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F Neyo Ex-Convict Estimates He Has Stolen $40,000 Va! i.abies Since May. TERRORIZED EAST ORANGE $20,000 Worth of Plunder Re covered fai Lenox Avenue Place?Had Just Served Seven Years. g\ eJrove Str.-l. F.iist Orangi Brtcli CBurcli aad all tha other Ora Uved ln terror ot I rs| u. ;.., bi ireral months, and at . ? erouB toarna ha ? "!- T"? East i rgtmt i ? ? -?i'''1 -hal the MJoha" wera tha arort ol "ne man. Boma lan daya a?o they laarned thal Chriatopher Chtuodlap, ? negro, who ria,i | , n yeara ln tha New Jer penltentlary for enterin* ? bouaa at Enflewood, was ln Baat Oraage, and tii.-y watcbed him. On tVaatoeadoy Chandler WM anrprtoad while in tlie boma ol x. J. little. at No. To Lenox t-emM, Kast Omage. Booi w*** worth of silver nnd cnl tlaai had been paehed up to ba MBKnred. No nwmher <,f the Lrtttla famiiy was at boma at the time*. The Kast Oraaga pollofl say Chandler eonfeoaed that ba r..i.i.?d al leaet forty places after he* was releaeat. from prlaOB last May. anel in an automonile trl[, about 'tha town he polnted out many placei he- had entercel. In the pOOSeaaloa of the negro the po lK-e found BB a.1.1: s*s that brought ?ihem to New Torh, and yesterday afternoon ln a hotHN in Lenox avenue. near 12JKh street. more than |20,000 ?worth Of silverware, jew.-lry and cut glass waa found. The New York poUce conaented to guard the place until to day, when the New Jereey detectives will come back wlth a Mg van and re the goods to East Orange, so thnt laaMeati there may ItteaUfy their ge,oda and get them back, The New J4*aey d (teetlvea Bny Chandler told them ln* had done most Of hls WOrt <n the sumiw-r time. when houeea were eloaed and .< arere ?way ai tha a?ahiaa or in the moun Ulna, Ha nea/ar entered a bouee, he ?aid, nr. ? aare that the _____? _,-.::t. That gave him plenty k what goods he wanted and l-emoee them. The negro esti ,1 ihat he- had taken at leael tr*A 00 ? wortb of toot The New Jersey authorities hope to loam where Chandler took the valu aMea Ihnt have not heen recovered. ? HOTEL WITH K500 ROOMS Proposed P. R. R. Structure To Be 23 Stories High. The hote 1 whie-h th* Pennsylvania R-D* ? ? :i I i*i to tamot on Beventli avenue on lh_ hloe-k front between 8M and 33.1 streets. recently acqulred by the railroad from Thomaa Drmond, la to be twenty three stories In helpht ?n-1 have flfteen hundred rooms, aecordlng to reporta ln r.-al estate eirclea yeaterday. The story that McKIm. Mead A. Wrdte had vtrtuallv compIe?ted plans for auch a atructure to occupy the slte was armounced ln The Trlbuna recently. Ita general artrbrtectural arrangement will conform wlth the big railroad statlon opponlta Between the rear and tha ad Jointng atore there will be a forty-fo,.t prlvate street. This, hesifles allowins: more llght and alr Ba the hotel, wlll re lie?v*i the conKestlr? of elellvery wagons belontrtn*r to the drypooels store on the aide -rtreets. We don't have to draw on our imagination. Any way you look at it, the KOpe of our suits and over? coats is big. Sizes in varied proportions that the ordinary clothier couldnt dream of carrying? longs, shorts, regulars, stouts ?nd short stouts. Fahrics in variety that only tb? largest of dircct mill buy? lng and importing can secure. Styles tk a eharacter de lennined by the most exacting demand ? "snappy" young men's models; conservative ents for older men. Prices only possihle where the volume of business is so great. Kverytliing men and boya wear. ROOEU Pbbi Company, Three Broadway Stcr.