Baseball ** Boxing ** Golf ?* Automobiling * Polo a* Chess *? Other Sports TIMELY BB OF SPORT Baseball Doctors Fail to Agree on the Latest Ruling. DINNER FOR CONNIE MACK Lund Lew" Richie Earns an Extra $1,000 for Beating the Giants So Often. I oTjp decleions are pfomulgated by trie Xationai Baaaball OoaamlaaBbn ln whlch ? minority report '? handed down. bnl *-'?? ' nroved to bfl Ihe eaaa yesterday. when i homa* .t. Lgrneh did not agree with the nding of Augast Herrmann, chairman of tho eeaaatfaaton, and Ban Johnaon, i dont of tho Americaa League, in deelar* Ing that th, I'lttsburgh club must pejr Charlea I*. Hoardouui Vi-t>t?l lor back ?.*.larv ae a player. Roardman was tranfiferrod by Fltts mirgh to Youngstown, tho ai.-reement be ng that Iba I'ratra would mako up the dlfference 1n salary that arould ne lost to - player by the early doelag of entral T^eagie. tlo played sucrossively nt Toungstowi, Alllanc.e and Kalamazoo untll June 8 laat, when he *rv..s n leoaed by Filteburgh on a '??ligram, as well as r>y Kala n azoo. He clalmed the dirTerenoe be? tween tho memy thnt his Plttaburgb ron trart oallod for and what theoe throo . iubs had paid him, and Heriwann and lohneon voted ln favor 01 allowlng tbe amount, eeateedtag tbal aa no sraleers bal arai beea ashed on Um player or a teieaae frofla Plttabargh arrer raoatded the rirBt's in reanty owned tho player untll they releas'-d Ua on Jui* v Preeldent TLynoh ot tho Nationa] I.eague also vai ln favor of altowing tli. clalm in falrneas to tho play r, but oonb nded thnt he was not an ass.-t to tbe Plttsburgh dub after he had sijuied with tho YoungS town team. and so llled a minority icport. Connte Mark. manager and part owner ..f the Fhlla-lelrhia Athloii-.-. was City 'arn old yesterday, and Um aanlTeraary ?ns celebrat.-d hy B little dtanflf of too -urprlHO partv" BOTt. lt WSS bat none tho lees enthuslaaUc, aad Cor* noilus artually made a speech. ll, told hi? frlonds that he had Kreat for the aaaalag seabun. He reaaeoed thal it wan only human nature lor his \thletles to want to jedeem themselves for tholr poor work last year, to BBg nothlag of wantlng to proflt at the end of tha '^r. as they had done on two OOOO* ?tons proviouMy. hy sharlng la the re tti of the world'e series. Maik ad'i-d lhal h, never had any doubt *> to the fams ablllty. bot that they realized ill too late last season that tney wore not going the right thing by them. Aia<-k said fnrtbar tbat ho bad aoanlred en Iritereet In tho Wilmmgton dub of the Trl-fMate League, and ttat be thought; that tho surplus players wbicb he wouid b, able to turn o\.r to that erganlaatton noiiiri rnake it a strong factor ln the t ;ture and that it would b>- protltable in m?ii\ eraya \ftor the ciinner he burried home to help prepere a "tree" for Coanlfl Maek, Jr.'a, flrsl Cbrjataaas, Tho youngstor will ba flve month*! old on Decomi. i tt lo, liriker i.- aftei "Te_" Kiwin, tatcher of tho groablyn Buperbaa waiv ?>ra aen aabed recontiy on Erarla, bal M-hei 'linker refused to aralra tbey wora withdrawu I io stlll is 'TteiU?g," how - .??? Tink.-r is also BegOtlallng with tho Beotoa Red Boa for Pape and Ilager maa, pHohera Par-*- araa not parthuiar ?? actrea wlth tho Re-1 Pox last summer, t :i Trnber betterea that he can u.?e hbn to ndaaafagfl now that aii the ciuhs in tba Ataerlean Laagoe ha*/s watyed. Ha-j crrrnan is tlie pltoher who refiised tO r? |..rt to Deaver, to whhh ho was aold; ? sumtner. becaaae of a deereaae fa bla .??alary. Tlnker ha? refosed to walve en Beal* Becker, tho nntfWlder, whom .Y wanta to send to the Indlanapolis dub -?f tbfl Amorhan A-sociatlon. 'I'ho n na* agfment of the J,..uisvllle < lub af the aaan leagw haa Infonned Tlnker thal he inn hav,- Mardecal Brown, tho veteran twlrler, for Larry Mcl/oan. the tall et. hot of the Keds. upon WbOIB walveis ? if tho Chfleago Cubfl of ir?