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IV WATCHING THE NRW VOKK BNTBR TIIE WATER. girl; Miss EUie CaMer, who christened tl.e rfiip; Secretary oi thc Navy Meye. aud Presidenl Taft.'t to righl Miss Kathleen Fitzgerald, flovver y BATTIESH1P, UIMD Thirty Thousand See Great Hulk Slide Off Ways at Brooklyn Yard. TAFT AND DIX SPECTATORS Miss Caldcr Is Sure Bottle of Champagne Was Broken? President Speaks at Naval Y. M. C. A. Whal you Bllfc'hl <all Ihe larva ?.f a '?Dreadnouffhl found Ita aea legi i Um Brooklyn navy ygri promptly al h o, i<> k. it ara i aty Aot ot Iba hour ihat tba glant hull of th< nei" battleahlp Nrw V..rk, to | .liii.'st flplitiiiR machiii"? afMl i tery brief apace of tin..', began *-iid n*. U kuanl into tl.e water, laavtflg aj trona gap la the akyllita of tl.e navy ' .,-,1 i..,t.r it l_y belpleaa agatnal H ... t ii- ...uth of tba ' - ? ne ihould preaa a l.;;tton and ? Llbrar* *-b..uwi i.a4 k down Into Park, tha effed wo ild bol . .llffer from that produ. I Bobert Btoeker, aenlor . at the navy yard, tuii. Httle valva ^>hI the New York sli.i off hei ?inc Nr-.- Tork waa by far ti.p I bigajoet th,i,_r abota groond in tba - vi:r> backed Ollt, obcdleol 10 an ai,- j Burdl) ti".>" operation. Naval Conatrnetor Btoekar dM hla work j down in a little hoi** Under tbe IOO I -at:<i letta et Weel comprlaed in the New roi-fi hulk. After rec-Tvlna lha last or j any ntnabor r,r roporta (ron workmen al ! th# Mocka and w.*dKe? aloi.R the 671 (aet of tba eblp'i body, he gave Naval Coa toi J K Halley, "Im has h?d i'Ke l of tha ronstrui'tion of the Nt w Vork, and I Chlef Carpenter Lord tha word to throw <\-.*-.-. ti.e levriR thnt llned the walla ">f j their litt)?? eell. Aa hc bbnaelf the \j,l\r handle a twlsl aluuit a gallnt. of water tricklr-d to the groond and the e-n p?r-T>i<--adnous'ht wa*5 on her wav thoTitrli loatii z bar waya. ln Ihp mean tlme. up fihr,\e ln tiie ?*-*?? - 5* Our passing mark is 100r< ! Style, Quality, Value audj lit are the subjects iu which ? wc invite examination. ?Vour money back" hf we iail. As true of our $20 or $251 suits aud overcoats as <>f our higher priced clothes. Price with us is simply a matter of fine, finer or finest woolens. 177'? negljge shirts. Scotch uiadras imported. $2.50 regularly. $1.35. Rogers Pkft Company, Three Broadw. y Str -r?* at at at Warren St. 13th St. 34th St: THE NEW YORK FLOATIXG CLEAK Ol* THK SLII ..,". k-d stand bealde Prealdenl | Tail and Oovernor L'.x an'i any Quaatlty of admiiai- aad generala aad other rn. t. ami women ?if great public promlneace, mikh i.,,i, Calder, daughter <>t fo-u ? man Wiiii.,;., M Calder, BtOOd prei to Bpltnter a hotii- Of i . .. mi iiyi.e on tha veeoi a# i.* *.k Tha bottle, en ? i in aliver taooh t" ki ap the glaaa frtrni Bylng, hung bj a ? ord frow tha rall at tha atarboard bow, a ?or.i amotbered ? |,- rlb.ia wai lha bonored bottl it.'4-lf | Ay ., aerlei of wblatlea blea Mlaa Caldei graeped thi neck of hei mlaaile firrnl* laj both handa. wblle'little Kathleen nt/.- j t, r.-iiii. daughtei .,t Congiueaman John Pltagarald, who attended i.ei as Bower glrl, watehed her arltk a heart thal thumped rlght behlnd her big hlua ".* A sr.