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New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, October 31, 1912, Image 6

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4 ontlnued from flrat page.
chance. but ln tiew ot the fact thnt
the Bofla 0%% Mehea bave never shown
any tendcn. y toward exaggeration
thir.* eaa be Uttle doubt th;.i Naslrc
Pacha has suffered defeat Wa shall
know very aoon whethdf he has been
rrushed or is able t<> withdraw suffi
r i.-nt forcea akmg tho coast road tow?
ard Goaatantlnople, and. by tntrenoh
IteS himself in th.- ChatalJ.. lines de
fending Conatantlpople, 1.4- ah!,- again
te face hla ever vlctorloua for?. The
vr- richiy earned the
nf th.- Japaneae of the BaJkana
?1 dlaappolnted in their
'hope of achleving a BeQan. owlng to
BT disjiosition of Nazlm Pacha's
s, hut they will certamly follow
'ip thelr advantacfl and give the re
Ing Turka no real
The I atea put the strength
B Turkish army at 280,000, wherc
doubtful if tha Bulfarlanfl
0.O00, and a victory
WOO in Bpltfl of thls blg disparlty in
numbera would be a memorable
nl ln modern annala
now.-'' abOUt the bnttle was
ptrevlously recelved from Turkish
BOUTcea and, as uaual, announced the
Tui kfl bui . esaful an.l gi ? ictlon
BBtai ?
lt is clear thai owtng to the move
ii4?-nt of the Bulyartan'a right wltjf up
t,, the eoaal of the Biacb Sea, th
Turklah army, tO BVOtd being out
Oaahed aa at K-rk*-Klllaaeh, had also
moved eaatward, and th.- poaltlori at
the commencement of the flght proba?
bly extended from the we81 6f Tchorlu
throusb Tcherkeaaljul to Ialranaa and
the mouBtalpa by the coaat, while the
Bulgarian line reached from Lule Bur
,1 to Mld-B, mi the
Rla k Sea.
Thc lateai neWB in regard to the tlde
of war around Adrianopie is eontalned
in d>apatcbefl whlch wlU appear ln the
Vlenna "Relch8P08t" to-day, as fol?
Bombardment Opens Early.
'i he bombardmeat began on Tues?
day at 1 80 o'clock lo the morning by
Krupp guns, brought into poalti 11 from
the hills at Kadi Kol against the aiod- ;
?rn Turkish fortfl of Adrianopie, on thfl
?west front. The Turka responded to
the bombardmeoi very falntly. During
the whole night fresh detachmehtfl of
Bulgarian troops arrlved, the reaervlata
wlthoal untf-T-BS, but otherwlae well
equlpped, an.i over rough rut-tlc dothea
was BWUng the Mannlichcr rlfle, with
bayon< t and cartridge belt. Howitzer ?
| field gtma, under the eover of night, !
' were advanced into position, which
gave a natural protection to the bat
torlaa. Beginnlng at 8 o'clock in the
morning a llvely bombardment opened
for an how and a half. Then the In?
fantry were ordered to advance. The
Russian aviator Popoff was hrought
down hy the Turks when maklng a
reconnaissance flight over Adlian
His aeroplane, hit by a shrapnel, fell
into the Turkish lines."
I diapaf bea recelved by tiie
Oreek legatlon ln London state that the
Turkish army and Bashibazouks are
continuing the work of devastati'ti and
incendlarism. According to authorlta
tive information twenty villages in the
Janina district are burning. the flame;.
1-eing seen at many polnt" in Janina
piain. The Arnauts are a.-isasslnating
the peaceful Oreek inhabitants, men.
women and children, at Jantna and an
dfChplHeat was among thj.se kllled.
Arta is full of refugees in a pltiaM-.
liti.ui. SimiU.r atrocltie** are- re
ported in the western districts of Epi
rius. From Eelgrade comes a meseage
that thfl allied Balkan forces report
that thc Turks and Arnauts are avery
where. Before, leaving the villages
they have evaeuated they maltreat the
Christian populatlon. young and old,
and set fire to their houses.
A semi-offlclal statement at Sofla al
leges that the Turkish troops set flre
to villages wherever they go and ex
terminate the Bulgarlan populatlon. A
Bulgarlan cavalryman whom they
captured was placed bareback on a
horse and taken through the streets of
Adrianopie with his hands tied to?
gether. Educated Bulgarians in
Adrianopie. inoro particularly Bul?
garlan school tenchers, were arrested
and put ln chains or driven into exile.
Ablt-bodied men in Adrianopie and the
surrounding country after twire paying
a sum necessary to eecure exemption
from military service were forced to
join the army and were sent to posts of
danger at the front. A number of Bul?
garians have been kllled at Constanti?
Great Outrages Reported.
The following telegram has been re?
celved by the Bulgarian Legation in
London from the Bulgarian Prlme
?Turkish troops ln retreat from
Northern Macedonla have commltted
great ontrages in villages around
Kresna Vlah! and Vradgha. Rlxty
elght men, eighty-.ix women and 273
'children have Juat arrived at Doub
nitza, wlth hardly any clothea on. Sev?
eral hundred more are on the way to
Buigaria. The eupport of the refugees
is overtaxlng tho resources of the
country. According to reports re
celved from the headquarters of the
Bulgarian army, the Turks have tort
ured Bulgarian soldlera who have
fallen into their hands."