^. whe ae* tablmhed a record by winnlng 11(5 t'nmes In the Natlonal Leogne, th*re remaln oniv four pleyeia TJaeia. glMcbaud S :l jlte anJ Rc-ulbach. Thfl T'aoifle foast l>eaKue will furntFh thirty weeks of baaaball I'PXt year. The -<8! liian ti" ner eenl of his gatnes in 1912. Uurphy promi.sed Kiohle $500 if ho i OUld exceed that a\eraee ln 1*411, but Clchle mis*-ed tho mark by a few pointH. 'II.' offer was repeated at tha beginning of !a*t poa^on. ln nddltlon to the $G05 thal he falled to earn in 1911. niehie it vlsitlng Jiuiinx Lavender,one .,* i-i-s- team tnat.s. at Montesuma, Ol fi ihe holldays llenr] , irdomann and Jesfl V/ssti aaard h?\?> t>een inatc.hc.i r,. inot a I ?.Cilght catch ns eat.-h can wrestllng ? January " a* Mlnnea|>oIli?, and tho winner will prorlelm htmself heavyweight Cham? plon of the world, on the ground that T"ian'< CJ-oti-h baa retired Tho men ha\e inot twlce befora and each has won a \ i. tory. r-Mpors in Russia, BnlKaria and Turkey . opy. Word roriiov trom Httsburgh that Yro(i ? larke la stlll anglmg for Konetchy, hret basemaii of th? Sl Loula Cardlnals, an.l lhal he lfl willlng to offer Wilson and t'arey In exchange to njikc lha ball more tomptlng LAWN TENNIS PLAYER ILL Wallace Jobnson Suffering from Attaek of Pneuraonia. Iiv Tolegrat-h tn Tbe Trlbeaa i l blladetpbla, Dec B. w'alia.-.- P Jofa son, tbe young Merloa Crl45bel Club ptayaU runiK-r-up l..>-t sunimoi fot the national lawn tennls i hamptonship I e?n ponlafl has been wareed. ii |g propoaed t" pUiy the Br?r| matcn of the aeriefl on li* day. Juoa r*. ; "t t!'p Brltiah and American team* All ol <: ,? hea ?iil ba played on Ihe IV Id of m.-.i.iov.- Broob Club, al Weotbury, Long labind, the tcene ol tbe great eon t.-sts cf IM:. it appcora thal the roaaoi for nomlng ti..> toteot dateo poooJMfl woa the laet tbat tba aeooon ln this country oi>ens tmtor than in England. In I ? opinion of Harry Payne Whltney, coptoln ol the American defendera, it la Impoaelbla ta gi t any real i roctice in thia aoctlon "f lha oountiy initii Aprii. Then th- I ont oi" tho ground an.i tho mon can send ti.-- ponlea galloptag oftor i'h; hall oith? OUl l.i.zaid to life and lirnb. This fOOt that late da!.--. havo been nomod mi-o (urnlehaa eoknrable canHraaatlon to the rumors orfalofa have been prOTOlaat that NEWS FOR THE 60LFERSI More Yardage To Be Added to the Fox Hills Links. WHITE BACK IN GAME Oakland Player Plans to Enter Many Tourneys Next Season. Uthougb it iv,i>- loaa U <"> i tbOl < -tt-riMw eh-U-fOfl were tnade ln the Fea HIU lii.ks, furthar alteratlona ara planned. which will make the >'<> ITOe elooe to _.4.S0 yards. ;.s long as alin-'-t at.y in tbe metropolitan diatrlct Aa al preaent the j yardage la <.,."?><: it baa been fa i .-..,.: |.. draln tbalily poad at tho aouthoMt ' ond oi tho proporty. Undor prooent eon- j,;. tho corrj "f tha twi Ifth b ov.-r thla pond, Boma -"-'i yarda from tee to hole. With tht- r>ond drained anr the last fow muibfl has boao ptayteg tbe game >.f hla iif<- Ht oakland. it has eneouraaed htm to Mich an extent that he haa announoed his intentiori of entertng mooi "f thi opon an'l lnvltatiou tournflUBOnta m Itll After winnlng the IntorochOlaOtlC ' ham plonohlp a few f**xt back, White bioo-1 BOmOd out into one of th- beat golferfl iti tbo dlotrlot, koo.i tnough to ba bandl? eappod at two in tha motropolttan llat Ond al thrae la th?