OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, October 22, 1912, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1912-10-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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bapn been thwarted bf the rapldlty of
lha Patfgaitan movements.
The sttuatlon is thrilllng, and deflnlte
of an importanl engagement
which mttal have ? great Influence on
the who!. I'- ' '"> ri ird-> ?? de*
layed much loiiger.
a Vlenna raeaaaaje aaya thal Uw
Turks in IWUreatlng to the fortiticutions
ot Adrianople lefl Krrat quantltiaa ol
sions behind. They dld not ete*
roj the t. legraph llnes, but ael Bre
tr. all Bulgarian rillagea on the
and maaaacred six vinagea containing
alti.gether *??OT4 lhan BlZ hundred tn
Thi h^dquartera >f the Bervlan
army eommanded by the Crowa Prlnca,
have heen tl ansf.Tt ni fi 'OtB Vrall>a in
BJararla t- the Turkish town of Zi
>?.ft. tly oapturod by the Ser?
vlan troopa The maln bt dj of thi
army undir cotnmand of the Crown
i dng forward toward Ku
BBaaovo, and hai already reached tha
moantaln ridgi of Ruwa, Rfteen mllea
?~"i r. Ian column uajdai
Papkovich advanced on Podujvo, and
after taklng thal poaltlon blvoua
th of ,t in the dlra'tion of I'rlstina.
The weatern column under General
Eetvkovlch, which la movlng toward
II and baa taken N??vi Varosh.
ia how endeavorlng lo effecl a Junc
| jj | |?J rln troops near
pi yepolye.
1*he maln On <k army, f4jllowlng up
Ita \U"t<;ry . t I iai " ?'? '??'"? ** Ived at
? ndopolo and aornected to re
t night. Pbrty thooaand
Tul . . ? n ildlnaj tha p-??^. -ilHi ;- hat
tie is cxpacted to-day.
rhting 't 1'iava. whlch was
canturad on Bunday by the kloatene
u ... ?,, ?? * cordlog to a
? ?tttnh' dUpatch rn "The Btaa
Albanian populathm fOUgtll di
ate'ly. and retlred only when the arhole
pktoa ama in ftamea. Nlni hundred
Albaniona arera killed, Includlng many
Women and children. who were found
diad with i;rm? in tl? ir hands.
For Legion of Garibaldians.
The Greek gover*un*ni haa accepted
aa General Rlcctottl
Oerlbaldl, who fought for Gi
against Turkej ln IWT. to pt.vi.l,- a
legion of Qarlbaldiaaa He la ? tpt ted
,,, arrlve In Athona on October 2a
,. authurlu. '?? :iluu;
a| ,i;.. r correai ondenta but
forelgn mllKari atuchea from i ro
I to thi front, while the Bulga?
rians have Intima
ist aho atti nn ta to evade tha i ? i
?hlp arlll ba trled bj rl artlal.
Furtht r to prew i ? poalth ??
ord ira hi re bi i n laaued to Bulgarian
ofBcera and aoldlera that mattera con
nected nlth mlUtary operatlona muat
nu ' I
? ra
jusl i". fore the formal dei lara
war it was inttin.'ited to Greece thal if
would avlthdraa from tlu Badkan
alliance Turkey woufd afree lo the
annezatioe of Crate by Greeci and
atao to tha . inction ol the Greek aml
Turkish raiiwa, ayatemi lo whlch ot>
n had hltherto been ratsed. The
,.,- . r Grei i e a aa blahk
m fusal.
The Greek Conaul al Cardllf. actlng
,,,:-. tlona from hi9 goveru
ineni la laylng clalm to all the Greak
tonnage enterlng that port. Every ves
b?I so commandeered he. omaa th.. pr.??p
,,f th.- Greek government and the
captain an ofBcer of the Greek navy.
ship ownera have requeated the Brltlah
Forelgn Oftlce to proteal agaln?rt this
? * -
Euxinograd, Near Varna, and
Other Unprotected Villages
in Bulgaria Shelled.
