BRIEF NOTES OF FINANCE Paragraphs of Current Interest for the Investor. Up f, .? ii" lt I aold tlrit rail orrWs to Ihe i moual ot 4.:?>>,"?i tons bava beon _??,. total for 131- wlll amount , i there M reported to ? pe ln the market IfMN to 200,000 tons fbtt. ? OO tOOa Ofl only orders wh!. h jncl ta for 191? delivery. Thla Is juat M0.0W tons Khort of the country's tota; ' lor a fltaglO year. Ih- ' Bl ttee n.ills wlll roll approx tona, whleh ia eitghtiy ? rail vear ln our history. H .? . however. that next y. ir wlll break oll prevloua records, rr foino - enoUffa contracta to l;e<;p .nfI? . ut full oporaUona until t.ext UCt'l \n Advance Offering. al banklng syndloate, lt if a 9toM apoetel odvonee offer mg- ? v COoaula Southern flrst mer:. ont bond". This gjmdlaato 1= ta " U i,' .? of the 13,100,010 tflOOa ' h -v uaeallod for in exchanpe rs of the present 00,000,000 :.rst ? nortgaga hondi,. a pub Ilc o.: M iMJ'.ie may not be made until <' hl .Inrumry, hut the advnnce uffe.-: . sall to bo 106 and Interest to JfloM I '? <'? I?** por cent. Ne.?? Baltimoro & Ohio Bonda. The ! -.' i Ohio Railroad ha? beei. OU ril ??: r the Publlc gervlce ttcii.i I Maryland to i'iue M'000,. DCiu c rtgagO bonds on the roouo:i*i uiioo La Ponaoyhranla whlch t.'.e K- i nore -_ Ohio reeently combined 000 ompany. Theae bomis lt la Kttid wlJl take :I.e place of the *v!9,00\',noo exli-t ing i*v iea of th_ old oooopoulaa, The now MJO-gOBI wlll be kt.own as the Baltlmore *Ohlo Railroad ln Pennsylvania, and wlll ba 300 Biiloa long, not including the Hr.e lo Philadelphla. India Wanta Silver. Th* poadtloa tn whlch India stands aa reaards pold Importations Is shown ln ti ;. Ing from "The Ixmdon Btatlat ": full of gold at tho present la place of pold nuads silver. To flOlp gold from l_ondon to Indla at the ? ..? lo somethlng like sendlnp ? to Ni wcastle; lt wlll bo oiit only tu pool back apaln to buy sllvrr, at a . . ao lo ovory OHO Council hae cons. - ? .- l the qnnntity of drafts ll Ifl ofl rlng f.?r tondor, nnd ls wlllinR to tt at lat-s whlch compare not ? ??? a Itti ti.'- pn. i al arhleli gold : * Tho atock of gold in the departmont In india is I ... croreo, or over fi7.'Vai.,?i. ? -to. k >.f silver. in epite of re pim hooao, i? only ii croreo, or hat ? l 000 ??? By p^iiin? Council !? i ...i only wlll thf? Indla Itop tha demand for gold upon ol i BMMnonl of some dlAculty, haelf ,ii funda to pay foi quantltlea of atlver that muat fai rupooa la to he t* during the active tradr- ooooon of * . \r few ii!..::t:, By oelllng Council - -i and avotding tho ship of gold to Indla Un CouneH arill, ? Inform i on ti.'