Newspaper Page Text
JXtm iHribtnu \ou LXXTL.N0 24,134. To-da.r. f?ir. To-mnrrow. falr. _KIMnf urr. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912,-SrXTEEX PAGES. * * TRICE OXE CEXT,nCHy?^^ggg^g^' ATTAGK SERVIA Dual Monarchy's Military Activ ities Thus Interpreted in Semi-Official Publica tion in Paris. TO BE MASTER IN LONDON Indications Are That Vienna Oabinet. Backed by Mobil ized Army, Will Seek to Dictate to Con ference. Pari*. Der 11.- Le Temps," wh.lch ]$ eoaaidered to rpflect the vlewa of the ?ajtarnmant, thinki that everything tenda to conflrm tho feelinar of uneer tainty ?i 1 alMMtaaM. Rerleving tho attltudr of Auatrla during tha la<-t six month*. the papcr point* out that in 1309. whan she had to flefend the annexation of Boania and Heruegovina, Auattia mado mtlltarv preparatlons on a ronslderably smaller ?ca!e than those she has recently un dertaken, and also that Austria Ib maklng these prerarations 1n the pres enre of a paolftV Rnasta and a Fervta ,>jrK i? r^ady to abide by the will of th? great POWWI Oth?r coneervative opinion in Paris 1? to the affaot that impartlal observera n.uat conrlud^ that the Cabinet in Vienna i? maktng ready to attaok Ser \1a on on* prataxt or anotber. or wtahes to be maater of the negotiations aoon to begin in Londou. The continn^d Austrtnn mnhlUzatlon, ?rhtch, accompanifd bv heavy expen ditur? of mnnoj tn that courtry, has resulten' In the disturbanro of com mer'-e and industry. is noted here with caaaI4ertb)a tmeaalness. Austria's tn? tto? on the ?V? of the Balkan peaoa cenf^ronre nnd the meotlng of tha KliropWi amba.?sadors in London ara not understood. althongh asauranoes fcave bern rereivrd in Paris ibat Aus trta la batrt upoM p*arp if what is cail^d Nonombla paacoba possibie. Ri; m la'g limftiwi that ber rep laaantatfit part;Hpate in tha ambiia lal < onference has ttOt been voiced b?' ' Itha* Prance or Great Britain, aa it ,. pirM ?.-> litnit tha discusalon to tho phl ffaajt pow^r.-. The Servian po*"* delegale. M. NlkoUck, quoted in an Interview by the 'TftH Parisb?n." expreaaos p**ssi aatotlc vifws aa t<. th^ prospprt of Srr vi;- ohtaining Purazzo. I canniit bopa," h? said. "that wc ?rlll get DNMSSO, I belleva that OBC* r - rt miRht will prrvail over rlfht. and th it befor^ tho polid frnnt of tho Triplo Allianca and tho rMPOnalbllltiN M a flifhtful war the jrovornmonts will | 'a<-k I fonr thnt tho Aoatrian bear will pla'f hi? hravy paw on ns. Puttinp; mvsrlf in the poaition of the other na tlort!?. I quite undorstand thelr unwlll ingneaa to riak auch a war. Roduced in (l;r OWB repouroes, we must see Whal wo hav?- to do and whore our duty liea. Bnt wo w |11 fulfll that duty v< tha bitter ond.'* c-.iint von Lataovr ooajwaata th* calmness of Borlin with the nervoua n^M of Vienna, and says that it would bf rieplorable If an impatlent ulti matum wera sent to Servla. He adds that the hiatory of tho year 1869 ahowa that with an untlmely ultlmatum Aus t/ia-Hungary has once before ruined a by no means hopelosa dlplomatlc aitua tion and turned the whole of Europa againat her. I^ndon, Dec. 13.?Tha Qreak, Servian and Montanearln peaca comraiaslona arrived in London laat night from Parla They wera greeted at Chartng Croaa by a coamopolitan rruwil. whlch lncluded tha Oreek ArchlmaiHirite and tha mambera of tha varlous legations. The Greek Premiar, M. Venizeios. and C??tlatim on ihlrd page, fonrth coiumn. This Morning's News X.OOAL. Page Boom Whitman for Mayor. l Plan to Expoae Vire Trust. l Woman Trles to Kill Kival. l Balkan .Itws to Flocft Her*.