S ftu. Oci 21.-Turkish warshlps to?
day bombardcd the Bulgarian fort of
Kavarna The custorr. house was de
atroyed ajid sVveral shops arid dwell
inps were dan.aged.
Kavarna ls a Bulgarian town on the
Btmck ^oa, twenty-elght miles north
eaull of Vama.
4fter the bombardment one of the
Turkish warahips left ln the dlrec'ion
of Baltrhik. four others cxuised along
the r-oast between Kavarna and Kall
kola, bcmbardlng the villages.
According to advtces recelved !ftte
this evenlng, TurklBh warships also
b^mharded the barraoks and monastery
al F.uxlnograd. near Varna, whlch port
they bombard'-d several days ago. The
? ustom house and two warehouses
were bIp ' damoged.
The Turks attempted a landing. but
the two boata launched en< ountered a
heavy flre from the. Bulgarian soldiers
and retune d to the shlps.
The Bulgarian government has en
tcred a pn.tct against the bombard
ment of Kavarna aa a violation of the
princlples of internatlonal law lald
,!,.\*n by the Hagje Conference. The
town lf. a tradlng port only and ls not
riefendtv) Mo warnlng was glven of
the .ittack.
The advaiue posts of the Bulgarian
nrmy havf spread to the, lmmedlate
vlcinlty of th>- important strateglcal
polnt of KJrk-KUlseh, \wh\ch ls the
headqtiarters of the Turklah Thlrd
Army Corpa. They aro also in touch
wlth the llne of outer forts Burround
Ing the fortress of Adrianople, where
hi other Turkish army corps Ib sta
tioned. They occupled to-day tho vll?
lage of Vakoruda. In the district of
In n semi-offlclal statement deallng
H ith the progress of tht- campaign it
is stated:
The Bulgarian troops are advanrlng In
aJl dlrecttons. while tha Turklah troops
J2 Glass before Breakfast
tones up the ttomach* clears
the head and doea you good.
Qolckly Rellevee
Turkish lirfantrv Marchiag Acroea the Galata Bridge.
are strirken wlth panic and are retlrina
ln dlaord, r, ''?? h>>
Itaera, aramunltlon ind provlalona.
Turkish peasants are leavina;
I thelr homes, and lr certain viilaaea
?l Turkish children whose par<
,<] have been I ?
red for itv
the 1 oldiei
t At Mti ? aeha the Bulrarlan
' troi ??- : :lin
? . pr< ienl nol a alngla Hul?
garlan sold ?
th. Turks Tha Ottoman prlaonars
taken 1,, the Bulgarlana ar,- belng well
tl d
ln onier i,, i i esen ? ? 8 to the
i ementa of the army, the most poal
hav< been tasued to the
Bulgarlan offl ? men that mat
; tera i onnected wlth the war and wlth
: the milltary operatlona must no
! referred to, even ln private lettere.
Constantinople, Oct -l \ ? ?
ttch to a Conatantlnopla newspa*
, per says that th-- Turkiah wurshlps
1 ,-ank a Bulgarl .i, toi pedo ba t, b blla
I snothei escaped by taking refuge in
the harbor of Varna. The forta raplle i
to the Turks and ? ? ' nced
'?? their fln .
American Business Man. Lately
in Cettinje, Tells of Pl?n
of Campaign.
London, Oet 21 ?a promlnent
Am. rli an ' ualnesa maa and former
government offlelal who hap Just re
turned from Cettinje glrea Fome <m
portant information regardlng the
pudden ncffressivf tartirs of Monte
negro In the presenl war. In an Inter
j \iew to-day he said:
"The pian of war dlacloaed to me b! ,
j Kinp NlCholaa has IhUB far been in
vartably Buccesaful. The capture of
Bcutarl within b fortnlght 18 toarl
table. The Montenegrlna know 'he
country as well as their own moun
talnaidea and atand ln no danger of
havlng their communlcationa cut.
"Although the Montenegrlna had
been planning the war for three years
the outbroak was prematura?no! a dc
llberate part of tha pian of the Balkan
league. Tha Montenegrlna were con
cantratad on the bordar. Each aoldler
had three days' rutions. Af the end of
that time even King Nlcholas was
poweriess to hold them in tba laaSB.