^ national. His tlrat tournament vhtory was at Wyk:inyl ln r-i'i, an.i he was o meoaJlot ot i"ox niiis. Wykagyl and Montclalr that year. ln 1911 WhHe was the principal winner at Fox Hills, Ardoley, Powolton and Oarden i Clty, and won mtialfl ;.t Wykagyl ond Kox Hilla. Ha was ruiuier up at NoaaOU aad WykaayL tt was last yemr tbat White was rlaoflni as oaa <>f ih<- flizteen bt'Bt AmaHcan golfera, aad he haa boW tlie rbomgllf Mp of the Oakland (jolf fiuh for four Boeeeootve vf.rn. IMaylnp a soclahlt round with .Maishall iviiitiateh at Oakland the other day, White came within Mn btioke- ,.f bla own courae record of TL Ha waa ont In S3, 4 under par, but r.-quired N to 00OM home for ? t' >>f 7"., At th, thlrtecntli )...I,- he uw? ?'? under foura, but dllBcultlae ..ii tba lasi frre bolea robbed him of bla , honca i"r new Hgtfrea lt is llkely that Tom McNamara, the rnetn.politan open rhainpii.ii. will visit ?everaU Bootborn ooursea during tids win tor, witii Fred, IfcLeod au a partner. McNamara hh.i tbe former national opon tltle holder plan t.. go t.. Belleair, n.. . t-. play aaalaol Alee Bmlth and Irving Btrlnaer, i.nth <.f whom ara now la the Bouth Aftei thal MoLeod and Mc Ntunara OOUOl on playing at I'nlm ll.a.'li. Boaatre, Carodeo, Wibnington ond poael. bly iloustoti. VETERAN OARSMAN DEAD John E. O'Rourke Was Profes sional and Coach of Note. ttt Teloatopfe te i ba Trlbam i riilladelphla, Doo. L'3.- JOha B, <> ltouike, the old professional oaraman of the, city and voteran of many a hard fought con tent xvith Kllin Ward. K.lward Hanlan ind the nenior Tt-n Kv.-k. Mod Ot hls home here to-day, fotlowtng *i stiort III O'Rourke w.?s ,.t ,<,r grtaateol tweap oaramen that th.. Behuylklll ev#r produced, nnd he was as good ? Mflicher ia he wa on oaraman Aflf*r iie found tb*l rowlng ? be -omitiK a faro Ita "i i an ""k Ihi 4..iik'4-r . Inhmen of the cl'v |,e i e.-.nne th^ir loatruetar Later be na* noeu lated with Kilis Ward untll he ..n for Ihe w. ?> t,. beoom. on athletic InMroctoi ln om of ti.? Plttaburgh i I b Retiring from athletlt I i ? i'ue.i ? p-.-ltH.n 4\it-, one of ii" 'i-;'- fteel rt?m tt.'.t.n s ln lh' w . t, bul ? ? s.?-. ? i ? im rn li. . and . id t . rei ii i l" Mfl OM bOt-H iii Ulta Cltj He had ura.l llled Ifl lualth Kii'.' thHi Uhm OOd rited to-tl.,4, ,;grd aixty inree .e ono or two pealUona on the defendlnc team origbt ho fUled by wi.-i.iot- or tb mallel who havo nol eompeted in Inter? national matcbea before. Whether or nol tba tlnn * '?" ' matcbea will meet wlth the npproral ol the ofii.iais at HurUngham h problemaU* cai The formai note ot cballenge ,0" talned tbe request that tbe datea ba ael torward aa early as poaalble ln -Tune so tbat tbe BriUsb team mlgbt retarn for the Brtttab championship touriiatn ent, whlch will re held on tho ti.-ld at RUTl* ,'nc'iam the latter pa 11 of tho m..nth. Tbe toxt of tl.e foi mol ar.oi'taneo of tho rballeage a* .-'-nt to Hajoi f. Bdger* ton lireon a Weeh ago is as fefllowe; "Slnce the reeelpt of your cable of Ifo* vember L'O ll has ghrea us nraeb ptoaaare to reeebre tbe formai eballengfl from the rlnrUagbam Club for the International Polo CUO, Bl contalned in yOUT letter of Novi-mliii th "At a meeiing of Um eominittfo of the Polo Assoeiatlon held on Frlday, Deeember U, i was Ibreeted to adrtae yoa that tba ebaUenge wa? accepteeTL tho flral game t.. ho played ?t the Ifeadow Brook Club, Westbury. Long laland, tt. y . on Tues? day, June i". tho saoond on Baturday, June 14. and BbOUM a third evont be BeC* aseary th. date te bi ai rangi A latet "The committee of tbe 1*0*8 As-o-latioti walves tho rule Bfl tO tbfl nn asiironi.-iit of ponlea played by each teaaa, aa haa been the custom in the paM. ?"i'he oommlttee deafraa as far a.? po->i ble to meet tiie wlsbss of ti;.- Hurltngham club ln regard tO all m.itters connect. d with Ibese arenta and hopea that the datea named wi I havo your entire ap proval. "I-ooklng forward Wltb great to the promlsed matches "WILLIAM A. RAZARD." Indoor Lawn Tennis Players Start Season Late. HOLD MATCHES AT NIGHT Championship Tourney To Bc Held in Seventh Regi ment Armory. Indooi laa n tennla plaj era ? < ? ? fl greatiy handicappcd thi Maaon, daa ta the work ol l -> on.