OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, October 31, 1912, Image 13

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1912-10-31/ed-1/seq-13/

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paragraphs of Current Interest
for the Investor.
uatening la wvaap apeaJMBf and the
v hw-av booatara of thelr reepeatlfa eaa
*?,,!, fnr electlon these daya Ls llke
"tlpa" rrom Interested boosters
'f certain BtOCkB ln tho market. Botb
mic ar.d atockfl muat depend on thc
vc't.. aecure an trnpreaatTfl following
.ndauprort. Ti.-- art Pk-nty nf "cate
* da-B" ln Polltlea as well aa among
? "Jew. but there are only a few leaders
Ir, elther. ...
Livestock in Argentma.
?Ln ho* heen m-Ch talk of the Kreat
.katant. ArganMna wlll he to Um Unltad
otTe- in the natt-r ot meata. A report
niitted by th* governm?**t of Cbabat,
1! then. Urgentlna, rrtatea that there are
wln ch.-.-"- aboul 6.000.000 ahot
ay) head of cattle and -OCu-oo horeee, atc;
ISM there were only IMM sheer. IMM
tie anri M.000 huraaa. ln ona dlstrlct
l*on<* Ca-naronea, there ara 810.000 aheep.
8?d iron. om aatanda Laal year 140,000
(k... wool were ob
Ml fn-m 878.090 Bl.P. whlle another
which has aome ?.0M head of c.ittle. sent
to the various markets ln thr republlc. 7.000
j^ers it" tot i oondltlon. Thi- Oarmaru
alci are worrylng abeiM the hlgh eoat Of
meats At l'iar,kf.>rt meetings have baea
heid and rfcc-ntiy reaolutleMa w.-re adopt
?_ pdn catlng the Importation of ttvaatock
and naat from abroad. especialiy of re
(r-gerBted meat frt m Ai -cntlna.
The Crop cf Wealth.
i,l, r what it mean? to
I enjoy ai'n-h a y.-ar
of cro;> proaperlty. Th.- 1-11 harveel wlll
brlng to us prnctlcally AMO,000,000 ol r? w
wealth. Thls va-t BUM will be 4 . r
oent on tha total estimati-d wealth of tha
Tnlted Statea and wlll add about $1" per
oaplta 10 cv.-ry man, womnn and chlld ln
thle country. With buslness conducted
a'cn* lagitlmate lines this Increase ln
reaources will mean n development of
commercial at.d IndttBtrlal actlvity whlch
wlll reflect linprovem.-iit UurOUgbOttt the
land, irrespective of politics, religion or
forelgn war.".
Panama Hat Importations.
The Panama hat Induatry. wblch eentree
ln the districts Burronndtng Medellln and
Bucaramanga. ColoaMa, mac!.* a wonder
ful glWWth during the last tWO years. aiul
the declared exports to th. United Btatea
ghowed an increaseil valuatlon of 087,135
over thoaa 4 1W0, tha total declared
-alue for the year betoi IB-Ml*. Aa a rary
. i ] quantlty of ti-.cs- haU ?
Europe (about 14 per cent), it bet
evldent thai thfl grea! rnark-t for this
line of gooda la tn tha United Bl t<
aruie only the Infarlor gradea of Pannma
hats | .,, outaldeoountrb
hlgher grade hats being ke; rt : r ti -
The Coal Trade.
In Its weekly review of the -oal tra.le,
?The Toal TrHiie Journal" says tl l
triracit,- market Bhajf-fl arltb the soft coal
buslness the growing Btl I *?hte_
tin- a.Jvitj, Ing aeaaon anturall; devi
li, tbfl coal trada and whlch thla year ta
more acute thna uanal Yet under the
favoring lnfluence of mild weather thflW
' rn the way bf the *
ente that mlght an.l pW*
.,1 under otler
tly in
m of mlne capnetty, bjgh pricea pre
,n much of the coal that n
. itl tbe r, tail prl ?
li ereaaed |n many cJtiefl ^nd b
|| |e WOrtby of comment that i." ad?
vantage is takvn of the apgaranl
tun.ty to ? eonaunH r a:. ?*
aive prlce. On ull hands is the ilesii
fjceefliu to ? 'looh aft.-r our trade" aad ln
plneaa tba pto-t-aiMng prlcafl
Maa aet return than dM th.- lowar i
of the summer 1-8BOn
ivt.n Canadlan. the n.3on.ooo ,0>n
pan\ opemtli,;-. the old QobftM Oeatral
Company, Bblpped Its firat car of eoncen*
tratea laal waek, The Penn Canailian
purchased the assets of the fol.alt Cen?
tral Company, the latter concern now
being defQOCt,
Tn IM-t-l and for some years later
Brltlsh Coiumhla was a c ntre of attr.u
tfon for mlnmg men. Tl.e Le Roy. Wet
Eagle and other famous mlne- of thal
peritHl lost BBUeh Ot thelr glory ln lat'-r
yeara. But mining cn'ittions in Baaaland,
in which tha a.tivitv was at lt* haight,
and the B-BBHer in Trail. wh.ic Al
tiie lieiti-. a_M promlnent, ar.; stlll v.ty
actlve, aorordlna to il H. ?aaafait, of tba
Canadlan Consolidated Mining & 8mcll
ing OMnnany:
"Our propertles there employ about M0
men,'* he say*, "ami ahlp tM-rt tpn? ol
ore to our amelter at TralL Tha old camp
la far from being worked out, Md 8P
otly l.as many reara of llfe ahead oi
it ana has produced m<,*0-,J"y ?n gohl
elnce Jta dlflcovery. The Trail amelter,
enrploving nearly 4."0 men, has a monti i\
production of between H08.000 and 1W.O00
worth of g".M, silv-r. COp?er and I'-'i'i
Acr*orrl!.:g to 8a otticlal statement i
by the company, Ophlr mining Opera*
tlona, alaca June **. 1910, have shown B I ?
tons ot cre. yleldlng a gross value of
SCi.^nm. or 8 net value after deductmg
freight. working chargeB and mllllns o.
nu,<A<> at
The Jumbo Extension Company ls t.e
gotlatlng ior the purchaae of a K<>:'1 prop
trty in c.-Uifornla that ls reported t4.. B-MW
ricb values
A statement of aaseta and llabiliiies has
been filed wlth the Massacims'tth s
tary of State t>y the Electric C*orrx?ratlon,
whlch waa Incorpornted In Malne. Vo\
lowlng are the Items of llnanclal condi?
tion thla year, compared wlth .011, as of
August 31
Aasete? 1.12 IMI,
Caah ond dubta rccalvad. |!?S4.;i.'.N |i *.T'.'.4i4l
Mlacellaneotia . 1.411.0-41 1,34*1,1134
Proflt and loia. 2,4i-.j,4it( -,;;?.<,..;..'
Total- . W.4-3.?4io BB.02B.300
<-apita> atoclc . |8.*XKi.00o B*l,HOH.'"4K,
Gold deheniurae . 1,M4."40H 1,1444,300
Notto payable . 4TD.00O 47*...*e,
Accuunta payable . - l(i,.y<i
TotaJa ..". f-,4.3,30O $_.u.l4.:ioo
The statement of the I'niied Oaa Im?
provement Company shows that during
the quarter . ndej September 10 the gaa
meae'jred and soM by that compan\- j
amounted to 2,124,0K,G7O cublo feet. The
amount of money collectvd tn that nui.r
ter for gas aold during the th.ee months
and for sales made for prevloua quarters
was 12,083.^. recelved ln payment for
2,093.MO,300 cublc feet of gaa. The amoun?
of money due the clty of Philadelphia on
theae sales under the. terms of the leaae
of the Philadelphia gas works Is 1314,070.
Th8 amount paid the c|,y duilng the same
quarter ln 1911 was fUH
It ls reported that a svndl. ate, com
poaed la gely of iiouaton nnd Heaumont,
Tax., men, has in eontemplatloa tba
buildlng of a new ayatem of eleotrk tra"
tlon Unea ln the state. Recently the syn
dlcate ol.tMlned a franehlse for a line be
fween Auetln, the capltal of Texas, and
the city of Lockard other ? _m ,.
be conetructed, U ,? ??,?.
The c"itiif?rnla Ra?roa,, rornrnl?.on lias
-rraated tha city of PaSa(lona permjaaloa
t.. Pan-haai the Paaadma Land aad
wawr < ..mpany, th.. Paaadana-L-lu
\ ii.eynr.-l UI1(j Md W;itf>r ,-:ompi|?y ?,?,
""' N"Ith Naadona Land and Water
1 ":*'!?.).?. The ,.,v wUl control Ita own
water supply h.reafter.
I'rcposalo win bo received until 12 noon
on November || by XV. H. PattefWtt, City
Audltor of Steubenvllle, JafforaOfl County.
Ohlo. for the followlng 1*4 per cent booda:
$.',800 improvement bonds; denomlnatlon
(1>4 1300; (-,,, |||9; ,|UPi v-,0,1 i? odd
years on March 1 from lfll to ItU, in
tluslve. and ||t0 on Mnrch 4. 1914; '.?,
?Wl apparatus purchase bonds; due
March l, un, Botn -ss,irs an* dated
October 1, im.-. Arcrm-tl interest to be
paid l.y the purchaser.
Roi kland, Plymouth County. Maa** hu
BOld an Issue of $3.r..000 4 per cenl reg*
latered tax free refunding loaa bou.11;
duo, $.1,500 annually from August 1, 1113.
to 1922, lii.'luslve.
Al public auctlon in Dclawar***, Dela?
ware CfOnty, Ohio. the Board of ?'ounty
Commlnionora wiii nfter $11,111 4'-. por
cent dltch bonds OH November 4 at 1
!?? m. Denomin'ition, (10) $.".00, (10)
Date August 31, 1M2. Due. $1,1***.".
Mtul-aiinually from March 1, 1*413. to
beptenber l, 1917, InclualTa
K is reported that Klyrla. L0raln
'ounty, ohlo. hns approved ortllnaii. >M
pii\Idingr the Issuancc of $10,000 otreet
?'m ment, $1,000 onder eul nhe dtjr'a
pottloni, 121,100 cemeter** aml 11,000
tfiwe* conatruotlon boi
The eiectlon held in OrocnfMd, I
c...inty i..w.'i, October 21 to dedde .>i. tba
'1'iestit.n to Issue $1,000 electric llcht plan
i 0M .irtton bonds reoulted in l favurahle
rot* ?
No hids havlng been received on Octo?
ber 2.'. for $55,000 4 p<-r cent aobool loan
l.ond.s of Mount Vernon, N. Y.. Kdwln Q
Hienvenu, Clerk t.f the Board of Bdoca*
tion. wlll receive proposals until Noveri
bar 4 at S p. m. Tht* bonds are reg
latered and dated November 1, 1*911.
lirmei. Ratea, opened ;?'-.? per cent, innii
e-*t 6, 4-U.sini: tM per cent. Tlme mon< ?
ffrm. Rates, .'"?,'"'' pt i ci nt for alxty daya,
I per eent f..r nlnety daya, 5%{jti per i > nl
for '..ur montha $\ p.-r cenl for tive and
six montha. Mercantile paper aupply
moderate. Ratea 6 bei cenl for alxty t..
? daya mtSoraeff, and choice four t>i
six montha sinpb' names.
change eaay Yeaterday'a quotatlona: I '? -
nterllng, 4.M%; cables, 4.b6%; alxty
day billa, i.v,. Bhorl francs, 6 19 ?; ahorl
n u ka, 94%.
