Newspaper Page Text
and mllltary NfcntfcOi tn < ase Turkey decllned to aeiept t*rme leaa damaglnf u, what Greeco regarded aa the alllea* -tsrt lntereeta It is undferatood that this appeal fonne an linpurtant hiatorical docu ajaaS whlch wlll show that Greece. far from havlng any intentton to break awav from the leegue. madc the stroiig eet efforta to maltitain lt ln Its orlginal forn.. Rumama May Be Drawn In. The wider Kuropean outlook, how ever. is Ptill menaclng. If Austria Ilungary should attempt, as has been auggested, lo employ Rtimania to keep Bulgarla quiot in the evotit of an Aus tr<i-Sf rvian war. It ia thought that sueh ?, wouM onl.v enlarge the area of ronfltet and precipltate a general ra ta<tn>phe. Any IntarvantJon by Rumania would, it is argttOd, inevitably compel Russla to take draMb action on behalf of the Slnvs in the Baikans. Russia has retorted to what she terms the "rattling of the, German aword" by the lmpcrial Chanrellor-by eaying that a repetltion of the methods resorted to at the perlod when the oe CUpatlon by Austria-Hungary of Bos rraj and Ucrzegovina caused a rrisis v Hl not now be aumitted. Ruaaia Reaenie War Talk. The prominenre given by Chancellor von Bethmami-HoJlweg to the idea of war was resented by the newspa|>ers of St. Petersburg. The general trend of their oomment is voleeu by the "Novoe Yremya," which says: -History BJ m?eating itaelf. but it aa nnt ao eaay n?ar tc fbrre Ruaaiat dfplomacy tnto a falrrt-hearted retreat Kuch lntimMation wlll frlghten no body." The Immedlate withdrawal of the vaat Ruaelan drpoaita In the German banka ia advocated by many of the Kusslan jourr.ala. The war partiea both in Ruasla and Austria-Hungary seem to hold the pub lk platform for the moment against the peareably disposed ministers of thosc countrles. Any untoward inci dent or provo<atlve act on the part >f Servia would, in the oplnion of diplo rnatic circles here, ln a moment set Austria-Hungaria In motion, and this probably would loosen forces in Bussia whlch the St. Petersburg governmenl would flnd itself unable to rcsist. Should Greece perslst in her refusal to adhere to the armlstice it would nec essarily tlnow Bulgaria more closely into the embrace of Servia and giv.? fresh eneouragement to the Servian re pistance to the European powera. who are practically unanimous in condemn ing the Servian demands. Yjenna. Dec 4.?Auatrlan opinion re gards the, Balkan League as practi? cally ended. owing chlefly to the riv nlry between Greece and Bulgaria for the possesslon of Salonlea. It is be lleved he- that Bulgaria wlll favor the formatlon of an autonomous Mare donia. with Salonica as the capital. thereby reserving part of Macedonia and Salonica for heraelf in the future. VON DER GOLTZ SHOWS WHY TURKEY FAILED irty ?*?h> '.o T|? Trttouae.] London. Dec. ."?.?In an interesting ar ti?le In the "Neue Freie Presse" Fleld Marabal VOII der Qoltt, author of the Turkish pl?n of carr.paign. explains the fallure of the Ottoman forces. In tho firat place. he attributes it to the fact that tbe troops were untrained re crtiits. In the second place the plun of campalgn was not carrled out. Briefiy, it consisted. so far as Thrace was < on ctrncd, of taking unintrenched posltion behind the Krgene Rlver. at whbh ex actlv the same defence icould have been FOR ALBANIAN AUTONOMY Rome Paper Says Powers Are in Agreement on Subject. Ebotae; Dac *.?Tbe "Oloraale D'ltalla," In * rafaronca to the pro poted peace negoiiations in London. ?aja that the powers will intrust to thelr respective embassies in London the task of dealing. in conjtmction with Bir Bdwatd C.rcy, the Brltish Foreign BoOTnteiy. alth the questions arlsing tbtbugb the Balkati war. I With reapect to Albanian aulonomy, ihe papcr says an agieement already exists between the powers. tnclodtag Kuasia. and it is hoped that a peaca ful aalutlaa of the difllculty betwesn Austria and Ser\ia will be found by granting Scrv ia a rommenial outlet iu l he Adriatic a GREECE STILL BELLICOSE Talks of Continuing the War Without Her Allies. Athens. Dec. 4 -Ti a newspapers here ?xpresa the conviction that the govern aaeat will. If nece*B?iy, continue the war without her allies. .U-eording to advtcea from Salonica. the Qreebe aie meetlng trttb poneiderable opposltlon In Eplrua. The Turkish army whlch retreated from Monastlr has not lurrendetwd, but tbe oubaataaloa of aaaat] i?taCbaBBntS eontinii'S. An official eomrouniaUlon issued by tbe MtnlatW of Maiina describing tbe opera- ; ttona ?