Newspaper Page Text
=! VOL LWII..N0 24,117. To-day and tn-morrotv. falr; west wlnda. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1912.-SIXTEEN PAGES. * ? * PRICE ONE (ENT ln CHj of New Yr.rU. Jersey City Mdlfobokea, KI.M V4I1ERK TWO CBNTB._ OF Flames Sweep Plant of Union Sulphur Company?Thirteen Men RushetMo Hospitals? Many Blown Into River. GAS AND OIL TANKS NEAR Explosive Stuff Pumped to Re serve Points Miles Away? Fumes Stifle Men and Horses?Hundreds Are Rescued. .-. von or oight men are believed to be ! uriod in tlie ruins of tho great flre jaot Baropi tha Winiaiaatunrt omtar froat y.-stcrday afternoon and destroyed ibonl three blovks of warehousos. fac . i and wharves. The ruins were too not last night for any s-oarch 10 ba\ but Deputy Chlef llflhflf that ho would begin work thla as BOOD as poFsiblo. and l<>ok any bodies that mlght be buriod uiulor the tons of brick and BtfloL tlas and oil.-hay and sulphur, eon trlbatad to make the flre that de gtroya the T'nion Sulphur Company's arorka Ol North 10th Btreet, Williams 1'iirg. yesterday, one of the worst that has ever OCCUTTOd in that BOCtloa of Brooklyn. Thirt. on men were injumi in the flre. Injured Ruahed to Hospital. The followlng employe? of the sul? phur lompany are in the WiUiamsburg Hoapltal: _, ? rlKR. Henry, flfty- three vears old. No DrlSOa avenue; cuts on face and head, aaaraa on body. BVRKE, Maa. forty-flve years old. So "? North 10th atreet; burna on face. hands ana ?H. H igh, tUrty flve Je*r. oM. So. 1W North Bth ktreet; tJtns on fare *nd hanrts. KO, Himv. thlrty-slx years old. No. 107 ' \orth 6th ftreet: burns on fare, hands ana neck. ORY, Waltar, forty-three yeara old Na . ornelU stiett, burns on face. hand* ana ?e*0 0 N8ILBR. John. forty year* old. No. 10 Bta atreet; fracture of skiiu. StTHAEFFER, l'rederlrk. forty-four year* old. \,, ; h x ; a *, Maap*tl?. U>ng Island; burn* I and neck. i; aRRia vn. Itettbew, BwUf-flw years old, No. burns on hands ana .WORTH. Charl** fertj year* old. ad? dreas unkni.v\n; burns on hands ana face ae, .?ent>-thre? years old, No 1$0$ Q i-urn* and ahock. jn tl.t i . Mrict Hospltal are: yaara oU. No. ?* Keni . over body. Btaartaaai years old. No. 801 Souab *t* etraet; burna on face. neck and an '?. w ii.i.i ijffl ' ' jaaaa oid. mi on fare and ? k In tlie eight flaarofl bounded by North 10th strt-ct and Kont OVCBOO, the East and NOTth Hth stre-t are the M-orkfl of th" sulphur 0088001*0, the hay : tba Brooklyn Kastern DIs T.-rminal Comrany and tanks of ? lard Oll Company. On the other Of Kent avenue, in the path of the rka that a strong BOttthWOOt gale ; i over the eity, lie the tanks of the klyn t'nii.n Oaa Company. Never 8 history of the rlty aocording to ? Kenlon. had firemen fought . flalaol so many disadvantages or the , ity l.een ln BUOh preat pflflL Th- ?OBflkfl from the burning sulphur i.,!!ed into the fares of the flremen. kJaoj them in their efforts to com bflt the flames. More than a score were overrome and carried out Into the air to be revivod, but all of them returned to their posts. The horses of one englne company. which had i.ressed ln too close to tbe flames, were killed by the fumes. It was at 1:45 o'clock that there vas a terrific report in what is known hs the grinding room of the thlrd tloor of the Bulphur plant. It was lullowed at intervals of not more than three secondB by two others. and the , ,,f th'- building were blown out - r the river. hief Kenlon drew his flre lines to ?! leeward of the flames, sending men with lines of hose up to the roofs of the wooden houses east of Kenl street Continued on thlrd P*?e, thlrd column. This Morning's News Z.OCAZ.. Page Sets L'p an Allbl. 1 ..-n Hoti in Brooklyn l'lre. 1 Ti Keep Morgan Collection. 1 men Pay |IM for Promotion.4 M itchea Kill Tliree a Day. * ri- aOBtOBCfl To-day.8 III "Iioctor" Pleada Guilty. 