OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 23, 1912, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1912-12-23/ed-1/seq-4/

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Giri Fails to Awaken Family,
and Hurnes Away to Church
?Returns Too Late.
Overcome in Efforts to Reach
Windows?Three Others Die
from Asphyxiatior. in
and Near City.
Whlle Beeklng to ? ??", *???
thal po ired trom the oven of
llartln McQ**eavey, flfty
I old; hli daughter, Mary,
,1,(1 .-i- BOD, Mai
tla, Jr., alateen, were ovei n :
killed late on Baturda* nlght or earlj
morning. Tha bodtea a
red untll -J o'elock yeaterdai
aften,?.,. Tha llcGreavi y? llved on
,. ond noor of > Batl o m N' ?"?"
Columbla Placa, Brookl) n
The family mlghl poaalbly ".ii?- *^ be?n
i tha pollca dlaeovered. If BW - Jo
oephtnc Teehan, of No, 51 Columbla
f.lurf , ? been late for maaa
morning. Mlaa Teehan
?topped on her aray to church to get the
McGrea*>eya Bla knocked at the door,
bul got ao raaponae. Bha walted a fear
motnenti and aa no one Btlrred wlthlu
the thougl i -ti. fi mlly waa nol awaki
Bhe had no thne to Bpara and ao hur
. I | ,,\4 ,1
Afti rward Bhi goi to thinking about
hai eapei k nce al tha McGreavej door.
it eeemed atrange to het thal ahe bad
4-. elved no raaponae. Bha araa aure the
family had nol gojne oul for tha day.
When ahe Bnlahed her dlnnei ah? wenl
back ta No. 30 Columbla vuk > and
lu ocked agaln al thi door of the aecond
floor apartment \K"i" aha got no n -
The Bllence arouaed her - a*
plclona Bl -? flpoke to Mr? Annie Bng*
bloni, arho llvei ? roei the hall from
. apartmi nt. Mrs. Bng*
blom aald Bhe had nol heard or Been
,.- thing ->f tiu- McGreavey family all
,i . thej talked they noticed thi
man Mui phy irai ound 1 rom the
,\? . ? ? -? Igate He
waj ?? thi fl.
..,,. en ame him
; ? Kttet
tor b few
momenta he crawled through the wln
? along tbi "? ' to the
oth artmi hlch
he rateed. W the bath
room he found the bod) of Mlaa Mc*
? .... room o
i ing wi man wai nexl to
Ihe room. 8 ntly had
i .\ and tried
lo ea thi fumea b<
thi bathroom.
..' ??.-?? ? ii.. a ai dead In
bla ropm. r- Blgni Ih il
it of bed be?
fore ').' had been overcome. Hia arm
. itendi d toward the window bj
hli bed, as though he waa trytng to
reach the air. The fathei waa found
alr In the dlnlng r tom,
PVom Ihe attitude of tha body, tho
n the way
!<? a window
Patrolman Murph* Buminoned Ambu*
? Ducaa and Bchulman
from thr Long Island College Hoepltal,
bul they said thr- throo harl been dead
for BevetaJ bourfl Th.. khs waa found
: mc from a Jel In thr> oven of th*
^a<< range, \ pecullar feature of 'h*
casg waa thal i hon
v.is lit. The pollce are unable m ex*
i atn u rr the Ihxhf, did not cauac an
exploalon when Ihi ame fl led
wlth cas
Three other deatba from ka* aspi: v
atir.-i |a New Torh and envtrona wera
rrpnrtrd yeaterday. Tho pi)itimtr.r
falled aa a meana of reauacltatloa when
?Piiiu-(i by throo physlciana on two un
IdenUfled Itallan Immlgranta, who had
I'imr time before blown out tho gaa ir.
n room in Roaal'B Hotel, No. 24". New
Maln street, Yonkors. Drs. Kurlonp.
iiftrrhoid and MacLeUand kept two
pulmotors going for no.irly an hour
Tho rtethoacope Bhowed a very faint
bearl aetloa is ono of the Itallans for
h short timo. but that waa alL The
m?n regtatarad as r>. Dlborno and John
Hoaalle They had uothlng re Identtfy
Thomas Lomt li a laborer, o Seattle,
on his **-a> to Oreecfl t.. Jotn the anu...
waa found dead In a gaa fllled room al
Si M .Murray Btreei yeaterday.
