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BECKER IN DEATH fll VET HOPEFUL ro,0 Influential Friends, He Savs, Have Pledged Funds to Carry Fightto United States Supreme Court. 60FF SETS WEEK OF DEC. 9 Sheriff Allows Prisoner Two pays More in Tombs, but Wife Objects to Friday Start?Nearly $reaks Down in Ossining. Whm the hea\y iron-barred gates of gina fing prison closed behind Charles pccker at 1 .'io o'clock yesterday after? noon his idcntlty was subnierged In ?Ao ftTflft-" By this number he will he henceforward known, and any let? ters be oddreoaafl to the outside worid niust be?r ln tha Bppor left hand lorner "So. ?>:*.. TtiV" Becker's walk from the little station lt (jssinin-*. followed by a crowd of more than a hundred youths of tlie ?.illagc. ''?tth women polnting him out is he passed and erying, "That's ?ac?M*!" almoat broko him down. But he rcgatned his norvo when the otoaA Aoon, one by one. opened to re ct\\e hlm and closed after him. and there was only the siifi-gestton of a trcnor in his voice a8 he bade goodby to Bkerifl Hartwrgar and the two dep? uty shrrlffs who delivered him up to James Connaufhton, the principal keeper of Sing "-"irrj. Then he had a bath. and hi? black luit and other garments were taken from him. He then put on prison clothe? and when he was tallen to the Beath call. in the little one story gray llone plle in the south western part of the prison > ard, he was woaring a sult tf dul! gray, the conventional prison garb, and a darl**, gray flannel shirt. Death Wateh Day and Night. From that time forward?it was about u o'l-lock?until he is executed Cutting"Overhead" to a Minimum E have spent many millioni of dollars to build a model industrial city, where manu facturers and wholesaler s can do busi? ness under the moat favorable conditions tha ever existed. Our tcnants" overhead and operat? lng costs of every kind are cut to an ab6olute minimum. There is a plentifui supply of hap py labor. The cars of all railroads are at our doors; the ships of all nations at our docks. The instant you gain such sweeping sdvantages over your compatitors you take a long stride in beating them to tbe market. Un't this worth looking into? Our "Economy" booldet is sent on request. Bush Terminal Co. General Offices : 100 Broad Street, New York City Q New inserted tips make Arrow Wing COLLARS strong where others tn weak. 2 for 29 cents CLUBTT. PEABODY tt COMPANY s-Be Your Own-** Piano Salesman Send postal to Department **T" for particulars regarding Special Confidential Ofter of WRITERS PIANOS AND 88-NOTF PIAVE" PIANOS B100MINGDALES' | Ujl ts 34 Avt., 59th te 60th St. I 4-BT/.BUBHED 1827.) R. SIMPSON & CO. 143 We.t 4'id St., near Broadw.y. Bro-rJw?>, Corner 67th St. I.OAXS TO AV* AMOl.1T ON ll Ifn.r OT rKKAONAL rnoi'KBrv. ._*'? _?"*? ? l".ri? ?Mortrn-iit of DU mnnO ainfu. rXarnon-l Pln?. *<* , ?t prlce* ?nieit wiy s-ttsfy c-.r?ful purcha-xiM. *** . BECKER ARRIVING AT SING SING. Walking through the street- of Ossining, escorted l?v Sheriff Har burger aud his deputies. or receives ? new trlal, he will be watched day and night hy ? priflOfl guard, familiarly known as tiie deatli watch. anil pennittcd to see only his couneel, the priaoa phyalcian, a ihap laln. if he deslrt s, and immediate mcm bers of his family. These last may come only within three feet of hlm, a curtain of .steel mesh wire interveninp. Ten feet from Be ker's ccll is the death, with the chair ln whlch he ls doomed t4> dle, and when he is pormlttod to exercise daily in the three feet of apace between the tlcr of eells and the wire BCTCCn he can see the lit? tle green door through whlch he has been aeptapcod to pass. There are ten other condemncd per? sons In tho death house. On Becker's left is the ccll of Corporal L. Fpohr, a United States uoldler, who kllled his aweetheart. On his right