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BEU LINE RECBVER G. W. Linch to Handle System Until December 21. HORSECARS TO GO SOON New Owners to Put in Storage Batteries?Company Owes About $2,000,000. Qajorya ar. Ltaehs general laanaajer of the Belt l.ine Railroad. has been appo'nt e<] lecehrer of the eoraeera hy Judge La COmbe, of the l'nited States Court. F.d wHrd Oomelli of Brooklyn, who hou-:lit tl ? prooarty( aald yaatarday that mem hers of bla laa Brm apptlai for the re ceivership in order to protect the Intercsts of the bondboldera Mr. Ltneh, he said, wiu a<t as euatodlan of the llaaa uaUl T'eccmher 21, when Mr. COTtM will take lioaaaaalon of the property. Scquestration proceedinRs. to collrct iudgments aajfTagatloa J-'-'-S.'?'>;. were brought againH the Central I'nrk. Nortli and Khsi RJver Railroad Cotapaay, the OjBtb street linei, in the Siipreinc Court last week by Praab C, Tltua, jr. throuch Davtea, Auerbach, Cornell & Barry. The complaint 9atted for the appolntmrnt Of B reoalver, Mr. Caraell bought the liru- on Noreav her M, for ll,67:'.00o at a foredoaure sale to Batlaf] a lirst mortgage of $1.: nutbldding Theodore 1*. Bhonta, president of the Intcrboronirh Bapid Transit Ha wa? to phv M per cent at the esptratlon ef tea days and the rernatndcr at tbe end <if thirty daya The boadhoMere' expertl placed Ihe phyatca raluatk n of the property al t4?? 2C0.fti\ spart from Ihe undetcnuined valua ef its franrhtsc. After the pnrchaaa Mr. Coraell was ojaoted as aaylag thal be had infid< 118,011 for bls clients in OUtbtddlng Mr. Fhonts. because the actual valuati.ui ef the property execeded by that amu'int the snm named by the cxperts Me de yeaterday that ha never authorlaed the statement. Mr. I/iiHli Baya the road \s losing money. altbougb it was me'trffat <> ptatM on the eperatloa of its BMb street line until it brgan clving tranafera OO aa order from ? :blic Scrvice Commlsslon. The order d!d not go into effect until December 1. but to pet the transfer system thnrough |. worhltaf they had be. n giving them situe November 1. The increascd cost of Operation, he said. would BfOhaMy make s bl* bole in the profits Tlie Mth street line is the oaly part of ihe system that is tlectrifled. The re maladar of the plant ineluded six hundred hnrses and several hundred old horse <?rs II was said that battery cars would ba jrrariually installcd in place of the an ti'iuated anulaaaant These imtwoTeaMata, Mr. Uach nrlmltted yesterday, would be temporanlv held up by the receivership | Imgs. The liabilities of tha u'Dicra arnount to a little more than K.V'Oo.ono Mr. Llnch said Iie is also lOOalTer foi the Second Aveaua Rallway company. INLAND EXCHANGE RULING Clearing House Association Ratifies Committee Reports. Meoabera of the Claatias House Aaaaela' tion ) esterday ratified tne proposal of the ipi lal committee on inland exchange. whlch : econinier.ds that ln addltlon to ? praaeal dlscrrtionury points all banks i'Md trust companies ln the states of .Massachusetts, Rhode Island. Connecti < it, New Jersey and New York shall have tha privilege of having their checke and financial iterns handled free by New York banks and trust companies, provided they remlt at par in New York funds on tha same day they recelve the rhtf** To enter on this class the banks muat eaajaaja thamaahraa ln writing to the man ager af th* New York Clearing House over the signature of their presldent, i eehtor or trcaeurer to remlt under such conditions There, appears to be no ques tton that the banka in the locations named will be glad to anter into the new a: laiigernents. The present rules have been in force for more than thirteen years. SHERIFF SELLS COPPER CO. Holdings of La France Concern in Butte Bought by New Yorker. Butte, Mont , Dec. 4 -On a judgment of $?.0OO.MO obtained by the Lincoln Trust Company, of New York City, as trustee, on December IS, if>% the holdlngs of La Franc Copper ? n Butte, whlch va: organlzed bj F Aua latua Helni< were - alc to T pj, Cratay, of New k*erh, for BJiajb}, Mr. Crotey repreaented a newly organ ized I.a France Copper Company. The Lincoln Trust Company obtained the judgment when the origlnal I^a France Company defaulted on bonds. m EXPORTS OF APPLES. BlMPatta of apples from I'nlted States and Canadlan ports for the week endvd November ::0. furnlalied to The Trlbune by Lunhani & Moore, Produce Kxchange, frelght brokerfl iboxeB are counted aa three to the barrel and totals given la iarrelsr: New York .. n0,54B .Sarna week lasl H-,?tnn . ?_T..,l?6 >ear . 1M T'Jl M?:itreal _ *i. 17H, Total thla aea "orMand . S4.!t:<r! aon .1,714.84* Ksllfas. 14,?7r. Tot?j iant sea Sl John. N. B. ?'t.'-'lO s,on .1.648.49!) Tt.ik week . t8T,eBB|ra iea.e . ?? K4.H4.1 NEW HAVEN FILLS VACANCIES. Boston, r>ec. 4.-The appolntment of Benjamln R. Pollock. of New Haven. general manager. and of c. N. Wood ward. of that clty, as general superln tendent of tha New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, to take effect in a few t J a >?-. was annnunced to-day. U. S. TREASURY FINANCE3. Washlngton, Dec. 4--The condltlon of rha mird sutea Treaaury at the bejlnnlng ..' t uidn.-as to-day waa: Workinc hala.ue, tn.' .",??,?*?><; In banka and Phllippine Treaaury, t32.705.311, Total of general fund. $14?.742. His, r"<'lpt? yaatarday, ja.263.7W>; dlaburte meata tt.471.4w. The deficit this fla?al \ear la ll.OfW 843. afalnst a dettclT of f^l.SOZUS :aat yt*r. The tiifurea for receipta, dlsburae nu-nts and deflrit axcluda i'anaina Canal und ijebt tranaactlona. ? a BUSINESS TROUBLES. The foliowlng bankruptcy petltlona were nled yesterday ln the I'nlted States Court: THE rOMMONH'KAI.TH CONaTTRUC TION COMPANY. general contractlng and roadmaklng, with oftlcea formerly at 42d street and Broadway; Involuntary. Uabllltlea, WO.uO". and assets. $1,000. THK ALONZO B. PANDOZ COM? PANY, manufHcturers of clgara, at Nos. i<3 and 175 Kaat 87th street, Involuntary. I.iahilltles. $12,000. and assets, $8,000. l>Oi;i8 SCHAT/KB. BKNJAMIN WKJSBART and FRANK THAC. wh 'ompose the flrm of Schatrer, Weisbart & Than. manufacturera of rm-n'B nochwaar, ^t No. 1 West 4th street; Involuntary. Judge Holt apnoliited charlea W. Hacon recelver. Liabilities, $10,000, and aasets, iMte, ALBERT L. GARKI8, of No 1<5 Audu br.n avenue: voluntary. Llablllttea, $6,483, and no aaaets. , FRANCia M VALK, of No. 930 Tlffany atr??t vobjniary. Liabilities, \2.ZV.. and aeseta, f 1,108. MORE GT. NORTHERN STOCK' Directors Authorize $21,000, 000 Issue, Subject to Approval. The dlrectorn of the Qreat Northern Kallway Company have authorlzed. sub ject to ratlflcation by holdera of not less than 76 per cent of exlftlnj? stock, BJtjBBV OiO addltlonal stock. which wlll be offered for auhfcriptlori at par to the stockholdTs Of record December 21. The Mo.'k tran.'