Newspaper Page Text
Sritmtw \^ LXXII. N? 24,148. Ti?-da.?. rnin; lo morrov.. fair nnd rolder. \i:\V-YOliK. FR1DAY. PECEMBCT 27, 1012.-1i> PACJjjg. * * I llll K O.Mj UJltWl KISKWHERE TWO CKXTfl. IN RUSH TO STAVE OFF EXPOSE Heaclquarters Wiscacres Hear Oepartment Will Make Fox an Example of "Self-Purifi catiorT of Force. HASTE CAUSES COMMENT Dillon Snbpcenas Five Persons for Trial Monday to Teli About Protection"' Money ? Hopes to Get Ahead of Wbitman. \\;ii additional lnformatlon >>f police graft om \ l< c ind ili> aovial evil plltnf ?p m the of Dlitricl Attorney whitman. Pollci Cwnmlnione. Waldo :i to hurry ihings along yeiterdl) wiih regard i" Eugene Fox. the patrol* n > iptaln Walih'i diatrlct i\iu> hfta been MTOOted OB thl ehargei of tt*orge A. ilpp thnt h>- irai I R'?f' collector. To tbooe who have followed tha Coaunlnloner'i ilow and d mnfied pro redun in the Becker ei n and ln con aeetlon with aii the graft accueatiom ??, hls prepent aetlvlty In ihe Fo* . ase is causlng ltiu.h comment. 1' I g whispejvd around that the ln On ls to havu the Police Dopart ment Itielf net the evidence on Foi 'and him, so that il can then be pointod to as an example of ' ?elf?P fV-ntion." Fourth Daputy Commliaioner Dillon - ,i>l>oenae(j Oeergl A. ^ifi*. hli bro ?her, Harold Blpp, Thomas .1. Dorlan, . >'ernan and Charlei William \. riF yesterday, an.i it was announced ihat Fox'.-, ma! hari been *<m f.,r n< Kt Moaday. Tln Bippa and Dorlaa -an the a. tual paymenti of ,,.;,? aaont > to Foi and M - ? man and Arni ran testify ? . cond*tioni which war* allowi I contiaul in Walah'i preclacl ia ip ? ? th*- proteiti madi bs aiaaj i til nti thei ? . Fox'i l'Oli' e court arralfnmt nl ? 1 ba before next Thursday. aml itiiig his police trial for Monda' ln* tei thal Commissioner Waldo cx tbe edgi off nctkm from Dtgtrt I Attornej 'i otWet b; i ml - I tt,. | - f Um ICCttMd pnlHeinan tbe r< gular police trial. lt ls the i.ian of the police to Mbpcnli thi rec* v ff ihe 1_th Ward Bank a. parl of ?he eorroboratlon of Slpp'i itoi of tt paid to Foi Grill for Polica Officials. The accuMd patrolman was turn* moned to the offl.e of Chlef Inspt .^rhmittherger jreaterday morninf, M nt tho police formula of relnstating m while rharges wen lodfed lialnil htm could be oomplied with. and then he waa suypended agair and toM U rt fr>r trial on Monday. Meanwhile Mr. Whitman wa* leara* ing through Mrs. Mary Goode and two oth? women of the oame Krar>t pro ,n whom she had pereuaded to _ ihat two police officera who aerved darinc the r*glme of former Inspector eMtll G. Tlayes had heen the prod *,.op?frs of "M.'inny" Maas and "Sol" Wolf as tMMral Mraata for the "s\s um" 1n its relation.s with vlce and the 1 e*. II. These two polhe oftVers will ta etimmoned hefore the extraor iry grand jury aa *onn as lt OOD* - a'ter th? New Year- at least, ihe- Wlll have the chance to ex ptaln the accusations against them. Ii la hoped to g^t fr>m them the inrnea cf the men to whom they < r.Mtinurrl aa flfth pare, aernnd ?*>!iimn. This Morning's Xews LOCAIi Pen I , . Triea to iiend Ott WhltBMUi- 1 Kdwarda Wrlu-s of Plans for 1!U3- 1 i. R. KVene 111; Valel a Puicide. 1 Oaa. Myetery at Hotel. a Terrlalta Facei Btorm. a Blffct Caught In Btalled Llfl. 3 ? htt?c Nol te Wed. 3 QariMnt Workera Igaori Peeei t.i- 3 Daadly Fa_nilj Flgbt at Xmai Dinner. 5 iargaaal O'Grady on Trial. 6 Aetlaa Trged at I*ier Hearing. 8 Eenttabla'a Plans Kilt'd. 8 Poatmaatari Ready for Paroala Post... 8 Bcbool Board Dlaailaiii Teacher.1 ??r T'astor for Rrooklyn. I Laa a Parody, Baye Court.ll ITomaa Foaad r>ea<i in Baow.18 OM rort Horn Doomed.lf POX.ITICAL Itaaa fof Wllaaa Triatiguration . 