Newspaper Page Text
PROGRESSIVE But Not Radica! ! \* lAMI N? 24,092. New York'? Only Republican Paper llain in-iln> nnrt t? morr<w. ( oUIrr lu-mnfow. NEW-YORK. FRIDAY. NOVBMBEH 1. 1912.-18 PAGES. rKK Vj ()>h l h> 1 rX!<n?HKKKTHOff\Th. ?fhen E'haustion Threatens to End i onstration Thought ofBreakincjT.R itcord Spurs Thousands On. MURPHY WAVES A lAG Candidate Refers to "Irrcgular Repubiican Party," Assails Its Panaccas and B*yi He Would Mtke Bmineti Free. WOULD TAKE POLITICS OUT ? Govevnor Dfclarc HiJ Party Will Not Harm Eoncst Ccncern*. Nor Will It Hesnate witb tbc Guilty. Which Musl Pay Penalty. Oovernor W.Ii ??" N llaon tat blggaet, l ? nd mosl en thuaiaatic srort ng of hla > impatgi Madiacn Squan when 16.000 men and iromen chee and fhouted anrt atai ane hour and two mln jliow tha Damocratic candidate for Preeldent how mttch they tho igl liim. It was a new long dlata * ?ia*m record for Pr, - ? ? dates that waa eatabliahed laat nlght, for it f >. ''l I the demonatration for Cateael Roosevelt on Wedneada; right t>v ex??t;- twenty-two mia When Governor Wllaon pok( tiead tbrough xhr littlt ing to tba Htap- .it 9:12 6*< lot k laal night H ;! tha huge ,rowi arhich nmi d the Mg audi torini-. bad been r*lf for hla Evcry man and woman faaaped to I i oi her f< et, almoi ,: | -:? \ .? rl an .i?. and loudly fc. tl ? aml fr. rn tben en the demonatration kepi a-ga ing. ti.e gnal of moat ?f the enth lanatj baing tba hreaking of the record of the aifhl baMra 3ano He'pi Choering Alonp - I siisht k*t? tba nvn i. men becama qniel ? ud not lasi lonjc. fot I i ich inap itf.? tuiie? a? "Thraa Cbeera for lh< >:? Wbtte and Blue," "My Country, Thi ,.; Tbi imari: " and ilmilar ua and n ti'-n the atoppad th< demonatration araa ewttnued w~ith ren<wed vlfor. The bif atidleme jolned in alnglnR the Cboi 0* s. Mra. Woodrow Wtlpon, in ? bog dt tectiy in front of tba apaakara' plat femi was no ovarcoBM vrltb enaotlon that bJm burfe? her fsca ln her handa and weft, whtle h**r thr^e daughterfl I'Ut their arms 8roun,d I ??!. Oovernoi WJlaon looked tov.aid hls fani ly and KtajaJatd hla'hand acrosa hla eyea. Mra. WDaoa lifted hei bc n I b ea? ? klaa *t bar hush^iifi. During tba antlrej one ho'jr and two tnlnijfs Governor AVilson rcmalned ?tandlng in ftxrit of the stand. Oocav aionally he would lalee his hand^ anil move his Hpg, appartntly anking for Qulet. i ;:eard hlm or wanttd to hear hirri. '1 b< :e was only one tbing that the erowd wanted to do, and that *'a* to put Wadnaaday night'a record in the rhadc, and 11 was not untll they had done no bjf ? 1 :k margin thal an> tiung llke quiot was rf-stored. But the band warm't the only thing that kapt thf aajthoalaani at blajk fUt b, kti baeoaalacly dreaaad woman. aaid <a be Mra C. E. Byrna, atlrrad tba I |MN to almosi trenzied ^nthuslafin by walki'ig up to the OoWIMff and i>re?entlng to hln a tiny Atnerhan flajr ?otna of the enthuaiaata, boaravar, <?atinu?l on nrventli IWff. fourth rolunin. Jkk AlQrnings News locax. Paga Gambiera Get Word to Opeti Agaln... 3 rollt* Department Polltlca Bxpoaed.. 3 ?'Ity Ua) Bue gchool Expert.a Wfacj a Stage Prlvllsge.10 Mx Caiin ?,' ?un< II of Oaard Oaleara. ? .18 { Clergj m Ai .Mayor aa to Poltca. .18 ?udr?? ? aa i*???ed.18 POX.ZTZCAX.. ?avor Naming i- >rmi?'n Snccepsor.. 