;Yrto flork JTnbunr. roBCi ai. WS. Mall. Postaas v t 70 .4 00 iy. t\x montha. -^ . ag .*.3 IX! y. al- i . _'uo! .1251 ?ntns, ._jt> lay only, one year. itaftairli't-M ie ag waatrtiamtba i.am.v ani. BUNDAT: ar.,1,J0 V "NI'V SA14 tba. i tu. DA1LT OM.Y. One ir.octh.$1.02|One year. .$11.26 CAT NDAT. 5* '??' Ona yemt.*H',-'JS DAILI ONLT. One month.* ?"' One jrear.??>?*-" Bl NDAt ONLT: One month. $ .TOIOna year.tem ??i at the PoatortVe at New Tork aa Secon 1 Claaa Mall Mat*.. r. Oot rea ifra wlll ronfer a favor by BdrWInB procure ? coP> ?? ? rs .s.lea.er. A-_iet.a. Tribune. Clrculatlon Department MR. ROOSEVELT'S SPEECH. Thr-Tiiluiner.-joio"** in ColODOl Rooee* velt'a qulck recovery from his injury. Bfl \ |g).; ol -iitution has BtOOd him ln |ood stoad. Only i man of extraordinary phyaica] leaonrcea could hava faced the Btraln of appeurtng In auch a boll aa Madlaon Bquare Gaiden before thi tlurong of people gatbered Ihen last nlghi bo aoon at'ter recetring I aerloua wound His ipeecb ll ? wel? come note in his campaign. It i< free from por*-onaliti> B aiul haa ahout it a .li.tiity of which the speaker until . aeema t.? hnve forpotten tiie ef fecttveneas. The eokmel and hla fol ? rs mlffal well wish tliat be had made no apeechea In any dlfferent temper. Elad be preaerved this meaa ure r.f propriety be would be atxonger with the nation. Hi* chance of elec tion wonkl not l.p so bopil-M as it i> 1','tt even if h*' bad cboaen the better part from the outaet, never stirrin_r tha ? ntmenl or rpualng the Ind-gnatkm that his frequenl caating of dlgntty aiul reetralnl to the wlnda bu evoked, the sober, level-beeded people wh< make np thla country could still. wi :,,i confldent bave been relied upon tn rej?-t his candidacy. They wlll rejed it her-ause of his tanpetleace wlth the -etabltabed ln* Btltntionfl of the country. Thla im parJence Bhowed Itself agaln ln bli ecta of laal nlght, wh.-n be sai-l -,, bla bearera: "We bruab asiiie the "argumenta of thoae who seek to har "actlon by tbe repetttion of some for* ?ihula aboul -tatea' rlghta,' or tboal ?? tbe htotory of llberty' being the bla* ?: 't..ry of limihttioii of poverimio'ital "?power,' or ahout the duty <"f tbe i otirts finrtlly to detennlne the wean "inj: of tbe < oiistiniti.-n." Let us give hlm eredll fot l la boneaty and cour age ii. remindlng tbe pubHc on the ,-\,. of el-" ti"ii of what a threat his candidacy contalna againat the Inde pendence ""f the Judlclary, whlcb this COUntry has always fell tO 1>4> nece> nary t4? the BtaMllty (|f Its system of govetnment and to the iecuiity of those least ahlc to make themsolves seoure. Uo would "hrush" all this "aside" Ughtly, wltbout regard to uiti tnate coaaequencee, in bla x*-:il for an tmmediate end. That ImpaHenl hnste is the dlettnc* ? tlve feature of RocO-Veltiein, or Pro gieanlllBDi. to eall lt hy the pnny name On the buman siile of its pro gn___i_e it baa no moiwpolj. Republl 4 an and Deniocntt alike when they read Colonel Booeevelt'a addraea wlU find theuiselves e.Tclaiininp. "Of (.?oursc!" v ith repard tO the greater part of it. They wiii heartily agree with what he aaya Hhout the need of 8 fairer and more equal opportunity f<*r all. Human Kympathles are not the exHusive poe s.*?