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Rnvino j> FWball A Goif?* Cvdim* Trotting J? Squash j? Rowing .# BasketUI .* Other Sports MIGIBBONS IN Oshkosh Boxer Makes Furious Finish, Overcoming Oppon ent's Early Lead. BIG CROWD SEES THE BOUT Olever Welterweight from St. Paul Has All His Own Way on Points at Start of Contest. liddie McGoorty. of Oshkosh. and Mike Gibbona. the rrtasterly WOitarwalght of 9t. I'aul. boxed ten loands to a draw at MadiBon Square Gaiden last night, while a crowd which packed the Mg ampl.ithea tre to ita ca ?"Hy looked on. lf the nura bar of blow? landed were to count, a:id numbers alone to count, then Gibbons would have been dedareu vlttor, but Mc Goorty rallied in the last four rouada ?ith a rush. so tliat his hard hlttlng 9841 aiiKreBslveness evened the BCOi*. Hoth men were t'.ied at the end. Mc iroorty walked on leaden legs and Baapad for hreath llke a Ilsh out of water. but ha had natural atrength and great powers ..f recuperation. while Gibbons, robhcd of moet of hla epeed. could not hold hlm off. There waa a wlde dlfference of opln? ion among the apectatora, for both men their frlends ln goodly numhers. The bout did not come up to the expec tationa of the crowd. and it was not iong l efore the gallery boys. those inexora*>ie iurora of all bouts. hooted and howled tneir dljapproval. McGoorty, tha bigger, stronger and less aclentific man, trled to Btand oft and outbox the St. Paul wraith, hoplng againBt hope that his sledge-ham mer left hook would land a target and bring about a qulck flniah. That plan ol action sulted Glbbona. who aa***a nis atrength. and almply outboxed tha TO consin fighter. That did not t*JM wtth the crowd, and the boys hlssed loudly at the end of several rounde. Glbbona ahowed in no uncertain manner that while he ia wlthout peer ln his claes. ue lacks the physique and hltting powar to flght in the ranke of the mlddleweights. aad 'i-d th?' ro?t<,fit 6?ne on ll ls more ihan Hkelv that he would have come by the cudgels. He landed on McGoorty, landed hard and often ln the flrat alx rouada, and piled up a goodly lead on uolnts whlch stood by him at the end. U last, however. McGoorty Bank home a'few hard blows to the body that robbed Mike of some of his apeed. and then the lide awayed alightly. In the cllnchea. nnd there were many, McGoorty bulled hla man around. forced hlm Into cornera. iad leaned hla wclght upon him, aii or whlch tended to slow Othbons up. For all that. however. McGoorty failed to show snv real champlonship form. and it ls a ..ueBtlon where he would stand with a savage. tearlng fighter llke Frank Klaua. Glbbona. too. evldently had a world of respect for his man When lt came to the flner points of scl entlfic boxlng Gibbons was all alonc. He vjmply had the man from Oshkosh mlsa ing by a city block. flounderlng Into the roaaa and acting llke a novlce. Gibbons landed hlB left. and the blow brought the blood from McGoorty'a nose and Ups. while punches almed higher up ralaad a neat Uttle mouse over Eddia's eye. Try as he would, though, Glbbona waa not able to land a telling blow in all the nu meroua punchea he placed on his man's jaw and *olar plexus, and so the bout went on for the fult ten roundB. The crowd whlch attended was worthy of the bout and fully attested the popu larlty of boxlng ln this clty. When ?ba doore were thrown open at 7 o'cloek the early birds, demzens of the gallery for the most part, awarmed in, rushlng pell mell for polnta of vantage on the rall. Tha eheaper seats filled flrat. and by the lime the flrBt prellmtnary bout wai atart ed. at S:45 o'cloek, there waa not an unraaerved aeat to be had ln the bulldlng. Ftill the crowd came. Those who boubM io purchaae tlekete at any price mllled about the lobby, buzzing llke a swarm of bees. I-ater the holders of reaerved aeats came. and had to shoulder their way through the throng to get Into the arena. The standlng i oom outslde- the ralllng was packed flve deep with eager "fanfl" The fun Btarted with a slx-round bur legque between Jlmmy MorrlBBey, of In dlanapolls. and "Toung" Motta, of this clty. Motta had the better of lt. and every one waa glad when th* flnal bell rang. Tha aecond prelimlnary bout was befVeen Jlmmy Taylor and "Young" Koaner, two paperwelghts. The bout waa faat and clever throughout, but Taylor was a little too strong for hla opponent ?nd won on points handlly. The seml flnal waa between Harry Condon, of Brooklyn, and "Speclal Dellvery'* Hlrsch, of Chicago. Hlrsch waa by all meanB the better man and Bcored heavlly ln a faat bout. Then tha crowd settled Into Its seata and awalted the flnal bout. But Joe Humphrlea Inelated upon introduclng the rlders who will conteBt ln the inter? natlonal slx-day race next week. The crowd llBtened to a few tntroductlons and then called for the bout. McGoorty was flrBt to enter the ring, and hifl appearance was the Blgnal for a hcarty outburst of applause. He welghed in at 166 pounda, and wlille he appeared ? little flnt he did not appear weak. Mc Goorty had been in the rlng for about three mlnutea when Glbbona entered. Thla waa the algnal for wlld -heers. GlbbonB. at 14S?4. looked ready for the battle of hla llfe. The