- boat outhority, the Indlan governmant an rxperif.. rupoi Undor thooe ther ahipment of goM [| dla la llkely t?. ba modo.M French Wages and Living Coata. ? ol l i li s.-ilously af trlal workora of From ? - rik of watres. CotH from,.-. whlch la g ? of Induotiiol ocllTity, ahoorg that the IneroflMed coat of ommodities i ona, it lo to\t ln irnera Ftr* franca IO) a da Ifl HMMU than average a;, OpenUlTa or lebor^r there, ar.d II lo rmt easy under any circuni .? well on this sum \YI,>t allowed to ronstruct bulldlngs ' " ' MO Of the pooreat elasses, whlch I o ln part at least, hy the munli Ipollty, lt ia said that the nec essaiv Usral sanctlon ls llk.-ly to bo grant ?d ln the near f ture This wlll brlrrir. apartmnits within the reach of thoo arho are now occaslonally obHgod M '? ? h) !. tor O.KXt | per cent electric hght Hyatom im prt*\'a-: ent bonda, detiomlnntlon IfiOO, dated ,T'-nuar>' 1, i913. and due JT.00 an nuatt.' on January l, from 1915 to lf*36, h-fliislva. Th? oloetloa held ln Centrelia, LowM QaO-tty, Wash . on December 10, resul'ed. accor.ii rr to reports, in favor of the prop oaltlor for !B?uilng J300.(?oo 6 per rent wat^r r'ant ? ,r"haae and gravlty system bonds ft la 'eported that the town auperx'1?or tt iog, Cbfrnung County, N. Y., wlll tm-?:'-<: peopooalg until io a tn., Doooaa ber ' - H.OOO b-ghwoy lionds, dtnomi Mtlon j; ng, dafd February 1, _?13, and <1 m 5: 0J Vhtmory 1, 1M2 and 192". Thtn cr.un*y ranjed cn December X a law pro ?Ol | lor the tss;ance of *2W.(t)<> 4 per "' - ttotttts" Of refuge bonds, de ' ' ? M, datcl T>bruar>' I, 1*'3. an. Wm Ftbt gtff !, IHI, J1-! r? ?! LtOktOg County, Ohlo, aold on I ? it lo reported, flve taottog ag '* l per cent street lm ? J* r0 gpHoor, Itorlck & ro., ?' J Ctojrtoa t'ouniy. Qa., Orffl ..' eordlng to raporta, on .:. UM, to eonoldot tha pi i?J tt ' | .,,, | per cnt etoctrlc CURB ECH0ES. ? Mjg tha oii ooida of . weak i odod Doooaahar -i \. .i n , _., ia down UM feol &nd i . ,i, \, a I 'n nf tbe aflaar lead ebaraetar. Tba cninpnny has compli l rl airaageeaenta Cor ateady BblpaieBta if Its low grade ore to the worka o:' Ihfl American Smelting Company, at Murray, Utata Tho Homi-staku Mining Companv will make a special dlstrlbution to eaeh em* ploye of 7 per cent of his total aaralBgl wlth the company during the yar '(.<1?. 1 'isburs-em.-nt will be made nn paf day ln January. when tbe Deeember salnries paid, and will embrace every man nn the I'ecetnbr-r payiolls, no matter wh"th,-r h> has worked a year or only part of tbfl month. Thls ls tbo flrat time ln its hlfct.ry that the ompany han made such a glatrl* bution. and lt is a dlrert result of the most priiKperous year the company has ev.