-n or any one politifal party. It was not left for the Progreeafve party or its leedcr to di> QOver poverty. The discovery is old. The will to make thtngl hetter is old I -4,. Tiie hopes whlch OokMMl BOOee VeM has at heart others have at heart. The caiuae whlcb be embracea In such atteremcea b n"t new. it has fllled the Btattite books with tta triuinphs. It .vill go on if Mr. Taft wins, as it hns gone on during the years of his (idminNtration. It will po on-?let us l>e falr?lf Governor Wilson wlns. It ls lust because the pe4*ple know Ihi--; well that thoy wlll rcject Colonel Koosevelt's overturea. They are rmt pre peured tn 'hrush ientlala of the American aysteBD nf cuvernment. Tbey know that progreee baa been realized without the changea whlch Colonel BooeeveJl Impulalvely recom tnends. and that lt will .ontlnue to be reillzed. Wltb the I'arnest pr44pres Bives aympathy outwelgba pradeace. I li,- nation will BianagB to k,*4']i its vinmou sense ilQf with its syni patby. "We know," says Colonel Itoosevelt, "that the long path leadlnp **upvra*fd toward tho Hght cannot he ?u'averaed at once, or in a day, or in 'H year" The country is not sure that the colonel or the more forOUt 4-f liis foUowen always keep this ni prinolple in nihid. But the coun? try has kept it in mliiil ahvay**. THE CUBAN OUTLOOK. It would be injudiiii.us to say tliat tir-morrow's electlon in Cuba is to he ?regftrded wltb aereoe eonndeine, md it would be unjti-t to say thnt it ln voive? probable disaster. That there is ? aome cause for apprehens-oa the i>ften ttiri'Uient occerrencea of the last few Weeks bave made dear. But the un-, inist.akable improvement In conditions witbhi the last few days gives ground for hoplng that all will pass off well. There has been no oecasion f.>r Ameri? can Intervention of any kiud iu ad vgLce ?.f the electton, and even lf there Hhould be some dlsorder to-morrow we th, nt exped it to go beyond the Cubao aovernmant'a power to control. Political aetlvitie* ln Cuba are not always contjut ted wlth tbe moderati4>u aud reeerve wiilih chararteriae our own at tbeir beat estate, but too ofteu full !nto tlM passlon nnd violence Wblch hava by bo meana been m> known here. Hut WO 0??fl ddentlon, li tbe dUTerence ln dvk anteeedenta. Tbe earlleal oolonlata ot tbetc -atatea brought with them end tnin-].,,iiiti*tl tn our notl tln* trfldltlona ::nt] tln* cuinulutivc Impolae nf genem* tinris of reatratned adf-gflvernnient, and wben tbe cokmlee became a fl** tion they bad merdy tn m.tintMin Bnd in enlarge thelr andent Inherltance I'nt th- ciiimiists nf Lattn Ameriea bad no trace of any su.h tradltion, an nn their Bcblevemenl of Indepen dent natfonaHty they had t<> Import free self-$*overnniont as an uiifamilinr exotlc in tlie i-ultlvation of wliicli it would bave heen mnrvollniis if tbej bad not often blundered. There is reaaon for believlng, how? ever. tba! Cuban nnderatandlng of n* pnblScau Inatltutlona, appredatlon nf tiie colleetlve beneflta <>f food and etable fovernment nnd acqnleecence i" nnd dcvntinii to ii.nstitutiotial proc* osses ."ro making eubetantbU headwny. They bave nol yet fully*?trlumphed there, if. Indeed, thoy bave anywhere, bul tho ootlooh ki enconrag|ng. JAMES S. SHERMAN. Tbe ddfltb of Yiee-Presld.'nt S'.nt inaii hns upeel ii bappj tradltion wiiich1 hatl ruled tor more than a century ln Anifi-icaii polltica. He is th?* flral na? tlonal candldate ol a polltica] party ii? dle iu tiu* Interval between bla nom? lnatlon and tne th l>r,inche> of Congreea. "The Tlmea" feela thal tha cyde v in be completed thla yaar by the eleetion Of ('ovornor Wilson and tho tranafer of power in tho Beaate, ai well ;i- ii. tha Hooaa, ta tho Democrata. . It oun hanlly be comfortln*** to Tha Timos" to folloa the parallel to its natural eondnrdon. Dndoubtedly, lf Mr. Wllaoa is elected and fiinis a i>em ocntlc Congraaa "on hi1* handa,*1 as Mr. Clevdand wns dlamayed to Bnd one in 1992, be wiii qulckly experieucc exactly the aama ditiicuities that wradiad tha Cleveland admlnlatratlon. j Mr. Wilson is mui-ti im?r?