men feinted a moment, McGoorty forclng, nnd Mlka stepped Inaide of a hard left. Agaln he made McGoorty mlse and poked a left to the face. McGoorty forced, but Mlke was indeed a wraith. and the pride of Oahkosh mlssed. Mike popped a few home. and kept McGoorty mlsslng or hlt? ting his gloves. Round even. In the second round the men went into a cilnch and McGoorty popped a hard left to the face. GlUbons made McGoorty mlra and sent a left to the head. but Eddle came back hard and sank home a rlght to tbe bodv. Gibbons made hla op? ponent miss agaln and, ahootlng home a hard rlght acrosa on tbe Jaw, atenped In with a aolld left on the face. It was Oibbons'a round. Gibbons peppered two lefta to the face and m? pped around a rlght and left and landed a few lefta on the face. McGoorty ruBhed his man to tha ropea and smashed a hard rlght for the head, but Mlke -lipped around the punch and McGoorty fo.indered to the ropea llke a 'longshore nian, while Glbbona flayed him The apeed of Glbbona had McGoorty up In the alr and Mlke had the round. Tha fourth round aaw Glbbona contlnue hla maaterly work and the crowd roarod mhile he peppered the face and alipptd away from the returna. Juet before the MIKK. G1BBONS (TOP), WHO BOXEO A DRAW WITH EDDIE M'GOORTY IN MAPISON BQUAJtl QARDEN LAST NIGHT. bell McGoorty landed a heavy punrh below the bolt. In the fifth Gibbons shot home three lefta to the jaw and McGoorty rushed in. swing his left Mike stepped awav and smashed a vastOOS right to the face. McGoorty reeled, but. strong as a steer. he contlnued. Gibbons easily out boxcd him. The slxth saw McGoorty go out to force the pace. and he landed hard and often. He ahook Mlke's body with solld rlght hand punches, and a snappy left drew blood from Gibbons's nose. The lat ter appearcfl tired, and lt seemed as if Fuperior power would win. ln the se\ enth round McGoorty took the lead, but Gibbons met him at his own gatne, and honors were ensy. McGoorty forccd him info a cornet. but somehow Gibbons found an avenue of escape and earned an even break on the round. The elghth was about even, although some favored McGoorty because of his aggressivonf ss.' He led often, but his blows were blockpd for the mott part. He was stronger than Gibbons. and lt was evldent at this jolnt that in a long flght he would win. McGoorty contlnued to force the flght in the nlnth round. and working in cloae he shot a few hard rlghts to the body and then forcod Gibbons Into a corner, where he tugged at Mlke's atms. t'oming away from a elinoh Gibbons planted his left home. and made McGoorty miss three lefts. The crcwd could not scp the aclen tific work at all, and called for action. McGoorty then poked a volley of lefts home. and had Gibbons runninc aroiind lo avold trouble. Thp bell found thp bova ln a clinch, with honors In favor of Mc? Goorty. The last round was fast, and both went out to take a chance. McGoorty cuffed Gibbons around the rlng. snd sllpped away from a right for the body. Gibbons landed three lefts. a rlght and two more rlghts. without a retum. whlle the crowd howled. Pleaty of action drew more ap plause from the gullery, and at the bell honors were about even. PAPKE WINS FRENCH TITLE Beats Bernard for the Middle weight Champion8hip. Paris, Dec. 4.?Billy Papke, the Ameri? can Bghtar. to-night defcatcd Goorge. Bernard, a French mlddlewelght, for the mlddlewelght champlonshlp of Krance. a big purao and an Ivory belt. Papke was awarded the decislon in the seventh round, when the Frenchman was unable. to respond to the call of time. Bernard, who was announred as "France's last hope." never had a chance. In the flrst five rounds Papke allowed Bernard to do all the work, but the Frenchman was unable to do any ap preciable harm. In the slxth I'apke began to flght in carnest. The Frenchman went to the floor twice, Just managlng to strug gle to hla feet wlthin the ten seconds. But he was In BOCh a state of collapse that when the seventh round was called he could not leave his chalr, and the referec OOPOtOd him out. CUB OARSMEN START WORK Columbia Freshmen Begin Long Gnnd on Machines. After a month's lay-oflf Columbla's freshman crew candldatee settled down for a long grind .on the machines yesterday under the dlrectlon of Jlm Rice. the coach. Rice was not at all pleased, for only thlrty-nve candldatoa showed up out of a clabs that la wel! over three hundred. It ia expected, however, that after the holi daya, when the regular crew call ls sent out, the freshmen will respond in greater numbers. The Columbia youngsters will have 1 good racing seaaon next year, lf they atick to thelr oars. There wlll be the ueual sprlng regatta on the Hudson. In which the flrat freshman elght wlll be pltted against either a Philadelphia hlgh school or a freshman crew from some other col lege. Later on the youngsters wlll row ln the freshman race in the American Henley, and they wlll also be entered In the Harltm regatta* provlded that neltber race lnterferes with the sprlng examina? tion schedule. CATHEDRAL COLLEGE WINS. t'athcdral t'ollege won a declslve baa ketbull vlctory over the Bryant Hlgh School on Its court ycsteidav. The acore was 44 to 16. Lee. the speedy Cathedral