-f the rjreek fleet durlng the war( gl\es .letaila of the transport of thfrteen, tiiousatid Bulgarlan troops and three j thousand antmals. The tranaporta *n6 > eoarorttg watabip* left Saionit-a on the] inornlng of November :? and reachfd j Dedeagatch at 1 o'cloclt on the afternoon of tlit- lollowlng day, where they were grt-eted by a squadron of the Greek JEgean fleet The Bulgarian troops were' draWn up eti th. de<k?. and < heered heartlty. The ?roffc of dlBembarkatlen was suspended at mghtfall and continued the next mornlng. All were eafely landed without a hitch by evcnlng of November W. The fleet tbOB bft Iierteagatch. New inserted tips make Arrow Wing COLLARS strong where others ar3 weak. 2 for 25 ceats CLUETT. PEABODY * COMFANY VICTOR S. F1ECHTER <iKRATF.HT COI.I K? TION OF RARE VIOLINS, CELLOS, BOWS, Italian Strinp*. Caaea, Etc. P.LPAIRING A .SPKCIALTT. SOO Fifth Avc, Zi Lnion Square. W cor. 42d Ht. b?t 18th A t*th Ht. FACTORYT?POCKET WALTHAM aY*T?^ttN\^flc'A$l1 saatsa4 \\ X ?fS5-. $7.75 eataa nitmond* ! NOW RKADT.?^>ur new ?? ?*??<<',.3I eatalogti*. Eyenrtblna tn ?fiJ IVSZt; -? ? r. i - ~ mifl u*?lfj' full> illuittat'd. and gp. In* our ??-nu|n?? ? PECIAL TO P00KST" PRICEt orr?r? meny ?ug***Mnn? for "?* mmtng holidaya * eji '"" "'"^ rnr '.'atalogMe *?ft BENNETT mfg. co., 111 Broadwar. K. Y., nrmr c or?l?n?lt. I'i!?h 1BT4 rtrferenr**. any Natlonxl Bank maintalned ns was ultimately made L>y the Turks at the Tchataldja llnes. The attacking power of the Bulga rians was to be weakened by reslst aine at Adrianople, and advanced troops at various points were to de!ay the enemy's advance. The plan was departed from by the Turks by the ini tlatlon of an offensive action with weak forcea Had the plan been carried otit the Bulgariana could have been held up at the Krgene River untll Turkey was in a poattloa t<> 9J9O0M the offen? slve LONDON FOR NEGOTIATIONS Peace Parleys to Begin on Friday, the 13th. Bofla, DaC. 4.?The peace plenipoten tiaries reajrOMBtfalg Turkey. Bulgaria Beraaa and Montenegro, will begin their arork in LondOO 90 Krlday of nex'. woek, December 13. The Bulgarian uelegat'-s have not been announce.l. btlt it is that Dr.. S. Daneff, presldent of the Chamuer of De|)Uties. vvill head the minsion, and it ia eXpOCtad that lie will visit Biicharest bafora procoedtnf to London. The armistice llgned at I o'i look la"t evening at the vlllage of Gaghtche. on the Tchataldja, took the revlsed fonn dtafte.l by I?r. Daneff lt 00O? tairis ihe following eondltioiin: -I-The uelligereni arintea aball leinain in tia- posfttons they al present occupy. II?The besieged Turkish,fo'tiesse.? shall not ba revlctnalled. III?The revietuailing of ihe Bulgarian ainiv In the Bele aball be >arried OUt by wav" of the Black Sea and Adrianople. cotnmenclna ten daya bfter the atgaature of the armlatU-e. IV?The negotiations f^r pea> e begin in Lectdon on Deeember Ia. Publlc satiafaction at the completion of the armistlce would be deeper but for the attltude of Greece. whlch not only excites annoyance in offtctal quar tara, but also arouses apprehensions of future difflcultles between 099904 and the Balkan allies. The Sofia UOWPapira offer no ( om ments on the completion of the arml fctlce or its terms. The people have re eelved the news without any public demonstration. No list of casualtks has appeared ain< e the war began. Mariy hundreds of famillea are recelv ing no riews, and relatlvee now awalt with anxioua auspense the return of the troopa. The "Mtr" says the garrison