0 loaflal i'omperisaliori Art. B Knteitaln William Philllps.. 8 Belmont Sticks BB "t'uiihe". 8 aajte 7 7 Vears Old.18 rnen I'hk* City Budget.18 hobathMaera Vlall Judge Crain.18 OSBTZBAX.. ..-, case ln Hands of Jury. 1 I W. W. Jurys 1'indlng Ready. 3 Jx~truotion of L-oa Angelea Planned.. 3 ,r Rajrauar, 0f Maryland.. Dead.. 8 <'..>t of the <'ami>aign. 8 !? Shaw Mi-a.lis .Siiffraglsta.7 -,, i!.',,!).,,! i,v Huffraglat. 7 Dlstrtcl Attorney Accused-11 roBsxaoi. War iloud Lowera Over Kurope. 1 Vlctariaa Klll Auatrla'a Ambitlons. .. 9 Anti-War Manlfeato Iesued. 3 0nflCBX.X?AJffX0U8. News for Women. 7 ty . B Kdltorlal . 8 trlcaJ . 8 Music . a Ohltuary . 8 Knorti _ .18 and 11 Ar.-ny and Navy.11 Kliluidng News .1$ V.'eather .?* Piiia/H-ial and Marketa.IB and 13 K*al liatate .*.*? JOHN T.JjRUSH DEAD President of New York Giants Expires on Way West. I.ouisiana, Mo., Nov. 26.?John T. Brush, president of the New York Na? tional League Basebull Club, died in hta private car Oceanic here early thla He was on his way West for his health. He had sufTercd for years from locomotor atnxi-i. Mr. Brush. who was hurried from New Y'rk 00 Sunday night, uncon scious, died between here and St. Louis. on his way to San Franoisco. Hls pri? vate ear was detaehed from \ Burllng ton traln here and started back to St. Louis. _ Physi* inns told John T. Brush more than two years ago that he had only thirty davs to live. He had aaaa Identlflad with protaaaaona] baacball ,sin?e ltt7. Along wlth A. (I. SpaMing ha was regarded as one ol the lathcis ,.i this ciiuntrys national gauBM. THRONE FOR A NAPOLEON Prince Victor May Become King of Albania. Paris, Nov LT>.?Iteports are current ln Bcavapeurtial elrefaa thal Prlnoa Vletor ItapolaOD- oousln of King Victor Ktn mantiel, will bo named as sovereign of the future state of Albania. It is said that with the support of Austria Italy has secured the Prince's candidat y, and that King Ferdinai.d of BulgHiia ap proves it These reports. however. lack cniilirmation. FELL TOJDEATrH ASLEEP Girl Dreaming Ring Fell Out of Window, Followed It. I By Trlrr'HPli t- Th* Trlbune. 1 f'incinnatl, Nov. _.1.?A dream of a favorite rlng that she wore .was tbe cauee of injurles that rcsultod to-day in the death of Miss Lottie Ha/.cl Cor? bett, daughter of a former well known l'U-ineas man. The young woman was taking a nap near an open window, when she dreamed that the ring acd dentally fell from her flnger and out of the window to the pavement bOlOW, Still aalaap the woman leaned out of the window and fell to the sldewalk. She suatained several bruises and in juries about the body, besideg breaking several ribs. ARMY LASS WINS VERDICT Volunteer Charged Private De? tective Kicked Her. Miss Mary A. Johnson. a member of the Volunteers of Amerlea, got a judg ment of 12,800 against Henry Blades ln the City ')ourt yesterday ln a suit which bhe brought for t&OOQ. aileging asaault. The alleged asbault oceurn d i y< ur ago, when Blades, it was charffad, was a detective c-mployed at th< Hotal Knickerbooker. He failad .0 appaar in rourt yi.-tir.riy and judgment araa given against bfm by default. The story told bjf Mlss JobaflOO was that she sollcited aid fof tha Voluut<<r i aut-e from Blades arhila hl was stand mg in front of ? cafe in West 44th street. He attempted to kiss har. She broke away, and in doing so her glasses fall to the ground. When she BtOODOd to pick them up the detective klckad her. CAN'T DRAW FULL SALARY Court Garnishees Stipend of Commissioner Douglas. |liy THepraph to The Trlbune ] Albany, Nov. 25.?Curtis N. Doug? las, brother-ln-law of Governor Dlx, who was appointed Puhl|<: Service Com? missioner on the day after electlon to aucceed Winfield A. Huppuch, resigned, sat at his flrst hearing thls afternoon, and only an hour