forward, caged ten fleld and four foul gols. TIMELY BITS IF SPORT a??i-? Jake Daubert Signs a Three Year Contract with Superbas. NAP RUCKER ALSO IN LINE Two Boys of "Big Ed" Walsh Get $1,500 Each from "Old Roman" of Baseball. Jake Daubert. ranked as one of the greatest flrst basemen in the country, wlll he seen In a Brooklyn unlform for three more yeara at least, aa Charles H. Ebbets announced yesterday that the brllllant fielder had <dgned a contract for 1913, iy14 and 1915. The salary waa not men? tioned, but lt was sald to be a good one and an advance over the amount recelved last season. Blll Dahlen, manager of the club, has been wasting no time ln gettiag his play ara in llne. Already ten players. Includ Ing Daubert, have returned signed con? tract*. Nap Rucker, the star pltcher, be? ing among the number. The others who have wlelded the pen follow: John Hummel, utlllty Inflelder; Georgp Gutshaw, aaeead base; Pat Ragan. plteh* ? r: Frank Allen. pltcher: CUf Curtls. pltcher; Herbert Moran centre flelder; Hal Northen. right fielder. and Zach Wheat, left flelder. In aupport of a denlal that Charles A. Comlskey gave Ed Walsh, star twlrler of the Chlcago White fcox, Sl.600 after he shut out the Cuba by a acore of 16 to I ln the last game of the city aeriea laet October, comes a story that the "Old Roman'' presented "Blg Ed's" two boys with $1,500 each, with the words: "That ought to go a long way toward educatlng them." Thus did President Comlskey show his appreciation of the work Walsh did on the slab during the 1912 baseball season in general and of his pltchlng one game In partlculat. Bllly Kramer. the natlonal Yroas-coun try champlon and Harry Smith. the trn mile champlon. are expected to start. among others, ln the four-mtle run of the Long Island Athletlc Ciub on Sunday. N'athan Ogt. the fotmer Monia Athletic Assdclatlon trainer. has been engaRed to coarh the athletes of the Gleneoe Athletlc Club, of Hnrlem. A three-and-^-h;ilf-niile run will be held on Sunday mornlng from the club oval. at l-'fith street and Second axenue. ln whlch all athlete? are Invited m compete. The special committee which has been appointed to render a decislon in the ap? peal of the William M. Powers, of the I Tipperary Men a games. seandal. will meet ' In the Astor House to-morrow afternoon ' Al! the evidence on hand has been thor I ourhly slfted. and the verdlct is eagerlv lawetted. Bartow B Weeha la the rhalr ' man. Ilanne* Kolehnialrien, the I'tnn. and Harrx J. Kmlth, the nve-niile metropoli tan and ten-mlle natlonal champlon, who are teamed In the twelve-nule team ta" at the Bradhurst Fleld ( lun games In the 22d R?g1ment Armory on 8aturday even Ing see mto have the race at thelr mercy. Frank S. Navln. president of the I >e troit Tigera. announced yeeterday the pur < has* of Hermar. Nlchols. a pltcher, fmm the Wyandotte. Micb , club, of the Borrter l.eague. Nlchols, who fotmerly twlrled In tbe South Mlchigan l.eague, achleved i on siderahle promlnenre by defeatlng Mullin and Dubuc, two of Jietrolt's baot pltehei s. and Rlandlnar, of fhe cleveland Nnpi. la exhibltlon games played after the Amer? ican lyeague season rlosed last October. Nichols is a blg rlght handed pltcher. The Natlonal Baseball Commission yes? terday handed down a flnding In whlch It reinstated Emery F. Olson to good stand ing In organlzed baseball. Owlng to the fact that Olson had violated no ha*cball rule during the pprlod In whleh he rpfuspd to report to the Rt. LOOBl Browna on ac count of lllness. no fliip was Infllcted on the player. John P. Bo\le, president, and A. Arnold, seoretary-treasurer of the Pastime Ath? letic club. after a conference wlth Jamps F Sulllvan, chalrmsn of the ndvlsory 'ommittee of the club, yesterday afternoon announced that the thlrty-scxenth annual Indoor athlatlc games of the Pastime Ath? letlc Glub wlll be held at the '.'Id Rpgl ment Armory on January '_'*. The follow ing Is the list of e\ents, Plxty-yard dash, handlcap: slx-hundred-yard run, handl? cap; one-mlle run, handlcap. one-mlle walk, handlcap. and tunning high Jump. handlcap. A dlstnnce race aad special event wlll be added latct. The charges made by Jim Stewart against Lao Flynn, of New Voik, a man? ager of boxers, that there had bfen no money forthromlng to Stewart for his np pearnnce agaln/t "One Round" Davls ln Buffalo, waa the chief matter consldered by the State Athletlc Commission at its meettnaj yeeSexdejr. stewart had aaveral paranaa Bnaaar for the porpooa of provlnc his clnlms, but the commission declded that as there was a laek of eeiTOboretfee evidence the complaint against Flynn be dlstnlased. A llcense was granted to tha Amcrlcnn Athleth Club, of Albany, and a lot of time devoted to the formatlon of tules for the Internatlonal alllance re cently arranged. I,earh Croas, the llghtweight of the Kast Slde, wlll face Billy Bennet. the so-called champlon of Ireland, to-nlght In a ten round contest before the Royale Athletlc Club. nnd unless the roof falls ln Cross ahould have llttle trouble in wlnnlng hands down. "Knockout" Brown. once called the loglcal llghtweight rhamplon of the world, has been matched to meet "Young" Rellley. of the AVeat Slde. a second