at Adrianople b-gan a heavy bombard ment at 8 o'cloek last night. It con tinued unttl - o'cloek in the moyning. when it suddenly ceased, probably owing to the receipt of the news of the signing of the armistlce. The normal export and import of goods wlll be resumed to-morrow throughout Bulgaria. The rallroada are fully equipped to hendle the frelght. "BRIDGIE"INCUBA?MAYBE Man Looking Like "Squealer" Lands in Havana. Havana. Dec. 4.?On board the Ward I.lne steamer Haratoga, whlch arrlved to day, was a man who was suspected of helng "Bridgle" Weber. The suspect de nled that he was Weber, and In default of identlflcation he was permltted to land He waa accompanled by a woman, and the couple proeeeded to a auburban hotel. p PARKER WILL 00 IT ALONE His Partnership with Hatch and Sheehan Has Been Dissolved. Notl( e has been sent out that tlie law rtrm of Parker. Hatch a Hheohan wa? dissolved on November M, and that Alton B. Parker would engage in eourt and general eounael wc.rk hereafter, with of flcee at No. 111 Broadway. Wllllam F. Sheehan and Kdward W. Hatch. under the llrm natne of Ilateh & Sheehan, will continue the general practicc of law at No. 14 Wall atreot. Mr. Hatch said laat nlght -there waa nothlng slgnMrant In th<> dlssolutlon of the tlrm. Mr. Parker. be said. had de Bired for some tlme to dlaeontlntte the general practlee of law, and wh?n he leained that rx-Governor Black waa to retlre from praetie<. he negotlated with lilui .'or his ofrtcea and goodw.HI. Mr. Hatch aald that polltlr8 had nothlng to do with the dlssolutlon and that there waa genulne regrot upon the part of all at the aeparation. COMMISSION RULE IN DULUTH. Duluth. Mlnn.. Dec. 4. By an over wheltnlng majority, this city haa adopted the couini^Hion form of government. to hecome eff*cMve Aprll 14. The new rhar ter Ineludea the Inltlatlve. the refej-endum and the recall. On Wet Streett Uae MICHEUN STTEL- 8TTJDDED Anti-Skids TheyDopre-\ rtitt skidding and you dont bsve to hoiher with ichains. Phone 2MlCoWn* 1763 Broattway HE KNOWS NOW But the Rest of Us Must Con tinue in Doubt. Macon. (in., Her. 4- After walking to the gallowB singlng "I dont know where I'm going. but I'm on my way," Oacar Clyde. n negro, was hanged here to-day for the mwdar of his wife and brother-in-law. Prevlous to the springing of the trap the negro asked and recelved permis sion to takc off his shoes. aaylng. "I dont want to dle with my boots on.'" NOT F1RST OFFENDERS Judge Swann Shows How Court Is Imposed Upon. In pleading for a cllent In Judge Bwaaa'a part of Oanaral s<-saions yaeterday a law yer said that jndges sometimes made mistake.s, that 99 human 99t9g was in falllblr. and that the best that .ould 9a done was to err on the ude of mercy. "Ycs." said Judge Swann. "I have Just had one of my mistak.s brought hoine to bjm. On November *> i aenteav ad Ja? seph IfaVO and Willlam Callan. who had pleaded gullty to aalawflll entry, to th? reformatory on rlarfi laiand. n<'ti> of Iheni stated to me under oath that they had never before been convletecl. To-day I gei a letter from Martln J. Moore, the ?: of the reformatory. Ma inclos. d the polloa recorda of tho?e fftat offend era,' aad wanted to know if i wouM have them aeat baek for re-aeatenctoa". i aill read yun their reoidB" Then Judge Swann read a U?t of twa ty-two arrests for <"allan. s. wntoen Of which had result-'d in coIjvk tioti" ftfool of them weie for ilisordcrly OOBdOCt and assault, although In 1?