-*, at at ? Warren St 13th St. 34tb St fOHN HAV. ALIAS "SIR JOHN." One oi the three men arrested for working the wire-tapping game on two Southerners. i "MOVIE" MAN A SUICIDE Chitrch Objected to His Place and He Took Poison. Siprmind Moses. of No. M Wernt 1lSth atreet. took poison while In nti ofllea nt No. 820 Broadway yem rday BfteraoOfl and dled a short tim.- flitenrai- ln tbfl Hadaofl Btreel rIo_ea of Rellel T as pollce learned that Moflflfl araa dflflpOBdenl __? eauaa of BnanelaJ trouWea At om time h*. araa w_n-to-<in, fcut lost money in a read tara Raeeatly I ??? par ehaaed aa hitareal >n h movmg picture thflfltrc la 13d atreet, betweea Beooad an.l Thtrd aeaaroea a rbui-h in tbe neiajh borhood objected to the praacnoe of the moving pleturfl .'-how. and the HoeaBfl was revaked. Moseti went to the ofrke of Morris & Sehtff. who had representi-d him ln l.ank ruptcjr proceedlasa ,,Tlft flrbllfl tbera drank the poteofl- Ha tbea walked out of the door and f__1 unconsclous In thfl hallwav. The man was the father ?t" four, who llved wlth him and his second wriffl lt wa.s aald that alnc. mnrtgag'-s hail been fort* los.-.l ?.n four hotises he had hotight h^ ha.i act 'i aa 4-oiiertor f<>r tha raoatvar, and while hfl nad t.irned In the r<-nts (Or Sofitomb.-r hfl had n_ada no ret-raa for October. BACK TO THE NIGHTSTICK Only Hope of Ridding City of Thugs, Says Driscoll. t'lement J. Driscoll, sp<aklng before twenty memhera of the l>-ague for th? TIvlc Educatlon of Wom. n who brav. d yesterdays Htorm. f?ald the Mayor had duspended the exclae law when ha l-f_afld to permJt pollcemen or detectlves to . nt. BHloons with th<> purpose "f gath.-rlng evlcl.ncft, Ha aummed up his talk wli.-i; h?- aaid: "If you want tfl separate thfl pollce Department from politics ro_ must th- control of lt fn.m the hnnda of the Mayor." "Wa ate llving in the most moral and clean city ln the world-und the bflsB 1 nllied, too," he aald. "No one Mayor ia altoK'ther reaponalhle for the preaent condltlons. ao pleaae don't he dlacourag.-d witn your city. The problem ia: How ia lt poaalble for a Becker to exlat la the Pollce Department? The great defect <>f the department la beeause the Commla sion.-r can bfl dlamlaaed hy the Governor, PBflbajB merely becauae the Governor daaan't Hke the way hlfl hair la parted. and alao hy the Mayor, for a not much greater reason. 1'Ieaae don't centrallze police power ln the Mayor. If you ar<! golng to keep the departm.-nt out of poli tlca, then keea H away from the Mayor. "Untll you women, aurlous mlnded and lntelltgent. Bet the chanc- to vote poll tlca will oontlnue to be a bualneaa vent ure. Never wlU you have a thorough and eff.itlve police force untll you place the CommlaBioner beyond an evll BOB-T. No Commlaaloner la permitted to remaln long enouijh in power tfl thoroughly un Uerataiid hia work. "The reason for there being ao many Irtjfty' Lsjulea and 'Gyp' the Blooda ia b-cauae they are aupported aiid protected by poiltlia. When thoae inen get arreat ed and are locked up the dlatil.t leader. probably, atepa forward and off_r_ hia ball. lf the honeat pollceman would be p.-nnltted to grab his __gh.tatU.-k ln hia rlght flat he woutd know how to clean out from the city all the Lefty' I_yuleB and 'Gype' ln a day " a BUTLER'S ACCOUNTS MIXED Court Names Receivers for Big Boston Stores. Baa_8fl_ Nov. 7.?Recelvera were ap pointed to-day for the department atorea i-ontrolled by Wllliam S. Butler St Co.. the Gllchrlst Company and Everybody'a Store Company. lt Ib eatlmated that the 11a hilltlea of the three concerna arnount to more than 81.000/sX). Wllliam B, Butler. treaaurer of the three compnnlea, commltted sulclde by tthootlng Frlday night. All the aharea In the Butler and Every? body'a rjompanlea are owned by the But? ler companlea, a holding assoclatlon. The majority of the atock of the Gilchrist Company is held by the holding concern. It waa announced that the llablllties of rliitb-r A Oa amount to 1700.000. The COaMttned liahllitlea at the GllchrlBt Com pan] an.l Kverybody'a etor?