. :se... alRhl Sc, telegraph 6c; Chicago, ltv*
premlum; N.-w Orlean-j 60c dlaoount, bank
i; premlum; Mlnneapolte. 16c premlum;
Boeton, par; Bavannah, buylng Hl per
int, aelllng par-; St Loui
unl bld, 15c ;. ki l; Charleoton. buy*
ir -.* par, Bolllng l-".n per ?'i-nt premlum.
8ILVER MARKET Har sllver in I
don was easy and unchanged at 29d, <*
decllne ot 9-1M.
rhange on Xew Tork wns quoted at 101*4
ui changed
ByB-TREASURY. The Unlted M tol
Sub-Treaaury waa h debtor at Uie C
Ing How*.- yesterday to the rxtont ni
HANK" CLEARIICOa New Y,.rk, ex*
change W2.669.2**f*, balance 114.609,271; Boe
ton exchangea 129.151.874, balancea, 11.127.
475; rittst.Dii.-ii. exchange* S9.84#,I1S; phll
... ? \. ) angea $27,991,923, ball
125; Baltlinore, M.81I.1M, balai
$949,934; St. Loula, exchangea $HMMM,
1960,007* ' hli air.,, exchangea $54,
6, balancea t:.m.:<::,.
(l.irrdahed hy fhnrl?.* >l-a I & fo, No. 14
Wall street.)
Bld. A**k I BM. .\tk.
I'o.tr.n liind. fi 7 ! K***t Itos l.t! 16% 14
\m Ag C-aai M*aj 67% Qeo Rj * Bl.ia IM
lo rref.1*) I1***1** I'-1 l""*f . ?* '. *4
Am I'nrtim... 4 4', Maai Bleetrtc. I'i', r* ,
| . pnt. l?\ B Mh*-- Oaa. M M
Am T t T. 141% 142V 6 pret. M ?
.\m Wool Pf. '.. M4 Rotary Htni? tktj
An Zlae. t*H bV& Bwlfi l Co I06*4j IM
Mexican Tel. 3-4 4 M< .?r^ii Uni
Nhv y.ng T..H1 Ul I'nlted Bboe... S"'i M'ti
Chlc iU Tdi IM Oe pre*. MM
t . vrei.101 Ci.lt*. 1 Fi
-. 1 fu. 171*4 "74
Hos A Alb... ? 21*> I K * W Kl Pf. M
}u,a & Maln- ?1 1 N V N II * II IM 137
l'o-ton El'-v.l2:*4 V2$ WrftEltRrN M
? \v BL V. M :
?ATAT CTt4-> <?S B%\ ?AT*T "vt 4.-. 113
Ahnie-k ?-?'. Bi Maee Cenaol.. ??'? J4
Alloues . ? ??'' "?''?"* . *L -
ArcadUB. ^ I M;'*.</?? r .... U% U
..,.,,1,1 1 ? ' MPtml .*% .,
ArtaCoa.:... M VA lfR___^OM" t \>
__._ X.'- 40- I N)'l*-?l'iX * J ?
J ""i ??.i." 0 7 North ll.itte... *_* H
?. xH?i' v. t Worth Lake $% 3',
111 l'f c\ Mlll .' ?. * , ,, , . . . . , B." Q,"
C-UAHW-M6, ?? gJ^V.V.V.VlM W
,-r ton-.... m ^*J Quinci . sf.^.
' 1-ir":.?:,. -,4 iuj f.,i..-.!... ni b%
\ "V *-!_-" i^ 4 s?",? IV. 51 I
?"";' t, ., ? il? I Shannon .... U-4 14
:H*'u uM'-- n^ 0) *"**?*'?* " *rli -'7 |7Vi
l ranhllo .... l" "J? S(lUth ,lllh 4Cv ;??
0,'*'u*. JS _fl Su,,.r ? Boa.. IK I
Oreene Can.. ?H ?% Temarack .... N 41
?:-'i'' ' _?* S Trlnlt?. 4 44
Hancoeh *; ; Ci.iip.I gtatea. 44*4 44>2
Iniplrfttton... 19 I9H rtah Apei ... Ilj I
indian I'rtp... 14 14'ii r-,..,., conaol., u lf..
i. t:i Creea MVt 64 I'tah Copper.. 624 C*;S
do oref. H *?' v \*l t.rlu. IU 3
leyale.. 3I4 B4 Wlnona. s*. ?'.
K'rr ImV\'- .. 2\ t*i \V.,]\ 11 ln-. 71. 7..
Kew->enaw.. 2 L'4 Wviii.dot . 14 14
I.. 44 6 .
(Kurnli?hed hy Ctarlea D Harn*y & Co . No. '.'".
Broed HiH-r-t, N.w l'f.rk. and No. 122 St.uth
4th Btit-et. I'hiladi-lplila )
Ill-l. Ai-h | BM. Aak.
Am Kallwaya 404 4*>H|l>nn Halt.10* 10*4
Baldwln pf..io? 107 PhUa Co. io t**g
Cambrta tteel 61V RH Oe prrt. 4*14 44
C Tr of N J. 7"*4 T* fhlla Klnr etk 12% :::
Kl BtOf Hat $4% 164 do 4a. W4 '"4
Sen Aaphalt. 2*' 30 Ph R T tr etf 274 tt%
? ,nf ... i2) t?4; I'hlla Trartlon *.*"*t >.*:
I CO ?f N A. 214 'il%a' Readinn Ji R. *?-*. HJO
l>ak? s C<*rp. B IIH Tonopah Mln 64 *S
rlo ln.- le... 73 7. T*. iio,*al, 11. ! N I
1 ... M tr etf MVi M ^ Vn TraeUon. . r.p, r.14
l'-h val Tr.. 14'4 14% Unlted Oaa... W ?:-4
,1? pr-f. W4 II York !?'
,.,tl|) K ]{,. f.14 M I do pn-f. 314 Ma
(I*umUliid lv Curtla & sanjrr. No. 49 Wall
atteet 1
K.,nr_ ' Open. Hlah. l>tw. Clcie.
?n-a Can . 414 41*4. "*t4 ?U
|8 ArTorrcf' '.*??*) "SS 1-',,? '-"?
?OPneumatlc To.'l??? ^-*4 .>.*4 **34 MJI
?Src'plT'a Oa. ..11MJ l"-4 W I***-*
... Oata .347 ' ??' 147 W
USHwlft A Co.1C-S4 M? |M N*
? Shlp pref .JW4 104J4 1044 1044
S.U .Sfan .ao 2104 MO 2104
750 C fi Pteel. ItU 77.f 74 74%
|r..000Com Edlaon 6a...l02S l_W JgJI |?r>
?..000 Saift M .1004 IWa '?*'? *oov?
> .
(Kurnlaherl by Mldd.-ri'lorf, Willlam*. A <'?? ? N**
31 I'ine Hireet, Naw York. and Nn. IM ?*?"??*"
Qer*M> atreet, iiaitlmore.j
Bld. A*k ! Bld. A4.W.
Al '' I. lat 4a **4 964' Houf Oil ctfa. !? li7*
? t 4? ..101H 102 ' 0a pref. ?7 --
Ai C Lol ft. - ITl 1 N Ry l.t J?...1004 -
f. iM A E .'.1 ? Ot S tt V Tr le.. W4 ?
Chlc iiy ta... 9V4 100 iN'.r Or.trtil ..114 IV<
Cona Coal ...101 10141 Heat. A I. 4a.. - tt
.1 r-f 6s... 91% ?4. Cnltrd Hy.. . M
I'ona l'ow4;r. 116 I do lue 4a_054 fn%
io pref.1094112 , do i?t 4a.... M% n*i
do 44*4. **??? **-**4 do fnd? 5a... 174 DS
Col Durk ?a.. 73*41 734 W B A An tt ?4 *>
U U M lat U. Ui_ ii I
After ;, gaoerally strong openrng. with
trading actlve in the high. r prtead issu.-..
aapadally tba tobaoeo ahairee, the anrb
market yaatarday around aatdday de*
valopad a beairy tona an laallalng United
Clgar itoraa of Ameiica was on.- ot the
prlnclpal features, at one time showing
aa advaaea "f over - polnts to a aew
high reeora at 111. later. however, n
Ing h polnt Hriti.-l.-Am.'iii'an T-"i
,i.,,v,-(l Up nearly a point, hut Uk-Wtefl
i.,st a large part ol tbe advaa ??? To
bacco I'ro.iuts preferred, aftei an iariy
tmprorement 4,f %, eaaed <>rr frnctlonally.
Standard < >il aubeldlaiiea were com
tiv.-iv qulet and aomewhal Irreguiar.
The copper ?harea wen beavy on small
ofTerlnga Qreene-Cannnea enaad "ff aa
end Braden 4, small fractlon. The fdleei
Bharea were neglected. Bcnda were ateady
bul Inactlve. Among the Nevada gold ?nd
ollver atocka there was sum.- Ilveiy
trading. eapecially In Tonopaha, whei
siini p break oc-curred on reports of a
serioua flre In th? camp. The*.. reporta
were found to b< eaaggerated nf?i a i>?r
tiai recovery In prlces took place. Tono?
pah llergi r opened at U 1-M end grad*
ually dropped ofl to We, arrdd beavy
iratflng, closing at $1 hid. Jlm Butler ap?
peared to s.iffer from forc-.i selllng ai
Mc to We, bul later rallled t.> Oc worth
star al-o lost ? 4-41,.pi.* of 1 otata oyei
night, an.l changed handa at 17c and Mc.
Nevads Hllla sold at 1150 and Weat End
Consolidated al Mttl.. fJolddeld Atlanta.
waa freely offered al 1'* , bul m< I ? ood
aupporl iit llc Jumbo Kxt> nalon made a
new low reeord for thla movemenj
at 32c an.l llc Most nll actlve N< radaa
showed a slight decllne for the day, bul
at the cloaina a much flrmer l. a u
iKurni-hed by Harrjr E. Thompsen .*? Oa., Ha.
t, r.i. ai treet. 1
Bharei '
inglo-Am ' "ii ...
4.("O11 Hrlti-h-Am To_...
1,000 Kmeraon-Breni
1 M Ma] 1 'il .
I.ixn Penn Textlle .
},,>4.i I'nlt, 1 11-.11 ii" \*..
BM |- s Motoi
JM ,1,1 pref ?
:,00 I '.,?;, \,i .
a F*our .
OH Cona.
?*"? I >:ivla-Dal
1,000 Dlai
MO El l'a?4i .
MO Elr ''.-ti*. .
MI l Inr. n,? .
oui .
4... c.-p,-ii. 1 anani .
1,(00 Jumbo Exten.
I.M0 Nevada lliil" .
4'-. Pa, Iflc Bmelli ra..
I.1M Pueblo B 8 R
-r Klrif .
Btewari .
:i?. Ti no* ..h Mlnlng.
1.600 T..n,.i a), Ext4*n .
oop_h M' k r
1.TJ0 Tularoaa
1. IW-' l nd ''"' -
...1. Wettlaufer .
(Fornlahed bj Wetr Brea 8 Ce N
iN< ?P Ml.~
i . v
? ?
? p-ln,..:'.. ? .
I , ? , .
I." .14 A.,
,,.,.,.. I ..1
'.'..,, Exl
1 11
MacNaraara .
. -
North ?