*I0 he had done thirty dayi at KeW Haven. C9M , for train robbery. Muro had been slx tlmes arrested and convhted of dlsorderh CO doet and assauit. "Ii seems a mintake was inarie in lh< lr ? as.?." said Jodga Swann. "and 1 have had thMii brought bufk tO be reaenteic ai The> will probabty ba *ent to the penitTi tiary inatead of to a r*-f<>rmator>." Judge Huar.n alao iead a letter from a aeeaaa trhoan h<* had sent to the Hed ford ReformaK'i y f..r wonx-n. and who had just been paroWd. She wrote to thaak hlm f?r aendlng her "to that good plac*." Hareaftar. ?he wrata, ahe waa going to Iead an upnght llfe. She said she had Mde lnativ frleadl at the refOTOiatory and va? "well truMed " PERKINS IN TRUST MERGER Witness Says He Acted in Har vester and Plano Deal. st. banta, Dec t NafaftaUoaa foi tha sale in IM of the Plano GOBtpany, of ChlcagO, to Wllllam C. l.ane und its ii. eorporattai later into tha teternattoaal Hanreetei Coanpaay were loocrfbed thla afternooii at the govei nment heorlag in its auit to dissoiw tha Internattona] eoaa paay. O. w. Jeaea af st i^ouis, eoUeo* tiOfl agent for the international. who inM Beeretary, treasurer and a stoi khold-r ;n the Pian> Coanpany. teattned that aii ne gotlatlons were earrled on through <ieorge W. Perklns. and he and the other Plano (.'ompany offlcera acted on the advlce of the Plano Company's attorneys and Mr Perklns. Mr. Jonea said that when he. with the other Plano offlcers. wrnt to New York in August, lf>02, to tranafer the sto< k to I^a le and reeeive In return atork in the Inter natlonal, he knew that 1-ane waa not going to opeiate the Plano propprtles. After the tranafer Jonea 9999994 man ager of the aalen department of the Plano dlviaion of the Internatlonal, and. with four other men holdlng slmilar posltlons, conatltuted a sales commlttee that waa abollahed in 1P(M. Another witness Introduced by the gov ernment. John Plattner. of the Plattner Implement Company, of Denver. teatlfled that his company began manufacturlng reapers in l&ft'i, and that every year alnce the output had doubled. Wllllam J.. t'arr, of Kanaas <itv. an agent for the Internatlonal at Sallna, Kan.. from VM to 1907, cross-examlned by attorneys for the defence, refused to answer certain questlon eoncernlng con tracta and the severence of hla connec tlona with the > ompany. After he had feveral times been warned by Kdward }'? Grosvenor, of counsel for the government. that he had been aubpo?naed aa a wltneas and muat anawer, he went into the d^slred detalls. Oeorge A. Weyland, an agrlcultural im? plement dealer of Boonvllle. Mo., teatl? fled yeaterday that the Internatlonal trled to force hlm to buy a Urger stoek of "straight aa]eB gooda" than his trade warranted, and 1 ad trled to Induce hlm to glvc up the agi'tiiv for an Independent company's blnder. He teetUted to-day that he put In a lln?> of Indepmdent har Veaters last year, and that th?> Interna? tlonal wlthdrew ita champion line from hlm and gave lt to a grocfry flrrn. H. ?'. Slmmons. of pllot firove, Mo., teatlfled that the Internatlonal wlthdrew Its Deerlns Hn? from hlm when In t?o9 he refuaed to dlscontinue ?<lltrig Johnson machlnea. PRIEST TURNS/ROTESTANT Roman Catholic Clergyman Re ceived by Bishop Oreer. The formai receptlen of Wllllam Walah, untll recently a Roman ('atholic prleat. into the Kplacopal thurch. It was an nouneed yesterday. took place in the I'ioeesan House, No 41( I?af?yette atreet. on November 1*. Bishop Ore*r offlelatlng. The f'ftldal n|tnf?s<?s were t'anon Oeorge F. Nelson and the Rev. Wllllam Walker Hmith. The Bishop rerrived Mr. Walah after his ca?e had been paased on bv the standlng commlttee of tho dio cese. HVDE M TO TOMBS; Special Grand Jury Puts Wright on Grill About Favors to Prisoner. DELAY PLEASES DEFENCE Freedom on Bail for Former Ohamberlain if Motion for Arrest of Judgment Is Oranted. Charles H. Hyde has another week to spend In his Tombs apnrtment. Jus tice Goff did not Bentence the former t'ity Chaniberlain yesterday, but re served decislon on the motion of John P. Stanehfield. Ilydc'a counsel. for an arrest of judgment, remandlng the convicted man to the Tombs for a week more before pronouncing his fate. This wlll glve the so-called "John Doe-' grand Jury an opportunlty to in qulre into condltlons of admlnistration In the Tombs whlle Hyde languishea In the "Cummtns rhaek." Pefore re? mandlng Hyde Justlce Ooff charged the Krnnd Jury to Inqulre into condltlons In the Tombs, and yesterday aftcrnoon that body set to work. Mr. Ktanchfleld and his Hlent MOflatd