- are nn kaowa The _M___Ba__aa of the v,\\ ttam\ .'ompany is valued at |50o,ooo, that of Butler & Co. at 1250,000 nnd the goods In Everybody'a Store at 1126,000. The re i#.\iis arere authorlzed to contlnue the bualneaa of all three com-erna. 4 jCARNEGIE ESCAPES TAXES Swears Off Personal Assess | ment, His Bonds Beins; Exempt. ' Antrow C__i*a?gle aralked Into tbi ofllce ol '''.'iv Comn_s*non< ? Charie i T. Whlte v.-fie-rdetN aft. n 001 and bad hla | l oaat e-.-ine-. ii. ?!. on lha ground thal I ii de Mb arere ' bU \" r I rope ru In hls atal ? ? the Taa . . .i thnt bll i- ? aonal l-r.>!--t-t\. ln | Tii,,i:,-y .ni h.-in-l. ROte U <lu,? hlm, houaehold effecta, etc., dld i I __ .. .i B,aJ77 UI, m hlle -. <*hi.-f I* eontimcti for glfta ?? ? .- |,e ,. |d I -, bonda *vi-,!,?'?. wtAtt nd thus i under lha *' Mr e ?arnr-s*: B'B pcrOOn year aaa 110,000,1)00 Etcfora II ?? ll had iiee-n fAMAMt. Ha i*s)laed ix i ii. ln- r. BM [I t ptt BUnted that I paid t;,x. s eui Uiis aaaoaame al ,.f tt,.- owne ahlp ol Bteel bonda which have- sino- becorna ? ? At the- e.flicf of tl,.- i ?? . '? ? troller it ari iroaM be ln , ? ? ? jusi whal bond ol Mi oa rl< i I !,"-t, reglatei* n-it ln !.!* nnme>. I.m tl Lawaon Pardj . ? tbe. Do* partmenl ,,i Taxaa ai nt-, ex plalnlng tba Btatita <>( Mr, i i | taspayar, aald Mr. <'arn. ? under tha Bacorad dcbta ? <\ law nnd his aaaaaanaal haa baai eai.11 - - ?. aa Mb dehts lan*--!- ,-?.-, e,i u,,. raltl. sonai property. ASSETS ROSE IN PURCHASE Government Biings Out In creases in Sugar Properties. The governme-iits chief e-f.e.rt at tlie hearlng ireatarda] la the aull for the di* sediitlon of tbe Bug&r Trust wa.-- directod toward ti, ? aotabllahmeni .,i tbe aaanla of the varlous oonatttuaai ooapaalea t.e fore they w.-re abaerbed i,y th- ootnMna* tlon. .iatn.*s R. Kaapp, Aaalatani i'nit*-d States Attorney, Indtcated by Mn .|ue-?e tie.n.s that the- governoaaat aspei ted to show how greal B dirf.-re-m-. the-r.- exloted betweea the rrai aaateta <,t aiajnr corn* panles and the- amount .,f the- stoe-k rie,ale-d jti"t j.rior to the- ahaorptloB .,t any >>r ? h? pre-sent BiibsldlarU-s of the- trust. Me h.,1.1 some- of the r-onipanle-. lOBUed eotisid-r.ihle arnounta of stock as aoon us it hefaiae ap* parent that the- romhlnation we,ui,l h, ,-f f.< t?-d, and the, Inflation iraa onde la es* pee-tallon of the- large-r r.-turns to be aa sure-,1 through ?,f eompoUtlon Amld obj'-ctlon of eienmeH fe,r tbe snaar company Mr. Knai>|. Ojueettonod <l?-e?rg? K. llunkei, wlm luul been tr>-a*>ur.-r of tbe old National Sujcar Keflning CoBBPflUQ*, about the capltallzatton anel the asuets of thla concern. which was absorbed by the truat In 190C'. The vaiue of this e-ejinpany's plant, In cludlng buildiiiKs. real estate and machln? ery. Mr. Ilunker Het at U.Mi.utx). The- Ait nes* eald he- was pr.-senl at the me-.-tlnK of the board e.f dtrOOtOfB of th?- National Sugar KetlnltiK Company ln June-, l'e.i. when preferred ste? k to the* amount of |8,_>0,000 and ce.mrne.n stock amouiitlng to H0.00u.UO0 waa lssuenl and turned ovar to Jamea H. I'ost ln e -xohange for the con? trol of the old National. the Molle>nhaner and Doacher compani. _. Mr. Ilunker explained that the good wlll and trade- relatlons of the company repre aented a conalderahlo vaiue. LIKELY TO ADMIT BLIND BOY. Cecll Me.rrlH, th.