"The Morning Post" claims to have
leceived from an authoritative eource
Information that a Turklah force of
JiOO.000 haa landed on the Black Bea
coar-t of Thrace with the object of
threatening the Bulgarlan flank and
rear. Transports full of troops lately are
reported to have left Constantinople,
and thdr supposed destination was
Mldra or come other polnt on the Black
Sea coaat. Sp.aking at the annual cut
lerV feast at Sheffleld last night Wln
^ton Oiurchill said:
?We are face to face with ev'ents
whlch, if Europe is really" animated
wlth the passlon of hatred and anftbi
Uon whjgh pcssimlsts occaslonally as
Dlspatches from Sofla say the Bulgarians. anvanclng al. along the line attacRedl.*^J^?i2^irS^tS
extended f.om Tchorlu to Demottka. ai.?i captured the important to**n of Luie Burgaa./^amtte, et
The Turkish poattion la indlcated bj black blocka; tba Bulgarlan advance by Unea ani arro* beaoa.
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^?^_i___*J__$* EJKA 5 *\"W
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^__T ?___. g| ''*Sm\WA%f'Amnam\ ' '? !!
aJt *.ti? k ' __TTf_f 8BB.__H S -
cribe to it, mlght eaally havo brought j
ua withln raach of the long prodicted]
ean war. but. no far aa we can !
ali govarnmcnta, without excep?
tion, are boneatly atrlrlng to adjual
ti;. differencea and preserve unity aml
bring their comblncd Influence to bear
..** an end of ? long, flei
re a eettle
iii* nl whuh lhal] be Jual to the belllg
s and for tho beneflt of popula
tions concerned. Bo long aa ? loyal
and honosr gplrlt continues to govern ,
th.* pre.it powera no problctn wlll arlee
tiom the Balkap atruggle whlch can?
not be aettled to their common advan?
tage and to the laatlng good of
Balkan people without any extcnalon
of the araa now dovaatatod by tbe i on
itt -i dlapatcb t ? ? glvlng
furthi t* detaili an Victory
thai a graat battle has alraady
taken place near Lule Bourgaa, and the
. irlaqa, it la al ted, have taken
; lace. From thtre ih*y advanced
t.. Murdaji. whenqa cavalry patrola
have, it is bellevod, puahed on as far as
i;...io.sto on the Bea of Mannora.
constantinople, Oct. .10.?fhe Pultan
to-day sent thaifdlowlag mo.-sage to
Naxlm Pacha:
Viinr two teiegrams announclng the
eaa or o\tr arm) caused great aatla*
factton. I congratulate you. as wall as
the commandt n ra and men M-.'y
th- good God make you worthy of His
il'-mency and tiie favor Of the Prophet.
Mav blessinga be ihowered on you In
this worid. aa they aurely win in the
ne.\t. May it plc-asc Ood that we shall
he;.r soon of your complete success.
London. Oct. 30.?The sllence of Sofla
co'.cerning the great battle in Thrace
has at last been broken by a brief dls
patch announclng a Bulgarian victory
and the capture of the town of Lule
Thls digratch aid erjn.-tlly laconic
dfgpatehea from the Turkish command?
er contain the only i-ews yet avallable
and atlll leave the altuatlon rather ob
The maaaage frora Bofla apparently
refors to earller avanta, while the dls
patches of Nazlm Pacha, the Turkiah
Minister of Wnr. deserlbo two battles,
one a aortie from Adrianople ln the dl?
rectlon of Maras, the other in tho dl
re< tlon of Visa, from whlch lt must be
lnferrcd that the engagements are ex
tending over a long front.
A Sofla dlspatch sent before the capt?
ure of Lule Burgaa was known throws
a new light on the dlsposltlon of the
Turkish forces. lt ll evldent that ear?
ller reports of the taking of this town
were premature. lt nppears that the
Turks' flrst line of defence eXtended
along the Erkene Rlver, wlth a aecond
llne from Demoth a to Lule Burgaa.
l'oth sides tiaim victory, but there is
no reason to doubt that the Turkish
second line of defence has heen broken.
I'p to the present the Bulgarian offlclal
dUpetches have been moro trustwor
thy fian the Turkish.
Nazlm Pacha claims victory in the
Vlsa reglon. Sotla ls stlll silent r?
gnrding thls section, und, althOUgh the
revt* lations concernlng tiu- d-riiorallzu
ti. B and disorganizatlon of the Turkish
forces would predlcate further def.
cc/tisxierable dOQbtl are OXi>r<-s;Md here
as to the position of the Bulgarians.
Wboae contlnually extending lines of
communicatlon and the noooaolty of
keeplng a large Investlrig force art.und
Adrianople might prove sources of
danger if Nazlm Pacha lf able to take
a vigorous offenslve action.
No doflnlte news has been received
from the other allied armies since yes?
terday. The Montenegrin commander
ls stlll hammuring at Taraboscn, but
ls obaervlng more caution in order to
avoid needlets aacriflce of llfe.
FYom Belgrade come reports thnt the
Baa a|an victory ovar tka Turka at
Veles was accompllshed by the cavalry,
whlch divlded the Turkish force, while
the Servlp.ii artillery drovc them from
thelr positlons. The Turkish tro ps
were compidled to retreat so quickly
that thoy were unable to do much dam
agc to the railroad.