9 GENEEAL Boveraor Wllaaa impro^e.-. l I>> namita Cases Go to Jury. 1 Hlghwayman in Women'l Oarl. 3 Qulta, Bcandal Rumered. 3 Praaldaat Taft Leaves Panama. - IVhai Standard for Railway Hot \ Ice.. 6 '??> Qtvao Raetpe fta Tautlj. 8 Puffiagists to Hike to Waahlngt-.n. .7 Kducator ^'arns American Boys.7 ' dustry Growing.13 Kellogga Baed a? ? Trael.13 ..ns Year for Alaska.15 FOKEION Tarkey Btlll Deflant. 4 V. 8. influance Wants ln Chins. * Mar.sbuts A?Krancllzcment I'lan. - Lnvland Ravaged try BtOTM. * MIDCELI-ANEOUI N>ws for Waaat ?. Fxiltortal . . 8 Boeiety. 8 Moair. ? Obltuary. ? Sporta.10 Army and Navy.1J tt'aathar .X1 ?^nlpplng .n Vlnan.isl snd Markets. . ..13, 13 aad M H-al Eatate.14 aml 10 A CLEANER NEW YORK IN 19I3,SAYS_EDWARDS Motor Trucks and Machinc Sweeping Basis of Commissoner's Hopes, Hc Says in Special Article for The Tribune. ,_ _ _J COMMISSIONER EDWARDS ?.. for 1913 is .. . I< a n William H. Edwards. Commissioner of the Street Cleaning Department. in a special articlc for The Tribune tcl'.s th;s morning just whal the citizens , ol" this city may expect nc:-:t year in the way ot" improvemer.ts ifl street ? cleaning. handling of ashes and garbage and the changCfl he hopes to make i to increase the effkiency of his department. This is ihe first of 8 series of highly intcrcsting and instru.uve artiJes written eapecially for The Tribune by the heads of the various city dtpart ments. Dr. Ernst J. Lederle will tell what the Department of He.ilth piana to do to lower the city's death rarV. and thus make this one of the healthiest places on the globe, despite its changeable chmate. Joseph Johnson, jr? head of the Fire Department. gives BOirJC interesting ! ar.d surprising figures on the number of incendnry lires and what they cost the insurance companies. He makes comparisons with foreign dttflfl and then tells what he plans to do lo prevent as well as to fight fiics. The important watetfront problem will be discussed hy Calvin Tomkins. Commissioner of Docks and Ferries. This article v*ill appeal to every one whe is inter?sted in whether New Vork is gomg to continue to be the largest port on this continent and to grow to still larger pmportions. or whether some other city will step in and attract the commercial interests beeause we won't build piers long enough to accommodate the steamships. An article by Dr. William H. Maxwell. head of ihe great school system, will be one of ihe series. His long experience lends additional interest to anything he writes on schools. and he I )U.:hes on some vital questions in his article for The Tribune Charles B. Stover, Commissioner ol Parks for the Boroughs of Man? hattan and Richmond, says the most important work his department plans for 1913 is "the laying ol modern roadways in Central and Riverside parks." Though he considers this the most important. Commissio:;er Stover discusses some other improvements whieh he believes almost as urgent and hopes to carry out in the new year. All the articles are timely. and readers nf The Tribune will find much valuable information in them. By William H. Edwarda. Thfl i'i>mmlssioii?i of Btraet Clflflnlag ln 1918 hopes to he able to make ptOtr less ln methods of clean?lner nnd ln tho collection aarvtcfl by adoptlng bnprovad methods to whlch conalderaMe ntten tion hns 1 011 gaTflfl lfl the Iflfll tWO 09* three yflfli* We hav- tflfltfld motor trucka to roplflcfl tha aingle earte, and bave fa>und enough, a*e belleve, to ao* Bure us that a Bubatltutlon of flve ton trucka