conslderably elated over Justlce Goff's aerlous entertainment of what Is usu ally ? perfunctory motion offered t>y counsel for the defence Just before the court p.nsses sentence on his cljent. The lawyer sald that. whlle unusual. this actlon on the part of Justlce Goff was not unlque In the modern annals of the New York bench. If the Justh-e grants an arrest of Judgment. he cx plalr.ed, the people mav appeal flrst to the Appellate Division and then to the COOfl of Appeals. Hyde being admltfed to ball In the mean time. No Appeal from Denial. If. however. Justlce Ooff denies the motion. the defence cannot appeal U the hlgher courts agalnst this ?perlfi decislon. It will be neeessary thep for Mr. Staiuhfleld to pro< eed as he had plaimed in cnse the court sentenced Hyde-that is. appear before the Jus tl? e ln Spe( ial Term. Part 1. of the Su pTOJM Court for an order to ehow i a>ise why the OOBVaetad former <'ltv I'ham berlaiti should nol ha\e a tertllhate of reasonable doubt. this order to he re turnable after the Dlstrht Attornev has had at least forty-elght hours In whl? h to prepare his answer. In other words. Hydes appeal. in rase Justlce Goff denies the motion for an arrest of Judgment. mttst be taken on the de feiK e's exceptions to the eourt's rullngs thtoughout the entlre trlal and to the lontents of hia eharge to the Jury rather than on the point made by Htanrhfleld in his argument yesterday that the eharge on whl< h Hyde atood convh ted falled to < onstltute the > rlme of bflbOfl. Hefore hearlng Stnn' hfield's argu metu Justiee Ooff . alled Wllllam J. Wright. Dopttty < dmmlssi^ner of Cor raotlona, to the stand He peraoaally examlned the witness ion< erning M al leRtd Interview with the lutter wlil.n appeared in a mornlng paptT on Mon da\, in whh h Wright was OJOOted as saying be believed "his friend Hyde" was lnno< enf. beeaacd Tombs "trustles" had roportad to him extraets from | (onversatlon overhenrd bttWOtn Jo seph (> RoMfl and his oister. It ha* been .alled to nv. attent i..n." sald the court, "that you have n.ade a certatn tiatement ln regsrd to this ea?e, to the effect that bow orldeace has eotne to pow attontlea thai arOI afforri this defet.flant a new trinl. I will not senteno this prisoner or any other If it can be shown that any injusth e has been done. Do you know of anything that should cause the verdlct to be set aslde or a new trlal to he called?" "No, sir," replied Mr. Wright, rather weakly. ? Have ynu ever derlared to any per son that ) ou have auch knowledgc?" persisted Justlce Goft. "Any statenient that I have is falOO," declared the Dflpajtf ('ommlssloner. Wright Faoaa Qrand Jury. "Old you ever say anything approai h Ing such a statement?" "No. slr." ' Iild you say 'No' posltlvely?" "Yea, Blr." "There wns an Indkatlon of doubt ln your tone. Did you ever say to any one In words or In substance that you had knowledge that would glve this defendant a new trlal?" "No, slr." That ended the queatlonlng of Wright, who ahorJJy afterward took the witness stand before the grand Jury to make the aame denlala and to undergo, also, an examlnatlon regarding hlB adnvtn istratlon of the Tombs. Eduardo Breker. the reporter responsiblo for the alleged lntcrvlew whlch has immersed Mr Wright ln such hot water, preceded him aa a witness before the grand Jury, produclng his notebook to prove he cor rectly quoted the Deputy (Jommlssioner in his paper. Breker waa the flrat witness before the grand Jury. When he emerged after a Bhort examlnatlon he told his frlends that last Sunday he had called up Wright on the telephone and that Wright had made the atatements at tributed to him the next mornlng over the telephone. Breker aald that what Wright told him aeemed ao important to him he immedlately spoke to the niglu rity editor about It and went up to see Wright in neraon to make doubly sure he had heard arlght. Wright re peated to him what he had aald ovtr the telephone, he sald, and ho took i-areful notea of the converMation. Tho notebook