Newspaper Page Text
I JXm V*1 LXXIL N? 24097. I?.r (?>-i1h>. fair nuil warnirr. I or 1.1-morrow, pr?.!.ut?l> fair SM?wtu FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 11, L913.-16 PAGES. PRICE ONE CEN? T In fit.v of V.iv York, faaasiCfgM and Hobok-a. KISKUIIKKK TWO fKNT*?. HOW SCOTT'S BODY Seated with Back Against Pole of Tent, Head Resting on His Diary?Others in Sleeping Bags. COMMANDER EVANS'S PLEA Wants to Complete Work of Ex? pedition in Quietness?Thinks Bodies of Dead Explorers Should Remain Where Now Buried. I P> .",-iba* re Th? '? '..-n?i.''. i'-i. N ? " mmandi r Bd? ? R. ?i. iv Evans, h ? message to i ? ' >? ? 'hi ? ? . I??." sayi \\??? mu - ? - , 111 ?... all In ?mt powei n? pre? "lit ' ,i| t..m s, nl''* . - , ? r ' rrlble si d ? ?? ask jroii - ? ? ? . regard 1 ir beloved ' ." . :> ol this exi ? ? .; ; fa* gh en to th? ?ubll ' pis is? el us complete lieti PSS. W? a 11 pi? ?Ip.'.l ? . ,'., m utmost i?, bring this expedi? to a i essl ? nation ?. - ? the publication of ?r.htit" to thos? who havi not been - red v ven , an rea ' e ? by ? ? ? z : . , | Son ? ts pa Inful l i eds no de? '.i . ?' Only -, Little Ten Found. fhe Christchurch correspondent oi Daily Mall" cables; The fun details at s? ?.tt y ?return rney from n?. pole, when published, will, i understsAd, reveal ? still mor? gloritsu pa?? m human hlaUnry than iKii, Dted by th.? r.ri? f offlcihl nan I ? ? II la staled thai ?Petty Officer Evan*?, who was tho iii*". of th? little band of beroea t?. its, ?rag ssalated by his >m* rsd?a from ihr- ?, until hla death. 'Every ounce of food had been used the pain- Ions l.ofor. death cam?: ??i s.' Wilson and Bowers. Only ?* ?mall quantity ??' tf.? was lownd w.'th tii? bodies. Th,- relief party found ?he bodies in the loin in the following !><> ? "''iis: s otl \*. ? *ittii..r ?\nii bach sgamxt ? tentpote. Between hla bead an i 11.''- h< had placed ins diary, ?i rently In order that its broader i - ? might ""?? Id? easier support than .?ir. w iis.'ii and Boa ? ra a i re gin : sie ping Logs. it is poseil I? that sn expedition sill to the Antarctic next sums* ? st ? ?v xndie?. Th? memorial en m erected on Observation H wi on? ted of Jarrah wood, srhk h ?'ill last for ages. Th? croaa In painted tvhtts and tii?- carved lettering on II i1- in The members of the espedition In? ti ? ? that th? diaap? ttnent at Amundsen havlng rea ffoi . tlffei ng out of Scott and his part foi I ? down Ueardmore glacier thei found th? ?? ; .!?" !? ,( '". '! h? ' m ?' ? trota i-i. td twelve i t : i : had to b? ? limb? d, and ? -, gi;...-. irer? badly i .,,-??.i uni strained, Hero it m thai Pett) Offlcei Evan? struck hi*- head, l nin-it ,.n llnril t'???'. tttOgnt ?ulumn. This Morning's Sens LOCAL. | ? Borden Hale, ... 1 Mexican Peace Com? ?!< a r s Trica to .A tR. Tie-up. ... 3 m Bollera rlalded. 3 I 'rf?,s W an". II' ? |.3 (*hoats Cpholda Ma- Treat). 9 Brave Teacher Honored. 5 Ztsglei Will In ( oui t. 5 rlabwaj Hearing . 5 ?Vif? l'ut Rival n Jail.. s budley Divorce Hull Reaumed. 7 ?\oui<J Safeguard Health . 7 Theatre Manager? Dine at i')a/.H. 9 Sterli Exchange Endi Margin Evil... il i'ourl Action Called Insolent.M ??land Jurj at Walah'a Blcli Bsd *6 Jadg? ? .... ?s- Bleuth Specialists.16 ? man on Trial foi Psrjui y.16 POLITICS. Wilson Confers With Col. House... 