The Turkish troops defeated by th<*
Berviana and Monteaegrl?i in tba ftta*
trl.-t Of Novipazar are arriving i:i hun?
dreds ln Bosnla, havlng crossed the
frontler. _
Colonel (.'harjes Jlcpinprton, bttt of
the best lnformed military wruebd, ln
nn nrth le ln "*The Tlnie.-T to-day. af?
ter a sllence since October 2'-. says lhat
the militaiy ?dtuation ln th* l? ilkana
has been so hoptdus*-*'*, coatuaod^ogt it
hns been useiess to attempt any ap
i .,-? datlon of it.
Abdullah Pacha, commander of the
Turkish eaetern army, has heen re
lieved of his post, and Nazim Pacha,
thfl Minister for Whr, has taken over
th.it command, according to a Bpedal
,i. h ri C( ivi'd hen- to-day fr-.m
Th? Bulgarlan army wus defeated bj
tl.e Turka al Vlaa, Remil and B<
yeaterday, according to an offlclal d
pateh recelved by thfl Ottomon Bm
baaay hom. Thfl Turkish losi ? ?
800 kllled and wounded.
Reported Shot by Own Officer'
?Prince's Narrow Escape.
i:. (radi. Bervla, 11 * BO A quarrel
took placo among th? Turklab eom
.. ra after Ihelr defeal al Kuma?
nova by tb'- Berviane, according lo re?
porta from I'skub Tha r?
tbat Zekki Pacha, the eomm in k r ii
Chlef, ordered fl retreat. whllfl
-fflcera, ? tmg on their i am reeponal- I
biiity, orflered thoir men lo reaial tha-j
Bervlan advanc* at Velea
lt la also reported tbat DJa* Id Pai h i,
onfl of Ihe Turkish commandera,
kllled by ona of his own offli era be
, au?. he ordered further reeletaaee.
Ue was formerly n llltary commander
at I'skub.
,\ teli | publlahed here whlch
the Bulgarlan Premler aent after tha
declaratlon of war as a greeting t.( th?
Bervlan Premler, M. Pacbltch, as the
orlginator of the Balkan Allli
The narrow cscape of th<- KIng's
brother, Prince Araeoe, ls deacrlbod ii
dlspatchee which hav.- ' Just reached
here. After thw .urr.-mler of Kuman?
ova the priiicc wlth htfl stnff, sought
Bhelter In a houae auppoaed to be on
occupied. Wblle Bearchlng it Beveral
s'hota were flred, and threa armed Ar
nauta, who were in conceelment, wero
Prince Danilo's Troops Join
Soathern Army East of City.
Rleka, Oct. .'JO.?The Montenegrins
have captured nn Important position on
Mount Bardigniol, thus complcting a
cordon around Scutarl
The centre OOlumn of Montenegrin
troops. commanded by Crown Prince
Danilo, to-day effected a junctlon Wlth
the southern Montenegrin army, under
Oeneral Martlnovltch, to the east of
A vigoroua bombardment Is being
maintalned daily against Tarabooch,
but no declalve progreaa has been
made. Floods 00 Frlday carrled away
a bridge aeroaa the rlver near Scutarl.
cuttlng off from the town 4,000 Turk?
ish troof)s.
King Wleholaa in reply to the ques?
tion, "How long wlll Bcutati held out?"
said to-day. "Wfl should have been ln
....iM, days ago lf I were not
obllged alaraya ta have regard for the
\aluable llves of my sohllers. My Mon?
tenegrins nn- braVfl and full of sMf
Bacrlflea, but thelr numbera are lncon
Hhierable. My MCred dttty is to BPOTfl
thelr tlTea. bo ".at Mooteaagro may be
able to win more battles. We have
sufficient time. for. even without mir
assistance, the 00808800 cause. of the
Balkan klngdoms has already been
crowned with gueoeaa/'
Kosanl, TUThey, Oct. 30.? The Or^ek
army under CfOWfl Prince Oonstantlne,
after seizing the Turkish town of V-r
rl.i, cut the railroad eommunlcating
with Monastir. The prim ipai Mussul
mi'.n residents in the district have ten
dered their eubanb-Bloa to th** Croem
Prince. __
Bougd for Oapital on German
Ship?Cabinet Changes.
i'onstantin44ple. Oet. 30? The OBW <"nni
net. uniler Klamil Pacha as Grand Vlzier,
lnclndes the followlriK tnlnlsters: Arlf
hlkmet Pacha, Justlo and ad lntenm
Preeldenl of the CoaacU; Kecha4i Bayi
Vali of Aldln. Interior; Sallh Pacha, Ma?
rine! /ia Bay. Pubik Works; Daaaad
Sherlf Pacha. Public Inntructiun. Prmtl
oally all the other portfullos have been
rctalned by the former mlnlsters.