"The Montenegrin soldkrs are well
nrmed and equipped. They are aplen?
dld ilghtora. The only fjuestion ls
how wel! they can stand dlsclpllne,
havlnjr heen accustomed only to guer
illa warfare.
"On leavlng Cettinje I visited the
northorn dlvision of the Montenegrin
army, whose general told me that he
expe, ted to form a Junctlon with a
Servian eolumn. The comblned armles
would then prooeed to tlpht IbetT way
through Ma4-e<l<>nia and form a Junc?
tlon wlth the Greeks between I'skub
and Monastlr. They axpected b] thi
movernent to hold large bodiea of
Turkish tropa from going to the relief
of Adrianople. where a big battle ls
"I found even' I viden'c that the Ril
kati leaguo was working ln perfect
harmony, but the Ifontenegrln and
Servian offlclals, bellevlng that the
powers will permlt only one or two Im
portant battles bafora they lntervene,
aro already flgurlng on a convention
slmllar to that at Berlln. Balkan dlp
lomats have oonfeeaed that the ar
rangement tif pea? e l,etween Italy and
Turkey was sucb a hlow to their plans
that, had the note of tbe powers been
presented a week before the oOtaCaal*
tration on the Montenegrin border. w ir
very llkely would have heen averted.
"The Balkan leagiie, which BUrpTlaea
even Its foundere by its solldarity, was
formed fo secretly that no European
diplornat had an inklltiK of its pur?
- >
Troops Landed on Lemnos,
Near Entrance to Dardanelles
?Blockade Proclaimed.
Athens, OoL -1. Tha .'Egean sriuad
ron nnd.'r command of Admlral Coun*
touiiotla, arrlved yesterday at Kastro,
capital of the Island ,,f l.einnos. near
the mouth of the I>ardariclles, aud d> -
tnanded lliat the authorlties surrendcr.
Thf Kiuailron to-day arnliored at I'ort
Ifydroa and buttted tr.?>ps, arhleh ad
vnnced to orotipy the town. The ad?
mlral has pro, lain.ed a blockade of all
t! , ptyrti ,,f Lemnos.
A blockade Is also effect lve>)n the
coast of Bplma.
Tha tJLr*">1'" aaa u tiui,u i,?ivnni?ii t...
Idea First Discussed at Ostensibly Social Meet?
ing of Four Crown Pnnces in Sofia
in February Last.
i: .'able tn Th* Trlbune )
London, Oct. 22 T '" "
; formatlon of the Balkan league ls told
: i.y a hlgh Bulgarlan peraoaage, aa foi
lows: "The powi ra nt ? r would !??
thal ae ou d agr e and form b league
' Bulgarlana ai I si!'- " 'Vv'
ippoaed to be lik- i ata and dogs,
,. , ntente betwei n them ?
. . rone Imp >eelblllty ln
VBn no reaaon wl - brothera o
,?.. race and blool end apeakina an
. almoel identlca ,hould r'"
,ilHl? permanently eetranged.
,.ilne? 1880 man: Ihlng
changed. and th. mlliury pa^i b.
,wocountrlea to arhleh Oree
Montenagro gocadad araa raaili
up M i-'ebruary 20 thli rear. whan
Prince BorlB am
reaehed hla majority. On l d
elra apparent of Gi
and Montenegro
durlng the li
dar occuTied the Turl "?? ?*
ia, with trifflng lo ea
?urks Btubbornl: reslBted. bul ?
aiiv retlred on the town of !
mlles to the northt
The Bank of Athena bas taki
yantagi of the bu , ?
b, thi Chamberef Deputlea, permlttlng
banks durlng the war to auspend pa:
ment after due notlce. The bank has
man, branchea In the Turkleh Brr.pira
... uu- .,the, banka ln On. la
sxerclBlng the priirllege granted by
King Oeorge ol Oreece haa n
telegraphic repHea from hla threa
aoeerelgn aiiiea to b rneaaage Inform
ing them thnt the Greea army had
croaaed the frontier. King Perdlnand
,,f Bulgarhi aald:
Kllled wlth n sentlment of aubllme, re
ripro-al snd motual eonildence, ?>ur peo
,,l'.s brothera ?n tha falth. unlta ln a
?acred atfreeanent and aak the A IrnlKtit>
defender of the rlrhts of the weak and
the Drotector of the eppreased to Kuny
the fanrenl prayers that asei-nd to Hla
throne from the four allied uattons to
the (lod of battlea to crown with aucceaa
the lolnt efforts <>f our arms for the trt
umph of th- doubly rlghteoua cause of
faith aad liberty.