* sllp*i4*ry Ofl che tariff issue tbat Mr. Cleveland ever trled to ho. atthongfc the lattor repodl* ated the Democratic niitloiial platform of 19B2 ns openly as |fr. Wilaon has repndlated the Democratic national platform of 1912. Preddent Cleveland o ultMvnroil tfl run with tha bfllfl and j liunt wlth the liounds in tnrlir lag?da tlon, agpraaatai aympathy with' tho. framera of the deatrnctlve Wilaon i.ii1, which passed the House of Heprosont'i ? tives, hut at the same time indirottly counael?ng many nf tha i***-ii,>gTit arade in it hy" the Senate at the Bflhad Of Mr. ("nrnian BBd other Incidontnl |.m toctlunlsts in the upper hOOBB. When the Benate bill had baan rammed down the throat nf tlio Hnuso rndical**l tl.o Prealdant denounced it ns a maaeore of ?portidy nnd dishnimr." It was useful,. bowever, later h aavlng the Traaaory from the necessity of Bflipe?dlflg pay-J lneiits If Mr. Wilson ls electi-d uow he will fno imt only a radical House hut a radical Senate. Hls poiicy of tempo rlzliig with turlfl" revision will nnt pn <1(.vmi wlih a Daaaeoratlc rnajority in Oongfleea whlch nhowi-d Its real teiti?er at the last. sesslon hy pnael-g a free hugur hlll. An attempt to revlse the tariff will ineviiahly lead to party dis aenaloaa auch as aplll ihe Demoeracy iu 1880 ami I8M and swept it out of |,i,wer apaln tbl sixt.-en years. An other wiiM.ii-iini'inaii hill. accompanled by prostration of husiiit*ss and indus? try, would give ihi- country '? aa-Bdenl ta-.*,. 4if Democratk rule to last lt for another couple of decadaa Tc, say that llie parall.'l between 1802 aiul 1912 will he COmpMed with the qmaont of tho votera i*- to say that they are unable I;is of history. It mav he tliat the BBd expo rieiH'4's ,.f ivi.".-'07 have so far passeil ..ut of tla* mind of the public that it can contemplate thelr return without a Bhudder. If the COUntry wants another two yeara of Democrat ie aquabbUug and m-amanagement at Waahlngton it -?an have it. But it is WaTDBd even by "The Timi's" What is to he e.\|ieet??il if the Democratic party aine tatxi week. The electlon of Mr. Wilson will inevitahly revive the uncertainti.'s and mlaerlea of the aeeond Clevetand ad iniiiistratioii._ ALL THE ''ENEMIES'' IN LINE. Mr. Hedpes said wittily at Syrai-u-e: -A bo? i> only the visihle evidence nf many men'a cowardh'e." As if to give polnt to his eplgram <4imes a plea for Mr. Sulzer's eltvtion atgned by twen? ty leading ludependeut" Democrata. Among them are to he found some of the best namea in the community. lead* en <>f tlu* har f??r the most part. all of them t<> he reooputzed instantly as anti-Murphy. like Ihe antl-Murphy newapaper-, eleven months out of tl,.' year, hut. as usual. comlng out for tbe i?^s's tlcket a fow daya before elee* tion. Thev art* the bo-.*-'*- most valued ,-neii,i.