rate boy whom Morgan would have laughed to scorn had he asked for a matrh one yesr ago. Brown and Rellley wdll box ten rounds before the Olynipic AthletU Club of Harlem on. Monday nlght. Jack Britton, of Chicngo. will meet "Young" Lnughrey. the Philadelphla wel terwelght. In a slx-round contest before the Olymple Athletlc club to-morrow nlght. Britton wlll be matched wlth Leach Cross ln a return bout in the next two weeks. FLICK TO LEAD LEHIGH. Bethlehem. Penn., Dec. 4.?George P FUck. of Tarentum, Penn.. was to-day unanlmously elected captain of next ycar's football team at I^high Fllck pl.j\s halfback and end. He Is president of the lunlor class and vice-president of the Y. M. C. A. He bclongs to the Kappa Sigma fraternity. Peter Pan Said to Have Been Sold for $100,000 Great Stallion Going to France in Name of James R. Keene. MR. GOULD MAY BE BUYER William K. Vanderbilt Also Suggested as Purchaser of Son of Commando. ly>xington. k'y , Dec. 4.-Peter Pan. James R. Keene's great stallion, was sold yesterday for $100,000. It ls roported that agents of George Gould pnrchaaed the horse. and lt ls known poBitively that he will be sliipped to France some tlme next week. Some tloubt waa caat on tlie sale of Peter Pan in this clty yesterday. lt was lcarned that he wlll arrlve ln this clty to day in charge of Phll T. Chlnn. and that he wlll be shlpped to France ln the name of Jamee R. Keene. It waa rumored last summer that Mr. Gould had offered $&0,000 for Petcr Pan, DUt that lt was refused, and the prlce set at $!"0,000. one horserniin said yesterday thnr he urid'Tstnod Mr Keene had de dded to aatabllab a small breedlng farm WOMEN GOLFERS ACTIVE Appoint Nominating Committee to Pick Officers. A nominating committee, the first in the hlstory of the organlzatton, waa appolnt-?d at an executlve committee meetlng of tha Women'H Metropolltan Golf AaaoclaUon held ln this clty yesterday. Heretofora the selectlon of a tickct has always been I ieft in the hands of the executlve board. There are nve <>n the nominating com lattttee, a* faDowa: Mra ftaah Knos. of Englewnnd. N .1 ? Ilr* 1. ?? Irvln*' of Scaradala n *?: afJaa fw a*harat* . aaMar, ef Fnglcwood. N. J , Mrs. W. -J. Palth, of Wykagxi. and Mrs. I. H. Thomas. of llackensack. It la poBBlble that there will eral ehaaaaa from the priaant Hat of ef> flcials. Mr;- M. D. 1'aterson, of Engle wood, who has served so acceptably cs ! praaf?*Bt for the last twa years, has mad* i lt plaln that she has had enough, and so j far as ihe M retaryshlp ls ?<>ncerned i there Is no telling who wlll be the cholce ' to llll the place vacatcd by Miss Uiu'ae 1*. Krug. Bomething llke flfty-foiir Dtlaaa ?U1 be competed for during tb* annual wlnter tournament of the Arrwrlcan Adverttsing Golf ABSoclatlon. to be held at Plnehurst. January B to ^>. 19991 tWPlBlBB wlll all 1 be ln gold. ! A sprclal train wlll 19**** N?w Vork on January 19, and lt ia expe. te I that th*] ' miiBter arfll be htfgaff than 94*r. as W ('. ! Krreman. who la ln charge of the tourna I ment, aaiinbarTI that bealdes th* eaaaa j catlon round for slx aUteens. tlv re wlll be beat'n elghts tn all sets. Ko !? M than al9999 M" l atl l "tit- Bta have alsu been ar J ranged for. PRINCETON F1VE VICTOR Beats Fordham in First Basket ball Game of Season. ' H: Trl'graph t? Tl'" T'd une | Prlaeetaa. N l? Dt * Tha Pftaeatoo haaketball team opened the h'anon with a vlctory over Fordham here to-nlght by th* score of 36 to 14 The Tiger' QUlntet sprang Into the bad early ln the flrst j.erlod and were never In danger of loa> laa it. ^,1^ The Kair.a whb rough and ponrly pla\-o for the nii-t part. Poor ahoptlng waa ln evldenoe on both etdao. Whetnar tha manj foula were dee to the new rulea pr to unneeeeaary rougimess is etlBcoit to Sllv Seveial men on h-th sides W4UW pUl out of the aaaaa bacauaa of a*g*aaaai la th* absence of the Trinceton cap? taln. deWttt. Rrlgg" acted Jn hla pb>co and Played well. DeWltt ls badly needed to Btrengthen the Orang* aad Black t. 4in The vlaltorB were outplayed at all stages and the Prlnceton players e*r* superlnr indlvldually. The aiimmary follows: Prlnceton i3.*?. Poaltlpn. Fordham "*? BaJaaaa.'<????.%JJg BrtaaXcaat.).C...... Herhert ,;.,, .U. ii. ...Flanagan laa**.) PubMltutloii* Prinretrm M<-Tlgi? for Brlgga. TuartlBfg fnr QH9, Hunter for Nalmon. KHne for M l^nahgn. Hchmldt for Towaon. Harper for llnnier, Vlncnt for Vonrheca. Darllngtorii for KMn... Hallev for MeTlgwe Fordham: O <->>n - ne.l for lUirett. Htrirhdtffe for, \tvlanl (taaia frem fl?M a*iaaaai <2?. ChU nngga, TeWSM (J), M.'I^nalian ''.'t. McTlgne (B), lliiliter. Vlncent. Hdrnei:. Harbart, Klanagan. Oi'onnell. t'.oala from foul ftalmon (f>), K!lnn lt) Darllnglon. Walah tB), Ir'liina>;an. Tlme of lTftrrn inlnutia. Kef.M... I.imberton, r.-nna>lvanla.. t'm'pie Wajmoudi, Vule. FORDHAM PREP FIVE WINS Opens Baskctball Season with Victory Over Xavier. FVirdham Trep opened up Its hasketball ?eawn with 9 vlctory over the fast Xavier Hlgh School tenm on tho Fordham 09091 by a score of J0 to 13, yo-terday afternoon. The gnme wuh one of the faatent ^een on the Hronx flves' court for a long tlme. The lona. pasalng and superlor team work of the Maroon men were resi>onslhle for their vlctory. Captaln Murnhy stnrred for Fordham, scorlni; a dozen points for hle team. The llne-up follows: Fordham \avtar prep. ??