King Nlchohu of Montonagro teli -
Our cordlnl greetlngB und most slncere
I wiahea for the vlctory of tha uorthy <i?
I seendants of Tlienilstoelea and Mlltt ld(
I Ma) Ood bleea ou:- efforts for our aa* rea
King Patei of Servia rent the follow
inig aaaaaga:
Truetlng In Ood thBt the force* of the
Balkan states. united In rellglon and led
',y the ti'<td)tlonfal Bentlmanl of thelr peo
ples will ttiumph In thelr ganeroaa
work, I hall wlth oonfldenca lha com
mancemeal oi our lolnl actlon and wlah
compiete Bucceaa for the vaiiant Oraaa
Lieut. Sherman Miles, U. S. A.,
at Bulgarian Headquarters.
Sotia, Od 11. The mintary attachea,
Including I.b utennnt Sh.-rman Miles,
tho Arnaiicaa attachi al axticJiaraat, to?
gether wlth tha frar eOTratpetklanta,
proceeded to-day to tha Bulgarlan
baadouartara al Htar* tamore, in Kast-^
ern Rumelia
The r.ewspaj?er reports to-nlght In
clude the hombardniint and capture of
Loaangrad by the iiuigarians aft-r
aa*aral baerra" 6V Bf)arata tafhtrng
Powers Await Weakening Ef?
fect of Struggle.
Paris. Oct -1 The fears exiues.-ed
in Constantinople of poaWatxIa aggres
p|on by Hussia ln th?- Caucasus. whlle J
Turkey's hand- are fully OCCUplad in j
the Halkatis, ute not ahhrad by the
ITfanch Foreign I >thYe. This waa offl
cially reiterattd to-night. AII the I
powers of both the Triple Alliance and
tha Tripi.- Bateatc raraaln unite.1 in
trM-ir determlntvtlon to locallae the
Bghtiag and end the war at the earlieat
Mediution at the hrst oppot tutiity
h.? i".4>n il?<-.iii?d uuon. and ln the
t a pr ' ? ??mbined actl 11 un l< r
practlcal i.-adership of Bulgaria
nd the fu: ir-. advan
h atate tO ba d r.ve.l fr un
partltlonlng Europaan Turkey rtmatd
ered and agreed upon, ao liu. at prn?
.?nt each oT the four stat.* kn. \\> BX
? ? | .??. ??? -ili iro v.:.
:.qui al "t Turkey
ntlnopli araa nol t?. be ip
n i ? ? ? ? rnI ?'.'?
powera wili 1. lefl t" d
two bonea i- i?.-"n them Tha a i
February 20 are! Bep?
tember ln : I pean power bad tbe
allghteal Inkllng of ihe eslateni a of "???
i. igue. The reallty araa dotrbted even
, tlll ?*> late an ten davs ago, at il,.- verv
n'half afl army eorps was
hipped fron Nleh acroaa the
.-?j.. B ilgarian dl la i
,.i Kuati nd form the hom >
i. \- ),:? ii la no a m i
: loualy toward BaJonl
b ..r th- dlplomata this mav come
battle "he h wlll be
foughl doubtleaa around Adrianople
it is eapected that thla battle arlll he
? i reachlng .i- t" leave both aldea
? ? ikened t<> au< ii an extent (hat Buro
pean Interventlon arould he urelcomed.
Austro-Ita'ian Interests in the
Bnlkans Discussed.