Daughter of Mayor Thought Sir
Thomas Too Fickle
. (loriaph t" Th- T-.dui
Boeaoa Dee. tt.?Mr Tboaaaa tJXpta
uvtn r?-jf vt- d bj .Miss Roae Fitzgorald.
tiif pr^tt\ daughtei ..f BoeteaTa Mayer,
x'lordinK to aa leaa aa auUMrlty than
lha Mayoi hluwelf. Blt rhoaBM elalted
hi? intimato friend whom he ? ails Kins
H*it7.gprai.i of Boatea." last week, and
wa? his gueet Beveral daya. The M
imif Batertalned thi iroaet a retal t!:r..s
ttfon ael and "Flta" havi
iiobnoriiiod arlth royaltj abi
s Thomaa aad Mlaa Hoei and Mlaa
\p:..-s ntagerald a.e frlenda ol aeveral
?oat*. i.'it aot untll lam wepk, acooedlng
. Mayoi did he thlak thal ti., fa*
? eua iii'ii tH4'.-..-!..i w.-nit.-.i tha "King of
Boston" foi a father-ln-laa Thi Ma
tolls the storv ln thi- B
After a bBBfljuel m a hotel, said tli.
.\i_..(>r "w? met Botna paraaaal ftlaada |
ai?,ut twenty-nvfl ra 'run. peapte, in
< ludiug flft^on or Borfl rouag gti * and
inaiilad women. Thej wata praaalng Blr
Thoaaaa la rarloua araya to get him t..
. (immit klasaeM as to tlie giils and woman
ln had Baat, and j.ai tl<lUlarly al>o-:t
reported eagagemeBl <.ut ia Denver. Thej
tbought th-> hu<i klm ta a eortmr. i*i
aally he said
? lf you wam t.. knoa WBO l-*d\ l.i,<
loli Is g.>Hi[: tO t><-. sii'- Ifl ilK.il in ttim
Btaad up Roai!
? ftos4* is ui. daughtei r11? Mayor ?,v
i waa'l aoeepl you ^;i Thomaa,' saul
my d?ujrht<>i 'i think yoa altagetber too
M<wie.. Tii? \ nii how led flmybodji in
'he plan S!r Thomas answeied
M*Well I know now h..v* || feelfl lfl I.e
1 ' ?=?
Wi 1111. rle Bui fetlei ~ ho t
get* p ahead of the < toi ln i
; p
sn get ..'
while ?' ? wait - i ? ? ? i 1ns
? than h<
ll .. bi k on ?).' il ??? All tl
feilers on Pltl Btreet havi started ln i
to take cabarel leasoni Bchmerle made
ahoemaking no businesa f u them It's
,1 1. .'. ? 4 . J
F*ot ;i long time Bchmerle could make
il m. business of putting solei and
m ahoes. The aolea nnd heela
a,. idn'l weai oui qulck > nough ?> id
tion on Pltl atreel there was
too m ?? h ngain. Then thi thought
? : . ?chi "< i.niiiitiati.it. is bei -
ter than < ompi tition.'
He went nround to Sol i '<> ttitsk; a
pawnlng Bhop and bought II s vlolln
nnd b drura and then wenl in the bai k?
ward* ol hls shop and made ll a couple
of tunea. !!'? iii.l it for a whole week.
until ?u- ould make ea-eel aound* i omi
out of the violip Then he a-eni to the'
( uminuc! from llrM |MS*
>.c ed ti. * and when hall '
,?-.'. oaj oi e, H . nrrlved Bt thi
.... ? i. red ih" bai! matter.
. : it. Butt* n; flr-t refuaed
li r. Blnni y, on the i
ondltlon to :'
Mr. 0 e he later i
onei to depart :". tbi law: -
Blnni t again thi* morn- (
r ol
flrm oi !'? m ej Maa lok A Osdet of N
R< ? ? tn t ?
? .tlantlo
Bl . led !?- thi t
?r and eoi trai H <i pi ? umonl
ruult Hi wa* ut dei a phyalelan
;-.,,-. ? when rela
tlvea.it ? ? ' '
.chl a craft
h- i a.. ? ? the K< 1
lo -
Sorr.e Earher Escrpades.
ine Into Blnni
ri- altt; " Iea* ....
.:. IUI, !.. got Ir.to .
when le waa irrested ln Phlladelphl I
loing ' i ? ? l| ? ? I ??? sd atn et n th
o hlgh p arered automoblle. when the
-. ttii d Binm v ii turi ed l ? tli
:....] trlal before Maa
Barloa for vlolal ':
Hi" ; aid i -.n. and i- turned to Phil i
,. .. appeared at the -u
llon houm In n I Ich he had beei onfli I
ed the return "f ?< revolvi r
which had beei takei away from him
at ih'- tiino of Ms aiiost. Upon
? : pollei to turn tbe weapon
..i.i io i.im. Btnne. aired bl* opinion ol
...... ni- ? i ? - i atronB
ta_rma lhal he wb? )<-.t m a eell ?'.',
h_ in hah (i to court Ht ;?? kl i fine and
? sred.
i?.-t Bvistiun
and purchased a M ilsanl snd two Nlcu
ri'iit monoplanea The Nleuport makeri
tued him for tbeir pay. and t ? case nrs
aettled. Blnney'a lateal ea apadi ? -
rurred abo it two wi ? go, arhen he
atarted I i - eo on n bualm cs
trip i? i?-1 ..-.