or bo before bla salary of $1.T),000 a year was garnlshecd under an order of Justice Budd, of the 8u preme Court. The garnishee law permits a tnan'a salary to be levied on to satisfy a Judgment of debt to the amount of ten per cent. The court order states that Commissioner Douglas's salary is 128841 a week, and that $28 84 wlll be deducted from it each week untll a Judgmert of $27,072 64. Interest and Sherlff's fees are satisfiod or the order modlfied. The order was served on Chairman Stevens* of the Public Ser? vlce Commission, and Edward P. Kear ney, a Deputy State Controller, who has charge of the paying of state ofTk ials. The Judgment aguinst Mr. Dotlfflaa was secured ln May, 1911, by William S. I.awson, of W. S. Lawson & Co., a New York brokerage flrm. An axactt tion of the Judgment was levlod on Mr. Douglas in this city ln July, 1011, by the Albany County Sheriff and re? turned unsatlsfied. CHRISTMAS TREES COMING Fifty Carloads Will Be Sent from the Adirondacks. (By T-legrapli to Tli? Tribune ] Watertown. N. Y., Nov. 2.'?.-Fifty carloads of Chrlstmaa trees for the marketa of New York will leave this section of the Adirondacks during the present week. Kach car will earry ap proxlmately seven hundred of the ever ffaaaa for Chrlstmas decoratlons. An embargo recently laid on piniferous trees shlpped into New York from other states means that a large shure of the evergreens wlll come frorn Northern New York. The sections whlch furnish the greater part of the trees shipped out of this country are on the slopes of the hllls to the north. A llttle branch road runnlng to Copenhagen will furnish nearly half the trees. P-.ints toward Wanakena and along the road to Utica will furnish the rest. ? ?* \'o ThankaKlving dlnner eonipiVte arltnont a bottle of I>r. Slegerfs Angoattira Bltttra. ?Advt. HYDE'S ANSWER10 Was Home with Mother, He, Wife and Son Testify, Night Banker-Convict Assert ed He Made Threats. COUNSEL MOVES TO ACQUIT Goff, After Hearing Argument, Overrules This Motion, and Steuer Then Begins His Address to thp Jury, and Calls Robin Insane. Charle- H. Hyde. former Clty Cham berlain. tooh tha witness stand yester day iti his own (left me. Mrs Hyde followed him, atnl aft<>r her came Mas t.i Oeorge Qayn r Hyde, fourteen yeeura aid. Father, aaothar and aoo wiir chlefly concernad in coppar rlvet Ing ati aiiiu arhlch the dafanca arill Offar to the jury as its strotig< st pr....f that Hyde is iniiiniiit of btlbery. TliJs alibi i ann- as BOCMthlnf of a aurprlse to thi prosecutlon. In brief, Hyde and hls lawyers and his relatives i?oiitend that the t'iiy Chamberlain w , nol la bta Wall atreat oflea when Jo BBph J. Robin said b? wn.s. They admlt lhat ln was th.-re on August '-"-', and that he recelved thera William J. Cum lniiis. majorlty sto.kholder of ihe Car? negle Trust Company; Joaaph B. Raich ninnn Ita praatdant, and Joaaph J. Robin. who eontroiled tln- fortUtM the Northern Bank. Bul Hyu> iiuil his friendH say that h< left his ofllca aboul 8 b'cloch thal avea* Ing, Jnmped Into bla car and was con veyed acroaa tha Wall street ferry en rmite tO his hOOM in ROal) n. Long Isl ! and. where ba dlnad that night at 7 | O'OtOCb with hifl own family an.i with :1ns mothar, who was vlsitlnj him at : tha tlme. Robin, in his dramatic story of hls convaraatkM arlth Hyde in the Cham : bcrlain's Wall BtfW I "tlice OB tln <-\ .-n , ing of Aoguet '-"-'. when, it is charged, ; Hyde told Robta thal u bc didn't land 9180,000 tO thC I '.'irin-uii Trus: CoBfl I painy ha would k>aa every eanl of tha city's naont m ?'