*)). Paal jaa nighajeaaelflt). WalOroa .??* J.? "' Murphy .^K. laecaba l)Ble .-.C-..t ng'iiand Walih .1*5. MrCv.r.i Caffrey .R. <* . l^n.han Bubatltataa M<r;..Mrick rec Hc4 abe. Kalll ran for McOaraTB. i'leld kohi? WaMraa IB), atnrph) (B), Dale, Walnh. fng.-rUnd. Hoyle. <ionl? from foul -t.'ngerland. 9, Murphv, fl. RafarM no..llng, of Fordham. Tlme of pe rloJs 15 iiilnutea. MURPHY TO JAKE A REST Trainer of Quakers Ooes South in Search of Health. Phlladelphla. Dec. 4. ? Mlchael ('. Murphy, the well known trainer of athtalttl j te;.ms, left here to-day with hl? wife for Thoinis\ llle, Ga.. where he hopes to re I gain his health. After hla return from I Sweden with the vlctorloue American I Olymplc team, Murphy'a health did not 1 Improve, and he was unable to give much j attentlon to the I'niverslty of Pennsyl I vanla football team. A blg demonstratlon by Btudents, with whom Murphy ls very popular, wa> called I off st hla recjuest, but a large number of I frtends accompanled hlm to the traln. There la a rumor to the effect that Nate t'artmell, the former Intercollcfflate sprlnt er. now toaching at the I'niverslty of North Carolina, ia to BUcceed Murphy. ln France. wlth Peter Pan at the head. whlle another horeeman Heemed equally sure that the horse had been purchased by Wllllam K. Vanderbllt. Peter Pan ls an eight-year-old bay stal Uon, whlch won $116,450 as a two and three year-old on the tracks hei e. He ls a son of the great Commando, whlle his dam waa Cinderella, by Hermlt. In quallty and con formatlon Peter Pan compares favorably to his slre, Commando, a son of Domlno, the black whirlwind, and Major Dalnger tield has prodlctcd a great future for him ln the utud. Ah a two-year-old Peter Pan took up 130 pounds and won the Hopeful Stakes, worth $17,t>40, at Saratoga Sprlngs. He ran the slx furlongs In the fast time or 1:12 1-6, beatlng McCarter and Pope Joan among others. ., . . As a three-year-old he won the Aa rance, Belmont and Tidal stakes the Brooklyn Derby and th'e Brlghton Handl? cap. ln the Advance Stakes, at Sheepa head Bay, he defeated Salvldere Hlp Flap and others. whlle he faptured th* Belmont. of $2,766. at one mUe and three furlongs, from Superman and *rank OlH, having a practlcal walkover. Peter Pan set the seal on his greatnese In winning the Brlghton Handlcap. when, wlth 115 pounda up, he ran the mlle ana a quarter ?n -':03 3-5. beatlng McCarter and Montgomery among others. In all probahlllty he wlll be shipped to France on the Atlantlc TranBport llner Mlnnewaska on Saturday, and the breed ing Industry of this country will suffer another ciamaging loss. Big Task Faces Carpenters at Madison Square Garden. No eooner had Gibbons and McGoorty left the ring at Madison Bquare Garden last nlght than one hundred carpentera began work on the bicycle track to be used for the slx-day race next week and the lndoor champlonships to-morrow and Saturday nlghta. Whlle it ls a blg joh to construct this wooden bowl, the coti tractora have guarante.d to have lt ready by to-morrow afternoon, so that 150 or more rldera who wlll compete ln the lnc*oor tltle races wlll have aNrhanre te bOCOBBO arewstomed to the sharp eanree and the steep hanks before the start of the contest. Frank Kramer, the world's champion: Alf (Irenda, the natlonal tltle holder from Australia; Walter Rutt. the Ger BUUI apaad klng, and all of the Interna tlonal etars who have been tralnlng at the Vtlodrome In Newark wlll move, bag and laggage, Into the <;arden to-day, and It wlll be their home untll a week froaa :;aturday nlght, when the slx-day race ends. The excellent weather haa made outdoor tralnlng poaslble, and all of the rlders are ln the baBt of condl tlon. Kramer will ttv tn add to his laureis by wlnnlng the lndoor sprlnt champlon shlp of the woild. This rlder. who has won the chamrlonahip of Ameflca twelve yars ln successlon and the champlon shlp of the world thla year, wlll compete only ln the blg aprlnt title race to-mor? row nlght He wlll leave the half-mile, profeaatoael hancllrap and the fl\e-mlle open for the ' pros ' to the other pedal puelM ' - DonaM MeDoaaall, of tha New York Athletlc Club. wlnner of tbe world'a < hami'ionship and the American title as u1li. Harry Kaisei, of The Bronx, thlrd ln the world'a champlonshlp, Charles Haher. of tne Iriaa^Aanerteaa Athletlc I'lub; the big Bay View Wheelmen team Of New.i-k and more than a hundred other slmon purea wlll atart In the h.m ?.I'.ii' and open. Andre Pertchlrof, the sprinl chumpion of Frbnce, ls loomlng up strong as a contender for tha lndoor tltle. and llttle Jackle Clarke wlll make a strong bld for the hntiors Clarke has more than OBOB come close to wregtlng the outdoor cham? plonshlp from Kramer. and has for yeara been the Yankee's most dangerous eom petltor. ? REINSTATEHOCKEYPLAYER Amateur League Takes Oft'end ers Back Into the Fold. At a meeting of the excutlve comrrlt tee of the Amateur Hockcy League, held yesterday afternoon. Krnst Garon, George Harnion. Charlea Klnsella. Charles Mlt chdi anci Jamoa Botajer, faraaorty aaaaa* l>ers