Ume thal
. oupli arrlve I in San Kr*
a*e to bseome I
.. ,r ihe <-itv ui. king up a
., ui for ihe bi de mt before the cere?
mony waa performed Bir dlaappeared,
leavlng th. ?; rt at the Palace Hotel
has bren marrled, r>*ir tii*re
was h divorce aeveral yeara a... and
made hia t^une in n
'iitU" apartment at No 131 Eaat Mth
atreet arlth I la riKht-yoar- !?! daui
and a governeaa if> la wealth) . id a
member of thi Player* an.i thr- Englneera'
cluba the Metropolitan M'.b. of IVaah
Ington and l i Garden Clty <;r>if Club
Seizes Car, Robs Saloon and
Has Five Gun Fights.
!"?. M \ bandit, who ssl
night commandeered tbe automoblla of
Frank McDermott, preatdenl of a large
department atore, compelted thi chauf
'mr. Charlea OalSnd, te ur ?.? iboul
t ?? itj held up a s,-iii...i and .i groci iy
?tera, sngagsd in flv? *unning fi?!its an4i
-ii.it tare men, nai srrested to-riav. iie
i aame ai Alexandei Thompson,
twenty-four v??i^ old and aak) he "-u a
'i i ?? ighwaymaa, afi^- maktng Oaland
drlve tiu- ipuxtii of th? dtj t.. Oeorge
town and bai k t<. ttir- fa ... . diatrlct,
stopped In fronl of ? aaloon, marcbed
Oaland ahea.! of i.ini Into It, forced the
bartendi r to niv.- htm ?i" an i ex
< lianK'"l nh.its With a patTOfl <.f thl
om bullet hittir.R ,i Japanese ln th.
Tartee i.e engaged ln a platol nattl. with
motorcycle pollcemen ?'iio pursusd t!??
automobfl* During Ihe rhaee Btephen
Katlea ? laborer, waa hli ln the head snd
aerlousl) wounded. The hlghwayman
next ? ntsrad ? grbi ei obtained I
? ? aftei .i plntol (Ight wltl ? ? pro
ai ?! latei wtth .i r olli ? n tn
Union Republican Club Pledges
Him Its Suppo.-t
Th* i mon Repabliean i iu. ol the Sttfa
Assembly Dtstrlcl on Prldai pssaad tiir
followlng r?hoiutioii uianlmouai
VVhereaa, Thi Hon Charlei 8 Whll nan
ns Diatrl t Attornc) ol Nea fork i ounty,
demonairati i tn the clllaena .?: tl
munity .ih.it an honeat and fall iful publlc
s.'i i aiil c ni aecompllati by Indefal
in the periorroanoi tf bla publlc dutiea,
ngardlesa i<f peraona, aa evl lenced
lecenl ? enta in tne crlmlnal aff*
thl* -" al < it\. and,
\\m ireaa, The .neniber* u thla organlsa
ti.ni. ... Ilerlng thal tbe a elfat ? of thi
lj demand* ihat auch
men .<?* Mr. Whltman ahould be contlnued
in imi.il. offlce; thi refore, t>r n
Reaol ed, Tbat thla ?? rganiaatlon pledgei
its earneel i forta t.i brtng abo n i
Inatlon oi tiif aald Hon. Charlea s Whll
man for candidate for Mayoi of thi Cltj
of Nea Vork nt the comlng Mayoratt?.
alectlon, and In the event .>r hia nomina
tlon we pledge our lovat nnd unceaaina
auprort to bh slectioii lo taiJ ofBce
Pe] , ra Hi bn ?? -Vsboi lal on
gj mnaalura and : i ? hot to make
?prli ga off the handi H< al o boughl
i i.k on magii trlcka nd learnod II
b) hi ari ; o to mak< i ;- n i enl bll
diaappeai by bla ear Wht n he had all
. . dowi Ih .ni eaali ?
went back ti hia bem h and walted.
The firel - uatomer a ho a inti d aolei
put on laugh when
?*, hmerle did ll a coupli ul -i ??
lolin. Then Bi hm< i le fll| i- '1 H
twii ?? ailh handsi
and pulled a dlmi h ihe ? uetomer'a
rlghi ? ar. WI i n he made a flnlah w ith
I ? . iati mer i ,!" it agaln,
and then ran oul by the dooi
Igl . s.: hei a - am< to
g bm< rh - him to make
II ,, aban i and thi n ahe* flxing i i
i ughing buainesa N'i -? 8< hnv rle haa
. || t , .. ork he i an do.' bul he
. b* hi? arm, thal
pi ii a bui I
au iii.- other ahoe fixera on P
are taklng ? n cabaret, bul
s- hmerle, he ha lt tln u neaa.
l ..miiiiinl rn.i.i Mi?l mm*
idj enti i prlae and oi ?
tion. ?'i,<- m nt , omi
- ? - nntri i \\ i .-i- the paal
You are the present and the future "
Have yo leei N ? forl
un d a renorter, ? . taklng
notea afti r paaalng the atatue.