-fer hooks wlll be closed Decewaar 14 for tha purpoea of aseer talntna the Morkholders entltled on De? cember 21 to take part ln the subncrlp tlon for the new stock. Certlflcates of Mihsrription rights wlll be mailed to stockholdera December 21. Hooks for the trnn-fer of s-ubserlption rtfhta wlll re nialn open from the latrrl <>f the rights untll January 27. 191.1. E^aytaaati for tha sto<k nill be due upon the following dates. IVhruary 10, 191;'., 40 pcrcenf, June 10. 1913, 30 per cent; October 10. 1913. 20 per cent. Kebruary 2. 1914. BJ per cent. Intere^t will ba allowed on the first three paymcnts from ihe date on whlch tiiey (all due to Febmary l ifl*. al the rate <>f I per cent per annum. and this m teicst wlll be payable tO the n glstercd Imlrjers of stibacription reccipts Kebruary 11 19! 1 QU0TATI0NS 0N SALES Chicago Butter and Egg Board Stops Official Figures. ? 'hicago, Dec. 4? "No more OJBOtattOBI on butter and cjrgs," aaa the startling in fortnatJen sivrn to markel oditora to-day ?rhen they applled te Aeeletent Betialau Hala of the ChJcaao Better and Rbbb B( ard for the days QUOtattOna. Mr. Hale decUned to dlecuaa the naatter, bal the nctiou of the board if said to he connect eci with tha fOTernmenl suit in which tlie board la charged ccith conaplrtng to flx prices Untted Btatei Attorney WUkeraon *?id 1 e was not aarprlaed at the abandinment of tha quotatlona Butter and ckk daalcra aay the markel la noe open and jTicea quoted in reporta arlll be thoee at which actual sales are made. John Mitchell, \ iro-prrsidrni of the board. deelared the action had nothinc to do with the pnvernment suit. "We elmply dlaaolved h)I quotations commlttcea until .March 1. Itlt," c.vpleined Mr. Mitchell. "Prtoea wlll be aatahllahed by the old mcthod of recelvlas offara to bu> and ^eii ln the open board, as waa dene some yeats ago." THE C0TT0N MARKET Loses an Early Advance and Closes Lower. BulUali overaUrei apot edvtcea from the south, aood Mancneater trada advleea and better cahtej than due accotinted for an early advance in cotton futures yesterday. and early prloea were up from Taeeday*! close. This gain -tarted a he.,vy reali/. ing movenienl, and with ktCBl pp-ss-ute, ln splred by bearish gitiiiing and crop ie ports. selling becanic general. and the markel broka *> to 'A polnta On tha hreak spot interests took the buying Btde, and there was a rally of 4 to I point.s. with the close steady, nd 2 to 11 polnts down for the day. Kxports are heavy. be? ing now 76.000 bales in aaoeea Of la*t year at thla time. {-outhern spot markets were genernlly unchanged, and the local market was steady at a dei line of 10 polnts to 12.76c for middllng upland. Local cemtra. t prices ^ .-h!( : ? tpen Uigh i>on i aaa da !?? i-2 47 1247 ia.28 is.aoai2.aa 12 * Jai,. ... 12?>?l 12 .04 12:^ 12 42fl 1 % 44 12 49 reb 12.65 12.68 I2?ft 12.42a 12.41 12. M Mar.h. 1271 12 74 12 46 12 4'<fU2 40 12.50 April... . 12 44** - II 6| May.. u.aa ia 4.. 12.44e1t.43 12.M Juno. . 12.41 ii! ?:; 124:1 12.4iei2.4l 1:2 M . 12 57 12.62 1238 12 404912.41 12.44] Augutt. 12 40 32.51 12.31 12.304jl2.32 12.33 sei i laOO 12 0.'. )?:!?:, n *i.-.-g 11 00 n ?.; Oct . 11>5 I1.SI 1170 U.70#11.72 1172 Llverpoal eablea: apot, fair bualneaa itirlaa: aaie*. B.008 balaa; apecuIaUon and exporl 00; Biaorlfiaii 1,000 Im^orta 46.OU0 aii Amerl can Middiina uplaod, 7.024 tataree >pened ateady, at 1 to 2 polata advance; eloaed arr-a.!'. 3'.- to <i'u poinw nlaber; Deoamber. 'i7Sd. December Jai.iHiy. '>"7<1; .lanuarv-F.hruars. ?7r.v?d; 1-Vbruary-Mar ,. t;74,-2.i; Mareh-Arrll. B74d; Apill-May and Ma> .Iun?. ?731: lune July, n.7LM; Jul) Au?[ji,!. e> 7c"i. Aaguet-Bep tember aOOHd; Seiteriir^r October, ? 42<l !>?? toaar-Noromber, aaad Maoebeater: ranu steady. f loths more demaad. New ');>ans. t)?. 4 .'oiton faWrta ? ie?ed at h r.ej deeline ot >>'('11 polnta !o-dav i;n<Ur reallatag, affr an advanre aearad ln the eaii. tracinr. on aapporl b] kmga and bttynia h covering shona. The report of 11.007,000 balei ok the imount of eottoa KlnOed 1.1> 10 the '? : of .Vovemher?glven out hy a f.rnmti.ent erop icporting bureau---rauaed ?otn? aelllna arouni the mlddle of the mornlna. but It waa not untll Ioiirk he(tan to take proflt? that the market fell off The iloae waa *tead^ ' p'tilng Cloatai OpUon hld. llifh I.o?- bld De<-ember. 12 70 12 74 12 ft.'. 12 M January. 12.74 II 7? IU2 12.64 March. 12.M 12.8K 12 f.7 12 10 Mav. 12 82 12 03 12?ft 11 '17 JtU]. 13 02 H02 12 72 12 7? o CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. c'hiraio. DeC 4 Hi?- r^-elpta to-day and bearish reportf from the Arnentlne hatveat cut a flgnre In deprraRlnu wheat. The niark't 1 '.OfK\ easy, '?'&Sc under laat nl?ht Lateat tradlnic left eorn varylng from '?c d?rlinf la \e ar'\ance and oata from %e ofT to a gain ot a ahade. F'rovlalona wound up unrhanfred to 5c hlRher. Accumulatlng atockx <>f wheat in til guartera alnce the of naviajatlon at tracted ronslderabl* nottce arrona ?"i^?cu!atora who leaned to tho bear aide compaiel wlth a ?ear aao. Northweaiern arrhale werr ptactt callv douhle ln aniount, and ln the Boatbweal neariv trehle Arrentlne newa that wa? a further dlacouragement to bulla ma* that cot? tmr *a? maklnr rapid progres*. c.wing to ex ceptionally fa\orable weataer. ftange of prl. e?: Ye?t?r Wheat; Open. Hlrh. I^r (lo?e. da> December.. M?* U% ??4;? ?4>? M'i Ma . fxi?4 t?o*4 ms ao1- aae Juh. 87'4 67% ?7't ?>7?. BT1 C'orn f)er,mber.. 4*\ 4fts. 414 4?S 4?l Mav. 4S'? Blll 4?n **\ 4*\ July. 49\ 40S 40S 4?'l 40? Oata: December.. 31 ?? 81* Ma ?1S 31S Mav. :t2T. ::: 32T? ?2T? S8 Julj. ttl 33'. 32'4 33'. BJIi Lard: Januarv .llo.W 110 02 |10 ft2 $10 ft7 $K> ft7 May. 10 13 10 22 10 16 10 17 10 17 niba. January 10 17 10 2.', 10 17 10 22 10 22 Mav. 9 87 fl ? 'J *1 I BB 0 00 1'ork: Januar>.. 10 2S 10 3.'. 19 2ft 10 27 10 27 Mav. 18 8T 1867 1? 60 1*. 6ft IS 00 a THE METAL MARKETS. ' cilM'FR The local etreet market waa auitl wlth lake an.l eledrolyth .|ll(.ted at 17.02'ta 17 87'ic and cantlng at 17 2.'.017 37'4c Stand ard copper on the Metal Kxctianga waa ea apot cioaing at IT.lOc bld; December, I7.100J rT.aic: Janaary aad Kehru?r\-, l7.ObeiT.2B and Marrh 17017 26c. Arrl'.ala of eopper 1 .Nm York Were BBB t'.pa. aad ex|.orta for tY inontti thus far 2.180 tona In l.ondon copper oloeed dull at I7tl 7s 0d for epot and f77 Bi fur futurea. TIN locally waa weak at 49.22'iti'49 42'iC for ?