* IJifk^nn'.s Plny for Charlty. 3 Eltv^n Arr?htpd tth Strlke Rlotera-4 Woman f'ocaine Sellar Kre^. ? May Inaraaaa ^'ilaon'8 Bodyguard-U Tr>mb? Inquiry Goe* On.ll Julian Hawthoine I'ared 111.ll Hl?(khand#>r Convloted .** ?20.000 Jawal Robbery.*? Laajla Mouquin Robbed.l* Mitckrl Atucka Tomkina.*? FOI.ITIOB. Progreaeivea Back FYom Chicago.? aiiniiu. 8tock Kyrhanga Methoda Shown. 1 fctaue Pardona White Man. 1 *'im?n in t'tira Mills. 3 Prank .\f. Kvun <alled on Jerome-4 f>lx Hita at fnllcansed Preaa". 4 ?-ie Paaaerl In tbe Houae. ? *la> Not Ordar Kaaa Haven Inquiry.. 8 RtWlaga \> Knock-kneea?.ll rOBEIOW. Auetria Pr#paita for War.. 1 ?uba'? Independenof -'Underminad". ? ? ? HtfJ I>anre in London . ? MXBGBX.X?AarBOtrS. N>wn for Women. ^ P^litorlal . ? f*or|?ty . ? MUBlc . ? "Mtuary . ? Wporta .10 and 11 ( 1 InanHal and Maiketa.18 and 13 ?Nrmy and Navy.1* w??ther .1* ^hlpping.14 Real Catate .14 and 18 BLEASE FREES WHITE ASSAILANT OF GIRL South Carolina Governor Forgets His Advocacy of Lynching to Protect Women When Convict Isn't Black. [Bv Tttagrapk to The Trltnin* 1 CuhimbiB, R. (".. Dec. 12.?Although Or-vornor Flease declared ln his speeoh at ihe reoent Govcrnors' confflfonoc bl Rtohmond, \n.. ?drocoUng Um lynchlng of nogrocs Tvho attack white women. that he would tear up his ronvmissfon rather than fail to defend feminine vlrtue. he paroled to-day R. A. Rlchw. n waalthy whtte planter, of Ahbeville <'ounty. who was convlrted ln 1910 of ap?aultlng a thirteen-ypar-old glrl and sentenced to serve ten yenrs in *h<* state ponttonttaiy. Tht o-ase was takpn to the Bopromc CoUTt wbiCB up neld Richey's lonvlotion. A* a OOBditlon of thp parole GOV* ernor Bleace requlres Richey to give n $5."00 hond that he will pereonatlv appear bpfore the < xerntlvp on No vember 23, 1913, "to rOCttYt whst 1? then and therp ordcred by tho GOY? crnor." Richey 1s said to be a hopele^s ln? valld. and his victltn is wl'l to have expresi=*d a belief that h^ has been punished enouRh. Richey has a wtf? and dauRhtprs ln Abbovlllt County, v?hn arp loyal to him. | WIFE TRIES10 SHOOT Women Grapple in Fierce Battle When Revolver Misses Fire. MRS.HARBESONAPRISONER Millionaire Husband Declares He Was Lured Away from His Store to Give Chancc for Attack on Clerk. Fersons Plfflll the Fren<h BtorO, nt No. H19 OohopbtU avenue. "n th? <-or ner of With street. last night ?ron thrown inlo a state of excUomenl ivhevi a wpII oreasod woman, al><>ut thirty years old, Jurnped from a ta\; COJb, dashed into the atore Soorlohlac a revolver and held the weapon lo the head of one of thp women employe-a. She pulled the trigRer, but the car tridge failed to explode, and then Um |WO women enjtaged ln a hand-to-hand struggle for possesslon of the weapon. After falling to the floor of the sh"|>. lo.