? ??. a Ith the i North- rn ? tUled thal h" bagan i this conversation with Hyde <'imm:n* ( an i Rafc hmann balni | reat nt?hattraan 7 90 aad * o'ctoeh aad thal I' laatad [two boura Hyda aald jrceterdaj 't ' bMftad t B or tiff.. a minutes M Why the Hydet Retnembered. l*he raaann nrfcy tba thrac members Of thi H '? family r nambl red so vividiv tbe :t IdV nti of thli nlght two and 1 halt BgO, they explnlin-d. lay in thi ttu l thal on tha Bati just : !?" edlna thla Mond on il 20, thal b\ thay had all arrlved home trota Europe and In tbe fw I alao that Byde'i mother, nbo had coom on from Callfornla, was rlBtttag tham Mt-- Hyda and fleOTga bora OUl their defendant raflatlva in aaylng that Hyde came boroe to dlnner every nlghl bla mother was wlth them: in other worda, lhat Hyd. waa at hotin- c.iting dlnner irlth his familv when Robla says be ?raa ln his Wall Btrael ofBoa nsing his control ovat tb? dty-a money aa a club to oompel th-- Northern Bank to ,-ome to lha reacne of the Carnegle Trust Company. As to the Buhjed of converaattea during the t?-n Of Bfteen minute.s Whleh Hyde coatendB the vialt af rummin?. lanhmann and Robtn Ionsurned on that ni**ht, the defendant said lt con eerned his trip abroad and the general welfare of host and gnesls. Robin, WhOM be had inver seen be? fore, liappened to be down at the Car neRle Trust t'ompany, he explain'-d, and Cumrnins and Relchmann. who wished |0 graal the t'hamberlaln on his nturn, hfWUght blm along, since he had hata anxious tO meet the Chamberlam. Not a ayBabla ol any tranaaetlon be? tween the Northern Bank and the Carnegle Truel Compaay was braathed, be aald, bj one of thoaa praaent He never heard, he Insisted, of the 1130,000 loan untll the newspapers Informed blm nf it after tlie failure of botfa banka. The defendanl daacrlbad thus] the inetdeata of thal day: "As i remamber it. i came over in the morning to the ? ity cbamberlatn'a | ofBce, and lefl it about noon to go over to aaa tha Mayor, who was than In Bt Mary's Hospital. in Hoboken. 1 lele phoin d fWtO the-e to hnve my car nn-et me at my Wall street office. ?I recelved word when i got to my Wall street ofhYe, about t'M o'dock, that Cumrnins had Caited me up. It is my reooUaetlon thaf I then called him up He said he wanted to come over ;,inl see me. I t"'d him to hurry up; that I was Just going home to Roslyn to see my mother, who was visltlng us" Hadn't Seen Robin Before. "A few mlnutes later Cumrnins, ...?].-hmann and Koliln came In. I <lldn't Know Itobln; bad never Man him be? fore. CuBuntoa Bald, 'This la my triend, |fr. Robin, of the Northern Bank. whu wanted the pleasure of meetlng you.' "We talked about my trlp abroad. They hoped I /had enjoyed lt and I said I had. I aald to them, 'There seems to have beea some excitement here slnce I went away.' They said, T>h. yes," and laughed. We ieferred to the t onlinue.l 011 fourth !>?*-. aerond rolumn. Dewey'e Old Burgindy and Clareta \\ nn maala, _tren_*tBen Mrain and Body. R.T.Dewey tk BonaCa.lStlTultooHt.,>*.Y. ?Advt ?. a "lllklt." the itvllih eyegls-a, Kryptnk or Torlc I'eUbles. Spencer's, 7 Mani?n I_?ne. - Advt. FATE OF GIBSON IN HANDS OF Word Sent to Court of Failure to Agree, but Judge Will In sist?Report of Vote of 9 to 3 for Conviction. JURORS ARE LOCKED UP Judge Says Jury Must Oonvict of Murder in First or Second Dejjree or Acquit Prisoner ?Gibson Dozes in Court. frrom a ftaff Correspondent of The Trlbune. 1 tlnshen, Nov. !?*?.?Shortly after 2 o'duck this mornlng word was re cetved from the Jury In the t;ibson ! caaa that they could not agree. Judge T.mipkins and the counsel for both aldea araro eaJled to tha eourtroom. u was rumored that the Jury stood 0 to :: for i onvlctlon. One said he would i noi coavlcl if ha atajrod there "tin heii ? nvi-r." At 232 Gibson and MrB. Gibson eame int-. OOUrt Mrs. Gibson looked dis 'tiaught, and the ar.