for onfl-lon .arts, with motora mstrad of boreee, will mflan a con Bklerable aavrng, aa II baa been aho-arn la um rough tt-st auule thal we can load flve tons of materlal ln aboul the time it takea to load two tona now wlth four iik r. Inatead of aix, and tbe time in going to tho dumpa with tht loa.i and ratuiulng llghl '- r tducfld fi.un 42 pflf <-,"t "f ',"' worklng da to 1S per cent. I beeltate to aay exactly what this means lu n-ione*. bi i auaa tha fln~urea aa |areaented appear almool too ,.i to ba tnio. but thal there will ba a ca?elderahi> ainounl aaved there i no doubt. Pofllrtefl tho economy thla meani that the work will be don.- ln ahorter tlm'". 80 that lha pr.-s.-ti-?? of the '"'. lectlng \?iu Ls flflll n-.t be aa contlnu oufl as at praaent. II la -Jropoeed to .oiir-.-t the dlffflrenl waatea In ona vehlcle, bul aapflrmted, aa ara varloi b laasca ol coal tiwnirported, and thla ni'.-iins bul ono tru- Inatead of two, as at ta?ent W? b*ve tried and found ,, covaira tot the vflhlclea made of wood and .anva\ vvhi-li will nol only Ofl away with the nnalghtltneafl of thfl kaadj of wastea. but Will fllao i-r vent ihe BgaWfldlBg of the nah du?t by the wlnd. whieh ts to-di.y thfl aourcc flf bo mu'h dtacomfort Although tha i udgeCary eoflamlltfla of the Board of Eatlmate cu.1 oul the ?pproprlatlon aaked fot for theae cawflre ln tho badgi1 rm 1918 i ffl< I thal 9tmni tha matti r la particularly drawn to the attention of Ihe appropriatintr offleials, and when they learn that the Departrnnit of Health ha? found it nacaa? ry t.. order m n eovflra for flll vc-hki-*-' engaged ln p .... removal. and lhal BO strong a I sentiment extltl |r> ;i]| clvlc bodlei In Ifavor of the uae of an h covare, thay 'win see their waj olear lo furalah tho funds MCeeaary to make tlns iinprove j nn nt. \v< hnve been teatlni of lati mnchlm I methoda of iweepfns a ilch wlll not | only make it poaalble to i over larger areas m n ti"'n time, bul 10 d<? Ihe work thoroufhly ami wlthoui th** con* ?equenl duat nulaance, :.i)>i i feel cer* taiu thal in thi year 1013 wi wlll be able t" lyatematisa this work ao aa t.i remove the tine ii'ist nulaance whlcb is auch a menace i" tha Bner imm branei of tha human body, and to ia poaed fooda and testllea. i .i>. not antlcipata thal thli means a reduc? tion ri the force of iweepera, bul i am certaln that it wlll mean clean itroeti and thi protection of the bealtb and c.nnfort of th- pedeatrtaaa an.i th>>-?e i'\injj in Mctioni where now II is iin I poa-dblo t.i thoroughly remove thi ! (iin. < in the Iil of Januar] i propooe to ,? ? il] .' bureau ?hlch en Improved I ayitem ?'f reporti and a propei method . of record nin permll the Commiaetoaer to bl at all ttmei in 1011, h with the detalla of Ihe wort "f thi departmenl , and ai.i him from thai t" time t" laka ? steps to impro\e the eflicj. n> > Of the aervlce In every partlcular. Beyond thla, thla bureau aill he ..f coaatder* able benefll ln thal II can furntah re illable .st.iii4i ci i" thooi Intereat od ln this wort, both "; thli ' ic ini.i otbera, ?o thai Intelligenl dia uaaion m.i> )>? r.f Improved operation I bave i, .mi taking up ih>- m.tti. r of tht pueh* .,.rt DUiienci with Ihe committee ap* potated by hli honoi Ihe Mayor and the Board of Aldermon, and i ' m ,,., tbeir ' . thai Uiti trafllc ! m i,j, h - rreatly Interfered wtth '.j,, wort of cleanlng the itreeti ma. )., i, u-ni.r.. .1 ..."! k ,t aIthln proper ' Umltatiom for tha benetlt uf thi u>.rk of ihi departmenl ind thi traftlt m g.ncral. I expeel io Inatall al oaei In Ibe con* jr^nte.i tomment dlatricta >>f th?