-at many other hearta in i!'" Imme* (li.-.t.. nelghborbood wera tbumplng, i""-. bul in Bocret. Tbea a man's volce crled excltedly: "Bhi etartlagr' an.i a deafen tn? whlatla (ron a warahip to porl aonw where BUed n.f world with aonnd. M . ,,l,l,i biouirht the hottlf d'.wn !.;?! '* twlce againat the ateel platea, cnrtai ln a rolca whlch the wi.istie abaolutoly aubmerged "I rhrist4-n thee New Vork " Did the bottle break? Eyearltneooa were ekeptteal aa tbey watebed bn vala ;,, bm the fo.iminp champagna bedea the Ug slilp's platea while hla- slid away Wlth iv.r hicreaalni momentuto, the bottle dowgHng from ber noee. A petlj odBeer 'n the how grabbed tha beiibboned Une, Hwung the bottla OUl and ht it (all ba I nard againat lha veaael agala Tbea he draw it op and eompletod tha Job hy ?uaebtng lt against the bow wlth hla own handa Later Mlaa Calder aald: "lndeed, i dld break thi bottla Tha crowd 4>f COUrae, dld not B'-e It. It was not until U was half over you COUld see th'- v. int* pour out. 6aya Signal* Were Confused. Tha whole troubla waa tba eonfaekMi la ti.e algnarr Wban thara waa one atgnal 1 waa to 8?--t ready. On the aeoond whlatla I na? |0 gel ready aOOM mni.*. and 4,11 the ihiiii whletle 1 wa? to break tbe bottle ?Tne Uat wWatla Mew aad i goi ready The eecond whlatle hli-w and I waa atlll ready. But tbere waa no third whlatla Some oaa yelled, _Ut hV ami lt waa BOl a navy man I did hit lt. I know 1 ,.?, | hit lfl th"' miiidlc of UM ptOM aiul ? li. 1 .tlle BTOkO " l'or mllea Up and down N-W York'* wai.-rft'.nt all kinds of veasela li*t lOO-O wltb thelr wMa-ttea. The aaen <>f tba greai rennlllec aad giay aaonotor hll the Baai I'.iv.n a Blap whlch arnt a blg wave it.K for the Manhattan BbOTO The watet foamt-d and (Uaoed all around her, wiiih- a iie?-t 4.f tnga tiny hy fsompar-aoa, cloaed in like terri.-rs. One of them hunt? ed hei aft "in UM starboard slde and ahe -v.4inf: gradnaUy ap mward tha WIHIaraa* burfl BrMga Othera ateadk-d her on the porl eid-, and aoon aha araa aoaBpletely ?unded and tied t4, tiv-ae busy llttla .. whlcb niw?-.i ber gantly into ber] dock Th, crowd of or more people who bad watehed tbe ahow fi'?m the alde Hne** Bwarrned ovet th* greeaj btoeka which >,,,., j.i.t I ? 1"! lh. ?;t. 4 huttleahip aii"l ellmbed up the loag atat^way whlch bm .1 moment .;.?"?<? had M '" I""' keftjr dei-k* 1? th. ..rn. i.i atand the PiiaM-Bt eftei t*OnCI_tt_ft?ng bBM ?',.liler Itood loohlng long -ifttt thal n.???in.',' i.rt.w. thi muaclei of his faee retasc i aai hl tyta a HtU< *..... i Then i.* tn nad lo ? nt* r I 0, where lunchooa araa read) foi thi gueata of the ... < aalon i he i-u si-ii-nt h.i.i .ii i. ? n fi" . brotber'a houae, In Wart 17th atreel lo the New fork Yacbl Club landlng, ai I??4 IM atreet, arhera he hatl baarded k* viiinii.ii G*eterha**a*a launch. Ue landed ... Oibeon rtrtet, m lhe nary irord, Htui w ati CODVeyed frr.m there tO FMililiiiK No ?.. the headrjuai ters of tha ? ooatrw tlon do* partmenL Aa ha landatl lhe recelvtni Bhip ll.iii. i>. 1. lii'-.l I ' Wi nt v -oni.-gtm ntlal Mtlutc aad ?n the sr-u?hlpa in ihi .mi dn taed thenoelvea n?