- beve-n-ye-ar-eiiel hilnd b?y from Inihlln wh,> has been datalned at Kllls Uland atawe hls arrlval e,n Sun? day. wlll meist like-ly be rele-ased to hla parenta wlthln a f(-w elays. Commlsslone-r Wllllams r.-< ommendeel that the child he iolmttle-il unel.-r bond and Se'iretary Nage-I authorlze>d thls noaalflBfalllaB y.-ste-rela*.. As so. ii ns the- parenta are- able to exee*ute a bond that the loy will not h*-ce,int- a publle- charKe, he will be rele-aseel. e ITS STOCK HAS NO PAR VALUE. The hrst large eotapaaj t,> ba incor pe.rntad under the N'.w York statute pro? viding that e-e.mmon stock shall hav.- no par vaiue ent-red the- famlly of e-orpora tionB yesterday?th.- WlBConsIn Kdison Company Tiils e-ompany, BTgai?BBal by the North Ame-rle-an I 'ompany to hoM Its puhiii- utiiity propertlea la IVtaoonaliv iia** an aethartaed capital stock of'W) 8 per cent cumulattve prefe*rred Bte..-k. t>ar vaiue 1108. and inn.oor* shnres of common atock Its eetborlae_ .a-pltal is atated to k __0Ol_U8J. SOFT MONEY MEN GET M Ancient Wire Tapping SchemG Used to Take Savings from Southerners. GONDORFBROTHERSJAILED Accused of Operating Fake Poolroom for Fleecing Suckers?One Victim Pockets Loss Thfl man who Inv.-nte.l tbfl ?"!<' brlck, back it. K-ran.lfHtliei ? ti'... , atlll aroald im.l heman n.-Mt.-re th.- BBBM o!.l IW ting _l?d even though it doaa baat tht .>? "? . t? k.-.-p it In'ormed al-ut all ll" little w-avg of th- worl.l. for, If tbfl talt lh? pollc? t.n be true, tbal aam ineentoi , . , brtck of koI.i is stin al ' ,,f beBullIng other men'i dollara out of thefi pocketa Into bta oam not. hoflrever, in th<- aama forra, i>ut in tba _araa nib h, tba ? n.i it araounta to Bbool tb? aaana thing. .-.h tba fallawtai I show. ..... da\- !n?t spring a man BBOTfld tfl tVllmtaS-OB, N. 4'., nn.l took np ht* abodfl in one ni tbfl i.? bi i arts ..' tb? tawn II was b aatfljbboriy distrlct, utid ha araa at ? tri.iidiy flbapoaltlon, t..- aad hlfl n-f They frleada faat, an.l fn.m botr. wore f,-?\orltis. He _a_M fTOtB Haw Vork. trie big rltv. and had all thfl l" Ball thal Iu- .Kl'-s r:v... '.nt ln- ?a-. arlthal. of a iiom.iv natura, tbal langod for .. ehance ?o |o back to Ibe siinj.ier uta Ha Iih.i accumuk-ted a -nug parcal of tba aroraTa goo.i". and arltb lt ha baagbl a larm Alfalfa fairnlng BeetBOd to h* about tbfl only deatrfl h> had, aad findlng that farm th< otily c.-.-upatloii Mrs DawHing, his Brtffl, was rist :?" popular ae li'-, l.iit flhfl had Ottfl Bourcfl "f iinhappiness. Bbfl had aad teeth. Iba wm not ta tba baal of health, . | and dt.l not feel at>l>- to go to a dentlet'a offVoa for repalra, bul ona of bar 1.. ri found frienda hit upon just thi- thlna ?ba kii.w a eapaMa dentlBt arho arould ba lorflly anotflgb t>. cobm to tba ho take cara >'f bar teeth rlcht then H was I'r. J W. PoWflU, of M aml I atreeta not far anrajr, aad ba prorfld | t i>s the goo.l BBBjbbflff had aaid. He was mor.. than fljtad lo blinf his sklll lnto tba aasay utt;.- DawaUaf aeaaa aad b.mish aii paln frum Mts. Dawslng s teeth. Here Enteri the Dentiat. i.- Powell proTad to ba more than a leatiat Ha profad to be dear friend ????' w.-ii. Paflpltfl his skiii. Mra Dawattaft ti.tti praaanted a befBIng probleni. ihi had thr.. tataa lealb, -et on ptrota, ar. i tb?) bad a most baf-lng wai ot eomlnM looflfl, dflopltfl tha BBoal n._n maai i ?? ernployed to raakfl theta sti^k. ao ? had to bbmmd naani baara in th>- DawalUH bome, laborlng ov. r Mr- Dawslng* teeth Ho it hef.-ii that frleadablp rlpenad I?M, and Mt Dawslng Kn >'. RBOra th-ii i ! 1 ??'