^ked ln a flerce embrac.e. the w<?m?n| r*-RHln"d their feot and rontinued the i flelit out into the ntreet. Finully tli" woman who had been ottOOkOd wreat ed the revolver from the other. Ju?t at that moment a tall man ?JMTgod from the taxicab BtandlnR by the eurb and snatched tho weapon from her hand. He passed it to thp Hiauffeur : of tho CftT, who thtn put on his DOWOT nnd whirled away. Pntrolman Qolla-1 fb?r, of the Weat fWth itMM bUtkm, j then ran up and took l.otli rnmui to the Rtaflon bouae. When taken bofor* CapUlB MoyOTK who waa behind the dewk, the woman employed ln the OohtmblM avenue, Bhop gave her name aa Mrs. Uelen Renner, twenty-eight yeare old. of No. 1517 Thlrd avenue. Fhe eaid ahe wa? a wldow and llved wtth h^r arvpn year-old son and hor mother. Woman Sent to Bellevue. Mrs. Renner told <.'aptain M? yers that the other woman, Mrs. Oftthortofi Harbeaon. of No. 40 W?Ot Wth itroet had attempted to klll her. Upoa Mrs. Renner's complaint, Mrs. HoriMOOB was made a prlsoner. rhargr-d with at UnptOd felonloiis nsnault and carry Ing a (on<ealed weapon. She was later taken to Bellevue Uospital, Fufferlng from hysterla. Mrs. Renner ia OSlplojrOd as head naleswoman In the ator^. whlch 1s owned by C Dexter Harbeaon. the hus? band of Mrs. C;itharlne Harbeaon nnd a ?on of Mrs. ffood Harbeson. H<' 1? rosutod to be a millionaire. and owns i other stores on Rruadway and at Sara toga. Hli brother, Matthew J. Harbe? son, who llves ln New Jeraey, was ar rested last February, charged with steallng loaves of bread from a gro cer's store ln that state. He was sen tenced to thirty daya in the county Jail. but waa later taken to this clty, where h? was examlned as to his aanlty by allenlsts employed by Mrs. Wood Har? beson. Whlle awalting the urrival of an am bulance. B. B. Hlpple. a lawyer, of, No. 70 Woll Btreet, who said he was Mrs Harbesons attorney. entered the station house. l^e talked with his rllent a few mlnutes and then left. A short whlle after this. C. DoxtOf Har? beson, the prlsoners btwbond, entered. He told the poli?e bO had rereived a telcphone message early ln the OVOBtOg from a ?ister of Mrs. EteltsMon, aak lag him to meet her at the Pennsyl vanla station. While he was keeplng this appointment. the attack upon Mt? Renner was made. Harbeson bOllOVW the appointment was planned so as to glve his wife the opportunity of attark Ing Mrs. Renner [| was aald last plfht that Mrs. Catharlne Harbeson. who has an actlon for ,,-paration pendlng agam.-t Jvr husband Is extreinelV Jeoloui ol Ml? w horno lifc Sevrral ifOOlW ago. ?C 2n Sucked bOT in her home, using a halplu Iii hia dofianop of lils f*?llow Gov rrnora, who rppudiated hls utterancea in favor of lyncbtog nagro asaailants ?>f whito wnn.on, Govarnor Blcasf aaiil: "I anap my flng'ra at your rraolu tlcns, for aii the reaoluttona and aii the mntloni jrotl mny aot upon wiH not eeall to kaap bm out, Long after man* >f you gentlonion here to-day ?re reat <ng in tbp rettred ahadea of prfvnte life t wiii bo reaptog tho rewarda <>f pablic aerflce. Long aftar you good Qovarnora aro no longer Governore, tho whlte women Of Soiuli Csrolllll will pray (bf me with tbetr arms around theJr gtrla, ?nd will arlsej from thatr knaaa to idaa thoir huahandi and bag tbom to go to tho ballot boi and rot< for Blaeae to protact tbam from thelT dally torror. "When I mM i nevar irovld ordai out tba mllltbi to protacl tha black brnte who lald Msj daaaeratfng band uprn n whlte woman I apoke tho tnith. T ajajr it now agaln. That is my poai tton, gontirmen, and if you don't agrae with me. 1 r? thr worda ol tha great Vit gtntan, ?