- arrived in tba ofltetol oteni al i" li o'cioch. Wltb him trora Beeretary Oeorge \..n i, ifoj??,' i.f tbe \hv\. Beefcman wm throp, Aaalatanl Beeretary <>f the Navy; Roai Admiral HtlgO Ostirhims. r-onimaiitl ti* in Cllief of the Atlantic fleet, Captaln xii.iit Oleavea, eommandanl ol the navy yard; Major Thoanaa ? Rhoadaa, _M PreaMent'o mllltary ald, oni Ueutenanl Tifiimoiip, hls naval aiil Army and Navy Well Represented. .\ great many othera Jolned him there, anii-.ntr then Major Oeneral Thomaa ii Barry, cotamanding the Baatern i" I lo t.f thr Unlted states Arn) Brlgadlei Claneral Taaker n Mlaa, commandlng the Departmenl of th<- Eaat; Oovernor Dts and the membera nf hla ataff, .! i*. Mor* Kui niui Mlaa Anna Morgan, Rear Atl mlral Bradiey A. Kihk, commandtng the flrst <llvlsi,.n nf the Atlafitit fl.*ot . Mlas Helen Oould, Pollea Commlaaloner WTaMo, repreoentlng Um Mayor; it. A. ?'. Bmlth; Beai tdmfcal Watt, chlef <>f th.* Bureau <.f Naval Cooetrt* tlon. Captaln Pranh ??* mn. chtef of HtafT io Hear Admiral "? torhaua. ami Captaia E. W Bhorlc oom mandlng tiu- ti.ii.nio flotfUa. of roorae Mlaa Calder appeared thoro early, dreaaed all ln Wttlta, wlth a hugo bOOHUel of riirik roaaa boggod up ti?,'ht to ci*.,- tho p:tipita ?ona M.'t of theae mon anrl aromen followod the Prealdent into ixifi No I for luneheoa _hon Mr. Taft h'-hi ? brlef atti (nfornt?1 receptlon sorroanded by CabbMI nnd mllltar ..iii.-tis He dld nol **?t any of lhe got") ti.ini:^ irhlcb waltafbg waltera \sith Rylm coal talla dlattibated wlth greal dtapateh among tha crowda linlng tha big room. I'ri.m there he npalrad to ti.<- naval room Men'a ChrlaUan Aaoortatloh, in flandi atreet, arbere a gpmnaahmi fMl of sailor* had gatherod to greal and hear him. with him a*onl Be-crotar* Meyer, his inllltaiy aml naval ejkb*, ll> u Ad* iiil nt Ih Osterhaus antl l'ink. t'aptaiiis llilt anii Qleavea captain \v. .i MazareU of the l-'lt.riila and ('aptain .lohn J. Knarff of the ('tiiuiw tn ut. Mis* llrlon OonM, Miss Lncy IV Marka, Mis Vat. NaRM Mlss Anna 1'alni. Mrs. .1 K I,. Davia, "Mi*. Hi.ratio Kln? -nirl Mis. GfcBlfoO P iiai'itiiRton aut mth hlm on ihe atand .' th. itvnulaalum, Whlch, for tha timt* being. ? tifl heen ttirnf.1 ln) . an aUdltOTlttffl Greets JacUies as "Dear Lads." William Bloam. rlc*-ch?lrmaa et tbt International committee of the 'Tovng Men's Chrtatlan Aaaaclatlaa introiiuced th. l*n Udent, who said lo thi lilnej.i.-kets m , Jiar in.i* \v c don t alwaya Kno**** whal is golng on ln tl.e mlnd* and hrids nt thoae whom we aee and meet, ami l auppoae you dld ti"t know if you mere on anv of the eiiip* whlch lt *?*?" my Kii."i fortune to uae ln koIhk to Pai ama ". elaewhere that when i mel on the dei k I aaa juat .ih naueh ambai raaeed aa y.iu W4re, and perhapa more ko, e i ,ii,i noi know whal anvy dlacl pllni requlred me t>. da l would bai ?? lik'-'l lo h .ve t.uked t.4 v,,u bul l ? is afrald thal poeelbly lt , : 11 |,< ii'Ka ,l"*'l an .in InfrinK'-ment 'if dlwipllne 1 could nol ba eva.tly 4-.,i.rt martlaled f."' it. hut I dld not w-nt t?> interfere wlth the ne** courae 4,f dls. hlm** on the ahlpa Tbal i? Ihe>n **hy ' value s"> much an opportunity t" talk to vou here b<K*auae. from tbe platform, be 1 , olftli li r I am al home and can talk I". rou T\!tho'it h.slt.itlon or any fear lhal I m.t* hr-ak th-* t ulen of the well diarlplim \ ?????.' blpa The Prealdehl congrafnlated the men ,,,, theli aplendld clubhouee und aa the .,?,,,.,- ,,f tl..