The ex-Sultan, Abdul Hamld, who was
at Balonlca, is now aboard the ('frini.n
ttuardshlp Loreley, Itoun.i for ('onstantl
nople. He la expected to arrlve here to
nlciit. and wlll be lodgad ln the palace at
There are aerlous mlsirivings lure ra*
gardlng tha poeatbtllty of tha capture af
, and the headquartera of ihe
astern army have been traaaferrcd
to Mon*?-Ur, wiiich la elghty-flve mllea to
iba northwt it of Balonlca. The tro ipa
.a111ch - ;" abaadon Uakub
are retreatlng oa balonlca, but are be*
-eomlng demorallaed from lack of food,
: ol 11k. Iy tO bavi much llglitmg
Numeroua reports from the Adrianoi?!??
diatrlcl charge th.* Bnlgarlana wlth de
Ing all th' icoalera vlllagea Btrearaa
I i ui. t on all tlu
Irlng at Conatantlnople
In au ireatU
to .-I
ted arrlvala from dlal ta aol
?ii ..i.i. r.
i.ardly llkdy to be 0
thai tiu martial
tantln - la to t>e
mada more nt of the ?*?'??*
I by av mbei 11 ' 'om
,.t : olon and I i I eoavoy
? ?
urriv.d here l -day<
They Pay with Lives for Panic
at Kirk-Kilisseh.
. ? .. ; , ocl > (by wlreleai te
-....i.la >.-Three hundred
Turkiah Ofllcera and men have been ea
ln connactlca wlth tha i aal
Turkiah I i I at th** taking
of Klrh-KIllaaeh by the Bnlgarlana
from that dty the troopa at Klrk-Kallseeh
of re
servists. Thi ? " ered, 111
tralned and badly fad. levaral of the
reglmenta at the tlaae ef tha flghting bad
trem without ratlon.i for forty-eight
A nlKht attaeh upon the n.ilf*ar!tn ai
vaace guard waa orden^d by ihe Turkt-h
i. mmander, but Ihe eaergi l o defence
..* the Bulgarlai - rted the
Turkiah troopa and ? panic set ln. The
t_e<. i,,.!. ab ind< nlng i'i th< Ir
Rlght their guns, rtflea ami ammunltion.
Mahmoud llukbtai Pacha trled to sti m
I aak by ehoollng several lieelng BOl*
fllera with hls revolver. Priii'e A*t*
Pacha Jolned ln the tllght
bttt* a eoaeuItatlon with -bdullai
r..r!.a, the (ommander of the Turkish.
troops at Ad ..nople, by telegraph, Mah?
moud Mukhtar I'a ha ordt-red a general
retreat. Hllrnl Pacha refused to Join In
the retrtat. fearlng it would end In a
general rout. Wlth part of hia dlvialon
he took a poaltlon on th***- fortlfleattons to
the northwest Of Kirk-Klllaseh in order
to cover tho retreat of the rest of tne
lome Of hls troops broke Into panic
aad refuaed to stay with hlm lillma
Pacha shot a number of them down with
hla revolver. After that by eoolaeea and
. \ i,. auocaeded m ratlrti g wlth tha
parl "f hi.** illvlsion.
The ? ther dlvlatona Of the Turkish army
retreated la tha graataat disorder. Iba
maln io.lv retircl toward Vi.-a, wh.r*)
tiio dlvlatona oom_laadad by rahrl Pacha
and DJemal Pacha atoppad the rout and
,. red ome emblanca of order. T
Pacha heid tbe Bulgartana temporarily
ln check and recaptured four of lhe
wuns Ihey had taken from the Turka. Hy
, ordei among tbe Turkiah troops
had ; ? en completely re tored and they
th-n reaumed the offenalve cautlonaly,
arrival of relnforcementa.
\\ iiniii four daya four dlvlaioni ol
Turkish troopa hava been dlapatohed
from Conatantlnople in tbe dlreciion of
Klrk-KUleseh, while othera hav.- bt-.-u
ordtred to proceed by land and a<a.
The Ottoman govenuaeat has intorm d
ihe fonlKii ambassadors that I*. eann "
allow conaula to send ctpber telegrama,
aa mllitan Informatlon had been f r?
i.i bed tha Bulgarlan ermy m th..t w.iy.
Russia and Austria Reach Un
derstanding, It Is Said.
Ylennn, Oct. 'U'.-Th. Austrlnn and
, Bussian governments have arrlved nt
'? aa understanding on the Balkan rjucs
i tion. according to tho ' Neiie Fn.-i**
- 1'r-sse."
An oillcial nnnouncement on rh? sub?
ject is expaetad aooa to expiain the
nature of the uccord und the common
pollcy that haa been agreed on wlth
iti.i.nce to the future treatment of
t*M Balkan questlon.
Ohief Aid Was Captured by
Men Ho Once Commanded.
Vera Crua. Oct. 30.?Wlth the capture
uf Colonel Dlaa oidaz. the revolutlonary
spirlt ln the State of Vera Cruz ls com
piti.lv broken. ordaz waa taken ny
m. unted police prcviojsly under hla eom
mand. Ba wlll be trled by court mar?
tial ln a few daya. General D:az ia ln
the ?Ity Jail.
Many ttoops are embarklns; for Yuea
lan. where a revolutionary movement of
mlnor Importance is under way.
Dead Vice-President's Many Years in Congress
and as Head of the Senate Replete
with ,Useful Service.
When James Schoolcraft Sherman.
twenty-seventh A'lce-Presldent of the
l'nlted .States, was flr^t nominated for
that offlce, ln 1908, the Chicago convention
was Influenced largely in its selection by
the oplnions of hls colleagues ln Congress.
They were convinced that no man talked
of for second place on the tlcket possossed
In greater measure the qualiflcatlons of
Bbfllty, training and expericnce both for
the work of the campaign and for the
dutles of the Vle^-Presidency.