is the last of thr empty (ells on the ground floor, and two pncea further to the right ls the little greon do'ir. There are flve other empt* ceUa ta tiie death house. Thev aie ..n a gallery just over Bei ker's eell. Juat before Becker aHghted from the train he toid several newspaper men thnt h- ?ar glad thc fortnalitles at t. ridant :ipi>n hls coovlctloil were about. over. "I will i>e a free man yet," said Becker. "I will flght this conviition to thc highest court in the land if ne - e-ssary. i was deprived of my constl tutlonal rlghts, aiul lf the convlctlon ls not set aside by thc Court of Ap roala anri i am flrmiy oonvteeed it will be?I will take the case to the I'nited States Supreme Court. ?I dlil ii"t even have a tijrhting chance." Becker intimated to friends nn the train that Alton B. Parker would prob? ably l.?- retnired to urgue ihe ? ase on appeal. "I will not lack funds." said Beeker. ? Two influcntlal friends have promiseil to bear any legal caused by my flght against thls unjust venii" t. ' HaatertB to Wifa's Side. After the sentence of death had been pronounced upon him he J4iined his Xi ife in the Sherlff's room Just before going across the Bridge of Sighs. He kissed her arid then left her while he talked wlth Sheriff Harburger boyOOd her hearing. When he returned he said: "Dearie, I can etay here only two days." "Why ran't you have ten?" asked his wife. "Thc law gives them to you." "No. it Is optlonal wlth the Sheriff. He will let me stay only two" Sheriff Harburger nodded. "No, I don't want you to go up there nn a Friday." said hls wife, wlth a shudder. "I thlnk myself I may go up to-day and have lt ovex with," said Becker. It wan only a question of a few mln? utes beforr Beoker was placed in the "Black Maria," which tore up La fayette street, paat Police Headquar ters, and stopped only when the Orand Central Station was reached. To Live Near Prieon. Aecompanylnk Mrs. Becker. Who will make her home In a cottage al Ossln ing wlthli. walking di.-t..n-e of the prlson, where John Be.-kcr, thi OOO* demned man's brother. his wife and Patrolman Charles Shcphcrd. who was on Becker'B staff when he raided Itosenthal's gambling hOhae. Becker was surroitnde.i by a laree crowd that had been waiting for the train. which had bfl New Vork at U;66 and arrlved at Sing Sing at 1:1.1 ,,',-lock. Mrs. Becker, ac-miipanlod by Ueuteriant John Becker ami hls wife. drove up to the prieor. in B four whecler. Sheriff Harburger walked his i*rls oner by a short cut to the prlson, wlth a noisy mob at his hecls and on elther eide. This walk was apparently a terrlbi. ordeal for Becker. He seemed on UM polnt of utter collapse. Sheriff Har? burger could have put him int4. a COT* riagc but he said that he declded to walk hlm, to Impress tb* btbtb wlth the netessity f.f provirtiti-r a van fur the conveyance of prlaonera from ihe r.-tii road Btatlon to tha prison, ? little nvore than ,-i mlle hv drive. antl three-quar tera of a mlle by the short eul Tragic Little Procession. After Backar was* led thrt.uuh the crowd ?1 tln* station the little proces? sion fuunfr lnti> an obacure stteet known aa Souih Water itrost Ranklng the railroad tracka aud thr Hudaon River. Oppoaite a wholeaala butcher*i Bhop. on the platform of arblck wera dark BplotchOS, Becker was led up a tortuous flifrht. BOVeral hundred feet 111 length, of rlckety wood steps. that hroupht the prfaonar, sheriff s. news papermen and crowd to the top of a little i*rnin?**nce km.wn a.s Prison Hill. Then doWII Dufatron avanUO the crowd went. a acore of h?