<-n to it:'" WIFE SUES G. B. TORREY Painter, Known Here and in Europc, Marriod 21 Years. Oeorge Burroughi Torray, ? well known portrait paintar, ia betog ? I in the Bupreme Oouii by Mri, Abnuiti Howaa Torray f"r dirorea Tha aull |waa Blad yaatarday. Mra. Torray ia living at the family>-. No. 27 Eaai 35th ttreet, and Mr. Torray i-u ol the Vandarbilt Hotel. i Mr. Torray bai baan an nthibltor al the Parta BaJofi ainca 1900, He wu decorated In I9W by thr Ktag "f Greeet with tha Grectea erdor of the Bavtour. iic If ? nanbar of tho Unloa Club. Mr. Torraj has palntad tho por tralte ?'f man) dlatlngulahad n?an lamong thctn Praaldant Taft, Prin-e 'llenry of Pruaala, Theodore Rdboevelt, the late aforton and tha tota Blr < bepar Pnrdon Ilarki. Mr.s. Torray wna man Ahnlrlta Howaa, of Brldgeport, Conn, Hhe mar rlad tho arttat on Norember 10, 1801. $7,200 FOR HER EYELID Verdict Restores Emotional Abilities of Actress. IftH Bartha Weatbroob Hoid, on aetraoe, who fallad on tho firat trtnl of her snit agntnat Alhort Plaut, proet* dont of tha dmg eoncam of Lahn & v'tnk. to convlnce tho jnry tiiat an to* jury to tho lower iid of ber right eye affactad ber emotional qualtttaoi ra* oovarod ? rardlcl for 17,200 In tha Bu? preme Court yaatarday on the oecond trtol of tho raae. IUm Ratd iuad for |30,0IMJ daraagaa for tha tnjurtae sho racalred whan an automobtle ownad by Ifr. Plaui atrurfc I har car In Jnly, 1010, at DeaJ Beach, N. .1. The Jury dtaagrecd on lha Bral , ll'ial. < barlea Prohman, who waa ? wlt-| tiphh for Mlaa Raid, aaid thal anytbing that wonld maka II dlfllcnlt for an art reaa to oxpreaa eanotton fav lally would rause a HMnagtl tO hositat- abOUt fin ploylng bar. Misa Roid aaernad to bave no difli oulty in eipraaalng bar anlotlonf whan tii<- vardicl wgi announcad FOR HEALTH MARRIAGES Nebraska Governor Will Ask for Restrictive Law. Ltneoln, Nab., Doc 12. Oorarnor Aldrleh aaid to-day that in hia forih r?.ming roaaaaga to tha Lagtalatora be will recoinniond tho enactmanl <>f ii law to proTonl the marrtage ol the physi eally or menteJly unaound He has ni)? outltoad fully bbi pian, but it wiii probably be ajastiar to the laws to Othar states, where reglstratl<?n la reqiiired, and if tho apptteant is not oonaidered eltgtble from a pbyotoal or mantaJ polnt of rlow tho Heanaa is to i?e rcfuKed. XMAS FRUIT CORNERED Florida Growers Hold Oranges to Keep Up Prices. Jarksonville, Fla., Dec. 12.?To pre v-ant h congestlon of Northern frint markots and to maintain the prices w. C. Tempie. genorai managar of the Florida tMtrus BSCbavngO, to-day in ?truoted aii iiiaanbnra of tha oxL-hati?e to dlaeonttona shipping frult until further ordera. It la aaid the asohanga practioally controll th. Flori.h. fr.i.t crop. .The ordar aatplotood that aix thoii ?Hit1 eavloadi of orangoo and grapa* frult iow are on the way or in tht hamis of Northarn marchanta. Tiie eountry*! nvoraga wmaumption i? said to be tiv<- hundrad oartoada ? day. ROOSEVELT JBETJORS WIN $25,000 Staked on California El'ection To Be Paid To-day. BM Fran?iaro. V*c 11 -Twenty-flve tnooaand doUan atak.-d on the Cali? fornia alerttftn nlB ba paid on* hore to-morrow by Toin Oorbatt aa ?-oinmia aloner Thoae who bal that RooaaraM would carry tha state wto. iMirlris the weeka the reault hung in doubl Torbett det-lded to name u win R?r tho rnndidatr who ?arrled a ma krity of tha aloctoral Uelegation. SooStoII nron, both to tho ,i.Ttorai t,on and by a popular plurallty. The oadri werc - to 1 P" Koobt'.ciu PRACTICES TOLD Money Trust Committee Learns Some of the Methods of High Finance Which Startle Members. MANIPULATIONOFMARKETS Brokers Tcll of Bcing Forccd Out of One Institution or Another by the New York Stock Ex change Rules. ? From Tht Trtbua* Bureau