1 Wllaon Cheered !'t*ty-two MinuteH... 1 Perktoa Bulldozliu' I'altner Say?. 1 lfedge? Talka V ..rnera . 4 ?lor.nson Speaka t'patate. 4 *trau* Makaa Tour of Cltjr . * T. R. ifay Hpeak at Btraoa Maatlng * Bulaer Attacks Struua. * Olftn to Campaiicri Kunda. 4 Kor V'lca-Preaident of Hadley Typa s OENEIAL. *h*rman Kuneral ArraiiKem?-n:>' . 6 T*ft Golng Jo 8h?rniati Kuncral. 6 McNamara Plot AKamat Burn*.11 ?ow Harvaater Abaorbod Rival.18 ronniON !??,?00 Turka Routad. l Turkey May Rue for Peace. 1 f'ubar, Kle< tiona To-day. ? Chlli will Not Bell lalaad. ? anSCSLLAVSOUS. .,! . 8 . ? h r y .8 ?taru.10 and 11 *'#ath#! .ii "hlpplng NewH. 11 ^'wr for Woni'-n ........ 18 , lltncial and Markata. . . 13, 14 and 16 Jtet! Eatat* . 18 Ar?i,y ?n^i xavy.l7 F Think lt Unwiseto DefcrSelec tion nf Sherman's Successor on RepuMican Na tional Ticket. SENTIMENT FOR HADLEY Danger Seer In Plan to Delay Cboice Bccause of Possibiliiy of Oanard That Unftt Porson Nlight Be Secretly Named. PERILOUS CARD FOR ENEMY Some Frel Delicaty About Consider intr Vice - President's BttCCCMOT Before Funeral Impoisible, SaysBa-ncF. toCallMect ing Before Election. HADLEY AVOIDS ANSWER AS TO CANDIDACY. Kansas City. Oct. 31.?"T!e mere mention of a man's name by hia frieids as s possible sand Hate for ?uch an office ai the Vice-Presi dency is highly gratifymg. but does not necesyarily rrean that he is a candiciate." said Governor Had'ey ? o-night, i" answer to the cuestion wheiher he would aciept the nom? ination as Pres.dent Taft's running mate if it waa tendered him by the National Ccmmittee. "I had rather not the ques tion at Ihil time." he said. "II may not be necessary for me to make an announcement at all whether I would accept." 'I h.i ?. if? Ot th< mambera of Ihe an Na? tional Committee belh i ?? thal lt I in wlee to defer the aelectlon of .1 '- I ?? Praaidentlal candidate until aftei and that 1 1;..,. r: ?.? 1 ladle of Mia ?0 m i f ? ll' ?? ! i i.' .: 1. . arao Tribune Lo the mambera of tlw com : ftei noon. The 1 rib m -? ? ' to ea h ? ? !., national 1 ommittt In thla < ountry I telegram cx\ 'hat araa danger In the proposttlon t>i dsfer the aelection of a Vice Pr< tial candklate untll after the election, jtointing oul tbe poaalblllty thal a to the effa< I thal 1 1 unflt ot unpopular andtdat< hi secretly choaan migJit be put out b tlie oppoaltion presa ;<t an hour too late for aueoaaafol contradlctlon, and lag ineanltera to talegraph thalr vlawa and thali hotce foi Vice-Prealdent II thay h.'id < ? ? ? 01 > <l In the i. , ahich had reau hed The Trlb ine up to the tlma of g"in? to prt that of Governor Hadley moat fra Thal tha poaltlon of J ii ? Tribune la arell taken is aaaartad by ??