of tho Wanderers Hockey Club, who wsre suspencled luat sprlng, irafB re stored to gooil standlng, whlch glvea tbem the rlght to plny in this year's champlonshlp tournament. The piayers named, tc.gether with Fllison, John McGrath and Billy l4?'k?n, c-omprised the Wandercr team, whhh flnlshed the season tled wlth the Creeoeat A. C. in the land for champlon? shlp honors. At tiils crltlcal Junctuie, wheifa play-off game was orciered, lt waa alleged that the playcre named. wdth the exceptlon of Lecken, asked the st. Nlch olas Rlnk maniigement for a share of the rccelpta. Preeldent Cornelltni Feiiowes rrfnead to lend hlmaeU to tbe eeheaaa and asaerted that rather tluin have any talnt of professlonallsm attached to the game he would ahandon It. The Amateur i.eaguc however, got arlnd c>f how mat ters atood and threatened the expulsion of sii the piayera if they refueed to play : !??? de.lcling game. After tha cnamplonabln game, in whlch lt may he said tho disgruntled nluyera put up one of tho most brllliant nockey hattles ever Been ln this vhdnlty, the whoie rnatter ofBcially Inreetinated by the league, and Garon and McGnith, who were Ciedlted wlth bein* the rlng leaders ln the trouhle, were expelled, and Bnlajer, KllUon, Mltchell, Klnstdla and Harnion aiiHpended. The right to have the men n instated was made on hehalf of tho Irlah-Amer leaa A. C, whlch wunted four of the men tO flll piaoaa on the team whlch the club has entered for the hockey cham? plonshlp. SMITHERS AT THE HELM Larchmont Yacht Club Elects Officers for Year. Vacht owner.s who h.tve grown gray in the racing ranks of the Larchmont Yacht Club, as well as the >ounger members of the organlzation. turned out ln force last nlght at the annual meeting held at the Wuldorf-Astorla to greet thelr new rom ino'lore, Charlea Smlthers, owner of the schooner Murlel. and to glve thelr retlrlng chief flag officer. Leonard Rlchards, a rousing vote of thanka for his efflclent three year*' adminlstratlon. The officers elected for 1913 were: Com modore, Charles tfmtthera; vlce-commo dore, Francls ht Wllson; rear commo dora, Tharles Morgan: secretary. Kdward c. Ortffln; lieBBWBI. Robert K. Roblnson; traotaea, ciass ttla, wiiaon Btanaafl and Leonard Rlchards; nomlnatlng commit? tee, 1913. G. S. Runk, S. T. Hodgman, G. W. Scott, J F. Laeejay, Butler Whltlng. L. II Spence, R. K. owens, 0, W. Plum. R. H. Halstead and H. N Fletcher. Anna Ax Me, Winner of Several Rich Stakes, Gets Purses. MANY "RINGERS" EXPOSED Expulsion the Funishment for Starting Horses Under a Changed Name. One of the most lmportant casea ln the trottlng world during the last year waa decided last evening by the board of re vlew of the Natlonal Trottlng ABBOCla tlon. O. H. Shole, of Holyoke. Col., waa charged by I>. C. Kenney, of Hastlnga, Neb., and four other horaemen with en tering the bay nlly, Anna Ax Me. aa a three-year-old, when lt waa contended the horse was nearer flve yeara old. The board, after listenlng to eloquent pleaa by attorneya for both sldes, dlsmlssed the complalnt against Shole. Anna Ax Me during the last year won a number of the blggest paclng racea ln the country, Including the Kentucky Fu turlty, the Horeemen's Futurlty, at De trolt; the Horae Revlew Futurlty, at Columbue, Ohlo, and the Futurlty, at Rocklngham Park, Salein, N. H. Tho protebt aKainst the mare was made after the Detrolt and Kentucky meetings. and consequently the winnlngs of .he mare, amountlng to about I3.0UO for the two races, have been held up alnce the protest. By the declsion of the board Mr. Shole can now collect hla money. A number of other caaes, moatly "rlnger" protesta, were heard and de cinlonB rendered. Some of them were as follows: C. C. Slpe. of Johnstown. Penn., waa expelle<l for starttnK Fatchen Laas, ZMM, out of his clasB and under tlie name of Catherine 8. The horse waa also expelled, and the wlnnlnga, amounting to about $4*?0, were ordered returned. The horso raced ln Pennsylvania, Maryland and N'orth Carollna. W. \V. Colllns, of nishorville, Md.. was expelled ror starting Danlel Boone, 2:1244, out of hifl Claaa and under the name of fharlle W. Ti:e horaa was also expelled. It raced in Maryland. H. Nleholaa and E C. BCaaoey, of T.ow vllle. N Y., were expelled for starting Jerry Junior, "J:16' =. out of her claaa and under tha name of Oeratd .lunlor. Tlie horae also was expelled. lt raced at I'otsdam, N. Y. K. D. J. Doyle, of Lynchburg. Va.. waa expelled for starting Artliur J.. 2:07*4. out of his class ai.d under tlie name of Gt-r onimo. The horse was expelled, and K. S. <;ia^.s. also of Lyachbara, was suspended for hlB connectlon with the caae. The un lawful wlnnlngfl of the horse were ordered returned and a $.'