-used man's face araa tense. A moment lat*r thr- Jury was brought in. The foreman at oncu BllUOUflOaal thelr inabillty to agree, and tl ?? JikIko th-reupon ordered them Ifl , reflre agaln. The foreman then asked it the verdict rniiBt be that the womnn waa mnrdered by atrangling. Mr. i:i,l.i- requested the court to charRe thal tha jury must find that the de fenilant .stranKleri the dead w.iman B*> fora thoy could flnd hlm guilty. and the ...iirt bo charged. Tlu- faOOtfl were tOOhad up at 22f> lo'Cloeh this morning, after seven hours" 'd.'llbtration. wltlmut having come to an ?arrafloaant. At IS:tO o'clock the Judge had gone to hia hotel to retlre, leaving word that ha ba ealled ln case the Jury reached a t, or wanted to come Into court 1 f..r instructlons. He gave it to be un .ierstood the Jury would be kept Bl their work all night und until they tr? ad OOflbOB, Nov. 'J.'.-Foiir hours and a ; aortor BftOt the fate of Burton W. .:|l.s..n was placed In thelr hands, the . k-d in the:r amall room ad | t'.- eoOOi, at midnlKht were stil! wn laftfraj over thelr verdbt. Krom 0f heated argtlment that L>oeM IhaOOgh the doora it ts vnb-ni tba| th.y are having no Oflfljr ta?k In raai hlBC oa agrei-mcnt. "He IB a .-rr...k." one Juror was heard to arhfle oaothof ropttod with ,.. ...?,. ?.-o, "W.ii. thor. ih a roa I Bonahle dmii.t." Tha Jnrora racafrad th.- eaae ;?t 7 i" o'cloch, aad aroto laM I ir* t0 K0 10 dlnner before taklng up -iibratinn of th.- evld.-n.e. It was a !,, ,,.,,.?.,? ti, '.* o'ctoch bofora thojr aot uallv weii' ' itO BflOflBOa. . 1 ,. BTOt sif;n from them eame at 10 o'clock, arhofl the'.- bobI oal too a pltehar of loa arator, a r.-rtest ara rapaatad nn hotar Ifltor. The oaly othar , orruouait atloa araa thr- reqoeet fur tha phirtoffiajMoa Meanwhiu- llra <;ib*.m ..ii. i p8M mg up aad aooro ba fore the courthooaa by baroatt in tbe raln, aeal .,. ., , ,,it.!<?? to 00 vvlthin Oflll II ?' 701 Wlthln the courtroom Ib crowded to th<- doors, about half th.- waiting CTOWd being women. Warrant for Defendant. It was announced by AaBistaiit Dis? trict Attorney Murphy to-nlght that if QthflflB ls acquitted he will at once be arrested on an indlctment handed down by th<- grand Jury ln New Vork to-day for the larceny of $17,000 from Hugh Trainor, a former client, two y ars ago. Tlie warrant has been slgn<-d, and !s ln the handa of County Detective Moore Mrs. Burton W. Glbaon was served to-night by Phlllip Strlalk. from the offlee of Arpad Kremer, counsel to the Austro-Ifungarlan Consulate, wlth an ordflO, ?ltatlon, petitlon und affidavlt in dlOOOOOrjr proceedlngs bofotfl the Sur roajflta in New York. Tho cltatlon ia Diada retiirnablc Decernber 3. Mr. Strislk explalned that the proceeding* had hoon laatltatod for the purpoao ..f flnding out what Gibson had dbnc wlth UM $7,100 whlch lt haa been during the trial, he took for his own use from Mrs. Szaho's estate. "(?h, dear, another case!" she said. coolly, when the aervice was mnde, and flCCOPVOd tho 50-cent mlleage fee offered her, saylng she would appear as di roctod. The charge by Judge Toinpkins lasted two and a quarter hours. The charge was a clear, loglcal re-etatement of the teBtlmony adduced at the trial. wlthout favor shotyn for either slde and wlthout any attempt at emphasiz lng the value of any of the evldeme given. The court ellmlnated man Blaughter from its charge and directed that one of three verdicta be returned. murder in the flrat degree, aeeond degree or aequlttal. Gibson 8howa Drowainasa. During the long summlng up of the cases for the defence and the state to-day. OibBon drowslly nodded In his ihalr. and Mrs. Gibson, sitting clo?e by hlm, eflJOOd her eyea as if asleep. When the Assistant District Attorney told the Jury that her presence there. snuggled closely to the prisoner. whoae arm enclrcled her, waa to eliclt their aymjiRthy. she awoke wlth a start and baraiat agltated. She would liave risen ( ..nllnnerl on ?r. on.l pafr. fnarth mliinin. ?a Test of Railroad Efficlency." Read thla advertla^ment on page two. Advt. BUKTON W. GIBSON. Whose case is now in the hands of the jury. 1 If New Wing Is Not Provided Other Exhibitions, It IsSaid, Wi!l Be Withdravvn. BUT ONLY AS LAST RESORT Metropolitan Officials Sure City Will Build Addition So Art Objects Won't Oo to Hartford. There Is no museum in Kurope, let Bloae Amerlea, thut WOUld not willlng ? ly make room, at any COSt, for J. I'ier ponl Morgaa'a art oollactlona That araa the atatemenl made yeaterda) by Robert W? Da Poreat, aof_ood vi.