Mr. Sherman's score of years ln Con?
gress had made hlm a national figure. He
had served on many important commlt?
tees and rtpresented the Republican party
on many notable OOCaatO?8 He was an
eloquont speaker. a master of parliameiit
ary tactl?_. an able and aggresslve cam?
paign manager, a successful buslness man
nnd bar:ker, as well as lawyer, and a man
wlth a Irnst of friends both ln hls natlve
state and at the national capltal. to whom
he was affectlonately known as ".Sunny
As a preslding offlcer In the Senate Mr.
Bbermaa commanded the respect of both
partlci.. And hla peraonal popularlty
steadily grew. When confronted wlth
tane*led queeflons of protsedore he was al?
ways flrm ln hls deelsions and lucld ln
blfl rullnga He knew how to handle a
parllamentary sltuation without ereating
frlctb n. It was a foregone concluslon
when, at the end of four yeurs. Mr. Taft
waa chosen to land bla party that Mr.
Sherman should once more bo hls runnlng
Mr. Sherman belonged to the conser
vi.tlve school of Republicanlsm. Shoulder
to shoulder wlth m^n Of hls polltical faith,
he fought hls batties without rompromls"*
or fliti'hlng. Ha had hls critlrs, like all
public men. bOfflfl of them w.-re hltter
ln thelr denunclatkma. Hut some of the
moal acrtd wv-re not nhove leavtng the pCN
lltlcal hatchet at the Capltol and sllpplng
off to thfl hall game with "Sunny Jlm"
tO enjoy an afternoon at the Vice-Presl
dent'B favoiitfl paatlme- Mr. Shertnan'a
enemlefl arere seldom peraonal onea.
Dickens Wrote of Grandfather.
Mr. Bherman i ame from an old nnd
thrlfty American family. Hls paternal
grandfather araa tbat Captain Sherman of
tho Bteamboat Burllngton of whlch
Charlea Oickena wrote admlrlngly ln his
"American Notea." The captain dled ln
leaving forty-ala Caney waistcoats
and to hla daughter-In-law, the Vlce
I Bl it.- Of ll(X>,l>'>.
I t tln WBB the only
tby man rn tha Bherman famlly
cordlng to the Vlce-Prealdent, who hlm
aeif oti.-,* toid b polltlcal audlence how
httie hia clothing eoat him
Mr Sherman's father, General Rlchard
V. Bherman waa b fouraallet, 'irst ln
RocheBter ..tei later aa founder ami edltor
ef "Tha Utlca Morning Herald." He was
(?t many years a federal ulllceholder in
gton i
Jamea s tbooli rafl Bherman wafl born ?
i October 14 I ' on a farm near Utlca.
Ha ha.l flve brothera ami slstera. One of
tothere i*. itp hard W Bherman, a i
leading Democrat ol Central New york1
and f li ?? Mayor of
The future VIoe-PrealdeBt worked on j
tha farm In the aummer and in the wln-;
ter attend.'"! district BChOOL Ho was!
prepared f?>r collega al Whlteetone Acr.i
amy and graduated from Hamilton Col
lega in is?4* a relativfl wbo waa i lawyer
Insplred the younf*. nian with an ambi
tion to follow that profeefllon, and he be?
gan reading law ln 80 offlce ln I'tica.
'I here were no tyrew nt"-rs ln those days
snd ull legal papers were written out by
hand. Voung Sherman earne.; hls nrst
money at that lahorlous work, wlth an
lonal dollar for runnlng legal er
randa Hia nrst real tafl was no, recelved
aa BBalgnaa for 4, amall bankrupi Bul
the young law Btudenl lived at home and
waa well auppUed arltb apendiag money,
so thut he auffered no real hardahli s.
In Law snd Business.
Ori admlsslon to the hur Mr. Sherman
formeil a partnershlp Wltb Henry J. Cook
lngham, hls brother-ln-law, a flrm whlch
was contltiu.-d untll January 1, 1907. He
also became lnterested ln bustnesa.
Wlth the flrst %M) he saved Mr. Sher?
man bought a small Interest ln a cannlng
Industry whlch hls fath?*r had founded.
The undertaklng prospered. and now In?
cludea f4iur faetortee He was at the tlme
Bf hls death prealdent of the I'tica Trust
and Depoelt Company.
Mr. Sherman was drafted Into polltlcal
service so,;ii after lutj BdmlBBlOO to the (
bar The Kepuhlii-ana of I'tica elected
iiim Mayor ">f th.-. ity in ism. s., well aat*
lstl.-d w.-re th*?y wlth hls adminlstratlon
of munlcipal affrtlrs that at th*- end of hla
two-year term he was chosen to contest
Um Coagraaa eleettoo with Repreeeatattva
J. Thomas Hprlgga, a I'emocrat, who had
held the offlce two terms. Mr. Sherman
was elected. Thus. ln the wlnter ef 1&87,
Just after he had passed hla thlrty OBOdnd
blrthday. he began hls long career ln the
House of atepreeentatlvflfl.
Two BBaatOM of Congre?B found Mr. Sher
intn dofBated and out of offlce, but not
for lorin. Henry W. H.ntley. of Hooii
vl'le, iineld;. County, beat hlm by tOWAI
than OOfl IhOUtaod vott-s ln the raCfl for
Um .'>2d Congreea. in the lotflrtia Hr?