**** WOmen who had glxen 10 them Ro apoke of th.* i*reat uaeful* ?.,. of - ?? 11 Inatltutloaa the worM over, .1 , Now, the tlme **.<s. my i-'i* I have no doubt thal the oMer men >.f the navy 1 an ,.,-,, I,.t w i-n It was tlioiiKht eaa.*ntlal lf wa ? 8.1 BBilor that bjt ahould be , , c,-t ,,. unh vi ri qulokly. l am thal -.11 that aplrlt ha* il fmm tne navy#nd that the Jackle* and Ihi marine* ,,f the Amerlcan navy ran i." counted upon a* KentN-nien wtien ,-xer Ihe". ire | ;t ,,?l, - *?" men who reepeel the flatc they BOrVO under and wlil ii<> nothlna '" brtag - apol opea that ...., itlful emb ? m Thi* ev,,i _d hearty api la iae ar dld tha follow) na 1 ,|., noi ',..'1 to t.-n you tbal tha > , .., ts ?? ,. Ami-i ?? an" kn nu; t., you. , ,. nol *;?. down Ihe stre.-t anywnere lhal ?..'. -I" nol gel tn?- cbeera, and a 1- umethlna 'bal cemea from tba ., , patriotic Amerlcan. be thal Ihej know thal under ...ui blouae* n.-ai bearta t'i?t are loyai io the Bag, Ihat you a.e wlllin? to give ,ui Hvea lo defend lt Tha Imidenl tin.t occiirred the other ila) I BUppoae '.">u all read it is "hala- - lf thal aptril Major Hutler't* .tn n were dreaaad ln too whlte clotboe in K"> up tha lull ami rarn th*- fortraaa down in Nlcaragua Tbey wera given Ighi <>i t< ii miitutea and made ti.eii v im, *-n 11,- ?... dlrt) that they came quit> within the rule of color an.1 wen allowod in i44,n 111 the charge Now Ihat aort Of Bplril ls that er know a> ituetoe all A .4>4'l k IIll '?" Preatdeal Tafl then aaiil goedby, while everybody ataad an.i the band piaje.i "Th"- star gpongled Banner " The blue lacketa remalaed t4> aal and later to at* 4en,i a raoaptloa f<>r Mlaa Uelaa Oould, thelr aeaefaetreaa. The PreeMant aged i', Manhattan, Ship Two-Thirdi Completed. When the New York ls completed ahe will hav.- a mean ti tal dJeptaeeCBent of it.oio tona, a apeed af 21 knot*. and a main battery 01 i.-t. i4-it."h .lt*caltbre iiTes. four BUbmerged H-lnch torpedo tUbea and a aecondar* battOfy Of -1 Mnch raptd flr?-. ..M-rallbre guris, four l-pounder BalUtlUg auns, tWO 1-p.itinder aemi-HUto matlC ItutiH for hoatH. tWO l-lt.'-h tleld plecea, and two machlna K"n* of ..;"> . allbri ?hc la noa aboul II per eenl complete Progreea on h-'r haa b.-rn ihoki aatlo* factory, ao thai although nol due t?. he Bnlahed untll May, IfM, her conatruetora hopa to complete her aeveral montha ahead ?.f tlme. ilace tha iia\. yard began buildlng ahlpa the tlma neceeaarj for theli oompletlaa has been cul down from Bva yeara t" three yeara and less. Tha New fork 1* the third battleahlp to I,. ai ti,4- Brooklyn yard. There the 1 i.nne, tirnt w.m lauached In I9M and the 1 1,, ida in BM Tha Nea v.? 1 k. airluelva ">f armor an.i auna, u iii ?,>st ahout 34 YEARS FOR ROBBERY "Whispering Burglar" Gets Long Sentenee at White Plains. County Judge Wllllam P Platt made a reeord reelerdaj In Whlte Plalna when he Benteneed Pred Pawoett, albu Harrj Jones, a burglar, to thlity-teur >'-ais and si\ montha iu sim- sin?r prlana al hani laboi Tha prlaoner, who waa known as tha "Whlaperlni Burglar." waa aceuaad , 1 robblna tha homea <,f many wealth) Nea rorkora aa Long laland ami wlth rttaUwg a larga amoum ef lewetey from-. thi- ho. Oi I-'rank II i'hiimb?