-e praaldenl of tha Metropolitan Mnaeum of Art. Mr. !>e Kor.-st's remarks wera tha reaull of a report that bacauaa of tha tardlnaaa of the Board of Eetlmeta in grantlng an ipproprlatlon of 1780," <**? f,,r a new wing ti, the rn whlch Ib Intendod to ba the Morgan wing, Mr. Morgan waa conalderlng Hartford, Conn., as a poaaible Bxhlbl* tion place for hb prleeleaa treaauree Intended for exhii-ition la the tauei here. "I feel well asstired," said Mr Pe Forest. "that when the Board of Kstt mate takes up any issues of corporate BtO) k for the year It will make pro vlston tor the south wing of the museum, for whlch appllcatlon has been made, and It has been the plan of the museum trustces ever slnce tln-y were aware of Mr. Morgan's Intention of bringing hls collections to America to provide apace especially adapied to ex hlblt them In thls new wing. I think the members of the Board of Kstimato understand the Importance to the clty of havlng Mr. Morgan's collections ex hlbiti I here. I argue nothlng from their not havlng as yet acted, because I understand that no action has been taken as yet on any Issue ,>( corporate Btock for what may be called general purpoaea" Saya Morgan Wanta No Favonti.m. When asked If lt were not posslble to exhlhit the Morgan treasures in the new north wing Mr. De Forest said: ? it is bndoubtedlj true that Mr. Mor? gan's collert ions could be exhlbitcd after a faahlon ln the new north wing, or in Other pertfl of the museum, and there are none of Mr. Morgan's assoclates on the board of trustees who wouid not gladly. ln the Interest of the museum, alter any of our plans for exhlbitlon or wlthdraw any of our present cxhibits in order to glve exhlhltlon spaco to hls collections. but Mr Morgan mlght easlly hesltate to permlt hls fellow truateaa to take such actlon, lest it might BBeni tO be favorlng the exhlbi? tlon of his collectiona to the detriment of others. "Nor could they he properly shown except in space especially deslgned for them. There ls no museum ln Kurope, let alone Amerlea. that would not glad? ly make room at any cost lor Mr. Mor gan'a collections. The Important thing for the city of New York is to gtve him the opportunlty here, and glve lt under such conditlons of room space and lightlng as to show them adequately. Hence the importance of early actlon from the Board of Estlmate on an ap proprlatlon for the south wing." Bdward RoMnaon, dlrector of the Contlnaed on fourth p?f*. elxth eolumn. Not Only Avoid Winter, but Enjoy It. Charmlng R?!*ortB alon* the Kast ?'o_st of Florlda. Make early arrangements for a ple?*ant winter A personal reprrs.-nta 11\? of tlie FLORIDA KAST COAdT at 243 Fllth Av.nue can asslst you.?Advt. , ???-?. ..affSrii . i yaafla^aajg WILSONSLIGHTLY ILL President-Elect Suffering from Indigestion Attack. Hamilton. Bermuda, Nov li."..?Presl dent-ele.-t WltflOfl BUflTered to-day from a sllght attack of lii.liRestion. whidi CompoUfld him to decline an invitation to tOhO a sail on the prlvate yacht of the Governor and t'.'inniiind-r in Chlef, Lieutenant QoooroJ Sir GrOOTgO flt Bul loi k. Mrs. Wilson and her daughters, however. OCCaptod, Governor Wilson has fli epted an Invitation to attend an amabur the atrtcaJ parforflBflBoa on Thaioolay as the guest of Sir Goorge Bfld Lfldjr Bol? lock. H is to ha I blg BOelfll event. In refarriac to the invitation Mr. Wilson said 'I am nut hald erough jrol to sit in the flrst row, but I am golns, anyhow." Ifr. Wlloon'a indispopitinn alao pro vent.