|>ot. 4?12'??40.421-:. for DeeeniLer, 49 12'vliT49 371?c for January. and 40 Oftfl-IN :tftc for Kebruary and Mar.l, l.ondon tln .loa?d *tead\ at ?22ft l?a for apot and ?224 lfta for futurea. I.DAH ? ontinued eaay In New York. wlth apot ouoted Ht 4 2A64.40 and Ka*t St Ixubi at 4.12lje4.25c, Ix>ndon lead. flR 3a !id. BPELtTER locally waa eaay. at 7.20? 7'40c for apot and 7.10*7.30c Kaat Bl Ixjula. Loa don apelter. 12? 10a. Arrl\al? of apelter at .Scw York, 600 tona. IRON Cleveland warranta. 67? 3d in 1/m don. Locally the market waa qulet and un? changed. wlth No I founriry Northern and Houthem quoted at 118 7."c$i!i 2.'. n.> 2 Northern, 81* ZfiffllS 75, and No 1 Southcrn aoft. |1N 6043119 a DIES AFTER HAZING AFFRAY. rtprlngfleld, Mo., Uec. 4.?Bryan c'ram, alxtcen yeur8 old. son of Dr. I> V. (rane, of this city, dled to-day from two knife wo'inds Infltcted on Saturday. following a hazlng party at Morrlavllle Collegc Millard t'opeland, a dlvlnlty student. la under arrret charged with th.- stabbing iftOT the hazltiK of t'opeland he la rald to have attarked t'ranc. ITDHS OF Wl STREET. Tradir.g for forelgn account yesterday in the local market a as llsht. Loadon was a buyer on balance to the extent of lO.OoO share^. DIvidend? have been declared aa f*t|OWa: imiiltaa sriutr Oanpany, raepi?af quarterlv Of .'". pat eaaal and an extra dlvldend of 3 ner cent on the common atock, alao the regular quarterh dlvldend of T. | er cent on th?. ftt ferie(] Btoek, all payahle January 1 to atork of record December 14. American <'an Cnnipinv. quarterh of 1 *? per cent. an lnrreaae of fi ,.f 1 per OOB1 quarterh. Ud an extra dl\idend of '? of 1 rer cent on preferred atork, appllcaMe t<> OCCUOIUlatOd divl denda on thla Iraue. Dlvldend* payahle Janu ar\ 1 toOtOch of rerprd December 10. Irigcraoll Rand Company. regular seml-an nual of :t pof cent on the preferred BtOCk, pav ahle Januarv 1 to atock of record December 14 Manhattaa Bhlrt Company, regular quarteriy of 1 ?? per <ent on the preferred, puvahle De? cember ."i to Btoek of record Doeonbor Irt. Ruffaln Mlnea. regular quarterl] of ,"> par cent arid an extra dlvldend of IB i" cent. pavahle January 1: booki clOOB DoeotnbOl I*1 and r, open January 2. alao an extra dlvldend of .1 Mt cent. payahle Kehruaiy 15i bOOkB ? lose February 5, raopon Fabruary 17. Interborough lupid Traaall Compaay, regu lar quarterty of jUt por oaat peyebld Jaaaan 3 to atock of record Doeember '.M Bnbwo) Realty company. legular quarterh of 2% per eent, payable January ? to atock m i.. ord Docembei M Beml-annual dividond of S par eanl on Nea Vork ,\; Marletn atock ls paygbla January 'J to atork of record December l'l Qnaranty Trua< Compaay, regular anarterly of H per cent and an extia dlHdBBd nf '-' Pf'r cent, payable December ni to sto<k of rocord Decembor 27. Weyman Braton Tobaeco Company, regular quarteriy ,,f BH per conl on the ?onunon and i % pat ecal on tha preferred atock, pejraMa January 2 to atoi kiioMns of rf.I Dtcom her 14. ?Jeorgc W Belrne Company. rcgulur quar terly of 2H per onl on tb4.:: Ofl and 1 **? per <ent on the preferred, payaMa tsnuarv 2 t0 Stoekholdors of rOCOrd December 14 P LarHlard Tobaeco Company, ex.ra dlvl? dend of 2'? l>< r cent on the common Btoek and regiilar quarteriy of :i"2 per cent on the com? mon and 1'. par cent 011 the prefprrrl. all pay abte Jantaarj 3 to atockboldera of rocord Da i.pmler Irt AmerUan Suieltcr'. BetUtltloa <'oirpany. reg_ Ulai quarterh- Of I44j per ,ent 011 Ihe prrf'rred A and 1 "4 per 1 ent on the preferred H atoi k payahle Januarj '2 lo BtOckhOklera ol ro? ord Decembei 30 American Tobareo CotBpany, r'r'it*' 4**T" terl\ of 1'i per cent on the preferr' I payahle Januar) 3 10 PtocklioHcrp of i^ord December 12. American ''igar ftMnpany, regular quart?rh of I's per eent on the preferred stock. pnvahle Janunr\ 2 to atockboldera of record Decem? ber 14 Huhl>er Oooda Manufa< turlng Company, n di\idend of 1 jer eent ofi coaamoB bI ' | same aa deelared three inontha ago an! Bll montha ago, also rerular quarterlv of I *? P?r coat on ihe proferrod atoca; *n patyabla De remher i< to ??<? h of record Dorcmhor I" Vollowing dlvldonda Riiaranteed by tlie Del.i waro, Lockawanaa * Weatorn ttaiiioad Pom pani are payahle Jannary 1 Horrta * fCaaea t'allroad. ae::;: annunl of ,1!? per , ent to ato.k of le.-ord f>ecernlier f>. YaHcv ItHilroad. v n 1 nnnuai of 2'j pai eofll to atock of rocord D? cerrl>er 21. New York 1 ackawanna AV WoOtara Hnllroad quarterlv Of lf POT eent to alock of record Deecmher II; I.aekawanna Railroad of \? v. jaroay. qaartarly ef 1 per ? ent to atock of r?. or i I lecemh'-r 7. people'a Trnat and Bavlna Bank ol t*?l?nn. regul;ir quarterlv of 2 per i?nt and '-' |" COa <?!i.i. payahle Januan 2 Pantral Railroad of N>? U-f.,, Mn ??tr.t c.hldend of |2 a ahare. pujahl, fiecemher 11 10 rto, k of rocord Decoanhor 14: ai'n in ,i?r >iua' terly of $2 a share. payabla Fohnaary t to 5-;n, k of re-ird Jannai 33 ivntial !-tate? Blectric < orporatlon. regular quarterh of 1*4 per , ent on the prtferred atock. pa\aN? Januar< 2 to Btock of -e.-om Dc > emlep 10, At the anonal mcetinK of ihe n n. WorthJaftOO Company WlUlaai n. Dl<k Bon was ele> ted a dlrector to sueceed Ren jamin Guggenhelm. Mr. DtCB*9B was re cently elected pre?ident of the lntern.i tionai Btaaan Paatp Coanaaa) iienr\ lf. Duaean hH? been appointad rapefTtaor ior tbe Baatera iistnct of the I'nlted State= Motor I'ornpany to B9 D99d W. I" Srnlth. re.?ig;ned. He wlll have charge of the selllnar companies at I'hlla delphla, Atlanta, Syracuse. Ptttabttrali bi.i Waahteatoa . laraatjr Troal Ceaapaa yaoteraay reeelved 99 tbe Kroiiprinz<ssln Cecilie h ronsignment of fiOO.OoO gold. rnaking a total of Bj*jB,ata that h9a arrtrad this week Kawasan Brb bas been e>cted pi aa a*al of th* Ann Arbei Haiiro;?d. Buccaadlna joseph lt*a9aay, j> Oetaher gross a*iabaaa of the Hocklng Vdlley Rallreod amounted to $7'(4>?>. aa Incraaaa of $7*v'*- Mat reeaaaaa from op erattOaa ati;re>;aled dat.Tdl, a galn Of iv,ai7. Tho i.ouiaviiie *;? Naahvllla Rallwaj Ctnaptaiy, for October, iike other Itaaa eervins Southern tetTltOrjr, ahowed lacort ea:ntng?. The compan> w,.sunable. hewever, to handb- ha laiatB4aa hb profit ar- in former | .,irs. and u^ a raOOll net eornlnaa amounted to ti^Tv..^:.. a ??? i rease of $31u.l.?. Tbe Novaaahai cai laoveaBaol ef the N'ew Vork t'entral U*9a was the |ai**al IB their Instoiv. The total wa> 1.P7IJ..4&S (,-irs, as OBaapaiad aith LflCTSt la No? vember, 1911, an Increase of l.'.S.T.'