i Waahlagton, Dee. 12. Tb? Pojo "money truet" Inreetlgatlng comroittee turned its learebUght to-day on th<; Inalde managetneot of the Nen Tork Btoch Bxchange and learned aeveral thlngfl rogardlBg h'Rh flaaaca arhlch ? I tO startle thr DTObon Krana K. Bturgia, chalrman of the lav, comtntttea of the exchange, wai the atar urttneaa, He "a* aaked if hc ? "uid hMtlfy th? practlce of the px OBBBgfl ln tmcltly allowiiiR Itl RMIBberi to' bay and aell itocki at the tanw time. thereby ereatlBg an axtlflcial ap peerance of raarh< i acthrity and forc Idj prlrefl op or down. After aome healtation. Mr. Bturgii lald h< thoogbt tbn prai !?? g n i |ual II tble and frankly added: ??Voii are aakJng rwa ? moral e,uea? li.ii; I aiu gtvlng rod a Bto a IEx? change anawer." Samuel Unteraiyer, rouneel for the Houae eomnilttoOj reraarked that "the Btoch Bxchange rleurpolnl tont the moral rlowpolBt," and Mr. Btorgli agreed that thta mtght be tru< Tn.> Pnjo eoaunfttei '* atl ? ' lii Bturgta why the Ooald mdRocke? fellen a*are aoxioui to keep leata on baage* alth< ngb lb< aw ;"' OCthraty en?r??jed ln BUSlfM M ?I auppoee they thlBi they wlll ?*?? BOBirnhBrioBB, Perhapa their toyall I tha in.-titut(<>ii 1? alao a factor," >ald the wt'n. *s No Incresie in Memberthip. i he teetimoaj of Mr. Bturgia brought out the faet tb il tha BJetnb* rabtp of U ?? Sto? k EXOBBng* had BOt BBI R tBCTCaaed atace ivr'^. v h. ii n oraa laad at l.ian. Bfnre then tha boatBeea done and the aacotitlof Heted ob the exrhaiiR" had Increaaed aboat flfty tUnee over. Mr stiitRis dc ii'-'i that ag lacfaaoa bi mei bershia v as BBnaceaaary, for the preaant mombarahlp "?," waU abie to nandle the bmlBOBi of tha publle, in a doaafl raeoBt fallurea, Mr. Btor? gli admittcd. Btoch Bxchange hooaai had earrtad aitb thann Btoch owned In part bv th?ir eoBtomarBj bui bypothe catcd b| tha broketa for more tha i tl ? real oa oarahtp of the brokar. i aucl raaea tha of Iba nla of tli i banhrnpt broker'a ocal on tha exchaagu \?,tit. not to ht* cuetomera, but to bla credltora inside the exchaage. Mr. Bturgti thoogbt thfal ? I ? falr Bnd Juat, aa ll ema a ragulatlon aubocrtbad to by the rnembeia of the tm ??' rac ? by the publlc. stock Bxchange brohara uaually oaad tha itOCk 01 BOd lB part b] th< ir CUS tomers as collataraJ to aupport their oam loana, Mr. Bturgia aald, rehypotbe ratlng the aacurltlaa (or a greatar anionnt than was rOpreaBBted lB tha ,1,1,1 of tha BBBtomaf ob the ato k. Jii addad that the goroTBora of tha ex . baaga aroold welcotBa bbi suggestion that wouid put h atop to Um practjea. witness dbjagraod aith a achaaM proposed by Mr. I'ntcrmy.r that would forea brohari t,> naarh ra "loan an ralopaa*' ooBtatotBg thate ootlatara] the nmount for whi?h they BretB alraady hald M sp'-urlty by tlu- hrokir. in ordaf that the bank miRht .nako its loan to tha brokar on that basto. Thta ?cheme, Mr. sturgis eooteoded, would aatall an abaoat prahJhtttvB araouat of book keepfaag, Mr. BtnrgiBj through ? grUUag, da taflad examination, budstad the Stock Fx'-hange OOUM not prevent nianipulatlon of the mark-t by BOOU and ayadlcateB. He said It COOJd not r<? behhad a traaaBCttoB to dlocoTar a buyer i r ,?e!ier*s BaoUrea. ( m thla potot Mr. Bturgia and OOUB s?-i for the cootmlttee bad ? iphited argvment Mampulating the Market. "is it legithnate fbt ? BtaBtbet of the ?