' Ah y< k 1 hi ve," replled M de Po i
Laal night aa w r laj at
anchor l aaw your cil
the greai Imlldinga aeemed like
(allen from the
\- i1!- Paria dandy folded
maiiuscript and im mpaaal lately led the
to a more romfortable pl i \ ithin
door* hi paused al thi tl rea old wlth
thia obaervatlon "\ man who haa nol
x. -.4 y..i k .- nol n - omplote n
ln the l< unge the i '? enchman talki d
nf thi \ i ? i !? u roi the i
he hail brouj hl rom l en of
Pranci i" the n omen ol Ami i li a, and
n .1 thal i .'i.
.4 ith hi i talenta ui d hei
, ? ?
I nrld
M de i 'ouq ii< - - ? in< h -
man. He \> eai a a m mtach. and ia i
tltled to he - bIIi i ? ' ? li< r, hut he
to ho , all.-.i mon> li nr. H<
-. estenli ? i hlnchllla oi
and ? ? mah hi l ? Wlth hli
s<>rt 111.i' i -. ? atrlped ihlrt hi rore a
black foui ln hand tli loi
ol many diai ond il
trouaei ? - ? ? ? outei seam
being i ick tape. B ifl
Mlaa Mai b
Frem hm< r?'i >aggai I nol
to i" opi m d for cui tomi lm
hut his trunka a*ere handled a
Iho ? of other travellera on La I ,
\ . ni e, AII the ttn< ry of the I
dandy was h | ? '? d an fully, the ln?
spectora making menlal notea of what
was Whal in I'ri'i- ll I ?
As thi ? pectora ? ? ? ? - Ing through
the Prem hman'a ? ??? ? ? of them
.... ei i urned a small box of
. ? ? Ing Thi m rapplng bon t h<
... ??;.! ' ag< ' ? wh ?
Ihi i ? en hm i ?v ? ed ha
box for Anne Morgan."
lt a aa ret aslde w Ith other ai tli li a,
and when at laal the trunka of the lei t
'ii. i wen all cloa4?d anolher box be*
longlng lo Mm' Blla L Pasende, nf
New Orlean waa miaalng Ugr bag*
g.iK'- waa adjacent to thal of M, d
quleres, and preaentlj hi mad.- much
ado aboul tha dlaappc iram ? oi
"Where la mj eat? Wheie lfl my prett;
little Angora " si>< eai lalmed.
Just as the laal trunk of the FYeni n
Beau Ui ummi I a bi pul upon a 11
Um calla uf a cai weri heard within. lt
waa opened |ual In time to aave the
Pasende Angora from auffocation, and
the Inapei toi a ho laplai i d l he
. rated i at apologixed.
Afti r gi Ing to hl ? oti I m Andi.
Pouquli i. ? waa drlven lo the hom< ol
Mrs. Corncliua Vanderbill on Long I I*
and, a hei e hi ??? ?- ? oti i tained Hia
flrsl lei lure ttiii be glven in the aftei -
noon on Januarj - al Ihe Maxim i -
llOtl 'i'!:- Bl ?
< 'i.lnii. Dec j .'. Thi trani poi t Pn.
arrlved here 'his afternoon She will em
t.ail; Ihe lnit. .1 Htati martnai who aaa
!<-cen! MniCI I N. I r..l M III
i i..... -i imrm diatel: foi the I Mt. d si.it. -
? i ur help to make a
Christtna foi
the children o| the
i [ut >li edi of
nd homelesg
children lind ihclter
in our Lodgi ng
House; and Tempo*
.is Homei 7,000
:.r . hildren o the
tenements -ttend our
I n tl u l trial Schools.
\\ c especiallj ask your help in our
arorl oJ retcuing orphans and home*
leai children and i I giring them the
happinesi ol possi latns i eai homei
and the loving care oi loater parents.
\ Christmai gifi of I 11- I y t> ?i
] VRS will . nabli the I HILDREN'S
A1D SOCIETY to place g little wail
in a country home and defrayi the
roil of rapetrviaion until the cnild ii
firmly established in it*- new family
(iit'ts latge or imall ai<? ael on e
and arill be used in accordancc with
thr wishi > of tln domn i
Edwln O. Merrill, Treasurei
ind Baat Md Bt, Nea I 'ork dty.
Wllliam Church Osborn, Prasideat
Cliarle* Lorlnj Brace, Becretar)
Schmerle He Shows 'Em How to Make It a Theatre in
the Shoe Shop When Such a Business
Runs Down bv the Heel.
Becomes President of Princeton
for a Minute to Entertain
Friends on Jaunt.