.K cars October groBs eainlngs of the Triaco lines were $t.,N.'iO,'.4'*, as 0989991*41 with $*),694.196 a year ngo and $,'i.?75,117 ln 1910. Net revenues after taxes amounteii to $1,849,209, an increaae of $7,331. The Columbia - Knkkerbo. ker Trust Ooaapaoj artll aaajratfe and certlfy hb to the genulneness of the |l,lBl,fa9l State ol N'ew MexteO bonds. to be sold on Ire ceml>er l? Diraetera <>f the lllaaoarl Paetfk have appolnted J |C JohriBon, \ Ice-presldent In rharpe of the traffle of that road, general dlrector of traffle of the Could IbaBB west of tbe Ifjaataafapl Rlver, aitb haaflejoar terB in St. F/ouls. DircctorB havo also se ctired the option for the purchase of con? trol of the Fnternntional Oreai N'orthern R.illway, whlch would afford the road a dlreet rnnnoctlon with tbe Natlonal ll.iil ways of Mexbo. lt ls stated that B. !?'? Htihli wlll be elected president. and that aii operating vi< e-presldent wlll be placed In charge of the Internatlonal N'orthern. It la 9adkW9t*od that the Tobacco Trod ucts Corporation wlll 0009 aniiouricc sev? eral lmportant deals Involving the taklng over of addltional clgareite concerns. Op tlons are said to have alre.(y been ae nired. and the actual cngh tranaactlons Bhould be completed withln the next few weeks The number of bondbohler s se< ured and the stor kbolders of the Toledo Rail ways anl l.lght Company who have de posited their seiurltles in accordance with the reorganlr.atlon plan is undcrstood to bave been very large. Considerably more than a majorlty have already assented to the plan. and it Is expected that by De? cember 7 nearly all wlll have deposited their aecurltles. BAG <t PAPER DIVIDEND PASSED. At yesterdai's meeting dlrectors of the I'nlon Bag amd Taper Company passed the usiial quarteriy dlvldend of 1 per cent on the preferred Btoek. Kor the last flve years n,uarterly dlvidends at the rate of 4 per cent have been paid on the com? pany's I per cent cumulatlve preferred stock, whlch ls niitstandlng t<> the amount Of $11.00t?.OiO Aftaf the meeting tbe fol lowlnff statement waa Issued by Kdftar O. Barrett. president of the compan>. For the past llve months the aelllng prbe of bags has been lower than ever known In the bag business and on ac? count of tho fact that no tenden.y toward improvement In prlces is apparent aa yet the directors were convinced that a con pervatlve pottcy "^ to dltrldenda wa> ad rlaahta, and aoeorfinaly decided to pass the usmi quarteriy dUvtaaad at tina time. Civic and Welfare Bodies Pro test Cuts in 1913 Budget. PUT BLAME ON ALDERMEN Mrs. J. Borden Harriman Tact fully Quiets Labor Man on School Inspection. n<Koiutions eeJttas upon aaayet fjayae. to \eto tha cuts for medical and charlla ble work made by tbe aldermen Ifl the 1913 budget were adopted at a protest meeting In the Knited Charltles Bullding yeaterday afternoon. The gatherlng was made up of ropro lOatathrea of clvic and soclal organlr/t tlot?. nr. Jaaaea Alexanaer Miiier. who preslrjed. said tbe Hoard of Aldcrnvm was ten yeara behtnd the titaaa and falled 10 appreciate the handwritlng on tbe wall. Ifc said the cuts showed that any eampalan of eSaeatfaa la ctele and aoelaJ problema ohaauuBly aaeehl atart with the Hldermen Othei apeakers were Dr. Unaly Wffl* lams, Dr Ira H Wile. Krank II. M.ctin, Dr. I'llllp Vun Ingen Artliur \V. Dumi. Mra K Drapcr, F. Ilanmer, aflaa Bleanbr Jehnaen, Bflaa LOUan D. waid. ti !'. i/ncis. Thoaaea J. Blley and Arthur W.ikoman. Dr. YVIlllams, of the Association for Impro\ini; tbe CondfUou of the POOT, sald he had been Informcd why two al? dermen had voted for tbe cuts. "One alchrinsn did ^<>. I have been In? formcd." said Dr. Wllllams. "heCHUSe he did not the Items at BBBM Tiie othei botauaa he did aot know arhetker H ainoaated to anythtns or would e\c-n be nOtiCod." Btiaa Ulllan Wald sald lt was a cpies tioi arhether there ahould be a Board of AJdennea bui ??<? II t* stiu in exist. m ii ahould he made t.. dcfend ItBOlf t<>r tlie actiona It had taken on the budget Tho?i oppoaed to piaclne tha ehata btanaa on the it.mrd of aldermen aald Hiembera of the Board of Bducatlon, aaf eral of whom arere present. said tt" y bo* lleved the Hoard of Kstlmato was re sponaible for BJ p? i cent of the trouhle over the budget. Brcvlous to adopting the reanlution I dlscusslon was Btartod by B 111,111 whr, gave his name as CoaklOJ end BBld BB was a "liibor man " .\ir. Coakley ohjeeted to tha sse of lha word "par<>i hlal' In the remarka made b) Dr Ira S. Wib, whu had said tha! medical auparalaloti should ie aateaSedj to aO aekeeta, not avaa aaoapllnB the par.H hiai. but ihat the eJSerBaanh I ut I wonid predude aay aataaalon to thesa in atitution*. i?t. arua repUed it was not a queation <>f ereed and thal Cathollc genns or MothodlBl geruis weie not being conaMered bui thal anperelaloa of all aehool chlldren ahould be made <"oakie> contlnued to protest. bUt M'* 1 BoTden llatiima::. of the New York Mllk COBV Batttae. enganed him ln coBTeraatloa, aad the meeting proceeded A committee < DBBPBSel Ot tlie fOllOWlBB wa- appotnted te attend the beesei hear? lng to-day: Dr, .fames Alexander Mlller. Dr, Unaly WUHaane, Dr Ira t WUe, Krat.k II Mann. Dr 1'hlilp Van lngen vithir \v. Daan, Dr. Heary lloeeeelta, Mr.? Wllllam K Draper. lee K llunmet. Mis.< Elionoi JoIbbbob, m.*? i^nian D. Wald. 0 K I^ewls. Dl Thotnas .1 Hlley. Arthur Wakeman Baile\ B BunitI hw! Dr. Ilaveti ITrnerson UROE PATENT COMMISSION Electrital Engineers Want Congress to Act on Its Report. ?|.,. board of lliaetora ef lha ejnerlcen InMltUte of l.l' Kngtneers bS8 adopted a series of resolutlon- urging . i<"?, in vbw of the ii'imen.tia pat aal btlla noe kefon It, te appolat a com mtttea of unaaaaaed and non*paitlaaa men who shall stuijv the patent .situattori and roconunend aueb leojlelBtlon aa aaetna to them mo-t expcdlent The roaotuttona alao 'r* CoanJroaa to boui in abeyanea an pateni hnrkBatlon tiii aacb a .ommittee aaa been epffotated and i,as lubmltted its reaofi Ceelea ><t tin resolutlons are to w .-?tit to each Bena t?.r aad Bapreeentatlra aho la a member (l( Hie llcis. Seiiat- I'omnii'tee . Patenta IKrorn Ti.e Trmune yvireau.l Washlngton, December 4. ORDERS ISSl'KD.-The followlng or d< rs have been issued: ARMY Majer nathamki, P. at'CLOKB, Btb Ca?? aii>. 10 Port Laavaawerta Araaji aartrlea a'hoola t ftfajor JOHN II. IlICE. ordnance d.part ment, from rhief of orUnativ.', to a.?suni' comiiiand Ssn Antonto Arsenal. Mo Colo tiel CHARLEB H. CI.AKK, ordnance. de puriment. Captaln CHARLB* a i.aWKKNck. 