-x' baagt to gtve aa ordet to mO a oar> taifl amownt of stock to one broker and aa order to bay tha bebm amount jf tha aane atock to another brokar?" asked Mi. 1'ntcnnycr. "8o lotig bi there a bo cottughHi ami ii.Buadaadoaa ara paid, it is not nie glthaate," said Mr. Bturghn "The important BOUM Is that tha broker's I iMMIllBslOII be pald^" "Ycs, that is it." ? Voii know that the objBI I of ' iintinurd on fnurth paae. fuurtli rolunin. Royal Auction Clinics By GEORCE KLING Duplicatc Royal Auction Bridge, the latest develop ment of the game whose devotees are legion, will be discussed and demon strated by George Kling in his weekly article appear ing in The Sunday Tribune CHARLES S. WHITMAX. Who was enthusiastically praised for his work in prosecuting- the Ro^cnthal murderers and incidentally boomed for Mayor at a dinner in hia bonor last night. WHITMAN FOR MAYOR, SLOGAN AT DINNER Every Shade of Political and Religious Belief Represented Among 800 Who Meet To Do Him Honor. The low ruhibltog boona of Dtatrlct Attomay Wbttnwn for Ifayor nadngled burt nlght with tho popptog of cham i orka. Tho boona grew to eol i the ral lo <?< rlntage n.usketry gavo placo to the haavy avtuierj of pcakera aa Predarlck C. Tanner, Republlcan laader of tho 2^th leaem* 1,1 v. Dtatrlct tho toaatmaatar; Dr. Tal cott Wuilama, dlraetor of the Colurabla Bchool of JournoJlam; a. Barton BOp* burn, proeldent of the Chaae National Banl Benatot WlBhun BL Borah, of ldaho; <!oorge Gordon Battle, and finally tho niatrict Attoraey brtneett Tho Dtatrlct Attornoy dovoted moat of hta BpOOCh'tO tellinsr hia adrr.lrera, ajght bundred of them, what ? nne atnff of eaeiatante he had, but hia pnaonoa. ooupled with tho generoaity (.r his tribnte to hl* aubordinatos, dld tho work. M.u n( every pollttcal beiief, of evory rallgknil oreod and every race antod In thla cosmopolltan com Riuntty gathorod In the grand ballrootn ol the Hotel Aator to honor the proae entor. To mentloa only <>ne evidenee of tho strlkingly repreaentatlve char aoter of the asaembled dlnera. aboyt table II oat, anotag othera, Alton B Pnrfcor, Willlam F. Sheehan, Edward W. Hotch and DeLancey Nlcoll. At table 'ii wai gathered a little party whleb toduded Hai i>. ?tonor and John B. Blonflhftelfl, tho IWO lawyera irho defended Charlai BL Hyde in the . unploeaantnaaa. Anothef diner DRUNKARD'S LUCK HELD Chicago Man Simply Oouldn't Get Hurt on "L" Tracks. ChlcagO, DOft 12-Oacar Forenaon. aftar making aoveral putvhaaea in Bg* noff atores to-day. felt the need of sle?p. Ho cltmbed an plcvatod rallroad pillar and lay down in ono of the Iron grease paM that aro auaiiendpd Uttdor the tracka orer croiatnga. SMienson alept whlle elevated rall? road Oinpioyea debated on how to get hini out. Ho OOhred tho problem hlm B(.|f by rllmblng to the tracka and startlng to walk along oloae to the thlrd rall. wMch ia heavily chargod with ele< triclty. After ho had walked a fOW blooka he WOUt to aleep agaln, thls time between tho tracka, and whlle a half dozen traina waited tlremen ratne with lad dera and took him down. tiarar was arrested. - m CASTPO REPORTED IN PARIS. Paris. Dee, U' ?C'ipriano Castro. the -x-PiPrtldent of Venezuela, II ?a Jearned. is vlFlUna frlenda at a villa in the Paaa, diatrict of Paris GREAT BEAR SPRING WATER. ivc. per cad*> of 6 gluss-atoppered bottlea. - Aavt at thla table was Herbert Fayard Swore. the well known sleuth. who tiaoked the foraar Clty ChamhariaJa to his lalr in the Florida Kvergladea. The CMatrlct Attnrney. tn