- lower aad upper tmat Bide ? *aiK rateni ,, | , |.ui. al ' Lfht, .'hi' h, I h'.p.-, luDlirurtl un ?rr.iiw' |io-;r, niilli rolumn. BUT STAYS IN BED iPresident-Elect Probably Will Make Old Home Celebration Trip To-day ?Breaks Attaek of Grip. TAKES UP CURRENCY LAW Propped Up with Pillows. He Discusso3 Reform with Ex perts-Conference on Corpo? ration Act Postponed Through Illness. Bi ralegi Tni-.. - ' I't iu. .-tiiii, ti. ?'. Dac. 21 Prealdent* elecl Wllaori althougb much Improved (.--.I,.-, remained in hia roami under the ordi ra of i>r. .) m. i' -t n-.- ban. bla an, a ho alao l< ; * mst t ucl k>na tl,,. n,i one a ta to ba admltted to th" alckroom excepttmembera of tha famil* \ * gle exceptlon * n *.. *? oi of Ri preaentativi Cartei - ? of \ Ir* gtnta, chairman of tha aub-commlttee .- Banking an.l ('urra n. -., and ll. Par? ker Wllll i, -i New Torh < urrem . ex* ),, 11. n ho had ati appointment a ith .\\ llaon .. i Tn nton. Thoafl -.. i, the onl i" ld< of meiii bera of the family, who aau tha Pn Bi dei i-? lei i. and tbey trei l -gislation ?-. a111 him aa hi --.' propped . ,i ,M| ol r ap| ilntmenta for ? i:---.. Dr. i t.-han - ild lo '?., i;,.\, i ii,,i w llaon aould b able t.. it Ip lo Sta into ? a a., 1-.-IIH-- I ? > ;..\ct nor W llaon la iboul i.ini^i-:i again lo-night," Dr i !ai noi han aald "Hia ? onditlon ia not mai. and wi ? ?* |.?-. i he mili ba able to tn ?t Ip to Btaunton." tpld ? aa i -? tor ~i lon'a lm* .... . ment lo*da: thal Di * 'arnoi ban . oi ?-? ? ? '? io tho W llaon , He v 111 . all - n the Prai ? . . ? ? ? morning. 1 tpei CVilani le evi ntng Mra W I of tho pta -... inipoofllblfl to aei the pre eloct Bha aald I bad remalned lfl bla room all d tha pufrpooa aoervlng ta ? ? i. miKi t po to Btmunton to-mor* roa Mra VFilflofl will flccompany the - .- -,i AttacU Affacti D.geit.on. Mra "fllflon Beemad parl rti ! that the I'r.-s.ilrtit eU ' I sha^r determlnation had ovei oma arhal threataned to ha \x haa\ attaek giip. nighi '?'"? W ???"!i ... ,i "Mr. Wllflon h?d ? fever of l"1 nn-i waa really threati tu -I a Ith .i ea* . ... ttai k of tha grlp no had bad * cold, arhieh waa aggravaled bj bla nd to Tr- nton in th.- autotrn bllfl. We wera :. .., refllly fllflrmed, howovflr, ka bla I ? or, la fflatt, bla hrotv-hiai 1 ibea v, r.- not aifflctfld The flttav li Beetne I to hav.- iiffi- to.i blfl dlgeatlva organa." Mrs. W1la.ii Bflld that *he niid Ibe ,.. ? ,j, D|.,.;,, t expei t< -I to leflv? bt re on the i" :'-" o'< loi k traln to rno n a morning for rm."-ton Junctlon, whi ra ti,.- traln for BtfliwUan attttM ha board ,,i QovfltflM r wiihoii wai t *.*-.? reflra old irhan ha lefl stminion. Tho rtefltdant flhrrt, as he sat proppad up in b--d thia nftorno.m. tfllkfld OVer i tutngaa ln thfl i iirri rncy lawa for more than two noaflffl arith Baprflflfliitfltlvfl QUflfl BBd Mr. Wllli.-. <;n%.-rtior Wilson Ib Kroatly intflTflfltfld lfl thin BUhJOCt, and ln hia eampfllgfli aaiBflchafl arwoi tha adoptiOII of R curren-y nystern Will wlthataad tho rflhock of aajdalflfl panh: and niflflt thfl ??i*?dhli d-manda of trade RopreflentetiVfl r;ias? will han.lle the currency laadalflUflti for thfl Dfliflioermtfl U, tho Houae and tho [iapreaanUtlva'a vlslt to th? I'tesldent-elo.-t was to fa miHaiiaa hlmaelf **ith Oovflr?or WU ?on'a vi.-ws on the aubject Repraaant atlve OlaflB said that i.ovcrnor Wilson expressed his viflWfl froflly. "He has m-.r.i ideflfl and flSpTflflflflfl them more Inclsh ely than any man thal I know of," lie said., i:..,.i.-s.-niative Olaafl Bflld thal thfljr diaeuaaad "the sallent featur.