>B danelng along the rriad Boekor i>*> this time wa.s p"l*** Hli llpi were pai.hed, ar.d he kept molotonlng them wlth his tongue. Tho avenue for a bnef Btretch com* nr.anda a beautiful panoratnlc vlew of the Hudson and the Palisades, rlch In their auturonal tlnta of gold ami brown, imt Becker kert hlfl oyea jriue.i on thi* jrrniind until the prison araa reaehed. Mra, Becker and ber companloi paaaed the prtaoaei In ? carrlage, bu! lie dld not see her The oaIy remnrk paaaed to Becker on Mi aralk to the priaon came frDin a raggod indiviiiiiai, who abouted* ?Keep ,i stiff upI-Tr Up, Old man'" Mtf. Becker wa.-* ln the chlef clork'i rooan arhen her buaband wai lad (hrough the piist.n dOOT I.' SheritT Harburgcr. Bha dld nol look hli iray. Sht aeemed ln b daae. Bhe waa dry ayad. Her brother-ln-law, John Beeken waa aobblna*. uneble tn rea traln ftrlef. All WibH Him Good LucU. Becker ihnoi band arlth Bherlfi Harburger and hli two deputlei aa he araa turned owr to Prtndpal Keeper Connanghton. Ali wished hlm luck, and Connanghton. wl.ften niet hlm before when he broughl prlaonen up the hlll. said: "i'm aorry t" aoe you hen-." ??N'o iiii. li .-.iii'i than i atn,M aald Backar. whu i.> this tlme hnd rei-.-iineti bla ooinponure and was nnfllng. At 4:80 O'ClOCk Mis* Becker, who had lonohoon in the villaire, saw her li'is hand ln the deatb bouae, Bhe was areapbif dnrtag the better parl of the hour she remained there Lnter Becker was visited by father Caahln, the OatholiC chaplaln Of the -rison. Becker ls a Protestant, hut the prison has heen without B Protestant chap? laln since Juni*. To-day lhe prison physi'-ian will vislt him. Warden Keunedy said Mrs Becker arould Le permitted to vlsit hei buaband daily. FIFTEEN APPEALS PENDING Condernned Men in Sing Sing, Auburn and Clinton. Albany. Oet ",o.- When tha foon of the tiealli bo*?M at Slnic Bt-f prison close.I oa former POMPfl l-i.-utenaiit Charles BadtST, eonvletod of tne murder of Herman r.> mathal bla amda the Bfteeatli murder . ,,-e awaitinr**; iletermlnatlon hy the Court of Appe-al*- Of Uie ten nien aln-ndy ln "murdei-i rs' rOW*" at Si'its' Slnx. the case of only one haa h"cn declded by the eourt, that of Matteo Uair Oi. whom eqavto tlon for the murder of three member.*-* of hls fatnlly ln New Ynrk BM Ophald bf the t-ou'rt yesterday. There are four con .ltiiinerl men ln Aulmrn prison and one ln 4'llnton. The case ..f iir. k.hi.i I'ailni. a W*M' oheater County murdarpr, aou peadtog befori the I ourt of Appeals. Is an illuB uation of tbe ijalaTB la tb.* dlapeettloa of murder cases. Patini was convlcted of shootlnK a fellow 00 intryni. n on Decem? ber IR. 1910 Ha "a.-* aantoaood m dlc m the week of March 1::. illl. but tlie execu Hoh wae atayed by niing a n-ottca of ap paal Th.- ca.**. has not **el beea argued nur has a dui> for arifuVhciit been flxcd. BECKER IN AGONY AS HE HEARS HIS DOOM Ashy White, He Clutches at Railing for Sup? port?Wife Praying Meantime in Adjoin ing Room?Week of Dec. 9 Set. Sentenee of death was pronouneed upon Charles Becker hy Justlce Ooff at the openlng of the extraordlnary term of the Supreme Court yesterday Becker was sentenced to die in the electric chalr at Sing Slng some time during the week be gfnnlng Decernber %. The entire proceedlngs ln court occupied only elght mlnutes. A noUce of appeal was served on Dlatrlct Attorney Whlt? man by Hecker's counsel Imniedlately after sentenee. whlch operates as a atay of execution for six months. There have been three ?'blg" moments ln the Becker case. One fell upon the nlght of July 29. when, following the con fewslon of "Bald Jack" Rose and hls ap? pearance before the grand Jury. that body found an lndictment for murder ln the lirst decree against the police lleutenant Bt a nlght aesslon. Another, and perhaps more .Iramatlc moment. occurred when the Juiy at hls trlal brought In at mid? night of october 24 the verdict of gullty as eharged In the lndictment. The third, and probably the most harrowlng inomei-t of all, was when Becker recelved hls death wanant in court yesterday. As Justlce Goff read ln a low. eolemn volce?which penetrated