Reaf-ue E Ha
l.6t>.l . 1
:...- 1 .14 .U
1, iLDrTRI I'
Atlanta .
Blue Boll
,,1 ?. ,11 M
.,,!.. Stl "'' '"
Comblnatl -, I ? ' _? ?"
. ? ?
Opjdfl.-I.l Helmont
.04 ."? '
K- aranfli
Mergei Mlni
??? li
Kalrvlew A.t. '' ,:
- ? I' -
Kound ?'
Mouni Mlnlng ? ??? 4;
Manhattan 1 ? ????
Nevada Hl la
Nevada Wonder ?
Wide prlce Buctuatlonfl wen acconv
pnnled b) actlve tradlni on the 1 onaoll
dated st,,, k Exchange. Tb< market
opened ai I 81 ('dock wlth aubetantial
overntghl galna. a tnvorabl< ln
Inc eaerted I y reporta that A latrla an 1
Rum" had rvac ed .. complete m
regardlng Balkan matters Man: n
w.?. baVll) dlsappolnted by he rabaa
?,...,.. rali_re of the market to hold its
Improvement. I nder a heavy volume ol
m ifing xperlenced severe dei III ? ?
..-,!.! acii.,,, of the rnarkel led to . aua
plcion that much of thi recei I so-< uiea
? foreign llqul laUon' had really wlginated
on thla Blde, thc unaettlem< n! 'l ? to tne
Balkan war l.elna taken advanuge of 10
dlsgulse aelllng for Amerlcan account
The market, however, rallled well IOW
?rd the .!...-? of the day with large cov
.ilng 4,f short contracti a ??*ture ???
view 4,f the very aharii overnlght ad?
vance in pricea ln tha London markel nu
meroua ordera placed wlth commlealon
houses for ex. cutlon on the I ?"" o'cloch
openlng call could r.ot be Mled al the
prlce lin.it- aet Trading pn the call .s
largely concentrated ln Reading. ' niied
Btatea Steel and Cnlon PbcIHc. Readlig
on the call reflected .4 gata compared
with Tueeday's cloaing ol I ?- pointa, whlli
gteel Unlon I'aclflc, Amalgamated Cop?
per an i Oreal Northern preferred were
eai h up V Ami rlcan Can and Northi rn
Paclllc each up % and Bl Paul ?M
Balea toulled TtlJO aharea, arltb nft\
stocka repreaented.
Open Hlgh. Low. ?___"_>
.-4,1 ,m Beet S?K?r i:'"S "!'*? (,s .,.. .
1.140 Am Can IIV, ?_ ?;'-' *''
NO do prel i... Vi"'. 180 1181*
10 tnt H ?". .'.',. 12,
I..prel K% Ft* _JS ?'; *
??, S. ,, . :? ? 41 ii 4' . 41 -, 41 ;.
?!.4_<4 An ? ? v! 3
I .IH) Ai 4:';, il: 41 ? 4
Uii At To fl S K 1"" l"v "" '?- '"\
lOHalt i"C? i"1'-- ,n'* 1"t
0 ,.,?>, ,-..: 44\ 44% 44% 44*
IM Rroekl , H 1 B8* M,?, Mli *;
.2 1 ,4, P ? ?', '-" 1 2M Wl
-,,,-.. ...?' n bi ??i'.
inchea * "' 0 *"'. *?". *?"'? KJi
TlOc Mll I Bl P 108 IO8J4J 101 ? 1"* ?
nnchi ?? 1 -pp" r, 4'.'.. 4-.', 44!. 4. ,
IK-v.i iu,.: I , S 8 - 1411 W
toronsol 4*.-.* H-t, I**. t*% l?
liocorn Producu i::. n?. 1811 \Vk
70 Dlet Securitiea Mjt IT, *(|> H.
IBent K-rtB rref.tlTH 18T.H WM IBflf
B0OI N 0 l If? C . M? M . M
i*,i i),;.r.n'eili, B. '"4 M B4 J
1" Hl.l.- 8 1- '?, ,," ? ,'
Oninter Met l?_ W '\- ,' ? .
, de pref M . ' ? ?
1 4.1 thlffi r*all( 1 174*. iti'.- '"-'.. '?.
IIOMexT iroleun. M M -> ?
?UW Mo Pa Ifl *-'* ? i ?J . -
.4VIN', ?,!a Con .. 2V, '.'I . rn
... n V .'.i iral Ml , IH IWH M?%
lfl \- y .",. A W. M BJ M BJ
174. Nor I'a.ltlc 129% 1'-??'? > 1'-'' '
in ,... i;?. Mall .. JSVi ?"-' ? ,2J ,;;:-? i
2npai,n?ylvanla..1?_! _??? -'?.,- '-'_?*
?, people'a Oaa.. I1?S I1_ IHg 118
ii, cittH coai... 2J?j n_i Ba 5 I
IO Praeeefl 81 Car 8TM *i'\ WH M . ,
ln Hav Con < OP.. ?*"':* -'" * -n* - ' * '
!4?.l.[.,?!!?, IT'-'. I"' IgS I
?M tock laland, MJ* U% U% UM
Kl ,lo t.ref 40-a 4''1. *??' * l_ *
? ?a, ..,,?,',:.,? Pa in:4 100*. H'S\, 144)4^.
flOTOmi 4 ?,,;,.,., . 41 41 4-1 . 44.
40 Third w. i.ii.- :i'i'- "?''?? "?'' - ?'?'.
"ot'nderw tm - 108* 1 -*. . K ' ? IfJH
-..,!-.,,..,, n a- p. 11 ''. ',-' __'.,-.
8,4*01'nlor Pa lfl. n/.- n ?'* "?- " '
j,, c s Rubber... ?'?'*? BtJI joj M ,
10 t,-0 C S Htee!. 7SH 7.'.1,, ??< .
400t*tali Coneer.. ?H ',2^ JI. '?-''?
70 v? Cnr 4*).<m. 4-1 4? 4.. , 44,
1-oaMh.ah pref.. 1'7i M ? "J ii.*
10 Weat Cnlon.. 77'. 7. ? .7 ? .. -?
80 Weat Blactrle ->-'? BM ? I v
72 2.1' Total aalea.
IK-.AtUn.a .la'. .1fc,-i 'H ?l*
tOOCon Vlriinia. .84 .84 .84 ..(4
m ,,;,.i. Hl. I.I Mel .17 I. .11 .17
,?,,.! i'or.2.73 1.7." 1 ??-' - 82'4
TOOJ-nibo Exl .:-!'- '-' J
SOiiNerarla l'ltta.l.5n I.M l.BB, 1 !_
1,,-aTii North *-""? ? :*-"'= ::,; '?'"'- ???
-..,?, Piti s Peak ,W ?:'- ?';'- . '.
lOQulckallver ..'.'_ ?'???" - ??" ?' ?*.'
800 Tonopah Bxt.t.flf 1.88 -'???"?
1.10.4Tonopah Mei I 08 06 JJO 0B
.?io Weat F>,<!. 1 '**? 1-03 1 ??? 1 <*5
8.829 Total aaha.
Grains Still Tending Downward
?Coffee Gains a Little.
Me.trlsh news, both forelgn nnd domes
n-\ eaoaid a day of sa*?ging prlcea In the
wh.-nt m.irk>t yeaterday, and prlces ie
clined atoadlljr, riootng at a net loss of
% to 14c. Llverpool and other forelgn
markets were weak, the situation In tho
I'.ilkans tiiused im anxlety, export tle
iiiiin.l tv.is pra.tl.ally :it a standstlll ar.d
? to.-ks an* be*-*lnnlng to occqon?ala tbe
? .st of tiu- RocfcMa ohowtag aa In*
t rease for th>* week of 2,.riS4,000 bushela,
. tall?4 ati lacroaM last year of 111.000;
ind world'a stotk** showing a galn of 12.
910,000 l.usheis. agalnst only half that
amount a jroar ago. Flour aaloa at miii
Ing polnts wore reported to be in ea*
per oeni kaa than laRt weeks saieg. corn
sh>.\..-tl a loss of U to r'i for tht- day, wlih
-j i-i? tirop ln ititertor spot marketa '.ti
dleating that BOW CTOO Offetinga were bo
glnnlng to control prl aa f>..ts. with
heavy lnterlor recelpts nnd on actlve dla
tributrve trada ibtwro*" ari Iturraaaa la tha
v_Ibla of only "i.ooo bnahola for the
week and ttnal pri.-cs here WOTt \g to %C
nol lower.
Coffee, on moderate tradlng and slight
Iy higher foraign markets, was steady,
and the t lcse was at ."> to ll points al.ove
T leadai 'a BnaL
Baw Tan, Octi bei 90, I91I
Butter, tub-- .... y.*ti riour, aacka .
Cherae, bogea. .. t,t*i Hav. tona. Bt
...... .i.',;:.. Malt, huil
tniltry, pka.*- 4 IH . *??-. buah.
U ?? p< iltry, eti l.64? . letmeal, bble.
I.. aacka... ? "
tpplea, . it ;
Applea ICal). bia 20.fi* '.Vheat. buah. Sl*
? .11. sa. 1-1 1,011 Mlllfeed IMM....
i ,, | ..'? .'..] pt i. bara. 1.440
' Drle l frult. pkga 6.4H la-ni. r Ig*.
Dr priiiii-..f:iD.pa 80| Itofin. l.l.lt. '? *?*?'
Orapea (Cal), cta 11,715 Sptrlii lurp, '.hla 1,*?6
! . m ..*i!..t.xs i"'' Ha. on, pkga. 17
fr.lm.s, l.l.Is..... l.fs.0 fut meats. pkgs. l.n?
Oranr-s (Cal).bxa S.ttf Greaae, pkja. 4t?l
ilratige* tFlai.bxa 7.0M) Hains, pkgs. 11
.. .. bal l Ml Lard, to*. 1.101
Pi tnuta, aacka., HO ?ard, keg* . 6.7C
flnrapple?iP*lin.' ta 171 Tallow, pk**.
I Pluma tfali, t-ta '.'?' Moo*. hal-*. *">*
! ? ? ttoea, tit-.ls. red oil, bl li ",? I
Ralilns ifall.hxa HO I?b oil. bbla....
I ? . pkia.10.317. <Heo oil. lf". HO
,. Barley, buah ... .11 175 tfplrtta, bbla
iwheat. butb 1.200] Ti-tbei ... hhd?... M
I . ..,,, i ..-I.. . o. trn ...:. :a
i '... ntr.i al, bbl >. i i ka* . 1.3.".
Flai *ioo Whliki) l Mi **-?
4' ."llr.-lke. lt. . 1 .
I.1M Pork,
:.s47 Bet f. bbli ... 41")
4'. 414 ll- I ! ll .
. . , si; nai-.ii). rt. ..."
. I.uah tt..
? '?
? "
, ? - . I- .-? - "
liran, t>. . *b *?"?*?
||a; I , .. 1 I.. ll uli, 04 ?
? ' "?
n Vo l f J*. - no 11 66
- t II M Coff, ?*. V> 7 Rlo 14", ?
i- n B So i f. II " granulated 4
.411* . I .-". Molaaaea, O K. |
t, famll) 1
Kx< hanga lead : oti \tfet bama..
Speltn .' M Tallow, prl" I ? ?
??. i I I '.7 l-or,.
Hoga, dr, !? H%
-.?.,..- 4 ?