-s of pro ,??.cd , iirr.-n. y b Klslatlon," but hn Monl.l gtvfl no Une on what they were. Mr. Olasa said ho expaxtad to naoat G*_vernor wu.s.-n ?- Bt?unton an.l a ould prohflhly oeotlnua his dtflcuaaloa of the Buhject. To Take Up Corporation Law. Mr (llass waa anxioiis lo find OUt to tl.,. trtm thfl UflWflpapar mon any gos hi|- - .ni- . ruinj tho makeup of iJovernor Wllaon'fl Cabtoflt Ha wflfl aflpwrtflMy taterflfltad ln km.wing what place Mr. Btjaa would have in thfl B*W admin isliali.-n. Among tbe most important api.oint mflOtfl that t'overnor Wilson had at tho si..t.- Houae to-day was b ooaferaMMa wltb Chaw flUor Bdwhi R- Watkat and ex-JUflUflfl H< nnet Van Btckfll on pro . | hangea lfl the corporation laws .,r Kea Iflflflfly. Tho conference **iU takt- placfl some dflj Dflflt week. Hov.-tnor Wilson conforn-d with the two lawyors ahout a Wflflh BgO and famlHariiad tb-'m aith tha changos he ,!. i,.,l in tba ? orporatii'ii laws, and ti.\ vere t.- rapcart io him to day on thfl feflfdbtlll) of tln-ir a< < r.nii.ll.slim- nt. Governor WUoon beUavea that one ot' ih- baai m?na of prr?v?ntlng monopoly is to prohlbll ihe inrorporation of hold uiK lompanies in NflW Jersey Any changaa m the ooaporatlofl laws of tho Mat*-. liii-it",. r, Blfl Nkfll) to an*.?-t th> i ..n-.ii.j*il cn ?*ioBd p?f-. a--T?nth rolurnn. a I Through Ihe suic|r|e on Chrlatmaa t'ay nf Jamea R. Keene'a valet, Frank Kicsier. it became known yeeterdaj tbal Mr. Keene li lerlouily III iti his ipertmenti at the Waldorf. while nothing deflnite concerning ihe horee* man'i condition could ba iearned, it ii ?ald that his heaith has been very poor for aeveral months. it hii i"en Mr. Ket ae i cuatt m to ?pend ih" week enda al hli country home fi Cedarhurat, Loni laland, He rarely mlaaed an opportunity i t m.iKitig tha trip i' iimiiir tu hi? ? ountry ei* tate, i"ii for th" ia st three weeks, u arai 4.1.i.i night, he baa not lefl his boteL This is taken to mean ihat his condition li iuch thal the trip to Long laland would i" haaarduua t" his life. Miss Bertha Tulloch, abo hai bean the flnancler- nurae for a .'eral yeara, aald Iaal nlghl that hia "palm wen leaa." Bhe refuaed i" aaj however t ???-.-f palna aere "i bon they at ttl ted the sn |, n ., : Af the bome of i" si clair smith. N,. .,>; Weel Mth atreet, Mr. Keene'i i in. lt said t' l i'h;. lician arai oui An aaa iati i aald Mr. . . condition \4.'s i ol alarmlng. u ? n in London, ln tl ? latti i i>i"' \ii Kt ano wai ,i troublt i. I "i a time hli lit" v as <ie.- palrt 'i "i. but he evt rallit 'i auflli lentl t,. rei to thli country ln < ictober oi thal The si.ii .,f Mr. Keene'i valel v.*1 due i" an attat k ..r chriatmai ,,, -.ttn-i."-.-. He Kii -?'! himielf ln hla room, ??! X"- 161 Eaal 33d street, aome i .,:. . :, < .1 latmaa nlghl tie was found bj hli landlad) a> 8 o'clot k mo ";t;g ls it'K on the floor w .th hh throat cut : had made aavt ol* to end his llfa befoi a au ? llng for ai l 'I'..- room there waa fo ind ? tat knife, with whlch ha i.;"i al <,: .? .,?.. npted to klll blmai lf. Then t onlliiiiril on *f...nd |?it?- thir.l .??lliiiim. MUNRO GETS LICENSE BUT WILL WAIT A YEAR Publishcr's Son Won't. Wed Now. Says Father of Pros pective Bride. ii. ,t . Mntif". poa of tha Iati So. - man i- Munro, woalthy publlaher, and . utdi l ?''' h. daughter of ?'? a Veitch, . real aetata dealer, of Mo. 830 Manhattan avenue, art inl to Jeraesr Clty 4 automoblle yeaterday aftemoon and ., red a marriage Hceaae, Immedl ?,..|,' tftei m dolng tha two people wenl back t" tha home of Mlaa \.,:, i, and lold her parenta. in givtng their pedlgreai to the Jer .... ct;, > l.