->." ii" tbey were frankiy f?ir Murphy twelve months every year they would exert little intiuein-e in his b? half. Bul as it is t' v eonatltute a proup of the morally ente in the Demo? cratic party, an upper fashionable eat, whoee patronlzfns: of the lioss's 4-ause i*. walted for annually hy we do not know how many polltlcal apea as a sie nal that it is the correet thlng to do agaln. ? Mr. Hedgea aaya tt is eowerdlce thal makea men do thlnga llke that Prob? ably be ts rlght if theae men who an? nually ee, the aeal of proprlery on Murphy'a candldatea earneatly dlallke Murphyisin durlngtbe real of tbe vear thej musl be moved by thelr own po? litical ambftionfl nnd tbe thought of the boea'fl power. They are afrald. per* baps, that M urphj mlghl ahul the door to offlce In their tocee, Tbey are afrald, n may 1.4'. of tbe effec. whlch a deter? rnlned fight agalnal Tammany mlghl exert npon their party'- proepecta 4if carrylng the atate for its national can? didate. Whatever thelr fear is. the Indepen denta \\ 1j?? belp Murphy to etod bla tteke. y.-ar after year, altboufh they profeaa to abbor blm, are alwaya afrald to carrj thelr oppoeltlon to tbe polla There are many or the klmi That n< counta f.-r ihe i.oss'v gucceaa. THE NEW NEW YORK. This month of October, bj an Inter eattng colnctdence, has aeen the launch? lng of tbe greateai ahlp thua far onder* taken by eecb of the graateel two navii-s. Of the tWO, Ihat which WSJ yeaterday Boated on the Beal Blver la certalnly dealgned to be the atronger. The new New Tork wlll b? the moal powerful battleahlp tbe world has ever aeen, winrh wlll 1.4* ezactly a> it ahould be, for tim anke of the nation whl< b bulldfl tbe ahlp, "f the atate whoee name abe beara nnd of tbe <.'ity wlthin whoee preclncta she i* being co_t> atructed The Iron Duke, whlcb was launched a f4*w weefca ago ln Rngllab watere,wlll lio of 26J6Q0 tona; the New Vork will I.f _7,o?rO Tbe Iron Inike will carry t.-n i:'.r,-ineii guns; the New Vork wlll carry t?*n 14-ineh guna For repelllng attacks of the moaqUltO tlect the Iron I mki* will have -i.xteen U-inch puns; ll:,. New Vork will have twenty-".!: I 5-lneb guna ol ~>i callbrea, Tbeaa data are auffldent for demonatiatlon of tba auperlorlty ">f the New fork. As fm* 4,tiier natiBBt it la enough to oboervo ihat Oermany'a has nelther ln po sh,u nor In promlee a alngle gun of more than li' Inchea The growtb of ahlpa, of .whlcb we arere apeeklng the other day ln eon* nectlon wltb the iron r>uk4*. \< Im* preealvely shown bj the contraai be? tween tbe New Vork and a predeceaaor. Tbe old Now Vork. now tbe Beratoga, la nol to be dted, alnce sin* belonged to a ilifferent clas-. I'.'it let BB take th'* Oregon, whlch waa launcbed nlneteen years BgO and which WB8 fOT years the pride of our navy, na abe deeerved to 1,4-. Thai aplendld ahlp was <>f 10^288 tons, and carrled four 18-tncb and elgbl B-lncb guna, and made 16.8 knota to the now- New Vork's tl, It would be well within bouiuls to say tliat the New Vork is donalderably more than twice as stronp as the Oregon ; yet she will eost 4,nly ahout BO 1-4*1* cent. 111.ire. The aacceeefnl achlevement of yester? day, affected amld an approprlate aet* tinp, commanda for al] eooeerned the hearth'-t OOngTBtulatlona Amiil the Cfluaea f is hy DO means least. that the preal t-hip has heen d+ algnad and ls betng huilt by p4>vern ment aaajtMara ln I povernment navy yard, ami is Hfcety to be eevpletafl thara is expoditlously as she COUld be in :i shipyanl Of any nation in the worhl. rhoee drcBB-Btancea apeeh loud ebougb for the technlcal efltdeody of mir gov arnmeata naval astabUab-oanttoootttle it to full public confldence and to ln-1 spiro the nation to andow It wilh thej nii-ans for makinp and inaliitalnlm* a 1 navy edequnte to tha niaritime tome and practlenl needa of America. OovemOV Wilson is f-olng to remnin on the stump up to next Mondny night. Ue wlll probably not Bad tlme, how? ever, to tell the