every part of thc courtroom because of the deep alW-nce whlch prevailed-the statutory Judgment of the court against tne convicted man, Becker ahowed tbe first real emotion slnce hi waa placed on trlal. Hls usual swarthy <*olor turned to aehy palisneaa, and he elutched the ratllng ln front of hlm for support. fhe musclea ln hla throat contracted and he awallowed hard three or foiir tlmoa. Then the paroiyam passed He pulled hlmself together and wa!k"<l hrlskly out of court shackled to Deputy Sheriff Kiernan. The condemned man wss aoon ln the priaon van and headed for the statlon, accompanled by BbeHfi Harburger and hls deputles. on the way to the "death house'' ut .Stiis Slng. Wife Praying Near. During lha laal ordeal of the prisoner in rourt Mrs llcleri Becker, hls wife. waa lu aa anteroom adjommg Justbe Goff's ehambera with rather Corry of st. Jamea a Remaa CathOhc Church, and the prteoner'i brother, John Beckef. it was tbe aame place from whlch Mrs be. ker ' had heard lha verdl-t of gullty pro Dounoed againat her husband the nlght Of hls ...nvi.-tlon. Tha BfMel knelt In prayer witb tha Btrlckea woman as her husband was being dOOOBBd. She said aftrrward that the Btraifl of heailng the ?entenca pronouneed waa the bardeal thal ahe 01 her husband bad fheod -in. e he wae plaoed Ofl A ? ?rtaln lelaxa tion after tha Mat Bfld har.lest ordral was over made them both feel better, | ;,ld A CTOWd of tWO thousand persons gath? ered in Franklln street. over whlch the Bridge et siaha peaaea from the Tomba to the <*rtmlnal I'oiirir Buildlng. long ne fera Beeker araa broughl ovei from hia eell t'i 4. room adjolntag Justlca OofTa courl Tha corrldora of Ihe .oun build? ing on the lower floor. where the Crlml nai Braneh of the Buprenaa Courl la sltu? ated, irere fllled wlth ewtoua peraonfl who ?ought entran< a M the eourtroean. Cap? tain Tlerney and the roeortoa from the Bllaabeth atrael station were oa hand to prej.-rve ord. r. It wa*? a hnrd task for the peUeeaaeB ti,<- apeelal panel af IM taieamen who ? ,i beea Bumaaeoed as preepecttvn Jurora foi the trlal of "Red PhO" DeeMeon, who later plead-fl gullty M murder la the see. ond degrw for kiuing "Big Jack" Zellg. crowded lh< courtroom when Juetlce Oolf appeared on the beneh at MJI a ox Many ,.t the t.,le men wete standlng, being un? able tr, g< t seats. and Justlce Unff ord.-ie,! tiie courtooaa <jMated ot tho*". itandlng before Beekar wafl called M lha bar. Al a i.od from Juatka Oofl Clerk Penn) ialh i "Charlea Becker to the bar." There was a moment of tetision as Decha were craned towaid the back of the courtroom, where Becker and the sh'-riff - eeeort Been oaaae through lha dooi '. kei aralked Bteadlly along the rallad alale at the side ef the room snd awung around i.> the rlght M Baea Justlce Ooff before tha beneh. Sheriff Harburger mgg at tha prtoener- side neputy SherllTi Bpellmaa and Kelrnaa brought np tbe mar Of the party. Beeker wore ? dark ult. The Unea ln hls face were ?el ami there waa a sad gllnt In hls j ,,m he looked ahout the courtro..m ln a bewildered eort of way. and flnally let his gaze rest on the Judge. Dlstrlct Attorney Whltman broke a palnful sllence by arlslng and movlng for Judgment on the verdict against Beoker. John W. Hart, Becker's lawver, interposed to explaln that John F. Mc? lntyre, chlef counsel for the defence, was too 111 to appear in court, and he desired M make the usual motions to set aaide the verdiot. Justlce Ooff llstened patlently to the aeven or elght brief grounds on which counsel based his motions and then denied them. No Effort to Tell 8tory. Clerk Penny then turned to Becker and asked: "Charlea Becker, have you anythlng to say why Judgment should not be pro? nouneed you?" There was no response from the pris? oner. Justlce 4,off forthwlth pronouneed sentenee. Becker looked squarely at the