6 seven Bisters" Paa? Senate. ? GENERAL 1 hsl Troat suit Bagua. ? Hot Fighting la Mexico City. i Why Dtas Is Net Tahea. - ASMrteea BMha?sy Coder Fir?. i *l?dsrO Saw .Ml Is Going Wsll. S Mediation In Mext?M Crged. ?? rthpino hui' |.? lai-'ti"- WH Atta? lied. . 4 Laodg? f..i Toll Revision. * arbitration Arest) Extended.9 " n.'.imt- Plght ?Over Kaval Bill.... 4 *''Hsei Opgao Bye? ol ?/Inoenl Aster., s Milis Private sad Prlaona kgeat... e lehs Frits, Irostssaater, Dead.. 9 Mtrlbers Drives from State Houae n roBEiow. Hew Bcott's Body wa? Pound. i Ibsen's "Pretenalers' Is London. I MISCELLANEOUS Naara foe Women. 7 l?lltoii?l . S ? ?r-ty . 8 Theatrical . * Uusic . ? '?I'ltniii;. . ? aether. 11 shipping .** ' i. h n? lai und Maritata. -i? M *???* i*? \? my und Kavy. 19 "???I ???at?-. 14 ISUi? STARTED TO ! SMASH COAL TRUS ! Government Aims First Actio to Crush Monopoly at Lack awanna Railroad and Coal Companies. ; PAPERS FILED IN TRENTO I Congress, Commerce Commis sion and Department of Jus? tice Join in Prosecution of Lines Owning Nearly All Anthracite Fields. K'-whlngton. ,.-,,, ,.._ ^ of (| moot direcl blown at the coal tru I il? ? th. beginning of the triple .? ! ?'??lg "?' n Ol l!., ::!?,?,,?,.?. ear|j |a ! summ? r following revi latiun* ? !Tl1 ' Tribune, .... ;?? , . t0?day wn , ,!l Attorns- <?? neral I ? n i>t. ? ??*? :l lh? LTn ted Bt it? _ Courl . Trentoi . N .1 . .._.,u? ?, -,, ,,, _,u.,. "'? ?""-? A V\..:?:, Ks Iroad an v ?> ?war? i..,? kcwana d \v.-?t- r Thia suit win Lh followed l>j oth? l I .11 ? i? a th? ? 'in? obj? ? i ?:? ? :,i. tii" mono] oly maintained h 01 m.??ling m - out ?I ix inthra ?1 i oal. Conn ? as, the Interatat? ? '? ? ?'?.mini.-?;.x? and the ; ?? i?. rtment < ? rtles ai?? the ihr ??? agenci? a .." .1 i govi rnraeni ?ngi -< ?-. In 'bunting "'"? '?'-:' ? : . 1 ..,., |i| ?? ? ?? U mil ? .? : ? 1. .. girlatl ? \x hile the Intel it ite Com ??i. r >? 1 'ommiMion Ii tot kin:-. 1,. ,. -.., . .1 isl the ? xi ? ?m-., and 1 prohil ! th ? u eight ralea which no** -1 Ifle ? .111 n. Tin Attorney Gen? ral - fight Ing with th? "anti-trust" law and lh ! '.1. i to i'' 1 llatl ' ?mi n. ?r . " ai \v> I ! pon?. Co?itrol 90 Per Cent of Coal on Lmei ; It la alleged I the f? d? rai a il h< 11 that th? defendanta named In lh [suit Instituted to-day are among th I ? htef offender! aa th? ?y lia* ?? ci ? - ompetitloa to tut h an eaten) riu?t the? control 00 j <m .-?-lit of the entire pro |ductlon ??f cob! along Unir lines, wh!c] penetrate tii<- -, erjr heari of the Penn - Ivanls anthracite region. Th? ?. f? ndantK ai<^ alleged '>? OWB 15.001 g? rut ol egg] laud an I to ship 3,O0O,<i)Oi t"tis t.? tin.- New York market ?nnus.ll* The patitlon Bled tu-?i;?-. aeta fort! thai the lesa than twenty-fl. a in?ii .iduala and Interests" holding ii" 1 ?took "f the rsilrosd cdhopany an .i'"'. 'to maintain th, monopoly lx-cause th? ?w?, cor por aliona "remain under th? substantial ownership and Imm? [control cf the asme individuals." *h< mutual operationa being conducted under the lenna of 1 contract entered i into ?'ii August _' 1?"?!? "The coal company la and m Lwaya be aubservlenl to Ihe will sn<J din '"ii of the railroad -1 t??i those [?control the latter," it is averred, "They hive alwaya constituted Iti ! dominant atockholdcrs, and proba b -. I alwaya will The two companlea sre i,m Insti' ntal tl? 1 ol Ihe same g ,,. tockl he nrrangemenl a id ? ? r,, ?. -, . .. -. them are ?ui d? - I -, i?