,? ,.\ i -1. 21. Counl Bereh
told, tie Auatro-Hungarlan Miniater
of Forelgn Affalra, arrlved here thla
i vening for a i onferenca wlth iin< Ital
i.ni forelgn Miniater, Marqula dl <;iu
llano. on the .riteinafion.il polltlcal slt
uation. The preaanca her,- niso of tha
Auatrlan imbaaaadof to Italy and the
Itallaji Ambasaador lo Auatrla empha
.. the Importanca of the meetings,
arhlch arlll he largeiy conearned with
p!nn.?. for the further eementlng of th.
accord between ihe powera.
The etchnnge of vpws is expected to
resnlt ln an underHtnnding and to al
lay the Jealoualea of Auatrla and Italy
over Iheh* raapectlva interests ln th?
Balkana n i* thoughl that a t'rnnk
dlacuaalon wili remove (he dangar of
i lash'-s during the war and Btrangthen
th.- authorlt) of the Kuropean concert
when the time for Inteivontlon arrlved.
The naval sliuation ln th" MedltOT
ranean .">s affected hy PYance'a con
rentrattou of her n.ets there wiu be
discussed and ihe renea/al of tha Tripie
AlUance in 11*1-4 wlll he reviewed. This
aubject, however, la llkely to he atudled
more clooely al Bertln In Kovember,
when the italian Forelgn Miniater arlll
\ isit the Imperlal Chancellor, Dr. vou
U. S. May Be Aflkcd to Supervise
Proceodings on That Date.
| I'r.in Thr Trlhimc Mnr, in |
BVaabingtoai, Oet. B. lafernaatlon that
the Nlraraguan govarnmenl haa i^sued a
decrea Battlng Baturdar, November 2, 'or
the free election of a Preatdenl and Vtoe
i i, .... ,;? t. u ind ihe Daparlmenl of
Btata tO-4lay. Tbeta nn. nn preaent In
tentlonfl of the imvernnient <xercl.slng a
aupervlaory haad over tie- aleethwB, hal
should cotalitlons rtevelop warrantiiu'
such actlen lt wlll he taken. It Is .-x
pected thal the noal ten daya arlll deter
uiiiH- tha pottcy ot tha iTntjted states m
this raapei t.
<'nlrn!rl,.|it wlth the announcement of j
the ,-lectloti date, a di i'ttt'h v. as i.rtlvd
by the Ptata Depa^tmanl *ayinK that
President Dtai has heen laformed by -i
COmmlttOI 'f (.roinliunt i Itlz.'iis frmn
f.eon that tin- aduOBted Llberala rep kaa
' ntilldt ti. i- in hla adininlslrallon aml de
atred tn Bupaorl hlm.
Advtcaa arera reoalved to-day that <"<>io
nel I'endielon. wlth ,i force of moimted
nmiliies. pKivlded hy tha Ni( araguan goy
ernment, left i?a I'az far MatuKaipa pn
Baturday, lo taveaatgala oandlHona and
earry th<> aewa that peaoa haa been re
atorad. n is belleved that the thn.a
pMltleaaa of this natura win iio much to
tel|?u>' the untest aud uti'Vi tainty exlst
lng ln many aectJoni of the country.
Dukc of Connaught Returns to
Ottawa for Conference.
; (ittawa, ("it . Oel :i The i >uke and
.: Connaught, lha I inci ? Pat
. and tbe other meaabera of tba royal
pa I-.. who bava traveraed th.ntlnent
I f. m weeki i-t irned ta
. ittawa ' i night, colncident wlth lh<
0f an exl af "The.Caaada O aette"
roatalnlng t proclamatlon calllng Parlla
? to meel November tl. The
. *?* anth . ila itloall) raeelved by
thouaanda at the railway atatlon and were
.. . , idreda of automobuea to
the antran 4- to tbe 1 lovera.al Houae
, . . ? Ottawa
urgently requlred tba
, . 1 i' D atonk,
' publlc Worka, retirea from
mier Borden 1 naval poll
thougb ??? win retaln hla aeal In tbe
III m of 1 lommonj.
iramme tjt the govern*
menl ea l
.... ,....,
-, ? ? ? wlthoul nce of
proi.Itlon to ti e people. Mr atonk
.? 1 anch-Canadlaa followi
poBlng ti.: ? ndl
ture on the people wlthoul thelr mandate.