venerable Justlce whlle the latter spoke. He turned his head a little as lf better to catch the words of the court. Tho prt.oncr fllnched and lost hls accustomed aelf-control mo mentarlly aa he heard the dreaded words* "To do execution upon you." In sentenclng Becker Justlce Goff said: "Charlea Becker. the Judgment of the court ls that you, Charles Becker. for murder ln the flrst degree of one Herman Roeenthal, whereof you are convleted, be and hereby are .enteneed to the puntsh ment of death. And lt ls ordered that wlthin ten daya of thla day's aesslon of the court the Sheriff ef the County crf New Tork, dellver you, together wlth the war rant of thls court, to the agent and war den of the Btate prleon of the State of New York at Sing Sing. where you shall be kept In solltary conflnement untll the week beginning Monday, the nlnth day of Decernber, 1?12, and upon some day wlthin the week so appolnjed thc said agent and warden of the state prlson of the State of New York at Slng Blng Is com? manded to do execution upon you. Charles Becker, ln the mode and manner pre ?erfbed by the law of the State of New York ?' Justlce Ooff then commsnded the HherUT to take tha prisoner frjm the courtroom Deputy Sh.tifT K.-irnau anapped the hand cufTs on Becker'a rlght wrist. whlch stlll clasped the ralllng. The cllck of the cuffs was dlstinctly heard by those ln thc courtroom. Becker iocked down at his wrist. and the-.. a* the deputy sheriff qulckly ard wrt.ho-it changlng hls oxpre* slori. walked briskly after Sheriff Har? burger. who had started ahead from the courtroom. Be;k?r tttepp-d out so rapldly that the chain ">f thc handcuff attached to the deputva wrist was kept taut. and the latter had to hurrj to keep np wlth the prisoner. Beeker waa taken acrosa the bridge to the Tombs at 10:40 and twenty mlnutes later was In the prlson van and started ?n the flrst stage of hls Journey to Slng s'jng MH Becker and B-r-ker's two brothera, John and Jackson. went to the ,ram |? !t taxi.iab and were waltlng for thi prl oner al the statlon when be ar? rlved Sheriff Goes Armed. Becker and hls lawver, Mr. Hart hoth rrrpiested SherlfT Harburger to allow the prisoner to remaln ln the Tombs the Mat Utory ten days before transferrlng hlm to htnte prlson. The Sheriff conferred Wft Dlatrlct Attorney Whltman, and flnally refused the request The Dlstrlct Attor? nev aaid B-tBTWaid that he had not aug gested that Becker be taken to Slng Slng yeaterday. but dld aay to the Sheriff that he bellved lt would be for the beat to re? move hlm aoon. Fherlff Harburrer car rted a large Celt revolver ln hls pocket when he atarted on hla Journey. He showed lt to some persons as he left the courtroom The deputy sherlffs were also armed. Aaked how long it waa llkely to he be fore Becker'a eaaa came up for argument before the Court of Appeals Dlstrlct At? torney H bttmaa BBJd yebterday that lt would probably take a year. Tha aver? age tlme elapslng between sentenee and argument on appeal of sueh cases was about tl.irteen months. he said. 'The tlme was PSUatly extend.d beyond the statu torv Ix months by the court at the re quest of on* slde or the other. I H*-trI>-t Attorney Whltman wlll appear before Justlce ('off to-day and move for a speclal panel of talesmen from whlch to eeleet the jury for the trlal of "Whltey WARRANT THAT SENDS BECKER TO HIS DEATH Former Police Lieutenant Must Remain in Solitary Confinement Until He Goes to Chair Week of December 9. People of tba state of Weu york. to the Bhertfl of the iV.U.,IV .rf 1How Vork and the AK?*nt and W arden of the Btote Waowof R5n Vork. at MaB **??? 0riw?Saa, at an extmordlpary Mat i, rn <>f tbe Supreme f oiirt of tl.e BUt* ?t New Vork. beffun and holden n i_d ror the Connty of New fork, ?; V, lat Judlcial Watrlcl of tho mM Mate Ol N.w Vork. at the Buiiding for Orlmln-1 Courta. In the said County of New fork. punuent to aa oraer or ,,,*.raiwvr of tba state ot Kew ?ork bearlns date ot Augpat lt, M-. ,,? Tuesday, the thlrd da> Of Bt* tember ln tbe rear **t Our L_rd. ,;,,.