-r had. The sum dlvided ln thls way v, i'.l amount to aeafijr 000.000, NEW YORK CURB. TratUai ln tbe curb marbel reaterda) 8/1 i Of llght character. aod arhlk (ln waa shonn nt the nuts. t, before mldda) a i< >" ti-.n-irv tendeacy s*-t in nn the amall offera There araa little feat'ir? worthy ot mentlon aalde from tho better Inquiry foi tb.- Btandard on aubsldlailea, whlch ln ma.iy iiiHtano-.o continued their upward mov**, Tbis was, ospeclally *o in Btandard Oll of New Ynrk, whlch advanced about 15 polnta, while Pralrle ?'!l and Gaa and standard Ol] nf Indlana wera alao la (-'.' demand, i'nlted Ctgar Stores of Anit-rba after a show of fltrength at ar. Impr >v< - ment of about 1*4 lost the gain. Brltlah* Amerir;in Tobacco traa qulet hut *-t.;i. Tobacco Producta preferr*-,'. waa r>- falrly ii ?.'.>?, and aomi ad* vain'i s wer? ahown In Helnmr.t tn $S md ipah Mining to$6f>-i6 Tonopah Mer* gi ' BOld at Mc ir.d Slc and Midway at Mc. Mlzpafl Kxtension galned a few polnts Wlth --ales at 6&c. West End and Tono? pah Extenaion were in good demand, whlle North Htar changed hands at l!Vc. Golclfieid Atlanta was higher at ISc to 10c and Meiger Mlnoa at 2V. Xevnda Htlls sold at J'H- The market cloaed falrly linn. De tal led oporationa follow: (Pumlahed by Harry E. Thompaon A Co , N'o. IJ Broad freet ) INDUSTRIAL. Share*. ? > Hr!-t?r,-Am T"t>... loo Brown Bhos . 100 Hnu.tor. Ull . SO" Manhat Tranalt... LJOt Pasbla .". .<.- R.. . 10 stan t>r. < t N I . C00 T ?!, Producta pref l.oOO ftilt fiaar Btoros. lM*tVlllya-0 risad t: BONDS AND NOTES. i *.flfl0 tlj 7* . . . :?<"??; *flG MINING, .?'.anta . ??ra,!*n. tf Brltlflh 1'r.lumbla. I.MOC O I' t 'ona. , r. n i,:.f>o ei Pseo . 3..vxi Ely i "ona . riorenoe . ' ,. ? ? ? \ 1.000 .luinr,,, Fxt.-itlon. lOOKerr I_k?. 1.000 l.a B<>*? . ? 1.7M Moi Mln 8 r.*a= 100 Mason Valley .... 500 NVvada lllils . laa ohio l, MO i . altera 1 | 4 Bn v.,i-t . IM Tsawpen Mtati *. IflsT ir.pah Esten... " 00Tonopah Merger.. 1 ? ???o T--.!urr??. M00 West I'nd fons .. 101 Wettltt if.-r . NEVADA QUOTATIONS. uTuialflhal eallj by Web Bro* a Ce., N i ia i Btiasl , Pseflflsbaf M f-i4. roNfjPABa, Ratarday'a 'iv>..ia - , loh,-. , IHM-. - Aak. Tonof.. Mialng.... .).?-. ? Imonl.' I"', I ? Tonopah Maiifax.i.oo i.m n:si ? i Extenaion.' ? ? '.01% ! **% -.- . ,M .1 ?' Heimor.t )"it?!.M -:i. 1 Qypay Queei ?? _J jini Butlei .*?-' fi Extena I M ntana Tonopah .l ?-'*. l??'