The govi ecta to Jam l
arammi thi igh Partutmeht, bul only
ufter j determlned oppoaltloa
I ip., ?., be one
,,f | ... and bltter in
: laii artanl aubji
will d*al arlth will ba a reaewed attempt
iti 1 tnanenl tarlff eommiaaion,
. atl I UI the la
lha laal aaaalon b) tha I
Imaoi tant amendmi uta to l
atai the ratlwa;
U. S. May Have to Suporviso
Presidential Election.
Ibuni i;
.? .:. 1 ? :; 1 olltli
meat In Cuba < I ? eli ctlon three
uuks hence la already runnlng hlgh ac?
cording to dlapatchea recelved by the De?
partment of Btati No preparatlbns have
id< b) thia r.r mi 1 t to ?a
p4-rvi-e t ?? ? ? tion, but it \< blnted ihat
billt) ot uch acllon
? ere r, e(\ ? ?! to-da . to the
. fi'. ,-t that ?;- n. ral Monl 14 tal the
? Inati uctli n
and the Interlor have prwented thelr re?
Ignatlons, bul only that "f the laal 4
haa been accepted Polltlcal dlfferencea
cauaed th< realgnatlona, lt 1* undei toud
Only meagre Information hn? lieen re
'???iveii hy tta- gtati Departmenl ragaraV
in< the dlieel 1 uiaa ?<( tha realgnatlona,
bul it is Baaumed tb it tha beati d po
lltlcal atruggla between afenacol, the cor.
aervative candldate, and Zayaa, the rjb
< ral asplmnt, la reaponstbla for the dls
aeaalona ln the Cabtnet, although ii is
reported thal Prealdenl Oomefl ba ra>
rii.iltn ,l nei.tral
Will Not Return to Mexico,
Says the Ex-President.
Parls, Oet '.l Qeneral Portlrlo I'lnz.
ex-l'resldent of afextCO, declari d tti-day
that his Intentlon of nol rati rnlng to
Meslco was unehanged He la Btaylag al
a hotel here, end ahewa great Intereal in
tha newa concernlng his nephew, Keiix
[Haa, atai the taking of tha port of VttM
Orua. 11.' aald, nowevsri that he waa
wlthoul prlvata advicaa from Mexico, and
ontlnued: 8
"Under the rimimataanra. I prefer not
to ezpresa ?ny optnfon relatlve to my
nephew'a Intentlona and ehaaeaa.'1
He aald ba wns not connected ta aay
way \sith the present movement. and that
hi.s only ebjoet was i<> aaa u peaceabta
Mevi, o. whleh tbua weuld ba aiv.n a
< hanea t" develop
Oeneral Dtaa is greatly dtaarbed by la
terviews pabllahed in Parla in whleh ha
has been quoted aa attacklag Prealdent
Itadero. He aald theee atataroeata warel
Munitions for Diaz Said to Have
Been Found at Mobile.
atotdle, ai,.., Oel U The anhoaaar U
li Daataler was boauded aad naarnBal
bera to day by United Itatea ravanoe
omcera, and although govaraaaaat athclala
refuaa t,, aaake aaj atatement, it araa aald
BB g.I authorlty that mnriltlons of war
laathtad ha BtaaJoa ware found oa baard.
The Daataler was booghi from ? hanber
nrm at l'a.scagoula some tlm.- ago. Al?
though tha name of th,- purchaser was
not rev.-al.'d. it was fjax lareil the ahip
was outfitted by aganta of felli Dtaa
and was to sall for \'?'ra Cruz
Thls was the second time the Dantzler
hiiii ,^4-n Bearehed. aaajoral daya ago at
pBkaaagoula oaBoara from the revenaa cut
ter Winona, hoarded her, but It was BBjM
they found nothtng reaoillhllllg conira
baad. To-day's Boarch waa laaptred by
|, ports thal Ihe DuntzlM' had he.-n' taking
aboard muniUohtt al night.