-'tru- ttuii a> the Tth Regimenl Armorj Bereral i'--li. 11o. formei prealdenl ol the 7th Regimenl Lawn Tennla Aa ociatlon, said y atei it II ws a q ? flUen a? to whether or nol the toui otbei courtfl could ; >? Iald 11 e orerbang ol tbe ra a i Installed ialleriea encroached upon Ihe apaee formerly oceupied i>\ tn>- outei ros of eourta \* compensatlon for Umitlng Um numbei of t oui la thi ligl t ba beei wonderfully bnproved b) tbe cea tr? rangenient of the glasa roof it is that tho innovaUon ..f play* Ing at nlght will alflO be >-t "t : Reglinenl Armory thla Morrlfl i'ia.-k. Rol ? tt T Bryan aad * i i ,,i otbera ba re i ompi t< d mental matchea under the nia ? lectrlc lighta Installed ln the si moi Tha ae triab weri ao awxessful tbal i ? - -1, l r. _; tournamenta arfl to ba played on Prida) .,.,,1 Baturda nlghta after Ihe fli -t ?.f Ihe jreai Robi 11 .). Putnam thi i ea. eleeti u 11. aldi nl of tbe bi loclaUoi, haa bei n ,i in nddini another day, Monaaj. to tbe t i ' ?,; ib r"r play upon the \v edm ada) - and haturdaya the membera of thi Ladlea' . tt,. , ourti during tbfl morning .md the men ln the afternoon Tha naaal regimental championshlp, beginning on Chrlatmaa Day, a 111 bt put orer untll March thla aeaaon beeause of tiu- fact that tho playera have had no opportunity foi prai ti'e. The natlonal l**Mloor champlonship tour ? will begln on Baturda] Februarj 16, snd contfoue through the followbig <\? k it has not been decided wbetber or nol the women'i natlonal championshlp wiii be h> ki it la poeslblt thal - ui h a toui i Bim nl ?? i be plaj '-.i ln Philadel? phia. The tn B ? '? d ofllcera ol the ? o ciatlon lm ludi Rol bi I P\ Putnam, preal dent; A II Tiernej i r. \ lei pr, Idenl ? loorgo _ llauck, tree ? and n Pear* son Hurt aecretai '- b oi la \th i.-tl. ' 'lub ti am a on ti.i? i game from the Ni ?,.' B r-.i- i lub t>> e 4. not hei claaili .. tween Ihi North End Club and the Roserllli \tiii.ti, Aaaoclatlon on the lat tor'-, alleya resulted In tbe ?Isiting team arlnnlag two gami i Tl,.- brlgfol BPOI ll: Ibi s. , l.-.s was t lo roWng "i Dwyer In Ihe s.-.-.ukI game, Btat tini Ith atralghl atrlki a* th Newark Baj anchoi earried the learn along .o a fat nare, and it looked aa ii h?- wouid |.ia,. a great tallj lo bla creaflt. 11. apai ed In lla m \ < nl h box, and I Im n sooiled a ? lean game by >c?-tiii,_: a "plck" in Um next frame Aa it was, hi* M enabiad Newark Bai lo win b> i* pina All of Raaeville'a totaie w<-ro bettei than :??' bUt after th>- flrel North Ktid managed t?. wm though by ratber amall marglna Aftei nek bMa had a game to Its credll tiM .I- dshri one bung In doubl until th. ia>t man bad rolled. Myer , .1,1.1 hei ? won foi Roei \iii<- bj getting ,i double n Um t- nth, bul h- s-.t r, bn ak Inst ad Thi . coi. ? m i ?.v Nt- U rORK A i MKWARK HAT 4'IJ i. ftherwoo i IT.. |.*H w> ? , ...f |*a I7H. is K Ho- 1?1 IM lso In.-ifM, .. |.-,7 ISB ,n i:.,i"???' i->. I?i . t Mi i tiii . isa i;r. io. ... - - !**.'. I'M I7M l .ii ? P'4 ITfl IH4 i run i?i isa im I--.V-.r. im na i?: , . s;-, ss; .,.,, ,.,? 7.s ra)] imv, \ :i.i.i: \ \ \>.i:i ii i:\ii i Ll_3 w ..vt IT : j... ?:.?.? . ruin its mn i-..? ?.- -? a*2 li '? aiJ Hai Iwli li 2W -" ? ItC, -.-I l I7? ? i irl . ITH 210 Loi M..rr?i I*' I"*' it:; llarpei 9BI im; ih". ||, >, i Ifl| IM 185 f..-..h IM ih HM Totaia '"?.' '?:'! 