< number of tboae whoee rapllaa have far been racalred. For inetance, National 1 omn n an llarlow, of ftfontana, arirea: 1 fu'Iy agree with you that Vice President nomination ehould be made now. My choioa would be Governor Hadley of Missoun, or Fairbanks, of Indiana. I think we are placing oan geroue card in hands of the tntmy to wait until after election. (Stfned) T. A. MARLOW. Georaje E Pexton, national -, trom Wi orntnc, telagrapha: I beheve that the poMtion of The Tribune ae outlined ifl your telegram of this date ifc right. The people should know for whom they ars voting. I am in favor of Governor Hadley as our nommee to succeed Mr. Sherman, and I beheve that I voice the sentiment of 9 targe majority of the Repubhcan voters of the West. (Sltmed) GEORGE E. PEXTON. chapin I'.k.v.m. national committae man fron. tha Dlatrlct of Columbla aald: In reply to your telegram I conslder it advisable that the Repubhcan Na? tional Committee make the choice of a Vice- Presidential candidate of the Re pubhean pmrty by next Saturday, if praoticable. In view of a possible meet ing of the committee at that time ! do not deem it proper for me to ex press my choice in advance. (gifned) CHAPIN BROWN. T. k Nladringhaua, national eonualt taaanaa fro?i Mlaaourt talafrapha aa followa: |f it were possible to do so, I believe it would be praferable to make salec tion of candidate for V.ce-Preaident pnor to the election. My personal preferance to ffll this vacancy is Gov? ernor Herbert 8. Hadley of Missouri. (Signed) T. K. NIEDRINGHAUS. 1.. h. bfooalay, national eonunltte* man ftom allaataalppl. talaajrapha I favor nomination of Vica-Presiden? tial candidate before election. Will favor the candidate who can add the greatest atrength to Presidential ticket. Am not at this time sufficiently in 'orm-d as to who the candidate ihould be. (S.gneo) L. B. MOSELEY. Tha* MlnnaaoU ajould favoi the vi ? laetfon ol (layarnor Haitey hi ladaoatai Cvutinuvd on Uftli i>a?f. ?l?th <?Imhmi. VANQUISHED A3TO VKTOKIors GENERALS NAZIM PACH.\ immander In hlef o Turklah I t i ?>? VOTERS. PALIK SAYS Democratic Stat<: Chairma,i Sees Plot m Hn ing cf BurnsarulJeromr HAS HORDE OF DETECTIVES ThrcaU; of Jai! for Ignorant Ones Baid to Havo Beon Madc by Progres xive Spotleis. . leorge "?: Palm< atemenl ? had I ? ? 11 ?<?' 'ii '""'? l;i. ? ? ... ? barkai P . - ?? ntin ? ? .,f N. v V"rk 1 in- atatetnei I hn? i fai ? thal the J '! rnittee, With tba Bppi >vai of C l haa obtalned thi aervlcc i im .( Burna and n large -i.-.P < f IV. T. ,i,,, ,,,.. in the ;,B 8uch ? ? u aa the B :i i ? m.v flnd Both ? ? J rome > ? had long . i with the ? "i"i ? II |a indaral.i tl ? rered thalr h<T\ ii - * 'vii 10 it con :?? al? Ive arlll ><f cour e, ffai . n .: ? -.1"'" ! !" P I ,f "" " be expei ta '.> < mploy. Mr. !'? ..r tiif i ment, undi i tl. lin* """ .? |., ,.,.; , r, anlaed u ? ?? i l rie ll ,,: >.. ....? .. Perktna, lo u. timidaU ? kee| trom n e iwl volera In the t'lty ol N?? iorl ? ' att< n pt to prevent n ? < ' olonia ,,,., ?? ,,... ,-it : ,e 'meai Bppeai M""K ,f ' ' ,,l!"1 '"" ...t Katoi ? * ' o, ?? ? ' ? *ul ' "' ' x aminina and cl eckin* r< siatratl.. : I ?? ' .' votei l?? cromded ??.na ?f tna tlniPfl whei the head* ol the hoi a, hold an u?> '?' I . Itlna ofH< ? ? of the ;. ?,. I . I '.? ', aI| fr ahten Ihe membera of the ho i ? hold by nlmatinK thal lf th? rather o, aon ap ,,..,,,:-> i" vou on Ei'-cttoi i>a n< artll ? '' 'fii*B i !..(... ? " i ? ? md a ... roi k that "?" i"1 n?1 be '"''ri ''"' n an othei cit) ihan New fork. lor ta - othei i iui ' I ? ''\ "ommlttee la Informed that a man i an ? i ,., ,, ,H iv.i aeveral ?! i' i I- ?? n .