Utt MN "** HIM I ? '
? r If.f
10* 1.-I-. v
.-lllt.*' ji r.n at !" 'rl":'
? . L irkata ware ?? ? ?
.i ? *. *** **
??-... ??'...- ...v ,
..... ,? .., ..r-t from Argantlna
?*. - m a - I
rope for thi 'it.-ie i '?
.., i- ?*. ii ? .; pilcd ?:*
. lhe N tht
. . ,- .. nr- i rugri - - I ?
, . ? * ? t I ? ? X
..... ?, ? farmeri
'.il ploughlng N'o - *?-' wlatar,
vator hi i tl 'i7 f ? 1. afloat; No 1
n .: rlng 0014 . f o b f.o>>* CORN
. tlva H.-..I if lhe . lt -?? -.lo-v-.l a da
' . '?
n ih na ? ????*
., .. n for ta
while a di
? i ? ..r the Inl
? . ?t,o?-ed that Ihe mar 't WM gel
tlnu on thr I?all ot n- ?.%- ri :. . r'.-i !n?. Bl
, :n .*>, f t, ! ..1- rf' I".!.' *-i '" M.n '?
... . iaTO v*. i,ii- onl) n ili i -
? ! flnal 11
.?ael. mark.d ?
tnd Ni 2 ?? rtltt " ''?? ? **?<)
, natural a hlte. 370304 ?; whlt<
, Hppe,l :-. 41c, ill iraik RTK l'..*v. No -
i f Buffalo BABI.ET Bteady;
. , *, ,r t*i. . . i f Buffalo; feedlng, 60%c,
i | Nt -. ,*..rk
nkw voitk riiii r.t.
u*i.r*at Open Blfl !?"?* Cleei ?u
loa ioa lotH loatl I-Mtl
ui,.-.,. Cera Oau
To-iliv ...??!?...-. :??"? <?"> 1.0?1.000
i v*.; ..mi ::.*t* oou i ;i4'...'|.o
l 077.DOU 4**7..h?. 001 ?"
NB-0OA-O ( Ll \lt\M i t,
li,..n \v:..-Ht. f..in.
?i-,, ,*By . . .**.,. cf*... no OO.OUO
i M, ?.,.)< 11,000 601,000 ;iw.oi*ii
Inoai yoet ... 11 ,M" 600.uOo 10,0 0
ll.4)1 i: \m> BBAL rieur Inaetlra wltb
l,,i>-rs en.uurt4?.'.i t>, held .-tt by tha decllna
in 4M,r*a' Spiliij ptttenta, $4 604*63; wIiiht
atralgbta, 64 Oo*$4 70; alnur patanla 04.004V
i;, *.*.'. iprlna tleara, $4 :*..",*.i?4 ?'.>.. . -na No i
..ii... I4 2U-S6400, No 2, J4 l.'.i$4 *:.".. Kanaai
44 .* (64 '?. t .'..* "i '"na
s ?,M).*i Hl i Fl* .flt Bteadj. f.ii. ".
, . . v 77yl.i "?" i hnl. ? lo fan. y, **t r>.V&l4 !"
(41 , KV. IH'A r ri-OI H QUlel .it i2it2 IO r*r
luti :i .-. iinmk M. Kttn drled, J4 BAO
UKAI. Flne tvbltl ari vrllow. 110001103;
ll :;?(!.'? i... i ,:ii> '* eetern it-rlni
i ,. *22 :,n if-2 ?**.'.; itandard nalddlla*, 123 28;
Hour .lo n.io !? I a t 181 -?"? .I'y been, *1**J ?.??
l...lk 123 50 aa ka; middllng, |24-a632; red dog.
?:?;?. .......inv chop, $-:n,'$-J7 bulk, $27 SO-U
$2* JO t-cha; ollmeal. UM 6OH03O.
I illl KK M...I-... '? 't *?"??? iy.
and Onai prteei 6011 pelau ael higher; ?
03 _Vi 1...C* On li.f openlng call broaera
,-.,i . . repreaenl hadletc local Mie ht
tO bld for 40.000 I agi ol Hai
i i, mi, i. a i ii- tbli "i >
,, not niled, ?:.. ra arert avi leactM that ,
wera s.i buylng rden whlch dla sour
-Kr i .. ng otl i ? .. i. III tekli I Havra I
at wi. advan.t )?* tnnt. #hlla ,
llan.burg .*-???- '.'"'-? pf'-nnla hlrti-r Offen
from Braill ln ibe nat an i fralgbl markai
wera atwul un hangad, but aotna honaea wltb
ltniiillan roenectlona ha.i eonelOerabla coffM
for '-al- an.l II r.j* ?*-l 1- n I thal i ?
,,u'*4 would nel be rejei led. Rlo thiw
, llna <?; ioa rela and Oentei waa n?* reia lower,
a, ,.; na t., iba publfc eable, bul th. ai -clal
.,,. prlcea n Oentoi at unchanged, *-'? un
ehanfcd. .-. tha beata of l4Tic for Rl, N',, 7
Lo, a! ? ..mra. t prloea:
V -
i>p-n. High. i>.?- Claaa lu
i totober.
I 14..::
N- ,, -4 00 14 !'? 14 00 14 nv.i14 |,l 14 ".
I . |3 93 |3 R0 13.02 I f'.-tM ??) 13 hu
, ,,, I.H.IiiiilS.M 13 77
l.'l 7." 1.171) 13.70 l.t 7-i?' 1-1 *-.". 18 74
l-. I
M.,, h 14...". 14.1-71 1404 I44*0?1410 IMl's
14 13 Hir. M '?i
Ua) .'. 14 00 H 10 14<.7 14 I-;.il4 17 ll"4
j ,nV 14.1.1H 14 17 14 0.*.
Julv '..'.' 14 10 14 17 14.00 14 I8?14 10 14--I
V_n,-4 14 1S?I4 '-*i) 14 OS
sr-ia .. ". 14.11 14 M 14.11 I4.00iia01 14.00
rit4)\ ihion*** BteaOiar, ?itii oanallav ?f
farlngi an.i cevering, although t,.w ware ntfaiu
lower I'DRK Bteady; meaa, llOtftIO 73: fam
,i 1230624; ihoii ? !? ?r. I22*j$24 30 IIEEP
Fi.'.,.: meaa. ||M?|i?. family 1^28; paek.
11(1**20- . xtra Indla meaa, t2^,i$M ,o BEEI
HAMl* Qulet at 02*?$3I 00 DRB8RKD HIMW
Weak: baeooa IIHHlUle; plga ll?0? ;i I
MKAT-** I'ickled bellles gUh-t at Mlilt'?.-;
"ckled ham.. 1 ??? .Inal TAl.r>*)V.
BDaclal 7>v.f eity. tfttc. i.tuniry, iW)U*4,-.
_4RI> Bteady MMdla waet. 11.1501120c;
,11. lOHOllC. It-tli.rl. S-.utl, Amerlra, 12.75c;
Contln-nl 1107.,; Hraall. keg*. l.TTSc. Com
|, ,V,,.| OgOkc BTKARIKl ?ea i4t?14'5o-.
CltMO_A'w?WI AXD HVltrrs Oteadyandnn
r?t,itngr*.!. wlih bueln-n-i fn'rlv good. MOIaAB
?L*j New Orlcana rentrlfugal, rommon. 1..TT
I.-.'-*. falr. 17A2.A-; good IHWOc; ^**-*-vo??d
.14,- New l-rleana op-n keltle, 37032c. BTR
l*l_ Common. IMI-*. medium, 144?1,.;
r.ii.-v -' -*?
\ \\ \l HT4HIKK Si;:l'a turpentlne eaal. r,
ln avmpath) ?ith thr* lower Bouthern market.
Roaln and tar .julet anl unrhantr.-d OPlRJTfl
Tl KPBMTINg Ma.-hlne bbla ofx. TAIt. ?- Be.
ROKIN fontnion to good itrmln**d. B.0?*: B,
n s.V H an.l E. i?l*.V; F aml *i. Ie; H and I.
7ov' K. T-fc; M. T.OOe; N, tMe; WO. -"OOc;
"VW, be , _,
OH.*. -|(?1ner| petroleum ln ete;i.!y rl
mand at former ouotatlona. Uneei'd oil un?
changed PETRi'LECM Siandard whlte, New
Tork and Philadelphia, bbla, 838c; bulk, 4.?c;
?a-e*, lO-BCi water whlte. bbla, 9 33c; bulk.
8.flBc; caaee, 11 28c. -1N-EED 01_?Amerl
ean leed, clty raw, 88030c; out-of-town raw,
37f__SBc; 4 alcutta raw 7"
I'OTTONMKKIr 4MI. -Meadler. an.l prteefl
nt t';? closa arera 808 pointa n.-t hlgher. The
upturn In lard and .otton ln*.plred actlve eov?
er Ing. an.l _ r..!iv waa believed to ba dae
utter Um leccnt ahari decllne. LBCal contract
; : . ? ?
>, .?--. r
Oaea Hlgh. Lew. Cleea. -a*
spot. ? - ? ,*i at.fj4i.oo 3?o
Nov. 5 72 .'. sO r. 72 5.W W " s- :, "17
Dec. 3 ?0 6 BS .'? 7:" 8 BB B 8.87 ?'? 7<l
Jan. '? *>.*> 3.?7 B.S_ 3.8703 00 3.80
Feb. :, '."I B.l?l '? '.lt 3 0003 W 8 sl
Mar. h. .. B.W .??.47 .*.''..' 8.0703.0- 8.80
April. ? ? B 0008-"8 r' '"
May. 6.03 6.0." **, 0? 8.08O4.0T 3 HO
RICB Steady, wltb aood jobhing buai
Beaa, Bcreenln^, 4<(i'?4-. ordlnary, I1t#4%c;
fulr, 44.(.",', good ordlnary, 383 ??>*?: prlme.
choice, l*.03%c;head, Japan, 4'itf
Bc; Patna, "J-Si*~4-.
M 4,\K I'.f.t.-l .lull and unchanged. wi.h
granulated ;it 4.B0C. Tl .- following pric.-s Hre
?UOtefl by the AflM ?. i -i.gar K-'llnlng (>:
Cryatal .|omino?-i. cases, 1 Ib eerto-s, half or
full eiz<- Ptecee, M8C BBd Bc ln '? ,-?es; do
, aee* l re cartona 7 tt ?. ani 7 lu
Eagle tablets, 8.20c: cui loaf, MOc: cnisbed,
I ",o, . n.Id a. . -" - - urie 9 m baga,
1...'..l.-ie.l acl .a. ? otif. - : I- >n-r-' granulated.
5.18c; XXXX powdered, 8.08c; powdered ani
oarse powdered and i ? uve granulat.-.i.
Bc; frult powdered and i >?'. sxlra Bne Bren
..,,,.. , 4 pn, j cryatal nomlno, granulat.d,
raaii. 2, BH and I re aarton* 3.88 and MOfl
ln '. , aaea; i agle, 3 ? ? Hj eart4ioa of
flne granulat.d. 8.10c; eagle '.' th baga do.
3.80c; .'i'i-Hi i ag*. io, B.lSe; I rt, baga Bo,
:. IO 10 lb beas do, 8.08c; 29 an<i 80 tt. baga
4I0 and atandard grenulate I, 4 !".*< ; flne grin
. ? dtanv nd ., 4:"" ; i onf^Uoners' A,
-i ;:,, , , ? atal domlno, granulated. ? -
:?,' and r, n, r.lrton". .*.'.'". and B.SOe in 4
? ? ?? . \., i i,;:??? No ?> 4.80c; Ko :'.. OMti
N , 4 4.80c; N'o 8, 4 4.", . No 8 4.48c; Ne 7.