-"?? hundred and twelve ... -vli on Thursday tbe tw.niy-fourth day of October, in tha rear rt-rorceald -before lohn v. Oolf. ona of tha Justice* of ff's.i|.reme Court of tte-tfd State of New Y.rk. duiy daalgnuted h> said order aa prtaldlng Juatlceottbe said . xtra.-rtiliiary term. harles Becker was in due form convlctwl by the verdict of th- Jury of the .murder of ou- Herman Kimcnthal Wln rea.-. on tbe thirtleth day of ( )t tober. ln the year of Uur lx?d. nlne t.en hundred and twelve. at the eald .?xtrai.riilnary term of the said court. h-ld In and for the ?*ounty of Net Vork, at the *al?l Bulldltlf for t rtml rml Courta. befora tba said Juatfea of tln* Suprenu* I'ourt of the .stat.- Of \>v. Vork. 4H aforesaitl, JtiilKment was thereuoon jlVen Ot the aald Supreme Court on the said .?onvlctloti of mur c|.*r in the flrst dejeree of the said Charlea He**ker to auffer the punlsh m*nt of deatb ln tba mod. and man ii. r prescrlbed by the laws of the State of New Vork. and tbe said etiurt dld t|iereiipon appoint the week cominenclntir Monday. the niufh of De i-i mh- r, in the YeHr of Ourl.ord. nlne teen hundred aml twelve; the week ?wlthln whlch the nald judKiiient ahould ba w?d-uic-J. _nJ dld alao Uecrce that within ten days after the iasuing Of this narranl to you, the aald Shej-lff. that you, thc sahl Sheriff, shall de llv. r th. said Charles Becker, together wlth thls warrant. to the agent and ward.-ii of the State Prlson of New Y,.rls at Hlng Slng. Now. therefore, you, the said Sheriff. ara hereby roQinred n ten dnys aft.-r the Meulng te you 4,f this warrant to the agent flind warden of Ihe St.tte Prlson 4>f New York at Slng Slng. and VOU, tbfl said agent an.l warden. nre hereby **Ommanded to recelve the aald Charlea Beeker from the aald Sheriff. and from the tlme of the dellvery of the said 1'harles Becker wlth thls warrant to vou by the said Sheriff. and untll the Inflictlon of the pOn Ishir.ent of death Of the said "Charles Becker. unless h4> shall be lawfully dlsi-harged from such Imprtsonment, vou shall keep and detain the said Charlea Becker ln solltary i-onflne menl anil ;illow no person acceas to hlm wWhout an order from the court, except the offlcers of the prlson. hls counsel, hls physli'ian. priest or min? ister. If he shall deslre one, und the members of hls famlly. and you, the aald agent and warden. are r***<|tilred by theae preaents atrlctly eommamled to do execution on the said Charles Becker ln the mode and manner pre scrlbed by the lawn 4>f the State of New York on a day wlthin a week so app4ilnt4?d by aaid Judgment. and for so dolng thls shall be your sufticl-nt warrant In witness whereof. I. John w. Goff. Justlce of the Supreme t'ourt of the State of New York. and who i-onstl tute th?* said court and the prealdlng Juatlee thereof. have here.unto sun Bcribed my name, thls thlrtleth day of 4ietober, lu the year of Our Lord. nlin'teeii hundred and twelve. [fleal I JOHN W. OOFK. Justlce of Supreme Court, State of aN'ew York. T.ewls. whlch ii aet for November 8. Roee. Weber, Vallon and Schepps, as well as Mrs. Lllllan Rosenberg, wife of "Lefty" Loule. wlll testify for the state at thc trlal. The trial of th* flrst of the four gun? men ls expected to last about four days The others will be tried aiterward. Rose and the other witnesses in the West Slde court prison are anxlous to get out, lt is said, as they considtr that tbey have ful fllled thelr obllgation to the District At? torney by tcstlfylng at Becker's trial. lf a dertnite move is made ln that dlree? tlon, however, lt is underatood that the Dlstrlet Attorney will have them appre hended and held in heavy ball as raa terial witnesses untll after the trlala Bf the gunmen. BECKER MARRIED 3 TIMES First Wife Died from Tubercu? losis After Eight Months. (Tiarles Becker, the former police lleu? tenant, 4:onvicted of the murder of Her? man Rosenthal. was married three tlmes instead of twice, lt was learned yesterday. ft was when he was a patrolman?ln fact, when he had been on the force little more than a year?that Charles Becker was married to Mary Ann Ma.ioney, of No. 117 Washlngton street. The exact date was Kcbruary 6. 