11 th ln farmv to Hot Sprlnga Army and Navy > :?,.. imi HoaaltaL Followlng analgrinieiua oftuers fleld ler\ ordered- Captaln JUlIN K. 1'HENS, 3d Kleld Artlllery. Flrat artil BTB I.leu aanl THOMAa D. 08BORNB, Oth Kleld \rtiller>. CapUIn HARRY P. DALTON. quarrermaater i.orpo, to Washlngton ilepot qu.irtormaa tel oarpa aa aaalataat d>pot quartermas :< r Caataln QUINN oray. eoaot artillerv. from coaat artlllery achool, I'ort Monroe, to Artlllery Dlatriet of rtiaOOpaakB Bay. De? cember IB, for ataff duty. Caotaln CU9TORD ?'. CARSON, coast ar? tlllery. from Coast Artlllorf Bchool, Port Monroe, and from attachrnent Iljth Cent* paay, aaataaod 7:;<i Compaay, Daeombw if> Followlng oRlcera coaat artlllary, from pre< ? iit dutc-?. aaatgoad to eompanles Indhat ? d Captalna iohv it proctor <Qen ? rai Btaff Corpa), t.> IBSrd company: BL MKIt l Wai.LACB fslgnal corpai, to i'd, Rl'HtiELL 1'. REEDFR, to :17th, WI1.I. 1AM \ COVINQTON islgnal corpai to .,,1 DAVID V BECKHAM. to 146th; UARION B BATTLB, to l.vid: ARTIIl'lt I. KEE8LINQ, to 2!Uh; WII.I.IAM H. PKEK, ;o usih. BRAINERD TATLOB to Mth; .I'iMN K MUNROE, to 1494; PAl '? D Bt'NKKR to 4Bth; Klrat I.leutenanta BIDNEY H, UL'THRIE, to 47th; THOMA8 A TERRY, to USth; TllDMAS C. COOK 10 IBth; WII.I.IAM C UII1TAKER, to 7Hth. captam FRBDBRIC H. BMITlt, eoaat ar tlllerv, aaalgned B4th Compaay, Doeon. ket ij. Captaln uai.tmi: k. WILJBON, coaat ??? tlllerv. from Hsslatant cbief of ?h?i ar? tlllery; aaatgned 47th Company, Decem I er IB, CapUIn CHARLE8 H. PATTERSOX. <naat ortlllen on rollof from ofBc< ludge adro roti gem al of the army, iisaigned I47th Com| Captaln FRANCI8 H. LINCOLN, coau artil? lerv. on reii.f from army achool ol the line. Kort I.e:n enworth. to IHIat Company. Poliowlnfl offlceri coaat artlllary, upon rellef from coaal artlllery achool, Korr ajonroo. aaalgned rompanlea lndl< ited CaptalBi PRANK ?'. JEWELL Htii Company: r.EWIH 8. RYAN, 5Bth; CLA1 DIUB M. KEAMAN IS4th; JAMEfl TOTTBN, llkth; ED* *.RD CANFIELD. Jr., 7lat. U.BERT l. RII04.DE8. Mth; til'V H <; HANN K, RK'HARD I'. WIN8LOW BlBt; \m;,; i.. IRELAND, Mth; Flroi Uouten nnta JAMES K rRAIS 30th; NATHAN HURROWITZ, Mth; RALPH D BATB8, I tatti NATHANIEL F'. ROOERB, .Ir.Urn: ROBERT M'.tiii K 144th; PRBDBRICK ti \nn \. laatb Pcllotrlag ofllcora eoaat artlllerj ( irpa, as Hian,'d eompaalaa Indlcated De.-inber 1.1 Captalna HENRT C MERRIAal BOth, ? ALFRED HAHBROL'CK Wlat; JOHN M. Dt'NN, 1324; ARTHt'R I- Ft'LI.ER. Mth; FilciMllli H JORDAN. I17tli. WADB II ?'?.RPENTEIt, Stth 1'onr.pan! Flrat t.i.u. ni iDEI.NO OIBBOX, *3th Company, i aptoln HBNRY n BI1EBN, eooal artll? lery, aoalgnad irtoti, Compan) Docomhor 1". Followlng rtiat.aes ln aaaleamenta odSoera .-oaat artillerv anaouneed to take .rTett Dorember ;: Captalna JAMEa M *WHEELER "1?t to 104th: a'lLLJAM H TOBIN, BOth Ui B4th; M MITCIIKI.I. 31at ?o 4th: WILL i\\f r I" tTT, BTth i" aTlh; WALTER ' IIAKKH laath to 41?-. CHARLES B. \vm|.;\ti.i.v1 Mlat to IBlat JOHN P TEB REI U 1 Bth to HOth; CH \l:'.i.- ? l,i 1 I. Mth to ?'?"th. Klrat Lteutenanta JOFKI'H 1! DAVIB 53d 10 Md; ROBERT C OARRBTT, 12?n11 to Klat: I'Ai L fl HBRMAN 107 h lo 12*1; KK.l.f.KY H I.EMMO.*" M- ? ? . ? ' ? I Llautananta WILLARD l< RICHARDB, i^th, to lT'tth FREf M ORBEN, 44th to lOUth; ARTH1 R u FORD, tni t . ISath; ' >HN a HAiRi' BAth to ime KI ni VMIN V '':' "OTH 58th t.. |S2d: DEOROE I THATCHER, b44Ji lo Ollth: KDWIN r BILK1IAN. 7"..| to 4<K! > ' E DE '?AI'.P.K. 3.VI ? ? 13th ??KDRI' M. s KEENE, U*rh to llftth I'LAI DB M THIELE, K.Mi. lo I2dtl . iVERT ' KRBNCH 8th > ?th; ROBERT B K1M HALL Mtb to 4S-h LEIOH K ' ZERBEK, IdBtk to BSd; rARLBTON l* BDWARD8, :-? ? 44lhi HERBERT E ELU" Hifitli ??? RANDOLPH T PENDIJtTON, IflBtb ?.. BTtl -tkwaRT W BTANLEY, Bth to .tut. DAVID X BHl'BIN, lapth to 100th; ROT S ATWOOD B*th to 107th; -AMi EL r HAWKINB tiih to 107th, o.-CAR KRITI" 10 s.'.d CHARLEa M WOOD, lOStk 21 udwi.n j <> iiaiu. laat ? lOth Ri iMir.i'M VV RIEFKOHL, f*t? ,,, ?4ti ; ??n n p leavenworth, .,?!, lo ' ?*?<:. ALEX 4NDBB (" SC1.I.I v AN. 73d to ItTtl HAROLD Ii. BAMPBON, IMth t , iJSth; i LARENi B L OILBERT, ::, i . IJBth. ARTH1 R R ROWLAND, IdBth to Ifilot; LEON it COLB 7,td toBlot; I0HEPH l?. URoWN. ItW'h '?? h5th; LEE I! WATROUS, Jr . 144th to 1?M BPENCER h 7.m to 114th. PAUL i. FERRON I....-I, to 34th l.r-i.;K M ">'' DILL -'""th to 133d CHARLEA x FRENCH, 73d 'o 130th; IOHN A HOAO. 149th to I54tl OBCAR v KSTWOLD. l?8th to Md WILLIAM II JOl'ETT SStb to IBBth; EARL II METZ CER .'!0th t 1034; IXE O WRIOHT, 4lal Wl> A. NICKERHON, 89th o I34th: PHILIP R I'AVMuW ILLE ' I ?j'.'h. wii.i.Ia.m C HARRIHON. Uai to IOHN > WOOD BBtb to "iL'd ROB i RT ii LEB, rrom 11**tt. to Mth: DAVIU M'L i-"RAWFORD, 4lat lo B3d; 08CAB ( .. \ ;? IIKI.U BBth tO 4?ltb. ? RJB M Rl 11 LIN'OAME. Ilkth to XM: RATMOND V. . RAMER. eiol to 27th; BIDNET P 8PALD INi: BBth to 137th; LEONARD L RA I RETT Il^th to Mth, BTBPHEN H MAC HREtJOR from 41 *<t to 74th JAMEB KIRK. MXh to 32 I: ROBEH I' N BODINE HBtl 10 ia.MI.s II JOHNBON, 4181 JOHN H I.IM'T t.i'th to 17th; BIRU in uois n?ti. lo 4.",th CTRIL a ' ni; I..W. 41?r ??? BTtl . EARL H HOTHW U.i ikhh to Mth: JOHN W. CHI'RCHILL Uai to Mth; BYRON lt C0I>EMAN, II >? TM HARRT W UTARK. Mtb to 120th; RATMOND <". PATNE 'ith to lUat; HTILEB M DRCF I R, Mth to IM 1 Follonlng .ifflier" of ...i>r artBUBfl I " cparttnent oTACTirulture.^ \ ..-''?..,*'^-<=> j -^eao < ?--:8artLil6*tv* ' V \ur iAsn? on oiiia-,04x^,^18 \\ Satiom ta*? at a >?$ * (o'Cior* ust MJJiff.-. r .a (. \ ixe.ANAToa? ?OTn ^ -\aaaaai ,-? im..-,-.*--".;."*-*'//^ *?***'|?Jg ^,XSk?? ?*?-*?*? -?im' dj"?egj?"-*? 5* ? ua icbk, a.t, M-e-^aan 3, 1912 THE WEATHER REPORT. OfhVlBl Record an.l Foreraat.-Waahington. hec. 4 -Th? flleturbance that wu ln tha Northaeat vlvan. ed rapldly aoutheaetward to Kanaaa. whenre it Brtfl ?** eaat northeaat ward loward the C.rcat I-akea. The Influence of thla atorm la wldeaptead. lt having .ause.l general ralna In the last raeatfj f'ur houra ln the southern atatea eaat ef UM Boahy Moun? taln* and t" tha r"8'011 of "aa ,Sr'"at ,'?k^,? 8ni anowa over the P.ocky Mountaln and reglona There were hcav> ralna In tha Uulf atatea. (ieorgla. and Tennesaee. Tempi-roturea are deeldedly IOW04 111 the Far Northweht and th.- Kocky Mountaln and wc?t ern plat.-au reglons and are the norinal orai UM ragiea rraai the plalna atatea eaat to Um Aii.oiM. Caaat _, ., ,. coid wavc warnlnga a?ara laautd this after? noon for the Kar Northwiat. II,e Western dlaturbance will move eant and , ?uii- ralna Thuraday ln the Mlsalidppl Nall.y and Thurailav and Krlday In the Kaatem atatea The lalna wlll prohahly ehange te anowa Thuradav In the re?lon of the Hreat Lakea and tae BpOtT Mlaslalppl and Mlaaourl valle\a. f)\er the southern plalns statea and the Reckj Mountaln and pUteau reglons the weather wlll ba generallv falr Thuraday and Krlday The winds along the New Kngland coaxt wlll be inodetate be.