Sherman wmt back to Utlca. bullt up hls
law practlee end returned to tho 53d
Congress with a signal vlctory. He ro- ,
n.alnel ln the House without defi>at to ,
the 60th Congress, when he wae elected
TTofl rieaMoiil on tha tteket arltb Mr
Taft. In 1*99 President McKlnley offered
hlm the appraiserslup af thls clty. but hls |
ronstltuents ptrauaded hlm to stay ln
i 'ongTeaa
His flrst years in the House broupht
Mr. Sherman into close assoclatlon wlth
Its leaders. J.istph W. lialley, later a
Seoator; Breektoridge, Bryao, w. Bourka
Coekrma, Crlep, Daizeii, Dlagley, Doiif
ver, Henderson, Payne, Paynter, Rayner,
j, Wailsworth, "Klghting Joe ' Wheeler
and a score of others whose nauit-s l< -
came household wonls ln dlscusslon of
thfl tariff and other national pollcles wera
hls fellows. The Senate held such m. u
as Aldrlch, Allison. Cockrell. l*anl?-i,
Frye. Gorman, Hoar. Hill, Teller. Vest
and Wolcott. All were not Republicans,
but all were Mr. Sh.-rman's frt.-nds, and
ln such an envlrnnment he worked to a
high plac* in the counclls, and finally
was No. 1 of the "Iii_ Flve." ln thfl House.
Leadera in tha Houae.
Cannon, Dalzell, Payne, Sherman aud
Tawney were the great qulntet during
the comparatively recent years ln whlch
Congress was R? publlcau. Each of them
Invarlably wore a red carnatlon for a
boutonnlere. and when Mr. Sherman went
to preside over the -Benate he took the
custom wlth hlm, and the flower always
appeared at every sesslon of tha upper
The atatutea bear marka of Mr. Sher?
man's work ln committee and caucus and
hls labors on the Rules Committee. the
Intcrstate Commerce Committee and
other brancliea of the maehlnery of the
housa where the real lawmaklng ls done.
The atory of Mr. Sherman's Congress
career ia the story of a dlligent worker
in the public service, of poaltive party
convictiona and of one who developed re
markable executlve talent In the apeclal
work on whlch he waa engaged. Ho
early formed a atrong frlendshlp wlth
the late Speaker Beed, and hla cloae ae?
qualntance wlth Mr. Keed probably more
than anythlng elae exerted a powerful
lnfluenci; on hls career. It waa under
Mr. Reed as Spoaker of the Houae that
*Mr. Sherman's aervlce aasumed a charac?
ter that brought him into natlonal promi
nence. Mr. Beed appointed hlm to the
chalrmanahip of the C'ommittee on Indian
Affalrs la the 65th Congress, a place he
filled with distlngulshed auccesa through?
out hls Congreas career, and to membar
ahip in the Committee on Interstate and
forelgn Commerce.
Mr. Sherman s moat Important legisla?
tive work perhapa was done on the Indian
Affalrs Committee. He waa credlted wlth
a better understanding of the various
questlons eonnected wlth the govern
ment'a obllgations to the Indians and Ua
efforts to fnltil them than that of any
other Representative who had been called
on to deal wlth thla aubject.
Work for tho Indiana.
The laws affectlng the Indians paaaed
under Mr. Sherman's dlrectlon, aa de
monetrattag hla capacity for statesman
ship. had an important bearing on hla
candldacy for the nomlnatlon for Vice
1'resident. In all states havlng Indian
populatlon the value of hls work ln Con?
gress waa highly appreclated. and the
delegatai from thoae states were among
hls enthuslastlc supporters ln the con?
ventlon. It was plain that he would
bring strength to tl.e ticket not only ln
.New Vork but also in the states of the
Wcst-Kansa-. the Dakotaa. Oklahoma
and others-where the Indian legisiation
had beneflted both the wards of the gov?
ernment and the people at large.
Mr. Sherman's work on other commlt
teee was equally creditable. One of hla
meaauraa as a member of the Committee
on tnteretate and Forelgn Commerce was
the false Lranding bill. whlch proved
effectlve ln protcctlng American cheeae
rnanufacturem He made tbe first favor?
able report to the House on a Nlcaragua
t.u.al. b.-fore the Panama project had
developed, and he strongly supported the
iKthmlan canal enterprlse. He waa the
father*Of tho Bhllipptne cable bll! and of
the bill for the reorganlzatlon of the
BUttW service. He held the third
in |he Important Committee on
Rulea and waa looked to aa one of the
beat Muaaetlora In guidlng the bualnesa
<if the Houae.
Mr. Sherman waa reputed to be the
moat expert parllamentarlan in Congress.
Mr. Reed, aa Speaker. recognlzed Mr.
Sherman's talent in this dlrectlon and
em-loyed lt frequently. No other Repre
aantatlve had b.-er. called on as often to
over tho dellberatlons of The
House in committee of the whole. and
some of tl.e greatest debates ln thla body
ln the last flfteen yeara were condjeted
with Mr. Sherman in the chair. The
most famous of these debates, perhaps,
was that on the Dlngley tariff bill and
oti the Cuban war revenue bill, each cf
whlch occupled many weeka. Hla aer?
vlcea were ln demand also when the
great appropriation bfl- were under dls
*,.?..n. bla keennes*. reidlnees ln trylng
Bd his fa'.rnesa flndlng favor
arlth the members of the oppositlon as
wall aa wlth the rnajority.