he had with him bore him out. Wright denled that part of the lnter? vlew ln whlch he was quoted as saying he had evldence whlch l*d him to be lleve ln Hyde's Innocenee. He sald fur ther that Wllllam P. McLoughlln, a newspaper friend of hia, had told him that Breker had been a preaa agent and that he believed all preaa agents to be llara. The grand jury, therefore,_eent for Mr. McLoughlin, who remembered tho rem.ark he had made to Wright, but sjild he had made it in an offhand m-inner and that he kncw of nothlng whatever to Impttgn the veraclty or re liabllity of Breker. Navar Studied Tomba Rulea. Wright occupled the stand before the grand jury for an hour and a half, and in that time underwent a searchlng ex amination regardlng condltlons in tho TombH. Questlons were flred at him from all quarters, according to report, concernlng the favorltism shown to Hyde since the latter's incaneration. A copy of the rtiles governlng the con duct of prisoners in the Tombs and the oftlcerfl detailed to take care. of them was sent for and produced, adding grcatly to the witness's embarrass ment, lt Is sald, becauae he was com pelled to admlt he had ncver read the rulea The elty charter says these rulcs shall bo lald down by the Commlssloner of Oorrectlon?ln this instance Commls? sloner Whitney- and ahall have the ef fcct of law wlthin V* prlson .uremlses. They prescrlhe that all prisoners shall be treated allke; that no prisoner shall have a vlsitor on Sunday without spe clal permisslon In wrlting from tho Commlssloner of Correction, and so on, rules which, it is charged, have baan repeatedly vlolated for Hyde's beneflt. lt the grand Jury flnds that Wright, who has had special charge of the Tombs, has been derelict in his duty, lt can hand up u presetitment recom mending his dlsmissal by the Mayor or the Governor. If such u presentmeot re8iilts from the present Investigation lt wlll undoubtedly bc suhmitted flrat to the Mayor for action. If the Mayor ignores it or volubly refuses to dlsniiss Wright, who, Is the Tammany captain of the .'llst Assembly Dlstrict, Justlca Goff, It Is expOCted, will pass tho rec onunandation on to Ctovarnoy l>ix. Goff Charges Grand Jury. Justlce Ooff began the court MflOjon yesterday mornlng at 1<i:.'!C? o'clock by charglng the "John Doe" grand Jury as followa: I ?? aw provtdea tbgl the grand Jury mual Inqulre Into the actiona of p blli offlcera and into tha conriitlon and man* agement of the pvollc ptiaona, That tha power that is it your hand. to Inqulre Into the managetnent of tha publle prta* one, to 4ete< t aiui Inqulre Into tbe man agemenl fhat rteais witu tha afflcienc) ai the prleooe. Tba ia*- saya you may bevj fiec eecaoa to then !>t ativ time. I eali yoiir atteniion to a reeponalbla newapnper repori apeaklng of the actiona >>'. a cfty offlcial In tbe elty prlson. I have nothlng to aay of that; that lt will be rour dutj to Inqulre Into, Our pqbllc Inatltutlon* sho>iiii be propetiy condnct ed. not only aceording to law, bui to j ie? I llca Tha law preecnb*e that men pn ruted '?? erlma mual i<e kepl ln cuat< and that when convlcted they ahall be kepl in ronflnement untll aenteuc? ' Ul i for the sdmlnlatratlon of Jnatlea, aii'i ??o Hiat everytblng will i>e fait to all. Tl ?? Ina knowa no dlaorlmlnatlon, no pull nor powerful polltlcal Influence. nd mittei whal tha aorlal condlUona Thbi i- i govtrnnient of the people; there mtist j*e no '!???> rtmlnatlon i cbai ge you to Inqulre Into th< m m? agemenl of tbe elty prlaon, and l ?uggeat for your inriuiry to iook frito the.*.- mat tera i wili outllne the<e aubji lin?s yoU wlll need to fol|ow: In this < itv ptfoon in a condltlon of manacemenl II ai H proner'.' is It 'on dueted ln tc< manner end splrit of the inw?" ij tma ordei and dlaclpllne . iA tain*n in lt? Ht.