-ii n to perfoi tba. Hty ol Seij Tork Im mon fr. : ' ? '., : >nv i larg< ? Ity In th i punti rne ^'ratlon llata ara aubjected to an itliii i nlnatlon bl the po U a authorltlea, . ,. Htat?> Huperlntendent ?' h.l?ctioii ano .,;!,. ..-ii- charged witb Ihe duti of uurKlng th< l?*f?l *?&*? ':' ' " aurlng ai ' ' "-""V 'l' P? '"" of" ,; . ., .Ugator* eraployed bj hinei aon and pi ? fo ? *? ?,:- l!''("!1.!" ,.,'. emlhenl purlat G.pV l '-rk im ,. not intended to atop fi.1 and protett I p ballot box, bul to k..-i> Democrata ,..!,., are entltled to Ihe auffraga from rot . J) appaallng "? the feara of .. . >,, .. ,,f theb famille" Tl eaa man maka ,'.,,,. viaiU thal ?i-- unautborlaad by*" iaw. .-,r.. !.. v.out!.-.. ../.-wMv law. Pamlllea thal are a??bjji ted to tna m< . <|f ,,,,... ;,,,.,. n m unauthoriaed ;,!,.,?.,., abould raaant tba affront bj ajacl r^thwi. and bs reportlm to thepropar i oritlea tba IndJgnlttea t.. wbksb .,,.: aubjected. _ MAYOR'S PRETTIEST BRIDE Shc's the One His Honor Makes Mrs. B. S. Catts. The kwl """? MHXur 0*99* ,i"1 '?'? fore leau mi! hbi ?dB< e jri i ?' hik ataa to unlta Ui maniaara n> ajaaain Bamual Catta, a roung lawjrar, II ',i No 142 Waal 49tb atreat, .m<? Btbal . ..,?:.. Cooklin, of No J* Plnehturtl avenua. Ait'-r tbe Mayor h id givaa tba ? oupta hi? hest ariabaa and ''?'?'? Uiam farawa I ... commented "riiat hi tna prattaaal glrl i h;?ve niarried aiooe i bave baan Mayor. itanani ?Vllllam K< nnall bia i ?? ,?, ai.i. aaid 'i >' ? ? h ": 'll""'! I pjood judKMi'tii m - PASTOR RUSSELL on -ARMAGEDDON" \radem: ot \i: le Hrooklyn, i >J- M W? \ < mber ?'; Prae - Ad-. t. CKNKBAf* s.wnir I maaterlj atratai I a acb i ? '???? :'"1 b "'-: i nj v |,hln itrl . ?? ance of Conatantinople. TURKEY MEDITATES SUING FOR PEACE Counsel of Despair Said to Prevail at ihe Portc?Cabinet Discussing Ejading War. Gonstantmoplc. Nov 1. 1 I m.? Serioi;s newi haf been received from rtw fro ' Tha Counctl of Ifiniateri is itill sitting at the Portc. It is belitved that the miniitcri irc discuwing the question of con duding peacc with the Balkan StaitCi The exact nature ol the latrst advices from the battlc line in Thract has not been made known. but iast evening the government received the follov/ing report from Naxiffl Hacha. the War Minister and commandat of the Turkish forces: "Our eastern army has been engaged for the last four days in serious fighting with the Bulgarian forces between Lu!e Burgas and Visa Our army corps. concentrated at Lule BurgSJ and to the noith. are offering vigorous resistancc to the enemy advancing in this dtrection. The cttadel at Adrianople ia tiii holding out Our forces in the neighborhcod of Visa are Biaking l lUCCessfui advance." Still earlie: official sdvices itated thal ? Bulgarian force of 30.000 men had concentrated m the [strandia Mountains, where "the retrtat of the Bulgarians had been cut off." SNORING IS NO CRIME Judge Releases Disturbcr A: rested in Chicago. hlcage, 0 ? -'I. Bnoring la no , ,!?.,.. Thla .?" lalon randan i ... itunietiwl Judge Uhlri la lh< M i :bloago avenua XN ?1'l,r Moxak, iwenty-five yeare old, araa ar laai nlght on a eharga oi dta ,?.? ri) , ondnoJ He had rawled Into . ii;i<j i|u ober i In an unmla Ukable mana< i t ? '? - ' '1l- turb ani?? arouaed tha lenai ?f 'he build ing. arho endeavorad U> awaken tha Iman. The atti mi t wai i eaaful and the aolice were ? ilh d The latter .,,;,.,.. to >> ui ? '.!?'