 h.p. 5 pail. 1910 Touring .30 h.p. Tht Looomobllt Company of Amirlca Broadway At 76th Street. Now York Telephone 7800 Schuyler. Automobile and Coach Builderi. H.i i>- bulldlng and ramodallng a epar-laJty. raliitlng. upholxtary, fandara, fora doora aad reitali tug- whaala, demountable rlma. METAL, AND IRON WORK. Rothachlld llodlt-a at aacrltVce prlcea. Alfred J. Walkcr & Co., Inc, 218-220 Weat 65th St. Tflaphona. \9% Col. gatabllahad 18T1 A. A 1)1* ixvnn paaaenaer touring- car. fulljr aQUlppad, taken ln trada for aoma W'eatern real eatate; rar ta too bla. tharafora wanti to a?H Any reaaonabla offar ronaldrrej. Car la standard Amarlran make. tullv aqulppad. and auarantaad wlth manufactur ar'a name. A.. Sox 40, Trlbxtna. HUDSON Taad Car Dep't. HTDflONB, ieta-u-10. HVDBON. UMOl'SINE. IBII. CAD1M..V. 1*13, CHAI.MER8 -M.-' 1012. E. M. r. "80," 19U. SIMPI.EX "ftO." 1911. Alao 3 Bodiea. All rara to ha offared a? prlcea that wtll mova them nulckly. A. E. RANNEY Cd.. _noe Broadway. _ BOD1EH?BODIES? BODIEA . UMOrSlNE, I.ANDAILKT, TAX1EB.InaW* clrlva. cloth. laather trlmmed; ROTIIS" ""/.'? BRKWSTBB; othar good makaa RAHiJAiM' SOI.D FOR BTORAOE ( HARtiM Ramoved for C4)nvenlanca of liuyara J,' 14J3J BROADWAY. NEAR 8IST STRErT Pl ERCE-ARROW7~l 9\\ MODBL. !*IX CT? lnier. llrooualna, ln haat of eonJltton ab ply P. F. ETCHNER. BelnorC ?Bth **. Hroad waj^_._--? At'TOMOBlLS AND AUTO TBV'CE ?*? BTRL'CTIOM. WEST BIDE Y. M. C. A*?ladlxidoal rt** work. Bmall Bhop Claaaaa. Truck Pjf""": waltlna. Bend for booklot. 100 Weat oTtB ai Thona TfllO i'ol___?a automobTilesfor rent._ PACKARD RENTING CO* OPEN ANU Cl.OSED CAM HEST IP-TO-DATI 9RRVI0B. aa-aa hour. asoo-aioe n"?>(i>i/. ^ Experleneed < hauffeura._Mtirray Hlll^r PACKARD8.?Naw eara. Ilmoualna aad t?j? Ing; by tha hour or irlp; chaap r*t'".ira monthly aervlca; apaclal rataa tor tUtw ralla. l.'NfVKRSAL TAXIafETER clA3LgW" 153 Eaat 6Sd Btrtxtt. Phana naa? ?ee.