? '? -\ l *,,4 Mllw-. .01 Ma NHinaia .I~ .11 '" al h nttsburih Ex .li 17 :> .,-: stai .i* ?'" -1* Heaeue Etlls . 11 U Wasi End Con.1.10% 1 ? 1.01% ?;(/? i ,i, ."9 .1! Bl .11 | GOLWIELDS. ACanle. .J] Booth .? 0' Hlue Bell .f'J " fj ?? Bltie Bull .? .03 C .01 .10 l^ian.i i DaUy.M ? g ; a ll'l' H!k n'Jtte .01 .A-: .''l >. Flnrenca . ???* ?? - ?0 Ooldfleld Kelm.r.t. 00 .11 08 .11 Jumbo nxt?r.alon.M K>?ar.aa .ol .00 f'* Lor.e Star .M .01 M M Ifarsor Minra . .:i .TO ."' , _ i Oro .M M "t * Pati.latorm Kan^all.oi ' ' f'i .0 Bllver Fl-k Cr-n. 0^ .01 .M Vartial ."'? -,,? "** ? Tellow Tig?r .? f? ' ! MISCKLLANEOL'S. Falr\i*w Attec .12 ,M ! 'f Indepand I>eiul Mlvflr... . Flttab'irsh Sllver Petk .74 .M .74 Kound Mt Spbinx.0tnnt a'tar, Hlf Ptaur... i .51 ? "avada Hllla.I ?% l.4wh 1-01% 107VI Nevada Wond'-r.: ^l'? 1 t,'? 1.11% I.N | MISOELLANEOUS STOCKS. ai:?i ba |4*adflrb H- 'ia? h A Oa., New i York anil 1!' -', i I Trt. ln talo.parlod. B I Aski L \m Bi-i^ Nnte. + Q-J JJ H An. gaaa Note pref... I O-J Ar.-. B"a..a. 2 MO WT% M0 *m i;hicl*. *l ?,? A^n Chlrie prat........ ? JW ? Ig Ftn, .-. J Maao ; ? An. Throjd n*f. 0 MJ J I A"i Ty* ? foiiii1?ra. 4 J*.J Am Typefoondora prof. l Q ' i"1 Am Troefoundora d t. Va.lou. 113 UT Tessa * x-srin ? (~al.. ? 8er|a ' " Trenton Potterlea. ..... -- ? ? J Trentoa Psttsrtos ant.. - -- M *> Trenton 1W Fdf ctfa.. 4 JA.T <0 ?0 TroW Ulrectory. - ?- -;' 5 l'tiior. Frrr>.. - Q--1 g I frl.n TM'-?tlt?r. ? ?rnIon Typ-w lat rf... 7 AA<> 104 1? I- S Flnlahlne. * W J ? : * Flnlahtas prt;f..-. ^ ???* M ? f fl Flnlahlna l?t ?? ?? - J*-* '^ * II a Unlahlns n.n ta.. - JA.I ? 1W Virslnten Ball way. - - M M Waat Paclflc. ? - ? ,?^ Waat Power. ? - \\eat Power pref. - - i-O M dlvidend. _ SEED PRICES. Toisdo, I?^- 20. ? CUOVEB8EED Prlme. ,-,-?, and Decomber. ?H47'-j. Pebraarj sad Marrf. il1f?*) AI.SIKK Pnni-. caah and De .Vi.,b-r. %Viw. Jdanh. 010; No 0, OilgOlllO TTMOI HY- -Prime. , aah and Dr.ex.l'.r, 01 08; l-'abiaory, 92X2.*. OUrsOa I* Of, PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES. I Tl.e f'anton KU-ctric f'ompany's carn Ipk.h for November BhOW nn Incrt-Oa :n >.r :; per coni and an increase m n-'t eorntnga ol l per cent, whlla tha Ineraaooa ln grooo nnd net foi Iht twelve montha ended November ! . a>. ;. ? ? Bt ond t per cent r rapeetlvo ly, compared wltb the same perlod Uot eai The report 1* as foUOWO: M. ri'l. "I N. ?.' m I . | Ut I i-arnings. I gurploa after chargea ? T?? i\e mea < 1.1 I S '. - .'Hri.iriga . N. ' . arnlnas . Hurplva after 11 ;naea. Barnloga "f ihe Moncie Bl< ti le Lighi Company for November show oa li iti ioi iti groae ..I | : . or II i" r . ent, and an Increaae ?.f M.1U, or m p-r eent, M net over Novembei Ifl I year, while for the 14-s.: -.. month perlod ended Noi mber .0 the ;? - ? '- aa lollows: M. :," ?: \ nrembal IW- lf_? Oroaa ran lagi . H* ' : I;L' "JJ" Net oornlngfl . 