. I. II li<- ilnally grew so flOBBph t- ly fond of blm thal ba took him t<> lus head aad . inftdencfl Ib a way tt,at bada fa:r to makfl Di PawelPfl feea look worth naaktng oui -i bill '??? Tbfli. graai friendship had developed tba BurprlaluB oinoldenoa they i?ith rearaed far ? ?...,-. io aaaki Bure money, aaaUy and plei tlfully, witii....;t toiiing for .t ?*;" arell dld Mi I' Uka Dr, Po_.ll tbal be araa arllttag ta aa u< tha full length <>: r-valitiK t ? h_B baa ih.s dn Bl i.i. altaiii"! lt .va : T P'ny ing tba raaaa aill Dr Pow< II bad tried aii tha oi.i b ... d ha. aaually loat ??it is tba sirn|.i?-st thing ln tba arorM," aaM Daaraloi aaa nklbt "l h?4 by gnoufb ta bay an aifntfa farm by it. and there Is no us.- v.m- B-gtjBI fOUl ,!.,.,.- ?:n.iMig if*th There ' Just aaa for playing tba fa aa and i baea got lt ' Then ha aanl oa tfl_explaln tbal ha had a friend ta the Waattra Unl <-..mi.i. I- arbo ? aald rontrol tba arlrea lnlngtng the rnring reeulta httfl Ihfl (fflfll Vork pooirooms Tbfl Idea, ba asplalnad, was to g.t this friemi to bold bach tbfl rcflflilti from th^ poi.iroon.s. tn-t Btainfl to imwslng the names of rlnnlni hOTBea l-rrearmed wlth thla lmO-i_d_t Dawatai and hia n?-w found frhtil Wttt tO ptBCfl their beta In thr pooirooms on horses thoy already knew had won When the .!<? Inyed results flnnlly rame cllrklng off the tinsuspectlng gamhlera' prlvate t.l. craph wlrea the ofltty thlng for Pr. Powell nnd his friend Hawslng to do wns to coll.-ct their hets. Oh; That Soft Monay! It was a grand new Maa to l>r PoB-tl llo mav have heard of "wlre-tnpplng. but he ne\.-r kn.-w hefor.- how ensy an.l aure lt was The Idea wns so good. ln fact h*> wnnted to get fl daBT fri. n?l of his In on >lt. and his klnd mentor. >fr In.wslng. cons-nted to BbaTfl the aecret. This friend wns Klrhy C*_4r____d B voung lnwv.-r an.l rosl .sttnte op-rator. of Wllmlngton. So thp three of them eame to N'ew Yoik Flrst, Klrhy Hefeland Sldhury nnd !>?-. I'owell were Introduced tfl "Mr Mi Dorinld," the man aaid to he employi-d IB tbfl W. stern I'nlon, able to tap th'* rn. Ing wires. Then th.-y arara latrodaced t<> a "poolroom" at No. 8 West S-J.l It was a buay scene In that "prw)lroom ' T.l.igraph Insttrumenta were cllcklng, men were recelvlng hets over t.-l.-phones, re suits were belng poated on charta, and luckv onea Watt placlng their heta. Hut not belng on to the ayatem those men lost more often than they won "No loalng like that fof us,' whlspere.l l>awalng and "McDonald'' to Dr I'owell and Klrhy Cleveland Sldhury Our aya teni never losea." The plan was that McDonald was to go back to hia poat at the Western Cnlon, hold up the reaulta aa th.-y <ame over the wlre, telephone them llrat to I'owell an.l Sldhury. who were t<> walt at a telephom ln the Hotel Endlcott. near thf poolroom. These two lucky onea wer?- tbafl to ruah to the "poolroom'' and het all th.-y hal on the winner. The only thing after that waa to colleot their mon^>. So It waa arranged. I'owell and Sldhury utood by the telephone ln tbfl Kndlcott 'Place your all on Flying Kalry" BBBM McDonald's well known \ol.-?- over the t?-lephone; and. falrly flying. Powell nnd Sldhury ruahed to the poolroom. and ea<h hot 13,000 on "Flying Falry." A moment later the returna eame over the poolroom wire. Put "Flying Falry" had not won. "Flying Falry" had come in s.con.l. What an Absurd Mietakfl! Dawalng waa spee.-hl.-ss with astonlah ment and ruahed out to a telephone and called up "McDonald." A heat.ii eonver satlon ensut-d, which ended hy Dawslng hanglng up the recelver wlth a r-aign-d alr. "Bas." he aald. turning to Powell and llllllll,,,,,,.'