Federals and Rebels Delay
Fighting, but Battle Can?
not Long Be Avoided.
U. S. Makes Representations to
Madero and Diaz?Navy
May Interfere if Block
ade Is Effected.
jKrorn Th* Tribune Ilureau I
Waahington. Oct. ?1?L'nrei tainty exlats
bere over tna situation at Vera I'rus, baat
the l>.|'urtment of State has mnde strong
repreaentatlona hotii to th" Madero poy
ernmenl and to Keiix Diaz. the robei
Ctlli '. that American rights must be re
Conferencea arera held to-day between
Ambaaaador h< nr> Lana wiison, who has
j;.-- returned from llexlco City, and the
Becretar) of Btate aml the Aeeletnnt ???>
retairy of state, rluntlngton Ivllaon. Ne
BCttOU araa taken after th? eonferei.ce, al?
though tin- State Departanent o4Pclala ra*
r-~i.il flral harnl Inforrnation about the
jrrowth of Ui" Dtai movement.
''ommander Hughea ol* the li.-s Moinea
aanl a arfreieaa dispatch to the Navy De
partmeat laat ninht Htating that oontfl*
tiuns were qulet in Vera t.'rui. although
he could not obtaln "rellahl* Informatlon."
Tba city ls fearfUl Of attack. The nies
aage, which was declphered to-day, added
ihat tbe New forh and C'V.m Maii ateam
Bbtp ataajuaanea was planning to dla
cnaraaj ber cargo and that there might be
B08M OPPOOltlOB. This la belleved to mean
that the government for. es will attempt
to prevenl pravlaleoa becoming avallable
to the rebela
The dtspateh from Commander Hughes
fjave nddltlonal assuranres that the fed
eral leader had glven promlses not to
bombard Vera Cruz or to rau.se any t'ncht
ing In the c!ty. It Ib underatood that
Dlaa l.as flven the same assurances, ao
th* foars tlmt there would be a flerce
battle over a poeatbte attempt of the fed
erala to captura tbe city have beea tem
porarlly allayed.
Battle Cannot Be Avoided.
Altogether the altuatlon h considered
BerlOUB, a? It Ifl belleved that actual figlit
lnk' in */era CrUa cannot he avoided In
definltely. Another oocasion for concern
la tba fad that food supplies ln the city
win hecoma eahauated after a few
weeks' Blega by the federals. and that
Americana arlll suffer lf they remaln,
and thelr property probably ba pttlaajad if
they l< - " aame altuatlon prevalla
at Tamplco and otber towns ln contro! of
th* federals,
.\ report ived by the State Der
partment regardlng tha bombardment of
the ':i"a garrlaon, ln the harbor of v.-ia
Ct,/. an B, * nlnaj. wh- n the
farrlaon attempted to joln the Diaz
forcea bn Pera Crua the war reaaala n
tba harbor opened flre and rontinued the
bonbardaaent for half an hour. n wa?
reported that twenty of the (rarriscn were
Tbe naval rolller Rrutua has heen or
dered from Key West to Guantanamo to
tak" on stores antl roal for the Amerlcan
wnrshlps on the east coast of Mextco
Tt* HrutUM wlil m.-it tl." Tamma at
Tamplco and the Dea Moines at Vera
Crua Thla is taken to indleate that tho
I'nlted St-.te* expects to keep the war
Bhlpa ln afeXtCM waters for some time.
Policy of Non-lntervention.
Nothlng that Ambaaaador Wllaon haa
cornmualcated to the Btate Depajtaaant
Influenced Ihe offli lala to change in
i anv respn-t the clearly defined policy of
[non-lntervention In hfealoo. Thla is true,
' desplte semi-ofhYial admisslons that the
! ravotutJonary movement has aaaunaed a
! llon li more serloua nspeet than ever be
l fore. and that a coalition between the
i forcea of the rebel leader flapata, who
i ha-^ for the last fOOX mulntalned a
formldable rebellton almost w-tthln slght
of tha Mexlcan eapttal, and Qeneral Dlaa,
rep rted to ba aupported hv the powerful
The expcnsc and loss of time often
attached to maklnft investments re
dnce materially their earning capadty.