-rk Munro saul hl waa ... nine yeari oid and llved at No. ;,-, w . ,t .v.uii itreet Mlaa Veth h tak\ vhr waa ta enty-one Tho clerk told tbem they would have to wait tw< nty* ,,:, . before they could marry. m i i eltch poutod, and th.n iha and young Munro returned to their auto mobile aml whirled aw.". Wben an attempt was made last nlghl to find OUI furth.-r d.'tails of 'l!" plana of th.> young peopta d was naid ai tlM h"iii'' of Mrs. Munro thl ;iM,| her BOO had gOM tO HP'-klyn 1": the night. At N". 820 Manhattan avenue a tele* phone Inquiry as t.> the faeta ln what lOOtad IllM a ncar-elopement was an awered by a maa who eaid ta ? i Miss Veitt h s father and who laid hil daiight.r and young Munro would OOt ba ni.,!rie.i for at Maet r gaar, and that their eagagomant had been known to their frienda for aevaral weeks. HIM Veitch taraetf said she and Mr. Munro had Juat goo* and proi arad their Mcenoi "on hnpulae." WOMEN TIE UPR. R. SIGNALS English Suffragettes Invent New Form of Terrorism. London, Dec 29.?Tha lavera of the railway slgnals were found tled to? gether ln a manner to prevent their proper amrtt-g al Potter'a Har ita. ,!,,?. nn the Great Northern Raltwaf. on fhristmas Kve. A lahel attacbed l,v a cord lndicated that the perpetra tors were suffragettes. j-nrttinately no mlshup OCCUrred, I HID $90,000 IN SUITCASE Aged Widow Leaves an Estate of More than $500,000. winsted, fonn.. Dee, 2<>. -in aaerch ing the effeeta of Mrs. Kmillne. Mills, who dled at her home here last Satur rla\, a?ed ninety-four. a aultCMI BOO talntng aboul 100,000 in bank blW aai found, Mrs. Mills lived the life of a rocluea, and although she wag oommonly re puted as wealthy. she denled tho fact. Jler will nas probated Tuesday and the e?=tate was valued at more than 0000,000, her nle-e. Mlss Klla TlfTany, nf Blandford, Mass. beiag one of Ita , blef hen. li-lariea. She was tlM widow "f l?tuiiel H. Mills. who died a numher of vears ago. after maklng a fortune in Wall Btreet _?o DEWEY'S WINES FOR NEW YEARS. , , , ipaanea still WlneaorOrape Julce. U t i>.'\\.-4 W Co.iis Kulton WX.m.a. -A-lvt. VALEXS SUICIDE REVEALS KEENE'S GRAVE ILLNESS Well Known Horseman Confined to His Apartments at the Waldorf?Em? ploye Found Dead. my ; ; ii*- #?? .??' i > - i lAMCfl R Kl E p ,!iin.-nt9 at ? . dorf. CRANK WITH EXPLOSIVE MAKES_$10,000 DEMAND Man Who Enters Westfield Postoffice with Quantity of Nitroglyoerine Arrested. Jameatown, S. Y., Dec. 28 h well dreaaed man ? i tered tbe ^eetHeld (N. v , poatofll e earl to-nlght and de* manded of Aial tanl Poetmaater Jamea Douglau $10,000 h'- aald tbe (overa menl owed blm. "Wall untll I see if th-- order bai come," Mid Dougiaaa. The itranger pulled a bottle from hla pocket. "If you move from that chalr IM drop thla bottle." ti" man >,,,,!. .r b ia nnox. who waa ln the a, q ii. 'i. went om and notifled tibteg w i*. Hopper and Jaeoa ?|', , , ;-.?;,, ;?.,! tlie arm that heid the bottle and then arreeted the m,n ...titained enough the building up The man aald he waa Bdward Palne, of Chicago, bul would not say much. J. C. Jonaa, ot Portaga Inn. said a man pivinK tha nama of ii. Crowe and an* ?wering hla deecriptloo g<>t off an enst t.oiind Lake BhOTI train al 2 B. m. tO* daj and raglatarad there. -SAVE PENNIES"?JOHN D. Teachcr Learns That's How Rockefeller Did It. Jnhti D. Rockefeller Imparted BOOM hrtef advtCI to a Tarrytov.n young woman yeaterday as he was glving a party of achool teachera n sieigh rlde over hls estate at PocanUOO liills. ??is it not itranga aml arondarful Mr. R..'kel'.'ller," the young woman said, "that y..u should have all this hig es? tate Riid three booeea to Bve ht while ^e taaehera llva in a uttle six by ten ro.'in down in a rillagl flat." Mr. Rockefeller turned to the young WOmaa and aald: '.