. Restricted Sale of Men's inter Overcoats | Only a limited number of them because. as is cbvious, such things as Profits are rather microscopic with direct Reductions from $JU and $35 to $22.50. A cut in price which means to YOU actual Savings of $7.50 to $12.50. As to the coats, the strongest recommendation we can give them is to say that they are the very same coats that made the higness of our Election Day business a real surprise to us. They're overcoats appeaiing most of all to those men whose preference it is to appear a bit different from the other chap. Faney coats?all of them. Strik ingly handsome Scotch Raglans with silk lined sleeves. Distinguished looking single breasted Chesterfields. Double breasted belted coats. Each and every one lined and trimmed as becomes their worth, and although sufficientlv thick and warm for the coldest day, yet light enough in weight to insure ease and solid comfort. No man who knows Clothes and the Valuei thereof can attend this sale and find himself dis appointed. J UKDtR SAME ^NiTM)LV_>OWNtRSHIP JSINCE ^ teftnanwAY AT WARREN ST - NEW YORK-5*" AV..BET. 27"? & 28T"STS WiS -BROADWAY AI flEOFORD AU Heavy Winter Overcoats $22.50 Cut from $30 and $35 Hlll! AMUSEMENTS. 9 |f 4*t<1 44rli I**jlly M.-,* M- \ I ??, *?ll.__ SI..H l -('* _ * V.INTER OARDEN J .7 V'?'-%??'-" 5 _THE PAlWIXfl BHOW <>? IM* llorele.iil i ? Flrat Affalr llr..,ieheii> II, ' * v ' J" rn W The Dove of Peace i vDir ; ' '?''" LI KI?_? .. ?' - I . " JULUJS CAESAR --..??, ? - i ? , ,. | . ?...: , .r M-.l!"--. MI-' _ul'*L?' P DALY'S THE POINT OF VIEW ;.,i it ,|. |,,.. ?: ? :? -., ; - i' The B!indne$$ of Vlrtue a'.u PIAYHOUSE ?*> IreaWtaS i_MTLE WOMEN , txlne I III.,te'. Th.. ?? i ' B??? i 1 1 ?' READY MONEY 48TH ST. THEATRE : fc_ J'llff LIMU MISS BROWN THE lMt.RRY COUNTESS s i mil DY.4U1 k ' n -ev FANNY'S FIRST PUY M.iiili-iMan On. II,... I4M *"' ','.",__''': nn WHir u i -i r.y i' i ?.-<?. r- _i, *? ia lle- M.-elrr eef th. Ileilla.-. ti .tik, Paahy. -.nuiU'C Thrntrr tunBri o n i'waw?tii ib GEO. M. COHAN itr..,.i? ,.?? AA *?* A |_ Ti.r,tr^. H tvay, IBth Bi \ K ? ??? *? 18 M.'.'ln-* i9 i v n I GCUGLAS \ A ROMANTICl FAIRBANXS XTOTeTi, \THATWILL HAWTHORKVo'tOT OFTHEU.S.A.\ys?eatr e.l ei. M nreun OI'HO..2.1, Bi - ?. m,*.- rm'w. .rAriU i uiiiK len ?????,-. tha nu.-r" e Imrlr* ( hrrr> iti Paaeeri H>. Mlt AKOIJAM IIAII.. 34 ?.at IM -t ln anmrrma Wt. > ? ??<? K of th. PJCRSINGER. ::..- tn $; ,u Boa Offlce wd trom Mat. ? H, Haneoti I : ITB1NWAT PI w ? I _^.s CANOY show I \|,|KS ORCHEBTRA. Aelml-alnii ..V. Hdbury. "Don't >"'i fdtowa iiuileiBtainl radaf lenaal M DoaaM told rou Ui ?place1 OWOty <.n Flyinn: Kalry. I | ,r,.- ,,, ? I .lldn't ye.ii know that, The horse- .-atne ln see-ond. Ju_t a? McDoaald b_M i know our system e-ouid roelly loaa " i ,r. PoweH got eatmgh and went home. Hut tbe falth wa.s xtill strong ln Klrby Cleveland Bldlwry, lawjrer Bad real .-atate* operator He areat botna aad brnacht back %'.."". aad tjir.mgh ?om.- other iatn t;ik>- it went the way of the flrst J3,."*). Bat Btlll hls falth flTM e)f a Klri.l thal ,11,1 rieit dta e.eslly. anel twle-e more .ie; wenl te. Wllmlngton. tlrst oonlag bae k arith another 17,0a. aml then wltta $.", um. Baeh th?e some "horrlble mls take*" thwarte-ei the |,?>rf?*e'tle*n of the* gfg i.-ni aad he loM it .?n ha aad Dr. i'ow.-ii f_.",.i)0O ln -ill Aft.-i this, Kuby ri.'ve-lanil K?>t BBB picioim aad told*tbe i,>>iio. A* a raanlt . f Mb Btorr, laatchod up with a f.'w tliingii th- potttee iilrrtiily knew, thTM ni-n w.-r?- BlTtMtod yesl.rday. They are'. accorellti-" to the* pollee* "Charley" <J.,n dorf aad hls brother Troi," both well known. the- pollee aajr, to th.