voters whether or not he wlll respect the actlon of the Demo? cratic National Converrtlon, whlch pledged him to the prlnclple of a slngle President ial term. e The Turks seem to be acceptlng de? feat as Klsmet. e Oovernor Wilson cordlally greets and dlnes with a man whom n Judge had just directed a grand Jury to lndlct for carrying a concealed deadly weapon und forcit-Lv reacuiug a prtaoner from ? the police, and tho Hon. James Nu gent with equal cordiality greots and dln-es with a man whom he had de? nounced aa "llar and lngrate." But what are little things like thosi be? tween frlends? a The Aeronautloal Soclety ia planning for an aviation tournament on Klec? tion Day. We have no doubt that many men will he "up in the alr" at that time. -??? "The Infant mortality of thlrd par fiea is about 100 per cent." says Mr. Otto Baanard. That is an infant mor? tality which should not be reduced. e The eponsor for the new Dread nought doubtless felt that duty Cald 'er. Governor Wilson is determinol to aeem to be <-lear. a Aziz Pacha, who commanded the Turkish army ut Kirk-Klllsseh. pays the penalty of defeat by belng shot to death at tht* word of B military court. We shall see how much thls object les aon encouragea tbe othera, -? Perhapa the city ls gittlng more for Ita money than it used to, but a gUmpee of the Police Department ia not rea.ssuring. a The Democratic National Committee is at least humane. While Governor Wiiison ls taikinx Randalllaen in Phila? delphia, Newark and other industrial centroe it has tbOUghtfully exlled Gov? ernor Marshall in the wilds of Oregon. ||r. ICarahalTa pain at bearing the Damoeratk party commltted to a per letuation of the protective -.ysti-m. im provad an.l Mtrenpthened. would be too harrowing to be tlescrlbed. -e The "ellent voter" will be heard from in a few days more. e A West Virglnla candldate for Con? gress made this graphlc report of hls politleal recelpta and expendltures: "Nothlng ln sight nnd nothing prom? lsed." , It is hnn! tn tell whether that announcement la mon- notable as a d?'play of virtue or as a (?eplay of 1m povartehment a cin. ago harbera ara ralaing the price of halr i-uttlnK. The football POaeOO ls a poor tuiii* for them to iio s... a Aiistria-Hungary and Russia aie sai.l to agree aa to the aeltlement of affalrs ln the Balkans after the war. But suppose that the alllea are vlctorlous and Inalat upon a aettlement of whleb tho ? tw.> great powera |.t.d reeolutlona recommend ing atrleter aupervlaton and regulatii ?: >.f botela, wlth a Vlew t*. brlnglng ahout ? baaaea whifh win eonduee to the rom f..rt and protection of gueMB antl put an etitl to abiiM**-: whlch aerloual** Interfi-re wlth tl.e happlneea ol the traveiiing pub? li.. Th.* raaolutlona euegeeted twenty two "roeaaarei f reform," ??nd h oopy of th.- pro<**-tdiii> ir-ss thiin by th. all rall wlnter route east. an.l I look to see thls rate cut fully 4fi per cent to our east ern seaboard vla the canal. We are being dlstanccd In the rae. through sclf-lmposed hot.hles. Hns New York Clty grown so unwieldy and help leea that ln seeking llght lt must looh through glasses tlnged by forelgn In? terest" We want the buyer of South snd Cen? tral Amer a to COOM here Are we mak? lng utiv , I'ort to brlng hlm? \V> wanl a iihare of new buslness war rut.ted by our locatlon, our womb-rful harbor and our production, but are bave reached such a polnt that unless radical advaaoa la ma.ie tne cost of beadllng our commerce vlll Increase as its volume In crf