Our Tax Exempt Guaranteed Flrst
Mortgage Certiflcates yleld 4*% ln?
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("lentinco party. might Jeopardlze th*
very existence of the Madero gov.-rnment.
So far, however. lt cannot be eatabltahed
that these hudera have agreed to make
comnaoa rause.
The mllitary sltuation at Vera '*rur.,
according to the last reports to tha '!??
partmerit. was extreni'!y lnterestlng.
Though there was piomlse of an lnipor
tant and perhaps declslve battle betw?-ert
the rebel Diaz forcea and the consldera
hle army that C.eneral Beltran has a.v
?embled ander the government atandard
on the outskirts of the city, lt was c,)n
rtdently expected that the Iniportant for
elgtrintereata n Vera Cruz would eacape
j,o],ardy and loss of the llves of non
combatantl be averted by an agreement
lietween tiie two commandera to do their
Oghtlng outaade the city llmlts.
, ;.i,.-i tl beltran haa sald that he would
pereonally do all that he could ln con
forrnlty wlth ordera from hla government
10 oapture the town to protect lt froin
deatructlon. F"urtherrnore, he told the
forelgn consnls that he would transmlt
r. hla government thelr requeat to re
naln from hombarding thc town or fight
ing in its atreets.
For his part, General Diaz. who la :n
conapleto possesaion of the city proper.
offered to the consuls all posslble guer
antees to llfe and property so long aa he
malntalned control. Wlth the leadere oa
both sldes in this frame of mlnd, the
ccnsula felt reasaured.
United 8tatBB Navy Might Interfere.
According to to-day*8 reporta. eva-ry
thlng ln Vera Cruz ls orderly, and :a
llkely to remaln bo unleaa the federel
gunboats atart to bombard the city. 4"Wi.
. ral Ueltran's forcoa were about ten
miles from town. A poaslble element ef
trouble ls the lseue of a decree by tha
government offlcer ln charge of the gun
l.oats deolarlng the Port of Vera Ona'
cloBBjd. Indlrectly this may drag the
t'nlted States navy Into the afTair. for if
the federal naval commander per*lsts !n
regarding the port as closed and refueee
to permlt the Seguranca to unload the
situatlon would exactly parallel that In
Rlo harbor nearly twenty yeara ago,
when the Amerlcan navy broke a rebel
t.lor kade.
The repreeentatlons of the I'nlted
States. it ls understood, included Intlma
tions that the llnes of communloatlon
from the lnterior to Vera <"ruz and T.itn
pi ?", tha principal ports on the AttanttC
Btde, muat ba kept open for the e.xlt of
Amaiifena Whlle aome students of the
queatlon belleve the I'nlted States might
take maaaiim on Its own account to keep
open an avenue of escape for Amr-n
as lt dld ln Chlna and Nlcaragua, ofhVn'.i
here do r.ot regard such a developmer.*. Ifl
Secretary Knox wlll leave here to-mor?
row night for neverly, where he will :<qr
the arbola situatlon before hreetttaj (
It ls reported that three Mexlcan
sela In Vera Cruz Harbor remaln loyel
to the Madero government. The Mexlcan
gunboat ITogreso ls reported at Puerto
hfaxlco, with Diaz troops aboard.
I.eung I.uen Kang, Chlneee t'onaul,
called on Mayor Gaynor wlth a committee
of (hlnese merehants yeaterday to ex*
pr. ss thelr renret at tho outbreak of the
tor ^' war ln Chlnatoarn. They pr^-r'ed
a letter slgned by ?event>-two ('hlnese
merehants savlng that they d'pW'.'. tha
occurrencea ln the feud of the tonK?. a?a
would do what they could to prever.t ar.r
r^i^etltlor. of lawleas acts.
The Tribune'B Room and Beare*
Register will aave you many a atep.
Consult it.?Advt.
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nccessary and avoW jw,
uneertaloty of traln tin*.

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