8ln rotaM 181 M 191 iChess Players from Columbia Meet with Defeat. PRINCETON BOWS TO YALE Team Handicapped in Intercol legiate Tourney by Absence of Van Vliet. ilanard made lons; strides toward tilti ni.ito rlctory in tha Iwonty-f-rot annual intercollcglate cheoo tournnmont, whlch waa contlnued at the Hurroy HIII Hotol terdoy, by dcfeotlng Columbia to tha . ,une o| '." . to ltt- H araa tha eruetal ' match of Ihe meeting after Harvard'a do feot Of Tole hy I to 1 ln the- first round. Vale, in turn. won from Princeton by 3 I to i -ootarday, the Tiffrra roming to town ; ii \n^n short. This WOO due to the Of th, ir star p'.ioer, B. F. Van Vli.-t. WbO Ifl s'ift-riiiK f:.'iu a s.-\ere nttOCk of the grip. Tha goma at lha top board, thara ,!..:.-. was (COrad Og-d-Mt 1'niiret'tn iti I favor ,.f K. Booch, Of Vale. ?'. RobOTt ! s. ii and ''. C. -i"ii alao won tboir gamefl , foi tbo Blue, bul a. s. Terry Buccumbed ? tu th.- prowi .tt- of U W*. Jarmaa, of I'l.n. eton, in th.* coiumhia-n.irv.i'd match the ' BltM and White suft.-r.-d an early 8ft i.i. k at the fourth board. Whoro A. 1' 1 Bacba mada his dehut iu a game ogulaat .1 1!. Morton. Tlie latter pushed tha Ot? i... k vlgorouaty and aoorad ta foortoaa tti'iv.-.s, in . onaeojaenoa of a wroog interpo .-itioii on tho part of tii- Kow Toritor. To make mottora woroo, B, H. Chlldg Idropped a point at ti.e aooond tobla, dla> oppaintlag many admtrera arho bad oon tidently look. d to him tO 0-000 0 point In t'olumbla'8 column. His lavoiM was due to oYeraggraootvoaaa* laading to a fauity combinatlon. 11. A. WlOO, flrst board for the N.-w Yorkern, had an eventful gomo with B. Winkelinaii. of Harvard, a draw being tin.illy re.ord.'d. B. _-, Oluok really faved the tiay for Columbia in o nh*iy foaght gamd agalnat w i:. ii.mis. ti.e Harvard captaln, whom hi forced to capitalatfl oftoi a bbo? don >.f .- ? oeven booro, ond thla d.-spite ? t he loot o pleco In tha opi ?> a ick'a pluch in tbaa wearlogdowu I , ? i. do ibtable op| oacal undor ? ondt Uona the moot dlooooraglng aai i i '? ih,- t- .it .i. "1 th. ua/'s play. Ai .. meeting of the captaiaa, beld ln the aftemoon, it araa dacldad that Prlncoa U>n COUld not put in a BUbOtltUta ln pi.... ,.| Uii V'liOt, and that Coliim-'i.i and Harvard, as well oa v...., Bbould got .t polnl by defaull at bla vacaml board. Tba T" atlon oi playing off tho mat h ? iv...:. Columbia and Princeton, poot pom d I1..MI ll ? Hi il ro md, ?>'? a i ame up for dla ? -?-"" and -t waa Unall) a ha l? ? ?,, .?. p|o ad .c the r"..nis of the r:i. .? < i.. -; < itti.. in tln- dl . beginning .1' I ....I, .?!. KU.l.i Ti,.- pfl-trtngfl and opcnlnga In yeartoi i were the follourtng: , | . ..I tt.MHIA. HAKVAKP. 1 v, laa .'? " ,-...... . . il li ? Balnlfar._. l . . r. ... i llarrla. I i flocha. .o M..ti..t.t . i Total. Cehambta plajrad vblta on iha Brafl aad -bh ? I-...,-.. i- .'[.-nmfla. 1. Huy I*>r-' Q -ri'i ar iini-d, i. i :, , l . nu. PRINt BTOK I Van VIIH I i ... ? I flt...-?,.'..n 8 8 lai ii.rn.. 1 ' I Carta ? . ? | ! .1 ?.a.i ahlta on tha find aud ? ? ? i . i.lnira. I. foi r II I . ? ? \ ? . ?- two rounda with three of the I <-.!.' Hl IA | MtP ?.-.? 1 1 dvialfei ii.u-i- i i .. Mertan o t ... i I YAi.t. paiitcrroN WflOl-Ml M.iv"'. I . , ; , '.'>-"'???' . 1 Itoektaa. ? ?I Ih- 111.11. t " .... 1 1 H art'i ....... " I ' 4 | Tntala. 1 3 ' tha thlrd round wlll n<>f hepln untll noon lO-doy, when the paiilni- wlll bfl Columbia ra Tolo and Harvard oa Prlaeetoo Boom of tha tt ara lataraatiag gomea foi* lou ; WESLEYAN TO 00 OH TOUR. I i:. i' . ? ..f.l. t.. '' h? Ti iluiti-- | MMdlctown ? onii.. l>ee. ta The mon* 0C?r of tl ? \\.s'e\,-.n hasketi.flll team haai planned a ahort trip during Ibe Chrfartmaa I,....??. lln |...liiher '.'"> It wlll meet the t.ani ..r thr National Ooarda al Bttsa .ii, k, i December M Ihe fl v e win pla*. Ihi National Ooarda i??ni nt Btamford, ond Jonaa*. ' aill oaeoi ihe v M C a. li .ui, ol Bummit, M ?' A BOOST FOR Al WL! Boxing Critics on the CoastPick Him to Beat McCarty. HARMONY BELLS JINGLE Sheriff Harburger Takes an Ex ception to Referecs Being All-Powerful. \i Polsi r, ti.e lowa heorywelght. w|,n is matched t.