>tn as expert fak.- wlre tapp.-rs " Then they t.,?k Into ciiatodjf John Kay, w-hn said he mga an art el. hUt and ronnolsseur. The po? llee Hity that he ie "Slr Jphn," allaa "Fa pe-r COllar JOO," the man who Inventeel the K'.ld hrteh game forty year.' a*"<>. Slilhury ye-ste-r.lay lelentlfle.l hlr.i us one of the men In the p?o'ro"m. and "Char l..y" as the tnnn lntrodueed to hlm a.-> "McDoaald." Tli>- poolrenm. the [wllee Pay, was only a little ettle-al perforniutir-e, of t; .- s. h. me, n,< toal bettit.*- belng doae thero. ah thre-e men nare beld in th? WotA Sid.- Coart in mo.oc-o baO f?r asan_* patlon Sntutelay. Tiie poUOB BO* thnt they bav- Informa tl-n, which wlll leeid to the arrest of nawslng and hls wlfe, who ste-.-n-d the two "COflne onflf" to thelr slatighter. Before they are through, they say, they are go It-,' to roaad up a l>lg hand of e.perators arho have baon Ronrfahlag on this par lar type of t-einllde-nre game-. A foiiri-i man was arrest,-d later In the day. -Vi with aaiadllaf Mbmni .i>,ne-s. of citi ibargh - Bl >>f J_0,ev/) |n the same heiiis.- i bere Mdhary sald he had lest his mon, v. Thts rnan g-.-eve hls nam? i Chartea OorbonoH. He wns a'so heid la UOioo ball. I AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENT8. YOU LIKED "THE CHORUS LADY" "THE TRAVELING SALESMArT , "THE COMMUTERS" All. BY JAMES FORBES THEN SEE*-*" "FORBES BEST COMEDY." ?Tr.l.KOKAPH. "BEST COMEDY OF A GENERATION." _kvf _m rnai "Beara nf ___ajbter."?WorJ*. Every !,m? .1 i.-'j-h."?Pro?*. "Bflver .4 Hull Motn.-nt "-Trlbune I Bbbled and i.auah-.i 'nr Ttvo and l Ha'f Hours." ?Herald rltimor Dellahtfflll) -ettC BBfl HARRIS THEATRE, "ANOTHER SUCCESSS." ?TKI.KGKAM. 42d St. WEST OF B WAY Eea.Uk Mat. Thur.&>at. 2.IS ? 'hi'.-*.' NMV lOKK'S i.kaihm; theatkkn. CUDIQC ' ?'"' '?-' ?*_,??_* _ Ll CrnrinC. i ,-,*? Mn- Toe**morrow. JOHN DREW '-*??--* mat HOIWDAT, ieala now, NAZIMOVA ...nVnu^r I vrtCIIU IVeet 4Bth St. K-.- 8:80Bharp. LTuCUrn Matr. ro-m'w A Thore.. t:l* MISSBILLIEBURKE??Sr ?TIIK "MIMI THK PAINT" OIBL-' r*10DIPIf 8-'>tn Bt . nr B *'?*?? Bvee.8 20 uAHnlUrt M ,,. To-mer*- * we,'.., 3.1ft JOHN MASON 3rW . Henry B rnerteln aetber ot The Thtet. CRITERION Matlnee To-tr.orro-. 1.15. Bachelors & Benedicts ???>? Ralph Herz Clll TOII 4*rttti st . nr. B'w-y. Bve * 18 rULIUrl Mati To-mofw t Wed.. 1 18 "THE ftl PKKME NOVF.I.TV <>K THK BRANON." Burns Mantl? Mall. th- YELLOW JACKET hudson __* g?*_ $:\ _? HEIEIWARE^S' DtQV MthBl Col Clrele Laat3NlghU. rAllr. ,.- M .,? n-? ro-morrow. 2 20. CUFTON CRAWFORO 'i%B?1 rhnraiar, Nov. it tsc-:vt? Heat aleadey. ?thf."r.vr-iv." **y ri**i____*____J.l_"___ UC_ lUCTCDnill '>"' 4 2,! 8t Ev." 15. Mts. rltll RWoltKU.*,- te-mofw a Wed . 2 15 Praaa Oher'a Mu?te-ai Rorainc*. THE COUNT ? LUXEMB0UR6 IIUL'DTV 01 e.'isi Fi * IH MiinT'm'w t W.?,] We<1 Mats.. BOC -II.."-0 I ? \rnolrl Bennett ? nd 1*4ward KooMaaeb. Knl.-k.rborker. B way Mth Bt. Eve, 1 1 ?">? Mallneen To-morrow & Wedne*)<Jajr. -JilB. Tb.- Laal iv.irii in Mnilral _____?__ OH! OH! DELPHINE MOUHK MU6E?3_<? t-.vee. 8:15. Matlnee To-morrow. 2:15 ZIECFELDFOLUES UAItll um. st i.eist Mat. rm"w.l:?B. OFFICER 666 f&SOT&E ? ***.r\t Me.n.lay. v Sam Amerl- p A (I ?* .*<??? ,'?n Kar.e, ?? Bi ?? .rTW onri Matet. Tom'w A Wed.. 8:15. ULVD 8_ MOMt.eiMMt*. A BTOXB li i t.. - KI.NIK JANI8 lv,. 8:13 | The lueiv of the Xllpper. MILESTONES MENTAL HYGIENE EXHIBIT Ooea Dat___ I \ m *1J r. m. CITY COLLEGE, West IJWth Htr.-et * ?i .Ykhol. . Terrace. Brotidway Bubwa. to Ki'th st HOVBMUn 8TB ro i.vni. 1912. I ert'ire-s. e'h.irti. Movtnn Pleture. slio.vlnar CAUSES OF INSANITY s Maaa Meertoaoi BJ***. 