4.83c; N-. B, 4.80c; No 0 4.23e: Ne IO, I.SOe;
Nfl ll. 4 iv. Mo 12 4'.'.,. Nea 11, 14 n I
18, 4 "".v Raw, ateadi and um
rentrlfugal, Bfl tea*. 100 . muacovad- ??
test, 3.83c, Hini tnolassei aagar, M teat. 1.80c;
lllpplnee, due De,-ember I,
al 3..10c, beal* M teel In London beet eugar
waa qulet; Octobar waa *?d dearer, at M 41**:
Noveml i inchanged, al Ba lUd, aad Mar
nt Da *<\ l Wllletl .*? "'.rav repofl ihe move?
ment of sugar at l'nlted Statea port' for the
week. Hguraa ln tonn, aa followa: Reeelpta,
.1". i"-,:. aaalnat 48.784 laal sreeli and 41.0-1
ln?t i??r- niettlnga. 27,000, compared wlth
.TO.ofni and 2S,ono, and itocl 120,148, coin
pared srlth 118.078 and I1V4M
ttett y. i:.. " 4, -, ber 10, 1812
BE \N*> \M> I'KAS R< celpta, 2
beana A f. m add lota of old narrow aell
? ? ?.;,? prices; 144. new ber* aa ret De*
pes weaker at the , i<,a.> nn,i $3 13
extreme. iioid.-ra of rolkrw eya are aeklng
.:::-. ? v 1,. re fi |4 30 Fj 11 30 al tha 1 loee; laat
aal'ea at $1 23 Callfornla llma quli t and out*
?:.le quotatlons full high. Beoteh peaa tem
poraiily oat <>f m-rk.-t BEANft medlum,
1012, cholc |Sd50|316; pea. choice, 1808
Ut'. 18: Imported, p>-a. 14 28084 48; re.l kld
1011, eholea, $4ii:.,i$4T."i. black. .holee,
|4 -.1*;."',. yellow eye. choice, 14 28; llma,
Callfornla, 1812, choice, 18 88018 30; PEA8,
bv-otch, choice, Si'o>)uiii, green, imported,
|4 14 23.
Hl I TPR Reeelpta. K.HI.l pkg- Flrm ?n
hlgh grade freah creamery and pricea ad
? dl 1 c Mosi wholeeals businesa I"
. : _m< rj ttraa araa ..' I le, bul tbal wa*
,-?,'.., Plne fl, ita
ilsed ln ?he lmpro4 ment, bul othi r
arsd, ti,,,,,! ,-.a p, ? oualj quoted Proeeae
qulei. Pac tor j snd packlng itock
I i-xtras. II a. 20031c; sec
on.la, ?: . - thlrui .". 1 iflc; held, ex
.- ia, .;,. - ?.ml".
.?:<.?>- alate. <i.ur-. (ul 1 flneat. ,'".'"?; g?".l
10 pi 11 i- .-'..,? ? immon lo falr, 11 :i
_.i,-, pn - -'? ? J^4 tlrata, 200
ndi tatlon cream
June mak"-,
mak<, Brata 1 .
a-. onds, -'??': ' 24c; lln.?!.*. .1 ,1 I
june :: 1 21021 current
I, jo ?' ?.'?-'.?
1 III I -.I . ipti ' 1J boxi -
ri.nI >rate ? are uacbangi d,
14c la ei red *i -
. 1 Ce. and moal uf the buah
nl 17*,. itate 1 te Id ;?. mly
Uklma ? si.,..-. whola mllk,
lala, n . 17% .1 l?.?; whlte,
. , . 1714 0
fi - - ip" lala, 174 8
nde aradei 14
. atata, aktma. beld,
apecialt, 'i ,1. .. -h. 11 o i4!...?. cholee,
.--,:??. - '
i... fun rklme. ??. ft ?'.
RliUM R? ?! ? - , ? ; ??-.
fl -ah gather ?
llml'ad aitpply, bul th ri araa an abundanl
.., ,,,' ,.^ t-- de* 1 -? alue I
bu er* and aetler* ? 1
very ele ? ? wure :??
'?" eggfl
scarce an.l hlrrrter ? gatl red, Oxtraa,
dosvn, -14 ;':; exti ? .? ;:i.-, flrata,
?jr. ??.?!?<?. -?cond*. .'_? .-" thlrde, 31022e;
po -. iv ,('.?"? dlril.-i 11" 22c; No 2,
1 to fal 1.1 a 1>,-. fr?ah gath
,|.d, 1 !.? "
10 rulr, ll,!
fancy, tirata, .'.; 1 .'4, .
a,-"-",...i?. 21022" tl rda, l- , .",? ital .
Pennsylvanln and ? .?.??. whltea,
fl Mlecled,
1 ? ' whltea. com -
1 '. ?? II frlg" alor arhlt. a, .'"l
W at- mi, gatb< r< I, vi . ;M
44. , ij % liherad .> 1 .*'?
PKI'tTM DRIED Hp. I : gppl' 1
I'p atate raarkei dull nr, 1 areak; No
' . f ., 1, atate; l -
8lac, wltl ?'. : p ital
qulei bul ateady sl |18001180 p-f i1"" lt for
il ni. ,a. j* ,. 1, atata ani wast
1 10, lo "?, aame lerra* tanall fruits qulet.
I IM II** FRE8H Markal alow on low
, ee, although trade <i'ii*-1. fancy atock
Bavlng fali demand, although Bar some varli
- - . apc lally n ? 1.
peara when inn ?. aad large ?iic:'.tiy
t'.r. er Quln <?> raslel M : rate arrlvaln of
grapea In baak, in eaaea and tnark-1
I u!k nt.M-k in 2" "? 1 isketa n rlng oui rather
? ? na ln soma .
*.|i i.i',- ? 12 " I
v 13; V011< Impi ? lai an 1 Bpy.
|_e$2 73, t4n iw, j: ::,,iyi ,:.. Hul I
llaidwln, 11 7 -..,<?*.'.-, Uan. *
Ren Da\l.* an.'. gre. nm^. II 78*it|2 80 I lle
Plower. H -?"? ,'ii .*?". Kli.s. 12012 30; V
$.,.5:1 7.',, Pound >-...?-, $1 ,:,.,?: ;,'
Iluil 3*1 Far Weatern Banana, box, $1 '09
1280; Bpltsenberg I1OI2 30; Jonathan. Hi.
11 iei aorta. 78cO|l 00; PEAR8, Pu hew.
bbl. |2 .Wfrf-.l Bl): Seckel, $.1 |10 ' hei N'X.
*J .*j.|(.?i :<>. k"g, 12 28083 23; Bhaldon t.nl
II, urra Ho* M.,*-,?. 1 ; ilrgeau. |:i :..'i/|4 fiO;
v: i|4; ? , kll g, *l .?.'"..?$.', Kleffer,
II 2SHI2 28; I..-:.-'. 10073 . yi INCES, No 1.
bbl, >i ?l SO; Nu 2. *1 :.0u$.v. PU M- all
aort?, 1 aak, I 244-BSO RASI'MKRRIEP
pini. 7O0c; ORAPHK, Htai.-. 4 th basket, Ii4tl3, .
up rlvei, . \\ ? atern N'ew , 10
bu.ik.i erati Htill 23; 20 tb baaket, 33f/4i>c;
>?? i, ord, I ." - ^i b laket I ? ?
?-ar.. ton. I 130 Nlagara, |3.r,O|40; ,'ilnt">n,
?:..".i?.',,",. C-nr - ? s; l.'KANHKRRlE**.
Ia>. ?orta. bbl, 18017 30; ?rut... $1
Harly lllack, bbl, |3 ."-"UtW 23; N>?- Vork -r.it.-.
$! BSOII ?'?': r-lTRON. bbl, 40030c; ORANOK-t
box $1 .,-..!.??;. ORAPSJPRtriT. box. HOM;
PINEAPPIaES, 1 :i,t... 11088 28;
MAV Wl' *"lll.lll' Steady on tiich i.-ra.!'
tlnvXhy haj. an 1 a little better n ?
medlum an,] low grade* In Ian 1 Bmall
1,.1 -'.,,. k teadlna te drag iriiea pooi Rye
aad] 11 * I Ian
otby, No I to N . 1, Ioo lb, 00 0*1 18; ahlp
plng, m , . lover. mlxed, itxnt. $1 1*1 l*">:
heavy, ;.'?..'.?.",. .-lover, pure, U3gU3c;
long rye. BS
HOl'H Ni.nk,: srltboul change la tone or
Buslness comparatively small.
IMH l.i ICV Al IVE - R< .'? Ipts unloaded, 11
cars bi tr.-igi.t and abeui 1 car by exprees.
Hupplta* rn,t gronatdarad exi^sahe, iirfiugh
chlcken* ln *omewl*B.i ;.,rgf, preporl
of int.- Trading falrry aetlva an I
flnaltj fiitn-i .,' ti; Mme Baaraa .,-? rulltag
laal ?'k roWLS, beavy, fan,-%. freight, rh.
1, 1 ,?? iii.in and !?""!? gra,I.-,. frela
nearby, expreaa, 121.014c; CIIICKEN8,
ll 1 ? . \\ ? itefn, 1 rlm? ? gbt,
14. Bouthern, I3!ic; RiOOBT-Trs. old 10'.;
Tl RKEYH. mlX?.l, I4i.-; |.r.'K.-4 I Hl
i;ii;>i:, 14c; UI-'INE \ P" >VU ; dr, W ,
PK;Et)NS, .,',.? i.;;i;.-si:i> Trading ?
bul fancy gra.ie*. of largfl aad clean dr; uicked
fowlt (care* Hn,l Ilrm f.i.i, > ..mall
11..1 .argi- roastlaa ehlckens mepiing f,.ir oul
? ,- (.ii gtMtatned prlcpe, bul ma"K. ?
dened erlth raiall iin.i i?rfir fnwia an,i medlum
gisdsa of chlckene. Bprlrw turkeya, ael. ted,
?,n grov.n, would bnng full prlaafl W bere,
Weeterta sjpring 4iu,kr, rarely k."''I saaufj '"
l-iliig top "lUi'tiitlons Sipial"- t'.rm l-'reah
kllled '?lll.'KKNS. brollera, 12 U beX, BH1B
fed, -4 lb ami un.ler v, dosea, lb. 27. : M 10
80 tti. 24i-; com fed. 24 II, aud uti'l-r. 28c; 2.<
lo ;in lh '."H'l- CHICKEVa, fryars. 12 te
box, mllk fe.l. II lo BB rb t"> doaen, I* . 87 to
4.-, rt>. lf-, . eoru fad, 11 lo M Ib, I80I81.C 8*1
,,, ?,,*, n>. i?i?_ 14-,'....-; i4.4iMters. 12 to trog, mllk
red 4s rt, aad over t.. doaen. 18011 ..rn fed, ,
Uo drj pa.-ke.i. i.i.im. C4iik led, fryers, -1 Ib
average. 17,. 1*. lb and oeet, 18 . bbls, mar
I . squab brollera, imlr. BBOTOc; faBcy, Ib, -.i
28 f.,11 \ mastlng, 'iiuiy averag
Pennsylvsnls, fancy t.roiiera. 22088c; mastlng.