laughlng over the "BllXtare" promlnent here and else in the room, Berertbeleaa ex* preaaed heartfeH grattflcatton at the mute tnhiite this linplled. No Waldos or Gaynors. (>n the llst of dlners a Rrrker, a Rose, a Weher, a Hyde, and even a Charles F. Murphy flgured, but these guests disclalmed nll connectlon or ?ympafhy with their bettor known nameaakes. AI1 the aean.h BI the world. on the other hand, could not dlscover among those preser.t a Gay nor or a Waldo. The dlnera walted ln valn to have some one of tha speakers conw out flatfooted with the. declaratlon that Charlos S. Whltman was to be tha next Mayor of New York Cttg. BtOiy velled hint in thta dlrectlon they fastctied upon with pathetlo eagerneas. A. Barton Hepburn ap proached the atOfBd explosive as closely na anv one perhaps ln ekadag with these aatde: "I thlnk the dlsttngulshtd guest of the eventng has earned from the cltiaens of thli clty tha trlbute, 'Well done, good and faithful aervaat You hav*. been falthful ln a few thtnRs; aa will maka you ruler ovar many" Bverybody cheered. And Talcott TTflHaiaa atrack a spartc when he also remarked before aittlnX (aagaaad <?> ??oond pa?e. flftb column. FRESH FOODSJMME HIGH Woman Expert Puts Blame on "Ignorant" Oonsumer. The Ignorant. ultlmate consumer who demands fresh goods ls responsible for the hiRh OOBt of livlng, according to Dr. Mary F. Pennington, of the De partment of Agriculture at Washlng ton, who appeared yesterday before Mayor Oaynor's market committee at the offlce of Borough President Mlller of The Bronx. Sh^eaid there was a loas of 10 per eeat ln eggs. due to breakage and de eag, and as the egg crop of the Untted States was worth 1500.000,000 a year that meant a loss of $50,000,000. About the same condltlons, she said, applled to butter and poultry. Dr. Pennington said refrlgerattng termlnals were needed badly ln New York because th* ignorant eonsumer demanded fresh goods when they were not to be obtained, and so pricee were kept up. The pabtte, she aaid, ahould be educated to dcmand proper market and transportation facllltiee. ANTEOILUVIAN WHISKEY Sinooth?with a bedv to It that denotea ^uVe quaiity. desirabie ahraye. Loytlea Broa.. N. Y.?Advt. 10 1 Independent Keepers of Disor derly Houses Plan Exposnre of Partnership with the Police and PoMticians. WHITMAN GETS EVIDENCE Waldo Makes Light of Mrs. Goode's Revelations Before Aldermanic Oommittee? "Manny" Maas Denies He's Graft Collector. BeroB vomen i eepera of dleordertj hon?pa not in tha "vtce truat" mel laa night at an offlce In Naaaan atreel aeat Fark Row to dlacuaa the qiiertloa of going before elther the aldermanic romniHK.r n gTBBd Jury and i'olun tarily laying bare the "B|BleBIN of po Itce btackaiall on the aodal evll. Foliowlng the rerelattona ol Marv Qoode before the aldennenk) committe* on Wedoeaday and her bali diseharpe yeaterday morning ln Bpet lai Beeatoaa, it is beUered that the dtoordert) boaaa keepers wiio ha'e been afnUated with the "vlep truat" will want to llne up in oppoaltfoo. Accordlag to the aeren erho attended the meetlng taat night the wniicn nt the uaderworkJ at-" gettlng *h^ impra | sion that if they lay bare the pecret what they <aii their 'bualaaea*' tbej raa get eM in Aghtlng poltce gr.if; After that. ;is to the ii^ l)( with the whoie queatloB of th.