> rlghl Latber HcCarty on New Day, haa made a favorable Impreaaion on the boxlng crltlca of the Paclflc Coaat Many boUeve ho orlll win and in daclaiva atyla He haa 11 en com pored to Joffriea whon tho oid champion was cuttlng bla oroy uporard to the title. and the way in wblcb Al has worked In bia training qoortora has Btrengtbened the opinion. neiM.rt- from tho Coool de Olar* that he is fOOt and, for a Mg mon, remorfcably dovor. ir" Pulaer has roolly ^.tin^d apoed ond BklU in his boxlng, two eletnetlts ltl whi.'h bo waa lacklng whon he taat boxed in this eity, than McCarty eon io..k out for .s.pialK I'al/er ls a Mgger man than hla opponent, nnd with lils phoDomonal strenKth, wonderfdl stamiua, recuperattvo powor nnd torrifle hltting ability ahooM win handiiy, if be haa oequtrad some pklU. Pmlaor baa a longor reach than Me* f'arty, (iv.- and a l.alf ln. bOO, to I"- OSOCt, whfle his eheot contrai ta I ;s thn ?? Inehoo deeper an.i exponded a good ?ia IncboA Joo Ftlvero, the Mexlcan llghtwolght from Loe Angelea la noa Bpoedlng across tha iontiini.1 toward this .ity to prepare ior his match with Lcach Crooa at the Kmplre Athletic i*lub on January t RI*/? era left hls home in LtOO AOgOlOa OO Wate urday. ?nd wlll arrlve- here to-morrow or Thiiraday. Interest ln this bout runa hlgh. Already Jooa MrMahon has OO eeived teletjrams from hoxln-r "fans" ln di.>t_ut dtlea ior ruoarvattoao. Perfei-t linrrrionv does not r*'.^->. tt tl.e boxln? i irrleH of N>w York State Quite InJodlCtOUfl-y, 11 aeems. tlie State AthlOtiC Commisslon hand.-d down a doctalon that the referee WOJ to bn ln solo rharce <,t a!l bOXlng bouts once the boyg entered the rln-:. Mierlff Harburger. the ". hlef pear-e oftl ctol <>f thla county," deciares thero muat t..- pome mtstake. Me ls tne who fllrrets everytblng, and Oitl not wttjlve ln favor oi on] refi re,> in t'.e world The meeting netween Jeaa Wlllord ai .1 ? got-ier" Kaaraa tn :? ton-roond boxlng bout at ModtOOO Sqiare Oarden on F_1 day uletit may ko a lonc: way toward settiirig the freqooatly dlocnoaod aaaotton gg to whether a falrly clever powerful man ean make any he.idway asalnst an opponent eonally clever, not ho roggod. hut a Kreat Boal lnrs' r. Tn other word-?, Koortm la goltiK to try to dtsprove the irener.illy OCCOptOd theory that the btg man Wlll defeat the Uttla man, all OtbOT thlntrs bolng equal By this It la not rne.irit that K'earns ls sinall. Ho stanl* | feet 10 ln lies and weiKhs _i-i po'imls, but he ls sm.ill ln comparlson with hls rlval, who stands gty feet ln hls stoeklngs. In favor of Ke.-irns It may be monttonod he ls an athlete. qulek on hts feet ,,i.,i eapabla of whlpptOg over snappy punches, despite hls ahnormal . . optneett This ls a comMtiath.n that -I ..'ild make the ? oldler a fur more for vddahle aatagoalfll that. tiie ?\. ? -i''.ii-,* mM The tboory lhal becauioa of his bunchoa ..' muaelO* he ls bound to tire qulekly iraa nol backed up in tho oaaa of Tom Shark- . ??' t'" ' t: ;. ri-inor.ih e o.-.ttis.rn t Coney lolaad wool twoaty-flvo hard ? wtth lim Joffnoa Ifnirthermoia Kaaraa rogorda h moolf .?" ??' hardei hitter thttn I. - i t'hhrles I.e.lou-. the Fr'n n h,.i-.t..iii WOtgM ehamplon. who has r? turned to his native rountry for the holtdays, wlll soori enter th* Kren.h army to *erve two year". gg required by the laws of the ruuntty. _ I Phlllia McQoVOrn and Kddle Moran wlll meet in the inniti bOttt of ten rounds he? fore the WaoMagtoa a. C., of Brooklyn, to-algbt -? TO REIMSTATE PLAYERS Billiard Association Passes on Cases of Suspension. Amateur hllllaid ployora who lia.e been ouapoadod by tho Nottoaal Aoooclotlon of amateur Billiard Playcra for oomaotlng la nuaaacttoned toornamenta and m.itchea gnaraatoed reloatatamoojt to fan privilepis last nlgbt ut the meeting of the OOOOClatloa hOld at tho Oerman l.le tlerkranz, Mth BtTOOl and I'ark avenue Thla bowovor, is provtaBoaal upon tholr opplytag for Biich rolnotatomonl .md that no obargjaa of profaaatonaltam ara pend Ing Bgeftrt thom with the rogtetratlon eommlttea of tha organlsatlon, The members ol tba OOOOCintion as eiiihleil to hear th.