Itgyit average, MOlSc; Vi.ginla. n.lik fed.
brollers, . it. eacb an.i aader, Me; ?'( rt> and
over 17,?; Wentern. ,lry plcke.1, mllk fed. 4 tb
and over, lH'.rl'.",-; m'xe.l, i0t(17"-; .-orn fed,
brollera 1-vill*-; 4 rt> an-l over. 104117.': mlxed,
UOlSr; :i 444 81* tb, I4c; M. higan and i>blo.
?,;,il,.,i aelected. li.r^.-. lOttlOHc; mlxed, 14-,.
I4l4jc' other Weat.-rn. nilinl, l.imtHe: Ten
, ... RentUCky and Southern. ,|rv pl,-ke,| or
?rald+d, llMIWHc; poor, !2012Hc: TLRKETS,
aprlng <lr\ plcked, average. ltWI-4- a.*al.le,l,
I401flc; 1M11 nnd poor. 1414ft 1.1c- old. itilxe.i
1S4?17,-- POWL8 dry paeked, 12 fte box. iso
1". 1 gd. Weatern. drj Dlcked, 4 tb averag.'.
i??f 18018c average. .'ti*! rt, am! un.ler. 14.*?
14',r SV.uthern and Sciithweatern. dry plcke.1.
av.rage. 14*.018c; Ohlo in,| Ml.-hlgan. acaldea,
I6c; oiher Weatern. l-4V.ll.*>: amall an.l poor.
12,i'dl3,?'C- ..1.1 eorka. ilry plcked. 12Sc:
?,-alde,l lle; DL'CKB, aprlng, Bu-tern, 184c;
We?tern. large an,l plump. 14c: average, IM
lJHc; Inferlor. BIllOc; Pennavlvanla. l.V;
BOrARB prlrn-'. large. whlte. ilozen. 12 23->
M80; "Urk. II 7.'.: eulla .*.i.flOo; OL'INfA
POWLfl atirlna. .1 rti and over. palr. 00o. under
?( tb rt41-.;.-H Tt'ltKKYS. fiozen. young toma.
::.-,,;,.,, . .1 22c; old tom... 2<Hl22"
market .m.-h.Iv aad oalel A iltmer h-.l Ilng of
ranci Malne atock In aome quarter* bul buj
ns aiow :o reapond to any advance IW?*?I
iH.taioea ateady. Pancy beana Btrm: ci-rieati.r.
ln to-daj aversga iM,?ir; soflM refusad. (aull
aewan weak for average offerlnga. Kancv
Flnr.l .ggplants hlgher. I.eiture in exi-e-Ml.e
?uoplv and lower. Llma i??m flrm Muah
rooma hlcher Onlon- atea.lx f..r fancy atock.
though BO v-ellow In to-day exceedlng II
i'epper* allghtly flrmer. Kano' tomatoea scarce.
rOTATOES. Malne, bag. II 70CI1 75; bulk.
l-a* :l., $1 004312; Long Iaiand. bbl or bag. U4
%2 60; IVnnaylvanla. in bulk, lbO lb. |1 ?/>',?_?
?tate, 5"<-<Sll 03; Jeraey. bbl or bag, $15011
11 00; 8WEET POTATOES, Southern. yellow,
l.bl. $1 25-gll 75; Jeraey. Nc 1. bbt. II TOOO*:
basket, iio. illl; No 2. 4O4j0Oo. ONIONS. state
an.l Weetern, whlte, 100-lb bag. r**VOIl: trate,
23cO$1; vellow, 100-lb bag 75cg$l: red. .VKS
60c; Orangs County. \--llow, 34X?l?3e; whlte.
basket or bag, 4U-fl80o; Connecticut Valley,
vellow, IOO lb bag. II; onl"n pltklea, whlte,
baakat 11 30-S$3; rrate, |1 2.**<3I2 7-0; bag. ?2Jr
13 50; ARTICHOKES, potato. bbl, $41?$i.
HRfSSKl.S SPROCTH, quart. 5O0o: BEAN'**.
Virglnla. wax, baaket. TlicOll .".0; greeti. 7Se#
|130: Maryland. basket, 75r?ji$1. Charl-sion.
2.*>ti75c BEET& bbl or bag, 7."..-. H? bunchea,
11 .V.KSI2; CAHROT**. bbl or bag. 3<**cC$l; 100
bunchea 73??0I 25; CCCUalBERa hothouae.
No l. doaea 11; No 2, box. 12 ->oij$'i 00; CAB
BIOFJ, Danlah. ton. $**8I11. doinestlr. $5fe$n.
tvhlte. bbl, 30076c; red. 1181123 i'AfI.1
FLOWERS, I>>ng laland, long eut, bbl. 60M1:
short, 60cO|l 7.'. CELERY, doxen italka. 150
36c: atate. standard eaae. $1 280I2 23: CHU'
DRV. tbi. 44VoH4?, ; ROOPLANTS. Jeraey. box,
50076c; Florlda. $2 .V*-g$3; HORSKRA'IISFL
um Ib, ttOlO; Impoite**. bbl. $4 50*8 $3 5**;
KOHI.R IHI, IO" bunches, $10$2 50, KA1.E.
bll. 20O30r: I?CTTC4. E, stat**. .rate. 4KXS75.*;
baaket, 44)4300. nearby bbl. 40<57o<-. Virglnla,
baaket lt***-*""54V: l.IMA RENNS. iotato. I askei.
H-611 BO; bag *"'*,$1 80. mcbhroom**. 4 lb
bask-**. 6173O6020: buttona. 11131123: I'KRA.
baaket, 7.'. 001 20; .*arrter. |1 30OJ2 30
OYSTER PLANT. IOO bunches $2 .".04?$.*?:
i-KAS. virginu half bbl baakat, *2fl|2 60:
PEPPBRS. sugttr bbl. $C<i|l 30; reguiar. $ltf
$137 baaket, lOOOOc; PARPNIPS. bbl, $1**.
51 10; Pl'MPKlNB. bbl, 50O70e; ROMAINK.
bbl SAcOI'i stato. haakot. 50*375.'. Maryland.
7", RADI8HEH, ioo bunchea 30,-0$1. Vlr
ainia baaket, 20e OMNACH. bbl. 60073.
BQI'AKH lltibbitrd. bll. 73c(B$t: marrou, 7,<><i'
73c; TTRNIPH. nitahaga. bbl or bag. SOtJOOc;
wblte, 7.*,.", ?l: TOMATOES, nearby, box, OK
I .i*l, fallfornla. l-.-x, 5t"V-*J7.V; hothouae. lb, 4W
M ???? vork. Oetoker ?>?>? 1012.
BBKVBS? Recelpta IU cars, ,.r 2,:.t?4
head; 45 ??- -?1*1 on sale. Ste-ra very slow
nnd 11)'.( ,.',c lower; bulla no ninro than
Btead) . thln cowa opened strong. closed
at-ady: medium an,i fOOd cows ateatly to
BlOW. Tbe yar,t.s tter,* not eleared. fomm..n
tO fulrly good ster-rs ?old al f.'i ii 17 73 pir
100 lb: oxen 18X0010 00' bulls. 04000*10;
towa $'- BOOJ ? *? 75. Dreeeod beef dull at 100
1."... for natlve il.U-a nnd D'tj.ll'e f')r Texal
Bale*?? San.lr-r-;: JI Virglnla. ste.*rs. 1238
11, average. ?7 or, yer ioo lb, 2 Pennaylvanla
7.M1 Ib. $.'. 2.", 2 oxen, 1030 lb. $.".; 13, 1180 Ib,
$4 7.", 7. 110") lb. *4 7,ii. 2. 1277, Ib, 14 00; I
i.'-.i-i. 800 io. 1310; i bulla 1000 lb, 0010;
2 1030 lb $."<; 1. i)4o |b, HIM): 2. '.'"."? Ib,
*i N -. 1000 lb. 14 io. .". cowa, in*. lb, $?*? 10;
18, IU07 Ib. 04 70. 1. 1100 lb, |4 ."-0; 11. 08T
lb, $4; 13, D4D lb $3 7.'. II, 800 lb, 6610: -j.;,
000 lb. 00; IL 71)0 lb, |2 IM); I, SOO lb, $2 7.V
J. Shamb-rg A Son: 20 Ohlo ateera, 12t?l
lb, 17 73- -.'ii Virglnla. 1177 Ib, 17 25; 30, 1177
lb, 17 23; 1, 1030 Ib. 17 30; Ll West Virglnla.
1003 lb. to '>?).
Newton A CO.; 20 Kentucky aL-ers, 12)13
lb. 17 30. le.*,*! $7 50 on lot; 12 Virglnla. 1204
lb, $7 ID, I)')*) lb. $0 10; .".. 100 lb. |0; .'. oxen.
llf.ii lb, |5i'<). 4 bulla, 1200 lb, $5 13.
M'-l'lir-rson tt Ce.: 8 Virglnla. ateera. 1255
lb. $7 7".. 11, 117,4 lb. 0700; 17. 1000 lb. $7;
I'.i atate. 1007 lb, 13 00; l ox. 118o lb. $6 2.'.;
1. 1200 lb. 00 .IO: 1. 1440 Ib. 14 75. 1, 1350 lb.
1828 1 bull, 1330 lb, 15 10; l. 11*?0 lb, 60 00;
1. 1270 lb. 14 73 2. lii'.O lb, $170: 3. 003 Ib.
1400 t. 87n lb. 0400; 2. 730 Ib, |4 40: 2
<*ows. 1100 Ib, ???'.7.-,: 1. 1000 lb. $.'. 60; J, ino.
lb. ?.**.. 17. 1.-.7 Ib. $4SO: ll>. 1037 Ib, $4 7.".;
.-, '??...; Ib. $4 00 | j?40 lb. $12."".. I). 0*41 lb.
14 20 l, io.".") lb. 1010: 10, -"oi ib. $3?3. :;.
D7:i lb |3 77, I H41 lb, $.'l 7o .-,. 0.14 lb. 1:1 40;
ii :.;;.; Ib, 68 80; 1. 800 lb. $?! 25; 21. 825 lb,
$.: lo *?:.-. i. 83 00; 18. sti4 tb, $2 00.
Tobln A Shannon: *.':! Virglnla ste-ra. 1070
Ih $0 73 1 ox. 13'_'<? Ib. $5 50. 1 bull. 1100 lb,
$4 77, I soo lb. $4 40; '_'. 7.10 lb. $4 27.; 14
...?v*. 100 lb, 80 30" '??. 803 Ib. $.*12.'>; 8, 7U". lb,
$2 7.'.. 7. .17.7, lb. 10 00.
K**rt,s Commtaalon fomoany: 20 Virglnla
steern. iisn lb, 17 75; 14 eewa 003 lb |3 05:4
123 lb. $4i*.o, 1 7.I0 lb. $4.
H Juitd S. <*.. 3 bulla, 870 lb. $4 00: :;
H0 lb, |3 or,. v Iia Ib. $2!>i. 10, 750
II $2 7.'..
.1 .; Curtla A Oon: 2 atate ateera. 1140 lb,
|(| :. 77... Ib, 18 1 ex. 1500 lb $0: 1. 1000 Ib,
|3g0 1 bull 1200 lb. $7,. :;, 073 lb. $4 75: 1,
I* .... :,. *-.72 Ib, $4 7.o, :;. 527 lb. $?: '?