-.?.?.- to avoid t ?? prohibition*, "t lb? I interstaU omrti? ?rce act, and ? pi rs - 'tion? under them are more damaging ! t0 the publt? than those undei lh? 0 d plan." CHarce for Reduction Barred. Pointing out hon the arrangement botwc? u 11 ?? two companlea ??i"-r it? 1 to the detriment of th? public, th?* i??-ti tion < ontinui ' "Sin- ? under the 1 ontra? t th? 1 ail road ?company receive? for it- coal al the minos .? percentage ?if the price at : New Tori? Harbor, whl? h price la largely determined by the freight ral . II followa that the higher Ihe freight rate from the minea i?? New York Har ' i.?.r th- higher the p.rlc? r?-?-'ix? ?1 by the [railroad company ?it the mines; .ind. on the other initiii. m ?lie freight rate de creases, euch pri? ? d< crease* "The contract la th??; not only a bai rler against any reduction In Ihe mi road company'a freight ratea t.? New ? fork, however Justified by the 1 ondj ' 1 ..u-,. but la fu Inducemenl to higher rates, regardless of any change in lh? ????st or character of the ?enrice, it la in unilii*-. unrea?*onable and unlawful restrhlnl ol Intent?t? and foreign trade ? and commet? e." H'w the Monopol/ Grew. ??? ntlnulng. tue petition says. "i:y fasiiii ?>f th?- arrangement? de? scribed, the aupport ol the railroad company, and the peculiar advantage? and fa. Illtlea acquired, the coal com* 1 pany al once eecur??? ?ad haa evei alnce : maintained an unlawful monopoly ?if th.- aale ol coal produced along de* fendant*" railroad, and i>?'?* completely ?dominated the market at all pointa not reached bj anj other railroad, its posi? tion, power and support rendei effective competition <*'i'h '* practically Imposai* I ble and t****> monopoly which II now ? holds ?* "! ' ontlnue ludeflnltelj unie u I restrained." The petition a? ta forth that The ' annual aalea "! ll"' ' "ul ,,""i,;"1.v 'our* flftha bel?g '?"t^'1'' ol Penn?: Ivanl? - -amount t<? ?from 8.000,000 to 9.000.000 101 - ??H aecured troto the defendant railroad and traneported bj it as above shown"' in conaecti? n with lb? Investigation i?lllK conducted bj th? int?ntate com < ?itlinurd as ?hlr?l l????". fo'irlli ...luinn. ;?-i a bottli ol Adamaon's ?Cough Q.iifc.n.' from your ?1rti?gl*t. n rurea cougbsAeoMa Ad ' IX THE HEART OF THE FIGHTING ZONE IN MEXICO CITY. View from the Cathedral, lookin toward the southwest, in th? direction ? : th? Citadel, the headquarter! <?? the Diaz forces. Tht lin i I at the National Palace, th? Madero headquarters, sweeps ovef the buildings shown to ) UHOt d WOOD (y . ' ?.??/ i' ?Vi if i' ?v.. nnoT OP BORDEN II SAU I r I Rembrandt's "Lucretia" $130, 000f a Turner $105,000 and a Rr;mney $100.000. WORLD'S BIG DEALERS BUY Forty-two Paintings Disposed Of at Record Speed and Highesl Prices Ever Known He \ i \? \ ? ? laat night at the fli . ? ? Hot ' ' ?i.i m; i? to the eat e M ?i*. D. Roi ? \ r ? ? i f r? ?m tlii - ? ..n i ? ' . ? , ,. Hi?- Continent I Atlantli t?. be i r, ? ? ? ? ??-. ? i * l?r Tl ?mi,"? I. ? . lit nail ? i r 1 br? akini of I.'?," iifWl Tl ...?,m? >?'??. more I - ? oua aalc In this . ? the I . ,,?,.).. oi ' I ' " - ' i aal? ... -, I ? i ? ? t - .-. ? I? ghi m::?i ?? - the Turner It? gat in ? . -r brim i ? s I < ?.-. i ?*? ??. i i l:..:ni ??. fetching si??--? i?.? > and .Idi < 'rom. *X> ?TOO. rhi I h , -i ? : . i at th I .'"