are-. The cltUens of New York cannot shirk the qvestlon. Our public oftlclals, legls lators and Congressmen are wllhng ,1:1.uth, but they eniphat- j lcally denled yesterday the puhllshed re- I port that there was frictlon between the company antl Arturo Toscaninl, the mu? alcal director. "I received a cable measage from Mr. Toscaninl only yeaterday In whlch he said that he would sall on the Lorralne on November 30. arrivlng here Decem? ber 7." aald Mr. Gatti-Casazza. "lt lai absolutely untrue that Mr. Toscaninl is dissatistled?ln fact, he ts eager to re? turn. He is at preaent restlng after hia season in Bueno* Ayrea, but there haa aOVOf been a queation as to his Intereat in hla work wlth the Metropolitan, and ln fact he la returning a week eooner than we expected." ? THE CLOSER THE BETTER. From The Ban Franclaco Chronlcla. A le*dlng newapaper of Ilucnoa Ayrea ha* openetl an ottlee In New York. and lt ia ex plalnad that the atep la '?for tha purpoa* of helplna to d*v4ilop the commercial and aoclal r-latlona" betwaan the Unlted Statea and Ar gf.iiU.ia Slgnt. are Incr-aalng In many quar lert that at laat tha two contlnenta nt tha Weatern Hemlaphera ore gattlng cloaer to aat?ar, ocial Incidents pendlng her return to her home in Eng? land. I Among those saillng to-day for Europe i on board the George Washlngton are the | Countesa zu Eulenburg and the Slameae I prince, Traidos Prabandh. Mra. French Vanderbllt arrives in town to-day and will be at the Rltz-Carlton. Mr and Mrs. J. Kennedy Tod are at the St. Regls for the winter. Mrs. Rhilip M. Lydlg ls booked to call on Saturday week from Havre on her return to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J? Colford, Jr., have arrived in town and are at the Van? derbllt. Alfred Vanderbllt is expected fiom Eu? rope to-day. AT NEWPORT. [By Tel?graph to Th? Tribune] Newport, Oct. 30.?The Newport Oasino and Casino Club cloaed thelr thirty-thlrd season this evenlng. Miss Georgiana 0. Klng wlll cloae Clover Patch, on Narragansett avenue, early next week and go to the Elm Cot? tage, on Old Beach Road, for the winter. Ex-Commodore and Mrs. Elbridge T. Gerry are expected here?ju Monday. They probably will be Joined on Tuesday by Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter G. Gerry. Mr. and Mrs. Gua M. H-Utton hava ? leeed fhemroek ciiff and returned to I Haltlmore for the wlnter. Mlss Fanny L. Johnson has gone to i New York for the winter. I Mrs. Willlam G Weld has returned to | Boston for the winter. I I'rofessor and Mrs. Raphael Pumpelly. Iwho apent the summer and early uutumn at Dublin, N. H , have returned to thelr Hewpeat cottage. Mrs. W. Rogers Morgan wlll take pos aesslon of her home, Tudor Lodge, to morrow. The house has been occupled d.urtni' tho summer by Rear Admiral and Mrs. W. H. BrowriBon. IN THE BERKSHIRES. [By Telegraph to The Tribune. 1 Lenox, Oct. 30.?In Lenox and Plttsfleld Halloween entertainments wlll be held to-morrow night. At the town hall wiii be ,i ?_oquorada roller skatlng party. wlth welrd deco.ations, and at the Coun? try <*lub ln Plttsriei.l a i ounty fair, a bonfue and a danc? will be held. Mrs. Learla gtuyvaaant ciianier, Mlaa Alida Chanlor and Mi.-s Mary De 1'. i Cary arrl'. ..