,o.4?. 10.10 in. l4:.o. 4. im:; Ib. 1425: 12. :o-2
Ib, $4; 7. 051 lb. $.175. 6, 708 lb. 1.140: 14.
KIB lb $?::??:. 11. 900 Ib. 8?.*I0. 12. 77*1 lb.
$323 17. -Ufl tb, 13 15; 4. 700 lb. |3i -'. 100
lb, $2 75.
Andrew Mull-n 4 bulla. 1100 '.b. $4 75: 7.
057 lb |4 .V> 3. 4*4474 Ib. 14 20; I h-lfer. 670
it. $1 2 500 lb, $:i".o. I eewa 8?o lh. |3 3o:
COW tor ll'Ki. 1 for I*); I for |37 00
.-;.. 1 .
.Mllffe. Wrlght *? >o- 2 oxen. 1000 Ib.
-.- ., 2 bul - 7:15 lb. 14 25; 1 cow, 000 lb.
$ ; ..'. 20, 711 lb $'-' 00,
xv R Humi 10 eewa MO tb, $4 25. k M?
I 25 4. v..i Ib, $:i
I ll\K* R< elpta, 1.7,82 head 1.148 h? rl
og nala Veatl alow and barely afady;
K-raa-.er? end fed ralvea unehanged. Nn s?l**?
. ' Waateraa reported, Common to pr'nie
v*a!H aold nt $7500111 per 100 lb; a few
oxtra prlme at $11 *_'.vfgl 1 50; culla, $7.-ri$7;
graaaera, $4 ."??. -i *'. r.o. culla, $3: yearlinga,
t 1 . 1 alvea dull al 11 0 17c for
, Ry ilr'-ns.-d v-ale and 8ff 14c f"r cuntry
? w. n Hurn- 71 rea?. t44 lb gaar
agt ?li p-r 1.10 Ib: 8. 177 lt.. 01000; I. 141
lb; $9 8. 110 lb. $8; 7 graenera. 214 Ib. $5 25
H 11 Hollla: 81 veala 144 lb, 110 00H . 17
Of v:ir, - I. $70111.
Jelllffe. Wrlgl*' <? Ce.: 7 veala. 120 lh. |10:
1 140 lb |t0 30; I red calf. lt>0 Ib, $.i:,o; 3
07 Ib. $7
tndrew Mallea 1 veal. 132 lb. $11; 1. no
Ib $10 00; .".. 134 lb. $10 25; 1 grasaer. 170 lb,
.?*. "'.
J. O. furtls Ar Pon: 21 veala, 131 Ib, $11:
83 144 Ib, I1.I7.V 58. 141 lb. 110 .30; 37. 137
lb -10*-'.*. 70, 134 lb. $10; 10. 138 lb. 10; 2
eulla 1*40 lh. |7. 5. 103 Ib. $?: IS gniitsers,
200 lb. 0O6Q: 0 210 Ib. |5; 4 105 lb. $4 50.
H W 11 veala. 148 lb, 111, 0,
130 Ib 110 73: 0. 123 lb. $10 50: 2, 128 lb,
$10 3 eulla, 100 lb, *7 50.
R Bandera: l veala. 177 lb. $1150; 7. 145
I* IU23 3. 100 lb, $11. 19. 12? lh. $t075.
5 ir.2 Ih. ll" .".. '?4 lb, $s. 2. 103 Ib. $7 50; 8
r-jil-. 00 ib, $7. 53 cul| graaaera 152 lb. $3
MePheraon b Co 4 veala. 102 lb. $1150.
0. 177, Ib. 111: 1. 110 lb. $0: 2. Ill lb, $-4 50:
8, IOO Ib, $*<: 3. 220 lb ?7 50
Tobln * Shannon: 13 veale, 150 lb. $11: 24.
120 Ib. $10 82V,; 2. 110 lb. $8; 2. 05 lb. $7 5".
S Judd A Ce : 40 veala. 130 lt). $11; M,
120 lb. $10 50. . . ...
Kerna fon* ml "lon Company: 24 veals, 131
Ib .411 3 culla 22? 1). $0
SIIFEP ANI> LAMBS?Rerelptg. RO'., eara
or ?i.irii) bend 10 .-ara on aale Sheep about
?tead) . atrlctly good and cholee lamba flrm
to a frii. 1 on 1 Igner: ..thers Bteady hut qolet
\,...i u f,?- eara hei.i e*/er cenrunon te
prlma iheap 10U al 63O04 28 p*r 10.) Ih:
rnlia al $'.'".o common to choice lamba at
$7. :?..'.! $7. 1 <:.r at $7 10; e?|g at $4 .Vfti $.'..
? ntitlon **:ow at 0-!ffii-: dressed lambs
at os '.1 11 '??.-.
Hatei Newton * Cb.: 2**.." 3Veat Virglnla
lamba ..0 Ib average ld08 per ioo H>: 240,
.14 lb $?*. HO 24il 00 lb. JIMO. J40. 05 lb.
$,140 4 yearlinga 103 ib. 10; 3 ?h-,?p 13.-, lb.
$**. 1 nte yeaterday: 20' lamba. 07 lb, 00 03
387 rts lb. 1005; 2M. 410 Ib. lotpv 001 08 lb,
8030 244, 'ii lb. 6040; 0 rearllnga 00 lb. |5.
T..i'.in .< Ohannon: 130 Mleblgan hutii's. 74
lb $7 83 Kentucky, 80 lb, $7 122 aheep 114
lh, **t 10: Ig 100 lb, Mi 60 Micl.igan. 110 lb,
g 8andara: 173 state lamhs. 74 ib. |7 10:
?*.,*, PennaylvanU, n.**, Ib, $112.".. 207 Weet Vlr
>loii oo Ib, I'i-'-,: 22 Pannaylvanla (cuiiai.
?17 |b. $l 50 " itate, 40 lb. $1 00.
Kerna f o-nml-alon foinpanv: 140 atate
lamhi 73 II- $7 00 r*nn?i lvanla 61 lb
8005'' 232 Weet Vlralnla. 04 lb. 0000; ti
Mlchigan aheep 128 lb. $4; g M4 lb. $.1. 4:1
s)at<- 108 Ib II 13. sn |b, 13: -'? I'enna.l
\?n,a, 110 Ib. 14: 10 8S lh $3: 18 3Veat Vir?
glnla ......trllturi, 80 lb, I'i."'), 0, sl lb. |5; 4
ktate, 80 lb. *."*.
s lu.b: t .*.' 00 state lamba. 72 lb. $,
;;4. 7.1 lb. |0 75, 2 sheep. 100 lb ?' Mi t, 130
.) 13 30
.! f, Curtla A Son: 83 lUt? lambs. 72 11).
|?85< <t .*.'.' Ib, M75: 10, 00 lb, 10 25; 20. 53
11, 8550- 1 eull 50 lh. 15; 27 sheep. 00 Ib.
?, ;4 00 Ib I'I 75: I culls, 0.1 Ih. $2 50
\V R llmne: 50 stftte lamhs, 71 lb *7.
||(M.*> Itecalpta, 43 eirs, nr 7,248 head: 3
,ari nn aale Marleei 18 'tbe lower. with re
.,. . ? 1 aalaa ai IIOIISO por 100 lb; plga
?- -' .'; $T " -: ?''" r. ,??
Palei Kerna fotmnlasion company: 10"
Pannayl-ragla ho<... 144 lb average, 18 10 per
100 lh: 11 202 lb. $8: 01 plga. 07 lb. 17 7*0:
14. IM lb. 17 0 rougl.s, 204 lb. 17 10; ., 205
a Bandera: 8 st.xte hogs. 154 ib, $?2.*>; 4
I-enns> lvanla. 250 lh. |S: 3 rougha, 40? |b. 17.
fliicacr*.. net. 30. ? CATTLE ? Recelpta.
10 OM ateady; bee*?a ItSOOllI; Texai
Kteera $4 4o-fi 15 tv>. 3VeatiTn. 000000025;
nookera and Uedara 04 30O67 50; aoon1 and
helfen J2750I723: calvaa $<? ??"li $l" ?'"
114* .4 JS '-Rer. ipts. 22.00H. ItTOngl llght. $7 10
?*7Si). mlx.-d, $73301700; henvy. 67*7*
ITRB ."Ph. |70|7 20: Plaa I12V.I $'.**?'?:
,.,lk of -"..!.??. $7 5..-.l$7 75. 8HEEI* -Re*
,..|,,ta 32.0410; airong: nailvr*. |.| 3di/84 '.'_
u,?ie'rn $3 H3 4i 14 iio; yturllnga. J'4 V?f|
13 <M lamba, nutlve. |4 60-rJ|7 13; Weatern.
Kanaai Citv, Oet. 30.--i'ATTLE? Reeelpta.
11 000 Inclu.'.ing 1.800 houtlnTii; he^f ateera.
stork-ia anl feerten. 10013c low.-r. eowa
and south.-rna ataady; calvaa. t&hjghttt,
,lr^s?rd b^ef ard ixport ateera, $?* *r $10 ,..;
f?lr to ?<*????? $?50?$8; Wi*atr*rn, |9O00 00;
. vlt-rs and f.edi-ta. $4 504*117; Southern
$1-.-,??.". 7' Southern cowa. II 40*;?$5 23;
natlve $3 27. .f $i4 30, heif'-ra. $5 9$7 50: bulla.
if*. $5'*-.'.: .alv-a. MOOOOO. HO<?fi-He
,...,,? ia000 3O#20o lower; bulk of eal.*-.
17 33?17 00; heavy. 87 33 467 70: packera
,,;*,) butcli-ta, $7 4.',*'?$7 70; I'ghta. $7 H.'.V
$7*-7't pia? |4*?T$?so. RROKP?Recelpta,
17O0O; 10W20c higher; lambk. $0 2500710;
y.arPnga. $4 50?$0; wethera. $11. $4 83.
rwta. I3 50y|4 25; atockara and faeriere,
Clnclnnati, Oct. 30?CATTLE? lUeeip:a,
710 ateudv to 10c lowar; ate. ri. 14 20O87 30;
h.lf. ta, $1 50 it 18 23: cowa, MfOSOOOOi
calvaa atron-r and 23c hlfh?r. I0O0O7S.
HOOS?Recelpta. 4.200; alow; packerj. 17.13
'-'.'67 65: common eowa, 13-3*17; piga nr. 1
llgi.ti. $4tii$075. ataga. I4f>|850. gHEEP
Re.olpts 1.115: atronf, 11 23IJI3 73; lamba
strone. |3 50W|7 15.
Baal Ruffalo. Oct 30? CATTLE?Re?
celpta, 300, ateady vevi.s R.cdpta. Rio;
acllv and atrong at ?4<.'*Iii 33. a f?w $10 TK).
iiu.'.s--Reeelpta 8,100; actlva; heavy 10O15e
lotrer, llrfhi 20O000 higher; heavy. |s ,(
|H 10; mlxed. $7 75'j $7 H3: \orkera. $1 .V.4
$7 80; plaa. 171000700; rougha. $4i84)'ii*7.
ataga. **$.'.-j $? 50; tiairlea, $7;0O$. 75.
HIIEEP AND LAMBS ? Rflealpts, 4,000;
eh**ip alew and aieadv; lamba actlve. 15.;
higher; lamba, $4 0u*#$7; yearllnfi, $0 250
B8B8; wethers. |4 50'fl4 75; cwea, I20MI
aheep, mlxed, $.1814 2.',.