? gale v. , >?-"? <<??<> and Ihlfl waa th? Rral lime : ?? l .?i i ? ';. canvui hn i ? ? n ,.'.| | ?.?<? Vfi B " ' It. Record Speed of Sale. ? m? , nuld hai ? h. ai .1 .1 1 In ? 1 r? -1 In thronged v, ,1], to* lei oik, aft? the Hi t biias ,,<? ?,;iprot -il h? n the Rembtand) ,,!.,,,.,?, ,.1 It is doubtful \f (.,.,.r 1 i,;,nii 1 : :. Me a tin ,v m ??,,?,1 at ?' n tlon " " i- 1. ???I|f, fln 1 ,,.1 ?? .1 *-'i-',: It the m m ?.. $l?0O,?0Ut>, ft?ll?>w< d h? on? foi M l<? MlO In a few s. ?[??,, ,, n jumped '?? M-'."?.??i??, ?and In ' ; ban two mini t< from 1 he atari Ifr. Kirby' ? : u ?(,,,,. hundred and thirty thouaand '"1 ,;11S? Third and la ? II! Fair ?warn? .?... v,, . .,. .?.?n? '.' An.1 -,,|.i."' Knoedler ?J Co. w?.rc the huyera t?ha und, rbiddera b< In? th? ?Agn? a Oall? -- les, ,,,? London, and several America:) d? alen . ihlj pi, ; ... th? iii.i?' t is ahoa n (I |n,',,. tban hall length, the llg ir? ',., i-Ag the .""'"? h< r bead slightly |;|, ,,,,,.,1 ,,, ih. right a dagger, 1 leaped |n ,?.,. right hand. 1- pointed al her br? aat, and her upl ttt d lefl hand Is Nl',, cl',.,i ?? the direction of the tpe ? tor ?st? ? -* * ? ' nlah-gold eolored dreaa, with ? "'? ateevea and . ,,.?.,.,, bodice. ?VIjouI her |hroa| are .1 , ,.|.?..,,..? ..t pearls and .. cord rltta ? i'.'v.." ?pendant, and she has pearl , arrlnga ?The ? ?ui?'1*- ? hit n ?? algn-Hd ..1 ihr . ?I ?nanibrandl F I?M," ?waa lir-t pxh'lbited in tl1" ' "''' ' "" l*+t* ?" 1 -, ilt parla, la USB?, and was laat .-??-. n ? ?inilinii-il ?'?? nli'lli iniU'-. -?--?"nal ?.?liinui. GREAT BEAM SPRING WATER. | tu, per ' s-?? al I glaaa-aMipi?*ai-ad bottlea J - AdM HUERTA TELLS TRIBUNE WHY DIAZ IS NOT TAKEN r ; Mexico City, via Galveston. Feb. 13.?General Muerta, com? mander of the federal forces in the capital. Mid to the Tribune cor? respondent to-dny : I have just returned from a tour of the city and our lines. K-'erything- is going well. but. of course, we are hampered to some extent by our obligation to the foreign governments to refrain from promiscuous artillery tue." "What forces have you?" asked the correspondent. "Roughly, between five and six tJiousand," replied General Huerta "We have all the men we need, but wc do not wish to sacrifice them by charging up the narrow street1? leading to the Citadel, which aie commanded by the artillery fire of the rebels, i his lengthens the job, but I believe von may expect I)-a;'s defeat ifld lurrender Of Right now at slmosl any time. Our reports from inside the Citadel aie that he is about at *h" end of his resources. Of course, he can itay ?there indefinitely, ?perhaps, so long as our artillery is not allowed free play, but that game will not win for him." ETHEL ROOSEVELT TO WED? Frii ;u ? of Family Expect En? gagement .o Dr. Derby, v ? . ..i rtel and Mrs. i. ? ? ? , ' ,i ? v i;.? -? . ??!; : ? ? "? i: i ?. i !.- , . h ??' th? Igte Dr FU? ii t ?. 11, .,? |hla ' ii"., would i-? an? 001 , ' ' ?1 bl) o n Su 1 la y. No ha ??' Il ? , ?' .1 II |l 1 : ? . ? ?.. 11 ma d < I ? 1 ?Je In ,'hit? n ?..iii on D- ? ember, IW? |>i ? i ? lust?* of Ha? nil i'?"': ? itl rother, Jam? - I ] '? . Ko Ml l'a: !. a\ >-nt|". REGISTER MEN GUILTY National Oftkials Convicted Under Anti-Trust Law. < in? inuai'. l'.n. IS. A \ ? l'ln ; of guilt) ?'ii tin? ?? ' "uni. in ti.? Indi? "ii' nl n lui n? ?! bj the |ury ? Ing the ' ase "f the 1 ?