Champ Clark and Other Demo- |
cratic Leaders to Visit Gov?
ernor To-morrow?No
Politics on Sunday.
. i
N i . i>..? .. Tln
..,,;,.1,.? ? noi W'us..; ? tayed
. .1 intl " o ' :?" k thl* afti i.
.,.,,i .11. . ..i faal and a glance at tlie
ii u ipai ? .'
... th ii.. ii- wsi ni" r utd Beerel iei
: hii . ompa i"" Tl ?
wa* oui :?? Ihe .... and the
i lovernoi . nllvi n< i the o ? telllng
and polntins oui 11
thlng i ol ere* oi the wi
i 'omli | ? ? pai IT stoi a i
: i.iii. arhli h ara bulll h -
. |., ,.,,?. ;... _ nd li arhirh
oflta s hen h
??Bj ti.. ?? remarked I rrn
,-. n i itlll hav* thi kej to mj offici
\ i irch ahowed thal ' ? had, and the
Pi ea di m-.-i.-' t i. u hla part!
k i gueaa
I ...ll u ' ' 1*3*1 ? tli
;,:?, .... sid" nt o the board of I
Thi i. foi a few m I ? head
h>. VVIlao I office,
ii,.t alti..1 igh :? a aa atrlpped
I waa a Ith mt* h d< I polnti d
,. it thi |? ao full
uf memorii a to I
Leavlng fl H Preal
r|ent-ele i nnd hi* psrl
,? ni i-i ..,.;, ii.-,i arhi ? I ? polnted o?U
?i .... ? ? tudent
the ui ?? ? ? '
? lovernoi Wllaon arill ta la
... ? ni. mbei "i thi B -i" '
oi I'ardon* a' li h liaa * largi i umbei uf
nppll, i ot ? m? :?? > before It. ' "?
Ti. s.i.ii g|. aker ? harnp ' 'lark a III
. :? . BUL i'. al ''' ? nti
that Mi ' ndi i a.I, Bi n
? loke Smltl S Tl oi aa P
? .i ., numl ? ol oll ? ? i
ral arill taki advat lag< of tl ?
? ; ? ton
Sta i.t..; . Va when i ? ? i
.;. iu- blrthd .
. ? ? .,u Hght He wlll
n Baturday. Tln
..ii Sui
.. IU ..
liavi '. 'bla la
? ? , ? I
muat i ? ?
Scouts Story That He Wants
Treasury Portfolio.
I Dec. 22.?WIIHa
? ' '
\ ihlngton
.... ?. . ' nl nd ti
fter s
... ... ? t and
? . i.. ? led tl
ed rr port thal
ti . foi ?
i. | tl Department,
: ,. parl ui ?
tt . ?
.. lal ? ?? lonallj
1 ..f iniiii
? lnt< nd
,".... ? ? ., i.i ..ii
a ? lt. bul
... II I .1.1 I
tion i
\1, Bryni Intlinated thal
? ? ?. -
thi ' 'uliii el l!< .i -"4. n. .1 )??? '.<,\???! lhal
ild n t ill* ind ihe
i aMnei ?; u i ad notl d to hl ?
N..i\ Vork and Trento I l"he
, ? inted 1 i..i ..'
Ihe Trea rj ? m* a to ptn. ? thi Ne
! raakan ? 4. ei dii gl?
\li 1.1 van apenl thi daj al thi home
,,f 1,1s lh 1 ? re. md at* - 1 n* 1 t?i nlghi
..... i;. ,.,, - 1,1:,tu e Henry, ol 1 ? aa
Mryanlte Mr ll. iu- d< nl* 1 1 ? ?
, olltli ?aa dlw
"| iu-t ai ked Mr Bi van up t" ? ll
r i Mi Heni 1 aald
ig at t"
Did Wilson Offer Him Post or
Not? the Question.
Then *.raNe -\- ? lhal r?n ln
Mterda ia tn
? . t... William .1 Bryan had been
? , ., 1 ivili on . ?
0f ih. . ? ol Mi WTIIaon 1 Cabin* 1
Although nothing deflnite eouM be 1 ?? r
tained, Korn an B U u k, wl 0 wa li
.1., , tlmati .1 lhal Mr W II
1 . .. . Mm ? :??>-? ? ? M
rtelli ? 1 ? er 0 thi l ?? mo
Matlona f'o nmil l ???. ?i"i li
formi '? ? hl al Ibe u atdoi
.. hi . ? 11. li ? ? I I ? '?? '?? ? ad kh
Brya aelected. A k,-,\ 11
, , t .iu .'? ' ?"!? ? for Mi
Brya o fa named, lu ??..?! 1 ?
li .i poaltlon to -in ai ' Ins r< gardti ?
the matter ai thl* llma
Thom ? J Pen ? retui ned from Kurope
11...- ated w llllani 1 M<
. 'omba iu 1! ? ? ampalgn, sn 1 ll wa*
1 uniored j > iterd 1 a uuld probablj bt
. ... .-I, .. mi IVIlaori ? ? etai Thlj
, ould nol be 1 onflm ? d
Kollowlng tne Bolsei din ? ? Batu
day, .Mi Bryan Immedlately lefl town foi
1 i,.iiii.i. ii- dld nol appaat al all ?M>
Ireased ai Charli 1 Murphy'a ahnenc*
from the dinnei Mi Br>'?n aald he would
mak< ? i.'.i t ? lop ?'' 0\ aahii |ts 11
... to 1 l..;i.ii
Gives Horses and Autos Away
to Seek Recreation Afoot.