- ao lal cvii aitb the publle, thej ara ailhug to I chaacea. Becauee of poll.ppreeafoB igd double-crosalng, crntt p.iid to the potlce wni'-h doea not protect thecn, they bave cnme to bellave that the thne m rtpe for an appaal for oupervhrioa. regulatlon and poaalbU sefiregati(;n of tha BOCfcil evii by BOBM ehrk body other tbaa the BOUCB. More Revelations Expacted. At the DlBtrtel ittoraey'a ofl e .t whs iBaraad thal there are aoa lu that -? ? atatementa from orderly houae keepei toucbtng on po Hce graft, and it i* |.. ii,..., d that the a< ? tlon of Mrs. Qoode will s'rrngth i these ooBiplainanta to the pi ing their Ftories to ? grand Jury. "it n>!ght be Impoaalbla to Ket a dence agataui iny iiiRh poitca om". i?i." was the optnlon of a <ity ofl duties bare broughl hha ln cloa with the Keeppr." of dbWM I "bBBguaa these proprleton a ? their jnoney to BOBM one not a i???? man. in sora- eaeea tbla money i? d> posited in an envelope ln apectfled aa toons. Bomebody, preeauaabfy cob oocted with the'Police Departaaeai knows where to look for tboee envetepea and Rets them, Very few kaow through how many hands tliat money its flnal destlnation, but one tOBM i Jew, OUtatde the PoUce Kep.irtment? does know. He oarBB BOraral diSOrder< ly houses, wlii<h are run for him by women, and he haa the reputatlon of never squeallng. But the biR facl is that these bOOBBI that pay graft I not bothared. Whea they a'<- ratded lt is 'fake' raidinK, and every one , BOOtad Wltb the buslness knows it la a fake' rald." it aoretoped yeaterday that two po llcemen had made a dctermined effort to dlssuade Mrs. Ooode from appearirfg before- the aldermanic conuniftee to teatlfy after they dlscovered that. Emcry R. Buckner, the counsol to tha committee, had arranged with her to tell her story on thg stand. The two policemen told her to think over Rosenthal's fate, and added. "Tou'U never open a houso in New York aRain If you dont keep your mouth shuu" Mrs. Goode Raplies to Waldo. Mary Goude, in an ampMflcation of her ?Vonfesslon" which .-he gare from the witneaa stand of the aldermam committee on WedteOBday, laid bare yeaterday. ln all its BBTdld details, the police connectlon with vice. 8he spoke ln a reflned manner, fB ? tlrely at variance with the subject w?th whlch she de.ilt, and agpeared to luu:; on her "baatoeBB" la practteaUy the sanie way h shoc merdiant or an othtr kind of niercliant would look at his atock. Without the sliqhteM enuoUOB or ex cltement. without even so much as rakdag the level tones of her volc*. Bhe described the whlrrlngs of tha arheell wtthin wheels by whlch the |?i 11, e levy blackmall BpOO falleu women and h?>w they croaa and dUBBaQ fPOBI aadi other in the effort to keep the fllth taintnd money in their own hand Just one thing in all the world of graft, she said, was t,o |ow for poli. e grafteta?they had stopped their old custom of taklng small blackmail from women of the street. she was toid that Pottee CobbBbb> ?ioaar Waldo bi his lettcr to tha Mayor had implied that her entlre story was false because of the fact that she was ralded even when she aald sh? had paid police protection money t-? save herself from raids. To this she aaid: "According to his argument, then, th*? seventeen other dlsorderly flata ln the same building with me were paying protection. and I waau't at that time, because they were not ralded, although they had been dolng husinesa there for months before I moved ln." Explaina "Fake" Raida. For Tnspector Dwyer. who wai juoted as saying that her entire atory