-ave your pennies." The young woman had nothing fur? ther t<> aay. DOORSILL A DEATH TRAP Charged with Electricity, It Kills Man Who Steps on It. Alesandria, f.a., Pec. 26.? Daeptto a warning not to enter a salo.m, A. IT. I'rray, of Pawnee. La* stepped on the steel doorsill to-nlght and wai Instant ly killed. ,\ heavlty charged aawtria artta had fallen on tho hnllding ln whleh the sa loon was l.uated rharging the metal COping and tteel front which connected with the .luorplate. Repetr men had admonishe.l Crav not tO inter HAD GEM SEWED IN ARM Man Carried Diamond for His Wife in Safe Place. San BaraardlnOi CaL, Dae, 36.?a man who gavi Bla name as llltehcock had a diamond wetgbtng a carat and a half eul out of the flesh of hl4> anu yeaterday. Ha add tlie | tn had heen Btpud ln his flesh in goutti AfHea Hltchcock aaked the aurgeon to do the j..h in .. i.ut- :.m he aaatad i" ?i\e the dtaawnd to his arlfe far Chrlataaaa Ha icfuaad to ntaa aaj detatli as to rus reaaon for havlng thl H'mi itntit-'ddeJ ln his flaah ANTEDILUVIAN WHISKEY v rorrecl beverag* foi correct drmkers thla \:u< uil'i ? i wi. Luytlei ISro?., >.'. Y.? A'lvt. I NOT A IAL OF Anderson in His Charge in Dy? namite Case Declares Or ganized Labor Is Not Unlawful. NOW IN HANDS OF JURY Court Adjourns Until To-day, Preventing Return of a Ver? dict Before This Fore noon-District Attorney Criticises Kern. lndlanat.olis. Dec. '_?.?Whatever Ist? be the outOOflBfl of the thive months' "dynamite < misplraoy" trlal, ln whlch forty labor union ofWIals are fll ? Uflfld of compliolty in the McNamara plols to desiroy property, induding the urecking of thfl T^oa Angeles Times building aahe-j twenty-one persona were killed. now resta wlth the Jury. Judgo Albert B. Anderaon a few mUlUtflfl after B o'elock to-n1ght ln strucioii the jury and ordered it to re tne. Tlie court then adjourned untll B.SO a. tji. to-monow. thus precludinK the return of the verdlcta hefore that time, should they be found. All the venlicts, whiU- separate aa to eaeh de fonilaiit. aro t-i be returned at ona time. "How long will the Jury be out?" waa i rhe quefltJOfl asked as the Jurora flled out. A basis for a belief tiiat verdicts would nol bc reached wh*n - ottrt opena tavmorrow and tiiat the Jurors might requira a much longer time wif i-iund in tho eourt's instrurtion to ''carefull] weigh all the evidence in the Cflflfl." lt has n-qulred almost. twelve weeks to intioduce the evl dence. The defendanta who awalt the out c-mie lnclude Frank M. Kyan. president r.f thfl International Assoclation of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, of whli h John J. M- Namara, the con :-s-^.i dynaalter, was once secretary; rarloua executive board membera of that union. Hi-rbeit S. Hockin, a<-< uaed ;i* an flOCOmpllOfl of Ortle E. MrMani K.-il. aaothar confeased dynamlter, Olaf A. Tvettmoe. secretary of the Cali? fornia Building Tradoa Councll; Eugene A. Claacy, of Kan Franclseo, and J. E. Munsey, of Salt I?,ke City. Tba three last named are charged wlth promot Ing the Los Angel**a exploalon. Charged with Conspiracy. Those mon are not charged under tha* federal ia\as with peraonally caualng any explosion. They are charged with i onspiracy to violata federal lawB and with alding in illegal transportatlon of dwiarulte and nltroglycerine on pan senger Iralris. In closlng hfs argument to the