\e prlsonera beati as aaulted and treated with rloience wlthin ity walla? iia\e tbei been treated urtth dlacrlmlnatlon, and. if bo, by wboin and why? H <s anv ratploye oeed bla poeltlon to fahihate teatlmony (Orany one.' Haa utc employa knowfedge of teatlmony whici. uiight reveree the declalon of a jury ?nd residt ln a t ew trlal" it was 11 o'clock when Ctorfc Penney called "Charlea h Hyde to the bar:" and every ona In tha crownad <ourt rooiu taiatad roond In hla seat to aee the blg. boyiab prisoner einerge fri>rt. the roar ioaf leadlna; to the Tomba. He atepped up brtakly, and planted bUnaetf tUrnly before Juatlce <iott. ?What have you noa to say to the court." Intoned Clerk Penney, "why aontonoe ahoafd not he pronoaacad agahiai you tecordtne to law'.'" If was at this roint tliat Mr. Stan. h- I nTHTTTrnTTnTTiTnTTTl Here's the cigar that noised its own excel lence over night. ClOAR'i V Its first day sales reached 420,000! Sensoria We are now pre pared for unlimited demand and would hint to those who experienced disap pointment, to double their usual supply. At .11 Unit.d Storea er Order S?rrka, Flatrion BU|., N. Y. Each UNITED CIGAR STORES mmmm^mj^mmj McGibbon & Co. Christmas Exposition Kvery member of the family has been remem bcred in a grand collection of appropriate gifts now displtved on oor Miin Floor. Each department has contributed something, and gifts for all, whether ornafnenttl, personal or utilitarian. may be selected qitickly. comfortably and economically. It will bc worth your while to tum from Fifth \\enue into otir Store on 37th Street, just oflf the otrner. 3 West W* St. JuBt off Fifth Avenue fleld began hll arjnimont for an arrest of judgment He repeated in substance the argoment be had mudeat thebegln nii.gof the trial. when he asked that the Indletment ngalnst his cllent be quashed On the ground that it dld not spe.ify the consideratlon wlildi Hyde had re eeirad al I bribe. H> attacked the haotlce'i Intorpratatlon of section 372 of the P< .?ai Oode. on whlch the convj(? Ubn rcateet retnlnding tha coort this 8<'<tioii refe.rred speclflcally-to judbral ofAcara If It were bribery, he argued. for the Clty Chamberlain to promlse .. man more bfty dapoatta if the latter would leiid n.oney to one of the Clty Chamberlaln'a frienda, than it would be bribery for n lustice of the Supreme Court to agree to do a eolleag\ie of the banch ? faVOf if the latter would ap point one of the tnatlea'a friends to a recetverahlpv 11^ used another illustratioii. Assun.e." h<* said. "that the Distriet Attorney is o!<?cted Mayor of Xew Yorl and a powerful newspaper seeks te have om af Ita aaaloyea appotntad by hlm aa his private secretary. He make: tl a appointtnent, say, In return for th? proinis* u( that papar that it will sup port his oftVlal acts. That again would be bribery undT your honor'a interprt tation of Sectlon 372, punishable by ten years in prison or $3,000 flne or botr." The Dlstrlct Attorney Is said heartily to agree that the latter lllustratior. sets forth a elear case of bribery. He is not worrying over the outcome of the mo tlon, pr^ferring to let the brief he sub mltted to the court in answer to- the former n.otion for a dismisaal of the indic tmetit serve the present instan'.e. BOOSTING WHITMAN S BOOM Republicans of 19th Assembly District Indorse Him for Mayor. Four hundred members of the Repu'uh can Club of the Ifth Assembly Dlstiict, at their regular monthly meettng last nlrht at No Hl Wo9t 117th street. unanl moualy adopted a reaolution lndoralng the candldac.; of Charles 8. WhStnian. Dlstrlct AttoraoTi for Mayor at the next electton. The reeohltloa was offered by Coroner Herman W, Holthauaer. and Senator Alexand'-r Brotigh slso spoke ln favor af It. A eopjf of the resolution was ?<?nt te , Mr Whltman. IHSSE ff/terDinner Gojfee Sets CJ/EHONEHUNDR.ED designs in Sterlir^&Wer'ore^hovn. jin the Corham sale/roorru each set seryefa y^ful pirr* 'pose re^ardle^* of price.*5he collection embruc^ all perioay CvlomcJ-ltfthCciituryFrenck-Old^ e/c T3he name of Corham has &uned its unique place throu$\ the superiority oP such de/idps as are mcluded in the pnyent stoclc the GOEH3M CO. Silvcrsmiths 5th?lvenue and 36th St. 17-19 Maiden Lane