20.013 m.i." Uurplua aft. i ? bargoa. ,. II 070 lmn-.i i arelva . . S0 i; m ..... ingi. SOI.OSM K?l ternlnga 106.033 '-i BS Surplua tttttr t irge* 00,013 BO.OBW the . irniiiK^ of tho Rockford Klee trlo Company ara tteadlly Increaalng Ifl ?hown by tha XovemUfcr report, wbieh ghowi ai. ln reooe la graoa ol n j.-r eent and an lacroooe oi -" p**r coat ,n nol for the siitiie p.-riod loM tt-ar, whii" tho eorntnga for the >.,..r ead-d November M alao Incraaaod 9 p>t i^nt ln gross and 17 per eent tn uet OVI r tbe correopoadlng perlod ln IML The repori I ? follows: Month oi N ? 'or '.- bi 'nmlnc Nei earnlngi ii kftei |ea. Twelve ii.o. "i. ;? Oroaa aai nlnga . Ns tn creiised II p> r cent for the month of .No? vember and IncrOOOad -."' p.r cent for tlie year ended November 10. The report ts as follows:, tt November? CtrOflfl 'Brntngs . K al . a 11. i i 4' i BurplUl nft>*r*.. ? Twelve i i.n.M oarnlnga Nei oarnlnga . E :? | lua -1'. r .':;... Tha s rat.toii Blectrie Company'a eara Inga for November show thal wbUe the grooa dld noi ? nange motorlally tbore 4 ? an Increaae ln nei oi I j-r cent, and for ti.e year 1 ndad November H then was on an Int n iea 1 f !'' per 1 enl ln wn*" ,.t..i s per cent ln nol over the aame perlod in llll, Tha repori I - oa foUera U I tn ? et ? ',: ea aan Inga . n< ? eoi Inga . 1 Twelva moa ? v eai nlngi Ne* . ,i. Ini ?-..-,:.- irgei STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. Btandord 0 of Now Tork oroi bM op vlolently from ? ?? . ? 1 looed al aboul 110. Boutl Penn ? ul and tt' oi Ki ntu. k: ... 1 ? 1 " rei 1 ati ong fi ai spectlvelv The lom f the enUn llai was ,: .| good buytog oroo In ? a lden< ?? ... . ? . ' I : 11 fl ? .? . : ( atrr ? , i \ . ? iar. per flfcgrt * BM. A ltl Anglo-An ITH :?>?_ l. .?? ? 1 p 1. v ... -i ? Hi Bo Penn ".1 1 -..-.. . -. -. ^.. w pa r :. 11 B .-;.?>? i- ? il ' ? ? ? '? '.".- ? Hui <. ?/ h : Cokmlal Oll.. 1 I ' 1 ' l I Kai 4 Conllnent IPL ? ' . '. .,.-.? reka P L laiiOol N'Y 1 ilg ? Oof 1 ' do rr- I W Itt'iiima P L. 14! aa I .! ? .--.... A ] ?X V Tranalt Mfl Mfl 1 Lino 1 *4 II'.' IM im in v . . ai..;..., 14 :i. Oolar Refln ng " ?i:. divldead BUSINESS TROUBLES. fellewlng i-a-" one li aaakrapti - i-rd.v la tbfl Mi'HA I-. ot 'l nli. ;.'. Importoi 4 tt.'?:..:?. No, 14 Mfl Idl :, 1 ? Llabllltlea ar- an..; to _? $:, ..n>... __?it-, |8 "" THE BAlTRON a COI i: i OMPANT, ' r ln ' ontraeioro* machln. 