1S95. The mar? riage took place at St. Peter's Church. in Barday street Monslgnor Janirs EL Mc Oean. pastor of the church, performed the ceremony. Thelr married life wa* short. On Oc? tober 15 of the same year Mary A. Beck? er dled from tuberculosis. She waa burted ln Calvary Cemetery on October IS, 1S95. When Becker married Mary Mahoney he was twenty-flve yeara old. He met hls rlrst wife whlle dolng patrol duty ln the nelghborhood ln whlch ahe lived. It was usual on Sundays for Becker, who wore a high hat on auch occasions, to take the daughter of Jeremlah Mahoney to -t Peter'a Church. It had been supposed that Becker waa married for the flrst tlme. instead of the second, as is the case, on April 28, lf.S. Mrs. Letltta Becker, hla second wife, ob talned an absolute divorco on, June 4, 1*>05. and flve years later married Paul, 4--C Oriental Rugs Every Size Weave Price LARGEST COLLECTION IN AMEBICA Kent-Costfkvan _ ? c founded IMI 8 West 38th Street Only Location ORANT NOT FORMER POLICEMAN. Through an error lt was stated in The Tribune yesterday that Louis J. Grant, a lawyer, of No. 99 Naasau street, waa a "former pollceman," whercas it was ln? tended to refer to hlm as a lawyer, who had appeared a_ counsel for many pollce men. B TARIFF LEAGUE 8XTES BAJ&BER Dlamond Match Official Said To Be in Arrears for Dnea. Ohlo C. Barber. chairman of tbe board of dlrectors of the Diamond Match Com? pany, was sued ln the Supreme Cocrt* yesterday by the American Protoct-v? Tariff Leaguo. Mr. Barber haa been a member of tb* league slnce 1SS8 and has boen tn the* claas known as "Defenders." The __ftla tlon fee for thla clasa la t-08, and the* membera agree to pay tlOO a year. or aot much of that amount aa may be aaededl.. The league la aulng* Mr. Barber for tL**-| alleglna that ha Is ln arreara thM r*__oaotl In aasessmenta FOUNDED 18561 BROKAWBROTHERS MENiS & BOyS'CLOTHING.HATS AFURNISHTNGS Motoring Clothes In our department especially devoted to the cloth ing requirements o' owner and chauffeur, we are showing a great vanety of Suits and Overcoats in practical styles. For Owner? Belted Ulstcrs, Split-fly Ulsters, Plaited Ulsters, Raincoats. Rubberized Coats. Mackinaws, Coat-sweaters, Caps and Gloves. For Chuuffeur?? Norfolk Suits, Knickers, Leggins, Button-fo-ncck Overcoats. Great Coats, Caps, Gloves and Mufflers. Astor Place &l Fourth Avenue SUBWAY AT'THE DOOR-ONE BLOCK FROM BROADWAY cURmllori Beres Furs Dark Eastern Mink Long and three-quarter Coats of Mink in the most desirable dark tones. Mink sets in a great variety of good models at a wide range of prices, depending on size and color. Mink skins of fine quality, exquisitely dressed and perfectly matched for custom work or for trimminj. / 9 West 34th StretU Ntw York MONTUEAL VWDON fAUS MAKING A NEW HOME OUT OF THE OLD A little money judiciously expended at "Flint's" will accomplish much in the furnishing of a new home of artis? tic character from an old one (urnished in mediocre taste. Those whose plans must be govemed largely by cost will find in our exhibit of new patterns for fall inexpensive de? signs which afford the broadest oppor? tunlty for individual taste in selection and values which must leave undisputed the fact that Flint Prices are uniformly LOW. Geo. C Funt Ca ^?3.47 West 23rtSr 24-aeWcsr 24*5t