An Instance of Mr. Sherman's qulekness
ln meeting a situation while preslding ln
the Houae occurred during a Democratic
nilbueter ln the sesslon ln whlch Speaker
Reed r-ceived the tltle of "I'zar" because
of his rullngs on the countlng of a
nuorum and the excluslon of dilatory
motlona Mr. Sherman waa in the chalr
and the mlnorlty waa uslng all the ob
structlve tactlcs lt could muater.
Representative Bailey. of Texaa, later
a Senator, moved to lay the pendlng mo?
tlon on the tal/.*. Mr. Sherman promptly
ruled hia motic i out of order aa dilatory
To tho Texan'8 protest, Mr. Sherman
? If the gentleman from Texaa makea
hls motlon ln good faith and will aasure
the chair that it la not a dilatory motlon.
tba chalr wlll put lt."
Mr. Sherman had not truated to the
Southern ldea of honor in valn, for Mr.
Bailey dld not renew his motlon. Subse
quently In one of the committee rooma
Mr Bailey came up to Mr. Sherman and,
putting hla arm over the New York mem
ber'n shoulder, said: "Well, Jim, you had
me that tlme."
Praised aa Preeiding Offlcer.
Thls raadlneaa of resource ln conducttng
roni**renslonal busineaa, together wlth Mr.
Sherman'.i falrness under all circum
stances, made httn one of tbe most a?*
epiable preslding omcers the House had
for many years. When Mr. Reed resigned
Mr. Sherman was a candldate for the
Speakership, but he gave way to Repre
Fentative Henderson, of Iowa. Hla name
came up agaln at the cloae of Speaker
Henderson'a servlce, but he aupported hls
frlend Cannon.
Mr. Sherman went to preslde over the
Senate at a time when what la popularly
Known aa "Senatorlal dlgnlty" waa be?
glnnlng to feel ita flrat break. In the chair
Mr. Sherman was dlgnlty itself, falr ln
hls rullnga, (hl? colleugueB said, qulet,
flrm. sure ana seldom reversed on an ap?
peal. Hut the tradltlonal Senatorlal frock
coat and ailk hat were abaent. He re
garded hla tlme prealding over the Senate
as a days business, to be attended to aa
lf he were sltting ln hia bank ln Utlca or
at the directors" table of one of hla many
enterprlses. He usually appeared ln a
business sult. On a hot day he came in
Ilannelb, on a very hot day a palm leaf
fau di.-piacel the gavel, and perhape a
glaaa of lemonade topped off the book of
Other Seratora. at flrst reluctant, per?
haps, to tr.tngreas staid custom, fell in
wlth hla Ideas, and nowadaya on a blister
Ing Waahlngton aummer day the Senate
chamber looka like a buaineaa body.
Mr. Sherman's party aervlcea outside of
the halls of Congreaa waa both dlstln
gulshed and extenaive. He waa vlce
chatrman of the Congreantonal campalgn
committee in aeveral campaigna and the
chairman of one, and hls work ln thoae
officea eanvd for hlm much credlt for ex?
ecutlve ablllty. He was a convlncing cam?
palgn orator, and in Congra-aional and
Prealdentlal campaigna apoke to the peo
ple of many o\ ates. He preslded over th?
New Tork Republican Btate conventlem
ln 1*95, 1900 anil M08. *s ?
As chairman of the Congresslonal cam?
paign committee ln 1906 Mr. Sherman sent
out calls for |1 s-ub-crtptlons. The recttpn
ficm these appeals, he said, practically
defrayed all exp?*r.ses. From this theldent
he won the tltle ?. "Dollar Jlm" 8hermaa.
Among hls h_?ne people Mr. Sherman
waa approachabja,. genial and democratic.
Like hls colleagoas ln Congress, they re?
ferred to him aa "Jlm" Sherman, ex
presslng by the ..ppellation both thelr
appreclatlon of hls peraonal qualitles snd
thelr eense of hia nearnese to them aa
thelr long tlme Representatlve. Old aol?
dlera among hls constltuents were e?p
clally loyal ln thedr frlendship for hlm.
for he had a genuijie regard for the vet?
erana and was sollcitous for their Inter?
ests at Washlngton. So old soldier ever
found Mr. Sherman too busy to glv? 'gg.
tentlon to hlm.
Mr. Sherman llveo in a modest home in
the princlpal residence stroat !n i;tl,,a
Mrs. Sherman, whom. he married lr, WA,
was Miss Carrle Balicock, a daughter of
a leading lawyer of! I'tica and grand
daughter of Colonel itliakim Sherrlll, who
waa kllled at Oettysburg.
Laavea Three Sons.
Mr. Sherman left three sona, all of
whom, like himself. are graduates of
Hamilton College. Sh.-rrlll is ln hls fatli
er*s banklng business, Rlchard L'pdyke n
an lnstructor ln roathomatlca at Hamilton
College, and Thomas Moore is ln buslness
in Utlca. The famlly atterids the Datch
Reformed Church. >fn Sherman having
Been president of the board of truBteea
and church treasurer.