1 ? ..?. ? I_7 l*i anklln ltl ? ? ? bllltlaa h'< aotlmateg a< 10,0410; no aac-ta. 1;I>v." .RD BOI II, No. 120 Broad- l nli ntarj ?. Tl llabllltl. s ara ? 14 'o ;? |32. . a' la pr .bai I |13,000 THE ? OBTLANDT LACE .' BMBROI. DEBY WORKS No. 341 Kaai ISIth -treat. I :? 1 ;,? .lunl ? ? h_i-l ?.. be *1- 00 ?: 1 MU, |S r"" l'tti.'-AKi. wittim i;h. No 1 ? '.. eoi 171 1 atreet 1 inv. lunta re aald lo ',.? $_'i. 000; aaaeta *??"> 000 MORRIfl OOl DBERG, No, :?!? ?? atreet 1 li rolunta 1 l bllltlaa, I.'. 000; ?<> aeta, 11.000 mlm".' ? Bl 111 Flfth aven 10 iin.olnatary 1 ? tat"'j t.> be a than |200. .1 \. .ni N i v. ..1 - -. No I0ia geeond ? -. nue (Involuoi 'jnitie.-. ,re $1 U"" as-' ti. $7,V' 1 ? i| Ifl Rf'DXIi 'tt S ':i ??!.. .?-. 1 atreet, Bronx, . 'ol ntarj 1. Llabllltlei _.??? |i >:i 1. U. S. TREASURY FINANCES. (Vaabiagt. n, 1 ? - '? i ? r a of tb? L'nlted Btatea 'tr..- iry ?t t,. 1 ginnlng .?. bualn '7.. ?7 _" . end Man I7g II llc ln un lon . ppei i,.?.'u Bt 171 lf'f for apol end '7?; i7? iw f.,i- niiiii-a. Arrlrala ol -oppar at n>w v...i< ?ren s-'. 11 1 1 oi ta foi tl.. raoatb Uiua f_r arera ia>:t4 t .iih TIN '???' :'". and falrly aethre, trarna - Honi ?" oontlag lo ?"?' tono; apot ,',fitt.'.". i,V'::." . 1 ? ? .?. 1 ?" ? lanuary, ,',ll |fi ;,'*? -?* I'I II '.' '.''> 20c, .. ! Mhii i,. ."?" 1" . -' la ii.'..n tln ? looa : ? (2X8 7- '.. for 1 ? li ? .'--,' .''. ? t - r.-t ,re? :.i: v l> Ca?y; Xew 1 1 ! .., Han -1 1. . .-. 1 1" 1 ? Bl Ifl : HPKLTEH T.S0f ; ? .-? i il - 7 !""7 .'? I. 1 .-. ' il -50 l< ?,?.'. a. 01 .lon 1/ 1 1 'ii" hange<1, ?v |th No 1 f< ? 'I Noril ? ? . vi? ? : am No ?_? n?tr$i? ta-. xo i ? ? i....... ||0, . . . '- ..??.?*> 7' CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. ' 1 a. ?. I "? ."? A gl I.-A.4. ln t." n. \ lalbt . - i.i ? ' ? ... .ih.. .' elooad '?'" 4 lo "4. ui anl ? , 'o ',. down Provlalona galned froia . (. 1_ tt itt'' g. of 1 ELGIN BUTTER MARKET. B-g-O, Dee B.?Tha Kigin H.4rJ of TCOdi ;o--aj dfiorvJ but'.-; nrni ?; 34c. | THE mr mws - Wheat, Corn and Coffee Make Slight Gains?Oats Lower. Tbara wns a Baaall taeraaaa la the , Aaaerlcaa vMbljr aappljr or arbeat, aad aa thla lodteated aethra t*aaaarmptlea It flttod in aith ball argaateata aa aleely tbal phort? beeaaae frlghteaed and eovered Ireely. Thla, arith aoaoe bttytag ay eaat* ralsstofl houeee, ma/n tho mark.-t som* nrmnaaa ir. tba late tradlag, aad Um - loee aaa al o set adraaea ol %?