>0 fee charged for re cording tlie change of name The horse raced at Petersburg, Va., and Klizabeth. N. C. Hal Oatman. known also as I'rarik Ios ter, of U-xlngton. Ky.. was expelled for Btartlng Joe Halley, 2MU. out of his clasa under the name of Franklin K A long llst of experlences attended Oatmau ln i is travels around the varlous tracks with the horse. He tlnally "went bioke," and, after borrowlng 15 ln Lexlugton, Ky.. told of his change of name. This waa reported to the board. P A. O't'onnell. of Paterson. N. J., charged C. F>. Pltman. of Trenton, N. J . with uiiderwelghlng the driver ln a race In whb'h Pltmnn'e Dr. Wllkea waa en tered, and whlch the horse won. O'Con n*ll proteated tho race. but the board up held the decbdon of the Judges of the race, who declared Pltman had not under wetgbed. F4. M Austen's claim that K. 8. Caae, of Three Bridgea, N. J., liad entered hlB horse, SubIc Bell. in a race and that the driver was off welght was dlsmissed. The hearlng wlll contlnue to-day, a*d Mr. GO'-her, the secretary. said last night that there were so many ceaea that lt would prahably take untll Saturday to clear them up. PLAN BIG SQUASH TOURNEY Forty College Players from Five States to Compete. The second annunl natlonal handicap tonrnanient under the directlon of the Na? tlonal Squaah Tennla Assoclatlon wlll be? gin on Saturday afternoon ou thp courts of the Helghts Casino, of Brooklyn. Forty competitors. representlng tha lead lni? colleglate orKanizatlons of Pcnns>I vanla, Conncrtirut, Massachusetts, N'ew JerBey and N'ew York were drawn yester? day for the rnatches. Among some of the leadlng players the mnrks were regardod as unduly sevcre, but this was partly ex plali:ed by a member of the committee in statlng that tho tounuiment was in the nature of a prellminary round to the na? tlonal champloiiships. which wlll be decid? ed In this clty In February ln the top quarter of the draw are Frank B. Hague, of the Montdalr Ath letlc Club, with the mark of plus ."> 9099 He meeta R- F.. Wlgham, of the Columbia t'nlverslty club, at plus fi aces and half B hand. Then W. H. Y. Hackett. of the Harvard Club. BHI'Otltj meet8 (}. Graham, of the Montclalr Athietlc Club, at plua 5 and 2 hands Armln W. Rlley, the Frlnceton club champion, fills out the ?liiarter bracketed against H. I). Bulkley, former Columbia champion, both at Bcratch, Charles M. Bull. Jr., of the Crescrnt Athietlc Ct*h and Helghts Caalno, Ia the most formldable player In the second cniartar. He meets his clubmate. R. Cat lln, al pl"s 5 acea and 2 hands, In his openlng inatcb. The lower half Ib the strongcr Beetion of the draw. It Includes Rudolph Goepcd. of the Hcightfl Casino, and I* du Pont Ii vlng, of the Harvard Club, who mevt at aeratoh; Oaarga whitney, of the Hanrari Ctub, whp won last year and plays at minua 8 aceB, 2 aces or no count. Whit? ney, who is playlng strongly. faces <}. I.. Catlln. of the Brldgeport t'nlverslty club, at plua 5 acea in his firet match. J. O. l/)w, of tho Helghts Casino. and S. Hin man Blrd. of Prlnceton, both at scratch. complete the llat. Rudolph Cioepel, chairman of the tour namont committee, plana to complete the flrnt and Becond roundB on Saturday and feundny. The flnals wlll be decided at the end of next week. F. S. Keeler, of the Columbia club: Frank Kidde, of the Montclalr Athietlc Club, and 8. Hlnman Bird, of the Prlnceton club, flxed the han dlcaps. Oeorge Whitney and Rudolph (loepel made the draw yesterday at the Harvard Club. FROELICK ASS'T MANAGER. Prlnceton, N. J., Dec. 4?Howard Froe llck, of Brooklyn, was thJa afternoon elected asststant manager of the 1913 Prlnceton football team. He wlll be man? ager of the 1914 team. __WH E R E_TO DIN E.~ Travellera'Co., 20 W. 34th 8t. Mth Street, near Fourth Avenue. AUTOMOBILE8 FOR RENT. I'Ai.'KARD llrnoualnes. new cars, for monthly aarvlce, apeclal to thaatre or opara, with prlvllege of stopplng one hour for suppar, $10; laigret runtera of Packard cara la Naar York. PHONE. PLAZA 210a TORONTO AT 1HE TOP Leads in Team Fielding in in ternational League. SWACINA'S AVERAGE BEST Newark and Jersey City Stand High, According to the Official Figures. Toronto, winner of ihe 1912 pennant. waa tbe best fielding team in the Internatlo.ial League this year, according to offlcial averages issued at .eague headquarters yesterday. The club s percentage waa .960. Newark, Jersey City and Baltlnure follow tlosely In'the order named. The Newark catchers are charged with only three passed balls for the entlre season. Of the indivldual players the real lead ers, consldering the number uf games played, were as follows: Swacina, Newark, flrst base, with .!*>; Atz, Providence, second baae, .966; Brad ley, Toronto, third base, .348; Purtell, Montreal, shortstop, 982, Conroy, Rochea ter, left fleld, .982; Osborn, Kochester, cen tie fleld, .982; Kclly, Newark-Jeraey City, rlght fleld, .SSti; Smith, Newark, catcher, .987; Manser, Rochester-Jersey City, pltch? er, l.OuO. Five other pitchcrs flelded fault leaaly. Kour rlKht tielders, eight centre fleld ers, two left flelders, one second baaenun ancl two iii-t basetnen, playlng ln ten or more games, had perfect fleldlng averages. The leaders ln the varlous positiona fol? low. CSJJBJ FIELDINQ. n. p.o. a. K. T.c.p.npr. Toronto . l.VJ 4170 2069 257 ?4S6 13 .V4 Newark . Ul aBB fOM M fjjl 3 M Jeraey City. U| 3948 19S9 270 6:07 10 .??7. Baltlmore . III 4051 1K79 25? 6139 23 .9561 Buffalo . 154 4067 lWt 290 61M 11 .953' Rochiater . 154 3*68 1963 290 ?12l 1J JM Montreal . Ul 40T.8 1959 300 6317 R M Providence . lii 4097 19:3 317 6337 17 M9 INDIVIDCAL FIEMHNG. rrjurr ba^btmen. Name and club. O. P.O. A. E. P C Swacina. Newark.i"-t IBal i-' ???? tfehmldt. Raltlinore..l3t ttU U M M\ .hirdan, Tor.nto.Ul 1471 73 1H JB1 AkI*'. .Teraey CMtv.. 40 3s? 21 6 .