-rs, at Hri.nxvlllc. i-'nw."tt. when be recolvod the Beateace which wlll k.-ep him ln SitiK 3itiK for tl.e i-.-.-t ,,f his lif.-, slmply .?"ald: I thank you, Ju?1k"' Aa ba had aaen Indjclod alao f<>i carry* Ing a n-volv.'i' and for att.-ini'tli.K to klll Um, Muunt Vernon patrolm. n aftei tbe Chaanbera iwbbery, .1 mi-a;. eiait eauM havo Kiven him aantoneoa aggregatlaa cloaa to nrnet) years. Th.' burglar admltted he bad *ierved (Our terma ln tha 4 >i*i.> Mtate prlaon. Ar cordlng t"> Chlef ol Pallea Foftby "f Mouat Vernon I' la under lndictment for ti.e murder of a BaHeaaaM al rouaga* town. tihl". Illllllllllll-"""""""".???. FarJl Overcoats at Sharp Reductions Could wc but predict the weather as well as we make Overcoats for Men this Sale would not be. Frankly we're a bit Overstocked. Weather's been too warm. To-day?almost Novemb_r--coats are still unneeded. But those cool, cooler. colder days are on the way. Get that medium weight coat now. Make clean SAVINGS cf $3.75 to $6.75 and in cidentally assist us to make it !ook like Winter Days?indoors if not out. At their original prices these coats are singularly attractive. Most of them are in the more pleasmg light colors The approved short length; trim, conservative models. All full lined and sleeves are lined with satin. V_> WDtA SAME <***De-TWL\_iOWNtRSHIPjSINCE W451 sSffis?_sss?^ Fall Overcoats $11.75 Cut from $15.50&$18.50 10 Klll tl, HE SAYS Ex-Head of Law Department Swears It Cost $8,000 to Throttle Kansas Measure. ??FIX IT UP," HE WAS TOLD "Procedure Not Unusual," Wit? ness Declares?McCormick Co. Dividends 463 Per Cent in 13 Years. Chlragoii Ocl M.?-Taattaooni tha! tha IntcrnaUonal Harvaotor Compaay In 1003 ;,.,!,! a. law Brm a faa of IS.OOO to defeat a MU ,n the Kanaaa Lagtalatura de.?i*;nrd to pruhlliit the i orpor-iilim from ualtig an >xclualva ajrer.t" clause !n Its contra. ts vt, it ii i"* repreaentatlves selling on iom mlKsion waa glven to-day hy notlin B gwlft, former head of Ihe laa ddpartiaa-t Of tiie M.rormlck Harv-Mer Compaiiy aad later with th* oaf-toHdatad raaoptn*fi at tba heartag of 'he government' dissolu t?Ml' \1i Sw'ft testifled that he was mstrurt ,,i i,., cyntt h. Mi'i'onr?i< k. praatdaad of ntei ^i:..nai llaiToalOf Compaay, nd C-arlaa Daartng, chalrwaa ei the e* ..utlve t ommlttee. to no la Kansas and "iia it np " The Witn*?a snld he ?rran.bjoi l uli W. H, RoaatDgtO* of tlio law tlrm of rtoaalnifa Hnatai a smoth. of Topeka :. prevent th? passnge ot the bill, ar.d that latei* the flrm presented a bill for $>*,<)00, Wblch wa-i paid. II.. -.ti.l /h*re w.ta nonie delay in the, I., ym*t * '"*f 'he attorney*' bill, nnd Mr, nnaalngton was ?i.iiged to make l,|p t.