%*. Recelpta :it Northareetera polnta arere falrly Bb* eral, bol .?m,-i!!er than i<^t aeeb. Corn ,n tba late tradlag deaaloped Brmaesa la >> mpathy aith arbi st, aad rleaed ;, op. Oal aren sffi ted by llberal o it ns an i largar reeelpta al intr-rior polnta, i ui cloaed ','? I"**- ar. Coffee tradlag \*.as UiaeUve, bat aear the tn.i ,1' a ratber beary se-Hiun balla toeh bold and ateadled tbo roarbet al the cloae, v.iiich a*aa al un ibaagad t,? aat I polnta lower thaa gatarday'a Onlab Tbere is litti- proapi -1 "i bbj* tnaterl il ? bt ln , i ii litloofl intll aftei tba bolidai . -? TOTAL DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. Haa -, . . Deeombi j . . n | -at, buah '-'?'? ??'??' , ,,,? buah .... -? - .I' na, tvUa , . i?t, t ui i . i: fl itsnberrles, . | bUSh.. . Ki.vv..',. rtl-a. eU Mait. bual. i - -' ?* ? ?? : : , ? i ? HM i.. n ? i iCall. bxa Floui bbla. MM Urangi aatka ?.39?,UHed ' I ' bn ' ' ?..-.. . ... k- i IOI i ... . *a< Ba... OM Iti.e, i-kta. . ? Dllmeal llopa. I ... ' n' i . al ' ? ? ? ii .-, rommeal] - - Wlne B~al). ' . latm. al, bbla... ? -> Bioom i orn, ? - Mfl feed. tona... t-'otto Hay, toaa . .. IMM nalr, HtrSW, ti,.i?.' W ? I, lial**. ,. bbla.., ;i Wool. aa, ki ... i ii moata, pkga :-'? M -?. bsli -. idiined baat >r UM UM**, Lai-*. Uir.l, tea. 1.-3;. Bklna, lalea. i.i-.t. !(o_a. aJttt alolsaaaa, bbto.... Lard. baseo. 47", Btlgsr, t.bla. . iW, pkga. M Sugar, ea-ka. Ol o ato,k, fa.. TOIMustsrd aood. aaa Cot'atfld oU, bMa l.MI robscoo, hhde ... I,ub oii. bbla... 14', Tobsceo, m. Butter, rk**- ???? ".381 Tobsoco, pkga ? t*beess, pkga... \.ttt\Conet. t??ri.. Egga. pkga. ?.0M Plteh, t,t,.?. Di pouttrr, pkga lt 101 lt, ain. bbla. I.!-..- p.i-iltrv, ctn LMa >;'lrltH l.irp. bme k; ; _ bla MM Tsr, bbla. \: - boxes.... U.7M >'knnel salmon. ce M.Ma EXPORTS Whaat ? i : MO onoake. tb . .?*? , rn. buah ... IM oi - bla. nat* buah. l.OM H- f. bbla . liai -' .. buah. . M.1M Bei t K ? ? . i ; ixaeed, buah 10,M3 Bneon, Iti.I, Peaut, b'i?.. . 1-3 llama, tr. . ? i 11 rt-.? iM ti,,., bbla . 1..4'. rallow, Ib. I ? . '.;?.,--" .11 . rnmofld, bbM Mfl Butter th. -4 ? ? i'. ? 1 tl o ' - ll, pkga ' -1 oll. tb 1 " ???1. i?ga ?' XI ! ub oll, gaM oa.TM lt iv i al, a..., i '*'? Ui --,1 oll. bbla Mfl , ' ,- n , i ,i- a.... EXPORTS FOR THI WEEK. IM Ml Psrh, bbM I '-'? ,-.,.. | . Ilraf. t.t'a. Oata t .. !?.TM Beef. tea * *. buah.. Hi IM.Ha i. 1*6. I ? -.1. buah 111.1 llHsma, 1*- ... ? l? _ i-.?s buah 7 im Lsrd, rt. 7.114 ? n tne, b leti '? . .? pksa ??" ' ' Brsn lt. ll.f* ? -? 4i- Turp a?l? .1** ; * f bbla ,, . aaiae i ?? ? ? I . bbM ' ? ? " * _SL5 Whlak-y gi?1* '? '?' >? B"1" ! ' il. lb l.riv * Benalna, fal" ? ' . |t, ]ft ti . ? , , - ., I 4. ?! gaM OM M CA3H QUOTATIONS. '..ll l:? 