*W BWA. Huffalo.Ua 1164 JO U JBj Sponcer, Rocheator... ? 693 35 14 JBJ Fournier. Montreal... M Kl U 12 .971 i^thers. PTovldence.Uai H!<7 ?7 30 .9J Wanl, Roche-ter.99 831 5S 21 .977 Knight. Jeraey City.. fi 73.! 39 21 .9'? BBOOND HAoKMi:.v Ita. Prwrleaaoa . . ii"> 316 43"> 27 ?"* McConnell, Toronto..131 :f* 357 :3 ? ?* Hreeii. Jersev c'it v.. .14.'. 39? 435 32 .9*3 '?aient. HaltlrtiMte... lt* 36t 46.' 37 >,7 Kiikpatrkk. Newark.119 244 ?l ? J" Trueodale. Buffalo...1H 373 421 44 JU Johnson, Rocheater..UI 91 Be <( JB cunnlriKhani. Moitt. .102 MB 3" 37 .*4l third BAasrjnyj Toronto.... 115 1?3 .91 Bj JBJ Qllleapto, ProvMeace :<o U7 92 U JJI Bw t, Buffalo. U4 174 n M ?<l B /lnim?rnian. N'rk Ul 2U Wl 37 .941 Yeaaer. Montreal.1-2 169 BB H 941 Purtell, Jeraey City..112 137 216 M .9311 Coreoran. BalttnMre..l83 14* Ul M 9i? liolan, Ib-ehester.. .120 166 193 3.' .911 BHORTBYOtra, Partotl. afontraal..', Ul MB r.?> io ??3 llartmann. Montreal. >'??'? '?'', II ' Roa. h. .1 C.-Rcalt.... * 13-; 19?; 17 BH Ro. k. Prov.-Balt. 53 IU H" 14 Vaughn. Nc vark ..13 ? BN ? Holly, Toronto.. n* v? 319 n f \\n\*r.\. BaltlmoreKn I m McMltlan. Ro< heater 113 I BB Ctark. Newark-Bufl :? M W Janvrin, Jersey < "lt % 75 13 133 Btoek. Buffalo. m 142 BB H Hhean. Pro4rtdowce....UI BB 29-' 6" 1.1:1 r kii:i.i?i:r*. >-onro\, BortlMtf II BB '-' ?'? j neinniitt. Montreal..IU tK Bat< h. Rocheator. 48 *;i 3 I O'Hara, Toronto. ..14>; ::i M II Drake, Providence N !"? U ? Detninger, J '' -Buff ' ? W ?? * .... J< roa) City. v? IM n i *J - hlrm, Ittiffalo. :.4 1*7 3 I .9t7 Walsh. Maltlmoie . 117 SM K 17 JU Coaaelly, Montreal N 137 s 9 94? CBNTRB PIKLOBUUl osborn. Rorbesaar... M 3'>9 a 6 ??? Rarrow!,. Jeraej CIW 123 2tB 17 6 'M Shaw. Toronto.BB |2ai 14 ?> JW Mnrrav, Buffalo.I3S .1 12 9*7 IfisHell. Montreal .. 71 Ul ? 6 .9<5 I'.ti v Prot Idenco. .. ai 141 1: ?; riettman, Halttmore -M Ut tl 11 .'Mt Beynwar, Newark...,tM BB 13 17 .BB RIGHT inaXDBBtB. Kolly. N'e-.vark-.l. C. W BB U 2 .BBBJ Bernard, Newark... U '?'?> Colllna Newark. ...141 330 BJ I .an LelR-elt, Rocheator. 125 W U 9 M Myera Toronto.Ml ltl U 6 ?**! McCabe, Buffalo. 133 1*7 M s Jfl W /.immerinaii. N'k IU BN 29 16 .^i IielnlnRcr-.t C-Ruff. 85 .'67 4 13 .^?> Flston. Provhleiice.. 11.' Ul U 9 .947 McCrone, J C.-Balt.. ."7 <* 4 S .?4T llanclfor.1. Montreal.. 91 147 14 9 .?44 Malton. Toronto. 94 IU 12 U JBj Marphy, Baltlaaora...m 17? a] 17 .971 i'ATVHKRS. Kaaaa aad i (ak ?>. p <*>. a. EPRP fV Smiih. Newark.6X 16T ?1 | : >rl Boraon, Newark-Ralt... 99 3ifl 16-' 11 10 .P^ ln. klttsch, ttcv heater.... 53 199 M * t .977 McCarty, Newark. 6: lffe 43 4 1 .?"? Payno, ttaltlmore. .50 192 54 6 4 87* Rondeau, Jeraay City.... 14 252 ?0 ? 4 .9^4 Brbmldt, Pro\l>lence.133 67'. 83 22 ? .97? Bemla. Toronto. 9? S.'^) ?H 13 5 .?7l Hig-Kins. Toronto-Newark % 292 117 12 ? .971 Oraham, ttoehostor. 45 17J 44 7 I .9* McAllliiter. Ruff.-Ralt.... 6? 162 63 11 19 JBT Karn.a. Montreal. 52 1W M) 9 I .?*?. Wella. Jersev CttjT. 99 -45 106 14 ? ?*''1 Hlalr. Rocheater.115 476 149 tl 6 -969 Miuhell. Hiiffalo. ?2 395 127 28 6 .9*? PITCHERP Name an.l efcak <!. BA A. K. TC Manser. Roe.h-J. (V...S7 5 50 0 1 ,v,?l Steele. Toronto. IS l H 0 1 000 Taaiaana. Rtiffaio.33 6 69 1 ?7 Maxwell. Toronto. 3.5 15 112 I JBj Dent. Newark. 41 I 54 l .?* Mitcheii. Provldeaoe.. -t I 44 JBJ Rudolpll, Toronto. 4J U 106 * .??*. Mattorn, Montreal.... U 7 72 *? Slron.l. Buffalo.40 4 fc3 7 .9.1 McQInnlty, Newark...? I M m Baamaaa. Newark... 40 4 4? 2 JBj Fullenwlder. Rnffalo.. 24 2 :4 JBJ Jonoa. Rocheater.. -I 7 44 2 .?6I l#e. Newark. H II M 4 Krlll. .T C.-Huffalo.... 3.' ? 61 J Wllhelm, Rocheator.. 60 15 73 4 Hoiinea, Roeh-Haffalo 47 10 57 1 .?? Darfforth, Baltlmore.. 37 1 44 .*<: ciaskeii. Newark .... 3>; I 47 I gj Muollor. Toronto.31 % M F Smith. Montreal... 40 15 60 Vlehahu. Moat-J <'.. 34 14 Bj !9*-l .9*" ? ??* USEDXAiRS^0^ AeanKTQarror ?xiuauorrouw OULSU^ USBB SCHEBLER CARBURET0R JAMES C N1CHOLS Direct Factory Dutributor 1178 Broadway. aiaa folumbua. 8eo our Now Modtl O. aoubla 1?t. ape rlally adapted for 6 cyllndor work and loaa atrok* motora. ??? Our Model t exchanged for your old ear buretor at one-half regular price. Improve the efflolency ot your aarkwmor and Inaure caay atartlna- In cold woatnar or las c?? of our not alr atov?. ^^^^__ STEVENS-DURYEA I'NRa ( ARS. 7 Paaaenser Tourln* 1P10 S eyl. MO Hp B Paaaengor Torpodo 1011 rt cyl. 4t Hp. I Paaaeuaer Tourln* imiS a cyl. 5<t Hp. 7 Paaaengar Tourlti(t 11)10 4 cyl. 3?t HP 7 I'aaaengor Limoualne lltOS tl eyl Bl 9m 5 Paeaenger Tourlnit 1907 4 cyl. 24 Hp Other niakea nt areatly roduced prlcea. c'all or wrlte . A. O. SPAl.DINti a BROB.. No. 187S Broadway. '1'hone 5101 Colurubua. Automobiles Bought, Sold and Exchanf ed. Tf you want to e?ll your car at tho rlf** price. conslan aama to ua 8torafe. advar tlalna and demonatratlna FREK. No oom mlaalona pald. Co-operative Used Car Co~ Tel. (olumbui BOta. tM W. *4th Bt.. N. Ti .UlOMUUllt; AND Al'TO IBLXK IN* sTHKTIO.V, MF.ST SIOR Y. M. O, A.? Iualvldual raei work. 8mall shop Claaaaa. Troek Poaltloaa waltlng. Sond (or booklot. B00 Weet ?Tik at 'Phona 7920 CoL