> ('iii.aKO hefore lie rerelved tho monOff. Bwill derlared that Mc Itosmnt** -jrho dlad oaanral years ago, told him thal ha had expendrd the money ln pre rentlng ii*- paaaaga ot th- MH ln the kjiihk* Legiatatara Conaultad with W. J. Calhoun. Swift addai that bi*foie he -\etlt to Kanaaa Cltf be dismssod the proptval mnn , . > v BantlO] ..nd W .I. GglhOUa, i , vmerirati Mlnlater to (.'hlna. who then waa "f counaal for the .iiternutlonal Har trster fompany. and tha' Mr. Rentloy -inid he waa oppoi-ed to an> thlng that waa imt "stralght." Kdwln I". t;roavenor. -.perlal asais'atit to Anon..*. Ooaaral Wkhaialiaaa, introdure.1 lha aobjact bf readlng Into the rerord the inlnutes of a dlret-torn' meetlng of the Interaatteaal llarvester Compuny. (ftllm** i.ttintit.n to the HU pendlng ln the Kan? sas L4f0alatura and authorlzing ryrua II M.tornilrk and I'harlr-s Deering to take auch aotlon aa they deemed neteasary. ?Dld the I'ill pass?" abkrrt Mr. Urosve nor. "II da! n<.'." rrplio.l the wltness wlth a !*niile. "Waa lha procadura ln the Kansas mat? tei- unusual"" ' It was not unusual to emplov attorneya in aoeh mattera " Big McCormick Profita. ,-v.ift t.^lifle.l that tht* j.rolltH of the M, i'..rn',i.k lliirvesler < 'umpanv aggregat ad flH.flOO.OOO for the >e>ira, 1900, 1901 .tn.l l *??.:?. although the f-<>rporatlon was eapltallaad for but |t.lM.0O0. ii. eontraatad tha chaaga ln huainaaa methods after the organlz.ition of tho Tn ternatlonal ifarveat-r Coaapaay with the methoda prlor to I00S, **hon ho said com petition batwaaa the iiiffeient tonipaalaa vi as koep. rrevious to the organlzatlon of the nllegod lomhinatlon the ronij.antes, ho *,ald. varlod thelr prltes to moel com potltlon. took old DMCMbOO ui trade and allowed for repatn* of new ma.hlnes. Bdgar A Hanrroft. of fouin-..! for tho>j .'??fi in-e, 111 a statement. said later: Tho Internatronal Harvest.r t'oinpaiiy tt ftisotl lo pay the hill of $R,'?m )intll at'tor -_i Koaalngton had **l?lt?Jd Chlcago and aaaurcd Cyrua ll M-eCormlch ami other ufllcera of tho ptmpan) thal money had not Improperl** tM,*<.i in defeatlns tha hlll m ihe luu?wa ?aglalature. Thal wui %?. 11 \- the tOO was not paid moiv I promptiy. Befora ba dled Mr. Roaolns* ton wrota a letter to the Attorne** i.on eral <?i Kanaaa, In whlch he atatod he ' had nevar uaad monoy iniproperi>- tn do* ; featini any loglslHtlon. Thls entire 1.1 waa aireti antl tioniod b\ Cyrua n. MeCormlch in the Benator l.orlnu-i Invca Ltlgatlon. Tha truth <>f thaaa ehargea was dlaproTed aafaral jreara aga, and thera lo , noiluiif* new in the rgw Bartfl toatidod thai the r-ueatloa of ar* ganlzlnK the .niui.Ino was first dlaCU?Wd wlth Ma hy maaahora af tba m<'< omdeft , f..ii.ih oarl.v ln l!>L*. Iio w,iit to N. u Voik -Aith Cyrua H. MaCat?riok aad nal .1 1*. Morgan, i'ooi?. W. Perklns, l-. i? ! Htetarn. VV. N. I'romwoll and Mr BtOW 1 ari. head of one of the large trtOM oom Piinli-*- 'tn- wai there two <la)*4, antl ;.ro I iimlnary MbbumIom in ragoio?oo to the formation of the comhlnatlon were hel.l The witneaa said Mr HtetB'.n asiured thotn that the aaaaMnatooa eooM he fOrmad Withoat vlolating the law nml that Mr. Morgan would tlnanti th- proposl Hon. I.ater they talked wlth Mr. Morgan, ? TKA1CWOCD .IGHTL1 i.tiv, i:r than y.r.w Wt >"i> ii: Ifl ?, st io PERFE" 1 I ?a, for 25 EARL & WILSON SHIRTS5I_?ANDM0RE AMUSEMENTS. PCMTIIDV lbe?.. ?'.-'? I a "'?n.1* k W i: * 1" -CRIUnT , . . Day a Wed.