-?'- and he w;ii tmkan to !'"' "'.i1""' In ?? ambu i.,M,,. in eo in he <!.?? lai ? ) that be h.i.l l.^rn Bttacfced by two nfen. ?Tottr only offence \*ms anoring," ra marked I le lodge, "and i canM Rna \<>n f.?r that" a SEEGER'S HORSE CHAMPIO.M County Judge's Trotter Beats Justice Tompkins's at Goshen. i n- Tatagraph te Tha Trtbaaa I Qoahan, M. v., Oct at. Phra huadrad paraona to-dnv aaar Joatlce Artbur S. Tompkiart Mttla Kata beatan b) County Jintea laagar'a Amaala The horaaa wata caDad at i: 80 and Judaa TompkJna <irew tha pota, ti waa aa? noancad thal aafy ona acora arould ba ajlaarad. Tha trattara eame dowa avan ,,|, ;,ri'i Baeajer naaaad for tha wordL Botfe horaaa broka at tha ouarter Al tha half LMtla Kate i m! by ala langtha, Becger araa noalna bar out al tha thraa quartera, arhan both horaaa broka judaa Tumi klna eron I ba haai >. thraa langtha bi 2:27%. Judge Baegar drove baek la lha ataad ;u,,i announcad thal amaala had pullad i irentj -flve mlnutaa irera ali an i,.,,,,. tha ac tnd haat In the w i ond heat Little Kate broka at the Nv< elghtha, and Judge Beeger aron the beat , I-. two Ipngtl a In 2:27. Judge Be . w ?, | . third b< at In 2:29, iftei i i r< ttj rai a. Little Kate I roke at ihc tbree-quarti ra \?>>* GREAT BEAR SPRING WATER. :?, par i aae of < fcaai i | >p? - Ad\l INJAZIM PACHA SHOT? Turkish General^Wouuded or a Prisoncr, Says Report. Ijondon, Nov. 1. Naaim Pacha, the Turkish Minlater ol Waf and com ma ii''. r In chl< ?' U: Tl i aca, baa baan iken prlaoner, accord :. i. from Bofla to "Tbe Morning Poal " \. n rdlng to i \ lenna dlapatcb, N.i.'im .-a- killed durtng .ii? battle yaaterday, bul thla la nol regardad aa i orrect. SIX HURTJN AUTO CRASH Be-llevua Hospital Ambulances Busy After Collision. Hlx peraona a/are Injured in ?> ."' Ilslon under the 'I." road at Tblrd gve nui and 2Sd atreei thla morning be tween a arhlU tourlng car and a black ... in Which the blai k . ;ir ",..s amaahad and Inunedlately ael on Bra by ita own ^:isni< ne. Tba alx peraona Injurad arare takan to Bellevua Efoapltal in ambulaneea rii.'.v a ere: ROOER8, Mra Nellla, twenty-onayaara old, of No ::.;'. (Vesl IStfc atr< .-t. ROSENBBRQ, rlarrj twenty-faur yaara oi<i. of No, 29 Rldgra itraei ki'.v Mtaa Lydla. tarenty-etghl yeara old, of No. ::11-t s.iuth Orand ii Bl Louia. I RIRD. Man ? . ..f No. 161 Buffolk ?trai i DARNBR, Bartram, It yeara eM, of Ma. 26! Wesi 46th atreat. i '? IDBNTTFlED MAN. aii a/are i nt and bruleed and >-<.me arare badJy bumed. Patrolmaji WefaV ? r Covnd Miaa Locke */anderlng around byatartcally in tb< .itreet. gejt iha arag ao arroogtbi np she e>>uid *?y nothtng abottl tbi aooident. Priad araa the drlver and ownar of the 1'iai h '??'??? aM.i Darner "?* the ,; of tba "iher nMohtne, the num .,.., 0f MiM.ii bl tlatad fu> batongrtnt to ?/ b. Klrby, .>;' Mo. M Central Parh \\ o^l PASTOR RUSSELL on"ARMAGEDDON" V( L,., ln. ,,t wuaic, Brooklyn, ?': l' M. tfy* % irrec.