- i.p.ut of the I .un mltl.poii the propOOOd new rotlfatilu ti.ii. bylowa and playing rules. Thla waa in a moooura perfuactory, At onco the question what dlsposltlon had beer. made for the players, sueh aa J. l'erdl nnnd PBOgoabarg, i. a?ociatlon atiould irtalto WOOh all of the tll"ii who had lie.-otne rebelHoUB loorord the ^overnlnu body. 'I'I.", dld not llnd favor. exeept with a fl w Kdward W Oardner aot into ? nrKument arith William ii. Klenke, the presl.l, nt of tbe asso.-talloii. ;.a ?.i tltt poaltlon the ployora heM At one time ha prartleally doflad the chalrman'a ruling1. nnd nn impleoaanl ?ilnation was Rarroa I) Bverted Hermann Bchroedor Rnall) made a motlon lhal all or- the ?uapanded playen be relnotatod aithoul regard to their offeneea The report of the lommltlee otl eotl-tltll tloa waa accepted kt ti"n on the same win not he fortbcomlng upon the botoi until Ibe .inriual m.-etlns whi.-h will be hei.i ou JanuOry x ot the Uoderkrana There wm* an open diacuaalon upon eev? eral n\ tli. mo-l i.idi al ChnngOfl prOPOOOd. Poggenburg atatod thal ba was tioi i. roraMy Impreoaod 4\ith the new mie re latlnK tO Oafotj Play. "e was of th? o|.|inon ihnt a skllfnl player eoul.l make ? sif? shot w-hh-h would OOOBO within the s.-ope of the rule and still not 00000 tha referee to pennllze him lle was of the pplntoa that th ruie faiie.i to occompHoh its purpo Tha Bonaa ol thi mombora following the meeting, al Wlilch more thana twenty new memhers WOOO eloetad, was that tho mntter4i prooentod woild work for future barmony. 1 fr 7! JIM FLYNN TO THE FRONT First to Style Himself Boxing Champion in New Class. .Tlm Plyan araata tb be ehamrion of ?ometblng. ao he wasted no time yeater? day ln announ.-ing possession of the tif.o in tho now class adoptod by the State Athletlc Commlsslon at 175 pottmls. ln a letter to tho Hportlng edltor l-'lynn says: "In to-dav's Tribune I take note that th.- .Now York Ktate Athletic Commission haa arranged a now aeale of welghtn, anl dosipnated the lTi-nound clasa as 'corn mlsslon.' "I bej* to advlse yea that I thls day clalm the commlsslon weight champion? ship. My right to tha champlonship ln thla class can bardly ho gnaaUeaed, as i have defeated every laglUmate eonntttmt at that welght ii". however, there la any on.- in thls l la*s that dtsputefl my right to thlfl titio i stan.i ready to defend same, anl WOOld bo plea.v d to hoar from all ehallengera h>toro i leave New York.'' Th-re will be othors. and lotfl of thom. PACKEY WANTS MORE GOLD McFarland to Meet Britton if Terms Are Satisfactory. [By t tagraab "> Tbe Trfbvue.] ? rn. ago, i" - Pacaey McF through bla manager, Bmll Thlery, to* day recelved an offei of '?" t"-< cenl of tba groaa re< .-ipt-'. . "thore la not a man ln the coun? try who can draw anywhere near the a? ten.Iance I'ackey attrao.tu. Tlie MclV laiid-brittoti card is tho best that could bo offered. cxcoptini; a M.-Karluiid Rltebta battio. "i am wllllng to havo Pacbey do IS pounds for Rlt< We, hut 1 am not going t-, ac Bde t>. any fr.-.ik doT:> Bllly Paphe, who ts now called the mlddlewelgbt champlon of the world ln Prance, paaaed tho .\l I.K.T: hoauilful < ar WHfTBRORN I 125 Wmi ,*i|th at. Col 8848 auto m OF 11 Price of Gasolene Moving Up and May Affect Industry, KEROSENE MOTOR IN SIGHt Newton Joins White Companyi ?New Type Piston Hing; Doei Away with Smoking. Within a week, lt taj rumorad, tbfl pri-? of Ra-oiene wi.I take another upwail move, adding to the worrteo of theeoojgg own motor dri\en VCbldea Tbhl It tc.