**:.!) THE DAUGHTER OF HEAVEN Blbargalaofy*rt I PRICES 25c TO SI.50 Wdl l APk"\ ' ' s -? ?? "iM" "" UST4T,MESfNEWSIN Ma -?? ? I 4?,ir U ivea, ? I I '?? I IIIMIII 3441 W 44 Bl UTTLE 3 . 1:45. Mall Bat . t: ? Da - ANATOL ELTINGE,V;\ ?g , WITHIN THE LAW BFKBTHS; IJHIONSQ. !*,. hWrXNK THEATR5S I i : . Robert*. r e - en.e Toinp. al | ? Morton A N'mtnu Qlaae -?M,n_lll H'?<?>'? l J";i" Mciiraw, Raj Cex. I U.UrllftL,?_?_,,. s- Maud. I.ambe ALHAMBRA Ht.. M.H rt ? i:: - .?:,, BraatBall, "OaaeeDra_-B " Ave.., Mra Langtry, San. Chlp tt Hi _ Man- M.irt.le. Bonlta * Mata Mc Law Heara. Kate Wataon, OP 1HK DBEP 11 itri V IM, Eve 1,',-jle' Daiiv Mat 10--'.". HARLEM | dci aCPfi Weat 44th st ??. ?? I M Mata BCLAdVU r, .gay, aal * Bleo. f>.,- I -?'? "MISS STARR TRIUMPHS" !". DA*. 11 > BRIaAfl praeenti FRANCES STARR riil: ( Agg OF BH KY. ncniim lf* v "; Kw" s '?*? N**'" ?*?? ntrUDLIM gxi st glee.Dey & Wed I 11 Wllll-in Bllletl and Davld Beluaco preaent |. GOVERNOR'S LADY NMV AEOUAS HAI.L. 84 Weat 43d Sl. _S|GALSTON at -" '0 I The Fan.oua Munn I. t'Uma. 7.*.. . tn tt, at Poi Offl. ? and froni Mgr M H. Heaoea. 4Sf Bth ave. Ntelnway Plano. lAg t-fCQED'C H'**--v A -f?th St. Kva a H ?JUC IIEDCn ? Wata Wed A Hat.. |J| A SCRAPE 0' THE PEN *?%?? 44.1. St. Eve S 10 B*wa MAT K\ RRT DAV AT BIJOU ry- RAINEY^AFRICAN HUNT jjAMMERSTEIN'S 1} M-l* '.'.*> * Mi "Ruhe" M?r,nnr,l _r it'??., Seeler # 10 OTHKIt IM.i A" rs who confirined what the attorney had told them. Mrs. McCormick and Sona Thera. C. U MeCormleb and the wltneaa re-j turned to Chicago., ani in a f**w da>? Mr. Str-ts.'ii atlil nn expert ac.ountant foi- j lowcd end atfaln went over the plan* Those -uafaaOROaB were held at a hot* I. aud Mra. C B. M.formi. k, ar.. and ber three aona were pi?..>.eiit. ln July, U__, thr Rli 11? made another ..isit to KOW York wlth CjTfM U., Harold i and Slanh'V MaCOt-Bl6k and other offlr. ra ; of ihe lompiny. and after two week-- Ofj confereneea the gnai plaaa for the orgaa* i/.atioti arere taoMad aa_ Three -rueteea were to ba BetO-tOd to vote the Mtook so mh to prevent any Inilivi.lual from 0b* talntng i-ontroi 4.f a majorlty <"f the Bhareai gwtfi tr*titi.-<i The orgaatantlea waa perfoit"<i la Aagaet, IMI Tha wltaeea BaM tha MoCarartcli Hai** veatlag "'.".npaiiy waa capttaNaed f>>. *-. iagBM and In MO* IMI aad WM Ita prodta aggragatcd MMMidMi !!?? -;4i"i In the thlrteen yeara prlor to tha eanaaUdatlon ii?. cotnpaa* pii.i dh-daada aggregatlng ui', p.-r cenl Tha i>..?j1v value of UM eaaa*: p.ins'H property in UB waa Il2.n0i..-i?.. and in iMI n bad growa ta HAMMM, Thi* lncreaae, ha oaplalnod, pUe.i ap from the earnlnga FIRED AT TORPEDO BOATS. Stai.l'-ia Node, ah Italian fruit deakr. 4,1 N.,. IM Weat Mth atreet ?a* io,k.-<i up oa Tueaday iuk' t. ?? IMh _tre4U anu the Noi t li I'lv.r. Charged wlth \lolatlon Of lha gttlllvaa hlW. No<le k4'epa a stand oii the Bler thera, -uA ha* hr.-n doing a ttirlvini; hiiHtn.'K* Wltb tbe -ailors ata tloned 44M board the *ix torpedo taiats ln tlu rlv.r When a a.-or.' of theirt Martr.l IO l">k?