I..H..-UIK. Mich., i'i" "- fJovernoi <>
m u 1 *d ' itsrdaj lhal ao snxloua
; ?? to "^??! bai *4 t". naturs' he has glven
hla two autoanobllea nnd hia i,..i ???? to
friends, and wiii neraafter aeek rscrsatloa
,.4 .1 pedestiian H* sxpseta t., atart on
, . aevantl globa cirdlng trip aoan aftei
in- r.-t;r>^ from ettt ??? rfiui wlll 'iu most ol
his ".IKlltH'.ii.K "il. foot
The Oovemor ruvc Ha h.irs. a io frtsnd*
ln the upu. r penlnsula ResMi sts of
Bouthem Michlgan recelved hls ii'if lour
Ing 11" 1 and llm< islm
Band of Twenty Seeks to Win
Possession of Claims in
Lonely Caiifornia Region.
Court Order Defied in Move
Whieh Involves England, Gcr
many and Official of the
Standard Oil Company.
. ft >i?e ?? ri ibuiK
s.u ri ai eisi... Di ~ - In Ihe loni
: di aei t, in Ban Bernardlno ? 'oun
i .-.1 ay tha entrance to Death \Talle)
i bittei flght la about i<> be waged Iw ?
tween banda of armed men foi po
.; the rtcheel stah.- In the hiatory of
.'.. Ifoi ni.i mining- the .. v* ; , .1 -
and boras depo lt* "' Bearh
Twenl ii,- i with rifl? ..
arlll leave Loa Angeli to-morroa vla
Mojave for the potmal Ink thi '
int of a ii- ii the ?III trj to <iti\.
0 ?. to ga ]
clalma, - ompi li . aorea,
? ?a the lake li
i ippoaed to thi m b !.. be llv< deput:
I'nlted st it-1 mai thala, llftei 1 di t? tlvea
. 1 .1 .. doK 1 ..1 iiii.i .- di put ? - h? rlrTa
..! whom were aworn In only yi I
1., hi lp riefend the 1 lalma trom the ln
. . -i.i heavll* armed la
noa dit Idi 1] i ? 1 4.-? 11 1 ? ... ? 1 -.4?
Into the regio 1
i: ? 1 approa ia cboeen tl ?
lumpei a will be mi' and tui ned 1 a k
Thi authorit) ot the defi ndei
1 1,1?.-! .-? ?? ilt Court By an order
Ol tho court an.
va.i- - the propei I) la gullt* ol ? onti 1
? ? icrea iti the crj fl
h, 4' Ith unllmlted -r- intitli ? ol ??>
a -ii i" 1 a r and aoda Huli. rto Oen
| haa ? onti 0II1.1 th< potaal Indual ?
? nd alni-c 1 he dlacovei j ol
- ..:. |a thi Gei
Iihh I..-4-H endeavoi ng to
trol -?? the 1 ? ? Held Wlth thla ? 1 ?
I tn le* : ? ? . ? a 1 en broughl l
on Pn -i'i- nl Tafi 1 nd hia 1 'a 1
, la Ihwart a 1 dl ir. 1 'onareaa lhal .k.?
, -.. p, ?;.. tuai 01 '"l of ti ? pota
mhii ? in Ai piicai uanleii
English Company m Possession.
? . ? poi
. |gn Mlne* 1 ?? \ elopmi ' Company, of
? 01
. 1 n Thi develi I V
? ??? . .'? : it.al entangle
? ti
? ?
Uloi ?? ' W. Thla ?
Asia \>. ? 1 lea
11., I |mmum wlon ? ' I
rhich ll
ig to I agalnat
Ti ona ' -
The forei t 0
I h e Oi l
md factli omi ? ? n 1 - :.? 1
.,1 tl ? Bta . rd 11II ? 1 ini in and ? B.
tor of the
th ..-, whon ti ?
4 h they re
;.. ., || ?
., 1 ,,. ? n the d*"i opmenl of
. ?. ? | . , .. ?
?1 1 ilrd ? Ircli ? ontcatani
1 of men ? i<. fo
? ? ? i.ik- and ?
perfect thi
, ? ? 44 . . t- ! ? . ? ? th ' ?