-?.? ni ? nine offii lala ??! ? ? 11 : off!? ial "t Lh? Kutlonal ?'ash Reg* 1.1 ? ??? 11 :. 11.- b< re i" night Th? il? fendant, a ? 1 ?? ? barg? il ? ith loi ii... i, of lh? antl-trtlsl 1. = \\ ? ?'.m a.? 1 harg? d m all thi.unta ut ' he Inill ii.h-iii" ? si 1 n- . i.lii-t agi Insl iii? i-- d. fendants : .1 hn 11, l'ait? mon, pr? rJd? nt; hid? V I ... ill?, \ |, . .,i. Mrlieill ?I,'. 11 . . i. 1 -,, ?, 1 ir . v.i William 1 lllppu . i ? ? uHur? r u ||linm 11 Mui ?? ?. Willi ?m Pflumb, \iii-, .1 A. 'in,.ma- and Hoben I'attei on, rlir? etor Thomas .1 Wat?4on, J?*seph K. Rogers, \U iai .1 1 . 11.11 n. d. l'i'il. 1 ich H High, lloslon, nid Plins Bvss, San Ki und ? ?? \ hu? A w enta, ? 'olumbiu . < ;?? ,rgi 1 : m . .? n ' 1 .n i? 1 T 1 'aim ley, ? 'hi? ????:?>. ? ii irli \ Si ?."? r, Kllaal ? th. N .1. iA si* 1. , ? ',i..l. I i.iim -i a m ii) ? 1 N Ii.. ..I, . Pittsburgh. MOIII i. I..:1 ll? ' . I ?e1 "il ! l'ai ? B Wll* 1 ,. 1, m.i.?.. .1. nathan U. 1 la y? 11.1. \. v. i.., !.. ?i. tandei w Sinclair, N ?.. Vi.iU, ..mi John 1. Hang*?, Washington \i a Keith, *Jea fork; William Cum? mingt. Urooklj n. III. nol .1 trial : J, ? ' 1.a,1.1. Toronto; W. C Ho?'e, dan Fran? . and K 11 Eppei aon, tflnne inolla The imli? un?m sgalnsl Bdgar Parka, ol \.v. Fork, s sa dismissed. Th? jurj eras ?"it alnosl ten hours, Rack ..1 iii?' tin''?- counts carrlea with 11 a maximum penalt) "i ."**-"?.?nx> tii?.* and ;? sentent*? In ;? ???mrnon Jail of nut more than iw?-i\- months, thus bring? ing tii?- maximum ?entence for each man up t., si...????!? une and tj 111?.nth?, in j;u|. ANTEDILUVIAN WHISKEY. v? ? '1 - "n <ii ink in |n?iii??? i.. IxpaJtli and i-o'i drink Antediluvian LuyttesBroa.N.Y. ?.?.dvi ' 'BATTLESHIP STRIKES REEF The Arkansas Damag?ed Off Cuba Survey Under Way. ? .,'ni,i: > ? , Cuba, Keli 1,1 Thn i i 11 ? , i : - ?. ? ? ? ? ? v ? !? ?.t ? ; f at U o't'tii ? ' morn ? i ? I ufl the I . . ? ? ,| ., i Ol ? 'i 11 .. - th? ? i ; naua a aa damaged rtaln? d bul ?-??.it- t ? at? i?? ?i lome ol h? r ? om i ..i tin? m.. \ rvey of the veaael wa FILM FETCHES $38,000 Moving Pictures Priced as High as Old Masters. i m, i'eb. I ?. Ifoi ?m; ? .?ginning to f? t? h th? pi I? e of t i?i . m i -i, ra Th? ?Cines Companys picture quo < ??ii- ' a in? h i ? an 8,<J0()?foot ?Urn. sold a) auctla? "' t? . ?;.' S > IN HI. The i ri- ? ? In? lud? fifteen i opie of th? pic ture and 11.k? lualve t Ighl th? reol i tl rountr foi tw? ai Thh ia the Brat tun? ?? moving picture and Ih? ? scluati ?? i Ights of ihow ing .. .m, ha \ ? i?? >'ii sold ?'i auction, SAVED CHH.DREN; MAY DIE Driver Runs Auto Into Street Lamp-'*13 Hoodoo ' Figures. j |. , ' ; mm? r, u i hnuffi ur and repair man In s garage at Sa i Wei | tttl gtrcet, was driving ?? '"-,:i' touring car n, nil .m .i. rome ai? pua lai t <-v< ping. and na he approaehed the contar >f u; .iii -:i?, ,-i , tine upon a butphei part and s group of childr? ii H? tri? d ; i., dotlgfl th? ' hlldr? n md ran ?nt" the m ratapultlng it several yarda the 1 auto skidding into ?? street l imp. w,-.? ?in. ei i- brother-in law, Charlea Ralvln. Both men wer? throa ,1 out and pltch-ed Into th ? road? i ? ,' on their ii'-? la. ?Nona ??(' the ? -11 i : - ? drin ?was hurt, and the ?inv.-r of tka but? bei ? ? art managed to k?wp his a? at in . m? ?? took ti.?