-oming eaat; along the mlddle Atlantic .obhI. tn..derat? eaat and s.,iith ?a?t along the aouth Atlantic and eaat Oulf coaaia. niod.rate aoutheaat und south: along the vveat Oalf eoaat. moderate aouth. becomlng brlsk and probabl> hlgh north Thuraday nlght; 011 the lower lakea. tncreaatng eaat an.l aouth eaaf on the uppor lakea. in-T.-aaing eaat, shlft - Ing to north. ir.,bahly beeonilng hlgh. Steainera departlng Thuradav for turopean porta wlll have mod'raie varlable wlnoa. over eaat weather and probably raln. to the Orand Banke Korecaat IBt Speelal Loealltlea.?Por Kaat em New York. uneettled weather, prohablr raln. to-day and I rldav ; moderate eaat wlnda. for Kaetern 1'ennaj Bania, New Jeraey, Delaware blaryland, Virginia and the nis trlcl of Columhlu, unaettled. probably raln. to-day and Fttda] nioderato eaat and aouth eaat wln.1* Kor Nartbern New Kngland. clonrly to-tlay; Friday. probably raln or anow; modeiate va rlable wlnda l',,r Southern New Kngland. unaettled to dft' probably ratn hy niKht and on Frlday; mod'erute varlahle arinda I.oininir aaot F.,r Ui'il Vlrglnla. ram to-day and prob? ably Frlday; oonl*r PiMhv. For Weatern I'ennai Ivanln nnd Weatern New Vork. raln to day and probably Krlday; cnlder Frlday; inoderate to brisk southeaat w 'nda. Iluinl.llty S a in... 87 1 p m.BB|I p. ?. Obaervations taken at Inltel Statea weather beroaaa at ? p aa. >esterda> foiiow; rjfta Temperature Weather. Albany . 44 <lear Atlantic Cltj . 4K Raln Boaton . 4d .'lear lluffalo . 44 Cloudy CblcafO . ? New Orleana . 7J l St. I.oiila . M cloudy Waahington . 4S ,-|?ar local OfHrlal Kecord.- The following ofTlelal reeerd from the Weather Hureau ahowa UM changes In the temperature for the last twenty four h.'iir* In rninpartaon wlth the correapond lug date laat year: 11.11 1012 i B 'a m. Xi 441 ? P Hl. in. 2H 41 j tl P I) a. m. M TO'll p. 12 m. 2* *2 \2 P. 4 p. m ... ? 481 Hlghtat tenipemture \e*t?rday, 48 degreeo <at 7 p. ni 1; lowest, BJ; average yeaterday. 48; average for correapondlng dala laat year. 2?; average for correapondlng date laat thlrty three year*. BT. 1/val 1'ore. a*t rnaettled weather. probablj raln to day and Krlda). moderate catt wlnda. duty, artlllerv district lndlcated. aaalgned to rompaniea deaignated December 18: I'aptain ROBERT E WYLLIE, Southern District New York. to llflth WILUAM KORSE. Delaware. to 45th. TIRiMAS F. DWYER. Narraganaett Bay. to 117th; JOHM G WORKIZER, Baltlmore. to ^lat; CLIKTON C. CAKTEH. < heaapeake Bay. to lo?th; KTAN1.EY D. KMKR'K. Southern Diatrict New York, to 9Hth, HUMER B. (IBAN'T. Narragenaett Bay. to !?7th. GHANVILLB 8BVIER. Southern Diatrict New York, to 110th: JAc'Ou M COWARD, cTiesapeake Bay, to 12Hth; JOSBPH MATSON, Potoraac. to |48d; c'HARLES D WINN. Savannah. to 72d; WILUAM lt. BETTISo.N. New London. to 14th; OEOROE A. TAYLOR, Baltlmore. to Httd; OEORUE P. HAWES. Jr.. Boaton, to 15:!d; Flrst Lieutenanta EDWARD E. FAHNSWORTH. .'heaapeake Bav. to l6?th. JACOB A. MAL'K. New Bedford, to 32d; WILUAM T. OAHPENTER. Key West, to 1211; JAMKS S. Dl'SENBURY, Eestsrn Ar Tille-v Diatrict New York. to ?2d; LI/JYD B. MAORI'DBR. Savannah, to 72d: LLOYD P HuRSiALL. Narraganaett Bay,' to 190th; EDWARD A. STOCKTON, Jr.. Delaware. to 4?tb; WILMOT A DANIELflON, Puget Bouqd, I" U4th: JOHN MATTHER, Ports inouth, to 147}d; " WALTER P- BOAT WRIOHT, New orleans, to Dlst. HAROLD L. OARDINER, Tampa, to l?2d- EDWIN P. BARLOW, Moblle. to .Urth; NORTON M BEARDBLEE, (lalveaton. to 193d. PHIL1P S OAGE, Portland, to 4?th: WILUAM C. KOENIU. Boaton. to 120th; JAMBH R. I'AMPBELL. fape Fear. to Blati Al'OFSTt'8 NORTOV, Columbia, to O.ld. WILMAM N. PORTBR. iharlealon. to 144th; Second Llou tenants KANIHL N. SWAN. Jr , Potomar. to 104th. KENNETH B. HARMON, Oalveaton. to 138th; FRANK DRAKE. San Diego, to 115th; HENRY N. SI.'MNER, Tampa, to 182d; PREDERICK K OARCIN. New Or leana. to 91ft panlea lndlcated to unasslgned llat. to ar tlllery dlaarleta deaignated Deeember 10, for ataff dti'v: <'aptaln-, WILMAM F. STEWART. Jr.. 14th t'ompany, and AI. LEN D. HAYMuND H7th, to Narragan? aett Bay; PREDERICK W. PHTSTERER. I22d, to Penaaeola, WILMAM R. DOOREP. BOth to Moblle. HARRY T, MATTHEWS. 41at. to < heaapeake Bay; RR'HAHD K. CRAVEN8, UStb: AVERY J. t'OOPER, 1.17th, and RICHARD H. WILLIAMs. ?Mh. to Southern Artlllery DlatrlCt New York; LYNN S EDWARDS. 4.*.th. to D-laware; r'LARENCE O. Bt'NK BR, 7;;d. to Boaton: FRED L. PERRY. ?ItIi. to Penaaeola; WESI.EY W. K. HAM? ILTON. taid, to Portland; JAMEfl E. V. II.SON. 14:t.l. io Potoniac: SAMVEL C. CARDWELL, .Wh, to New London: RK'H ARD I. M'KENNEY, 38th, U> Clioaapeak* Bay; HENRY W. BI'NN', 72d. to Savan? nah; Fir*t I.teutenanta WILLIAM W, ROSE. to Baltlmore; EDWARD P. NOYEA Jr.. Olat. to New Orle?n*. MAR CELLL'fl H. THOafPBON. 44th. to Poto v\*r Serend I.i. utenanta HEI.TON O'N. KENNEDY, :t7th. fo Portland. C. L. WIL min, T*th, and JOHN T. H. 0*REAR, rt.'.th. to tlnlvrafon; JOHN H. HOOD. t:,o.|., m Columbia; R1CHARD s. dod KON, tnoth. to Charleaton; t'HRLSTO VHKV. I>. PEIRCB. lieth, 10 Kev We.t; W.\i.l..\''E I. CLAT. 117th. to C'ape I'.'a-. PENELON CANNOM, 131st. to Port* mouth. RICHARD F. COX, ?0th. to ir> lumtda r.KX CHANDLER. lltith, to Necv o Icana; JOHN P. M'camkey. Jr., 170th, to Moblle; ("HARLEfl A. < HAPMAN. 7M, to Savannah. EDWARD 9. HARRIPON, 102d. to Narraganaett Bay: WALTER W, VACTRMEIER. 48th. to Tenaacola; RAI.PH E. HAINES. 4.'>th. to Delaware; THOMAS H. JONEB, U4ih. to Tampa; LAfRFVCE WATTP. 120th, to Boaton. EDWARD KOI'H. Jr . 4?th to New Bed ford; OEOROE W KASTERDAY. 2.1. to Tampa; CHARLES N W1UBON, 28th. to San f>leBo; EDOAR B. COLLADAT, 132d. to Balthr.ore. Fir^- Ueutenant LE8LIE J. M'NAIR, 4th Fle.d Artlllery. detalled aa statlstioai offlcer a-hool of flre for fleld artlllery. Fort HIII. Flrst l.;eutenant JOSEPH F. TAfLBEE, 2d c'avalr.. from Pa. Ifl.- bran.h mllltary prlaon, Alcatraa, December 14. to hla troop. Plrtt l..eutenant AR.'HBALD <J HUTCHIN SON. 8d Infantry, to PacISc bran-h mllltarr priiton. Alcatraa Fir^t Ueuteaaal MAXWELL mfpraY. roaat artlllery. relleved aa aide de-camp to Major Oeneral Arthur Murray; aaahBaei tioth Com ranv. De. ember 18. Flrat Ueutenaat OEOROE B. EWELL. 3d In fantrr, detall.-il profesaor mltltarv ?? lenc# an! tactics, oklahoma Agncultural t'ollege, ? ter I 'kla.. Dc-e.-aber lfl Pollowlrig flra* lleufenanti. coaat artlllerv, from companlen lndlcated to unaaalgnei llat, D? . emter 31, to e.xtat artllleiy *. hool, F*ort Monree: ai.bert H barKLEY. 