7.. i .*: ? jal. 14? 11 r -.4 t.?- i ? ,,-..:..,,-. r.-. So 1 Blo . . ralla. : - flran Ua . 4 i ll M M Issaea, < > iC. p 4. ,- . - r_ *4 ??> ?... v. i .a- s*o ' rsl '. " !'? I Bflfl 10 " ???? " .-!f* land a I I? ? ? ' ' ' GENERAL MARKET REPORT. I rb I-- em er 00, 1012 i.ll%IN WHEAT . ,:r ra rai t- asi ai lat. tn ,pe.| llrmneai md t l ' . I "? i waa I >;?? tj* ?" na -i of a .... e America i ln the faea of I i .. b , ated continued >. t , both for ,'.?--? . narl a* tina aai la II ? ??? ith t< ? ? . bulle. ah, rta an i covei . fra ly, ?? I I al ll ? ai - ilnva ( a-aro buylng by promlnei I ??"' ?'?'*-.. . . v ;.,-,:: t .- I nlte I [ai, ?.,.. i tOT.800 buohela, nxskl - toi i '? reaoa In notlvi an i b n h I whaat "f I ,:, i.< ompare.l taltli :> dtereaeo laat year ,,f 7OOO0 Porelgn markati srora allghtly i'.*.rr owlna tu fa-. aable r.? from ?krgeatlns ir_(ta a ? ? On aa. ? araa r.-i,- rt. , lhat laadlng mllta were t i^ng i Mlnnospolla Tha rrop ln New ?outh *Ae - , , ,, parti : ;.? '.'4 068.000 bua ?? . . i wlth a?:niooo sa ? jr. Kp 0 rel | . wlntei V.--AI. *i 00 elevstsr an-l 0188 I " M* i sorthern aprlna, 07*a 1 a ? afl a< i OKN Insctlvs, wll i n all "l * miwrad wll , an Incroaa ? :^.mKi wael ? I sn Incresao 4>f BKl.ogo ? laal ri: Ex| -.rt orn, 05. f o b ?1 ll ' trrl . OATH v ' ll? f' " I '?'*"? ' 'v' :" ' ' row. ?h" tm,^ wsa enaler. Hio rtelbl_ hota ...?,wm a. t< i ..v- of i.ifli.i""" nua - ? ? tha n ji'?- i ? ,* al ui "? ? ai I* . ? , 4 lo-#ei Hpot n;i>'.k" ' ?tsmlsrd whlte. 4" \'o X Mntv \v, 4 S7Ha:??*jc: natural whit?, .'fy-' I"- on-1 , . - -, r-llppe i SO'tOJ 4J'-. ?<'.; trscl BTK ? . a Western, I I H.iiTiii.-, HAB M'.V Steady; malllng, B4**ga0- e I f Buffalo; Ui r. ''>'.-. nomlnsl, a i f x-"*' xera. M.H VOBK PltK i>. Batur Whrat- Oprn. Mlgla. U?. }'"? Msi '.. *>: '*7-' 01 OTOi ''7', INTI KHIK WSA OJIfTg, \\" . at ? orn I '? ?r. , .. I si;, (a?i 1 r.."-4,iH.l 1,041 iiOO ,:::. 2,ar..* 1238.000 -? 'i ii. Biai?paaQJaa daj Mai yaai araa a h| MIOAIM* I 1 1 \lt\Nl ga. Plow *' ? ' ?_". i?.i i?.*M oarri ta. tati . ... ^?"<*' OK. ? ba ? arraapandbia 8ay Mat yssi aaa ?? I l da>. I 1 ?M It ANI> MatAf. nA)j l*. ?!' ' ' prina paiente. $4 r-'^l4 vl. wlnter atralghta, |4 5r-f?04. *?" - *' "??'?tH -'". '? ? s atralghta, *-i i.'n.i OO; fani -. -t rlng i H ? a- ?-,i?.\ ;?? HTK KIAil H Bte_d| , .. . ( bol a ln fi I ' ' ;i in . KWHBAT PLOI H ?J Met, 12 ? ,.. i l'n n i ORVMK II Bl ., l-'lm ... , - llow, ll .??- iti r.i'4 :.:. asrka; rslddtlng, *-'?' '? ? ,'**"?" r-.| lun, *?'.,,.'.,> homtny