[By Telegraph to The Tribune 1
at. Loula. Oct. 30?CATTl-i: -l:cinta.
B.SM; falrlv actlve at yteady to strong pricea;
ateer*. $5 10? $11; helfer*. $4 IBOfB; cowa,
|_4o-$0tH., South.rn *teer*. $4l-.fi$".
HOOS?nec. ipts. !?,444; rr.odcr.itely a< tlve
and 1t,*8_.'c lower; choice llght io goo l"
w.-tghia, ft 830|7 78: ,,u]k nt ,?."'_' ?T_M_J
17 7.'.; packtr*. $74.17 .**.?); he.t IWhte. ?(}*?.?
08788; falr to medlum. $1123 010 83; plg*
$8 730$8 78. 8HBKP-? Recelpt* 3.778; ac?
tlve and ateady; lamba. $3 25tf $7 10; cul.a.
$3 50(8 $4 30; mutton aheep. $.75i?*4. 'oni
itt'in to nit.llum, $_ ",m*i $r, ,",n.
f'hlcago, Oct. 30. -More oourage developed to
day on the eelllng alde* of wheat than had been
wltne??e_ In aome tlme. An underatandlng.
between Iliiasla and Auatrla relatlve to the
Turklah war gave the bears an advantage that;
waa Increaaed by a blg galn ln the world'a
a\allabl< .supply. A, cordingly. the market.
though ateady at the cloae, flnlahed 4c to 14o I
under la?t nlght. latest tra<llng left corn Ho I
to 4<- down. oata off a ?hnde to %C off. and |
provlalona varylng from 25c decllne to a llke '
advance. Kange of pricea:
Wheat: Open. Hlgh. I?w. Cloae. day.
Dee. ?I4 MV ei oi i-4
May. Oi.**. '.Hl*. W. Mh ?74 I
July .. . M Bf !?'-"*? M 02%
Dec .. . .*_', 52 4 91% 81 \ 82 4
May. . 31*? IIM 811* 31** 711
July. 324 Wm o'l 324 324
l>e4-. 32 32'a .12 :t2 324
May.. . **4 4 .14', .14 34 .144
July. 34 8411 34 34 34 4
Jan. 14..-,,-, M dr, 10 ,-i2 10 ni 10 82
May. 10 17 10 23 10 17 l"4 25 10 17
Jan. 0 S7 0I"7 14*7 IH 9 82
May. o ?:> o 77 ti ? :< 7:. ? 88
Jan. IfSJ IS no le 25 18 30 la 32
May. IS 12 M 25 U i>7 I** 22 17 Bl
<*OPPKR?The h.cal mark.t waa uulet,
with lako and electro!. is quoted * I 7,824 O
17 s7'?...?. and caatlng, 17.28017.874fl 'Stand?
ard copper 4,n th< Metal Hv.h.inge ?a* dull,
Wltb Novmb-r at I&80 _ 17.1816* and Da
cetnber at 1878017c. London copper cio*e.l
al ?71 Ifia for *por an.l t75 7a ?i< 1 f.?r future*.
Arrlval. of copper at N*e*a York ?fr? 1,100
ton?, and c-xporl* fo- the muiitli thu* fnr
21341 tona.
TIN waa "lull, wlth spot. October aiul No?
vember u 80080.60c; Decernber, iQ'Joy
30.874c .,r,.l January. iti.tflilj 3u.:J7 4c In
I.ondon tin cloaed <-uiet. at OXSA for spot an.l
?228 16a for future*
I.EAD?Weak at fr a?ked In New Tork
and 4.8M aak<d Eaat St Loula I.ocal aaiea,
.",0,000 Ib apot. I.ondon leAd, ?10 ,*.h.
SPEI.TF.R?Eaiy; N-w York. apot, 7 350
7.43c. and Eaat Bt Loula. 7.25c , Id. London
apelter. ?27 7a 06.
IRON?4'leveland warrant* 88a 74d In
I.on4lon. I.ocally flrm and hlgher for South?
ern grades. No 1 foundry Northern. $18 2.">0
$18 7.1: No 2, $17 7o*Y$lH 25; No 1 Southern,
?1N 70'. |1 !>?-'.*>. and aoft, |is:,0ff$19.
Passes the 11-Cent Level on
Foreign Advices.
New hlgh ground for the fnovement
was entered bf the cotton market yester?
day, ar.d the 11-cent level was pa*.>w*d on
the clrculatlon of a btilllsli trade btata
nient by a promlnent Kngiish authority
and a flrm Southern spot sttuatlon. Jan?
uary contracts touched ll.ISc ln the late
trading, 35 polnts above the oarly ,4>w
level and 84 polnts, or $4 20 a bale, above
th* low reeord of October 17. Tho for?
eign estlmate came from N'elll Brothers,
London statlsticlans, who estimated re
qulrements of Amerlcan cotton for the
present season at from li.WiA**) bales to
14.7'*",ouo hales, whlle B. V. Xelll. thelr
chl" f travelling representatlve ln the
South, eatimates the crop at 13,970,000
hales. Seme local trad^rs were not dls
poaed to credlt the flgures. elther as to
crop or con.-uimptlon. but commission
houses report.-.1 a greaiter volume of out?
side buylng than for ?ome timo pa*-t. and
sai<l that people who liad been out of the
market for weeks were taklng a renivvd
Intereat In the sltuation. Heavy rea.Iiing
, hackai the advanc. at lnt.rvals. but the
close was wlthin 7 nr 8 polnts of the top
and at a n?-t galn for the day of 16 to il
polnts. Southern crop markets were
Vil3-lt>c higher, and the lo>-al spot mar?
ket showed a galn of 20 polnts, to 11.ioo
l'or nild'l.lrid; 8| land. Local contract
Llverpool 88-8-81 .-*pot BB-bBB. Niir biisliirHa
dolng. talt-a, \0"?' balea; a,-?, ilatlon und ?-x
port. too. american, 7.000; ln.port*. nooo all
.4merli an. Mlddllng upln!i I ? 8N hlturea
ciened qulet at 1 polnt Bdvaace; c'oaed ateady.
14034 polnta hlgher. OdO-er, 818188; i
tober-Novcmbe.-. liU'l, Nor. mher lAcwr.ber
und Decernber .anaary, Sd: J;.r.-ar> -Pebniary.
?4d; P.hruary-Mairh. n.-d. March-A-prll.
6031; Aprll-May, tf.m.l: M."> ieoe and June
July 6 "^'.d; July-Aurist. (-".'): Augnst
s,.. ten-.ter. 5.09d Mar, ti.ater?Yarn* tiriii,
colth*, large buaineaa doing.
Naw Orlean*, Oct 80?A London author
ltv*a bulll?h crop eatlmate to-day a.-nt c. it->n
futuree pricea aoarlng, ateady demand maln
talnlng much of tho advance and brlnging
up tbe etoaa ai n n-.-t edvaaee ..f Ifoll
Openlng bld
and aaked.
October. lt..la-.;l
November. n 08al0
Peeember. 11.18
January. ...... 1 l.l.'al
March. II.--*
Mav. II I1"
July. II P'tCl
'Ihe following aecorltlea wcr.- ould ye
terday at auction at the exchan-je ailes
room by Adrlan H. Muller & Sun:
For account of Ilanker." Trust Co., trilfcte.
O'.N', sharea WlOO Termlnal Ca, and an> fgier
set ih..- trust.-e ma) have had ln 8 ihart-s
Wiae Termlnal c,. i$l"Hi each)..-$8.i?X>
$8*>.4i-0 Wlae Termlnal Co flr?t inOrtf*_*_ 9 I'r
cent bonda .$.0,u<?
l'y order of exeeutora.
IL088 Cantnl Hudson steumboat io. 3 |^r
oent bond. due May, 1HIU, Intereat May ani
November ox. November, lt.12, coi*pon).
AH of the rlght, tltle an ! inteicat and ecjury
of Edward St,ut, as exeeutur under the laat
wlll and te.tamant of Charles H \\>lfe, d,
ctaaed. In and to tht- r.,lloi?!ng. vl-.: 2.-t")
shan^ Ontario Mlnlng _n<l Smeltlng C-. i|l
each'i, 884 -haree Para Mltl l_?WethJ. Realty
Co. illOO eu.-hi and 1,884 ahare* Ontari..
Iltateg an.l Smeltlng Co <|1 egchj, hvpothe
cated wltb tVo4>dha"_i uank aa aeciirfty for
$1,611 ?7 and Intereat, balance due ,ul notea;
lot .-'-$47
5iH> s.har.s .)ntarlo Mlnlng and Bmeltlng < ? Al
each). hjpothecat.d w.ih Vlncent BcUllln i.a
S-earlty for $11*4 and intereat, BBlBBrfl due
on note*; lot.$5
Agreement dated Decernber 20. 10O4. ?lgned by
XV. y Wyckoff. afiecthig .TWO share* at.i.k
of the Onierto Mlnlng and Sni'ltlng Co., held
ln e*crow by W. T. Wyckoff, for voting pu*
poaea; lot .$17
For account of whom It may concern.
21 sharea Cnlted National Rank of Troy, N Y
(|14X> each) .20">
6 s'.are* Tltle Insurance Company of Nuw
York itlUO eachl...111
100 *hares CalorBdo Ku.-I and Iron "'? ...ni
mon iliou e_'in.*'*34
100 aharea I>joa. -Wlles Hlai-ult Ofl. "onimoii
dl". each) .*;1?
$a.4A)4? Jamalca Eatate* il per o?r.t regl?t*red
mortgag.- gold tMinils. due beptember. IBlTj
intereat Man I. ani i^eptember.$8,180
100 aharea The Mothetu-tte Cor|K,ration .$1')
each) ..$14*3
11 4K.Nl Huffalo A Dake Erle Traetlon C?. 3 per
cent bond, due lisM; intereat May and Ni>
vember: aflcnied Interest to ba charged,.. tJH
ItW.ii"-) Amerlcu* HJa.) ?la? and Ble.-trlo Co.
hrat mortgage -U- year 5 per cent gold bond*.
ga? May. 1D42 i|l,000 each).,.Xi
I'.'o.Oon aame .88
|lo.mft* aama .33
25 ahore* I'ranklin Tru?t compaiiy of Brook?
lyn. by tranafer ($100 eaoh).-223
$2 000 bond und mortgage, at ? ner cent, qi ide
by i-ferah C. Monaon. coverlng lota 00 ami
18, ln bl'X'k 8. on nup of Reaux Arta Park,
Huntlngton, Ix>ag laland, dated November
BT, lull . 12.11")
15.1)00 note of ?aiah C Monaon to Buitajtoby
Urothar*. dated .-.eptomler So. 1011.$101
Contract of purchase -made by Frederlck L.
Taylor wlth Huatanoby Hrothera, coverln*r
plot 92. ln block 8. on map of B'aux Art*
l'ark. Huntlngton. I<ong laland. dated Au ?
guat 18, 1011; due March I. 1012.$3
The New York Central Lin. a huVv ,y.
dered 207 steel ras?erger cara, to coat
about $6.(108,4V}**, and to be dellvemr at va?
rious tlmea n.*xt year up to isVptember I.
The order, which ls said to be the largest
ever given for all steel passenger c*%ra, la
dlvlded as follows: The Amerlcan Car
an.l Foundry Company, 115 ear*; Bgrney
& Bmlth, 60; the Standard Steel Car COtn
pany. 3, and the Pullman Comyany, 7,

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