- injured men t" l-'ordh n Hospital. Both have fractured -??tills and man) bnilaes Hmnm ?r will probablj die. 'Ph. touring car belong? d t" Mortimer \\. Loca i, who ha n studio .-?t Nu. i SO w .... : Mith st re t. 11- .- aid la il night ,l :1; hi had I? ft the automobile In tl ?? nragi to he n iwir>ad, and that n Haa - m,.f rtcoven he ?ill make q charge of ... | ,,,| lare? "- u gainai him. 'I'll., anclenl "If ti?.?.??.x? figured In the .-??-i-ni? '" rhe touring ear waa the thirteenth Hammer bad repaired; ti-.t* number ol the patrolman who ?cama to the r*weue ?araa S71J, aad ireaterday araa 'February r?. Vttt DIAZ HOLDING OUT UNDER HEAVY FIRE i _ Madero Adds to Big Guns, but Day's Bom? bardment Is Without Result?Diaz Demands His Surrender. PRESIDENT OUTLINES HIS PLAN 1 Tells The Tribune His Only Problem Is to Avoid Endangering Lives and Property of Foreigners?? United States Army and Navy Prepare for Intervention ? It Becomes Necessarv. Another day of more or less spirited, ?lit intermittent, fighting in the City of Mexico ended last night with Diaz, the rebel leader, still in possession o? the Citadel and President Madero still holding the National Palace and practically ??! of the capital except the Citadel. The federall increased the number of their big guns Wednesday night, and their bombardment of the rebel stronghold yesterday was at times severe, doing considerable damage. Presiden? ?Madero ?told the Tribune correspondent his plans were being ileadily carried out, hut he was hampered by the desire to do ai little damage to life and property, especially of foreigners, as ?possible. He declared it was a question of only a short time when Diaz mu.-.t surrender or flee. Army and navy authorities in Washington met and discussed! plans in preparation for an invasion of Mexico, both by land and sea, if the situation should become so grave as to demand intervention by the- United States. Director Barrett, of the Pan-American Union, suggested to the President that this government invite an international commission to study the Mexican situation and recommend a plan to restore stabie peace to the republic. The Cuban Minister in Mexico City applied last night to his government to furnish special trains to take the Cubans to the coast, and other diplomats may do likewise. Mexico City, via Galveston. Feb. 13.?Estimating the situation* to-night in the light of what has been observed during the last three. ? days and from what can be set down as assured information, the fair expectation is that Diaz probably will not be taken for two or three days yet. Should he w?*akep or the federa's adopt more vigorous ! tactics the end may come at any hour. Americans approve the action of the Washington authorities in j dispatching war vessels to Mexican ports and preparing to embark ! troops, so far as it goes, but they would be better pleased and more at ease could they be assured that Washington had United States ' troops now on tre ?ray to the capita!. Every one tries to believe the worst is ever so far as danger to ? life is concerned, and this probably is true, but the argument is made 1 that the presence of troops here, with the distinct understanding that they were seiu for police purposes onlv. would not merely safe j guard foreigners bul would serve the Madero government a good turn as well. The menace of the entry of Zapatista bandits to