- with hlm ahout 11 o'.lo.k. .Stan ista drew a revolver and ilred aeveral shot* The sallor* had; then th. frult dealer Brod a fea aliota at the lorpedo hoats Althougli none of tha sallo. * ivould mak** a complalnt againat hlm. N.nle waa held without tail bj Maglatrate Carrlgaa, ln th* VNVi-t" court. AMUSEMENTS. M-AV VORK'H LKAPn<q_ THEATREQ. ryniftC B*way A40th flt Ev-*t. at 1:10 CMrinC j-ti Sat.,El?c Day a W?iH:1A JOHN DREWi*.i*S, -THI. PKRPl.KXI.n HtHB^yp?, I YPPIIIf Weet 40th Ot. Bv* O'OOOhaB*. I LlW-lfm .*,;,-. To-0ar. s'a:. a El-^Day. MISSBILLIEBORKES;rP ?TIIK MIM) THE PAIMT' g__*S PRITFRIAM**'??>' >>rt **?*. KlgbC 8ACHCL0RS & BENEDICTS .?tlon. GARRICK I Blec r.av kWoLtiM IMK I .1 Mt.l.K.iU ln ?)-.? p?w?tfj: Play. TIIK ATTMK [i-i -. in auil ' ..* Tha .'hi*' L ' ? ' i t i I I ? i john MASON uiincnti u " **?'" ****** nuuoun _av A w>a ????5. "Helen \1 ure ttiperh. tOtt iaatiiif. ItrilliMDl." QLOBE ?>>oe? eiqui<4ite nttrk.*' W..W * I Itintr* true and a'nuin*." HELEN WARE ,,".' TRIAL MARRIAGE FULTON *>-at? : -t M THE YELLOW JACKET PARK v'' .:::*?-" Mat* "Anl*. -.*. ? d 00a! - Si " ". Ma I last ! Ueek... Kitra Mat. Kle. tinn llar CLIFTON CRAWFORD V\.[{'-*T HARRIS m? v vm ? A RICH MAN'S SOK NEW AMSTEROAM Mata Muat ? THECOUNT ?LUXEMBOURG I vlr:t Matini* LIBERTY ;v ,' ^ MILESTONES I t.lra Matinee Kle.linn Day. I IQCDTV ?? ?' ! -* BvaO:1-"i Mat- Weil LIDCnlT g ..,. .-, \\n* -,, M I ? \ and 1 KnoM.iu-h Ixlra Matinee l.le.lii.n T)ai. kiiii'kerl-niker R ta :;- l.l '** Mu-. ?.4i. tn.l Me.. Da, and Wet. .':1.*. The I :*.( \l,.r,| ln foi.i-d. OHt OH! DELPHINE MOUUN ROVCE ome Mata. >ui.. Kteetlaa l>a.? antl HH. .' || ZIECFELDFOLLIES fiilFTY '? ?' ',nd ??,,h' l "* ? uaibii Mataaat.JQec.OsyO v. ?? i \-t .* herko ot .- li. H fo * In Year-. I 1 4 1 I V t.r-orce V.?h ?? d I'd ?arrl *lh?l?? GLOBE.>"u?*hm*?b:,???,* * ? ' B 0 M Oi [MmTMg*MTMbT*t & Stone Mat Fislc Jania I\i. , . n TheLadyofthe Sllpper rr alJ^k'.i^Ji.'/.J UNDCR MANY H.AC*> 4 nmplete V.w Bpe? ta **? WINTER GAROEN &?"&?"?' # i! ' 3 -Illl: PAMMMO SHOW ?l 1010.?4 ?iftlli Ht. rt... .'IU. nr F'v Ut* Ral El< f$S! The Blindness of ft ?aahattaa Oo. H??. 34th A Oth Av. ??*?-? ?(? SOTHERN & MARLOWE &ni5ki_? "j putmouse r.,h. Ltf.l.:r_.W-J LITTLE WOMEN] Miiinr glltotfa Th. lOth b-t By A < *? _ 1 - U, READY MONEr 48TH5T.THEATRErr V.^*^ Bt-ft: uttle miss not n?_; a < a?i?? r. .'? _vO:ia'"M?a?atEi-_____| THE MERRY COUNTESJ Willlam . .in-. ? COMKDV. llet.E.of R ??J -;;.! J.:,;;; FANNY'SFIRSTU I.VRIC. 4*M.W ofB*wa> Ev.0:13 M ? ?_! THE MASTER _fi HOUSE \\ I nitiivi)'' *?> ' '? a -. tn* rn f. - " *"\ HANKYPANKY^.T v \,.v \\ . Il.e *,la?ler nf Ihe COHANS v',1 .?; i\' ' GEO. M. COHAN -bro uW'-,* ioxw ? CTAD H IS Laat S NlaMa AolUn St. Laal Matlne.- Sat '.'_ THE WOMAN HATEF M\T mon. DOUULAS FAIgBA.NkS ln To^daV" HAWTHORNE OF THF. UJUL \ Romantii* i'i.** by Bernard ^'if*'n QRAND 8MMS Hi ?!? mai? \^xi Mon. K?i4lle F??y ln "Ovar tha Ri'**"'T \KOI.IAN HAI I.. Monday Aft.. *xoi. 4. nt Ui ARRAI] I'rltna Ii.'.ma Mme. lll.AM*HI 7,-,t* n> $*.' Mauaaemant Leudon C^arltaa^l. FOOD SHOW ,!^*_a A.l.nis.-io.i We. 11 A. M te 11 F. I_l liel home nf Ihe fr*? aamplea anO -*_?__ I ni le sam -.'.Ivea the co?tj>f iirlog pnOtam, DAtvs !4, vit*;sr^ .?iff-.ascp SARAN BERNHARDT Q,?:.,.,;.',_, 5tkOWC B***a>._lTnOaai *h?w. ro-e ln Rf C. jsth St. j Boota." Thoa*4TEBtam !?_:? Mai_0-&0';lara.l'vaT?rlorACe?4