-.I to-night at the Curtla Hotel. | Dr. Thomas Blddb and Miss Emlly Btd idle nill t lose thelr cottage and go to Philadelphia to-morrow. Mr?. Arm.roS'-- C. Klngsiaiid will i I.. r OOttaga Monday and go to Boston I before returning to New York. I Mrs. John D. Morgan, who had been in J Stockbridge since late tn August, has i- - j turned to New York. Commander and Mrs. Reginald B. [Bell??p have return-'d to Washlngton. Mis. Stephen D. Field and Miss Vir ginia Fleld have gOM to MaW Tt rk for a short vlsit. The M.sSes Amv and Edlth Kohlsaat returr.ed to New York to-day. John \' Kohl.i_it wlll close his villa to-morrov.. Mrs. Arthur Gllman and Miss Dorothy Gllman. of Boston, are at fhe Rl Inn. Mrs. Robert Mackay. Mis-* Maud MIBer, Mrs. Arthur Quertn, Mlaa Ma Quertn, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kopkins Smith and Mra F. John Smith havo gone to New York, and Mrs. Howell Lloyd ar.d M.ss Harr:.-t Roberts to Wynnewood, Penn. PUYWRITINQ VS. PADDING Problem for the Jury in Young Shubert Suit. Mrs. Rlri.i Johnson Young. 00 defendant wlth tba Bbabart Theatrical Con:; the sult brooarht by Mrs. Edlth Bill ness for part of the proflt-i from the play "The Letter-* Man." wbleh Mra. Tooaf wrote, b>;t which Mr.*-. Fun. rewrote, was a witness iu the ca.-e in the Supreme Court yesterday. Tlie p'aint.ff wants HO ???>. Mrs. You.g denled that Mrs. I Wbo -.v.t.s s*.tge director for the B Company, dld any rewriting of iier play She abnpl] *_d such work a.s eame wlthla her scope a.* stage director, said the iu dlgnant pi.tywrlght. looklng at Mra | ness. COUnaal for the plalntlff araah i know of tbe attaaaa arbetbar bxatr?ng a scene or eliai glng the plot of a play waa not pHywrttt-f, Mi>. Young would be lf ahe dld lt. "Wouldn't it be playwrlting if Mrs. Fur Boaa did it,' asked the lawyer. "No, I weald call that padding." replied the wltneai During tlM trial yesterday t'e j got as avMaui ?? a hook con | ,t: - lalM columns the orlginal aianuaciipt of i "The Letterj Maa** -ind the last ef the play as produced. Tlie trial w. tinuued to-day. ELECTS MEW PRESIDENT Broadway Association Names Jefferson De Mont Thompson. The Broadwer iaanctaHea. al a aa nf at the Hotel Imperial laat nlght. ekfted Jefferaan De Mont Tanaaan ; d.nt. Mi. Thompson ls one of the mo.-t actlve members of the ass-vlation n. wei: knovn ln the trualnaaa section of Broadway. *?g N a BM mb.r of tha I League Club r?wyer- Club, AuUNBObOa Club of Ameriea. Aero Cluh of Ameriea. poetety of the ciaelanatl and a dheetet of the Dunlap Company. The executlve eommlttee to.*k action on yevcral matters regardtng the . ot struetlon of the Broedwaj* Mib^ay TlM association has taktn or. rapld strides nnd j the commlttees ar. al work lor the pro? tection of the baatneOB men and prop? erty ownera. The lm-r* a*-e of membersli'.p ls very r-ncouraging and it ia expected that upward of 1,000 members wlll be - nrolled wlthin nlnety daya '"opeland Townsei d who ls rnanager of the Hotel Imperial. the retlring pies:dent. wlll be aefivoly a_M with the associa? tion as chairman of tln board. Mr Townsend haa been the vresident aince Its organiz-ition and was on.* of ita f. under** He haa taken great int--r * j ln bringln^ the association up to Its pfoaanl standard of efflclency. The heod quarters will remuin at the Hotei Im? perial with Davld Roblnaon, seeretary. ln charge. NEW BATTAIJON FORMED New York and Brooklyn Sigrial Corpa Companies Thrown Together. Albany. Oct. 30.? An order v aa iasued to-day by Adjutant General Verbeck cre atlng the lat and 2d companlea, 8ignal Corps, of New Y'ork and Bri oklyn, !**? apectlvely. aa the let Battal on. Slgnal Corpa, of the National Guard. Major Sanford L. Cluett, of Hooalck Falls, attached to the Third BrigatSa ataff, has been deslgnated to command the new battaliou.