-Advt. 200,000 TURKS UTTERLY ROUTED Maslerly Bulgarian Strategy Places Constanti nople Virtually at the Mercy of General Savoffs Army. PORTE MAY SUE FOR PEACE Nazim Pacha, Complctely Out-manoeuvred, Falk Back on Tchorlu, News of the Capture of Which Comes to Hand ? Lule Burgas Called a Sedan. h Cahk ta Th* Triauaa, I London, Nov. 1.?Now beyond all question the Turks have suf fered a crushing defeat. Details are still lacking. but the fact that a message has been received from Constantinople stating that, in consequenee of gravc news from the front, the Cabinet is stiil sitting and is bclieved to be considering the question of suing for peace is of great signifkance. No such dispatch would have been allowed to pass the ccnsor if the Turks had no', been in a desperate plight. It was known early yesterday that the Turkish left had been compelled to retreat after suffering great slaughter, but there was just a possibility that this might have been countered by an attempt on the part of Nazim Pacha to break the Bulgarian centre. Later information, however, shows that the smashing of the turkish left rendeT-ed a general retreat necessary, the right wing being obliged to fall back to prevent the possibility of being cut off. Both wings are now believed to be retreating as rapidly as pos siblc to the lines of Techatalja. the last defences of Constantinople. from which city they are only twenty miles distant. Laiesl reports are thal Tchorlu ba- been takei and that the i ligarians are advancing on the lines of Tchatalja. According to a Vienna dispatch Nazim was- killed during yester day's battle. but this is unconhrmed and is probably untrue. In this wise a four days' battle in Thraec has ended in tha triui the Bulgarian commander in chief, General Savoft, whost ^kilful stratcg) has probably brougl t t- a close one ol tbc diorte^t and aigns on rco>rd. \ gr ,.t Turkish army, estimated at more than 200/000 men, has been and is in -.ctrcat. Constantinople is bclieved t<? be at the iriercj of the victorious Bulgarian army. and a council. vtting at the Porte, is discussing the advisabiltty of suing for peace. h is only a fortnight since Turkey declared war. ihc firsf week of the campaigo ck ted with tlie dtamatk fall ol Kirk-Kiliaaeh, fultj reveal g i : the first tinic the disorgataization, bad morale and maffkient cotn- a iriat "i th< Turkish army. To-day thal anr.i ia defeated, routed, I within fift) miles from Ccmatanfmople. It- retreat within the capttal'i hnc of defences ia probablj cut ? (iiih the briefest and vaguest accounts of the great battle have >et been received, for the -.\ar has been especiallj remarkabte in that not i single war correspondent has been allowed at the front. except in the . ase of the little Montenegrin campaign againat Seutari. BIASSED OFFJCIAL ACCOUNTS. rhus no independenl personal narratives of the ar?orbing exents liave been possible, and tlie worid has had to depend on bia^sed ofticia! .unts provided by the respective governments. or confused detaiN itipplie I by w< unded soldiers. Apparently Nazim Pacha has been complctely outmanceuvred by