.,. haa be* n I Pn
,,. 1 1 Tal
rea* to pa ilation thal
\ ? . ? pol
.4 tn- aole produ ? ?
quletly, bt t Armlj. t1 rough dl| lomatii
, haantle, I opposlng An ei 1 an govern
? reall ibig thal II would end
1 ? ? :??? man 1 rod 1
, ontrol I taah fl itpul of Ihi world.
On the ol ? Callfon
1: 11 Meirlll hi ud of thi
luhrl at
md 1 ni ('ompanj ?<ni ?- t.>. kholdi
t*ompany: C. I
,. . prty al:
1 ! . Kmith, known a
1 teath V*all<
n ? ri lened wlth di-pi itlo
; -ii.- t" pn veni ? :? rman ?
-????? 1- the 1 rofll wlth the present hoM
. | . ?. .- ... itock ?-. 1
, 1 ? . '..i-.nri Mei 1111 h" .1- h n optlon
t,, purchase 1 i? plan) r'"t Sl.OflQ ?>??
Americans Will Control.
?|- ,. iea compan* arlll bi a I
,,. 1 oratki 1 i"i mi d elth? 1 In Callf4i
Nevada, and In aplte <>r tha rapn 11
terested pei ion at Waal
pi... tk'ally *a ih be undi I ....
t four montha n
of the Bngtlah a* ndlcati have bn 1
Pram lace pi rfi cllng ; 1 u foi ihe
. 'allfornla Ini 01 poration Tl ai t Ba 0
? and ?iuj Wiikiiisnu. ihe formi r
Qertnan agent of tl 1 foreign aflnea Coi i?
,..ui. ..nd the latter the repreei tal
Lord On Bw cai nd head
ol the -? ndl ati
: ?-.[.: ??: Mli ea I 'ompa 113 ! "i
tended aelllng thi lake propi 1
Ol moi iKani^ Tl
In.dance. wlth the cuatom ..- Kngllah
... ndli ati 1 to llnance and not t" opi rate
1 mining propertj 'i f pot>
j aah, hoa. 4?-i. trtpk .1 thi t/al
I ? an-i in tbi aarlj pai 1 ol
newed the laggtng actlvltlefl -.f clalmantfl
nd ra laed tbe Bngllati flnancfc 1 - to re*
MlVfl iu '-.old the lak.v
Tl e altuatlon aa mmed .. nea
through the inventlon by .loim \\ riorn
1 thi Ueneral Redui tlon ' laa and
By-i.lucta ('ompany, .>(" No 41 Wall
?tree) New York, ot a method i"i ob
mlnlnaj preclpltatlon of all the aalta In
Ihe raal alnlt from the brine._i>atead <u'
from the cryatalB. aa heretofora, Through
I in- Inventlon ti.al >>f productlon waa
, rn ii. almoai nothlng Ui Inc pumped
from the lake, roduced Into ita ^.ilty. en
II hli u the Ti ona ? 'ompanj to do aa . |
w ir 1 me coatly work "i haullng the aalt
cryatali to Ihe 11 dui tion worka 11 44.i.?
tliln handii ai> thal cauaed 'Boraa
S'liiih to abandon hia Kearlea Lake - I ilm
yeora ago foi n.oi ?? acceaaible depoaita ln
Death valle*_
Paterfion Finns Suflfer Losb of S100.
000 in Morning Blaze.
1 ?< ton, s .1. Di-... 22. -a leaa "t ap
proxlmately mgiM araa eaaaad by tke
flre tiiHi Brraehad tha f<?ur atary brtek
factory bulldtag <d the Baat Jeraei Bfab r
Company at CUntoa and Jay Btreeta early
thla rnorntng Tha Bamefl alao did borm
.laniui;.- akHTtg tho flhOffl nf thfl I'.im-'.i
1'iiiiy sne*half of Um leaa la ahaalderad
liy tli>- gueeii Silk i'ompany. whl. h BCeu*
pled tiu- top n.ior i.r tiie aulidtac m?
'.ei ,,( thn I.'ms \? diatrllmt.'il amons tfcj8
watar caaapaay and the f.)iio4Ain*( i^n
eeraa: Tha Kaaaaau silk Compaay, tha
DurUng ?hawl Company and Oraaa
Brotbers, -ti ik manufacturera.
Representative Mott Says the
Democratic Hearings Will Be
Practically Valueless.
New York Member of House
Declares Manufacturers and
Workmen Will Be
Hard Hit.