Jury. I MBtriet Attorney Charles W. Miller | again referred to the argument of Sen j fltor John W. Kern, counse! for the de ?fndanta. Senator Kern had left the , .ity, saying ho was going to Waah ; ingt'.n. "Tho LOfl Angeles Times building ex ! ploarlofl was calied the crime of the |<entur\." s.ild iir. Mlller. "but the real crime of thfl century was thU dam Bflblfl <r.iis|ilraoy. It would be an evei - laatlng disgra. e to our cojintry and to our civilizatlon lf these forty con splrators are not ronvkted. Gentle men flf the Jury, a I'nlted Statea Ben? ator, s*.vorn to uphoid the lawa of hia count rv, has dared to atand before you In defence, of Uiefle enemles of tha Re publlc. You should flnd these con* spiratora guilty and put your aaal of condemnauon upon euoh conduct by a Unlted State Senator," Not Unlawful to Organiza Uniena. After statlng the. subatance of tha various offences charge.) and mentlon ing the strike of the iron workers' union, whieh, the government . har_ed, waa the motlve for one hun? dred oxploslons on the work of eon* tractors who refused to recognize th union, Judge Andetaon, in his luitruc UflBfl, said: it araa i.ot aahtarful for the Mraeturfll non vvorlters to organiz.- an?- union io vMnch tuoi balong. it ia not unuwtul foi tne defeBMianu to be raemoara oi that ^ any otflar ittbor orsanizatiun. Maa hava thfl riflnt to UM->lea poise, tnrouan su--h organiflatlona to au??nc tiu-ir mteraata In any lawrol aaay; oui ti..y havaj no n_lu ty use ml* pu'vvar la tht vi-jiat.ou of tne* law. Uigannted laboi is not oa trial here, nor ln tne n_lit w; labor to orgunUo in U*ue. bul member* ..i labor or_anizailona ow? the aam? ubeuiciioe to thfl law and are UaDle to th saiue plinlanment for Its \iolation aa per? sons who are not members of aucn ?, ganlxatlona. 'Ihe uefendants ar..- not on trlal tot eauatng tbe various explosions aml th ronaagiianl io?a of life and propari ? thiciiKiioui the 1'nited Statea shown by tht- They are on trial tor thfl ofiences charged in the indictment. Evi? dence of these exploslona, together \\pi\ the facts and clrcumatancea surrounding them. wer? permltt4?d t? go ln BVJawm.1 Lefore you, lecau*,t: th.y tend to BhOW tho comniunity of purpose, ihe concert ol lmnd and a tion. whieh Is an easentiai ingrediont of thfl offences charged, and they should t-e conaiuefed by you on Is.-iie alone. The e.vtdenc*. in thls case sliows in Aufluat, I'xo. thero was a eoatroeerey let^evn the Int'-rnatlonal Aaaoi'latlon of Hridtce an.l gtruotural Iron Workers and the Amerlcan Bridge I'ompay over t^e open and cloaed ahop uueatlon; that >n sald month of August. lftOo, the Interni tlonal do.-lared a general strlkc agalnat the Annrlcan Bridge Company. and this atrike haa never been aettled. If >oj tlnd from the evidence that In order io carry ..ut the pnrposea of the Interna? tional the defendanta. or two or more of th?-m, enterod Into B .-onaplracy to da-etroy w ith dynamite and nltroglycerine the ptopertv of the Ainertcan Bridge Com? panv and other open ahop eoncerns. ot the "structuree whlch they were erecting in vatious statea of the l.'nion. and If you flnd that such conaplracy to destroy such jnoporty Inrluded as a neceaaary step lu the arcornpliahmont of such destruction the unlawful transportatlon of dynamlt and nltroglycerine upon the vehleles of common catri*r? engaged at the time lu tho transportation of passengers from a place in one stale to a nlaoe or plsre* In anothei atate 01 other stato? of the I'nlt-d States. and if you further find lhat au-h det-truction of property was accompliahed