aid Diaz is no more ominous to-day than before. It can be depended upon as al i most a certainty that if the Zapatistas can pluck up enough courage : to come into the city they will cither be for '{adero or operate inde? pendently. Less alarm and apprehension were manifest to-day among the throngs of Americans who Rocked about the embassy waiting for news ami discussing the situation. The feeling of panic which the : Inexcusable tactics of the contestants yesterday engendered has passed I way for the most pan Quarters have been provided for all . refugees from the danger /one in the section of thr colony nearest ; the Citadel and from the suburbs. Scores of American families who ! were advised to quit residences where it was thought they would be I in danger from shells or m come into the city from San Angel, MixCOax, TaCUbaya, Coyoacan and other towns skirting the capital , have refused to abandon their homes. Thousands of pesons, foreigners as well as Mexicans, continue to manifest almost suicidal curiosity as to what is going on in the centre of the city. Even when the fire has been the hardest the sheets as neat the Citadel as half a dozen squares have been alivft with all classes of Mexicans, besides foreigners. The crash of shells exploding overhead or near by sends them scurrying to the shelter of house walls, but two minutes' quiet will biing them into the open again, seeking for bullets and bits of shell or casing, etc., as souvenirs. Several retail shops conducted by Americans have been kept open every day this week. One American with a lone woman clerk, also an American, persisted in holding the fort to-day in a drug store in the Hotel Jardin building all through the furious bombardment which assailed this quarter of the city soon after noon. Among the prisoners in Bclem prison who were turned loose yesterday was George I. Ham. president of the failed United States Bank, which collapsed two years ago at a loss of several million dol? lars to depositors. Ham had since been held in Belem prison await? ing action of the courts on charges of misappropriating funds. Prospects at dusk to-night are for another comparatively quiet night. BULLETS PATTER AROUND THE AMERICAN EMBASSY I Un .Mi.,. Hl '1 :?. 1 Mexico City, via Qalvaston, Feb. l-"'.* w ?11?m ? fsn hundred feet of the ! American Bmbass) th? federal rurales and rebel ?harpshooters f? nght for half an for possession of ? battery ?>f ten ?'1111s posted In the Passo d? la i?v I forma, near th? National Rallwaj ata i linn. This ??"?s ths nearest ths day'a fighUns sppn a? b?Bd ? Ith? r th? embassy ot th? American colony, While it lasted bullet? by th? buathred pattered agalnststhe walls oi almost svery bous? \*iiliin a radius of half a dosen squares Iof t!,?' ombassy. Th? embassy eras ?truck ?eversl tmi? **. but without ?.taro? aga Not withstanding the promis? mad? i,\ both fed?rala and rebels yesterday thai n?. inni?' long rang*' artillery tire would be permitted, th? federal? darlag lh.- night ifinl'i ti'-il th?? tour RiiiiH that had '""n ? i.itiini? ?i ail of yesterday nii?!wa\ between the National station ??ml iii.- British L?gation with -ix . i .::?. ?uni aboul x o'?rioch these nuns opened Bra. Tin? suns wen- well served. ,ni,I .is last as tin? lal i; uih could he pulled report toll? ?red report I'roui * O'clock until after B uuixk