-t ,lncrease will rnarl. an advonca h nine months of nearly 100 per eent., and ,t l| only a qiestion of time bofora the fiu'd will be< orne still more OXpcaafva It 18 even BOBOflg tha POOBll Ultica that tha American automobllo owner whl fln?i him -? lf OO O PUr Ortth thl BO of Kurope. The fltatement araa made a few d?\. a,... by | omlaent in the ( OOOa that W cents a gallon for gaaolent ta . ?? may b< o ma bi - wtth". tlie nexl twelve months When tt. waaa* oerted that fluch -. i?rlce would hurt th? automohiie induatry, and eopedally da truck end of It, he miled "They pay that much tn aon - pai ' "opa," b< -ald, "and Ai'.ei; BO ? r OOmt :,!...-> to pay suei. -,\ i-i r in 8 local ' nlg - - > a aaa* b -i of men Inti reat. d In the aul Induotr) modo ;. ? aii itlon ba ed on Ul present productlon ol gaoootai and 0 estimate.i number of automol ;'? - lo aa Their com lualoi aaa thal II ear In the . ountry woa run on :.n averau two hou - | da] . ttt. gfl ? flWOflflP tion would opproxlmate the pro leaving out of eonaldi ra ? <>t,,r use. to wblcb the "flooanci" out. ome of tlM COOOjl hv t.'ie roptdly advandng i ? of bjob> lene \, iii undoubtedlj I ? eoanol of motor- tbat avtll liee k [or wltb gaoolene oa ? prli lutoBBeta_ , rngfnc ra I tloa ta tn1' feature than to the matter of datafl n> 'flnement for tba reaxon th.c tba BIJaM< gaaolanc has not heen a factor tbraateoBflg ?anv injury t-> tne induotry untll ma i?^ ! f.'W Vl'.lltt. N" ' ,: V M? | worklng akmg th. ? r0" perts of ?"' ? - - There ar-- BOOM '; I to tba ttflfl "f keroflei e In moti obly be overe ? '? ** lf keroaene i- to dlaptei a tba wra com monly ua d fuel ??o of the bt i tootmat ! is ti.e hardi - tho dopoalt kfl W 1 kerooeoi "? , mai ag lt ?'? | moat Impoi ? ' ? ?' ?? ' '"'r th1' ! ma* i.-;...M. Thta dlftl ilty, W W ' aold, '.i" bi onrort ? t - ? af aie?* lu.i. whi, h win aoftoa thi -? I" '? Ulllard Nawtoo, for two ? ? ara B#nfl> . pr d I ' lr"ot Idlvlaion of the L'nlted Btat - Mataia Compaay, lefl oo Buadaj aftornoou ? cleveland, where I haa ? ? **7* tion iti the odvorttoiag deportmont of tha white Company. ,;,-,,,: aucei ai ""rl"' """ '" 8f the w.<- p in rr'" ventlng the eocoi okh g of aaOr mobllea r ' ? mre araoka i faulty lubi troublea are pn iwner of a a ? olwaya lo feai o '? ? J** rhlch lafittod q *. Otmbamm No it" SVcol 13d atreet. haa a unlfora preaouro, aectlon aad ? c ?:rf*'* througbout. ..nd. i- la cUioied, ?rtvea ? noHnoaWa lacrooaa la tho < ? " I or ? motor. ____-? CHRISTMAS IN CHlNA. , amtem IChlaal Dtapal ' "? Tl i hbogfl We** ri,r paverameaf. arill aaea laka a. 10m*\z m*\m*immari?a aad ettaac cr.i-.-iKi.'i* ?" rhim ii,- tr.ton ht arwaOtp allowa?l i o*tt Um ae ,..,i,ii.- e? aatraaaa tk* .alaOratlaa ot -btbaaOl an.i many Bbga .re toptorlng hojMai P*? AUTOMOBILES. V?MOMHI.I r\1Mtvr? A._ >ii)M tu i i ?*?>*?' ??? i.iifti": We hava .. numbei ... 1011 12 nea ?'?' ?"j \\ uaed aulou.oblle. that v ? .' nenthly j.aymeiit-. . '??,-. ?f ?? ' . IMNl ll..t.tik'>,. 7 I..- maer, ?""?' inohlle il.u.i.i. ltt.. new. |I.N ar.i llmouelne, full) ? , ? 11 - I. "\" V Im..l.ui'i tewn ear, >T<". ivu '? " iot. rttoddard l>a>i ?? ? l?aa . ,, ? 11.000; 101. tt . ? later *"?' I'O-UPBKATIVR IfHl l ?K t O.. rei . .,i ???-? s.o) ??. ??" ^ ?'-y USEDdS A OlfltCTOflYOr aniAMionvent Bv AlTOf??lX OtaiZBicv UUh v (. ?.. v. I.nk.daulet haa bei ' J^mfepX ?\.le With Ote. The o?,.ar ?a" ?*}?' B^r tourlng oW let. 300 Weat 87th a?. 'llion- 79.0 <-?>'? - " AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIE3. vor Mion.n it.\*?r A hkt or WASSON PISTON RINGS IITTKH TKIN'.. _ , AMm M. I.. Ut NHAM. Tel 0*\ 88B? 110 Weat ild St., NOW t?'h < ??/?