.'!:?? ,i ibuhi Bl
Waahington, Dec ..' Tl ? he* Ing* n
ih< tariff hy the Democratlc VV*
Meana ? 'ommttti i avlll bt practicallj
ralueleta I opinion ol Repi
tlve l.utli. i Mott, i N- w v.uk Republl?
can, who U tati mi nl hei ? to
nlght Mr. Moti regarda Ihi propoaed
..??..IInga ..-I i men mglter ol form. d< -
clarlng thal It la ii"t the Intentlon of the
Detnoci ? ? . levotc ?. ii:.n. . | .
o an -. bt a id Aft< r pi
iii.it the nea Houae aill pul agrlcultural
lim lemi rn ? Ifr Hotl
I .-un afraid the Demucrata will _,??'
llttle llghl ii .ii. in. I. ?
.\ lii'h the) have madi pi '>?. i oi Preal
dent-i lei i Wilson, Ml ' 'ndi ? n od ?? id
nthera have expn
ii ere la littli need ol h< ai Inga, and I <
? m i d wlll i nt permll j ri ? at d i.1
? i attentii n .\ f- w houra, foi in ta
to I to the tnetal achedul. .
with ?' H '. wortl "i producta, ll
would t rlng ' '
? ii ili aione
Manufaci ? i
and nol di re i
ivitl . ? ? 11(1
If the D< t 1 legiala
nlne tool* ol
d t, |.i Intlns prea* a,
,i -ii..<?>>, bkii
? liiui.ii impl mi nt* and man) other aiti
i- ... the i iw
matei lal* tiaed i theii productlon v. ill
1 . dutl
.h riglng from the i hemli .il bll
.,' iinpi.it. ?? ?
now comlng In f ? ?? pul on
Ihe dutla
? ii it comlng
. ii.i ?? ?
Mr. Mott bi t the V
arill praetlcal \ ot m the tartfl
b the Pn
?.!..!? . i ., iieal bank
. . ,,n,| :,i?.ii.i< nt ..!' Banka >i
minlatral i thal
no ol ?
i\. lt hurta
latter gel hli tereat ral Perhapa
not i
ry of the 1 :" depoall th*
.... ,.; ied ' ? ?
ee from
YOU wlll find these seven
advantagcs in our ten
year mortgages:
1. Along term.
2. Constani reduction of
3. Reasonable interest.
4. Principal can be paid at
any time.
5. Part payments on prin?
cipal accepted.
6. No new fees for ten years.
7. No increase of rate for
ten years.
Made in amounts of $ 10,000
or less to home owners in
Greater New York.
Capital . . $ 5,000,000
Surplus(allearned) 11,000,000
l 76 B'way, N. Y. 175 Remsen St.. B'kiyn.
350 Fulton St., Jam.lca.
Chauffeurs' Pay Exceeds Ex
pense of Army, Says Gen. Wood.
Savannah, Dec. --' Major General
Leonard w ood, i hlai ? In dle
pn pan In ? ol tl
? nrar and ths n< ? sssitjr fot
.trengthening tbi
thal the i.ple of this counti
more money last : ? sr for
tires than for I
of . hauffi ur* amounti d ??' mott
.i., ? . \; endi d i.u ' h<
leel ii ..I thal t ilh '?:'
...... .? and arbitration arai ?
rlghl sn far as
,. in ita al
? epel Invasion. This . ounti \, ba
...ii.i be unabk to i qulp and
| arm a flrst i lass artny if dangei hoaM
"We are * nrai
eral *Ji.I, bul noi a mllitai ?
'Slighted Suitor Puts Bullets
Into Rival's Body.
\ .. . ? tn Bi
I, ol N" l>7 Bl
.. ?
, bod), and Ihe i :un
?. i aald ?
? for his ????? ov< r;
:;k in
... ? ? So. 81
Sklllman stn et. Her ei
. | ?? '." ;i- i nt ln*. it" d.
nu n a*ent to a nearb;
e ii out. \
' aallanl nu ? -
s~_*^ mj^p^^m^^
iY**4^b^fc ^^*v--*-'?>--VS v.tt.^5, <*::?*&,.{f^mcSA
Western Union "Day Letters"
and "Night Letters" are
carrier8 of good cheer.
Telephone for
Special Holiday
17 E.?8t 1-th St.
An exceptional opportunity is offered to all
intending purchasers of a Piano or Player Piano dur?
ing tliis month at tlie above Warerooms.
A very Special assortnieiiL ot* tlie most artistic
productlon. in fancy vroods, in antique and modern
deajgns is on display.
An Exhihition of Rarity
"The Purchase ot a Krakauer is an investment
of a lifetime."
Prices are not high. TeitM at your eonveiiience.
Oi' other well known old aml reliable make. ice
have Twenty-foUT New Pianos aml Player Pianos lo
offer, ranging in price from 1190.00. All fully Guar*
anteed. Terms very moderate.
Call at our spaeious Warerooms and inspect this
beautiful assortment of instruments. Every courtesy
will be cxtended you, although you make no purchase.
Krakauer bros.
Main Warerooms: 17 East Mth St.
(Bet. B'way A Fifth Ave )
BRONX: Cypreat Ave. & 136th St. BROOKLYN: 350 Livingaton St

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