Mr. Sherman waa onc_ asked lf he had
always worn hls famous amlle. His reply
was chaxacterlstic:
"I guess so. The woTld haa been brlght
and beautiful rlght along. and has atven
me all I ever earned, and more, too. I
have been an optimlst from my boyhood
up. While I love life as much aa any
man. I ahall take my medici ne when
death comes Bnd make no complalnt. be?
cause complalnt from me would, not be
Juatifled. However. I am cheered by the
tradltlon that one of my ances*ors ??red
until he was a hundred years old."
Thrown by Horse, but Not Seri*
ously Injured.
Dantzlc. Oct. 30.-Tho German rTCwn
Prince Fredericlc Wllllam waa Injured ln
L hunting accident yesterday near here
and is conflned to his residence sufferlni
from the effects
He was taking part ln a drag bunt lo
company with Crown Princess Cedlle
! when hls horse fell and threw hlm. Whm
! he wae plcked up he waa found to be suf?
ferlng from lnjuriea to the head and face
and an extravaaatlon ot blood from Wa)
right arm.
The prince waa 4_arrted at once to Mi
1 residence. where he has been ordered by
' hia physicians to remaln for tha l re^ent,
' although hls wourt-Is are nor. considered
! aerlous.
The Crown Prince, however, wl.l not bt
able to repre'sent hls Cather, Kmperot
Willlam, to-morrow at the funeral al
1 princess Rupprecht. wife bf the BavactN
i helr-presumptive. aa bad been arranged
j His brother. Prince ISitel Frledr.ch. ?U1
1 take hls place at the cerermony.
German Newspaper Accused ol
Libe.ling Wireless Company.
Berlln. Oet 30.?T- ''? ' begaa t,?-dav
jof the sult br-rOght by Wiliiam Marcom
and O. C Isaacs, man-glng d.rector of the
Marconl Wireless Telegraph COmpaay.
'against the newspap-.-r "Welt am M.r.tag*
tor llbel. Thls W8? . Ild to be c-ntalti-d
ln an article accusing them of egplodag
the Tltar.lc cata&t.ophe for the company'e
beneflt by holdlng out news for saje.
The defendant is a man 880*4 B-h-fc
who ls the responslWo manager of the
paper. He was brought to court to-day
from Jail. where he ls servlng a sentenee
fer blasphemy.
The report of the invest lgatun by tha
Senate committee preslded over by Sena?
tor Wllllam Alden Smlth ar.d that of the
Brltlsh Board of Trade. presidod over by
Lord Meraey. were introduced tn the evi?
dence. Harold Bride. the BUrvlvlng wire?
less operator of the Tltanic. has been
called to testify.
The case was postponed to enable the
defendant. Scholz, to obtain a copy of the
offlclal proceedlngs of the Senate inveiti
gating committee. from whlch he declarea
he hopes to prove by Marcocl'r- admla
elonB hla f.l'.egatlon made In the artl-.e
that Marconl had held the news of tha
dleester for three days ln order to aell tt
at a gcod price
Airman of Bavarian Army Faili
200 Feet with Machine.
Munich. Bavaria, Oct. .O.-Lieutenant
Morltz Hamburger. a military -viator be
longlng to the Bavarian army, waj kllled
to-day on the avlation ground at Ober
Lleutenant Hamburger, who had only
recently b?en asslgned to the aerlal corps.
was maklng a fllght around the aaro
drome in hls biplane when lt suddenlf
collapsed and fell from a helght of more
than two hundred feet. The airman waa
dead when plcked up and hls machine
?vas ehattered. The cause of the acci?
dent ls unknown.
Thls makes the 208th vlctim of aer->
planes slnce the beginnlng of heavler*
than-alr flylng.
Independent Asks $150,000
from Lehigh Valley Road.
Washlngton, Oct. 30.-The Lehigh Val?
ley Railroad was charged wlth dlrect vlo
latton of the commodltiea clause of tne
lnterstate commerce act and a demana
on lt for tWJWt damages was made ln ?*
petition flled wlth the lnterstate Com?
merce 4*omnilss,.on to*day by tha U
Werthelm Coal and Coke Company. ot
Jersey City. Allegationa in the complai.it
That the railroad is^ the OWDarg jg
Lehigh Valley Coal Ompany. that tn
railroad tixea the prlce at *hkb th?* Cfi
shall be sold ln the markets. tha ti
LehlKh Valley Coal Company losee monei.
b_t the owoera are compeneated bythe
earnlngs of the railroad in transport ni
thcoal: that between 190^and Jjyj*
railroad lent the coaJ con?P??> '?,_i
without Intereat. and la ati ?c*7 througl
lnd*Bt.tedneaa; that the railroad.????,.
ita unthraclte holdinga and ?JP*!*"?,W
corttfetes directly ?-?i*-.the petltlOWJ^
the latter*. great 3lsadvant^. becau.
the railroad hae a dlrect Intereat ini
coal lt transporta for the Lehigh to*'
company. and that the transP^U?n
chargea exacted from j?etitiooer are ??
reaaonabie and dlacrlmlnatory.
The Department of Justlce haa a atailar
ault againat the Lehigh. now pendlng. 9
which the government aeeks to compe
th" dleasae-Iation of the railroad and tae
coal company. _ >
rol imbua. Ohio, Oct *-Wmiry -J
sons for a wlnter coal shortage. wltb tn-?
'Ze.tee in prtoe. ln this state. are JAg
Investlgated by the State Pubilo _??*?*???
Conunlsalon. , * ... e*

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