168th; ROBERT K V'OBE, ?T'sth; EUOENB B. WALKER, 88th; <i!'Y a IIIX. BBtb; JOHN II. PIERIE, 12.')l PETER H OTTOSEN. 94th EDOAR H THOMP80N, uath; JOHN N. REYNOLD8, 110th; I/3I'I8 D. PEPIN ^7th: WILLI8 C KNIOHT, 120th; JOHN R 1M.IS. 14?th ROBERT 1. If. OOOUtICK, Mth JOHN B. MAYNARD. 144th; JACOB PRANK, l?4th Flra' I.i.-itenat.t WARREN R BELL. ooaat artlllerv. from artlllery diatrict of Moblle to coaat arti1 ... | (;,,..!, F.nt Monroe, Dec?m ber 81 Becond Ueutenant ? harles D RO0ERS. Uth c'avali de'alleil profaaaor of mllltary adenee an.l tactlca shattuck BcBeea, Fari boult. Mtnn . De. ember 1<> Following arolgnmenta of second lleutenanta, ...aat artlllerv. ordered; BHEPLER W. FITZOBRALD lOatll company; ALDFN >1 STIi' i.N'ii 7:1 ' '..ropaiiv Bacoad Lletitenant OEORGE B OAT, lat Fleld Artlllery, from Fort Bllia to Fort Sam Houa '. t<rnporar\ du'.y. . HARI.FS (LARK. ocdnan.-e depart n,..v retlred. to t*h? ? -rfe. t l-'ebruary 1?. ]r?.z granted leava ot abaeaca Deeambaf -0 to Pebraary is. of abaance; c'aptuin i-'Rank l WELL8, litt. Infant oaa month and ten dayi froon Decembei la Captatn JOHN R. PRO?"TOR Oeneral Staff two montha from December II; faptaln OEOROE W. COCHEU. try, one month oa ieii?f from ? duttat Plral Ueuteaaal ADNA R CHAFFEE Ji . I*th Caralry, three montha from Deeember U; Flra! r.i. urenant TLYDE B CRC8AN, Infantry twenty day* from December 15 Socond I.i*ut?nant st'MNER M WILLIA MS, "'. Cavalry. to March 9. IM1 Flrat U< ' ' OHN R. BTAREET. !d iieid 8rtlllere, twtnty-ona da? ftx>m [.? etnbar II Plnrl Ueuteaaal JOBCFH A ^TKINS llth Infantrj twenty daya on re l'e' from nreaent dutlei Flrst Lieutenant EDWARD P. KIN'i Jr . ?th Fle!d Artlllery. ,,n? month amber 9; Captain RKNRY n 8HBEN. quartenaaeter eorpa, foui m. ntl i fi "M1 De.-?mber L' NAVY 1 ie' R M iRISWuLD. detn. hed navy \? ,,.,(i . ? January 2. 11U3; to the Callfornla ,,.? . Lieutenant JOHN RoDOBRs". d^tached 'he Hiii ola i" " ?? Sebraeka Enalgn W ? itiKDBL. detached the Oeorgla. ia the Hannlbal Burgeon L L, VON WEDEBTND, commartd tha Solaca. .Tvll Bnglne.r I W 'i. WALKER and Pai rna\ataiJa CTert f. W. BAAJIBCH, re.lgna accepte.l afOTEMEIfTI <1fr WARSHIP8.-The folh.wing inovcnictita of vessels have been reported to tha Navy Depaitment: AURIVED. Detimliai 2 The L'tah and the Vermont. at Hampton Roada; the D.-a Molu.a, at Fort Aranaa* Te? : the Trometheua, at San Dleao; tlie Montana. at Meraelna. Aala Ml December I The Arkanaaa. a' Hampton PoadK tbe Denver. at P|. ?hlllnriue. I.ower .'allfornia; the Tullahaa^eo, at Judlth Sound; the I'tah and the Vermont, at aouthcrn drill ground^ _? SAU.ED DOa '2 The I'tah and ihe Vermont. from South"i. drlil ?r.)iinda for Hampton Roada |,,? | Tha I'tah and the Vermont. from Hampton Roads for Southern drlll grounda. the Artthuea. from Provldene* for Port Arthur, Tex . the Arkamaa. from Tangler soinul for Hampton Roada; th? Sterllng, from Boaton far Bewall Point; the Petrei, ftom Portaniouth for Boaton; the Yankton. from Puerto Plata for Monte Chrlatl; tha I'.illahassee. fr.ini Smlth'a Point. .'heaapeake Bav. for Judlth Bound, c'heaapeaka Bay. Dec 4 The Saratoga and the Ralnbow. from Shangl al for llong Kong The He.tir, on arrlval at navy yard. Porta motith. oid.-ied ploeai ln reatrve, and the Mari. in f'tii ?arrtaa, Tlie Warrlngton placed In bill commlaalon, na,\ y \ard, Norfolk. a TWO GIRLS BADLY BURNED Mother Hears Child's Screams and Runs to Rescue. Two nve-year-old glrls are in the New? ark City Hospital an.l likely to dle aa lha rOSBlt <>f burna recelved laat nlght. Amella Naftrangelo. Of No. 254 Rruce street. was playing near a bonfire ln the vHrd of her home, when her dreaa caught tir. The chlld'a mother and Frank Genio, a neighbor. hearlng the child's acreama. ran to her rescue. Thev were badly hiirne.l In trylng to beat ovit the flre on the child's clothlng. The other glrl was Llllian Haber, of No. 32? Fifteenth avenue. She was left alone for a few mlnutes In the kitchen of her home. and began to play wlth the flre ln the titove. Fler clothing caught flre, and before neighbors came to her regcue ahe was enwrapped wlth the fiames. MARINE INTELLIQENCE. MINIATURB ALMANAC. Sunilae. 7:00; aunact. 4:33. moon riaea. 3:6?; moon'a aae. 'X. _ HIOH WATER. AM P.lf. BaaBi Baa* .*?*<> 8 ti Qevernor'a laland . 5:18 S:43 Hell Uate.7:08 7:82 WiRELESS REP0RT8. The K^nialn I.ulae. reported ap 97(1 mllaa eaat of Bandy Reoh at noon yesterday, la ex - pected to d.K-k I'rtdai forenoon. The Konlg Albtrt. reported as 1?3 mllaa taat of Sandy Hook at 6:80 p m yeaterday, Ii n pected to dock thla forrnoin The Majeatlc, reported aa T58 mlleo caat of Sandy Hook at 8 a m yeatarday, la expeeted to doek Prlday forenoon. Tbe Cnited 8tatea, reported a* **> mllaa eaef of Sandv Hook at noon yeaterday, la ea pected to dock 8aturda> forenoon. INCOMING 8TEAMERS. TO-DAY. Vaaael. From. JJat *\'oitalre.Barbadoa, Nov 28_LA H ?Bei mudlan.Uermuda. Dec 3.yuebee ?Zacapa.Klngaton, Nov M. ...U F Co Carputhla.Gibraltar. Nov 24.Cunard Buenoa Ayrea.Havana. Nov M.fpanleii Birma.I.ibau, Nov 18.Ruaalan Maln.Bremen. Nov 21. ..N O IJoyd Chicago Clty.Swanaea. Nov 20.Brlatol Proteua.New Oriaana, Nov 30.Bo Par KOnlg Albert.Ulbraltar, Nov 24. .N G Lloyd FRIDAT. DECEMBER 4. ?Majeatlc.doothampton. Nov 27.Wh 8i *Maracalbo.Mayaguez. Nov 2.">. .. . Red D ?Kaperan/.a.Vera Crut, Nov 21) _Ward K.-.nlgln I.u'.ae Bremen. Nov 23.N 0 'Joyd San Ougllalmo-Naplee, Nov 22. f'lerce El Norte.Oalveaton. Nov 30. So M Ei Monte.New orleana. ')*<? i /HoJ'ac Clty of Savannah.Sevannah. De* 3 KaxanAah SATIRDAY. DECEMBER 7 ?Cedrir.Llverpool. Nov 23. . W Ktar ?I'nlted Statea.Copenhagen. Nov 23..S<-A'>. ?St Paul.Southampten, Nov M. Attier *Mlnnetonka.Ixindon, Nov 28.\tl Trane ?<"aronla.I.lverpool, Nov 30 ..Cunard ?P F H>ndrlk ...St Mare. Dec 2 . R D W t *Brlnga mall. 0UTG0ING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. Mall Veaael Vaaael. For. Line. cloiea. aalla. \a .savoie. Havre, Fenvh... ";00am 1O;00am Celtlc. Llverpool, Wh St.. JJOam ll.Wra M'ro Caatle, Havana. Ward U:?0 a nj 12:00 m Allemannla, Inagua. H-A.. 1.00pm 3.00 pm Oacar II. Coiwnbagcn. 8 A..- 2:00 p m P <li Piemonte. Naplea. In; -- Taormlna, Naplea, Itallan .- - Cranlum, R'terdam, L'ran'm - C of M'gomery, Sav. Sav.. - 3.'*)pm FRIDAV. DECEMBER 8. Korona. Grenada. yuebec 11:30 a m 3.00pm Seguranca. Tamplco. Ward - 13:04 m Yumurl, Naaaau, Ward. - 12:00 m Arapahoe, J'kaorrvllle, flyde- -1:00pm SATIRDAY. DECEMBER 7 P Grant. Hamburg. HA . S:80am l?lim New York. S'hampton. Am. H:f>jam ,1:30am Carmanla. Llveipool. Cun.. H:30am lf>:00 am Majeatlc. S'hampton. W S.. 8:30 am 13 00 m San Juan. S Juan, NYAPR ?:00 a m 12.00 m TIMvee, Colon. t.T F Co.... 9:8" am 12:00 m Havana. Havana. Ward_t0:00am 1 on p m P Slglemund, Colon. HA.. 11:00 am 1:00 pm Bermudlan. Bermtida, Que..12:00 m 2 00pm Tom antlnea, Rrazll. Rrax.. 1:00pm 3.00 pm Camaroaka, Glaagow. Anrh. - 8.00 am Mlnnewaaka. Uondon. At T.