-d him from attendins tha aaafllOB of the Bermuda Pnrliament. Karly in the afternoon he croaoad the f>-rry t,. fi mi ? prornioB to be present at a dobata oa Ihe t.ifVr. but b Bharp attoch of ladlgefltloa aad araa ? i to return to his cottago The condltton "f Mr. Wllaon araa much Improved to-nlfht Ha ap< nt th.< evenlng r.-sting, aad said ha expe* tod io ha fully recovorod to-morrow. H0LD-UP0N2D AVENUE 1" Ticket Agent Clnbbed and Till Raided by Highwayraan. A bold rohhery took place in this city laal night. arhen Davld von iironen, a ticket agent oo the downtoun side of the Btcond avenua alflvatod road, at Allen and Orand BtfOCtfl, was beaten and robbed. The police have a good ties riptlon of the highwaynian, and several detOCttvOB were dlspatched to Biour the city f.?r him. All the hospl tals were also asked to look Otft for J. man with his mouth severely cut, as the agent belleves he BUOCOOded ln woundlng his assallant before ho got out of his groop, It araa shortly after G o'clock when ? short man eame up to the station and OBgflgOd the agent In conversatl.-n. Whlle the stianger was leaning OVOT the turnstile tho BgflBl tuni.-d his hofld The highwaynian hli him wlth .1 bflflVjr ir.m bolt. whleh stunned him for a second or two. H<- gropplfld with the man, but the intruder BUCCOOdod Ifl gettlng free and ran down tha stairs. wii.-ii the caoh araa counted up it was found that $4 03 was missing. Detective !>'? t'.i nt illoii, of tlie Clln? ton street poU08 station, found Von Bronen lylng oo the door iu a aaaol* lonactuus condltlon. He rovlVOd him after mUCfa difliculty, an.l th'-n sutn in.ined an ainbulaino and had hin. taken to thfl Gouverneur Hospltal. II was said thfltO late last night that tha ag.-nt was suflerlng from a severe scalp W llllllll. BRIDAL PRESENT BARRED Assistant Secretary of Treas ury Loses Orand Piano. I f- i .?rn Tba Trtbaaa Beraaa. i Washin^ton, -Nov. -.">.?The memory ot" tfl experlenc.-d clark cost "Jlnimy" Cortlfl, Assistant Secretary of the Trcasury. B grand plano to-day. He is Boofl lo ba raarrlod t.> hflaa i.aura Mer rlam, and BOflBa Of the Tn-asury clerks orlglaatad tho plaa of taJUag op a aah Bcription to porchoaa a areddlag gift. Curtis being regarded by the clerks Ofl a good fellow, the list was clrculated rapidly untll lt 00008 tfl the experl 'enced clerk with a good memory. "Det me aee," he said, shoving his speetacles upon hi.s I'orehead. "Thia is a g.iod Idea, but its a vb latlon of the law. I rememher" That was enmigh. The Bevised Stat otfla ooaflriad lha clerk'a rocollactlooa and "Jiniiiiy" Curtla and his brlde wiii not rocatve IhOlt grand piano. "Undenlably clever work, hlghly aeaaonea ?rlth 1'i.ntlnental paprlka." says tlie World of "ANATOL." now at tln: LITTLE Tllfcl ATKE.?Advt. [ Tension Will Not Be Relieved Until Austria Is Sure That Russia Is Not Abet ting Servia. PEACE HANGS ON A THREAD Military in Belgrade, Now Com pletely in the Ascendant, Are Against All Com promise and Arm the City. [By t'ablo to Tlie Tril.ini" 1 London, Nov. _?>. ?Tha International altuatton haa * 1 ? ?? bnproved, and the Wlll nol be relieved t'ltil AUS-' tri.i is convlnced that Ruaala is not backlni Bervla In tbe latter"! Inalatanca npon b port on tba Adrlatie Vienna rejecta all St. Petersburg's | explanatlona of the military uioaauraB belnc ioi- pm-.-iy internal aftalrs. Th" dktramd aiixlety manlfested by .iii the Enropean lovernmantB to deny the reporta of warlika pto paratloaa and to repreeent the polltlcal altaatlon ?