Savoff's skilful generalship. The Bulgarian turning movement along the Black Sea i ast now appcars t<> liave been a feint, which induccd m il commandci to throw his main army to the eastward, to such effeel that the Bulgarian fwrce on this side had the greate^t difft euhv in hoiding the Turk> in chcck. In faet. this poinl -eerns a little in doubt. The Bulgarians gave wav, and thus enabled Nazim Pacha to repOTt to t'onstantinople some succcss in this directii ?:?? In the nicantime. however, General Savoff hurled his great strength against the Turks' weukened left wing. which he crushed in at Lule Burgas. The fighting along the whole front, which evidently haM bcau of the mo*l stubbom and determined character, was rarried on day and nighl without intermtssion, and both lides lost heavily. TCHORLU THKEATEXED. The capture of Nazim Pacha's headquarters, at Tchorlu, to which town the defeated Turks retrcated. has not as yet been reported, but is hourh expected at S<>tia. in which case the Turks will be forced within uw defensive lines of Tchatalja, the only retnaining fortified positio l pi ttecting Constantinople. These knc< ?.re twenty-five miles to the northwest of the .-a; % Adrianople *tiil h>?lds ,,ut. but hai tott its importancc uow OafA tg? Turk? have niet their Sedan at Lule Burgas. \ iiotieeahle feature of the war is the intigntneant oarti played by the Turkiah and the Greefc Iteets. The firsl air \. tim *'i the war. ilic Kr.ssiau avia'?r Poouff, was instructor of aviation in the Russian srmy. With ievere.1 ofher aviator he left Russia a few pays ago to Offer his services to the Bulgarian army. While tlving with his machinc ovcr Adrianople he was brougbt down b\ Turkish s.'irnpnel ihells. Specia! reports ?ay he was killed. ALLIES MAY REJECT OFFERS OF MEDIATION 1 Bj Cabia '.) Tha Tr.bun^ Londan, N',,v- *? II ,s iwd?ret?od tbal the Immadtata re*nit of the lab M Turkleh dtaaater nrtll he ai atteaant by tbe poweri to medjate between the belligerenta. Repraeantatlotia will be .,,,,,).. i?,i!i to Conatantii ople and to tba capltala of the BaUtaa aiilea with a rta? ta brtnajang ',,e uar ,r> atl <nd gnd avoldlng further bloodebad. On tbe .?tlier band, th?. vlctorfous BaJkan argaiea bave platnrjr ihtimated that thev will manh otj < ?..nstanUnople. thal thiy do nol deajlra tturopean in tervrnti-.t an?l tliat th<-> wil' niake p ao a Ith TurkeS * Itboul aM froaa outaidara The Rr?at powers inny reaati to a flnanclal boycoti t<> phjojeb eny unren aanable demands by the Balkun Statea. [ The power of the purae wlll. It ia ar ' Kued, >>e aa eft'ectlve aa the rower of the aword. The attenti.m of the powere has been ! ralled to the iak of a maaaacre of i CbrkfUaaa tn ConataattnoHo and aa I Saloniia by the denmralized Turklah | eoMtary, aided and abetted by the ! eivllian niob, and a unlted naval dem? onatration will be made if needfnl. Warehlp? are already proceeding to Turklah waters. ? To Attack Saloniea. The Greek army is marching in forct > to attack S;iloni<a. the way for thiaad I vance ha\ ing been oponed by a DaUtN which took pla-e at Kailar bet?e<-nthe Greek dhisiona whtrh are marrhlng to ?orrovich "nd a force ot four tn<jUI