8 '2 14 Kri. Toee. iu.,1 Tliurs ? ?-e-nlnirs. Mental dleeaeea e-xplalneel by expert*, 8 P. M. APMIBHtON FIIKE. _ Pfll nWiAl Blaache BTaleh. Tbea BeadJa i.ui.ur.ML , tr% ?_,__}, cmr AvoTl '''I*' I'-,-;;. el V |, | ,e-e) l '.-, r. lllo.llt hs. AIHAMBRA I'TralBed Nanwe," eltb Ainnr-Dna , ,aik A ,,, rKnili.1 Ruy L.ox< : h w i IM M Ed I" Ryj nard. others UARIFM" "?K OKEAT l?l\ll>K AAlllfa A-HIPPODHOME ST JSA SUNDAY M.1HT *8# *AP OJf '?# B~l srut? Now Selilng. th AVF B'way. [CllfT Oordea, nenita * i.ew III ai t._,s,ii ai II. am. e*.*-naro A Mallev-. Mat ?5-.;0.* Ileaea Kegler Co., others. 1 Vl-t ,r Moore A e"o., Sla | be*l Ail.nns, K,1na Auic ,-.,1 Ifl other bi? eie-ei; 5^ UAMMERSTEIN'S ??l) |) Mati S * r.0r RT TAIT B'waiTend 80th Bt K. ? 8:9a DldUU m vi* hav at 2 *<> 1 V.' RAiNEVS AFRICAN HUNT ? Ar MfCDCQtC H - * * -''?'** Bt" Kv_.B:80. -JUC ntBEn ?8 Matlnee To-morrow. 2::iO. A SCRAPE 0* THE PEN WAI I ACK'?J '"'?'> & :>'0,h ?? - 8? ? ? our wig'Sofay CENTURY THEATRE l i<4?: iThr Prlr"-""'drl"t'.i| Paeali Ihe Plcnsnre: 5N0W WHITE ?75c. 50c. SI.S150) . Thfl I'lerre'l/ O-Ul ?" BjM I THE DAUGHTER OF HEAVEN I ITXL.F* THKATKK. 24" W MM __?rt-?*?_*___, -4NATOL A Pa.-v-Tal* Plfl] ' chudiaa Al '1 M Kver> Afternoon. ?io.--pt s?Mrdayf 171 TlWi" V*v- *-< 4-d Bt. Bre* LL11HUL m ts. Bf?_ and F*t. Ht 2 IB WITHIN THE LAW_ DCI BCrifl W.-st 4tth St. Ev-r-tnfl* st ?:20. D-LA-UU M;l?, phur, a?d Bat.. J:,0 MISS STARR TRIUMPHS" ' E;r FRAHCES STARR THK 4 ASK |)K BK< KV._w DCBIIBI II* Weat iEv-ril_?aat M:1B M?t? riCrUDLIW )2,i st ' Wed and Bat.. 1:15 WHIIsn. KI: .I' i<nd l>nv!d Belaaro pr*??r.'. [ GOVERNOR'S LADY ?????????????????????????? tMUSICAL ART SOCIETY:: \\ Frank IJamroeeh.Wr_ct*r4> \* Cholr of Tfl Artl-t*. |> O iOTH SEABON?.NMVEKHABY VEARO 41- TWO CONCERTB?Dec IT ?rM M*r II o 1: SYMPHONY CONCERTSi: y KOR YOl'NO PROPI.E. <> O SIX S.TL'RPAT AFTKItS'iONS. 4? <? 1st (eneert. Nov. SS, BEETH4IVEX. 4 1 <? Rose*. tli-k-t* and pn>gr?mnn? n ???? o <? Bl nfflre MtlSlcal Art Sorlety. 1 W Jtttl 4) SYMPHONY KnrUtr of New Tork. WALTER DAMROSCH, Conductor, I 11 - il ? > nundar Aft.. B t 3 : 1 e . Nov. 16, at I. NEAV AEOUAN 1 \l I BBBTHOVBB. ..verture, t.eonoie No. S; and Si.nrhony So. 8: MArRI."E RAVEL, Ma Biera I'uv.-" (Mother Ooofl*) Sonji so.o.t MACCIETEYTE NTlcktU -4><-. t . 81.80. now Ofl *-l* st t I3o_ Offlce. Aeollun Hall. I METROPOLITAN g5? i>|irntn_ M_ht. Monday, Nov. II. at 8- - Pu clnFa Mauon Le-raut. t.iKr.-?la Hori (??? but), D_t-hene; i'aru*o, Boottl, S**-roU. B.-.da, Hel?s. .'on.l. .ilorslo Polacco IVed. al 7:S0?Ooetterdaemi-ermia Frem sm.l ll.iiner. Furnla. Alten, Sp.irkos. Ilur rlun, Griswnld, Well, Gorlts. Cofld., H.i'' Tlinrs. at * Gloronda. ne*tlnn. Hotner. f J ohene; ratueo. Amato.BeaurolH Cond .Polaco Frl. :it <t 1 ft ? Butterflr. Furrar. Tornli Martln, flcottl. Bada. ('ond.. Sturjnt. *lat. Mat. at I Tannhaeuser. Da-tW Kr^i.'*tad. Sleiak. Well. WltherS] ? ,? Coadnetor, Herts. HARDM IV I'lANO 1'SKD < \KNKi;lK HAI.I.. 57th Street an ELMENDORF t-T-* ,:?a_. PI.A.. Im ? Hm.I i ( \K\K4.IK HAI.I.. S7th Mtreet and 7th Ar*. 5 . EW th \ fc_ TAT KB Great Plare* In a Oreat Conntr*. SUNDAY NIGHT ?Vm ?tt 11YELLOW-TONEHRK" S2k-i NKW PICTVBBfl ANO IMPREFFION1- - ITleos. |l 80. 81 00. 7.V and ?)*. No- Selline A^,^N43dH^:L TO-NIGHT at 8H5 SONG REC1TAI.?EMMA LQEFFLER SOPRANO* |1.50_ to 7Br. at _Bo_ _OB_ea__? (ARNK.GIK HAI.L. Buaday AB.. >??? l*' PIANQ rinnw ki DOIJ*H RECiTAL Ganz I1IK KMINENT S1VI88 PIAN1ST. Tl. K.-ts. .".Oc to ll.fto. now at Bo? Ofnc*_ ( AKNK4.1K IIAIX. rw_. Afl^BoT. 1?. ?? ?? ZVIolln Reeital by ETBEM ^T IMBALI- I 73c. to |2. Manaa.ment Leedon CharltaB