*>? peaceful and aattafactory is iu itseif aa indlcatlon on how alender b thread the lanuea of p I arar in Kurope aoV ha' -g. Bervla, it is reported. has dei llned to reply t.? the Aoatrlaa demande until the war is conclnded. Qermany has noi I entertaiued the reQnaal to mediate be twr BU Austria and Ba--: i Th? neus, tOO, that Servin 1* throw 1 ing further ohataclaa iti tha way of the i Aaetrtan ropreaentattve in aearch af M. I'r ehaafca, th<- Austrian Consul at rend, Ib anotber dlaquletlng feature. Preparations in Belgrad*. From Vlenaa comea th_ informatlon that tha Servian War Office haa re cailed all tha Bervian troops that can be apered from the columns operating in the rnighborhood of Prisrend and . Monasi.'-. ..nd that the fortificationa of the Servian capital are being hastily Bupplled with heavy aitilb-ry. The ; Auatriana deduoa from these facta that Ba-rvia is not di^posed to yield, ' and lettlement of the Auatro Bervfan dlspute aeema to them difticuit ..'' realtsatlon if Benrta'i demands are Btalned BJ an IrgBdoctble minimum. i'l.. -i- were outllned yesterday by Pachich ot Servia. He de a minimum requisite to Servla'a national devaloaaBant was eco .i Independance and a free and [Uate tiaBBBB.ll tO the Adrlatie Sea. This. a.eording to the Servian states ; man, meant her possession of a atretch i f coaetrlne of about thirty-odd milea ; whlch would be joined to the present ? terrltory of Bervla by a atrlp of what j was Old Servia. Would Cut Albania in Two. This minimum is declared to be j wholly incompatible wlth the Auatrl&n j and ltalian COBtOBtton that Albania j ahould be'aiitoiiomous, aa it would cut ' Albania in two and c.-nline the autono I moufl provlncea to a ttoay and poverty j str.i k n dlatrtct unable to maintain an I mde. bu lent ealateajco. The dangar artaai not alone from the eonfllctlng Interaata of Austria, Servia and the ' ther powaw, bOt from the pos tha! Turkey, followaag the tra poUcy ol" piotlting by the em brollment of the great powers, may adopt an irreconcllable attitude in the p. ,t.-.- negotiations. Reyond the fact that the plenlpot.n tiaries met to-day, nothing Is yet ! known?not even whether an armistice 'has been arranged. There appears to be a suspension of operatlona at the Tchataldja lines, upparently by tacit eonaent rather than by formal agree j ment. The semi-olllcial Bulgarian newa paper "Alir," h) aa edttorial, voices tho (overnmental brrttatlon at Turkejrw diiatoiy methoda of negotlatlon, aad accuaea the Porta of d?itberately nom Inatins deleajatea frotn remota points in order to gain tlme. This probably refen lo Oamah Nizami Pacha, the Porte'a ambaaaador to Qennany, who arrlved al Conatantlnople from Berlin oniy yeaterdaj Amtria Acting Alon*. The withdrawal of the Austrian w*r ship, Admiral Spaun, and of the Aus? trian coattagant of bluejacketa from t'on-stantinople, with the sudden and unexplaiiied .leparture for an unan nouuicd doatlnallon of the Austrian squadron which lias been lying at Sniyrnn, are taetOfl which are disturb ing dlplomats who see in a close union Of all the gre; powers the only hop?_ of B pea. abh- BOlUtlOO. * The PardanellOB Stralts were stlll open tO navigation at MhBO yesterday morning, aocordlag to an agency dis? patch frotn (.'onstantiiioplo, deaplte the threatfl of an attack by Bulgarian troops on the forts guarding them, the capturc af whlch would permlt the Oraak Beet to sail through and bom bard C'on.stantinople. So paaalmlatlfi ara tha vienna news papers in the absence of any re? ply from Belgrade, and wlth the growing belief that if it comea it will be of an unfavorable char aetor, that they are beglnnlng not to disguise their fears that only fotce will settle the queation. HejQce the feverish military preparations and the ARMY-NAVY FOOTBALL. oachea and d'nlng car. Returnitig io inlntnes after game. Rounri. trlp ??u |..,au tlcki ts aold finsult C Studds, D. p A Win. t-edrlck, Jr.. A. D. p. a., 2.3 Flfth Av., N. V-Advt.