- S;30am Kdnlg Albert. Naplea. NG1. - ll.oOare K I"r Joaef. Trleate. Auaf...- 1:00pm I'ltonia. Naplea. Cunard.... - 12:00 m Dnca d^Aoata. Naplea. Ital.. - 11:00am Blrma. I.ibau. Ruaalan. - Momua. New Orleana. So P - 12:00 m San Jaclnto, Oalveaton. Mal - 1.00pm l.ampeaae. Tampa. Mallory.- 1:00 pm comanrhe. J'k'nville. ciyde - 1 .M p m Rlo Grande. B ewlck. Clydo - 1 00 p m C of Savannati, Savan, Sav - 8.00 pm TRAN8PACIFIC MAIL8. Cloaa Dearlnatlon and eteamer. ln N.Y. P.M. Tahttl, Marqueaaa. Cook laianda. New Zealand. Auatraila (vla Ban Franclaco)-TahlU .Dac. I. 8:88 Japan, Coreo, Chlna. Phlllppinea (vla Tacoma)-8e*ttl* Maru-Dtc. 8. 1*8 Hawail (vla San Franclaco)?Lur line .Bee, A830 Hawail. Japan. Corea, Chlna (vla San Franclaco) Ter.yo Maru-Dee. 8,8.80 Japan, < crea. Chlna, Phlllppinea (vla Beaclei?Mlnnegota.Dee. lt, 4:80 Japan, Corea. chlna, FhlMppinea (vla 8aattla>?Tokohama Maru. Dee. II, 8:80 Hawail, itamoen Ialande. New Zea? land. Auatraila (vla. 8an *ian claco)?Sonoma .Da?. BB? Hawail. EIJI Dlanda. fiamran Tsl anda, New Zealand. Auatraila (vla Vlrtorlai-Zealandla.Dac ?. 8.18 Japan. Corea. Chlna. Phlllppinea .. (vla Vlctorla)?Kmpreaa of Japan.Dec. 28. 6.aa Hawail. Guam. Phlllppinea ivla San Franclaco)? -U 3 transport.Jan. 1,8.80 SHIPPING NEWS Port of New York, Wednesday, De? cember 4, 1912. ARRTYKD Steamer Lu. iline (Br), Ia Rochelle Novem? ber lt to Davtd T Warden, ln ballaat. Ar rived at the Bar at 9:30 a m. ?*_?-. Steamer Ravn (Nor). Botwood. N F. Novem ber B8 to Hennett. Hvoaief A Co. with paper pulp. Arrlved at the Bar at 8:20 a rn Steamer Zeelatid (Belgi. Antwerp and Dov?r November 23. to the Red Star Une. arlt i 998 cabln and 1.133 Meerage paaaengera and mdae Arrlved at the Bar at M:30 a m. Steamer Cervantee .Br), Santoe November J. Rlo de Janelro 9. Bahla 1? and Barbadoa 28. to Buak A Daniela, ?ith mdae Arrlved at the BtAmer Sant^Anna fPVJ, MariellleB Meroar ber 16. Naplea 20 and Palermo 21. to J W Elwcli A rv. with 124 cabln and ?72 ?t*era?e raaeengere and mdae. ArHved at the Bar at Steamr Havana. Havana November 30. tr, tho New Tork and <uba Mall 8a o, mlth 48 panaengera. maila and mdae Arrlved a? tne BVteaH,nV?*Rlonr.rande. Brun.wic't Noven^r 3<>. to the ci/4a ss ca. ^jtrsn rndae Paaaed ln Quarantlna at 9f?aM. atoamor I.ampaeaa. Mobile !J?wt?r .*Bf TamDa 2B an 1 Key Weat 30. to the Mallor) ?? co w* h paaaengora and mdae. Paaaed tn Quar . "atoarier W TaSo, Galv.ton November IB. to"theScuthern Paclflc <'o, with mdae. I aaae? In Quarcntlne at 7:20 a m j. ft sTeamer Monroa. Newpoit N*w. ??A ^f|0' , to the Old Domlnlon/a Co^arfth {M8aa9?n and mdae. Paeacd in Quarantlnei at 820 pCBB. Steamer Duea D'AoVa (IU11. ^onoai Naeem ber 20. Naplea 21 and Palermo 22. ^.??^J,?'\ Sola.l A K with M cabln ???.**""? i.aaaengera and mdae. Arrlved at the Bar ai " Steamer La Camplno JMfJlV M8rajpjl> vember 18. to Davld T Warden. In beltaet. Arrlved at the Bar at 6:30>a m. v^-_ Steamer Conrad Mohr (Nor?. Bergen N-""^ ber 11? I. 9910144 S to Davtd T W?rten, ln balla?t Arrlved at rhe Bar at 1:30 a m. Steamer Sem.nole, San Domlngo ,nd 14*888 . November 28, 8anche* and Pamana 27 ra*rH Plata and Monte CrkWJ 28 and Turtta leland ? U tha Clvde 8a co. with 2? paaaengera. nalla and mdae Arrlved at the Bar at 1 a m Steamer Prtn, fllglemund fGer)^ Mofttogo Ba> November 18. Port Umon M. Colon =?,P9;' Morar.t 27, Klngaton ? and t*ntlago ?. ? ? the Hamburg American Un'. tlih ? ???". gera. malla and nidr-e. Arrlved at the Bar ei 'steamer Nleuw Ameterdam (Dutchi. ?8l9jr dam November 23 and Boukjgne 24 to h; Holland Amert.a with 108 flraf caxbln. 1?3 aacond caMn and 720 ateeraga paaaengera and mdae Arrlved at the Bar at ^.l^ a. m. Steamer Kronprlnjeeeln Cecl.le "lei Bremen November 26. ^h*^;"} ??? 3** l>ourg 27. to Oolrfeka A Co. with S?0 flrer eaWn 330 Second cabln and T11 ataarapaJBI lftin. malla and mdae. Arrlved at th* Bar at 6:12 * ISteamer Mag'??1">? (Br>- ?*?'b*'l?? *?2& IB TrlnMad^B. Sav.nllla 22. OUt8M9 M. colon 2?. Klngaton 20. and Antllla 80. ta Mnderaon * Son. wlrh 23 paaaengera malla and mdae Arrlved at tha Bar at 1:30 p m. Fteamer Pawnee. Phliadolphla to the Ctyd* 8, c. with mdae. Paaaed In Quarantlne a' 2 30 p m. ?, v 4? Steamer Grayeon. Penaaco'a Nm'?m_>,r. fj with mdae Paaaed In Quarantlna at 4OT p? Sanlv H<K)k. Dec 4. ?:30 P m-Wlnd weat. Ilght breete; foggy: amooth aea. 8AILED. Btaaaaan l/)?iiiane (Er>. Havre; Ckaaaoa. New Orleana; Cherokee. Bmnawlok; MeUpan (Bvi Klngaton; 8ablne. Oalveaton; Iro^uola. rharleaion and Jackaonvliie; Caracaa, rjan luSn* "id-ra (Au.ti. Philadelphla; lallna (Auat'i. Buenoa A>rea: Kroonland-. Antwerp. nothllde Cuneo fNor). Port Antoadaj Man ehloneal (Nor). Port Antorlo; Hamllton Nor folk and Newport Newa: Mantantlto fCuban cienf'egoa. Veneala fPr). MarselUee vla Provl dence; Heeperldes (Br), Cape Town: Jame? town. Norfolk and Newport Nowa 8TEAMER8 AT FOREION P0RT8. ARRIVED. PlvmoutU. Dec 4-Rotterdam (Dutch), Ne* Yoik for Boulogne and Rotterdam (and pro reelded at 10 am): 11 33 a m. Amerlka iaar)i New York for Cherbourg and Hamburg tan I T.PkTaaaVtMa 8-Karoma ?BD. New Terk M. Oran. Manlla. etc. Talngtau. Dec 3-Skerrlee (Br>. New Tork aad Norfolk vla Port Natal. Slngapore. etc Trleate Dec 4- Pannonla tBr?. New lork na Naplee for Etume and Patraa^ Talcahuano. Dec 4?Dorothy (Br). New Tork vla Punta Arenaa. Corral a:i1 Coronel for Valparalao. etc; Newton Hall (Br), New York vla Bahla BUnra. Punta Arenaa and Coronel for Valparalao, t i* JLX*. >. Montevldeo. Dec 2?Pruth (Br), New York vla St Lucla for Buenoa Ayrea. Hasre. Dec 3?I^itetian (Br). New Tork. Copenhagen. Dec 8, 10 p m Helllg Olav lDaa>. New York vla Chrlatlanaand. SAILED Bouthapipton. Dec 4. 12:20 p m?Ocaonlc (8r>. New York vla Cherbourg and Queenatown cixlo (Br). New York vla Barbadoa, Cotpfi. Klngaton. etc. _'-.._ . . Llverpool. Dec V-C>Tnric (Br), N?w YoHt vla (jueenatown. -m ? ? ? Brerm-n. Dec 3. ? p m - Groaaer Kurfuret (Q*ti, New Yorit ' ' ,. Slerra Leone. Dec 2?Yola <Br) (from Ukre vllle), New Tork. Rlo de Jnnelro. Dee 3 Theepte (Br) (frora Santoa). New York. w Port Talbot. Dec 8-Burug* (Br). New Tork. Brow Head. Dec 4? LapMtnd, New Tork f*? Dover and Antwerp. reported by wtraleat telegraph 180 mllaa aouthweet at 10 a m Due at Dover about 7pm to-day. PA88BD. I.laard. Dec 4 -Bavola (Oer), New Toek t? Hamburg. Olbraltar. Dec 8?Cowrto (Bn, New Tora fea Port Bala.